#and to see booker and joe watch sports and bond
caitlesshea · 4 years
we run with the wolves in the shadows
“So how many times did you actually kill each other before you realized you couldn’t die?”
Joe looks up at the sound of Nile asking both he and Nicky a question. 
Nicky shrugs like he doesn’t remember but Joe knows he does, because how could he forget such a thing, but before he can answer, Nicky does. 
Joe nods his agreement and Nile looks like she’s about to argue with them but decides not to when Andy pokes her head into the living room.
“They were alive when I found them, so killing each other was a moot point.”
“Okay, but you dreamed of each other right?” Nile asks this question to Andy, who answers with more patience than Joe’s ever seen her have. 
Nicky nods towards their room and Joe follows, glad to be escaping the questions for now. 
“We can’t avoid him forever.” Nicky says before the door is fully shut, picking up their earlier discussion of finding Booker. 
Joe has been steadily avoiding the conversation for the last five months, but with Nile’s questions and Andy’s mortality, they can’t avoid it forever, or even the hundred years they told him. 
“We can.”
“You are being petulant.”
Joe pouts and Nicky crosses the room and pulls Joe to his chest. Joe goes willingly as he kisses Nicky. 
“Fine, I assume you found him?”
“He’s in France.”
Joe snorts, because Booker is nothing but not predictable.
“Of course he is.”
“We’ll leave in the morning.” 
Telling Andy and Nile that they were leaving the safe house for a couple of days was easier than Joe thought. 
Although, if he’s being honest, he’s pretty sure Andy knows where they’re headed. 
“All the beautiful places in Paris and he picks this place?” Joe snarks as he pulls his sunglasses down to look at the building they tracked Booker to.
“His son lived here.” Nicky says quietly. Joe looks at him sharply.
“You remember where his son lived over three hundred years ago but now how many times we killed each other?”
Nicky looks back at him sharply. “It was four times, Yusuf, and it’s not that I don’t remember. It’s that I don’t want to.” 
Joe grabs Nicky’s hand, suddenly choked up, and squeezes. 
“Amore.” Joe whispers as he puts his forehead against Nicky’s and Nicky squeezes his hand back. 
“C’mon. We have to go to the market, you know he hasn’t eaten a proper meal in months.” 
Joe chuckles, loving Nicky even more.
“Lead the way.”
“This place is really a shit hole.” Joe says as they walk up the stairs to Booker’s apartment. Nicky scowls at him and knocks on the door. 
They hear shuffling coming from inside the apartment , what sounds like bottles falling to the floor, and Joe winces at a loud crash while Nicky sighs. 
“What?” Booker says gruffly as he pulls open the door and then stares at them incredulously. 
“Sebastien.” Nicky says as he shoulders his way into the apartment. “This place is filthy. Where is the kitchen?”
Booker points towards a doorway and Nicky nods his head and disappears. 
“Booker.” Joe claps him on the shoulder and walks past him to sit on the couch.
“What are you doing here?” 
“I’m gonna watch the game.” Joe puts his feet up and lifts up the remote. “You pay the bill?”
Booker nods wordlessly and Joe finds the right channel and settles in.
“Is Andy?” Booker looks away and then looks back at Joe. 
“Everyone’s fine.” 
“And you two?” Booker looks towards the sounds coming from the kitchen. 
“We are here.” 
“Yeah. But why?”
“We will explain after you eat.” Nicky says as he appears with a plate of antipasto. “And after you drink this. And this.” Nicky places two water glasses in front of Booker and Booker nods his thanks. 
“Is this?” 
“Don’t be silly. This is a snack. I’ll be back.” Nicky leaves as quickly as he came and Joe chuckles as he steals some meat and cheese.
“You really thought this was all he was going to feed you?”
“No.” Booker smiles as he drinks his water. 
“So you’re not going to tell me why you’re here?”
“Not yet. C’mon, I wanna watch France lose.”
Booker throws a pillow at him and Joe smirks. 
In what feels like no time at all Nicky is balancing three bowls of some kind of pasta salad in his arms as he comes back into the living room. 
“I couldn’t make a sauce like I wanted and I know you’re hungry.” Nicky says as he hands Booker his bowl and sits down next to Joe. 
“It’s okay. Thanks.”
“You need better pots and pans.” Nicky waves his hands towards the kitchen as Joe laughs. 
“He doesn’t really cook, Nicolò.”
“Still.” Nicky looks pointedly at Booker. “We taught you better.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Booker says around a mouthful of pasta as he shovels more food into his mouth. Nicky looks on disapprovingly but starts eating himself. 
“I didn’t expect to see either of you.” Booker says quietly, much closer to sober than when they arrived. 
Joe sighs, and figures they should just have the conversation now instead of putting it off for even longer. Nicky nods his head at Joe and Joe leans forward so his hands are on his knees. 
“We’re…” Joe starts and Nicky coughs so Joe starts again. “I’m still mad, but we want you to come back.”
“Because you’re family.” Nicky answers.
“You still said a hundred years.”
“We were angry.” 
Booker scoffs and looks away. 
“Sebastien.” Joe says and Booker looks at him with surprise on his face. Joe hasn’t called Booker by his birth name in over a century. 
“When we were taken, Nicky wasn’t waking up in the van.” Joe clears his throat as Nicky squeezes his hand. Booker looks stricken but Joe continues. “Terror, like I haven’t known in hundreds of years, gripped me. And then, when we were fighting in the lab, Keane shot Nicky in the head.” 
Joe looks over at Nicky and leans his forehead against Nicky’s briefly before turning back to Booker who has tears in his eyes. 
“He didn’t wake up right away and I thought…”
“No.” Joe wipes at his own eyes. “I need to say this.”
Booker nods at him and Joe continues.
“I don’t even know what I thought to be honest. It was just terror and anguish. He’s been hurt before, even by my own hand, but never like that.”
“Not by you.” Nicky murmurs and Joe smiles slightly. 
“I don’t ever want to feel like that again. And then I realized, through my anger, that you do feel like that. About your family, your wife, and your sons.”
Booker let’s out an exhale and slumps forward in his chair. 
“We still don’t trust you. And I don’t know how long that will take, but we need our family together, while Andy is still with us.” 
“Has she?”
“She doesn’t have to.” Nicky says and Booker nods. “But we can’t let our feelings keep you from her, when we don’t know what will happen.”
“Thank you.”
Joe nods. “You’re also the only one who can help Nile.”
Booker looks questioningly at Joe and Joe smiles sadly.
“We don’t.” Joe clears his throat. “We don’t remember what it’s like to have family still living and not be able to see them.” Joe scoots closer to Nicky and Nicky leans into him. “We don’t know how to help her.”
“And you think I can?”
“We were the ones who pushed for your exile. Andy said she’d already forgiven you and Nile said that the two of you had connected but left it up to us. So, if you want, I think you can help her.”
“Okay.” Booker smiles and Joe feels lighter than he has in months. “But first I need a shower.”
Nicky laughs, bright and happy. 
“You really do.”
Joe unlocks the door to the safe house and smiles when he hears Andy and Nile bickering.
“Honey! We’re home!” Joe shouts through the house smiling at Nicky’s laughter and Booker’s snort.
“You gonna tell us where you two went?” Andy says as she rounds the corner into the entryway and pauses mid stride when she sees Booker.
“Book.” Andy breathes out as Booker hugs her. Andy mouths ’thank you’ at them and Joe and Nicky nod in return. 
“Hey, kid.” Joe hugs Nile and she scoffs at the nickname before she goes to hug Nicky and then Booker. 
Joe’s about to ask Andy if they missed anything when the computer Copley gave Nile let’s out a shrill sounding alarm.
“Shit.” Nile runs over and furiously starts typing. 
“What happened?” Nicky says as they all crowd closer to her. 
Nile turns the computer around to face them and it feels like Joe’s been sucker punched. He looks quickly to Nicky and Andy, and they look the same as he feels, while Booker’s mouth is hanging open. 
“I set up alarms for the computer to notify me if it ever found anything. Keywords and such.”
Joe reads the article Nile has displayed on the screen and right there in bold letters it says:
“Fishing Boat Captain finds an Iron Maiden on one of their voyages.”
But that’s not what has them all staring. No. It’s the photo of the Captain with the Iron Maiden and off to the side there’s a woman looking at the camera. 
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sixth-light · 4 years
My immediate response to The Old Guard the first time I watched it was that it felt like the thoughtful female character-centric ficathon entry for a much dumber and more explosion-laden traditional action movie.
What's fascinating to me is that I can so easily reconstruct what that movie would have looked like. Maybe Booker would have been the hero; maybe Andy still would have nominally been the main character. Either way, his grief and his feelings and how they ~led him down a dark path~ would have dominated the film. Copley would have been a much shallower villain, and redeemed himself by dying. Joe, Nicky, and Nile would have been background characters, with Joe and Nicky's relationship left to bare hints or turned into a 'friendly rivalry'. Merrick absolutely would have been played by a bigger-name posh British actor and fandom would have shipped him and Booker and I could go on but you get the point. We're all so familiar with these narratives that it's too easy to think about what that might have looked like.
But what that also leads me to is understanding what was different about The Old Guard that made it the emotional antithesis of its fictional shadow, and it really is about the things that we prize in (good) fic. Interiority: fic spends a lot of time on what its leads feel, and the movie stops entirely at two key points to let us breathe along with Nile (as she listens to music at the military base, and in the elevator). Interpersonal relationships: we are given a strong sense of the close ties between all of the Old Guard, and Nile gets bonding moments with all of them, even though her closest relationship is with Andy as her mentor. Normative queerness: Joe and Nicky's relationship isn't addressed as a matter of identity, it's addressed as a matter of love, something to aspire to and envy. Domesticity: there's space for the team to eat a meal together, to hang out in a hotel room and bet over Andy's baklava spider senses, in that quick flashback to the kidnapping to watch sports and read books. Character as story: the action scenes are beautiful because the way everybody fights tells you something about who they are, the same way that good action (and sex) scenes in fic advance your understanding of the characters. And, crucially, a thing I see in fic and some mainstream media but which blockbuster movies almost never grasp, which is that you don't most effectively demonstrate how un-sexist and racist and homophobic you are by Making A Point about those things, you do it by letting queer and female and non-white characters exist unchallenged as the centre of your story.
I'm not trying to say that this type of storytelling, that prizes character and interiority, is the only valid type; frankly not everything needs to be that deep. (The diversity bit is non-negotiable, though.) But I think there's room for a lot more movies like this, and that even movies which don't go as hard for it are considerably better when they incorporate some of these elements. Consider the MCU; the movies which are most lauded by fandom and often by critics are the ones which make more space for these elements than their stablemates (CATWS, Captain Marvel, Black Panther).
TL;DR my first principle of media enjoyment is Some Of These People Need To Like Each Other, so STOP AND SHOW YOUR CHARACTERS LIKING EACH OTHER 2020, IT MAKES YOUR STORY BETTER
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I've got a prompt about Joe & Booker brotp 🤜💥🤛 Joe is still very angry with Booker, but the team needs his help for a mission. While Booker tries again to power through his depression by pretending he's doing okay (like he fears that if they saw how mentally unwell he actually is they might resent him even more for not getting better). For the first time Joe starts to see all the cracks in Bookers facade.
On Nony! All my dreams in this one request! Joe seeing Booker’s depression break through a bit is gonna break both his and my heart!!!! ahhhhhhh!! All right, *cracks Knuckles* let’s do this.
Brothers Fight.
Things happened so quickly. 
Joe didn’t have the chance to argue when Andy had suggested they call Booker. Partly because it was Andy, and you don’t argue with Andy. But also because Nicky had shot him a sharp look when he had opened his mouth to argue with her anyway.
The next thing Joe knew, he was sitting on an empty car of a passenger train, staring daggers into the back of Booker’s head.
“Settle down.” Nicky whispered harshly in Arabic.
Joe sighed and shifted in his seat. He relaxed hands he hadn’t realized were clenched into fists on his lap, and switched to looking out the window at the Chinese countryside whizzing past. 
It was not at all convenient for Booker to join them from Paris, and they all knew it. It had barely been five years, not to mention the fact that they had already broken his exile once only six months after it started because of the whole Quynh thing.
Everyone else wanted Booker back. Well, mostly Nile wanted him back. At least she was the most outspoken about it. 
But Joe could see it on Andy’s face every time Nile brought up that she missed Booker, or wondered aloud what Booker thought of the latest news. Joe had even seen the pain and longing flicker in Nicky’s eyes more than once at the mention of Booker.
Joe just couldn’t bring himself to forgive Booker, not yet.
The train lurched as the track began to turn ever so slightly.
Nicky suddenly got out of his seat and walked to the other end of the car where Nile was sitting. He probably could feel Joe’s mind turning over the Booker issue in his head. Joe knew the whole situation bothered Nicky, but he couldn’t help it. Andy was stretched across the entire row in front of Nile, her feet barely visible where they stuck out into the aisle.
Nicky sat in the seat across the aisle from Nile. She perked up when she noticed him and immediately passed an earbud to him, leaning partway into the aisle so that the cord would reach.
Joe smiled, despite his sour mood.
Watching the friendship between Nile and Nicky blossom had been a joy over the past five years. They had bonded in their love of music, and their religious backgrounds. When Nicky wasn’t with Joe he could often be found entertaining Nile with tales of battles from hundreds of years ago.
Booker cleared his throat and Joe’s attention was abruptly shifted back to his former friend. He felt an ache grow in his chest.
What absolutely lucky and ungrateful bastard Joe had been. To have been gifted a soulmate in Nicky and a brother in Booker and to not realize what he had. 
He had wanted for nothing in his long life, not truly. He had lacked nothing. Family, friendship, safety, love. All of it wrapped up in this group. But he had not realized the space that Booker had filled in his heart until he was gone.
When they first found Booker, it had taken Nicky all of two years to start making jokes about Joe having two soulmates. And as much as Joe bristled at the implication, no matter how joking it was, that anyone could replace Nicky, Joe knew what he meant.
Booker and Joe just got each other. Of course Booker got along with Andy, and though it was less obvious, with Nicky too. But Joe and Booker, they were brothers.
They made each other laugh, and enjoyed watching sports. They shared a distaste for modern music and enjoyed hiking and running together.
They had slightly shorter tempers than Andy and Nicky had. And just as often as not the two of them could be found arguing about some trivial thing or another.
Joe never yelled at Nicky, and he hardly yelled at Andy, but fuck if he didn’t have his fair share of screaming matches with Booker over the years.
Despite that though, or perhaps because of  it, Booker was his best friend.
Joe knew he had taken Booker’s betrayal harder than anyone else. He’d talked about it at length with Nicky. Even though Joe hated talking about Booker now. He hated thinking about him too. It hurt too much. 
Still, he couldn’t hide this, not from Nicky. His heart knew him too well.
Booker cleared his throat again. And Joe sighed, releasing a held breath. 
The train swayed slightly as the track straightened out once more.
Booker had cried into Joe’s shoulder for hours on the night his son finally passed from cancer. Joe had spent probably a fifth of his evenings since Booker had joined them watching the man get sloppy drunk, and laughing with him into the early hours of the morning.
Booker’s betrayal had hurt him, had hurt Nicky, and had almost killed Andy. Nile had been dragged into a fight she had not been prepared for within days of learning of her immortality. Joe had stared down the reality of years, potentially decades, of torture for him and Nicky because of Booker.
All of that hurt. But that wasn’t the reason Joe couldn’t forgive Booker, not really.
It was that Joe had no idea Booker was in so much pain. Joe knew Booker was a bit of a brooder, but he also had so much life, and fire within him.
How could Joe not have known? How could he not have seen the extent of the pain his friend was going through? 
To have wanted so desperately to end it all, desperately enough to sell them out, but to still not have confided in Joe, not even once. Fuck- it hurt.
But even as Joe’s thoughts formed he felt guilty. How could he be mad at someone experiencing so much pain?
The endless cycle of anger and guilt he had been locked in for five years continued. Perhaps he wasn’t only mad at Booker, perhaps he was mad at himself too.
Booker had been an intricate part of Joe’s happiness for over two hundred years. Joe had never considered that the brotherhood he thought he had with Booker was one sided.
But he considered it now.
That part of his life was over, or at least on pause. Perhaps he could find it in his heart to forgive Book and to forgive himself. But not yet, the pain was still too new.
Nile laughed at something Nicky said and yanked her headphone cord back, the earbud in Nicky’s ear flying out with it.
“Ow!” Nick said, but there was a small smile on his lips and a crinkle at the side of his eyes.
Joe smiled to himself. Had this been what Nicky had felt watching him and Booker bond?
And just like that, his smile faded and he sighed once more.
“Will you stop that?” Booker snapped at him from where he sat two rows in front of Joe.
Booker turned and made eye contact with Joe over the tops of the seats.
“I can hear you being irritable from here.” Booker’s eyes didn't leave Joe’s as he spoke.
Joe rolled his eyes in response.
“Gee, I wonder what on earth could make me irritable?”
“Do you really want to do this right now?” Booker said flatly. 
“No,” Joe spat back, the volume of his voice seemed to be increasing without his permission, “I want to do this in ninety five years! But no one else seems to agree with me, so this is what you get. Irritable, angry, old me.”
“Typical.” Booker stood up, “You’d let your anger at me get in the way of a mission? Put people in danger for the sake of your grudge. Can’t control yourself for, what, how long has it been? Five hours since I got back?” Joe was up now too, meeting Booker in the aisle.
“My anger get in the way of a mission? My anger? I can do my fucking job Booker.” Joe said, stepping up closer to his former friend. “I would never put my bullshit in front of the safety of my family.”
Booker took a step backwards at Joe's advancement toward him. A look of pain flashed across his face, but it disappeared just as fast.
Somewhere in the back of Joe’s mind a small voice, that sounded very much like Nicky, chastised him for going for the kill with that last sentence. He couldn’t bring himself to care though, he was too angry. Angry and embarrassed. He couldn’t stop the emotion spilling out of him now. A damn was broken.
Still, Joe took a deep breath and tried to keep his voice even. He was vaguely aware that the low chatter coming from Nicky and Nile had stopped, but his eyes never left Booker.
“Was everything a lie? Did you enjoy any moment of your life with us?”
Booker turned around toward where Nicky and Nile were seated and then back toward Joe. His face was stern.
“I don’t expect you to understand.” He said as he pushed passed Joe toward the back of the train.
“How can I if you never told me?”
“Hard to tell you anything while in exile.” Booker bit back. He tilted his head toward the ceiling, his back still to Joe.
“You know what I mean, Book. Two hundred years and you never-” Joe started but Booker cut him off.
“I don’t want to have this fight again Joe,” Booker said, his voice finally rising to match Joe’s, “No matter how many times you scream at me about it, I can’t change the reasons I had for what I did! I had- have no one. I have nothing keeping me here.”
“You had me!” Joe shouted back at him.
“What?” Booker said with genuine surprise. He finally turned back to face Joe.
“You had me,” Joe said, he swallowed and took a deep breath. His eyes darted throughout the train trying to collect his thoughts, “You were my brother, Book.” 
Booker just stared at him. And after a moment Joe had no choice but to keep talking.
“Obviously you didn’t feel the same way, but I thought we were close enough that you could have confided in me. I would have helped you- at least I would have tried.” Joe finished his sentence, feeling utterly exposed.
“I-uh.” Booker stuttered.
Joe felt his anger drain away rather quickly at the sight of Booker’s complete surprise.
A long moment passed where neither of them spoke. Behind him Joe could hear nothing from Nicky, Nile, or Andy.
Booker stared at him as though Joe had just told him the earth was flat.
Finally, Booker broke the eye contact and stared down at the floor. Joe closed his eyes and brought his hand up to his face and pinched the bridge of his nose before continuing to speak.
“You really don’t know, do you?” Joe said, “You were my best friend Book. And I say that knowing Nile and Andy can hear me. You filled a place in my heart I didn’t know was empty. I thought I did that for you too.”
Booker didn’t respond, he just continued to stare at his feet. 
“You know, when we were on the plane to London, Nicky and I, and one of the guards told us they had left you open and bleeding at the Church. I took him to the ground and broke a rib before they pulled me off him. The guard who said he’d thrown the flash-bang that killed you? Nicky broke his arm.”
Booker looked at him with guilt and self loathing in his eyes.
Joe’s heart finally broke at that moment. Booker was so much worse off than he had ever thought.
“I’m fucking this up. I’m sorry, I don’t want to add to your guilt. I just- I want you to know I care about you. I don’t know if it would have made a difference if I had been better about letting you know that back then. I don’t know if it does now. But I’m sorry I didn’t make that clear, that we didn’t make that clear.”
“You’re apologising to me?” Booker said.
“Yes.” Joe said and gave Booker a small smile, “I’m still mad at you. But you fight with family, Booker. Brothers fight.”
Booker gave a small nod, and walked back past Joe to his seat.
Joe turned around to see Nile, Nicky, and Andy all staring back at him. Nile’s mouth was slightly open. Nicky’s eyes had a sparkle to them, Joe could tell he was proud of him. Andy sighed and disappeared once more behind the seat back presumably to lie back down.
Joe felt exposed and dangerously close to crying, so he ducked back into his seat as well. And then he did cry. First silently, and then a little louder when Nicky finally came back to sit next to him.
The mission was successful. Everyone worked together as if the last five years hadn’t happened. 
Once again they found themselves in a slightly less empty train car, this one an open freight car, but full of rescued kidnapping victims.
Nile was telling a group of particularly young children an overly acted out fairy tale. Nicky was at the edge of that group wrapping a bandage around a small boy’s arm. Andy sat with her back against the side of the car, trying her best to keep everyone in her sight.
Booker had just finished telling a group of four teens to try and get some sleep while they could.
Joe and Booker hadn’t said anything to each other that wasn’t directly related to the mission since the conversation on the train. And now that they were out of immediate danger, Joe couldn’t help but feel the hanging question in the air.
“This doesn’t change anything. Not yet.” Joe said to Booker as he walked up to stand next to him.
“I know.” Booker said flatly.
“I don’t think we’ll last the whole century though.” Joe added.
They stood like that, for a long time. Neither man looking at the other, preferring to feign busyness by watching over the increasing number of sleeping children. 
“I think you should talk to someone.” Joe said finally.
“And tell them what?”
“The truth. That you’re lonely. That you’ve been in a downward spiral for years and don’t know how to get yourself out again.”
“The truth?” Booker said sarcastically.
“Well,” Joe paused for a moment, “you should probably omit a few details.”
Booker chuckled and Joe felt a warmth in his chest.
Another hour or so had passed before Booker spoke again.
“I feel the same way you know.”
They were the only two still awake in the train car.
“Felt- I felt the same way.” Booker corrected, “I just didn’t want to play second fiddle to Nicky so I pushed it away.”
“Nicky is the great love of my life. Andy is a mentor and fierce companion. Nile already feels- I don’t know- I feel quite fatherly towards her.” Joe chuckled, “ I’m not sure how she would feel about that though.”
Booker nodded, and crossed his arms.
“And you were- you are- like a brother to me Book. You’re not second to anyone in that. I know you have your loneliness, and I know I can’t fix that tonight, but you are not alone. We all love you Book, even after everything that happened.”
They didn’t speak for the rest of their watch. Switching with Nile and Nicky as night turned to early morning.
They didn’t speak again until Joe was walking Booker towards the departures gate for his flight back to Paris.
“I mean it, Book. Talk to someone, at least try and sort through some of your shit.”
“I will.”
Joe pulled Booker into a hug. The first one he had given him since before Nile had joined them.
“I’ll see you in a few years yeah?” Joe said, suddenly overwhelmed with saying goodbye.
Booker nodded, and broke the hug first. He turned and disappeared into the airport.
Joe walked back over to Nile, Andy, and Nicky waiting by the curb.
Andy smiled at him, lines around her eyes already showed signs of age that they didn’t five years ago. He wouldn’t be able to keep Booker away for much longer, it wasn’t fair to Andy. It wasn’t fair to any of them.
Nicky slipped his hand into Joe’s, lacing their fingers together as the group walked away.
“I’m really proud of you,” Nicky said in Arabic.
“I miss him.” Joe said back in Arabic, squeezing his love’s hand.
“We’ll see him again. Sooner than you think.” Nicky said.
Joe believed him, and for the first time in a long time, he was looking forward to seeing Booker again.
((Available on AO3 as well, link on my tumblr 💜))
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jackswolfe · 4 years
it's not even technically a hc bc it's in the comics and the film but that nicky seemingly not caring for soccer and booker and joe seem to watch it together is such a tiny domestic tidbit of the team i love. i think it shows so well how casually close all of them were. and i love to imagine soccer coming into fashion and joe being intrigued by it and nicky being so fond of him bc he loves seeing joe (still) enraptured by these little things. and then of course book and joe bonding over it!
Omg that is honestly my favourite little moment in the first graphic novel!! The way they showed us a tiny glimpse into them just being a family and doing things together, enjoying some time off together!! And then Book saying “Nicky was just making something for us to eat because you know Nicky” I caaaan’t 🥰🥰 my heart melted in my chest. These two watching sports and discussing it animatedly with each other whilst Nicky is cutting up fruit or veg in the kitchen for them to snack on and then joining them at the telly. Except he has never been much of a sports fan, so he is content with just sitting there and watching them cheer on their favourite team!!
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ecoorganic · 4 years
Draymond Green May Have Offered Some Expensive Advice for Devin Booker
In this weekend's hot clicks: Green could be hearing from the league about a tampering violation, Derris Guice's arrest and more.
Expensive Advice
Draymond Green could hear from the league office soon, if he hasn’t already, regarding a likely tampering violation after
commenting on Devin Booker during Inside the NBA on Friday.
“It's great to see Book playing well and Phoenix playing well, but get my man out of Phoenix. It's not good for him, it's not good for his career. Sorry Chuck, but they've gotta get Book out of Phoenix. I need my man to go somewhere that he can play great basketball all of the time and win, because he's that kind of player.”
Green wasn’t fined before last season when saying Marquese Chriss was in “some pretty tough situations” in Phoenix before the 2018 trade to Houston, adding, “No one even blames these s---ty franchises.”
Like Chriss, Green isn’t wrong about Booker...but it will cost him.
Guice is Gone
Derrius Guice was arrested at 5 p.m. ET on Friday on charges of domestic battery stemming from three separate incidents several months ago. Two hours after his arrested, he was released by the Washington Football Team, ending a two-plus-year run that included just 42 carries for the former second-round draft pick.
From SI’s Ben Pickman:
“According to the Loudoun County Sheriff's office, via ESPN, the charges against Guice are from three separate domestic violence related incidents earlier this past year. The events occurred on Feb. 14, March 13 and April 17 at his home in Ashburn, Va.
The incidents were first reported to the Montgomery Police Department in Maryland, where the victim lives. According to the Loudoun County Sheriff's office, it was made aware of the allegations on July 22. They investigated the incident in coordination with the Montgomery County Police Department. On Friday, Guice was released on a $10,000 uninsured bond.”
Mistreatment in College Sports
Texas Tech launched an investigation into alleged mistreatment within the women’s basketball program, led by third-year head coach Marlene Stollings, several months ago. The findings of the investigation, presented to athletics director Kirby Hocutt on June 29, reportedly weren’t enough to warrant a coaching change. Five weeks later, a USA Today article was enough to warrant a coaching change.
The article, which alleged verbal, physical and sexual harassment and abuse against Stollings, strength and conditioning coach Ralph Petrella, and other assistant coaches, led to Stollings’s dismissal Thursday.
“Have we let these girls down? We have,” Hocutt said in a Friday afternoon press conference. “And I’m going to improve on it.”
Step one of improvement: Calling them “women,” not “girls.”
One day later, Colorado State suspended all football activities after an article in the Coloradoan included explosive allegations against Steve Addazio’s program:
“CSU football players and university athletic department staff say coaches have told players not to report COVID-19 symptoms, threatened players with reduced playing time if they quarantine and claim CSU is altering contact tracing reports to keep players practicing.”
In announcing the suspension on Friday, athletics director Joe Parker said they also received allegations of racism and verbal abuse. FootballScoop reported the allegations aren’t exclusive to Addazio’s staff, saying they “involve both the current football staff, and the former staff under Mike Bobo’s leadership….all in addition to the athletic department under Joe Parker’s watch.”
Odds & Ends
Penn State won’t refund football seat contributions … Dan Snyder filed a $10 million lawsuit over false sex trafficking stories … Winners and losers of the new SEC football schedule … ICYMI: Rickie Fowler botched a six-inch putt on Friday … Northern Illinois is trying to gather support from other MAC teams for a spring football season … We’ll never know how to talk about the 2020 football season … Twenty-six percent of The Citadel’s football roster didn’t show up for fall camp … Shows and movies coming to Netflix in September … Phillies’ fans are enjoying themselves outside Citizens Bank Park … Full list of NFL players opting out of the 2020 season.
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