#and we hang out at skate parks while i learn to rollerskate
stars-in-our-skies · 2 years
thoughts of a boyfriend who visits me or even lives with me, cuddling and watching movies together, sharing domestic life and cooking dinner with them, introducing and showing them off to my family -- not out of a desire for any sort of approval, but out of pride for loving and knowing them -- taking them to all of the places i love, enjoying each other's company even when we aren't doing anything, sharing a bed... maybe i am a hopeless romantic
#nblm post#mlm pining#idk mlm nblm love pining yearning ETC ETC!!!!#ok but anyway#thoughts and prayers that i meet a cute boy this weekend at the convention#and that he lives within driving distance so he can visit me during the summer#and maybe we have a cheesy teenage romance that neither of us have ever had the opportunity to experience before#and we hang out at skate parks while i learn to rollerskate#and maybe he skates or maybe he just watches me and writes poetry#or maybe we have a picnic in the shade together#complete with our switches so we can play AC or whatever's on the switch these days idk#and at night we share my full-size bed#and i worry that i'll never be able to let someone into my bed but somehow it just feels complete with him there#and he protests to the plushies but i tell him that The Plushies Are STAYING#but maybe now that he's here i don't need most of them to hold me at night#and he smiles a little bit knowing that i don't lie alone in agony anymore#and he holds me and runs his fingers through my hair and kisses my head#and i for once feel like i can let my guard down around someone#and he's here and i can protect him and he can protect me#i finally feel like someone understands my soul#irregardless of any personal issues we might have#we are two souls who found each other in the sea of fire and flame#and there isn't a tomorrow or a yesterday to worry about#only the right now. only this love. only this one summer night.#GOD can you tell i'm starved for affection#sooo anyone going to an!me oh!o or what#indieposting#yearnposting
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violetnotez · 3 years
matchup for drew  |  JJK
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Hey babe! So I match you up with....
 Inumaki Toge
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Look at this pretty boy like ughhh youre so lucky 😭
Inumaki is incredibly loyal-he wouldn’t ever ever give you a reason not to trust him
Also, don’t let his quietness fool you-he is a total trickster/prankster and will always be doing something silly to get you to laugh
He really likes training with you-to him it’s quite therapeutic and a great way to bond with you
But he’s cheeky at times if your doing close combat-he’ll just quickly plant a kiss on your cheeks to get you distracted so he can pin you down 💀
He thinks it’s amazing you’re so skilled in so many sports-it takes a lot to train, and he respects it a lot!
The one he really wanted you to teach him was rollerskating-one day he’d just walk into your room, hand holding a pair of new skates and just plainly saying “Tuna?”
Tuna meaning Please teach me, I know you’re busy but I’m bored and I just wanna have some fun please please please 🥺
He caught on to it really quickly, and in no time you two were blasting music and making trips to the grocery store for some sweets as quick little dates
Inumaki at one point tried to teach Panda and Maki, but Panda was totally decked out in headgear and shoulder pads and still ate shit every 2 seconds 💀
When he first met you, he honestly wasn’t really that intimidated
He still got that nervous rush of meeting someone new, but he was used to meeting intimidating girls-Nobara and Maki being perfect examples of that
Maki was so relieved to have another girl, and you two hit it off amazingly-you two would always be paired together cause you work great off each other as partners and as friends
Panda is just so lovingly protective for you, like if you feel uncomfy in public at times or just feel awkward in general, he’s right there to just give some support 🖤
He just approached you like he would with them, just a quick nod of his head and maybe a reply like “Bonito flakes” to be respectful
He is really intrigued by you-he’s naturally curious, how could he not when he has someone new and pretty in front of him~
But he gave you space, not wanting to intrude or make you uncomfy
But once you begin to open up, OH MY GOD he is so happy!
You get along well with his friends, it’s almost hard to imagine you not being in there friend group at one point-
Whenever something makes you smile, he starts noticing it makes him feel all fluttery inside,,,
Or when he is able to make you chuckle, he finds himself smiling but so grateful he’s able to hide his cheeks with his clothing-
He isn’t oblivious, he obviously knows he caught feelings but he’s super scared to say anything
Cause-how could he even tell you? It’s not like he could just walk up to you and say “Let’s go on a date-“
You could say no and reject him....or even worse, he could make a terrible choice of words and force you on a date by accident with his cursed technique
The 2nd option was too terrifying to him, so he opted to text you a picture of him holding a sign that says “Date?” like a prom proposal, his lilac eyes unable to look at the screen
He definitely begged Panda to take it, cause the picture was pretty fuzzy and theres a furry finger on a corner of the photo
But you thankfully said yes, and Inumaki took you to a roller skating rink, thinking you’d feel comfortable there to hang out. Which was a great plan, until Toge realized he didn’t know how to rollerskate
Panic ensues
The whole time he was desperately trying to repeat to himself “Don’t fall, don’t fall, don’t fall-“ and still look cool at the same time 💀
It was still cute though, and after you helping him out a bit he caught on very quickly
Still did fall a few times, but when you would giggle and help him up he felt a lot better about it 🥺
Needless to say, was probably the main reason he asked you later on to teach him how to skate properly 💀
And also the main reason your guys’ second date was at a very flat forest with little shrines and fish ponds to look into
Inumaki reallllyyyy craves physical touch, but he never forces it upon you
At the beginning of your relationship, it was really delicate touches, from intertwining pinkies to resting his head on your shoulder
But then it slowly became more and more as you two got more comfortable
This dude will just full on run behind you and wrap his arms around you if hes tired
Or snatch your hand and squeeze it tightly if hes afraid you might be in danger
Does this really cute thing where he puts his forehead on yours and stays there for a sec- dont ask him why he does it, he’ll start blushing but he just likes feeling close to you like that  🥺
Songs for Your Relstionship: Paradise by Coldplay,  Beautiful People by Ed Sheeran, Timeless by We Three
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“Toge, what are you doing-and when did you get those?” you questioned, your eyes scrunched up in confusion as you eyed the white haired boy in front of you.
Inumaki was standing in your doorway, his jacket zipped up fully so only his violet eyes were visible. In his hands were a pair of roller skates, the wheels a clear plastic while the shoes being a periwinkle blue. 
All he did was simply walked into your room, knowing it like the back of hand from countless visits as he picked up your skates that had been left on the floor from the day before. He simply held out both pairs, one simple word of “Tuna” presented out of his mouth.
Your eyebrows furrowed even more, head tilting slightly as you shifted on your bed.
What the hell did he want you to....
“Do you want me....to teach you how to roller skate?”
You saw him instantly light up, obviously ecstatic you had understood him so quickly. He simply nodded his head once as confirmation, violet eyes wide with relief and anticipation.
Inumaki had been bristling to get back in those skates after he had done such a disastrous attempt at your first date. Everytime he thought about how much he had fallen he always internally cringed, almost able to still feel the bruises on his rear that lasted days after.
You had looked so graceful and so happy that day, like you were gliding on top of water as you did laps around the rink or simply to just pick him off the ground after he had eaten shit. He wanted to be able to do that with you, to be able to have picnic dates at the park or just glide over to a store to buy some sweets and ice cream-he had so many cute ideas planned it was almost overwhleming.
He just needed to learn how to skate without painting his body in bruises first.
“Oh, Toge, Im so sorry-” he heard you saw, his heart falling slightly at the sound of guilt in your voice, “but I have some assingments I have to finish....maybe we can do it this weekend?”
That happy expression he had had a few moments before faltered slightly, his lips pursed and nose scrunched under his jacket. 
But Inumaki was persistent-he wasnt one to take no for an answer, especially when he knew how to get what he wanted with a few dirty tricks.
Toge took a few steps towards you, his knee landing on top of your bed and making it dip under his weight, wrapping his arms around you in an inescapable hug.
Inumaki was pretty clever, as he knew it was hard for you to resist him when he was being clingy. He simply nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, white hair tickling your jawline, hands squeezing your sides gently.
You sighed, rolling your eyes slightly with an amused smirk as your propped yourself on your elbows and looked down at your boyfriend, who was clearly milking it to get what he wanted.
“Youre not gonna let go unti l say yes, huh?”
Inumaki picked his head up, violet eyes soft yet mischeivously as he shook his head gently-
This brat wasnt going to let go until you did exactly what he wanted. 
You sighed exaperatedly, looking up at the ceiling as you felt Inumaki chuckle against your stomach.
“Fine then...” you gave in, finding it adorable how quickly his face light up.
“-But you have to buy me snacks and be my study partner for the rest of the night.”
Toge instantly smiled, the crinkles of the expression showing around his eyes. Getting you to teach him how to roller skate, and have a study date right after? This day was getting better and better for him.
“Salmon!” he agreed quickly, shuffling off of your form and handing you your skates- you were going to make him a pro after today, and he was more than ready.
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I hoped you liked these, and thank you for requesting!! <3
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rocksandrobots · 4 years
Of Rocks and Robots Ch. 19 - Hardlight
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"Heeeello interwebs! Today on 'How Does It Work?' We will be looking at a toaster."
Varian stood inside the Hamada garage as he held up a toaster in front of a tripod that supported his smartphone.
Fred had introduced him to the concept of 'vlogs' a few days ago. Inspired, Varian had hit upon the idea of doing his own web series in his spare time. It'd give him something to do between work and school, when his friends were busy off doing superheroing things.
He still was curious about many modern inventions and how they worked, and while he could simply read about them, he learned better by doing. He also figured that other people might like to know how the things they used everyday without thinking about them worked. Ergo, the premise of his show was to take apart an appliance or other household electronic and then put it back together again.
The first video had received some moderate success. Though the majority of the comments were just simply stating how cute Ruddiger was over and over again. Apparently people got a kick out of seeing his raccoon assistant.
"Aunt Cass has like, six of these lying around, so I'm sure she won't mind this time." He added, off hand to the camera.
He had taken apart her digital clock last time because she had complained about the alarm not working right. He wanted to surprise her by fixing it. She however was none too happy to find him sitting in the midst of the wires and casing that had once been her clock. Fortunately he had managed to put it all back together again, and even fix the alarm while at it, though it now wouldn't turn off unless you held the snooze button down for a full minute. He'd have to look into that little delay later when she was no longer upset with him.
For now though Varian busied himself over the toaster. He took it apart successfully and then pieced it back together like a puzzle, all the while explaining what he was doing to the camera on his phone. It went well, right up until the end.
"As you can see this a very simple device. Eazy to fix, if need be." He stated as he began to plug the appliance in to test it out. But no sooner did he stand up to readdress the camera did the toaster start to spark and crackle before catching into flames.
Instincts took over and Varian threw a nearby tarp over the flames to smother them. Ruddiger grabbed the fire extinguisher and after fiddling with it for few seconds managed to spray the foaming stuff onto both him and the small fire.
That's when Varian heard laughter coming from behind him.
He slowly turned around, the foam still in his hair and his cheeks burning with embarrassment.
Behind him stood a young girl about his age. She had short brown hair and wore a jean jacket. She was desperately trying to suppress her giggles and failing miserably at it.
But upon making eye contact she coughed away her own embarrassment and gave him a sheepish grin.
"Hi. Is Hiro home?" She waved.
Varian wiped the foam from his hair. "No, he's out at the moment."
"Oh." She said clearly disappointed but then just as soon picked the conversion back up. "I'm Megan by the way, Chief Cruz's daughter."
She held out her hand for Varian to shake which he numbly took. He muttered his name as a way of introduction.
He wasn't sure where this was going. She no doubt thought him the fool due to his earlier misfortune but she seemed eager to move on from that and made no further mention of it.
"You must be the new kid my dad was talking about." She continued. "So how are you liking America?"
She gave him a look that clearly stated to him that she expected more of an answer but he declined to speak further. He didn't want to put his foot in his mouth so soon after screwing up.
"Ooookaaay." She decided to change the subject. "Your raccoon is pretty cool. Did you train him to use a fire extinguisher?"
Ruddiger crawled up his back to rest upon his head as he sometimes did. His pet knew when people were talking about him.
"No, not really. He's just smart."
Megan blinked at him in surprise.
"Oh." She said again, this time having trouble comprehending how a raccoon could teach itself fire safety on its on. "Well, it's still neat that you got such a smart pet then. My dad won't let me keep any animals." She admitted wistfully. "Can..can I pet him?"
She reached her hand out tentatively and Ruddiger reached his head up to meet her hand in kind. She giggled again in delight as she began to pet the wild creature with more confidence.
While engaged in this activity Varian saw Hiro and Baymax fly in. Hiro pulled his helmet off and then froze in terror at the sight of Megan. He quickly turned around and started pushing Baymax the other way, hoping to get away before the girl noticed that they were there.
"Did you hear something?" Megan paused and started to turn around.
"No!" Varian quickly interjected and tried to turn her attention back to him in order to give Hiro time to get away. "Uh, but Ruddiger here, loves being held. If you wanna."
Megan looked like she had just won the lottery. Her eyes widen and her mouth broke into a huge grin. Varian handed his pet over to her and she breathlessly hugged the raccoon.
"Oooh, you're so cute!" She exclaimed.
Megan was still cuddling Ruddiger when Hiro, now dressed in his regular clothes, walked in.
"Hey, Megan. How was Florida?"
"Oh, great! I almost didn't want to leave. I only came back because Father's Day is next week. Mom says 'hi' by the way."
"Oh, well, tell her I said 'hi' back."
"Do you wanna go grab a shake? I'll tell you all about the trip. You can come too if you want, Varian."  
Varian was going to politely decline the offer, he figured Hiro would rather catch up with his friend without him tagging along, but then Hiro's phone dinged, indicating that he had a text message.
Hiro read it. Of course it was an urgent call for help from the rest of the gang, but he didn't say so out loud.
"Soorrry. That was Wasabi. I..I'm suppose meet up for… our study group."
"Seriously? Even during summer?" Megan admonished.
Hiro could only shrug his shoulders in apology. "Yeeeaah, college doesn't let out during the summer, but hey, Varian isn't in the study group. Why don't you hang with him. Teach him what normal teens do for fun."
"Well I guess someone will have to since we all know you ain't normal" She teased in response.
They both broke out into snickers at that, as if sharing some private joke that Varian didn't understand.
"Alright, it's settled then. I'll see you two later, have fun." He waved goodbye and bowed out.
Varian however was left standing there wondering what the heck had just happened.
"Hmm..normal, hun?" Megan cupped her chin in thought. Then she turned to him and flashed him a sly grin. "Do you know how to skate?"
The skating park was a jungle of concrete and metal; deep sunken pits, tall curved edifices, piping serving as inclined rails, and even a small paved race track encircling the entire playground. All around people of various ages hurried about on seemingly any and every wheeled vehicle possible. Rollerblades like the type Varian had seen Gogo wear, another four wheeled version called rollerskates, scooters, bikes with pedals instead of motors, most with two wheels, some with three, even one with only one big wheel which looked like it'd be hard to balance on, but what really caught Varian's interest was the skateboards.
He had built something similar back home, only his was larger and he could only roll down grassy hills with it. Anything else would cause the wheels to catch on rocks or cause him to lose control on the uneven ground. There'd be no such problem here on the relatively smooth concrete.
Of course, Varian didn't have his rollingboard with him. Fortunately there was a small store that rented the various vehicles to the park's customers. He paid the man at the counter for a skateboard and the required safety gear. Megan had brought her own skates and helmet.
"I'll race you down to the bottom!" She dared him as she stood next to one of larger pits.
Varian joined her and peered over the side and for the briefest of moments he hesitated. The incline was steeper than any of the hills he had slid down and if he fell there'd be no soft grass to land on, only hard stone. That said, it wasn't as scary as the crystal slide he had ridden down on his first night here, nor was it as large as the snow drifts that he would surf down on his makeshift sled in winter.
"Your on!" He told her, accepting her challenge.
He steeled his nerves as he rolled the tip of the board to the edge and then let out a whoop of exhilaration as the ground gave way and he rolled quickly down the side, he then almost lost control when the board started to just as quickly roll back up the other side. That was new. He hopped off again once he'd reached the level ground, only stumbling a little. Megan met him soon after.
"You ok?" She asked.
"Yeah." Varian breathed and then burst into laughter. "You wanna do it again!?"
It took a little more practice but soon Varian was riding the skateboard with ease. It controlled similarly to his old invention. In fact, due to its smaller size he found he could maneuver it even better than he had the other. Though he wasn't quite at the skill level where he could do tricks like some of the other kids he saw.
It didn't matter though. He and Megan had fun just rolling around the park, alternating between racing one another or chasing each other in a sort of 'follow the leader' type game, usually Megan led.
After a couple of hours though, the time on his rental was up and he and Megan had to leave. Varian would have to buy himself his own skateboard at some point. He bet the rest of his friends would love it here, particularly Gogo.
Varian and Megan made they're way back home walking through downtown. They had missed the bus and so decided to walk to the next trolley stop instead. They were probably halfway there when the sky began to suddenly turn gray.
"Brrr" Megan shivered and hugged her jacket close around her. "Is it just me or did it get just get a lot colder all of a sudden."
Varian could only shrug in response. He hadn't felt anything but he was already wearing his big frock coat anyways. He probably didn't need it, but he thought it made him look cool and he desperately wanted to impress the girl after having made a fool of himself earlier that day. Not that she had really noticed.
"So how was your first day as a 'normal teen'?" She gently teased. "Cause I know you don't get a chance to just have fun and be a kid at that nerd school you and Hiro go to."
"Is that all 'normal kids' do? Play?"
"Well, when you're not at school or doing chores that is, but regular school is different from college."
"I wouldn't know." Varian admitted reluctantly. "Never been to any other school besides SFIT. Also chores took up most of the day where I'm from and there wasn't many kids around my age."
Megan stilled. Her father had told her about Varian. About how he came from a harsher country and had escaped to America for a better life. She didn't know any of the details, other than the fact that Varian was now staying with Hiro and his aunt. Her dad had warned her not to bring the subject up, but here was Varian volunteering to talk about his past anyways and Megan didn't know how to respond.
She didn't get a chance to say anything though, as a whole bunch of people suddenly started to run towards them, and then right past them. The crowd was clearly scared of something. Some were screaming in fright as they all tried to run away. Though Megan couldn't figure out from what.
Varian grabbed her hand and pulled them both out of the way as the torrent of frighten people pushed their way past. Together they huddled under a yawning of a doorway, watching the scene in confusion. Then Megan spotted a familiar figure in the sky.
"We gotta go." She warned Varian.
"I just saw Big Hero Six fly by. That means there's trouble that way. We better follow the crowd and leave or take shelter someplace." She tugged at his arm trying to get him to come with her, but he only looked at her in confusion.
"But they're the good guys right? They're there to help people."
"No, they're vigilantes." Megan snapped back. "Where ever they go some crackpot shows up trying to start a fight. It'll be a huge mess. We're better off just going now."
Once again she pulled on his coat sleeve but he didn't budge.
"You mean they might get hurt?" He asked with worry in his voice.
"I don't know, maybe. Someone sure will if they're dumb enough to stick around." She was starting to get annoyed, but she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "Look you're new here, I get it. You probably don't have superheroes where you're from. But trust me, we should just let the police handle it and stay out of the way. Now come on, pleeease." She begged again.
Varian bit his lip in thought as if coming to a decision, and then finally to Megan's relief, he nodded his head in agreement. He took her hand again so as not to get separated in the crowd and they started to make their way back towards the park.
The hadn't gone maybe a few steps when they heard a booming voice coming from the behind them. It was projected by some sort of loudspeaker and distorted to disguise the person's real voice.
"Big Hero Six! Face me, Hardlight, in a battle of skill! If you dare!"
They turned to see who was speaking and was greeted by the sight of a masked figure flying upon a glowing pink saucer. He wore armour not unlike BH6's own, but the seams of it also glowed with a dim light same as his mode of transport. He continued on with his challenge.
"The prize? Why, Chief Office Cruz here."
He laughed maniacally as he move his hand upward and a glowing cage made of the pink light followed his movement as if he was controlling it with his very thoughts. Inside the cage was Officer Cruz who pushed against his prison walls unable to escape.
"Dad!" Megan cried out in fear.
Varian looked at her and the sight of her tears rolling down her cheeks forced him to make a very rash and possibly dangerous decision. To her shock, he turned around and ran directly towards the flying figures.
Varian neared the battle and ducked behind a mailbox for cover. In the sky and on the ground the superpowered beings fought one another. His friends going up against monsters made of light with Chief Cruz caught in the middle. On the other side of the street stood cop cars creating a barricade while the rest of the police also huddled for cover. A few were helping some straggling pedestrians but they were hopelessly outmatched by the villain, Hardlight, who hovered over everything as if surveying a game.
He appeared to be untouchable. Even Varian's friends were having difficulty trying to fight him one on one as he sent hordes of his artificial minions after them instead and there wasn't anything the police could do. Not without risking their commander who was now in the line of fire.
For all the world it looked like some mythic battle out of a fantasy storybook. But Varian knew better. There was no magic in this world. Everything ran off science. His friends powers came from their inventions and no doubt the supervillain was a scientist as well. Which meant that as soon as Varian could figure out how Hardlight's inventions worked then he could start figuring out the villain's weaknesses.
Though Varian currently was at a lost as to what that might be. He was no physical fighter and was every bit as out classed as the police were at the moment.
Soon he heard footsteps near and he looked to see Megan joining his side. She was shaking with fear and desperately trying to gulp back her tears, but she wouldn't leave his nor, more importantly, her father's side. He understood all to well.
"What are you thinking!?" She hissed under her breath.
"You know I keep getting asked that question a lot lately." He replied dryly and then whispered back to her. "I'm thinking that this dude has got to have a weakness and he doesn't know that we're here. So we figure out what that weakness is and help take him out while he's distracted with Hir-... with the heroes. Thereby freeing your dad."
Megan looked at him, unsure of this plan.
"Oookay, and that weakness might beee…?"
"Uh… give me a minute." Varian scanned the city street again and then dodged out the way quickly as a large hunk of metal sailed past. One of the larger light creatures had picked up a police car and hurled it across the street at the heroes. Varian's heart thudded in chest loudly as he saw the damage. What the heck was he thinking?
He saw Megan crouched down on her knees beside him, her arms around her head trying to shield herself from the flying debris and the heat of the explosion from the car that was now on fire.
He should probably just get her out of there. That was most likely the best way he could help.
But then he paused. Heat!? Cold!? Megan had said it had gotten unusually cold right before Hardlight had shown up and indeed his breath was fogging in the air. The rest of the gang must not have noticed because they were busy fighting in heavy armour.
"Hard light!" Varian exclaimed finally piecing together the clues.
"Wha…" Megam tentatively looked up at him confused.
"That's why he calls himself Hardlight! Because he's using super cooled photons to turn light into solid matter!"
Megan continued to look at him as if he was crazy.
"We touched upon it in physics class." He explained. "Supposedly the science is only theoretical, but it looks like this guy has cracked the code. That cloud must be filled with rubidium and he must be using some sort of projector to shoot lasers into the chilled air.
Megan still looked lost. "Lasers? So it's literally just a light show?"
"Yeah." More debris flew past. "A deadly light show." He gulped.
He braved himself to take another look at the ongoing fight. He peered around the mailbox and saw Hardlight punching commands into his gauntlets. They must have held the device that controlled the projectors. In fact the lights on his suit may have been projectors themselves, looping the connection. He tried to follow one of the particle beams of regular light that flickered against the cloud, a byproduct of the more deadly 'solid light.'
His eyes landed upon a window in a building across the street that flickered off and on. He then looked on the opposite side and saw a similar window in another building parallel to the first.
"There!" He pointed."And over there. We'll have to make our way across and shut down the projectors inside."
He turned and found Megan clutching his coat sleeve with both hands. Her eyes darted about in fear.
Varian sighed.
She wasn't use to this. Megan was, as she put it, a normal kid. She hadn't been through what Varian had been through nor what Hiro had been through. She had never had to fight for anything before and Varian hoped she'd never would.
He rested a hand upon her shoulder to calm her.
"Look, it's ok." He said gently, trying to come across as calm himself. Which he wasn't, but she didn't need to know that. "You don't have to come. Just wait here where it's safe and I'll do it."
She searched his eyes questioningly, not sure if she should let him go. So he added,"I'll get your father back. I promise."
Varian didn't make promises lightly. He knew how important they were and how devastating a broken one could really be. Once said, he meant it.
She thought for a moment, took a steading breath, and then gently removed his hand from her shoulder.
"No." She looked up at him with determination in her eyes. "I'm coming with you. Just tell me what to do."
"Alright." Varian agreed. "Then follow me and stick close."
Varian weaved and dodged and ducked through the littered sidewalks, behind various debris, and down abandon doorways. Carefully he and Megan made their way across the battlefield staying out of sight. Fortunately, Varian had had a lot of practice with sneaking around back during his time on the lam. The action came back to him instinctively.
They made it by without being noticed and Varian stopped at the building closest to them, diving into the open doorway.
"Ok, so you know what you're looking for?" He asked Megan.
"A big projector, on the top floor. Just either shut it down or unplug it." She repeated his instructions.
"Good." He nodded "Then I'll leave you to it. I'm going make my way to other end of the street and do the same. If we take both projectors out at the same time he'll hopefully be too surprised to recover. You sure you'll be alright on your own."
"Hmm-hmm. You just be careful out there." She ordered back at him.
Varian flashed her a smile that he hoped look more confident then he felt and then took off back outside into the fight.
Megan watched him go and she didn't dare move until she saw him make it across the street safely. Once he ducked into the other building, she turned and started to make her way to the top floor.
Just her luck she would befriend a crazy a person, she thought as she started to climb the stairs.
She found the room with the projector easily. What wasn't so easy was the fact the thing appeared to have no off switch. It also wasn't plugged into the wall but was hooked to a mini generator instead. She pulled and tugged at the thick hose like cord that connect the two to no avail.
She huffed in frustration.
Varian was super smart and no doubt was already hot wiring the one on his end. She however would have to find more unconventional means of shutting the device down.
She looked around the room and spotted a heavy looking crowbar near the door.
She took the tool and began to smash the the projector to pieces.
Varian cut the last wire using the piece of amber that he always kept with him. It was his most valued possession next to Ruddiger. The only time he didn't have it on him was when he was experimenting with it instead.
It was unbreakable and the point was as sharp as any knife, so it sliced through the machine's inner parts easily.
The light in the projector flickered and died.
He got up and hurried to the window to see what was happening.
The cage was gone. Fred a had caught Cruz and was cradling the chief of police in his monster like arms. The officer looked out of sorts but otherwise unharmed.
Hardlight was raging and desperately fiddling with his gauntlets. He still stood upon his saucer, confirming to Varian that his suit was also a mini projector, but he had lost his light creatures and other weaponry.
Hiro and the others moved in to capture him but the villain stomped his feet in frustration and took off flying in the other direction. The dark cloud also dispersing as he retreated.
Varian looked across the street to the other window and saw Megan waving at him enthusiastically. He gave her a thumbs up to confirm that he saw her.
Then to his horror the worst thing happen.
An explosion ignited behind the girl and she was soon falling out of the hole in the wall where she and the window once stood. Varian's heart plummeted as quickly as she fell.
Hiro didn't know why Hardlight's gear had suddenly stopped working and he didn't care. He was just grateful that it had.
He reached his hand to his intercom to tell his team to peruse the villain before he got away, but stopped when he heard the explosion and the scream.
To his terror he saw Megan, of all people, falling from the skyscraper.
"Baymax!" He yelled but the robot was already on it. Together they flew to meet the girl before she hit the ground, angling their flight so as to catch her gently. They then flew to the top of the opposite skyscraper in order to check over her in peace.
Varian saw Hiro and Baymax catch Megan and nearly cried with relief. He then saw them fly over the building he was currently in. He turned and ran out of the room and headed for the roof as fast as his legs would carry him.
Baymax laid Megan on the roof as gently as he could. Her eyes were closed and made no acknowledgment that she was aware of what was going on.
Hiro hopped off of Baymax's back and tore off his helmet as he knelt down beside the girl.
"Megan?" He desperately called to her. "Megan!"
Baymax was in the middle of his scans so he wouldn't know what was really wrong until the robot finished, but the very fact that she was unconscious filled him with fear.
"Megan, please don't...don't do this." He begged, his voice breaking along with his heart.
Soon Varian was rushing towards them.
"How is she?" He asked in a panic.
Hiro looked up at the other boy in surprise that then quickly turned to anger.
"What happen!?" He rounded on his friend.
Varian took a step back, caught off guard by Hiro's sudden ferocity.
Megan however awoke before a fight could break out between the two.
"Megan!" Both boys called out and Hiro knelt back down beside her.
"I have completed my scans. It appears that she simply fainted. Outside of a few light bruises she should be fine."
Megan didn't feel fine. Her ears were ringing from the explosion, her body was sore, and she felt disoriented by the fall. Even Baymax's familiar voice had her confused. Where had he come from?
"Oh thank goodness." Hiro breathed and wrapped her in a hug.
She looked to Varian standing nearby, worry etched on his face, back to Hiro holding her, trying to piece together what had happened. Then she noticed what Hiro was wearing.
She pushed him away and looked over his armor as realization dawned on her. He also began to realize that his cover was blown as he watched her put two and two together.
"You're...you're Big Hero Six? And you never told me?"
Hiro gulped as she laid into him.
"All the lies! All of the excuses! Just so you can run around playing superhero!? You've been putting yourself in danger this whole time..and...and.." She was so angry she couldn't form words.
"Well, what were you doing inside that building?" Hiro asked defensively, though he knew it would do little good.
"It was Varian's idea!" She pointed accusingly at the time displaced teen. Who backed away even further as Hiro glared daggers at him. "He's the one that figured out the projectors and decided that he was going to break them….and…" She paused as another thought occurred to her. "Did you know all along!?"
Varian only stared blankly at her.
"Gah! I can't believe you! Either of you! You knew all along Hiro was out there being a vigilante. That's why you were so desperate to help."
"That's not Varian's fault." Hiro spoke up. "He had to keep our secret. He's… he's from another world. And we were the ones to find him."
Megan just looked at them both with contempt not believing this new fantastical confession.
"And why should I listen to you? Mr. ‘I've been lying for over three months now’".
"Nine." Hiro quietly corrected. He heaved  a heavy sigh. "I've been doing this since Tadashi died."
She blinked at him, taken aback by how raw his voice sounded. Hiro didn't like to talk about his brother often, the pain still too fresh in his mind.
"Look, I understand that you're mad, and I don't blame you." Hiro continued. "But I'm not going to stop. I'm doing something important. Something that no one else can do, not even your dad. Those villain's aren't just going to go away and we're the only ones equipped to handle them."
"Oh like how you 'handled' them today? When you needed mine and Varian's help. Hey, how do you explain a villain showing up right out of the blue just to challenge you? Was he always going to be there to kidnap my dad or did he only show up because of you!?"
Hiro bit his lower lip, unable to answer. Megan pressed on.
"What happens when you get hurt? Or someone you care about? What will you do then?"
"I do this so no one else does get hurt!" He yelled back at her. "I...I can't lose anyone else." He broke down.  
"Well.. Maybe we can't lose you either." She was also crying now. "I'm telling my dad. He'll stop this."
Hiro looked at her in shock. They held each other's gaze for several moments as if silently holding some sort of conversion with their eyes.
Just then several footsteps could be heard running up the stair well, shouting from below, indicating that others were about to join them on the roof.
Hiro stood up and placed his helmet back on.
"I can't stop you." He told Megan. "But please, leave Varian out if it. No one is going to believe he's from another world anyways."
"Wait, you're serious?" She asked Varian and he nodded yes.
Hiro hopped onto Baymax's back and flew away just as Chief Cruz burst through the door and ran towards his daughter.
"Megan! Oh thank heavens you're alright!" He squeezed her tightly. "What were you doing up there?" He scolded.
"It's my fault." Varian offered up." I figured out that Hardlight was using projectors and I came up with the idea of sneaking past him and breaking them."
"Also, it's my fault too," Megan jumped in before her dad could get on to him. "Varian tried to talk me out of coming along, but I insisted. I was too worry about you." She hugged her dad again before continuing on."Also, I may have shut down the projector incorrectly. That's probably why it exploded. It's...it's a good thing Big Hero Six was there to catch me." She gave Varian a wink as she said this, indicating that she had decided to keep both of their secrets.
Varian was getting tired of lectures. He and Megan had both received an ear full from Officer Cruz as the policeman drove Varian back to the Lucky Cat. Now Varian was sitting in the upstairs kitchen listening to another one from Aunt Cass who was pacing back and forth in agitation. And this was what, the fourth or fifth one had gotten this week?
Varian sucked in his breath and forced himself to sit through it. He tried to remind himself that the adults were only getting on to him because they were concerned for his safety and he hadn't actually done anything wrong like he did a week ago with the bot fight. Of course any insistent that he knew what he was doing or that he'd lived through worst, had only upset the grown ups even more rather than ease their fears. So he decided to just remind quite and let Aunt Cass ramble on.
Just as he was starting to zone out he caught a glimpse of Hiro sneaking past the kitchen while Aunt Cass's back was turned. The other boy was back in his regular clothes and trying his best to avoid such a lecture himself.
He didn't succeed. Aunt Cass turned around and spotted him midway through his tip-toe.
"And where were you today?" She asked accusingly.
"Uh...study group?" Hiro lied.
Aunt Cass raised an eyebrow but only said, "Well go on, this doesn't concern you and you don't need to eavesdropping."
"Yes ma'am" Hiro readily agreed and Aunt Cass turned back around to resume reprimanding her other charge.
Varian saw Hiro mouth him a wordless "thank you" before scurrying off, which Varian appreciated. It was nice to know that he'd manage to do something right for once.
Hiro dashed upstairs and helped Baymax into his charging station. Then he called Megan. Aunt Cass hadn't said anything to him yet about Big Hero Six and he was hoping his friend had changed her mind about telling.
"Hey Hiro. Sorry, but I can't talk." She whispered to him in a hushed voice as soon as she picked up.
Then he heard Cruz yell at her over the other end.
"Who is it?"
"It's just Hiro, dad. He wanted to know if I was alright" She yelled back.
"Okay, but make it quick, you're still grounded after all." The policeman ordered and Hiro heard footsteps and a door closing.
"Good, he's gone." Megan sighed in relief. "In case you're wondering I didn't tell him."
"I figured that." Hiro admitted and then with a pause he asked her, "Why not?"
He heard Megan heave another sigh.
"Look, today I did something really stupid and terrifying just to save someone I love. And I almost got myself killed while doing it. Yet, I also know that I would do it a second time if I had to."
Another sigh, as if she was steeling herself to admit what she had to say next.
"I still don't agree with you being a superhero, buuuut I'm not going to stop you. I guess understand now why you do it, and you're the one who needs to make the decision to quit. Not anyone else. Just promise me, no more secrets, ok?"
"Okay." Hiro agreed and then he added, "Maybe once you're un-grounded we can go get that milkshake?"
He couldn't hear Megan smile but he knew that she was anyways when she answered back, "Alright, but you're paying. Also you need to buy Varian one too. He saved everyone's butts back there, big time."
"Yeah, I'll find a way to make it up to him as well. See you, in what, two weeks?"
"Just a week. Dad won't stay mad once he sees the awesome Father's Day gift I got him. I'll see you then and I'll want a double fudge swirl."
They hung up and Hiro felt as if some huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He didn't enjoy having to blow Megan off with lame excuses anymore than she enjoyed hearing them, and he was glad now that that would no longer be an issue between them.
Ian Williams slammed the door to his office, trying to shut out the nagging voice of his boss. He hated Mr. Krei, he hated working at Krei Tech, but most of all he hated losing.
Ian ditched the duffle bag that held his Hardlight suit and gear into the bottom drawer of his private office cabinet. He had a special encrypted lock built into it so no one could snope around and discover his secret life as supervillain.
He was still in a rage over what had happened today. It wasn't fair. His gear had malfunctioned. Those losers must have cheated somehow. He deserved a do-over.
He closed the drawer and locked it and then went about tidying up his desk. Ian was an unassuming looking fellow. A stereotypical geek, right down to his pocket protector and thick rimmed glasses. What no one knew though, was that Ian was a thrill seeker, always looking out for a new challenge. He'd grown bored with the usual video games, mental puzzles, and high exhilaration activities like skydiving and white water rafting.
So few things combined both his high intellect and his athleticism. But taking down superheroes? Now there was a worthy test of both skill and brains. He'd be the best if he could beat Big Hero Six. He'd finally get both that adrenaline rush and the praise that he so longed for.
Just then Ian noticed a disc lying on his desk that he hadn't put there himself. There was a note attached to the case and it was addressed to him.
Dear Hardlight,
Or should I call you, Ian? Either way, this disc contains information regarding today's fight that I'm sure you will find interesting.
The Boss
Ian panicked. Who knew that he was Hardlight? Who was this 'Boss'? Surely not Krei. That man never got Ian's name right, instead he'd mistakenly call him 'Ethan' or something similar. He looked around his small office but there was no other sign that anyone had been there.
Without knowing what else to do, Ian popped the disc into his computer. There was only a single video file attached. He pulled it up.
The video showed the image of a kid wearing goggles sabotaging his precious projectors. So BH6 had cheated. Well Ian would just have to even the odds for next time wouldn't he? He gave an evil grin as he took note of the boy who had ruined his plans. He'd just found his newest opponent.
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legasimmer · 6 years
Willow Creek Park
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On an overcast day, Dad, Cleo and I head to Willow Creek’s central park with Gram. The plan is just to take a walk around the park at first, but as we get there, it turns out there’ s a number of other activities we are interested in.
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“Look Gram! That’s the last relic I found the other day! It’s really interesting because… well, do you see that indent above the llama’s eye?”
Grandma knows a lot about many things, but she never got around to studying archeology. I’m proud beyond what words can say to be able to show her my work and watch her nod as she learns more.
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We hang by the stream for a while. Gram does ask us why Cyril didn’t come with, but the truth is, Cyril like his bedroom more than the outside world. Sometimes, Cleo laughs, she wonders if he doesn’t love his bedroom more than her twin.
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Then we have a try at the rollerskating rink nearby.
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I’m not too sure about it.
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Not too sure at all. In fact, I keep falling.
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Being hungry doesn’t help. I order a nice, refreshing fruit parfait at the nearest food stall.
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Just the right amount of healthy calories!
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Back to roller-skating with Gram.
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I’m getting better at this.
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In fact, I’m enjoying it a whole lot.
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Mom is back from work, and she joins us directly at the park.
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There are only four people skating around on that rink, and it looks like Mom is already sort of familiar with one of them. I’ve never seen her before myself, though she definitely looks familiar.
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In any case she’s friendly, and better than us at skating, so she helps Mom. It’s sort of a weird sight, like a mother with a child, though they look about the same age.
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I wouldn’t mind some help, too.
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We’re all just very bad at this.
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novemberrxin · 7 years
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How That Taste? • Jade - "Soulmates? I think they exist. Just not always romantically." "I think they are certain people you will meet in your life who you just connect with more than anyone else and you know it isn't a typical thing and you understand each other perfectly. And this person won't always be your "significant other", I mean it could be. Or they could be your friend, sibling, or a parent or your mentor, or the person you're dating or whoever. It could be just anyone you've ever interacted with." - It was the summer of '77, and I was eleven years old when we had been invited to this kid's birthday party at a rollerskating rink. Of course my mother had accepted the invitation since she was fond of roller skating and that particular rink, was exactly where she had met my dad years back. My mother loved to recount the story of how her and my dad crossed paths everytime a relative came by to visit, or at the grocery store, she'd tell the story to strangers. She went out on a Friday night with friends, and well my dad and his friends just came by to look at one thing, girls. As my dad was going to the bar to buy a beer, my mom walked by, and the moment they locked eyes, they were inseparable. Boom. Years later, I was conceived. I was born on August 22, 1966 in Los Angeles, California. A dark haired and blue eyed baby. Months after being born, we moved to Hollywood. And as I grew, I started attending to Lockwood Elementary School. As an only child, I liked being outdoors playing with the other kids in the neighborhood. Sometimes I gave my parents a hard time going back inside to take a bath and go to bed because I had school the next morning. And the next day right after school and homework were done, I'd be outdoors playing hide and seek or jump rope or anything a kid from the neighborhood came up with. It was the year 1976, when a new set of family moved in right next to us. A couple and their son who looked around my age. Maybe a little older. Anyways, I avoided this new kid because he looked like trouble. He looked like the type of kid to do something mischievous and then put the blame on you and I sure as hell didn't want to risk it. Although we knew of each other, because we practically lived right next to each other, and went to the same school, I still avoided him. I don't know if it's a rumor or it's true, but I heard he once got in a fight at school. Honestly, this boy scared me a little even though he's never done anything to me. Just his wild personality. We would see each other a lot during school and after, but we hung out with our own little group of friends for the rest of the year. Then 1977 finally came around, and like I said earlier, we had been invited to this new kid's birthday party. His name was Pablo or Paolo. Something like that. Honestly, I had no idea. And it turns out my parents were friends with his friends for some time now and this Pablo kid's mom had asked my parents to come. Since we had no idea what this kid liked, but the G.I. Joe were selling out like hot cakes, we ended up getting him a G.I. Joe toy set. We arrived to the rollerskating rink, and there was kids scattered everywhere. Loud music was playing inside and my mom had handed me the gift. "You'll give him the gift personally alright?" My mom commented. Of course, it was really freaking awkward, because I didn't know any of the kids here except for Pablo. Whom I wasn't even friends to begin with.. As the grown-ups chatted, I took a seat on a nearby table with the gift still in hand. My eyes scanning the place, looking for the familiar blonde haired boy, so I can give him the gift we had for him and get this over with. Finally, the boy appeared with his blonde hair stuck to his forehead, looking like he just ran around the whole neighborhood. "Hey." I said, jumping up from my seat. The boy just looked at me all confused, and I added, "this is for you. Happy birthday, Pablo." I said. Then the boy spoke up, "It's Paul. But thanks." He said taking the gift from me and putting it with the rest. "So what's your name?" He had asked. "Jade." I answered. "Come hang with us." He said, and I followed. After his birthday party, one evening, I was hanging out with my group of friends, when Paul came up to us, and thanked me once again for his G.I. Joe toy set. That he had really liked it. That day, my group of friends and his became one, as one of his friends named Robbie suggested we play ding dong ditch. Of course, we all agreed and once the last ray of sun went down, we all met outside by the park, Robbie deciding that he'd go first. Everyone else hid behind the bushes while Robbie stopped by the nearest house, and quietly walked on the front porch, ringing the doorbell and just barely had enough time to hide as someone opened the door and looked around then went back inside. We did this to various houses, and we were able to get a rise out of some people which we found hilarious. "Jade, you're up." Paul said. "Huh? Me?" I said. "Yeah!" Some kid yelled. "O-okay." I said, rising from the behind the bushes and went up to the nearest house. I quietly walked towards the front door, and gulped as I rang the doorbell, then made a mad dash to the side of the house. Someone opened up the door, and they walked to the side of the house where I was hiding. "I seen you!" A fat man yelled as I started to take off towards the bushes. Everyone else hiding, also started taking off, as I caught up to them and we were laughing our asses off. The man was barely able to keep up as we turned around a corner and ran a bit more, then we stopped to catch our breath. "Woo! That was close!" Paul said laughing. Summer of 1977, was a hell of a summer and with these new friends I made, we were always up for adventures. Paul and I spending a lot of time together -- joined at the hip. I never thought that this wild kid, whom I was once scared of, was going to become my best friend one day. And one of the lessons I learned was don't judge a book by its cover. We spent so much time together, that his parents and mine started to suspect if we were secretly dating, and his personality started rubbing off on me. The shy, quiet girl that was scared of own shadow was replaced by a goofy, confident, and fearless girl. So pretty much, Paul had a positive impact on me. Later, we moved onto Le Conte Middle School, then graduated into Hollywood High School down the road. It was August 22, 1981. Which meant today was my birthday and I was turning fifteen. Me and my friends had plans to attend the first three periods, then cut class and go celebrate my birthday in a restaurant or something. Classes were boring as usual, that I was nearly falling asleep during third period. "You're going to fail the class if you fall asleep." Paul remarked and I laughed. "I'll just copy the notes off from you." I retorted. "Let's get out of here?" Paul suddenly asked. "Third period isn't over yet though." I replied, raising a brow. "Don't worry, just follow my lead." Paul answered, ripping up a piece of paper from his notebook and crumpled it up. When the teacher turned his back to us to write on the whiteboard, Paul threw the crumpled paper across the room, hitting the teacher on the shoulder. A few chuckles erupted, and the teacher quickly turned around. "Alright, who threw a paper?" Mr. Cooper asked irritated. "It was her!" Paul suddenly shouted, pointing at me. I slowly turned to face him, shocked. "Mr, it was him!" I quickly answered. "Both of you! To the dean's office!" Mr. Cooper said, writing us down a referral as we picked up our stuff. Once we were out of class, Paul laughed, "And that's how you get out of class early." I laughed, shaking my head. With him, your day would never be boring. And that was a promise.
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Freeline Skating is the ideal new stimuli in the world
March 12, 2006 Since man invented the wheel, the promise of personal transport has been at your fingertips for anybody with a vivid imagination and a healthy dose of engenuity. Ice skaters desperate to skate all year round made the first recorded wheeled shoes around 300 years ago, and the first patent for a roller skate was issued in France in 1819. The roller skate achieved mass popularity across Europe and america a hundred years ago, with a huge selection of skating rinks attracting the young-at-heart. But the availability of advanced plastics in the sixties really exposed the realms of personal transport as successive waves of roller skating, inline skating (the invention of the RollerBlade and skateboarding captured the imagination of the youth of your day, creating sub-cultures, efficient personal transport and extreme athletes with the capacity of performing tricks that seemingly defy Newtonian physics. With advanced materials now designed for the fabrication of even the wildest ideas, new concepts for skating on tarmac keep coming and the latest such promising technology is Freeline Skates - one tiny, aluminium body, two-wheeled skateboard for each foot, ridden with a sideways stance such as a skateboard and with the capacity of being powered on the flat and even uphill by a body twisting motion. Tips Use your arms for balance. For beginners, it could seem helpful to spread your skates to a lot more than shoulder width apart to stabilize yourself, but actually the key to skate faster is by maintaining your skates close but not touching. A slightly steep surface is most beneficial to gain the horizontal S carving motion as you have sufficient momentum. Freeline skates were developed in 2003 in San Francisco, California when Ryan Farrelly was wanting to design a better way for downhill skating. His prototype for the skates was a row of four wheels in the heart of a wooden board. After test runs and adaptations, Farrelly realized he could simply stand on each set of wheels and not bother with a board. The skates incorporate components of both skateboarding and in-line skating, and will be ridden on flat land and also downhill or uphill. Out of this idea, Freeline skates were born. There are also other companies which exist to aid the skating community. Since Freeline Sports went bankrupt and turn off in 2015, rider Mattie Tyce helped to set up JMKRide, who sell a similar skate. Professional skaters in Japan call the sport free skates and in Taiwan prefer drift skates after Freeline skates departure from the scene, so that you can pull the identity from the brand. The word sideskating was also attempted to be popularized. The popularity of the original Freeline Skates brand style though, has left most of the people still calling it freeline skating. Freeline skates are a pair of skates designed to give the feeling of skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and inline skates all in one. They contain two separate metal or wooden plates with two wheels attached by a kind of “truck” designed especially for the skates. The technique used to skate with Freelines is unique to the skates, and is a challenging wave-like motion. The average person skates, when ridden together, produce speed, agility, and natural self-propulsion, enabling uphill motion. In the world of extreme sports, freeline skates are relative newcomers. Designed in 2003 in SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA, inventor Ryan Farrelly was trying to design a better version of skates for downhill racing. Freeline skates were borne of the idea that instead of sitting on a platform on top of wheels, the rider can simply stand on each group of wheels, eliminating traditional skate construction. Unlike regular skates and blades, they are not strapped to the rider’s feet. Freeline skates are specifically designed to supply the feeling of skateboarding, surfing, and snowboarding, all at the same time. Some these skates involves two separate metal plates with two wheels attached to each plate using a specially-designed truck, much like how skateboard wheels are mounted on a skateboard deck. The wheels are shaped on both sides, rather than just one single side like standard skateboard wheels. Otherwise, the wheels appear to be quite similar to those used on skateboards. The aluminum plate is covered in grip tape, the same material that helps skateboarders’ feet grip their skateboards. Overall, the freeline skates look much like two miniature skateboards with dual independent wheels. New versions of freeline skates are being introduced every year as understanding of the sport develops and more people are attracted to it. freeline skates This history closely mirrors the first history of skateboarding and other extreme sports, when multiple varieties of skateboards were developed, often vastly not the same as each other. The technique used to skate with freeline skates is unlike any other sport. It is known to be quite challenging to learn, even for individuals who are aware of other extreme sports. Even when you already know how exactly to skateboard, snowboard, or surf, have a look at freeline skates for a distinctive challenge. Difficult to understand, there are even YouTube instructional videos to help seasoned skateboarders or snowboarders get the hang of the new style. Freeline skates are recognized for high traction on level ground and uphill, and these skates can be used almost anywhere. Freeline skates are used frequently on slight downhill slopes, and employ most of the same movements of other extreme sports, while adding a distinctive twist. This challenging sport provides great opportunities to use your skills in a new types of riding and invent new tricks. When riding, skaters take a sideways stance, similar to the stance used on a snowboard. Freeline skates are propelled similarly to snowboards, as riders shift their weight from heel to toe to improve direction. Turns using freeline skates create an ‘S’ shape. One of the most recent innovations in the world of extreme sports, freeline skating is a whole new way to propel yourself on wheels. This new design of extreme sport has been recommended as a way for snowboarders to keep up their skills during the summer months, and can be a fun activity for anybody who enjoys skateboarding or surfing. These portable devices are also the tiniest and lightest type of wheeled transportation available. Looking for a new challenge? Try freeline skates, the most recent invention in the extreme sports world. The skates are beautifully designed and it’s little wonder that the first major batch has been swallowed by a public that plainly is looking for that something different. The people at Freeline impressed us with their straightforward method of conducting business. Inventor and co-founder Ryan Farrelly was most concerned that we might supply the impression in this post that the skates were easily available. “In order to ensure full disclosure I want you to know that due to a big demand the Freeline Skates are on back order until April 18 (2006) at which time our production capacity could have increased by one factor of ten.” Our take is that tiny independent skateboards will fuel a whole new craze, that the US$129 price will need to go up to support the infrastructure as the business enterprise grows (not through greed, but through the easy economics of growing a business) and that Ryan, Jason Galoob and the guys at Freeline will see that their new ten times production capacity will be outstripped by the demand as public awareness grows and results in demand for the Freelines, which offer individuality in more techniques one. Why are we so bullish - just go check the stats. Inline skating started around 25 years ago. Through the entire nineties it grew in popularity and regularly ranked among America's 20 most popular sports, recreation and fitness activities surveyed by the National SHOE Association (NSGA), peaking in 1998 with 27 million active, regular participants. We suspect those production volumes will be upgraded many times in coming years. If you’d been attending to, you’d have known that the wheel’s been around for a fair little bit of time. That's, since 9500 - 6500 B.C. during the late Neolithic age, if anyone’s asking. Agriculture, pottery and eventually every crazy airborne thing you could want to do recreationally - skateboarding, Rollerblading, BMXing, biking - as well as the transportation that’d take you to and from a healthcare facility after aborted attempts to master them. Which is why we’re so happy about freeline skating. Clearly suitable for people for whom skateboarding is currently too easy and rollerskating and Rollerblading lack the requisite danger factor, freeline skating puts us one step nearer to minimizing our recreational mass in search of a good time. Imagine chopping out the center section of a skateboard and narrowing the wooden portion that is often attached to the trucks - the metal part that, axle-like, holds the wheels - to ensure that it fits under your foot. And then, with one on each foot, connected with nothing but your dreams and desires to go back home uninjured, you start moving outside. Fast. “It’s more like surfing,” said a 16-year-old skateboarder at a local skate park, the only person who’d cop to having tried it. “I mean, harder than [skateboarding] whether or not it looks easier and it works great here, but street style? No way.” Which in a way makes sense if you understand that skateboarding had originally been configured for surfers to increase their love of boarded motion to the streets after they’ve left the water. Something largely reflected in early boarding styles with the concentrate on fluid turns and even surfboard tricks such as for example “hanging 10,” surfing together with your toes hanging off the front end of your board. Then Per Welinder (and Tony Hawk and Rodney Mullen . 5 dozen others) arrived, and the more acrobatic street style that you see each time you visit a video of skateboarders, which is nearly everywhere, took ahold of individuals and never release. But given that freeline skates aren't strapped to your feet, you’re not likely to be doing rail slides or ollies or really anything you have to leap in the air to do. Smooth, swooping lines cutting across broad concrete walkways? Yes. Jumping up over stuff? Maybe not really much. freeline skates But there was only 1 way to determine, and $140 later I was poised to do just so. Which is not as comical as it might first sound, since with a history which includes skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding and unicycling, fer chrissakes, no one might have been more ready. And yet while they didn’t feel practically stable enough to sanely jump over stuff, the lure and the allure to be in a position to just yank something out of a biggish jacket pocket and glide? Had me sold. In a good, big parking lot. The biggest trick being pulled gets on and getting off in one piece. Freeline skates are a pair of skates made to supply the feeling of skateboarding, snowboarding, surfing, and inline skates all in one. They consist of two separate metal or wooden plates with two wheels attached by a kind of “truck” designed particularly for the skates. The technique used to skate with Freelines is unique to the skates, and is a challenging wave-like motion. The individual skates, when ridden together, produce speed, agility, and natural self-propulsion, allowing for uphill motion. There are currently three the latest models of of Freeline skates: Freeline OG - the original model, made out of reinforced aluminum. Freeline Pro - a hybrid model consisting of the traditional "S-frame"-style truck and a redesigned wood deck. Freeline Pro is actually supported by two C-shaped steel rods arranged into an S-shape outer skin. Freeline Cruiser/GROM - a more recent, light-weight model created for beginners, which supports a set of training wheels (Cruiser has 72mm and GROM 65mm wheels). Freeline skates were developed in 2003 in San Francisco, California when Ryan Farrelly was wanting to design a better way for downhill skating. His prototype for the skates was a row of four wheels in the center of a wooden board. After test runs and adaptations, Farrelly realized he could simply stand on each set of wheels and not bother with a board. The skates combine elements of both skateboarding and in-line skating, and will be ridden on flat land and also downhill or uphill. Out of the idea, Freeline skates were born. Additionally, there are other companies that exist to support the skating community. Since Freeline Sports went bankrupt and shut down in 2015, rider Mattie Tyce helped to create JMKRide, who sell an identical skate. Professional skaters in Japan call the activity free skates and in Taiwan prefer drift skates after Freeline skates departure from the scene, so as to pull the identity away from the brand. The word sideskating was also attemptedto be popularized. The popularity of the original Freeline Skates brand style though, has left many people still calling it freeline skating.
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