Escaping Grace
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A/N: So I wrote this fanfic over 4 years ago when Blackveilbridesfanfiction.com was still a thing, and there's been a lot change with the band since then. It's one of my first fics to ever write --- actually, it IS THE FIRST fan fiction I ever wrote.I'm going to do some editing to it before it's posted here from its original content since my style is a little different, so it's doubtful there'll be as many chapters, but I still hope you enjoy it! (And please don't judge, I was just a wee babe when I started out. Or judge gently. Well, I actually I judged it pretty hard when reading back through it.)I've rewrote it significantly so much that the plot has changed here and there, as I didn't like the previous at all. It was terrible, I'm going to be honest. I'm going to include in each chapter  references for lyrics used from other bands, as I'm absolutely no musical artist and not clever enough to come up with my own for Escape From Grace to use in their music, so look for that at the end of each posted chapter should it come up.
A sound of immense excitement escapes my lips before I can stop it as I stare at our manager; he's barely made it halfway through his sentence but he has my full attention. I clasp my hands together as I straighten, grinning from ear to ear as I bite my lip.
This is the best news I've ever had. In my entire life.
Well, second best, getting signed on as a band was a pretty big memory to me, and all the people in the room as well. Coming from a nowhere town and being a nobody, working all those bars and gigs trying to get attention --- how we got so lucky, I'm not sure, but I'm thankful. We would still be struggling to make it if it wasn't for our manager, so I'm pretty grateful to him.Even more so now that he just gave this announcement.
I'm so getting him some donuts for our next meeting.
"Well, I'm glad you're taking the news so well," our manager says after a moment with raised brows, and I can feel my cheeks start to heat as everyone looks at me. I give him a sheepish look of apology, leaning back in my chair and trying to contain my excitement.
Still, he had to know I would be excited about this! Sure, we're a signed band, for a record label, but it's still a struggle. Even signed we still have a lot of work to do, and it would be too easy to fall into obscurity or be a one hit wonder, which isn't something that I want. This is going to be the rest of my life, it's what I want more than anything, and I'm not going to let this opportunity slip past me.
We're just getting our footing as a band, trying so hard to break out into a scene already full of so many talented people. Sometimes it's overwhelming and I feel like we've hit a brick wall, like we're never going to climb any higher. No one makes it quick big in this business, I guess, which is another reason why I'm so excited, why this is so important --- it could be our big break!We've been mostly openers for other bands in the last year, with one small tour through a few cities that gave us a lot of publicity, but nothing like this! Per our lovely manager, we're going to be opening for Black Veil Brides on several different occasions on their upcoming tour! They're one of my favorite bands, their songs feature themselves on all my playlists, and the fact we're going to meet them!
Oh, I can't stand it.
Is it suddenly really hot in this room?
I squirm in my seat, chewing my lower lip thoughtfully as Craig continues with the announcement. He was just going over the usual bits, we have a meeting pretty frequently about our lined up gigs and to be on better behavior than the last few. Some, or rather one of us, likes to get tipsy and flirt with fangirls, and despite his occupation as a drummer, still makes the boyfriends fairly upset.
My eyes flick to the blonde drummer not paying any of us a bit of attention, looking at his phone and swiping left or right occasionally. He looks exhausted, black rings under his eyes; I'm surprised he even managed to make the meeting today.
"When's the first show?" Clarke, our bassist, asks, his feet propped in my lap as he leans his chair back, teetering precariously on the back legs. He doesn't seem near as excited as I am about this, but he's never really been that into the type of music that we're playing. He was more into the hardcore, metalish type, which as hard as I might try, my voice just wasn't cut out for. I'm always waiting for the day he's going to drop the bomb that he's ditching us for something more his speed, but I wouldn't blame him.
Take an opportunity where you can get it.
"Three weeks," Craig replies, checking his watch. He's always kind of in a rush when it comes to us, we're not exactly his biggest moneymakers, but I like to think we're not at the bottom either. I mean, it would be nice to actually meet in an official space and not the breakroom of the record label, but I have the feeling maybe Craig doesn't exactly have a ton of pull and probably doesn't have his own office to see us in.
Still, he's been good to us, and I appreciate it. The fluorescent lights above dim a little before getting brighter, reflecting off his shiny bald head. He has thick old man eyebrows that are seriously in need of a trim, and absolutely no facial hair to speak of, which you'd think he'd want to balance out the baldness, but I digress. He's not a thin or tall man, and he has a thing for chunky watches and outdated t-shirts that makes him look like a suburban dad instead of any sort of manager.
"That's coming up pretty quick, don't ya think? We have some stuff already booked, don't we?" Vale looks nervous, shifting in the blue plastic chair beside me. Her gray-painted eyes flick to me, but I give her a bright, reassuring smile she reluctantly returns after a moment. She's my lead guitarist, my backup vocalist, my roommate, and my best friend. She holds many titles very dear to me, in fact. Without her, there's no telling where I would be right now. "And why us, exactly?"
"Well," our manager rubs the back of his neck, clearing his throat and pretending to study the notes jotted down on Subway napkins in front of him. "Another band was going to open for them, but their lead singer has to have his tonsils removed. So, I pulled some favors, and got you guys signed instead!" He grins at us, looking very pleased with himself as he shoots us some obnoxious finger guns.
Vale rolls her eyes as she leans back in her chair, giving him an unimpressed look. She tugs on the end of her long black hair thoughtfully. "Well, you're certainly not letting us fade into obscurity, I'll give you points for that."
Craig looks satisfied with the response.
I glance around the round table we all sit at. Vale to my left who is now focusing on fixing her black eyeliner in a compact, and her brother Clarke where he's casually chatting with Craig as if he's actually interested in the gig. Our drummer, Nate, has finally passed out against the whiteboard behind him, and I'm pretty sure that's a sheen of drool on his chin.
I'm the lead vocalist, the frontperson of our band, and I also play keyboard when it's called for. I've always been close with Clarke and Vale, we grew up together as neighbors. It was their idea to form a band and get out of our old town, and when Nate joined us, it seemed like we might actually have a shot. It still blows my mind that we've made it this far without something breaking us up.
I've never had a lot of good luck, but maybe it's all been building up for this.
"Sooo --- do we get to meet the band beforehand?" I ask Craig, trying not to sound as eager as I feel but probably failing. I wanted to meet them, every single one of them, gawk at them like a fangirl meeting their idol, and wholeheartedly embarrass myself. "Where's the venue? When do the shows start? Are we going to get a bus this time or are you going to make us ride in your minivan again like a gothic soccer mom? Y'know that's not really going to give us the badass impression we're going for."
Vale snorts, biting her lip to hold back a laugh as Craig sighs heavily.
"Just be lucky I had a van to get you all to that show, alright?" He grumbles, but the experience had been mortifying. Just getting started, our actual ride breaks down, and suddenly Craig rolls up in a blue minivan with proud parent stickers on the back glass and yells at us to get in. Never again.
"But yes, you do get to meet the guys beforehand." Craig states, rubbing his jaw. "The lead singer, whathisname, wants to meet you guys before the first show. He's probably going to measure you up and make sure you're up for opening for his band. You guys need to make a good impression," he warns us, as if I'm not already planning on murdering whoever embarrasses us first; only I get to feel humiliated, no one else gets to do it for me!
He glances at Nate where he snoozes, and I know the warning is more for him then anything, but he's sleeping, so it's not really having any effect.
I feel like some tween girl meeting her boyband idol for the first time, being presented with front row tickets to his show. I rub my hands nervously against my thighs, ignoring the dampness my nerves are causing.
I'm the youngest in the band. I've known Vale and Clarke since I was twelve, and without them I doubt I would have made it through my teenage years. Or any years, if I really wanted to admit it to myself. I owed them a lot, more than I could ever pay back, but I'm hoping with our success that'll be enough.
"I heard he was an asshole when Asking Annie opened for them in Vegas." Clarke says, not looking at all thrilled. I frown at him, and shove his legs out of my lap for such a crappy comment. He knows I love that band! He ignores me, letting them drop easily to the floor before straightening in his chair; he better be glad I didn't tip him over!
"To be fair, Alex, their lead singer, is totally dopey and he can only perform while high, so," Vale closes her compact with a snap, the lights glinting off her dark nailpolish. "I would've been an asshole to him too. This is really good for us, guys. This could be it, y'know? None of us are going to screw this up by being rude or listening to rumors. I don't even care if they're true; the publicity this is going to bring us is worth it."
Well, she makes a good point, and Clarke concedes; that or he just decides ignoring his younger sister is better than arguing and just looks away. I'm sure the microwave in the corner has suddenly become much more interesting than the conversation.
I tap a nail against the table thoughtfully, still having a hard time believing this. We're finally getting a big break, with a band that I know at least two of us like, so that's a good thing! I thought earlier I was going to pass out from how hard my heart was beating, how excited I got at the prospect of meeting them.
"Is this not the best news ever?" I sigh as I look at everyone, unable to contain my glee. "Ever? Like seriously? Do you guys know how great this is?"
"Saying it multiple times doesn't make it true," Clarke mumbles, for some reason intent to find a reason to not be as excited as I am. He's always so serious and cautious, ever the distrustful one. Well, I suppose when you're the oldest in a band that you're younger, reckless sister is in, you sort of have to be the adult and the ringleader; hell, I'm the lead singer, but I listen to him and take his advice to heart.
"It'll give you guys a good amount of exposure," Craig states, folding his arms along the laminated tabletop. "Hopefully it'll kickstart some more sales of the new album you're about to drop."
"And Leah will get to meet the object that she lusts so much after," Vale adds with a chuckle.I send her a horrible look, ignoring the heat burning my cheeks; she doesn't have to mention that in front of everyone.
"Really? Which one?" Craig looks amused, and sometimes I get the feeling he sees us more as his kids than business partners. I mean, I think he does have some teenage girls, or boys maybe, I'm not quite sure, so he probably deals with this all the time. Crushes, heartbreak, the need of a minivan for emergencies.
"The lead singer, Andy. It's the voice I think, the deep drawl and that nice hair ---."
Vale giggles, winking at me as she twists the end of her long hair absently. She's enjoying watching me squirm, but really it's no secret. I mean, I wasn't exactly discussing my interests with Craig in that area, but I suppose it doesn't matter now.
Just makes things a little awkward.
"Andy Biersack? Really?" Our manager doesn't look impressed with my choice of crush. "Why am I surprised over this?"
I sink a little in my chair, merely shrugging my shoulders.
Craig just shakes his head before he starts getting to his feet, grabbing his note napkins and folding them together. He's never very organized, but I like to think it's one of his quirky qualities. He tucks the napkins into his shirt pocket, says goodbye to us, and heads for the archway leading to the hall.
One of these days, maybe we'll actually have a meeting room.
"Oh." Craig's head suddenly pops back into the kitchen, holding the end of a torn napkin. "I forgot to mention. You're meeting the love of your life at Club Rehab tomorrow at eight. Don't be late, dress to impress."
Craig suddenly is one, and I stare after him in horror. "Did he just say we were meeting them tomorrow?"
"Mmm." Vale looks thoughtful. "Dress to impress, like don't we always?" she snorts, cutting her eyes at her brother. "Don't be an ass, and yes you're coming. Wake up Nate so we can fill him in."Clarke frowns, glancing at the snoozing drummer, his lips parted as his head lolls back and forth; he's getting marker all in his freshly dyed blonde hair.
"I suppose we don't need to look like losers when we meet them." I mumble as I prop my chin on my hand, watching as Clarke kicks Nate's chair easily with his long legs, causing Nate to wake in a panic, sputtering. He looks around wild-eyed for a few moments before he realizes he's not under attack, then sends Clarke a scowl.
"What was that for!?"
"Rise and shine, Snow White. You slept through the meeting but we have news."
"I wasn't asleep," Nate mutters, wiping at his lips with the back of his hand, blue eyes bloodshot. "I didn't miss anything."
"Were you out late again partying?" Vale looks annoyed with him, her full lips drawing into a frown. She's one of the prettiest people I've ever met, I sort of envy how she always looks so put together and confident. She's tall, but the right kind of tall that's not too tall, and slim, able to wear whatever she wants and she never has problems finding her clothes in the store.I'm much shorter, and I might as well shop in the toddler section to find jeans that aren't too long for me.
"No," our drummer retorts, running his hands down his face. Yeah, sure bud, those black circles under your eyes say something different. Nate was a partier, he was even before he joined us, we knew that. He knew all the best places to have a good time, and I'm fairly sure he doesn't usually get out of bed until noon or he has to meet us. Sometimes you could still smell the cheap perfume and booze off the wrinkled shirt he doesn't change. I like him well enough, but some people shouldn't have fame or too much money, it isn't such a good thing.
Be famous responsibly.
Clarke quickly explains what Nate's missed during his impromptu nap, and our drummers eyes light up. He likes the other bands drummer, admires his techniques, and even his sleepy head knows this is a big deal for us.
Momentous, really.
"When do we meet them?" he asks eagerly, rubbing his arm.
"Tomorrow, and don't come smelling like a bar." Vale replies, staring him down beneath thick black lashes; she has a fierce glare, I'll give her that. She gets to her feet, stretching her arms in front of her. She nudges her chair under the table, and we all sort of follow suit as we get to our feet. Nate mocks her slightly before taking a sniff of himself, only to grimace.
Everything is going to go great tomorrow, that's what I'm going to keep telling myself. We're going to make a fantastic impression, we'll be charming and humorous and they'll want us to open every show! Or, actually, we'll be so famous they'll be opening for us by the time it's over with.
I can dream.
Just.... oh my god.
What exactly am I going to wear?
I look at Vale in utter panic. She could wear a paper bag and look fantastic, but it's not that easy for me.
What if I go in there wearing something horribly mismatched, or that doesn't work at all? What if I look like some Avril Lavigne, pop princess rip off and they don't want us opening? I could say something stupid, insult one of them accidentally, what do we even know about them?
"Why are you making that face?" Nate asks warily as we step out into the hall together. "If you're gonna be sick, aim that way."
"I'm just thinking about tomorrow, don't be a dick." I wait for Vale to catch up with me, seeing she's focused on her phone. "Vale?"
"We need to go shopping."
"Shopping?" She sends me an amused look as we fall into step, the worn carpet of the hallway pillowing our footsteps. "Why?"
"Because we need to find something to wear tomorrow."
"You realize whatever you buy you won't wear, and you'll have buyers remorse like you do every time."
"Vale." Now she's starting to stress me!
"Oh, fine, don't freak out. We'll go after we grab some lunch, find something to aww the boys with." she looks amused, and her arm twines with me as we walk. "But don't worry so much, it's just another business meeting. Think of it more like that."
"Is that how you think about every meeting we have?"
"Well, no, I imagine Craig in his underwear and it sort of ruins any intimidation I might feel."
"Well that's a mental image I didn't need."
Vale grins down at me, squeezing my arm as we reach the front desk and give the harried looking secretary a smile as we leave.
I'm worried about tomorrow, but I do tend to worry and be anxious about everything. I might be excited now, but tomorrow I know I'll be an explosion of nerves.I just want everything to go well so badly.
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@andyblack #andrewbiersack #andyblackbvb #andyblacktheprophet #andysixx #andybiersack #andybiersackedits #andyblackbvb4life #andyblackedit #andyblack #andyblackbvbarmy #andyisbatman #andybvb #andyblackedits #bvbarmysoilder #bvbfamily #bvbedits #bvb #bvbandyblack #BVBArmyHeros https://www.instagram.com/p/BrO0_AqhtXK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ja4u41geay48
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suzythespirit · 7 years
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Black Veil Brides Preferencje (na Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/ZsqLGGh87H 🤘🖖❤ ©2017 Reebel82 Okładkę wykonałam sama. 02.08.2017 r. -początek
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alisxblack-blog · 6 years
``Always be yourself and rebel against what people tell you should be and be whatever you want to.``
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Andy Biersack
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#purdy #andy #jinxx #jeremyferguson #ccbvb #jakepittsbvb #bvbforever #ccoma #jake #purdygirl #purdyporn #jinxxed4life #pitts #ashleybvb #bvbfans #andy6 #jinxxbvb #bands #andrewbiersack #fallenangels #newyearsday #blackveilbrides #bvbarmy #biersack #blackveilbridesarmy #andyblack https://www.instagram.com/p/BeeYF_HnYQq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=q1j263dplxpn
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bricoshoppe · 5 years
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(via Virgin Mia Wallace T-Shirt - Virgin Mary Pulp Fiction Tee - bricoshoppe.com) Virgin Mia Wallace T-Shirt – Virgin Mary Pulp Fiction Tee #bricoshoppe #bestsale #bestclothes #funnyshirts #coolshirt #cuteclothes #virginshirt #miawalace #marypulp #pulpfuction #sadnessquote #andrewbiersack #editspage #suicidaledit #edgytumblr #sadpicture #brokenboy #endofthefuckingworld #hurtingquotes #sadthoughts #deppressed #suicidaledits #suicidethought #suicidalthoughs #brokenheartsclub #sucidequotes #brokentrust #hatelife #suicideedits #sadnessquotes 📷 bricoshoppe.com
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#Andy #Black #Andrew #Biersack #AndrewBiersack #AndyBlack #Pkemmerer
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tatuajestattoo4498 · 7 years
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Just Pinned to Tatuajes: #andyblack #andyblackbvb #andyblacktour #andrewbiersack #andybiersack #journeys #wansvarpedtour #julietsimms #andyjuliet#tattoo #song #wedonthavetodance #putthegundown #drownmeout #paintinblack #louderthanyourlove #brokenpieces #thevoid #youthandwhiskey #nevergivein #fallenangels #fallenangel #thelegacy #perfectweapon #rebelyell #faithless #intheend #beautiful #perfect #knivesandpensbeautiful,andrewbiersack,louderthanyourlove,intheend,julietsimms,thelegacy,andyblackbvb,fallenangel,andyblack,andyjuliet,perfect,thevoid,faithless,fallenangels,rebelyell,andybiersack,wansvarpedtour,drownmeout,wedonthavetodance,knivesandpens,nevergivein,song,perfectweapon,youthandwhiskey,putthegundown,andyblacktour,brokenpieces,journeys,paintinblack,tattoo http://ift.tt/2x2Ngln
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byidem · 6 years
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Andy! <3 #bvb #bvbarmy #andybiersack #andrewbiersack #andysix #andyblack #bandsmembers #emolife https://www.instagram.com/p/BpkfC0bFui0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15q3r0ps40zn9
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Por Venganza / A.B - Capítulo 5 (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Xo1rPcCG7u Después de casi dos años en un internado "________ Simms" vuelve con su familia. Una traición la lleva a querer vengarse pero nadie puede jugar con el amor porque este, siempre juega en contra. "No me tendría que haber enamorado" [Esta historia es ficticia, por lo tanto los personajes, sus cualidades y personalidades son falsas. Es solo una novela, no es real y los personajes son random]
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Twitter / @AndyBVB: My sweet Virginia http://t ... no We Heart It - http://weheartit.com/entry/26124065
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inalufan4ever-blog · 9 years
Andrew Biersack
Fun fact, in 2011 bvb preformed and the entire time there was a guy flipping them off and Andy got very mad. So he told everyone in the crowd to turn to him and say”F@ck you!” and everyone in the crowd did, And after that Andy threw some kind of beverage at the guy. Huh I luv Andy.
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