punkeropercyjackson 15 days
In general white queer Atsv fans seem to be under the impression the poc of the Spidercast have to basically be turned white personality and presentation wise to act queer which is very harmful at worst and really annoying at best.Sorry not sorry but Miles is never gonna have some Love,Simon shit going on with Hobie and he dosen't need a bi awakening considering that realistically he probably knows he's bi already by online things and extra not sorry but trans boy Miles is nothing like M.cu Peter who's the actual disgrace on the Spiderman legacy Miles haters think Miles is and if Miles needs a queer awakening by another Spiderperson,she'd be a trans girl egg that was cracked by Gwen and it makes way more sense than 'Hobie gives Miles his first gay panic' and i can't emphasize enough how much Punkflower is more like a lot of poc4poc m/f ships than they are any bland white gay ones and Miles dosen't even have to be transfem in the context for it to be accurate
Much like this,a significant amount of Ghostflower content has Miles acting white to make it conform to norms rather than a proper transmasc4transfem couple i.e existing completely outside of cisheteronormativity and Gwen is self-inserted into by certain people in the fandom who can't accept she's not a racist weirdo like them but a genuinely realistic and awesome trans girl who's good to the characters of color and that the jealousy scene was ooc and only existed to make Gwen look bad and screw over Margo even further and it's important to note she's never been mean to Margo nor expressed actual dislike of her as a person.Margo is magically not part of the poly Spiderband despite deadass being Miles' crush and when black queer women BUILT the lgbt community and Pavitr is basically had microaggressions thrown at him nonstop by feminizing him because white westerners don't know what actual positive masculinity instead of praising men for the bare minimum is or anything about indian culture that's not the chai joke
Spiderd*ds is so fucking gringocore and as a Peter B selfshipper since 2018 y'all've made it impossible to like the newer fan content of him and i feel so bad for Miguel because he dosen't even seem to like Peter B all that much seeing as their ONE scene was him being DIRECTLY annoyed by him and showing it unlike Margo and Gwen who don't have real beef but every fandom needs it's nonexistent in canon smut fest with racism injected into it ig.Jessica's canon trans in the comics but like Margo,y'all're no blacks and women dni in bio types
And Hobie.Good fucking GOD,white punks and white people with punk fetishises can't act right.Next mf to make a they/them Hobie joke is seeing stars,Prowlerp*nk is on my shitlist purely because Miles G is made into a violent tsundere by everybody who ships it and i never wanna hear about how the super darkskin black character should've been aroace instead of the center of romantic attention to BOTH mcs.Hobie is a black transsexual,not your papable lil trans gag character and the sweetest,gentlest person ever who's a consent king and that's right there in the text by his relathionship with Gwen and oh btw,yeah,they ARE dating and he has way more reasons to be into her than he does any white boys cause he stays having a thing for transfems and i'm giving major sideeye to black Gwen being nonexistent for multiple reasons too when it's so fitting and such a no brainer take
Point is:Be better.Stop acting like poc have to whitewash ourselves to be queer.You ain't slick
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punkeropercyjackson 4 months
Ghost/prowler makes me visceraly uncomfortable as a black dad and white mom kid because exactly one shipper dosen't do that snowbunny stereotypes shit with them(most often 'delicate white girl and rough black boy' grossness)and they're monoracial black so i straight up put it on the search bar to block every single shipper except them because none of them know how to act but y'know WHAT.Y'all Prowler/punk shippers ain't any better-Miles G is turned into a 'gay panic' gothy tsundere bf instead of a severely traumatized black teen vigilante and Hobie has all his actual personality taken away too to reduce him down to his looks so he can be the pervy and idiotic love interest for him that 'fixes' his 'denial' or whatever and every Prowler!Movie!Hobie i've seen looks like one of them yaoi doujinshi dude's so combined with how Miles G having a Gwen ruins the Ghostflower 'soulmates by choice instead of destiny' slay and Hobie and Miles G won't be seen actually meeting for years from now,i'm throwing both these ships in the shredder.Only Margo and 42 Ganke can date Miles G now,the rest of y'all can join us when you learn to be normal about black boy trauma
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punkeropercyjackson 7 days
Pr*wlerpunk ain't bad as a concept but that tsundere Miles G shit makes think it's total ass and it ain't helped by me knowing that's how he'd in-character react to Hobie being attracted to him because he wouldn't like him back LMAO.Sorry not sorry,that's not comperable to Punkflower as we know it at least to me because the whole appeal is how soft and sweet and tender Hobie and Miles are with eachother ESPECIALLY in the context of us thinking they were gonna hate eachother over Gwen.They changed canon to be together before the movie even debuted and that's the beauty of Punkflower,along with Hobie getting that TLC instead of just giving it-Babyboy's more than earned it and deserves better than to have someone deny they love him instead of being all over him like Miles would and kinda already is.Plus imma be real,i don't give two shits about the posibility of bi dude Miles or Hobie liking men because to me Miles is a trans girl more than she is anything else and Hobie's already canonically queer because he's implied unlabeled trans and in fact my dream Miles romance is her being canonized as a trans girl like Gwen and Hobie becoming her main love interest in all Spidey media.Oopsies!!!
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