louissatturi · 10 months
This are moments of the Host, the entity that represents the element of energy
[Cellbit/Host]: *screams* it ended! Everybody back to the lil bed or to the coffin (depending on) how you prefer to call *laughs*
[Calango/faustus]: i gave him a chance to ally with-
[Host]: *laughs* ITS THIS WAY I FUCKIN LIKE IT ah sorry i did't want to interrupt *laughs*
[Host]: *laughs* Hellooo
[Host]: aaah how good to see everybody in here
[Guaxinim/marius]: uggo
[Host]: YOUR ASS
[Host]:*weird noises* 10 reais on the left one, what? SHUT UP
[Host]: last round its the sun, SUUUUUUN
[Luba/celestine]: three
[Felps/Amália]: four
[Host]: again
[Host]: again
[Amália]: three
[Host]: AGAIN
[Celestine]: one
[Host]: IT CANT BE
[Celestine]: five
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localcomputer-quotes · 10 months
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grusik · 26 days
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AN.FI.TRI.ÃO Mural by Frederico Draw Porto/Portugal by michael_hamburg69
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gideonlost · 1 year
o veríssimo sempre insiste em pedir o lanche tando com o arnaldo no motorista
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O Meu Primeiro Contato com o Esquizofrênico Mundo Adulto
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Era um sábado e estava na casa da minha tia. Eu dançava com as minhas primas na sala. De repente aparece a minha tia nos chamando de forma bem ríspida.
Tínhamos visita importante na casa.
Seguindo minhas primas, fomos em fila cumprimentar os visitantes, sentados na varanda.
Seguindo o rebanho fui dando a mão a cada um, era uma família completa, acho que uns cinco...
_ Seja bem vinda! - Exclamei estendendo a minha mão, já havia feito isso com duas pessoas antes, e minhas primas também.
A velha simplesmente puxou a sua mão rapidamente, ignorando-me e se voltando para a prima ao meu lado. Parecia que ela tinha visto uma ferida (o que não havia, e nem alergia ou doença nas minhas unhas e pele).
Fiquei sem graça, e segui a diante, as outras visitas me cumprimentaram normalmente.
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Seguindo o protocolo do anfitrião, mas querendo sair daquela varanda e enfiar a minha cara num buraco, ficamos sentadas na mesa, ouvindo os adultos conversar amenidades.
A velha virou-se para mim, me encarando sorrindo.
_ Essa manina não estava aqui da última vez que estive aqui, não?
Minha tia:
_ É minha sobrinha, filha da minha irmã, afilhada minha e do Juca (meu tio).
_ Por isso que não dei a minha mão a ela...
Eu esboçando um sorriso seco, sem graça, muda.
Não entendi a explicação da velha. Você entendeu?
Qual o perigo de aperta a mão de uma criança de oito anos, desconhecida, mas numa casa conhecida? Doença?
Boboca como sempre fui, continuei a puxar os lábios, exibindo os meus dentes de forma tímida e retraída.
Não, a velha não se desculpou e nem me cumprimentou depois.
Saímos dali e não vi mais a velha e sua família. Não sei se minha tia me defendeu depois, mas deixa pra lá. Acho que, se minha mãe estivesse presente, também não me defenderia.
Pior, me daria uma bronca depois por ter sido tão passiva diante de uma gigantesca grosseria e imbecilidade de uma mulher, que ao que parece, não cumprimenta qualquer um, nem mesmo uma criança que tentava ser educada com ela.
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Como esse ocorrido tem mais de 40 anos, ou a velha é uma múmia ambulante ou está morta, que no seu leito de morte, alguém, por pena, tenha segurado a sua mão enquanto partia. E que ela não tenha sentido nojo, como fez comigo, por ser apenas um desconhecido enfermeiro ou uma desconhecida cristã, daquelas que visitam hospitais para extrema unção...
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bitcell · 6 months
q!foolish deciding q!cellbit's faith inside the chaos room by doing a coin flip on whether he's gonna tell the federation cellbit is the one killing the workers or bbh, while listening to the song "escolha errada", and WHICH THE TRANSLATION literally means "wrong choice", assigning heads to cellbit (knowledge) and bbh as tails (the devil is the manifestation of the blood entity) .. esto si és cine...
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amberizedcasey · 6 months
foolish playing escolha errada (wrong choice in portuguese) while in the chaos room deciding if he is going to give cellbit in or not with a coin flip? that was cinema on it's finest 🚬🚬
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eternallovers65 · 9 months
Ofc q!foolish is pregnant again.....
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humanaaa · 1 year
Olha, a Dumativa tem postado bem mais coisa sobre enigma do medo ultimamente, como algumas das animações da Agatha, então tem bastante gente achando que o lançamento de Enigma do Medo está mais próximo do que imaginamos, então
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spades-suit · 1 year
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Esse homem é um gostoso e só a minha opinião importa
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louissatturi · 10 months
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localcomputer-quotes · 9 months
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If Crash and Anfitrião had a interaction the world would go boom. They are almost the same person.
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viannaheus · 2 years
Perhaps late to answer: But I think that would be a very nice style to make a visual novel!
No, for real. It's inspired by the art style of the 2D images of the characters of two games, Dislyte and Valorant.
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I've been trying to mimic this art style for a while. Such as was host there.
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ghlitchbee · 8 months
Bagi's opinion about Foolish
He's unbelievable. Like on the QSMP with the titan and he's just as unbelievable in real life
From eating a whole truckload of food and stopping to see ants with the eagerness of a child
When they were playing skipping stones he grabbed a big ass rock and said "what about this one? :D" and threw it on the water, making a tsunami thereqosnqi
He's literally Anfitrião (aop character)
He's super chaotic but in the fun way, not in the "someone has to control this" way, he knows his limits but he's super chaotic and funny, she started laughing just by remembering his jokes
Energy truly is his element, he's pure energy himself, it fits him perfectly
Story of the blue corote: He took a corte knockoff, opened it, sniffed it, drank it and went to put it on other people's drinks to make it purple if their drunk was red, then he'd go back to drinking his corote again
He's chaotic in the best way possible, as in the same way one would open QSMP and all of a sudden see a fucking titan on the horizon
He's one of the most unexpected one to meet, most of the members had the Nerd Trait™ (Bagi's words not mine) where their social battery would run out at some moment and they'd go to a corner, but his social battery is unending
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sol-thanat · 7 months
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Art inspired by the anfitrião cutscene
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cat-mentality · 7 months
PLS ELABORATE ON THIS [the theory on which eggs fit which sins]
OKAY BUCKLE UP ANON!!!! This is straight up tin foil hat territory, i'm just like manifesting from nothing because it is incredibly fun in my mind
For this to make a little of sense i'm going to consider Purgatory as my catholic school taught me- A place where the sinners go to repent to their sins, either for all of eternity, if the sins are too big or too terrible, or until they have been forgiven and i'm taking Dante's inferno as my guideline on how this whole thing operates.
I'm also going with the theory that Black Cucurucho was the one responsible for taking the eggs/scaring them away, maybe to make them vulnerable and fall on his trap, is my personal theory that the Black Cucurucho is literally the anti-Federation, as in order versus chaos and as such he is looking to destroy everything the Federation is building and using the egg's to do so (and also Cellbit!!! If it's not the Rebels giving him the information i bet on Black Cucurucho more than the Feds themselves).
So, basically: The eggs get kidnapped by this new strange force (not evil per say, not more than the Federation itself, but less interested in pretending not to be, like the Anfitrião in Ordem Paranormal) and they get stuck in Purgatory, who is made by 9th circles, divided by the type of sinners they are set to punish. The tickets are the passage to get into the circles, Virgil acted as Dante's guide in this case the train will be responsible for taking them from one circle (island) to the next IF they manage to complete whatever task will be set in their way.
I believe the placement of each egg (in my delulu head) has less to do with their own sins, as the Black Cucurucho is not really interested in them but rather in the suffering he can inflict on the parents using them, but in the mortal flaw he sees on their parents.
Chayenne i would put being stuck in the 1st circle, Limbo. It's the less worse of the nine as it is the place where the unbaptized and virtuous pagan stay, endlessly walking in eternal darkness.
Why you ask me?
Well Chayenne IS the son of the Angel of Death. His other father is also a being blessed by death (or cursed with life, your pick). He worships the Blood God. He is dear to the Goddess of Death herself.
What's more pagan than that?
Besides Chayenne IS virtuous himself, he is a warrior, devout to the Blood God however not for bloodlust, but for the desire of protecting those he loves and cherishes. Little Chayenne, walking endlessly searching for his siblings, praying to his fathers' goddesses to shine a light, to show him the way, to protect his siblings, but receiving nothing back as the goddesses is forbidden from interfering with the living, even the ones toying the line into her realm.
I actually changed my mind and we are putting Tallulah in the 2nd circle, Luxury. Now, we about to play loose with the definition of luxury here as this is the circle where the damned are tormented with strong winds that drag them through hell, i'm focusing not on Luxury as a carnal sin, but rather the element of desire.
And for this we are going to consider Wilbur as the parent being punished, not Philza.
Wilbur who left for fame.
Wilbur who left for months and months and months. Who lusted for the world, who wanted to be known, who wanted to be adored, who lusted after a life of his dreams.
Wilbur who in his lust for the world forgot the one person who always considered him her whole world.
Tallulah lusting after safety, lusting for a place to belong, lusting to leave a mark in the world so that it doesn't forget her, trying to grab onto anything to prove her worth and her value but now being stuck in those winds. dragged without a destination, powerless and alone.
Pomme is then in the 3rd circle, Gluttony. The 3rd circle is the circle for those who were gluttons, who over indulged, are now stuck in pits of dirty, freezing mud, tormented by Cerberus and also a storm of snow, hail and thunder.
Etoiles, always hungry for the next fight, for the next dungeon, for the next opponent.
Baghera always hungry for answers, for things she cannot have, cannot do (she wants an explanation about what happened to her, she wants to save her friends when she cannot even save herself, she desires for the world to be good and kind).
Antoine, always hungry for power, selling his soul, his family, to achieve it. Devouring faces, devouring stories, devouring lives, swallowing everything whole until he doesn't even know who he was supposed to really be.
Pierre always hungry for connection, for warmth, hungry for those he meets, trying to fill the void in his heart with the temporary warmth of another body.
Pomme hungry for adventures, hungry to prove that she is worth of love (she remembers, those first days, the distrusts, the coldness, the way they considered not taking her and she never wants to feel that cold), Pomme being stuck, helpless when she knows so very well that helplessness gets you killed, that it makes you weak and unworthy.
The 4th circle, Avarice is empty, of the eggs at least. A respite, as much as they can have in that place.
They find Ramon in the 5th circle, Wrath. Localized on the Styx, the river that cuts through the Purgatory, made of boiling water and blood, that is the place where the wrathful are locked on eternal fights on the surface of the river, on the bottom the sullen are forever stuck drowning on the things they never got to say.
Fit who lived his whole life in a desolate wasteland where fighting was the only thing he could do. Fit who knew no rest, no peace, no sound of those fighting and those dying.
Fit who fought his whole life, who is still fighting, who doesn't know how to rest, who doesn't know how to forgive, who chokes on his wrath, who forces it down his throat because he wants to be better but anger was all that he knew during most of his life.
Fit who looks at those people in their eternal battle, bleeding and making others bleed for no reason, with no end in sight, with no real purpose but to cause harm, and feels at home.
Ramon who tries so hard to be light, to support and help his father in whatever he needs, who drowns his own feelings because he doesn't want to bother others, because he wants to be the rock they can lean on, drowning at the bottom of the Styx.
Leonarda is on the 6th circle, Heresy. This is the circle where the sinners had the intention of sinning, the one destined to those who denied the existence of god, who went against the beliefs of their time, and now they lay on open graves as fire burns them.
And what is Foolish if not a non believer?
He believes in no god, no authority, no deity. He believes in himself, he believes in his family, he believes in what he thinks is right.
Oh he plays pretend of course, he smiles at the Federation, he works for them, he joins the Ordo, he participates in their reunions, but do he believe in any of them? Does he commit to one dogma over the other?
Of course not.
Foolish is a non believer. He will join the side that offers him the most, he will betray them as easily as he joined, he will jump from a place to another as long as that keeps his family safe, as long as that is what is better for them.
Foolish who sins and smiles as he does so.
Little Leonarda who believes in her Pa above everything and anything else, burning in a never ending fire. Little Leonarda who doesn't give a fuck about anything else as long as he is okay, as long as he is by her side, who would follow him into whatever mess he got himself into, who couldn't care less about other's morals or expectations, who would gladly sin as long as they are together.
Richarlyson is on the 7th circle, Violence. This circle is actually divided in three parts but i think only two would be used the Valley of the Phlegethon where the ones who were violent against others were submerged on a river of the blood of those they hurt, and the valley of the suicidal, where those who were violent against themselves became either trees, eaten by harpies or chased by hungry dogs.
And well, it's self explanatory isn't it?
Who has spilled more blood than Cellbit? Between the war, the prison and not the Island he has enough blood on his account to drown them all.
Forever? Oh there are bloodbaths in his past too. There is rage that blinds, that takes hold of him and only leaves when he is standing in the aftermath of a carnage.
Mike does not mind blood. Never has, never will.
And who hurts Pac more than he does himself? Who hates Cellbit more than he hates himself? Who blames Forever for things, more than himself?
They may turn their rage against the world, may bath it into blood, may spill it until rivers form but they drown themselves in it too.
And Richarlyson? Little boy who saw too much, who knew death and suffering too early, who lives at war with a part of himself who wants nothing but to hurt and destroy.
Finally, Dapper is on the 8th circle, Fraud. This circle has ten pits in it, each designated to a type of sinner with their own punishment, raking from being whipped by demons to being submerged into boiling tar or being dressed into shiny clothes who were as heavy as lead.
And what is BadboyHalo if not a fraud?
Who even knows who he truly is, what he truly thinks? Probably not even himself.
This is a man of many layers and many masks, a man who presents himself in any way he thinks is right regardless of what he truly feels or thinks, this is a man who will lie to anyone, including himself.
This is a man who embodies every single sin punished, who could easily be put into any of the pits. Is he not a seducer? Is he not a liar and a thief? Corrupted by his own darkness? A hypocrite, to others and to himself? Does he not sow discord, does he not give bad advice?
And isn't Dapper too much like their father? Little Dapper who lies and lies and lies, who hides behind her own masks, who is now being punished because they do not know who they truly are underneath all the masks.
And the 9th circle, the last one?
Sometimes the only way to leave hell, to leave Purgatory, is to be worse than the devils.
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