#and van gogh is the vessel of it
metamorphesque · 2 years
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musings on hope
— Clarice Lispector, Walter Benjamin, Mary Oliver, Anne Carson, Kim Seung Hee (tr. Brother Anthony), Vincent van Gogh
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vesselsscarlet · 6 months
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS - The Love Vessel Needs Book Project
Alright, so @murderofcrow and I decided that a nice little FAQ is the key for answering your (possible) questions.
Let's go :)
• How can I submit my art/letter? Is there an address to ship it to?
Nope, there will not be an address. The answer to this will be: DIGITAL
Please scan your handwritten letter(s)/physical art; jpeg files can ruin the look when it is printed. In case you want to type something, you are allowed to do so. Send us a PDF file then (it makes things the easiest because of formatting the text, and it already the looks the way you wanted it to look like; same goes for digital artwork[s]).
For your submission(s) that Crow and I will receive, please write in the title your tumblr username and TLVN Book. For Vessel, you can write down your name/alias/tumblr username and the country where you are from.
Submissions can be handed in: Tumblr Direct Messages (Crow: murderiscrow, Lia: vesselsscarlet) or on Lia's Discord (Username: vesselsscarlet)
• I cannot write. I suck at it. Also, I am not artistic. What can I do?
Don't worry, we gotcha.
You don't have to be Shakespeare, Goethe, Schiller. You also don't have to be Monet, Van Gogh, or Picasso. It is all about conveying your message for him. In any way possible. You also don't have to worry about spelling mistakes, and messing up the tenses. We don't mind this. As long as Vessel can understand it in any way possible, you will be fine. This is you, this is your way of expressing your love.
• Is there a limit for the submissions? When is the deadline for submitting it/them?
Nope, no limit at all.:)
The deadline will be announced, as soon as we know more. But it will be 4 weeks before one certain live ritual which we will announce (follow the tag, so you will be updated).
• How can I make sure that I won't miss anything important?
Follow the tag. That is all we can say.
• Will the book be printed?
No. It is a physical one which we will craft and design with our pure hands. It will take some time because we are working from two different cities on it. But this will work.
• Will you share progress and the result?
Of course we will:)
You guys deserve to see our baby that you all have been a part of.
That is all for now. If you still have any questions, you can ask them in the ask tool. We will answer you asap.
Merry Christmas from the both of us.🎄✨️
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Anyone else get pedophile vibes from Rothman?
From Russian Roulette:
And that night, I met Julia Rothman for the second time. She had sent her personal launch to collect me, a beautiful vessel that was all teak and chrome with a silver scorpion molded into the bow. It carried me beneath the famous Bridge of Sighs—I hoped that was not an omen—and on to the Widow’s Palace where we had first met. She was dressed, once again, in black; this time a very low-cut dress with a zip down one side, which I recognized at once as the work of the designer Gianni Versace. We ate in her private dining room, a long table lit by candles and surrounded by paintings—Picasso, Cézanne, van Gogh—all of them worth millions. We began with soup, then lobster, finally a creamy custard mixed with wine that the Italians call zabaglione. The food was delicious, but as I ate I was aware of her examining me, watching every mouthful, and I knew that I was still being tested. “I’m very pleased with you, Yassen,” she said as the coffee was poured. The whole meal had been served by two men in white jackets and black pants, her personal waiters. “Do you think you’re ready?” “Yes, Mrs. Rothman,” I replied. “You can stop calling me that now.” She smiled at me and I was once again struck by her film-star looks. “I prefer Julia.” .... She reached out and, just for a moment, her fingers brushed against the back of my hand. “You know, Yassen,” she said, “you are incredibly good-looking. I thought that the moment I saw you, and your five months on Malagosto have done nothing but improve you.” She sighed and drew her hand away. “Russian boys aren’t quite my thing,” she continued. “Or else who knows what we might get up to? But it will certainly help you in your work. Death should always come smartly dressed.”
From Scorpia:
Julia Rothman had the best table, in the middle of the terrace, with views over Positano and out to sea. She was sitting on her own with a glass of champagne, waiting for him, wearing a low-cut black dress with a simple diamond necklace around her neck. She saw him, smiled, and waved. Alex walked over to her, feeling suddenly self-conscious in the suit. Most of the other diners seemed to be casually dressed. He wished now that he hadn’t put on the tie. “Alex, you look wonderful.” She ran her dark eyes over him. “The suit fits you perfectly. It’s Miu Miu, isn’t it? I love the style. Please. Sit down.” Alex took his place at the table. He wondered what anyone watching might think. A mother and her son out for the evening? He felt like an extra in a film—and he was beginning to wish someone would show him the script. “It’s been a while since I ate dinner with my own boy toy. Will you have some champagne?” .... “All right,” she said when they were gone. “Let’s finish eating and talk about other things. You can tell me about Brookland. I want to know what music you listen to and what sports teams you support. Do you have a girlfriend? I’m sure a boy as handsome as you gets plenty of offers. Now I’ve made you blush.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
every so often I see GIFs of the van Gogh episode of doctor who on my dash and I'm not gonna lie I hate that episode for reasons unconnected to my ongoing vendetta against Moffat era Who
bc like. there's some stuff about the mawkish popular depiction of Tortured Genius van Gogh but for me. and this is incredibly petty. it's the way that the concept of the episode is 'He Saw Things Differently, Literally, It Looked Like His Paintings'
hate it. hate it hate it hate it. he was a creative person working in an expressionist and advante garde art scene. it's so. diminishing. to the fact that he was making deliberate stylistic decisions in how he represented stuff and they were good decisions. it's not. gah. it's embarrassing bc I know It's A Story but this stuff gets up my nose so much, I think it's the autism. all the 'he saw the world differently bc X and that's why his paintings looked like that' HIS PAINTINGS LOOKED LIKE THAT BECAUSE HE SPENT HIS LIFE WORKING ON DEVELOPONG AN EXPRESSIONISTIC STYLE THAT CAPTURED AN ESSENCE NOT A VISUAL REALITY
tbh this is also an objection I have to Hannah Gadsby's van Gogh bit where she says his meds have a known side effect of making yellows more vibrant. maybe they did for him and maybe they didn't but that's not why his sunflowers are so bright and lively. they're bright and lively because he painted literally hundreds of them trying to capture the thing that made them beautiful and exciting to him, which I'm going to guess has a lot to do with them being bright and lively and energetic and sunny. he painted the wind in the trees and he used swirling lines because he wanted to capture the sense of motion, not because aliens put a swirly filter on his vision.
you don't need to EXPLAIN why van Gogh painted the way he did by finding ways his vision was altered by magic or drugs or madness. he made artistic decisions. because he was a devoted artist who spent his life focusing on obsessively figuring out how to capture something he wanted to get across about a scene. he used loose expressive brush strokes and impasto techniques not because he saw something nobody else saw, but because, and I cannot stress this enough, he was working at a time when finding less detail-orientated and more holistic ways of representing a multi-sensory experience was what the cutting edge of European art was fascinated with. and he was hanging out with other painters, and he was actively interested in the wider European art scene. it's a conscious fucking choice! he wasn't some sort of passive vessel for Genius Ideas he was a guy who focused single-mindedly on exploring and developing the limits of his painting. HE MADE DECISIONS.
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dailyrothko · 2 years
I do not understand the appeal of this artist. Could you clarify for the ignorant? Because first glance, I’m thinking wow, this dude sure did paint solid color squares. I saw one of his paintings in person at UMMA in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA and it was like… big red canvas. Cool. What’s the meta here?
I don't think it's ignorant not like an artist, we don't all see the same way. Some things I came to later, like Van Gogh who I was biased against and I considered florid. Perhaps Rothko is just not for you and that's, of course, fine.
I think that the knock on him being simplistic though, is misplaced. Rothko is subtle but that's not the same thing. I would challenge anyone , and this is not directed at you specifically, but anyone to think about how thy judge art. Is the only good art where you paint a dog that looks exactly like a dog? Is the only good painting complex looking? It would be a strange would if we used photorealistic standards. There would be no room there for anyone from Monet to Jackson Pollock.
I think Renoir is a terrible painter. I think he's bloodless and quaint. I think he paints empty vessels of people and he doesn't paint that way on purpose. But he's a very popular artist, so someone likes it.
Nearly everyday someone shows me their "Rothko". I have never seen one that looked anything like Rothko. Rothko had a way of layering thin paint and feathering the edges to make colors transmute beneath each other and seem to float on the canvas.
Part of the reason I think Rothko jazzes people up is because he's so famous. But Rothko wanted to paint not make million dollar paintings. That part of the picture is something rich people did to it.
Maybe someday you will see a Rothko that does something for you, perhaps the way I eventually loved Proust. But if that day never comes, I say in all sincerity, that there is so much great art out there of all kinds I think it's a glorious thing to love any of it. Every artist from the dawn of time was just was looking for a way to express themselves.
Rothko had one answer, his own. You may find another that suits you more. The important thing is the glory of love and the endlessly shifting notes of beauty we all see somewhere. It's why bears looks at sunsets.
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davidgrandorder · 1 year
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Good Morning Gamers! And welcome to the Fate Grand Order Transgender Swag Poll! Here we will determine once and for all which Servant has the Most trans swag...
I will post the actual polls later in the day or tomorrow, with the links under the cut, to give people time to submit their Propaganda for their favs. I do ask, if you are going to lobby for your fav, please try to avoid criticizing the character they are up against- this poll should be a fun and positive thing, and I really don't want to see it devolve into fighting and people's feelings getting hurt.
I tried to mainly pick Servants who have the Gender Unknown trait, as well as Servants who have a complex relationship with gender (Saber, Van Gogh, Nezha), or who canonically picked a vessel of a different gender from their assigned gender (Vritra, Molay). Others were famously a different gender historically but are summoned as female, and others still were recommended to me by friends for various reasons, so I tried to fit them in to the best of my ability.
I apologize if there are any Servants I left out that you feel should be here- I honestly had more than this planned but it was already so big and I kept winding up with an uneven distribution; I also didn't get many requests from people on tumblr ^^; But! if this goes well I'd be willing to do a second poll with other servants that I didn't have room for here!
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dickarchivist · 8 months
Could you take us inside The Crypt--what kind of ship is it, what is the inside like, and so on?
I actually did a lot of research on Star Wars Clone Era ships because of this ask, and lemme just say I am very happy with the results.
The Crypt is an ARC170-Modified Starfighter, similar to this one: (images taken from the wookiepedia page)
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It was modified at the request of Dax'Malkin, sacrificing a bit of the cargo space to create a 6 person sleeping quarters along two walls (three bunks along each). There is room for 2 speeder bikes as well, when the bikes are stored vertically in their small cargo bay.
There is a single holding cell, as well. For just in case.
The Crypt, on the outside, is painted in similar colors to other Republic ships, though Specter adds the name of their vessel to the outside with their squad colors: red and gold. After o66, Specter covers the name, and hates every second of it.
Inside is a different story, however. Specter's style is similar to impressionism and surrealism, using color blotches and pointelistic techniques. He likes when you can see the brush strokes. He painted each of the bunks to match the person sleeping there. Each bunk has a curtain on the outside, put in by Dax'Malkin, to give the Clones a feeling of having privacy, their own rooms. Something they likely never had before.
Ghost's has jaig eyes at the headboard and seven birds in flight.
Phantom's has hand marks, one set for each brother, along with Dax and Athena's.
Specter's is covered in photographs.
Banshee's bunk is a sprawling symphony of musical notes painted across the walls.
Wraith's bunk looks like a flower field in full bloom.
The sixth bunk belongs to Athena. Her's, Specter painted with her. It's got tooka cats, flowers, and music, and birds. Her bunk has two photos in it, one of her and another padawan, a Nautolan boy named Bos. The other is of her, Dax, and Grave Squad. Athena wanted a piece of each of her brothers in her "room".
Each bunk has a background akin to Van Gogh's Starry Night, painted in reds and golds like their armor is.
The speeders also have names, Coffin and Casket.
Dax'Malkin doesn't have a bunk, but when he's tired enough for sleep, the pilot's chair is where he hunkers down to rest. Sometimes Grave will put them in one of their bunks, especially if he's been injured.
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adventure-showdown · 7 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Beast Below
For Amy Pond's first trip in the TARDIS, the Eleventh Doctor brings his new companion to the 33rd century, where all of the United Kingdom's citizens (apart from the Scottish) live onboard Starship UK, searching for a new home amongst the stars as the Earth is being roasted by solar flares. However, the Doctor soon finds something amiss onboard the vessel. The citizens appear to fear "the smiling fellows in the booths" and ignore crying children. What is going on? What secrets does Starship UK hold at its depths, and who is hiding them? Soon, the Doctor is forced to make an impossible choice. No matter what he chooses, death is the only outcome.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
Vincent and the Doctor
While taking Amy to several peaceful locations, the Eleventh Doctor's trip to a museum takes turn for the worse: his interest is caught by a painting of a church by Vincent van Gogh. What troubles the Doctor is that there's a face in the church's window; it's not a nice face, it's a curious, shadowed, creepy face with a beak and nasty eyes. The Doctor knows evil when he sees it and this face is definitely evil; it may pose a threat to the one who painted it. Only one thing will calm the Doctor's nerves: a trip in the TARDIS to 1890 so he can find out from the artist himself.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
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mdpikachu · 9 months
Surprise! Lancelot gets a foreigner class alt. What's the best/most interesting way fgo could spin the justification for his new class
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I'm gonna need to think about this one! You've given me an ask that hits two hyperfixations at once- Lancelot existing and eldritch horrors.
The easy way out is Servant!Verse Lancelot, but I don't want to deal with Forgetful Father Spance (as i call him). We're not doing that. Boring. Bored!
Cut bc Idk how long this is gonna get but I'm gonna gun for "give lancelot an eldritch partner" angle. bc fuck it.
Eldritchs already taken by Foreigner servants- Yog-Sothoth (abigail), Cthulhu (Hokusai), Cthugha (Guifei), Hastur (Eulicid) (not fgo), BB-thotep does not count, Shub-N (Molay), Vultoom and possibly some Colour out of Space (Van Gogh).
Giving Lancelot Nyarlathotep is far too easy. The guy known for disguising himself and the 1000 masks/faces. But Nyar is too... Playful? Fuck around and find out. His personality wouldn't fit Lancelot in any way. Nyar also doesn't need a vessel to manifest. He can do it his damn self. It's in the job description.
Azathoth I think is funnier to give to Holmes so I'm not doing that. It also doesn't fit in any way shape or forme.
Yog is always an option. they don't match or fit but yog is my buddy i know him personally (joke)
Anything associated with water is out, not because of Lancelot himself but his mom. Lady Vivian breaks the door down and murders an eldritch creature in her gottdamn domain. Except Cthaat. He can stay. Honk.
What'd work best is like... Darkness and obscuring and im just describing Nyar again. fuck.
The Darkness (actual name) doesn't have enough info to use, so FGO could go wild with that one. Spread Darkness. Quash Light. etc etc I'm already bored. but Lancelot wouldn't LIKE that either. See:
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The Blackness from the Stars (also actual name) is similar and I often conflate the two intentionally, but this one isn't from HPL... wait neither are hastur and cthugha point cancelled. "Those with histories of mental instability are most susceptible and therefore often targeted." Sir Lancelot "goes mad in the woods" du "berserk raged through a whole castle" Lac works perfectly here.
Additional notes: The Blackness from the Stars is an extraterrestrial entity in the Cthulhu Mythos. Its only appearance is in Chaosium's supplement King of Chicago for their Call of Cthulhu RPG. (source)
It doesn't speak, it refuses TO speak, it can't take physical damage so Lancelot can't gun it down, it's only weak to literal light. Catch him using a night light. actually he does that anyway but this isn't about that.
I can't actually find a rulebook for CoC, which is weird bc I swear I had one saved somewhere.
TLDR: Sir Lancelot (berserker. obviously) but overtaken by the Blackness from the Stars (and/or Darkness, if u like merging things for simplicity)
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hippolotamus · 2 years
For the intimacy prompt
tracing fingers down your partner's chest
Ok, ummm, all I can say is Thank You for this. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did 💙🖤
In all the years of artfully sneaking around for missions, Patrick Brewer never thought his expertise would lead him here. At least, not as many times as it has.
The hotel ballroom must have close to 800 people, but he’s already seen the one he’s after. Patrick knows he’s been spotted, too. They’ve been chasing each other around the globe - from Mexico to Monaco, South Africa to Saskatchewan, and everywhere between - for years now. This dance is familiar and they’re intimately acquainted with how the steps go. 
Patrick sips his sparkling champagne, peering over the rim, and meeting familiar dark eyes standing on the upper balcony. One delicate hand, with olive skin and silver rings, lifts a champagne flute from the railing in a silent toast across the sea of otherwise ignorant partygoers. Patrick’s target raises a single dark eyebrow, then tilts the glass to his lips, draining it in one go. He replaces the vessel and smirks in Patrick’s direction before turning to walk away. Patrick recognizes it for the signal it is, sitting his now empty glass on a passing server’s tray. 
As if by intuition alone, his feet carry him up the staircase, past eclectic older dealers arguing whether a Van Gogh or a Cézzane will fetch more, young heiresses flirting shamelessly, and the occasional solo chap watching them. The stream of people thins the further Patrick walks, the lights becoming more spread out, leaving shadowy patches between. The electric glow of an Exit sign catches his eye, and he’s just about to turn back when he finds himself tugged into a dark alcove, pinned to the wall. 
Patrick smirks, noting the warm, spicy scent now surrounding him. It should make him wary, but that sensation stopped long ago, replaced by want and lust. “Rose, we meet again.”
“So we do, Mr. Brewer,” a voice purrs in response. “I hope you’ve been well since Denmark.” 
Patrick traces a finger over the curves he’s become so accustomed to, feeling the sleek mother-of-pearl buttons under his skin until he hooks onto the V of the single-breasted tuxedo jacket. “Never better. Should we exchange the usual my country wants you dead pleasantries first or is foreplay off the menu tonight?” 
A singular growl precedes firm hands pinning Patrick’s wrists above his head, warm lips and tongue meeting his own. No matter how many times they’ve done this, it always makes him dizzy. It shouldn’t be this way, he should be capturing David Rose and hand delivering him to the Canadian government. Instead, he always finds himself in total disbelief at how right, and fucking life affirming, it feels to be under David’s control. 
Sometimes, dangerously, he thinks he wants it forever. It only took Patrick mentioning once that he doesn’t sleep with anyone else between their trysts. David went off the grid for over a year before they came crashing back together in a blissful rendezvous where the only sounds were gasps and skin on skin. Patrick fell asleep with David slung across his body, head on his chest, and he thought they turned a corner. But when he woke in the morning, David was nowhere to be found. They didn’t see each other for three months until their paths crossed in Moscow. 
“David,” Patrick pants, too close for comfort to losing his composure like a teenage boy as David grinds their hips together. And he’s not going to do that in a suit that had a comma on the price tag. He’s not. “Please.”
“Want me to stop?” David’s teeth drag over Patrick’s earlobe before scraping along the line of his jaw.
David chuckles softly, the vibrations humming against Patrick’s neck. “Are you sure, Mr. Brewer?”
Patrick can only hiss in response when David’s hips thrust forward, holding him in place. 
“Well, I’m not getting on my knees for you in a hallway, in this suit,” David’s breath ghosts against the shell of Patrick’s ear. “I know you don’t always follow orders, but be good and meet me in the penthouse. I’ll make it worth your while.”
David presses a searing kiss against his mouth, pulling Patrick’s bottom lip between his teeth, before he retreats into the darkness. Patrick feels adrift without the weight of David to anchor him, even knowing they’ll be tangled together soon. He stands tall, straightening his jacket and adjusting his bowtie. He reaches into his pocket for his phone so he can at least check his hair in the camera. Patrick smiles to himself when his fingers brush over the keycard David slipped in next to it. He taps the card, deciding to abandon checking his reflection, hoping he won’t encounter anyone else important along the way. 
After all, there’s no time to waste when he has a foreign agent to catch.
send me a physical intimacy prompt!
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kiwikipedia · 1 year
The best idea would be for Vincent Van Gogh (True) to also be a Foreigner because Foreigners beat other Foreigners (Trust no one, not even yourself) but also because Groth-Golka is just like “hey fuck you” to Vulthoom
It’s never really been quite expanded on how the Outer Gods interact with each vessel, but it mostly goes like this:
Because Vulthoom claims it was the cause of Vincent’s madness and death, it would only make sense for it to use the Heroic Spirit Vincent Van Gogh as a vessel for manifestation. However, Vulthoom chose to, instead, rip out a part of the man and shoved it into Clytie.
Vincent is left, and is still a prime vessel for another Outer God now that the one who once championed for him has abandoned him. Groth-Golka takes this opportunity. But it should be known that Groth-Golka has given full control to Vincent, and allows the man to do as he wishes. Where Vulthoom and the other gods will run themselves to the ground causing trouble and looking for ways to take over, Groth-Golka will bide its time waiting and watching.
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ascentofonyx · 1 year
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hi ! i’m kay (she/her) and i will be the brain(cell) behind kitae. i’ll link his information down below, but i have an overview under the ‘keep reading’ if you’d like to go ahead and take a glance. i wanted to do something new and make a single father muse, but rest assured that won’t be his entire personality ! he’s just a former rich kid struggling to adapt to a life where bills take precedence over pleasure (booo). please message me if you'd like to plot! or comment here if i can approach you. warning: the backstory and plots/connections are easier to read in this post as opposed to the links. Profile | Backstory | Plots/Connections
he was both born and raised in the cheongdam-dong residential area of seoul, south korea. his father is on the board of directors for seoul national university hospital, and his mother is an heiress to ‘danjin’ group (the equivalent of sk group). his  younger sister currently attends seoul university. 
he grew up privileged and excelled in the arts (especially painting), but was forced to take up many extracurriculars such as piano (advanced), guitar (intermediate), golf (amateur), english (fluent), and taekwondo (red belt). 
his relationship with his parents was neither good nor bad. they weren’t particularly active in raising him (they left that up to the hired help), but they weren’t neglectful. they desired to maintain their social status and were determined to see their children succeed. grades were kept under a very watchful eye, hobbies were manufactured, and friendships were forged out of preexisting parental connections.
still, they loved each other.
as for his sister, they were two peas in a tightly wound pod. they were (and still are) fiercely protective of one another.
art became his escape from an early age – not that life was tough (how can it truly be when the spoon hanging out of your mouth is not silver, but gold); when familial duties mandated he begin preparing to enter society not as a mere socialite, but an active participant, he used art as a vessel.
“did you know van gogh created a painting every 36 hours?” “you could’ve stepped out of a wang meifang portrait and i wouldn’t have known the difference” “sketch me something, kitae.”
and the people loved him. and he reveled in the attention.
tw: brief mention of potential abortion
much to his dismay, his parents did not allow him to pursue a major in art history. considering they were footing the bill for his education, he agreed to major is business management. 
it was in his first semester that he met someone who he considered to be the love of his life (name: tba). 
his parents did not approve of her, at all. she was born overseas and encouraged kitae to follow his dreams of being a painter. this was, of course, frowned upon by his parents.
in his second year of college, kitae found out he was going to be a father. he tried to persuade her not to keep it – but she refused, wanting to continue the pregnancy. safe to say, kitae was nervous as hell.
and he was right to be. this new information did not excite his parents in the slightest. they threatened to cut him off financially if he were to remain in his girlfriend and baby’s life. but he did, anyway. this caused him to have to drop out of college after three years.
everything was going well – until their daughter turned 6 months old and the gf (i need to find her a name fr) abandoned them both, leaving only a note.
kitae heard from a friend of a friend that a club in daegu ran illegal fighting rings – and he wanted in. taekwondo had been something he excelled at before being forced to quit in order to concentrate on his studies. taking his extensive knowledge of combat and mixing it with years of pent up anger and frustration made for a dangerous concoction. but it worked, and he began winning. and winning. and winning. he fought under the name 'onyx'.
until a cataclysmic back injury almost left him paralyzed. he drained his savings paying off medical bills not only for the surgery (that left him with a slight limp every time he overworks the muscles in his back), but also for the months of physical therapy.
once he could finally walk he began to take up odd jobs here and there. a party planner (kids parties only, and he only really ever blew up the balloons), a store greeter (sometimes they made him twirl a sign), and various other jobs ranging from humiliating to borderline illegal.
until finally, two years after his injury, he sees an opening for a fitness trainer position at gwangtaeg gym. now that he feels (for the most part) and appears perfectly healthy, he’s ready to begin a steady job that will actually keep the lights on in his little one bedroom apartment he shares with his almost 4 year old daughter.
though even he knows it’s a matter of time before the streets beckon him once again.
i’m honestly up for anything! but here are a few ideas to jumpstart off of.
he likes to hit up glogolf late at night because he can’t stand not being good at something so simple as hitting a ball with a stick. will you give him pointers? bond over your shared shittiness at golf? etc?
he carries around a little sketchbook with him – but what happens if he leaves it behind? will you happily return it, or will your generosity come at a price?
his daughter wants one of those cheap plushies from the claw machine but he’s been here the past goddamn hour and can’t seem to win one. also, he’s out of coins. will you help him out, or will your generosity come at a price? just don’t tell security he’s been digging in the fountain for loose change.
the flaky teenager that (admittedly, he doesn’t pay enough) to babysit his daughter couldn’t make it, so he’s forced to bring her with him to the mall. the gym, however, is not the most stimulating environment for a toddler. so, when she wanders off it comes as no surprise she’s bumped into you at (insert store/kiosk). kitae is determined to make it up to you.
unable to take his eyes off of you when you come in for your scheduled workouts, kitae is shocked to find that you plague not only his thoughts, but his dreams. an artist at heart, he begins to sketch little things about you. your tattoos(?), the chain that’s always dangling from your neck(?), your profile, etc. upon finding out you work in the mall, he’s made it his mission to get you alone…to get you to come back to his place…to paint you, of course!
you’re annoying. and rude. and if kitae could burn holes into the ground and watch it swallow you up, he would. that was his first and last session as your instructor and he’s just lucky he does not have to see you ever again. what are the odds that the newest signup for his self-defense class (a side hustle his boss was gracious enough to let him conduct in the gym), is you? he needs your money, and you need the skills.
generic connections i’m always down for:
confidante: self-explanatory. we can plot out the backstory, but he’s relatively new to daegu and sunset so i’m mainly looking for new friends instead of old.
friend with benefits: self-explanatory. kitae can’t exactly bring people home to his place so when he’s at the mall he able to…curb any desires he has (and as a former playboy, he definitely has many). 
someone that knows of him from his streetfighting days. not personally, but you recognize him enough to put his job in jeopardy if anyone were to find out.
also open for connections involving his ex (such as an ex-friend of hers), daughter (such as an unlikely babysitter), potential lovers, and any others that can arise due to his personality.
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ikemenlibrary · 7 months
private untitled playlist
playlist description: touching hands, longing glances from across the room, feelings being held in, feelings falling off lips in spoken whispers after a kiss, brushing hair back from someone's forehead, true love happening in an instant; all things people who are in love experience in a normal lifetime.
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one. fingerprints // leon dompteur two. lover // napoleon bonaparte three. empty vessels // silvio ricci four. grow as we go // kyle ash five. butterfly effect // oda nobunaga six. pancakes for dinner // vincent van gogh seven. mercy // lancelot kingsley eight. in transit // toyotomi hideyoshi
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2broschlininahotub · 2 years
Meet the witchcrafters
The witchcrafters are all named after words in connected to different artistan crafts in different languages and only girls so far.
They all have powers similar to Rilliona but the weaknesses are they cannot be used as many objects as Rilliona and not as powerful
You will meet them based on ranking and based on who came first.
Meet Verre. Her name comes from Verre the French. The symbolism ties to her mother who is named after the French name of Cinderella. What is Cinderella ascosciated with a Glass slipper. She is a glassmith. To explain what she can do. If she can make an unbreakable glass wall or in theory if anyone is fighting in an area with sand in the area. She can make her opponent be stabbed by glass spikes and it turns back into sand. In practice, she won't do it cause she is to nice and she does not want to fight.
Personality, the other members think she is somewhat lazy if she puts in effort she will succeed.
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Meet haine the vice master.
Haine here name means clothing in Romanian. Haine is the temporary leader when Verre is on Vacation (look at the Pic in the left that is when Verre left) or asleep. She is somewhat nervous when doing leader ship cause Verre does that. Her power is to control threads. In theory she can control someone's muscle fibers if she is in danger but she never dies cause she is passive and dislikes blood. Her job is that of a seemstress.
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Meet Edel. Her name comes from the word Edelstein which means gemstone in Dutch. She is a Jeweler. She is also a hairstylist on the side. If she has to fight, she can make a gemstone she holds a grenade or make a gem charm that guides you to treasure. Personality she is the fun one or that girl that loves to go to parties. She also hates paper work.
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Meet schmietta. Her name comes from Scmied which means blacksmith in German. She is a blacksmith. She is known for making weapons. She is the girl who does not mind getting dirty. She is also the one who takes the most showers being covered in ash a lot of times. She can potentially use the metals in your body to make metal balls that will pin you to the ground or razor blades.
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Meet pittore. It means painter in Italian. She is the middle child of the group along with Schmieta and Genni. She helps the other girls with confidence. She is also Haine's younger sister. She can make paintings that can work as portals or paint that can make objects change color at specific or random intervals. She is like an older sister our next member potterie. She also dyes objects when Haine can't chose the color combinations.
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Potterie means pottery in French. She is the youngest out of the witchcrafters being 12. She is known for making figurines they usually come to life or used as magical vessels.
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Meet Genni her name means genius with French. She is the newest member of the group. She is the accountant of the guild and she deals with the paper work. My theory is that she represents literature. She is Haine's best friend. She was the intern from Selene's place. She helps haine with her confidence issues.
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She also keeps a list of the types of people usually who commission specific items from the guild.
Here is the list
Haine-most people.
Verre and Edel-Noble Women.
Schmietta-Adventures and men
Pittore and Potterie-children or parents.
They all performed the ritual that led to the previous generation's failure which killed their master but they succeeded cause they needed the right planning and a proper vessel. Here is the labor of their effort witchcrafter golem aruru.
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Aruru's name comes from Arles a place known for as a place where Vincent Van Gogh lived in. She is basically a Glass Canon commissioned by Endymion and Selene to fight Alllister's Experiments. Her power is basically send you back to where you came from. The perfect weapon against Alllister's creations.
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cirtemmysart · 2 years
Great masters of the past - Claude Monet
Early Life
Claude Monet was born in Paris in 1840. He was the eldest son of his parents. His parents moved to the city of Havre, Normandy, when he was five years of age. He spent his childhood along the beaches. He learned from his friends and nature itself. The knowledge he gained along the sea, its beaches, and the rapidly shifting Norman weather influenced his art greatly. It helped him to display his fresh vision of nature in his paintings. He made a significant contribution to impressionist painting of which he is said to be the founder.
Monet did not receive formal education in art. Initially, as a teenager, he studied with a local artist, Jacques-Francois Ochard. Later, he became a friend of Eugene Boudin who introduced him to the art of painting in the open air. His refusal to join the Ecole des Beaux-Art became a subject of annoyance for his family.
Later on, Monet became famous for recording on-the-spot impressions that a momentary vision of the scene left in him. He made pencil sketches of sailing ships, which were almost technical in their clear descriptiveness. In the month of April 1851, Monet entered the Le Havre Secondary School of Arts. He became locally known for his charcoal caricatures which he was selling for 10 to 20 francs. Later under the informal tutelage of the master of the landscape painter, Johan Jongkind, he further honed his artistic skill. However, his life as a painter did not begin until he met Eugene Boudin who introduced him to the then uncommon style of painting in the open air. This experience set the direction for Monet’s next 60 years of his life as a painter.
Painting oil landscapes in studios had been in vogue since the 16th century. The process involved using recollections rather than direct impressions of the subject of the painting. In 1872, Monet painted a scene of the French port Le Havre, using very loose brush strokes, and named the picture ‘Impression‘. In this painting, Monet depicted mist for providing hazy background. He made brilliant use of colors to contrast with the darker objects in the picture, such as dark vessels floating on the water. He placed the picture in a month-long exhibition in 1874 along with the paintings of some of his friends, including Camille Pissarro, Alfred Sisley, Edouard Manet, Paul Cezanne, and Edgar Degas. These artists organized exhibitions on their own as Paris Salon usually rejected their paintings.
Claude Monet’s Impression, Sunrise (1872) famous painting – Stretched Canvas
Presently, ‘Impression: Sunrise‘ is considered the most prominent and rated along with Van Gogh’s ‘Night Stars’.
Origin of Impressionism
Monet’s Impression, ‘Sunrise’ grabbed the most attention of the visitors. An art critic, M. Louis Leroy, who attended the exhibition wrote an article in which he used the term ‘Impressionist‘ based on the title of the painting. Though Leroy used this term derisively, other famous painters like Renoir and Degas felt happy to be called Impressionists. Thereafter, all these artists together came to be known as ‘Impressionists’ after the style newly introduced by Claude Monet into the world of art.
Claude Monet’s Seascape, Storm (1866) -Stretched Canvas
Claude Monet’s Grainstack, Sun in the Mist (1891) – Stretched Canvas
In this style of painting, artists painted pictures outside, ‘en Plein air`, a phrase in French that stands for open air. Experts say that in the impressionist style of painting, artists wanted to capture the fleeting moments of time in their canvasses.
Impressionist painting – a quick job
In Impressionist painting, ‘artists had to work quickly, using gestural brushstrokes of paint because the light conditions kept changing.’ Another famous painter of that period of time, John Singer Sargent’s, painting, ‘Claude Monet's Painting by the Edge of a Wood‘ (1885) provides an apt and ample definition of impressionist painting. In this painting, Claude Monet is seen painting a picture en Plein air, or in the open air. More often Monet’s subject matter involved domestic scenes featuring the members of his family and the garden. Some of his paintings, such as, On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt (1868), or The Beach at Sainte-Adresse (1867) were clear indications of Monet’s advance toward the Impressionist style.
Water Lilies Series
Monet is famous for producing repeated studies of the same motif in series, changing canvasses with the light or his interest shifted. These series of paintings of one motif were exhibited in groups, for example, his images of Haystacks (1890-91), Rouen Cathedral (1894), and the Water Lilies Pond series. Claude Monet painted a series of pictures of ‘water lilies’ (1916) that were a part of the garden at his house in Giverny. This series of paintings have come to be called ‘abstract-impressionist paintings’, reportedly, because the surface of the pond fills the entire canvas with light and color and the picture looks almost abstract. Monet is said to have painted ‘water lilies’ in all seasons and in all weather for over 30 years.
More at: https://cirtemmysart.com/blog/-claude-monet/
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lettersofanne · 2 years
She's a Vessel of Art. She's Me.
She did not come from an artistic or creative background and was not born with any exceptional gifts. She was a lovechild of a plethora of experiences, each of which played a part in sculpting her into an artistic vessel. She is me. 
Hi, I’m Jewelry! I wasn’t the typical kind of girl growing up. I used to try out a lot of things that I end up not loving. Because I was evidently born in an environment where I am expected to seek out and develop my strengths. My upbringing had a huge impact on what am I today. In my quest to find my true calling, here I am with a gleeful heart and a creative mind writing this blog answering the question, Are creative writers born or made? 
Humans are born; the talent to write can be learned, and humans are generally creative. Everyone has a story to share with the rest of the world, each of which is uniquely different from the others. Some people may tell their stories through a separate line of work that they are enthused about. Whatever the case may be, creative writers are made. These shaped who they are and what they write about because of their upbringing, their experiences, and how they've been able to convert themselves into a vessel of art.
The saying, "If you hear a voice within you say, 'You cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced," by Vincent Van Gogh, is the same with writing. A significant amount of effort and thought will need to go into a written piece before you can deem it finished. Never leave an untold story inside of you. When writing, you should never give your readers something they don't want. If you wish to prevail, treat your readers like your enemy. To win, you'll need the ability to alter their perspectives through your writing. Instead of duplicating reality, creativity generates new perceptions within the spectator.
As a writer, I have always written about things that interest me, events happening around the world, and stories that my imagination desires to tell. The fact that I'd come to like writing was a complete surprise. I'd written previously to fulfill academic obligations, but it was more out of mental need than genuine enthusiasm. But earlier in 2021, whilst being bored, I attempted to write down my thoughts in narrative form. And there it was; it ignited a fire inside me that had never been kindled before; I knew then that writing was my calling. It's not always easy for me to put pen to paper, but when the words start flowing, I usually end up with something that readers seem to like. When I write a story, I can conjure up vivid imagery in the minds of my readers with nothing but black ink and white paper. 
The gist of it all is that creative writers are made. How we want to portray art shouldn’t be enclosed in certain forms of it. Writing is an underestimated form of art but for me, it’s the most important of all as it is about who we are, what happened to us, and how our lives are affected by it. As what we’ve written can be left for the dead and the living to see and read.
- Jewelry • 9/21/22
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