#anti shuriri
darklinaforever · 7 months
Me, when I see people shipping Gwyn & Azriel (Gwynriel), Elain & Lucien (Elucien), Sophie & Fitz (Sophitz), Shuri & Riri (Shuriri), Jon & Sansa (Jonsa), Wednesday & Xavier (Wavier / Wenvier), Elora & Kit, The Doctor & Donna, Feyre & Tamlin (Feylin), Stiles & Malia (Stalia), Katniss & Gale, Glimmer & Adora (Glimmadora), Dawson & Joey, Addie & Henry, Finn & Rey (Finrey), Rhaenyra & Harwin (Rhaewin), Rhaenyra & Alicent (Rhaenicent), Daemon & Mysaria, Daemon & Laena, Daemon & Nettles, Ross & Rachel (Roschel), Mal & Alina (Malina), Mai & Zuko (Maiko), Katara & Aang (Kataang) :
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blacktiredandnerdy · 6 months
Y’all don’t understand how fucking pissed off I am that there’s more Killmonger/T’Challa fanfiction than Shuriri fanfics.
And I’m never forgiving y’all for making a ship that puts Shuri in a relationship with the man who murdered her mom just cuz y’all simp for him. Y’all are so sick and fucking twisted for this shit! 😭😭😭
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fuckitwhenifeelit · 1 year
That post telling me to ship Sh*r*r* instead of Namuri because "omfg why not ship a healthy duo how could you" needs to learn the first rule of fandom:
1. Fuck off if you don't like it.
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I haven't seen Wakanda Forever, but people who ship Shuri and Namor together give me the ick. Y'all realized that Namor killed her mother, right? Like Riri was right there, but you would rather see Shuri be in a relationship with her mother's killer.
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love-too-believe · 10 months
This is what it looks like when you have so much hatred over a fictional ship of two characters that don't exist, that you can't determine fiction from reality and just start making shit up like this man isn't a real person in the real world.
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None of them care to investigate or go update themselves on the situation cause they'll find out their wrong.
Imagine being this vile over a real situation. This man has daughters and a family. This behavior over a fictional character??? Are you kidding me?
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tainted-liquor · 9 months
introducing a new character I’ll write for. QUICKLY.
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anti-tony-god · 2 years
I dont have strong opinions of shuri/namor cuz its whatever I didnt get those vibes but we do remember why reylo was so bad wasnt cuz it was toxic or unhealthy it was cuz it sidelined a black man in favor of a white man and ended up changing the course of the movies because people were so obsessed with it like that was the problem not cuz it was unhealthy. I do think there is smth to say about the age difference between namor and shuri but I definitely dont feel like it should be compared to reylo cuz the entire issue with reylo was racism
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lesbianlores · 1 year
You promise?
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Pair: Drug dealer! shuriri x Anti drug! fem! reader
part two
Warnings: heavy arguing, make up/rough sex, strap! reader receiving, praise kink, strap sucking! shuri receiving, masterbation, plus size! reader, references, reader has locs. (most of the smut is going to be in part two) Not proof read!!
Word count: about 2,000
You’re studying for your exam thats in a couple weeks and you hear a buzz coming from your phone that’s charging in the kitchen. You get up to answer and it’s your friend Jayda, “heyyy biiitchhh” “girl what do you want i’m studying” you said grabbing a bottle of water from your fridge. “you’re such a nerd oh my gosh, anyways there’s this dope party and the whole gang is going you should come with us” you paused, almost like Jayda sensed you were going to decline she continued “and before you say no, consider getting out of your shell for once. The only time you ever go out is to the movies, you never have actual fun so please think about your answer.” she said with a pleading voice then hung up before you could speak.
You nearly slam your phone on the counter, irritatedly sighing and went to finish your studies then head to bed. It’s early in the morning and you wake up to someone knocking on your door. Getting up with a tired yawn you walk to the door and open it to see Jayda. “heyyy biiitchhh” she invited herself in closing the door behind her, “what do you want now?” you exaggerated “Shut up and get ready we’re going to find an outfit for this party cause you’re going” she said while rolling her eyes. “You’re not even gonna let me think about my answer?” you said in an annoyed tone, “listen its a simple house party, not some loud club with strippers and all that crazy stuff. When was the last time you went out and had fun hm?” You sigh in defeat knowing she’s right and said “Fine i’ll go, but if you guys ditch me for one second im leaving.”
You and Jayda have been hopping to different beauty stores and you two finally decided to find an outfit, You guys walk into the clothing store and a dress immediately caught your eye. You damn near ran towards it but one look at the tag and your heart is crushed, realizing its way out of your budget. You were about to turn around with a sad look on your face but instead you bumped into someone. She was incredibly attractive and you scan her appearance, her sharp jaw catching your eye first. You didn’t realize you were zoning out looking at her until you finally look up to see her already staring at you “Are you okay? You seem sad.” She said genuinely concerned. “Oh i’m just fine, I apologize for bumping into you, I wasn’t paying attention.” you apologized, “You’re so cute” she chuckled and turned her head towards the dress you were just looking at.
“Was it this that upset you? I bet it would look amazing on you.” You glanced at the dress and sighed “Yeah that dress is too expensive for it to be a simple silk dress.” you saddened, the stranger smirks, grabs the dress and walks towards the cashier. You give Jayda a confused look across the store and she for some reason is cheering you on with a thumbs up. You follow the stranger “Hey what are you doing? That dress isn’t in your size” you say “It’s in yours isn’t it?” she snapped slightly with that same smirk on her face. You took a step back not only offended but even more confused, “Why are-” you stop realizing she’s about to buy the dress for you “Wait you dont need to do that I can just-” “I’m going to buy it for you and you’re gonna wear it.” she interrupted. You kept silent and watched as she scanned her card and handed it to you. “thanks” you said dryly “Of course beautiful” she said still carrying that smirk while walking away. “Girl oh my gosh do you know who that is? That’s the black panther !” you whipped your head towards her almost giving yourself whip lash “What?!”.
Jade spent the whole car ride talking about her “How did you not realize!” she exclaimed “I’ve only ever heard of her I haven’t seen her face!”.
You’re in the bathroom finishing up your makeup, you take out the dress and eye at it. The “stranger” still lingering in your mind, Jade walks in behind you. “The glorious dress in the flesh” she says sarcastically waving her arms around “oh shut up” you nudge her “this dress is too simple for it to be that expensive.” “Well hurry up and put it on we have 28 minutes.” she says while walking out. You finally put and admired it in the mirror.
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*ouu I am fine, maybe it was worth it* you thought then hurried to finish your hair, taking out the hair rollers and grabbing your purse.
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Jayda snapped her head towards you “Dhuam gurrl what’s yo number” she shouted making you cackle “girl shut up and get to the car” you said still laughing. You finally made it to the party, it being a huge mansion with booming music and people standing outside “Jade you said this was a simple party!” You expressed and she smiled without saying a word. Jayda gets out the car first and you were hesitant to even touch the car door to head out, Jade noticed and opened to door for you. “Girl come on don’t worry i’ll be by your side the entire time” She said calmly “okayy” you slouched you shoulders and got out.
Walking in you could already smell the many drugs that were being used. Weed, vape, and worst of all, alcohol. You turned to look at Jade in disbelief and pulled her aggressively back outside “So not only you lied about the party being “simple” but there is also fucking drugs, are you serious?! You know how bad drugs effected my life and how much I hate it, what made you think bringing me to a place full of it was a great idea?!” You shouted and stared at her waiting for a response “Girl calm the fuck down there is people glaring at us! I didn’t think it was such a big fucking deal don’t be a cry baby it’s not like i’m forcing it onto you!” She screamed back “Ugh you’re such a buzz kill, I try to get you out of your shell and this is the thanks I get? You know what i’m going to another party away from you, you can find a way home.” She rolls her eyes and stormed away.
You watch her leave tearing up and looking back to the house , knowing you’ll have to ask someone to for a ride because you took a week off from work to study so you have no money. Walking back in immediately smelling the awful substances again you search around for specifically a woman considering you have trust issues with men. Unfortunately every women in sight is either drunk off their ass or too busy grinding on random people. You reached the backyard, the sent was getting stronger but you decided to ignore it and started to search more until you were tapped on the shoulder. “yo ma, you lost?” you turned around to see a women smiling at you “Uhh no- well yes I am lost but i’m looking for someone to drop me off home, I just got ditched and I dont have money.”
The woman looks you up and down then speaks “ight i’ll help you, I just gotta run a quick errand, follow me.” You follow the girl upstairs taking this as an opportunity to observe her *Her eyebrows are perfect* you thought, getting lost in her beauty you didn’t notice you were zoning out on her until you bumped into the door hearing a cackle. “you ight?” she said still giggling a bit. “Oh i’m fine I just wasn’t paying attention.” you said embarrassed “you good shawty just stand out here for little a minute i’ll get wchu.” she said as she walked into the room and shut the door behind her. You stood there taking the time to think about what just happened *I swear this happened to be before, i’m getting daja vu*.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice “Hello beautiful, I didn’t think this was the type of party you were shopping for.” You look up to see the “stranger” smiling down at you “Yeah me neither my friend lied to be about what type of party this was, thats why i’m trying to find a way home.” you said trying to take a peek into the room but the women you were walking with came into view and closed the door. “Y’all know each other?” she asked, “No baby we just bumped into one another at a store, I bought that dress for her.” She said turning to stare at the girl “baby?” you thought out loud, only realizing when they both looked from each other to you. “uh- I never got your names” you said trying to change the subject “My name is Shuri” The taller women answered “the names Riri, what’s yours mama?” she asked “my name is y/n” you said fidgeting with your bracelet. “Do we make you nervous y/n?” Shuri questioned “uh-” you’re lost for words “Shuri dont scare the poor girl away.” Riri said nudging Shuri to walk, you follow behind them silently as they started to talk about something you couldn’t figure because of the music.
The two of you reach to the car “Oh my gosh this is your car?” “yup, it’s my baby” she said tapping it, shuri opened the door and you realized there is only two seats. You look back at shuri, her already carrying that signature smirk “Guess you’ll have to sit on my lap pretty girl” She said in a cocky tone getting in the car “But im a little-” “Dont worry about your weight mama she can handle it” Riri interrupted “All of it” Shuri says tapping her lap with one hand, her gaze sending shivers down your spine. You hesitate to get in but as soon as you put a leg into the car Shuri tugs you onto her lap, making your heart jump “ight ma put your address on my phone.” Riri says starting the car.
The whole ride it took everything for you to not move your hips to ease that tension between your legs, Shuri’s hands resting on your thighs not helping. “So what happened between you and your friend?” Riri asks from across you “Well i’m not much of a big party person and she lied to me about the type of party she was taking me to, I still cant get over the fact she knew I hate drugs and still took me to a place surrounded with it.” you said going over it, Riri and Shuri share a look you couldn’t catch. “Such a pretty girl like you shouldn’t have to go through that, i’m sorry” Shuri expresses “Dont be, it wasnt your fault”. Riri finally pulls up to the front of your apartment building “You can stop here.” “Ight shawty, it was nice meeting ya” Riri says giving you a smile, You get out the car and turn to say goodbye but before you speak shuri beats you to it “Whats your number princess?” The pet name making you more flustered, “Why should I tell you?” “Because we want it” Riri answered. Without question you give both of them your number and said your goodbyes.
You took a long shower and changed into a baggy shirt, you’re not so sleepy so you decide to watch short film. The two women you were just with abiding your mind, you start to feel that tingle in your lower region once again. You walked up to your drawer, grabbed your favorite toy and hopped back onto the bed spreading your legs. You turn it on the lowest speed rubbing it up and down your folds letting out a deep sigh of relief, turning the speed up. Not even a few minutes later you hips are bucking and your free and is groping your chest, almost at climax your phone rings. You look at the contact and it’s unknown, as you’re about to decline you remember giving your number to Shuri and Riri, so you turn the toy off to answer. “Hey mama, its me Riri”
“I can tell, what’s up?” you asked “Aww you recognize my voice already? Stop flirting with me.” She said sarcastically “I just wanted to make sure you ight ma, wachu doing?” Riri’s voice making you even more wet, almost completely forgetting you’re on the phone you turn the toy back on. “Ma? You hear me?” “y- yeah im okay, what are you doing.” you managed to say “Me and Shuri are running some errands, Shuri y/n’s on the phone!” You hear her shout to her, you’re fighting for your life to keep your moans in but Shuri’s voice breaks you. “Hey princess” You unconsciously let out a loud whimper, “Yo you good shawty?” Riri says concerned “I just tripped, i’m o-” You hurry to mute your mic as you climax, throwing your head back moaning like crazy . “y/n?” You hear them both call for you but you’re too tired to talk so you just hang up and go to sleep.
You wake up to over a hundred missed calls from two different numbers, “Shit I forgot I hung up.” You were about to open your phone to call them back but you hear a banging at your door. You rush to answer it, swinging the door open “Why the hell-” You see Riri and Shuri looking at you with a concerned eye, “What are you two doing here! How did you get in and how’d you get my door number?” You asked, this apartment being strict about visitors “We have our ways, are you okay? You hung up on us last night and didn’t call us back.” Shuri said inviting herself in along with Riri. “Oh I got caught up with something, it wasn’t serious.” you lied “what was it?” Riri asked, your breathing getting faster “It isn’t any of your business, can you guys leave?” Shuri snaps her head towards you and Riri walked up to you face to face “Who you think you talking to shawty? Be grateful we care about you.” You immediately feel guilty. “I’m sorry, not a morning person.” You confessed, shuri hummed looking around. “I can tell, maybe we should take you out? That’ll cheer you up yeah?” Shuri asks, Riri nodding in agreement “yeah ma you should go somewhere fun, let off some steam.” You smiled “are you two asking me out?” You said half joking. “yes” they both said “so get ready” said Shuri.
You’re walking outside with the two of them and realize its the same car from last night, but before you can speak Riri says “You’re sitting on my lap this time mama.” she winked. Shuri started driving “We’re gonna run a quick errand and then we’ll go out to have some fun.” She said, you noticed that they are always running errands so you asked “What do y’all do to have y’all running errands 24/7?” you asked half joking. Shuri and Riri glance at each other “Don’t worry about it ma” Riri answers and you sigh. Shuri pulls up to this scary abandoned looking building, gets out and goes to the trunk for a black bag “Riri what the hell is going on? Did yall kill someone?!” Riri starts bursting out laughing. “Mama relax we didn’t kill anyone.” she said laughing between words, Shuri comes back stuffing something in her pocket and throws the bag back into the trunk. Shuri entering the car you smell that disgusting sent of drugs, “Shuri whats in that bag?” Riri was about to answer until Shuri interrupts her “Don’t worry about it, it’s nothing dangerous.” She said staring the car, you take a peek at whats in her pocket noticing a clear bag poking out but not enough to see whats in it. You had a plan to wait until she started driving so the bag can slip out further and as you expected, it was weed. “Take me home” you said “whats wrong ma?” Riri asks, “Just take me home!” you snap and Shuri parks to stop the car to look at you as Riri looks up from behind you with her eyebrows frowned. “Listen carefully y/n, I don’t know what’s got into you but you better remember who you’re talking to.” she said pointing her finger at you. Without thinking you opened the car, Riri attempted to pull you back into the car but you throw her hands off you “After what I just told you about my hatred for drugs you hide the fact that you sell it?!” Shuri and Riri looks at you in shock “Get back in the car right now” Riri demands as you starts walking “How are you gonna get home hm? Thats a 30 minute walk” Shuri says driving at your pace “I guess i’ll get some cardio!” They turned to whisper at each other then suddenly Shuri stops the car and Riri gets out to chase you, you wearing sandals didn’t get you far as she grabbed you from behind and pulled you into the car.
A/N: if this disappoints you im so sorry i was rushing and its not proof read AT ALL
(me and bae have been busy all day so i had to post this at midnight 🤭)
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chxxms · 1 year
“shuriri is a inc*st ship” i will break your head shut the fuck uppppppp oh my god.
but nah forreal tho do u lot not know what words mean? do i have to start sending out dictionaries or something??
shuri and riri are NOT related in the mcu or the comics so quit saying that shit, stop pulling out that one comic panel that has been taking out of context cause at this point it’s starting to sound very homophobic and anti black tbh. idc what ryan says about the relationship between them “shuri acting a like big sister to riri” that’s his own opinion on how he views their relationship that’s cool just as i have my own opinion of them having chemistry (romantically) and many others.
u lot will say anything to dismiss a wlw ship and it’s starting to get very weird now stfu
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averageuser2018 · 1 year
These antis are something else 🤣🤣🤣
Listen, I understand why people don't ship Namor x Shuri given the context of Wakanda Forever, but just because something may not be possible or realistic in canon, doesn't mean that people can't have their own interpretations.
Also, why are people more invested in a ship they dislike to the point where they feel the need to infiltrate the tags? I haven't seen nashuri stans do the same thing to the shuriri tags as far as I know.
Edit: I also like to point out how whenever an anti infiltrates the tags and people call them out on it, they either backtrack or act like they're being harrased or threatened.
You were bold enough to post your opinion in a ship tag (you don't even like), therefore, you should be bold enough to recieve different opinions from fans of said tag.
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lesbianismist · 1 year
Drug dealer! shuriri x Anti drug! reader next? 👀
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vampzxi · 1 year
nashuri antis always got some slick shit to say and hiding behind a screen sorry that you’re gay ass ship won’t get any screentime 🤣
and your nashuri content consists of shuri beating the fuck out of that fish fillet nigga get out my face. turn that anon shit off and say it to my face. yall wonder why nobody likes your freak ass. “hide behind a screen” YOU LOSER YOURE BEHIND ANON!!
bouncing and dickriding shuriri shippers so hard do y’all get bored? 😭 get a fucking hobby.
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wehavethem · 2 years
Narumi vs Shuriri, Nabaku vs Shuriri, Nabaku vs Narumi
Stop fighting & let’s address the real enemy here:
They are so annoying & condescending.
Shipping never bothered them before, heck they ship every superhero with their comic book canon love interest & don’t bat an eye. It’s because it’s a black female lead film where the romance isn’t treated like a subplot but an integral part of the conflict. All marvel heroes treat their romances as secondary stuff that isn’t important to the plot
Shipping is a valid way of analysing media & often shows that we are in-fact thinking about the character’s & relationship’s(which is what film is all about) deeply. But it’s mocked because women predominantly engage in it.
Nashuri stans are literally STUDYING the different mythology their relationship dynamic was inspired by, studying the film & their scenes & discussing how their relationship mirrors the politics between their countries. But Namuri/Nashuri stans get accused of self inserting. Even worse, they are accusing the black women here specifically, ignoring the hoards of support from Asian & Latino stans(WE LOVE Y’ALL🥰😍😘)
They deny Namuri because they are so used to Marvel handing them a cookie cutter romance straight out of a comic book that they can’t see the romance blossoming between Namor & Shuri so they’d rather say it’s not there & gaslight Narumi shippers & tell them shipping is dumb
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roseamongroses · 3 months
hi it's the anon who sent the pin links. congrats on canon shuriri in the spider punk universe (most recent spider punk I think? spider punk: arms race)
!!!and i will never shut up about it !!!
anyways, i've been slowly but surely reading thru the spiderpunk comics and i've always loved the concept for riotheart so much
[ imma yap for a moment but it rlly plays into the dif layers of riri's character. she's expected to do " good" by participating in the system yet is forced to face so much structural violence from that same system . AND expected to respond "appropriately" as a "hero" "]
i feel like the riotheart character can do so much to expand on that further since a spider punk narrative is inherently anti-establishment. so i rlly hope the interest in her character leads to more content/ more alt riri universes.
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laninasinamor · 1 year
Lol, I literally just had an anti (and what I'm assuming is a shuriri stans based on their profile). Tell me that dislike nashuri is "basic human knowledge." Mind you, I responded to a post saying that fans were going too far with shipping wars. I never said that people had to like nashuri, I just said that some people feel the need to dump on one ship to uplift the other. They literally just proved the original post' point without realizing it. 🥴
I’m always trying really hard not to generalize the haters. However most of the hate i get are exclusively SHUR*RI shippers. AND THAT F*CKIN SUCKS. they feel very entitled to shuri. 😐💀
i think the funniest part is when they accuse nashurians of self inserting thru shuri to be with namor yet all i see in their tags are shuri x reader. im like 😵‍💫 bruhhh.
i have no problem with reader x anything cuz EVERYONE IS ALLOWED TO SHIP ANYTHING AND ANYONE. but i despise their hypocrisy.
anyways leave the hate and keep enjoying Nashuri nation! 💖👏🏾
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lesbianlores · 1 year
You promise? (Part 2)
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Contains: arguing, make up/rough sex, strap! reader receiving, praise kink, strap sucking! shuri receiving, plus size! reader, reader has locs.
Pair: Drug dealer! shuriri x Anti drug! fem! reader
A/N: The only way you would understand what’s going on is if you read part one. (also I come up with the plot as I write so bare with me 😔)
ALSO this isn’t proof read at all (for now) I was in too much of a rush to proof read
Word count: 2,616
tag list: @mxyx-rx444 @sp5derzworld @studpanther1031 @sleepynggafr
As soon as Riri was able to get you into the car she trapped your arms with one of hers and kept you silent with her free hand. Shuri noticing your refusal to cooperate she yelled “If you do not be quiet you’ll force us to throw you into the trunk.” Her accent getting thicker as she starts the car, for your own good you kept quiet and relaxed onto Riri. Shuri made one wrong turn that made you realize she wasn’t taking you home. You began to panic as you managed to remove Ri’s restraint to shout, “Where are you taking me?!” Shuri getting tired of your mouth, she snapped “andiphindi ndikuxelele!” (I won't tell you again!) she said in her native language. You didn’t have a clue what she said but you’ve never thought she’d be the type to get this mad, and even Riri looked scared herself, so again for your own good you relaxed onto Ri and stayed silent.
Shuri finally pulls into the garage of this huge house then gets out slamming her door storming to your side of the car and pulls you out, Riri quietly getting out after you. With a firm grip on your arm Shuri opens the door into the house and throws you onto the nearest chair, fortunately it has soft a cushion so it didn’t hurt you. Riri finally getting the courage to talk “Shuri I think you’re being to harsh with y/n.” she says concerned, “No, she doesn’t get to raise her voice at us like we weren’t there for her!” You sat there watching until you realized that you were the one who’s supposed to be mad, “What! You two betrayed me, I thought I could trust you and y’all end up being fucking drug lords or whatever the fuck?!” “Also why the fuck did you take me to who ever house this is?! This is kidnapping!” You said slamming your fists on your thighs like an angry child.
Shuri started stomping towards you but Riri was fast enough to pull her back “Look I never thought i’d be the peace maker but all this yelling and shit giving me a headache! Y’all need to chill the fuck out and talk like adults!” Riri said looking back and forth between you two, “Listen y/n and listen carefully, I brought you to OUR house because I knew you weren’t going to let us explain ourselves and call the police to kick us out if I took you home.” Shuri said in a more calm tone, “And we ain’t no drug lords, we drug dealers there’s a difference ma.” Riri said in a matter a fact tone. “I still don’t understand why you would be so interested in someone who’s strongly against your whole lifestyle, I’m not even mad at the fact you do drugs i’m mad at the fact you lied to me and made it seem like what you were doing was nothing.”
“We don’t do drugs.” Shuri said almost offended “We only sell them, the only reason we do is because we got good connections and we get paid for it. I promise you we don’t put that stuff in our bodies.” Riri finishes, you unconsciously let out a long sigh of relief “I’m sorry, it’s just with all i’ve been through I automatically assume the worst.” You cry, “I’m sorry also, I should’ve been so rough with you.” Shuri says “Yeah and we’re sorry for lying, we didn’t want to scare you away.” Riri confesses. With their explanation you decided to forgive them but only on one condition, “Stop selling drugs.” You demanded.
Shuri and Riri glanced at each other before looking back to you “If you really want me you’ll stop, even though you don’t do drugs and only sell them, you’re still giving other people an opportunity to destroy their bodies with that junk. Plus aren’t you the queen of Wakanda? We all know you’re already rich,” You said to Shuri “and aren’t you already getting hella money from doing peoples homework? Y’all really don’t need to do this.” They both gave a look of agreement, “Fine we will stop selling.” said Shuri “Yeah it was a side hustle anyways” Riri agreed. “Good, oh and one more thing” They both give you a look of concern “Buy me breakfast and you have my full forgiveness, i’m starving.” You said walking towards them into a bear hug, making them both giggle.
They decided to order you food instead of going out so they can give you a tour around the house, “- and this is my garden house.” Shuri introduced. “Oh wow this is beautiful, you not growing weed in here right?” You said side eying Shuri making Riri chuckle. “No i’m not growing weed nkosazana (princess)” Shuri said “You better not be, and what does that word mean?” You asked, making Shuri smirk “That’s for us to know and you to find out.” Riri said as she leaded to the last room. “This our bedroom.” Riri says running towards the bed and jumping on it “Oh my damn, that’s a big ass bed-“ “alaska” Shuri interrupted, “What?” “It’s an alaska king sized bed ma, the biggest bed in the world.” Riri continues “What do need such a big bed for?” you said nervously laughing, your head already in the gutter.
You didn’t even notice Shuri was behind you until you felt her hands slide around your hips, pulling you to her “Wanna find out?” she said seductively, Shuri got so close that you felt her breathing on your neck. “W- what’s going on?” You stuttered, you can feel the goosebumps forming as a chill snakes up your back, making you unconsciously arch it slightly. “Oh nkosazana, don’t pretend like you don’t tense up every time we touch you even the slightest, I can smell your arousal each time.” Shuri said smirking at your nervousness, “You thought we didn’t notice? You make it so obvious, I can tell you was fighting for your life to not grind those hips on me in that car.“ Ri said walking towards you with a smirk, “I- I’m sorry i-“ the stuttering got embarrassing at this point. You were so close to passing out by the overstimulation just from their presence.
“Oh don’t be sorry sweetheart.” Shuri said using her long fingers to push a loc of hair out of her way from your neck to give it a series of pecks, Riri pressing her body flesh onto yours to do the same on the other side of your neck. You can feel your arousal getting heavier as your nipples starts to harden, the sensitivity gradually adding to the sensation, making you let out deep and breathy moans as they marked your neck. Your legs feel like noodles as they got weaker and weaker, you held onto Ri’s shoulder to hold yourself up before they both lifted their heads so Riri can lift you up by the ass towards the bed, Shuri following behind her.
Riri gently sat you on the bed and you had the perfect view of them looking down at you, Shuri giving you a slight smirk she says “Give us permission, and we’ll give you what you’ve been craving.” It was silent for a few seconds, your mind is so mushed you barely fathom what she said, Riri sensing that she bent down resting her hands on her knees and said, “What Shuri is saying in simple terms is that we need your consent baby, give that to us and you won’t have to think for the rest of the night mama.” Her lowering her left hand to caress your check as you softly nodded. “Words sithandwa, we need to hear you say it.”
“You have my consent.”
As soon as those words came out of your pretty mouth Shuri was quick to leave for something as Riri pushed you further up the bed by your hips, climbing onto you she goes in for a deep and desperate kiss. Her tongue damn near at the back of your throat, she broke the kiss to tug off your leggings. “Look at that,” She says eyeing at the wet patch on your lace underwear, using her index finger to lightly stroke up and down on making your hips grind into her touch, she let out a quiet chuckle at your desperation. “Where’s Shuri?” You breathed, “Don’t worry mama, she’ll be back.” Riri says flipping you on your stomach and pulling your ruined panties down to your knees, her face getting dangerously close to your heat to the point you can feel her breath every time she exhales, your pussy clinching on nothing. You hear footsteps from the entrance of the room “Get her ready,” Shuri said climbing onto the bed right in-front of you with nothing on but a bra and a thick strap on which you assume was made out of vibranium from the way it was glowing. “Suck it,” Your heart dropped from fear and excitement “get it nice and wet for me nkosazana.” You didn’t hesitate for a second. Grabbing the base you spat onto it, letting the drop of spit roll down before wrapping your mouth around the tip. Shuri let out a shaken moan, resting her hand on the back of her head.
You completely forgot Riri was behind you until she shoved two fingers into your sopping hole without warning, curling her fingers at the perfect spot and thrusting at a medium pace, making you moan onto the strap. The vibrations adding onto Shuri’s pleasure, her throwing her head back biting on her bottom lip. “Fuck mama, you hear how wet you are?” Your pussy was gushing, you didn’t think your mind could get any more mushed, Shuri’s moans and the sounds of your needy cunt filling the room. Riri’s other hand going around to rub your clit, you couldn’t keep up anymore as you lifted your head up for a breath of air. You rest your head on Shuri’s thigh, her thumb rubbing your cheek as an act of reassurance. “I’ve got you baby go ahead and let it out.” Shuri voice nearly above a whisper, finally you’ve reached your high as you grind your hips back on Riri’s fingers, your eyes watering. “Ohmygod” You moaned, your body stilling as you came “Yeah that’s right mama,” Riri says slowing her fingers as your rode out your high.
Riri pulled out her soaked fingers, your body going limp. You watched as Riri put her dripping fingers into Shuri’s mouth, moaning at the sight. “Only one round in and you’re already slut out?” Riri taunted you before they switched their positions, Shuri behind you now. “I guess we have a lot of training to do hm?” Shuri said lifting your ass back into the air while Riri takes off her shorts and spread her legs, “Look at what you did to me.” Her bringing her hand down to rub her clit. Shuri making herself busy rubbing the tip up and down your folds, “Make her cum then i’ll fuck you,” Shuri grabbing a hand full of your ass you lowered your head flattening your tongue onto Ri, she used both her hands to bunch up your hair so she can see your face while she’s using it. “Fuck y/n,” Riri moans, Shuri teasing you by pushing only the tip in motivated you to curl a finger in as Riri finally met her orgasm, you desperately catching her cum into your mouth. “Good girl.” Shuri says before pumping the strap all the way in and putting both her hands on your back applying weight to keep you in a deep arch, your stomach sinking into the bed. “ohhh fuuckk” You’re eyes rolled so hard it felt like they were to the back of your head. “Look at that ass.” Ri says reaching to grope and continuously slap your ass then went back to pull your hair. “pretty girl” she says admiring you, “You’re taking me so well sithandwa.” Shuri moaned leaning back and pulling you towards her with each snap of her hips. Your hands gripping hard onto the sheets, “shitshitshit uuuhnn” You moaned as a tear fell down you cheek. “Tell me how good it feels mama.” Ri said staring deep into your eyes “It feels sho good!” You slurred, Riri dipped down to give you a sloppy kiss as you came, moaning in Ri’s mouth. Your release sprayed so much it managed to get onto Shuri’s stomach, “Shit nkosazana” Shuri’s thrusts got sloppier as she came after you. “You did so good ma, so good.” Ri says rubbing your back, you’d think Shuri was tired until she asked. “Y/n you think you can give me another hm?”
She sounded so desperate, “Fuck no man lemme fuck her for once.” Riri argued, “Okay fine, i’ll go get some food since the food we ordered has been outside for a while. I’ll be back baby.” Shuri said in defeat, taking the strap off and handing it to Ri then giving you a peck. Riri noticed your body was weak and you were still catching your breath, “You good for another round ma?” Ri asks concerned, “mhm” you nodded weakly “Words mama.” She whispered “Yes, I can take more.” You said softly. “I’ll be gentle.” She turned you around and kissed your neck gingerly before she removed your shirt along with your bra to suck on your left nipple while she pinched the other, you let out soft and breathy moans. “Please,” you whimpered “Please what?” she said smugly. “Fuck me.” Riri let out a deep grunt, “It’s hard to stay gentle when you beg like that ma.” She slowly slid the toy back into you, her arms resting next to your stomach keeping herself up. You wrapped your legs around her torso as she pumped into you just right, “Riri~” You whimpered her name, her lowering her head to watch as you swallowed the whole thing. “Fuck mama, you moan my name so pretty.”
She grabbed your hips slamming harder into you, that knot already so close to coming loose. “Cum for me ma, lemme see it.” You pulled her in a hug and digging your nails into her back, she grunted at the pain. “imgonnacum, ahhn” You throw your head back as you gushed, tightening your grip on Riri, it took only a few more trusts until she went completely limp on you. The both of you were breathing so heavy it felt like the room was fogging up, “tired?” you managed to say between breaths. “Hell yea,“ Riri rolled beside you, you both didn’t notice Shuri came back until she came out of the bathroom “I’ve ran a bath for us, cmon baby.” She reached her arms out to carry you.
You were sandwiched between the two, Shuri behind you rubbing the side of your stomach and Riri on your lap kissing your neck. “Y/n, i’ve got a question,” Shuri says “hm?” You hummed “What do you think about moving in with us? I know it’s quick to ask but we really like you princess.” Riri lifting her head giving a look of agreement. “Yeah we want you here with us, you don’t have to answer now you can just think about it.” You nodded “I’ll think about it, I like the both of you too.” You smiled “No rush,” Shuri says lowing her hand to rub on your outer thigh. “I think im too tired to eat now, y’all fucked the hunger outta me.” You admitted, Making them both cackle.
A/N: YOOOO guys…. i’m so insecure abt this idk what to feel, tell me if it’s good or not 😭
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