#antisemism all the way down
psychologeek · 1 month
Double Standards (light it up):
You know, in light of everything going on in Colombia U and Harvard, etc., I wonder -
They say harassing random people and murder and rape and the vandalism of (everything Jewish) is ok, bc it's "retaliation".
Continue this line of thoughts, does it mean I get Carte Blanche to burn a local mosque?
After all, my family had been oppressed for wayyy more than 75 years under the Yemeni occupation. We were exiled and had to flee for our lives. My grandma told me stories about their journey, the little she remembers. She nearly died.
(we think she had a brother who did)
Also, does it mean I'm allowed to go and beat up anyone wearing a cross?
I mean, my other grandma's cousins were murdered by Christians in Auschwitz-Birkenau (her grandad survived and came to live with them in Israel after the holocaust. But that's another story.)
*for the record - idk how your family things go, but I met most of this grandma's cousins and can name/give a detail about at least half of them. Also just last weekend we talked about her aunt that died as her refugee's ship broke halfway through the journey to Israel. I know this story and the ship name and the aunt and her kids since I was a kid. So yes, those memories are part of my life.)
And I guess people shouldn't be able to talk Spanish in public. After all, we all Know what They did in 1492.
But why going back so much?
There's exile of Jews from Iran in the 70s. But you'll never hear about it.
You'll never hear about the way we were kicked from Afghanistan and Lybia and Tunisia (where, btw, a mob burnt down an ancient synagogue this very year.)
No one's talking about how jews were kicked out of Egypt.
(this is how ppl sound. If that make you think "well, actually -"then, why isn't it never applied to us?)
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fromchaostocosmos · 3 months
Lets talk about trauma
I know that on the many years I've been on this site that the Jewish users of tumblr have discussed, explained, broken down, and shown over and over the multiple ways we are all effected by our generational and communal trauma.
The way that Jews from all over world and varying backgrounds yet all shared the same fears, learned the same survival mechanisms, played the same "games" that were not games, but rather ways to teach children how to survive, just the same everything.
Ask any Jew if nightmares about pogroms and/or the Holocaust and being taken or dying in it and they will tell you yes.
The amount of trauma Jews carry within us is, withing our DNA, within our bodies, within our brains in is immense. We carry several thousands years worth of trauma.
We carry it all. The hypervigilance, that stress cycle, the paranoia, the various of hormones that keep us in semi permanent state of stress, the tension, and more. If you have ever done any research into what trauma does the body, the brain, to a person then you can understand.
Currently Jews who stressed and traumatized people doing our best are being severally stressed and traumatized on a whole new level.
I fear for what this will do to us in the long term. I will not be surprised if Jewish people come out this all with PTSD. I know that I've already had a nightmare where I was at some nebulous Jewish place and a bunch people who came and shot and killed us including me and did so claiming to so in name of freeing Palestine.
Which is sad that I nightmare like that because I shouldn't have to experience that. And Palestinians deserve better than to have antisemites hijacking their cause and needs so that these antisemites can pretend that they are not antisemities.
It is honestly very sad to watch how much of the pro-Palestine movement/people do not actually listen to Palestinians themselves. How much they do not care about what Palestinians want, think, or need. How much this movement supports Hamas despite Gazans direct statements and feelings that say don't support Hamas. How much these groups still will push "charities" that send funding to Hamas or not credible instead of ones that give help to Palestinians.
The self-immolation of the air force man really cemented for how much this movement has been over taken and how little they care for what Palestinians think, say, or want. Because these people have been praising, lionizing, and glorifying this man death is direct defiance of what Palestinians have said.
The way this man death has been treated and talked about makes me extremally worried, and I know other Jews are too, that we may see suicide bombers attacking Jewish centers of life and community. Which in case it isn't clear then I want to make clear this not something I blame Palestinians or Muslims for.
No, this is something we are seeing from people living in the west who culturally Christian.
The way these people talk about martyrdom is terrifying. The way that they talk about Jews is I want to say horrifying and I want to terrifying because it is and it is all not anything new or suprising.
It is horrific, it is disturbing, and there are moments of shock, but not surprise.
I don't know if it is because I've just become numb or because it is the shit gets regurgitated over and over or maybe some combination of both.
Here is a picture of pomegranate for making to the end of this rather depressing post. Pomegranates are wonderful and make things better.
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optimisticlucio · 5 months
Growing up Jewish means that, among other things, you get used to a passive but everpresent dread that the rest of the world will eventually want to see you dead. Passover is about that one time the Egyptians enslaved all of the Jews, and despite trying to kill us, we survived. Purim is about that one time a Persian minister tried to have us all killed, but we survived. Hannukah is about the time the Greeks destroyed our holy sites and tried to have us all killed, but we survived. Tisha Be'Av. Holocaust Remembrance Day. Tzom Gedalia. It's gotten to a point where we commonly joke about how 90% of our holidays are just "they tried to kill us, they didn't, let's eat."
If it was merely historical, that'd be one thing, but this sort of fear is far from merely being a story passed down by your elders. My great grandma's entire family was burned alive in the Pogroms. My uncles were beat up for speaking up about antisemitism. My brother was bullied relentlessly in school for being circumcised. "Generational Trauma" is the correct term to define this, but I do think it's important to highlight how every generation re-experienced this trauma. Luckily, I haven't experienced this sort of violence yet beyond some dickheads online, but I don't believe this'll stay the case for much longer.
I want to be clear that despite this all, I'm not pessimistic about my future as a Jew or of the Jewish People as a whole; I'm a hopeless idealist, whether it's about individual life choices or about broader political change in general. We've made it this far, I don't think we'll be taken out that easily, and we can certainly build a better world without having to hide in a gilded cage of our own making. But holy shit, have I heard some concerning things from people recently.
Antisemitism is no longer the Cain's Mark it used to be. Saying this I now realize that it never was this sort of mark it was made out to be, but atleast while I was growing up, it felt like it was atleast socially unacceptable to be openly against the Jews. In the past few years I've had to come to terms with the fact that even if this was the case, it very much no longer is, and the past few months had this process exacerbate significantly.
You guys have heard about the Houthis, right? Paramilitary organization in Yemen, not the official government but controls enough of the country that they function as the government, been blocking trade through the Red Sea as of the time of posting? Those guys. Their logo has "A Curse Upon the Jews" written in big red letters. There is no other way to read that sentence, it is very explicit. Seeing people cheering for this group openly on social media made me somewhat uneasy, both for the... well, the antisemitism, and also that this group is infamous for its blatant human rights violations, including but not limited to bringing back chattel slavery. So, I brought this up to people.
I was expecting some sort of shock, right? Even if they fundamentally believe blocking the red sea is good, that they'd readjust their position on the group itself. "I think it's a cool thing to do, but wow what assholes." I shouldn't have to explain why antisemitic slave owners are bad guys, right?
The sheer amount of people who responded with one justification or another for why it's actually totally fine blew my fucking mind. "Oh, it's not actually slavery, they're treated very well." "Well, they don't really mean they hate the Jews." "It's just a different cultural form of labor!" "Well, when you have a country like Israel oppressing your people-"
Yeah I think I should probably address the elephant in the room real quick. Israel, and its fascist-adjacent government, has nothing of relevance when someone brings up the issue of worldwide antisemitism. Antisemitism has been thriving for years now. If you open a map Yemen is nowhere near Israel. There's certainly a conversation to have about Israel's abhorrent treatment of palestineans in the west bank and gaza, no doubt, but, frankly speaking, that's not the goddamn conversation we're having right now, and I feel the need to specify this because I've had multiple people derail such conversations consistently. If your first response to someone talking about antisemitism is to bring up Israel, for the love of god reexamine your biases.
Antisemitism has been growing, a lot, and we're scared. According to polls, 7% of the US thinks that the holocaust did not happen, with these numbers increasing to 20% if you sort the results to only the 18-29 age group and 9% of Americans think it's acceptable to hold neo-nazi views. Trust me, I wish these numbers were flukes, but I have seen these same numbers in multiple polls by numerous sources in the past 5 years.
7% of the US is about 23.2 million people.
There are only 16.2 million Jews in the entire world.
You, do not, have to justify antisemitism, I fucking promise you.
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that-bitch-kat3 · 2 months
kats initial ttpd thoughts
stand out lines: i took the miracle move on drug, the effects were temporary
i like this one. i don’t think it’s my favorite (or i hope it won’t be) but i think the production does do it for me. i was honestly hoping that “i love you it’s ruining my life” would have been in a… better (?) song. this will undoubtedly grow on me but not a great start.
standout lyric: “i’ve seen this episode and still loved the show”
okay “who uses typewriters anyways” is objectively a really funny line. “i’ve seen this episode and still loved the show” im screaming crying and throwing up how dare you put that lyric in a song i have to listen to.
on a different note who tf are dylan thomas and patti smith? am i meant to know these people?
oh my god. the way charlie puth is about to have his career explode. this poor man. i hope he was warned.
oh i like this bridge. also lucy as in lucy dacus?
i’m trying not to be a hater but taylor “now you hang from my lips like the gardens of babylon” couldn’t have come up with a more poetic way to say you put my ring on the finger where people put wedding rings? fr? is this about marty healy? i hope to god it’s not.
stand out lyrics: “once i fix me he’s gonna miss me” and “there was forever in the heat of my touch, he say forever so he smashed it up”
i was ready to not like this one but im kinda into it. the line “i’ll tell you that he runs because he loves me” is… not something i am ready to unpack. this is a really good song and i will probs have it on repeat for a while but i stg if i don’t hear a song about joe soon im gonna be pissed
down bad:
standout lyric: jury’s still out
this song was not written by a 33 year old. jesus christ. taylor please. STAND UP. THIS IS BAD FOR THE BRAND!! however as a 19 year old: real af.
you loved his indecent exposures? interesting.
this is once again giving situationship. which is insane because JOE WAS HERE FOR 6 YEARS?!? WE DONT GET TO HEAR ABOUT THAT?!? i mean like she is entitled to her privacy but never in my life did i want to hear this much about marty healy
so long london:
stand out lyric: “i didn’t opt in to be your odd man out. i founded the club she’s heard great things about” “you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days”
not the production i was expecting from a track 5 but ill keep and open mind.
fairy lights mentioned!! ttpd bingo moment
i like this bridge tbh. it kinda fucks. “you swore that you loved me but where were the clues” taylor wtf?
two graves one gun?!? oh wow! very melodramatic and i love it
this song is good. very sad so great job! killed it! i’m not crying yet tho
but daddy i love him:
stand out lyrics: Growing up precocious sometimes means not growing up at all
this is so champagne problems vibes
“im having his baby! no im not but you should see your face” BAHHAHA taylor wtf
i was hoping for more religious trauma energy than what i got. i had high hopes with that first verse
okay this song is now just funny to me. deeply i would’ve kept this one in the vault but it’ll grow on me
fresh out the slammer:
stand out lyric: n/a
we are starting with the lowest of standards for the record. i do not have a good vibe from this song
its fine. liek it’s not revolutionary to me. like its okay but… why does this beat change like that and did the long prison metaphor help? i think not.
however yeah bring up that he didn’t propose again. love that for you
stand out lyric: well me and my ghost we had a hell of a time
!! what!! “they said i was a cheat so i guess i must be” ARENT YOU THE ONE WHO WRITE IVY AND HIGH INFEDELITY?!? WHAT?!? i am giggling so hard. taylor what are you saying?!?
this song reminded how much i love florence! i mean that woman can really sing
nbnc reference! that was not on my bingo card!
texas mentioned!! slay!!
i love this song. like i fr really like this one. the drums are a bit much but i love how their voices work together! delicious
guilty as sin?
standout lyric: “there no such thing as bad thoughts. only your actions talk” “i keep recalling things we never did”
i like how this one sounds
this song is really good! and bestie i get it! yikes!
this song is really for the girlies who make up fake scenarios to hurt their own feelings and i feel seen
false god references(?)
well terrible job everyone that was a bit too relatable! thanks! i’m going to throw up! or scream! or cry!
who’s afraid of little old me?
standout lyric: “you don’t get to tell me about sad” “is it a wonder i broke let’s hear one more joke” “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me”
yay!! she’s doing witchcraft again!! thank god!! levitate queen!!
you should be afraid of little old me was not what i was expecting from this song! but i like it! also i am enjoying this production
“so tell me everything isnt about me but what if it is?” HAHAHH TAYLOR WHAT IS THIS?!?
no taylro they say that you’ll sue them they prublish public information about your plane! so close tho!
jokes aside i like this! this one’s gonna be in my tops i think! it reminds me of tlgad which is one love
i can fix him (no really i can)
standout lyric: “he had a halo of the highest grade, he just hasn’t met me yet”
texas mentioned again!! a win is a win
another song about matty healy?!? must we?!? are we sure? this is proof that any relationship pain is overshadowed by a 3 month situationship
loml: “better safe than starry eyed”
mmm im liking this one!
damn marriage is brought up a lot in the album for someone who wrote lavendar haze
i like that there is the love of my life to loss of my life switch! i was worried she abrievated that for no reason
still alive, killing time at the cemetery is a great line!!
!!! oh!! i wish i could unrecall how we almost had it all! i didn’t think i would like that lyric!! i in fact do.
standout lyric: “babe you gotta fake it till you make it and you did”
okay now this is my shit. i like how she’s taking about her success and shit
i cry a lot but i am so productive it’s an art is so real
“try and come for my job” yikes.
the smallest man who every lived
standout lyric: “i would’ve died for your sins but i died inside”
this one isn’t doing it for me so far. i’m sure it’ll grow on me but idk it’s not killing it for me.
DID SHE JUST CALL HIS DICK SMALL?!? HELLO?!? good lord i hope that’s what that meant
“you kicked out the stage lights but your still preforming?!?” GOOD LORD TAYLOR! it’s so jover
The alchemy:
standout lyric: “he jokes that it’s heroin but this time with an E”
i had to listen to this song twice cause i could just not lay attention
AYO ITS TRAVIS!! god the next album is gonna have so many football metaphors that i will not understand
this is really cute! i’m on team trayvis
clara bow:
standout lyric: promise to be dazzling
cool! now i’m sad!
as a girl who tries to be something exciting but feels like she never gets there this is very yikes! greta job gang
the black dog:
standout lyric:
i am scared!
oh shit! who cheated on taylor?!?
oh wait. maybe that’s not true
i love old habits die screaming! tahts a funky line. i know we already had it but im a fan
!! hoax reference!!
!!daylight reference!!
oh joe. that poor man. they’re gonna kill him.
this is putting a sad spin on some of my fav songs so that’s cool
standout lyric: “pick your poison babe, i’m poison either way”
did we need to do this in one word
now i personally would’ve rewritten this one or picked a different song but this is a choice
this is a worse versions of get him back! imo
eras fading to gray is a crazy line!
the albatross:
standout lyric: “the devil you know now looks more like and angel”
this is kinda giving cowboy like me vibes but with more unnecessary vocal effects but that does in fact mean that i like it
peace reference?!
idk im into this one i think
chloe or sam or sophia or marcus:
standout lyric: all of them <3
my god this is a long title
oh my god. did she just out joe alywn? what? that can’t be what just happened
“you needed me but you needed drugs more” IM THROWING UP HOW DARE YOU
nobody touch me
“if you want to break my cold cold heart, just say i loved you. the way that you were” okay so now i am crying! hey! tahts cool! in other news put me on watch
this is one of my tops
you can tell cause i’m depressed now
maroon reference!!
okay so i will never recover congrats everyone!
how did it end?
standout lyric: “we learned the right steps to different dances”
i feel invasive listening to this. i didn’t want to hear about matty anymore but this is a lot.
this song is good but sweet lord. this is really sad. which i should’ve guessed but this is not what i was expecting
“D-Y-I-N-G” that was not how i thought that line was gonna end
so high school:
standout lyric: idk man they’re all cute
is this another one about travis?!? yay!!
awww she want to marry him! that’s so exciting!! and also maybe kill him but we do what we can
this is really cute
i’m glad she got this back! cause this is giving very fearless vibes which is perfect! i love that! i love that she’s having the sweet love again! and i’m so glad im not listening about matty! cause that man if the gift that won’t stop giving. no matter what i do. he just won’t.
i hate it here:
standout lyric: “No mid-sized city hopes and small-town fears” “when they found a better planet only the gentle survive”
second time bringing up being a precocious child! not something i thought we would get twice!
this song feels like it’s right off folklore
GIRL WHAT!?! “I'd say the 1830s but without all the racists and getting married off for the highest bid” this is why no one wanted to play with you as a little kid
oh yikes now i’m relating
“i get lost on purpose. this place made me feel worthless” crying in the club once again
she really had to fight not to call him a finance bro
thank you aimee
stand out lyric: “Everyone knows that my mother is a saintly woman but she used to say she wished that you were dead”
go to jail just for the capitalization
i feel like im missing something
is amiee real? is she a metaphor? is it someone from the rep era? i’m lost
if this is 15 year old beef that is amazing.
“there wouldn’t be this if there hadn’t been you” oh lol that’s so funny.
thank god taylor changed the name! cause otherwise they would kill her!
“and one day your kid comes home singing a song that only us two is gonna know so about you” oh that’s so good. you see i like taylor better when she’s being petty over decade old shit. it makes her more relatable
i look in peoples windows
stand out lyric: “i’m afflicted by the not knowing” “im addicted to the if only”
i love this.
is this the new shortest song in her discography? it’s gotta be. it’s like 2 minutes long
anyways. relatable. killin it
the prophecy:
stand out lyric: “Don't want money just someone who wants my company”
finally a song i can relate to! you know cause im psychic?
“I guess a lesser woman would've lost hope a greater woman wouldn't beg” yikes
oh no. i’m gonna cry. you see now im reminded of why i feel like im never enough. so cool 🤙
witchcraft again!! yay!!
what is gray-ge? gray/beige? was that already a word?
standout lyric: “what does kill you makes you aware. what happens if it becomes who you are”
bffr taylor does not patch cracks in her house
sorry i know tahts a metaphor, allow me to start by being less of a hater
oh i love a call back to the 2016 era. yikes
“when its burn the bitch they’re shrieking, when the truth comes out they’re quiet” lol relatable
standout lyric: “we both did the best we could do underneath the name moon in different galaxies”
who is peter? very excting!
oh it’s peter pan! that’s cute!
is this about joe? i’m confused? i have no idea who this is about
i liek the piano! i like this more stripped back version
great bridge!
“cause love's never lost when perspective is earned” HEY BRO WHAT
the bolter: “she was leaving it felt like breathing”
standout lyric:
omg hey she wrote a song about me! jk it just started idk what this is
oh no
i cant do this right now
okay so no comment but yeah very relatable! cool! (except i’m not really a bolter now that i think about it. i just think i am. i’m actually not a quitter. im a stick with it person even when maybe i should bolt.)
stand out lyric: “you have no room in your head for regrets”
i like these a lot better than the first part of this album. i actually can’t tell if it’s a double release or not but i just like these more emotional songs more.
is she singing to her child self?!? is that what happening?!?
crying again.
the manuscript:
stand out lyric: looking backward might be the only way to move forward
my god this is a lot of songs! not complaining but i’m tired
okay i like the piano
“He said that if the sex was half as good as the conversation was soon they’d be pushing strollers” FUCKING HELLo?!? well now i’m in pain slay
this was not what i was expecting at all but let it be known i am crying and im not okay
this song really fucked me up guys
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bonyassfish · 8 months
the thing is, just because antizionist rhetoric is sometimes used by antisemities doesn't mean you shouldn't talk about it at all
do some of the people who criticize countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran do it out of Islamophobia? of course. and you should shut those people down. but you shouldn't let that stop you from critiquing those countries.
same with china. much of the rhetoric surrounding china in the US can come with a racist/sinophobic tint. you should shut that down. but you should also continue to criticize and call out the Chinese govt
here are some ways to determine if someone is using antizionism to be antisemitic:
are they blaming all jews worldwide for the actions of the Israeli govt?
are they implying that the news media/banks/world govts are controlled by "the zionists"?
does their rhetoric focus less on Palestinian lives and autonomy and more on "evil zionists"?
do they not recognize antisemitism for the very real threat it is, and/or do they downplay antisemitism (including the holocaust)?
do they portray jewish zionists as less than human ("lizard people")?
do they avoid talking about non-jewish zionists, like christian zionists?
if the answer to any or all of these questions are yes, then it's probably antisemitism. otherwise, you're probably good to go. remember, criticizing Israel is not the same as antisemitism. zionism ≠ judaism.
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penguicorns-are-cool · 7 months
I'm so fed up with the "every person needs to make a statement about Palestine or else you're secretly an evil zionist" gang cause it's like
no people who don't know the history shouldn't make statements that's how misinformation happens and also like, there are many reasons someone might not have made a statement on this specific social media or even online at all and omg just shut up
very few of y'all were demanding a statement when 1,400 Israeli citizens were killed, tortured, and mutilated in one day and over 200 were taken hostage with antisemitic motivations not even before Israel responded. actually a lot of y'all were dismissing it.
Do you know how many Nazis have been seen at pro-palestine events, how many videos there are of pro-palestine rallies chanting to kill all Jews in one way or another, how many synagogues have been vandalized or burned down this month, how many Jews have been killed in hate-crimes, how much more confident antisemites are to yell stuff like "6 million wasn't enough" in public right now. And it's definitely not just because it's off the topic of Palestine or whatever cause you've all been sharing the articles about the 6-year-old Palestinian kid. And like, I'm not against that, talk about him, share the articles, talk about the rising Islamaphobia. But it's very clear when you're bringing attention to the rising Islamaphobia and completely ignoring the rising antisemitism. There was an airport in Russia that was recently overwhelmed by antisemities who just went around trying to find and attack Jews and who were waiting for a plane from Tel-Aviv with the intention of attacking the passengers (the plane was diverted fortunately), and I haven't seen any non-Jews talking about it. There are nazis at your rallies and none of y'all are speaking out against them
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Remaking this for everyone that follows me here (because I can't get my old acc back.)
Hello! Welcome to @the-catmans-offical-2 blog!
Primarily what I will post here is art, currently pertaining to a hyperfixation I have, as well as maybe some writings I'll do! I make music occasionally but I'm way too self conscious to post such, the music is basically only instrumentals; I don't sing, after all I can barely speak verbally.
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Here is the art sona I use! It's just a cartoony cat stick figure that can be seen in some of my artworks; Whether it be commenting on certain things, a general doodle out of boredom, or whatever. This also has other information on it, including my birthdate and year, as well as some of the things I do. Anyway, here's the rest of the masterpost:
Interest List:
- Fullmetal Alchemist (2003, Brotherhood, and the manga.)
- Radiatology, chemical warfare, psychological research and unethical experiments, self sustaining studies, and other things in those scientific topics.
- Art as a whole, currently into tattoo work (got tattoo shit, let's goo) and digital art but I try to dabble in everything I can.
- Homestuck, not nessicarily currently but I have liked it.
- Fear & Hunger.
- Undertale.
- Alternative universes in the sense of media.
- Cuphead, Don't Deal with the Devil.
- Bendy and the Ink Machine.
- Five Nights at Freddy's. (Primarily all the games up to UCN.)
- The Promised Neverland.
- Dr. STONE.
- Dungeon Meshi/Delicious in Dungeon
- Pokémon.
- Cats. (Not the musical.)
- BMC (Haven't thought about it until recently, it's been years since I was into it fully.)
- Sonic the Hedgehog.
- Sally Face.
- Franbow.
- Little Misfortune.
- Happy Wheels.
[There is probably more, but these are the top things I remember.]
DNI List:
- Proshippers/likers/apologists.
- Incest likers/shippers/apologists.
- Racists/Racist apologists.
- Homophobes/Homophobe apologists.
- Transphobes/Transphobe apologists.
- Aspec-phobes/Aspec-phobes apologists.
- Pedophilies/Pedophilie apologists.
- General assholes.
- Xenophilies/Xenophilie apologists.
- Antisemities/Antisemic apologists.
- Anti-Palestinian/Isreal supporters/Isreal apologists.
- Zoophilies/Zoophilie apologists.
- School shooter supporters/enthusiasts.
[There is probably more, but these are the top things I remember.]
Important Info:
- A lot of my art is based on my own headcanons (HCs), but I'm welcome to listening about other HCs that I can adopt into my works!
- Everyone who follows me, and is chill, are buddies of mine. So you're all my buddies! :)
- This is a safe space for most people, so if you need a place to vent to me by all means PM/DM me or talk to me via my Discord! ( @the.catman.giovi.offical ) ; You can also contact me for other reasons! Whether it be just to talk and hang out, discuss random shit from my blog, or just whatever.
- My timezone is EST, however I'm up at odd hours (Typically from 10 AM EST to 4 AM EST, but this can vary.)
- Ask me questions or just talk to me through my Ask box and I'll most likely answer! I'm bored, talking to me will keep me a busy man.
- Commissions will be opened soon! I will edit this post once I get it all in order. I do take simple requests, like lil doodles, for free; But I can turn it down if I don't wanna.
- English is *not* my first language! It's Italian but at the same time I forgot the language. (Raised in America, born in Italy, but I suck at both languages lol. I stick to English.)
- This blog is multifandom! I talk about random shit sometimes.
And that's that, have fun with my blog! :)
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ms-demeanor · 4 years
if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck. if someone supports white supremacy, I've got bad news for you.
Yeah, here’s the thing: people aren’t ducks.
And having spent some time with actually white supremacist white supremacists and actually kind of a lot of time with militia movement type folks (which I do not recommend, it’s awful) you don’t actually know what ducks look like.
Do you know the name Paul Welch? He’s the guy who got his ass kicked by leftist protesters in Portland because he brought an American flag to protest Patriot Prayer (a right wing extremist group).
The protesters looked at Paul Welch and his American flag (his statement about the flag - “the right doesn’t get to exclusively own this symbol”) and went “well that looks like a duck.”
Paul Welch, a Bernie supporter, getting his ass beat by the evil antifas, is the number one thing that people bring up to me when they talk about how AntiFa are the real fascists. “Look,” they say, “if you do anything at all against their beliefs they’ll shut you down. We can’t allow that” and you know what, in that one instance they’re KIND OF CORRECT.
You’re standing there looking at everyone who voted for trump and putting a Klan hood on them, they’re standing there looking at everybody even slightly to the left of Trump and putting them in a black mask with a baseball bat, and you’re both wrong.
And I’m not saying we have to come together on some imagined center on this, I very much believe that the right is wrong on pretty much everything and “the right” includes an awful lot of the democratic party in my opinion.
But the saying is “if ten people sit down to dinner with a nazi there are eleven nazis at the table” and you don’t know what a nazi looks like. There are plenty of trump voters who are absolute dipshits but who are much less virulently antisemitic or racist or transphobic than a lot of folks on the left. People seem happy to sit down at a table with wayfair conspiracists in spite of the deep antisemitism of that conspiracy. People are happy to recirculate photos of Obama’s Rational Whitehouse and none of those folks seem to care much about bombing wedding parties. How many nazis are at the table if you sit down with a war criminal?
So okay, Trump voters are off the table, those are clearly ducks. Democrats seem to only support cutting access to the social safety net in election years but they’re pretty big on killing brown people globally so let’s call those ducks too. Tankies, obviously, support mass murder and we can’t have that, that’s a webbed foot and a bill if ever I saw one. AntiFa are mostly outside white agitators using violence to speak over peaceful protesters - quack quack, Mr. Ducksworth.
So it looks like it’s just you and the other exactly correct people, pal. Good luck spreading your message to *checks notes* the entire DSA membership of 75k people. It sure feels good to sign petitions and effect meaningful change, amirite? Hashtag resist! Make sure to share the screencapped, unsourced twitter rant of a tankie with forty followers to spread the word about the peaceful march of black separatist antisemities that nobody’s talking about because the news is all white supremacists! Make sure you skip the Food Not Bombs meetup because it’s super sus that they gave the dude with an iron cross tattoo a sandwich last time!
There are a lot of people who are complicit with white supremacy either because they are not aware of the ways in which the system is white supremacist (which is HONESTLY SO MANY PEOPLE YOU GUYS YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW ACADEMIC A LOT OF THIS INFORMATION IS) or because they don’t believe that white supremacy IS white supremacy because they’ve bought the foundationally white supremacist lies of the white supremacist system (which describes WAY more than just Trump voters). Conflating these people with people who actively want a white ethnostate or who believe in the purposeful, intentional subjugation of people who are not white is dangerous and defeatist.
And yes, many Trump voters are actual white supremacists who want whites to actually be raised above other races. That’s a thing that is real and is happening in government and that people did specifically vote for. But a lot of the people who did vote for him are just kind of shitty and not particularly aware of it. And those people would be HORRIFIED to find out that people think of them as white supremacists, which is EXACTLY WHY THEY’RE THE ONES TO GO AND TALK TO.
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