#anyway wtf I’m officially 17 now this is gross
waterinathermostat · 3 years
Ugh my breaks aren’t long enough but fuck I can’t stop thinking about that rice
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prorevenge · 5 years
Sergeant DGAF 'Bout Your Emergency
So this started more than a decade ago, but I remember (most of) it like yesterday. It is my own story, and I tell this from my perspective. This is a long story, but I promise you will be staring at the screen, thinking “dafuq?” by midway through.
Early 2000s. I was in the military, mid 20s, stationed somewhere in Europe. Rank E-4. It’s a bit different when you’re stationed overseas, and your squadron basically becomes your extended family. The Mission is always priority #1, but everyone tries to go the extra mile to make sure their people are taken care of. This was my second assignment, and my second overseas assignment.
I had just gotten married when I was on an extended leave back in the States, during my PCS (Permanent Change of Station; officially changing your assigned base) to this new location. I became an instant father overnight, now having a wife and a 3-year-old (step) daughter when I had none before. My wife became pregnant with our son about 5 months later.
My new supervisor was a Master Sergeant, who I will call Bastar(d) Sergeant [sic], or BS, for the rest of this. Bastar-Sergeant the Master Sergeant.
BS was a family man, married for a while (about ~15 years or so) and had two kids with his wife, as well as two kids of his own from a previous marriage, with his wife ALSO having two kids from a previous marriage. This is relevant because BS, being a family man with six kids ages 4 to 17, often would have stuff going on with his family and need to cut out early, miss morning briefings, and so on.
It was no big deal if we weren’t working on mission critical stuff. It’s rough when the nearest military hospital is 30-45 mins away at another military facility and you can only depend on your own immediate family and fellow military members. Just about everyone, BS especially with his larger family, had to cut in and out of work fairly frequently when we didn’t have big things going on. But hey, take care of your people, they’ll take care of the mission.
Now, BS and I got along really well at first. He and his wife were both quite the “socialites” and would constantly – damn near every weekend – have parties at their house and invite people over. It was fun at first, but it really grew tiresome. Being a new family man myself, and really just starting to figuring it all out (translated: how to keep your wife happy and not both be miserable, while still trying to be a functional adult in the military), and I just could NOT keep up with the party-every-weekend lifestyle.
BS and Mrs. BS drank a lot at those parties, too. You could tell it took a toll on their health. I guess that might be tempting with that many kids, and a 17-turning-18 daughter that had just gotten pregnant with her foreign boyfriend, but I digress…
Like I said, I just couldn’t keep up, not every weekend. I slowly fell out of favor with BS and his “Good ol’ Boys Club.” He wasn’t hostile per-se, but there were times he would just get mean, and with increasing frequency. He would call me into his office for tiny things, like thinking I had shown up to work late, when I could prove that I had been logged in on my terminal 10 minutes before start time – meaning I was at least 15-20 mins early due to walking times, putting my coat and stuff in lockers, etc. But my terminal’s clock, synched with the atomic clock, didn’t matter compared to his clock on the wall.
I was also called out for attending big medical appointments for my wife’s pregnancy, like being there when they determined my son was a boy – I was called out specifically when everyone else was doing the same thing.
The assignment was slowly turning into hell. Meanwhile, the members of the Good ol’ Boys Club would often be very late (without phoning), constantly going to appointments, and so on. There was definitely some favoritism going on. But in such a small unit, overseas, what can you do? The guy was even buddy-buddy with the First Sergeant, and they had been friends since bootcamp.
Anyway, enough background. Onward!
The Main Event
This is where things got crazy. My son had just been born, healthy and at a good weight, not even two weeks earlier. I came home from work after a very long day, about 13 hours on a normal 8 hour shift, due to some stuff breaking.
My wife was exhausted because she was still healing from the birth, and our son had gotten really, really cranky and irritable through the day. He was non-stop fussing and feeling slightly warmer, but not quite running a fever.
I let her go to sleep, and to give her peace, I tried to sleep in the chair downstairs with the kiddo bundled up on me. He got worse and worse through the night, and at about 0300 hrs, I noticed that his diaper smelt really strange (sorry to gross you out), with just pee. It was a sickly smell, not at all what anything from a human body should ever smell like. He seemed hot, so I went to take his temperature. He had risen to 103.5 F – VERY dangerous for an infant.
I immediately wake up my wife and rush him to the hospital. She stays behind at home with our daughter, since the ER is no place to keep a young kid and we didn’t know anyone that could watch her at that late of an hour.
Since it would have taken longer to wait on an ambulance out in the countryside, I sped to get him to the military hospital’s ER in about 20 mins. They immediately put him on fluids and call in the on-call pediatrician. They move him to the ICU, and after a few long hours, I get told that they believe he has a urinary tract and kidney infection, and while they had gotten his temperature down to a safer spot, we weren’t out of the woods yet.
While waiting, knowing that my regular work day was coming up, I tried calling everyone’s phone number I had, but nobody answered. At the gym probably. After leaving some voicemails, I gave up and decided to wait until people roll in at 0700 hrs. I kept trying to call the unit phone number, but no one answered until 0720. I get asked by one of the guys where I was, I let him know I’m at the hospital due to an emergency with my newborn, and he gets BS over to the phone.
BS: OP, where you at?
Me: I’m at the hospital. My son is in the ICU, had a fever of 104 and a serious infection. I’ve been up all night and haven’t slept.
BS: Well you should be at work. You missed PT, and you’re late.
Me: *pausing, because, WTF?* … I need to come into work? My son had to go to the ER, he’s in the ICU…
BS: I don’t want to hear it. You’ve already been late multiple times. [but not really, as I mention above] *angrily* Get your ass down here!
Me: … Uh, well I’m not in uniform. I will have to stop by my house. One parent is required to be here, so I need to see if one of my neighbors can give my wife a ride to the hospital, and our daughter has to be dropped off at school because children can’t be in the ICU.
BS: Just get here. *hangs up*
I was completely floored. What. The. Actual. Fuck.
At no point in my entire military career, before and since then, have I EVER heard of anyone being forced to come in to work when an immediate family member was in the hospital for an emergency. I was half confused, half outraged, and wholly beside myself.
My wife shows up, I take the car home after updating her and making plans to take care of our daughter while we rotate shifts at the hospital. I did a very quick SSS – shit, shower, shave – and drive over to the shop.
BS ignored me when I arrive, other than a sidelong disapproving look. I start my usual routine, but I am exhausted, worried sick, and pretty fucking angry all at once. Some of my coworkers heard what happen and are concerned, but BS the tyrant seems to be angry himself and no one wants to approach him.
Revenge, Part 1
A few hours went by, with me keeping in touch with my wife on the status of our son. I tried approaching BS a few times, but he was having none of it.
One of the other Master Sergeants in the squadron, part of a different unit, but whom I had worked with before, came by and noticed me probably looking distraught. We’ll call her Hero Sergeant, or HS. She pulls me aside to one of the quiet corners of the shop.
HS: OP, are you okay? You look terrible?! Is something wrong?
Me: [I tell her about my son being sick and in the ICU – I was barely able to hold my composure in at this point, I was so angry yet so worried and downtrodden about my son, and I’m fighting to keep it together through the exhaustion and lack of sleep.]
HS: WHAT?! Why the hell are you here?!
Me: I’m not sure. BS ordered me to come in when I tried to explain. He won’t talk to me.
HS: Fuck that. Hang tight.
HS then quickly walks off. Now, our unit is on the other side of the base from the main squadron: about 15 minutes later, just enough time to drive to the squadron and back, HS appears – along with our unit Captain, and the squadron’s Major (XO to our Lt. Colonel CO).
The Major storms toward the unit office section, pauses and looks right at me, and says in an obviously angry but soft voice…
Major: OP, get out of here. Your place of duty is the hospital until your son is discharged. Don’t step foot in one of these buildings until then, I don’t care how long it takes. Take care of your family. Are we clear?
Me: *as I start to scramble* Yes, sir.
I proceed to quickly gather my shit together, all while seeing BS head toward that same office door and he gives me a glowering look on his way in.
As I leave, there is no possible way to doubt that everyone in the area, probably the whole building, could hear BS get absolutely reamed and raked over the coals by the Major as I departed. The Major was always a quiet and fair man, I had never seen him anywhere even approaching angry, so it was absolutely terrifying to behold.
I have to admit, it felt good to know that he was getting some of what he deserved.
My son did clear up eventually and was discharged from the hospital 5 days later, healthy and no harm done, thank God!
I know this first part’s “revenge” isn’t quite revenge, but it was sweet, sweet karma to see that asshole put in his place. Still, as good as it was, it made things worse between BS and I much, much worse.
Well after all that, BS hated my guts. Obviously, it would be career suicide to openly retaliate against me, so he found little ways to do so at every opportunity. That wasn’t to say I didn’t have my faults, I certainly did, and I made mistakes no doubt, but what he did was particularly underhanded.
You see, it wasn’t until he PCS’ed to his new assignment that I learned what he had done. My new Sergeant (NS) was awesome, highly relatable, and knew BS from previous deployments together - he indicated on more than a few occasions that he wasn’t exactly fond of BS.
In the meantime, I had gone to training to become a Sergeant myself and graduated at the top of my class with honors. I then went on to another deployment to the “sandbox” and came back with some major kudos from leadership there, working my butt off every day wanting to prove I was more than what BS tried to paint me as. It was after my return to home station that I learned what BS had been up to - completely behind the scenes.
Remember how even the First Sergeant was buddy-buddy with BS? Well the FS had also PCS’ed while I was deployed. Our new FS went through everyone’s Personnel Information Files (PIFs) and discovered that I had a massive - and I mean massive - stack of Letters of Counseling (basically, you got a “talking to,” and the LOC is documentation proving it) and even a Letter of Admonishment (LOA), a more serious version just under a Reprimand.
I found out from NS that when he and his boss were talking with FS, he was wondering how the hell I hadn’t been kicked out of the service with such a track record. But then he also noted how suspicious it was that every single one of the LOCs and the LOA lacked my signature - something that is required by regulations, acknowledging your reception of it (though not admitting guilt).
I had never been shown these, nor had any idea they existed. The majority of them were very minor infractions, almost none of which I had committed in any fashion. Even more strange, NS caught onto details that there were four of them dated for the same time I was in training (at a different base / different country), and one during a short deployment I had gone on earlier. It didn’t add up, and all three sergeants found it rather confusing and shady.
Thankfully, my performance once I was out of the shadow of BS was more than enough to convince all three sergeants that I was not the dirtbag that BS was trying to paint me as. I don’t know the details, but I do know that his pseudo-forgeries (he could just claim they were “incomplete” and not meant to be filed) caught up to him and he caught some flak for it. He retired not long later, and I hope that it was a black mark on his record.
Revenge, Part Two
So this is where it gets interesting again. Fast forward about four more years. I had gotten out of the service by then, finishing my second enlistment, and I moved back to the States to take advantage of the GI Bill.
It’s also worth mentioning that I’m an IT guy, and I’ve always got at least a dozen boxes of parts, tools, and hard drives. It’s also what I was in college for at the time.
I’m going through a stack of old ATA hard drives to see what I could salvage for a lab projects (we basically needed a bunch of “victim” machines to test against, and a few of us had old ATA motherboards hanging around). I’m checking them before I scramble/wipe the drives to make sure they’re working fine, and to make sure I’m not deleting wanted files/archives.
I’m flipping through this drive’s old files, nothing much beyond typical Windows folders, until I hit a buried directory with a bunch of images in it. I can tell they’re of the X-rated kind from thumbnails - not surprising, I’m a guy, and who didn’t have a sizeable porn stash in their single days, right?
But then I realized… these weren’t porn shots. These were homemade. It definitely wasn’t anything I had ever done. But I recognized something almost immediately - a unique lower back “tramp stamp” on the woman in the photos (faces were never shown). A tattoo I remember clearly: one of the wives of a guy in my old unit was showing it off after she had gotten it.
And the guy she’s on top of? Far, far too pasty of a skin tone to be her husband. It was then that I realized that this was one of the drives I had salvaged from a broken old PC that BS had given me for parts, back when we were still on good terms.
BS had been cheating on his wife with one of his subordinate's wife. Looking at the background of the photos, it was obvious that this was in the home of BS, too - if you remember, we had all been there many times.
Time to extract some revenge. I would like to tell you that I did some cool scene out of Mr. Computer or some crap like that, but really, simple efficiency won out here.
I knew BS, Mrs. BS, and the other couple were all on Facebook (they’d often come up as recommended friends-of-friends). I created an account that vaguely sounded like someone we could all know, and had military work history to match the assignment, in order to protect my own privacy/identity. I sent a few messages each to Mrs. BS and the husband of the tattooed wife. Once I got responses asking, basically, “Who is this?” I just pasted a number of select photos from the private photo shoot.
Mrs. BS, obviously recognizing her husband’s body and their old home in Europe, kept saying “WHAT THE FUCK?” - I said I was just the messenger, and to do with the photos what she pleased.
The husband of the tattooed wife first thought my new identity was the man in the photos and started to threaten me, until I told him to pay special attention to the background. He realized who the man in the photos was, having also been in that house countless times, and thanked me for telling him the truth. While we weren’t close, I do feel really bad for him. :(
(I didn’t feel too bad for Mrs. BS because she turned into a snob when BS got mean.)
I heard through my buddies from the unit that both couples were divorced, roughly a year later. All the old crew knew exactly who had cheated with who. I also heard that the divorce of BS and Mrs. BS was particularly bad. Nobody knows who leaked the photos, though.
This is the first time I have admitted to what I did, just for the sake of revenge and getting back at the bastard who did so much to personally attack me, even in a time of need, and who very nearly ruined my military career. Part of the reason I decided to get out of the service was because of him - I never wanted one person to have that much control over my life again.
I hope you enjoyed my story, sorry it was so long, but there was just so much that happened. I could add even more crap that he did, too.
And to Bastar-Sergeant, if you ever read this someday, I’m sure you will have realized who I am. I only have one thing to say to you: Fuck you - you deserved it.
(source) story by (/u/Celesae)
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Rodeo and Juliet
Here is my play by play reaction to this movie. 
1. So there is a girl named Juliet and she is moving to her grandfather’s ranch with her mom after his death. 
2. She is pissed that she has to move, but then she meets this horse, Rodeo, apparently she had riding lessons in NYC but can’t saddle a horse.
3. Seriously, she just like throws it in the air with the strength of a 9 month old infant.
4. She makes friends with Nan, like who the fuck names their kid Nan? Anyway, she is the only black person in the whole town so far. 
5. Nan takes her to a barn dance and introduces her little brother, so two black people so far. (this movie does not seem to accurately represent the beautiful diversity of our nation)
6. Some mean girls approach Nan and Juliet. They claim that Juliet’s outfit looks like, “a clearance rack at Chicos”. 
7. Juliet is wearing like a black leather jacket and black jeans and black heels, I mean they aren’t Prada but the outfit isn’t bad.
8. Anyway, Juliet comes back with “I’ll let Lana del Rey know you said that next time I’m backstage at one of her concerts like last weekend” and, “Oh my mom’s friend Calvin designed this outfit, Calvin Klein.”
9. Super cringey so far and way too detailed for a comeback.
10. Some country boy approaches Juliet and she dips out of the way for another cowboy and pretends he is her date, this movie is so cliche so obviously they fall for each other. Not actually sure what his name is.
11. Meanwhile, Mom is at judge’s office looking for a will or statement entitling her to the ranch meanwhile some Billy Ray knock off comes in saying he has paper that entitles him to half of the ranch. Judge said it was never official.
12. We find out his name is Hugh and he was the grandpa’s right hand man.
13. A lot has happened and I cannot really follow but I guess the mom is now employed at the Judge’s office and is helping look for a will.
14. Juliet’s mom says to stay away from Loverboy since he is Hugh’s nephew and therefore the enemy. 
15. Oh and btw Mom tells Juliet they have to sell the horse.
16. Juliet throws a fit and then learns of a barrel racing competition and thinks that if she and Rodeo win that she can’t sell him or the ranch.
17. Loverboy offers to teach her and says that she knows he’ll do anything for her, so their relationship is going hella fast, like it has only been 2 days.
18. Since Juliet is supposed to stay away from them she convinces her mom to let her ride Rodeo at Nan’s ranch
19. I suspect she’ll be riding Loverboy too, if ya catch my drift ;)
20. Training montage and searching for document montage begins.
21. Hugh and Loverboy have the same haircut and hat, little freaky.
22. Loverboy has a really pointy chin
23. Also horse is pretty little/scrawny for being a barrel racing horse
24. I have been informed by Ari (roommate) that Loverboy’s name is Monty.
25. So Juliet has been practicing for like 2 days and she’s already a god at the game
26. Definitely a hallmark movie due to the nature and quick, hard to follow plot and lack of diversity.
27. Wait! There are two more black people, a receptionist at the county clerks office and a dude in line. Ari: “still no asian people!”
28. Everyone drives really big, really shiny trucks
29. So some random dude with a weird beard shows up while mom is sweeping the driveway. 
30. His name is bill Atterbury and he is looking for the grandpa, mom says he is not here and fails to mention that he is dead. 
31. Okay now she mentions it all dramatic like. 
32. Anyway, homeboy wants to buy the horse. 
33. Oh and apparently mom is trying to get him to buy the land too. 
34. This convo is going down like the opening to a cheesy 80′s porno (at least I am assuming so)
35. Ooh she invited him in for some lemonade..... and probably some sex too.
36. JK it is just really cheesy to invite a stranger in for lemonade.
37. The low visual quality and cheesy movie tropes make me honestly question if this is a hallmark movie or a bad 80′s porn.
38. Juliet is wearing some black off the shoulder shirt with big white lettering that says NYC with neon paint splatters.
39. It looks like it was purchased anywhere but NY, probably the juniors section of a SEARS department store.
40. Her hair keeps changing colors from dark brown to auburn, now she has a blonde streak in it.
41. Okay mom is now explaining her childhood in this small town. 
42. Her mom died when she was 10 and her dad attached to her really hard, which seems normal since she is his only family left. 
43. She was once in love with Hugh, engaged even, she liked the idea of being a rancher’s wife. 
44. Then she fell in love with writing and ran off to New York, her dad and Hugh obviously did not approve. 
45. Whatever she had with Hugh ended when she left and then she met Juliet’s dad and so on. 
46. She admits that she really loved Hugh. Something tells me she still does and that they may get together again.
47. This entire movie I thought that Juliet took WRITING lessons in NYC but she was taking RIDING lessons in NYC, and apparently her grandpa paid for them.
48. This explains why she is so good at barrel racing, doesn’t explain why she can’t put a saddle on a horse. 
49. Another off the shoulder top, what is up with this chick?!
50. Nan is always wearing a Canadian tuxedo ( Denim Jeans, Denim shirt, and Denim jacket)
51. Nan and Juliet are having girl talk and Nan is teasing Juliet for having a crush on Monty but like she’s already been on a date with him and kissed him so this shouldn’t really be a shock for Nan.
52. Monty takes Juliet to a tree grove on their horses and claims he has never taken anyone there before. 
53. They kiss on horseback, as if this movie weren’t cliche enough
54. Why is Juliet always whispering in the horse’s ear like it understands english, it doesn’t.
55. WTF Nan is eating out of a feed bag with her hands, I don’t think it’s feed but that is still weird.
56. Mom shows up while everyone is practicing and Monty hides in the worst hiding spot imaginable, I expect nothing less from this movie.
57. Apparently it’s Christmas time??!?!?!?!
58. Nan pulls the whole flattery trope with the Mom to distract her and of course it works because this movie is cliche AF
59. Hugh drops off a wreath for someone.
60. Ohhh is it the mom, I wonder if he still has feels for her.
61. Ari : “It’s for Juliet” me: ewww gross.
62. Okay mom appears outside wearing some sort of hoodie/jean jacket that 2011 Justin Bieber would wear.
63. I was right. Hugh says some BS about how he always hoped she would come back.
64. Now he tries to convince her that the grandpa always wanted them to share the ranch.
65. Now they are calling each other out on their issues.
66. Alright back to Juliet and Rodeo, just brushing.
67. Mom has decorated a small office tree that doesn’t light up on top.
68. Oh mom has found a will saying that Mom and Hugh have to split the land. Something tells me she won’t mind as much.
69. Wait, mom finds out about Juliet and Monty and now she says she has to withdrawal from the competition because she lied. daughter says she lied too, about her past in this town.
70. Uh oh mom is selling the horse to Hugh.
71. obviously this isn’t the end of Juliet’s racing career.
72. Oh shoot Hugh is ranting about how the ranch and horse should go to someone who loves it as much as the grandpa did. 
73. Mom spills the beans about the will.
74. Now they feel guilty for dragging the kids in when really they were just confused about themselves but really it isn’t that hard because they found the document so move on already.
75. Whoa, Hugh confesses that he went to NYC to find the mom when he heard she was getting married. 
76. Cue the “ I never stopped loving you cliche”
77. They both talk about memories rushing back and all that jazz.
78. Of course, Hugh tips his hat back and they start making out. 
79. EW! If they get married that would make Monty and Juliet Step-cousins that make-out.
80. Okay so it is competition day and mom and Hugh show up. 
81. I don’t know why she is competing anymore because mom is probably not going to sell Rodeo and the ranch now that she and Hugh are together.
82. Monty and Juliet apologize for sneaking around but mom supports the relationship which is gross if they end up being step-cousins.
83. Wait, apparently the current champion is back when they thought she wasn’t competing.
84. Juliet rocks the first round. Cue competition montage. The announcer has a wicked mustache and then Juliet progresses to the finals. This horse is wildin’ and going fast now.
85. Nan is walking away and some slow-mo scene makes me think something bad is about to happen.
86. OMG! OMG! WAIT! I just noticed Monty is Hugh’s nephew, Monty-Hugh. Like Montague and then Juliet! Just like the Montague and Capulet family rivalry in Verona. I CAN’T BELIEVE I DIDN’T NOTICE THIS SOONER!!!
87. I forget that the mom is a writer, she apparently knows what to write about now. Ari: “so she’s going to write about a fucking horse girl?!?”
88. She sets the record. Wait! she doesn’t win. she loses by .2 seconds against the resident champion. 
89. I mean she still is keeping the horse and they do not need money for the ranch anymore since Hugh and mom are a thing, so nothing is at stake anymore. 
90. Okay so Bill Atterbury from earlier comes up and offers Juliet and Rodeo $4000 and wants them to ride pro and wants Monty as a pro circuit trainer. 
91. “ Y’all have a Merry Christmas”
92. All of a sudden it cuts to the ranch house where the mom is typing her paper in some bouji heels while Hugh attempts to light a fire.
93. The Judge has randomly shows up and asks if they have come to an agreement about the ranch.
94. They tell him they have, an agreement to be husband and wife.
95. I CALLED IT!!! 
96. This relationship escalated really fast over the course of like 3 days
97. Monty and Juliet are back at the grove, which isn’t really a grove because there are only like 2 scrawny trees, but they just call it a grove.
98. Ewwww they are step-cousins now.
99. Now they are racing their horses at sunset. 
100. Ari thinks the movie will fade out..... oh! oh! she is exactly right!
Overall, pretty odd movie. It was definitely a Hallmark movie. It was very hard to follow and a lot happened really fast. I’m still not sure if the central plot was the land dispute, horse racing, or forbidden love. The commentary that Ari and I provided was highly entertaining though.
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What's the post-Trump reform agenda?
Not sure if anyone noticed, but I've been neglecting this blog lately. Too many fish in the barrel, not enough bullets. And others doing it much better, which is a good thing. 
But I’m surprised there isn’t much discussion (that I’ve seen) on the post-Trump reform agenda. We could need one sooner than we think - or later than we fear. In any case, here’s my two cents. This list focuses on institutional/structural changes - hopefully these are acceptable to people of all ideological stripes who are interested in strengthening democratic self-government rather than narrow partisan interests. Many will need constitutional amendments, and some are more realistic than others. But we have to start somewhere. 
 Prosecutors and judges 
1. The Attorney General becomes a non-political, non-partisan post. Yeah, you can still have a “Secretary of Justice” or whatever for policy issues, but prosecutions under federal law should be independent from political influence. Have the AG serve one, nonrenewable 10 year term, appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate, but cannot be removed except for gross incompetence/malfeasance. FBI reports to the AG. 
2. AG appoints US attorneys for fixed, staggered terms, say 6-8 years. Again, cannot be removed without cause. AG can choose to appoint special prosecutors for special cases. 
3.  All written and verbal communications by officials in the executive or legislative branch with the AG, other federal prosecutors or the FBI are matters of public record. 
4.  Federal district and appellate judges serve for fixed terms, say 12 years. Supreme Court justices maybe 16 years. 
 Campaign finance 
5. Sources and amounts of all donations to political candidates, causes or organizations greater than $1000 in a calendar year are matters of public record. This applies to any donation, in cash or kind, to anyone who seeks public office, and to any person or organization that communicates against others seeking public office, or advocates on an issue that is currently subject to political debate 
 The president 
6. The president becomes fully subject to executive branch ethics rules. 
7. The president must release complete financial info, including tax returns, assets and debts, and eliminate any financial conflicts of interest and all foreign sources of income by the time of his/her inauguration. If s/he fails to do so, this automatically triggers impeachment proceedings. 
8. If the president is impeached and removed from office, the vice president serves in a caretaker role until new elections are held, no later than six months after the president leaves office. 
 The Senate 
9. No more Senate filibuster. However, all matters of substance in the Senate must be approved by a majority of senators and by a majority of population represented by those senators as measured at the most recent census. A bill would become law if it passes the House by a majority, and both tallies in the Senate. Kamala Harris would have 37 million votes, Mike Rounds of South Dakota would have 814,000. Right-wingers will be happy to learn that Ted Cruz gets 25 million votes. 
10. Senate vacancies are filled by prompt special elections, not gubernatorial appointment (this always bothered me). 
11. No more electoral college. President chosen by nationwide popular vote.
12. No more party primaries, at any level. All elections have two rounds: if no one gets more than 50% in the first round, the top two candidates compete in the second. This would be a big culture shock at the presidential level, but I think we could make it work. 
13. Congressional and state-legislative district lines to be set by independent commissions with equal representation of both major parties and representation by minor parties. Agreement of reps of both major parties on these commissions needed for final approval, and districts must meet broad federal guidelines (contiguity, racial balance etc). 
14.  You want voter ID? OK, anyone who shows up at a polling place (which opens two weeks before election day) with a valid photo ID that proves citizenship can vote and is automatically registered for the next eight years. So no chance for voter fraud (which is virtually nonexistent anyway) and no more convoluted requirements for advance registration. You can get a special voter ID based on address-based forms of identification (birth certificate + bank statement etc) from your local DMV or elections office, without a fee, up to two weeks before the election, also valid for 8 years. 
15.  Ballots are mailed to all registered voters four weeks before the election. Completed ballots can be mailed in or dropped off at a polling place at any time thereafter. 
16. For those who wish to vote in person, voting machines must meet strict security and transparency guidelines, including published software and an auditable paper trail. 
17.  Every election will automatically be audited (ie a sample of precincts/counties will have their votes hand-counted); any irregularities will trigger a broader recount. 
18. A county where officials are found to have harassed, intimidated or otherwise restricted voters will have its elections federally administered for the next ten years. A state that has three or more such counties will have all of its elections federally administered for the next ten years. 
19. No more penny. WTF is worth two cents? 
20. You want to sell health insurance across state lines? OK, health insurance can be sold across state lines, but the health insurance industry is now regulated at the federal rather than the state level. Actually all insurance should be regulated at the federal level. 
21. No more debt limit. Come on, it’s a stupid idea. 
22. If the appropriations bill for an authorized federal agency or department is not passed by the end of the fiscal year, the previous year’s appropriation is automatically renewed, with an inflation adjustment. So no more government shutdowns. 
23. Members of Congress can be prosecuted for insider trading based on knowledge they acquire as part of their legislative activities.
24.  The District of Columbia gets either the senators and representatives it would be entitled to if it were a state, or statehood. 
25. Puerto Rico gets either statehood or (once its finances are straightened out) independence. 
26.  Civics classes made mandatory in all schools, public or private. These will cover how the government works, how citizenship works, how to critically read news coverage, how to judge the reliability of news sources, how to engage in public debate, and how to distinguish facts from opinions.
Anyway, that’s my agenda. What’s yours?
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ferocity-flynt · 7 years
Answer the questions then tag a bunch of people! Tagged by @accidentaldogdad thank u ruby!!!!! 1. Are you named after anyone? i’m kinda named after that song Jesse’s Girl 2. When was the last time you cried? iunno my guy 3. Do you like your handwriting? yeah sure. it’s cute and it’s neat so that’s what matters 4. What is your favorite lunch meat? tuna!!!! or turkey or chicken. 5. Do you have kids? i have so many children they’re all imaginary but i love them anyway 6. If you were a different person would you be friends with you? ??? i cant see outside myself enough to even think about that  7. Do you use sarcasm? no of course not why would i do that 8. Do you still have your tonsils? yes! 9. Would you bungee jump? ROFL nah unless someone paid me a lot of money 10. What’s your favorite cereal? i love fruit loops and lucky charms 11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? not usually ha 12. Do you think you’re a strong person? um ???? ahhh ????? i.. i??? 13. What’s your favorite ice cream? vanilla <3 14. What’s the first thing you notice about people? their hair tbh 15. What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? oh boy lets get started with them early years @estrogen why 16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? i am wearing gray pants and invisible shoes 17. What are you listening to right now? bright lights - gary clark jr 18. If you were a crayon what color would you be? periwinkle 19. Favorite smell? cookies or cake baking, the smell of a storm, a freshly vacuumed room (it smells warm and mechanical and carpety?? idk) 20. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? uhhh good question. ... my mom, it turns out 21. Favorite sport to watch? baseball!!!! 22. Hair color? brown  23. Eye color? gray 24. Do you wear contacts? nope. i am blessed with good vision 25. Favorite food? ??? mmmmm idk. noodles? noodles 26. Scary movies or comedy? SCARY AND FUNNY IS OPTIMAL 27. Last movie you watched? heck idk 28: What color shirt are you wearing? navy blue 29. Summer or winter? winter. summer is gross 30. Hugs or kisses? both are good!! 31.Book you’re currently reading? what is reading 32. Who do you miss right now? no one really 33. What’s on your mouse pad? zer0! 34. What’s the last tv program you watched? uhhh probably ghost adventures 35. What is the best sound? mmm rain on a metal roof 36. Rolling stones or The Beatles? neither wtf 37. What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? boston mass!! 38. Do you have a special talent? ha no 39. Where were you born? texas!
i aint taggin nobody im tired if u wanna do this u are officially tagged!!!!!!  
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