kindsokind · 1 year
it’s so funny to see someone stamp proshippers dni on their blog when they clearly ship two particular blorbos together. like they really go ‘shipping is only okay if it’s between these two specific (fake, not-real) characters that i love, everyone else is sick in the head for make-believing other fake, not-real characters are together, don’t even talk to me you freaks’
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lovelybrooke · 1 month
I want to put my two cents into the whole “ant-dark fiction” debate because I think it ultimately boils down to people not being able to understand viewpoints outside their own, ON BOTH SIDES.
Resently I saw a post of someone saying something along the lines of “please stop writing fanfics of woman being r*ped” and I saw a bunch of people in the comments and reblog a essentially saying “welp, guess tumblr isn’t for you” and I think that’s just in bad faith.
People are allows to not like fanfic the glamorizes SA, HOWEVER, on the other side, people are allowed use fanfic as a coping mechanism or a safe way to explore fantasies. I personally think that because Tumblr isnt an app like TikTok with an algorithm, meaning in order to consume content you have to search it out, I think it’s ultimately your responsibility to read tags and make sure you’re safe. You can’t police everyone because it makes you uncomfortable. On that same note, if you write dark fiction you need to recognize how putting your kinks/ fantasies out their can effect people, because contrary to popular belief, it does effect people.
I hate how Proship/ Antiship discourse has runined fandom spaces. I hate how people see the discourse as black and white, it you support this one thing you’re a terrible person, if you don’t support this one thing you’re great. I hate how the discourse has ruined fanfic as an art form and has discouraged people from using fanfic as a way of dealing with their trauma, AND I also hate how people are unwilling to recognize that the things they put onto the internet is going to effect people. Controversial take, but fiction does effect reality.
It effects reality when you put posters of your favorite character on your wall. It effects reality when you cry because your favorite character died. It effects reality when your reading fanfic or drawing fanart of your favorite character. It effects reality when you sit here on your bed writing all this shit for most people not to care. If fiction didn’t effect reality then most fiction wouldn’t be loved today. Fiction effecting reality isn’t always a bad thing, people just like to paint it that way. But it can also really harm people who might not be in good mental shape. I KNOW that yandere behaviors are bad in real life, that’s why I can read Yandere fanfiction and be perfectly fine. But there are actual people on this app acting like Yanderes, talking about how they want to hurt themselves or other people for their “love.” That is fiction effecting reality in a negative way.
Either way, I think we need to start understanding and acknowledging viewpoints outside our own. Instead of rushing to say “we’ll actually I use non-con fanfic to cope from my on SA” any time a person slightly critiques dark fiction, actually take the five seconds to understand their viewpoint and why they might be upset/ uncomfortable when you post about how badly you want to be non-coned by some hot anime boy. It’s weird, especially if you’ve gone through that first hand. It isn’t glamorous or sexy, it’s traumatizing and people are allowed to fee that way. People are also allowed to use their blog to explore dark tropes in a safe way with people that also want to explore those tropes, and commenting on a post that clearly says DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT with “how dare you write fanfic about SA, you’re a terrible person!!!!” Is also not helpful in any way.
Tdlr: other people exist that aren’t you. They experience and deal with trauma in different ways and no one should be shamed for that. Pro/Anti-ship discourse has ruined fandom spaces forever, and fiction does effect reality and that’s not a bad thing.
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yourfaveisananti · 19 days
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knives chau is an anti!
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nangbaby · 1 year
I guess another reason why this anti/proship debate has spurred me to write so long about it is because so many of the big name Sailor Moon blogs proclaim to be proshippers.
Many Sailor Moon fans are acting like I am anti and that I police people's use of work. But the reality is, for the past, oh 30, years, since the franchise's inception, Internet fans have acted as fanpols in the Sailor Moon community.
You see about 30 years ago, Sailor Moon aired on American and Canadian TV. Sailor Moon is an old anime. It was the story of Serena and her friends and it was awesome.
However, Internet fanpols wouldn't have it. They would go on campaigns to "educate" fans about Sailor Moon and how she wasn't really Serena even though she was called that in the dialogue. They went on campaigns to mock people who did not use the names found either in the Japanese language version of the anime or in the manga.
I argued then that as I argued now, that author intent is pointless, and that the character shouldn't be seen the "correct" way aside from that was portrayed in the episodes themselves, and that people should be allowed to see the characters "incorrectly." For instance, one of the characters was female, but in the Japanese version, this character was male. The argument was that because that character was assigned a gender, they had to stay that gender and that no other way of looking at the character was allowed. It was your standard TERF arguments applied against fictional characters. My argument was that it didn't matter what the gender character was assigned but how the character was displayed and there was nothing wrong with seeing this character as female.
The end result of all this fanpol interference is that they won. The Sailor Moon that actually aired on TV over 20 years is completely unavailable from a legal standpoint. It has gotten so bad that people have watched the new Sailor Moon episodes and reporting remembering seeing these episode as kids.
Now that those fans got what they wanted and not only erased decades of precedent they want to claim they are proship. Not when you harassed fan artists who dared give Neptune or Uranus male love interests, when you laughed at fan theories, and most importantly, you made fans of the actual Sailor Moon they watched on TV feel unwelcome because they didn't like Sailor Moon the "correct" way.
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damnfandomproblems · 1 year
#4048 There isn't such thing as "a proship" or "an antiship" lmao. There are just two fandom specific words, proship and antiship, and they are nouns used to define someone's mindset over fictional content. Proship is being against censorship, against book burning, against bullying people for liking to watch movies + read + write stories about murder, abuse, etc, and in favor of libraries and archives. Antiship is the opposite of that. Which is basically puritanism. A lot of anitship (cont.)
(cont from previous message)
("anti" people) often only grab their pitchforks when they see someone interested in a movie, book, ship, etc, or interested in writing something, when the dark content has some kind of sexual aspect involved. For example antis won't usually go after someone who watches the movie "Prisoners", even though it's full of graphic physical assault, but as soon as someone says they like whump involving sex, or that they have a rape kink (one of the most common kinks among cis women fyi), they lose their minds.
Many antis are also hypocritical in that sense. They are interested in shows like Hannibal, ehich features gore, murder, cannibalism, mental abuse and torture, medical abuse, etc, and they see nothing wrong with enjoying that fictional content (which is the right mindset to have, they KNOW it's just fiction), but they don't use that same rule for fictional content that has sexual assault involved. Immediately, unsubstantiated claims of "they're getting off to it!"
The rules apply to everyone else but them. "The totally fictional content I like is fine, but the totally fictional content YOU like is bad." Off tumblr and outside of fandom spaces, these two mindsets are just called "common sense / being against censorship" and "being a kink shamer and book burner" respectively. I for one don't use "proship" since it's vague as fuck and confusing and half the internet is using the wrong definition, so I just say I am against book burning and puritanism. End.
/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /
Posting as a response to a previous problem.
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bibliophage413 · 8 months
if you have strong opinions about proship and anitship discourse in either direction you are not an adult. you do not know how to consume media like an adult. every time i see a post with a dni proship or dni anti ship i feel myself turn more and more into an old man who yells at kids to get off my lawn.
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yourfaveisantiship · 1 year
it's canon, he sent a girl to jail for shipping vegetables
that's the archaic and outdated version of anitship I don't want to associate myself with
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klugpuuo · 1 year
i blocked exactly one person ad now 90% of the anitship tag is just. Gone
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lemuel-apologist · 2 years
I think anon means anitship. As in people who dont like pedo ships or incest ships. the dog whistles you've been posting are saying you dont like that stuff. The opposite are proship, who do like that stuff (in its simplest terms.) I dont consider myself either cause I dont like getting into discourse, but I suppose I'd be classified as anti because I think incest and pedophilia is gross.
yeah, im not into discourse and, like i've been saying, people like that need to stay far away from me. i guess, based on this, that if i were to be put into one camp, anti would be it.
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thebigteenpromrpg · 7 years
Congratulations, TJ! We’re so excited to welcome you to the group as FINN HUDSON. Please head over to the new member checklist so you can get your account ready, and once you’re done submit it to the main. Please send us your account within 24 hours!
Name: TJ
Age: 17 [I’m actually 18 in a few months. Yeet!]
Time Zone: GMT
Activity Level: 8/10 usually because I’m always around but I have exams coming up which may slower things down for study but I’ll let you admins aware of when that is happening. I usually have a lot of time to be on and I’m highly active on weekends and Friday evenings as I finish school very early on Friday’s.
Previous RP Accounts: Removed for Privacy
Anything Else: Removed for Privacy
Desired Character: Finn Hudson
Sexuality: Pansexual/Panromantic.
Extracurricular Activities: Captain of the Football Team.
Character Questionnaire :
JBI: Reports have spotted you and the school emo freak, Rachel Berry, hanging out. Care to Comment?
Would you stop calling her that for starters? Don’t be a jackass, dude. There’s nothing to say. After she tried to kill herself, she just needs more nice things and people around here. And I like to think I’m a pretty nice dude?
JBI: What’s your take on all the prom drama going on this semester? And readers are curious, are you considering running?
In any normal case, I would totally see no harm in running but it’s become this super big deal which it isn’t. I thought prom was just for fun and not some Olympic game sport, you know? I probably won’t unless I’m dragged into this mess, which I already am. People really espect me too.
Removed for Privacy
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lovelybrooke · 1 month
Do you support dark fiction or not? I don't want to be following somebody who thinks like that if you do.
Dude what do you classify as dark fiction because some people would say I write dark fiction. I assume you’re talking about the earlier post I made, so like I said, it’s complicated.
I can’t control what people write, but I personally don’t like a lot of the stuff that falls under dark fiction (non-con, incest, SA, etc). However, I also don’t believe in harassing people if they write dark fiction.
And either way dude, I write yandere fics, I assumed for the longest time those just automatically count as dark fiction, regardless what’s in it. But maybe I’m wrong.
Unfollow me if you want, but you’re going to have to make that decision yourself. I’m not going to give you a black and white answer, sorry.
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nangbaby · 1 year
"Those antis go after fan creators they can reach and not actual published creators of original works," proshippers say. "Antis just want to punch down. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk."
Or, you know, because shipping is a fandom thing and they don't go after original creators because those creators aren't part of the fandom.
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yourfaveisananti · 18 days
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jade Harley for @yoylecake420 !! couldn't find dog tier version, so so sorry!
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nangbaby · 1 year
I know I've written this before, and I'll write it again.
One of the greatest inconsistencies of the people who call themselves archivists and "anti-censorship" is that many of those same people actively and unrepentantly championed for the version of Sailor Moon dub that I grew up with to become lost media.
So many of them argue "fiction cannot harm you" as they policed the Sailor Moon fandom and rendered the actual canonical material into non-existence. In fairness, a few of them have belatedly realized they didn't intend for the old dub to be completely yanked away, but the vast majority of the proshipper Sailor Moon fandom rendered the old dub "problematic "and thus "not worthy of existing."
Basically, they're not proshippers. They're antis who hate antis.
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nangbaby · 1 year
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The next time anyone tries to argue, "Blocking people isn't telling them to kill themsevles," see the screencaps above.
People who block others want them to do die.
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nangbaby · 1 year
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Imagine someone telling you that you are a human being in a world of other human beings that annoy you, so you shouldn't hate people for existing, only to block you instead of putting up with you like they said people should do. All while their fans encouraging people who disagree and who point out problems with forced interactions with children to die.
That's so @raven.
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