#and verakas
simper-fi · 7 years
slyndseysims reblogged your photoset and added:
I am currently on page 45 of this gorgeous ‘hood, Fi! Loving every second of it, it’s so gorgeous and relaxing to read through chronologically a few minutes every morning while I have my coffee. Major inspiration for what I want Sedona to be like. Thank you for sharing this and for you being you!
slyndseysims reblogged your photoset and added:
So perfect 0_0 Also, I just finished reading through all of Sycamore Cove. So much love <3 Ah! And where on earth can I find those round stones around the front gardens? :O
;________;  you are literally the sweetest person for saying all of these nice things about my little neighborhood ❤ ❤ ❤ I can’t tell you how much it means to me (and how happy it makes me to see you posting again AHHHHH I am so excited for Sedona and can’t wait to see how its families evolve!). 
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The stones are THESE by Windkeeper that I just clump around the flower beds. :) 
Thank you again for everything!! ❤
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Or, not-so-wee-plies, as the case may be...
For @mustluvcatz-reloaded, @penig, @didilysims, @kayleigh-83, @acquiresimoleons, @holleyberry, and @verakas...
mustluvcatz-reloaded replied to your post “Does anyone out there have this thing...”
She's been active on MTS recently - maybe try there? (Or if you did, just ignore me.)
I...think I did? I can’t remember! It was a while back. And since then I deleted all my in/outbox messages at MTS, so I can’t even check. And now I don’t want to look like I’m spamming her, in case I did message her there. :\ But, if sending out a WCIF doesn’t work, then maybe I will try there again, with apologies for possible spamming/stalking. Or, maybe it’ll be trying there for the first time. Middle-aged memory, yay. :P
penig replied to your photo “Ohhhhhh, I have a bad feeling about this…. (If it’s not clear, because...”
Good thing he got that "bonus," huh?
Yeah, between that and the ~20K he already had, he wasn’t totally up the creek. :) Which is kind a shame, because otherwise he could’ve become a homeless hippie for this lot. Plantsims would make good hippies, being “one with the earth” and all, and outdoor living suits them well, since they don’t do the too hot/cold thing and rain is good for them.
didilysims replied to your photo “Ohhhhhh, I have a bad feeling about this…. (If it’s not clear, because...”
Oh gosh, is that after one offence of being in a bad mood? Harsh! Well, at least he's jobless and homeless with 40K under his belt.
Y’know, I don’t really know. I know he probably went to work in similarly bad moods before, but I didn’t look at his job perform-o-meter to really know for sure if one instance of totally-red-on-the-job was enough to do it or if it was a few times in a row. But whatever the case...Yeah, his ass was fired. :)
didilysims replied to your photo “Meanwhile, Maddie Knight, town burglar and one of Sage’s paramours,...”
That's so cool with the car! Now I want to track down my burglars and peek into their stash.
I had always wondered if burglars kept the stuff they stole. I kinda remember reading that they did, but I wasn’t sure that I was remembering right. And I don’t usually make burglars playable; I’m just testing out the jail idea here for feasibility. But then I realized I could actually check...and there the car was. :) TS2 really does have some lovely details. :)
kayleigh-83 replied to your post “Where can I find the Random Occurrences thing??”
My random occurrence generator is a really low-tech, old-school version.... I have them hand written in the notebook I keep next to the computer for Simming, numbered (I have 28 at the moment), and I ask Siri to choose a random number between 1-28. Nice and easy, very little set up, and I don't have to minimize to roll. I don't use random occurrences all the time, only when I need to spice up a round for a particular family that may be a little boring!
I would probably do that, too, but since we move around quite a lot between three houses, possibly four in the relatively near future, I try to keep stuff I have to remember to take along when we move to a minimum. So, if I can put it on the computer as opposed to having to remember to take a notebook along, it’s good. Plus, this is really simple. Just...load the program, and there the options are. :) I don’t have to minimize because I play in a window anyway. Full-screen on this big monitor just looks weird, plus I can keep my tracking spreadsheets open side-by-side with the game.
acquiresimoleons replied to your photo “Meanwhile, Maddie Knight, town burglar and one of Sage’s paramours,...”
"What did you do with the car?!" "You will NEVER FIND IT BAWAHAHAHA!"
Heh. :) Geez, it’s a car, not a body. ;) Of course, Sims can apparently stick really big things up their asses, which makes possible all sorts of crime. ;)
holleyberry replied to your photo “Meanwhile, Maddie Knight, town burglar and one of Sage’s paramours,...”
I've never seen the Social Bunny in my game O_o
I only see it in certain situations. Like this one. A single Sim locked in a section of a lot where they have no interaction with anyone, a situation that pretty much doesn’t happen in my game otherwise, because even socially-isolated hermits I’ve played have all adopted a stray dog/cat (or five) for companionship. It’d be different if there were other inmates, of course, but so far...nope. Because no one’s in the Criminal career...yet. And no other burglars have been busted so far. At least, not since the police station has existed.
penig replied to your photo “Meanwhile, Maddie Knight, town burglar and one of Sage’s paramours,...”
That mirrors what happens to the teddy. Even Nice children will cuddle it, beat it up, then cuddle it again.
Yeah, but you can excuse toddlers and children from being completely nutso. Because they’re nutso by nature until they’re fully housebroken and civilized. A few days of social isolation shouldn’t make the average adult completely lose it. :) But yeah, the game has exaggerated behaviors and all that. It’s just bizarre to watch, is all.
holleyberry replied to your photo “I like to use the random occurrence thingy in single-Sim households...”
I've considered looking into that Random Event thing.
It’s kind of fun. I really do need to put together my own set of occurrences, though. With this one, I often have to “reroll” at least four or five times before I’ll get something I can do in my game in the sense that it conforms to my rules and all. I need to put some thought into that. 
And it’d be nice to have some elder-specific occurrences, maybe even an entirely separate set just for them, since many of my single-Sim households are elder households, where the kids are gone and their partner has died and they haven’t chosen to remarry. Or can’t remarry, according to the rules for the neighborhood. Often, I’ll consolidate elders in retirement communities. Might be fun to do an ROS for each resident in that circumstance...
penig replied to your photo “While her daughter was busy failing at flirting, Gwen was at what will...”
But that tunic is perfect for yoga!
Maybe. But paired with those pants, she makes my eyes bleed. My bleeding eyes trump their fashion choices. :)
holleyberry replied to your photo “Nice, Mars. *eye roll* And he looks so happy doing it, too!”
At least it's outside.
Well, there is that, I suppose. I just feel bad for all the people who barge into the house who have to wade through an ocean of dog pee to get to the front door. :\
verakas replied to your photoset “This neighborhood is weird. The residential lots are 98% recycled from...”
I love it! It looks so clean and simple! And so maxis match, I love your style.
Thank you! :) Yeah, my game is kind of weird. I build sort of Maxis-match(ish), but my Sims are totally not Maxis-match and I have a fondness for Bodyshop stuff that’s currently out of favor. :) So, my game’s style is “Stuff What I Like.” 
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “Um…Nice outfit, Amelia! And hey! She rolled the Family aspiration!...”
I for one cannot WAIT to see who she ends up with. Call me sentimental but I'm rooting for the underdog (aka the fat unemployed mechanic)
We’ll see who she finds! She just went off to college in my playing. (Where I’m about a Sim-week ahead of what’s been posted.) Of course, there’s a question of how long she’ll stay in college... She doesn’t exactly have an academic personality.
acquiresimoleons replied to your photo “Um…Nice outfit, Amelia! And hey! She rolled the Family aspiration!...”
Lmao fat unemployed mechanic. She aims high, this one
Hey, fat unemployed mechanics need love, too! I just can’t help picturing a guy in a wifebeater and grungy boxers, sitting in a recliner watching TV and guzzling beer by the gallon and Cheetos by the bagful, while she sits staring at him with stars in her eyes, heartfarting like crazy. Makes me LMAO. :) 
holleyberry replied to your photo “And it was another GilsCarbo Roof Raiser™ Most likely because it was a...”
Romance Sims. So "Easy".
That’s the thing, though! Sage is a Romance Sim, but Will is Popularity. And he’s the one who pushes the whole thing. I guess maybe it’s because Sage is familiar? Familiarity doesn’t always breed contempt. Of course it’s kind of weird(er), too, because Sage is in actuality much younger than Will, even though he “appears” older, because Sage was a plantbaby with their toddler-to-adult insta-grow. So...Yeah, weird. Yet, it amuses me. :)
holleyberry replied to your photo “Mars the wee puppy grew into Mars the great big hairy...”
That is an adorably fluffy dog
He is full of floof, slobber, and loooooooove. :)
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deedee-sims · 7 years
Replies :)
replied to your photo
“Griffinmere - Round 9: Favreau on my DW! With a lot of songs about...”
Uh-oh, Romance + Commitment Issues? We'll see how this relationship goes...
didilysims replied to your photo “Griffinmere - Round 9: Favreau on my DW! With a lot of songs about...”
Also your neighbourhood is so pretty. :)                    
I don’t think it’ll last long, to be honest XD But Desiree basically has negative chemistry with everyone, and she has like 2 bolts with Robert, so it was like: Robert or no one XD
And thank you ^^
didilysims replied to your post “Replies :)”
Oh wow, that's an amazing burglary statistic! The police station is going to go out of business soon if this continues! If anyone gets a genie lamp, a wish for money usually brings the burglars...if you're wanting them. ;)
Oh well, at least they can always sell mini police cars XD Thank you for the tip! :D
verakas replied to your post “Replies about loading time”
Ah I see! Well for me that still sounds like a looot, I have little over 2gb because I'm crazy and can't handle having too much cc in my game. ^^''' But I take your word on that, Sims 2 can handle quite a lot cc compared to ts3 for example, so my folder is probably ridiculously tiny. And yeah, the difference sdd makes is huge, in every aspect!
I envy people who can play without a lot of cc - I always try to add as little as possible, and cull the stuff I don’t use. Honestly, I thought it would be bigger than it is XD Yeah, Sims 3′s cc handling is pffft. I hope I can get that SSD sooner or later :)
dramallamadingdang replied to your post  “Replies about loading time”
I'm pretty sure that load time is a product mostly of processor speed. I, too, do other things while my game loads and play in windowed mode, but if you do other things on the computer while your game loads, it'll slow down game-loading because the processor will have to multi-task. So, I usually do other things NOT on the computer while my game loads. Housework, for instance. :) Playing is my reward for doing that. :)
That’s true. And also hard drive speed in case of loading cc. I also know that Firefox uses a lot of processor, but I can’t help it XD But I try to close Photoshop while it loads, because that eats memory too. Luckily, I have an empty anygame for testing cc - which I need to do a lot - and it loads in a minute or something. And if I load up my full game, it’ll be a long session anyways, so I don’t really mind if it loads for a long time. Doing housework is a nice alternative though! :D
mvdollhouse reblogged your post and added:
I’ve been timing mine with a stopwatch and recently did a full cc wipe start from scratch, but! Before the full the full wipe, I was at about 11 GB and it took my game around 15 mins to load on an SSD so I hiiiiighly recommend switching when you can. With 5gb it takes me around 3 mins right now.
Wow, yeah, I heard that it helps, it sounds really promising, thank you for the feedback :)
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aondaneedles · 2 years
Hi there! I was wondering if you knew where you got the colorful wall handprints from the post with the twins birthday party/Piper's first kiss?
They're by @verakas! They are on that FT butterfly wall sticker. Direct link to the dl here.
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daman19942 · 3 years
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I decided that Ronan and Daniel are going to adopt a child, but before that happens they needed to take a short vacation to Twikki Island to celebrate Ronan’s recent business successes. Daniel forgot the sunscreen and the tourists forgot their vocal chops. The two ended their long weekend with a dinner on  Twikki Beach Boardwalk. Credit to Verakas for the wonderful Twikki Island lot makeovers.
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imsuanne · 4 years
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@veranka-s4cc’s classic IKEA Lack meshes are some of my favorite pieces of cc, so versatile they fit into every style. I use the shelves in nearly every build I create, and I thought they matched the weight of @ravasheencc‘s Simmerdown Kitchen perfectly so I created a recolor of the IKEA Lack set. The marble and butcherblock tables are super cool, and I apologize for not getting better screenshots for you, this whole process is still really new to me and I’m trying my best to figure it all out.
Download at S4S under the read more... 
You’ll need to download the Meshes on Veraka’s Tumblr per their TOU. 
Download my recolors here: S4S
@maxismatchccworld, @maxismatch4sims
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sushigal007 · 7 years
verakas replied to your post: So, what image hosting services are people moving...
You got the whole 3rd party hosting thing too? Seriously, the nerve to ask the amounts of money they are for just putting pictures on the internet is crazy! They are CRAZY!
Yeah, I thought it was a phishing email at first because third party hosting is like, the whole point of Photobucket. And if they’d asked for like, $5 a month, I might have even coughed up (at least while I moved all my stuff), I have occasionally done so in the past when my bandwidth’s been used up fast. But $40 a month, $400 a year!? With no warning!? Hell no, I’m outta there! I’m just glad I downloaded zips of all my albums ages ago for backup purposes, because I’ll bet the site’s struggling with the several million people who are there now, grabbing their pictures so they can run away and never look back.
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eulaliasims · 5 years
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Last round, Irene decided she desperately needed a tropical weekend vacation to revive her spirits. I kinda accidentally left the game running while I made a snack, but she got there eventually all by herself! As usual, I’ve got Verakas’s beautiful Twikkii makeovers in my game.
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katatty · 5 years
Hello! I'm looking for no-cc makeovers of lots from premade neighbourhoods (not counting your makeovers, of course. I already use them and love them
@frottanasmakeovers is my go-to for Pleasantview! There are also some nice ones by @jellybeanery & @dreadpirate out there... plus THESE Twikkii Island makeovers by @verakas. I’m sure there are a few more but those are the ones that came to mind that don’t use CC.
For CC-free lots in general, there’s a great database: @ccfreelots!
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timeparadoxsims · 6 years
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Participating in the Makeover the Sim Above You thread @ GOS again, this time I picked @verakas‘ Daisy!
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bustinsims · 6 years
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I decided to play for the first time in a long time. And started an asylum challenge but an prison version. ( I got inspired by Verakas prison asylum)
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moocha-muses · 6 years
wcif the wall scribbles? sorry if this has already been answered!!! /post/172726654919/one-of-the-dogs-ran-away-but-it-wasnt-hudson-so
You’re the first one to ask, @coloringspictures. And I just remembered. You  can get them from this post by @verakas. They’re the files named Children’s doodles.
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deedee-sims · 7 years
Replies about loading time
ofgodsandllamas replied to your post “About how long does it take for your game to load? I'm being very...”
This is what I do, too! Makes the wait less bothersome ��
I’m not alone! \^-^/
verakas replied to your post “About how long does it take for your game to load? I'm being very...”
How much cc do you have? That sounds so long, wow. :')
The fun thing is that I don't have that much cc (a little bit under 8gigs), and about 4 years ago I had like 7gigs and it loaded up in 20 minutes. So yeah, it’s definitely my PC slowing down (it’s really slow at start as well) So I think I’ll need to reinstall everything, and also I’m thinking about getting an SSD... Maybe for Christmas :)
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charlotkas-simblr · 7 years
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Well hello Khal Drogo. Would you like to see my dragons?
It’s this time of year, finally! Season 7 is coming, and GoT t-shirts are coming with it :D Set contains 4 AM and 2 AF t-shirts on AlwaysSims meshes and Amaryll mesh I already used in my previous GoT collection. Meshes are included for your convenience (thanks to generous creators policy), bodyshop previews are also included. Everything is labeled clearly so you can keep the ones you like and delete the ones you don’t.  Credits: AlwaysSims, Amaryll, Verakas. DOWNLOAD, enjoy and watch out for spoilers (they are already everywhere).
P.S. R+L=J, right? Just don’t tell Jon, cuz , you know... he knows nothing :D
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eulaliasims · 7 years
@verakas  replied to your photoset
Oooh how cute! I love the colors. It's so soothing. Could I ask where you got the wallpaper from?
Thank you!
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The file, name, and description just say 'vintage doodles', so I have NO idea. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I uploaded it here for you, though, so everyone can enjoy some vintage doodles wallpaper.
Didily, CC detective extraordinaire, managed to track this one down for me! It’s from Donnha (warning: TSR). Or you can grab a version Voleste made with Shastakiss’s wallpaper moulding here.
@wellofloneliness replied to your photoset
what sky is that?
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All my skies are from Lowedeus's Skies of Totalitarianism. I’m afraid I don’t remember which ones I was specifically using and I’ve changed it since then!
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stefan-worldofmagic · 7 years
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Hi there. I’ve another tableware set for you, a little bit fancier than my other one I hope. It consist of a part of Veranka’s Cambria set namely the tableware + candles and Suza’s cutlery. All in Shastakiss yeti palette. Meshes are incl.
My recols of Veraka’s set here  http://simfileshare.net/download/237582/ and Suza’s cutlery here http://simfileshare.net/download/237586/.
Thanks to Veranka and Suza for their meshes and Shasta for her colours.
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