#and you should definitely think about victuuri while listening to it
yaoiconnoisseur · 11 months
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Risk it all 'cause I'll catch you if you fall, wherever you go
If my heart was a house, you'd be home ♡
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pineapple-lover-boy · 3 years
I can just imagine what Yuri living with Victor and Yurio in Russia would be like:
He and Victor sharing an apartment and bed because let’s be honest, they’ve already done this before
Yuri training with the rest of the Russian bunch and becoming Yakov’s favorite because he’s the only one that’ll put consideration into what Yakov says (still doesn’t listen most of the time though)
Yuri asking different things about Russian culture and monuments
Yurio cutting Victor off before he can speak because he’ll be damned if he isn’t the one to tell Yuri everything
Yuri meeting Yurio’s grandfather and gushing over the food he makes
Grandpa makes a sly comment to Yurio later about how he should keep Yuri and Yurio seriously thought about it
Yuri giving Georgi some relationship advice and how kisses do not work for problem solving
Seriously, him and Georgi becoming friends cause all we got to see of him was jealousy and being heartbroken
We deserve more Georgi content, end of discussion
He and Victor collectively laughing when Mila pulls her antics on Yurio
Victor not laughing all that much when Mila starts flirting with Yuri, whether she wants to get on Victor’s nerves or not
Lilia actually warming up to Yuri because of his determination and also cause he knows ballet pretty and can move like a woman~
Another one hopping on the Yuri Squared train
Victor catches on and just decimates everyone by dipping Yuri, while on the ice, and having a full on make out session right there
Coincidentally, the topic of Yuri Squared is never brought up again
Probably cause of Yakov’s yelling, Georgi’s crying, and Yurio’s barfing
After hours Yuri, Victor, and Makkachin cuddle up together on the couch while watching a movie (definitely something Disney cause Victor is still shit at Japanese, Yuri still hasn’t mastered Russian, and they’re both children)
Who falls asleep first depends on who worked more but most of the time it’s Yuri because Victor always makes him little spoon for his ego and Victor is just so warm when wrapped around him
Victor never carries Yuri to the bed
Either Victor stays cuddled up with Yuri as he sleeps
Or he just lazily throws a blanket on top of him while dragging Makkachin to the more comfortable bed
Yuri is the first to wake up in the morning, surprisingly
If they have work then it’s Victor, otherwise it’s Yuri
Victor is incredibly lazy when he knows he has nothing to do
Luckily Yuri always knows how to cook something because of his family’s business
When Victor wakes up first? Be prepared for burnt toast and mostly raw eggs
Either that or he doesn’t cook at all
On late nights when neither can go to sleep Victor will turn up the AC and run a hot bath to simulate the feeling of the hot springs
Whether he does this for Yuri or himself? We will never know
Since Makkachin can never control himself, there was one point where he jumped in the bath with them
And then shook the water off himself
They couldn’t get the smell of extremely wet dog off of them for days
Yurio is always there for sleepovers
I don’t care whether you ship it or not
He always ends up cuddling Yuri and kicking Victor off the bed on his sleep
Yurio was not allowed for sleepovers after the second night
But Yurio doesn’t give a shit
He now sleeps there almost every night
Father!Victuuri confirmed
Despite what people think, it is much more hectic when their in Russia than in Japan
As if anyone doubted that
But that’s the way they like it :)
Even though it was head canons from the start, this came out as way more Domestic!Victuuri than I thought it would be. But who’s complaining?
Otabek definitely comes to visit Yurio for a couple of weeks and this makes Father!Victuuri go from 10 to 100
Victor asks the more embarrassing questions
“So what are you planning to do with our little Yurio baby?”
“Yurio may be a raging kitten but he’s still small~”
“You saved Yurio from his fangirls that were stalking him? Say, how did you know when to become a knight in shining armor? Are you one of his angels?~”
Yurio almost kills Victor
Yuri asks more subdued questions
“How long are you planning on staying?”
Yuri’s mind: if he stays longer than a week then he has feelings. Wait. Are he and Yuri secretly dating? I should get Victor to ask.
“Do you like Russia?”
Yuri’s mind: would you be willing to stay with Yuri or would you whisk him away from us? *suspicious pork cutlet bowl noises*
Yurio begs Otabek never to come to Russia, or anywhere where Victor and Yuri are, again
“I’ll fly to you.”
Victuuri catch that part and automatically assume they’re dating aren’t they though
Now assuming knowing that it’s not a one sided relationship they kill Yurio by congratulating the both of them and being their sappy selves
Yurio stays in his room crying for hours until he gets a text from Otabek saying that he didn’t all the stuff that Victuuri said
What really got Yurio was the wink emoji he sent after
Killed twice in one day, brutal
This came out longer than I thought.
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alipiee · 6 years
Ali, I am looking for new fanfictions, can you suggest some of your favourites? Victuuri And Otayuri I love them both! Thank you! ❤️
Oh gosh strap in, I have read far too many so this list might end up being kinda long! I don’t read Otayuri but I have a lot of Victuuri to throw your way buddy
(Under the cut)
Kintsugi by @witchsbane 114k (wip)
Yuuri Katsuki is a hitman burdened with a debt he can never repay. His target: Viktor Nikiforov, next Pakhan to one of the most dangerous families in the Russian mafia.
When the two are drawn into a treacherous alliance after a mission gone wrong, the bonds of love and loyalty to family and duty begin to unravel—even as they get more tangled up in each other.
ok but this is honestly my favourite yoi fic of all time!! The writing is so amazing and you get immersed straight away bc its so vivid and descriptive!! The plot is i n c r e d i b l e, I always seem to come back and reread it because its just as amazing the second (and third) time around. I literally can’t recommend it enough!!
empty spaces between stars by @victuuriplease 124k (wip)
Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids… but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor’s sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals…
!!!!! This is fantastic !!!! I’m such a sucker for fake dating marriage fics, and this might be the best one I’ve ever read! The fluff is wonderful and balances out the angst and pining and just!! I love it a lot!! 
The Boyfriend Experience by @victorsporosya 240k (wip)
Katsuki Yuuri is an accomplished escort at 23, operating under the pseudonym Eros, in Detroit. When one of his favourite clients sets him up with none other than world-renowned figure skater Victor Nikiforov, the delicate balance between Yuuri’s personal and professional life teeters ever closer towards ruin.
Ok but this fic also owns my life, Adele’s writing is so beautiful and even when you’re crying from the angst, you still feel blessed to be reading it! You can tell how much thought has been put into every sentence and it deserves all of the love and appreciation
Kings in Couture by @forovnix 15k (wip)
a devil wears prada au in which victor is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, yuuri’s his new secretary, and instead of talking about his feelings, victor just sends him on a bunch of errands—“Okay, okay. Ready.” Yuuri starts scribbling as the voice on the other end, someone from the Style and Trends department, relays instructions. “Sorry, can you please spell ‘Gabbana’?”
The person on the line promptly hangs up on him.
Awkwardly, he sets the phone back on the receiver. “Guess not.”
This fic is a blessing tbh, it’s so witty and fun to read and two chapters of pure gold
hey stranger (don’t i look familiar to you) by @forovnix 4k 
It’s not that Yuuri is a nosy person. To be fair, he thinks anyone would wonder about the person they’ve been sharing a space with for the better part of a year.
Or, Yuuri is a part-time professor who shares an office with someone who writes themselves too many post-it notes. There are a lot of facts to process, and Yuuri’s got a lot of assumptions.
This is so heckin cute!! Had me smiling all the way through!! Once again Justine has blessed us with her lovely writing
not gold like in your dreams by @ebenroot 87k (complete)
“Victor, you could have let some psychopath into your apartment.”
“Oh come on, he’s not a psychopath,” Victor chides. Christophe makes a gesture with his hand that says ‘are you seriously this naïve or are you drunk at work again?’.
“Victor, you don’t know that. You don’t know anything about him. Whose name am I going to give to the police or face I’m going to describe to the sketch artist when they find your body chopped up like Hannibal Lecter’s side dish?”
in which Victor and Yuuri are roommates and Yuuri has a secret
A penelope au was definitely needed and this was amazing! Honestly I prefer this fic to the film its just so soft and cute!! I’m weak for it and the last chapter made me cry so much idk how many times I’ve reread it at this point but I kinda wanna read it again now 
never tasted rubies by @ebenroot 16k
Phichit puts up a poll on the radio website. It reads ‘What Do U Think About Yuuri K. from Hasetsu Nights and the Mysterious Caller Victor?’
Seventy-five percent of listeners said ‘lol they should just f*ck already tbh’.
in which Yuuri is an unwilling radio host and Victor won’t stop calling in to chat with him
My heart was so full while reading this, it was so funny and cute and perfect!
seek those who fan your flames by @ebenroot 48k (wip)
Yuuri gets hand-delivered a black-print T-shirt by one of his bodyguards on Friday. There’s a small sticky note attached to the collar in Victor’s handwriting that reads: ‘Our new band shirt! Logo is still a work in progress. Name too. But it’s a start! Let me know what you think after school. - Victor’
There’s a heart next to his name that is hastily scribbled out. Then another heart next to that one, like Victor decided to put it in anyways.
Yuuri thinks he’s in love.
in which Yuuri is a teenager that’s actually a prince, and Victor is a teenager with a band that just wants to listen to rock music with him
I had a mighty need for a princess diaries au and this is wonderful!! Victor is such a sweetheart in this and its all just so wonderful and warm! 
turn it, leave it, stop, format it by @ebenroot 19k
“If you want, I can recommend you some security programs that you can download for free and protect your computer. That way, you won’t be at risk of losing these cute photos of your dog even when you browse websites like ‘Luscious Lonely Wives’.”
Victor gives one long ‘haa’. “I don’t browse those websites,” he says through his straining smile.
the ‘i will break any and all electronic devices that get into my hands if it means I get to talk to the cute tech support guy’ fic
This fic had me l i v i n g, it was so funny and cute and fluffy!!
The Rules For Lovers by @adreamingsongbird​ 323k (complete)
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well…
That’s a long story.
This is so i n t e n s e! The fluff and humour is so perfect and Yuuri and Victor’s relationship is so perfect (and although the angst is painful as heck), its perfect! The plot is amazinggg and every update had me shook! It belongs in a bookstore to be honest, its so so so incredible!
to sweep me off my feet by @adreamingsongbird​ 33k
Yuuri went to school in America to get a good, stable job—no, really, Mom, he meant to, he swears! And journalism was promising! It was really good! Until supervillains started appearing and then a (rather attractive) superhero showed up too, and, well…
This is his life, these are his choices, and it’s absolutely unfair that he has to have the office across from someone as hot as Viktor Nikiforov.
The cutest superhero au, with the cutest art, and cutest plot!!
But Monsters Are Always Hungry, Darling by @orchids-and-fictional-cities​ and art by @iruutciv​ 61k (wip)
Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence, Rape/Non-con 
“You do this, you do. You take the things you love and tear them apart or you pin them down with your body and pretend they’re yours. So, you kiss him, and he doesn’t move, he doesn’t pull away, and you keep on kissing him. And he hasn’t moved, he’s frozen, and you’ve kissed him, and he’ll never forgive you, and maybe now he’ll leave you alone.”
A brutal murder on Christmas Eve abruptly pulls one Detective Nikiforov out of a holiday he was just starting to tolerate, and forces him to come to terms with demons he’s been pretending not to see. On that same night, a man walks into a bar and waltzes into his life, lighting a spark that grows into a monster of its own.
Wow. This fic is so incredibly well-written and the plot thickens with each chapter, I’m so excited every time it updates honestly!! As if the writing wasn’t descriptive enough, there’s also equally beautiful art for every chapter and together its just amazing!
Confidential Information by @iwritebetterthanispeak​ 77k (wip)
Yuuri never imagined that being able to figure skate would be useful for his job at Interpol. He was very, very wrong.
Viktor Nikiforov, as a famous athlete popular in the public eye, has received threats before. There are very few he takes seriously. However, as more secrets are uncovered and nothing is as it appears, the stakes rise until it becomes clear that there may not be a way to save him this time.
I’m finally getting around to reading this and!! Addy is back with her amazing writing and I can’t wait to catch up!
If Perfect’s What You’re Searching For, Then Just Stay the Same by @iwritebetterthanispeak​ 6k
Yuuri took a deep breath, and faced the starstruck barista. “I am sorry, my Russian is very bad,” he said tentatively, shoulders hunching slightly. “Do you want me to repeat?”
“N-no, sorry, sir,” the barista said. She blushed and brushed her hair behind one ear. “I’ll get that for you right away!” She stepped away from the counter and called in fast-paced Russian, “Dmitri, come here! The most beautiful man in the world is back!”
Viktor’s smile grew. The employees of the coffee shop weren’t being cruel or making fun of Yuuri’s accent, they were enchanted with him. Viktor could sympathize, his fiancé was very enchanting.
And then he noticed that Yuuri was curled in on himself, eyes lowered and arms wrapped around his chest.
[In which Viktor realizes that Yuuri is a somewhat unreliable narrator]
Well this was just so cute, thank u addy for blessing my life once again
Love Letters by @shslshortie   44k (wip)
Ever since he was young, Yuuri Katsuki had always admired Victor Nikiforov. He was the one who had inspired him to start skating. He had pictures and posters of him all over his room — and Victor was his idol.
Like any fan of an idol, Yuuri loved to send Victor fanmail. Of course, he could never bring himself to sign it as anything other than “Your Secret Fan”, but it still made his heart come alive to write about his love for the silver-haired skater
This is one of those fics that you just can’t put down, I was reading it during all my free periods at college and its the cutest! Also all of the letters are drawn and in the body of text, so it adds so much more to it, its so wonderful!
starstruck by @haikuyus​ 167k (complete)
“Hold my son for a moment,” says the Viktor Nikiforov, live in the flesh, sweaty and panting.
“Wha—” Yuuri can’t even begin to comprehend what’s going on before Viktor is gone, and there’s a child in his arms.
(in which yuuri is a barista-turned-babysitter, viktor is a famous movie star, and yuri is an 8 year old kid stuck in the middle of it.)
so i developed a love for kid fics, and this was the first one I read, its sooooo good! Yuri is so precious and Yuuri is so precious and Viktor is so precious and just,,, theyre all so precious!
Lessons in Love by @fangirlandiknowit101​ 113k (wip)
All Viktor wants is for his son to be happy - and if that means spending countless hours at the ice rink, a million more in the ballet studio, and devotedly cheering for Katsuki Yuuri at every competition he enters, then that is precisely what he’ll do.
He just didn’t expect to become a fan, too.
(He didn’t expect to fall in love.)
This fic has me so weak, its the softest thing ever! Yuri is the cutest, and Viktor is the best dad and Yuuri is just the best tbh, I have a lot of love for this!!
on growing; by @crossroadswrite​ 125k (wip)
Yuri Plisetsky glares at him with all the righteousness five year olds possess, and says in heavily accented and clumsy English. “Be more gooder, stupid!”
And then he storms out in a sweep of blond hair and blue and red lights from his Sketchers.
(Or: in which everything is the same but Yuri Plisetsky is Victor’s bratty five-year-old child.)
This fic cleared my skin and watered my crops, its so fluffy and each chapter is a blessing
sweet like love (soft like pain) by @postingpebbles​ 10k (wip)
Loving Yuuri was a choice that Viktor never regretted making. His smile, his laughter, the way his lips felt against his own—nothing could make him happier than having Yuuri in his arms.
But when the entire world has no idea that rivals Yuuri Katsuki and Viktor Nikiforov are in a relationship, Viktor can’t do anything at all when Yuuri gets in an accident and is rushed to the hospital the day after he proposes in a hotel room in Nagano.
I love ollie and she loves hurting my heart apparently, this is such a wonderful fic and I can’t wait for her to bless us even more with her writing
The Selection by @gallopingmonroe-blog​ 262k (wip)
Returning home on the tail end of an injury that ends his dancing career, Yuri Katsuki is trying to find his future again. As a Five, he knows his options are limited, but when he finds an invitation to Crown Prince Victor Nikiforov’s Selection, he is convinced by a friend to apply.
He never thought he’d be Selected.
When he is, he finds that his world is changed forever, and that the Crown Prince is not exactly what he’d expected.
!!! This fic is so beautiful !!! Yuuri and Viktor’s relationship is so cute, and Yuuri’s friendship with Yuri and Phichit and all of the others is so cute, and the entirety of the fic is so cute!!
a black heart of gold by @katzuyas​ and beautiful art by @lamenart​ and @iruutciv​ 67k (complete)
Victor Nikiforov, aka Grand Prix, knows that he’s Yakov’s most skilled hitman. That’s just a fact and he isn’t in the habit of arguing with facts.He also knows that he’s the only one Yakov trusts, period. In this case though, he’s the only one Yakov can rely on to take care of the elusive sniper Eros, who kills Yakov’s henchmen left and right.What Victor doesn’t know, however, is that Eros’ little vendetta is not a matter of coincidence, but pure premeditation, and thus… he falls into a trap that a rookie like Little Fairy could see from a mile away.He falls in lust.And then in love.The fool.
This fic is so intense and so descriptive and playful and just! Amazing honestly!!
November’s Secret by @lanaberryrawr​ 233k (complete)
Overwhelmed with anxiety and his fear of failing, Yuuri faces the issue of if he should continue skating. His best friend, Yuko, proposes a solution - if no one knows it’s you, then it’s less embarrassing, right? Yuuri begins to create a completely new disguise and persona.
But it works a little too well.
Before he knows it, Yuuri has become the biggest mystery of the skating world and everyone wants to know who he is. Especially Viktor Nikiforov, the idol he’s been loosely basing his new persona on for years.
This was such a cool and original concept for a fic and oh my godddd it was incredible!! Definitely one of the best I’ve read!! 
Gunned Down Butterflies by @lanaberryrawr​ 207k (wip)
Everyone’s lives revolve around two names - the name of an enemy, and the name of a soulmate, both tattooed on their wrists.
But for Yuuri, his fated soulmate and enemy are the same person. One name tattoed on his skin.
After years of believing it meant only unhappiness and pain, he begins to bandage them up and hide them from the world. He even begins to forget about them - until he meets a new client in need of a guard against the Russian mafia.
Nothing can hide him from fate - not bandaging the names, not forgetting about them, not even moving on without them. The owner of the name on his skin will find him eventually.
Okay but the amount of cliffhangers in this fic is amazing, it’s so good and I love it!! It’s such a cool take on a soulmate au!! I can’t wait for the next few chapters :D
Behind these Locked Doors by @axlaida​ 79k (wip)
“I will find a way out of here,” Yuuri stated firmly and Victor’s expression never faltered. His face was stone cold – frozen like ice. “I know it may take a while… but I have to try.”Victor let out a breath, shaking his head as he smiled. “I said the exact same thing when I arrived.”
They were trapped with no way out. And all that stood between them and their escape was a door - locked and impossible to escape from. But Yuuri had hope. He would escape this, whether the man wanted them to or not.
This is such an amazing mystery fic! I literally sit and think about it someimes at night, trying to work it all out lol, its so good!!
learn to love the skies I’m under by @linneakou 37k
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Katsuki Yuuri disappears without a trace.
The day after the Sochi GPF banquet, Viktor Nikiforov finds a stray poodle and takes it home with him.
These two events are, oddly enough, connected.
I never knew I needed a fic where Yuuri turned into a dog and lived with Viktor a while, but this fic changed my life tbh, its so good!
Call you by name by @linneakou 13k
Drunk, depressed, and lonely, Viktor Nikiforov makes a wish that has unforeseen consequences for himself and many people around him.
(an alternate take on the premise of learn to love the skies I’m under)
This version is also incredible!! I love them both a lot!!
Puppy Love by @phyona​ 10k
When Yuuri gets turned into a dog, the last place he expects to end up is Victor Nikiforov’s apartment. He learns quickly that the only thing worse than being his idol’s pet, is watching him pine for someone else.
Oh man,,,,this fic you guys, I love it so much! The angst oh my gosh, its such an amazing story! 
Green Light by @gia-comeatme​ 21k (complete)
Chris knows what Viktor looks like when he has a crush, and he is 100% sure that Viktor Nikiforov has a crush on his pole dancing classmate, Yuuri Katsuki.
What he doesn’t know is why Viktor hasn’t gotten off his ass and gone for him already.
As a good friend, Chris is obligated to help Viktor out a little bit.
(And that’s where everything goes to shit.)
Red Light by @gia-comeatme​ 30k (wip)
Chris has had many lovers in the years that Viktor has known him. However, none of them can even compare to Chris’ newest boyfriend.
Viktor knows it’s wrong, but he falls in love with Yuuri Katsuki anyway.
Both of these fics were sooo good oh my god! I have a weakness for misunderstandings and angst with a happy ending, so like these were right up my street and they were amazingggg
Dr. Shiny and the Case of the Beautiful Man by @etherealalchemist​ 6k
There are about five things that Victor, in this very moment, is absolutely sure of.
1. The spawns of satan are here2. they are not accompanied by their angel of a mother3. they are with the most beautiful man he’s ever seen4. his scrubs are wet from where he’d dropped water on himself5. and Victor is very, very gay.
Emphasis on point five, with a side of cupid’s arrow and “ba-dum ba-dum” on a plate.
Because he is Very Gay, and not only is he Very Gay but he is also Hopelessly Attracted to a man who is undoubtedly Very Straight and very Unavailable and is perhaps the Most Beautiful Man Victor has ever seen.
in which Victor is a doctor, Yuuri is a godfather, and Yuri just wants some peace and quiet and a larger stash of lollipops.
This was so sweet and funny! I had to take a second while I was reading it from laughing so much honestly!
We Two Boys 11k (wip)
Yuuri talks about his crush on Victor Nikiforov while recording an episode of his and Phichit’s podcast We Two Boys. It’s not a big deal until it Becomes A Big Deal.
An ocean away, Victor falls in luv.
this is so funny omg, I love Phichit and Yuuri’s friendship so much
turntables by @vitavitali​ 4k
It happens approximately one week after Yuuri’s disastrous performance in Sochi.
Viktor Nikiforov @v-nikiforovI wish I could date pretty black haired boys who dance well.
“Ooh, the candidates are already flooding in!” Phichit says with an amused grin.
“Candidates?” Yuuri asks and Phichit helps Yuuri scroll down to read the replies. Most of them are variants of “date me!” with pictures attached. It’s all very interesting.
“You should send one too!” Phichit says and Yuuri doesn’t even bother answering him. “Look, I’ll send one if you send one. It’ll be fun!”
Oh my gosh I remember reading this so long ago, and I found it again a few days ago and I still love it so much
posterboy by @vitavitali​ 1.5k
“I’m going to kill whoever who did this,” Yuuri assured the poster. “I’m going to kill them for you. Don’t worry, baby, I’m going to murder anyone who thought it was a good idea to harm you. They’ll die screaming.”
“What?” came the poster’s startled reply.
“What?” Yuuri parroted back, because posters weren’t supposed to talk, especially not in Viktor Nikiforov’s melodious Russian accented voice.
This is iconique honestly, theyre both so cute!
Rainy Days by  @vitavitali​ 5k
Director’s List Viktor Nikiforov falls in love with bad boy transfer student Katsuki Yuuri. What happens next will warm your heart.
So I kind of binged this authors fics and this one is also amazing!!
There’s still so many fics I want to recommend but I’ve spent like 2 hours on this list and I don’t want it to get too long, so these are the ones that sprang to mind,  happy reading!
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galaxy-seeker19 · 7 years
About Greek forms of love: Please take note
{About eros and agape mostly, and how they are misrepresented, so please don't scroll past this, I keep seeing posts about things that have nothing to do with what they mean even so many months later! This is an edited version of the original post which I wrote very quickly, so I think I did a much better job explaining the concepts this time}
OK, Yuri On Ice has a permanent place in my heart and they have done really well in their effort to portray different cultures, countries and their citizens respectfully and accurately. Also the fandom is sweet and respectful and you all do your best to portray unfamiliar concepts well, but for the most part these concepts get misrepresented. So I ’m finally writing this post to explain them properly. If you have taken a liking to these concepts and want to write fics/meta or make edits/art including them, please take note of the following. I will try to explain as much as I can.
Eros: it’s not physical attraction or “sexual love”. Eros is a passionate emotion that may or may not include sexual attraction, it’s first and foremost romantic love. You may be young and not sexually active or be in the asexual spectrum and still be in love. Basically anywhere you ‘d use “x is in love” that’s where you ‘d use eros. In love = feels eros. 
In short, eros is passionate romantic love. 
You can follow this up with adding the precise feelings and types of attraction x person feels other than romantic, (sensual, sexual, aesthetic, platonic attraction). The word erotic originates from eros and it often means something sexual, but that’s a possible part of eros not the definition. In modern Greek we say x is erotevmeni/os (f/m) which means x is in love, we don’t say x feels eros (sexual feelings/attraction).
That "show me your eros" line? Completely nonsensical and really irritating. It makes eros sound like it means sex appeal or “sexual love” (what the heck is that?), when it means the feeling of being passionately and irrevocably in love!! It’s the most romantic word for love!  
Examples that would accurately portray what eros means in English
“Victor is hopelessly in love with Yuuri” 
“Yuuri is so in love with Victor that he can’t stand to be away from him even for one day”
Russian team: “We are so happy that Victor finally found true love”
Yakov: “Victor, I’m glad that you found Yuuri and that you two are in love, but for the love of god stop hugging him like there’s no tomorrow and being all sappy and get your ass in the rink to practice!”
I ‘ll quote myself from another post: Someone who feels eros for another person doesn’t necessarily love them in an unconditional way, they just have strong feelings (see above) about them. How they act in a relationship largely depends on the nature of the person in question (if they are egoistical, possessive or thoughtful and respectful). 
And this is where you can find one of the differences from agape. Because
Agape: In it’s first and foremost definition it’s unconditional love. Yes, in Greek it’s also used as simply love, like it does in English, (but not always, you wouldn’t say I love this post it’s meant for people/animals, or really important to you things like “I love my job”. You’d use “really like”) 
So while it can be used as simply love, it’s true meaning is unconditional love, and it comes in every form, between friends/lovers/parents & children/family members/anyone. The best example in the show is both Yuuri and Victor being willing to give up their skating careers for the other to be happy. 
But the issue that bothers me the most is the godlike agape I keep seeing. There’s nothing about agape that relates to the christian god whatsoever. You can use it if your god means a lot to you to describe your love for him or the love you believe he feels for you as well. But that is one use out of many and it has nothing to to do with the true meaning of the word which by the way originated in the ancient times. And personally it irks me to no end to see a word that means unconditional love be used for a god whose whole legacy is allowing his believers (and everyone else) to get hurt, tortured, killed and what else, oftentimes in his name. But that’s a rant for another time.
In short, agape means unconditional love and is used to describe any type of feelings (platonic, romantic, parental etc.)
Examples that would accurately portray what agape means in English.
Yuuri loves Victor so much, that he has resolved to end his career if it means that Victor will get to return to ice skating which he thinks will make him happier than coaching Yuuri.
Yuuri’s family “We’ll support you with whatever you choose” (even if it means that they will not have Yuuri’s help with running the onsen, because what’s important is that Yuuri will be able to do what he loves)
Grandpa Plisetsky: “Pirozhki Katsudon” (really, that man loves his grandson so much that he took care of him in his old age, helped him with whatever he could, supported him, and he shows his love in that gruff manner but it’s unmistakable how much he loves Yuri and what he is willing to do for him)
Also Mila looking after Yuri, Minako supporting Yuuri, and Phichit, Yuuko and Nishigori being devoted friends that always try to help Yuuri and be there for him etc.
Also, when a person feels eros combined with agape, it is true unconditional romantic love. It’s the type of love we see in great love stories, where the characters are so in love and care for the one they love so much, that they are willing to sacrifice themselves or things important to them in order for their loved one to be happy.
In one word: Victuuri^^
Moving on to other forms of love I ‘ve seen explored.
Philia: it is indeed love between friends/friendship ie. platonic love.
Storgi: it’s not family love or parental love. It’s one way agape manifests, it is tenderness/fondness/affection. It comes in every form of love stated above. If I am feeling storgi about you I am feeling warm and fuzzy affection towards you, and if I am going to show you that, it will be with tender gestures, like a caress, a hug, a homemade meal, with my being a good listener when you need me to. I ‘ll show you by taking care of you. It is mostly used when talking about gestures rather than feelings.
Philautia: Narcissistic, egoistic, extreme self adoration, a word that is never ever used in Modern Greek and most Greeks will give you a puzzled look if you use it and will have to open a dictionary to look up what it means. The main reason it’s worth a mention is because everyone in the fandom upon hearing the definition instantly recognizes: JJ.
I’m very happy though, that even if the show didn’t portray the concepts well, they did understand a big part of what they mean so they showed these types of love it in the relationships of the anime well enough. (except for lines like “Such Eros!” -_- ) Also everyone who has tried to tackle these concepts has been respectful and done their best to portray them accurately even if they often didn’t manage to do so. I am a bit sour about the show as they should have done better research, (though I have my theories about what happened. Conservative, prudist christian “sources” that mangle the concepts to suit their lifestyle? Probably) even so, the result was so great and YOI means so much to me personally, that in the end, it’s fine :). 
If anyone needs help with understanding and using these concepts, or for anything Greek related feel free to message me, I ‘ll do my best to help you out :)
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flashter · 7 years
What are your opinions/ships for Wally??? Like OTP and BrOTP wise
I feel like I’ve talked about my ships and OTP’s before, so I’ll go into more detail now. I’ll also go into more detail about his friendships which I never do. There is a lot below this read more and I’m sorrynotsorry about it. 
This is my all time top ship ever in anything. I’m not sure if it’s because I rp as Wally or I just see them being really good together.
Dick/Wally are whole-hearted dedicated individuals who would love the shit out of each other. They both bring the best out of each other while being able to support each at their worst and being able to handle that with grace. This probably comes from their years as friends and teammates. They both know that the other is loyal and exceptionally talented and could see the potential of the other. However, they have their flaws (stubbornness, competitive nature, etc.), which makes them more like a real couple. Overall, their relationship would be a very healthy, loving, and supportive one.
Further, Dick and Wally need each other to remain true to themselves as people. There are plenty of platonic canon moments in the comics where they call each other out for this. Quite frankly, it makes sense because with their similar experiences as being heroes from a young age and having mentors. I think I unlike some of the other Teen Titans and Titans, Dick and Wally are more pressured into roles to take over for their mentors for legacy reasons. “There always needs to be a Batman, he’s a symbol,” and “There always needs to be a Flash to protect Central and keep the League honest”. It came with the territory of being the sidekicks. So, the two get caught up in this loop and when they do they have each other. For Wally, Dick has to remind him he’s not Barry–whom Wally idiolizes/idolized–and that he’s competent and capable of handling things on his own. That Wally can be Wally West and a successful Flash. Where for Dick, Wally has to remind him that he isn’t Bruce and doesn’t have to be to accomplish whatever he’s trying to accomplish as either Nightwing or Dick Grayson. He also reminds Dick that feelings are nice and that he cannot function like Bruce, so he has to do things his own way. Further, Wally would support Dick being Nightwing or Batman or whoever he chooses to be and that he doesn’t have to take up the Batman mantle if he doesn’t want to. There are other people to do it and there can be a Gotham with heroes that doesn’t include a Batman. While the similarities of their situations are fundamentally the same, the nuances are different. This makes for a really good dynamic.
Aside: For any of you who have watched Yuri on Ice!, Dick/Wally remind me a lot of Victuuri. I know some of you might think me a heathen to compare my non-canon ship to a canon one, but it has a lot of good parallels and like I said, that’s how I see Dick and Wally being as a couple in my mind. The other reason I compare the two ships or see birdflash as Victuuri is because of the world YOI is set in. Literally no one cares Victor and Yuri are gay and everyone cares for them and loves them, in my head I see this for Dick and Wally. No one cares they are gay and everyone in their lives and in the world is like “that’s so sweet, they belong together”. But this is more of a social commentary and less of a headcanon-y one. Still I think the representation of YOI with canon gay characters who represent different cultures and are fully developed characters without their “gayness” being the main attribute. I think this is an important thing to mention, as I see both Dick and Wally being in love but never having being gay as a defining characteristic of themselves or their relationship. It’s just a matter of who they love (which is honestly how the real world should work…but I digress).
Last thing about this ship and why I ship it: the friends to lovers trope is a) my life and b) cute af. @theacro-bat​
I feel bad I don’t know their official ship name, but oh well. I don’t only ship these two because their canon, but I ship them for how genuine their relationship is. Linda gets Wally to grow up a lot and to being such an ass; Wally gets her to be more fun and spontaneous. Most of all, they love each other to pieces and would (and probably have) died for each other. They are my favorite DC power couple, and I don’t think they’ve ever broken up (I might be wrong about that, I don’t consume ALL the comics). They have a lot of depth and character development within and because of their relationship that benefits them both.
I don’t have too much else to say here because you can read the comics or about them. I don’t need to justify a canon couple, they’re canon.
The biggest difference between Dick/Wally and Linda/Wally is the making him grow up part. I don’t think Dick would push it that much and just accepts and/or excuses that part of him. Dick would probably figure that something else would happen to force him into growing as a person and he doesn’t necessarily feel the need to do it. Linda, on the other hand, whips Wally’s butt into shape and pretty much tells him he has to grow up to handle his problems (she does this constructively of course). But like I said, that’s the biggest difference.
Wally and pretty much anyone and everyone. Although, I’ve written some about each closer friendship he’s had.
I know you’re done reading about these two, so I’ll make this brief. Copy and paste the above but instead of being romantically involved they are platonic. I will say this about their friendship, they are both touchy with each other, not sexually but support-wise. They hug, do the head-to-shoulder, and shoulder touching. They’re cool. @theacro-bat​
Aside from being redheads, Wally loves Roy to death and will probably never give up on him. Roy could scream at him and Wally would still come back. They may not be best friends like Dick and Wally are, but that doesn’t undermine their closeness. Wally remains close to Roy to the point that Lian refers to him as an uncle, so that says something about their relationship.
Okay this one is more complicated, but sort of my favorite. I know I don’t rp a TT Wally, but that doesn’t change how much I love them. From teenagers to adults, the two went from being a couple to being best friends. They are the most platonic lovers you will ever see and meet. Because of their history, they know a lot about each other but continue to grow that relationship into a better bond that often surpasses the definitions of romantic and platonic. Wally will always be there to support and listen to Jinx. It’s highly probable if not a true fact that these two would live together because they both hate being on their own and they can “tolerate”–in Jinx’s words–each other’s company. Wally doesn’t mind her behavior and she doesn’t mind his eating and running around all the time. Their relationship is really beneficial for the both of them. They put up with each other in a way that only best friends can and they can be in the same room without the need to talk. Jinx also sort of fills Wally’s need to be a caretaker and den-mother. I genuinely believe they love each other.
If you want to compare this to a canon companionship, I cite Dick and Donna. @lucklessprincess​
Shayera/Wally: Unlike his other close friendships and relationships, these two are sort of the most “brotp” of the bunch. Shayera and Wally would hang out to get into trouble and send memes back and forth to each other. (Shayera is officially meme queen in his phone.) Despite Shay being a highly skilled warrior, she’s still a person with a sense of humor which Wally can compliment nicely by either acting as the thing she is making fun of, or being her comedic partner. In this way they are a lot like siblings with Shayera as the older sister. Wally and Shay are probably the closest fun friendship in the Justice League. Even though their friendship is mostly humorous and joking in tone, they care for each other immensely (like siblings). Shayera cares a lot more for Wally then she’ll admit and Wally thinks she’s worth everything even though he’ll never say it. That’s why she is the one who pulled Wally out of the Speedforce and he’s the one who believed in her/forgave her after the Thanagarian invasion. @masic-bxtch​
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moirakoro · 7 years
My gift for @getblacky95​, who was my partner in the @yuri-on-ice-valentine-exchange! :3 I went with the post-canon prompt and threw in Yakov since that’s what you asked for, but somehow it feels like it ended up being a Yakov appreciation fic so... hope you still like it?? Anyway, happy (very belated I’m so sorry omg) Valentine’s Day! thank you for being so patient orz
Title: Not quite the best idea Rating: G I guess, although there’s some swearing from our dear Yurio Characters/Ship: Victuuri + the entire Team Russia and Yakov Word count: 1'885
It’s on AO3 too!
It all begins with a simple question, really.
“Has coach Yakov ever gone on a vacation?” Yuuri asks out of the blue, as he and Victor are taking a short break on the side of the rink. Victor thinks for a moment; his eyes follow his fiancé’s gaze and land on Russia’s number one skating coach, who’s currently yelling at Mila and Yurio for almost getting in a (playful, at least on Mila’s part) argument in the middle of practice again.
Now that he thinks about it, Victor can’t think of a single time in his entire career, no, his entire life when Yakov hasn’t been by his side – or at least somewhere near a skating rink. He could live comfortably off his pension and savings by now, yet he’s 70 and still coaching; still coming to the rink every day, still arriving at six thirty precisely; still shouting at Victor, although now it’s because he’s mad that he and Yuuri are happier in love than he’s ever been, still begrudgingly patting Georgi on the back too, still getting annoyed at Yurio’s insubordination…
“I don’t think so,” Victor finally answers, arms crossed and a finger lightly taping his chin. “I guess he’s just as passionate about skating as all of us here.”
Yuuri takes a few more gulps of his water bottle, hands it to Victor and wipes his mouth with the sleeve of his shirt. “Even we took a few days off after the New Year, though…” Victor’s fingers linger on his fiancé’s for a little longer than necessary. Memories of the lovely week-end they spent together in Paris after (both Russian and Japanese) Nationals make his lips curve into a sweet, adoring smile. “I hope he doesn’t overwork himself,” Yuuri goes on. “I mean! I probably have no right to say that, but…”
“No,” Victor interrupts in a soft tone. His Yuuri is always so grateful and caring; he’ll never stop being amazed at how easy it is to fall in love with him all over again, again and again. “You’re right.”
It’s a bit weird, trying to imagine this rink without Yakov here to offer harsh (but always justified) criticism on his every move, or just yell at him when he’s fooling around – but having a coach like him is no given, and after more than a decade of making his life hell by never once listening to his advice, maybe it’s finally time Victor shows he cares for Yakov too. He’ll discuss this with the others after practice, he decides.
And that’s how a month later, right after Worlds, Yakov is presented with plane tickets and a one-week reservation at the best resort hotel they could find on the Italian Riviera.
“What’s the meaning of this?” he mumbles, unbelieving, (and perhaps a little embarrassed).
“It’s a gift from all of us,” Mila explains with a confident smile on her face. She’s the one who suggested the exact location, having made one or two trips there with Emil Nekola and the Crispino siblings in the past. Victor then chose the hotel, and Georgi took care of every remaining detail – including restaurant bookings and (for some reason) ordering the roses which Yakov doesn’t know yet he’ll find in his room upon his arrival. “Our treasured coach deserves a vacation from time to time, after all!”
“Your ‘treasured coach’? You think I’m going to fall for that? Stop trying to pull pranks on me and go back to practice, you’ve wasted enough time already!”
Oh. Well, they were prepared for many reactions, but for Yakov to think this all is just a joke… Victor, at least, is disappointed. Yuuri is quicker to speak up, though.
“Um… Coach Yakov, this is not a prank. I promise we all just, err, want you to take some time off and relax. We believe you deserve it.”
Yuuri is absolutely incapable of being dishonest; especially when he’s like this, with his hair down and an embarrassed look on his face, you can read him like an open book. Yet Yakov doesn’t seem to trust his words at all.
“Was this your idea, Vitya? What are you trying to buy my forgiveness for this time?”
“What? Yakov, I’m hurt. You know I would never-”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” Yurio suddenly intervenes, clearly sounding like he’s had enough, “I spent some of my money on this shit idea of a gift too, so just fucking accept it!”
Then he proceeds to turn around angrily and step back on the rink, sliding as far away from his coach and fellow skaters as he can manage on the ice. Everyone else remains in shocked silence for a few more seconds, but Yurio’s outburst has effectively ended the debate; Yakov mumbles a half-hearted thank you and they don’t talk about plane tickets and hotel reservations for the rest of the day. Victor guesses it’s fine. Their coach is only supposed to leave in two weeks, after all.
But two weeks really do fly by fast when you spend each and every day trying to put together the best programs for next season, and they only find the time to talk about Yakov’s vacation again once or twice. He ends up agreeing to go, although still somewhat begrudgingly; so on Saturday afternoon they all meet at the airport to see him off, and after making it clear that they’d better not use his absence as an excuse to slack off, he’s gone.
“I hope he’ll have fun,” Yuuri muses as they’re about to leave the airport, long after Yakov’s plane has taken off and they’ve all had a cup of coffee together.
“He definitely will,” Georgi is quick to assure him. He looks strangely pleased. “Italy is such a romantic country, after all. Maybe he’ll even meet someone who’ll make him finally discover the thrill of love!”
“Uh, yeah, maybe not,” Mila intervenes. “Still, will we be alright while he’s gone…?”
“Of course.” Victor puts on a reassuring smile. “It’s not like it’s the first time we’ll be training alone for a few days. Besides, since I’m an experienced coach now, you can come to me anytime if you-”
“Bullshit! You’re a shit coach, Victor, everyone knows that!”
And once again, it’s Yurio’s screaming that puts an end to their conversation, as well as washes away their doubts a little (not that they’ll ever let him know).
Sunday is a day off, so they don’t notice Yakov’s absence very much. At some point during the day, while Victor’s lying on his stomach on the couch and lazily scratching behind the ears of a rather enthusiastic Makkachin, Yuuri wonders aloud if Yakov ever suffers from jet-lag – to which Victor answers he probably doesn’t, and that’s it. They spend the rest of the day lounging around Victor’s (although it’s really theirs now, Victor insists) apartment, cooking together and watching TV together and doing the dishes together the very way that never fails to make Yurio mime the act of puking and say they’re a “couple of fucking disgusting dumbasses”, and overall just enjoying being around each other.
On Monday they’re back to the rink, though, and it soon proves kind of… unsettling not to have Yakov around. Yuuri seems okay, but it takes Victor a few minutes to remember that his coach isn’t there right now, and he doesn’t stop waiting for the lecture he knows he deserves every time he makes a mistake until late in the afternoon.
Tuesday goes by just fine, too; better, even, since Victor manages to pull off that combination that caused him trouble just perfectly not twice, but three times in a row. “It’s a shame Yakov wasn’t here to see this,” he complains, though, once he and Yuuri are taking a break. “You’ll show him when he comes back on Saturday,” comes the answer – and Victor frowns but says nothing.
It only starts getting weird on the following day. They’re training, as usual, Yuuri trying to remember the trickiest part of his free skate choreography and Victor working on his own programs, until their eyes meet and Yuuri smiles with a soft blush on his face, like he’s just that happy to be skating on the same ice as Victor. Which, to be quite honest, Victor can understand – he, too, gets overwhelmed with joy every time he thinks about his fiancé. Still. Yuuri skates up to him and their fingers brush, and the next thing he knows Victor is being pulled into some dance steps they’re only performing to the rhythm of the music seems to Yuuri as he moves. What’s weird is not that they’re dancing – they do that all the time, and it usually makes both Yakov and Yurio scream a lot – but rather that suddenly, it feels very wrong for them to be dancing right now. Victor stiffens; luckily, Yuuri notices and stops immediately to give him a questioning, worried look.
“We should be practicing,” Victor says without thinking. “Yakov would get angry if he saw us.”
Yuuri only blinks, although he doesn’t look like he understands, and nods.
And on Thursday, Victor looks more concerned than ever. He can’t stop frowning. “Yuuri,” he whines out of the blue once they’re back home; they’re on the couch watching TV and his head is resting on his fiancé’s lap. “What if he doesn’t come back?”
Yuuri raises a brow, but doesn’t stop gently carding his fingers through Victor’s hair. “Who’s not coming back?”
“Yakov. What if he’s having so much fun on vacation that he decides to retire for good?”
Yuuri doesn’t know what to say. So he only promises Victor that won’t happen, trying to be as reassuring as he can; and Victor wakes him up in the middle of the night to ask him the exact same question. Twice.
So really, it’s a relief- No, it’s mostly a surprise, but it’s also a relief too, when they all suddenly hear a groan on Friday afternoon and they turn to the rink entrance to see Yakov. His plane wasn’t supposed to take off before Saturday morning, yet he’s here already – so Georgi asks how the essential romanticism of the Italian Riviera could have disappointed him, but that’s not why their coach came back early.
“Did you not like the place?” Mila enquires, biting her bottom lip.
Thankfully, it only takes five seconds for their coach to ease off all of their worries.
“It has nothing to do with the place! I could feel you slacking off all the way from Italy!” he almost shouts. “Have you all even been training properly?”
“Oh, Yakov!” Victor exclaims, and it’s the most energetic he’s been in days. “So you were worried about us, after all!”
“The only things I worry about are your performances. And you’d better go back to practice if you’re hoping to win anything next season!”
His declaration is instantly met with approval. And the next time Victor feels like thanking Yakov for all he’s ever done for him, he decides on just having a bouquet of flowers delivered to his apartment instead.
(It’s still far from anything the Russian coach even remotely enjoys, but at least it manages to make him feel more relaxed than a week away from his troublesome skaters.)
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butterflydm · 7 years
YURI!!! On Ice (Squee and Recs)
YOI was a show that I’d seen mentioned on my dash many many times before I was finally like, okay I’ll give this a try. It’s animation, so it’s got short episodes. There’s only one season so far. I’ve got nothing to lose.
Except, of course, I ended up losing my heart.
So what, exactly, is so awesome about YOI?
1) Sensitive and in-depth portrayal of anxiety. Our hero, Katsuki Yuuri (勝生 勇利; Katsuki Yūri) has anxiety. It affects his life, but it is part of the fabric of him, rather than either being the whole tapestry or just in there when convenient for the plot. It’s always there, but he has many coping mechanisms that he’s developed over the course of his life and we often get to see him use them effectively. In many ways, Yuuri’s anxiety is the antagonist of the show, because so much of the show is about becoming your own personal best rather than comparing yourself against other people, so we see him wrestle with his anxiety frequently over the course of the series.
2) Related: no bad guys! All the characters in this show are people who are just doing their best (most of them doing so in an extremely stressful and physically exhausting career; many of them at young ages!). They have virtues and they have faults but no one is being a jerk for the lolz. The skaters, in general, support and care about each other and they cheer each other on, even while competing against each other. They all push each other to be better because they want the playing field to be full of talented competitors!
3) Speaking of talented competitors: if, like me, you enjoy people being The Best At What They Do, then this is the show for you! The first season is about the Grand Prix, so that means it’s about the best of the best in (Men’s Singles) competitive skating. Our main characters are all extremely talented!
4) Holy shit, the love story, omg. Words fail me when I try to describe how beautiful Yuuri and Victor’s story truly is, but I will try. Like the show itself, there is a maturity and a delicacy in Victuuri (btw what a great ship name) that I don’t find often in love stories. Even though I was spoiled on a big plot twist early on, I still found that many elements of the relationship surprised me. I’m not super into the trope of the fan/idol relationship but Victuuri puts in all the emotional work of getting the characters to the same level as each other. The season takes place over the course of a year, so enough time passes in-universe for the emotional growth to feel natural. I also feel like the ship subverted a lot of common romance tropes in some really lovely and unexpected ways. It might be my favorite canon ship since Doctor/Rose on Doctor Who tbh. Which is a very high bar for me.
And that is only the beginning of things to love about the show! There’s also some great narrative candy to be found -- Yuuri is possibly the most unreliable narrator I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. It is a delight. Now, if (like me) you do not understand Japanese but do understand English, you may wonder at this time if you should watch the subs (Official version at Crunchroll!) or the dubs (Official version at Funimation!), to which I say: watch both! I did and I have no regrets.
As I often do when entering a fandom, I have been reading a lot of fanfic, so I am going to share links of some of my favorite stories so far! They’re pretty much all Victuuri tbh, fair warning.
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya (incomplete; last updated 2/5) - okay, the rest of the fics in this list are in no particular order, but this one is first because it is, currently, my absolute favorite YOI fic. It is a ‘want of a nail’ type AU where a bad encounter between Yuuri and Victor when they’re young makes Yuuri grow up obsessed with Victor as a rival to beat, rather than as an idol. The treatment of how Yuuri’s anxiety affects his PoV is top-notch. There are only two chapters to go before the story is finished, but there’s going to be a companion fic from Victor’s PoV when this one is done, yay! There are some typos but they’re easy to skim over once you get into the story. Great characterization and relationship building, and you’ll definitely want to listen to the music links, especially of Victor’s skates - they really tell you where Victor’s head is at any given point in the story. Victor manages to make me completely heartbroken over his obvious pining despite the fact that it’s all from Yuuri’s PoV and Yuuri has no clue how Victor feels. Love this fic. <3 <3
This Body Overflowing by EmilianaDarling (incomplete; last updated 2/9) - this one just started but I really like where it’s going so far. Very intimate Yuuri narration voice. <3
a day for all the rest by etharei (complete) - a lovely one-shot set after episode 7 that explores Victor’s joy in this current stage of his relationship with Yuuri. <3
Repeat After Me by queenieofaces (complete) - Victor learns some Japanese and also learns how to communicate with Yuuri, which is not quite the same thing. <3
and over our heads the light unwinding by radialarch (complete) - written between episodes 11 and 12, so the convo that starts at the end of 11 ends differently, but this is very sweet. <3
Each Sip Like Starlight by cloverfield (complete) - I won’t sugar-coat it - this is straight-up post-episode 7 victory sex. <3
If I gave you my heart by esprintneo (complete) - set post-season one. Yuuri realizes something very important about his relationship with Victor and how Victor has been seeing things and sets out to make sure Victor knows that Yuuri is just as invested as Victor is. This is incredibly adorable and sweet. <3
Shut up and let me hold you by shysweetthing (complete) - Set between episodes 11 and 12, about the complicated emotions that arise because of the talk Yuuri has with Victor. <3
all your doors flung wide by radialarch (complete) - in which enough enthusiasm can solve any problem. Eventually. <3
no more going half the way by idrilka (complete) - Yuuri and Victor take a moment together after this year’s banquet, before St. Petersburg. <3
Yuuri!!! on Floor by thehandsingsweapon (complete) - AU where most of the characters are in gymnastics instead of skating. Delightful! <3
Victor Effing Nikiforov by shysweetthing (complete) - AU where Yuuri recovers after the Grand Prix Final enough to make it to Worlds that year and is confused at why Victor is acting like they know each other... really... well... <3
i know my madness by astoryaboutwar (complete) - AU where Yuuri gets silver at his first GPF with Victor but still gets Victor’s heart, too (but manages not to figure that part out for a while). <3
You searched for: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov by Arumattie (complete) - Victor discovers fandom (and RPF). <3
Bear Your Soul on the Ice by SassySalchow (incomplete; last updated 2/3) - very cute AU with Yuuri and Victor meeting at much younger ages when Yuuri gets sent to Russia to train at age fourteen. <3
Winter Song by proantagonist (incomplete; last updated 2/4) - YOI being a twenty-minute per episode show that covers a year of time, there’s a lot of time-skipping and we only see the moments that we most need to, so this is a great ‘missing pieces’ fanfic that starts post-episode 7 and fills in some of the relationship cuteness that we didn’t get to see on-screen. <3
Helsinki 2017 by Sanj (complete) - cute little fic of Yuuri and Victor being interviewed before the 2017 World Championships. <3
Lost in Translation by Jenrose (fic complete; series in progress) - Victor thinks he understands Yuuri, and he falls in love. Then he realizes he doesn’t understand Yuuri. He’s still in love. He’s just also very confused. <3 (note: fic deals with facing homophobia)
katsuki_fc wrote by tetsurashian (complete) - YOI S1 from the point of view of Yuuri’s dedicated fans as they support him on through his losses and are delighted by his comeback (and thrilled to see him find happiness with Victor). <3
Excelsior by powerandpathos (incomplete; last updated 1/16) - Like ‘Lost in Translation’, this fic deals directly with homophobia. Partly because of that, the characterizations of both Yuuri and Victor (but mostly Victor) are... hmm.. sharper... than they are in canon. In the YOI canon, Victor and Yuuri can just be blatantly in love and there’s no issue with it with regards to their careers, because they don’t live in a world where they would be hated for who they love. A version of Victor and Yuuri who do live in that world are going to be subtly different. But this is interesting to explore in fanfiction and I’m enjoying the way it’s being done in this story. This fic also has a great pair of original characters who serve as the plot catalysts, as a mirror to Yuuri and Victor’s relationship, but are also quite intriguing and believable in their own right as characters and as a couple. <3
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glassballoonsflytoo · 7 years
What Matters (Victuuri-week Day 1)
Title: What Matters
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: None
Summary: Yuuri struggles with what it means to be with Victor. Angsty Yuuri. Victor’s perspective. ~2,600 words. I meant to post this on AO3 but I don’t have an account yet - good planning.
“Yuuri”, Victor was looking at him from across the room. “What’s on your mind?”
“I can tell when you’re caught up on something. What is it?” Victor, who had been lying on the floor on his back sat up, staring at Yuuri intensely.
“I said it’s nothing.” Yuuri stood up from where he was sitting leaning against his bed and left the room.
Victor closed his eyes, lying back down again. He had believed that Yuuri moving to St. Petersburg meant that things were going to be easy. The pressing questions that had hung over them for the final weeks of the Grand Prix had been resolved. They were both training, they were together, they were happy. At least that was what Victor had thought. So far everything had worked out in their favour. Finding a flat in St. Petersburg for the both of them had been far easier than anticipated thanks to Yakov, who had called up all his contacts to find them a place to stay. Victor couldn’t help feeling a wave of affection for his coach. So here they were, Victor and Yuuri, in their new apartment. “Domestic bliss”, as Mila had called it at their housewarming party. And indeed, for the first couple of weeks, Victor had felt that bliss. He and Yuuri were almost constantly together and Victor often caught himself looking at him watching TV or washing the dishes. In those moments he felt a warmth overcome him that he had seldom felt before and that he now associated with Yuuri and the rings they both wore on their fingers.
Lately, however, Victor had begun to worry. Yuuri had never been one for many words, but now he spoke even less than before. During training he would either keep to himself or talk to one of the other skaters, apparently keeping his distance from Victor on purpose. Victor had watched this development for a week before deciding that he was not simply imagining things. And now Yuuri had practically stormed off. Victor heard him shut the front door. He dug his face into Makkachin’s soft fur, wondering what he had done wrong. All he wanted was for Yuuri to tell him what was going on. Victor thought that he had become quite good at understanding Yuuri’s thought processes, so that when he said or did something rash, Victor was normally able to figure out why. He knew that the reason why Yuuri had suggested “ending this” after the Final had been that he had seen Victor’s desire to skate again. Yuuri had assumed that breaking off their professional relationship would enable Victor to train again. After Victor had seen through this flawed but ultimately well-intentioned reasoning, he had hugged Yuuri, taken his head in both hands to make sure he was listening and told him that yes, he desperately wanted to return to skating but staying with Yuuri was more important to him.
Now they were in Russia together and Yuuri was behaving in ways Victor couldn’t understand. Surely he wasn’t about to suggest separation again for some stupid reason.
“What do you think?” Victor asked Makkachin, who tried to lick his face in response.
He briefly deliberated running after Yuuri, pinning him to the next wall and making him tell him what was wrong by any means. Then he thought better of it. Chasing after Yuuri would only make him panic more, whatever he was panicking about in the first place. So he settled for watching TV with a glass of red wine in his hand and the dog on his lap until Yuuri would return.
When he did come back, about an hour later, his ears were red from the biting wind outside.
“You look cold”, Victor said and turned off the TV. Makkachin jumped up to greet him.
“It’s freezing out there”, Yuuri said, kneeling to pet the dog.
Victor picked up the blanket that was lying on the sofa, and spread it out in an inviting gesture. Yuuri sat down next to him and let Victor wrap him in the blanket. Victor let his arm rest around Yuuri’s shoulders for a moment before taking it away in an attempt to give Yuuri space in case he wanted it.
“Do you want a cup of tea to warm up?”
Yuuri nodded.
Victor went to the kitchen and returned a minute later with two steaming mugs. He handed one of them to Yuuri, suppressed the thought of how adorable he looked in his blanket, and sat down on the sofa, facing him.
For a while, neither of them said anything until Yuuri said “are you mad at me?”
“No. Can you tell me what’s wrong now, please?”
“I don’t know how to say it. I – people, I mean… I don’t know.” Victor could see the expression of frustration, maybe even desperation, on Yuuri’s face.
“Is it being here? Living in a foreign country?” he asked, trying to be helpful.
Yuuri shook his head. “I’ve lived in a foreign country before and I like it here. It’s more that I think… I think I’ve had too much time to think.”
“What have you been thinking about?”
A hint of pink crept into Yuuri’s cheeks. Whether he was blushing or finally getting warm was anyone’s guess. “You, mostly”, he faltered, then almost stumbled over his next words in his hurry to get them out “I mean, what I’ve been thinking about is all of this, you and me and what it all means and what that implies and… you know?”
Victor nodded. He had been wondering when this would come up. “I think I know what you mean. Do you want a definition for what we are together?”
“Maybe. But that’s not what’s bothering me. It is. In a way. But mostly I’ve been thinking about other people and their definitions.”
“You’re worried about how other people perceive you and me.” ”Yes.”
Victor drew in a sharp breath. “Now I understand where this is coming from. This is about last week when I tried to kiss you after training, yes? You ducked away, I thought I had bad breath or it was still too much for you-“
“Too much for me, what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I don’t mean to upset you. I just know you don’t have a lot of experience and I’ve been doing my best not to get too close to you too soon.”
Victor was surprised to see Yuuri look upset. He slammed down his mug on the table and struggled out of the blanket before throwing it to the side. “How about you let me decide what’s too much for me instead of presuming you know best!” He had retreated to the far end of the sofa, leaving a gaping half metre of space between them.
“I’m sorry! I was trying to be considerate!”
“Well, don’t!”, Yuuri yelled.
Victor did his best not to yell back. Calming his voice, he said: “What do you want, then? I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong!”
Yuuri was quiet for almost a minute.
“What do you want from me, Victor?”
“You know what I want from you, Yuuri.”
“No, I don’t, actually. I can’t be sure, at least. So tell me.”
“Alright”, he took a moment to catch Yuuri’s gaze, and held it. “I want to be with you. I want to be close to you, and in that department I’ll take whatever I can get. So if you’re not comfortable kissing me, I’ll live with that.”
“I never said that.”
“No, but that’s how it seems to me. Yuuri, I’ve kissed you once. Only once. I tried again last week but you-“
“That doesn’t mean-“, Yuuri interrupted, but didn’t finish his sentence. Instead he picked up his mug again. Victor was hit by the sudden realisation that this issue, as vague as it still was, must have been eating at Yuuri for more than just the last week. This needed to be resolved and Victor would take all the baby-steps necessary to get Yuuri to relate his problem to him. And then they would figure it out together.
“Did you want to kiss me? Even though you didn’t let me kiss you?”
Yuuri nodded and blushed for real this time.
“Was the problem that there were other people around who would have seen?”
He nodded again.
“We’ll just kiss in private, then. That’s okay.”
“That’s not all”, Yuuri said, bracing himself for what he was about to say. “I’ve never spent much time, any time, actually, thinking about these things. I always told myself that I had to focus on my career and that was all that mattered. It seems strange now but until you showed up it was like that part of my life was locked up somewhere and I didn’t need it, or didn’t dare look at it. I never thought about who I wanted to be with, all I did was skate while I blocked everything else out.” He snatched the blanket back up and buried his face in it.
Victor was stunned. “You never knew you liked.. guys?”
Yuuri shook his head in the blanket. “I’m so embarrassed”, he muttered.
“Don’t be.” Victor moved a little closer, stretched out his hand and placed it on Yuuri’s back. Yuuri shuddered and Victor realised he was crying.
“It’s okay, Yuuri. I’m sorry, I didn’t realise you were still coming out to yourself. I should have known.”
“Have you always known?” Yuuri asked, his voice muffled by the blanket and tears. Victor needed a moment to understand what he meant.
“That I like men? No. I think for a while I did what you did, focusing on skating, repressing. I was nineteen when I figured it out. Someone was flirting with me very blatantly and I was enjoying it a great deal. That’s when the penny dropped.”
“You flirted with me, didn’t you? How could I not see-? I’m so stupid”, Yuuri sobbed, his back shaking under Victor’s hand.
“I did. Then again, I only started after you got punch drunk, took most of your clothes off, performed some impressive dance moves, and then got quite close to me in a very literal way. I had no idea sober Yuuri didn’t know about any of that.”
“Oh god. That’s the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever done.”
Victor couldn’t help chuckling.
“I found it all very endearing. I’m glad Yakov was there to stop me, though.”
“Stop you from what?” Yuuri sat up with a questioning look on his tear-streaked face.
Victor could have slapped himself. He struggled for words while Yuuri stared at him with wide eyes.
“You should know that I wasn’t exactly sober that evening, either. It was a celebration! I admit, I wasn’t as drunk as you…” Yuuri was still looking at him as Victor hid his reddened face in his hand. “I was going to take you back to my room”, he said through gritted teeth, “Yakov told me not to, that you were too drunk. He was right, of course.”
He peeked through his fingers and caught Yuuri staring with his mouth wide open.
“I’m sorry!” Victor hurried to say. “I shouldn’t have said anything! I didn’t want you to know. That’s something I’m embarrassed of. I was drunk and almost waiting for a sign, I didn’t know what to do in the coming season. And then you asked me to be your coach and all that and I was overwhelmed. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. I woke up in my own bed, I remember that much. But. Does that mean everyone has known all along?”
“About us? Yes, I figure it was never much of a secret. At least on my end. Yakov yelled at me not to ruin my career for a fling with a pretty boy.”
Yuuri snorted. “And I won’t even let you kiss me. I must be a such a disappointment.”
Victor smiled and gently placed one hand on Yuuri’s cheek. “Yuuri, you don’t disappoint me. What we have here is something I’ve never had before. I didn’t dare to think I could ever find someone like you. Are you feeling better now?”
“I do. It might take me a while to get used to this. Please don’t get annoyed at how slow I am.”
“I never would.”
Finally, Yuuri smiled back at him and let Victor pull him into an awkward hug on the sofa.
“I think I’m fine with liking you the way I do. Because it’s you. But I worry about other people and what they think of me because I do”, Yuuri said, his face hidden by the hug.
“They will think that you like me. And that I like you. I don’t see anything wrong with that.”
“That’s not what I mean.”
Victor sighed. He leaned back until he was lying on the sofa, pulling Yuuri with him, who placed his head on his chest. They remained silent for a while.
“I can hear your heartbeat”, Yuuri said. Victor ran a hand through Yuuri’s hair and smiled to himself, content.
“Are you.. gay?”
He laughed. “I thought I’d been quite clear but yes, I am.”
He could sense Yuuri’s hesitation. “Am I gay?”
“It’s not really my place to tell you. Does it matter?”
“That’s what I mean. People who see us together will assume we’re gay. What does that even mean? How can they define who or what I am when I don’t know myself?”
Victor thought about this question for several minutes.
“Do you like me, Yuuri? Romantically?” he asked, finally.
“You know I do.”
“Yes, I know. And you know. We both knew long before either of us said it. Feelings are more important than words. You don’t have to call yourself gay if you don’t want to. You might be bi, for example. Do you like girls?”
Yuuri abruptly raised his head off Victor’s chest. “How would I know?! I told you I never paid attention. I have no idea!”
“Alright, alright. That’s not the point I was trying to make, anyway. Whether you’re gay or bi or whatever else doesn’t matter for us to be together. You’ll figure it out. Or you won’t. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re comfortable.”
Yuuri placed his head on Victor’s chest under his collar bone, closer to his face now. Victor rested both his hands on Yuuri’s back, his arms around him in what he hoped was a not-too-suggestive embrace.
“You’re right that people will make their assumptions,” he continued, “but they always do. Whoever you’re with, whatever you do, people will always think what they want. But do you remember what Phichit’s reaction was when he thought we had gotten married?”
Yuuri nodded against Victor’s neck.
“He was happy for us. He’s your best friend and he wants you to be happy. When he thought you had married me he didn’t ask questions, he didn’t criticise, he said ‘congratulations’. You picked your friends well, Yuuri. What Phichit thinks about you matters because he’s your friend, but he doesn’t seem to mind that you’re happy with me as long as you’re happy. You see what I’m saying?”
“It sounds like you’ve thought about this before.”
“I have. I’ve had a bit more time than you to think about these things and I’ve come to the conclusion that right now, what matters to me is being with you, because you are everything to me.”
Yuuri did not say anything to this. Instead, he reached behind his back, took Victor’s hand in his, and kissed it.
I haven’t written fan fiction in years but this was fun! Has anyone read this to the end? Let me know what you think about it!
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geek-scientist · 7 years
Yuri On Ice Valentine’s Exchange
here’s a good ol’ fashioned victuuri fic for @satansweaterpaws since we were partners in the @yuri-on-ice-valentine-exchange! I know I submitted it to your blog last week but here it is again just in case it didn’t go through! I’m sorry in advance if it’s a little short but I still really hope you enjoy it anyways 
            Yuuri watched as his father’s eyes teared up in the mirror’s reflection. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen his father cry and he was unsure of what to say or do.
            ��“Dad..um…are you ok?” Yuri asked tentatively.
           “Yes, I’m fine Yuri, really. It feels like it’s happening so fast even though it’s been a while now,” his father replied, looking away for a moment to wipe the tears before they fell. “Your mother and I both saw it coming though. I’m just very happy for you.”
             Yuuri turned away from the mirror to look at his father. After the many years of being away from home, these moments with his father were so rare, so precious to him. He didn’t want to let it go.
             “I love you Dad,” Yuuri said as he hugged his father and felt his own eyes begin to tear up slightly.
             “I love you too Yuuri,” his father said as he hugged him back, both of them completely embracing one another.
             “And I have to say, you look as just as beautiful now as when you perform.”
               Yuuri could exactly recall how nervous he felt the night before his free skating program during his third Grand Prix Final. It felt just like the Cup of China, how he couldn't seem to take his mind off of losing, more importantly off of losing Viktor, and how he couldn’t calm down even for a second. Only so much had changed since then, and he felt it at least ten times worse. Now he found himself enveloped in Victor’s arms, lying in bed, telling him how overwhelmed he was.
 “Yuuri, you scored very well in the short program, I don’t see any reason to worry,” Viktor insisted gently, speaking into Yuuri’s hair as he held him from behind.
             “I know and so did you, it’s still hard for me to come to terms with competing with each other, even now, after everything that’s happened…just be honest with me Vitya,” Yuuri sighed. He was finally going to ask the question that had been bothering him for weeks.
             “If you win gold instead of me, would you still want to get married?”
             “Yuuri…I know we haven’t talked about this very seriously yet but I know for a fact I want to marry you after this. We’ve been engaged for almost a year, it doesn’t matter to me if you win gold or not because in the end, I want to be with you,” Viktor said as he held Yuuri closer to him. “Plus I think your parents have waited long enough,” he chuckled.
             “Are you sure Viktor? I don’t know what the future holds but if you still wanted to wait until I’ve won gold, I think that would make sense,” Yuuri said, wrapping his arms around Viktor’s as they held his waist. He was almost thinking out loud to himself. If he was being honest, the entire season had felt so off to him. Both of them had to compete with their old friends and rivals, including Yurio , and being Yuuri’s third GPF the tension had only grown more. He really couldn’t place what he was feeling other than the love he felt for Viktor. He decided to call what he felt bittersweet; he still wanted to win but he just wasn’t sure at what cost. He knew that he still completely supported Victor and everyone else in the competition, but he had worked so hard to win and he couldn’t ignore that. And it had really payed off seeing that he made it this far.
             “Yes, Yuuri. I’m sure,” Viktor whispered. He kissed the back of Yuuri’s head. The same spark Yuuri felt was there only it was more like a glow with a heat that slowly spread throughout his body. He didn’t know what would happen tomorrow, but he knew how he wanted to feel that warmth for the rest of his life.
             The only thing Yuuri could hear at the moment was the sound of his own heart beating. He couldn’t hear the music, he couldn’t hear the gasps (Phichit’s being the loudest), he didn’t notice the stares (Yurio’s being the most intense), he just focused on walking in a straight line as his father walked beside. Time seemed to stand still, and for a while everything seemed blurry until he finally focused on Viktor’s face. He couldn't begin to describe what he saw in those blue eyes, it looked as though Viktor was in total awe. It was the same way he looked at Yuuri when he skated, the same way he looked at him the night they danced together. The same look he given Yuuri when he fell in love.
 As Yuuri finally made it to the altar, it was hard for him to look at Viktor without feeling completely flustered. Maybe some of it had to do with the fact that Yakov had agreed to be their priest, but hey, Viktor had insisted (“He was ordained for a reason Yuuri!”). He was completely overwhelmed and looking at Viktor was like looking at the sun. When Viktor reached his arms out to bridge the space between them, he whispered “It’s like I’m seeing you for the first time.” And Yuuri could feel himself completely melt in Viktor’s hands.
 Then the ceremony proceeded under Yakov’s watchful eye, Victor’s vows being:
 “I take you as you are, loving who you are now and who you are yet to become. I promise to listen to you and learn from you, to support you and accept your support. I will celebrate your triumphs and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you and have faith in your love for me, through all our years and all that life may bring us.”
           Now Yuuri’s vows were:
           “Today, I promise you this: I will laugh with you in times of joy, and comfort you in times of sorrow. I will share in your dreams and support you as you strive to achieve your goals. I will listen to you with compassion and understanding, and speak to you with encouragement. I will be there for you always. Let us be partners, best friends and lovers, today and until the end of time.”
             And then it was as if neither of them could hear Yakov’s approval allowing them to kiss; they were already leaning forward into the sweetest embrace they’ve ever known.
              One early afternoon in Yuuri’s home, Yuuri once again lay bundled in Viktor’s arms, that warmth he had found making his heart race. It was still a blur, still everything felt like it was moving fast.
 “Are you alright Yuuri? You’ve been a little quite tonight,” Viktor asked trying to peer into Yuuri’s eyes.
             “Yes, I’m fine Vitya, don’t worry,” Yuuri reassured as he stole a glance at his wedding ring. It had only been a few weeks since their wedding and they had decided to spend it in Hassetsu with Yuuri’s family. It was definitely different from the other times they stayed in Hassetsu but it still felt right, like that was where they were supposed to be.
             “I’m just wondering what you’re thinking is all,” Viktor said quietly.
             Yuuri thought for a moment, wondering how he should respond. If he was being honest, he was thinking about their future. They still hadn’t decided whether to pursue their figure skating careers, although Yuuri could tell Viktor had been pondering it over as well. Was it too soon to bring it up?
             “I guess I was just thinking about what our plan is, you know? We still haven’t officially decided if we still want to continue competing and if so, where we’ll be staying. I’m just a little concerned,” Yuuri replied, looking away. He was mostly worried about how Viktor would respond.
             “Yuuri,” Viktor sighed gently. “Whatever you decide I’m with you one hundred percent of the way.”
             “But I want you to be happy too Viktor!” Yuuri began.
           “And I am Yuuri, I really am,” Viktor said as he put Yuuri’s hand in his and kissed his palm. “I don’t think I’ve ever been happier in my life and I know whatever we decide, we’ll do it together no matter what. I love you.”
             Yuuri cheeks flushed as he smiled. Even after all this time, Viktor still knew how to take his breath away. And Yuuri’s concerns left him almost instantly.
             “I love you too…maybe we should more time to think about it,” Yuuri said. “I think that’d be better, at least for now.”
             “That sounds good to me. And Yuuri, don’t ever forget to be proud of what you’ve already accomplished,” Viktor added.
             As if on cue, they both looked up at the wall across from the bed and saw Yuuri’s gold medal, hanging next to the bookshelf and glinting in the sunlight.
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pineapple-lover-boy · 3 years
Can- can I just talk about the Victuuri relationship? Pretty please?
I just…. I’ve never seen a healthy relationship that starts from idolization and a need to get out that has ended in a satisfying way.
Let me elaborate:
We all know that Yuri idolized Victor. It’s why he was so nervous in the beginning and why it took time for them to build on their relationship, he saw Victor as a god.
Victor? He was depressed. He loved the ice so much but he longer found excitement in competitions. He didn’t have any worthy opponents that had a chance of beating him (sorry Chris).
I believe Victor “fell in love” at the banquet. He was attracted to Yuri but, even though he lost, he also saw potential in him. That night was probably the most exciting night for him in a long time. I think he felt genuine affection for Yuri but also saw a way to get out of his predicament.
Then, of course, Yuri didn’t show up the following season (a year had passed before the present timeline). He was most likely annoyed that someone who had gave him excitement didn’t show up. Did he think Yuri had a chance of beating him at first? Probably not. Did he see potential or at least someone he could have fun with during the season? Hell yes!
And then when he saw the video of Yuri skating Stay Close To Me, something that awarded him a gold medal. That’s all he needed. He saw how Yuri not only skated it perfectly but I bet he thought Yuri skated it better. Let’s not forget that emotion is a huge part of skating. If you don’t skate with the passion your supposed to hold for whatever theme you have, your performance can almost seem futile. Victor obviously won because he perfected it but if it was based on how he presented it alone, he would’ve lost. He saw someone worthy of skating an gold medal piece while also having the heart to do it. That’s talent.
Anyways, because of this, their relationship doesn’t hold well in the beginning. He’s passive aggressive towards Yuri because he doesn’t see his own talent and Yuri is just going along for the ride because holy shit it’s Victor fucking Nikiforov.
As they get to know each other and Yuri opens up more (plus Victor getting info on Yuri from the others) Victor starts to see Yuri as an actual person and not someone he can use to project himself onto and then later skate against. And Yuri starts to see him as an actual person too.
I saw on another post talking about how we didn’t see them during the summer and how the end credits of every episode suggest they got to know each other better as both in the credits and in the show they (Yuri) are able to touch each other more. I 100% believe this.
I also believe they might’ve had an argument or two on this topic. It’s not easy to switch from inadvertently seeing someone as anything but a person to an actual person with emotions and feelings. I believe Victor would’ve tried to back away from this subject but Yuri wouldn’t let him. It wasn’t big arguments like in episode 7. It was probably little quarrels that annoyed them both but after having a long conversation they finally started to become more comfortable with each other.
Yuri started letting go of the notion that Victor was a god like creature and Victor saw him as something other than a pawn. Yuri stopped getting as embarrassed with Victor touching him and Victor stopped trying to seduce him as much just so he could see the man from the banquet.
This most definitely leads the way towards a healthier relationship but episode 7 was inevitable. Yuri’s anxiety was at an all time high when he comes out on top. The fact that he needs to stay on top and not mess up is getting to him. As a person with anxiety, it’s pure hell. The thoughts of failing won’t get out of his head and even as he turns off all the monitors he can still hear everything.
Victor takes him away from prying eyes and has no idea what to do. Despite an obvious change that would’ve had to include some emotions from both occurring over the summer, he still has no idea how to help someone in distress.
Then he makes his first mistake. Yuri is visibly shaken by someone’s scores (can’t remember who) and Victor, who is at his wits end, yells at him to stop listening and puts his hands over Yuri’s ears. This tells Yuri how nervous Victor is too and despite knowing that Victor wouldn’t leave him now it shows to him that Victor doesn’t have faith in him (even if he does).
Victor tried to shatter Yuri’s heart. He must’ve expected Yuri to maybe sign heavily but tell him that he’ll do everything in his power to win (probably something that’s happened with him and Yakov). Instead he see’s the consequences of his carelessness. Yuri rightfully lashes out at him and even through all that Victor stills says “should I kiss you?”. Idk what Yuri was thinking but if I were him I would be extremely offended that Victor would try and use me like some doll he can play with and can assume that physical affection and love can fix everything, which was probably what Yuri was thinking.
There’s something off about Yuri and Victor when they emerge but Yuri is surprisingly better now. Cathartic crying can do wonders, kids. There’s also my favorite part of the entire show (couldn’t find a gif):
*head jab* “Hey, fuck you.”
*more head jabs* “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I know you don’t like this you unempathetic dicknip.”
*head pat* “You’re forgiven.”
We all know what happens next: Yuri ends his love story with Victor’s signature move and Victor kisses him out of joy and the need to one up him (with love, of course).
I’m gonna get a little sloppy here with the timeline because I have the memory of a female protagonist that needs to go back to work to get something only to accidentally bump into the jerk CEO of which she will develop a toxic relationship for fan service, so forgive me.
Gonna skip ahead to the scene where Yuri tells Victor that he’s leaving skating, and basically Victor too. (At this moment I realized I’ve been spelling Viktor with a c and not a k which is really fucking with my brain but it’s too late to go back). Victor starts crying and realizes just how Yuri felt when he was rejecting him.
I believe Yuri found some light in the situation because of that fact, which Victor was not having. They’ve been closer than ever now. They’ve kissed, they’ve also announced they they’re getting married, so what the hell?!
Yuri, as we know, feels he’s keeping Victor from the ice. Victor, while he misses the ice and wouldn’t mind being competitive again, has found meaning and if he’s going to be Yuri’s coach to stay where he is than so be it.
He wanted to coach Yuri because he wanted a worthy competitor and while he still wants that, what matters most now is his relationship with Yuri. If he stops being Yuri’s coach and Yuri goes off the ice he knows it will be the end. Yuri loves the ice too and I’d bet he’d try to distance himself from Victor as to not feel regret from leaving without actually knowing that he’s doing it.
They’ve grown so much at this point. But that doesn’t mean it’s over. After all they’ve been through Yuri doesn’t realize that consequences of parting from one another. While being too dependent on your spouse isn’t good, it’s what they both need right now. They are what caused the other person to be happy again and while I hate those types of storylines this one executed it perfectly.
I find Victor’s silent plea to Yurio absolutely heartbreaking. He knows it’s bad to put pressure on people but now he’s doing that to a 15 year old boy. He’s putting his relationship and his life into this child’s hands because he knows there’s nothing else he can do.
I do think Yurio had a crush on Yuri but even if he didn’t: Yuri has taught him so much. He, although being an ass most of the time, has really come to love Yuri as family. It’s clear that Yurio was always lonely (Otabek being his first friend and all) but once he came to Japan and lived, truly lived there, he wasn’t lonely anymore.
Yurio wins, Yuri gets silver and all’s well that ends well.
I guess my point of this was to show how well the relationship in YOI was. I could’ve included some more detail on some points but I usually write stuff in one take (it’s very hard to revise without my mind shutting on itself).
I just love how an implicitly toxic relationship can come out so healthy. They don’t do any of that miscommunication bullshit and when they do it’s because the characters don’t know what to do or how to handle something. Like humans do!
They could’ve easily made this the hot famous guy thinks the kawai girl boy is just so adorable and the kawai girl boy is absolutely infatuated with the hot guy. Hijinks ensue which includes the kawai girl boy thinking the hot guy is in love with someone else. She He gets pushed into thinking that she’s he’s more independent in the end and happily ever after for the couple that will divorce in less than five years! Yay!
Seriously, I thought that was what was going to happen but YOI subverted my expectations so much. They are people that grew from their bad mindsets. And you know what? Yuri still has anxiety! Victor is still bad with handling emotions! And that’s ok! We don’t change that quickly. It takes time and hopefully another season.
I’m definitely using this show as a template for healthy relationships. It’s so hard for me to properly write them when I’ve never been in one and I’m not given the chance to see it happen in different environments (when searching it up all I get is “they trust each other. They blame each other. They’re compassionate.” Like ok but can you show me how?)
Yuri!!! On ice…. I love you so much. You have done so much for my mental health and my writing. Thank you.
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fukigennachou · 7 years
Alchemic Life!!! - Part 1
Prologue | 1 | 2
Victuuri Atelier AU
On AO3
Nothing could have prepared Yuuri for the news he was about to receive.
Recipe 1 - An Unexpected Visitor
Yuuri turned towards the front door and frowned in confusion. His first thought was that Phichit must have come back after all, but that couldn't be the case. Phichit never knocked. He knew he was always welcome at the atelier. The only other explanation was... Yuuri felt a chill run down his spine. This was it. Someone had come to complain about the smoke.
Yuuri grabbed his apprentice's staff and took a shaky step forward. He wasn't actually going to attack anyone, but the wooden staff felt comfortably warm to the touch, almost as if it was trying to calm him down. It could have been, for all he knew - alchemists' staffs were infused with magic, after all. They were the reason alchemists could synthesise objects in the first place. His was made by Minako when she first took him in as her apprentice. It had a wooden shaft almost as tall as him, and the top piece was a rectangle pendelook held in place by a tink cage. Apparently it was also capable of weak non-elemental magic attacks, but Yuuri wasn't sure whether that was true or just Minako messing with him. He'd never had the courage to try.
He heard the knocking again, more insistent this time. He shivered, made sure his glasses were straight, and headed for the door. Terrified as he was, he was determined to look professional no matter what sort of criticism was waiting for him. He was, after all, the one in charge of the workshop at the moment. He took a deep breath and flexed his abdominal muscles in an attempt to look more dignified (his neighbours liked to call his chubbiness "cute", and "cute" didn't exactly earn him respect), and opened the door.
He was expecting one of the cranky neighbourhood ladies, or maybe one of the shopkeepers. What he wasn't expecting was a tall man, who despite his silver hair looked only a few years older than him, clad in a black and silver coat with a longsword hanging by his side. Black and silver. The palace colours. Yuuri could feel the blood drain from his face. Had he honestly screwed up so badly that the palace had felt the need to interfere?
"Hi", the man smiled. It was definitely a business smile, but his overall demeanor didn't seem hostile to Yuuri. "I'm looking for the owner of this atelier. Is she here?"
Yuuri did a double take. "Oh, um... unfortunately she's out." He relaxed considerably now that it seemed like the stranger hadn't come to yell at him.
"Ah, is that so", the man frowned. "When will she be back?"
"I wish I knew", Yuuri sighed. "She can spend months at a time on her travels. Is it something urgent? I was going to send her a report, so I could..."
"No, that won't work, I'm afraid", the man replied. He gave Yuuri a quick surveying glance and seemed to get lost in thought. Yuuri's uneasiness returned tenfold. He could feel that whatever the man had to say was serious.
"Um..." Yuuri began, but all words got stuck in his throat when the man's sharp gaze turned back to his face.
"You're the one in charge of this shop?" the man asked with a new urgency in his voice.
"Y-yes?" Yuuri squeaked.
"You're an alchemist?" He was eying Yuuri's staff with what seemed like hope in his eyes.
"I'm an apprentice."
"In that case, I suppose this will fall on you", the man said.
"The explanation will take a while. Do you think you could invite me in?" He flashed another smile. Yuuri could feel heat rising to his cheeks. He jumped away from the door and motioned for the man to enter.
The second the man entered the atelier, his whole demeanor changed. Yuuri was surprised to see his shockingly blue eyes twinkle with excitement as his head twirled from one side to the other, lingering noticably on the large cauldron that was sitting in the far corner. His curiosity reminded Yuuri of a child in a candy shop. It looked so charming that he unintentionally let out a chuckle. The man stopped his jittering to look at Yuuri with a surprised pout. Yuuri covered his mouth to hide his ever widening smile.
"I've never been to an atelier before", the man said in a slightly sour tone. Yuuri wondered whether he'd accidentally hurt his feelings.
"We've been here quite a while though", Yuuri said.
"You haven't been selling anything for so long people thought you weren't a shop anymore. I for one didn't know this place even existed", the man replied.
Yuuri felt like someone had poked him with a sharp needle. It was his fault the atelier wasn't being profitable. He had been synthesising simple items in Minako's absence with ingredients he could get his hands on easily and things Minako kept sending over from her travels, but he'd never had the confidence to sell his creations. They ended up piling up in the workshop or being taken by Phichit. Yuuri had no idea what Phichit did with them, but he brought over new ingredients from his family's shop as compensation since Yuuri refused to accept money from his friend.
"Well, that's the reason they sent me here today", the man continued. He shot another surveying glance at Yuuri. "I suppose I never introduced myself. My name is Victor, I'm a member of the palace guard. I was sent here to deliver a message from the king."
Yuuri's knees felt weak. "From the... king?"
The man - Victor - nodded. "I don't really like to deliver unpleasant news, but since they told me this was an atelier, curiosity got the best of me", he said. Yuuri felt his heart sink. Unpleasant news. He gripped his staff tighter and bit his lip.
"The thing is..." Victor started, "if the atelier doesn't start to make money, the king will have to shut it down."
Yuuri's knees buckled and he fell to the floor. His chest felt tight and he was struggling to breathe. He could feel every erratic beat of his heart send tremors through his whole body. This was it. He was going to lose the one place he truly felt he belonged to. Victor's voice sounded like it was coming from far away, he couldn't understand a single word. What was he going to tell Minako? It was his fault things had come to this. If he'd just sold his creations, they would've got by, but no, he was too insecure, he couldn't bear to hear criticism-
"Hey! Hey, you! Are you alright?" Victor's face was suddenly right in front of Yuuri's. Yuuri jumped back in surprise and managed to hit himself on the head with his staff in the process. He tried to speak, but his throat felt like someone had stuffed it with cotton. No sound came out, and he could only open and close his mouth before giving up. Victor, clearly worried, approached him more slowly this time and gently took the staff away from him. He yelped and tried to reach for it, but instead found himself pulled into Victor's embrace.
"I'm not going to steal this from you, I'm keeping it until you calm down so you won't hurt yourself again", Victor explained in a calm voice. He was gently stroking Yuuri's back. Yuuri was desperately trying not to hyperventilate. They stayed like that for a while, and Yuuri could feel his erratic heartbeat begin to calm down. Victor could hear him gasping and tightened his hold.
"You're really squishy", Victor said suddenly, breaking the silence.
"Excuse me?!"
Yuuri couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected comment. The tension in his body was released and he would have collapsed in his laughing fit if Victor hadn't been holding him. Laughter helped him regain control of his breathing and he pulled back from Victor to wipe a few stray tears.
"Have you calmed down?" Victor asked with a smile. Yuuri, who had suddenly become painfully aware of the fact that he had been hugging a total stranger, quickly averted his gaze to look for any way to escape the situation. Victor wasn't having any of it. He brought his hand to Yuuri's cheek and made Yuuri look him in the eyes. Yuuri could feel heat rising to his face again.
"Now that you're calm again, will you listen to the rest of my message?" Victor asked. Yuuri shivered and nodded. He didn't trust his voice.
"As I was saying", Victor started, still locking eyes with Yuuri, "if the atelier doesn't start to make money, the king will have to shut it down. This is a huge if, though!" he hurried when he felt Yuuri's breathing accelerate again. "He's giving you three whole years. Okay? Are you still with me?"
Yuuri nodded.
"During those three years, the palace will be your customer. Right now the plan is to give you assignments to synthesise certain amounts of certain items. You will be given a month to complete each assignment."
"Certain items?"
"The requirements change each month. We want to inspect the diversity of alchemy. You should expect everything from basic sundries to magical items. You will of course be compensated for your troubles."
"So... if we fail to complete the assignments... you'll shut us down?" The little hope Yuuri had started to feel came crashing down. He would never be able to finish those commissions. He was going to fail Minako, who'd trusted him to keep the atelier running in her absence. Victor sighed and put Yuuri's staff on the ground in order to free his other hand. He placed said hand on Yuuri's other cheek. He then proceeded to pull Yuuri's cheeks.
"I think we've had enough of negativity for one day!" he announced. "Now it's time to look at things positively." He let go of Yuuri's cheeks and stood up abruptly, pulling Yuuri along with him. Yuuri's legs couldn't quite catch up, but Victor was expecting it. He had a firm hold on Yuuri, who was too overwhelmed to resist.
"From what I understood, the king is actually very interested in this atelier. His conditions are extreme because he wants you to put your everything into reviving this place."
Yuuri finally found his feet and managed to put a little breathing room in between him and Victor. His heart rate was accelerating again, but he was relatively sure it wasn't because of panic this time. Victor seemed satisfied now that Yuuri could stand on his own two feet again, and let him have his space.
"I'm sure the assignments won't be impossible to handle. Sure they have certain expectations, but they wouldn't force anything unmanageable on you."
Yuuri wasn't sure what it was about Victor, but he started to feel strangely at ease. Maybe he could do this after all.
"Now it also happens that I don't want this place to go under either", Victor said suddenly, much to Yuuri's surprise.
"Alchemy seems interesting", he continued as if to answer Yuuri's quizzical look. "Which is why I'm going to personally help you... by the way, what's your name?"
"Well then, Yuuri", Victor held out his hand, "I'm looking forward to working with you."
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