#and they killed him on Christmas fucking Eve (day before for my timezone but because of that I essentially experienced him die twice)
overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
Drew him again
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Yes, two days in a row. I couldn't help it. There were so many things about my other drawings of him that bothered me so I wanted to give it another go. And I just...
I wanted to see him happy, ya know?
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before? Lots of different things! I had an Actual™ photoshoot :o, I celebrated my girlfriend’s dad’s birthday with their family, I touched an Adobe app and learned that I’m pretty decent at it, I had a tooth extraction, I did shisha and vape (and found out I liked them, giving me an identity crisis for a while HAHAHA), I had my internship, I was fined by a traffic officer, etc. I had lots of grownup stuff to face this year, and it was all fun.
2. Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I don’t make New Year’s resolutions... if I wanted to do something I’d plan them any time of the year. Plus making them at New Year’s just gives me a whole chunk of pressure, and I’d rather not live with that pressure.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth? I had a high school classmate give birth this year but I wasn’t close to her; Gabie was, though. Other than her, I don’t think there’s been anybody who had a kid in 2019.
4. Did anyone close to you die? Nacho. I still see him in everything, everyday.
5. What countries did you visit? Didn’t get to go out of the country this year. Hopefully that’ll change next year when I graduate!
6. What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019? I dunno, this year was already suuuuper hectic enough. I’d ask for more time to rest, but I’m literally graduating in 2020 and it will only get busier from there. The two things I’d ask for is to get to go to a different country again, and to have a road trip that isn’t going to Nasugbu for once (I’ve only had two long drives ever since I was allowed to have em, and both trips were to the same beach in Nasugbu).
7. What date from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Evening of September 28; it was when everybody was notified of Nacho’s passing. Toughest pill to swallow in my entire fucking life. My social media had never seemed so angry, so scared, so chaotic, so bleak, all at the same time. 8. What was your biggest achievement of the year? If we’re gonna be serious about ‘biggest,’ then probably not killing myself. Other than that, I was pretty proud of the way I handled and performed at my internship! I was never late to get to their ORTIGAS office (a tiny traffic hellhole in Metro Manila), I had a good relationship with everyone, and on my evaluations I saw that my supervisor wrote a lot of nice things :)
9. What was your biggest failure? I was a bad girlfriend on significant occasions. I also have two classes this sem in which my final grades are going to be held back because of supposed ‘deficiencies’ – but honestly I blame that on the prof because I think she held back final grades FROM EVERYONE ON ALL HER CLASSES this semester. Seriously, if you do that as a prof, don’t you think the problem is you and not us? I won’t call it a failure on my end, but I am pissed about it and needed a space to vent.
Another failure would be never getting to take out Gab’s mom out on a date. I already took her dad to an MMA pay-per-view and we had a lot of fun, but have never been able to do the same for her mom just yet. I really need to step up next year.
10. Did you suffer illness or injury? I had a bad slip in school early this year and I sprained my ankle. There was also one day I felt bad enough to have to skip class but it never became a full-blown fever, so I don’t know what that was.
11. What was the best thing you bought? I bought tooooooons of new tops this year and totally upgraded my wardrobe, so I was really happy about that. The other is a day pass to a beach resort in Nasugbu that I went to with Gab, Angela, and Sofie.
12. Where did most of your money go? Food to keep myself in school. That and gas.
13. What did you get really, really, really excited about? Lots of things...I mean 2019 was a long-ass year. There was turning into a senior, doing my internship, getting invited to Gabie’s dad’s birthday dinner, going to my first few events to get me accustomed to the PR world, seeing my senior friends graduate college, I also went back to the National Museum this year so that was great, the aforementioned Nasugbu trip, etc etc blahblah.
14. What song will always remind you of 2019? Wonderwall by Oasis or Buwan by Juan Karlos, both because of Nacho. 15. Compared to this time last year, are you: Happier or sadder? Older or wiser? Thinner or fatter? Richer or poorer? (I don’t earn money yet, lol)
16. What do you wish you’d done more of? Seeing Angela. I probably saw her a grand total of 10 times this year, which is pretty fucking tragic.
17. What do you wish you’d done less of? [trigger warning: self-harm] Hurting myself. It’s been a while since I’ve seen my skin clean for a full year.
18. How did you spend Christmas? We will be spending Christmas Eve with one of my grand-aunts’ family. My mom is very close with her cousins on that side plus family from Vietnam is also coming over, so a get-together is certainly happening. On Christmas Day, we’d be spending the day with my mom’s sister-in-law’s family. They have a giant house and host the best party games which is why we like hanging out there. We’d spend the day with ALL of these people, but my grand-aunt and my tita (mom’s sister-in-law) have some weird friction going on so they can’t ever be in the same gathering lmfao.
19. What was your favorite TV program? I resurrected my love for Breaking Bad mostly because El Camino came out this year, but I definitely watched Friends the most. I have it on autoplay on Netflix 12-14 hours at a time these days because Netflix is taking it out on the 31st.
22. Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year? Yes, the aforementioned professor who gave me two Incomplete marks this semester. Last year, she was just my enlistment adviser; now she’s a witch who is keeping me from having a decent Christmas.
I also stopped talking to my younger brother around February or March after he slapped me in the face, so there’s that. No plans to forgive him or talk to him any time soon whatsoever.
23. What was the best book you read? I didn’t read a lot this year :( 2019 was all about readings for my classes.
24. What was your greatest musical discovery? THE JAPANESE HOUSE. Without a shadow of a doubt.
25. What did you want and get? My dog living another year, my relationship still healthy and intact, good grades, my teeth finally treated hahaha, new members in my org!
26. What did you want and not get? Courage on my end to go to a therapist or psychiatrist. More travel.
27. What was your favorite film of this year? Portrait of a Lady on Fire will easily take the cake. That was just breathtaking.
28. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I spent it internally disappointed in Gab for not making it. Outwardly, my mom took us out for sushi (my request) for lunch, then we went home and in the evening, Angela and I went to Feliz so we can have Yabu for dinner then played at Timezone until the mall closed. Not a birthday I want to remember but Angela went above and beyond to give me a good time, and that I’ll always appreciate.
29. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? More opportunities and time to travel. I mean we did go out of town a lot, but I just can’t get enough of travelling to different places.
30. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019? Chic with a hint of haggard.
31. What kept you sane? My dog, my orgmates, my best friends, and good food.
32. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Kristen Stewart.
33. What issue stirred you the most? Duterte as a person is just one big fucking issue that riles everybody up in this country. I’m just waiting for him to die.
34. Who did you miss? Nacho.
35. Who was the best new person you met? My social history professor, Ma’am Luisa. I had always wanted to take a class that she handled, and she went above and beyond my expectations. I’m taking another class of hers next sem – history of women in the Philippines – so that ought to be fun. :)
36. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019: Call-out culture is bullshit. I haven’t done it much since Nacho passed, but I wish it did not take me this long to realize how bad of a strategy it is. 
People who mourned him went back to their old habits soon enough and are again publicly shaming people whenever they make a misstep on social media, and it’s embarrassing and infuriating.
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hairringtonsteve · 6 years
two ships passing in the night, part iii.
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(billy hargrove x reader)
summary: all in all, it’s not the awkwardest christmas eve ever, but it’s up there. really up there. complete with a threatening billy and annoyed steve!
request: a ton of people. like, a ton of people.
word count: 5, 824
a/n: Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, and Merry Sunday if you don’t! Or Monday, depending on your timezone. This is it, the final installment of the series that I didn’t mean to become a series. brief mentions of abuse.
part i. part ii. 
Before you’d gotten close with the Party, Christmas Eve had meant some family time at your aunt’s house, watching as your cousins made racist remarks and drank too much.
Now, though, things were different. Christmas Eve meant everyone heading to your house to have a holiday themed DnD session, starting early in the afternoon and lasting until it was finished (or until everyone had to go home).
This year, though, things were different. Very, very different.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Dustin spat out, staring at you. It was Christmas Eve Eve, and the entire lot of them were gathered in your living room, save for Steve, who’d gotten stuck with the night shift at the station since he’d lost his badge yet again.
“Language,” you murmured, your focus more on picking at the stray strings coming up from the pillow than the group of teens staring at you.
“Lan- Come on, Y/N! What are you thinking? He’s a criminal, he went to jail!” Mike said. Most of the group agreed, save for Max and El.
“They let him out.” Max waved her hands in the air as she spoke, giving Mike the glare that was reserved solely for him. “He’s trying, guys. He’s still a dick, but he’s trying,” she continued. Lucas offered her a faint smile, but it faded as Dustin spoke up once more.
“Are we forgetting that he attacked a member of our party, and beat the ever-living shit out of Steve?” Flashes of Steve’s face, battered and bloody, drifted through your mind. Your stomach clenched at the thought. It had happened, and you weren’t going to make excuses for that. But he was different, you knew that.
“Does Steve even know that you invited him?” Will asked, settling beside you on the couch. You let out a sigh, allowing yourself to look at everyone before ducking your head.
“I’m going to tell him. He’s just… He’s Steve. He’s upset enough with me for even talking to him.” You could feel Max’s gaze boring into you, and you wondered if Billy had said anything to her about that night. It had been a week since then, and the only time you’d seen him was in the grocery store two days ago. He’d followed you around the store, smiling faintly the entire time. The only thing that he’d even brought up about that night had been making sure that you were serious about him being there for Christmas.
“At least you didn’t do anything really stupid, like make out with the guy,” Mike muttered, shaking his head as he headed off into the kitchen. You could feel yourself heating up, starting with your neck, the redness creeping up to your cheeks and then your ears.
“You’ve got to be shitting me!” Dustin yelled. He threw his hands in the air, staring wide-eyed at you. “Did you really make out with him?” There was a hysterical note to his voice and it made your stomach sink.
“Dustin, that’s none of your-”
“You’re - you’re whoring yourself out to the enemy!”
“I am not whoring myself out to the enemy! I’m not whoring myself out to anyone! I’m an adult! I can choose who I consensually make out with, dumbass. And how many girls have you made out with, Henderson? You don’t hear me bitching to you about them.”
“That’s because none of them beat the shit out of my dad!”
“I hurt Lucas and you forgave me.” El’s voice chimed in, her softness contrasting the frustration that was emanating from Dustin. The young Henderson grew quiet as he glanced over to her, his shoulders deflating.
“That was different, El. Mike and Lucas had been fighting and you -”
“And Neil was beating the shit outta Billy at the time. That doesn’t make it right, but it makes sense of some stuff. Neil beat Billy that night because I snuck out. If I hadn’t snuck out, he wouldn’t have gotten hit and he wouldn’t have gone after Lucas or Steve,” Max said. Her words were coming out slow and sure. “But if you hadn’t kept Dart and let him grow bigger, then I wouldn’t have had to sneak out and on and on and on.” She tilted her head, fixing Dustin with a frown. “Do you get what I’m saying?”
Mike was leaning against the doorway, a mug of hot chocolate held in his hands as he watched everyone else. El glanced over to him, watching as he gave her a small nod of his head.
“I mean, I-” Dustin started, only to be interrupted by El.
“He’s coming to Christmas, then.”
You’d been avoiding your phone all morning. It was easier to work at getting your family out of the house than it was to answer the phone and listen to Steve screech at you for just thrusting Billy Hargrove upon him.
Apparently, one of the little shits had blabbed and ruined your perfectly good plan of having Billy show up at the door and deal with the two of them then.
Around eleven, the house was quiet. Your parents had vacated to head to your aunt’s, while your older siblings had gone to hang out with some old high school friends. There wasn’t really much to do since your mom had gone on a full cleaning spree the day before, claiming that the house needed to be in pristine condition for Santa.
By noon the party had arrived and settled in, clearing your dining room table off so they could set up everything. Steve had taken to pacing in the kitchen, alternating between glaring at you and shoving cookies into his mouth.
“You better watch it, Harrington. One more cookie and you’re really going to nail that stereotypical cop look,” you said, smirking at him.
“Why don’t you worry about your boyfriend’s body, hm? He probably needs to work his ass off to keep in shape,” he muttered through a mouth full of sugar cookie.
“He’s not my boyfriend and you know that.”
“That’s not what Dustin says.”
“Dustin also said that I was whoring myself out to him. Are you really going to trust him?”
“He what? Jesus - Dustin! What’d we talk about, huh? Stop using the word whoring. You sound like an asshole.” Your heart warmed at the sight of Steve’s scowl. It was nice to know that despite his annoyance with you, he was still sticking up for you. His expression softened a little as he glanced over to you, only to harden at the knocking on the door.
You gave a cursory glance over the kitchen and dining room. Max and Lucas were leaning against each other, watching as Mike and Dustin bickered over the tabletop setup. El was reheating some pizza as Will told her some cheesy joke, and Steve was… Not there.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, darting towards the front door. You were too late, though. Steve was opening the door, shoulders squared off like he was about to hit someone. Billy chuckled, a low sound that traveled straight down your spine. It took you back to the other night, the two of you cuddled up on the couch, him chuckling against your skin.
“Well, if it isn’t King Steve. You mind stepping aside?” The venom that had once permeated a younger Billy’s voice was gone, but the annoyance was still there, loud and clear. Steve didn’t move an inch. “Look, man, Y/N invited me over and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want either of us being dicks, yeah? So just move.”
“Make me, dipshit.” You couldn’t tell exactly what Billy’s reaction to that was, but he stepped forward, filling the doorframe, and that’s when you butted in.
“Hey, Billy!” You said, your voice bright as you stepped forward, laying a hand on Steve’s chest and giving him a gentle push. “Thanks for coming over.” You didn’t miss the way that Billy’s gaze lingered on your hand.
“Oh, uh, no problem. Thanks, for uh, inviting me,” he said, his voice softening considerably as he finally looked down at you.
“You ready for some DnD?”
“I actually have no idea how to play.”
“Don’t worry about it. If Steve could figure it out, so can you.” Steve let out a snort behind you, mumbling something under his breath that you didn’t catch. You heard his footsteps retreat, and suddenly it was just you and Billy. “You gonna close the front door?”
“Oh, shit, yeah,” he said, stepping inside so he could close the door. It was quiet as it clicked into place. He looked down at you, his lips pressed together into a small smile. “So, I got you something for Christmas. It’s nothing big, but I just… Yeah.”
“Billy, you didn’t have to get me anything.”
“I know, but I wanted to.” The words hung in the air, eventually settling deep in your stomach. He reached into the pocket of his leather jacket, pulling out a small box with a bow on it. “You said in the grocery store the other day that coffee kept you up at night. I, uh, I thought that this might help out if I ever come over for coffee again.” He held out your favorite kind of tea, a nervous sort of grin on your face.
“When you come over for coffee again,” you corrected, fingers brushing against his as you took it from him. “How’d you know that this was my favorite?”
“That night at the diner, you were complaining about all the crap kinds of tea. You said this kind, though, was the good kind.” His cheeks were a little red at the admission, and you were determined to burn that image into your memory.
“Thanks, Billy.” You glanced behind you, making sure that no one was in view before rolling up to the tips of your toes and pressing a kiss to his cheek. When you pulled away, the redness had increased. “Come on, man. We’ve got some…” You faltered, trying to remember just what Mike had said the campaign was about. “Some weird monsters to kill.”
You led him into the kitchen, trying to ignore the way that everyone fell silent as Billy stepped into the room.
“Hey, loser,” Max called, offering him a faint smile. Billy returned it for a moment, looking away within seconds. Max made sure to glare at every single member of the party when Billy looked away, giving them a sort of silent warning.
“So, what’s the plan?”
“I’ve told you like, twelve times, Y/N. There’s a cult in the forest near town that are kidnapping people, and it’s up to you guys to stop them.”
“A cult? I thought that Dungeons and Dragons was all monster fighting. Like, those, uh, what were they?” Billy thought for a moment, wracking his brain as he tried to come up with the answer. “Some guys back in California played, and they fought - they fought demogorgons! That’s what it was.”
Everyone in the room froze. Billy looked around, furrowing his brow at everyone. His gaze rested on you, leaning forward a little in question.
“We, uh, we don’t fight demogorgons anymore. Dustin got so freaked out during a campaign once because of them that he cried a little,” Lucas said, his words practically tumbling over themselves.
“I did not!” Dustin yelled, and just like that, they were back to bickering and sniping at each other. You caught Billy’s eye and nodded towards the table. It was a little crowded. The dining room table was big enough, but still, everyone was just about shoulder to shoulder. Somehow, Billy ended up between you and Will.
“Do you know how to play?” Will asked. His voice was quiet as he looked to Billy. There wasn’t any animosity in the teen’s face, not like how Dustin was looking at him. Instead, Will was looking at Billy like he was just another friend sitting at the table.
“Uh, no, I don’t.”
“Okay, cool. It’s pretty easy, you’ll get the hang of it.”
Unsurprisingly, Billy didn’t get the hang of it. Not that you blamed him in the slightest. It had taken you ages to figure out what was going, and they’d dumbed it down for you a lot. For Billy, though, not so much. It had started out easy enough, everyone creating their characters and Mike writing down all of the details in his notebook. Getting into the semantics of the campaign, however, turned into another beast entirely.
“This goblin is shooting at your rogue with his bow. The range is 70 feet which is further than short range for a short bow so he makes the shot with disadvantage so I will roll 2 dice and take the worst.” Mike rolled the dice as Billy stared on, his eyes glazed over. “A 7 and a 16 so we take the 7. The goblin's attack bonus is +4 so the 7 becomes an 11. Your armour class here is 14 so that is a miss,” he continued. Billy looked to you, almost desperate. You bit back a laugh. “The arrow falls short hitting the ground at your feet. If you had been closer, it would have hit you in the chest because 16+4 is 20 which is more than your AC. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
Billy jerked his gaze away from you and to Mike, who was watching him expectantly.
“I have no idea what you’re saying. At all,” he said, frowning as he settled back into his seat. Everyone let out a groan of frustration. This had been the fifth time Mike was explaining it to Billy.
“How’d you even graduate high school?” Dustin questioned through a chewed up chocolate chip cookie.
“I didn’t, remember? Bailed before graduation,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders. There was a little tension there, coming from the way his back had stiffened. You kept your hand under the table, reaching over to his and giving it a faint squeeze. He glanced over to you out of the corner of his eye.
Everyone else was looking at each other, scrambling for something to say.
“You didn’t miss much, man. Steve wouldn’t even streak across the football field during the ceremony,” Lucas eventually said. You caught the soft look he offered Max, and the grateful smile that she gave in return.
“No, you don't get to complain about that. I never agreed to that hairbrained idea, Sinclair.” Steve was jabbing his finger in Lucas’s direction to make a point.
“You should've, though! It would have been awesome,” Dustin grinned.
“Yeah, and if I would've done that, Hopper never would've let me on the force.”
“You're a cop?” There was a hint of incredulity in Billy's voice as he cocked a brow at Steve. The two of them stared at each other, silent and a hint of a glare on Steve's part.
“Yeah. I've got a badge and everything.”
“Huh,” was all Billy said, more of a hum than anything else.
“You surprised?” Steve was sitting back in his seat, arms crossed against his chest as he watched Billy carefully. You couldn't help but think back to that night a few years ago, Steve with his hands on his hips, the last defense against a pissed off Billy.
“Honestly? Not at all. You seem like you'd be the only competent cop on the force aside from Hopper. Everyone else is shit, if I remember right.”
Steve blinked at Billy, his eyes flickering between the two of you. Sure, Billy's words had come out as easy as pulling teeth, and he'd muttered the word competent, but a compliment was still a compliment.
Dustin was watching the two closely, as though he was trying to figure out just what was going on. While all of the teens were protective of Steve, Dustin would probably kill for him.
“Oh, they're shit. They couldn't even arrest your speeding ass,” Steve said, allowing himself the smallest of smirks. It was tight and awkward and looked a little painful to you, but it was there. He was trying.
“Can those old cruisers even get up to that speed, or do you guys just hope for the best?”
“I don't know. We did get a new vehicle, though, if you want to try it out. You go break a law, and we'll see how long it takes to arrest you.”
“No thanks, man. I've done enough jail time in my life.”
Steve blanched at his words. He grimaced, opening and closing his mouth as he looked to you, helpless.
“Hey, man, I didn't mean to-”
“Don't worry about it, Harrington. That's not the worst thing anyone's ever said to me.”
It grew quiet, everyone looking at each other. It’s not like there was an easy way to transition from jail to a lighter topic. You’d forgotten that your hand was still on Billy’s and your knee bumped the table as he twisted his hand around to intertwine his fingers with yours. He gave your hand a tight, brief squeeze before letting go.
“Y/N, these cookies are really good. Who baked them?” Dustin asked, giving you a wide grin. The boy wasn’t always the best at switching the conversation subtly, but it worked, mainly because Mike rolled his eyes and let out a groan.
“You did, Dustin. You baked them. Like you keep reminding us every single time you eat one,” the dark haired boy complained, scowling.
“That’s because they’re delicious, Mike. They’re perfect.”
The game went on for awhile after that, everyone slowly getting in on what was happening. Billy still wasn’t up to speed on what to do, but what he lacked in understanding, he made up for in enthusiasm. You had a feeling that Dungeons and Dragons was never going to be his thing, but he kept looking over to Max, as though he were searching for some sort of approval from her. Most of the time she’d just grin at him before turning back to Lucas or whoever had been talking, but sometimes she’d give him this small smile, something that was warm and welcoming and made your heart soar a little.
Max had always wanted someone that was there for her. You could remember it clearly, the summer after your graduation when Max had popped over and what had started out as a simple girls’ night ended up in her pouring her heart out to you. She’d just wanted a brother, someone to stick up for her and take care of her and be there for her.
It had taken them both some time, but you could see it; the little spark of a chance that this could actually work, that Max might actually get a brother, and not someone who was just a flaming dick.
Before you knew it, the entire afternoon had passed and everyone was starting to get a little restless. Steve had been the first to suggest starting on dinner, and everyone else had jumped at the chance to not sit at the table for a moment longer. You headed into the kitchen, stopping only when you realized that Billy wasn’t behind you.
“You coming, or what?”
He was lingering at the table, fiddling with one of the unused figurines that Mike had had laying out. He glanced over to you, a faint smile on his face.
“I think I’m gonna head out, actually.”
You ignored the way your heart dropped at his words.
“You sure? We’re going to keep playing after we eat.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I just - you guys should have your Christmas time. I don’t wanna intrude, or anything.”
“Billy, you’re not intruding, trust me. You’re doing anything but that. You made Dustin spit out his soda all over Mike with that Star Wars comment. You’re practically one of us now.” It was endearing, the way Billy ducked his head as you spoke.
“Thanks, but I do think I’m going to head out. I’m kinda tired.” You watched him for a moment longer, searching your brain for anything that would get him to stay. You really didn’t want him to be alone for Christmas Eve, not when he could stay and hang out. There was still a tinge of awkwardness between him and the Party, but they’d laughed together.
Then again, there could only be so much progress made in a day.
“Okay,” is what you settled on, your shoulders lifting up and down in a small shrug. You headed towards your hall closet and started to search through it for a hat and gloves.
“What are you doing?” He asked, his voice coming a little closer than you’d expected. You grabbed a black hat and matching gloves before turning around, and holding them out victoriously.
“Getting my stuff on so I can walk you home.”
“Y/N, c’mon, you’re not walking me home. I’m perfectly capable of walking home myself. You’ve got guests here.”
“They practically live here, they’re not guests. And I can’t let you walk home alone. You could get hurt, princess.” Your heart dipped in your chest as he stepped closer, his head leaning down just so that way you were nose to nose.
“Princess?” His voice was lower than what should have been legal. You glanced to your left, and then to your right, wanting to be absolutely positive that no one was around to see the two of you. When you were sure that it was clear, you leaned forward just a little and pressed your lips against his. It was chaste and close-mouthed, but your heart was still pounding in your ears. You pulled away after just a second, but it was enough to have him staring at you, a small smirk playing on his lips.
“Yeah, princess. Someone’s gotta look out for you.” The smirk transformed right in front of your eyes, turning into a look of almost… awe? You didn’t want to think about that, or why he was so surprised by your simple words. You really didn’t want to think about how the number of people that had actually looked out for him during his life could be counted on one hand. You headed into the kitchen to grab your coat, locking eyes with Steve, who was stirring something in a pot.
“Where are you headed off to?” Your best friend gave you a knowing look as he nodded pointedly towards the hallway.
“I’m walking him back to his place. He’s heading out.” Steve’s expression wavered.
“He’s - Did I say something wrong? I know that I don’t like the guy, but you like him and Max is wanting to - Should I apologize? Was my comment about his mullet too far?” He fretted, his teeth worrying at his lower lip. You let out a soft laugh and shook your head as you looped your arm through your coat sleeve.
“Steve, it’s fine. I think it’s just a little overwhelming, everyone here,” you said, taking care to keep your voice soft. “I’ll be back in a bit, okay? Don’t burn my house down.”
“When have I ever almost burned your house down?”
“Last week, making cookies. I saw flames.”
“Little flames, Y/N! Little flames!” You let out a loud laugh, rolling your eyes as you slid your other arm into the sleeve. You glanced behind you. Billy was leaning against the doorway, his back to you as he watched the Party laughing about something in the living room. “You ready to head out?” He jumped and turned around to meet your gaze, sheepish.
“Ready when you are.”
The two of you made it halfway to the front door when the Party noticed just what was going on.
“Where are you two going?” Will asked, a sly grin on his face.
“I’m walking Billy home, and then coming back here. Relax.”
“Y/N, before you leave, can you come over here and fix your VCR? I think Mike broke it,” Lucas said, causing you to groan.
“Are you kidding me? You little - Mike! What the fuck, man?” You cried out as you got closer to the pile of cords and tapes. Lucas and Mike looked over to Dustin, who gave them a curt nod. The young Henderson got up and sidled over to Billy, who was looking down at him, confusion written all over his face.
“Can I help you?”
“Look, I get that you’re on this road of self discovery and bettering yourself, and that’s great, man,” Dustin said, keeping his voice down. He glanced over to you, making sure that Mike and Lucas were keeping you plenty busy before turning back to Billy. “I respect that, I do. But just a heads up, if you hurt Y/N or Max, you’re going to worry about a hell of a lot more than just a nail bat to your dick, got it?”
“I’m not planning on hurting either of them, Henderson.”
“I know you’re not. Because if you were, we’d be having an entirely different conversation.” He took in a deep breath, waiting a couple of seconds to exhale as he gathered his thoughts. “I get that you want to build those bridges back up again, but if you’re going to, you gotta commit. Don’t just have this be a three week thing and then you fuck off to California and leave them in the dust. I love Max and I love Y/N and they’re happiness is important. So don’t be stupid, Harrington.” He muttered the final sentence, his voice dark as he spoke. His entire countenance lightened up the second you turned back to them.
“What are you two talking about?”
“Billy here wanted to know what makes my chocolate chip cookies so perfect, so I was giving him the recipe. Remember, cream cheese is the key, man.” Billy just nodded his head, eyes wide and head moving slow at his words. Dustin clapped him on the shoulder, shooting you a cheesy grin as he headed back to Mike and Lucas.
“How much did he threaten you?”
“Alot. He cares about you and Max, though, so I don’t mind it.”
All you could do was smile and shake your head as you headed to the front door. The cold air bit at your skin, causing you to wince as you stepped down your porch steps. You shoved the hat on your head, gloves following fast as Billy shut the door behind him.
The walk started out quiet, the two of you walking beside one another on the sidewalk. Snow flurries drifted through the air, little white dots against the darkness that surrounded you. The streetlights gave everything a hazy, orange glow. Occasionally, a house would have their lights up, and Christmas trees shone through most windows.
“I get why you did it,” Billy mused, startling you out of your thoughts.
“Did what?”
“Went for a walk that night we grabbed coffee at the diner. It’s pretty, at night. And it’s quiet.” You let out a hum of agreement, your shoulder brushing against his. You didn’t sway away, though, and it took Billy only a second to get the hint. He took your hand easily, interlocking your fingers. Your hands swayed back and forth as you walked.
“Is it going to kill the mood if I say that this was the nicest Christmas Eve I’ve had in years?”  He asked, glancing down at you. You looked up at him, noting the anxiety that was darkening his eyes. They were narrowed a little, like he was nervous to admit it.
“No. It’s the nicest that I’ve had in awhile too.”
“Yeah. Max looked happier than I’ve seen her in a long time.” The grin that came onto Billy’s face happened so fast that you could tell it was unexpected. You mirrored it, squeezing his hand nice and tight.
You hadn’t realized how close his little apartment was to your house, but it felt like it had been no time before you got there. At some point, you’d shuffled closer to Billy, and had ended up with his arm around your shoulders, effectively tucking you into his side. It was nice like this. You appreciated his warmth, and how it felt right.
You also appreciated how firm he was, but that was a given.
He stalled as you approached the building, coming to a full stop on the sidewalk out front. You went to pull away, but he held you tight, so you opted for looking up at him instead.
“You’re not inviting me up?”
“I’m pretty sure that the kids would have my head if I kept you away from them any longer than necessary,” he said, huffing out a laugh. The air went white for a moment, steam showing up for a moment then disappearing into the night air.
“They can wait a couple more minutes,” you murmured, your gaze dropping to his lips. It had been hard to think of other things when the ghost of kiss had been running through your mind for a week. “You know, it’s kind of rude to just kiss a girl and then not call her.”
“I don’t have your number.”
“You know where I live, though.” He grew a little more serious, his fingers tightening around your shoulder.
“I know, I just…” He looked at you as though he was waiting for you to butt in, to say that it was alright. But you didn’t. “I don’t know what’s going to happen after this, after my lease is up and I leave. I don’t want to - I’m still a dick, Y/N. I don’t want to get your hopes up that I’ve changed a whole lot and then crush them. I’m shit at staying in touch. I'm shit - at everything. But I like you, and I don’t wanna hurt you.”
The words were quiet in the cold air. It was quiet all around you, the snow on the ground muting the little sounds that were usually there. Instead, everything was white and quiet. It felt like it was just the two of you on the whole planet.
“Billy, it’s fine. I get it. We’re friends, okay? Let’s just go from there, and see what happens.” He got that same expression on his face from earlier, when she’d said that someone had to look out for him. This time, it was difficult to push those thoughts away.
“Why are you so understanding?”
“It’s because I’m a great person,” you said, grinning up at him. Your words succeeded in their job, and he laughed. After a couple of seconds, he grew somber.
“You are a great person.”
“So are you, Hargrove.”
The two of you stared at one another, the snow whirling around you in a silent dance. You leaned up, resting a hand on his chest as you kissed his cheek. A hand fell to your waist, holding you in place as he turned his head just enough, lips replacing his cheek. You kissed each other, soft and slow. Your hand rested against his shoulder, thumb brushing against his jacket as he pulled you in closer.
It could only go on for so long, though. He pulled away after letting it go on awhile longer.
“Friends?” You were embarrassed by how much your voice shook on that single word, and how your hand was gripping his shoulder tighter than you should have. But his hands were still on your waist, holding you against him while neither of you moved.
“Friends.” There was some satisfaction to be gained in the fact that his voice shook too.
“So, uh, come over tomorrow night? We could watch a movie or something after the whole Christmas thing dies down?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. I can get your number then, too.”
The flowers were starting to poke their way out of the thawing ground. There wasn’t green on the trees just yet, but it was a start. Considering the fact that it was Spring Break, you’d take just about any signs of warmth and summer that you could get.
The phone rang, a shrill sound coming from the hallway. You glanced at the clock on your dresser and grinned.
“I’ve got it!” You yelled, running out of your room and skidding to a stop when you reached the phone hanging on the wall. You picked it up and put it to your ear, fighting off the grin despite the fact that he wouldn’t see it.
“Roadkill Cafe, you kill’em, we grill’em. How may I help you?”
“You have the dumbest sense of humor on earth, you know that?”
“You don’t get a say, you have terrible judgement. You once thought a mullet was hot.”
“It was hot. Everyone in Hawkins thought so.” He paused. “Even Mrs. Wheeler.” You grimaced at the thought.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure that Steve didn’t think it was hot. Or me.” You waited for a moment, listening to make sure that your mother wasn’t within hearing distance. “Your ass wasn’t too bad, though.” Billy snorted into the receiver, and you could hear a dull thunk in the background. His head had probably hit the wall.
“Y/N!” Your mother snapped, her head poking out from the kitchen. “Don’t be crude.” That launched an actual laugh from Billy. You had to bite down on your lip hard to keep from laughing until she stepped into the living room.
This had been going on ever since he’d left Hawkins. He’d even called you at school, a set time each night where you’d linger out near the phone bank that was in your dorms common room, leaning against the wall amongst the other girls who were most likely talking to their significant others.
The two of you weren’t there yet. But you felt like you were inching close to it every day.
“So you’re coming to Hawkins for summer, then?”
“Yeah. I should be there by the first week of June, I’m thinking? Max is wanting me to get there earlier, but my therapist hasn’t found somebody out there for me yet, and recommended that I wait ‘til I can be sure.” You smiled as he spoke. He and Max didn’t talk as much as the two of you did, but it was at least a couple of times a week. Billy would go on and on about what they’d talk about, and all the cool stuff she was learning, like you and Max didn’t have weekly phone conversations. You didn’t mind, though. Billy gushing about anything was a treat.
“I can’t wait.”
“Same here.”
If you closed your eyes, you could imagine his small smile, the way the corners of his eyes would crinkle a little as he grinned down at you. You could practically feel the warmth that just radiated off of him whenever you were around.The way he’d laugh and get a little annoyed by the nickname you’d given him.
“So, princess, tell me about your week.”
taglist: @jems8241 @fearwill @getfit-havefun @whatslifereallyabout @harringtonhuddle @nicospaten @selenedarkbloom @samuel-maurice455 @lilo-1398 @thevortexclubposse @laurennicole1313 @ambeazyyy @myblackwings5 @morgandakotaq @rivedale @laterg8r @buckybass @airforcecollins @superanonymousreader @alwaysmebeforeyou @istanuriss @smittyjaws
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