#anti transnazi
Dear PRATs who use “intrusive thoughts” as an excuse to be racist and pwPOCD as a scapegoat to be predatory,
SHUT THE FUCK UP. NEVER INTERACT WITH SOMEONE WITH OCD IRL. You guys make my intrusive thoughts 10x worse and have given me new themes. Intrusive thoughts do not make someone racist or a nazi or a pedophile, you are all just ableist pricks who need someone to use as a scapegoat. Just like with BIID, you do not give a single flying fuck about pwOCD. Next time I see one of y’all say “i’m ‘transnazi’ bc intrusive thoughts”, I’m punching you. You are only further stigmatizing OCD. You do not give a shit about us or any other disabled person for that matter, though I suppose this is expected from the community that actively encourages faking disorders. Fuck you.
Sincerely, a very angry obsessive-compulsive.
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anti--transid · 6 months
Hi guys remember to punch a transnazi today okay bye
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ts-sarah320 · 16 days
I’m hornyyyyyyy 😩 
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anarchy-flagz · 1 year
Transn*zi Symbols Awareness Post.
(All asterisks/* are replacing the letter A. I do not support any form of antisemitism, this post is for education purposes only.) (Content warning for discussions of n*zism, neo n*zism, transn*zis, transneon*zis, and antisemitism.)
A big reason I left the radqueer community is because of the blatant antisemitism that goes on in the community, through those who support or use the term "transn*zi" and labels relating to it. As someone who is a flag archivist, emoji combo archivist, and most importantly jewish, I feel I need to take it upon myself to show you the symbols that are used by the transn*zi community so you all can keep yourselves safe. This post is going to be hard on me to make but someone needs to do it.
Awareness post starts here:
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"transn*zi pride flags + symbol"
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"transneon*zi pride flags"
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"transn*ziaesthethic pride flag"
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"pro-transn*zi/transn*zi ally pride flag"
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"transn*zigender pride flags + symbol"
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"transneon*zigender pride flags"
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"n*zi attraction pride flag + variants" "purple is sexual, green is romantic, and yellow is platonic"
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"neon*zi attraction pride flag + variants" "purple is sexual, green is romantic, and yellow is platonic"
Emoji combos to look out for:
"transn*zi": 💜ϟϟ "transn*zi": 💜🍞 "transn*zi": 🚩⛸ "transitioned transn*zi": ⚡️❤️ "transn*zigender": 💜🍞🏳️‍🌈 "n*zi attractions": ⚡️❤️🎀 "transneon*zi": 💙ϟϟ "transneon*zi": 💙🍞 "transneon*zi": 🚩🌫 "transitioned transneon*zi": ⚡️💗 "transneon*zigender": 💙🍞🏳️‍🌈 "neo n*zi attractions": ⚡️💗🎀
Everyone is free to reblog/repost to spread awareness on the topic. Honestly I shouldn't even have to explain how this type is stuff is messed up.
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entity56 · 4 months
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h huh?? hello?? help??
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If you used to identify as a "transnazi" due to OCD or intrusive thoughts, please know that your intrusive thoughts do not define you as a person and having OCD or intrusive thoughts does not make you a nazi, nor does it mean you secretly want to be one. You are wonderful and amazing and don't listen to radqueers when they tell you that intrusive thoughts are "secret desires" or who you "really are".
If you used to identify as a "transnazi" due to trauma, I'm so sorry that people weaponized your trauma against you. You are not your abusers or oppressors, and you are not going to become them. You didn't deserve your trauma, nor did you deserve to be convinced that your trauma makes you "secretly a nazi". You are amazing and strong for surviving discrimination and/or abuse, and you shouldn't let anyone tell you otherwise.
If you used to identify as a "transnazi" because you thought it'd make your oppressors stop hurting you, you are not a bad person for giving in to their demands. It can feel impossible to keep going when people are hurting you, and it feels so much easier to give in and join your oppressors just to escape the pain. It's okay that you gave in. It doesn't mean you're doomed to be a nazi forever, it just means that you made a mistake. You can always go back and change your ways, you are never doomed to be a horrible person forever.
If you used to identify as a "transnazi" because you wanted other people to like you, I completely understand you. It's so easy to get caught up in the radqueer cult and become convinced that identifying as "edgy" or "controversial" things is the only thing that will make people like you. Often, radqueers will try to convince vulnerable people that identifying as stuff like "transnazi" is cool when it really isn't. It's in no way your fault for falling victim to radqueers' lies. Regardless of whether you fully believed it was okay or if you only pretended to, you're not a bad person.
If you used to identify as a "transnazi" for any reason, you are loved and you are amazing. Whether it's from a combination of factors, whether you 100% supported it and believed it wasn't at all harmful, whether you knew it was wrong but pretended to support it anyways, your past does not define you, and you can always become a better person. Even if you supported "transitioning" or tried to "transition" yourself, you know now that what you supported was wrong, and you can always recover and be better. I (and the rest of the anti-radqueer community) love you and we're always here for you <3
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antiradqueer · 6 months
transharmful is such a weird fucking identity to me like why the fuck would you be like "i id as a nazi but im not REALLY a nazi!" way to go you're still being anti-semitic. why would you do that. oh well. at least we can report/block when they're screaming it from the goddamn rooftops
YEAH and then they have the gall to act surprised when people rightfully call them antisemitic??? My brother in christopher you are literally proud of being a nazi. Adding “trans” in front of it doesn’t make it any better.
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Not me being so involved in this discourse that my "for you" is mostly radqueers and I just saw a transnazi anon on one of those transharm culture blogs
(I'm trying to choose my words carefully so I don't get blah blah antis send ppl to harass innocent radqueers blah blah blah)
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queermetalgremlin · 5 months
Am i the only one who just... Doesn't get TransX discourse?
Like, both the pro- and anti- side spew so much bullshit i seriously start to spiral.
Am i the wrong one? Am i just an idiot who doesn't get the very obvious truth (that i can't see)?
Hold on, lemme elaborate:
I don't get Chronosian people who hate on Transage, when they mean very similar things. Is it 'cause Transage is also used by pro-contact pedophiles? If so, i get why you'd be wary of the term, but making a blanket statement about ALL Transage folks, when most of them identify as such solely due to term preference, is really hypocritical; HOWEVER some people equate mental perception to bodily age, and that can lead to disastrous consequences.
I can't comment on Transrace since i'm white, but as far as i've seen it seems harmless, as well as being mostly bodily POC folks coping with racial trauma and atypical dysphoria in a weird way; HOWEVER I don't know how transnationality works, since afaik you can't change the place you're born from.
As for Transabled, everyone is ready to support people with BIID until their disorder gets so bad they need to get amputated for their own good, huh? Everyone likes to pretend they're the most radically inclusive people on Earth until mental disorders aren't "UwU cute smol bean" anymore; HOWEVER, some people actively romanticize the disability they feel like they should have, thus hurting the people who bodily have it, and as far as i've heard, there are some people who don't even feel like they should have it and are just doing it for fun, which is wrong, but i have no proof of these people existing so i digress.
Transnazis and similar scum can fuck off into the sunset and never come back again.
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impunkster-syndrome · 9 months
The time has come for that goddamn stochastic terrorism post and how radqueer beliefs remind me of it.
Background that is important to understanding me and why these two things are similar to me:
I was groomed into the alt-right pipeline at eleven years old up until I was 18. Someone in my life to this day took advantage of my trauma and groomed me into political views as a child to weaponize me against my liberal rapist. I'm still having to unpack the trauma of that experience and how that harmed me, as well as often facing abuse now for being a leftist. I knew all the big names at the time and looked up to them as heroes, and was encouraged. Hell, I've been on 4chan and luckily got out of that after realizing I was queer/my complete split from the original and deconverting from fundamentalist christianity.
What is "stochastic terrorism"?
Here's a video on PewDiePie and the pipeline his content creates to the alt-right and fascism, that has a section on it:
If you aren't going to watch it:
Stochastic terrorism is a form of terrorism that does not have a singular figurehead but instead relies on peer radicalization to move a person through the pipeline by making ideas gradually more acceptable due to a lack of direct calls to violence. It's pretty much the "long game" type of terrorism- radicalization over a longer period of time through communities that often believe themselves to be "just trolling." There are no direct orders for calls to action, which allows plausible deniability for stochastic terrorists not one person to be personally at fault and unable to be blamed for encouraging someone to go farther in the pipeline.
The pipeline itself is one that furthers someone up the levels of the pyramid of violence. (The video has more of a person-focused pyramid diagram, while the one below mentions systemic discrimination.)
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[Image ID: An image of the ADL's Pyramid of Hate diagram on a white background. The blue text above a blue horizontal divider read:
"ADL Pyramid of Hate"
The text beneath the divider reads:
"The Pyramid of Hate illustrates the prevalence of bias, hate and oppression in our society. It is organized in escalating levels of attitudes and behavior that grow in complexity from bottom to top. Like a pyramid, the upper levels are supported by the lower levels; unlike a pyramid, the levels are not built consecutively or to demonstrate a ranking of each level. Bias at each level reflects a system of oppression that negatively impacts individuals, institutions and society. Unchecked bias can become “normalized” and contribute to a pattern of accepting discrimination, violence and injustice in society. While every biased attitude or act does not lead to genocide, genocide takes place within a system of oppression in which the attitudes and actions described at the lower levels of the pyramid are accepted. When we challenge those biased attitudes and behaviors in ourselves, others and institutions, we can interrupt the escalation of bias and make it more difficult for discrimination and hate to flourish."
Below that text is a diagram of a pyramid with five ascending sections. The base level of the pyramid is purple, and reads:
"Biased Attitudes"
To the right of the pyramid is text that explains that level, which reads:
"Stereotyping, Fear of differences, Justifying biases by seeking out like-minded people, Seeking out information to confirm one’s existing beliefs and/or biases, Lack of self-reflection or awareness of privilege"
The next level up is blue and reads:
"Acts of Bias"
The text to the right for this level reads:
"Non-inclusive language, Insensitive remarks, Microaggressions, Biased and belittling jokes, Cultural appropriation, Social avoidance and/or exclusion, Name-calling, Ridicule, Bullying, Slurs and epithets, Dehumanization"
The next level up is green and reads:
"Systemic Discrimination"
The text to the right reads:
"Criminal justice disparities, Inequitable school resource distribution, Housing segregation, Inequitable employment opportunities, Wage disparities, Voter restrictions and suppression, Unequal media representation"
The next level up is orange, and reads:
"Bias-Motivated Violence"
The text to the right reads:
"Threats, Desecration, Vandalism, Arson, Assault, Rape, Murder, Terrorism"
The last level at the top is red, and reads:
The text to the right reads:
"The act or intent to deliberately and systematically annihilate an entire people"
End ID.]
The ADL (Anti-Defamation League, for those who may not know) has a lesson on this pyramid at the link below.
The whole point of stochastic terrorism is to gradually get people from one level to the next up, and unless stopped, it can end in genocide and people who support it without any verbal calls to action.
Right now, some very important radqueer traits heavily remind me of my alt-right days, and specifically make me think of how dangerous this can be for anyone, not just minors.
From what I see, radqueers are on the second level of the pyramid, and do contribute to the third level with their treatment of minorities that try to intercept them and pull them out of the pipeline by telling them that their behavior is harmful to minorities.
Part the first- Term hijacking and theft:
Want to know what?
"Trans-Nazi" is not a radqueer term. It's been used in 2012- over an entire decade ago. Neither is "transnazi" as a term either. That comes from 4chan.
I found it here while looking for a tumblr coining post, thinking it was a new term:
This post? Written by a transwoman and the "Trans-Nazis" are described as not respecting transgender people who do not pass or have not had surgery at an event in 2004 for trans people. It's not updated terminology, since the people described would be considered transmeds today. I emailed the writer for more information, and was told that she did not coin the term, but it used to be used in the 2010s to describe anyone who was not transgender in a way the "trans-nazi" did not approve of.
Here's the 2016 use:
Just as a warning, it's 2016 4chan. Transphobia, queerphobia, using otherkin people to discredit queer identities, attack helicopter-type unfunny jokes, slurs, dick photos, and antisemitism await you behind that link. The absence of straight up porn and sexualized minor character artwork is an anomaly.
Here's the important comment on that page to save you the scrolling and triggering (Except antisemitism, unfortunately since I cannot spoiler things in the middle of this post):
"I sexually identify as a transnazi and this thread needs to be put in a gas chamber."
This is a use of the term before radqueers got a chance to "coin" it- and it is directly used to be antisemitic and queerphobic. I actually remember seeing this thread and laughing because at the time I was an alt-right fuckwad bigot. I didn't write that, but I remember that thread.
The current use of "transnazi" by radqueers is in line with that of transphobes, queerphobes, racists, sexists, and antisemites that will not hesitate to kill them if they do not fully commit to being a nazi in one exact way. There is no way to separate where this term came from with that of a radqueer's use of it. Both are in support of nazis, and no list of reasons will ever be good enough to make identifying as a fascist valid. (Yes, I am aware of this bullshit. I technically fit a few of those in my life with the fact that I was groomed to be right-wing and in the pipeline. I have met systems with fucking Hitler fictives who are staunchly antifascist. One of my own system members has his source use a bunch of nazi imagery- and he will not turn up the chance to beat up a nazi and make fun of them. These are excuses for bigotry that fucking 4chan teens use to try to seem like they are a nazi, but only "ironically.")
We all know that transabled, transrace, and transspecies are stolen from other communities. But this example helps illustrate that many of their terms and things they support are hijacked from other spaces, for better or for worse.
How this ties into stochastic terrorism- The normalization of nazis, neo-nazis, and antisemitism that puts jewish people at risk.
"Nazi" has been a dirty word for a while. People don't like having their beliefs linked to people near-universally known to be "Those idiots that killed millions of people in a genocide targeting minorities and had generally bad ideas."
This is where language shifts are useful to bigots.
Instead of "white supremacist," you have people saying they are a "race realist" based on eugenics and racist findings rooted in bad science.
Instead of "nazi" and "fascist," you have the alt-right trying to claim that fascism is a left-leaning belief and that the nazis were so smart. (They weren't. Imagine trying to use dogs as spies without microphones or cameras and then falling for looney tunes-like tactics from the allies. They took things from other cultures to try to legitimize themselves- look at volkish shit. Former Norse pagan here, and the Norse gods would fucking hate nazis and the theft of their culture.)
The nature of shifting the language, even ironically, is to blur the definition until it becomes unrecognizable to the public and can safely radicalize someone without others being aware. People who pick it up might think it's a joke- until it isn't. Like the incels that think jokes about killing women are fine and then get suddenly greeted with members of their community acting on those jokes. It never was a joke from the start- it was a way to make the choice to act on those more desireable.
Nazis rely on this type of radicalization and terrorism because it allows them to not be personally responsible for hate crimes. So, "transnazi" is just another way for them to attempt to hide their true intentions. Anyone who uses "transnazi" is a nazi and should be treated like one.
Right now, in the US, there is an attempt to legislate transgender people out of existence. One of my friends lives in Florida, and has seen people wave nazi flags. I fear for his safety, as well as that of his partner. The nazis are very real, and are often right under our noses, trying to hide themselves. Jewish people have to live in fear of seeing apologists lick the boots of fascists.
If you're "transnazi," you will be killed the second you are no longer useful to nazis.
Edit: 12/8/23 - Replaced "thousands" with "millions" for the victims of the nazis. It's not that I wasn't aware of the correct number. I just have a very hard time conceptualizing giant numbers.
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anti--transid · 29 days
no you're not a "cisharmful, transnazi, transcultleader, transjapanese, panclusterb, irl god", your just a terminally online, parent lacking, unable to get bitches, rando on the internet who cant even ask the person behind the counter at a restaurant for an extra ketchup packet.
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Ily, you're a delight on my dash, but I never know what discourse you're on about <3. I've heard of transabled before I think? But what is radqueer. Do I even want to know
In short, radqueers (or PRATs, as I prefer to call them) are ppl who support shit like “transracial”, “transabled”, “transharmful” (which includes things like “transnazi”, “transracist”, etc), etc. Many are also pro-contact for harmful paraphilias and believe kids and animals can consent.
Very disturbing group of people, to say the least.
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anarchy-flagz · 1 year
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imoanurparentsnames · 7 months
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tumblr ate my original post abt this but anyways here we go again
usually, we stay the fuck away from discourse type topics however
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anyone who uses these types of transid labels I highly suggest getting offline for a bit.
Like trans[insert harming of innocent people here] especially things like transnazi or this transschoolshooter are just like an instant red flag for me because to me it says if cancel culture and the law didn't exist you'd be out here recreating the holocaust or killing kids. These are the kinds of transids that really make me hate that community even more than transabled and trace do because this is promoting traumatic things.
also OP if you were uncomfortable coining this (which, understandable, school shootings are traumatizing coming from someone who has almost been through it multiple times and knows people who have been through it) you didn't have to coin this you really could have said no or deleted the ask.
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the person that ran burningradqueers (who turned radqueer) deactivated prns radqueer blog lol
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