#anyway this is also ur psa that right side is ALWAYS the best side at a bastille show i am sorry to kyle and charlie
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me, thinking i can get a good video of dan-
will, on his way to remind me that he's actually the most important member of this band: 🚶🎸🚶‍♂️👁️👁️
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alittleagreste · 7 years
hey just another miraculous AU
JUST A PSA IM ON MOBILE AND IT WONT LET ME PUT A READ MORE??? I went all out I wrote like the entire plot of the movie Has a tangled AU been done??? Probably ??? Who cares ??? Okay so -“this is the story of how I died… OH DONT WORRY ITS A FUN STORY HAHA!! and it starts with a magic, golden flower” -Queen Momma Agreste gets hella sick and she’s gotta have this baby right, so King Gabriel sends for the ‘mythical’ golden flower -surprise surprise they find the flower, which completely enrages a forest wizard named Hawkmoth who has been using it for its intense power and the immortality it grants -Queen Momma Agreste drinks the flower tea and boom we have a baby prince, Adrien, with a full head of blonde locks and he’s just cute and all is good -of course Hawkmoth wants to join the fun so he kidnaps Adrien for the powers his hair possesses -so Hawkmoth and Adrien are living up in this tower in the woods now and Adrien learns to recite this poem to use his power (the song basically but spoken) -King Gabe and Queen Momma Agreste light off these little butterfly lanterns on his birthday and there’s just a swarm of glowing butterflies on his birthday and he knows its for him -also important Adrien befriends a little chameleon that he names Plagg ;) -So fast forward like nearly 17-ish years and cut to scene with Marinette, Chloé and Sabrina all pulling off a sick heist to steal the Crown of the Black Cat, which is basically Adrien’s crown he was supposed to get on his coronation day -(So if you haven’t caught it yet, Adrien is Rapunzel and Marinette is Flynn Ryder) -So basically Marinette’s nom de plume is Ladybug, its what she goes by on all her heists and what she’s wanted as -So anyway Her and Chlo and Sab all break into the castle and snatch the crown, they get chased by the guards, including the best guard Alya, and the best horse Tikki -Cue a joke by Mari with her wanted poster about how they “ just can’t get my ____ right” each time it’s a different thing -after this, ur girl Ladybug totally is selfish at this point in the story and takes the crown and leaves Chloé and Sabrina for the guards -Alya gets thrown off of Tikki but Tikki still chases after Marinette. Until Marinette finds a hidden lil cave, that’s more like a lil rock hallway that leads to a meadow with a fairly nice tower -So what should Marinette do?? Climb the tower of course! -Don’t worry Adrien doesn’t hit her with a frying pan, she literally eats shit when she walks in and knocks herself out. Clumsy Girl y’know. -Adrien is just like ???? Wt F wHo thE heCk just smacked their face on my floo- ITS A FEMALE WHAT PLAGG HELP WHAT DO I DO IVE NEVER SEEN A REAL LIVE GIRL ONLY IN THOSE BOOKS -Plagg is very obviously annoyed and is like “boi put her somewhere and show hawkmoth you can handle yourself (even though she knocked herself out)” -Adrien kinda catches on so he literally just pulls her to a closet and puts her in -her bag falls open as he’s moving her to an upright position and the black crystals of the crown catch his attention -basically an “ooh shiny!” moment,,And he takes it and looks in the mirror and tries to figure out what it is -he puts it on his arm and looks through it and then puts it on his head -and he’s like “woah I look like those princes from my book” “haha as if” -(LIKE BOI YOU ARE SHHSHDJS) -anyway so hawkmoth comes home from wherever the hell he went, town or whatever idk, and Adrien is like !! FATHER LOOK WHAT I DID!! -Hawkmoth does not care literally at all he’s like “Adrien please recite your poem for me it calms me” and Adrien rushes through it and HM is just like ??? bOI -Adrien tries to show him our girl Lady Luck -Hawkmoth will have None of That -“You can’t handle yourself, the world is dangerous” -He literally doesn’t listen to Adrien’s pleas to leave the tower at all either -“you are NOT like anyone else! You are my son!” (u thought) -so what does Adrien do?? Plan an escape plan, and sends HM on a mission that will take like 3 days or smth -Adrien has long hair btw I forgot to mention just not nearly as long as rapunzel’s was -His is more like maybe brushing the floor -and hawk moth climbs a rope ladder or smth to get in there’s plot holes leave me be -ANYwaY after hawkmoth leaves, he tapes Mari to a chair or ties her or something -and Plagg wakes her up by sticking Camembert in her mouth -and she’s like !!! WHAt the HEck Ew -after she wakes up Adrien is like “what you want why you here please don’t kill me” -When he steps into the light and she sees him she’s literally rendered speechless like she can’t form words bc he is actually so beautiful -“h-hi-I mean hello- I mean-uh-why are you in this-uh-tower, who are you???” -Adrien doesn’t trust her at all bc the wanted poster in her bag and the crown literally screams criminal -he’s desperate though so he’s like “alright listen up, whoever you are, something brought you to me. Call it fate, destiny-” “A horse” “Im not finished… you were brought to me today for a reason, and that’s to help me. You’re going to be my guide” -Marinette is like “awh man I wish I could but see I have to get this cro-OH NO, WHERE IS MY BAG?” -Adrien holds it up like ;) and she’s just so done -“If you take me to see the lights tomorrow, I will return it to you, if you refuse, I’ll turn you in.” -“wait the stupid butterfly lanterns they light off for the lost prince?” -Adrien is totally in awe that they’re not some weird star thing, they’re butterflies -she shakes her head and knows she can’t really refuse so she plans it out in her head on how she can cheat the system -Adrien’s already covered that in his head though she can’t get away with anytHing -(except maybe making him fall in love with her ;)))) -So she agrees and she’s like “The names Ladybug” -he’s kinda like ¿ strange name but Okay!! “My name is Adrien!” -ANYWAy they leave the tower and Adrien is like 👀👀 this is no bueno I should not be doing this but omg I’ve never felt so FREE!!! -he has a blast omg that boy goes running through the woods and he’s laughing and he’s like “FATHER WOULD BE SO ANGRY BUT I DONT CARE” -meanwhile hawkmoth sees Tikki in the woods and has an “oh SHIT Adrien” moment -Runs back home, there’s nothing and no one there, aside from Mari’s wanted poster that fell out of the bag -meanwhile with the Lovebirds™ -He and Mari end up at this pub with some Angry men, including the bar owner Nino, and Adrien ends up singing about his dreams and everyone has fun -the scene that stemmed this idea happens with Mari singing about how her dream involves her being rich on an island -and surprise surprise Hawkmoth finds them but so do the guards and they escape through a tunnel under the pub that Nino shows them, and it leads out into the dry side of a dam -Intense Battle Scene™ -Mari is a badass but then Adrien totally comes out of nowhere like “I came here to attack and I’m honestly having a good time” -They get trapped in a cave that’s filling with water post battle bc they broke shit -they’re literally lowkey going to die and Adrien is like “I’m so sorry I got you into this mess. We’re going to die here and I’m so sorry Ladybug” -and she just softly says “Marinette” -Adrien is like “????? what” -and Marinette starts crying and she’s like -“my name isn’t Ladybug if you couldn’t tell. It’s Marinette. I called myself Ladybug because I always wanted to be like a superhero. I never was one though. All I am is an orphan with a permanent record.” -and here we have Adrien “Actual Adoration” Agreste because if we wasn’t in love with her before, he is most certainly in love with her now -and then he remembers!! -HIS HAIR GLOWS WHEN HE SAYS THE POEM THEY CAN LOOK UNDERWATER -so he’s like “marinette please go with the flow” and he recites the poem in his head and his hair just illuminates -she’s like “WHAT THE FUCJTN” -but she’s not ready for death so they dig rocks out and they end up dropping into a river -they come up on the bank gasping like “oh fuck dude” -“MARINETTE WE’RE ALIVE!!!” -“his hair glows? His hair glows! Plagg why does his hair glow???” -“Marinette?” “this is surreal. I’m dead we died” “Marinette” “what the hell is going on” “MARINETTE!” “What!” -he’s standing there dripping water and extending his hand to her -and she’s like “oh no” because he looks so hot standing there dripping water and she maybe has the tiniest crush on him -oh who am I kidding the sun rays behind him and his radiant smile sends her head over heels into complete love for this ray of light -so he pulls Marinette out of the river and they go find a lil clearing and they make a campfire -and Adrien looks at Marinette and frowns -and she’s like “What what what’s wrong is something wrong with me??” -and he just laughs a bit, “no no you just have a cut on your knee” -she looks down at her knee and winces at the long, deep cut and just shrugs it off because it’ll heal eventually -Adrien trusts Marinette to the point now that he can show her the reason he’s hidden away -“don’t freak out okay” -he holds a lock of hair in his hands and presses it to her cut and recites the poem -and Marinette is like ¿ wth boI -and once he’s done he just grins and he’s like “good as new” -Mari is confused as hell and when he moves his hand away and the cuts not there she literally opens her mouth to shriek -and Adrien is like “PLEASE DONT FREAK OUT IM SORRY” -and she’s like “hahahaha why would I freak out I’m just curious whydoesyourhairglowandwhydoesithavemagicalhealingpowershowlonghasitdonethat?” -and Adrien is sheepishly just like “forever I guess,,, that’s why I was hidden away, because people want my hair for its power.” -He moves some hair to the side to show a pale blonde lock of hair cut off at the nape of his neck and explains that if it’s cut it turns pale and loses its power -Marinette is like really shook but she pushes it down and suggests they sleep so they can be ready for the butterfly lights tomorrow -cut to scene of Hawkmoth pissed as hell in the woods as he fades into the shadows -he’s now talking to Chloé and Sabrina and making a Plan -so next day Adrien wakes up to Marinette screaming and is very confused to see her literally trying to fight a horse -like she literally almost has Tikki in a headlock and Tikki has a hoof pushing on her shoulder and shit -Adrien has never been more confused but he goes and breaks it up and he’s like “hey there girly what’s your name” and he looks at her name thing and he’s like “Tikki!! That’s a nice name!” -And Tikki whines or something and Mari chuckles or something and Tikki is back at it with trying to capture her -But Adrien hits her with these kitten eyes and is like “I realllyyyyyyy need her to take me to the kingdom so I can see the butterflies, please let me have that, then you can fight her until you can’t stand!” -Marinette is so very thankful for that one -so they head to the Kingdom, now with Tikki coming along with them -They’re having a blast and when they get to the kingdom they have all sorts of fun -Adrien shows Marinette some of the books he has at home and she shows him the books that inspired Ladybug -they get food from the market -and Adrien keeps seeing images of this baby boy with bright green eyes and golden locks and theres something familiar about everything -and then, oh boy and then, someone starts playing music and Adrien is like !! “mari come dance with me” -and she’s like “nah I’m okay you go” -and he starts dancing and soon a ton of people have joined in and Adrien comes around the circle and grabs Marinette -and they dance around with people and they’re desperately hoping it works out so they can dance together -surprise!!! They do but they join hands as the song ends and they’re like “awh damn” -so after that ends Marinette and Adrien are both blushing and she points out that it’s almost sundown and they have somewhere to go -they go out into the middle of the lake in a lil boat and Adrien is so so so excited and so is Mari bc Adrien is so happy -the sun goes down and Adrien looks at Marinette completely giddy like !! :DD -and she just smiles so wide back at him because holy fuck she’s never felt so in love in her whole life -Adrien is flicking the surface of the water and watching the waves when he sees the first light -suddenly literally thousands of butterfly lanterns are floating all around them and Adrien is just in complete awe -Marinette clears her throat and he turns to look at her and she has two lanterns in her hand -and Adrien smiles and turn behind him and grabs the bag with the crown and he’s like “I should’ve given this to you sooner, but I was scared… I’m not scared anymore. You know what I mean?” -and she just pushes it down, “I’m starting to” -AND AT LAST I SEE THE LIGHT -And they’re literally a centimeter away from locking lips when Marinette can see Chloé on the beach -and she decides right then to give Chloé the crown and go wherever with Adrien -Adrien of course thinks at first that she’s betraying his trust but doesn’t believe that because he loves her okay? -Cue Adrien getting worried and going to look for her -Hawkmoth fighting Chloé or something and she passes out and he sees Adrien -and he’s like “I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD IM SO HAPPY YOU’RE OKAY” (he says as he takes handfuls of his hair) -Adrien is like “yea okay but Marinette” -And hawkmoth, fricken rat, points to the boat heading toward the kingdom -and he’s like “I think she’s got something better to do” -Adrien is broke af how could this happen how could they love each other so much and just have her break the trust so easily -he’s just kinda done with it so he’s accepted it and goes back to the tower with HM -Meanwhile Marinette wakes up from getting knocked tf out and Tikki is whining super loud bc Marinette is in danger and she can tell -some guards are drawn bc of the whines and Mari has the crown tied to her hand and she’s like “shit” -they throw her in jail and she’s gonna be hung then next morning -Tikki is on a mission and she books it to Nino’s pub -back in the tower Hawkmoth has finished lecturing Adrien and leave him to himself -Adrien takes out the little kingdom flag he got and looks at it -and suddenly he starts to see the symbol everywhere -it’s hidden in all his paintings around his room -and suddenly now he knows -that baby boy is Him -he leaves his room determined to get somewhere -Hawkmoth is like ?? “What’s wrong Adrien?” -“I’m the lost Prince” -“what?” -“I’m the lost Prince! Aren’t I father? Or should I even call you that?” -oh hawkmoth is Pissed -Adrien tries to leave to go find Marinette and Hawkmoth is like “she’s going to be dead when you get there, she’s due to hang for her crimes” -and Adrien is screwed and he can’t do anything so he surrenders -back at the castle -Nino and his bar mates have arrived and they’re kicking ass for Marinette -And she ends up on Tikki’s back and is like all sappy like “thank you for saving me it means a lot really” -Tikki doesn’t care she just needs to get Mari to Adrien like now -so sick montage of tikki running to the tower -and Marinette scales the tower -and she’s in! And there’s Adrien! Chained to the wall with tape on his mouth? -and suddenly Marinette has a sharp pain in her side where Hawkmoth totally just stabbed her -she slams into a mirror and breaks it and just kinda slumps against the wall with all the shards -Adrien is flipping shit,,, he’s taking on the chains and screaming into the tape and he’s crying and she’s crying and hawkmoth is just standing over her like -“poor little thief got what was coming to her” -Hawmoth goes to grab Adrien and take him to a new area, where no one could find them -but Adrien fights him so hard -he’s yanking back and kicking -and Hawkmoth yells “STOP FIGHTING” -Adrien gets the tape off enough so he can speak -“I WILL NEVER STOP FIGHTING YOU, I WILL FIGHT UNTIL THE DAY I DIE” -he glances at Mari and she’s staring at him with tears in her eyes, clenching her side -“unless…unless you let me heal her. If you just let me heal her I will go wherever with you, no fighting” -Hawkmoth doesn’t want to deal with his crap so he’s like “whatever” -he chains Marinette to the staircase banister, “in case you get any ideas” he says -Adrien runs over to her and he’s brushing her hair back from her face and he’s crying and she’s crying -and he presses some hair and his hands to her wound and he’s like “shhhh shhhh it’s okay you’ll be okay we’ll be okay” -and she’s crying so much and she’s like “no you won’t be you can’t just go be a slave to him” -and it’s in slow motion when she grabs his hair and swings a jagged piece of the mirror up and slices it at the base of his neck -Hawkmoth is y e l l i n g because there goes all the power he was able to have -Adrien is completely shocked, he doesn’t really understand what the hell just happened -all he can see is Hawkmoth drastically aging into a very very old man and stumbling until Plagg trips him and sends him falling out of the window -it takes him a whole second to realize Marinette is still in his arms, dying with no way for him to save her -“no no no Marinette stay with me, please please you can’t go” -she just weakly smiles at him and she’s like “I never got to tell you” -and she winces and tries to sit up more to reach for him -“you were my new dream” -“you were mine” -cue gross ugly sobs from me because Marinette slowly slips away -Adrien cries out in complete anguish and just holds her limp body, crying because he loved her so much oh my god -his tears fall on her face and he’s too broken to notice the golden rays coming off of her until they completely consume the room -and Adrien is so confused,,, why are all these golden rays surrounding Marinette -and she shifts in his arms and he’s like !!!!!! -he looks down at her and her eyes open and she’s like -“have I ever told you I’ve got a thing for green eyes” -Adrien barely has time to laugh before they’re slamming their lips together, crying and just so so so happy that they’re okay -they leave the tower and go back to the kingdom, because Adrien knows now that he is the lost Prince -also Marinette sort of needs to make amends with the kingdom bc she’s in love with Adrien dammit and she’s not gonna lose him -Adrien sees Momma Agreste and Gabriel -and everyone is So Happy!!! And they’re hugging!!! -And Marinette is just standing off to the side content that he’s with his family -and then momma yanks her into the hug circle -and then there’s a mini fast forward and Look at That!!! We’re at a celebration !!! -and we have some Cute ass scenes of Prince Adrien talking to the citizens of the kingdom -and Mari snatches his crown off his head -and he just rolls his eyes and they kiss -and the camera slowly pans up onto an announcement -For a royal wedding
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