#another for the peak lord ming fan au
fistfuloflightning · 10 months
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Peak Lord Ming and Hallmaster Luo
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popotobun · 4 months
WIP Wednesday!
Lately I've been working most on my SVSSS fic that's basically a "What if Shen Yuan was a little older and a little more competant". That's it, that's the fic. I have zero idea where it's going to end up, but I've got two chapters worth scribbled down, so that's something! I've also got an outline for a Tangled-inspired Liushen AU that I don't want to start because once I do, I think I'll keep going until it's done and I want to get more done on the longer fic first xD
I've still got plans for the post-MLC fic I'm working on! I really should finish that, since it doesn't have anywhere to go and should just be the one chapter... Who knows. I let words get away from all the time.
I've still got a couple of FF14 WIPs too, though the MSQ follow-along will always be slow going... I do want to finish the Dark Knight fic, but my WoL was in a Not Good headspace when he started that, so it's on a back burner too.
Feel free to Ask me to work on any of these and I'll post a new paragraph~ but either way, enjoy the snippet!
The entire night passed while he read, the morning only making itself known to Shen Yuan when a knock sounded at the entrance to his room and Ming Fan’s voice announced, “Shizun, I left breakfast at the table for you. Please let this disciple know if there is anything further needed.”
“Nothing but privacy, Ming Fan. I am only to be disturbed by meals for the next three days.” While he recovers is not spoken aloud, but carried in the silence that he lets linger a moment longer than it needs to. “Unless another Peak Lord requires my presence.”
Ming Fan bowed and started to leave after confirming the instructions, but was stopped by Shen Qingqiu’s voice adding, “Perhaps I will meditate in the gardens today. If I am not here, let it be known that I am unavailable for company.”
That should cover most possibilities. He was sure Mu Qingfang wouldn’t be back by so soon, but he couldn’t say the same for anyone else. With the worry from Yue Qingyuan that Mu-shidi had mentioned or potential curiosity as to his recent visitors, anyone could come by! And he didn’t want them seeing him practicing basic sword forms like someone who’d never held a sword before.
Since that was exactly what he planned to be doing.
After breakfast of course.
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rarepears · 1 year
March 2023 Masterpost
the PIDW monster name generator
Sung Jinwoo housewife au
SVSSS x Journey To the West AU
TGCF X SVSSS Journey to the West AU
Toji fushiguro X Sung Jinwoo; Megumi thinks Sung Jinwoo is his bio dad instead AU
geralt transmigrates into mobei jun au
we need a hibari!shen qingqiu AU
Luo Binghe is a Gen Z ex-Tiktok influencer who transmigrated into PIDW AU
shen qingqiu and luo binghe transmigrate into Lan Qingheng and madame Lan AU
Shen Yuan transmigrated into the Old Palace Master
Shang Qinghua falling asleep in peak lord meetings because he's Overworked AUwhether this is Airplane or OG shang qinghua is up to you but man i need more fics where people realize that sqh needs LESS WORK
Yue Qingyuan gets turned into a 14 year old girl and he continues to pester Shen Qingqiu in that form AU
Tywin Lannister summoned Sebastian one hell of a butler: the Cersei Lannister POV - AU
shen yuan unknowingly is dating his son's teacher au
Gotham thinks Batman is a Asian twink named Sung Jinwoo AU
PIDW! Shen Jiu was reincarnated into SVSSS and his dad is Ming Fan AU
Shen yuan wifebeams wu yanzi and then its a happy family of two kids and a dog au
tywin lannister x sung jinwoo
shen jiu becomes Sun Wukong’s apprentice instead AU
shen jiu and grandma!shen yuan au 
writing SVSSS fic via polls - Liu Qingge runs into Shen Yuan while on a mission with Shen Jiu AU
luo bingge tracks down his reincarnated shizun who is now named Jiang wanyin AU
Shang Qinghua is actually a god… and he still wrote PIDW AU
shen yuan transmigrates into Mu Qingfang instead au
Shen Yuan and Luo Binghe run into a sexbot in svsss AU
Jiang Cheng finds out that qi qingqi X yu ziyuan was once a Thing while he finds himself a cultivation partner from Cang Qiong AU
batman gets a lap dog named after him AU
another fun svsss X spy X Family crossover is having spy hubby!Shang Qinghua and assassin!mobei Jun but it wouldn't fit quite as well
Sephiroth X Endeavor AU
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More Shen Mei AU, because... gotta.
Continuing after the Immortal Alliance Conference-- frankly, even though the Situation RE the Endless Abyss goes significantly better than [either] canon, Shen Qingqiu is still a mess. He can’t help it nor can he help avoiding his feelings / not wanting to talk to her about it. Which feels awfully familiar. Life repeats itself, huh? Can’t prove he’s grieving if he interprets his Sister being upset at his lack of communication as her grieving instead!! Which thus becomes a bizarre grief ouroboros, both wanting to comfort the other and failing-- him wanting to comfort for the wrong reasons & her utterly unable to break through to him. Frustrating, frustrating.
In any case, she’s sure that things-- that Binghe will be fine, eventually, even if he’s miserable for a little while. Binghe went of his own volition & they didn’t say anything damning, right... they just need to be there for him when he gets back. Problem solved? Maybe. Anyway, though at this point she doesn’t understand the depth of and/or which sort of love it is, Shen Mei is positive that Binghe loves her brother. And Shen Qingqiu loves him.
None of this solves her problems, though. The best she can do to vent her frustration is to talk to either Liu Mingyan [her rival] or Shang Qinghua [weird uncle] about it, as they’re the ones she’s closest to. She gravitates towards the latter, but Shushu is always so busy (and really no more helpful about this than Shen Qingqiu)... so....
Maybe she should count her blessings that her brother snaps out of the worst of it after a few weeks. Which is still when Shen Qingqiu finds out about Airplane (despite his sister knowing for quite a while now). Actually, she insists on being there when her brother confronts Shang Qinghua, because if nothing else this should be entertaining, right? And it’ll save time! Since one or both of them will have some explaining to do--what with leaving Shen Qingqiu out of the loop like that, eheh.
Unfortunately, despite her insistence that Binghe won’t hurt him, Shen Qingqiu is still determined to utilize the Sun-Moon Dew Mushroom. His counter-argument that, even if that IS true... he’s still under the influence of the No-Cure poison. A new body wouldn’t be such a bad thing. There’s really no downside to this, because they ALL know that there’s only one cure for that particular poison. And he’s definitely not going to fuck Binghe, okay?? Even if Binghe doesn’t hate him, there’s no way he can ask for that!! Binghe is his disciple--whom he got poisoned protecting in the first place! Could he even refuse?!
Which. Alright. Fine. Her brother’s got a point. (and, for the record, Qinghua is still ~touched~ that Cucumber-bro remembers such minor plot-points...)
She’s coming with you guys, though. If for no other reason then to get off this damn mountain!! Shen Mei is slowly going insane, because now that Binghe’s gone she also has to contend with Ming Fan/the other Qing Jing disciples more often. Don’t get her wrong, they’ve improved a lot since her brother’s arrival. And it’s not that she dislikes them in particular, however she greatly envies that Airplane & her brother are Peak Lords who can just kinda do whatever. Meanwhile she’s trapped as Ning Yingying.
All in all, the excursion goes roughly the same as it does in canon--just with an additional +1 party member. Though, she’s more like her brother when it comes to Zhuzhi-Lang--and actually tries making Gongyi Xiao apologise. Just sorta: Please excuse my senior, Mr Snake. He's usually really nice... just a little dense sometimes. He’s really very sorry. Right? :|
She also offers to help Zhuzhi-Lang braid/tie up his weird cartilaginous hair, since she’s sure that it must get in the way.... poor thing. This will be important later. Like in-story AND “in another post” later.
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demoniqt · 2 years
Qijiu Week 2022
Day 1 -  Unforeseen Devotion or Bakery AU
Xiao Jiu loves sweets.
His A-Jiu adored sweets above everything else. Paired with bitter tea, brewed and steeped to perfection.
He would sit for hours, looking content with the world with his cup of tea in his hands and his plate of sweet pastries at his elbow.
Yue Qi once watched Xiao Jiu from a small opening in the window of the bamboo house after sending off the Qing Jing Peak head disciple along with a plate of Xiao Jiu's favourite pastries. He didn't mean to peek or to act so suspiciously, but he'd missed Xiao Jiu terribly that day and he'd not seen him for months since the last peak lord meeting.
Ming Fan had delivered the pastries as ordered and Shen Qingqiu had accepted the gifts with barely a glance. After his disciple had left, he'd proceeded to meticulously go through the motions of making the appropriate tea to go perfectly with the sweets.
The sight of Xiao Jiu enjoying every bite of those pastries remained a precious memory to Yue Qi even after multiple reincarnations.
In his most current one, he'd been given the opportunity to learn from one of the most celebrated pastry chefs in the country because his father had the connections to pull to get his son into the best culinary school money can buy.
Despite having not much experience in baking or pastry making, Yue Qi found himself liking his chosen profession. He regularly, if not always, thought of Shen Qingqiu's small smile as he bit into the hawthorn pastry that Yue Qi regularly gifted him back when they were still lords of their own peaks.
Before Luo Binghe ruined it all.
Yue Qi shook his head at that thought. There really was no point thinking of that half demon anymore. That was another life that was long gone now.
Now, he had to focus on getting his tray of chocolate chip muffins out of the oven before the morning rush comes into his cafe and throws a riot. He wouldn't put it past the caffeine-hangry crowd from doing exactly that if his cafe wasn't ready to pander to their every demand by opening time.
After he had graduated top class from the culinary school, he'd proceeded to open a chain of bakeries where he had hired his former classmates as pastry chefs.
In the beginning, it had worked well for Yue Qi, who planned their seasonal menus and manage the running of the bakeries from the main headquarters with his team of managers.
But things happen as usual and both his pastry chefs in the branch located within TsingHua University fell ill and Yue Qi himself rolled up his sleeves to take their place for the week.
Normally, he would have hired temps but he had been feeling a little restless recently and wanted a temporary change in environment, so he'd taken up his baking apron and left everything else for his team to manage.
The sound of the bell rang as his first customer of the day entered and Yue Qi peaked out from behind the counter where he was arranging the cake display.
His greeting died on his tongue as long-missed but familiar emerald eyes stared back at him in shock.
End day 1 - Bakery AU
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hey-hamlet · 3 years
Can I ask what happens in the another way by day(?) au after Shen Yuan appears in PIDW? Or the videogame au, what sort of glitches does he make the best use of to the System’s dismay? Whichever you’d rather talk about, I love all your AUs :)
In this AU, poor Binghe had litterally the world's worst timing, because Shen Yuan died in his old world the literal week before disiple selection and it was at that point that Shen Jiu realised he was dead and gone, so, yeah, poor Binghe got tea poured on his head, but he wasn't beaten because Shen Yuan did manage to signifigantly soften up Shen Jiu in the time they were together (modern sensiblities around that sort of thing rubbed off on him!).
Ming Fan finds out Binghe mentioned his mother and he was like "oh shit, yeah, terrible call, shizun's in mourning."
And then the weird man who looks so much like shizun shows up, looking half dead and feverish and the whole peak is like "OHHHHHHH ThATs WHY".
SQQ calls YQY over in a panic like "ITS A-YUAN AND HES DYING QI-GE PLEASE" and YQY, for a moment, is like "is it,, reallly?" and then he sees the man looking like a younger xiao-jiu, but sickly and pale, and hes like "oh. yeah. that's a-yuan." and the two of them panic for a hot minute before SY wakes up enough to laugh at their panic, and say its nice to meet the properly for once, before falling unconcious again.
Lets just say MQF has never been summoned so frantically by any two peak lords before.
(SQQ and YQY say Nothing about SY, other than to say he's their brother and he's staying. SY has a fully formed core but no idea how to cultivate, so he sits in on juniour classes where he becomes Everyone's Favourite. Everyone falls in love with him, and YQY and SQQ are united in trying to protect their stupidly naive younger brother. It actually causes them to build a real relationship that isn't based on guilt. SY is very smug, because even if he has no idea why they keep kicking LQG off the peak, he's still aware they are working together because of him. LBH is standing in the background, holding a tray of sweets and feeling equally smug that SQQ can't kick him off the peak bc he's the only peak lord who doesn't use corporal punishment.)
As for the game AU, first thing he does is glitch his points into a negetive value, essentually setting them into an impossibly high possitive value the game can't read, giving him infinite points. He can buy anything he wants from the perk store and 100% enjoys his purchased coffee and chocolate. That also means he can skip any plot critical mission he likes, and can say anything he wants to Binghe!
He also uses a lot of wrong warps to just. teleport around the country. You want a sun and dew flower seed? well - first you have to overload the system memory by carrying 9 items in your hand rather than the intended 8, roll dash into a loading zone before the game can correctly load the next location, and use a short range teleportation talisman. You'll be teleported to a brand new loading zone, depending on the items you held : ).
He abuses this to just casually visit Binghe in the abyss while he gets a handle on his demon blood - no angst here! Just a good student going on a very long fieldtrip. The other peaklords think he's in denial about LBH's death, but his disiples have 100% seen the lights on in SQQ's kitchen, and they know the man wouldn't let anyone else cook there!
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rarepears · 2 years
Procrastination you say? Okay I got you. SY being a meme icon without even knowing it. Whether he introduces memes to the unsuspecting cultivation world or keeps quoting modern world memes/slang that is funny for us, the audience, but confuses the heck out of the other peak lords/disciples. And it gets to the point that SY just stops caring if he gets caught that if he gets annoyed enough he will only talk to you in memes and you just gotta figure it out or stop talking.
Now I have the image of Shen Yuan getting really embarrassed so he just... backs away from the other peak lords and melds into the bamboo forest to be never seen again.
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Shen Yuan's behavior appears so weird to the other peak lords, that they wonder, again, if he's been possessed. "That's ghostly behavior, isn't it?" Liu Qingge asks, pulling his sword out to cut down all the bamboo on Qing Jing peak in order to "rescue" Shen Yuan.
Or when Shen Yuan scolds a male disciple (probably Ming Fan for simping over Ning Yingying let's be real) for being horny with a slap of his fan (bonk) and "go to horny jail", the disciple bursts into tears. Going to jail has a much stronger negative connotation in cultivation China setting than in the modern AU. It's not something to be joking about since government officials would be involved and the student's reputation ruined as a delinquent and troublemaker.
In fact, a lot of slang words just wouldn't make sense to other cultivators. "I want a piece of that ass," Shen Yuan exclaims while they were out in town to pick up some treats for the peak students. Luo Binghe, the peak's human pack mule, gives his shizun a weird look - it was rare that he heard Shizun curse, but he normally order heard it when Shizun thought he was alone in his bamboo cottage - but he proceeded to knock out the man and strip the man off in preparation of serving Shizun a slice of the butt meat. What for, he didn't know, but what was a filial disciple supposed to question the wisdom of his wise teacher?
Needless to say, memes do not fly well. Both literally and figuratively.
(Mu Qingfang thought Shen Yuan was having another qi deviation when Shen Yuan, thinking it was just him and Shang Qinghua left in the meeting room, pointed at a butterfly and asked, "is that a butterfly?" Shen Yuan spent the two days in Mu shidi's halls for medical observations in case his "nonsensical speech" was a warning sign of an upcoming qi deviation.)
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