#and theyre actually orange-brown
yee-hawlw · 2 years
i think that theres a point in time at which a fandom has become removed from the source material, as people are obvi not reading/watching it constantly but ARE consuming fanworks, and instead leans more heavily on fandom interpretations of characters, and at some point, the “original” characterizations kind of become irrelevant in the eyes of the fandom
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falled-over · 2 years
breaking bad is surprisingly a great show for me to babble about the costume choices and colour pallets of the characters while watching 
#all the main characters have colours and i think they say a lot about who they are as people and how they relate to one another#mr white is in green and brown and skylar is in blue#which r VERY relatable colours. both to the world and to the audience. so we know who the main characters are#and during the scenes in s3 when theyre finalising their divorce they actually swap colours which i think is so interesting#hank and his wife are orange and purple respectively#which  are weirder colours#purple especially lol#everyone knows the reputation of people obsessed with purple#i think its a really great choice for her character#and in the first few seasons jesse wears a lot of red black and yellow#(him and mr white are the only ones with more than 1 signature colour btw)#and obv he wears more like street style punk rock whatever when hes spiralling#and im not 100% on this but i think jesse wore yellow and red at different times to mean different things.#but one of my favourite things abt jesses's colours is that yellow is walter jr's colour#thats so clever!#it says a lot about how walter might relate to jesse without a word#also saul's colour pallet is non existent but always crazy which is SUUCH a good choice lol. rlly makes him feel like an agent of chaos#also this is not as interesting but you can tell that skyler is the older sister because she wears matte lipstick and her sister wears gloss#lots of details!!!#watching tv shows with me is either incredibly interesting or insanely annoying depending on what sort of person you are
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soaricarus · 8 months
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also this nightcat is seperate from my invterator askblog nightcat. for clarification
id honestly consider the cut arena scug 4 an oc at this point. it deviates so much from the One sprite we get. oops
seperates + Not So Line Lineup under cut AS WELL AS DESIGN NOTES woooh boy. MIND YOU its really long
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the Not So Line Lineup
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survivor! scar on snout is based on one of the cut arena sprites for player 1, it has a little.. scar? notch? line? there. survivor passage symbol on head as well and freckles :) some brown to match monk sorta. spikey fur!
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^ what the scar is based on
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overall more rounded than survivor, to reference the monk passage symbol which is also on their head. a little dewlap to reference gourmand - i think gourmand and survivor and monk are related. lighter yellows to reference survivor!
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third sibling!!! the little orange line on their head is actually karma 7 (i realized survivor is karma 5 and monk is karma 6- so why not go with the theme?) and a sorta partial saint symbol on their head, missing the middle line. yellow/red accenting color to reference monk and survivor sorta. blu :)
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sorta pinker. based on one of my old draft designs, just made a little better. green accent color to match sig. a little fluffy and sharp. ear tufts cause theyre fun and a tufted tail. hunter passage symbol is also on tail teehee. sig's head symbol is also on hunter. the scar is also green
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nightcat is some sorta weird echo thing. to me. little wings for the fun of it. i dont have much on this design honestly other than i used dodge A Lot. the accenting pink on the dark purple parts was originally an accident but like? it vibes.
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wanderer! cause actually why not. the white symbol on their chest is a half of sig's symbol, i'd like to think sig helped suns make wanderer. if you put its head symbol together with nightcat it makes the scholar :) blue accenting color is close to the negative/opposite colors of nightcat.
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i dont have many notes for this biggol guy. sorta looks alike survivor and monk i suppose. feathers! theyre sorta rose colored i think. idk. it looks nice. simple patterns cause gourmand is a symbol guy
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artiiii. i wanted to put an accent color on arti but it was so Hard because i was Stubborn and Needed That Damn Cyan on it. markings based on a siamese cat except for the ones on the arm and legs, theyre sort of tabby based?
green pup is tabby based in markings, pink sorta looks like flower petals. blue pup is siamese cat based in markings and the yellow? idk it looked nice
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RIVULETTT. i love rivulet. i made the bright sunset gradient contrast by adding some darker but still vibrant blues and purples to the design, as well as a cream. there's also actual gills udner the display frills (which also got a color update to match instead of being an offbrand bi flag). also webbed fingers!!!
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vibrant fuckin purple because it looks nice actually. made it have some cream-pink-purple thing as underbelly instead to make it look nicer. head markings are based directly on suns :) biggol Orb Eyes to Stare In Your Soul. accenting colors sorta match rivulet? idk? they just look nice without contrasting too much. also whiskers. and tall. and thin with long ass grabbers
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i kept getting "portal colors" and "aroace flag" and like YEA YALL ARE RIGHT ACTUALLY i just wanted to fit blue and orange on it though lmao. anyway pretty simple body markings to make up for the Six Fucking Accent Colors. three forehead dots are yellow while there's an x on its back and head thats blue... to imitate the rot :) why? figure it out yourself
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inv!! not much has changed since honestly i just saturated the colors a bit more i think. idk. i like the yellow on inv though so i make it more prominent sorta? just a guy. still an iterator that turned itself into a slugcat. to me.
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originally based on this cut arena slugcat
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then i uh. accent color and scales and um. um. im so normal about this slugcat holyshit curveberry my beloved.... anyway the scales were originally a dark teal? then i hueshifted them and Oh Fuck Dusk Colors Holy Shit. its so good i genuinely love this design so much i doodled it lmao. the scales are based on a pangolin. i actually have ideas for this if it were to be a slugcat campaign...
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another cut arena slug! this time this one. i tried to keep it more in line rather than go a bit silly ehe. i still like how this came out- i think the accent color is nice. it looks like bingus to me actually. bingus slugcat
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iggy projection slug. weird thing with lines under its eyes
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to me this is another of nsh's purposed messengers. the lil guy that sent the distateful message. whatever it was icr the exacts but. him. boy. the darker pink is like armor like a centipede. looks like ham to me
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iggy projection slug that had silly little small ears so i thought i'd include them
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i was having so much trouble with this design but @pinkavtomation actually helped me out because i was. Struggling so hard and i was streaming doing these designs in vc (for 9 hours straight... voids) 'n it sent this and honestly. yeah. funky vitiligo cat to me.
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colors r sorta based on vanilla and chocolate icecream???? thats what i was thinkin when i was lookin at it honestly. just a lil guy to me
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puhpandas · 9 months
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i think its interesting that in gregorys gallery model he has a red fazwatch band, but in his actual model he has a black band
plus his eyes have smaller irises, are a darker brown, everything is smoother and more well made, and the flashlight is also different
i wonder why they changed it from this to what we got? theyre small changes but still, makes me wonder if theres a reason gregory has orange/amber eyes, or if like cassie, its just an artstyle choice/bad communication
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averys-happy-space · 1 month
was doodling the cinema trio and realised some design parallels & contrasts between all of them and thought id put it into a post because why not
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design-wise fang and maisie are actually really really similar, ive always thought this but i didnt realise just how similar they are until i started listing all of it to someone i was talking to on discord
both wear sleeveless tops
both wear loose/puffy high rise pants, both of which are also cuffed at the bottom
both wear gloves
both have the popcorn logo somewhere on their design
both wear sneakers (whereas buster wears boots)
could argue both have unnatural/dyed hair colours, though i googled it and apparently it is possible for dark skinned people to be naturally blonde but its just v rare... rare enough that i reckon this point still stands
both have golds + reds as their accent colours - buster sorta has this but its much less obvious/striking compared to the other two
this makes it sound like buster is the odd one out which he v much is at least design wise. but he has some similarities with the others too:
all 3 wear something around their foreheads (bandana, sun visor, headband)
all 3 wear blue pants of varying shades
maisie and buster both have a tool (fire extinguisher / film projector) where fang does not
fang and buster both have something slung over one shoulder (suspender, film loop). theyre on opposite shoulders too (something something one completes the other)
and then there's the differences / contrasts:
this one blew my mind when i realised it but fang is mostly primary colours (red yellow blue) whereas buster is mostly secondary colours (orange purple green). feel like this point isn't that strong though if you consider that buster also has black & grey + blue jeans too, and fang's hair is arguably more purple than dark blue. but i still thought it was interesting enough to mention anyway. also, maisie is a mix of both palettes (red yellow blue / purple black + her skintone is an orangey brown).
fang's hair is made of sharp edges, while maisie's is categorically rounded, and buster is somewhere in the middle where he shares fang's sharp edged bangs but his hair curls around the back, making it more rounded like maisie's
they all have different eyebrow shapes (triangle, rectangle, oval). could probably make an argument for this being reflective of their personalities with fang having the most sharp edges (most aggressive, reckless, confident); maisie being sharp in the sense of being very perceptive, responsive, quick witted but still less intense than fang; and buster being the softest, most shy, most protective
their personality is reflected in their playstyles too which are all starkly different - fang is aggro, maisie is control, buster is defensive. also means their trio can be a well rounded team in 3v3s too (which they were until maisie and fang got nerfed lol)
lots of cool design choices. knowing the release order was fang -> buster -> maisie can also help explain why buster is so distinct from the other two as well i think. because stuff like the popcorn logo seems like a strange thing to leave out of his design until you realise oh, the designers probably weren't thinking of having that be the logo of the theatre the trio work at until maisie came along and they realised it'd make a good logo/emblem.
there is also something to be said about fang and maisie being so similar because at first glance you'd think they're complete opposites - one is reckless and carefree, the other is literally a safety coordinator. that's definitely the impression you'd get from watching the animations from maisie's release as well. but maisie's bio admits that she lowkey enjoys dangerous situations and i think deep down she is actually very similar to fang in that they're both thrill seekers. she's still far better at keeping a level head when things go wrong than he is though
buster and fang being opposites is also really cute, at least to me. opposites attract and all that. i also think buster's actually a lot smarter than the maisie release animation gives him credit for, especially considering he was able to customise a film projector from the theatre for his own personal use. writing this now though i think one thing they do have in common is they're both pussies lol. as much as i hate the willow release art where fang is in shelly's arms, i do like the idea of him being a total wimp, just because it directly contrasts against all his other personality traits. buster is also clearly easily spooked if you look at his release animations in the ghost station. but he still saves gus in that one animation and i think thats indicative of his bravery - he'll always do the right thing even if it scares the shit out of him. fang, uh... probably not as reliable for that lol
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tomatoswup · 1 year
Hello, cam I ask for something small for Vash and a reader who's a bit of a good marksman and knows their way around distance weapons? Theyre nothing crazy like his abilities, but they can make those trick shots of paper balls into garbage cans from across the room (and often do to impress him). Hope I'm not being too vague! Thank you!
A/N: shooting bullets??nahhh we shootin baskets☝️☝️☝️,,,somethin light-hearted for the faint of hearts hehehe thank you for the request anon😌 and i hope you enjoy!
"Are they gonna shoot?"
"Oh my god-"
"Please don't..."
A force of nature. You never really got use to being called that, after all you weren't really as good like him.
But with all the trouble that came along, what else could you do but keep shooting?
Keep yourself alive. After all, that rifle on your back carried you a long way, alongside the deserts that surrounded you, your grip on its trigger had practically etched itself into the wooden build of its own existence and with many other weapons you’ve held out in these plains.
Just one target.
And all you needed was accuracy, and a bulls-eye.
You kept your hand up, holding a careful stare on your target as the hot sun shined down on your head. The pocket watch hanging from your jacket sounded out its clicks at every second as you felt your feet slowly sink into the sand.
All you had to do was keep it steady...Steady now..
Unwavering from the whispers around you, you didn't dare move an inch until the wind stopped blowing. If you did, everything would've been for nothing.
And as if the world had heard, pleaded with you one more time, the wind died down to a stop, for just a moment,
Everything went still.
"Now." And with a flick of a hand, you felt the object fly from your grasp and right into the small bin that stood a bit away.
"AWWWW!!!" Groaned out a small fraction of the kids that were around you, the rest of them cheering at the perfect shot you made into the public garbage can.
"LOOKS LIKE CHAOS STRIKES AGAIN!" You comically laughed out, kids squealing around you as a little brown-haired boy jumped out infront of you "WE WON! NOW YOU NEED TO GIVE US BACK THE BALL OF JULAI!!"
You couldn't help but stifle your chuckles at the little feud of roleplaying the kids were doing. It's been a while since you've had some fun away from any trouble.
To be honest, it actually felt..refreshing!
"ENTERING THE ROBOT!!" The crowd of kids screamed as you glanced to the side when they scattered, eyes meeting orange sunglasses and ridiculous spiked hair.
Decided to join in on the shenanigans too huh?
Maybe the paper ball trick worked...
Oh get real, something like that would never work.
You let out a big sigh as Vash ridiculously made his way to your side, exaggeratedly stomping down on the ground "HERE TO SERVE!"
With a kid hanging off his shoulders, the group of older kids continued to taunt the younger ones with a red ball in hand.
"Ain't that something." You chuckled, watching on as Vash playfully saluted out right next to you before the kids detached themselves from him and ran around. Giving him a moment to drop the facade, Vash leaned down to your ear, shooting you a cheeky smile, different from the serious face he had on just a second ago.
"Nice shot!" He whispered to you, a hand cupping the side of his mouth.
Oh! He saw that?
You mimicked Vash's movement and also leaned over to whisper along "Oh pfftt that's nothing~" You waved shyly, letting out small laughs as you tried to ignore the setting blush of red on your face "It's just some paper that's all!"
"Well for just a piece of paper that bin was pretty far away!"
"Beginners luck I say...But.." You leaned in closer into Vash's face as you put gentle hand on his shoulder, making him wonder what else you were going to say, what you wanted to say.
"I can make two paper balls go in at the same time-"
"ARE YOU SERIOUS?" He whisper-yelled excitingly, momentarily looking back at the bin that you made your shot in.
Okay maybe you were going a little overboard...Nahh~
"AHEM!" Coughed out a small voice, making the both of you turn dramatically to see a small girl with braids looking up at the both of you.
"Which one of you knows how to breath fire?"
"Uhhhhh..." The two of you stared at her dumbfounded at the question before simultaneously pointing at each other at the first thought.
"They do." "He does."
Maybe you should try shooting more paper balls from now on...
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transgenderer · 6 months
i feel like wandering around in abandoned offices from the 70s was the best part of portal 2. i wish they would let me do that in real life. i PROMISE not to break anything. also let me know if that style is actually from the 70s and what its called i love that style of architecture i feel like everybody says it sucks and theyre wrong. BROWN AND ORANGE!
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bundle-of-glitter · 2 months
what is your favorite rock of your collection :0?
Ahh very difficult question 😭 i mean theyre in my collection because they're all my favourite after all...
Here's the entire thing btw!
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Disclaimer 1: somehow a moth managed to leave behind half it's wing at our home? Which is fourth from the left in the lowermost row, I did not harm it. I hope it was okay, tho it's probably long dead by now
Disclaimer 2: About the shells: uh, for the one at the top left corner,,, I mean i just couldn't resist it was perfectly chipped at the top to expose part of the iridescence and the lower portion had this fascinating exterior pattern, so for this once I decided to pick it(my apologies to any hermit crab that might have coveted it😔) (unfortunately some of the iridescence rubbed off in the bag while travelling TT.. but enough of it is still there) the small white ones were from a little stream, and the orange ones were broken pieces so I doubt they'd have been of any use to any other creature? Speaking of which
This one seems particularly old, and there seem to be little spiral imprints on it? I think they might be from little molluscs but idk(update: this might actually be a coral piece as well, based on the texture?)
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Also to give a little closer look at some of the rocks that may not be as clearly appreciated in the group photo:
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Here's one which I think quite resembles a cloudy sky!!! And if you were to turn it around-
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An icy mountain range! (it's not everyday you find a picture of a sky *and* a mountain range on a rock? Some of my friends think it resembles waves on a beach too! )
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These have particularly interesting patterns, a bit like the inside of a fish perhaps?
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This one has a little rainbow in it! I had to edit it tho since it wasn't very clear in the picture.
This one(third from right in the third row) is almost see-through! I found it at my college campus so I was sceptical about it being a piece of plastic or glass, but that seems unlikely based on the weight and less sharp edges🤔
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As for the others(which I didn't take individual pictures of because I thought they seem sufficiently visible? If you'd like to see pictures of them taken closely you can always ask!)
Most of the rocks are from the hill nearby(some of which I previously shared on here! They are often jagged and shiny and have gorgeous red staining from the soil!Some of the less jagged ones have a bluish tinge, which unfortunately looks more grey in photos)
The four rocks(two white and two yellow-brown ones!) near the top right corner are courtesy of my friend who got them for me from a trip!
There's three pieces of coral 🪸!! From my trip to andaman(where I got the big shell and the old orange one, and the smaller orange fragment next to the moth wing) There's the one shaped like a mermaid tail! And directly below it is an orange-ish piece, which was unusual since most pieces on the beach were bleached. And on the right of the mermaid tail is a piece that has rather interesting impressions on it(ig from the polyps themselves growing on it?)
Also next to the orange shell fragment there's a few small stones that i thought looked like canines (which I got near the same stream where I found the small white shells)
Ofc, the short answer would've been to just say all of them, but I hope you don't mind that I used the opportunity to introduce the entire collection and rant about it so much :)
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fandomstuckportal · 2 months
Stikbot Biology
((also, since people are always interested in my headcanons for them, a guide on stikbot biology. this is in an otg context largely!
we know that stikbots are somehow physically born from two parents. whatever this mechanism, their coloration, shell type, etc. are heavily determined by their parents.
i like to think that, similar to breeding games like flight rising, color is determined on a range, based on the shortest possible distance between two colors. if parent a is yellow, and parent b is blue, you can assume their kids will be yellow, green, or blue. if parent a is red and parent b is purple, their kids will be red, magenta, pink, fuchsia, violet, or purple.
this can also work to muddy colors. if parent a is orange and parent b is blue, their kids will be orange, brown, or blue.
lets look at this in canon!
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lance and clint are brothers. they're pretty easy given they're both blue and solid. their parents, we can assume, were identical to them- one parent was teal, the other parent was blue, and both were solids. unless you wanna go out one step further and say one parent was green and the other was blue.
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shift and jamie are siblings. we actually see what their whole family looks like, thankfully! whats interesting here is that shift is a solid, and jamie is a metallic.
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we know that their parents are identical to them. one is a lime green solid, and the other is a gold metallic. however, if they had other siblings, we could see yellow-green colors.
metallic, reasonably, would be a rarer shell type than solid, but itd be possible to have metallic kids since one parent is metallic.
lets apply this to pixel and striker!
pixel is a pink glitter, and striker is a bronze metallic. their kids would be metallic, glitter, or translucent, and be either pink, magenta, red, rust, orange, or bronze.
okay but what the fuuuuck am i on about this!! what is all this shell type stuff!
Body Coloration + Shell Types
color has always been a big focus to me with stikbots!
stikbots come in a few shell types: solid, transparent (no color), translucent, glitter, metallic, and glow.
solids are shiny, solid-colored bots with no metallic paint. metallics have this metallic paint. translucents are colored and see-through. transparents are colorless and see-through, often bunched in with translucents. glitters are colored, see-through bots with little pieces of glitter in them. glows have a weird see-through coat that looks a little misty sometimes, and they glow in the dark.
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like breeding games again, certain shell types are rarer than others. from most common to least, i imagine it runs like this:
metallics are almost exclusively metallic colors like bronze, silver, copper, gold, metallic blue, etc. translucents, glitters, and solids can be any color. translucents have no color at all. glows are typically teal, green, or white.
there are other combinations though, but they arent linked to shell types, and this is where our genetics are going to get a little funky.
Rare Combinations + Colors
these aren't shell types or colors by themselves, but rare genes.
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multicolors are pretty simple. they can occur in any shell type and are usually bi-colored bots. how do they work in our genetics? pretty simple, really. parent a is blue, and parent b is red. while their kids will normally be somewhere in the blue-purple-red range, their kid may ALSO be a mix of two colors, both red and blue.
tricolor multicolors can occur, but theyre exceedingly rare, and almost always mismatches. the one i have in the image above has a translucent body, but a solid head- a mismatch. theres another bot i found earlier that has a solid printed body, but a metallic head, also tricolor. these likely occur when a multicolor has a child, resulting in 3 colors being expressed. parent a is a red-blue translucent multicolor, parent b is a solid white- bam, tricolor mismatch.
why mismatches dont occur in bicolor (trust me, i looked!) can probably be assumed to be just a genetic incompatibility thing, where a tricolor mismatches just because theres so much color clash going on.
bicolors and tricolors, and especially mismatches, are probably something like chimeras. i imagine due to genetic weirdness, mismatches would have some health complications, but this is just me projecting since im disabled, oopsie!
okay, now the easier ones. melanism and albinism are simple enough, polar opposite conditions that affect pigmentation. to be fair, stikbots probably dont have melanin, but they sure have something.
melanistic bots are bots with dark colors and white faces. a melanistic bot must ALWAYS have a white face! that is how you know a bot is melanistic. they come in all sorts of shell types and colors, and they are the only ones to ever NOT be see-through when they are glitter. there are no melanistics that are visibly translucent, the melanism gene always making the shell solid.
albinism in stikbots comes in two varieties- eyes-affecting and cups-affecting. albino bots are ALWAYS white (solid/translucent/glitter) or silver (metallic), with red faces or red suction cups. the best example of albinism in bots is raptus (yes, i know he's custom painted, but let me have my fun), with those stark red eyes.
(this headcanon specifically pioneered by @anobodythatsall)
stikbot eyes are camera lense-esque in nature, with square "pupils". colored shutters act as eyelids, giving them a wide range of expression. these can be damaged and cracked like normal camera lenses. they can be repaired and replaced.
red eyes are a sign of albinism, while white are a sign of melanism.
like humans, stikbots with misshapen eyes, such as ultimate raptus, have a more difficult time seeing.
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stikbots have a stellar feat to be able to dodge things moving at supersonic speeds (bullets), and part of this can be contributed to their eyes. their little camera eyes can process the information so fast that they can swiftly dodge out of the way of bullets. this was developed for survival- stikbots are the #1 prey animal in their universe, after all!
seeing stikbot internals is pretty easy when we have things like translucents, but they arent completely accurate to canon (but we will talk about the things translucents let us know about stikbot biology). in lore terms, lets see whats going on under the hood.
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stikbots are, notably, full of gears. we see them from the chest a lot if not always, as of course, fuel cells are the primary currency outside the grid, and fuel cells are located in the chest. where the heart is, yknow.
i recently changed how i draw internals to reflect this a little.
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a load of gears would need to packed away somewhere in the chest, so i picture a sort of "ribcage" here. what is this area for? well, probably energy storage and arm movement. we dont see a lot of joints going on in stikbots, after all.
but why the fuel cell outside the chest, if people are tearing into stikbots to get fuel cells?
it looks baller
we see how easily stikbots are torn to shreds in otg. to get to a fuel cell, youre PROBAAAAABLY going to accident pierce the chest cavity too, where a fuckton of gears are stored.
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blood! stikbot blood is black, most definitely oil. this is stored in the chest cavity, "skull", hips, and probably some within the wires.
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as for hips, ive been thinking of this sort of like just your fucking hip bone. more gears, all for leg movement. it also corresponds to this plug in the lower torso:
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again, no joints on a stikbot.
but waaait what do i mean "no joints". i mean like, in the traditional sense. stikbots lack a skeletal structure.
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zing calls these "joints". i call them WIRES. theyre like massive nerves, sending signals to the rest of the body to move.
finally, da BRAIN
stikbots have these plugs in them where their bungee cords that make them move end, so they dont fray and fall apart. this one the head has always caught my eye, and i treat it as a skull of sorts.
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like a human brain, a stikbot's main computer would be located here. all their processing.
The Weird Shit
hey, remember when i said stikbots can dodge supersonic things? lets talk about that!
this is another thing @anobodythatsall pointed out to me when i was rewatching otg (his first watch). either bullets in otg are subsonic, or stikbots are capable of moving, briefly, at supersonic speeds.
we settled on the latter because it SOUNDS SO COOL.
they are actually worse at dodging things at subsonic speed. more often than not, we see stikbots in otg getting hit by things moving subsonic more than they get hit by bullets. this is probably the tradeoff of having evolved to dodge supersonic things.
so lets get poppy!
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pixel reflecting a bullet with excalibur is a good time to bring back that stikbot eyes are capable of sensing supersonic motion as it happens, their brains are capable of processing this data and reacting accordingly.
of course, to dodge or purposefully hit supersonic things, you need to be moving as fast or faster. this swing to hit this bullet is undoubtly a supersonic movement.
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same goes with striker deflecting these bullets. okay, this WAS where he had already noticed there were bullets involved (this is right after "no one told me there were live rounds"), so he couldve reasonably been prepared, but he just deflects them so fast.
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same scene, pixel deflects 4 shots in a row, alternating her arms she deflects with each time. this literally has to be supersonic movement or she is taking 4 bullets to the chest/face. look at how fucking fast shes going dude!!
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heres some projectile dodging.
a stikbot's supersonic movement is most likely a survival adaptation. theyre in a world where guns and similar weapons dominate.
these quick dodges and actions would cause a popping/snapping noise as stikbots briefly break the sound barrier.
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lance throwing shit at clint compliation
stikbots, for all their size and relative puniness compared to the rest of the species of the world, can sometimes be really physically strong. throwing heavy objects, tossing off heavier enemies, we see it a few times. this may be a supersonic movement thing, this may just be that some stikbots are really fucking beefy, this may be something else entirely.
we also see stikbots with heavy armor and extremely large, heavy weapons- even shift, who is kinda pathetic (sorry king), carries a load of really big guns around. maybe their suction cups provide something here...
speaking of!
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we know these are hands and they work identically. they can pull triggers, grab objects, toss things, do delicate mechanical work, just like human hands.
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so, of course, i draw these guys with claws. because claws are cool. their suction cup i draw in the palm of their hand. why keep it? extra grip strength, likely needing to pick up such heavy items.
@anobodythatsall interpreted this a while back as stikbots having something of "invisible" fingers, and the way they manipulated objects was by way of electromagnetism, their suction cups being electromagnets.
i kinda like the inbetween, mostly cause i just like drawing them with little claws. the palm suction cup acting as an electromagnet for grip strength, and the digits allowing for manipulation.
suction cups come in tons of colors, which is really cool, btw. i dont have an hc on this. i just think its need. maybe wrap it up into color genetics.
ummm thanks for coming to my ted talk??? feel free to use these headcanons wherever you want, or build upon them!
watch stikbot off the grid))
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freliasheir · 8 months
Milgram Apperance HCs!!
I thought these up while bored so!
Haruka - freckles!! he has a gap between his front teeth and one eye is a darker blue than the other. hes also really tall and lanky
Yuno - she has a few streaks of pink dyed into her hair and she has a tongue piercing (theres not much for her </3)
Futa - braces!! his hair isnt naturally orange and you can see his roots growing in (he has naturally dark brown hair) he has a couple tattoos, theyre mainly references to games. also top surgery scars because trans futa !!
Mu - shes has a shit ton of moles/beauty marks. she paints her nails a bunch and theyre almost always freshly painted. she also wears pretty natual makeup a lot of the time
Shidou - he has some streaks of black in his hair (hc that he just.went grey really early so hes. mostly grey but has some of his original hair color left) he also has bags under his eyes and a few scars on his hands
Mahiru - shes tanner and has lighter eyes (i also. dont have much for her </3) also chubby mahiru!!
Kazui - hes slightly tanner and has a bit more stubble. he has scars and has started going grey a little. also heterochomia (one eye is hazel while the other is blue)
Amane - i admittedly don't have anything for amane besides her having a bunch of freckles
Mikoto - he wears colored contacts. he actually has green eyes but prefered how the blue went w his outfits. he has a few scars here and there probably from like. something silly like accidentally not paying attention when cutting shit for dinner. also longer hair
Kotoko - she has a bunch of tattoos (her favorite is the giant wolf one on her back) she has snake bites and a septum piercing. basically just. has a shit ton of piercings in most places
These were just some fun quick things I thought up while bored
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patchesjam · 1 year
My MCC Video Rant, sorry its a bit long :)
So first off, the video itself is a bit crap. The first 2 mins are just introduction waffle, they then talk about a UI change for 2 mins. They’ve changed it from the typical mcc style to fit the mcci UI a bit more, to ‘improve viewer experience’. I personally don't like the change, for me it's a bit... busy. They then spend 3 of the remaining 5 mins mins advertising merch and mcci. Only about 1 min of the 8 min long video is about actual updates to mcc.
The actual updates, like the ones that actually matter and change the game are in the comments for some reason??
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This is all information that are actual updates, none of it hinted at all in the video but just commented below. 
Skybattle’s update is truly confusing. Let me explain, currently there a a few raw pvp games (battlebox, sb, sg) and they all prioritise something different, BB is teamwork in rapid environments, SB is kills and SG is survival. With the nerfing of SB kills it turns it into a hunting and killing game to a hiding game. It also creates ridiculous scenarious where, for example with past scores adjusted, someone with 10 kills can come 3rd (dream mcc24) and someone who dies 1st each round, with zero kills, gets 64 coins (ranboo mcc17) and someone who gets 5 kills comes 2nd behind someone with 2 kills (Krtzzy and 5up, mcc 20).
It also, crucially, completely nerfs the ability for surpise comebacks and popoffs - for example, Joel Smallishbeans, not exactly known for pvp but he had a very impressive run getting 5 kills in mcc19 and gets just 260 coins with this update. Instead of potentially getting lucky, or a good opportunity you now have to just try and survive to the end. 
Battlebox’s update is a little bit of a nothingburger, they are just adding blocks to all maps which, although probably a bit more fun and makes things interesting. They are also releasing new maps throughout the season - but no major overhaul. Not that it particularly needed one either. 
One thing to note is that they mention that the blocks will be ‘brown, not team coloured, so you won’t mistake them for concrete’. However, several contestants are colourblind.  
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In the game, it’d be extremely easy to mistake brown construction blocks, for both red and orange concrete. It probably wont end up effecting much at all - but when you can use the black colour, which is nearly universal it doesnt make any sense at all. I really hope it has a different texture or something because otherwise its just silly. 
Grid Runners changes is fine, probably pretty good change tbf. It does surprise me they havent announced new rooms, if there are no new rooms I’ll be dissapointed as I feel like theyre getting stale, but hopefully theyre leaving that as a surprise. 
However, I’m more pissed off at what they didnt announce. No mention of anything to do with Buildmart, which regardless of opinion, is one of the few games without big updates from S2. It’s also hated by 1/3 of the players and watchers so if they are focusing on improving player’s experiences surely this should be a focus? No mention of new GR rooms. No mention of SG scoring, which still wasn’t great from last season. No new games. No mention of new AR maps. No mention of Meltdown maps. No update to SOT. No mention of new maps for RSR. No PKT scoring update (desperately needed).
It’s just all a bit dissapointing, very few updates actaully talked about and released for the start of S3, where surely they should at least be hinted at. And instead, a nice 5 min long ad for their other products. 
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revenyance · 11 months
in my mind the floormasters have painted nails with their respective colors like you know like the vocaloids rio ranger's are orange sue miley's are red/yellow safalin's are green and midori's are dark green gashu doesn't get colored nails because i think he wouldn't want that . like ranger would say Hey guys we should all get colored nails And theyre like Hell yeah ! or wait more like Errm sure i guess And gashu is like Sigh ... No . but i dont know i think it would be funny if ranger forced him to paint his nails actually you know he would paint them brown right Also maple joins them because she sees midori with painted nails and is like Wow How Cute and paints hers but she would put so much effort i think she would have the cutest nails with like pancake and syrup decoration and stuff Maple nail artist real ? yes also meister can't paint his nails because of the bandages so he does not match colored nails What even is his respective color anyway Okay that's all
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exocynraku · 8 months
Who's the leader/deputy of Snakingclan :3 ?
OKAY i havent drawn either of them yet but i have some ideas!!!!!
leader guy: they’re super chill on the outside, the years of peace in snakingclan turning them from being sort of your average leader to a super lax guy you can get real with! like i said, theyre like this on the OUTSIDE. in secret, and what they have to suppress, they’re really quick to anger and upsetness, having to often be consoled in private by their mate. there aren’t a lot of issues snakingclan has, so it’s mostly little things, like missing a catch during a patrol or sudden bad weather. they have a good relationship with harker (loner group leader) and are nice when talking to him! design wise, i want them to be cream with lots of orange and red markings with a litttttle bit of brown!
deputy guy: i want deputy to act more like the Average cat in authority in wc, strict and gruff and a little scary, yknow? they’d never actually like, attack someone randomly but they are snappy with their words and insultingly honest with cats. when it comes to being nice, they speak more in harsh criticisms and teachings. it’s all for the best, helping cats out even if it makes them a little sad (theyre sort of inspired by one of my art teachers LOL)! theyyy have a Less good relationship with harker and the other loners, nervous of their presence. design wise i think i’ll make them silver and grey? not exactly sure yet!
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redleavesinthewind · 1 year
hi pigeon so im watching severance and thinking abt your red colour post again and I'm specifically watching the version someone cut together of just the outie scenes and then just the innie scenes. and I realised that there's colouring of different scenes even outside of the work place that fit ur theory for example marks house, being a lumon funded estate, is very modernist and in the interior is quite cold with mostly whites blues and blacks. but Devon and rickens house is super warm with dark browns and oranges and stuff, showing how theyre like. Opposite Worlds and the life of ricken and devon is so different and alien to life at lumon but also marks own haunted grief-filled life. but also in the very first episode Mark goes to the "dinner with no food" wearing a red sweater when everyone else is in very muted blues or greys which I think is interesting considering he's the most out of place in that group. so the colour theory extends to the outie life as well. AND one last thing, Irvings paintings of the elevator is to the reprogramming floor I think? I can't remember what it's called but it's interesting that that's the only thing he can remember from his innie worklife and also the painting has a distinctive little red light above the elevator door. and that's the place that Ms casey is sent when she's made a huge mistake and is being "dismissed" or something, and presumably Irving has also been sent there so it's something that happens to you when you're EXTREMELY deviant and the break room isn't enough to punish you.... and it's got a little red light as an arrow pointing downwards and idk I may be overthinking it of course but it's all so interesting to me I love this show. Sorry for the uber long ask lol
aaahh don’t apologise for the long ask, but yes all of this!!! i didn’t catch mark’s red sweater, but sooo true he is out of place. but also speaking of colours i don’t think i ever told you, and i didn’t make a post about it, but i actually gave every colour that’s prominent in the show a meaning! so we have red which is of course out of place, blue which is lumon/work (their keycards, mrs. corbel wears blue, also, as you said, mark’s house is blue and it’s provided to him by lumon), green is unity/family (i associate devon with green, the macrodata refinement floor is green, burt and irv in the plant room), white is secerance (the hallways on the severed floor), and then there’s orange and brown, which are the most interesting ones, cause i think they stand for both rebellion and subjugation, which are two opposites that go hand in hand. like, you have ms. casey’s room, which is very brown and green, and i think that’s because lumon tries to force everyone to feel at ease there, but it is mainly used as a subjugation technique. same with the paintings on the severed floor, they’re meant to manipulate/keep everyone subjugated, and they’re very brown, however the one depicting the coup also has orange elements which is where rebellion comes in. also, of course, ricken’s book is orange, and his and devon’s house is more warmly brown than ms. casey’s room. (all of this is just what i remember from my first time watching it, it could be off because it’s been a while)
now, it’s funny that you mentioned the reprogramming room, cause what i assigned with black is the unknown. irv doesn’t know why he has black paint under his fingernails and doesn’t know why there’s black ooze in his dreams, and no one knows what’s in the reprogramming room, but i had a very interesting conversation with a friend of mine (hiii tim @dykebonny we’re talking severance) who’s a big cosmic horror fan, who raised the theory that there’s something otherworldly behind that door. now, i know that’s going into theory territory and i don’t even know if i like it (it’s fun to play around with though) and that gives a whole new potential for the red light cause what is there that’s more out of place in the world than something that isn’t from this world. but like i said this is wild speculation but it’s fun to think about
anyway yeah i might actually make a proper post about all of this when i’m rewatching severance before s2 comes out, but yeah. the use of colour in this show is just fascinating
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wilzeez · 11 months
I LOVE your troll piece designs. I wanna read about them being space pirates and taking down the empress so bad. Or playing sburb bc they would break it so hard. Do you have any more troll piece headcanons?
IM SO GLAD YOU ASKED. I do have a few more designs!
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franky and robin! theyre adults, so franky has an adult title (The Cyborg!), but Robin does not, since she's been wanted by the empire since she was young. I think maybe later (this au's enies lobby equivalent or smthn) she might give herself one, but i havent decided what :3
franky has relatively weak natural psionics, and i think that in this au, instead of getting hit by a train, maybe it was a psionics-related accident.
i dont have any ideas for Chopper or Brook yet, given that they're less humanoid than everyone else. I have a few ideas for Jinbei but only vague concepts, since I haven't actually met him yet.
i also have some ace and vivi concepts though!
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ace is mutated bronze (hes a very light brassy-bronze color rather than orange/brown) and vivi is violet :3
u can see me fleshing out some of the world building around ace, lol. I'm mainly leaning towards this not being a sburb/sgrub au, just since i kind if want to follow the plot of one piece but in Alternian Space ^u^ i do have a few classpect hcs if you're interested, though.
ty for the ask <33
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excap1ng-rea1ity · 4 days
Moomin Valley script
(just a heads up, this script is very unstructured.)
my name is Oliver and i’m Snufkin’s person. in the winter we travel south where its warmer, to a place which is basically what i imagine aesthetic Europe to be, where we have a little log cottage in the middle of the forest by a lake.for the rest of the year we’re in moomin valley.i have my black fluffy hair and green eyes and i wear black pants and a dark blue jumper with stars on it like the one in coraline and black boots. i play the violin and guitar and ukulele while snuffkin plays about every instrument under the sun.
moomin mama treats me like a second son,moomin papa lends me books from time to time and i teach moomin about the world and the things i read in books. me and snufkin both accept that we need space and time alone, so we will often go and do separate things or one of us will go to the moomin’s house. we communicate, and we get by without any problems.
under snuffkin’s coat is just a green-brown sweater that’s really really soft and obviously, brown trousers
because we dont have phones or anything my script is just a notebook that no one can find. i can change it through writing or just thinking.
snufkin smells like pine needles and rain and firewood in a nice way. im more of a lavender and oranges boy.
me and snufkin are only like 17-20(aprox. no actual ages) moomin is like 10-11ish (so is snorkmaiden) and the moomin parents are around their late 30s/40s, little my is probably the same age as moomin,maybe a little younger. (none of the ages are pinpointed, i like to think we are all ageless beings but for convenience i thought i would try to think of some rough ones)
heights: snufkin:5’6 me: 5’5 (dont come at me i know i’m short ok) moomin mama: 5,2 moomin papa:5’4 moomin:5’0 little my:4’8 snorkmaiden: 4’11 (i gave them all normal heights instead of little my being like 2 feet tall and snufkin being only 4 feet tall because from my perspective it made more sense)
my hair and everything will always look right and i wont look tired or too pale or icky at any point
one time, we were on a walk along the cliffs together and an unexpected storm came in. it was raining and we were too far from our tent, so we rushed to the moomins’ house. because it was really cold i got a bit ill. we turned up pretty late on their doorstep all wet with me sneezing and shivering. moominmama sat us down and started warming up some soup and told moomin papa to set up 2 beds upstairs. we are given some blankets and soup and moomin mama roots around for some spare clothes. (we left some over just in case) and we get changed and go up to our room, they put up 2 twin beds but we end up pushing them together and falling asleep all tangled together.
moomin mama and moomin papa peek in and are all “oh look at them” “aww” at us. the next day our clothes have dried and we eat breakfast and then moomin comes down and sees we’re here and we have to explain our night to him, then after breakfast we look outside and it’s still too stormy to go home so moomin papa lends me a book and i sit on the couch while snuffkin goes to do something upstairs with moomin.
then around mid-afternoon the sky clears and we go back to our tent and its fine, we lie and cuddle and fall asleep again.
when theyre explaining that numbty’s aunt is mean and sarcastic one of them pipes up with “ but oliver says he’s sarcastic, and he’s nice” and the grown ups have to explain the difference between sarcastic humor and being mean and how i can be sarcastic in a way thats a joke, but some people only do it in a mean way. which can hurt peoples feelings.
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