theauthor2103 · 1 year
AU where Professor YN and Professor Dimitrescu share a dance together. Art by iandipen
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You leaned back in your office chair, kicked your feet up on your desk, and rested the back of your head in your hands. It had been an extremely long day at the college grading midterms, each professor had been shut up in their office with their heads in papers and computers, laptops, and MacBooks. The students were enjoying their first day of spring break while you and the other professors were hard at work. The college halls were empty and eerily silent, which left you feeling unsettled. It was simply unnatural to for the school to be this quiet, there was always the sound of people walking up and down the halls, keys dangling from lanyards, pens and pencils writing on paper, the clicks of keyboards from people typing.
You decided to put on some music to calm your nerves while enjoying your lunch break. Most of the professors would be going to the break room to enjoy lunch provided by the Headmistress from a local restaurant. It was a nice way to end the quarter before going on break, but you decided not to go. It was your first year teaching at this college and you had too many papers to grade since you decided to take on an extra class. You you wanted to get home a decent hour rather than being stuck past 7pm. You decided to bring snacks to eat during the day instead of having a lunch, that way you wouldn’t get distracted by the staff lunch and could get work done. You knew that if you walked up to the professor’s lounge, it would be over. There would be no way you would get any more paper grading done, so you decided to work in your office and spend your lunch break dozing off for just a little bit while listening to the music play.
You smiled when the sound of Glen Miller’s Moonlight Serenade came on and sighed out. That song always calmed you down and put you at ease. You turned the volume up all the way, put the song on loop, and leaned back in your chair again. It wasn’t like there was anyone around that would complain about the music being too loud, and even so it was just Glen Miller. Who would ever complain about this song?
“Why Miss L/N, I didn’t take you for a fan of Glen Miller,” said a low voice from the door. You smiled and sat up in your chair to greet your friend, turning the music down a bit. “There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me, Professor Dimitrescu.” Alcina strut into your office and tutted at you.
“Sleeping on the job? I thought you said you would be getting your work done today, and yet here you are,” she sat down on your desk, pulling the ends of her skirt down, “lulling about.”
“Everyone deserves a nice break, Alcina. I believe it was you who originally told me that and stressed how important it is to not overdo it,” you said, eyes closed and leaned back in the chair.
“I believe what I said was don’t overdo it, not sleep on the job. Perhaps I should report your insubordination to the headmistress,” she teased you, smiling back.
“Snitch,” you teased back. Alcina rolled her eyes at you and stood up from your desk.
“I came to collect you for the spring break party,” the taller woman said, crossing her arms over chest.
“Oh, I’ve had my fair share of spring break parties. My parties days are over I’m afraid, but you kids have fun.” You waved your hand and playfully shooed her off
“Kids?” Alcina smiled at you and rolled her eyes, looking at a rubix cube, a stress ball, and some squishy dinosaur toys you had on your desk. “I’m older than you.” Alcina placing her hands on her hips and leaning on her foot. You felt your face blush and swallowed, the ends of Alcina’s mouth curving upward ever so slightly. The two of you had been flirting with each other ever since you started working at the college.
“It hardly shows. I swear, when I first met you I thought we were the same age.” She blushed and chuckled a little, her voice rumbling in her chest. You wanted to feel the vibration of her vocal cords in your mouth and kiss her. This little game of cat and mouse you two had been playing since the beginning of the year was itching away at you. You weren’t entirely sure if Alcina had the same feelings for you, or if she was just indulging herself.
“Charming as always,” Alcina said. “Now are you coming to lunch or not?”
“Eh, I don’t think so. As much as I’d like to, I won’t get any work done for the rest of the day if I go.”
“I can understand that,” Alcina nodded. Moonlight serenade began to play again and she smiled, slowly swaying her head back and forth. “I do so love this song.” You smiled up at her and stood from your chair, leaning against the desk.
“I do too. It really calms me down.”
Alcina smirked at you and batted her eyes gently. “Am I making you nervous?”
“No, no,” you chuckled nervously, “I just- you know, it’s been a long day with these papers. Just spikes up my anxiety sometimes. That’s all.”
“Well, don’t let me keep you from your work.” You frowned and felt your heart sink. You didn’t want her to leave, you wanted to spend more time with her. Work be damned, you could always come in tomorrow and do the rest.
“Oh no, no. You’re not keeping me from my work.” You tried not to seem too obvious and attempted to be cool about it, not wanting to come off as desperate. Again, the ends of her lips curved upwards as you walked over to her from the other side of the desk. She looked you up and down quickly, her face glowing from the sun’s rays, wrinkles and laugh lines more defined.
“Good,” she said, stepping closer. You were inches from each other. You could feel your face heating up and you had butterflies in your stomach. Alcina reached up for a loss button on your collar shirt and buttoned it up. “This was lose.” You both stepped forward slightly, the music ringing in your ears. For months now, you wanted to grab the older woman’s face and smash your lips onto hers hard, rip her clothes off, run your hands down her back and hold her close to you in your arms.
“Thank you,” you said. “Umm….” Should you take a chance? “Alcina, I was wondering….” What if she said no and rejected your advances? Did she actually like you, or was she just stringing you on? What if you mistook her friendship for something more? What if she felt uncomfortable by you and stopped talking all together?
“Yes YN?” Alcina asked, looking back into your eyes.
“Would you….” You were too nervous to ask her and instead let your body do it for you. You reached a hand up, offering a dance. Alcina blushed down at you and took it. You felt your face melt off from heat and your stomach leaped. You felt her fingers close around your hand and placed your hand on her hip while she rested hers on your shoulder. You awkwardly swayed back and forth on your feet and held Alcina close.
“YN, do you actually know how to dance?” Alcina asked chuckling. You were far too happy to care, lost in her beauty and enjoying this moment that you had been killing for.
“No, not really.”
“Well, perhaps I’ll teach you.”
“You know… I would really like that.”
“As would I.” You felt your heart melt and followed her lead, trying not to step on her feet. Having Alcina in your arms like this, dancing with her, moving your hips with hers, it was a dream come true. Not exactly how you pictured things going, but it was even better than what you imagined. You wanted more of Alcina, wanted to spend more time with her, wanted to know her better, you wanted her to love you back. You fell hard for this woman the day you met her and you were getting antsy and impatient after all these months of waiting. You didn’t want to scare Alcina off knowing she did not trust most people and waited patiently for her.
It finally paid off. Alcina rested her head on your shoulder and wrapped her arms around your neck. You locked your arms around her waist and held her close to your body. “You know, I’ve liked you for some time now, YN.”
“Really?” you smiled. Alcina lifted her head up slightly.
“Have I not made that clear with all the passes I’ve made and the flirtatious jokes?”
“Hahaha, no you have. I just… I respect you, Alcina. I know it’s hard for you to trust people and I don’t want to push you. But, I really like you.” You gently began rubbing her back softly as the music played on.
“Thank you, YN. I know I can be… difficult sometimes at reciprocating feelings.”
“Worth the wait, Professor.” Alcina smiled and looked at you. You stared back at her and grinned, leaning in to her face until her lips touched yours. Alcina gently caressed your face and deepened the kiss with you. You held her tightly against you, not ever wanting to let go of this perfect woman.
Yeah, the wait was definitely worth it.
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cinderspots · 2 years
@spacehumanwrites @stillproblemalwaysgay @angstyanon0
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immasimp730 · 2 years
Alright so, i haven't been on tumblr for a while.
But i really need to know, what happened to angstyanon0???
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I did see angstyanon0 last post saying it was going to be "my last post" (i forgot what pronouns angstyanon0 uses im sorry) i have seen the notifications of angstyanon, but i didn't click or read them much due to me starting school. I don't really remember much of what the notifications were saying.
But, what happened to angstyanon0? Can someone please tell me?...
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What if Alcina got a call from her drunk gf? Drunk gf just in another room but calling Alcina like “Hey… what are you doing?”
*phone rings*
Alcina: "Mother Miranda, I-"
Reader: "My lady! What .. what are you doing?"
Alcina: "... pet? Where are you??"
*hears a thud in the other room before the line goes dead.*
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satan-was-a-writer · 2 years
Per that one request where the reader and Daniela were playing in the kitchen and the reader burned their hand with fire and boiling water (Christ, Y/N) and Alcina gives them a stern talking to, can you write that out?🥺🥺
Please and thank you
Of course, bestie!
- Salem
Daniela's Talking To
"Daniela! You know what I said about playing in the kitchen!" "But-" "What happened last time?' "I-" "Show me what happened last time."
Daniela points to a crimson mark on the kitchen's stone floor. It still appears to be fresh. And it is...it is from the day before yesterday. Daniela had yet to clean it up.
"Daniela! Didn't I instruct you to tidy up this terrible mess?" "Oh, I forgot!"
Alcina sighs and raises her hand to lift Daniela's head. "Draga mea...You see why I warn you not to play in the kitchen." Daniela nods, feeling a bit guilty.
"I understand, but it's f-" "No. It's not fun to go against my word. It might do you or others harm." "But." "Grounded. To your quarters. No sickle." "But, mother!" "Don't 'But Mother' me."
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Y/N's Talking To
"Now it's your turn."
Alcina leads you to the lavatory by your unburned hand. She pulls bandages and burn cream from the cupboard. She speaks to you as she is tending to your burn.
"How could this have happened?" "Nothing happened! It just burned!" "Mhm?"
As Alcina applied the cream, you hissed. "Nothing at all." She says with a sigh and a roll of the eyes. You finally fess up. "So we were putting our hands towards the flames. We were competing to see who could keep their hand in place the longest." Her eyes widened before she abruptly stopped you. 
"How did you come up with the brilliant thought to play such a game?" "Well..." "Well?" "It sounded like fun at the time!" "It was enjoyable to go against my word at the time?" "Yeah?" "Wrong."
"Okay." You whisper, it comes out as a squeak. "You ought to know better." As she finishes tending to your wound, she mutters. "That was irresponsible and disrespectful to me and my word." Her voice demands you maintain eye contact with her as she speaks. "That is something you will never do again. Ever." She makes her way to the restroom door. "You are no longer permitted to enter the kitchen. Is that clear, mea draga?"
"Of course, Alcina."
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❛ you remembered? ❜ Alcina learns Angsty’s name
Alcina smiles softly. “Of course.” She gently tucks a lock of Angsty's hair behind her ear. “I would never forget the name of my love.”
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dani-dimitrescu · 2 years
MOTHER! @angstyanon0 was very mean to me! She send me to my room but I didn't do anything bad :(
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darkest-writer · 2 years
Heyyyyyyyy bestie🥰
Hello there!
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alcinadimitrescuwu · 3 years
Hello! Can I request an Angsty fic where the reader has been having a really hard time with things just in general like maybe family stuff and their life and whatnot? And the reader tries to keep all of this from Alcina because she doesn’t want to bother her with all of their shit because Alcina is really busy, but of course Alcina notices a change in the reader becoming more secluded, silent and a little depressed. Maybe Alcina decides to talk with the reader about their sudden change in behavior? Sorry if it’s a lot, I’m kind of an angst lover. My nickname is actually Angsty Anon😛 go figure.
Sorry for the wait! Enjoy!
Warning: Graphic Description of Panic Attack, Injury
You hum to yourself as you head over to the drawing room to light the next fire in the grate. It’s a lovely autumn morning and the leaves outside the castle have already turned into spectacular shades of gold, russet, and auburn. You take out your key to open the drawing room door, but before you have a chance, a hand snakes out and snatches you within.
You feel strong arms push you up against the double doors and smell gardenia perfume and can immediately identify your captor. Lady Dimitrescu smiles at the look of shock on your face, brushing a loose strand of your hair aside.
“You’ve been rather busy this morning,” she husks, letting her fingers travel down your face and to your collar, where she begins to unfasten your buttons. “I was wondering if you’d like to take a little break?”
Tempting, so tempting. You smile and resist the urge to sigh as she fastens her plush lips to the side of your neck. “I still have other fires to light, my Lady,” you tease. “You don’t want the castle to get chilly don’t you?”
“They can wait, pet,” she says, taking your chin in her hand and running her thumb over your bottom lip. “It won’t take long. You’ll find I can accomplish a lot in a short amount of time.”
You can’t resist her. Not with seeing her aureate eyes glazed over with desire or her lips parted so invitingly. You nod your assent and she presses her scarlet lips hard against yours, her hands carding themselves in your hair, loosening it out of its tightly braided bun.
Suddenly a knock comes at the door and you hear the brogue of the housekeeper, Mrs. Fischer. “Y/N? There’s a telephone call for you downstairs, dearie.”
“Tell whoever it is, it can wait,” Alcina murmurs against your lips.
“It’s from your mother.”
And just like that, Alcina immediately sets you down on the floor. You give her a look of apology. “I’m sorry, my Lady, but-”
She smiles with understanding. “Go, dear,” she says gently. “I know your mother rarely calls and it must be something important. I’ll be here when you get back.”
You give her a chaste kiss on the lips before following Mrs. Fischer outside.
As you follow Mrs. Fischer to her sitting room downstairs, you try not to let your mind run wild with worst-case scenarios. After all, your aging parents were the reason you had taken up employment at Castle Dimitrescu in the first place. Every lei you made went towards their well-being.
Mrs. Fischer opens the door to her sitting room and the phone is off the hook, waiting to be answered. “I’ll step away to give you some privacy,” she says. “I’ll be just outside if you need anything.”
You nod and pick up the phone as she closes the door softly behind her. “Mother?”
“Hello, Y/N,” the voice on the other line says cooly. “I called to let you know something has happened.”
“What is it?” you ask, feeling your breath catch in your throat.
There is a sigh before your mother continues. “Your father has fallen and broken his hip.”
You feel the room sway around you and you sink into the chair next to the desk. “W-How?”
“He fell while trying to get out of bed. You know mornings aren’t usually the best for him.”
“I’ll go home. Right now,” you announce as you stand up suddenly from the chair, stumbling a little as you feel your knees start to shake. “I’ll book a train and I should make it by tomorrow morning if I leave tonight.”
“That’s not why I called you,” your mother snaps. You hear her take a deep breath and she goes on in a more gentle tone. “I called because with all the extra medical expenses, we might need you to work extra hours.”
“Of course,” you say thickly, swallowing against a big lump forming in your throat and wiping away tears of frustration that threaten to spill over. “I’ll work as much as I can, whatever you need.”
“Thank you. And, dear, please don’t let this worry consume you. We’ll be fine.”
“All right,” you say, suddenly feeling nauseous. “I love you.”
“I love you too, dear. Goodbye.”
You set the phone back on its hook and just stare blankly at the wall. Mrs. Fischer eventually comes back in and pulls up short when she sees your expression. “Y/N! My God, your face is as white as a sheet! What happened?”
You explain the situation and that you might have to work extra hours. She clicks her tongue. “That’s a bit of bad luck, that. I’m sorry that happened, dearie. I know you must be anxious to get back to work, but before you go, I insist you have a cup of tea first to settle your nerves.”
You give her a smile that you hope doesn’t look too ghastly and you accept her kind offer. But as the chamomile tea warms your throat, you’re already thinking of what silver needs to be polished, what floors need dusting, and what dresses need ironing.
And so you throw yourself into your work, often working until the wee hours of the morning. When you eventually fall asleep, you feel someone gently gather you up into strong arms and the warmth of Lady Dimitrescu’s chest as she carries you up the stairs.
You stir at the sudden contact. “Mmm?”
“It’s just me, love,” Alcina whispers gently. “You fell asleep on the sofa again.”
“I did?” You rub your eyes for a moment before snapping them open. “Oh no, I haven’t finished dusting the underside of the table!”
You feel a chuckle rumble through her chest. “That can wait until the morning, darling. Right now you need rest.”
“Mmm-kay,” you say sleepily as she sets you gently down on the bed before climbing in herself and wrapping her arms around your middle. “I love you, Alcina.”
“I love you too, dearest,” she says, pressing her lips to your forehead. “Rest now.”
After a couple weeks of this, Alcina has seen you become more withdrawn and recalcitrant as your days of relentless work have taken its toll on you. You see the concern evident in her golden eyes as you pass by her on your way to your next task, but you simply nod and smile at her before moving on.
You wouldn’t dream of bothering her with your family troubles. She had enough to deal with as it was already, especially with the wine tasting coming up. She has asked you on multiple occasions how you were doing, but you simply smile and say you’re fine. You hate lying to her, but it was for the best really. At least that’s what you told yourself.
That is until things came to a head. As situations like these often do.
It comes suddenly when you accidentally knock a cut glass decanter of Sanguis Virginis to the floor. Cursing to yourself, you bend down and try to coax the broken pieces of glass into the dustpan. Your hand brushes by a large piece of glass and you inhale sharply as you feel it slice open your hand. You look down and sure enough there is a large gash in the palm of your hand that is gushing blood.
You do nothing but just stare dully at your hand as the blood trickles from your palm and down to your wrist. Suddenly you are finding it rather difficult to breathe. Your chest feels tight and your throat feels closed up as your lungs struggle to make air. Your knees fall to the floor, ruining the skirt of your uniform as the wine seeps under your legs. You honestly can’t tell which is your blood and which is the wine anymore.
You hear fastly approaching heeled shoes and Alcina is by your side in an instant, pulling you into her lap, leaning your head on her shoulder. She takes the apron of your uniform and rips a piece of it off, wrapping it around your bleeding hand in a makeshift tourniquet.
With that done, she takes your face in her hands. When she speaks her voice is measured, controlled. “I’m here, darling. It’s all right. Do you know where you are?”
You shake your head yes, but find saying words difficult as you continue to hyperventilate.
Alcina takes your non-bleeding hand in hers and holds it gently but firmly. The pressure helps ground you somewhat. She continues, “You’re going to breathe with me all right, dearest? Take a deep breath with me. In through the nose, out through the mouth. Are you ready?”
You nod again and do as she says, inhaling through your nose and exhaling with your mouth. She smiles at you in encouragement. “That’s good, love. You’re doing beautifully. We’ll do just a couple more of those to help regulate your breathing.”
You do a couple more repetitions of breathing in and breathing out with Alcina until you feel your heart rate start to slow and your breaths start to become more even. Her aureate eyes never leave yours as she traces circles with her thumb over your uninjured hand. “I’m here, draga mea. You’re safe.”
When you finally calm down, she checks your tourniquet and the bleeding has stopped. It looks like the cut wasn’t too deep. You sigh in relief and lay your head on her lap, still holding her hand. She reaches down and begins to stroke your hair.
“Do you want to talk about it, dear?” she asks gently.
Surprisingly, after all that, yes. You do want to talk about it. You explain to her the situation about your father.
“So that’s why you’ve been working so late,” she muses. “Darling, you should have told me sooner. I would have happily doubled your pay, or I could have paid for your father’s expenses myself. No wonder you’ve been running yourself ragged these past couple weeks. Why didn’t you say anything?” You look up at her and there is no rebuke in her eyes, only concern as she tenderly brushes your cheek.
You lean into her touch as you respond. “I know you’ve just been so busy. I didn’t want to be a bother.”
“Listen to me, Y/N,” she says, taking the back of your hand and kissing it. “You are never a bother to me. I want you to know you can come to me with anything. It won’t push me away. Do you understand?”
You nod and she smiles. “Good. Now I demand that you take the rest of the day off and spend it resting.” You open your mouth to protest, but she holds a hand up. “I don’t want to hear any arguments.”
You finally acquiesce and she gathers you up in her arms and takes you out of the room as another maid comes in to clean the rest of the mess. When you reach her bedchambers, she gently sets you down and lays down beside you. She begins humming an old jazz tune until you finally find yourself drifting off into the best sleep you’ve had in weeks.
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satan-was-a-himbo · 3 years
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@angstyanon0 Here you go!
CW: Dash of Angst, Soft Alcina but also slightly pissed off Alcina
You walk with a limp, excruciating pain radiating from your leg. Not enough to make you cry but just enough to make you grimace in pain every time you have to move it. Bela materialized from the flies. “Hey Y/N! How was wo- Holy- Alright, don’t say a word, stop moving your muscles. I’ll be back with mother.” Your eyes widen as you raise your hand to stop her but she’s already disappeared in the flies.
“Mother!” Echoes reverberate throughout the castle. “Bela, what happened?” You hear Daniela. “Y/N’s injured!” “Alert mother immediately!” Cassandra huffs, materialing in front of you.
"Afternoon, if you'll accompany me..." Cassandra begins to drag you along, but your shriek of pain causes her to come to a halt. “Right. Injured. Sit tight. Mother will be here any second.”
“Cassandra, I’m alright-” “Y/N?!”
Ah shit.
That voice was always familiar to you. It was always calm and controlled, but today was not one of those times. Alcina's tone was tense, even panicked. That frenzied energy lights her eyes when you meet them.
“What happened?” She cradles your face with her hand, when you hiss in pain she withdraws her hand to look at your cheek. “Burns.” When you try to get up, pain overtakes your body. When you collapse onto the couch, however, the agony is just as intense if not worse.
“Y/N!” “I’m fine! I’m fine!” “No, you are not ‘fine’.”
She takes you up in her arms as you try to get up again, preparing to show her how obviously not “fine” you are. "I'm not going to let you do that again." She returns her gaze to her girls, who are equally worried and anxious.
“Thank you, my lovely daughters.” They all nod before disappearing in a flurry of flies. You can hear a conversation between them start. As she held you in her arms, her rich fragrance enveloped you. She hasn't spoken anything since the two of you arrived, but her eyes are a raging torrent of emotion. She gently presses you into the bed, inflicting you less agony than you've previously endured.
Her eyes meet yours in the mirror.
“Yes, draga mea?” “What’s wrong?” “You’re hurt, and you’re acting as if it’s not important.” “Because it isn’t!” “No more words.”
You go silent, and she continues to look for something; you can feel the stress building in her shoulders as she searches.
“What are you looking for-” “Please, give me a moment.”
You go silent once more. She hums as she finds a small container. It’s burn cream. She walks toward you. “Remove your garments, I need to see everything; All of the burns, the marks, everything.” You nod, undressing as much as you can without hurting yourself more. When you begin to take off your pants, she stops you with a finger.
She applies the burn cream where needed and tended to your leg herself. She whispered a curse under her breath when she found out your leg was broken. She looked at you with the softest look before looking down at your leg again. Using only the softest fabric, she wrapped your leg and sat behind you.
She softly drew you to her and propped your leg up on one of her cushions. Her head rested on yours as she held you close. "Draga mea...I'm furious with you." As she kissed your forehead, her voice was sweet. "Do you realize how important you are to me? You mean everything to me, understand?"
When you look up at her, all you see is genuine emotion. She meant everything she said. She draws you in a little closer. You had frightened her; you had upset her. "I understand."
“Good. Now you should attempt to get some rest. I'll watch over you.”
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theauthor2103 · 1 year
You have been visited by the lucky duck. Reblog for good luck 🙂
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Mr. Quackers hopes you’re having an amazing day or night 🙂
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cinderspots · 3 years
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glitterymelonseed · 3 years
Viridian Vineyards
Credit to @angstyanon0 for the headcannon ideas that spurred me onto start writing this!
This features a fourth daughter being gifted to Alcina, essentially a throwaway of one of Miranda's failed experiments.
New Beginnings
It was a warm, late Summer's day, September 7th to be exact, Miranda was busy logging information on a girl, said girl, who had been given the code name of R03 kept on a table, mid-testing of the cadou implant, it was fairly recent, but something Miranda had kept a close eye on.
The woman stood sternly, watching from behind a window to the room as to how the girl would mutate. This had been happening over the course of weeks. It started with her hair, once mousey brown, it became the colour of the megamycete's vines, a dark, inky black. Once soft grey eyes became a broad, honey golden. An all too familiar show which made Miranda frown in irritation. 'The girl' as she called the adolescent on the testing table was found on the streets of the village, so how was it that the Cadou parasite would react in such a way of resemblance to her Eldest Lord? She took it as a sign that the case of R03 -who was didn't give her name, even after threats, and going through with said threats- had reached her limit for mutations, especially after the same inky colour of her hair began travelling up her hands and forearms.
Miranda turned off all power in the room as a precaution and left the lab, she went off to her office and sat, pinching the bridge of her nose before picking up the phone and dialling a number that she used most commonly, the one that lead to the phone of Alcina Dimitrescu, who promptly picked up.
"Alcina." Mother Miranda greeted, flipping a pen between her fingers boredly.
"Mother Miranda." The Countess spoke confidently, that day it was warm enough for her daughters to enjoy the sun for what could have potentially been the last day of that year, she enjoyed the sounds of them laughing and enjoying themselves from outside.
"I'm calling to make an offer, for say. I have a girl here who would thrive well within your care. I'd like to gift you a new daughter in thanks for your efforts and over seeing of the village during my absence earlier this year." Miranda explained, her reasoning being that when doing good, good came from it. Even here her senses of good and bad were skewed from heartache, so were her morals.
Alcina's face lit up, smiling broadly she spoke in response. "Of course, thank you Mother Miranda." The Lady said with a bright pride, an appreciation for such opportunity, she loved her daughters dearly, but they had grown too old to care for them like she was once able to do, part of her was glad such advancements had been made, yet it was missed equally.
"Good. Come collect her this Saturday from the Meeting hall. I'll be seeing you then." With that, the witch put down the phone, glad to have the burden she saw the girl as lifted from her shoulders before going back to see if anything had happened. R03 had awoken, teary eyed and sore. She was terrified, especially as now she was starting to forget who she once was.
The girl was sat in the corner of the room, curled into a ball as one of the machines prodded at her with it's sharp, skewer like attachment, whenever blood was drawn she healed within five minutes. Notable slower than those she was planning to send the girl off to, but faster than an average person. She seemed distraught, she didn't even recognise herself. The feeling of the unknown made R03 fear for everything she once knew, it made Miranda feel satisfaction as to know that someone who seemed once so strong minded could be reduced to such a state.
The days came and went, Tuesday passed, Wednesday, Thursday, and soon it was Friday. Miranda had sent the girl off to a cleaning facility where she cleaned herself up, weeks, possibly even months of dirt finally revealing cleanliness, it took a a solid few washes of her hair from another machine for all the grease and grime to be relinquished. It made R03 feel a little better, however she wondered what it was leading up to. It was all new as far as she was aware, despite hating change, that time she swore it would be something to welcome with open arms. That was what she would think to herself after each experimentation. Every time it would happen she would feel as if her insides were being ripped out, each cell of matter splitting into a seemingly endless agony. R03 wanted nothing more for it to end, and she was in the best luck she could be in.
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Imagine this: you’re asleep in Alcina’s bed and she’s just chilling reading a book. You’re slumped over her chest hugging her and she’s got an arm wrapped around you while she holds the book. You have a wet dream and start dry humping her and moan her name. Alcina teases you in your sleep and runs a hand down your thigh.
Ahem... Gods.. imagine waking up to her amply large finger circling over your clit. Juices already dripping down your inner thighs from your dreams mixed with her teasing 😩 Just.. utterly desperate for her as soon as you open your eyes, legs widening as you give her a silent plea for more.. I'm .. fuck.. gonna have to change your name to thirstyanon0 you keep sending these in, dear 😩💦💦💦💦
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Angsty was hiding under her bed and trying not to breathe too loud. She could hear arguing and screaming in the background and it scared her. She hated hearing her parents scream at each other and clapped her hands over her ears to try and drown out their voices, but it did little to help. Booming footsteps came from the stairs and she scooted further back under her bed. Angsty turned to her little sister and put a hand over her lips, silently telling her to be quiet. There was banging on her door and Angsty pulled the blanket her little sister was using over her to hide her.l from her parents. The door opened up and Angsty braced herself.
Alcina didn't know what Angsty saw that she could not, but she knew the telltale sounds of nightmare. She frowned, how should she go about this? Shall she wake Angsty? She could hear the panting, the whimpering. She gently shook her beloved Angsty.
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dani-dimitrescu · 2 years
@angstyanon0 said: Dani no! Put your clothes back on!!!
Noooo! I’M HOT!!
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