#and they better be nice to nick (and charlie)
toneelspeelster · 9 months
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truham's queer teachers having a soft spot for nick and charlie
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angels-creative · 2 years
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herewetumble · 2 years
My copy of the Nick and Charlie novella finally arrived today. Sigh, heart-eyes. Too many feels tonight to say much more than that for now.
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getitoncamera · 10 months
there is something that is just so uniquely special about heartstopper.
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trumpkinhotboy · 7 months
Lean on me
Pairing: Twin Brother!Nick Nelson x Twin sister!Reader
Type: Request (thank you so much!!)
Genre: Angst that ends with a lot of fluff
Warnings: Sexual Assault situation. Although the details aren't of extreme nature, it can still be a hard thing to read for some people, so be careful <33
Rating: 13+ (because of SA)
Word count: ~ 4600
Requests: Open! For Heartstopper, twilight wolfpack, chronicles of narnia and harry potter
A/n: I was really inspired for this fic and it took me quite some time to write it. I hope you will enjoy protective brother nick nelson and the fluff with the Paris gang as much as I do. If you have any requests feel free to message me !!
A/n pt.2: Please don't come for me for my summary, I fucking hate writing those xoxo
*gif is not mine!!
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Summary: The reader goes to a party without her twin brother, Nick. Through different circonstances, she ends up dancing with someone who might have not rightfully earned her trust. The situation quickly escalates to horrible heights. She will have no other choice, but to learn how to defend herself, and how to lean on the people who matters for her.
Your heart is racing, your eyes are burning, and silent tears stream down your face. You rest on the threshold of the door you've just exited from. You can't grasp and even begin to process what just happened. You look up, hearing your name being called from afar. It feels like you're in a different dimension. Everywhere you look, reality seems distorted by some filter. Finally, you focus on your mother's face. She's sitting in her little car, window down, waving at you. Automatically, your body starts walking toward the car, but mentally you are elsewhere. In a dark corridor up in this horrible mansion. Trapped.
Your heart beats in a thumping rhythm as you cross the threshold of the mansion. Music is blasting out at an alarmingly loud volume with the place already packed. 
You try to calm your breathing and to remember you were invited and belong here as much as anybody else. The few people you cross paths with wave at you. You smile back, trying to look confident and relaxed. The image of collected cool. 
Even though there's actually a weight dropping in your stomach. 
You are, after all, Nick Nelson's twin sister. He has a certain 'popular kid' reputation that was mostly passed on to you by association. You are both known for being nice and popular kids. Although you definitely are more lowkey than your 'rugby king' brother. So, even if you aren't sure these people are your crowd, you couldn't refuse when you had been invited to some guy's end-of-exams party. 
It wasn't rare for you to be invited to events like this. Although, it was one of the few times your brother didn't join you. Ever since he started dating Charlie and got closer with the Paris gang, you could see less and less of him at these kinds of gatherings. That's why tonight, instead of being here with you, drinking lukewarm punch and listening to questionable music as some alcoholized teens were being unleashed in a mansion worth ten times your house, he was hanging out at home with his friends. You would much rather be with them, but they were Nick's friends, and even though they were nice to you, you always felt like the annoying sister trying to tag along in her brother's friend group.
That's why even when 95% of you wanted to turn back around and escape that terrible party, you took a deep breath in and let yourself be swallowed by the crowd of people.
10:15pm. You had been here for an hour, and it did not get better. The cup of punch in your hands was sticky and smelled incredibly weird. No doubt because someone had dumped in a bunch of mixed liquors. Your friends were all hanging around. Either dancing or flirting with some questionable-behaving young men. You couldn't help but look at your phone about a thousand times in the last twenty minutes. You thought about calling your mother. You knew she'd come to fetch you, but then what? You'd go back home? Seeing Nick and all of his friends having a jolly old time while you had failed to have a good night on your own? No, thank you.
You loved Nick to death, but sometimes, seeing how liked he was proved to be incredibly difficult for you. You always felt like an impostor. He dared to be himself, and people liked him anyway. You weren't so sure you'd be met with the same welcome if you dared step away from the facade you had carefully built all these years. 
Maybe that's why you accepted to dance with someone you didn't even know. You did see each other around a few times but never actually spoke. He seemed nice enough, so when he reached out a hand and offered you to dance, you drank a sip of your horrible drink and joined him on the crowded dancefloor without question.
He was entertaining and invented goofy dance moves to make you laugh, but all the while, something felt off. You felt like you were being watched. Sometimes, you'd see his gaze over you as if he was looking at someone else. Each time you'd try to look in that direction to see who he might be looking at, he'd find some clever way to focus your attention elsewhere. After a few songs, you were both out of breath, sweaty, and hoping for a break. You were about to invent a creative excuse to get away when he offered to get some water. You hesitated, trying to look around for a friend, but none were in sight. 
"Come on, we'll get some water and air if you want to. I know a spot." His expression was kind and seemed genuine. That's why, again, you followed him even though some small part of you screamed that you shouldn't.
The feeling in your gut turned queasy as he led you through dark corridors. The once kind smile that graced his features seemed to turn smug as you headed deeper into the house. You finally reached a little room far away from the agitated crowd. He opened the door, inviting you inside. "Are you coming?"
Your feet were rooted to the ground, the feeling in your stomach spreading to your entire body. This felt wrong. 
"Uhm, no. I think my mom will be here soon. I should go." You took a step backward, trying to put some distance between the two of you. Trying to calm the instinct that screamed at you to run.
"Oh, come on. Don't you want a glass of water?" 
You only stared at him, not daring to respond, too scared to fall into this trap he layed in front of you. You knew water would not be involved if you entered that room, and he seemed to get that too, "We had fun, didn't we?" the change in his tone made shivers creep up your arms. Gone was his facade of the innocent boy. He now looked like a snake trying to lure in his prey.
"Yeah, but now it's time for me to go. Thanks." 
He stepped towards you, making you fully back into the wall. "Please stay. It's my party, you know. The least you could do is stay a little longer with me."
You looked around, noticing his arms had crept on the wall on either side of you. 
"Please get your arms off," you demanded. You tried to make your voice sound assured but failed to hide the quiver in it. He noticed it, and the glim of rotten confidence in his eyes shone brighter. He had you exactly where he wanted you.
He trailed one finger up your arm, your stomach tying in knots at the touch. "You know, I've seen you around a lot. You're Nick Nelson's sister. People talk about you. They say you're stuck up. You've never had a boyfriend or anything, am I right? I like girls like that, so nice, so pure."
You almost threw up on him, the allusions making you feel nauseous. You couldn't, and wouldn't, hide the disgust filling your eyes. You looked around, hoping to see someone turn up. Praying for someone to come, but it seemed you were out of luck as the corridor stayed empty.
His hand went up in your hair, and you held your breath. Terror like you had never felt before paralyzed your body. "The guys bet you wouldn't get with me, but I think we have potential together. Am I right? We could head in that little room together and see what happens." 
You felt the hand on your waist slowly slide down your hip, tugging you closer. 
"Get off of me!" you exploded as you pushed him back as hard as you could. He hit the door behind him quite hard, the doorknob digging in his back. You made a headstart to get away, but before you could get further, his hand grabbed your wrist, tightening his grip until he had you wincing in pain.
He gritted his teeth, ambers of rage dancing in his eyes. "Oh, come on, don't be like this. Stay here with me, and we'll have fun." He pulled you backward by the collar of your shirt, and you heard the fabric rip with a distinct sound. He pressed you tight on his chest. You could feel every part of him pushing hard against your back. He gripped your hips while his other hand fumbled with your chest. His foul mouth on your neck. 
Refusing to give up, you gathered all the self-defense knowledge you had and stepped on his foot as hard as you could, hitting him with your elbow in the stomach at the same time. You put all your strength in the blow as if you were trying to pierce him through. You knew you cut the air from his body with the sound he made. His arms loosened up for a second, and this time, when you started running in the opposite direction, nothing stopped you. 
Running as fast as you could, you looked back for a second. Unable to resist the reflex to confirm you weren't being followed. Whipping your head to the front, you couldn't dodge when someone suddenly exited a door on the side. You crushed into them with blunt strength, almost sending you two toppling down. 
"Oi! Watch where you're going- Oh, Y/n. Are you okay?" 
The voice sounded incredibly familiar, and your gaze focused for a second. Sai, one of Nick's good mates, was staring at you, worry digging down the corners of his mouth. 
"Uhm, I- I'm sorry. I have to go." You couldn't stop and risk getting caught again, so you started running, leaving Sai looking at your disappearing form.
You fled outside, already texting your mother. You hid until you saw the familiar form of the family car. Sprinting towards it, you climbed in as fast as you could. 
"Well, someone's in a hurry to come home." chuckled your mother as she headed towards the exit. "The party wasn't fun?"
Forehead resting on the cold window, you couldn't say a word. If you were honest, you could barely register what your mother said. All you could feel was his hands on you. His lips on your neck. The phantom sensations gave you the horrible feeling that he was still grabbing you. That you were still trapped up there. 
Your mother's touch on your arm brought you back to reality. "Are you okay, darling?" Even the soft touch on your arm was enough to make you shudder. "Y/n, did something happen?"
Your gaze connected with hers for a split second, but you willed the fear in your eyes to disappear. To go back to a dissociated gaze. Allowing nothing to show.
"I don't want to talk about it now," you mumbled while covering the tear in your shirt with your hoodie. You needed to comprehend what had happened before you could say something. Even if you wanted to, the words were stuck in your throat.
Your mother stayed silent for the rest of the ride, although you could feel her gaze on you a few times. You felt like she'd say something until she faced the road again without adding a word. 
When you finally pulled into the driveway, you made for the door. You wanted nothing else but to disappear into your room. Your escape was halted when your mom grabbed your wrist, stopping you in your tracks. You winced at the pain it inflicted and the reminder it brought. The look in your eyes was one of undiluted terror.
Her face turned white as a ghost's. "Y/n, I will give you your space for now, but I want you to know and understand that we will discuss this."
Your house was filled with music and happy voices. You could hear through cotton-filled ears someone call your name but didn't stop. When you slipped into your room, you stood in the dark and looked at your wrist. The red mark on it was already turning to a soft purple. A whimper escaped your mouth as you sunk to the floor.
You cried and cried and cried. The adrenaline had left your body, and the walls you had built around you to survive had been torn down. With a hand on your mouth, you tried to maintain your sobs to a minimum volume. 
What the actual fuck was all you could manage to think. 
Catching a glance of yourself in the mirror hanging on your wall, a wave of disgust ravaged you. In the darkness, like glow-in-the-dark marks, you could see the print of his hands on you, the sloppy marks he left on your neck. You felt disgusting. You needed to wash this off now. 
You headed for the bathroom, trying not to attract anyone's attention. You were about to grab the doorknob when the door opened on a surprised Tara.
"Oh my god, Y/n, you scared me! I didn't know you were here," she exclaimed with her usual cheerfulness. 
You stayed silent, feeling like you had been caught red-handed. Shame crept on your cheeks.
In a second, she analyzed the state you were in. The tear on the collar of your shirt. Your puffy eyes, your red cheeks. "What happened to you? What happened to your shirt? Are you okay?" 
Her sweet concern was all it took for you to tumble into tears again. She helped you back to your room, supporting and hugging you tight. You babbled incoherently about what had happened. You just needed these horrible words to be out of your system. You needed this unbearable reality out of your head, needed the constant litany of words to stop. 
Tara listened to your whole story and managed to understand through your sobs. As you finished, out of breath, she convinced you to let her get Nick. You dreaded it at first, so scared to see his reaction, but the once-in-a-while seriousness in Tara's tone managed to persuade you.
You heard her going down the stairs and waited in silence. You held your breath. The house was utterly silent as if it was also holding its breath. Then, it erupted, and all you could hear was someone climbing up the stairs at an alarming pace. Your door opened on a whim, almost digging a hole in your wall with how strongly it went flying back.
Your twin brother was standing on your doorstep, his chest going up and down quickly. He didn't say anything. He just scanned you from head to toe before reaching out his arms. Engulfing you in a tight embrace, he rocked you back and forth.
"Tell me," was all he said, his tone hoarse and hard.
"I was anxious and bored, and this guy asked me to dance. We did, and then he offered to get some water and air. I followed him but felt this grip in my gut. Felt like something was off. He led me to a dark room. I refused to go in and said I had to go, but then he backed me into this wall. Saying stuff about what other people thought about me and about some bet he'd made with his friends. I- I tried escaping Nick, I really did, I promise. I kept my distance, I told him to go away, but he wouldn't. I pushed him and tried to make a run for it, but he grabbed my wrist and started touching me. I managed to defend myself and get away. I ran into someone. I think it was Sai. I stopped for a second but couldn't tell him anything, so I ran again and hid until Mum came to pick me up."
The silence in your room was deafening. His whole being was at a standstill. Nick wasn't known to be a violent person. Quite the opposite, but you felt like that was about to change.
"Show me where he hurt you." 
You extended your wrist, the mark gone even darker than before. 
"Anywhere else?" he reluctantly asked.
You couldn't, and wouldn't, show him where precisely but managed to wave your hand towards your neck and upper body. Shame once again invaded your cells. His eyes filled with despair and so much rage. He hugged you tight again. "I'm going to kill him."
You whipped your head up. The look in your brother's eyes was one you had never seen before. Immediately, guilt flooded your thoughts.
"Nick, you can't get involved in this. I'm so sorry I got into all this trouble. I don't want it to affect you at school. I shouldn't have followed him. This is my fault."
He looked at you incredulously. As if you had just said the dumbest thing he had ever heard. 
"Y/n, you didn't get in trouble. Someone assaulted you. You are not at fault here. Do you understand? Because I really need you to." He tightened his grip on you, his cheek on the crown of your head. "I don't need you to pull some Charlie number on me."
"A Charlie number, uh?" you heard a familiar voice speak up. 
Charlie's head peeked from your door. The face of comfort and reassurance. "Can I come in?" You nodded as he made his way to the bed. "Although I'm not sure what exactly he's referring to, I'm pretty sure he's right. You shouldn't feel guilty for something someone did to you, okay? Especially for something like this."
You saw the hint of pain flashing in his eyes and remembered he had experienced something similar. 
He reached a hand you immediately grabbed. You had loved Charlie since that first day he came to your house to meet Nellie. There was something about him that always made you feel safe and comfortable. His presence here meant a lot to you. "You okay?" 
You still weren't precisely grabbing the heaviness of what had happened. But the support you were shown helped you manage the whirlwind of emotions you were feeling. You nodded feebly.
"What do you want to do?" finally asked Nick. "Can we do anything for you right now?"
You confessed you did not want to be alone tonight. You dreaded being left with your thoughts, scared they would swallow you whole. "I just want to feel safe," you whispered.
The words were like a dagger to Nick and Charlie's hearts. They both felt so guilty about not being there to protect you. What happened tonight brought them back to the beginning of their relationship. When Charlie had been through the same thing you just did. It awakened so many unpleasant and painful memories in their hearts.
"Of course. We can stay with you all night," said Nick with a kind smile, and you knew he meant it.
He offered to watch a movie, knowing that was your thing when you needed comfort. He felt that nothing he could do would help you heal from the experience you just had, but he'd do anything in his power to make you feel better. Your eyes light up at the suggestion, and he couldn't help a loving smile from lighting up his face. 
"The gang is still down there. If you want, I can ask them to leave?" suggested Charlie. "Even I can go home if you would rather be alone with your family. That'd be totally understandable."
If you were being honest, you would love for them to stay. The more, the merrier, and Nick's friends were such a cheerful and caring group. You knew they would be supportive. You hesitated, on the edge of saying yes. 
Nick felt your hesitation and put a hand atop Charlie and yours. "We can ask everyone to leave if you want to, no problem. But if you feel comfortable and want them here, I know they'd love to." 
You finally admitted you'd love for them to stay. Charlie went downstairs to fill them in. Leaving you in the room, still wrapped in your brother's arms. Both of you weren't ready to move just yet.
"If you want them to leave or need anything at any moment, I want you to come straight to me. Is that clear?" You nodded. "And while they set everything up, I have to tell Mum. She's worried sick, and rightfully so." 
You nodded once again, knowing she deserved to know. Still, you couldn't help your stomach from twisting in knots at the thought of this thing spreading out. 
Always so observant, Nick noticed how scared you looked. "Please, trust me, let me handle this. You don't have to worry about a thing. Just let me deal with it. You can lean on me." You mumbled an 'okay' as he kissed the top of your hair. 
An invisible promise to protect you forever.
The gang all split up to help make you feel better. Elle, Tara, and Darcy helped you clean up. You didn't want to be alone. So when you looked anxious to step in the bathroom, they all suggested they'd sit down in there, waiting for you. They were incredibly caring and supportive. Acting like this wasn't out of the blue and odd. You knew Nick and Charlie had filled them in, but none dared to say a thing. Their respect for your privacy and light chatting were both things you were incredibly grateful for. In the meantime, Tao and Isaac prepared the living room for the movie. They went all out and built a fort of pillows and blankets with snacks, ready to welcome you when you were done.
As for Nick and Charlie, they were dealing with the situation. They told everything to your mum and contacted Sai to find out what he'd seen. He immediately admitted seeing you running away from a corridor, shirt torn up, with tears running down your face. He found the guy in question, still catching his breath, and pieced two and two together. He even got him to admit the whole thing. He questioned some guys and even confirmed the horrible rumor of the bet. It had taken everything, and encouragement from Charlie, for Nick to stay put and not rush back there to beat his ass. Even your 'anti-violence' mother kept her mouth shut while Nick uttered threats, each worse than the other. The next day would already be horrible enough for the guy without Nick having to get in trouble had reassured his boyfriend.
Forty-five minutes later, you were all covered in blankets, resting on pillows, cuddled up together. Nick and Charlie were sitting on either side of you. Your brother's arm reached around you and his boyfriend. 
The rest of the gang was scattered around the floor and the couch, but you were still all touching. Forming an unbreakable chain of support and love. 
You looked around and felt so grateful as you looked at the people present. Nick squeezed your hand with a kind smile, a quick check-up to confirm you were still okay. You cleared your throat, gathering everyone's attention. The movie softly played in the background while you started, "I wanted to thank you for this. You have all been incredible. Thank you for helping me, and I hope you can forgive me for interrupting your end-of-exams party." 
"Hush with that. As if we'd ever be mad for something like this." intervened Elle. She put a comforting hand on your shin, her features so open and caring. You couldn't help but give her an answering smile.
"Did you really think we'd resent you for what happened tonight?" inquired Charlie. Once again, a light of understanding sparkled in his blue eyes.
"No, but it's just... This was your thing. Your party, and once again, I'm intruding in and forcing you guys to hang out with me."
"Forcing us?!" cut Tara. "Y/n, I don't think anyone here would feel forced to hang out with you. We like hanging out with you!"
Your eyes shone with surprise and something like relief. They all looked at each other incredulously. Not quite believing that you didn't know how much they liked you. "What?! Did you think we only thought of you as Nick's little sister?"
You turned your head towards a disbelieving Tao. Your shy silence was an answer in itself.
"You have great taste in movies. Plus, you have a lot of knowledge about the cinematic universe. I like hanging out with you because you're the only one in this group with decent expertise of the culture." He added enthusiastically. Pronouncing that last word with his usual mediocre impression of a Scottish accent, he extorted a laugh from your chest.
"And you like to dance, and for some reason, you get Darcy's poor sense of humor," added Tara with a sarcastic roll of her eyes. To which her girlfriend lightly tapped her leg in protest.
"And you're into art, and you're actually the only one in this group who can give me constructive criticism about my work." Your gaze dropped back to Elle, giving an accusatory look at the rest of the group.
"And you're the only one willing to have a book club with me. Don't think I can talk and have actual discussions with this lot about all the books I read," finished Isaac with a shy smile. He was the first in the gang, after Charlie, with whom you felt really close. You squeezed his hand as a silent thanks.
"We're trying to tell you how you mean so much more to us. You're Y/n Nelson. We like hanging out with you because you're a great person with great interests. Not because we have to. Not because you're Nick's sister." explained Charlie. He knew how it felt when you thought people didn't honestly like you. Or when you thought they'd be better off without you. He saw so much of himself inside of you. It made his heart tighten with sadness and love.
You stared at them all, a few tears burning in the corners of your eyes. You coughed, trying to hide the emotion flaring up in you.
"You are part of this group if you want to Y/n." Charlie nudged you with his shoulder as if he had read your thoughts. You lifted hopeful eyes towards him. You felt as if your heart might burst with joy.
"I'm not giving you any choice." cut Darcy out of the blue."You are part of the gang. Nothing you can do about it." she declared. As always, her unexpected comment had everyone laughing. You looked at her triumphant face, euphoria spreading in your chest.
You looked at your brother, who was already beaming at you, pride and joy mixed in that sweet expression. The tears in your eyes welled up and, against the better of you, softly dropped on your cheeks. 
"Are these tears of joy...?" asked Isaac, speaking for the whole group. You had been through a lot tonight, and they had hoped their intervention would have made you happy. But they questioned if it had been too much, too soon.
You let out a soft chuckle. "Yes."
In a team effort, the whole gang jumped on you. Engulfing your body in an embrace of warmth, love, and laughter, a lot of laughter. 
"I'm so sorry for being such a..." 
You stopped mid-sentence when you felt a pinch on your arm, only to hear Nick whisper, "From now on, you are also banned from saying the 's' word. So shut it and enjoy." The whole group, including yourself, erupted in laughter. 
There would be a lot of hardships coming in the next few days, but knowing you had them all made you feel like maybe, just maybe, you'd be able to weather it.
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sprnklersplashes · 10 months
I have a theory that the reason so many Taylor Swift songs relate so perfectly to Osemanverse characters and relationships* is because Taylor and Alice have the exact same audience: mentally ill neurodivergent queer people
*examples: Nick being The Archer, Charlie being this is me trying, Tori being Dear Reader/You're On Your Own Kid, Elle being A Place In This World, Aled and Darcy being seven, Georgia, Nick and Frances being mirrorball, Tori and Charlie being Soon You'll Get Better, Charlie and Ben being Would've Could've Should've, Frances and Aled being I'm Only Me When I'm With You, Isaac being champagne problems, Nick and Charlie being Daylight and Mine, Tori and Michael being It's Nice To Have A Friend and peace
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spotlightlowlife · 2 months
Charlie hazbin reduced to an extra
S1 should have sold us on Charlie entirely, her ideas and motives, her connections with others or lack of.
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Others keeping major secrets from her, working at her place because someone else wants them to, accepting bribes offscreen in a pilot episode that's pretty much mandatory viewing but selectively cannon, fighting besidr her in war when they had no choice and simply not wanting her to die, all don't tell us anything about how much Charlie is loved or even liked.
Charlie worked as both Lucifer and Adam's strawman, they are two individuals who are and aren't at opposite ends, both are mad at the sinners and are happy to see them brutally slain, however neither like one another, their is a rivalry on one side and torment from the other, yet for all these years they somehow existed keeping their distance from one another whilst sticking to an agreement that benefited both of them, which was dealing with the sinners. Charlie served simply to bring these two perpetrators together.
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Lucifer could have been the main or singular hurdle whilst still being an unthreatening goof, simply by thinking her idea was a waste of time and putting her in a position where she would have to explain or prove herself. What if he didn't have the resources to easily get Charlie an audience in heaven, what would his use be then?
Why wasn't his involvement called out? This would have been better grounds for Charlie to guilt trip her daddy over rather than 'distant during childhood' and 'never supporting me giving me what I want' she chose to sulked about which got her her own way.
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Since Charlie managed a pointless talk with Adam back in episode 1 and so much effort has been made to tell us Alastor is this big threat that even Lucifer is weary of immediately, if only she had entered into her meeting with her dad with a load of options, showing her as a little more competent and bringing her back into focus.
Adam successfully got someone a place in heaven, ironically, with minimal effort. This someone was easily the most deserving of sinners we met and was worst of all, someone who Charlie wasn't even looking at as the ideal redemption candidate.
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Charlie appeared to look to popularity, a juicy storyline and a cool friend, if her portrayal were to shift to highlight a bit of a shallow person then we would have great grounds for development, but s1 ended and that didn't happen, she didn't move on from 'nice' and 'innocent' and in effect it was Adam, the villain nobody cared about who did Charlie's job which was more than a job but her whole dream and purpose, for her - Charlie is oblivious to this last part, but knowing this wouldn't help her cause neither.
Lucifer rushed in to save the day just in the nick of time, him and Adam shared some of their history with us, it was all about them, them the baton got passed.
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bluekat12345 · 2 months
He's my son, not yours! Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
This is based on a Transformers Rescue Bots crossover with Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes created by the brilliant @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal, check them out for more! This particular story is based on a discussion we've been having recently, hope you enjoy!
After meeting the Rescue Bots, Charlie never thought his and his kids' lives couldn't get more...exciting. They already had their hands full of between rogue or malfunctioning technology, a colorful collection of criminals, and of course, civilians who needed rescuing.
But then the Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, showed up at Griffin Rock.
They had temporary stationed themselves in a small base and their boss, Nick Fury, who had actually aided Optimus in introducing the bots to Charlie in the first place, didn't give Chief much information on why they were, just that hopefully it wouldn't negatively impact the island.
So far, things to be fine, they were aware of the bots, so that was nice, and they seemed to get along with the Burns and the Greenes.
One of them in particular, Captain America, especially left an impression on Cody. The boy always seemed to want to be around him, always had stars in his eyes at the sight of the war hero, and the captain always seemed more than ready to give the boy the attention he wanted. It was amazing how well the bonded in the short amount of time they've known each other.
It wasn't long until most people started calling him the Captain's kid. Steve nor Cody seemed to be mind though. In fact, it's been rumored that Captain America actually loves it when hearing Cody being called his kid.
If Charlie didn't know any better, he would've thought the captain was trying to be a second father to Cody.
"Hey, Cap!" Tony, AKA Iron Man, exclaimed. "Your sidekick's here!"
"My what?" Captain American, also known as Steve Rogers, asked in confusion.
"Captain America!" Cody's voice echoed through the base. Steve smiled as he saw the young boy run towards.
"Cody!" The captain greeted. "It's great to see you again. What brings you back here?"
"Cody wanted to see you again." His father, Chief Burns responded. "And Fury wanted to speak with the bots and the rest of the team about something. Is it okay if Cody stays with you until it's over?"
Steve nodded with a smile. "Of course, Chief Burns. I don't mind at all."
The police chief smiled back. "Thank you, Captain. Shouldn't take too long." Then he faced his son. "Be on your best behavior, Cody."
"I promise, Dad!" Cody, promised. Then Chief walked off to wherever the meeting was being held.
"Hey, kid." Tony called out. "Wanna join in a little experiment I'm working on? I can guarantee it'll be more exciting than whatever Cap can do." Steve rolled his eyes, recognizing the teasing tone in Stark's voice. Tony already knew what Cody's answer would be.
"Thanks, Mr. Stark, but I'll stay with Captain Rogers." Cody replied. "We're going to-"
"No need to hear the detail's, kid." Tony interrupted. Steven frowned at the interruption, but Cody didn't seem to mind. "Just go have fun and don't give the old man a hard time."
"Let's go, Cody." Steve declared, then he led Cody away before Stark could say anything else.
"Are we still going to work on your motorcycle?" Cody asked eagerly.
Steve smiled and nodded. "Indeed, son. Your dad ever have you help him with car maintenance?"
"A little bit, at first." Cody admitted. "When we had time, he let me help with his old police car. But then the bots joined us, so we don't do that kind of thing anymore. But we do help wash the bots when they're in vehicle mode."
Steve nodded. Admittedly, he was still caught off guard about the idea of sentient vehicles from another planet, but after meeting the bots and hearing about the from Cody and the rest of his family, he could see they were good bots who did their duties as rescue workers well.
"Well, consider this as a way to brush up on those skills." Cap declared. "Then the next time you show your father, he'll know you haven't forgotten what he taught you, and maybe even learned something new."
Cody smiled at the idea. "Yes, sir!"
Fortunately, for the Burns family, the meeting didn't take too long, it was mostly about if they saw anything unusual, at least more unusual than they normally would see, and what they needed to do if they did.
The moment it ended; the older kids wanted to stick around the base a little longer, hoping to hang out with the Avengers for a bit. Unfortunately, they needed to get home as soon as possible.
"Its just still a bit unfair that Cody gets to hang around here, while we can't." Kade grumbled.
Charlie rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry, but today isn't a good day, we have work to do back at home. I promise you can hang around here when there's time."
"Hey, where is Cody?" Graham asked.
"I left him with Captain America while we were at the meeting." Charlie replied. Kade let out a quick annoyed huff, only to be quickly silenced by an elbow in the arm by Dani. "You three head back home. I'll meet you all after I get Cody."
The three did as they were told, leaving the base as Charlie went to look for Cody.
Fortunately, it didn't take long for him to find his son. He was still with Captain America, but the boy was sitting on the captain's motorcycle, revving it up while Steve watched with a smile.
"You've got some competition, Chief." Iron Man's voice popped up out of nowhere.
"What are you taking about?" Charlie asked.
Tony then pointed at Cody and Steve, and both men watched as two blonds laughed about something and Steve ruffling Cody's hair.
"If you're not careful, Cap could take your place as Cody's dad." Tony declared with a teasing grin. "People around here are already saying he's Cap's kid."
Chief Burns rolled his eyes. "I think I'll be fine."
Stark shrugged. "Don't say I didn't warn you." Then he shouted. "Hey, Cap! Time to give the kid back!"
The two blonds looked towards Charlie and Tony. Cody smiled, got off the bike, and rushed to his Dad. "Hey, Dad. How was the meeting?"
Charlie shrugged. "Nothing major happened. You didn't give Captain Rogers any trouble?"
"None at all." Steve replied with a grin as he joined the group. "You've got a well-behaved young man here." He added as he ruffled Cody's hair again. "And a clever one as well. You ought to be proud of this one."
Chief Burns smiled. "Trust me, I am." Then he said to Cody. "Why don't you head outside to meet Chase. I'll join you shortly."
The boy nodded. "Okay, Dad." Then waved to the Captain. "Thanks again, Captain Rogers!" Then he ran off outside.
"Keep up the good work, son." Captain America replied before walking off as well.
"It's already happening." Tony quietly teased.
Charlie rolled his eyes before leaving to join Cody. He knew Tony was teasing, but it was starting to get on his nerves a bit. There was nothing to worry about. Despite the nickname as Captain Roger's kid, Chief Burns knew everyone knew Cody was his son, not Steve's.
Hope you enjoyed reading! Nothing dramatic yet, I want to try to build up to it, but the seeds have been planted, I assure you. Hopefully, you won't have to wait long for the next part to be posted. Wish me luck!
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nick will lead charlie and michael in an intense research session about aspec identities and asexuality and they’ll be so confused about how he’s so great at researching things like this and then he says “it’s not important” BUT IT IS BECAUSE HES LITERALLY SO AMAZING FOR RESEARCHING THINGS LIKE THAT
uhhhhh anyways yeah hope they do some nice research and understand tori better!!
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xflippinfrogx · 8 months
……1 with nick and charlie…..
Tickletober Day 1~ Anticipation
~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ FANDOM: Heartstopper
LEE: Charlie LER: Nick ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~ 💙WARNING~ THIS IS A SFW TICKLE FIC NSFW DNI!!💙
Charlie was going to crack.
His so called loving boyfriend has been teasing the crap out of him ALL DAY!! He couldn’t take it anymore.
Charlie wasn’t even sure if Nick knew what he was doing to him..
He had been on edge all day waiting for him to just go for it and finally put him out of his misery. But the more that Charlie thought about it he felt.. excited? The thought of Nick tickling him was something that made Charlie feel extremely giddy but god the embarrassment was hard to deal with. It wasn’t until the two left school and went to Nicks house that the teasing started again. They were watching a movie on nicks bed, what movie you may ask? Charlie had no idea because of focused he was on the placement of his boyfriends hand. It was originally playing with his hair but it had made its way down to the base of his neck. Charlie was finding it extremely difficult to stay calm, his neck had always been one of his worst spots. It wasn’t until one of Nicks fingers lightly grazed against Charlie’s ear that he let out a quiet snicker. “Char, is something funny?~” Nick asked with a very subtly teasy undertone to his voice. Ok so he definitely knows what he’s doing then, and Charlie’s screwed. “Oh would you please just get it over with.” Charlie whined covering his face with the nearest pillow. “Get what over with Charlie?” That little shut was going to make him say it wasn’t he..
“Will you please.. tickle me?” The last part was barely audible and of course Nick chose to comment on it. “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you.” The boy was smirking now!! “Nickcanyoupleasetickleme?” “Well since you asked so nicely.” he shrugged and moved over to gain better access to his boyfriends neck. He skittered his finger beneath his jaw and around the shell of his ears. Charlie erupted in streams of giggles which Nick just adored. He switched to tickly kisses next which were his favourite because Charlie snorted whenever he would do that!! Nick continued his mini attack until the two were tired out and they fell back into their original position. That was definitely worth the anticipation.. Charlie thought to himself.
(Sorry it’s so short I’m running out of time lol)
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I finished the second episode of Heartstopper last night (wanted to post about it yesterday, but I was too tired from work), so here are some of my thoughts in no particular order for you now.
Good on Nick for checking up on Charlie after what happened. I found it odd, though, that he seemed more emotional about it than Charlie, but I guess they're in two very different places, mentally. One being 'why do I seem to like this guy way more than my other friends?' & the other being 'omg stop being so nice to me, your straight!' lol. Plus, I get that everyone deals with stuff in their own way & poor Charlie is probably so used to being mistreated that he might just be repressing the full weight of how his feeling as a copeing mechanism. It was also probably very cathartic to finally tell someone everything that happened between him & Ben (as I'm guessing he kept most if not all of it a secret from his friends & sister).
WE FINALLY MEET NELLIE!!!! And she is as cute as I'd hoped (though for some reason I expected her to be a different colour).
Sorry, Charlie, but Tori's right. Your hair looks exactly the same. Also, love that they kept the gag from the novel about her scaring him with her, always showing up suddenly without warning.
Nice to see that the outfits are on point for our boys so far with the plaid/black jeans (trying to impress someone, I see Charlie) & T-shirt/joggers (also what product is Miss Nelson using coz Nick's tops look soft as hell).
Wait, what season is it supposed to be because it looked really sunny when Charlie was walking to Nick's house (I know he was wearing a coat & hat but Charlie is always cold) but then suddenly it's snowing? Idk when Alice first came up with this story, but as a Brit, I haven't seen proper full on Snow since I was probably around eight years old. But hey, maybe in the Heartstopper universe, global warming doesn't exist.
I don’t care what anyone says, I will never get the fun of a snowball fight. If I go somewhere with a friend & they start throwing stuff at me, I'm leaving! Also, picking it up with your bare hands? One, it's been on the ground 🤢, and two, where are your gloves? Do you not feel the cold? Snow angles do look fun until I think about how my entire behind would be frozen/damp. Sorry if that makes me a "stick in the mud", I don't care 😝.
Damn, that is one photogenic dog & and aww, they already look like a couple. Also, give it up for Nick's freckles, the real star of the show 👏.
Omg, being in the same group as someone you hate must be so hard, but I get why Nick can't really say anything about what Ben did, at least not right now. Also, what is up with that Imogen girl? Mind your damn business.
I think it's good we get to see Elle longing for a bond with other girls that she just can't get from her male friend group. Makes her transition feel more fleshed out (for lack of a better word), you know?
Yay, we finally meet Tara & Darcy & they're exactly how I thought they'd be (except I imagined Darcy with brown hair for some reason). Ooh I didn't know Elle was artistic. I wanna decorate pencil cases now. Tara's pink puffa coat is so cute. What is up with adults dictating how long kids' hair can be? Like who gives a fuck! Also "gal pals" had me 😆.
Oh, thank god, it's just misinformation. For a second, I thought Tao was making shit up just to make Charlie get over his crush. Are kids really like that, though? I can't imagine kissing someone once & having people insist, I'm madly in love with them to this day, like move on already.
Ok, I officially really like the gay teacher, lol.
Love Charlie's sweater & Nick's coats are also very nice. Where are these kids getting their clothes? Coz I'm embarrassed by most of the stuff I wore as a teenager.
The big hoodie moment should be cute, but I just can't help thinking about how skinny Charlie is, which makes me ☹️.
Ok, so I didn't care much for the leaf animation in the first episode, but omg, the little fire crackles when Nick was trying to hold Charlie's hand? Screaming, crying, throwing up!!!!!!! & the hug before he left? Fucking crops watered for life, bitch!
Was digging Elle's outfit, very 70's vibes.
Ah, so their "secret" is out. Also obligatory: 🗣 LET'S GO LESBIANS LET'S GO 🗣
Can't wait for the next episode, but I practically passed out after watching episode 2 (manual labour is hard, kids 😭), so maybe I hallucinated, but did that Imogen girl ask Nick out? I thought she was daiting Ben? Or is that a different girl?
PS. I found out Aled won't be in the show, which I accept & the only reason I haven't talked about Isaac is because he hasn't really done much yet
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dreamerscove · 2 years
Consent in Heartstopper
CW/ mentions of B*n H*pe
One of the things I love about Heartstopper is that it shows healthy queer relationships, with the exception of one (we’ll get to it). Yes, I know that this is a topic that’s been said all before but I wanted to add my piece! Now, let’s talk about consent!!
I hear a lot of people go like “don’t ask ‘can i kiss you’ before ! It ruins the moment.” That’s complete bs and Heartstopper shows us this. ESPECIALLY with the fact that two of the main characters (Nick and Tara) are still coming to terms with themselves and may not be comfortable showing PDA. It gives them the opportunity to control their own coming out journeys because neither partners (Charlie or Darcy) forces or shames them into doing anything, especially if they were to say no.
Here’s some examples of what i mean.
NICK AND CHARLIE’S FIRST KISS: Charlie asks Nick if he can kiss him, saying “would you kiss me?” in such a soft voice. It’s so good because Nick is admitting his feelings for the first time. It does give Nick a way out if he wasn’t ready!! However, he was. Ugh, my heart hurts every time (in a good way of course).
TARA AND DARCY’S KISS AT HARRY’S PARTY: if you watch a bit closer, you can see that Tara and Darcy nod to each other before the iconic kiss. It’s them saying “are you okay with this?” which is important because that entire scene was just an act of bravery and courage, especially for Tara. It’s her first time being public with Darcy. Beautiful.
NICK STOPPING IN THE PARK: This is a situation where a person did say no! Nick and Charlie were talking on the grass. Charlie asks Nick, after confessing how confused he was, “Do you wanna kiss? Would that make you feel better?” At first Nick did say yes, but stopped after he heard those people walking the dog. Charlie reassured Nick that it was okay, saying he doesn’t need to be sorry. He doesn’t pressure him or make him feel bad. It’s touching knowing what Charlie has been through. The last thing he wants is for Nick to feel or go through the same. Also… Charlie’s an actual good person, so there’s that!
ARCADE SCENE: After Nick gives Charlie (an adorable) bday gift in the arcade and they confirm that they really like each other, Charlie says he really wants to kiss Nick. Mind you, he doesn’t go in for a kiss right there or does anything to force/shame nick into giving one. Even after Nick says “okay” Charlie still asks “are you sure?” It’s such a big step in Nick’s arc to becoming more comfortable with his bisexuality. Charlie is, again, giving Nick that safe space to do so. Also !! Charlie didn’t out Nick when talking to Tao in the restroom !!
ELLE TELLING CHARLIE ABOUT TARA: Now, this one is subtle, but very important! Elle doesn’t out Tara when she tells Charlie there’s no chance that Tara likes Nick. Tara didn’t consent nor say she wants to come out as a lesbian to the entire school. Elle knew that wasn’t her call, it’s Tara’s. Even if Charlie’s gay himself, she still didn’t say it. If she did, I highly doubt any harm would come from it but it’s a nice detail to notice! Now onto someone we all hate…
BEN AND CHARLIE: This all juxtaposes the relationship with Ben + Charlie because that one lacked consent. I won’t get into complete details of why, but we know how toxic and manipulative Ben was to Charlie. It’s great that the show and the books tell us that this behavior isn’t okay and it’s actually beyond disgusting to it’s teenage target audience (but to all viewers honestly). It’s not romanticized. Even if internalized homophobia is the root cause, that’s no excuse. Nick is the foil to Ben. Nick was also struggling, but never once hurt Charlie like Ben did. Instead, he was a loving boyfriend that showed Charlie what real love looks like. The type of love that Charlie deserves.
All of this is to say that Heartstopper’s main couples are just a great example of healthy queer relationships that we can look to. I love this show for many reasons, and that’s just one of them. If you know more examples, lmk !! :)
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dsvoid · 9 months
LIFE IS HARD. -a sprolden fanfiction
(angst, tw: suicide mention. words: 685. a/n: trying to recreate Alice’s writing style was really hard, sorry if they’re ooc)
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Today is Saturday, but I don’t really feel any enjoyment about the school-free day. I am doing what I do everyday anyways. I am laying in bed, watching a film. A bad one, not that I care whatsoever.
Dating is ridiculous, I have come to that conclusion. Michael is ridiculous too, so I don’t have anything better to do right now than dread life.
I would say my hands ache to grab my phone and text him, but that would be a lie. The only thing happening to me right now is feeling the need to re-freshen my tumblr’s page every single second. But that’s just because I am bored. Whatever.
My throat is dry, my diet lemonade is empty on the floor. It’s quite messy here.
Click, click, click.
Charlie has just greeted Nick at the door, I hear their happy voices in the distance. It’s gross. It’s lovely.
Click, click, click.
My hoodie is starting to bother me. The hood is too big and it keeps falling from my shoulders. I should throw it away.
Anonymous: Thought for the day: wouldn’t it be all easier if everyone was the same?
Anonymous: Thought for the day: how worth it is saying the truth?
Anonymous: Thought for the day: what happens to the different ones?
Anonymous: Thought for the day: is it morally acceptable to end your life?
My hands stop. White noise is in my ears, Charlie and Nick’s voices gone. The overheating computer is gone. My heartbeat stays.
It has been radio silence from Michael for a week. Knowing he is alive is nice, so I don’t know why my finger has clicked the call button on my phone. However, he doesn’t answer.
My sheets make me turn and roll and get up. They’re too hot and itchy, so I throw them to the floor.
I don’t know how it happens, or why, but the breeze makes my hair messier than it already is. My jacket does barely anything to cover me from the cold, but that’s just my own fault.
This is where everything started. The long brown house and the cliff over the river. Michael is standing on that same cliff, with his hair ruined and big pyjamas. It’s just like going back in time. But he is not smiling, he wears a frown on his face like a medal and his hand holds his ice skaters over the river. A tear falls on top of his arm.
I don’t want to be pushy. I hate pushy people, but I can’t stop myself from walking right to his side.
“What are you doing here?”
His harsh tone hurts. His free hand is curled against itself, like everything he wanted to end with was in the air.
“You can’t die.”
He turns, the wind makes his hair cover his eyes, so I don’t really see what I want to. I don’t see if he understands me, if he agrees. I am scared.
“I’m not going to kill myself.” His feet step away from the cliff. “If that is what worries you.”
His voice is laced with anger, not something I’m used to. I look at him and we’re silent for a couple of minutes. I don’t know what to say, so I don’t say anything.
Hugging him is something I don’t do often, but seeing him about to throw his whole life into the river… he can’t give up.
His body is stiff as my arms circle his torso, my head pressed in his arm. He sniffs, so I press my arms harder.
“I am sorry. Please don’t throw away your life.”
We go backwards, as away from the cliff as we can. I take his ice skaters, leaving them on the floor and then I hug him correctly. I don’t want him to be like this anymore, I want him to laugh and say stupid jokes like he always has, but that’s selfish. I’m selfish for wanting that.
“I’m sorry Michael. I’m so sorry.”
We’re both crying, but we are also laughing, so everything is okay. For now, at least.
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h-angst-er · 11 months
The Death of the Birds ❤‍🩹
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"He sleeps all day, he doesn't talk at all...he's in so much pain. You should talk to him, Ice."
That's what got Tom running to Pete. He had been given a few days off since Nick had died, so he was with Penny Benjamin. Penny had heard that Pete had been speculated to had been dating an instructor named Charlie, but she hadn't felt offended. With Nick's death, it wasn't something to think about anyway.
Penny realized very early that she wasn't doing the right thing by letting Pete stay in their home. Pete was in a very much bad condition. She had done the first thing that came to mind, she had told one of his friends at Top Gun on the phone, because Viper had directed herself to Iceman. She didn't know Iceman, it was the first time she'd met him on the phone; now she'd see his face, he must have been a nice guy since Viper was the voucher. When Penny let this tall, blond, handsome man in; she told him that Pete was asleep.
They chatted for a while, tried to get to know each other, Tom didn't tell her what he was hiding deep inside, he was keeping it for Pete.
“Penny, Pete is dangerous,” he said.
"I know."
"No, but it's not what you understand, I'll try to comfort him when he wakes up, but he might make a mess, you better not be around. You don't mind, do you?"
"Oh, if you want me to leave you two alone, I will, Iceman. It's really okay, but I'd appreciate it if you could stop him from messing the place."
"I'm not sure," Tom frowned. "If you incur financial loss, I'll cover it, okay?"
Tom was really that rich, but Penny didn't think it was going to get to that point. She wasn't that much pessimistic. He left Tom alone, and Tom reached the door of the room where Pete was sleeping. When he opened it first, he found Maverick sleeping with his back turned, then, thinking that even cats wouldn't sleep that long, "You're awake, aren't you?" asked he.
He heard Pete sniff.
"Can I lie down next to you?"
There was no answer.
"Well, I'll take your silence positively because I'm so tired. Do you know how long it took to get here from Top Gun? Well, not everyone has a motorbike like yours... for the whole day, I had to be patient with that terrible traffic in my car. If you want me to go, you better kick me out. But you'll have to talk first for that," said Tom firstly, laying on his back, next to Pete. His eyes were watching the ceiling. "I lost my children too, you know?"
It was a sentence so heavy that it would end Tom's lack of response.
"You had children?" he turned slightly, but still hadn't changed his position.
"Sure! I was a dad... They were the prettiest birds in the world, but one day, I lost them. Both of them. Then I said, 'God, why'd you take them both from me? Wouldn't you just let one of them live?'"
"Ice, I'm sorry but… I don't think you can compare a human to a pair of birds."
"What difference does it make, they were the only family I ever had. The family is not always the ideal 'nucleus of four'. Sometimes a single mother and a daughter are a family, sometimes a single father and a son are a family, sometimes animals like mine are your children. You regarded Goose as that, didn't you?"
"Goose was also the only family I ever had."
"So you could compare a human to a pair of birds…"
Pete's response was, to shed tears. He could block them in public, but when he was alone, he could make as much noise as he wanted. Maybe the guess that Tom had made before he knew Pete that much well was coming true. Not knowing what to do, Tom turned to his left, his hands trembling in the air; but he finally dared hug Pete. Pete continued to cry, not turning to face him, but allowing him to hug him. "You don't understand, Tom…" he said, after five or ten minutes, not realizing that he had used Tom's first name, nor it had touched something in Tom. "I loved Nick… I was in love with him!"
Tom swallowed some "lump", which had suddenly been in his throat. Was he Pete's first "friend" to whom he confided in this secret, did Nick know about it... so many questions came to his mind, but he couldn't ask any of them.
Many years were waiting for him to ask them, and more importantly, to be even more dearly with Pete.
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mariacallous · 7 months
Taylor Swift fans are vowing to vote to save Democracy after the fascist right decided to poke the proverbial hornet's nest.
This timeline is weird.
Listen, I'll take whatever I can get and whoever I can get to fight the right.
Right-wing extremist and conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec seethed in an unhinged post on X about "THE CHILDLESS, UNMARRIED ABORTION ARMY MOBILIZED BY BARBIE, TAYLOR SWIFT, AND TIKTOK THAT IS CRUSHING REPUBLICANS AT THE BALLOT BOX."
In the words of Taylor Swift, you need to calm down.
Charlie Kirk, who runs the extremist organization Turning Point USA, a radical group attempting to pull young voters into the MAGA movement, could not contain his rage during his podcast.
"Taylor Swift is going to come out in the presidential election and she is going to mobilize her fans, I'll be nice...and we're going to be like 'Oh why, where did all of these young female voters come from'... We better have a plan for that... Taylor Swift, I think she put up one voter registration link and she registered millions and millions. And let's be honest, all the Swifties want, is swift abortion."
It remains unclear why MAGA Republicans think it is smart to pick a fight with the Swifties.
Recently, Marjorie Taylor Greene's boyfriend Brian Glenn, a host on MAGA propaganda network RSBN, absurdly claimed that Taylor Swift was jealous of Trump's crowd sizes as he covered a Trump luncheon in a hotel event space.
Other MAGA influencers, including Clay Travis, Tomi Lahren, Ian Miles Cheong, Nick Adams, and others recently lashed out at Taylor Swift following news that she was dating NFL star Travis Kelce.
During a recent rally, Donald Trump bragged that his song with the January 6 insurrectionists was more popular than Taylor Swift's music (it's not).
Kirk plotted his strategy to combat Swift's influence in one of the most laughable ways imaginable, instructing the Republican National Committee to "bring in D.C. Draino, bring in Ben Shapiro...bring in Cernovich, bring in Posobiec..." Yeah, good luck with that.
Trump and his MAGA acolytes have made a potentially fatal mistake with their obsession with attacking Swift.
They should take a look at what they've done. 'Cause now they've got bad blood.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
part of the reason i love kubosai and its shipping community so much is because i never see people making them the stereotypical gay couple i usually (like..almost ALWAYS) see in mlm shipping.. like, yk how in every mlm shipping community there are THOUSANDS of (usually girl) fans who assign one character "the pants in the relationship" and the other is basically the girl.. I HATE THAT
they always create this unbalanced dynamic where the guy theyve chosen to be the man (usually the taller, stronger character) is ALWAYS the comforter and the one theyve assigned as the woman (usually shorter, weaker) is always the one showing their emotions and being comforted.. GUYS..
when its straight girls doing this (which it usually is) it makes me worry for their boyfriends because they've obviously made these gay relationships into what they think is "normal" (a straight relationship) so does that mean they think men just dont have emotions ??? they dont ever think their bfs need comfort too ?? yall.. ur bf deserves just as much love as you do..
like, random example but take heartstopper.. how often do we see nick crying and being comforted by charlie ?? do we ever ??? i cant remember one time, so maybe there are a few but its rare enough that i literally cant remember.. but then how often do we see nick comforting a crying/upset charlie ?? LIKE EVERY OTHER CHAPTER..
i dont have a solid opinion on heartstopper and im def not saying its a bad webcomic/show (personally i enjoy it) but i AM saying that its one of many mlm ships with this dynamic and its actually CANON in this show so its kinda.. ehh..
its definitely not bad to have a similar dynamic and it does NOT make you girly to be the "charlie" in your situation, but god damn dude, why is it EVERY ship ??
kubosai never does this and we all agree on how they make EACH OTHER better and comfort each other and ugh.. its so nice and such a nice stark difference from other mlm ships.. im talking like even in the saiki k community, too, like im not gonna name drop any but i think yall know😭
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