#anyway look at my cat on the nagisa page i feel like the full cat version of nagisa would just be the same shape
cryptidm0ths · 1 year
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so officially eden is a unit of different varieties of cats and and a stressed out dog
this is just an excuse to show off my cat and a personal reminder that i m also an edenp and not just a himeru i mean crazybp
id in alt text
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bamfkitten-blog · 7 years
Assassination is Art
(An Iron Man/Assassination Classroom crossover)
(warning, perhaps OOC)
Tony didn't even pretend to understand how a Japanese mind works. Tony didn't meant to be a racist, he's perhaps the most open-minded person who's seen plenty horrors that are human minds. But the inventor had to give Japan the credit this time.
Seriously, a wormhole cracked open New York sky? Okay. Norse Gods actually exist? Alright. Infinity Stones and a mad Titan invasion? Sure, still believable.
But Japan just had to take it to the whole new level. Seriously, a mutation serum that change human into a humanoid octopus with Mach 20 speed, similar serum blow up the moon, then the octopus become a teacher on a whole classroom of a middle schooler trained to be an assassin?
Next Tony gonna believe that Thanos is actually Kronos' lover and Zeus mother and that JK Rowling is a squib and Harry Potter is real.
But the proofs are in front of his eyes. That broken crescent moon and a young man with blue hair and blue eyes with inocent face that Tony can identified wether they're male or female. Tony don't care though, he can be non-binary or some other gender as he please, Tony only want to know the whole stroy of the crescent moon, and because the story of that octopus kinda interesting.
"That's my only condition, Mr.Shiota. I want to know the whole story, I also need to know who I'm gonna protect you from. During your stay I'll provide you with shelter, cash, food, anything I can get my hands on that you need." Tony eyeing the blue haired young man.
He smiled genuinely with lit up eyes and all. He's adorable, reminded Tony of Peter. "Thank you so much, Mr. Stark. Those story will have to stay in your discretion of course. And I only need to hide from one person, who sadly have too much conection coupled with sadistic tendencies. And please call me Nagisa." Nagisa's voice is lilting, also can be passed as both male or female, with fluent English sans any accent. "And in case you're wondering, I'm a male and preferred pronounce he."
Tony a little bit embarassed, but not for long. Tony knew at once that there's a story behind Nagisa's insistence. "I don't care even if you're a cat. Call me Tony and we have a deal."
As he's now mainly resided in Stark Tower, Tony give Nagisa a bedroom on his own floor, and a bedroom in Malibu house too just in case. Turn out Nagisa can cook any cuisine he can think of -one day Tony's jaw dropped when he tasted an Indian curry exactly like Bruce make it- and he insisted they eat meal together anytime they can.
Tony got the rough line of what happened, Koro-sensei appearance, training by Karasuma-sensei and Bitch-sensei, Takaoka, the school trip, the tentacles student, the civil war (guess what? They have one before the Avengers civil war!), the space date (Tony refused to call it any other way), until the graduation.
But other than that, Tony got new story everyday, like how Koro-sensei teach them to make noodles from acorn, or how he make who knows thousands page guide books for them. This Koro-sensei is surely interesting. It's sad that SHIELD only sent Natasha and some flimsy agent for a short time seven years ago.
But Nagisa still didn't tell why he run away from Japan.
"How old are you, Nagisa?" Tony found himself asking out of curiosity while his hand didn't leave his holo-screen. Too much to do nowadays.
"Will be twenty one soon, why?" Nagisa didn't look up from his tablet. Most of the time he just reading science fiction novel on the couch while Tony working, and sometimes helping Tony. He isn't that bad with tech.
"Barely legal. Splendid. You should meet Natasha, she's an assassin. No Clint, he will be bad influence. The rest is alright." Tony muttered under his breath, but he knows that Nagisa hear him just alright.
"Can I ask why you resign from Avenger?" The blue eyes full of curiosity now. Nagisa placed his tablet and approached the Iron Man inventor.
"I didn't resign." Tony brows furrowed at that thought.
"But you barely left the tower, you barely left the workshop. You didn't come out when there's an attack." It's not accusation, Tony knows that, simply facts and curiosity.
"I'm working from the tower. They didn't need me on the field. There's so much thing I need to do here. I'm also Avenger consultant, you know?" Tony gave him a weak grin.
What's it about Nagisa that make him want to open up? Perhaps the hidden pain and fear in those blue eyes that he know so well? Or the fact that he feel like Nagisa can understand him?
"See these folders? I'm working. You can see it for yourself." Tony push the holo to the younger men.
Roughly Nagisa get what happened that led Avengers to civil wars. But mostly only about their disagreement of the accords and about Captain America choose to protect his wayward friend at a very big cost. Nagisa knew Tony hurting badly even if he still tried to deny it.
And these folders, Kami-sama, Tony loved them, gave them his everything. These folders named with all Avengers name, old and new, the ones stay and the ones fled. Even of Ants Man who he never met in person. Plus Spider-Man and of course War Machine.
One by one Nagisa open it, and he felt his heart breaking. Each folder contain tech and information about the individu. Some contain about their family, posibly needed safe houses and lists of best lawyers available. Tony not just only take care of them all, he look after their family too.
And then one more folder added as Tony hands keep moving on several others holo-screen. Sokovia Accords. On that there's several files labelled with Roman numbers, ten of them.
"You planned to change it." It's not even a question as Nagisa's respect and affection for his man grow and grow.
"Bits by bits, step by step, in the very near future, yes." Tony hummed. "And then I can persuade them to sign it and go home and be Avengers once again. That way I can go back to inventing and tinkering. They only need me for my tech, anyway."
Nagisa gasped like he just got his gut punched. Tears fall to his cheek. Tony knew at once that he said too much, but too late to take it back. The older man only can stare awkwardly.
"I...ugh!" Nagisa take a deep breath and rub his face to get rid of the stubborn tears. "I used to think like that too. I was good at planning assassination, good at observing. I thought they only want me there for that. But I'm happy to be useful even if they used me.
Did I told you that the first attempt in the class, I executed it in a suicide-like style?" Nagisa gave him a weak grin.
Tony eyes widened at that. "What???"
"Terasaka provided the anti-sensei grenade, he had the button. At that time I only thought how to get close to Koro-sensei so Terasaka can push the button. I hang the grenade around my neck and hug Koro-sensei. Never once I thought I could get hurt or I could die. Or perhaps I'm okay with it as long as I can be useful. Koro-sensei turned black, he's furious of course.
But along with time, he teach me to trust myself, to have confidence, help me with my insecurities. When we graduated, I feel whole and loved. I know who I am and what I'm capable of.
Tony, I left Japan not only because I'm targeted. I left because the very first person who help me get rid of my insecurities, making me feel all those insecurities and belittled me, refused to see what I've become. My closest ones rejected me.
But because Koro-sensei teaching, I respect myself enough to acknowledged that they're bad for me and I had to left them.
Tony, if they make you feel like that, they don't deserve you." Nagisa looked straight to Tony eyes, blue eyes pleading.
"Damn kid. I sure as hell will give anything to meet that teacher of yours." Tony's voice a little hoarse, Nagisa didn't say anything. "Anyway, I didn't do this for them or for myself. The world deseve to have their Avengers, they who want it anyway. But Avengers is needed, I know that. So I want to contribute in a way that I can. The earth safety is more important than my petty feelings, surely you can agree with that?"
Nagisa couldn't help but see himself in the older man.
"You, Tony, are desperately in need of some Koro-sensei wisdom. Emptied your schedule for two or three hours everyday. That's non negotiable, unless you get no more of my cooking." Nagisa smiled sweetly, but Tony get a goosebumps even worse than when he make Natasha furious two years ago.
"Not fair." Tony managed to choked out the worse. He didn't know which is scarier, Nagisa's eyes right now or the prospect of no more Nagisa's cooking. They're that good that Tony couldn't help but whine, goosebumps and all. "What do you want anyway?"
"You, Tony, are about to learn some of Assassination Classroom move style."
(Should I continue????)
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kaedekayano · 7 years
001; Kanzaki and Kayano. 002: Gakushuu Asano
oh boy i’m abt to get so excited and emotional fuck adkaldjahdhdjsd
when I started shipping it if I did: i don’t remember tbh. i always lowkey shipped it haha, but i don’t think i really realised it until @wassailtofivehundred was like !! yukikae !! and also i saw cute fanart and i rewatched a couple episodes (kyoto trip ehh) and i was like, fuck i really ship this. also a lot of it was b/c around december (the time i published be your own hero) i started liking kayano a lot more and then that made me salty bc nagisa/kayano was so poorly written and an injustice to her character. she deserved a person who she had actual chemistry with, and i think kanzaki is definitely that person (or one of them).
my thoughts: pure!! good!! beautiful and amazing!! i love it!! so much!! i’m working on a v v long yukikae kayano-POV fic right now and i’m excited to show it to y’all b/c i have trouble expressing how much/why i love characters/ships until i have a fic to support it, haha. but anyway i think kanzaki is really good for kayano b/c she’s so understanding and caring, and kayano is good for kanzaki because — look they just care so much abt each other okay they’re so Good.
What makes me happy about them: so good. so pure. so beautiful. they’re just healthy for each other and i love the idea of kayano’s best friend supporting her through all the shit she’s gone through because fuck, man, kayano’s mom and sister are dead, the only “friends” she had, she built her friendship on a lie, the teacher she tried to kill and then turned out not to be guilty is dead anyway (bye bye, purpose that kept her going for a year despite all her issues), the person she was for a year was a lie but — not all of it, okay, deep down kaede kayano/akari yukimura is still a good caring person and kanzaki knows it even if she did lie and the two of them supporting each other and I just — yeah
What makes me sad about them: i’m always full of salt about kayano so :/ i don’t like it when people don’t acknowledge the kayano arc happened/kayano’s real personality is very different from the one she pretended to be/she lied to the class for a year? yeah matsui just decided to forget about it and sideline her because he’s a shit writer and what the fuck is continuity, but that doesn’t mean you should follow his example. so it’d be great to see those issues acknowledged!! give me kanzaki understanding kayano did fucked-up things and is a messy person who was not the kind, cheerful, sweet girl she pretended to be and loving her anyway!! (acknowledge and justify the kayano arc for why it happened without throwing logic out the window, and i’ll personally send you a thank-you card)
things done in fanfic that annoys me: there are two fics on ao3 for yukikae, lol (i’m planning to remedy this because inexcusable!!). one is kayano third wheeling karmagisa w/ like 5 lines of actual yukikae (no offense to the author, the fic is fine, it’s just Not Yukikae). the other is green’s fic and admittedly there isn’t a lot of overtly romantic yukikae but it’s a really good fic and there’s good worldbuilding and concepts and y’all should read it
things I look for in fanfic: having it exist. that’s what i’m looking for. that being said, see above rant, because while there aren’t many fics about kanzaki (beautiful daughter pls love her more), there is plenty of fic about kayano and it is almost never accurate. it makes me sad. accurate, well-done characterization is what i Live for
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: both of them, okuda. as previously mentioned, kanzaki, maybe yada? for kaede, rio, also yada, maybe kataoka (it’s mentioned kayano admires her and i don’t think that was a lie, akari seems like the type of girl who recognises and respects strength and competence in people). um. the 3-E girls are all good in general haha, the only person i can think of off the top of my head i’d say no to is okano with kanzaki because okano dislikes her and kanzaki is uncomfortable with that, so. :/ although seeing them work past it (and okano getting past her own insecurities regarding her femininity) would be cool, so even then, i can’t say Absolutely Never. just not nagisa/kayano pls
My happily ever after for them: sometime in their mid/late-20s, they move into an apartment together and own lots of books and cute stationery and various trinkets. also a cat. maybe other pets, like a hamster or a dog. kayano is a successful actress all over again but keeps her relationship with kanzaki not secret but lowkey. kanzaki is away from her parents and likes her job and reads a lot of books. their friends come visit them pretty frequently and the neighbors think they’re adorable. they’re happy.
who is the big spoon/little spoon: omg fuck i suck at this kind of thing. i think kayano would be the big spoon and kanzaki the little spoon but i don’t think they’d mind switching
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: um theyre fond of reading and decorating things (apartment they move into together) and baking and taking walks together. probably taking walks with the dog tbh. that was like 4 i dont know sorry im still in the developing stages of headcanons for these two ive only been highkey invested in this ship for like a month and a half okay
gakushuu asano
How I feel about this character: today i started thinking about him completely out of the blue, with no prompting, and then i sat down and wrote 4 pages in my notebook about an AU where ikeda doesn’t die and gakuhou remains a good dad. last sentence is “in another world, gakushuu asano is healthy and happy and okay.” this is pretty much how i am all day every day i love this child so much he’s just. i see a lot of myself in him (hes relatable okay) and he’s so amazing and brilliant and full of curiosity and potential and i!!! love!!! him!!!! i want him to be happy so much!!! i love him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
All the people I ship romantically with this character: karma (obviously haha), um. fuck. im really fond of renshuu (like really fond) but i usually ship it as ren having a one-sided crush on gakushuu that eventually concludes in ren realising shuu’s crushing unattainability (also i hc gakushuu as ace arospec and he’s kinda ehhh abt romance in general. projecting? me? yeah) and dealing with it and they become really really good best friends even tho it makes ren’s heart hurt a lil bit but mostly its okay. fuck i had a fic abt this i started months ago that i never finished i gotta do that but yeah i envision the virtuosos’ dynamic as being very very complicated in general. oh yeah i cant believe i said i ship karma/gakushuu only once in this post so far so anyway i ship karushuu i love karushuu karushuu is love karushuu is life
My non-romantic OTP for this character: the virtuosos of course its not like i wrote like 1k+ of meta on this hahahaha also gakushuu/isogai, gakushuu/kataoka (why cant we see his respect for her acknowledged as well i know isogai gets his own ep and all but kataoka is still important and is also a class rep :/), gakushuu/nagisa a little bit (i used to be super into it and i still kinda like it), i actually really like the idea of platonic!karushuu because those two are cute boyfriends but working their way from enemies to rivals with grudging respect for each other to best friends?? it’s good
My unpopular opinion about this character: he and karma are not the same person or quite frankly anywhere close to it. there’s lots of parallels they’re good narrative foils but seeing people act like gakushuu is just a recoloured karma makes me sad. pls no my son is so complex and wonderful and different pls pls understand this he’s not just karma akabane with orange hair he’s his own character and such a good one
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: he goes to MIT and is separated from his father’s awful awful toxic influence and lives a happy brilliant successful life and is emotionally okay. i mean it’s not non-canon hahaha but seeing it onscreen would’ve been cool. we can assume that happens anyway tho b/c it’s gakushuu. uhh seeing him interact with his mom onscreen (or like, seeing his mom at all) would’ve been really cool!!! for who i imagine his mom as, i pretty much just think of @cosmicyue‘s hideko asano headcanon :)
my OTP: karushuu obviously. ohh man i love these two nerds so fucking much okay. they hate each other so so much but they also have this respect for each other alright if i start talking about why i ship karushuu (something ive actually never done on this blog bc i dont want people to think im trying to push karushuu on everyone ajdkakdkajsh; theres hardly a shortage of karushuu shippers around) then im gonna b here all day and this is already really long. ill shut up
my cross over ship: none i dont rlly think about AC in relation to other fandoms tbh
a headcanon fact: i have so many. fuck. um one of my favorites (ive mentioned it before but) is that the asanos are both fluent in 3+ languages and they talk shit about people they look down on in those languages when they’re around those people, just to make people uncomfortable.
send me a ship, a character, or five characters
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