#and to my english speaking mutuals: this is the cover of my second novel and i love it!
lohtulauluja · 2 months
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Laitetaanpa tännekin Merenkehrä-sarjan toisen osan kansi, rakastan tätä. ❤️ Kansitaiteilijani Anna Makkonen on supertaitava, edelleen.
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miuarchiv · 2 years
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p1: An illustration from Dr. Francis Lang's memoir, Mémoires d'un médecin de campagne 1940-1990, 1991. No caption was given. We deemed the location as Piazza del Duomo, see p2-3, the details of columns, streetlamp, and the "Motta" pattern on curtains. The Motta Milano 1928 Bar is still in Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II now.
P4: The position of the visual horizon (marked as dark-red dotted line) was determined by extending horizontal parallel lines on the streetlamp base and the facade of Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II. If the camera's lens were held at eye level, then the photographer's height was about 165cm (since WS's height was 175cm according to his SS documents). However, the possibility of Chest-Level Shot cannot be excluded. We can only assume it was a trip to Milan during his treatment in Pallanza.
WS's story occupied one chapter in Dr. Lang's memoir. Lang was contacted by Roger Masson in May 1951, through a mutual friend in Swiss Police, Georges Ducry, to give treatment to WS. He generously covered WS's 20000 francs expenses until he left for Pallanza and received 30000 francs from Coco Chanel. His attitude towards WS was totally positive. Truly believing in the friendship shared by WS, Masson, and himself, He described WS in such a way:
"Walter Schellenberg was a handsome, friendly, intelligent man, a musician and a lawyer by training."
"Every second or third evening, when I had time, even at late hours, I would go and talk to my patient. He had fought in the Balkans, and he told me what he had experienced in Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. I thought very highly of him. We were about the same age, we got along very well. Schellenberg was a devout Catholic, he took communion every day."
In conclusion, he asserted that "Even today, I affirm that I acted in good faith and that I believed in Walter Schellenberg's sincerity (cf. Document annex 2). I do not regret anything."
As Doerries already pointed out, there are some conflicts between Lang's personal discourse and that of other people, Klaus Harrprecht for example. His book had covered most aspects of this chapter about WS. A few details he trimmed off are as follows:
• A Swiss passport office staff named Marcus Waeber made a fake Swiss passport for WS under the name "Louis Kowalki" - a character from detective novels he wrote.
• Masson's confidant Sven Hinnen accompanied WS to Pallanza through the custom of Brigue on Easter day in 1952. This "very cheeky guy" stole a stamp from the customs officer's bag on the luggage rack and stamped WS's fake passport.
• The priest from Rome who administrated WS's last sacraments, Franz Emmeneger, purchased a tombstone for him in the Turin cemetery as well. (Another account about the one who paid for WS's funeral.)
• In the early 1960s, Lang categorically rejected the demand for files in his possession from the Swiss Police and Masson's successor Dupasquier. He only agreed to hand over these dossiers consisting of letters from various personalities and WS's microfilms to Masson. At that time he occasionally wrote to Irene. Although Irene asked him to keep in touch, he "had no more time and was no longer interested".
Lang passed away in 1992. His son Thierry Lang, a jazz pianist, remembered him as "fully devoted to his patients, worked 14 hours a day". Sylvia Lang, born in Buenos Aires in 1924, has turned 97 this year. She can speak 7 languages, the fact that she talked to WS in English while Francis Lang talked to him in German was a bit confusing.
Although Francis Lang was confident of his memory, there are some factual inaccuracies in this chapter, such as "In 1929, the young Walter began studying medicine in Bonn"(this may be the result of WS's own simplification, just as his own memoir), "(In Nuremberg)He was sentenced to 4 years in prison", "unlike other Nazi leaders, Schellenberg left his family in dire straits in Nuremberg, where his wife lived in a miserable two-room apartment with her 5 children" (indeed, it was possible that the Schellenbergs adopted the 5th child). After all, this memoir was written almost 40 years after their encounter. Thierry Lang also mentioned a fire at their home in 1962, which might cause damage to some documents that could have served as references for Francis Lang's writing.
Annex 2(FR&DE):
Thierry Lang talks about his family:
French text translated to English by deepl.
The perspective analysis was done on another scan of this page without distortion but with lower quality.
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ahankar1610 · 3 years
Hello there, people of Romione. Nah, second fic. It's inspired by 'a walk to remember', the novel coz the movie did not give book the justice.🙄🙂
I hope you people will like my romione version, and thank you to everyone who gave their time to 'The Trojan Princess', update is not far away on that one 😉😉.
A Tale of Ron and Hermione.
AO3: 👇
The first chapter is here 👇.
English is not my first language so I hope, you people can adjust. Coz if I didn't have my sister to help me, you all would have been suffering my disheveled English 😅😅.
Please read and review and visit it on ao3 and ffnet. Thank you. 😊😊
(President Granger) Hermione Granger sighs as she sat on the bench outside the office of professor McGonagall's office. She is frustrated because of the upcoming bloody Halloween Ball. She had to be present at the ball, not because she is the Head girl, it is because she is the president of the Student Council which was officially created by the Ministry of Magic to find the best upcoming talents who are capable of leading Britain as the best magical country of the Wizarding World. She was one of the first student who was selected for the group, because of her habit of being at the top of the class in the last six academic years of her. Though it was a surprise for her when professor McGonagall called her and informed her that she wants her to be candidate from Gryffindor who will compete against the other candidates from the other three houses for the post of the president. To be honest, she never expected herself to win as she was never the popular student, but as Merlin have blessed her that she got Harry Potter as her best friend. Harry is unofficially, the most popular student of Hogwarts. His wonder of securing place in the quidditch team when he was just a firstie, and being the youngest seeker of the century was a huge endorsement for his famousness. Then in no less a time Gryffindor team became unbeatable and he was the best seeker of the Gryffindor team after Charlie Weasley left and being James Potter's son, one of the most wealthy and successful businessman of the Wizarding World, has its own perks as he was showered with high class quidditch material by his quidditch enthusiast father. Harry was one of the first ever person to befriend her. It was her first year and she had asked the way to the Platform 9¾ from the Potters and from there her friendship with Harry started and she believed that it is because of Harry, she had made friends in their year. She had Lavender and Parvati, who at first did not liked her much but warmed later and they created a great bond together. Seamus and Dean are no exception as they were there for her before she befriended any female from Gryffindor house. She had asked Harry for his help in the campaign for the voting and he had enthusiastically took part in her campaign for everyone's glee and her embarrassment as he once created a wall sized poster of her, with bold words engraved on it. VOTE FOR HERMIONE GRANGER THE FUTURE OF THE WIZARDING WORLD She still receives teasing for that incident. She surprisingly won the voting defeating the candidates of the other houses. Though it was hard work regarding the other candidates of the other houses were brilliant in themselves too. Daphne Greengrass was the Slytherin candidate, she has the honorary title of the Hogwarts' ice queen but is respected by many because of her unbiased views on everyone, even on the Gryffindors. She also received the best prefect award in their fifth year and she also beaten her to the top in the fifth class as she received one mark more than her in their Defense Against the Dark Arts O.W.L.s, though she and Greengrass never had a real conversation, there is a unspoken mutual respect between them. Terry Boot was the Ravenclaw candidate and he was also one of the best students academically in their year, but he is not much of a person of interacting and perhaps it was the reason he lost. She blessed Harry as he was the one who forced her to put her book down once and introduced her to the thing called fun or she would have faced the same fate as Boot. Zacharias Smith, she laughed as Smith came into her mind, after all Smith was one of the main causes which made her the winner of the voting. Smith, though good in the academics, is not in the good graces of many people around Hogwarts, including his own house fellows. Sweet Professor Sprout, certainly made a mistake choosing Smith as her house's candidate. Perhaps she never heard of Smith's infamousness between the students. He was disliked even in his own house by many and that is the reason they choose to vote for her as they didn't know
much about Boot and Greengrass must have faced the consequences of Professor Snape's biasness toward the other houses. "President," said a soft voice, she turned her head and a fourth year Hufflepuff girl was standing there and the door of Professor McGonagall's office is opened. "Professor McGonagall has called you inside," said the girl, Hermione nodded and stood up. She walked inside the office closing the door behind and noticed the girl has gone now. "Miss Granger," said a stern voice in greetings. Professor Minerva McGonagall is sitting behind her desk with a stern expression and her cat like eyes scanning her whole features. Professor McGonagall had given her the responsibility speech when she chosen her, the Gryffindor candidate. She had made sure Hermione fills the both responsibilities of Head Girl and President of Student Council decently. "Good afternoon professor," Hermione greeted back. Professor McGonagall nodded and motioned her to take a seat while she rummaged through some papers spread on her desk. It was something surprising to see, for Hermione at least as she had always noticed from their first year that there is no messiness you can expect from Professor McGonagall. Though Hermione don't eighter blame the old professor as there are at least fifty different sheets of papers around the table. Some of the sheets are the grading papers which are thrust into a register, and there are is a huge poster covering the whole table and everything present at the table is doing the work of hiding it. She can figure out the color of poster, it is dark blue reminiscing the color of night. "So," said Professor McGonagall a little firmly, indicating that whatever is going to discuss between them now means business. Hermione straightens her spine unconsciously. "You must be busy with the preparation of the Halloween Ball nowadays, Miss Granger?" asked Professor McGonagall. Hermione nodded stiffly, as the reminder that she, the Head Girl and the President of The Student Council, is dateless two days before the ball came into her mind. "Then you must be also informed that even after upcoming the ball, you're not going to have much free time," Professor McGonagall said, and Hermione's brows furrowed in confusion. Noticing her expression, the professor sighed and dragged a poster up, which was hidden under the mess on the table until now. The poster is large, a size of a huge television. And in the center of it, in huge bold words, there was written 'THE DRAMA FESTIVAL'. Hermione looked at the poster with a frown appearing on her face, but she suddenly turned into the expression of indifference. Professor McGonagall rolled the poster and put it on the side of the table, not very tenderly. Which told Hermione, that the professor also isn't pleased with this, whatever Drama activity it is. "The Headmaster," a frown of frustration appeared on Professor's face, "had accepted the request of Professor Lockhart's permission of hosting the Drama Festival this time at Hogwarts." Professor Lockhart? When in the hell did that man became a professor. Gilderoy Lockhart was famously known for his roles in Wizarding Dramas since he passed from Hogwarts. He was also known for the famous plays he had acted and directed himself, they were regarded as special because they were inspired from the old tales of Wizarding World. She had a stupid crush on him when she was twelve, Parvati had shown her his photo and she always blessed merlin that she soon recovered from that crush, because Harry had made her life hell when he got the wind of her crush back then. "Any questions, Miss Granger?" Professor McGonagall asked, breaking her musing. She stared at her for a moment, Professor McGonagall raised her eyebrow. She blinked a little and realizing that she had been staring at the Transfiguration Professor's face for five minutes. "Uh-Ah, yes exactly," she said awkwardly and mentally slapped herself realizing how dumbly she is speaking now. "Yes, professor. I mean when will Hogwarts is going to host this event?" "It is going
to be held this December. On 19th of December before the start of Christmas holidays," McGonagall said with her voice a little softer as she is going to inform her everything about the upcoming event. "The Drama as I have informed is based on the famous 'Tales of Beedle and Bard'," said Professor McGonagall. "There will be five plays, which are based on the five stories of the book and the five stories will be played by the students of different years." "The third year students will start with the first play and other plays will be played by the students of following years in the chronological order," McGonagall sighed a little which made Hermione feel that something horrible is coming. "And," the professor drawled a little, "all the arrangement of the festivals are the responsibility of The Student Council." "What? Why!?" she asked a little loudly and flinched when McGonagall sent a pierce glare on her volume. "I mean, why!?" she asked softly. "Because," said Professor McGonagall softly, "Student Council's work is to help students in increasing their skills, and by skill we didn't only meant their academic skill but also their extracurricular skills which not only includes sports but other activities like drama too." Though the points her head of the house gave her are reasonable and adequate, but it still did not take the ridiculousness from the situation she's stuck in. "I know you are not pleased with the events but you must realize that it all is your responsibility as the President of the Council and I don't want the Boards of Directors feel disappointed from the choice of the Hogwarts, now please go and rest Miss Granger. The ball is day after the tomorrow and might need some rest because the tomorrow is going to be a hectic day for you." Professor's words indicated that she's not in a mood of a debate and is really tired. "You're dismissed." Hermione stood up and after wishing the professor a good night she turned and left the professor's office and strolled directly towards Gryffindor common room, where she thinks she might find her friends. She nearly ran towards the seventh floor. Her mind is full of thoughts of the stupid Drama Festival which she had to prepare for nearly two months. Wasn't the bloody Halloween Ball enough!? Her mind is screaming to itself and with the thought of Ball she got the reminder of the absence of a date and it will be pretty embarrassing if the president of the Council turned up alone for the Ball. She huffed, she didn't sign up for any stupid ball and drama fests. "Hippogriffe feathers!" she said the password rather loudly as the portraits around the entrance startled on the loud voice of hers. Entering the common room, she noticed that there are not many students present but the group of her friends was still present on the couches near the fireplace. Dean was the one to notice her, "Hiya President!" he said cheerfully and everyone's head turned towards her. They repeated Dean's words as chipperly, "HIYA PRESIDENT!", umm well too chipperly. She walked and collapsed at the empty space beside Lavender and leaned on her, "Hectic day, I guess," Lavender mused. "Don't even ask," she muttered. "Why does your voice sound so dull, deary?" asked Seamus teasingly, "Is it because our dear President still doesn't have a date?" he laughed. Hermione flipped the small cushion on Seamus's face. Bullseye. "You still didn't find a date?" Lavender asked, a little disappointed as Hermione promised her that she will find a date by evening. "I was so busy, first the preparation and all of the arrangement of the food which I had to arranged with the elves," she closed her eyes and said tiredly, "I really didn't got the time." "Too bad, because nearly everyone is booked now and you're going to turn up alone," Harry chipped in. "Even Neville?" she asked. "Yup! Didn't we told you, Mister Longbottom is getting pretty cozy with certain Hufflepuff name Hannah Abbott." Parvati said. "Arrgh! What in the name of Merlin am I going to do now?" she asked desperately to her friends. "You
can spend the whole night talking to Luna though. She'll be delighted to spend the Halloween night with you," Harry sniggered, Hermione's closed eyes shot wide open at the aspect of spending a whole night in the party with Luna. Everyone laughed at her expression and she started to run her mind to at least find one date, so she will be spared having a night just of controlling the students and conversing about Luna's antique. "Well Hermione," said Seamus loudly. "I would not have done it for someone else but after all you had a special place in my heart." He forwarded a thick book to her which she is encountering for the first time. "What's this?" she asked. "It's the yearbook, I stole it from McGonagall's office," she gasped and Harry shushed her, "So you might get some ideas from it." Seamus said smugly, looking proud of himself on stealing the book from the office of keen-eyed Professor McGonagall. The subject quickly diverted to the quidditch matches, leaving her and the yearbook alone. Though she was little uncomfortable as after all her 'great' friend had to steal it for her. She closed her eyes and started rummaging through pages and after a great search her eyes landed on one name, she knew who probably not had a date by now, Ronald Weasley.
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spatort · 3 years
I’m at my parents’ house and I have too much time on my hands apparently, so it’s time for a trip down memory lane! More specifically, a trip into the weird world of 1990s for-profit teen idol RPF, such as this beauty:
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No, I did not find this at my parents’ house, I bought it second-hand specifically in order to make this post because I’m a person who enjoys studying fan culture in her free time. So, if you’re wondering what the hell the monstrosity pictured above is, and why it exists, don’t worry, I’m about to answer that question extensively.
Let’s start with a bit of history: In the pre-internet era, fan culture differed from today in a few key regards. Although fanfiction existed, without the internet it was much harder for fans to share their stories with each other. Large fandoms such as Star Trek did have fanzines where fanfic could be printed, but all in all it was a much more niche thing than it is today with millions of fics accessible on AO3.
Fan culture in general, however, was a big thing in the 90s – particularly when it came to pop acts that appealed to teen (and tween) audiences, such as the Backstreet Boys, the Spice Girls, or (mostly in Europe) the Kelly Family. When I was in elementary school, you basically had to pick whether you were a BSB or an NSYNC fan – and god forbid you were a Kelly fan like me, then you were the lowest rung on the social ladder and the target of relentless mockery. Like many German kids in the 90s, me and my sister would religiously read teen magazine BRAVO, cut out every single bit of material about our faves and collect them in folders and self-made fanzines. We created fan art and fanfiction without having words for these things. Without the internet and social media, fans did not have a constant stream of content about their idols, and were left with no other choice but to cling to every bit of information they could find in magazines, on TV shows, or on the radio.
Enter a savvy businessperson who comes up with the perfect merchandise product to sell to these popstar-obsessed teens: fan novels! These books, featuring taglines such as ‘The novel for all Backstreet Boys fans’, typically revolved around a relatable female teenage protagonist who is a fan of the celebrity or music group in question, and usually ends up meeting their idol or, gasp, even becoming romantically involved with them. As far as themes go, they look pretty much exactly like your classic self-insert RPF. Except there is a big difference setting these books apart from ‘actual’ fanfiction: Rather than being written by real fans to express their ‘fannish’ feelings about the subject, fan novels were most likely commissioned works created by professional romance authors purely to profit off of actual fans. There is very little background information available about this ‘genre’, but I did stumble across an academic work on Google Books which featured a passage about these fan novels (translated into English by me):
There are several commissioned works by professional authors, which could be mistaken for fanfiction. Especially in the 1990s, when lots of boy bands were on the market, many books of this kind were published. […] These are fictional stories for fans [redacted].
Jennie Hermann: Backstreet Girl. Projektionsfläche Popstar - Wenn der Fan zum Schriftsteller wird (2009) [Popstar as Projection Surface – When fans become writers]
One of the things I find most intriguing about this type of commercially published fanfiction is the question of personal rights. Obviously, the celebs in question or their management must have consented to using their names in the story, their pictures on the cover and so on – because a profit could be made with this. Especially with the fan debate around RPF allegely being unethical, I wonder if the celebrities themselves were aware someone was writing these stories about them, putting words in their mouth, and if they had any clue what exactly happened in these novels. Now, I’ve read a couple of them in my own youth. Some of them deal mostly with the state of being a fan, e.g. I recall a novel about a girl who is so obsessed with Leonardo Di Caprio that she doesn’t pay attention to real life guys at all, only to learn that her actual dream boy has been in her life all along! This story did not feature Di Caprio himself as a character, it was more about the protagonist’s arc of realizing your idols are not all that matters in life. Others do describe fan encounters with teen idols, and some even feature (hints at) romance with a celebrity. When I decided to purchase a vintage copy of one of these books, I opted for one of the latter category, precisely because of the popular argument that writing romance stories featuring real people is somehow ‘wrong’. For only a couple of euros, I was able to get my hands on a weird and wonderful relic of fan culture: Mein Frühling mit Nick (My spring with Nick) by the likely pseudonymous Maxi Keller, heralded on the book cover as ‘the novel for all fans of the Backstreet Boys’.
The story revolves around 16-year-old musical prodigy and designated wallflower Katharina, who lives in a German small town and cares about nothing else than playing the organ – certainly not about boys, let alone ones that are super-famous American pop stars. This means she is not initially a fan of the Backstreet Boys, which I guess is something of a trope itself – the protagonist meeting a celebrity by chance without knowing who they are and the celeb being thrilled that someone doesn’t just like them for their fame. Anyway, the boys visit Katharina’s hometown while on tour in Germany because band member AJ is doing some research on his German ancestors who happened to live in this very town. Katharina runs into them, she and Nick (who was only 17 himself when this was published in 1997, so it’s legal) fall in love at first sight, she helps them dig up information on AJ’s ancestors and finds out the two of them are related, the boys invite Katharina and her friend Saskia backstage after their show and … nothing happens. The book is 200 pages long and Katharina doesn’t even get one kiss with her boy band sweetheart, even though they mutually crush on each other right away. Perhaps that’s as far as the band or their management agreed for the novel to go – a hint at romance, but no trace of any on-page action, no matter how innocent.
That said, the book is so hilariously poorly written that it was still very entertaining to read. Although I could not find out anything about the author Maxi Keller, and therefore assume this might be a pseudonym, their writing style very much suggests that their are a professional romance author who usually writes for an older audience (plus, the book was published by Bastei Lübbe, who also publish a range of cheap romance novels known as ‘Romanhefte’). The language is extremely flowery at times, and even teenage characters speak with an eloquence that is hardly age-appropriate, with some 90s teen slang peppered in at unfitting times (such as the overuse of the English word ‘girl’). Often the novel loses itself in pointless detail that does nothing to move the plot forward (such as an extensive description of a house party hosted by Saskia’s rich parents, with minute details of their luxurious lifestyle and assets, even though Saskia is only a supporting character in the overall plot). It appears as if the author is desperately trying to fill the pages with meaningless drivel so they don’t need to write too many scenes featuring the presumed main attraction, the boys themselves.
If Keller was indeed merely hired to write this, and is not a fan themselves, one must still admit that the author did their research when it comes to the band. Whereas fanfiction typically assumes that the audience is already familiar with the characters and often skips any introductory descriptions of their appearance or personality, Keller makes sure that even a reader who is completely unfamiliar with the Backstreet Boys can keep up. The author delivers extensive descriptions of the boys’ appearance and demeanor, even spelling out their full names repeatedly, and frequently peppers in ‘fun facts’ such as ‘Kevin was raised on a farm in Kentucky’. While an actual fan might do so to prove how knowledgeable they are, and earning their status as a ‘true fan’, in this case it only seems like Keller really wants to show off how much research they did – as if not a single piece of information they took in must go to waste by not being used in the novel.
When it comes to the question how realistically the non-fannish author replicates the way the boys act and speak, there are two barriers to delivering a well-founded answer: Firstly, I was personally very young when BSB were popular and I really don’t remember too well what each member was like. Secondly, the elephant in the room: the language barrier. All of the aforementioned fan novels were written in German, and the problems posed by writing about an English-speaking band interacting with German OCs (and teenage ones at that) are addressed poorly, if at all. Pretty much all dialogue is written in German, and the audience is left to assume that everyone is actually speaking English whenever the boys are involved – except the novel does nothing to explain why two 16-year-old German girls would be able to express themselves so effortlessly in a foreign language. (Remember, the internet was not a thing, so German kids were not exposed to the same amount of English in everyday life as they are these days.) It would have been easy to make one of them a language nerd who gets straight A’s in English class, and give the other a British parent and make them bilingual. Instead, Katharina initially even worries about the prospect of having to talk to boys at all, and in English on top of that! But when she actually does, the language barrier never comes up again. The suspension of disbelief expected from the reader is therefore immense. The language barrier also gives the author an easy way out when it comes to imitating the way the boys speak in real life – there is no need to take into account idiolects or regional differences (such as ‘you guys’ vs. ‘y’all’) if the boys’ speech is essentially translated into a foreign language. However, I wanted to give you guys (or y’all, if you will) a taste of how Keller attempts to write a scene where AJ and Nick discuss the latter’s crush on Katharina:
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I would argue that this sounds realistic enough for what it’s worth, if a little cheesy, which is excusable in this genre. Perhaps a true 90s BSB fan would beg to differ, so if you happen to be one, feel free to drop me a message. But in my semi-professional opinion, this most likely holds up for readers.
So, to answer the initial question that drove me to purchase this book: Do fan novels like Mein Frühling mit Nick count as fanfiction?
If we assume that something is only a fanfic if the author themselves is a fan of the subject matter, then I would argue no, Maxi Keller is probably not a fan themselves and therefore this work of for-profit real-person fiction does not qualify as fanfic. However, fan novels definitely have a (however small) place in the history of fan culture and fan-adjacent works, and I personally found reading this relic both entertaining and insightful!
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shesvaliant · 3 years
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I. ABOUT THE WRITER: Hi! I’m Siren, my pronouns are she/her and I’m in the GMT-3 timezone. Please, keep in mind that English is not my first language, and though I speak it fluently, I’m still bound to make mistakes, so do not refrain from letting me know when I do. Seeing as I am twenty-one (21) years old, I do not feel comfortable with minors interacting with this blog, despite the nature of the books. Lastly, I have a discord available to mutuals upon request where I do a bit of writing as well, so feel free to ask for at any time! II. ON CONTENT: Due to the themes dealt with in the Narnia universe, this blog will cover things that might be sensitive to some, such as depression, anxiety, violence, abandonment, war and many more. Watch out for foul language and descriptions of blood and gore as well. I will try to add the trigger warnings accordingly to the tags in my posts when needed, but if I ever miss anything or if there is something in particular that you would like me to tag so you can filter, please, do not refrain from letting me know! While we're at it, I only ask that you tag for rape and domestic violence if it's something that is described in your posts. They're not topics that I will particularly avoid reading about if need be, they're just sensitive enough that I would like a warning in advance to know that it's coming before I read them so I'm not caught by surprise, as that would make me uncomfortable. III. ON INTERACTING: Memes never expire and starter calls are always open to mutuals! Continuing meme interactions is encouraged, and you're free to end interactions whenever you want as well. If I ever write something that does not work for you, don't hesitate to come talk to me ( I will do the same ). Godmodding is absolutely NOT tolerated, Lucy is trained to the best of her abilities, like the rest of the Pevensies are, and cannot be easily harmed or taken down. Please, run things like that by me first. IV. ON STYLE: I write in present tense, third person, and my icons can vary from still images to gifs. I don't mind what tense you use, or if you prefer to write in first or third person, as long as you don't write in second. Heavy formatting will not be included in my writing, but I don't particularly mind those who choose to add it to theirs, if it is of easy understanding. V. ON PLOTTING: Plotting is not mandatory to write with me ( I accept just about all memes and starters ), but it is preferred. I enjoy long and lasting threads, focused on both the story that moves it forward and the characters' dynamics and developments, which I absolutely adore to discuss about with my writing partners as the threads are being written, headcanonning and coming up with ideas that bounce off of each other will definetly spark up my muse and allow interactions to escalate quicker. VI. ABOUT THE BLOG: This is an advanced lit. and highly detailed portrayal of Lucy Pevensie, I love exploring every aspect of my interactions from a light-hearted banter to a fully fledged, carefully crafted storyline, so I'm afraid that one-liners simply won't do for me; and while I don't expect my mutuals to match the length of my replies by any means, I do expect you to give me something to work with in yours. I will follow an indepent interpretation of Lucy based around movies and novels, primarily focused on the golden age, since that's my favorite thing to write about, however I do tend to follow more canon-divergent paths when coming up with plots, and do keep in mind that I use the source material merely as background, sometimes, when necessary. I take what I like from canon and throw the rest away, pretty much lol VI. ON FOLLOWING AND CROSSOVERS: I read everyone's rules page before following to see if we would click; followbacks are based off of writing style and muse compatilibity, if there aren't any problematic themes on your blog and if trigger warnings are tagged accordingly in your posts, and of course, I'll only write with mutuals. My muse can be very centered around certain characters, ships or dynamics at times, so for thar reason, I'll eventually end up focusing on getting some replies first, and having things pilling up because I'm forcing myself to write with everybody will only make me anxious to be around, so I hope that you guys understand if I don't pick up storylines with everyone, it's nothing against you, it's just my own muse, really. I do try to write with as many people as I can, you'll just have to be a little patient if your replies are not coming while I'm writing with others, just know that I'm not one to forget replies that I owe and that I will eventually get to yours, whether that takes me a little longer or not. In regards to crossovers, I will be very selective about them, but they're possible. It's not something that I will particularly look out for, I'll only do them if someone from other verses is interested in writing with me and if I know the fandom their character is from, of course. Muse compatibility is also a factor that will count on whether I start a crossover or not, but feel free to follow me nevertheless if you have something in mind ♡ VII. ON EXCLUSIVES AND SHIPPING: Seeing as this is a mutually-exclusive blog, I would be more than happy to make official connections, so don't hesitate to ask after we've written for a bit, if that's something you're interested in! Random asks from any of my mutuals are highly encouraged, but specially from my exclusives, along with messages, starters, or anything else you want to send or tag me in, really! I love talking to my writing partners and being friends, so feel free to reach out whenever ♡ I have no problem with writing smut, as long as my writing partner is comfortable and wants to write it as well, it's fine by me! Just keep in mind that smut is EARNED, not given. This is not a lewd blog, and Lucy as a muse is not that open in her sex life to be having one night stands or anything of the sort lol That's to say, smut will only happen inside storylines and romantic plots, it's not something I'll write freely like the main point of an interaction, and obviously, Lucy has to be at least eighteen in whatever verse it is in order for that to happen. VIII. Anyway, that's it! Thank you so much for reading my rules if you've made it this far, I hope I get to write with you ♡
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allsystemsarenotgo · 5 years
“The Novel”
I've been needing to talk to somebody about something. Last night, somebody I don't talk to very often anymore was willing to give up some sleep to talk to me.
I gave them the abridged version. I knew they needed sleep and didn't have time for a novel.
Here is "The Novel".
A child learns their name by having it spoken to them repetitively.
A pet learns its name by having it spoken to them repetitively.
When bullies call you gay and queer repetitively because you've never had a date much less a girlfriend in 12 years, ... At some point you begin to believe it.
When that trend continues to a statistic of 3.25 years of relationship out of 30 years of life.....
You begin to question the things you ever thought you knew.
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I was an opinionated ass in high school that knew better but did the things anyways because I had nothing to really lose. Except I did lose alot of pride along the way.
I didn't like many things, and I didn't understand the decisions of many people. There are days that I wish I was still friends with people that I alienated or that alienated me because I didn't believe in drinking alcohol or having kids before college, or at a young age at all.
There are alot of days that I wonder....will I have to be find a lady 8-10 years younger than myself to love me for who I am...and potentially make them have kids at a young age so I'm not the age of their peers' grandpa's when they graduate?
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^ That image was me in high school.
I never dated in high school. I courted and got shot down a ...couple... times. I didn't go to parties, I wasn't a part of the cool kids' clique. I didn't really....do anything high-schooley in high school.
And it got me bullied. My eccentricities made me well known. I was generally outspoken and firm on what I believed (no sex, no alcohol, scientifically agnostic) and...it basically made me live in infamy. It got me bullied alot. I was called gay and queer alot. And it wasn't just from 1 or 2 or 5 people.
I had 3 crushes in high school. Two were a grade younger than I.
The first I asked out my Sophomore year. We talked alot, sat next to eachother, did classwork together. We were both above-average students, so the teacher us let us do what we wanted while she dealt with the rest of the class.
That was really what entered me into the downward spiral of depression. I'd never asked a girl out before, much less been shot down. It took me a long time to get over that.
The second I asked out my junior year. We didn't have any classes together, but I had worked my way into her family via a mutual friend. I felt like we knew eachother fairly well.
Getting shot down by her didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. But given the nature of high school, the backlash of her friends and friends-of-friends, and probably half the school altogether...that is what hurt. It showed the true colors of many whom were already primadonna status, approaching it, or (falsely) thought they had it. She did apologize to me after a period of time, and ultimately, she probably made the better decision.
I never asked my third crush out. After being shot down twice in two years, I didn't want it to be three for three. I worked with her, and we got along awesome. Maybe not asking her was a fatal flaw in my life. I will never know. We have stayed friends over the years despite not seeing eachother until earlier this summer. I met up with her twice, and both times wrenched my emotions. I've since found out she is actually taken, which shot down my chance of ever knowing the true answer.
Then I finally went to college.
I went from a school of 450 kids in a town of 360 people to a dorm of 500+ kids in a college of 10,000+.
But I did not change with the scenery. I was still outspoken.
Neither of my roommates liked it.
Neither of my roommates liked me.
I was outspoken enough to write a persuasive essay on Abstinence for my college English class. I didn't see the problem.
Until the Prof said we had to read them aloud, after she had graded them.
Then I panicked. I crashed and I burned.
I felt so....little and insecure.
I wasn't one to force my thoughts on people. Yet, I just had.
Do you know how bad that feels inside?
Pretty damn bad.
One day, I got a message from a high school friend I hadn't talked to in a while. We started talking. In the end, she admitted she had a crush on me through high school and asked if we could give it a try. I was 1.5-2 hours away from home.
It was a hard juggle, but we made it work as best as somebody that'd never had a GF before much less a LDR could.
After a few months of LD dating and the start of my second year of college, a topic came up that would change the rest of my life mentally.
And something clicked in my head.
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- What if this girl was 'the one'?
- What if something happened. Would I want to die a virgin?
- What if this doesn't work out. I'll always be the inexperienced one?
That last one hit me hard. There was no way around the fact. And for what I knew, I knew that being the lesser experienced would likely never be a good thing.
(10 years later, a friend put it perfectly....)
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I convinced myself to break something that I had let run my life for the previous 10+ years.
I think it's safe to say that very few peoples' first time is "great". But it's a learning experience.
Then we broke up after 9 months.
We rarely saw eachother, it couldn't be that difficult to get over right?
I was broken. The fire inside of me had been lit, and nothing was putting it out.
I had a raging wildfire spreading within me within a few short weeks, and no way to control it.
I had just started a job at the school newspaper, running the website. I shared an office with the two graphic design artists. We were getting along pretty well and it was fairly evident that both of them were really relaxed and loose about what they wanted to talk about. I was the reserved one, sitting at my desk, listening with minimal contribution.
Until one day, I finally had the courage to chime in to their conversations. It didn't take much longer before I was in my second relationship.
I learned alot of new and different things during that 2.5 year relationship.
Example: telling her father about my shellfish allergy. It was good because he cooked alot of it. It was because he knew my weakness and made no secret that some things would easily justify using it against me.
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I learned to get over my fear of public image. I was dating a woman almost twice my weight. When we first started...dating...I was petrified to be seen with/around her much less hold her hand. Over time that phobia subsided.
I learned that addiction comes in many forms. I spent many nights at her apartment, sometimes I went home and sometimes I didn't. Spending 4 hours a day with her at work and another 4-12 hours with her at her apartment...it got to the point that I missed her when I was away from her. I missed having her company, and I missed cuddling.
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I learned that I'm very much a physical contact person. After all those years of being an only, lonely child...I wanted to give and receive physical touch.
She would print off a piece of artwork, I would lay on my stomach on her bed, and she would trace the outline onto my back, then start filling it in. That's usually when I would fall asleep. She would keep drawing as I slept, and eventually I would wake up.
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As long as we were touching, I was happy. Sometimes I would lay on her, sometimes she would lay on me, sometimes we'd be side by side with a leg on the other.
I learned that calculated risks are worth calculating to the limit. And that mis-calculating is not fun.
I learned that parents are smart and figure out almost everything.
There was only one real issue and one hybrid issue with the relationship.
Both of us were mentally strained. I could not speak my emotions or feelings. I couldn't handle the 'adulting' conversations regarding the future. I couldn't explain when I was sad, mad, upset, or anxious in voice, only text. I couldn't "use my words". When scolded, I just wanted to ball up in a corner and cry. At the same time, both of our academics were on a downward spiral of death. She ended up dropping out completely and going back to junior college, I ended up changing majors twice and barely escaping with any pride left at all and a very expensive piece of paper that said "Bachelor of Science in Miscellaneous Bullshit". Okay, University Studies...but same thing.
The relationship had evolved far beyond what it had originally been intended to be.
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It was supposed to be more of a cover-up for a FWB situation than an actual relationship. But we caught some sort of feelings, and....
I've been single since then.
It took a few years, but we still talk to eachother and are still friends.
But I miss the cuddles.
I miss the touching.
I miss being relaxed and falling asleep while being drawn on.
I miss...alot of things.
I had a few more crushes develop during college. Some I let go, some I got turned down on. At least none of them laughed at me. 
One of the ones that I let go...I reconnected with a couple months ago. I was going to ask her out...and I kinda did...only to find out that she was secretly in a relationship that hadn’t gone public yet. That was a pretty good kick to the twig and berries, knowing that I was just too late to the party. 
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Once I learned about High Functioning Autism, alot of things made sense. I slowly learned better coping mechanisms. I learned to do more "normal" things like making eye contact.
My senior year of college, I met an awesome lady in my coding class. We got along great. She helped crack my shell. We went on walks, we played basketball, we played on pool tables, we played soccer. We sat on balconies and talked. We kind of...had a thing going. She was my only friend to attend my college graduation. We even took a picture together in my cap and gown (which I have tried many times to find. I'm guessing it was deleted....see below).
But we didn't. I wasn't allowed to hug her much less kiss her, even on the forehead (I wanted to...many times). I was barely allowed to hold her hand.
I got shot down. I felt like I was in a plane that was missing a wing and didn't have an ejection seat.
I plummeted into the ground and crashed and burned.
We stopped talking after that.
I still don't know what exactly I did wrong.
I still don't know what exactly I did wrong.
I could say that about many friends that I have lost over the years.
I still don't know what exactly I did wrong.
That was 5 or 6 years ago. I honestly don't remember anymore.
That's how long I have been lonely.
That's how long it has been since I went on a date.
That's how long I have not been able to have an unweighted conversation.
Sure, I have seen my second ex a time or three. But it's not the same. That's not a date. That's not something to lead to the future.
I have a two best friends that I can talk about almost anything with. But I never see them. One lives two states away, the other lives several hours away (any other state besides Texas, and they'd be in another state).
They help. They give me a method to vent. But I am afraid of losing them.
I have lost 3 best friends in my life already.
One cut me out of their life as a birthday present to me after 4 or 5 years, my freshman year in the dorm.
One cut me out of their life after many conflicts over 7 years. We never met in person.
One cut me out of their life after I became a burden to them. We saw eachother on a regular basis, I even stayed at their house once after they tried to break my shell and I (mentally) collapsed into a puddle of goo. They also hurt me once by calling the police for a welfare check, and my parents got involved.
Of the two best friends I have managed to keep, the closer of the two has issues in their own life going on right now. I feel guilty and sad for even talking to them...they have asked that I limit interaction while they try to straighten out their own world. They have also called the police on my for a welfare check, and got my co-workers involved.
I already had a hard time making friends before. Anymore, it's hard for me to trust anyone at all.
I don't have any friends to go places with.
I'm always working my ass off (working 7 days a week these days, haven't had a real day of rest in months).
Social Anxiety says that I can't go anywhere alone. Plus I don't really trust myself alone, much less in a foreign Environment.
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How am I supposed to meet a friend, when I work my ass off 7 days a week? When I don't know what resting is?
How do I elevate a non-existent friend to "More than a friend" status?
A child learns their name by having it spoken to them repetitively.
A pet learns its name by having it spoken to them repetitively.
When bullies call you gay and queer repetitively because you’ve never had a date much less a girlfriend in 12 years, … At some point you begin to believe it.
When that trend continues to a statistic of 3.25 years of relationship out of 30 years of life…..
You begin to question the things you ever thought you knew.
Sometimes I wish I was Ace.
Sometimes I wish I knew what I am.
Historically, I can be described as a smart, odd, minimally sarcastic ignoramus. But that is only my personality.
Am I straight? Am I gay? Am I bi? Or am I just hopeless?
Will I ever find love? Will I ever have kids?
Is there something wrong with me that revolts women away?
Will I have to find a woman 8-10 years younger than myself and cause her to have children at a young age to avoid being the age of their peers' grandparents at graduation? If I find a woman now, we date for 3 years, engaged for 1, married for 3, then have a kid...I'll be 37 when they are born and 55 when they graduate high school.
We're the bullies in high school right all this time? I don't want them to be. But what if they are? Or am I just that broken inside?
The things that I like/enjoy...they scare me a little. And that's coming from me. For years I have said I was a sapiosexual (turned on by intelligence rather than personality or looks)...but it never occurred to me, what if the gender lines do not in-fact exist? What if....
These are the questions that keep me awake at night.
These are the questions that feed my depression.
These are the scenarios that feed my anxiety, my trust issues, my loneliness.
These are the reasons that, more than anything....I will never turn down a hug.
Because a hug means you love and care about me.
And I need that reassurance.
But it feels good on the inside, too.
0 notes
othercat2 · 7 years
fic: two for mirth 33/?
They don’t take it to the concupiscent platform. (This is a relief.) By some mutual agreement, they break off the kissing, Dave lying on top of Karkat, ear pressed to Karkat’s chest. Karkat is lying with one of his legs dangling off the couch, idly tracing Dave’s scars. It’s nice like this, Dave is warm and solid and surprisingly comfortable. “So--” Karkat starts.
“I don’t want to talk about what this means about the future ramifications of our relationship. We didn’t even get into pants territory,” Dave grumbles.
“I was going to suggest we see if there were any interesting human movies,” Karkat says. “Though we could also talk about the future ramifications of our relationship.”
“Nope,” Dave says, and snuggles closer. “Movies sound great. Let’s watch all of the movies.”
“Ramifications first,” Karkat suggests. “Sit up.”
“I’m comfy.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Karkat says with a snort. “Get up; I can’t have a serious discussion with you lying on me like a giant purrbeast.”
“Oh no, my strategy is revealed,” Dave says, still showing no inclination to sit up. He gives an exaggerated wiggle, snuggling in and working his arms around Karkat’s waist.
Karkat sighs. “Dave. I just want to know you’re actually okay.”
“I’m fine master,” Dave says. “I mean, I’m the one that initiated, and I wanted to initiate it and I swept you off your feet.”
“Like the tenderest flushed ingénue to your strong and devastatingly pathetic warrior,” Karkat says dryly.
“‘Devastatingly pathetic,’ there’s a phrase, I have no idea how I feel about,” Dave says.
“Scars depending on their general shape and position attract compassion or admiration, you have some that go either way, so deal with it,” Karkat says. “And I’m feeling pretty flush right now. It’s more pitch when we spar.” He wants to question Dave’s motivation, but can’t think of a way to do it without insulting him. It was possibly enough that Dave had initiated, why could wait until another night.
“Are you going to want to know if I’m ‘okay’ every time we do this?” Dave asks.
“Possibly,” Karkat says. (He doesn’t dare interrogate the “every time we do this.”) “Terezi might get a little annoyed with me if I started horning in on her quadrant though. Serves her right for the lusus-friend thing though.”
Dave groans. “I’m your concubine, how would that even work?”
“We’ll figure something out,” Karkat says. The sweep would be almost up by the time they got back to Imperial space. If Dave didn’t decide to stay in human space, maybe Terezi could take him in, after Karkat manumitted him. (And this was a thing Karkat was definitely going to do.) “I mean, if this were a romance novel the solution would be obvious.”
“Movies, movies now. Action, no romance,” Dave says, rolling his eyes. So they watch human action movies on the entertainment center.
Directly after breakfast the next evening there’s a meeting between Commander Egbert, John Egbert, Dr. Lalonde, Karkat and Dave. (John seems a little surprised by Dave’s presence. Dr. Lalonde and Commander Egbert do not.) “After discussing it with Dave, I’ve decided not to demand Mister Egbert’s resignation,” Karkat says. “This is mostly because until Mister Egbert made his inappropriate advance toward Strider, they seemed to be getting along fairly well.” Egbert the younger twitches at that, almost opens his mouth to speak, but a look from Egbert the elder causes him to subside.
The Commander’s eyebrows lift. “Inappropriate advance?”  
“Pale overtures, ma’am,” Dave says. “He left me all kinds of flustered, inquiring into my duties with undue concern, and situations during my gladiator career that occurred when escorting fans to various entertainments and private parties. Things I was relating to Doctor Lalonde while he was supposed to be translating, not making a move. When I told him to back off he did for a while, but would come right back, prying into what wasn’t his business. Then when he came over yesterday he went and offered to buy me, which was all kinds of improper, and still with the pale overtures.” Dave pauses for a moment, giving Egbert the younger an irritated look. “I told him to back off, but he had to argue about it, and then master walked in and wasn’t happy about the situation any more than I was.”
“Perhaps you could explain to John exactly where he erred, Dave,” Dr. Lalonde says.
“Mostly the undue concern,” Dave says. “I mean master gets upset about all kinds of things I tell him, but he doesn’t make like there’s something wrong with me--”
“But I didn’t!” John interjects, looking extremely upset. “I wasn’t saying there was anything wrong with you, I was trying to help!”
“John, don’t interrupt,” Commander Egbert says sternly. John’s mouth snaps shut.
“You kind of were, Egbert,” Dave says. “Making like there was something wrong with me, or I was under threat without even asking if that was the case. Anyway, master gets upset or gets to thinking how terrible everything is, but he doesn’t usually get in in my face about whatever it is he’s feeling.”
“To be fair, he probably doesn’t know the polite way to approach someone,” Karkat interjects.
“For his own culture let alone an alien one,” Dr. Lalonde says pointedly.
“I have worked with the repatriated,” John says stiffly. “That’s kind of one of the reasons I’m here.”
“But not in a therapeutic setting, or outside a professional situation, I think,” Dr. Lalonde replies.  “They might be reluctant in such a situation to explain that your behavior was impolite by their standards.”
“Also, not repatriated.” Dave says, pushing his chair back and standing, fists clenched. The younger Egbert flinches a little, and looks away.  “I’m Master Vantas’ concubine, given to him by his moirail the Grand Highblood. I was a second tier gladiator, but Master Makara decided otherwise. I came with Master to see what the UPT was like, and so far, I’m not too impressed. Someone tells you ‘back off,’ you back off unless you want to start something; you don’t just go in like what they say don’t matter because you know better like a highblood. There’s ways to ask if things are all right. There’s words to use. If no one gave you any, no repatriated who spoke to you trusted you with them.”
“Who trusted you?” Karkat asks dryly.
Dave flushes, and sits back down. “How do you know anything?” Dave asks sounding almost wounded. “You never said anything.”
“I know how to keep a secret?” Karkat suggests. “Also, it’s possible you learned different signs, the arena is a pretty rarefied and isolated environment. The presence of highbloods as slaves or independent athletes would logically make it difficult for the same kind of alliances and networks that form between lowblood and slave communities.”  
“You’re totally right master, it would be totally impossible,” Dave says in a mildly ragging tone. “I have no idea of how I learned anything, because there was nothing to learn, obviously.”
Karkat rolled his eyes. “I said difficult not impossible.”
“I know how it is, you have no respect for the traditions of the ring,” Dave shoots back.
“If you can agree with me that the treatment of some gladiators is brutal and cruel, you should be able to agree with me that the ‘traditions’ are also brutal and cruel, Dave,” Karkat says, because he can’t not comment on “the traditions of the ring.” (And there is no elderly blueblood who is Dave’s hero to frown and argue for Dave’s position.)
“Yeah but you have this across the board thing going on,” Dave says. “And it’s not accurate and it’s not fair.”
“Is this argument supposed to reassure me that Dave is totally on board with being a sex slave and that he and Karkat get along really well?” Egbert younger asks Egbert senior in English.
“No dear, I believe they are actually flirting,” Egbert senior says, also in English.  
“Being able to stage such  a performance would actually imply a great deal of cooperation, and this seems to be a fairly natural-seeming exchange,” Doctor Lalonde murmurs. “You’ll also note that Mister Strider has done most of the talking up until their tiff.”
Karkat understands about half of that, and flushes. Dave, who understands at least a third, blows Egbert younger a kiss and flutters his eyelashes. “Master don’t want a sex slave,” he says mock-sadly in English. “I’m white elephant gift. Unfulfilled and full of longings. So many longings. ” The last is said in a husky, purring voice.
Egbert the younger flushes and stammers, Doctor Lalonde covers her mouth to (unsuccessfully) stifle a snicker. Egbert the elder hoots with laughter. “Young man,” she says with great amusement. “We’re here to discuss settling this diplomatic incident, not your unsatisfied longings.”
“I’m willing to call the situation settled, if Dave is,” Karkat says.
“I’m not mad, but I reserve the right to give Mister Egbert shit,” Dave says.
Egbert the younger looks a combination of flustered, embarrassed and irritated. “If Emissary Vantas and Mr. Strider don’t want my resignation, I’m willing to continue translating for them.”
“Gentlemen?”  Commander Egbert asks.
“The situation’s settled,” Dave says, and Karkat nods.
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Sensor Sweep: Whisper Network, Bradbury, James Bond, Isle of Dread
H. P. Lovecraft (DMR Books): The first thing to keep in mind is that this cache represents one of the great epistolary friendships in the history of letters. The two never met in person, but the Mutual Admiration Society CAS and HPL formed between them was forged of eldritch steel. Both considered the other the Greatest Living Weird Fiction Author. It is obvious in every letter they wrote and confirmed by comments they sent to other correspondents.
  Comic Books (Bleeding Fool): Two weeks ago, we published the second part in our ongoing series of articles investigating the secret “Whisper Network” – a secret group of (mostly) women that’s been allegedly colluding to torment comic book pros and publicly harass creators they disagree with. Within that exposé, a major story was uncovered that should have rocked the comic book industry when it first happened, but was buried or “memory holed” by comic industry press at the time, with sites like Bleeding Fool erasing it after publishing it and Comics Beat, IGN, Newsarama and all others ignoring it entirely.
Cinema (Bounding Into Comics): In a new video interview J.J. Abrams declared that his film production company Bad Robot will make hiring based on looks a top priority. Speaking with Time Magazine about the film industry Abrams discussed what he wants the industry to look like in the future. He then made it clear that Bad Robot will be focused on people’s outward appearance when it comes to hiring.
Robert E. Howard (John C. Wright): As previously announced, Jeffro Johnson, author of Appendix N, Zaklog the Great, Nate the Greater, and your truly gather electronically to talk about Robert E. Howard’s verse….
Ray Bradbury (Pulpfest): Ray Douglas Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920, in Waukegan, Illinois. From an early age, he was a voracious reader and consumer of popular culture — movies, pulp magazines, radio programming, newspaper comic strips, circuses, magic, and more. He was enamored with the Buck Rogers newspaper strip, the stories of L. Frank Baum, Edgar Rice Burroughs, and more. By age twelve, he wanted to write.
James Bond (25 Years Later): Raise your martini glasses! We are only a few months away from (hopefully) another fantastic James Bond adventure (er, at least, we think so. It’s already been delayed once by a global pandemic that is starting to feel like something a diabolical Bond villain would think up). No Time To Die, the 25th official James Bond release, directed by Cary Joji Fukunaga (Beasts of No Nation), stars Daniel Craig for the fifth, and likely final, time as superspy James Bond ending what has been a sterling era for the rugged 52-year-old.
Fiction (Benespen): This is another expedition into the past of popular literature. Abraham Merritt, whose byline is nearly always A. Merritt, was a popular author who wasn’t even best known in his own time for his fiction. Rather, he was a celebrity journalist, making enough money to travel widely and pursue arcane hobbies.  The Moon Pool [Amazon link] is the work I usually see cited as typical of Merritt’s work, and it is listed in Gary Gygax’s “Appendix N” as an influence on Dungeons and Dragons. Let’s dive into the Moon Pool and see what happens!
Science Fiction (Starship Cat): This novel is pretty much a direct follow-in to Citadel, and continues to be mostly Dana’s story, with occasional appearances by Butch and some cameos by Vernon Tyler. Dana’s story is pretty much an enactment of the proverbial Chinese curse “May you come to the attention of those in high places.” Her heroism at the end of the last book has made the Powers That Be decide that she’s leadership material — and send her to the new station, to command a squadron from the various Latin American countries.
H. P. Lovecraft (Tentaculii): I’ve encountered an interesting item which perhaps throws a small sidelight on the use of the telephone in Lovecraft’s “The Statement of Randolph Carter” (1919). You’ll recall that a telephone is taken on the descent… The telephone might sound like an unlikely thing to take down below. But wired long-distance field telephones were a known ‘thing’ at that time, not least because of their use in the war.
Conventions (Dragoncon): Part two of our three-part interview series where past Dragon Award recipients talk about their award-winning novels and their Dragon Awards experience. In part one of our three-part Dragon Awards interview series, our award-winning authors talked about their background, what motivates them to write, and about their novels that captured Dragon Awards audiences everywhere.
Cinema (0themastercylinder): William Smith. He was born in 1933 in rural Columbia, Missouri on a cattle ranch. That background served him very well during the many Westerns he was to appear in later. The first big surprise I got in examining his background was how early his film career started. He appeared as a child actor in 1942’s “The Ghost of Frankenstein” as the boy who befriends the Monster portrayed by Lon Chaney Jr.
D&D (Paint Monk): wo years ago, I picked up Goodman Games’ Original Adventures Reincarnated #1, where I re-lived the fun of TSR’s original D&D modules “In Search of the Unknown” and “The Keep on the Borderlands”. This month, I finally picked up OAR #2 – The Isle of Dread, and I’d like to share just how much I enjoyed this book and the work the fine folks over at Goodman put into making it a success.
Fiction (Dark Herald): Been a while since we’ve seen a new Dresden Files book and we will be getting two this year. So at least 2020 isn’t a total write off. Butcher’s last addition to this series was in 2014. He had been rather productive up until this time. Usually producing one or two books a year. I’m not sure why there was a prolonged interrupt, possibly it was his divorce.
Beer (Trinkelbonker): Got these as a delayed birthday gift the other day, six cans of Ace Of Aces American Lager with a rather nice (and collectable, if you ask me) motif. The aircraft you see is an American Lockheed P-38 Lightning and the pilot that flew it was Richard Ira Bong, the first child of nine of Carl Bång, an immigrant from Sweden and Dora Bryce, who was an American by Scots-English descent. Richard, nicknamed Dick by his friends, shot down over 40 Japanese aircraft in the Pacific Theater during WWII and became one of the most decorated pilots of the war.
Game Review (Black Gate): This is the second article in my “explanation” of Conan 2d20. Last time I focused on 2d20’s core mechanic and on this game’s design philosophy insofar as it is an emulation of the “physics” and flavor of Robert E. Howard’s Conan fiction. This one will detail more aspects of gameplay, particularly player character components and action scenes. Last article, I maintained that Conan 2d20 characters begin as powerful in mechanical ability (unless the alternative Shadows of the Past character generation is used).
Cinema (Irish Times): because these things only happen in the greatest superhero movie ever made: Flash Gordon. The 1980 camp classic, which has been restored in 4K to mark its 40th anniversary, has a history of happy accidents following its hero’s first appearance in a comic strip in 1934. Buck Rogers, another intergalactic hero, had already spawned novelisations and toys when King Features Syndicate – a subsidiary of the Hearst newspaper empire – approached Edgar Rice Burroughs with a plan to adapt John Carter into a comic strip.
Small Press (Tentaculii): New on Archive.org…Howard Collector #5, Summer 1964.  Howard Collector #6, Spring 1965. With the poem “Who is Grandpa Theobold?”, from a letter. This would count as another early use of ‘Lovecraft as character’, albeit not in fiction. I wonder what the likely year on this poem is?
Cinema & T.V. (Dark Worlds Quarterly): Heroic fantasy films and television changed after 1982. The release of Dino DeLaurentis’ Conan the Barbarian sent Fantasy films in a new direction. Movies had to have a mix of violence, sex and flash that previous movies seemed to lack. Whether you like or hate these films is a matter of opinion. There were bright spots of Fantasy filmmaking among the direct-to-video duds like the Brian Froud-Jim Henson films, Legend by Ridley Scott, and Ron Howard’s The Lord of the Rings known as Willow.
Book Review (Benespen): War Demons [Silver Empire affiliate link] is the veteran’s take on supernatural horror. Sometimes we casually refer to the men who come back from war suffering from PTSD and survivor’s guilt as demon-haunted; but for Michael Alexander it is anything but a metaphor. We now come to the third book covering similar territory I have read recently. I don’t often end up reading lots of similar books together in succession, so I can compare and contrast these.
Science Fiction (Future War Stories): Packed in seemingly every military science fiction work are futuristic firearms and some, like the Colonial Marines M41A1 Pulse Rifle has become an icon of sci-fi weaponry…then there are others that never get their day in the limelight. One of those military sci-fi weapons is the United States standard issue endo/exo assault rifle of the 2060’s: the M590. Featured in the legendary 1990’s FOX one-season TV show Space: Above and Beyond.
Science Fiction (Rough Edges): Robert E. Vardeman has been writing top-notch science fiction for about forty years now, and that’s almost how long I’ve known him. His latest novel, THE DUST OF STARS, is the first book in a new series called ENGINEERING INFINITY, and it’s everything I love about science fiction. First, it has big ideas. And I mean E.E. “Doc” Smith big: An ancient, long-disappeared alien race scattered planet-sized machines throughout the galaxy.
Pulp Fiction (DMR Books): Merritt outlived the CAS-HPL correspondence of 1922-1937, though not by much. In the CAS-HPL letters, one sees Klarkash-Ton belatedly discovering Merritt–and HPL belatedly discovering The Metal Monster. Throughout the course of the correspondence, Merritt was the most successful exemplar of the weird fiction that CAS and HPL were themselves creating. While they did not always agree with the directions he took in his fiction, there was no denying that Merritt dominated the market for pulp fantasy.
Tolkien (Sacnoth’s Scriptorium): So, for years I’ve been convinced that the old story about the Tolkien Estate having gone after TSR for their use of hobbits, ents, balrogs et al in early printings of D&D was wrong and that it was actually Saul Zaentz’s group, Tolkien Enterprises (the movie merchandising people) who’d issued that cease-and-desist back in 1976. But while I’ve able to build up a probable case I’ve been lacking direct proof. Now Gygax has provided it.
Sensor Sweep: Whisper Network, Bradbury, James Bond, Isle of Dread published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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recentanimenews · 7 years
My Week in Manga: July 17-July 23, 2017
My News and Reviews
Although I’ve started to include Quick Takes of novels as part of the weekly My Week in Manga feature, it’s been a little while since I’ve actually written and in-depth review of a novel here at Experiments in Manga. However, last week featured my review of Tomoyuki Hoshino’s ME, one of my most anticipated literary releases of 2017. Much like the rest of Hoshino’s work available in translation, ME is challenging and can demand quite a bit from the reader, but I found it to be worth the effort. The novel is an incredibly surreal but thought-provoking exploration of identity, self, and society. Hoshino’s fiction definitely isn’t for everyone, but I hope to see even more of it translated in the future.
Last week there were also some manga-related licensing announcements made at the San Diego Comic Con. Among other things, Udon Entertainment has picked up Virginia Nitōhei’s manga adaptation of Otherwordly Izakaya “Nobu,” will be adding Romeo & Juliet, Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and Adventures of Huckleberry Fin to its Manga Classics line, and will be releasing Mega Man MasterMix, a full-color edition of Hitoshi Ariga’s Mega Man Megamix. Vertical Comics will be publishing Kinoko Natsume’s Chi’s Sweet Adventure, a spin-off of Konami Kanata’s Chi’s Sweet Home. And finally, Viz Media announced that it would be releasing Tsuyoshi Takaki’s Black Torch, Inio Asano’s Dead Dead Demon’s Dededededestruction (I’m definitely interested in this), Aka Akasaka’s Kaguya-sama: Love is War, and Koyoharu Gotouge’s Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.
Elsewhere online, a recent episode of the Manga Mavericks podcast provides an overview of the licensing news from Anime Expo in addition to digging into Kabi Nagata’s My Lesbian Experience in Loneliness and Gengoroh Tagame’s My Brother’s Husband. Over at The OASG, Krystallina expresses some valid concerns and criticisms of Digital Manga’s most recent crowdfunding efforts. And speaking of crowdfunding campaigns, there have been several less dubious projects that have caught my eye recently: Deer Woman is an anthology featuring comics created by Native and Indigenous woman which are inspired by traditional Deer Woman stories; Gothic Tales of Haunted Love is a collection of full-color gothic romance comics; and then of course there’s Sparkler Monthly Magazine: Year 5 which is particularly important to me. With every year that passes Sparkler Monthly just keeps getting better and better. I’ve featured a small selection of some of the magazine’s content before, but there’s so much more that I’ve never even mentioned here and it’s all great stuff. Please consider contributing to the campaign if you’re able!
Quick Takes
After Hours, Volume 1 by Yuhta Nishio. Recently there has been a notable surge of yuri and other lesbian-themed manga being released in English, mostly by Seven Seas, although other publishers have been licensing some as well. After Hours, for example, is the first yuri title from Viz Media if not ever at least in a very long time. That certainly caught my attention, but even more so was the fact that After Hours is not a schoolgirl manga and is instead about adult women (although the cover art does make Emi in particular look fairly young). Emi is invited out to a club by her friend but is mostly left to fend for herself once she’s there. That’s when Kei more or less comes to her rescue. The two women hit it off and Emi ends up going home with Kei that night, one thing leading to another. It’s incredibly refreshing that Emi and Kei’s mutual attraction isn’t treated like an aberration or made out to be like it’s a big deal simply because they’re both women. After that first night their relationship continues to naturally develop, largely without angst, as they get to know each other better, Kei introducing Emi to her friends, the local music scene, and her passion as a DJ. The release of second volume of After Hours hasn’t been publicly announced yet, but there is no question that I’ll be picking it up; I absolutely loved the first volume and look forward to reading more.
Blindsprings, Volume 1 by Kadi Fedoruk. Sadly, I was unable to contribute to the Blindsprings Kickstarter campagin which raised funds to release the first print volume of the webcomic, so I was thrilled when I had the chance to pick up an early copy and chat a little with Fedoruk at this year’s Toronto Comic Arts Festival. In addition to first five chapters of the comic, the first volume also includes twenty-six pages of bonus content, artwork, and character profiles. Blindsprings is a beautifully illustrated, full-color comic with an engaging story, a diverse cast of characters, and an intriguing, complex, and well-developed world. (I especially appreciate how a variety of genders and sexualities are naturally and unobtrusively incorporated into the story.) Princess Tamaura is about to complete her 300-year agreement to serve the as an Orphic priestess for the sake of her sister, but her contract with the Spirits is broken when she is “rescued” against her will by a young man determined to prove a point. Tammy is torn from her sanctuary and thrust into a modern world in which Orphic traditions and their practitioners are harshly oppressed, the Academists and their magic now largely in control of what was her homeland. But there are still those who resist, and Tammy soon finds herself caught up in the conflict.
Tokyo Ghoul: Past written by Shin Towada Sui Ishida and illustrated by Sui Ishida. Viz Media doesn’t publish many novels outside of its Haikasoru imprint, but considering the popularity of Ishida’s Tokyo Ghoul manga series, it’s not too surprising that Towada’s trilogy of light novels were released as well. Although Past is Towada’s third Tokyo Ghoul novel (well, technically it’s more of a collection of vaguely-related short stories), the volume serves as a prequel to Tokyo Ghoul as a whole, the six chapters delving into the backstories of many of the Tokyo Ghoul‘s prominent characters. Despite taking place before the main series, Past is definitely not an introduction. It is intended for readers who are already invested in the franchise–a few of the stories don’t absolutely require prior knowledge in order to follow them, but others are nearly incomprehensible without at least some basic familiarity with Tokyo Ghoul. The general premise of Past is great, the volume allowing fans of Tokyo Ghoul the chance to spend more time with and gain a better understanding of some of the characters, especially as Past is able to tell stories that wouldn’t have immediately fit in the primary series. It’s unfortunate then that the actual writing is frustratingly awful much of the time with drama and angst frequently favored over plot developments that make logical sense.
By: Ash Brown
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