#any time we are walking together
samyelbanette · 2 months
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ezraphobicsoup · 4 months
ok but music is actually the most beautiful thing in every way i’m gonna turn into the sun. music and people and the world and oouyggghhhh
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variousqueerthings · 6 months
actually you know whose reaction I'd be really curious about, potentially coming across fourteen in the shops? Francine!
#francine jones#martha jones#the doctor#dw#doctor who#the (second?) last time they saw each other she nodded to him#and i tend to interpret that as a mix of 'thank you for talking me down' 'hey we survived hell together' and 'thank goodness#martha is coming back to us and you and i both know it's the right thing even though i know you're a fucking mess too but also pls go'#not in the sense that martha was trapped with ten but that ten maybe Could have convinced her to stay potentially#or even just that francine was afraid that ten might do so/martha could possibly choose ten over them#also just that in some ways the jones fam saw the doctor and the master being An Terrifying Other Species moreso than most#there's that relief when martha comes back like they weren't sure she'd be walking back inside#so they dont end it on Bad terms technically#but also potentially... sees fourteen and it's a trigger? sees fourteen and is afraid for martha?#sees fourteen and assumes the end of the world is coming back? sees fourteen and is just... oh... hoped id never see you again#sees fourteen and it's an awkward british 'how have things been? good. you? yeah good. got a garden now. oh that's nice'#(was francine there when martha was on that joint call -- she was wasnt she?#i cannot remember if there's any Looks between them there that indicate how she feels about ten at that point)#anyway i think francine should've been in martha's final scene i think francine was the most important part of martha's life#that symbolised the ways that ten had affected that life#and seeing how francine potentially felt after end of time would have been such a strong indicator of how that story ended there#the tenth doctor#the fourteenth doctor#doctor who spoilers#dw spoilers
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rookieloveskashi · 3 months
how is aly lately?? have you n kakashi been on any fun dates recently? 💕
hello amira!! ❤️
lately, kakashi and i have both been super busy and our schedules haven't allowed for too much time together. but i'm the type of gf/wife that considers just about anything we do together as a date. especially if it requires being out of the house. 😅
so when you look at it that way, we've been on all sorts of dates lately. grocery dates, errand dates, cooking dates. we even managed one of his favorites: ✨nap date✨
he felt bad about it because he wanted to use the time to go on an "actual" date but the poor thing was so sleepy and cute 💕
hopefully we have another chance soon, because i have big plans to wine and dine him all the way back to bed and this time i'm not settling for a nap 🤭
how about you and keigo? any plans for the weekend?
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phoebespenglers · 6 days
the gaps between when me and my best friend text are getting wider and it's making me very sad
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anotherpapercut · 1 year
when I was in 8th grade I had the same teacher for physics and geometry and he was like one of those dudes who always wanted to be one of the cool kids but never was so now he got to be the cool teacher that all the cool kids loved so he would like straight up bully the weird kids (me and my friends lol ✌️) and I thought it was wack as hell that a grown ass man was calling my friend, a 13 year old girl, stupid in front of the whole class for asking a fucking question so I constantly told him to back off and would get in full on screaming matches with the man about why he was not allowed to treat us like that (at one point I basically told him that if he ever made my friend cry again I would not rest until his teaching license was revoked lol) and it got to the point where he was like. actually for real beefing with me during class and in the hallways when he saw me and sometimes after school
anyway I just wanna say first of all fuck you Mr. Glasson, second of all what kind of like 28 y/o man has a fr beef with a fucking 13 year old. I literally wore a cloak to school. he was having beef with a child with pink hair, in a cloak. can you fucking imagine jsbdksbdndmdbnd
#one time i was early for class and i was in like the advanced program so most of us had the majority of our core clases together#so we were all talking abt the history honework due later today and i told my friend that i had made drawings for my answers#and showed her and my other friends and then my other classmates wanted to see so they were like passing it around#then like literally the second the bell rang‚ right as it was being handed back to me to be put away‚ he snatched it out of my fucking hand#and ripped part of it and crumpled it up and threw it in the fucking trash!#and fucking said 'class has started no other work is allowed'#which was bullshit because he used to help the jocky kids with their fucking other classes homework during class so fuck him#anyway i was really upset because i had worked really hard on it and i was afraid i would get a 0 on the assignment#then after class this kid that was one of the cool kids who had like never talked to me in any sort of kind way before#walked up to me and gave me the assignment back#he had dug it out of the trash (glasson actually made sure to put it under food that was in there :))#and hed wiped it off and smoothed it out and taped it back together#and he couldnt really meet my eyes but as he handed it to me he said 'im sorry. that was really messed up. you didnt deserve that' and left#it still stands out to me as an unbelievably kind gesture#shout out to horned (his last name)#oh and another time id finished literally all my class work and my homework and id helped my friend finish hers#and there was like 20 minutes of class left to i decided to practice my circular gallifreyan and the mother fucker did the exact same thing#bitch what did you want me to do? i completed my work and then did your fucking job for you and helped my friends#should i have stared at a wall????#FUCK you mr glasson i hope ur wife left u#also i stole his personal copy of his favorite book AND a textbook AND a graphing calculator#bc he told us once he had to pay for them out of his own pocket and they were really expensive ❤️#i also did manage to kick him in the shin once and stomp on his foot another time without getting in trouble#amd i always wondered why he didnt have me suspended#but now im p sure it was to cover his own ass because he had 2 classes of witnesses who'd seen him say nasty shit to me#as well as an entire hallway of teachers who once heard us fucking screaming at each other#that was the time i threatened to get his license revoked ❤️❤️
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opens-up-4-nobody · 10 months
#theres this feeling i get sometimes. i find it very hard to articulate. its part despair and part awe. dispair at how beautiful the world is#all those intricate little process coming together to organize the chaos. i dont kno y i feel it so deeply or y it hurts so much#because its just. no matters what horrible things r going on in the world. ur body is this miraculous collection of chemicals and reactions#mobile containers of water with a history that spirals back billions of years. and you can hear and see and experience and reflect#and when you die the world goes on spinning without you. if we as humans destroyed this planet past the part of our ability to inhabit it#it wouldnt even matter. there would be continued life past humanity. cosmically we r tiny and insignificant and we dont matter#but were beautiful and wonderful and infinity complex and knowing that leaves me in agony. because i want to kno everything right now but#mind is too small and i walk around with the disorientation of someone whos just been hit in thr face ans i cant focus enough to read#cant make the words make sense and i cant justify the time it would take to try. so i sit on my deck. in the sun. crying as i think about#how the light hit the grass in my front yard the last time i was home. how the cliffs in the backyard are ringed with red lines of iron#separated out as the water leached through the sandstone. how every avaliable surface is stained green as organisms reach upward toward#the sun. and its beautiful and i dont kno y im crying. maybe its bc i cant just throw everything aside and chase that feeling. im not#allowed to feel it. im not allowed to talk abt it in the way i want. bc im afraid no one cares as much as me in the same way. bc when i#talk abt what i study its obscure and academic and so far from what most ppl think abt that they get intimidated and dont try to understand#so i just try not to talk abt it. or maybe im just afraid. bc i have my 1st TA meeting tomorrow and i meet with my new advisor friday#and im worried and im afraid i wont b able to do this in a way that doesnt make me feel like im dying. bc i like to b busy and i like having#a strict schedule but if u throw me that knife im going to stab myself with it bc i dont kno how wield it as a tool without hurting myself#sure ill get the job done. but at what cost? whatever. ill try to b better this time. try to hold tight to the wonder. but that feels like#reaching out into forever. knowing ill never make contact. not knowing what im reaching for.#the closest approximation to the feeling i can find is that scene in the terror. where go0dsir is asking if god is there. any god. and it#doesnt matter bc he can see god in the landscape. in an environment that's so harsh and barren that its killing him slowly in the worst of#ways and its beautiful. its still beautiful to him. there is wonder here. and im wasting my time laying in a dark room crying bc i put#myself into a container so constrictive that the surface snaps and i come spilling out as an angry liquid. smearing away into nothing#unrelated
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magdaclaire · 9 months
re: the american education system showing high school children their "dead" peers in an effort to lessen teenage drunk driving after prom,
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the suing part is one hundred percent true but several parents (including my mom <3) threatened to personally beat the ass of the principal at the time
#i'm small town they all grew up together#when my brother graduated i had just finished seventh grade#and my mom walked up to my brother's now former principal and was like alright henry you have a year#you have a year where you have none of my children in your school. i recommend getting your shit together in the mean time#and the high school had a different principal when i hit ninth grade#mer rambles#the new principal was lisa and we already had beef though thankfully my mother and grandmother were not involved#i got dress coded a lot bc wearing a belt was part of the dress code and i did not own one and had no interesting in procuring one#because i'm autistic and belts fucking suck#but every time i got dress coded teachers would send me directly to the principal bc i had an attitude problem you know how it is#and i'd walk in and lisa would be like “belt again?” and i'd be like “yeah :) how are my grades doing :)”#bc the first time i got sent directly to her i told her to pull up my grades and tell me that a belt mattered to my education#and she would just tell me to go back to class beltless#i was in... sixth or seventh grade at the time?#then lisa moved to the high school my first two years and then became superintendent#during the senior pep rally i was leaving the rally to go to my favorite teacher's classroom bc it was loud#and lisa and one of the other school board members were in the hall bc it was an Event#and they're like Where Are You Going Get Back In There and i was like well lisa i still have anxiety attacks so i'm gonna go be somewhere#else. is that alright with you? and she just waved me off :) <3#i'm a nuisance to any and all authority figures
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drjohnhwatson · 3 months
one of the things i hate the most is “historians will say they were just best friends”. it irritates me like a splinter under the skin. first off, the way people showed affection in the past was different; there are etiquette books warning girls in the 19th century not to kiss their friends (who are girls) on the street because it’s impolite. men would walk arm in arm together. but everyone sees that and screams that it’s gay (I’ve seen someone look at a Sherlock Holmes Paget drawing and claim simultaneously that it was gay AND that Holmes is a bottom because he was holding Watson’s arm. How is that not fucked up to assign sexual positions based on amount of affection rendered?). It comes from a modern (and mostly American) mindset that any sort of affection has to be gay, and then that’s applied erroneously to the past.
my second point is this: it’s enormously hard to call someone homosexual or queer or whatever else you may wish because they didn’t have the labels themselves coupled with how the display of affection is different than now. also the evidence is sorely lacking. most people didn’t take down a note and go “I am so and so, I enjoy sexual congress in this manner with this person and not in the way that would make me [heterosexual]. Good day, future person reading this.” You have to look at phrasing and context and the pieces that ARE left behind, but even then you generally can’t wholesale declare a historical person’s past sexuality.
and finally—hello? historians arent all straight and it’s pretty hurtful and irksome to be labelled as such. don’t you think we want to be able to find someone to connect to in the past and hold up as a beacon for other people, to say “you’re not alone” or “we’ve always been here, you just have to look”? but we can’t just run around calling everyone gay because 1) it’s not true and 2) it diminishes our credibility so that no one will believe us when we do find enough proof to make tentative claims toward the person perhaps not being straight
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yotd2009 · 5 months
ok fr last one but there's actually a bootleg of my school's anastasia and i'm linking it bc you all NEED to understand that my infatuation with this one girl's voice which started when i was in the 6th grade and still hasn't really worn off isn't based on nothing
#brielle's the one in the n95 mask (the video is too grainy to actually make out any of the ensemble's faces but she stands out)#and i'm the in my 'teenage tboy's diy first short haircut' era in every scene she's in#apart from everything abt the girl who plays anya. the tea on everyone else is that our director liked the boy who played gleb's voice so#much that she actually lowered some if not all of his parts to be in his range. the guy who played vlad was a total diva and uhm. the phras#'peaked in high school' has been tossed around at him a lot. and the fact that he came back to sub the year after he graduated isn't helpin#his case. also he pressured the girl who played anya's grandmother into wearing old age makeup + spray her hair grey bc he decided he was#going to wear it and since she's supposed to be older than him she had to too and used to waltz into the girls' changing room whenever he#wanted. everyone was like super shocked during auditions though bc we all thought he was a shoe-in for dimitry esp since seniors get#priority casting bc it's their last chance. but at callbacks (we had singing auditions via video and dance auditions in person and callback#were tacked on to the dance auditions) he kinda flubbed his song and then this freshman. who was with us via google meet bc he literally ha#covid at the time absolutely blew him out of the water and i remember walking away w brielle like 'holy shit [first name] [last name] just#lost a part to a freshman' (he's the kind of person you just have to full name otherwise it sounds wrong). that said i do think he made a#much better vlad then he would've made a dimitry and while he is. a lot. he's always been nice to me and i did briefly idolize him and his#stage presence way i did anya's singing voice but that faded when i got into hs and started actually observing his prima donna ways#(the one production we were in together before in middle school we didn't have any scenes together). the girl who played the grandma#actually shouted me out in cast circle and that's the only time that's ever happened to me. also i'm p sure her dad is/was dating someone m#dad and by extension myself work with so that's. Oh My God. like she (the one who works for my dad) brought him w her to a comedy show as i#think her bf but i'm not 100% sure and when he found out what school i went to he mentioned his daughter went there and despite the fact#that i basically have a script for when people ask me that question bc i do NOT pay attention to most of my fellow students and don't know#anyone i was like 'holy shit' bc i actually did. hm what else. the guy who played the tsar and i used to shittalk bad period dramas#backstage during the first part of act 2. also during the press conference scene i need you to picture all the bolshevik soldiers and#romanov royals doing the macarena behind the curtain bc that was absolutely what we were doing back there. speaking of the press conference#the really high singing w/o a clear source was actually anya standing behind the curtain on the other side of the stage bc she's the only#one who physically could sing the part. also in regards to the bolshevik soldiers. we were originally supposed to have wooden rifles but fo#some reason our director took them out so we had to just walk menacingly towards the romanovs. you can't rlly see me that well in that scen#but that jacket would NOT stay closed and for 2/3 performances i had to awkwardly hold it closed the entire time. luckily the one that was#filmed was the one where i was smart enough to bring safety pins and also saved like all of the ballerinas bc their costumes all started#falling apart at once backstage.#romeo.txt#theatreposting
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mieczyhale · 1 year
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@gay-jewish-bucky IT REALLY FUCKING IS. No matter what if it’s a canon gay couple it’s just not going to be good enough for the exact same people who complain about wanting more gay rep. Part of getting gay rep is accepting that we’re going to get rep for all kinds of gays, all kinds of relationships, all levels of relevance - not just the kind that some people want or deem acceptable.
We finally have what is, in my opinion, a pretty well balanced canon queer ship that isn’t just ~hints and eye contact~, that isn’t squeaky clean, that have meaningful conversations and show love and affection like it’s not a big deal. It’s treated on equal levels to any straight ship on the show and I think that’s a breath of fresh goddamn air tbh.
I know people are always going to complain, but this topic has gotta be one of the most annoying and most exhausting ones. People should be happy we get any kind of lgbtqa+ rep, and that that rep is getting not just more diverse over the years but better too. There’s never going to be Perfect Queer Representation and to bitch and hold out for it?? To nitpick the fuck out of every ship?? Why would you, y’know??
#sorry for ranting jksdhfkds#i feel ancient saying this - like a grandma regaling her grandkids with tales of walking to and from school in the snow barefoot - but#i remember when there were no canon queer ships on tv or in movies#there wasnt shit for any of us#no matter what your label was#and now we have enough canon ships and canon lgbtqa+ characters that people feel they're entitled to be picky??#like my dude we just started getting this kind of content in my teen + adult life#maybe appreciate how far we've gotten studios and companies to come in a relatively short amount of time#maybe appreciate the positive for 2 seconds before you start demanding stuff and whining when you dont get it. especially when it#wasnt promised to you  - btw. in regards to the ship i was talking about the showrunners said it was going to go down differently from#the books. they aged up the characters afterall + they were smashing 2 series together to create a whole new thing. they warned people#we got the canon ship. they put a lot of thought into writing it and the actors - who are big fans of the books - put a lot of thought#into acting it. that's the other thing!! actors who give a shit a bout providing quality queer rep!!! why are y'all not talking about that?#that's also not a given when it comes to people playing queer roles. there's a lot special going on here and to be so negative..#idk man it's doing a huge disservice to a lot of people + it ignores the progress made + it's whiny and annoying#i'm annoyed. does it show?? i think it might show#sdhjfsdkfs#sorry again for turning my reply into a rant. cole ur an angel and i love u#replies#maison speaks
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redrockbutch · 5 months
DnD players will brag openly about making life as hard as possible for the DM and then wonder why they can't get a playgroup and never ever connect the dots
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fleshdyke · 1 year
#sh/sui warning for tags#been having a shit day and just not feeling great overall and usually drinking water and eating helps but it hasnt today :/#which means its an Actual Problem this time. like i knew it was an actual problem when i fucking cut AGAIN but idk#idk man. im just so so so scared of my friends hating me#and i know i have to see my partner again bc she is the one and only person that never ever makes me feel safe and unjudged and everything#but idk. as of right now im just not havin a great time.#like its actually so stupid the things i get upset about. there was some motivational speaker at my school today and when we got called down#to go watch the presentation i had to take like five seconds to grab my bag and phone from my desk#and my two friends got up and left together without waiting for me#and i know it wasn’t their intention and they weren’t trying to be mean or anything but man. doesnt make it hurt less yk.#and i saw some post from a guy in my school of him and his friends in the cafeteria and idk why but it made me so sad. it made me think abt#one time my friends said they wanted to walk around at lunch so i was like ok i’ll eat alone that’s fine bc i’m too disabled to walk around#the school. and then someone sent me a pic of them all eating together in the cafeteria. and i know they probably just stopped there for a#second and weren’t purposely ignoring me or anything but man that did not help yk#i want to leave them alone bc they never seem to want to talk to me but im trying to tell myself its just my mind but its so hard to#and i do love my friends and im making them seem a lot worse here than they are but its just. god im so scared.#idk. i dont actually want to die but i wish i could kms like. temporarily.#i know this is bad and manipulative but i just cant shake the want to know what would happen if i did yk. and this is a terrible train of#thought but like i want my friends to realize how scared this makes me and if i have to kms to do that. idk.#ive brought it up to them before and they pretty much told me to eat with someone else and i said i didnt have any other friends and they#kind of just said not my problem. so i dont want to bring it up again bc im mature enough to deal with my own issues and shit#it’s just hard man. i dont know how im supposed to communicate w them bc everything feels like im traumadumping on them and i dont want to#bother them. im trying to convince myself its not an issue and it doesnt actually bother me but i know it does bc i just fucking relapsed#and i had a city council thing in class today and i was the only person that was denied any funding at all and i was trying not to take it#personally and i was doing pretty good but i told my mom about it and she started defending the ppl that refused me anything and then it was#suddenly personal to me for some reason. its stupid and i know that but god that doesnt make it any better#rambles#vent
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milf-harrington · 1 year
i had dinner with my cat tonight and what do i mean by that, you may be wondering? well it means i sat out the front while she ate a mouse right next to me, just crunching away while i was on my phone
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kummatty · 1 year
back home . this weekend was driving 12 hrs to redacted, getting ready in a rush in full langa voni (half sari) jewelry bangles etc in the hotel (probably took us 2 hrs bc hello), attending my cousins engagement party from 6-11, getting back changing repacking going to bed at 1am, waking up at 7 getting ready and driving 12 hrs back
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bro he is literally just laying there saying whatever in their head talking about anything and everything but not sleeping.
#thinking about junior high#specifically it started with me saying i should relearn the clarinet i should get one again#then somehow to getting stuff i missed from teachers 'before or after class' because they were busy or i didn't want to be late for class#then to how i was usually on time so i had like no reason to worry#except for pe because i had math all the at the bottom of the junior high hallway then pe at the entire other end of the school#and we had to change but he was pretty lenient and i was usually one of the first kids out#also how most of us left our stuff in the locker room and not the lockers because they were a hassle and somehow we never had any theft#then i thought about how this kid next to my actual locker in fifth grade (no locks) took one of my pokemon magnets im pretty sure#and i never got it back#then i remembered another thing that happened in the fifth grade hallway#where that guy i had a crush on gave me a golf ball he found in his bookbag#well he asked if i wanted it and i said yes (like having things and liked him) and im pretty sure it stayed in my bookbag the entire year#if i knew which bookbag i used that year and if i still had it it might still be in there tbh#also when i was thinking about band i couldn't think of my study hall in 8th because i quit and then suddenly i membered#and idk how i forgot she was like my fav teacher and i had so much fun cus my 2 best friends (like the waterparks song?) were also in it#and since it was like the end of the day she let us like talk and mostly do what we wanted if we didn't have any late work#and me and andi probably spent like 75% of it doodling our little oc guys#i think our other friend spent a lot of it drawing aswell.#wait. now that i think about it. was she in our study hall? doubting myself all of a sudden.#yeah she was because we walked home together and i dont remember waiting in the hall for her or anything#i do remember that when me and her were still in band andi came and got us basically because we always took our time#i miss them :(#winona has something to say
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