#and then i feel guilty for even feeling like shit bout the event cause i didnt have /that/ happen to me i just happrned to be there.
medicaltechnician · 5 months
idk if its the late nights and lack of activity (my own fault) but i’ve been feeling like i need out of this friend group more and more. Idk what it is (i do, it just seems… petty and stupid. And just seems like a me problem not a them problem.)
problem ofc is that, there are a couple people i like as friends in the group. hell fuck i love them all and don’t want them out of my life completely. sort of wish that I didn’t have my ex out of my life completely. Maybe one day we can reconnect. But we both have to be more mature for that. We both need more growth. No idea how he’s doing.
I feel like I villified him a bit in my brain. Which was urged by my closest friend. Who I trust with my life so. (this was after I confessed maybe I have problems with him to to this friend. which was valid). Idk, people approach things differently. And I agree’d with my friend.
I think its a problem with how I talk. I guess I come off in absolutes? Idk. I give off, strange vibes when I talk. This tangent makes no sense to anybody but me.
But also, can’t just, drop em? They’re sort of my only friend group. It ain’t like I get out and about. I don’t mesh well with people. It sort of sucks that the most I’ve meshed well with is my ex, my bestie, and another friend. My ex is no contact so fuck me ig. My bestie is pre-occupied with other things and personally, I feel we’ve drifted a bit. I’m not too bothered by it? It’s neither of our faults, just taking different life paths. Also going from complete co-dependency to what we have now. What we have now is probably just normal friendship lmao. And then the other friend is a couple years younger than me, so obviously they do have their set of friends within their age group. Which I encourage them hanging out, like obviously. I see myself as more of an older brother figure ig. Try to part some wisdom I’ve gained. Then theres my crush and obviouslt rhats a mess, I wish I never had a crush on him so we could have a normal relationship. I wish I could have friends?? Idk. what am I talking bout?
So, yeah. I need to get out of the house more often so I can meet like-minded people (in the creative and path sense) so I can actually do the things I want to do. I don’t even need to be a producer or lead or director. Fuck I’m happy starting from the bottom and working my way up. (Ideal situation is mainly being on equal footing. I want people to give their input and ideas to my ideas, and vise versa)
#ker talks#it’s strange nowadays i feel like when i reach out im being annoying or smth#whether im reaching out for positive stuff or negative#when i do i rarely get a satisfactory response in my mind. feels like i’m being brushed off.#or ya know i’d like to hold a conversation thats got some meat to it? but it fizzles out#shit wondering if my bestie even wants to talk to me.#last time I came over I was hoping to watch jerma together and we did-ish. he sort of was textin/interacting with his crush#or just on his phone idk. call me a boomer but it bugs me when people r on their phone in a one on one situation#I understand if it’s a bigger group or if ya just checking it#but it seemed fuckin constant. it sucked. shit.#its worse when we get high together esp since i only get high alone so i tend to scroll a bit too#but itd be nice if when we got high we did stuff together esp in person next time we hang out i’ll keep note of this stuff and bring it up#just to make sure i aint making it up. esp cause i feel like im being stupidly jealous bout this#i see him interact with others? whats different bout me. he said he feels comfortable actually unmasking round me#and i know interaction drains him and fuck he went through so much and is trying his hardest to stay alive and sane rn#so idk i dont want to put more on his plate. but its fucking me up a bit too.#hell one of the things we went thru together. reacted differently and affected differently cause slightly different situations.#its honestly one of my working theories on why we drifted cause we keep reminding eachother of that night by interacting.#it sucks. alot. i dont want to be reminded of my failures. of the fact it traumatized him so fuckinf deeply and i failed.#and then i feel guilty for even feeling like shit bout the event cause i didnt have /that/ happen to me i just happrned to be there.#i need a goddamn professional to sort this out. it sucks ass. and i hate that it fuels my self hate#both to do with my inability to protect and feeling insignificant. overshadowed. thats the worse feeling of it all.
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keroppidreams · 2 months
interrupting your daily dose of government assigning blorbos with tamagotchis to dump 🧋🍓lore featuring kin.tama arc. some thoughts under cut!
Okay as sweet and ditzy Klara can be, she's in denial about how she feels about gin. 90% is due to her inexperience/unfamiliarity with romance. plus as my SI she has to embody the struggle i experienced while watching the show ("I dont like gin. hes an ass" -> 20 episodes later -> "I-I'M NOT FALLING FOR HIM OR ANYTHING...HES JUST OK..." -> 40 eps later -> lovey-dovey mode activated everything he appears). The other 10% is cause it's gin. hes a fucking menace to society. you know she'd get concerned looks if she admitted to someone that she LIKES-LIKES him. plus she probably lowkey worries that he'd make fun of her or something if she admitted it.
so imagine gin's surprise when he sees klara's interactions with kintoki and she's incredibly sweet to him (maybe too sweet). theres no bickering, no flustered outbursts, no awkwardness. they're getting along perfectly. there's fucking shoujo moments and everything. in other words, it's gin's relationship with klara but without the imperfections and quirks.
live gin reaction:
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side note: he definitely turns petty af and does some over-the-top things every time kntk and klara have a shoujo:tm: esque moment.
"WHOOPS! MY FOOT SLIPPED!" *roundhouse kicks kntk in the face*
jokes aside, he definitely has mixed feelings about it. at some point he probably has a brief epiphany and realizes "fuck. is this jealousy?"
of course, he forces himself not to dwell on it for long due to the current situation and it's gin. hes going to try to not acknowledge for various reasons (particularly his shit self esteem and perception of self)
(she deserves better. what does he even have to offer? he's broke. lazy. haunted by the ghosts of his past--)
"...hm? Did you say something, Tama? Sorry I was thinking about the latest issue of JUMP."
As for Klara? She's definitely kind, but distant whenever she interacts with gin (at least until he starts trying to fight kin then she gets pissed). tho sometimes she gets random bouts of nostalgia whenever gin opens his mouth and brings up specific memories/events. then she starts feeling like she's missing something important...
So when she does snap out of the hypnotism and realizes what she has done (turn against gin and tried driving him out of town with the rest of the cast), she's definitely feeling guilty. a part of her feels awful and doesn't want to face him, but forces herself to do it anyways
even if shes crying and blubbering through her apologies even though gin isn't angry at her or anything.
of course that doesn't stop him from messing with her a bit once he helps calming her down by being like "y'know...you could make it up to me by buying me a par--"
klara, nyooming out of the place and returning in 5 seconds: H-hERE! ONE CHOCO PARFAIT!
dude definitely takes advantage of it the first couple of times, though soon knocks it off once he realizes that she genuinely feels guilty about the whole thing and is desperately trying to make it up to him
though after a couple days, things start to go back to normal and their routine of playful bickering and chaos starts to return. might not be perfect, but neither of them mind. it's the way it should be, and they wouldn't ever change it.
okay except the fact that theyre pining for the other and literally everyone and their dog can see it but thats an issue for another arc--
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incrediblyqueer · 2 years
Matilda by harry styles was made for this motherfucker
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(Ignore the typos I'm tired)
Why? Great question. So we know steves got shit parents and was probably awfully neglected n all that, so.
The lyrics "nothing 'bout the way you were treated seemed especially alarming till now, so you tie up yoyr hair and you smile like its no big deal" obvi he doesnt tie up his hair, but that doesn't matter- its the fact that Steve doenst pay any attention to how he was treated because to him, its been normal since early childhood. He acts like everythings okay. I think that he pretended everything was cool in the earlier seasons as lobg as he had people to take his problems out on, and I think that current steve is convinced that everythibgs alright as long as the people he loves are alright.
And the line "you can throw a party full of everyone you know, and not invite your family cause they never showed you love", pretty self explanatory.
"Matilda, you talk of the pain like its all alright. But I know that you feel like a piece of yous dead inside" I can see Steve casually talking about how hes been home alone for months and hasnt seen his parents in forever, or talking about never being taught basic needs so he had to learn himself. He would talk abt this stuff like it wasn't anything big but I know that people like robin, max (+ maybe eddie), defiently see thru it and know how much it actually hurts.
"You don't have to be sorry for doing it on your own." I think Steve would feel kind of sad about the fact that he raised himself, and took on responsibilities not even a 20 year old should have full control of at a young age. But another part of him would feel guilty for being upset about it because for some reason, hes convinced he is a burden to his parents. He feels like it was his job to take on these responsibikies and he shouldn't feel bad about it.
"You don't have to go, you don't have to go home. Oh, theres a long way to go. I don't believe that time will change your mind. In other words, I know they won't hurt you anymore as long as you can let them go." Even after Steves on his own and moved out, he probably wouldn't be able to bring himself to cut ties with his parents. He just can't, he feels some sort of responsibility and guilt towards them. And everyone around him but himself can see, that if he wpuld just let go of them, he wouldn't be in so much pain. He wouldn't be miserable and sad when hes not distracted, he'd be able to move on.
"You can start a family who will always show you love. You don't have to be sorry for doin' it on your own" Steves found family is like, the whole gang n whatever. Theyre the family he never properly had. And I believe that Steve tries SO hard to be for them what he never got. He tries to have family meals, he goes to all of their events, he listens to their interests even if he doesnt have any interest in em. He gives them rides, he tries his best to be supportive. He truly sees these people as family, and they end up teaching him what real love feels like.
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judas-isariot · 3 years
Let's talk about Noëlle sister
This is what we know about her:
Noëlle call her Dess, it's probably a nickname. Her real name is really likely December and there is 3 point proving it:
Noelle say "I wish you could see this world Dess" refering to a someone who isn't there and CANNOT COME
In the normal route, when you solve the puzzle with Noëlle, you type a password, which spell" december". If queen is at the image of Noëlle mother, it would be natural her password would be one of her child name.
The calendar in Noëlle room is stuck on December
The biggest, when Birdly explain is backstory at the speeling bee contest. He said Noelle was always spelling faster but got stuck (overwhelmed) at the word december. She couldn't spell it and the animation end with Noëlle falling on her knee. The trauma around December Holiday has litterally cause this to happen.
What happen to Dess ? She is really likely dead, here is the proof:
Noelle talk to you about their childhood when they used to play together, Kris, his brother, Noelle and her sister. She talk about this event while spelling her full name, she also talk about the feeling of nostalgy about here but she NEVER talk about her in the present.
When Berdly talk about the spelling bee contest, he explain that Noelle broke at the word December and never spell it? Why would she? She quickly spell all the word perfectly then is unable to spell one word. Why? Because it's link to a traumatic event.
Noelle is really unsecure, shy and often feel helpless during chapter 2, those kind of trait can appear when someone is feeling guilty for not saving someone else life. Even more when it's your sister.
No one is going to acknowledge Rudy is in the hospital and Noëlle come to see his father everyday. Everyday it's alot, maybe she want to make the best of her last moment with him cause she couldn't/didn't for someine else.
When Noelle express her fear about her dad dying, she mention that if he go too, it will "Only be me and mom". Only "Noelle" and "Her mom" what about Dess?
This is weird no? No one aknowledge Dess existence except Noëlle. If Dess did just leave for college like Asriel, the other townfolk would at least aknowledge her. Talk about it, they all know Asriel, loath him nd Dess was apparently Asriel friend, so if Asriel is popular, Dess must have been too. Why NO ONE except Rudy and Noelle aknowledge her, if she leave, she will come back, like Asriel, everyone must be waiting for her? Except if she will never come back.
What's Dess role? Place? Symbolism? Not alot except for Noelle, her familly, maybe a bit Kris:
We know Noelle has a strong imagery around angel (dress all white, magic spell, talk bout having angel wing too Susie, litterally fly in snowgrave)
but if she is like Asriel in undertale too? Asriel was the angel of death after all. Noelle is the character (for now) who is the most surrounded by death : Lost her sister, her father is dying, she is clearly show freezing monster to death, she kill berdly. She is the angel of death
Noelle is really link to a feeling of helplesness. As the french expression say "Elle ne prend pas les rennes" (pun on reeinder). If this feeling of not behing powerfull enough Come from the trauma of loosing her sibling?
Noelle is not talkative and hesitant when she talk but she has initiative (as show with the chalk given too Susie), maybe she was shut at some point and now she is shy.
We don't know much about her past and she don't talk about it. Obviously Kris know has a childhood friend, but it's shown Berdly don't know Noelle break in the spelling bee contest because Noelle sister was name December and she die. Berdly is noelle friend and he donlt know shit about her past actually.
What if Noelle mother isolement was due to the scare to be once against attach to someone who might die. If Dess die of thz same disease as Rudy ? A hereditary didease.
What if Noelle mother was really strict toward Noelle (has show with Noelle overworking tendency and tons of activity but also throughout Queen) becauqe She don't want Noelle to do the same mistake has Dess?
Dess might play a role in later chapter that's why I do this recap now. Don't hesitate too reblog too add more info I might have miss. I believe December holiday will play a role later, even dead, in Noelle Memory.
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yomiurinikei · 3 years
for system pride day,, u could write nikei being a system hcs,, also happy system pride day!! - from another system who really likes your stuff ^^
WAAA sorry this is so late i kept forgetting but hi i was genuinely so excited to get this i hope ur still following me/will see this if u weren't following to begin with!!!! happy (late) system pride to u too, i'm so glad u enjoy!!! (sorry if these aren't too cohesive, they were written in two big bouts after a big break inbetween, i hope it's not too obvious!)
edit: anywyas i'm working on compiling proof that every sdra character is part of a system /hj
~*~syskei hcs!
•ooooo okay hi. i was thinking abt different alters + their functions and i think i have some stuff? some ideas? to counter linujs inconsistencies with nikeis motivations. yes
•so! the reason we never learn nikeis backstory (in game explanation) is because the main fronter doesn't know anything! he has zero fucking clue what his childhood was,,, he vaguely remembers what utsuro saved him from, but frequently struggles with impostor syndrome
•becauseee unlike the other children of utsuro, he only vaguely remembers some big things, specific incidents when he got hurt, not "the big traumatic event"
•and he only realized he had did when the other children of utsuro worked it out with him, after a alter was triggered to front and had a meltdown.
•when nikei didn't remember it, and revealed that he's not even certain he didn't make up being saved by utsuro, they did some research on what could be happening!
•aaand they've worked out that: there's nikei, main fronter, with the personality we see in chapter 1, and then some control issues + need to feel in power, but a lot of insecurity, and again, imposter syndrome
•then, there's the alter we'd see in chapter 4, a protector who's main form of protecting is to take control over everything, feeling the need to manipulate everyone so that way they know no one will try and hurt them
•and! theresss at least one child alter, but nikei thinks there's a few more from different stages in his life
•he's only really identified the one child alter who split off to hold the traumatic memories of his backstory because. that's the only one the other children of utsuro have really noticed, and was the one mentioned earlier
•speaking of!! his being a system is vv covert. as a child, it was always all about following orders (lack of control) and so the system is used to just "okay. here's what we're gonna do, we're gonna get it done, and not cause issues"
•anywayssss just gonna focus on nikei? but yea! them,,
•feels guilty sometimes because like "what if i'm faking and just trying to find a way out of taking responsibility for my actions" but then three seconds later he's desperately apologizing to someone for a snarky comment while throttling an alter
•every now and then has a "holy shit that's a system thing" moment for a behavior and his world is rocked
•tried to categorize who's in front and stuff by mannerisms to help him when he's blurring and stuff. it didn't go well, he's made 20 iterations of the categories
•for him, the worst thing is decorating. that's when he's hit with tons of conflicting opinions from the others as they all talk about what they want for their room, etc etc
•!! emma heard about a director planning to make a film with DID, nikei was brought on as a consultant to help with how the system was written!
•nikei will forget to do a chore or just. not want to and he'll drag a different alter to front so they'll do it, or will switch with a kid in the system bc no ones willing to get after a kid
•oh speaking of all the CoU are kinda enamored with the kids of his system because 1) they care abt nikei and that extends to the rest of the system 2) i generally see them. while not trusting themselves to care for kids, wanting the best for children they come across and being protective?
•so they've apologized like crazy bc they feel bad abt how they reacted when previously mentioned syskid was pulled to front (a lot of "calm down, don't act so childish") despite nikei making it clear everything's okay ajsjsjsjsj
•in killing game, they're all just. quietly panicking and wondering if it's safer for nikei to talk abt being part of a system or for him to keep it quiet
•nikei is just trying to keep everyone else quiet and keep them from going to squeal over whichever of the participants they're excited to meet. help him
•!!! he likes his hair how it is, and is rlly glad that everyone agreed to keep it like that, but he hates coming to front and it being tied up
•speaking of,  his hat is kinda his signature item? if the others see him with it, it's generally a guarantee nikei is fronting, or was fronting recently
•when uh. we saw him in game without his hat, it's because he panicked so much that a switch happened and so the hat was ditched
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.17
a/n: ya’ll~ more flirting happens... >:)
warnings: this cannot be read solo, fluff
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 18
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ 
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“THAT IS NOT HOW IT WORKS, CHISAKI!” You slammed your fist on the table.
The movie did not turn out well from both of your commentaries. Deciding on something else to do, you asked if he had ever played other board games aside from Shogi. When he answered he knew a few, you quickly went to the guest room and took out a few. There was a short debate as to what game to play, but the two of you settled with Monopolize.
“Of course it is.” He showed you his properties. “I get to purchase what I want, is that not the rule?”
“Well, yeah, but YOU DON’T NEED THAT PROPERTY!” You were a card away before being able to purchase a house. Underestimating his Monopolize skills, you found yourself struggling with the properties and money.
“Oh, but I do if I want to beat you.” He reached for the bag of chips and munched on a few. Seeing how you were slowly becoming bankrupt was rather fun. When he saw the way you began to think of ways to bring yourself back up, he had to admit it was pretty. “Just go to jail.”
“I intend to purchase more lots with my remaining money…” Throwing the dice, the both of you stopped breathing when you rolled an 8. Smirking at the result, you happily passed Go and earned 200. But your happiness faded when you landed on his property with 3 houses.
“Pay up.”
“Fuck you and your houses.” You took a thick amount of bills and coins. “I feel so cheated.”
“First off, that’s a different version of Monopolize. Second, I do not cheat when it comes to board games.” He took the money and arranged it. “And third, you simply suck at this game.”
“Okay. First, you basically do this as a yakuza. Second, I do not suck at this game. I’m just at a disadvantage. And third…”
“Third?” It was clear you ran out of reasons.
“How bout we team up on some properties, ey?” Once again you gave him finger guns. You winced and widened your eyes when you realized he threw chips at your face. “Did you just throw food at me?!”
“No. That was your bankruptcy I threw at you.” Catching the pillow you threw at him, he caught it effortlessly. Smirking at your lame attempt, he threw the pillow back at you. “Lame.”
“I will not hesitate to cuff you to the sofa, you trashy bird.”
“I can easily overhaul and escape. You’re merely wasting effort.”
“Is that a challenge?” You stood up and placed your hands on your waist.
“It may be.” He stood up as well and took a step closer to you.
“I’ll give you 10 seconds to run.”
“You have them ready?” He stared at the coffee table and searched for any drawers that could hold cuffs. Watching you bend over and reach for something, he took a playful step back when a pair of quirk suppressing cuffs were now in your hands. Not wasting time, he turned around only to be followed by you.
The chasing went on for about 15 minutes. Going in and out of rooms, bumping on furniture, overhauling pillows thrown at him (followed by incoherent cursing), and a few slips from both of you, the unit was a mess. One particular slip made you loosen your grip on the cuffs. Overhaul was about to turn and help till he realized he could turn things around. Manipulating the ground, you watched as the cuffs shot into the air and landed on his glove free hand.
“Yeah… I think the point has been proven that I’m weak compared to you.” You were now the one who took a step back. The mischievous glint in his golden eyes sent shivers down your spine. When he took a step forward, you turned 180 degrees and made a run for it.
Jumping and avoiding the mess of each overhauled item, you were now cornered into the wall. No where else to go, you stood ground and watched as he twirled the cuffs around his finger.
“You’re not even out of breath.” Overhaul praised you. Not that he was but the chase was rather, dare he say, fun.
“I chase people like you for a living. I have to be fit.” Swallowing your saliva, you could feel your knees growing weak with how dangerously close he was now. Not finding the strength to look him in the eye, you focused on the floor.
“You didn’t answer my question from before.” He placed his palm on the wall and leaned in closer. “Why do people like touching other people? It’s plain filthy and the amount of germs being exchanged makes me want to puke.”
“It provides them a sense of comfort and belonging.” You shrugged. Well aware that you were now pinned to the wall. Making eye contact with him, you began to chew on your lower lip. Not bothering to activate your quirk, you felt your cheeks heating up from the closeness you two had.
Placing his other hand on the wall, Overhaul took in the view of your flustered self. Checking to see if he had any hives, he was more than pleased with their absence. Inching his way even closer, he felt your hot breath brush his face.
With the tip of his nose, he began to trace your jaw and cheek. Leaning on his elbow, he lowered his other hand. His index finger began to trace an imaginary line down your arm.
“You know,” He whispered in your ear. “It’s amazing how you don’t question my motives.”
“I-I’m just keeping my end of the bargain.” It’s a miracle you were still standing. Having him this close to you made you want to just grab him and devour his lips. Of course, you knew it was wrong knowing both of you were still professional but… it is outside work hours and he said there was no need for formalities. “Chisaki?”
“What is it, my little guilty pleasure?”
Do you bite back? Should you respond? If you did, then what if he’d back up all of a sudden due to cooties and shit? But you were literally pinned to the wall and if this wasn’t suggestive enough, you weren’t exactly sure what he was after. When the tip of his nose traveled to your cheek once more, you dared look at his eyes again and let out a shaky exhale.
“Imma be honest. Are we on the same page?”
“Are my actions not clear enough?” He was now directly in front of you. Taking a step closer, both your chests were touching. All it took was for him to lean down and the rest would be history.
“In my defense,” Your eyes fell to his lips and back to his sharp golden orbs. “You are an antisocial sociopath and anything can run through your head.”
“Is that what you cops label me?”
“Can’t blame them.”
“Problem child.”
Fixing his posture, Overhaul smirked at the yearning expression you gave him. Turning around, he looked at the mess the both of you made during the little cat and mouse game. Peaking over his shoulder, he watched as you recomposed yourself. The red tint on your cheeks made you glow.
That would have been the perfect chance to know why humans craved to be touched. Yet, tonight was not the night. Your response was enough for him to know that when the time comes, you would surely cave in and give him the answer he wants.
“Your unit is a mess.” He walked towards the table and stared at the deformities surrounding the sofa.
“Well, it wouldn’t have been if a certain someone didn’t use his quirk.”
“I am not the one who started the little fiasco.”
“Can you please overhaul things back to the way they were?” Your shoulders slumped. The game pieces were nothing but the floor and some parts of the sofa had been damaged. With the adrenaline from before dying down, you felt exhausted from the day’s events.
Noticing your change of aura, he reached for his mask and kneeled to the floor. Using his quirk, he overhauled things back to the way they were. Relief evident on your face, he felt good knowing he was the cause.
“You look tired. I should go.”
“Yeah. Just give me a minute and I’ll drive you back.” You said as you picked up the money and board. “And I will not take no for an answer. I brought you here. It’s my responsibility to bring you back.”
“They might see you and raise their suspicions.” He retorted. “We aren’t supposed to be seeing each other until two months from now.”
“Do I look like I care?” He merely blinked his response. Covering the box, you stood up and gestured for him to follow you towards the door. “Technically speaking, I’m still part of the case. Nao is just taking my absence. Besides, Levi made it clear that none of them were to meddle with the Fukuo Kai case.”
His eye twitched at the name. That same man had been sleeping in the same area as you.
“What was your business with Ackerman?”
“Oh. Well, he was supposed to help me in the Arson case I was working on. But the HPSC took over and Erwin said he was needed back at his precinct so it was short lived.” Should you use Levi’s name? He wasn’t around and there was no way his quirk could reach you from this distance. “Kinda sucks he’s not here though.”
“How unfortunate.”
“Ah well~” You locked your doors and the both of you were now inside the elevator. “Dating him for a couple of years, it makes my apartment seem empty. He was good company to have.”
Silence engulfed the two of you as you made your way to the car. Observing his eyes, they were steering clear from yours. If this was jealousy or anger, you couldn’t tell but getting some sort of reaction from him was more than you could bargain for.
Regret came seeping in when you were now turning left. The entire car ride, he was silent and not even you had the guts to break the ice. When the house was in sight, you parked the car and locked the door before he could even open it.
“Did I say something wrong?” You challenged him.
“Not at all.”
“Then why are you silent?”
“None of your business.” He unlocked the door only to have you lock it again.
“If you’re pissed about Ackerman,” You saw how his eye twitched. “Then I’m more than happy to say I don’t see him in that way anymore. We just, you know, managed to fix things real good.”
“I didn’t ask for an explanation.”
“Look at you all whiny~” You poked his shoulder. “I like someone else. Just in case you want to know.”
“Unlock the door before I break this.” Seeing how the locks flipped, he opened the doors and slammed it shut. Not bothering to look back, he made his way towards the gate and entered.
“Great.” You mumbled to yourself as you left the area. “Way to ruin the night, (y/n).”
Three days had passed since the little fiasco you two shared. During those days, not a single text or missed call from him. Though, it wasn’t surprising knowing you were currently off the case and that you were now on your way to Sir Nighteye’s Agency for a meeting. Fixing yourself in the mirror, you found your thoughts wandering to what had happened.
Being pinned to the wall by a Class-B Villain was something you had never dreamed about. Heck, taking personal interest with one never really crossed your mind. It just had to be with a yakuza boss who seems to be taking a liking to you that made things start. Why couldn’t it have been someone like Gentle or even just those random ass one’s?
Still, having his face inches away from  yours made your stomach feel tingly and face red. Hell, you even cursed yourself for not taking a screenshot of his shirtless self.
‘You and your useless brain!!’ Gei screamed when you relayed what had transcribed between you two. ‘BABY GIRL! You just lost the opportunity to seize that man!’
Banging your head on the wheel, you groaned and had a mini seizure. Taking the files and your bag, you made your way to the building. Greeted by Deku and Mirio, all three of you went up the stairs and small talked about life in UA. Or quirks.
“What’s your quirk, (l/n)-san?” Deku asked enthusiastically as he readied his notebook and pen.
“I’m not really sure what to call it.” You scratched your nape. Ever since you were a child, you never really bothered branding your quirk with some flashy name. Blood Pressure manipulation was too long. At times, you could control the flow of one’s blood circulation but not to the point where it could be branded as Blood Manipulation. It probably could have evolved into that but you strayed away from the hero courses offered.
Explaining your quirk, you watched as Deku scribbled notes and nodded his head. Asking questions every now and then as well. It felt odd having an interrogation about your quirk but you were more than willing to answer his queries.
“(Y/N)!” Fatgum yelled from across the hallway. Arms open wide for a hug.
“Fatgum!” Being wrapped in his big arms was always comfortable. “How’s the agency? Looking a little less round today.”
“Agency is doin’ well~ Tamaki here is showing a lot of potential to become my sidekick!” He slapped the back of the elf like boy who merely lowered his head and covered his blushing face. “Kirishima’s also kicking ass as well!”
The small conversations continued till all of you were now seated inside the meeting room. With Nighteye seated in the center, you listened as he began the meeting.
“Today, we have some good updates. I managed to come in contact with a man who worked under the Shie Hassaikai. He was out doing an errand Overhaul probably tasked him to do.” Taking out a rather large box, all of you stared at the child’s obnoxiously pink toy. “It was a risk but I managed to see how to get into his base. The needed combination to access the underground facility.”
You hated being in this room. Each passing minute dragged on. It felt wrong having to hear out what the heroes were saying all while wishing the best for the man they were planning to capture. When Nighteye gave the new timeframe, it was exactly a month from the Fukuo Kai stake out.
“Are there any questions?” NIghteye asked. Adjusting his glasses, he focused on your side of the table. “Suggestions?”
Seeing as there were none, the meeting was adjourned.
“(l/n)-san, may I have a word?” He spoke before you could stand.
Nodding farewell to your friends, you took the seat close to the pro-hero and motioned for him to begin. Observing as he took out a small contraption from his breast pocket, you swallowed a ton of saliva when he placed it on the table.
“I know Ackerman specifically mentioned not to meddle with your case, but this is all I ask of you.” Pushing the small object near you, he waited for you to hold on to it. When you did, he proceeded. “This isn’t much but would it be alright if you plant this somewhere in his office?”
“Sir Nighteye.” You activated your quirk to calm your nerves. “As much as I’d like to help, I’m currently off the case and the last time I visited the Shie Hassaikai was weeks ago.”
“Tsukauchi has relayed the news that in two months, you two will be working together.” He paused and leaned on the back rest. “Or was that just false information?”
“With all due respect, Overhaul’s trust in me is as fragile as any glass could get. If he were to find out that I bugged him the case might be put to jeopardy.”
“That’s why you should plant it once your case is finished.”
“As much as possible, we want this case to be finished with. The sooner we can get to Eri-chan, the better. However, if we cannot get a glimpse as to how their operations truly run and what goes on in that head of his, this whole situation would take longer.” Not once did he let go of your eye contact. “I made sure to pattern the raid with your case to ensure higher chances of success.”
“Well, in that case, I simply have to hold on to this until my case with him closes.?”
“Exactly. But, if you can bug him even earlier it would be of much help.”
“And what if he finds out?”
“By the time he will, the raid would have already happened.”
“I’ll see what I can do.” Those were the safest words you could say with confidence. “Is that all?”
“Yes. Thank you for the time.”
Gathering your things, you made your way out of the room. The chip resting snugly on your clenched fist. Thankful that he didn’t touch you in anyway, you avoided the crowded hallways and slipped past the exit. Brisk walking all the way to your car, you immediately locked the doors and checked if the device was off.
Taking a small box from the compartment, you placed the burden inside.
Massaging your temples, you rested your head on the steering wheel and cussed. No matter how careful you were, the heroes always managed to be two steps ahead. Remembering what Hawks said, it was harder to be three steps in front of them.
“I fucking hate set ups.” You mumbled before starting your car and headed to the precinct.
As if the day couldn’t get any worse, the chief was standing by your cubicle when you arrived. The same smug look on his face indicated he was updated with the meeting and knew perfectly well what you had to do.
“How was the meeting, (y/n)?” He leaned on the partition with his arms crossed over his chest.
“It went rather well but I am not in the mood to handle whatever fuckery you have instore for me today.” You snapped back. Louder than intended, the whole area went silent and stared at both of you.
“That is no way to speak to your commanding officer, (l/n).”
“Oh yeah? Well sorry to say that I don’t give a shit, Yokai-kun.” You weren’t done. “Or should I say, chief.”
“We are in the precinct, (l/n). If you cannot handle whatever emotion you are lashing out, feel free to step outside.”
“Thank you for the offer.” Grabbing your needed folders, you stuffed them into your bag and faced the enraged chief once more. “Oh and by the way, you smelling like a vegetable is revolting. So the next time you invade my personal space AND private life, you’ll be hearing an ambulance.”
Flicking him off, you stormed out of the precinct and found yourself in the car once more. The whole ordeal lasted no more than 10 minutes. The only good thing to happen was you gave that asshat a chunk of your mind. For sure, 5 cases would land on your desk by tomorrow.
A knock on your window made you jump on your seat. Unlocking the door, you watched as Tsukauchi took the passenger’s seat. A cup of tea in his outstretched hand. Accepting it, you gulped the beverage and let out a sigh.
“Rough day?”
“A bit.”
“How was the meeting with Nighteye?”
“It went smoothly. Things are picking up nicely.” That was the truth. The cold hard truth.”If things turn out well, they might succeed in capturing Overhaul.”
Nodding at your statement, Tsukauchi began to tap his index finger on the window button.
“And that’s alright with you?”
“Of course.” No hesitation on your response.
“Then why be emotional about it?” His voice was even and showed no sign of anger. “It’s unlike you to act out and cause a scene.”
“It’s complicated, Nao.”
“You’re the one whose making things complicated.” His index stopped tapping. “This side you're showing me… only happens when you're caught in a cinch. Adding two and two, there’s only two possible reasons why.” Waiting for you to respond, he was rather shocked that you remained silent. “The first is that you’re secretly working with the Shie Hassaikai with their deeds.”
The small smirk you made was enough to let him furrow his brows.
“What’s the second, Nao?”
“Do I really have to say it?”
If there was one person whom you could fully trust, it had to be the man sitting beside you. Rubbing your face in defeat, a soft and weak chuckle escaped your mouth. He was using his quirk but you were too exhausted to bite back.
“So the worst really happened, huh?” He patted and squeezed your shoulder. Hoping it was enough to calm your rapid thoughts. “Since when?”
“It just happened gradually.” You sighed. “I’m sorry. I lost control and my professionalism along the way.”
“Don’t be.” He ruffled your hair, the most unexpected action ever. “I took it into account knowing Levi and you were a thing. I overlooked the small chance of you harboring feelings for him. I guess in a way, I’m at fault too. This was my case yet I handed it to you.”
“Nah. It’s on my account. I wanted to treat him as a human being to see what he was behind the mask. His charm got to me and I’m just reaping the consequences. You have no fault in this, Nao.”
“If it makes you feel better,” He nodded and chuckled. “I can see why you fell down the rabbit hole. He’s good with words and sociopath tendencies aside, he’s as proper as a gentleman can get. To be honest, I brushed this theory off but when he requested to have you be his partner, it just… stood out.”
“He complimented you. Said you were not a hindrance at all.” You finally smiled at your partner.
“As he should.” He winked.
- - - - -
a/n: haha yall cockblocked yourselves xD i hope ya’ll liked that little kabedon ;) Overhaul’s waiting list is still accepting btw :) feel free to drop a comment or message if you wanna be added :)
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edgeofmyniall · 4 years
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three: “Jolene”
masterlist | taglist | thoughts
“Jolene, I'm begging of you please don't take my man....please don't take him just because you can”
Ginger woke to fifteen missed calls from Niall, thirty-three texts that consisted of variations of “Are you okay?” and “Please call me back.” Each text made her head pound, whether it was out of anger or something else she didn’t know. But the one text message that made her heart beat rapidly and forcibly made her sit up in bed out of pure shock was a single text from John Doe.
Hey, what are you up to? 
It was sent at 2:56 a.m. She could hear her mother clearly as she bit the inner corner of her lip: “Nothing good comes after eleven. Nothing.” It was now 8:39 a.m. Nearly a six hour difference between the initiation and response. Ginger quickly tapped at the screen, trying to come up with a witty response. Her brain tried to remind her that this was bad news like Niall, but her heart told her brain that Daniel could have changed and their history proved volitable.
Her body began to involuntarily shake as she stared at the name in the top part of the screen. She smiled to herself as she thought of the many memories her and Daniel shared. 
Just woke up, haha. What’s up with you? Long time, no see.
The ellipses popped up immediately and Ginger threw her phone across her bed at the sight of Daniel responding. This is actually happening. Wait, wasn’t he married to what’s-her-face? Kendall? Kimberly? K-something...
Ginger tried not to keep up secretly with Daniel after everything he put her through, but she just had to know if he was happy, like truly happy. He went through many girlfriends until he met his wife at college in Florida. She watched afar and silently as he found happiness.
Couldn’t sleep. I was going through our yearbook and I couldn’t stop wondering if you’re doing good G
G. It had been years since someone had called her that. And it was Daniel’s name for her. Even after he broke her heart that afternoon so long ago, he would still linger his eyes on her for a bit too long for someone who never liked her. Never cared for her.
I’m doing good. In California working. What about you? You become that all-star catcher? She knew the answer, but she wanted to keep the conversation going. Talking to Daniel brought her unexplainable joy no matter what the conversation was about. 
Nah. I’m coaching at the high school though. Figured that was as close to MLB as I’ll ever get haha
Ginger tried to think of a witty comeback for his statement before there was another message.
Miss you G. You’re still beautiful 
Ginger blinked violently as she tried to process what just happened. Daniel misses me? In what dream state am I in? She couldn’t think of anything to say, but the yearning truth: Miss you too Danny. 
Stella was bouncing in the kitchen. Bouncing isn’t the correct word- she was dancing to Miley Cyrus, but bouncing was a better fit than the word dancing. She was practically jumping up and down to some break up song, and Ginger felt like she was suffocating. Either Niall and Stella needed to break up or make amends because Ginger can not take much more of the whiplash the two have caused her. Stella began singing at the top of her lungs off-key and Ginger breathed a sigh of relief when her phone began to rang. It was Niall. 
Stealthily, Ginger sneaks through the living room and pushes the glass door open. The enclosed backyard was small and L-shaped. She spent very little time outside, but she loved the small deck that Stella and her had put together when they first moved in together: just a patio table with an umbrella that was torn in half with mismatched chairs around it.
She closed the door and slid her thumb across the screen.
“Yes?” Ginger snaps, her voice sharp and jagged as her annoyance was made clear.
“I was, uh,” Niall is taken aback from the hurtful tone of his friend. “I was making sure you’re okay.” “I’m fine,” Ginger is short with Niall, something that isn’t normal.
“Ya sure? I wasn’t tryn’ to be a dick last night, I just...I have a lot on me mind.”
“Well you were, so…” Ginger twirled her hair in between her fingers as her mind wanders at the thought of Daniel. What was he doing? And why did he text her after all this time?
“I’m sorry. I just… I don’t know.” Niall’s voice fades off and that pulls Ginger back into reality. She sits on the cement stair leaning out to the background and leans against the glass door. 
“What’s wrong? Tell me. Or I’ll beat it outta you,” Ginger accepts Niall’s apology with a threat of unbelievable violence-her way of cheering up Niall. It had worked in the past.
“I’m givin’ Stella to the end of the month to get ‘er shit together, or I’m leaving. I’m gone. For good. No more hangin’ out wid each oder. Done.” Ginger imagines Niall waving his hands around as each of his words spills out into the line. The way he picks at his cuticles and bites his lip as he waits for an answer.
“And you’re gonna tell she has until the end of the month?” Ginger asks, her brow quirks up in half amusement and half surprise. 
Ginger shakes her head to process the simple answer.
“She can figure it out on her own. She’s smart. I won’t try as hard, and if she doesn’t care enough to ask or do anything ‘bout it, that’s when I’ll know.”
“So you’re basing your relationship on telepathic inabilities?” Ginger half laughs and rolls her eyes. “I don’t believe it.”
“I don’t want to be with her anymore, Gin.” Niall’s voice is harsh and deep, frustration floating in his tone.
“Then fucking break up with her. God, fuck this. Either you be with her or you don’t.” Ginger stands up as her tone increases. She’s yelling at Niall now. “I don’t want to be a part of this!”
Stella opens the glass door with a confused look on her face and Ginger looks at her with somber filling her eyes. She stands and faces her cousin whose eyes are puffy from the amount of crying she’s been doing.
“Whether you like it or not, Ginger, you’re a part of this as much as I am. I can’t believe that I’m-”
Ginger cuts the phone off before she hears anything that Niall might regret saying. 
“What was that all about? Who was that? Was that Niall? He hasn’t returned any of my texts, and I-” Stella’s mouse like voice returned to normal and Ginger sighs before cupping her hands around her cousin’s shoulders.
“It was. He just wanted to make sure I was okay after my encounter with Rex at work,” Ginger lies. Her heart is racing hoping Stella buys the line she just dropped. Stella looks at Ginger for a moment and decides it is the truth.
“He’s such a dick.”
“Such a dick. What do you want to do today? I can go do laundry.” Ginger follows her cousin into the house and prays to God for letting the lie work. “I’ve got quarters.”
Ginger is scrolling through her Twitter feed as she waits for the clothes to finish washing in the top right machine. Her offer of doing laundry was a plea to escape the house. Her rhythm of washing, drying, and folding the warm, clean clothes was meticulous enough to get her mind off certain things: Niall, Daniel, and the whole Stella situation. 
Every time she wanted to be alone, needed to be alone, someone was there to interrupt her thoughts and processes of events that happened in the past two weeks. 
Celebration Dinner: Niall came on to Ginger multiple times during dinner and after driving her home, he basically all but told her that he had feelings for her. Then she avoids anyone associated with him for two weeks which includes her cousin a.k.a. his girlfriend. Then last night or this morning, depending how you look at it, Daniel texts her out of the blue. What the hell is going on? 
A sudden light tap on her shoulder makes Ginger jump. She’s on edge since dinner two weeks ago as if she’s hiding something; like she’s guilty. It was a young girl with braids throughout her hair that needed to get by and Ginger’s sprawled out legs were taking up the walkway.
“Sorry sweetheart,” Ginger mumbles and smiles to the little girl. “Here,” Ginger pulls a dollar worth in quarters off the machine she’s been leaning on as she sits and waits for the washing machine to be done. “Go get you a coke.”
The girl happily takes the coins and pushes the clothes basket into her mother’s calves. “Momma, this girl gave me money for a drink. Can I get one?” The dark-skinned lady turns around and looks at Ginger, and as awkward as she may feel right now, Ginger smiles softly. She knew the mom wasn’t happy about the basket wreck or that a complete stranger gave her daughter money, but Ginger looked decent enough. She sighs before saying: “Did you tell her thank you?”
“Thank you lady!” The young girl runs to the back of the laundromat and decides what she should pick.
“You really have a way with people.” The simple sentence was spoken to Ginger and she knew by the accent who it was: the one person she’s been trying to avoid. She closes her eyes and sighs softly before turning around. “You hung up on me.”
“Yeah, well, you were being a dick again.” Ginger goes back to her scrolling on Twitter as Niall sits down on the bench beside her. He begins to tap her thumbs and palms against the white rusting metal of the machines as he looks both ways before smiling very assholishly in Ginger’s opinion.
“I’m a dick for expressing my thoughts. I’m a dick for not. Catch twenty-two.” Niall’s voice hums over the dryer behind him and it was a tug on his striped shirt that pulled his glance away from Ginger.
“You’re in One Direction,” the little girl that Ginger had given her money to had come up to Niall. “You look different.”
“I look different?” Niall asks and the little girl nods. “Well that’s ‘cause I’m growing up. Like you are. What’s yer name?” Niall crouches down to talk to the girl better, and she smiles.
“Jamiyah. My momma calls me Jay.”
“Where is your mom? Is she here?” Jamiyah nods and grasps Niall’s hand and pulls him toward her mom. Ginger watches the ordeal, but blocks out their conversation. They take a quick picture and Niall is back to sitting down next to Ginger, but this time his hand is close to Ginger’s thigh, and her mind races as she thinks about his burning touch on her skin. Niall is intoxicating her and she still needs to drive home. 
“So are we gonna talk or what?” Niall leans in and whispers, his breath hot on Ginger’s ear. She swallows hard as she tries to concentrate on the social media platform she’s currently on, but it’s a war Ginger isn’t ready to fight. She turns her head and his face is inches away from hers, but she can taste the mint of his breath. Her mouth falls open slightly before she scrapes her teeth against the skin of her bottom lip. 
“I, um, thought you already talked.” Ginger’s words fall out of her mouth before she can process what she’s saying. In the laundromat with the machines whirling clothes around, Niall looks around and sees the small family have disappeared before looking back at Ginger, pulling himself closer. “I’ll never stop talking to ya, Gin.”
His lips tasted of mint and strawberries; Ginger assumes from his midday smoothie. The plump skin rolls against hers as she wanes her neck. Niall’s tongue coaxes Ginger’s mouth open with the gentle brush of his open mouth against hers and their tongues roll against each other. Ginger breathes in deep and lets out a loud moan as she begins to climb on top of Niall, pushing him down onto the bench. Niall cups the nape of Ginger’s neck and halts her from throwing herself onto him. He pulls back, his thumb tracing Ginger’s cheekbone as he catches his breath. Ginger’s hair falls down onto his face and he wants to drown in her curls. Niall’s palm burns into Ginger’s pale skin and as she sits back up, Niall bites his lip as he stifles a grunt.
“Jesus, Gin, got me stiff while waitin’ for the washin’.” Niall looks up at the ceiling, begging his mind to think of anything but the touch of Ginger’s breast grazing his chest or how sweet her lips tasted against his. He smiles as his mind wanders to the things he is yearning not to think of. 
Ginger takes in Niall as his brow folds-concentrating to quiet this hard on Ginger has caused him. His throat is thick and the bulge in the middle is prominent; the only thoughts Ginger has is what she would give to leave her mark on his skin. To burn him with her touch as he does hers. 
“I like this version of talkin’,” Niall laughs as he looks at Ginger. The washing machine dings and Ginger stands quickly before smoothing her unwrinkled shirt. She places the clothes directly underneath to dry and Niall stands before Ginger turns around. 
“Hey, uh, yah. I’m on my way,” Niall cuts the phone call short and he half-sheepishly smiles at Ginger. He grasps her wrists and his touch is fire against her ice skin. “I gotta run, babe.” Niall lets go and begins to walk out of the laundry facility before he turns around and jogs to Ginger. He quickly kisses her on the lips, full and lovingly before kissing her on the cheek and the neck and her ear. 
“Go, you idiot.” Ginger says and watches Niall walk out of the building. It was when she sat down that she realized what she had done.
Ginger drives home slowly. The corner laundromat ride should not take fifteen minutes, but it does. And an extra five minutes before Ginger braves herself strong enough to walk into her house. The only thing that made Ginger even come home was the fact that Stella needed her clothes. 
In the driveway was parked Niall’s car, and the pit in Ginger’s stomach grew. She wanted to swallow herself whole. 
On the couch, as Ginger walked in, was Niall and Stella. Stella was dry humping and rolling her hips around Niall’s waist in the middle of Ginger’s couch. Anger bubbled in her body and it took everything she had in herself to not throw Stella off Niall and punch him in the jaw. She loudly dropped the clothes basket on the coffee table, interrupting Niall and Stella’s heavy petting. Ginger’s eyes fill with tears when Stella looks up at Ginger as she still holds on to Niall’s neck, her fingers wasted in his hair. He looks as if he’s lost for words and as he tries to gather what he wants to say- to explain what he’s just been caught doing, Ginger walks to the kitchen and locates the bottle of tequila before stomping upstairs and slams the bedroom door shut. 
If Niall can hurt her like this, she’ll hurt him back ten times harder.
@oyesmendes ndes @thicksniall @kare38 @stayclose-holdsteady @halfpinthoran
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robinrunsfiction · 5 years
Consider..Demon!Gerard (he’s such a sweetheart,,calls herbsugar,,darling-also super shady tho)finds the reader dying (mugged maybe?)And brings her back to life(the afterlife??)she lives with him now because thats what happens when a demon saves u ig?Anyways theyre kinda falling in love,,she falls asleep on him on the couch one night,,the next night what do u know things happen and things are said and they end up making out in their underwear in her room,, suuper fluffy,, they fall asleep
Have You Heard the News That You’re Dead?
Pairing: Demon!Gerard Way x Female ReaderRating: TeenRequested By: AnonWord Count: ~2,400Author’s Note: Hi, my name is Robin and I am physically incapable of writing a short story, but this is super super late so I hope that makes up for it! I use the prompt “Everyone has a guardian angel except you. You have a guardian demon. He deals with things in a much more violent fashion, but much more effective.” from @writing-prompt-s as my guide for this one. Also TW: for mentions of death, but if you didn’t get that from the ask, I can’t help you.
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You always knew you were different. You could tell the vibe you gave off wasdifferent of that of everyone else. Dogs growled or ran away when you walkeddown the street. Old ladies would clutch their pearls. If it hadn’t been likethat for as long as you could remember, it would be alarming to say the least.What you weren’t aware of was the fact that most people had a guardian angellooking out for them, and you had a guardian demon.
That’s not to say it made you a bad person, you just had a different way of moving through life. Sure trouble found you more often than others, but you were still having a hell of a good time. That is until the night you stumbled alone out of that bar in a drunken stupor. You’d be fine you reasoned. You were always fine. Until that guy with a knife appeared and you didn’t have any money left to give him and that answer angered him, and then you were bleeding on the ground.
The last thing you saw was a man with black eyes and black hair and a pale face running up, muttering obscenities under his breath, clearly panicked. All youcould wonder was why there was no one to look out for you at that moment.
You woke up in a bed that wasn’t familiar in a room you’d never seen. You sat upand saw your shirt still had the hole from where you’d been stabbed, but yourskin was unbroken underneath. You had been certain you were dying on that street. Was this some kind of weird hospital? Had you been in a coma for years? What was going on?
You got out of the bed and moved quietly toward the door. As you wandered down the dark hallway, you could hear music playing. Following the sound, you found yourself in a living room, where someone, a man with black hair, sat with his back to you.
“‘Scuse me,” you started and he turned to look at you with those same black eyes you saw when you were on the street. “What the fuck?” you gasped asyou backed away. “Where am I? Where did you take me?” You demanded.
He sat down the book he was reading and strode over to you. “My name isGerard. I’m your guardian demon and for the sake of honesty, its my fault you’redead.”
“I’m dead?!” You shrieked. “Demon? Am I in hell?!”
“Not exactly. You’re at my place, which dimensionally speaking, is earth-adjacent… on the hell side. Come sit down, I’ll explain everything.”
“No! I wanna go home!”
Gerard winced. “That’s the thing sugar, this is your home now.”
Gerard had to rush to help you sit down, as your legs seemingly were not working at the moment and you looked like you were about to collapse.
“You see,” he started once you were seated, “most of you humans have guardian angels. A few of you lucky ones get us, guardian demons.”
“How is that lucky? I’m doomed to hell before I even get a crack at life?” Youargued.
“Oh you aren’t doomed, you’re destined to become a demon as well. Knowing you guarding another luck human soul until its time they join our ranks.”
“Then what am I doing here?”
“You weren’t supposed to be dead yet. I fucked up.”
Gerard descended upon you, his face inches from yours. “Oh sugar, didn’t I dowell for the last however many years? Didn’t you have a life anyone could wishfor?”
You didn’t know how to respond, so you just swallowed thickly.
“I thought so,” he said righting himself. “Besides, my duty to you is not relieved now that you are deceased. We need to keep you hidden here so management doesn’t know that I-”
“Fucked up and let me die.”
Gerard glared down at you. “Exactly. But don’t worry sugar, I intend to keeptaking the best care of you. I promise you that.”
Despite Gerard’s explanation of events you still weren’t totally convinced he wasn’t full of shit. That was until he left you alone in the living area for a whileand you snuck over to the window to look out.
His apartment was a couple stories up on a busy street. But instead of the usualbustle of cars and people there were what could only be described as creatures.
Sure some of them, like Gerard, looked human, save for the black eyes, or horns sticking out of their hair. Some looked like something you’d read about in ahorror novel. You watched wide eyed as they passed along the sidewalk belowyou, going about their demonic business.
“Believe me now?” Gerard asked, startling you away from the window.
“Sure,” you said sitting down again. It was all too much to take. “But what am Igonna until my destined death day?”
“Think of it as if its one of those days you called out sick from work so you couldsit and watch hours of TV.”
“I’m doomed to watch Judge Judy and Maury forever?! I mean one day is fine, but for eternity?!”
“No, anything you want to watch, read, listen to, its all at your disposal,” heexplained.
“Will I need to do live human stuff like… eat or sleep again?”
“Totally optional,” he said. “Just like all other carnal needs.”
You just rolled your eyes and went to examine the bookshelf. Not surprisingly itwas filled with books on the occult, as well as a lot on history, art and music.
“’Bout what I expected,” you said running your fingers over the spines of thebooks, “for a demon.” When you glanced up Gerard was watching youintently and it made you shiver involuntarily.
“Help yourself to any of them. I have to go meet up with some associates. Don’tanswer the door if anyone comes around, remember, you’re alive.”
You just rolled your eyes as you pulled a book off the shelf and sat down to read.
You had no idea how long had passed, time being more of a human construct it would appear by the lack of clocks in the apartment. Or maybe they weren’t andGerard’s lack of time management was the cause of your current, or ratherpermanent, state of being.
Eventually you got up and watched the demons on the street for a while, then wandered through the rest of the apartment. Who knew Demons would be so sensible as to have guest bedrooms? The closet will full of clothes that seemed to be similar to the style you like while you were alive. You changed out of the shirt you died in, a thought that made you shudder, and into one that was less holey.
Moving on you noted there was no bathroom, but that made sense given what he had said about things that were “optional”. The kitchen was impressivelystocked with rich foods and fancy wines and liquors. Maybe Gerard liked toentertain? Well he wasn’t doing that impressive of a job of it right now youthought as you found yourself getting bored.
As if on cue, Gerard burst through the door. “Miss me sugar?” He askedas he breezed into the kitchen where you were still standing, feeling slightlyguilty, like you were somewhere you shouldn’t have been.
“Not really,” you mumbled.
“Oh come on sugar,” he said slinking up to you and grazing your cheek with hisfingers, “is that anyway to talk to your roommate?”
You made a disgusted noise and rolled your eyes before pushing past him.
“This is gonna be a fucking long eternity,” he muttered under his breath.
The thing you most enjoyed about not being alive was similar to your favorite part of being alive: sleeping. You would sleep as long as you wanted without any repercussions or judgement from others. Gerard certainly didn’t mind, as this left more time for him to do whatever he wanted since he no longer had to watch over you so closely.
Soon though he realized he missed it. He was fond of you, as he had to be based on the nature of the work, but he always enjoyed making trouble for the people who pissed you off during the day. Now he watched as a dark cloud started to gather over your waking hours, the shelves of books and movies and music no longer drawing your interest like it used to. One evening he walked into the living room to find you staring blankly at the wall.
“Novelty of it has worn off, hasn’t it?” He asked.
“Yea, and the permanence is setting in,” you sighed.
Gerard sat down next to you. “I am truly sorry. You probably don’t believe me,but its true.”
“What happened that night?” You asked as you let your head fall against hisshoulder and he moved his arm so it was around you.
“Remember that guy that was bothering you at the bar earlier in the night?”
“I scared him off, that’s why he left you alone. He found someone else and theywere gonna hook up in the bathroom and I made sure that the whiskey he wasdrinking lived up to its reputation.”
You chuckled at the thought of the douche who had been talking such big game all night not being able to perform.
“I got carried away, but I’ve always hated guys like that,” Gerard admitted.“There really is a special place in hell for them.”
“Good,” you said, as you settled into him even more. A small smile tugged at his lips. “What else did you do for me?”
Gerard reclined to get more comfortable as he launched into his favorite stories of when he dealt out cosmic retribution on your behalf.
“You’re evil, but like, good evil,” you hummed as you slid down so you were laying against his chest. His arms wrapped around you protectively.
The next thing you knew you were being awakened by a hammering at the door. You both sat bolt upright and looked at each other.
“Gerard, you home?” a voice called from the other side.
“Go hide in your room,” he whispered and you hurried off and Gerard went to thedoor.
“Frank, what’s going on?” Gerard asked coolly.
“You got a hot little succubus in there?” Frank asked trying to look past Gerard.
“What’s going on Frank?” Gerard asked again, sounding more exasperated.
“Management is starting to ask about your human. No one has seen her in a while. You still keeping track of her?”
“Of course,” Gerard lied easily. “She’s just been dealing with some shit, so she’sbeen laying low.”
Frank nodded skeptically. “Just looking out for you. I’d hate to have you get fired,that would mean more work for me,” he laughed. “Besides, you know what happens when you get fired.”
Gerard nodded, trying not to let the nerves show. He remembered the last time another demon got fired. He couldn’t sleep for weeks it shook him so bad.
“Alright, I’ll leave you be, I know you got someone in there,” Frank smirked as he left.
Gerard went back to your room and found you hiding in the closet. “You’re good.”
“What’s going on?” You asked getting up.
“I’m gonna have to go topside and act like you’re still alive, or else I’m as deadas you.”
“Demons can die?”
“Not exactly the same, but it sure as shit ain’t pretty when it happens,” Gerard muttered.
“I wish I could help.”
“Not your fault, sugar,” he said as he headed back toward the front door. “I gottaclean up my mess for a while.”
“When will you be back?”
“You’ll barely know I’m gone,” he winked.
You spent what felt like forever sitting around, bored and lonely and thinking.Thinking for hours about what Gerard was risking keeping you here, and everything he had done for you your whole life. When the door finally opened again, you jumped up excitedly.
“Hey sugar,” he greeted you with a smile.
“Is everything ok?”
“Yea, we’re good for a while,” he said shrugging off his jacket. “I don’t thinkanyone will be asking questions anytime soon.”
“Good,” you said as you walked up to him and wrapped him in a hug.
Gerard stiffened momentarily, surprised by the affection, but then softened andwrapped his arms around you as well. “You decided you like me then?”
“Maybe it’s just Stockholm Syndrome, but yea, I think I do kinda like you after all. I have really did have the time of my life when I was alive, and I know you’re tothank for a lot of that,” you said before leaning up and placing a kiss on hischeek.
When you pulled back, he was looking down at you fondly. He reached up and ran his fingers along your jaw and leaned in and kissed you deeply. His lips tasted like coffee and red hots, as his arms wrapped around you and held you closer to him. You ran your hands through his dark hair and allowed his tongue to slip in against yours.
You pulled back and Gerard looked at you in confusion until you grabbed him by the collar and pulled him along back to the bedroom. He started to undo the buttons of his shirt as you peeled yours off as well. You pulled Gerard back to you again and your lips met as you tumbled against the bed. Gerard held himself over you as he undid his pants, and you slipped out of yours as well. Clad only in your respective undergarments, you continued your heated make out session, tongues moving together, hands roaming over bare skin, marks left upon necks. After what could have been 10 minutes, or maybe a decade, Gerard pulled back and looked down at you “(YN), I’ve never felt like this before,” he whispered.
“What, demons don’t do emotions?”
“Yea, but not usually love.”
You looked up at him and grinned. “Yea, I think I’d like to spend eternity here with you.”
Gerard grinned and rolled over to your side. You curled against him as he wrapped his arms around you and you both fell asleep peacefully.
81 notes · View notes
quinlinkin · 5 years
take it from me ( i’d be lost without you ) ↳ Q’s twdg writing challenge
character(s): mitch, louis ship(s): louitch ( louis/mitch ) word count: 1749 author’s note: ahhhhh, so i finally fell behind. but hopefully only for these couple of days! either way, this fic is based around a short louitch comic i started making in xnalara a couple of months ago that i never ended up finishing. though i do hope to get it done soon, esp if this ship starts to make some traction?? who knowssss
have a lil preview of that comic anyway!!
[   ao3 link   ]
*credits to the wonderful @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale​​​​​​​ for creating this challenge! you can view the entire prompt list + further details here. happy writing!!
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                                                          ― ☼ ―
                                     day fourteen ; night sky.
“Makes you feel small, huh?”
“Like… the universe. When you really think about it, we’re just so- insignificant. A puny, meaningless speck that doesn’t keep everything else from existing. It wouldn’t even matter in the grand scheme of things if we all disappeared one day.”
Pulling his gaze away from the blanket of stars above them, Mitch quirks an eyebrow at Louis. It’s become somewhat of a routine for them to find themselves right here, seated upon the roof of Mitch’s house as they stargaze and talk endlessly. They’ve occasionally even stayed put long enough for the sun to begin to rise, peeking over the horizon as a startling reminder for Louis that he needs to get home before his parents wake up and realize he isn’t where he’s supposed to be.
A crooked grin starts to tug at his lips, and he can’t help but to lightly tease, “Jesus… Deep, much? Y’know, I think you’d better quit that damn drama class before it’s too late, it’s obviously starting to get to your head.”
Louis rolls his eyes and scoffs, yet the unmistakable signs of his own subtle grin are plainly visible in the moonlight. “I’m just saying. When you put things into perspective, it’s pretty wild to think about.”
“Yeah, I guess,” Mitch shrugs, green eyes flicking back up to the inky black sky. Truth be told, he hasn’t spent a lot of time contemplating their existence like Louis apparently has. It didn’t really matter to him.
Except for aliens, of course. Aliens were real, the government are hiding the truth, and he’ll gladly fight anyone who tries to disagree.
“Well… What do you think, then?” Louis asks after a beat of silence.
Again, Mitch gives an offhanded shrug. “I dunno. Not much, I guess.”
He can feel Louis’ eyes on him without having to look. It makes his skin crawl, his cheeks tingle.
“No opinions on life beyond earth? No theories about our existence? Figured you’d be all about the conspiracy theory life.”
“I ain’t Shane Dawson.”
Louis laughs. “No, you’re definitely not.”
Mitch gives a breathy chuckle of his own, his elbows shifting against the shingles. “Yeah, I mean- conspiracies are fun to think about. But I wouldn’t go as far as… whatever all that was that came outta your mouth just now.”
“What, you didn’t like my awesomely philosophical speech?” Louis retorts. Mitch can hear the smirk present in his airy tone. “I should be offended.”
Mitch is forced to redirect his attention back to Louis’ face, where sure enough, that classic Louise-esque smirk is spread across it. His eyes linger for longer than intended. “I think you’re better off leaving all that shit to Aasim.”
With another brief, joined laugh, they both turn their attention back to the sky. It’s not uncommon for them to fall into comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other’s company. Sometimes, Mitch will light up a cigarette that Louis always decline to share. Other times, they’ll take turns with a bottle of alcohol snagged from his father’s liquor cabinet until their heads are warmly fuzzy and boundaries become just a little bit thinner.
Tonight, however, there’s nothing but the two of them, no distractions or obligations to be anywhere other than right here.
It’s also not uncommon for Mitch’s mind to wander during these bouts of silence. He wishes he only held positive thoughts for this odd, indescribable bond that’s formed between him and Louis.
He’s unable to understand why Louis would ever want to show up whenever Mitch decides to text him late at night, why he ever gives him the time of day or humors him when they have just about nothing in common. While it’s no exaggeration that Mitch could produce quite the lengthy list of reasons why Louis is so great and interesting, he’s yet to find a single reason why the opposite would prove to be true.
Mitch glances at Louis while his focus is directed above them. There’s a gentle smile on his face, his expression blissful and carefree. He looks positively at peace, and Mitch doesn’t get why.
He suddenly feels guilty. He’d called him out of bed at nearly two in the morning, after all, and while Mitch never dares to admit whenever there’s an underlying problem that prompts him to want Louis’ company, he suspects that Louis already knows.
Louis makes him feel better, plain and simple. Perhaps it’s his shining personality or his positive way of thinking, though whatever the true reason, Mitch never fails to feel his mood lifting from as early on as seeing Louis typing back a message despite immediately regretting sending his own in the first place.
“You don’t have to be here, y’know,” he suddenly tells him. Out of context, it’s entirely unprompted, yet in Mitch’s mind, they’re words that have to be spoken.
Louis immediately turns his head to look at him, his brows pulled together with a keen mixture of confusion and compassion. It’s more than enough for Mitch to be quickly looking away, that too-sincere expression tugging at his heart in a way that makes him feel queasy.
“I know,” Louis speaks quietly, steadily. Careful, as if saying the wrong thing will cause Mitch to freeze up and bolt. It wouldn’t be the first time. “But… I want to.”
The outward confession instinctively draws Mitch’s eyes back to his face, just for a second, before he’s forcing them away again. His eyebrows furrow, searching for words well beyond his grasp to say.
Naturally, Louis picks up on his uneasy silence. “Do… you not want me here?”
“What?” Mitch’s head snaps back towards him, eyes slightly rounded before he’s firmly shaking his head. “No, I - of course I do.”
While he hadn’t quite expected Louis’ response, he supposes he should have. With his standoffish, blunt nature, he can only imagine that he must come off as disinterested in Louis’ company from time to time. He curses his unapproachable demeanor, wishes it wasn’t so difficult for him to open up.
Apparently, Louis decides to push things a little further. Mitch doesn’t blame him for wanting answers, though once again, he’s no longer able to look at him as his expression grows more sympathetic. His voice is incredibly timid when he speaks up, and Mitch feels even worse.
“Then… why say that?”
Mitch sighs. “Ah… I dunno, I just- most people wouldn’t want to, I guess. Most people… wouldn’t care.”
He can feel Louis shifting closer, trying to crane his neck in order to meet his eye.
It doesn’t work until he speaks again, barely above a whisper. “Well… I do. I care.”
Mitch simply can’t control the troubled look that crosses over his face, displaying his every conflicted emotion and his perplexed thought for Louis to see despite the fact he doesn’t want him to.
There’s nothing he can do to stop himself from asking, “But… why? ”
Louis instantly falls quiet. For a moment, Mitch regrets asking, assumes that there’s nothing that Louis has to offer in response to his question. Of course there isn’t, his mind bitterly taunts. He only said he cares to make you feel better.
He’s proven entirely wrong in the next second.
“Because…” he starts, seeming to choose his words very carefully until they’re spilling freely from his mouth. “You’re worth so much more than you think you are. Yeah, you’re a little devious, and yeah, you’ve got this whole ‘tough guy’ act nailed down. But under all that, you… you have a good heart, Mitch. I can see it all the time. Even if you don’t.”
Mitch blanks. There’s nothing that could ever describe the whirlwind of emotions that instantly overtakes him, no amount of understanding that could hope to make sense of it all. Impossibly, he feels gut-wrenching sadness and heartwarming inspiration at exactly the same time, a melting pot of conflicting feelings coexisting with each other, relentlessly battling for the top spot within his mind.
Ultimately, sheer disbelief wins.
“I… think you give me way too much credit…” he mumbles, a rather pathetic reply to Louis’ meaningful expression of his self worth.
Louis doesn’t miss a beat. “Maybe you just don’t give yourself enough.”
Mitch can feel Louis’ eyes practically boring holes into his skin as he grows distressingly silent once again, their shoulders brushing in a way that has him tensing up despite himself. Yet as undeterred as ever, Louis is piping up again before he knows it.
“I see you for who you really are. Whether you like it or not.”
There’s no denying the phrase sums everything up better that Mitch could ever express, himself. Yet he’s unable to think about it for much longer after those words are spoken, for in another, completely unexpected turn of events, Mitch can feel Louis shifting even closer.
A brief pause ensues, before Louis is leaning in the rest of the way. He kisses Mitch’s cheek, and Mitch is blown away how such as simple action can bring forth such an intense response. His heart ricochets inside his chest, his thoughts all but exploding inside his head. He can’t think, can’t speak, can’t breathe.
Then, he’s turning to gawk at Louis as if he’s grown at least five extra heads. Louis bears a similar expression, seemingly shocked at himself, leaving them both staring at one another like two deer within the glow of the same headlights. 
“I - I’m sorry, I-”
Maybe it’s instinct. Maybe the rapidly multiplying emotions within him take over, blinding him and masking all the rational common sense he already lacks.
Whatever the reason, there’s no stopping himself, no controlling his own actions. He doesn’t care if Louis regrets it, if he’s apologizing because he didn’t mean to.
Mitch closes the distance between them again, and kisses him.
Louis freezes, but for only a second. Mitch thinks that same emotionally fueled instinct must be taking over him, too, for faster than his mind can process, they’re quite literally kissing each other senseless. It feels as if a slowly cracking dam between them has finally broken, and with it, everything comes effectively pouring out.
He doesn’t know how long the kiss lasts. All concept of time becomes lost upon him, and the only thing that eventually separates them is the burning need for oxygen.
And, as they pull away, in some cheesy, embarrassingly cliche passing thought, Mitch swears the stars above Louis’ dazed, smiling face shine brighter than they ever have before.
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StarChild Assassin: The Final Part
So..it’s come to an end at last.. Thank you all for taking this ride with me~ I appreciate all of your encouragement and your love for the crazy stuff I’ve written~ You guys rock!
While settling into their new jobs, Peter encounters a familiar face from his past, while Eric gives Paul a wonderful surprise.
Out of all the possible places for them to end up, Peter never dreamed getting away from his former turbulent life was what it would take to finally bring him to Vegas. It was everything he’d always hoped it would be. Big. Flashy. Loud. His holy land. It still amazed him that Eric remembered. The two-floor townhouse they lived in was only a few miles away from the bright lights of the Strip (Mostly to make the commute to work easier. Gene had a head for practicality after all). He found himself looking out the window every night with an excitement he hadn’t felt in a long time. Tomorrow he and Eric would be starting their new jobs. 
One floor below Eric and Paul were settling into bed. Eric was still wearing a huge smile as he cuddled his boyfriend. “Did you see the look on Peter’s face? I hadn’t seen him look like that in years. It was just like the good old days~” Paul lazily stroked his boyfriend’s hair. “It makes me happy to see you happy, baby~ You excited to be playing again?” Eric sighed happily. “I can’t tell you how happy I am~ I’m not just playing alone, I’m playing with Peter! I…I think I’m gonna cry..” 
“Awww, baby you are crying~” 
“I’m emotional! Hold me!” 
Paul laughed and held his boyfriend close, kissing his cheek and his lips. “Don’t lose it completely before you even start..I haven’t had a chance to watch you and yell ‘that’s my baby’~” Turning off the lights he stroked Eric’s chin to calm him, drifting off to sleep to the gentle sounds of his purrs. 
In the morning Eric sat in front of the vanity mirror while Paul brushed and pinned up his hair. “I dunno how I feel about wearing a wig..” Paul huffed. “I will not have you doing terrible things to your gorgeous golden mane, baby. Besides..you can just think of it as part of your costume~” 
“Well..yeah I guess that works for me~” 
“I hoped you’d say that~” Paul took out the wig from its box and placed it on Eric’s head, adjusting it until it fit just right. “That feel okay? Not too tight?” Eric studied his reflection. He never thought shorter black hair would fit him so well. “It feels just fine, babe. Thanks~” Paul took a few steps back to admire his boyfriend from afar. “Nobody will ever be able to tell that’s not your real hair. I am good~” Eric grinned, grabbing his boyfriend’s waist and pulling him closer for a kiss. “You’re better than good, babe..you’re incredible~” He glanced up at the clock. “Oh shit we’re gonna be late if we don’t leave right now! Sorry to kiss and run! Seeya tonight!” He grabbed his keys, giving Paul one last kiss before rushing out the door…and nearly running into Peter. “‘Bout time y’got the lead out your ass! We gotta go!” 
“I know..my fault..” 
“Have a good day, you two~” 
Peter’s eyes went wide as they turned onto the Strip. “Holy shit…everything is so much bigger than I imagined as a kid. There’s a wild energy in this place that you can feel as soon as you enter. I’m here. I’m workin’ here. If this is a dream I don’t ever wanna wake up.” Eric smiled. “Even if it is a dream I’m glad we’re sharing it~” 
“Me too, Little Cat~” 
‘Little Cat’. Hearing that nickname no longer hurt. And hearing Peter say it now gave Eric the most joy he’d felt since he met Paul. As they pulled into the hotel’s garage Peter caught sight of a very familiar statue. “W-what is this..? Where are we..?” Eric couldn’t keep himself from smiling any longer. “This is where we’re working now! The New York, New York! Thought I’d keep it a secret as a surprise~ You like?” Peter could only nod his head in stunned silence. “It’s like..being home away from home. You had this all planned out from the beginning didn’t ya?” 
“Guilty as charged~”
“Bet your ass I got some words. But later cause we gotta get in there!” 
After finally finding a parking space they booked it into the hotel in search of the Event Coordinator. A half an hour of getting totally lost later they managed to find her. “Excuse us!!” Eric yelled, completely out of breath. “Really sorry..ahh..we’re uh…Eric Mensinger and George Criscuola..we..applied for the stage show positions..?” The Coordinator huffed and them with her hands on her hips. “It’s about time you got here..I was about to mark you down as no-shows! Dressing rooms are this way! You got 15 minutes to get ready! Rehearsal’s in 20 and don’t worry about the makeup we’ll figure that out later!” Eric and Peter glanced at each other. So much for a no-pressure job. Once they were shown to their room they got to work picking out costumes. “Oh I like these~” Eric said, taking two that he favored off the rack. Here ya go..Panther~” Peter looked his costume over with amusement. “Panther eh? And what are you gonna be?” Eric grinned, holding up his shredded and spotted costume. “I’m Jaguar~”
“The Untamed Cats are loose again~” 
Rehearsals went better than they expected. They were even applauded for their skills with their drum sets. Peter felt re-energized and Eric was just plain overjoyed. He knew his mentor hadn’t lost it completely. With their jobs secured they went back to their dressing room to change and celebrate with a drink. A feeling nagged at Eric that something wasn’t right. “I..didn’t leave the door open..did you..?” Peter shook his head. “I’ll check it out.” He pushed the door open slowly. Whoever was inside had their back turned to him, but he’d recognize those curves from fifty feet away. 
“It really is a small world isn’t it..?”
“Even with a different hair color I recognized you.” Vinnie turned to him, his face an impassive mask. “I like to visit the other hotels to watch the rehearsals for their new shows. I couldn’t believe it was you. I had to see for myself.”  Peter nodded the all-clear to Eric and closed the door. They needed some time alone. “I’d ask how you got back here but I think I already know the answer. Are you..stayin’ here too?” Vinnie nodded. “I work at the Luxor. Quite a ways from here but something compelled me to come.” 
“God knows why after all the shit I did to ya.” 
“If you actually believe that what you did was wrong, you’ve already taken the first steps to changing.” Vinnie took a few steps closer. “For a long time I believed you were perfect. That your abuse was love. When you hurt me..I thought I deserved it. I was convinced I couldn’t do better. It takes an even longer time to see reality for what it truly is after your blinders are taken off.” Peter sighed deeply. “Can’t disagree there..” 
“I never thought I’d hear you say those words. You really have changed~” 
Peter sat in his chair at stared at himself in the mirror. “For a long time I kept tellin’ myself there was worth to what I did. I was takin’ my revenge out on the world for the shit I’d done to myself. I used people. I killed em. I stole. I cheated. And I didn’t give a damn about the consequences cause I thought I couldn’t be touched.” He pointed to the door. “That kid out there..he was the only one who saw through it all. He chased after me..he begged me to let him help me..even though I’d been tryin’ to kill him. If that’s not a fuckin’ wake up call I dunno what is.” Vinnie sat in the chair beside him. “Call me crazy but..in some strange way..maybe we were meant to meet again like this. Just to..show each other how much we’ve grown..” He reached out to touch Peter’s hair. “I want to try again with you. Even after everything…I thought my feelings for you would disappear..but seeing you again now just brought them all rushing back like a tidal wave. Let’s…let’s give ourselves a chance to love each other the right way..” At that moment Peter couldn’t find the words to reply. He just pulled Vinnie into a tight embrace. “You’re a fuckin’ jewel, Baby Doll and you deserve to be treated like one. If you really think I’m worth it then all I can give you is my word that I won’t fuck it up this time.” Vinnie nuzzled his neck. “Come see me at the Luxor tonight~ Room 1135.” When the door opened again Eric jerked his head up. Seeing Vinnie nod to him and leave he went inside. “Peter? Everything okay?” Peter was quiet for a while before he answered. “Hm? Oh yeah, fine. Just had to repair some bridges. Let’s get out of this stuff and get outta here huh? I wanna go home and freshen up for later.” Eric smirked. “Ohhhhh I see~” Peter sighed, already picturing the relentless teasing he’d have to put up with on the drive back home. 
“Welcome home boys~!” Paul hugged them as soon as they walked in the door. “I hope you’re both hungry cause I ordered pizza!” Eric smiled and pulled his boyfriend close for a kiss. “Mm..you’re so thoughtful, babe. I’m starving~ Peter however..he’s got a date~” Paul’s eyes lit up. “You don’t say~?” They heard Peter stomp up the stairs in a huff. “Dammit Eric don’t make me smack your Little Cat ass!!” After hearing the door slam they burst into laughter. Kicking their own door closed, Eric ripped off his wig and tossed it onto the couch. “Ugggggh freedom!! I dunno how people can wear these things all the time..especially if they still have hair! They make your head sweat..and itch!” Paul helped him pull out the ridiculous amount of hairpins he’d used earlier that morning. “Poor baby~ Why don’t we eat..and then we can take a niiiice cool shower~?” Eric nodded eagerly. “Ohhhh babe that sounds goooood~ Let’s get into that pizza then cause I want in that shower like..hours ago.” While they had dinner Peter let himself in, dressed in a crisp white button up shirt with pinstriped slacks and vest, complete with his favorite black leather shoes. Paul had to do a double take. “Ohhhh my, baby..I didn’t know your Big Cat cleaned up so nicely~ Maybe I should have him take me out sometime~” Peter chuckled. “Sure why not? With you an’ Vinnie on my arms lookin’ pretty I’d be the envy of Vegas~” Paul choked on his drink. “Did you say Vinnie?!”
“Yeah I did. Met up with him earlier. I’m goin’ over to the Luxor to see him. Borrowin’ the car. Don’t wait up for me, kids~” He picked up the keys and was gone without another word. Paul was still in shock. “H-he didn’t just say Vinnie..did he..?”
“Yep. He did.” 
“So it’s true?”
“Yep. Saw him myself.”
“Well, what are the odds..?” 
“Astronomical..but here we are.” 
“Oh this’ll be fun to tease him about~” 
“I get to do it first~” 
“No fair! You got to do it while you drove back here!” 
Eric shot his boyfriend a suggestive look. “I’ll wrestle you for it~” Paul laughed. “You’re more than welcome to pin me to the floor..but..shower first~” He got up from his chair and grabbed his boyfriend’s arm, leading him to the bathroom. “Lemme take care of you, Pussy-Cat..I’ll even wash your hair~” Eric was already half way undressed. “Can’t say no to an offer like that~” Once the shower was ready Eric stepped in, closed his eyes and let himself relax. The cool water felt amazing. His boyfriend’s gentle hands just made the experience even better. He purred like a contented house cat while his hair was being washed which amused Paul to no end. “I hope I can get you purring like that in bed tonight~” Eric reached back to stroke his boyfriend’s thigh. “You keep using your hands like that and it’s all but guaranteed~” He groaned as his boyfriend grasped his cock and nibbled at his ear. “Why don’t we get a head start right now~?” 
“Fuck yes…make me really purr, babe~” 
They ended up staying in the shower for much longer than they intended.
Eric and Peter fell into their routine pretty easily. They rehearsed daily until the show was to open two months later. The morning of opening night Paul helped Eric apply his makeup and wig. “I saw a commercial for the show earlier~” Paul said as he painted on Eric’s ‘whiskers’. “’Come experience the Music of the Wild! Only at the New York, New York Hotel & Casino, the biggest urban jungle on the Strip!’ I can’t wait to see you tonight, baby..I’m so proud of you~” Eric’s blush was well hidden by his white facepaint. “Thanks, babe~ I’m so damn nervous but I’m excited too! Looking over at Peter always helps me calm down though, you know? I think as long as I do that I’ll be alright~” Paul kissed the top of his head. “You’re both gonna go up on stage and you’re gonna rock that show. I just know it. And I’ll be right there cheering you on~” There was a knock at the bathroom door. “Just me, Little Cat!” Peter said. “I’m ready to go whenever you are!” Eric exhaled, looking himself over in the mirror one last time. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. Almost done! Be right out! Babe, since Peter’s got his own car now I’m gonna drive over with him so you can take our car to the show tonight. Don’t forget to get there early~” Paul took both of his boyfriend’s hands and squeezed them tightly. “I won’t, promise~ Go out there and kill ‘em, Jaguar~” 
Driving over to the Strip was nothing short of chaotic, but by some miracle Paul managed it. After parking in the garage he raced into the hotel. While standing in line he reached into his jacket to find his ticket. Feeling someone tap his shoulder he turned, coming face to face with Vinnie. “You!” 
“Yes. Me.” 
“What are you doing here?”
“Why do you think I’m here?”
“My guess is to see Peter.”
“Your guess is correct~” 
Paul sighed and let his shoulders relax. “Of course you are. Sorry..sometimes I forget we’re not still in real New York. This place..brings back a lot of memories..” Vinnie nodded slowly. “It certainly does. Fortunately for us, our pasts were left back in real New York. I’m willing to forgive and forget if you are.” Paul took Vinnie’s hand and shook it. “We’ve come too far to let whatever happened fuck anything up now. It’s forgotten~” They handed over their tickets and went inside. The interior was beautiful and elaborately decorated to look like a jungle. Paul looked around in awe. “Wow..they really do go very big here don’t they?” Vinnie chuckled. “Well..it is Vegas~” While looking for their seats in the front row they discovered they sat only a small distance away from each other. Paul raised a curious eyebrow. “I’d say this was a coincidence but I don’t buy that for a second. Do you?” Vinnie shook his head. “No way in hell~” They both laughed quietly as the theater went dark.
The show was quite the spectacle. The dancers were beautifully painted to look like various jungle animals. The band was lined across the back of the stage with Eric and Peter’s drum sets on opposite ends. As the crowd applauded and cheered for them Paul struggled to fight back his tears. They were both incredible. And together they were magic. In the middle of the second act some of the dancers leapt from the stage prowled through the aisles, looking for people to take with them. Paul was completely caught off guard when one of the zebras took his hands and lifted him out of his seat. Before he knew it he was on the stage with a few other bewildered people, not knowing what they should do. He was so distracted by the other dancers he didn’t notice Eric climb down from his drum set and approach him. Only when his hand was taken did he stop looking around frantically and realize his boyfriend was there. “Oh my god, Eric what’s going on?!” he shouted, not even sure if he could be heard over the loud music. Eric just smiled and got down on one knee in front of him.
Sure enough Eric took a small box out of one of the pouches on his costume and opened it, revealing a gorgeous silver ring lined with small diamonds. Paul was struck absolutely speechless. He covered his mouth with a shaky hand, using all of the self control he could possibly manage to nod his head. It all seemed like a hazy dream. Eric stood, taking the ring from its box and slipping it onto his finger. The crowd cheered loudly. The dancers jumped around the stage in celebration. Paul saw none of it. All he saw was the man he was now engaged to. As they kissed the crowd went wild.
To everyone else this was just Vegas.
To Paul it was the most wonderful day of his entire life. 
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
Friends in Dark Places [remastered; ch 3]
pairing: moxiety and logince (later on) with the addition of others if i feel like it
WARNINGS: mentions of self harm, mentions of suicide, mentions of scars, mentions of throwing up, food mentions, mentions of pain, hospitals, ivs, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, swearing, a knife, blood, insensitive language regarding mental illness, possibly something else
tag list: @hufflepuffgirl01 @cocobearthe4th @cas-is-a-hunter @band-be-boss-blog
a/n: idk why linebreaks don’t wanna work so we’re just gonna pretend they’re there okay thanks bye
chapter 1 - chapter 2 - chapter 4 - chapter 5 - chapter 6 - chapter 7 - chapter 8 - chapter 9 - chapter 10 - chapter 11 - chapter 12 
companion fics: exes and ‘oh’s
The first thought that popped into Virgil’s mind when he woke up was that it was far too bright. He squinted, trying to make out something. A dull, throbbing pain coursed through his wrists, and he groaned at the memories. Patton was going to give him so much shit.
It didn’t take too long for Virgil’s eyes to get adjusted to the bright lights. He was in a hospital room, and everything except for his blue smock was bright, clinical white. There wasn’t anyone else in the room with him--for the time being, at least--but a light blue backpack had been discarded on one of the chairs in the corner. Patton must have quickly thrown it together before they’d left.
The door slowly creaked open, and Virgil’s eyes snapped to the movement. Patton creeped through, only standing up straight once he’d realized that Virgil had woken up. A frown spread across his face as he moved to sit in the chair at Virgil’s right side.
“Virgil, you’re lucky that Logan and Roman had a free period today and were able to come get us to the hospital. What you did was very dangerous, though I’m sure that was your intention.
“I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but obviously I did, and I’m so sorry about that. Still, we need to talk about your situation because you aren’t fit to be left on your own. I’m not going to force you into any situation you aren’t comfortable with, but I want to keep you safe.” Patton was speaking at a million miles an hour, barely comprehensible due to worry. Virgil shrugged and turned toward the only window in the room, watching the cars pass by on the road many stories below. In the back of his mind, he dreaded having to leave. He’d been in this hospital before on the rare occasion that a family member was dying, and from his memory, the local hospital only had elevators and emergency-only stairwells. Of course, Virgil was wildly afraid of elevators.
Patton was still talking when he tuned himself back in. “I know you didn’t want anyone to find out about your situation, so I cleared it with my parents, and we checked you in under my name and made sure that there would be complete confidentiality. You’ll be covered under my parent’s insurance, so you won’t have to pay for anything. They want to make sure you’re okay and are perfectly fine with this.” He knew that Patton was trying to be comforting, but it just made Virgil feel more guilty. He was taking so much from this family. They were committing fucking insurance fraud for him.
Hot pinpricks formed in Virgil’s eyes. He tried his damnedest to will them away, but they began to slip down his face regardless.
“Hey! Virge, it’s okay. What’s wrong, kiddo?” Patton placed a light hand on top of Virgil’s arm, avoiding the tender spots where the bandages had been wrapped around him. Virgil forced himself to look at his companion. He hadn’t noticed before, but Patton had intense bags under his eyes, suggesting that he hadn’t slept at all during the night. His guilt only grew.
“I’m sorry,” Virgil whispered. “I’m so, so sorry that you have to deal with my depressed emo garbage. You don’t deserve this.”  He was a burden to everyone he met--merely bringing them down with him. There was no escape the sinking ship that was Virgil Thomas. Once you got on, it was hell on earth.
“Y’know,” Patton began. It was obvious that he was trying to pick his words out very carefully. “I’ve been in situations similar to yours. Although they weren’t nearly as intense, I’ve had great doubts about my self-worth. You really are a good person who deserves a good life, Virgil. I can just feel it. I really do want to help you, and I don’t care what I have to sacrifice to get you back on your feet.
“All of that aside, we need to talk about your living situation. Do you have anybody at home who will be worrying your whereabouts?”  Patton laid expectant eyes on Virgil.
“Um, not really. My dad is almost always out of town, and my mom hasn’t been around for years.”
Patton nodded thoughtfully. “Alrighty then. Would you be okay with staying at my house for the foreseeable future? We would obviously have to grab your things from your house, but I’d feel better if you stayed with me. And I’m sure that you’ve seen that we have more than plenty of room for one other person.”
“I guess that’ll be okay.” Virgil’s voice was shaking slightly. He didn’t know whether he should be sad or happy. He was receiving so much kindness, yet he didn’t feel like he deserved it. His thoughts were interrupted when a nurse came into the room.
“Mr. Thomas? I need to ask Mr. Shea some questions. I’d ask that you leave the room… unless Mr. Shea is okay with you staying.” The nurse had a large smile on her face, but it didn’t reach her eyes like Patton’s did.
“Um, I’d rather Pat--uh, Virgil stay in the room, if that’s all right.” Virgil gave her the best smile he could scrounge up, and she gave a curt nod, her brown hair swishing around her face. She took the seat on the opposite side of the bed from Patton.
“Mr. Shea, my name is Nurse Lucy. Do you remember what happened before you were admitted into the hospital?” Nurse Lucy pulled a pen from her pocket and began to write on the clipboard she’d had on the table next to her.
Truthfully, the events of the day had become fuzzy in Virgil’s mind. He could remember with clarity yelling at Patton and running to the bathroom. And then he punched the mirror and cut his knuckles, but after that? He had nothing.
“I don’t really remember anything…” Virgil’s face scrunched up just slightly in thought.
“Well, Mr. Shea, your friend with the tie told us you had a ‘severe panic attack,’ and Mr. Thomas followed up by saying you hurt yourself with ‘broken glass from a mirror’ and then passed out due to a mixture of blood loss and anxiety. Do you remember any of that happening?”
“I remember the panic attack and the mirror part; although, I remember the latter only vaguely.” The teen didn’t really like the direction that these questions were going. They were getting far too close to striking a nerve. As if he’d been reading the other’s thoughts, Patton piped up.
“Nurse Lucy, Vir-- Patton has been through a lot today. How long do you think these questions will take?” Virgil sent a silent thanks to whatever deity that was watching over him.
“Just a few more minutes, Mr. Thomas,” the nurse replied with a saccharine smile. “Mr. Shea, have you had any bouts of depression within the past four months?”
“Yes,” Virgil answered.
“And how long did the depression last?”
“It started when I was fourteen and has been on and off for the past three years.” His hands began to shake.
“Have you had suicidal ideations or attempted suicide in the past four months?” The clinical tone of the nurse’s voice caused Virgil’s breath to hitch. Patton gave a small squeeze, reminding Virgil that he was still there.
“Yes. To both.”
“How long have you been having suicidal thoughts?”
“Since I turned sixteen.” He raised his left hand and ran it through his hair. He already knew the next question she was going to ask before she even opened her mouth.
“When was the last time you attempted to commit suicide?” Time seemed to freeze in the room. Virgil glanced over at Patton, who had a pained expression on his face. Lines of worry were etched across his fair skin, and his normal smile was pressed into a harsh frown.
“Today,” Virgil whispered. It was the truth, and he was sure Patton knew it regardless of if he wanted to believe it or not. He looked at his feet, refusing to let his gaze shift to either of the people at his sides.
“I see,” Nurse Lucy said with sterile crispness. “Since you were admitted due to injuries from a mental illness and have admitted to other mental instabilities, you will need to stay in the hospital for at least three days for further mental examination.” She stood up and smoothed out her pants.
“Um, Nurse, will I be allowed to stay during the exams?” Patton’s soft voice broke through the unrelenting silence.
“That depends on the doctor’s specifications. If you have any questions, I can leave his phone number here so you can discuss with him. Now, if you two will excuse me, I have another patient that I need to check up on.” Virgil could hear her clicking footsteps leave the room and the hollow thunk of the door closing.
“Virge, will you please look at me?” Patton asked with genuine sweetness in his voice, not the fake sugary bullshit that the nurse had given him. Virgil turned his head slowly. His breathing was becoming shallow, and he could feel a panic attack coming on.
“I need you to listen to me, okay? You are going to be okay. I’m going to stay with you through all of it, even if the doctor wants me to leave.” A whole new wave of tears began to stream down Virgil’s face. This time, however, Patton climbed into the hospital bed, bringing his new friend into his arms, not caring about the tears that would end up staining his shirt. They stayed in that position, Virgil crying into Patton’s shoulder, until the former fell asleep.
“I don’t understand why we have to run errands for some kid that we barely even know!” Roman complained, crossing his arms with a huff. He and Logan had received a text from Patton that, as soon as school let out, they needed to go to the house of the kid they’d drove to the hospital and pick up anything they thought he’d need, whether it be clothes or electronics or whatever.
“Technically, Roman, we’re not running errands for Virgil. We’re running errands for Patton, who happens to be working to help a stranger. This is for our friend.” Logan turned off the engine of his disgustingly old Dodge Intrepid. He shoved open the squeaky door and walked up to the porch of the large white house.
“Yes, but--” Roman argued as he’d exited from the passenger seat-- “Why do we have to do this? Why can’t he do it?”
“Did you see how Patton was acting when we were checking Virgil into the hospital? He was an emotional wreck. I doubt he’d even leave Virgil’s side if we threatened to murder a puppy right in front of his face. He obviously has some sort of emotional attachment to the kid.” Logan punched in the code to unlock the door. The way that Patton had gotten the code was a mystery that Logan would probably never be able to solve. Shaking the thought from his mind, he pushed open the door and led Roman inside.
The inside of the house was just as plain as the outside. Light grey linoleum tiles lined the floor, and every surface was painted white. Even the doors were white. It was the biggest disgrace to the profession of interior design that either of the teenagers had ever seen.
“The bedroom is upstairs, correct?” Logan asked, looking around for any semblance of a clue that indicated someone actually lived in this house. The whole thing was oddly bare; there were just a few pieces of furniture in each room that he could see.
“Yeah, second door on the right.” Roman had already made it halfway up the stairs by the time he’d finished his sentence. Logan sighed and followed his dramatic friend.
It would have been easy to find out which room was the correct one even if they hadn’t had the directions. The door to Virgil’s room had been painted black and stuck out like a sore thumb against the blaring white of everything else. Roman swung the door open and walked inside with a flourish that only he would add.
“What a dreary nightmare this place is.” Roman grabbed a vinyl sleeve that had been discarded on the floor. American Beauty / American Psycho by Fall Out Boy. With a slight eye roll, he shucked the sleeve onto the desk to his left. He looked to Logan and saw that he’d had already gathered a pile of assorted black clothes onto the black duvet. Shocking.
Roman let out a long sigh and gathered things from the desk. He took a few notebooks that were labeled with school subjects and their corresponding binders, a pencil case, a pair of over-ear headphones and attached cell phone, a well used black eyeshadow single, and a weird little cube with a bunch of buttons on it. He placed them on the bed and grabbed a backpack from the floor, stuffing his finds into it. Logan had pulled a suitcase from somewhere-- probably the closet--and had begun to neatly fold clothes and pack them up.
“I’m going to search for the bathroom to grab Mr. Black Sky’s toiletries.” All Roman got in response was a nod. With a slight eye roll, he left the room and began to peek into each room in the hallway. The one third on the right turned out to be another bedroom, as was the fourth, the one across the hall from that one was a linen closet, and the two down the hall were completely empty. Last, he checked the first door on the right. He opened the door and found a pristinely clean bathroom, minus the spread of toiletries across the counter.
Roman grabbed the toothbrush, toothpaste, and hairbrush that was laying on the ground near the edge of the counter. He picked up a small rectangular metal thing that was hidden behind a stack of washcloths. It suddenly snapped open to reveal a small knife that had little flecks of blood on it. His stomach dropped, and he quickly closed the blade, nearly throwing it back onto the counter.
His mind strayed back to the time when Pat had been having a rough time. He and Logan had stayed up until ungodly hours researching things to help. Roman remembered when he’d clicked on a link and was brought to a website about cutting with graphic images of scars and cuts. Although he was not normally squeamish around blood, the thought of his friend hurting himself had nearly made him throw up.
He’d seen similar scars on Virgil when he’d helped Logan patch up his cuts. A shiver ran through his body. He didn’t want to think about that.
“Roman? Have you acquired everything that you need?” Logan’s voice called from the room over. Roman shook his shoulders and stood up straighter.
“Yeah, Lo. I’ll be there in just a moment.” After throwing one last glance at the knife on the counter, he made his way back to Virgil’s bedroom. Logan grabbed the toiletries from his hands and shoved them into the backpack before slipping it onto his shoulder. The two brought the bags out to the car and stowed them in the back seat. Roman’s memories from the bathroom were soon forgotten when he received another text from Patton.
Patton Delivered at 3:30 pm Virge has to stay in the hospital for the next few days for mental examination. They’re worried about him attempting suicide again. If you guys could pick up a stuffed animal from the gift shop, I’d really appreciate it! <333
Roman Read at 3:31 pm Of course, Pat! We’re just leaving the house now, so we’ll be at the hospital soon. Do you need anything?
Patton Delivered at 3:31 pm Just a water bottle. See you guys when you get here! <33333
Patton Delivered at 3:47 pm I just realized I haven’t had anything to eat since breakfast. Can you grab me something to eat in the cafeteria?
Roman Read at 3:50 pm I’ll add it to the list of things we need to do that Logan’s forcing me to write. Be there in 15.
Patton Delivered at 3:50 pm Awesome! <3
Patton Delivered at 3:54 pm Roman?
Roman Read at 3:54 pm Yes, Patton?
Patton Delivered at 3:55 pm Thank you both. I really appreciate what you’re doing for Virge and I.
Roman Read at 3:56 pm It’s no problem Patton. You’ve had a rough day and deserve some rest.
Patton Delivered at 3:56 pm You and Logan are fam ILY.
chapter 4
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Chapter 6: Welp, it surprisingly succeeded
In which not only you have hope.
*Toriel's POV*
I haven't felt this happy in such a long time. (Y/N), a sweet and wonderful young lady, has made our wildest dreams come true. Now she's our ambassador, and she'll continue fighting for us. She is just that wonderful! I couldn't be more grateful!
Asgore and I started to walk back to the house, talking happily about our plans for the future. Such a happy event even made me forget all my problems with my husband. It's just a miracle!
However, when we arrived... the mood completely changed. The owner's daughter looked like she was about to cry, the owners themselves looked uncomfortable, and everyone else was silent.
And Sans was missing.
"Oh my... what happened in here?" I asked, calm as I could.
"Mrs. Dreemurr..." Surprisingly, Emily was the one who answered. I didn't interrupt her, indicating she could continue. And she shyly did. "They had a fight. Alphys started to speak negatively, and Frisk shouted at her. Then, Undyne intervened and fight back. Papyrus tried to help, though, but he failed, receiving a hard push from Undyne..."
I was surprised, especially by my daughter's behavior. Just when I was about to open my mouth, Emily continued.
"...then Sans lose it. He screamed at Undyne, then he punched her. Then, for some reason, he punched Dr. Gaster as well..." She started to weep, and I was in shock.
I never saw Sans hitting someone. And even less his own father. Do I know my friend as I thought I did?
I was about to scold my child when I was interrupted. Emily gasped for air, the continued.
"Sans apologized. I know he didn't mean it. He was just angry that Papy got hurt..." she took a pause to stand straightly, and then spoke with more security. "He thanked me for everything, saying that it was good while it lasted. Then he teleported, and... he cried."
I saw how everyone's reaction was the same as mine's: shocked eyes full of guilt. I felt guilty of thinking less of him from hitting his father, but know that I remember, Gaster has never been the best with his sons. He may have done something.
Also, to hear that my favorite comedian was crying, I couldn't just take it easy.  
But, instead of guilt, I saw something else on Papyrus's pupils...
And then I realized it was fear.
"SANS! WHERE ARE YOU?!" he shouted while he rushed upstairs, worry taking over him. This shocked us even more. Because yes, you may worry if a close one is crying, but there's nothing to be afraid of.
No. It can't be.
Sans is just too cheerful for that- it couldn't possibly be.
A few minutes after, for everyone's surprise, Sans walked downstairs. He immediately went to the couch, something he normally does. But I noticed something besides he was lazy...
He was tired.
Really tired.
"My friend- Sans" I spoke, more worryingly than I thought I would "Are you feeling better?"
"yes, tori. don't worry 'bout me, k?"
I sighed in relief, noting he used his usual expressions. That's the Sans I know.
Before I could answer, Asgore decided to say the news. I would have disagreed, but I realized this could lighten the mood a bit more.
"Listen up, everyone..." he made his way through the center, all eyes on him. I smiled "We made it"
*Sans's POV*
I walked downstairs with Papyrus at my side, feeling like the scum of the Earth. Then I realized that the kings have arrived.
I'm not ready to hear the truth.
I immediately went to the couch so I could feel safer. This was my plan: whenever they finally spit it out, I would hide on the couch so I can't hear everyone's sobs. My hoodie would also help.
This plan always worked on my house- why it wouldn't in here?
I suddenly feel tired.
Like, really tired.
Oh boy.
"My friend- Sans" Tori said worryingly, making me turn towards her. "Are you feeling better?"
How did she- shit. They told her.
Don't let her know more, Sans.
"yes, tori. don't worry 'bout me, k?"
She sighed in relief, making me relaxed. She won't ask anymore. And I'll be safe...
for now.
Suddenly, the king made his way to the center, catching everyone's attention. Tori smiled, and I frowned.
"Listen, everyone..." he firmly said, making me suspicious. "We made it"
If I had a drink, I would have surely spit it out by now.
We all stared in shock until Paps broke the silence.
"OH MY GOD! SANS! WE DID IT!!!!!" he exclaimed happily, while he held me in the air. Then the realization hit everyone and they started to celebrate. Even Emily and her parents.
"OH YESSSS BABYYYY!" Mettaton shouted excitedly, stretching his legs 'glamorously'. Ew.
Everyone was clapping and jumping, shouting and forgetting the fight we had. Even Gaster was smiling, for God's sake!
But who...
Wait, did (Y/N)... Oh lord, God bless her.
And at that moment, I swear, I was happy. Truly happy.
The impossible turned out to be possible. Then, by any chance, maybe I will be happy in the future. Maybe I will change. Maybe.
But now the 'maybe' doesn't seem too far.
Now I'm filled with HOPE.
Since it was dark outside and we were tired, we didn't make a party. I mean, for today.
So we all went to sleep. And with all, I mean everyone.
Even me.
Not before calling (Y/N) in the bathroom, of course... the guys are just too annoying if, well, a boy talks with a girl their age. And she's probably on her twenties, so... yeah.
I dialed her number and had an anxiety attack on the bathtub. What was I even supposed to tell her?! I'm such a fucking idiot.
"Hello?" she answered kindly, and a little bit startled I think. "This is (Y/N) (L/N). How can I help you?"
Oh, she doesn't have my ID? I would feel offended, but hey, I'm a freak. Not even I would save my ID.
"uh, eh... hi (y/n). it's me, eh, sans. y' know, sans the-"
"Oh! Hi Sans!" she interrupted me, with a slight new hint of confidence in her voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't look at the ID when I picked up the cellphone. The sound startled me so much I just immediately answered. I apologize..."
Oh, so she does have my ID? Weird.
"Anyways, is there something you want to tell me, Sans?"
Oh, right. I almost forgot why I was calling her. I mentally facepalmed myself, then almost slammed my head on the bathtub before reconsidering it. I decided not to do it, though. Last time it happened it hurt like fucking hell.
"i, uh... just wanted to thank you for everything, kid" Kid? Dude, what the- "i mean, (y/n). the kings just gave us the good news and... i thought i should thank you for all your effort and disposition. no one else had the courage to do it, so... yeah... thank you"
There was an odd silence after that.
Oh lord, did I just screwed up?
*Your POV*
Sans was thanking me for what I did...
I stood there in shock, unsure of what I should tell him. I've never seen this side of him. He normally just jokes around me and kink-shames way more than anyone else has ever done. And now, he is sincerely thanking me for everything.
Is this a plan of Papyrus?
"I, uh... it's really nothing Sans. I did my best, and I'm glad it turned out well"
"i heard that you are our ambassador now. is that true?"
Oh shit, he's right. I'm the ambassador, therefore, I might see this dude again...
Just don't say anything stupid.
"Oh yes! That's true! I'll be helping you guys more in the future. Especially for... discriminatory causes" I let out a sigh, not wanting to scare him. But, again, he is most likely an adult. He needs to know, sooner or later. And the sooner, the better. "You see, we humans may be quite... egocentric. Most of humanity does things for their own benefit, without caring about the others. And some people may try to hurt you, just because you are different. Not in rights nor in feelings, Sans. Just in looks... and in souls I suppose"
"yeah... we may be different than you guys..." He took a long pause, and I was trying to think of something to say, but it would be rude to interrupt him... again. After a few moments, though, he spoke:
"that doesn't mean we can't be friends, right? eh, i mean, you are pretty cool, and my brother would love to see you again, so... yeah. i know you're different than them, which is why they have criticized you, but still... we are different species. would you be ok with being friends with different people?"
"Of course I'll be okay with it, Sans! Monster or human, a friend is still a friend!"
Wait, did he just said something about me being criticized? There's no way he could have known...
"But what do you mean about me being criticized, Sans?"
"i'm not stupid, (y/n). i recognize disapproval looks anywhere. i may have listened to some comments as well..."
Of course, that sneaky skeleton.
"and that's why i'm mostly asking you, anyway. are you sure you want to keep up with this crap?"
Am I? People have been looking at me quite different these days. I lost touch with some work partners, even. But...
How am I supposed to give up a friendship? And more, if it is with Papyrus? He's just really sweet and charming, one of the best people I've ever met. Even if he may be a kid, he is just wonderful. If the price I need to pay is to get all those looks forever, then I'll pay for it. I have gained worse things, anyway.
"I'm sure, Sans. It's not like I haven't endured worse things. I can take it. And, besides, it will be worth it"
"...ok. just be careful, tho. there's a dangerous world outside"
"You don't say"
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wildroseofarran · 5 years
Winter Ball, Part II || Jaidan & Letcher
June: June felt like Cinderella. Ice princess Cinderella. Dressing on theme wasn't a requirement for the gala, but why wouldn't she? This was something that only happened once a year, and if she could go crazy with the stars and stripes on the Fourth of July, she could be ice princess Cinderella for the gala.
Now if only she wasn't worried about her men abandoning ship before they got there.
She pulled up Fletcher's name and hit 'call'.
Fletcher: June would be greeted by a cough, a muttered curse and something falling on carpet. Nothing broken, at least.
"Hey, Junebug. Sup?"
June: She laughed. Those were not very encouraging sounds. “Well hello to you, too. I can practically feel your excitement for today.”
Fletcher: "Right. Today." Luke wouldn't pass up this opportunity to see him especially dressed for the occasion.
"M'not runnin' away if that's what you're worried 'bout."
June: “I’m not worried. Just making sure you’re still on board. I know you’re not a fan of these kinds of things.”
Fletcher: "M'not gonna lie t'ya 'bout somethin' like this. M'still goin'. Luke, too."
June: "Okay. Is he excited? Are you excited?"
Fletcher: "Well, I get t'see him all dressed up. That's kinda, ya know, hot."
June: June laughed. "Yes, it is. And he gets to see you all dressed up. It'll be very romantic."
Fletcher: "Ehhh. If ya say so. Are we meetin' ya there, or am I pickin' y'all up, or...?"
June: "I figured we'd meet ya'll there. Aidan is picking me up."
Fletcher: "Yep. Still a gentleman. Y'all feel free t'drink. I'll be sober for it."
June: "You're volunteering yourself as designated driver? You don't have to. If we're in no condition to drive home we can call someone to pick us up."
Fletcher: "I wasn't gonna be drinkin' anyway. Really, the two of ya have a good time. Luke too, if he can even get trashed on wine."
June: "Okay, thank you. But if you change your mind, tell me, okay? I want you to have a good time too."
Fletcher: "Drinkin' doesn't equate a good time, Junebug. I know workin' at a bar the patrons have fooled you," he laughed.
June: "You at least have to have a glass of champagne in the honor of the season."
Fletcher: "Fine. One. Right when I walk in with ya. Okay?"
June: "Deal! I also demand at least...two dances."
Fletcher: "Two?! Ya get one."
June: "Aw, come on! What's two little dances?"
Fletcher: "Luke's also gonna want dances n'I don't dance."
June: "Then we'll space them out. One at the beginning of the night and one toward the end."
Fletcher: "...Maybe." Easier than saying no. "What time is the party?"
June: "Six-thirty."
Fletcher: "Wanna do anything 'fore then?"
June: "My sister is coming over at three to help me do my hair so I'm free until then. Whatcha have in mind?"
Fletcher: "Shit I meant from today till then. Like ya wanna hit the gym?"
June: "Oh, today! Yes, I'm free and yes, I wanna go to the gym!"
Fletcher: "What we gonna work on today?"
June: "Arms. Got inventory coming up."
Fletcher: "Want some boxin'?"
June: "Yes. Been a while."
Fletcher: "I'll come pick ya up in an hour."
June: "Sounds good. See you then!"
Fletcher: As that time rolled around, June was given a text at a red light. Just a few blocks away.
Luke: As he drove, Fletcher would be receiving multiple pictures of Luke in different outfits.
Which one? they'd ask.
Like this, or like that? This colour, or that? That, or this?
The process also included him switching between genders, trying to figure out what would be more comfortable for them both, or if it made any difference at all.
He knew Fletcher wouldn't care as much as he is making out Fletcher will care, but he's stressing! The gala's a big deal!
Fletcher: The sudden switch in genders left him at the red light a few seconds too long. Should June know? What about Aidan and the rest of the Archers? It had been something intimate between them. The idea of others knowing hadn't crossed his thoughts.
{Text: Angel} What are you feelin more a dress or suit?
Luke: Fletcher: {Text} Almost to June's I'll call you then baby
He pulled up to the side of the road and sent a quick message to June. He'd be waiting outside talking to Luke. She could take her time.
The phone was pressed to his ear, elbow on the window as he counted the rings.
{Text to Fletcher} I'LL BE OUT SOON I PROMISE
Luke: It would only ring thrice before Luke answered. He sounded exasperated immediately.
"Fletcher!" he exhaled. "Hi, Beautiful. Are you with June now?"
Fletcher: "Hey, baby. Yeah, she's almost out. So..." He turned up the A/C. "So ya wanna be Light for the gala?"
Luke: "It... it isn't so much a want as it is... I don't know the people who will be there. What if being a woman with you would be easier? But then Aidan and June... I'm... I'm torn. I don't know what to do."
Fletcher: "I know m'the first t'fuckin'...not want somethin' 'cause of...the shit in my life. I know I - but a lotta people know m'with ya. I don't think m'explainin' this right. M'not afraid t'be seen with ya at the gala as ya are."
Luke: There was silence on the other end of the phone. Some rummaging, material moving. "Alright, then. I trust you."
Fletcher: "Ya wanted t'be in a dress, didn't ya?"
Luke: He laughed shyly, "It wasn't that, I just started to wonder whether things would be easier for us."
Fletcher: "Us or me?"
Luke: "Us."
Fletcher: "Things ain't been easy 'cause I'mma guy?"
Luke: "N-no but things like... like sexual things and general homophobia and... I..." he sighed and rubbed his forehead, "I just mean more convenient."
Fletcher: "... Elaborate on that first part. D'ya like sex more as a woman?"
Luke: "I thought you might, given we... clash less."
Fletcher: "I uh..." He cleared his throat. "I like - I like both." Too bad Luke couldn't see the blush.
Luke: "Equally?"
Fletcher: "D'you like both equally?"
Luke: "I wonder if such extremely different things can be compared in such a way so as to be considered equal."
Fletcher: "Thank god you're so good with words."
Luke: "What... do you mean?"
Fletcher: "'Cause you're in love with an idiot that can't talk right. I love ya male or female, baby. I can do both."
Luke: "Don't call yourself an idiot." his soft retort while Fletcher finished speaking. "That's nice to hear... but perhaps strange for anyone who might be eavesdropping."
Fletcher: "She's just comin' outside. Wanna pick this up after the gym?"
Luke: "Sure. Tell her I said hello. See you later, love you."
June: June's first word the moment she got in the car was "Sorry! Blame my brother. And me a little bit, but mostly him."
Fletcher: "Love ya, too, baby."
His phone was tossed onto the dashboard. She was given a smile. "S'fine. Was talkin' t'Luke. Ya ready?"
June: "Yep! How is he? Excited?"
Fletcher: "Ehhh a little... nervous? Two men... Uh, he also says hi."
Fletcher pulled out to the road and turned down the radio.
June: "I hope you told him no one will care. And if someone does, I'll just beat them up."
Fletcher: "Ya got the skills to," he smiled.
June: "I should hope so, by now. But seriously, tell him not to worry."
Fletcher: "I'll let him know." Miles down the road, and the ugly concrete building came I to view. This was a part of his week he looked forward to. Through the grunts of determination and twinges of pain, despite the slams of gloves against gloves and bags his mind could be quiet. A momentary sense of peace waved over his paranoia.
June: June's mind was the opposite in a way. Her mind was racing, but not in the way it usually was. It was like her thoughts were...organizing themselves.
In her head she was doing her makeup and hair and picking out jewelry and thinking up a timetable getting ready.
She had her look complete in her head by the time they were finishing up.
"God," she sighed, nearly inhaling water. "Whoever decided humans should sweat should be kicked in the shin."
Fletcher: "C'mon. It feels good. Keeps ya cool n'pheromones," he grinned. "Go home t'Aidan n'just get naked."
June: “That’s just what someone who doesn’t have to deal with boob sweat would say.” She inhaled more water.
Fletcher: "I've got tits."
June: “You’ve got pecs. Big difference.”
Fletcher: He looked between them jokingly. "Okay, so, they were bigger than yours before we started this."
June: She laughed. “Now you’re all ripped and unrelatable.”
Fletcher: "Unrelatable? You're a lioness."
June: “A lioness with uncomfortably sweaty boobs.”
Fletcher: "They got lockers n'showers here. Girls' side probably better than what I step in."
June: "I wouldn't be too sure about that. That's why I only rinse here and shower at home."
Fletcher: "Like I said, give Aidan a surprise," he laughed. "M'really feelin' them right hooks from ya. My fuckin' wrist!"
June: "If I ever do give him this particular surprise it'll be with much cleaner hair. Also thank you! I'm really excited to kick someone out of the bar. I'm gonna go rinse off."
Fletcher: "I'll be watchin' n'takin' pictures t'hang."
His gloves were stuffed back in his bag. "Same. See ya in ten minutes."
June: "You're such a good friend."
Ten minutes later, June was no longer sweaty and much happier.
"I'm so ready to get ready."
Fletcher: "That excited, are ya?" His hair still very much damp, Fletcher was in the middle of arguing with his bag for the keys.
June: "Yes! It's going to be so fun and magical."
Fletcher: "Just hope s'somethin' Luke is gonna enjoy."
June: "I really think he will."
Fletcher: "Pretty much every big event now's gotta be more elaborate n'memorable for him."
June: She tilted her head. "Why?"
Fletcher: "I did somethin' shitty on New Year’s Eve a while back."
June: "Did you apologize and make it up to him?"
Fletcher: "Tryin' all the time. It ain't what the whole relationship is or should be, but it ain't somethin' m'ever gonna, ya know, let go of."
June: "If Luke has forgiven you or does forgive you, it's okay to forgive yourself, Fletcher. I'm sure he wouldn't want you to feel guilty for the rest of your lives, especially if you've tried to make it up to him and improve. And maybe I'm wrong, but Luke doesn't seem like the kind of person that needs or demands grand gestures."
Fletcher: "Ya ain't gotta demand em t'deserve em. Aidan should be givin' ya the same."
June: "That's true but what I'm saying is, you shouldn't feel pressured to make every big event or big thing a Big Thing, you know? Aidan took me on a walk to the ice cream place and remembered what flavor I like two months ago and I haven't stopped thinking about it."
Fletcher: The Samsa snorted, wiping his mouth in an attempt to remove the smile and very much failing.
"That's all it takes, huh?"
June: She smiled. "It really is. It's not about the size of the gesture. It's the love and meaning and thoughtfulness behind it."
Fletcher: "Well, he's lucky t'have ya."
June: "I'm lucky to have him. And you and Luke are lucky to have each other. Tonight will be memorable."
Fletcher: "Alright," he jiggled the keys, "lemme take ya home t'turn into a princess."
June: "Yes, let's go. I can turn into a princess and you and go turn into a price."
Fletcher: "Ha." But he could watch Luke transform, and that would be arousing and plenty of other things.
June was dropped off just outside of her house. A quick kiss to her cheek later, and he was well on his way home.
June: June watched Fletcher drive off, grabbing her phone from her bag as she made her way inside her house.
{Text to Aidan} Hey Prince Charming :)))))
{Text to Aidan} Just got back from the gym, about to start getting ready for tonight
{Text to Aidan} You excited?!?!?!?
Aidan: Aidan blinked at the messages which seemed to come one after another. He'll never understand why people send multiple texts, but he'll endure it for her.
{Text} Why do you have so many mouths?
June: {Text} What???
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oftripps · 5 years
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“ –– wow. ”  it’s not so much a critique as it is a g-rated expletive. tripp forces a smile mid-chew and blinks. “ my tastebuds are screaming. gah–– uh, singing. singing. ”  he avoids swallowing and as ring-decorated fingers snag a napkin, wide eyes drifting to the tabletop as a small jingle breezes past tensed lips. “ ~ allergic to mushrooms ~ ”
or, alternatively: this is somethin’ new! the caspar slide pt. 2 !! & this time, it’s ‘bout to get funky !!  so i’m linc and this is tripp and he’s........ a trip, honestly, so let’s just... yeet on into this ––
( joe keery + 22 + muse 12 ) isn’t that phillip joel “tripp” goodman over there? i heard he joined faction: one after they got back to west ham. it’s funny, ‘cause they were only on the service trip because HIS BANDMATES DUPED HIM INTO THINKING THE SIGN-UP WAS FOR A WOODS-THEMED OPEN MIC GIG. hopefully they fit in there – they’re JAUNTY but also OUTRÉ. oh, i’m sure they’ll be fine.
out the door !  ( tripp goodman: a roadmap )
look up townie family in the dictionary and you’ll find a portrait of the goodmans directly beside. these folks have a looooong flippin’ legacy here in lil’ ole west ham, kansas. it all started with montgomery goodman, a good man, who helped west ham’s founders break ground on this midwestern charmer several centuries ago. and now, the goodmans still live on the same property –– a refurbished farmhouse ( now closer to mcmansion ) surrounded by five acres of roooooollin’ hills. once upon a time, they were farming folk. now, theresa and joel goodman run the town’s one and only veterinary clinic. 
honestly, growing up? tripp was a problematic kid. he’d take in frogs from the woods and start his own frog hotels. he’d sneak pets from the clinic to school who “ needed help learning their numbers ”. in class, he’d flick sunflower seeds at the backs of his peers’ heads and, when threatened with discipline, claim he simply “ wanted to see if they’d grow  ” .  so no, to answer your question–– tripp never really saw the real wrath warranted by his rulebreaking.
in fourth grade, he chose the saxophone as his required instrument. he caused such a commotion in his house, that his parents asked his teachers to suggest something quieter. the viola. the flute. the clarinet. the piano. instruments came and went,;instruments were quickly mastered and abandoned. because dear lord, how many times could they listen to the spongebob theme song played on woodwind ?!  on strings ?!  once middle school rolled around, little phillip joel knew his way around a whopping total of six instruments, a tally that would only grow in the coming years. eventually, his parents caved and allowed him to keep playing, so long as he respected instrument curfews. they gave song requests to avoid hearing the same pieces on repeat: the goodman household was probably the only one blessed with an oboe-and-beatbox rendition of under the sea. young phillip joel’s take on the issue was simple: not all heroes wore capes.
( tw: domestic unrest, mentions of violence ) theresa and joel split when tripp was 9. just seven months later, tripp’s mother moved in with her girlfriend: tripp’s guitar teacher, ms. lillith. tripp didn’t mind ms. lillith. she was chill. he came to find out she could knock back a chocolate milk almost as fast as he could, and she liked her grilled cheeses with swiss only. his best friend became a thirty-six year old woman who happened to be his mother’s girlfriend. and that was fine. he could dig it. but joel goodman? oh no. his family name was tarnished. the scandal was too much to bear. joel sued for full custody and nearly made it, thanks to hometown politics and loyalties. but then he made one fatal mistake: he crossed his own son.
at 10 years old, fifth grade phillip joel returned home to his father’s after school with three fingernails painted effervescent blue. sidney frasier made me so cool, he gushed as he put his colored nails on proud display. dad, aren’t i so cool?  the next day, his dad enrolled him in the town’s peewee football program. he returned home from his first practice with a black eye and a split lip. from a ball, the coach insisted. hit the poor fella square in the face, real strong. phillip joel put up a fight against football; it wasn’t for him. it conflicted with music practice. couldn’t he just play music with ms. lillith instead?
the custody battle persisted. they settled on a parenting schedule. joel contested, consistently, months later. and so the cycle persisted up until phillip joel’s 12th year, when he was knocked out cold on the football field. the broken ribs came from hefty tackles. bruises from the fall. concussion from the impact. but theresa spun it to her advantage: joel had since started coaching the middle school team. this was an instance of parental neglect. and, when the courts didn’t comply, she instructed her son to jump down the stairs. one broken ankle later, and joel goodman was accused of child abuse. his word against his injured son’s. the maneuver won theresa full custody. phillip joel has yet to forgive himself.
after the custody battle’s conclusion, joel stayed in town: but phillip joel didn’t want a thing to do with sharing his name. his mother still scolds him as phillip joel, but to everyone else, he became tripp –– inspired by his knack for, you guessed it!, tumbling over his own two feet.
in high school, tripp was the class clown. always smirking, always grinning, always ready to catch someone off guard. he became a pivotal part of west ham high’s jazz band, and even formed a small group with a few buds: face. they played some school events: homecoming, pep rallies, prom. garage-baked young rock, their songs often preached meetings under bleachers and high school never ending. 
in senior year, the band saw a reboot: and after assuming a more indie, spacey sound and a nifty new name –– 1757. –– they saw a rise in local celebrity. coffee shops commissioned them for jam nights. they played on the local radio. so they collectively decided to stick around and see how far they could ride this west ham fame train. with tripp as their frontman, they always leave a memorable impression: he’s not exactly the most run-of-the-mill performer.
1757.’s sound is reminiscent of LANY: i’ve reblogged a few tunes onto tripp’s blog for reference. he’s v much a paul klein / matty healy vibe. big into music. big into losing himself in it.
so what was he up to before the service trip? playin’ tunes. working part-time as a waiter. and brainstorming ways to get out of going on this trip, as soon as he realized his stupid bandmates lied about the form he signed. an open mic in the woods ! pah !  he should have known. but the concept sounded pretty flippin’ cool.
wear our shades on our nose, 'cause we're cool like that ( tripp goodman: the man, the myth, the ledge )
oh god, he’s  w e i r d .  he believes in goblins and ghosts and aliens ( oh my )!
still VERY VERY close with his mother. v broken up about not being able to get through to her, because it was about to be his parents’ wedding anniversary and they were going to anti-celebrate it with big slices of oreo cheesecake and setting things on fire.
how he feels about coming home to west ham: post apocalyptic version.
uhhhh... can he please get a waffle? specifically a cinnamon raisin waffle with extra cinnamon and a shit ton of syrup? actually. syrup with a side of waffles?
why he was banned from his personal twitter.
“ do you even lift, bruv? ”  * proceeds to pick up a teacup & lift his pinkie like a true knock-off british monarch, shitty accent included *
listens to wham! and glam rock. unironically.bluetooth speaker mounted on his bike. no helmet! like an absolute boss. he knows!! wild!! shades on. it’s 2am. it’s dark. but true swag obeys no clock.
catch him biking everywhere stranger things style, actually. his bike’s name is milo because he can roll on for miles. mess with milo and he’ll fuck u up. aka find out if you’re lactose intolerant and slip heavy cream into your meal.
has a strong vendetta against blue doritos. which might take root in some horrific experiences involving cheez wiz, cool ranch, weed, and the new york subway system at 4am on a tuesday. spring break freshman year of college. oof.
he has a lil drawwwwl. tease him about it. he’ll probably blush.
stress-hums chili’s babyback ribs without realizing. catch him singin’ that about to be murdered.
weapon of choice: kindness.
actual weapon of choice: baseball bat.
he will write little jingles to keep morale up. “ so we’re trapped / cash us inside / how bou’ dat ? ”
has a passion for introspective literary quotes. but... has somehow managed to learn each and every one wrong.
friggin’ loves superheroes even though he can’t be bothered to watch the films? he just… always used to get made fun of for liking comic books even though he never read them? “ arachnid man is uh...  heh. he’s pretty dope, huh? ” he embraces the falsehood. someone call him on it.
9/10 times if he’s in the gym, it’s just to eat his donut and watch pay-per-view movies on the bike for free.
apple pie can absolutely be breakfast if you try hard enough. jeez. get with the times, man!
he had a legitimate pet rock before going on this service trip. but has no idea where that bugger’s gone. probably got fed up with tripp serenading him with “ we will rock you ” at all hours of the night.
lawful good. will wave other drivers on forever.
got into an accident on his bike once. bitch broke his arm and he just kept on smiling.  “ no you have a nice day! and uh.... hey. mind if we like... call an ambulance? ”
low key feels like he’s the reason his parents’ marriage crumbled. low key guilty about it. low key wonders if maybe he lived up to his father’s expectations, he might have saved them a lot of grief.
give benny goodman by saint motel a listen and tell me that’s not his soul in audio form.
known for slightly hyperbolic storytelling.
pansexual as heck. falls in love. hard. it’s a mess. he can’t hide it. hence the shades.
he has brilliant hair. and it’s immortalized in his high school yearbook.
is hellbent on being a source of positivity in this terrible situation. can he interest you in a meme in these trying times? how ‘bout a granola bar? maybe a good ole game of mash?
he’s convinced this is an elaborate prank. or a social experiment. maybe aliens. but let’s not question it too much, let’s just.... have a good time? hakuna matata? no worries? lol where the twizzlers at?!
leaves a voicemail for his mother every morning and every night. maybe he cries. maybe.
he has one ear pierced because like.......... senior year of high school, he wanted to feel more cool.
allergic to mushrooms, shellfish, eggs, and harbingers of doom.
he truly boggles minds. just.... v out there? v spacey. he closes his eyes and drifts about on stage, fingers dancing on the keys, body moving in eclectic ways. he says “groovy” and fuckin’ means it. he dresses in prints inspired by grandma’s carpet. lots of half-buttoned flowy shirts, boots, tailored statement pants, dangly necklaces. he’s got his hands full of rings –– they symbolize milestones. and some are just, like... pretty. and one’s his mother’s old wedding band.
where the hell are my friends !  ( wanted connectz. )
i was gonna do a whole section on this and got lazy but like.... anything. all the things. good, bad, ugly, beautiful. hurt him. make him suffer. but also support him a bit.
i imagine he’s got a solid squad goin’. he’s in faction one too, so... hmu for those.
i feel like he’d be pretty chill with the greeks? yeah bro, he parties. he’ll chill. he’ll crack open a cold one and pretend to understand what those letters on your jacket mean! pie-apple-fate-uh? cool stuff !
ride or dies. pls.
he needs someone to like....... melt his heart. maybe someone unexpected.
thisssss got long & disorganized but yes! let’s plot! let’s do this thang! #hype!!
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dxsole · 5 years
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• name: Donald “Babyface” Penzag
• eye color: Chestnut Brown
• hair style/color: Jet black, short, almost always styled
• height: 6′1″ / 185cm
• clothing style:  Sporty, comfortable and casual. Lots of grays and blacks as well as every shade of blue available. Likes sweatpants, track suits, shorts, and tank tops. Usually wears ratty Converse or specifically boxing sneakers since he’s often training in the gym.
• your fears: “Uh, goats freak me out-- it’s the eyes, you know? I don’t like fuckin’ ‘round with goats. Or clowns. Or snakes. Listen, I’m a big guy but I’m no match for a fuckin’ sentient noodle with teeth and venom and Satan in ‘em.”
• your guilty pleasure: “Uh, beer. Like good IPA, fancy shit. Makes me feel like a hipster but whatever, it’s good. And sub sandwiches. Get me in a Subway and I’ll tear it to pieces.”
• your biggest pet peeve: “Does the general presence of cops count? I think it counts ‘cause that’ll set me off for the whole year. Also, when people in the crowd after the match start talkin’ shit just ‘cause they were rootin’ for the other guy? Like, okay Steve, I get that yer not my fan but I won’t hesitate to break yer face in.”
• your ambitions for the future: “Go pro. I can do it too-- I know I’m young but c’mon I’m good! And totally made for the screen, like look at me...I’m gorgeous. And I deserve fame and fortune and my own line of sport drinks.”
• your first thoughts waking up: “Fuck the sun. Fuck the sun, fuck the alarm, fuck everything.”
• what you think about most: “Uh, boxin’...eatin’...fuckin’...in that order. Wash, rinse, repeat.”
• what you think about before bed: “You...You think I’m thinkin’ anythin’ at that point? My mind is a void as my head hits the pillow at high speeds.”
• you think your best quality is: “I have so many, oh my God...I’m beautiful gorgeous, strong, charming, talented, humble--”
• single or group dates: “Singles. Friends always wanna know ‘bout you and stuff, like, shit, I’m just tryin’ to smash here.” • to be loved or respected: "Respected.” • beauty or brains: "Beauty. People with brains figure me out too quick.” • dogs or cats: "Dogs, I wanna dog so, so, so badly, oh my God...”
• lie: ”...Listen....okay, maybe I...exaggerate-- No, I straight up lie, sorry. Not to be malicious but like...not everyone goes for ‘hey, I’m just gonna rail you and never call back and also maybe fuck your roommate too’ like that just doesn’t work.”
• believe in yourself: “Of course! I’m my number one fan!”
• believe in love: "Uh, I guess. Maybe. With someone really, really good.”
• want someone: ”Someone in particular? Nah, just...someone to sleep with in general...get in line everybody.”
• been on stage: “Uh, does the ring count? Oh shit, no, when I was in elementary school we put on one of ‘em lil’ kiddy plays...we did The Jungle Book....I was Baloo!”
• done drugs: "Nah, my coach took me in pretty early and he’s real strict ‘bout what I put in my body. I’m not about to risk losin’ him as a coach for drugs. Don’t do drugs kids, and uh, stay in school.”
• changed who you were to fit in: "...Maybe. Maybe a lot.”
• favorite color: Cobalt blue
• favorite animal: Dogs
• favorite movie: The Die Hard series.
• favorite game: Call of Duty, Assassin’s Creed, God of War
• day your next birthday will be: “April 21st! It’s also Easter apparently, but since I’m Jewish, uh, my birthday is obviously the big event at my house.”
• how old will you be: "I’ll be 24!”
• age you lost your virginity: ”16.”
• does age matter: "It matters when it’s younger, yeah,  that’s just creepy. I’m 23 and I don’t even think I’d even talk to anyone that wasn’t 21, okay?”
• best personality: "Personality? Uh, I guess someone super compassionate and...funny...and like nerdy. I need someone who’d wanna binge watch The X-Files with...”
• best eye color: "I’m not lookin’ at anyone’s eyes I can assure ya of that...”
• best hair color: "Don’t care ‘bout that either...I mean, in my personal experience, blondes most definitely do have more fun but it’s not a dealbreaker.”
• best thing to do with a partner: "You know what I’m gonna say.”
• i love: my family. • i feel: hungry. • i hide: porno mags. • i miss: the Spice girls. When are they gonna get back together to spice up the world? • i wish: I had a sandwich right now...
💌 TAGGED BY: @heartmemos​ // thank u bby~!!!
💌 TAGGING:@broskys​ (gimme constantine? if u want! :3), @cedarscentedofficer​, @deadblush​, @fadedbouquet​, @gentlegently​ and anyone else who wants it~!!!
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littlerose13writes · 6 years
Over The Moon by LittleRose13
Surprise @fightfortherightsofhouseelves I’m your HG Secret Santa! Here is your fic about Harry and Ginny deciding to have a third child, I hope you like it!
Thanks to @beks21 for your help and motivation and also to @sunlitfirewhisky for hosting this event
Words: 2,115
Pairing: Harry/Ginny
Emerald flames roared around Harry as the reflective tiles of the Ministry atrium disappeared and were replaced with the warm and cosy sight of the Potter kitchen. Sunlight was still streaming through the window despite the later hour and a soft, summery breeze brought the scent of blossoms into the room, where his whole family were present at the wooden table. Harry smiled; coming home to the love of his life and his two gorgeous children never got old.
“Dada!” cried Al, who was closest to the fireplace. “Dada home!”
“Hello, baby boy.” Harry swooped in to kiss his younger son and he squirmed in delight.
“Daddy’s home, Jamesy.” Ginny stood up and accepted Harry’s hug, kissing him on the cheek. James stayed at the table, his face hidden in his folded arms. Harry edged around him to his other side, noticing as he did a small, orange pot on the table.
“Why is the bruise eraser out?” Harry suspiciously picked up the small Weasleys Wizard Wheezes product which usually lived in the medicine cupboard.
“Oh,” Ginny waved her hand casually. “James kicked me in the head earlier.”
“What?!” Harry exclaimed, gazing at their three-year-old in utter disbelief. After all, James was far from a violent child.
“Not on purpose, he was on the swing,” Ginny explained. “I was holding Al and pushing him. I moved to stop Albus getting kicked, I moved the wrong way.”
“What’s happening now?” Harry looked at the scene before him, where Albus was happily sitting in his high chair, squishing bolognese into his hair with one hand and trying to feed himself with the other. James still hadn’t surfaced.
“James doesn’t like dinner.”
“He loves your bolognese!”
“No, not he doesn’t like what I’ve made for dinner. He doesn’t like dinner in general,” Ginny tried to explain.
“Is he feeling alright? Jamesy?” Harry gently prised one of James’ arms away from under his head and was subjected to a fierce glare.
“Don’t move Jamesy’s arm!”
“What’s the matter, Jamesy?” Harry asked with concern. “Why don’t you want to eat some dinner?”
“I don’t like some dinner.”
“See?” Ginny sat back with a sigh.
Harry raised his eyebrows and looked back at James. “How about some lunch, Jamesy?”
“Yeah, some lunch,” James said, still incredibly grumpy.
“Okay, here’s some lunch.” Harry placed the plastic plate of pasta bolognese back in front of James and gingerly held out his fork. James eyed it all carefully then accepted the fork, stabbing a piece of pasta harder than was necessary and shoving it into his mouth.
“Lunch,” he said, through a mouthful of bolognese.
“Yours is on the side, it might need warming up a bit.” Ginny picked up a spoon and started to feed Albus, having finished eating herself. His own technique of eating dinner meant he was currently wearing more of the bolognese than he’d managed to eat.
“Sorry I’m late, Hermione waylaid me in the lift and we got talking.” Harry tapped the plate with his wand to warm his dinner back up and brought it over to the table, where he sat beside James, who was happily eating now.
Ginny waved a hand casually and gave Albus some more pasta. “It’s alright, I don’t need to leave for another ten minutes,” she explained.
“Let me do that.” Harry gestured to the spoon and Ginny handed it over, checking her Quidditch bag was packed for training.
It was the very beginning of the new Quidditch season and the Harpies were training hard to defend their champion title. Ginny’s evening practices coincided well with Harry’s work schedule, even if it meant the only time they saw each other for more than five minutes was at the weekend.
Harry continued to feed Albus while Ginny filled a Harpies water bottle with her wand. “You know Al has sweetcorn in his ear, don’t you?”
Ginny laughed and placed a kiss on her husband’s cheek. “Happy bath time. See you later on, love you! Bye boys! Wait up for me, Harry,” she winked.
James waved sweetly at his mother and picked up his cup of pumpkin juice to take a sip, only he missed and emptied the whole thing into his lap instead.
Harry quickly vanished the spilt pumpkin juice with his wand and went to get James some more, but in the split second his back was turned to summon the bottle to the table, Albus grabbed onto his hair and pulled hard.
After prising Al’s bolognese-covered fingers from his loosened hair, Harry quickly charmed James’ fresh cup of pumpkin juice with a helpful spell Mrs Weasley had taught him which stopped it from spilling.
He’d acted just in time when James tipped the cup again and watched it refuse to spill, automatically righting itself instead. James looked slightly disappointed and abandoned the juice, instead clamouring to get down from the table instead. Harry took one look at him and his tomato-sauce-covered brother and decided the easiest thing to do would be to put them straight in the bath. He was still wearing his Auror robes which were now home to several red handprints, as was his face where Albus had reached for his glasses several times on the way up to the bathroom.
Thankfully, James didn’t mind taking baths too much and Albus absolutely adored sharing a bath with his brother. They were both sat happily splashing in the bubbles, Harry with one hand behind Al’s back in case he decided to randomly launch himself backwards (again).
“I’m a big brother,” James said randomly but with a lot of pride, as he played with the bubbles and watched Harry wash Al’s hair.
“That’s right, James. You are a big brother.”
“Awl’s not a big brother,” he stated, as if Harry might not know.
“Al’s your little brother.” Harry moved on to washing James’ hair.
“Bruvva,” Albus echoed with a handful of bubbles.
“Why is Jamesy not a little brother like Awl?” James was staring at Harry curiously.
“Well…” Harry hesitated. “Because Mummy and Daddy didn’t have another baby before we had you. You were our first baby, so you’re not anybody’s little brother.”
“What ‘bout Teddy?” Harry wondered what had sparked James’ sudden fascination with his family tree.
“Teddy is like a brother to you, but he wasn’t Mummy and Daddy’s baby,” Harry gently explained and James nodded.
“Jamesy is Teddy’s little brother.” The three-year-old smiled widely.
“That’s right, Jamesy. You’re a little brother and a big brother. Albus is just a little brother because Mummy and Daddy don’t have any other babies.”
“Haf babies,” Albus repeated.
James seemed to think he had a good deal going there. “Awl don’t get to be a big brother ‘cause you and Mummy have no other babies. What ‘bout when there’s a baby in Mummy’s tummy?”
Harry smiled at his son’s innocent curiosity. “Mummy hasn’t had a baby in her tummy since Albus was in there.”
James shook his head. “Mummy got a baby in her tummy today.”
Harry laughed and made a mental note to tell Ginny. “Mummy doesn’t have a baby in her tummy. Maybe one day, but not today.”
Harry was being rather economical with his use of the word maybe. He and Ginny weren’t exactly planning to have another baby; their two Potter boys were quite the handful. Although Harry did sometimes wonder what it would be like to have a little girl, especially after he spent the day with Ron and little Rose.
“Mummy does,” James insisted. “She said to Auntie Luna she got a baby in her tummy today.”
Harry felt all the blood rush from his face.
“So, James told me something interesting today,” Harry started, testing the waters. “Something about a conversation you and Luna had today.”
Ginny looked up from where she was sat on the bed, plaiting her hair, guilty. “Shit, I knew he wasn’t asleep.”
“Are you really?” Harry sat down beside her and placed a gentle hand on her knee.
Ginny wrinkled her nose and nodded, her hands falling from her half-finished plait. “I didn’t know how to tell you. I know we wanted to wait at least another year, if at all, with the boys taking up so much of our time. Now Albus is walking and James-”
Harry cut off her worries with a kiss. She melted into him in relief and he wrapped both arms around her, letting his chin rest on the top of her head as he processed this information.
Another baby. They were having another baby.
He waited for the flabbergasted, joyful panic that had accompanied the moment he found out James was on the way. He searched for the flustered yet delightful surprise he’d experienced when they found out about Albus.
Neither emotion came. Instead, he felt overwhelmed with a happiness so specific, he knew it was one he had only ever felt before at the birth of his two sons.
They were having a third baby and he was going to be a father all over again, they were going to be parents again and Al was going to be a big brother, and James and Teddy were going to be so excited. This was definitely a good thing.
He pulled back just slightly so he could see Ginny’s face and she looked anguished. “How do you feel about it?”
“I’m over the moon,” Harry replied, kissing her again.
“You don’t mind that this wasn’t what we planned?” Ginny scrutinised him.
“Gin, we haven’t managed to have any of our babies at the time we planned for. Remember Albus?”
“That time was not my fault! The Healer said we should be safe while I was still nursing James.”
“Okay, remember James?” He softly tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear.
“Can I help it if you were irresistible?” She was giving him that blazing look, the one that Harry knew he had absolutely zero chance of resisting.
“So what’s the excuse this time?” he whispered, his face inches from hers.
“Harry James Potter, you know better than anybody that I still find you irresistible.”
“Even when Albus has grabbed my glasses and left bolognese all over my face?” Her bright, brown eyes were piercing into him and she smirked.
“Especially then.” She pressed a kiss to his mouth and he wrapped her up again into his arms, because he knew she loved the feeling of his arms around her small frame. She pulled back from him, just slightly, and reached forward to gently remove his glasses, placing them on the bedside table slowly and deliberately.
That was the only cue they needed.
“Are the kids both asleep?” Harry wasn’t even sure why he was asking a question they both knew the answer to, as he shot a quick Muffliato towards the door and cast his wand aside. His vision was blurred but he didn’t need to be able to see to recognise his wife’s swift actions to remove his shirt.
He trailed kisses over her bare shoulders as together they ensured she was as shirtless as he was. The skin to skin contact of her chest against his was fiery and warm and he captured her lips in his again, kissing her passionately. With some difficulty, they undressed quickly between kisses, falling easily into the rhythm they were both so familiar with.
Three days later, Harry paced around outside the Harpies training ground and uncomfortably adjusted his collar. He kept an eye firmly on James, who was charging about and attempting to climb the railings with little success. His outfit for dinner at the Burrow was already looking a little worse for wear, but Harry knew nobody would mind.
Just as Harry was removing his son from a tricky spot he’d got himself stuck in, Ginny emerged from the entrance, beaming and carrying Albus.
“How did it go?” Harry held onto James’ hand very tightly to keep him from running off again and James tried to wrench himself free.
“All fine. She’ll have me play until March.”
“You’re actually disappointed aren’t you?”
Albus squirmed from Ginny’s arms, reaching for his dad, and Harry obliged, quickly switching with Ginny so she had a hold of James instead.
“Yes! The baby’s not due until May, that’s a whole month.”
Harry sighed and thought that only his wife would be upset at the thought of not being allowed to play professional Quidditch at eight-months pregnant. But, he thought, chuckling to himself and bouncing Albus on his hip, that was precisely the reason he’d married her.
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