#and their convo is so sweet……wails.
samarecharm · 4 months
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 10 months
What is Broken (Aemond Targaryen x Pregnant Wife!Reader) SNEAK PEEK
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The war, the "Dance of the Dragons," as they have come to call it, is over. And yet, you are not celebrating. You have just learned that your husband, Prince Aemond, spent the last months of the war with another woman in his bed. Not only that, but his mistress is pregnant. Just like you...
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader (third person, no use of Y/N), side Aemond Targaryen x Alys Rivers
Warnings: Angst, pregnancy and related symptoms, infidelity, maybe smut in the future idk
Author's note: Ok well since Studious came out of me trying to power through my writer's block, hopefully this'll not only be as good, but also work as well for kicking writer's block's ass. Idk how long it's gonna be. It's based on a convo I had with the Aemond AI (made by @foxyanon ) on a day when I just didn't feel like being happy at all. Coming soon (I hope)!
What is Broken Sneak Peek
It was a lovely night in King’s Landing.
There was not a cloud to be seen for miles, and the stars were bright and twinkling. The waters of Blackwater Bay were calm and reflected the full moon as clearly as a freshly polished mirror. Even the wind seemed in a pleasant mood, carrying the sweet scent of spring on its back as it drifted lazily through the windows of the Red Keep.
Every bit of it grated on her heart like a whetstone across dull steel.
The worst night of one’s life should not be so lovely, she thought. It should be terrible. With storms and an angry sea, and perhaps even a raging fire somewhere in the distance.
If the night had been so, she would not have seen it when, only a few moments ago, a massive winged form landed in the fields just outside the city with a lowing wail, the last person she wanted to see strapped to its back. Thankfully, Aemond was far enough away that she could not make him out against the mass of his mount.
The people would cheer him in the streets as he rode toward the castle. The victorious Prince, returning after long months at war, having not only ended the war itself but avenged the deaths of his sister, brother, and his little nieces and nephews.
Daemon Targaryen and his dragon had perished above the God’s Eye, the waters below boiling when their bodies fell into its depths.
With the Rogue Prince gone, the war was swiftly over. Rhaenyra was killed, her last remaining son taken as King Aegon’s ward, and the royal host returned to King’s Landing victorious. Even Cregan Stark had agreed to halt his advance South, redirecting to Harrenhal for peace talks.
Harrenhal. A cursed place, now to be the site of great diplomacy.
Even thinking about the horrible castle was enough to turn her stomach.
A letter detailing exactly what had occurred within those melted stone halls during the war, written by the late Prince Daemon himself, sat on her vanity. A final act of retribution against his soon-to-be killer.
She knew that her husband was only returning home because of the letter.
My dear Princess,
Despite the conflict between our sides of the family, I have always thought you a rather sweet girl. Therefore, it is with the deepest regret that I must now shoulder the burden of informing you of your beloved husband’s improper conduct during this awful conflict…
A pang of nausea shot through her stomach as she remembered the words.
A mistress… some Strong bastard… called Alys, my spies tell me… every night, without fail… from the very first week… another bastard babe in the whore’s witchly womb…
There was a pounding from within her, soft thumps and kicks as the life inside her own womb became unsettled by its mother’s roiling emotions. She laid a hand over her belly, whispering soothing words she did not believe to try and calm it – and herself.
Once, she would never have believed Daemon’s stories. But then word came that, after the final battle, Aemond returned to Harrenhal for less than an hour before he again mounted Vhagar and flew for King’s Landing. It was not like Aemond to make such swift decisions. Nor did it strike her as the action of an innocent man.
When she called for Ser Willis Fell, her heart had been filled with hope that the new Lord Commander of the Kingsguard would dispel her worries. That she had only allowed herself to consider the possibility of Aemond’s infidelity because her mind was addled by her delicate condition.
“My princess, I cannot, in good conscience, tell you a lie…”
She had screamed then. And cried. And possibly thrown things at the Kingsguard, but she couldn’t entirely remember.
All she could remember was how Aemond kissed her on the day he left for Harrenhal. Deeply and passionately. Until she could feel his love for her as clearly as her own heartbeat. Then he knelt before her and placed a single, tender kiss to her belly, to where they had only just learned that their babe grew.
Less than a moon’s turn later, he had taken another woman to his bed, and seeded her, too.
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blue-jisungs · 7 months
holding their hand ♡
author's note. i need to write for my boys more since i kinda neglected them ?!
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┆彡 GUNIL [ 건일 ]
ahh this guy :”)
tbh i feel like… he has his hands all over u 24/7
just LOVES holding ur hand
whether it’s during a walk, holding hands underneath the table or just grabbing onto your hand while you’re mid convo with someone
he couldn’t care less by the disgusted looks the guys give him 🫡
he just wants to hold his partner’s hand and ain’t no one holding back this dude !!
but also he’s so so gentle about it
his hands sometimes are scattered with cuts and bruises, therefore are more in the calloused and harsh side
but he holds your hands so tenderly as if they were made out of fine china :(
he just loves u sm
(and i love him)
┆彡 GAON [ 가온 ]
i mean you saw it coming, we’ve all seen the clips where he pretended to cut his hand off
he does the same to you
will pretend to cut his hand off if you’re the first one who grabbed his hand
but will get annoyed if you do the same when he grabs your hand first…
also will teasingly squeeze your hand randomly
won’t admit it out loud but he loves holding your hand
that’s why he’s not that big on holding your hand while you’re with the boys (because they’ll tease him to death)
will definitely sneak a hand into yours when you’re in a crowd of strangers
┆彡 JUNGSU [ 정수 ]
screaming wailing sobbing
he is so soft and and gentle and tender and and …
will hold your hand no matter what, even if the guys tease him or if they’re ice-cold
like 24/7, even in his sleep his hand will always look for yours 🥹
i feel like his hands are soft and taken care of (?) like he carries handcream and regularly uses it
(he also creams your hands for you, gently and precisely,, like ,, it’s so adorable ;((( )
so due to that fact it’s just… like his hands r smooth okay
will also sneak kisses on the back of your hand/knuckles before or after he interlocks your hands
it’s just such a sweet gesture that has become his habit
… because he loves the way your cheeks redden because of it ^_^
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
seungmo is like . . .
acts like he doesn’t really care ?
“yeah you’re holding my hand cool🙄”
but deep inside he loves it and prays you never let go
and if you don’t hold his hand for whatever reasons, he’ll aggressively grab yours and shrug nonchalantly when you send him a puzzled look (´・_・`)
lives for interlocking fingers with you
while he does it, he giggles that there’s no way out now… and truly, there’s not
this man has an iron grip…
at first he was also shy to hold hands w you in the boys’ presence but with time, he actually started to love it
just uses this fact to rub it on his faces that he has a partner and they don’t~
┆彡 JUNHAN [ 준한 ]
my lil shy bunny boy !!!!!!!
it took him some time to get used to it, hence why you always initiated hand holding
he was always kind of taken aback, stiffing and blushing, before finally relaxing into your touch
he loves it so so much and even told you one day because he didn’t want you to think that his awkwardness means he doesn’t like it :(
same as gaon, would prefer holding your hand in private or hidden from the members’ eyes
(or hidden literally, underneath a table etc)
and and
when he wants you to hold his hand he’ll shyly interlock your pinkies first :((
giving you puppy eyes and just hoping you’ll catch on :(((
and it becomes an alternative for you, so sometimes you’ll just link pinkies :((((
i’m actually sobbing and banging my head against the wall he’s so precious
┆彡 JOOYEON [ 주연 ]
now this mf …
he’s so dramatic about it
the first time you held his hand he was like “ew cooties…” “take those sweaty hands off me” “ew…”
yeah um,, anyways,,
it’s chaotic – he’ll gasp, whine, roll his eyes
but then the sheepish grin on his lips gives him away
loves to draw shapes on your hand with his thumb, often spelling some words
(‘gaon is dumb’)
(and you need to stop yourself from laughing because you’d look like a maniac)
or or when you intertwine fingers, he’ll put your hands up and try to separate your fingers from his (?) … and when you’re like having flat palms against each other, he’ll suddenly close his fingers again and trap you,, just to repeat that 😭
to summarise, he’s like … if you gave a dog a ball,, he can entertain himself with your (and his) hands ??
and also couldn’t care less about the boys; just like seungmin, he’ll brag that at least he has a hand to hold
masterlist <3
taglist. @primoppang ,, @dazzlingligth
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eoieopda · 9 months
for absolutely no reason at all
svt members as your partner when you come home from work and become the equivalent of a dead fish because your job has sucked your soul from your body and you have nothing left to give but a few halfhearted flops
seungcheol and jeonghan also have dead fuckin batteries.
they’re on the ground when you walk in the door. they may or may not have a “reason” for it, but they are fully in starfish mode on the floor, unwilling and unable to be moved. nobody is talking because that takes more energy than either of you have to spare, but it’s nice — finally being able to be quiet. it’s like the at-home equivalent of hiding in the work bathroom/walk-in freezer/whatever to have just a SINGLE MOMENT OF PEACE. sometimes, you just need a good Floor Sit™️. ya know? but…. you’re gonna order the takeout, right? their phone is a meter away, and they cannot be assed to sit up to grab it.
mingyu, joshua, and seokmin are gonna nurture the shit out of you.
you may be a shell of a person rn, but that just means there’s room for whatever criminally delicious thing they’re going to cook for you. they keep looking over their shoulder to check that your soul hasn’t left your body; and they only step away from the stove to top up the drink they made for you. tbh i would not put it past any one of them to hand feed you because they’ll be goddamned if you have to lift a finger. they’re also team Self Care™️ but you have to be the one applying their face mask because they got some in their eye last time and wailed for many minutes about it. y’all are also accidentally drunk on a week night. ooops 😇
jihoon, minghao and chan have already asked whether you want to vent or brainstorm solutions, and you chose the latter.
now, they’re actively listening to every single thought you have about your garbage day. they’re highly emotionally intelligent + pragmatic, so they have 10/10 insight to share without seeming pushy or patronizing about it. when you have a plan worked out for how to tackle xyz bullshit on zero (0) brain juice, they say or do something unexpectedly ridiculous in the midst of this ocean deep convo. that makes you crack tf up. you no longer wait for the sweet release of death 💘
👆🏻if you chose to vent, vernon and seungkwan are ready to rumble.
vernon sits quietly next to you (like, if you’re sprawled out on the living room floor, so is he; no questions asked). he soaks up every little word while emoting perfectly when your dramatic/comedic retelling calls for it. truly a 10/10 audience. you’ve never felt funnier/more interesting, and THAT is the spark you needed.
seungkwan, on the other hand, is getting amped with you — he doesn’t know who he’s fighting, but bitch, hold his americano because he’s coming out swinging. importantly, you’ve aired all your grievances and feel less like you’re being crushed to death under the heavy boot of a capitalist existence ✨
soonyoung, junhui, and wonwoo are on the emotional disaster clean-up crew — but in different ways.
you may be a flat tire, but even those can rotate, so soonyoung is doing his best to get you moving. he knows that partaking in a hobby of some sort is A Lot™️ right now, but it’s also the only thing that will restore your will to live. he’s right. you’ve successfully fought off the intense guilt that comes with foregoing joy due to exhaustion; and you have [insert labor of love project] to show for it.
junhui is more mellow in that he’s fine to leave you as a lump on the couch; HOWEVER, he’s going to be doing silly shit in your peripheral vision until you finally notice and start laughing. who ordered the prop gags? it’s a one-man show and it’s INCREDIBLE. he tires himself out and you both sleep like fuckin babies, and it doesn’t take you 59 years to force yourself out of bed the next morning 👏🏻
wonwoo, on the other hand, is subtle with it. i feel like he would dump himself next to you on the couch, pull up some sort of video game, and be content to exist quietly in your proximity. but just because you’re not talking doesn’t mean he’s not pulling shenanigans. i feel like he’d find the most fucking RIDICULOUS mods known to man (ex. replacing the dragons in skyrim with thomas the tank engine), or make a character that looks like you and run around doing super dumb shit that doesn’t advance the story but makes you cackle. he’s got that very specific lil wonu smirk going on, too, because he knew he’d be successful.
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dangermousie · 10 months
Farscape Rewatch: Self-Inflicted Wounds, 2x03 and 2x04
First off, these are some of the best titles. So Good!
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Farscape summed up.
Or perhaps this is:
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(Though perhaps this one is more applicable to the next episode, Different Destinations, which to me is the bleakest Farscape episode ever.)
SIW is a two-parter I don't like as much as I should, all things considered. Maybe it's too much technobabble, or a bit of an odd pacing (it should have been a one-and-a-half parter, if there is such a thing, not a two parter). This said, Zhaaaaaaaaaaan. *wails* It makes sense from story point (nothing is for free, life for a life) and from behind the scenes point as poor Virginia Hey was getting ill from the make-up, but still...wail! Non-Zhaan stuff out of the way first: I get totally annoyed with the crew in this one when they blame Crichton for what happened. Zhaan gets a pass because she is dying, but I want to smack the rest of them silly. How is this Crichton's fault? How? It's just the Moyans' rotten luck. Pilot was the one who stopped the ship when they saw a wormhole, and they were there for a millisecond only before the pathfinders' ship crashed into them. They wouldn't have time to get out of the way regardless of anything, even Pilot stopping. And yeah, he trusted the aliens. But hey, even without wormholes, John is often too trusting, this is about the last spark of it. And considered abandoning ship but so did they all! But any 'selfishness' is certainly traumatized out of him with this. But then the crew doesn't really believe it's Crichton's fault: if they did, his throat would be ripped out. It's just a convenient target for frustrations. And hello, Crichton? Would take it and ask for more. So this ep ends with Crichton enjoying his favorite game: guilt and self-blame for something not really his fault.  Oh yes. But come on guys, just because he is there and available, doesn't mean you should do it! If you think about it, they subconsciously know, I think, that they can do it to him. Can you imagine the uselessness or the harm if they tried doing a genuinely blame session to D'Argo or Aeryn or Rygel? But Crichton likes to inflict blame and punishment on himself.
Harvey! Beginning of such brilliant, brilliant Harvey scenes! And I loved the brief guy-to-guy discussion between D'Argo and John: what if you try your best and it's not enough? That is something everyone on board Moya is familiar with. And John and Aeryn? Work so in unison. Heck, Aeryn is beginning to develop her own unworthiness issues as her convo with Zhaan shows. (I love the bit where Zhaan highlights similarities between them. She forgot to add 'we love insane men' to the list though). And there was this epic exchange:
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That’s the thing that I always forget watching early S1 Crichton, his eyes open in wonder: it took a certain kind of person to get himself in the position to get into a wormhole even if unknowingly. He might be gentle and sweet and scientific when the thing starts, but it takes a certain kind of insanity and reckless bravery to go up in space flying basically an assmbled kit plane that you devised by yourself to test a completely random theory! Much more insane and risk-taking than his Dad who after all followed proper established procedures devised by others when he went. And then there is the scientific crazy curiosity that got him up there in the first, proving that he can be obsessive enough to not care about risk when he is really into it. Jool? God, I'd forgotten how irritating she was when she first joined. I ended up liking her by the end, but seriously, I want to strangle her. Crichton is being amazingly patient with her even when she tries to off him (probably out of obligation/guilt) but argh. I love Chiana's smackdown of her. And Zhaan's. But I like her around because I love seeing nasty things happen to her. Some relief from the darkness of S3: bad things happening to someone you actually don't like. Also, because of her we get exchanges like this:
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Despite my snark about her, I confess I like Jool, and she does grow up. Mainly, I think, I am always a bit sympathetic to her even from the start, because I know that if I ended up in an unknown part of the world with lunatics, I'd be a lot more likely to be whiny like Jool and not awesome like John. Talk about a vacation gone wrong!
Chiana is wonderful too: so young, so brave, so scared. Yet so unwilling to abandon Moya. Crying to Zhaan about it. What a difference from season 1, when she was all for getting off at the least sign of trouble and Moya be damned. But they do have a bond, don't they? And I love that despite the implosion of that romance, D’Argo still cares for her, there is no cruelty or gloating in him. This is real and complex.
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Other things? I love Stark in these eps. From his subtle manipulation of Rygel (by telling him Pilot likes him) from his snarking (when Rygel says he didn't vote for staying or leaving Moya. Rygel makes me want to choke him in these eps) that yeah, Rygel voted because 'I was your proxy.' Heh. And the bit with Jool, when the snitty bitch is having her little hissy fit and he flips on her because they are all dead, and his love is dead. And he tells her he will show her something that will make her weep forever. Stark can be scary! Oh, and the bits with Zhaan, from his seeing her look at her ravaged face in the mirror, and he is silent behind the door, and crying. 
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To her trying to prepare him and his refusal. To the end, when he runs around like a trapped animal trying to get to her. 
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To when he helps her cross-over. Ohhhh, my lovely secondary ship. 
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I love the bit at the end when Aeryn wants to know why he isn't flipping and he is, in a contained way, and tells her it's because Zhaan was so at peace (and of course, death is what he knows best). But of course, his 'dealing' is temporary and comes and goes, as he admits to her (and see him crazed in DD). Zhaan and Stark are very yin-yang because in SIW he tells her he has a darkness which frightens lovers away but he is amazingly good despite it, and she is, after all, the good peaceful spiritual being who is, at the same time, had serious darkness and overcame madness. They are more similar than it appears at first glance.
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I love Zhaan in this ep so much. She is scared yet brave, determined yet frail. And her farewell is lovely. I love how she hits exactly the hidden thing in each of her crewmates (D'Argo's sensitivity, John's innocence). And of course, the ep ends with John and Harvey, dressed in funeral attire. And even Harvey blames John! WTF!!!!!! (But Harvey is, after all, Scorpius blended with John so it’s really John blaming himself.)  And ends with John throwing his bottle at the screen, shattering it.
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What a bleak ending. And that blame and self-blame are not fair. John is NOT selfish. He has a few things he would give anything for (AERYN. AERYN. AERYN) but that is true for anyone who is not a saint. Moyans have certainly done a lot of unforgivable things when their wishes were strong. Remember D'Argo, Zhaan and Rygel hacking off Pilot's arm for a chance at the map? Remember Chi and her stealing and thus unleashing the virus that leads to the Gammack Base and everything else etc? (Aeryn is rather exempt because she's been brought up to not want anything). Remember Moya's irrationality about Talyn? Their desires lead to anything from sheer irresponsibility and catastrophes because of recklessness to predetermined badness. John is obsessed with going home and wormholes (though even now, I think he is too damaged for Earth already, and not as much obsessed with them as with Aeryn). But I am sorry, comparing him with the actions above? Are you kidding? Considering giving up the ship that is dying but ultimately not? Wanting to check out wormholes for a second but not even having a chance to before the collision? (It's not like they were parked there for an hour and that's how they got hit). Seriously, the guy has enough self-loathing. He does not need any more. Lay off, the guy is already broken. But how realistic and human all that blame and self-blame are. Next? Different Destinations, and then Eat Me and the joy of two Crichtons: double your character, double your pain. This season is unrelentingly bleak.
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shina913 · 2 years
"We'll be done quicker when I'm off the phone" 💀 HELP
I'm a greedy reader, not ready to see this wonderful story already reach it's epilogue :(
Their established realtionship and their flirtatious convo is soo satisfying to read, my heart is doing a flip constantly!
And what a better view than Jungkook's taking shower???? 😭🤧 I'm sorry I'm wailing, thank's for the warned tho
Thank you for taking your precious time to write this story Shina 💜
Looking forward for your next stories
Ahahahahhh 🤣 yeah…I HAD to do the ‘seven minutes’ callback 🫠
The final installment had to be a full-circle for them—back to the flirting, sesssyyy tension 👀. Anyway, I’m such a sucker for full-circle moments and I won’t stop writing them anytime soon!
The shower scene was completely gratuitous, I’ll admit 🤣🤣 But I think it made for a good bookend?
Thank you so much for being so sweet and taking the time to send me feedback!!! I appreciate you 😘
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jilyesplz · 3 years
Hi!! Just here to say chapter 2 was amazing!!!
I loved Lily talking to the Sirius and Remus and finally telling the girls everything.
“How did you figure it out?” “Evans, we know you, (...) Every single sign on the Lily Evans radar was flashing neon. You’ve always been our best mate, Evans, and we know you.” “But, really, how’d you know?” “Five minutes after Black dragged you out of the Great Hall this morning, he marched back in and asked us what a rebound fuck was."
I laughed so hard. It was perfect. I was really glad to see Lily apologising and so happy to see all the girls talking and spending time together. Also, The part with Mulciber made me shiver, I'm scared for them and I wonder how that talk with Marlene is gonna go and what Lily will do afterwards.
Everyone trying to get James and Lily together was simply amazing and the David joke was perfect.
James made for the stairs, and as soon as his feet disappeared, Lily rounded on her mates, hands on hips: “David?” In a move so gorgeous, so synchronous, so evil, that it was very clearly choreographed, all six collapsed backward onto the couch, throwing their arms across their faces and wailing, “A fucking Michelangelo!”
ICONIC. I was laughing for so long after that.
Lily talking with Remus and realising everything was so good. I love that boy and I love their friendship. The "I love you, too, Moony" was perfect and I got so anxious when I saw that James was jealous?mad?confused?im not sure watching hdhdhgd before we get to Jily, I have to say I ADORE Sirius knowing the both of them that well. Him knowing before and noticing immediately James change before the Keepdown session shows how much he knows them and I love it.
Onto Jily, the “Nice shirt” “Nice hat” lines made me smile like an idiot and I loved it. The dream at the beginning started to tear my heart apart and the Keepdown session finished the job lol. Lily and James are so in love but sometimes they can be so BAD at communication. The thing you said about James being similar to Lily about not wanting her to describe how good he would be for somebody else made so much sense!! And Lily thinking he's heartbroken about Carlota and that she is just a rebound for him aaa I wanted to hug them both.
I'm really excited for the next chapter. Take all the time you need, we'll be here and happy to read it no matter the time. And I honestly can't thank you enough for continuing TLAT.
Wish you all the best, hope you have a great week!
The "I love you, too, Moony" was perfect and I got so anxious when I saw that James was jealous?mad?confused?im not sure watching hdhdhgd
Mmmmmmmm this. Honestly not sure James could tell you what was going on in his head there (and of course he also Wouldn't if he could, because that would be too easy for my sweet sweet asshole idiot genius). It's partly that ya boy gets auto-jealous of even the Marauders around Lily (eg Sirius in 25, Remus in 30), but even James doesn't ~really~ think she loves Remus romantically. It's partly that he's generally hurt that she apparently trusts him less than all of their other friends, and this is v clearly the resolution of a convo abt something he isn't allowed to know. But mostly, he just...wanted to hear her say those four words so, so bad.
Also, it does not help that she called him Moony.
It does not help at all.
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surrealsunday · 4 years
jaime my queen, since they're doing elu so wrong this season and i'm really getting the feeling eliott doesn't care for lucas anymore, like he's bored and looking for a way out (i gotta thank the spoilers and the s5 cheating convo for messing with my brain) i'm also feeling weirdly affected and sad about this bc elu was THAT otp for me. so could i please trouble you for a wholesome elu snippet from any of your superior elu's? tempo, he, spark to flame? please? for therapy purposes? pls?
Lovely, sorry this took me a hot minute. Work was not my friend yesterday and I couldn’t devote myself to this ask at all. I’m so sorry you’re feeling so bummed out about Elu. I do think we’re going to get some cute Eliott and Lucas stuff this season (though it might only be 0.02 seconds long) but I completely understand missing them and having spoilers mess with your head. I would suggest (in an ‘easier said than done’ kind of way) to ignore that bullshit negativity. The Eliott and Lucas you know and love from s3 are still there and totally devoted to one another. If the show does some stuff (like the s5 bullshit cheating convo or whatever is coming this season) you don’t like, disregard it. They are that OTP for you and nobody gets to take that from you (no, not even the writers who gave us s3). 
But with all that said, I’m more than happy to distract! My brain has so not been in the best writing mode but this little Tempo snippet just spilled right now. So enjoy some Tempo Eliott and Lucas goodness 😊.
“Where’s my stinky baby?” Eliott calls out as he enters the apartment.
“You hear that?” Lucas turns to look at Ouba from his spot balanced on the edge of the bathtub. “When you roll around in another dog’s poop, you’re his baby. You’re no child of mine.” Her entire body wiggles with the force of her tag wailing, as though she’s decided she’s fine with that arrangement. Lucas snorts. “Traitor.”
“Here you two are,” Eliott smiles, pushing through the partially open bathroom door. “And there’s my stinky girl!” He reaches to pick up Ouba before thinking better of it and bestowing her with a sweet kiss to her head instead. “Who’s a stinky girl? You are! Yes, you are. My beautiful, stinky girl.” They make an adorable picture, Eliott crouched down to Ouba’s level, voice raised to a pitch that has Ouba near vibrating with utter adoration.
“So that’s how it is, hunh?” Lucas pushes his lip out in a pout. “She rolls around in poop and gets kisses. What am I? Just the guy you keep around to give her baths afterwards.”
Eliott chuckles, looking up from where he’d been allowing to Ouba to lather kisses all over his face. “Aw, you know you’re my baby too.”
“Oh, ‘too’ is it now? I have to share the title with some dog who thinks rolling around in poop is peak living?” He huffs a little, turning away from Eliott in faux-indignation and reaching to turn the bathtub tap off. He tests the temperature of the water, warm enough to be comfortable for Ouba but not too hot. Perfect.
“Uh oh,” Eliott whispers and Lucas turns back to see that he is in fact whispering to Ouba, his eyes on Lucas, glinting with mischief. “Looks like we’re both in trouble now, baby girl.”
Lucas rolls his eyes. “Just put her in here, would you?”
“Not without giving you your kisses first.” Eliott wiggles one eyebrow as he moves to advance on Lucas.
“No, no, no, you stay back.” Lucas raises a hand to ward off Eliott’s determined steps. “I don’t want your face anywhere near me after you’ve been making out with her.”
“But baby,” Eliott adopts a pout of his own, slowly leaning down over Lucas, “I didn’t even give you a kiss hello.”
“Yeah, well, who’s fault is that?” Lucas presses a hand to Eliott’s chest but his attempts to hold him off are ineffectual at best, having no real motivation behind them.
“Mine,” Eliott admits in a whisper, face hovering just above Lucas’s. “That’s why I need to make it up to you.”
Lucas turns his face just as Eliott leans down, lips connecting with his cheek instead. “No!” He squeals, putting a little force behind his hand holding Eliott back. “Keep those dog slobber lips away from me.”
“Dog slobber lips?” Eliott gasps with exaggerated offense. “Fine! Lucas slobber it is!” He dives in for another kiss.
Lucas shrieks, grabbing to the front of Eliott’s shirt as he leans back and away, giggling as he dodges Eliott’s determined kisses, until… one split moment of inattention, and he’s leaning back too far.
“Eliott!” Lucas flails, grip tight to Eliott’s shirt with one hand, the other reaching back to stop his descent, but it’s too late. He falls backwards, landing with a resounding thump and splash, fully clothed, directly in the bath water.
There’s a moment of prolonged silence, and then, “Oops,” Eliott laughs.
“I am going to kill you,” Lucas complains, flapping about until he is able to push himself up from his back to a soggy sit.
Eliott shrugs, smile wide and not looking the least bit apologetic. “I don’t know. This seems like a fine plan to me.” He turns and then he’s lifting Ouba.
“No!” But it’s too late – far too late. There’s a smelly fluff of Ouba being placed down directly on top of Lucas in the bathtub. “Eliott, no! She’s smelly!”
Eliott laughs and reaches for the bottom of his shirt. Lucas looks on with peaked interest as he pulls it over his head. “So? That’s what the bath is for.”
“What are you doing?” Lucas asks, somewhat stupidly, moving to hold Ouba a little more securely where it seems she’s decided she’s not so sure about this bath thing. He can relate.
“Getting naked.” His hands move to his jeans, quickly unfastening them and stripping himself of pants and briefs in one fell swoop, until he stands before Lucas entirely nude.
Lucas shakes himself out of his looking-at-Eliott-naked stupor. “We’re not having a bath with a poop covered dog, Eliott. That’s gross.”
“She’s not even dirty,” Eliott protests, moving to turn the bathtub tap back on to add more water to the smaller layer Lucas had supplied – back in those naïve moments he’d though it would be Ouba alone being bathed. “She’s just smelly. We’ll wash her, then,” Eliott turns to wiggle an eyebrow at Lucas, “wash us.”
“I hate you,” Lucas sighs.
Eliott’s grin widens. He knows he’s won. “Love you too, baby.”
And sure it results in more water being spread through the entirety of the bathroom than the floors have ever seen, and Ouba escaping to no doubt rub her freshly scrubbed fur all over their clean bed sheets, but as Lucas looks across at Eliott in the bathtub, laughing with his head thrown back, grin wide and face flushed with colour, he can say with absolute certainty, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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kotlc-oneshots · 5 years
Blind!keefe au
Hey all!!! Sorry I’ve been dead, but writings block kills lol. Anyways I got this idea off of some lame discord convos and uhhh I hope it’s good. Also it’s late and lmao I have no motivation to edit my own writing uhhh here u go. Some mild swearing. Will be Kam if I keep going w it. Lov yall.
I’m lying in bed, of course, when the shrieking of my alarm goes off about four feet away from me. I blink my eyes open until they don’t feel sticky and gross, then grab my alarm clock. It’s a simple thing, a brick with about 5 buttons total on it, probably.
I pushed the button on the bottom left corner, and the loud wail finally ends. I groan and rub my head, wishing the colors and blobs that cloud the center of my milky vision would just come into focus.
However after years of hoping for that, every morning, I know nothing is going to happen. With a small sigh, I go into my ultra-specifically organized dresser.
Today is the first day of my senior year. Even if I wont be able to see myself, I want to know that others will appreciate the way that I look- or, at least, am dressed. There’s not a lot I can do if there’s anything wrong with my face or hair. I wish I could, though- even though I’ve been blind since birth, I still always want to look presentable. In order to do that, my friends help me once every other week to organize my outfits for the upcoming 14 days. It started in sophmore year, when Sophie got the wonderful idea, and it's been a tradition since. And thanks to my ‘photographic (ha) memory’, I always know what clothes I’m wearing. Always.
I’m about halfway dressed when hear a beep from the direction of my bed.
“New message from Fitz.” The automated, robotic voice of Siri tells me.
“Hey siri- read message from Fitz.” I respond, then finish putting on the rest of my clothes.
“Ready for your first day as a senior?” she reads back to me. I automatically change the sound to Fitz’s deeper, more human voice in my head. It’s pointless, but necessary.
“Hey siri- text Fitz ‘hell yeah brother.’” After a quick confirmation of what I’m sending, I go into the bathroom next to my bedroom. I carefully feel my way around for my toothbrush and brush my teeth, then proceed to run my hand through my hair. For a short moment, I wish I could see myself as more than a blob of milky, too bright color, but it fades quickly. I’d rather not think about it. So I finish up in the bathroom, then return to my room for my bag. With a quick ‘hey siri’, I manage to find my phone as well.
After a few more voice commands, I receive the news that Fitz will be here to pick me up at 7:30, which gives me about 20 minutes. I hop over to the kitchen and make myself a quick, hearty bowl of cereal. Being me, I choose the healthiest kind- Lucky Charms. When finished, I smile to myself and set the bowl near the sink- I know my dads at work by now, so I don’t have to worry about him. Sometimes there’s good things about waking up early. As I slip my bag on and go to the door to wait, I remember how lucky I am to have such a good memory, and such a constantly cleanly household. Otherwise, I’d be as clumsy in my house as Sophie is. I grab my cane and walk outside, chiding myself for thinking so much about the little things.
Fitz is there, honking his horn, about 5 ish minutes after I get outside. Sophie yells at him for being annoying, and I chuckle a bit. A window rolls down, and Biana’s voice comes through hollering to go to the back passengers side. I use my cane to help me a little bit, then grab onto the ledge made by the open window. I proceed to find the door handle, then carefully step into the car.
“If any freshman gives you crap today, you have full right to hit them with your cane.” Dex, who must be on on the other side of Biana, says.
“Thank you. I’ll definitely do that,” I respond with a laugh, and I can practically feel the worry in the air as Sophie warns me not to.
“We really don’t want you to get suspended on the first day. So just wait until tomorrow, and give them an extra hard whap on kneecap.” Biana adds cheerily.
“This is why you’re my favorite.” I awkwardly try to wrap my arm
around her head, but fail miserably. My peripherals are even worse than the center of my vision- there’s almost no light visible towards the edges. So I end up hitting her on the head, and play it off by messing her hair up. This, of course, causes her to whack my arm and call me a jerk.
“Alright, dumbasses, knock it off,” Fitz, my best friend of the
past 6 years, yells. “By the way, Keefe, we’re pulling in now.” A knot forms in my stomach. Man. First day of senior year at Foxfire. I can’t believe its so close to being over. The beginning of the end.
We pull into the parking lot and step out of Fitz’s Volvo. I turn towards the building, and take a deep inhale of the crisp morning air. My friends and family always like to comment on how pretty the building looks. Foxfire is a really prestigious private high school, and I know that they put a lot of money into the architecture
and the grounds. It's a pity that all I see is a building shaped blob of its beige color, and the faint blobs of green and other colors that I know are trees.
I try not to let myself think about it.
We walk into the building, and Fitz automatically splits off. He's supposed to help some teacher set up the presentation that the Freshman go to. I love him, but it's the first day of school and that man is already busy. This year is gonna be rough if we wanna keep up our hangout sessions- although, we both did take the same 6 AP classes. We’ll probably study together, when he’s not with his million other commitments.
After a few hugs and highfives, and a few debate friends greeting me, I go to my first class. I’m /not/ getting caught in that crowd, especially with the idiotic freshman pretending that they own the place. Off to AP music theory it is. C118 is easy enough- no stairs, and it's a pretty straight shot to the classroom. Again,
I thank my perfect memory to get me around. I may not know what the building looks like, but I basically have the blueprint downloaded in my head. Good times, man.
First period doesn’t result in much. We all get a copy of the syllabus, and a short introductory reading. I can feel a tinge of annoyance when the teacher acknowledges my inability to.. Uh, read it, but a girl named Linh volunteers to help me out with it. She seemed nice enough. She had a bit of a Canadian accent, and when I asked about it she confirmed that she was from… Minnesota. She was really sweet, and I’m genuinely hoping that’ll become a friendship.
The next couple periods go uneventfully. Fitz is in one of them, and Dex the other so I don’t have to worry about another situation like in first period. And the teachers always let me go about 2-3 minutes early, so I can avoid the crowds- that is, until lunch. I’m on my way down to the cafeteria when I run into… someone. They must have been very quiet- I didn’t realize they were that close to me and coming around the bend. So when they did, we kinda collided. I hear a soft curse when they thud to the ground, and from the shape and sound I know its a guy. I put the cane in my left hand and offer to help him up. I’m not sure what it is, but he doesn’t accept it.
“You good man? I didn’t see ya there.” I laugh a little, because
duh. He doesn’t. I can’t really make out any of him- his hair is /probably/ black- and this agitates me, because he doesn’t respond. And then he practically runs away.
I have no way to identify him- probably a dumb freshman that didn’t want his ass kicked by the blind senior. Trying to shake off the interaction, I roll my eyes and start on my way to lunch again.
“Honestly, today was AWFUL. The second half, at least.” I’m now at Fitz’s house, along with Dex. “I already told Dex about that one guy that ran into me, but Stats teacher was awful. She probably heard something from Michaels about last year- just because I rarely showed up doesn’t mean I don’t know what I’m doing! I got along in that class fine.”
“Keefe, I taught you like half of that course.” Fitz replies, laughing.
“Because you actually know how to do math! Michaels is an awful excuse for a pre calc teacher. Dex, be glad that you got Hex.” I retort. It’s not wrong- Mr. Michaels had been very incompetent. If not for Fitz, I would have gotten the worst grade I ever had in my high school career.
“You know I am.” Dex agrees. “Even Hex hates Michaels, but she won’t admit it. Outright, at least.”
“Ok, enough about horrible teachers. Tell me about the guy who ran into you.” Fitz pipes up, not wanting to be apart of a conversation dissing his soccer coach. I let him divert the conversation, even though I really wanna rag Michaels to the ground most of the time.
“Well, that's the thing. There’s nothing to tell- I ran into him and he fell. Then he ran away, without saying a word,” I say. “I wanna know just as much as you do.”
“That’s cute.” Dex comments, and I shake my head.
“You know what I mean.”
“Suuuuureee.” The tone of his voice makes me hit him, which starts a wrestle between the three of us that lasts for about half an hour. By the end of it, I’m sure I have multiple bruises from falling, kicking something wrong, and getting hit, but I don’t care much. We fall into a panting heap on Fitz bed, and we through half hearted punches at each other that hold no intention. Needless to say, I’m sweaty and gross, and when Fitz informs me that it's almost 8, I ask to go home. A man's gotta shower- and get his beauty sleep.
So Fitz drives me and Dex home, the three of us having pointless conversation about classes and plans we should make. I get dropped off first, and they wait as I carefully make my way to door of my house, not leaving until I get inside. I hear the thrum of his engine as Fitz drives off, then make my way to the bathroom.
After a quick shower, I brush my teeth and head off to bed.
I drift off, and my thoughts are filled with a mysterious blob with probably black hair and evil math equations.
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betoveringhouse · 6 years
snippets of conversations that happened in the past
before the mc got there some....interesting convos went down
Ray: Urse, do you need anything from the store? Ursula: Nope. Thanks for asking though, Dad. Ray: ... Ursula: ... Ursula, voice cracking: rAY. I mEAnT RAy. Ray: Right. Of course. Well... I'll see you later? Ursula: bYE. Ursula, softly but with passion: fucking kill me Arnold: Is... Is he alright? Ray: He will be. He's simply drunk and saw a picture of what I've helpfully been informed is a Roborovski hamster. Dodge, choking back tears: they're jsut,,,,so fuCKIGn small,,.,., Arnold: ...Are you quite sure he's going to be okay? Ray: Honestly? No. I don't even know where he got the beer from. He doesn't have any form of ID yet. Dodge, wailing: I WnAT ONE SOo BAdLY bUT IT'S TOO SMaLL. I'D hURt IT. I hAET MYSefL Ray: He is henceforth banned from consuming any more alcohol until further notice.
Nina: RAY RAY RAY RAY RA- Ray: I heard you the first four times, chamaca. Nina: I just realised something BIG Rayray!! Ray: Oh? Do tell. Nina: When I’m a werewolf and I get happy my tail wags!!! Like a DOG!!! I didn’t even notice it ‘til yesterday when I saw myself in the mirror!!! How cool is that?! Ray: Muy chido, Nina. Nina: Oh. My. God. What if I like chasing sticks too??? Next full moon you gotta throw one for me so I can know!! Ray: Okay well that might be going a bit too fa- Nina, halfway out the door: SWEET THANKS K BYE RAYRAY
Arnold: RAYMOND. HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT GIANT LIZARDS ONCE WALKED THE EARTH? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS. Ray: Arnie... Are- Are you talking about dinosaurs? I'm sorry. I thought you already knew about them. Everyone does. Arnold: Oh. They do? Ray: Yes. Even children. Arnold: Ah. Well. Yes, of course I knew. I was just... testing you? And you passed! Well done. Haha. Ray: I see. May I ask what, exactly, you were testing me on? Arnold, climbing out the window to escape his embarrassment: IT'S NOT IMPORTANT. FAREWELL.
Nina: So Rayray, what languages d'ya speak exactly? Ray: Well... I know English, Spanish and French. Nina: Duh, Rayray. I've heard you speak all three of those! Ray: Okay then. I also speak Korean, Chinese, Japanese... Nina: Oh, that's coo- Ray: ...German, Dutch, Norwegian... Nina: Uh- Ray: ...Russian, Arabic, Portuguese... Nina: Right, so then- Ray: ...Hindi, Greek aaaaand... Oh! Swedish, of course. Nina: ...Are you messing with me? Ray, smirking like the smug prick he is: Perhaps. Perhaps not. Nunca lo sabrás. Nina, whispering: god-fucking-DAMMIT rayray
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alicesloane13 · 5 years
Thoughts on GoT S8 E2?
Death. Lots of it!
Serious answer… let’s see:
First off this is more theories for the next few episodes bc I think it’s all going to overlap. I didn’t watch the books. I’ve only watched the early seasons more than once. (Bad fan I know). So, most of my thoughts are very very loosely researched or not at all. A lot of them are just crack
One thing I’m trying to consider is that there are a LOT of unresolved things happening and NOT a lot of time to wrap everything up. They’ve said that they’ve filmed multiple endings and I’m afraid that different loose ends will tie up with different endings, so… bummer :/ Maybe they’ll release them later (I mean… more $$$ for them right?)
- Tyrion is going to do something that might hurt the greater good on behalf of Cersei. Their last conversation he was very emotional and obviously still very fucked up feeling and guilty about Marcella and Tommen. Now that he’s found out she’s pregnant. He got a very strange look on his face, they cut the scene short, and he was very gruff and short about his answers to everyone. He’s been a little… distracted and absent-minded sense then. Possibly more guilt and debating on which choice is really the right thing to do.
- Dany is really going to show she’s losing her shit. It’s been a long time coming, and that look she gave Jon when he told her… Everyone has been calling or teasing/saying that Cersei is “The Mad Queen”. Which, I mean… she’s not the sanest at the moment BUT I think Dany is going to be that one to officially get that title.
- Melisandra (who I’m not a fan of from way back) is definitely up to something. That conversation she had with Varys was pointed somewhere. I feel like her whole “we’re both going to die here” was just a vague we’re both here for the long haul and not that their fates/deaths are in any way tied together
- Ser Davos is never going to see his wife–that I didn’t even–remember him having (she’s been mentioned twice?). Well, he might see her, but we won’t. I hope for his sake! He’s on my please try not to die list. All the shit he’s been through and not going home, I’m starting to see him almost like Odysseys/Ulysses trope
- Samwell (also a fave) has always wanted to be a wizard right? I think he definitely is and/or has magic to some degree. He’s kind of blundered through a lot of things successfully. He saved Gilly, killed a white walker, the other early white walkers just flat out ignored his presence, cured Jorah, people tend to listen to him and take his advice A LOT even though he doesn’t particularly seem like the type of person you’d take advice from. I love the idea that this is just all his own skills, but he wants to be magical so much that I think it would be sweet.
- Here’s where it turns to crack. I was doing a bit of research on the stuff that Maggy the Frog told Cersei. I looked at both show and books stuff. Book Maggy the Frog had a family tree. Some rando on it who we know nothing about other than he was sent with other people when Tywin this guy was among them (in the books). His name is Samwell. Now I know obviously the Tarly’s most likely are not any lineage coming from her. Sam’s dad even boasts about killing her. BUT Samewll also looks nothing like his family. Name kids after relatives is a pretty typical thing here.
So, if you were Randyll Taryly and this kid you have in your house you’re pretending (for whatever reason) starts showing possible magical traits… you might be so anti-magic that you’d go off and try and eradicate that lineage just out of fear it might come out or something? Idk
- People are theorizing that this entire thing is Sam recording the history and telling this story. I would much rather it be Gilly telling little Sam and having picked up where he left off. Because I love her and how cool would it be from her starting point to evolve into that? She’s already shown herself to be useful and her reading is nearly perfect now.
- Crack theory: Arya is dead and the faceless man is working in her stead. Very unlikely. Doesn’t quite make sense. Why would he kill her and then go off and move through her life? Beats me. The Waif wouldn’t make sense either. But that would fuck me up lol and could explain why Nymeria “knew” her, but didn’t “KNOW” her. He also knows about her list and who is on it etc. He also still owes her a kill. Their bargain was that she took his name off her list, not that it canceled out that kill. Lots of more logical theories out there about this already being taken care of between him, the waif, and Arya.
- Ser Brienne is Azor Ahai (reincarnated?) or the prince(s) that was promised if they’re not the same. I’m not going into details on this one or we’ll be here all day. Message me if you want more?
- Unlikely, but maybe since Jon died the Night King will have some influence/power over him
- Popular theory: the Night King is going to reanimate the dead Starks. Eh, even if that happens it won’t really be “our” Starks. How many of their bodies actually made it back to Winterfell? I do think they’re coming back in some way or another. Most likely this way. (also in the books the catacombs are bigger than all over Winterfell and I guess there’s a theory there might be dragon eggs in there idk)
However, I have another theory. That makes absolutely no sense. Ever since Melisandra kind of lost her faith/way she keeps disappearing and returning. Which she’s not a MC so that makes sense. But she’s been getting more and more confident. Then the convo with Varys… my guess is she’s been out researching and/or recruiting (I vaguely remember someone saying she went rogue after Stannis).
We know she brought Jon back from the dead, and that other people have been able to do this. I would love for her to come back and revive the dead Starks so the Night King couldn’t have a hold on them as easily. They’d still be creepy af and all, but at least not a weapon from the inside.
My other theory about her is that… Okay, Ned had Ice. Lightbringer had a lot of fire connected to it. Let’s just talk about Ice first. It was melted down and made into two swords. Brienne has Oathkeeper. Jamie has Widow’s Wail.
(Which how poetic is that that both halves of the swords involved in Brienne’s knighting were Ned’s sword. Also, Ned who always encouraged Arya to follow unconventional hobbies would totally be down with knighting Brienne I think).
So, Ice is with two people who are gonna be pretty damn important to this fight. Everyone has been going on about the dragons now being fire and ice. What if instead, it’s weapons. I don’t know who would wield them. Jon seems pretty attached to his sword. Arya likes her spear and daggers. Idk.
BUT she’s leaving to go to Volantis in the middle of all this. If you look up the history of Valyria you can see there’s a connection between them. Ned’s sword was made by a Valyrian blacksmith? I read that in one spot, dunno about accuracy.
It would make sense that if anyone would be smithing a weapon it would be Gendry. But he also feels a bit more important than merely making weapons at this point. Maybe there was more involved with crafting it. Tools involved, additional material, she’s off to find some blacksmith that was related to the original one. She brings back some fire weapon… and then we have 3-4 (if they make two like ice) swords that are fire and ice. Maybe Gendry could be someone who wields it bc as Tormund mentions that hammer is kinda big and kinda slow. He’s going to need something quick and easily maneuverable for this battle.
- my FAVORITE and most UNLIKELY theory…enough big people survive. Dany does become full-on Mad Queen demanding everyone bend the knee or get fried. She’s out of control. There are very few people who could take her by surprise and not bat an eye. I think she’s wary of Sansa, so that rules her out (that would be cool too though). I think Arya could pull it off, bc ofc! BUT it would be very poetic and create a beautiful parallel if Cersei kills her and becomes… Queen Slayer. It might not fully redeem her, but she’d definitely get some points.
I think that’s all I got. Please Please Please let me know what you think, or ask questions, or give me your own thoughts, etc. I know most of this is crack, but I was kinda trying to think of the most outlandish things.
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sachi-pon · 6 years
free! dive to the future episode 8 liveblog/review thing
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the new episode is finally here!!!! i waited a week to see this haru/ikuya race. ;___; but i also want to see ikuya and hiyori make up. <3 idk if that'll actually happen in this episode. ^__^U
[note after writing this whole post: i wrote a whole lot this time!!! this is a loooooong post. this is like episode 6, where i also wrote a lot. wow, i am so talkative when it comes to these episodes, haha. if you are willing to read this entire post... THANK YOU!!!!!!! =) ]
my previous liveblogs: (episode 1) (episode 2) (episode 3) (episode 4) (episode 5) (episode 6) (episode 7)
watch this episode on crunchyroll!! http://www.crunchyroll.com/free-iwatobi-swim-club/episode-8-metamorphosis-of-the-soul-775639
okay, here's hiyori now...
wait why is mako there???
omg, look what just happened. hiyori instantly went into "pretend to be happy" mode. but that's so sad.
sweetie makoto trying to give helpful advice ^__^
mako is watching hiyori start to have a breakdown and he's like "uuuuhhhhhhh this is getting weird"
um, idk if hiyori is interested in hearing more about how great haru is. that'll probably make him mad. ^__^
mako was smart enough to end that convo quickly!!!
let's go haru!!!!!!! you have to win!!!!! ^___^ why am i nervous to watch a swimming race between fictional characters??
haru has magical powers. when he swims, beautiful music starts playing. XD
"can someone really be this free?" YES, IT'S THE TITLE OF THE SHOW.
"all along, i was afraid of ending up alone again. i thought everyone would end up leaving me." awwwwww my heart hurts.
ikuya is having this amazing epiphany just by swimming next to haru XD
wow!! asahi noticed immediately!!!! o__o
mako and asahi cheering for both of them is so nice and wonderful. they want ikuya and haru to be friends, and that's more important than either one of them winning. (but i still hope haru wins lol)
haru didn't win??? ;__; but asahi is happy. lol, haru should dramatically pop his head out of the water and say "I LOST!!!!!" like mako did last season.
i just want to say that this whole scene with the race and ikuya's epiphany was done beautifully!!!!! it looked beautiful, it sounded beautiful, it was written beautifully. (rei would approved)
haru finally kept his promise! he really does care. what a sweetheart <3333
NO STOP I CAN'T HANDLE IKUYA CRYING. noooo don't cry don't cry... okay he's crying.
OMG THEY ARE HUGGING. THEY ARE ACTUALLY HUGGING RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY EYES. I CANNOT WATCH THIS, I WILL DIE, this is just too heartwarming. (i have this weird thing about guys hugging each other. it's just too cute)
haru's surprised face when ikuya hugged him hahahaha
so if everything's cool now between haru and ikuya, well isn't that this season's whole plot? hmm oh yeah, there's hiyori. is he happy that ikuya and haru are friends now? because logically, he should feel happy that ikuya is finally feeling better. but i'm sure he's frustrated because... haru.
just seeing ikuya finally smiling and being cute and happy is so precious to me <3333
"it was---" *interruption happens* what was it??????? ugh
i love how haru just immediately answers makoto's question like it's no big deal, lol.
ikuya's embarrassed face is priceless. XD
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he wants to become like haru??? let me guess: haru is going to say that ikuya should be himself.
haru is so confused hahahaha
"you might be someone's hero already, ikuya." hmmmmm, who could it be???????
haru didn't say what i guessed he would say. oops lol
as soon as i saw asahi's line appear in the subtitles, i immediately paused and thought, "there, that's going to be the picture for this post." XD i love that line!!
once again, the music is really nice!!! ^__^
haru, of course you're ikuya's hero. you not only literally saved him (when he almost drowned), but you just helped him have his magical swimming epiphany.
awww makoto you are the best <3333 somehow makoto always knows the right thing to say.
hiyori turned around so slowly and dramatically.
hiyori is doing the "pretending to be happy" thing again, which isn't a good sign.
hiyori's like "you love nanase and not meeeeeee *sob* *cry* *wail* "
i love how ikuya's like "i want to swim relays" and then the captain comes up to him and says "hey guess what, i'm giving you a chance to swim in a relay." why can't my life be like that?
see hiyori, ikuya loves you =) <33333
the subtitles said "swim with me, hiyori," but i think that was a mistranslation and the proper translation is "marry me, hiyori."
omg i missed you iwatobi people ;__;
lol, rei and nagisa are stunned because haru (supposedly) only swims free!!!! they cannot comprehend the concept of haru swimming other things. actually, i can't comprehend it either, even though it just happened. XD
gou is like a mother thinking "how did i get stuck with these two crazy twins..."
chappy-senpai???????????????????????????? lol
let's show 100 screenshots of the audience before starting this race.
bazooka? that's the toughest, most intimidating-sounding name you could come up with???
ikuya teasing asahi like they are longtime friends who have never had any trouble in their friendship. awww.
"i don't need you to tell me. i do trust him." awww again. it was kind of a snarky line, but it was still so sweet.
swimming with haru? it's epiphany time!!!
hiyori looks cute without glasses. (well actually, he also looks cute with glasses)
yay!!! i was going to be so upset if haru didn't win that. XD
an ominous shadow appears...
WHAAAAAT. WHY ARE THEY DOING THE MAKOHARU THING. don't they know that makoharu has trademarked that?!?!?! XDDDD lol no really, that is too cute.
ikuya remembering the friendship moment from the past is so important! it's a reminder to him of how much friendship he has with hiyori.
haru looks at makoharu copycats hiyori and ikuya and nods in approval. lol
this is such a happy episode so far!!! =) =) =) it must be the end... oh... no, there's still some more left. but, but, i don't want anything bad to happen!!! can we just have a happy episode for the rest of the episode?? and the rest of the season???? no more drama!!! (yeah, like that's gonna happen.)
ugggghhh that moment where hiyori and ikuya both smiled shyly at the same time. please just stab me in the heart. it would hurt less. (i need a gif of this moment immediately!!)
"we'll just have to look forward to seeing what [haru] transforms into." if you've read my previous liveblogs, you know that i'm about to make a joke about haru transforming into a merman. so here you go: haru is going to transform into a merman. hahahahaha
ikuya telling hiyori how beautiful his smile was. this show is trying to totally destroy me.
hiyori telling ikuya that ikuya's smile was his salvation. this show is trying to totally destroy me AND IT'S WORKING.
see, ikuya???? you are a hero <333
oh yeah, the brothers haven't reunited yet!! finally, it happens.
shoutout to whomever it was who painted that cloud in the background. you're a great artist! ^____^
okay seriously. why is this episode so happy??!?!?! i am getting suspicious!! this is a season finale level of happiness. and it's not the season finale. something strange is going on.
natsuya is crying?? once again... i am saying "awwwww."
"i'm sorry for leaving you to look after ikuya." YES!!!! i am so glad that he acknowledged that!!! i mean, i know that he was sincerely trying to help ikuya, but he unintentially put pressure on hiyori, and that added additional strain on hiyori and ikuya's relationship.
aaaaand the scene ends. i am so scared right now. i kinda just want to stop watching the episode right here. it's a good stopping point!! but *sigh* i must continue...
a wild very realistic waterbottle appears.
hiyori makes a new friend ^__^
and here's a scene with haru, mako, and the others. i am sitting here trying to predict what bad thing is about to happen, but i can't think of anything.
haru smiles a bit!! i remember way back when haru used to be that character who never smiles. (mostly back in season 1) so i like that he is smiling more these days.
oh wait... that's the end? i thought there was a bit more time left in this episode. i guess i just estimated the time wrong.
interval. interval. interval. interval.
so that was the preview. wait... there seems like too much time left for just the ending song. *skips to the end of the song* THERE'S ANOTHER SCENE AFTERWARD. i didn't estimate the time wrong after all!!
who is this mystery person with the hat over his eyes? just kidding, i know it's rin.
soooo is rin the bad thing i've been dreading?? XD uhhh well, i don't know what bad thing he would do though. but he will certainly make things interesting. can't wait for next week!!!
ummmm well i just feel kinda tired after that episode. that was a lot to write and a lot to think about!!!! it's just hard to explain how much this show emotionally destroys me. they really did it this time. ouch!!! >__<U yes, i am saying "ouch" even though i'm happy!!! it's just so overwhelming and heartwarming!! <3333 i expected haru and ikuya to get over their conflict in this episode, but i didn't expect ikuya and hiyori to get over THEIR conflict within this same episode! i thought it would be like one or two episodes after this. but no, all the happiness and wonderfulness was stuffed into this one episode. =) i love these writers. they really know what they're doing. since it's the third season of free!, they have become used to the consistent writing style of free!, and by that, i mean that the writers show that swimming means so much more to these characters than just the physical act of moving through the water. it's a symbol of friendship. we (the viewers) know this because we're used to watching free!, and the writers are used to writing free! and they are used to writing about how swimming is a symbol of friendship. haru really does have superpowers!!! he makes everyone have epiphanies just by swimming next to him!! i am so proud of my lovely angel, haru!!!! but... does he have room to "improve?" i wonder what that meant.? ..idk.
i said in one of my previous liveblogs that i kinda wanted to ship hiyori and ikuya, but something was off about their relationship. i had been hoping that they would be able to solve that problem, and then i would be able to ship them. well, it happened. their relationship is no longer "off." now, they're on the same page. they're on the same wavelength. they're literally in the same swimming lane. ^__^ the point is, i saw how closely they connected in this episode, and it was like the connection they had a long time ago. it was so great to see this connection, and now... i ship them!!!!! =D seriously, i do. they are super, super cute. now i want to see fanart, fanfics, comics, you know. i loved the part when ikuya asked for hiyori to be included in the relay, right at the exact moment that hiyori was thinking that ikuya had completely chosen haru over him. hiyori was really, really touched by the fact that ikuya specifically cared about HIM!!! ^__^ but the part that absolutely killed me was their romantic conversation overlooking the pool. they were talking about how much each other's smiles meant to them ever since that long time ago... and clearly, those smiles still have the same importance today... it was just... i don't know what to say. ;___; i don't know what to say about that part except that it was one of the highlights of this entire series (all three seasons) for me.
the next four episodes are going to be a bit strange since it seems like this episode was a good stopping point that wrapped up some major plotlines. it's exciting to see what'll happen in the next four episodes. i don't really know. except... there's sousuke and his injury, so that plotline hasn't ended. and rin's going to do... something. and the iwatobi people are going to do their thing. and of course, haru is going to keep swimming, makoto will keep being perfect, asahi will keep being funny, and hiyori and ikuya will keep being in love. it's going to be a fun rest of the season! =)
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kjmsupremacist · 3 years
fanfic ask game! can you answer F, H, M, Q?
I would like to say that as I was looking over these questions my genuine response to most of them was a mix of confusion and distress HAHA you picked some GOOD ones, anon!!
fanfic asks!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
oh gosh. i think the real answer is something that i haven’t published yet so i’ll spare you all the spoilers. out of what i have published, uh, definitely the following:
They’re silent for a while. Taeyong wonders if maybe Yuta’s drifting off, but then—
“Taeyong?” It’s barely above a whisper.
Yuta runs his hands up and down Taeyong’s back. His breath fans across the top of Taeyong’s head. Taeyong can hear his heartbeat. “Taeyong, I—”
But whatever he’s trying to say gets caught in his throat. Taeyong doesn’t need to ask, though. It’s a vicious creature, his understanding. It tears through his heart with sharp teeth, wailing and crying and dripping sweet, thick blood. “I know,” he says, and the emotion in his own voice shocks him.
“You do?” Yuta asks, both hopeful and relieved.
“Yeah, I do.” Taeyong kisses Yuta’s sternum, speaking into his skin. “I know. Me, too.”
uh i just. so first of all of course it’s from gma HAHAHA um despite that being a hot garbage fire in many ways, it is also one of the best things ive ever written. and this scene specifically, i was looking forward to writing it for quite some time. my whole schtick with gma was that yuta and taeyong aren’t in love, per se, and either way they do not express their love explicitly and verbally. Instead, there’s an undercurrent of understanding and a mutual knowing that drives their relationship. and this dialogue kinda sums that up. anyway, im very proud of myself for this one haha
H: How would you describe your style?
I uh.... god, I really don’t know. I like to say that most of my work is like... nasty disgusting smut but make it ✨tender✨ haha. I guess my style leans into a sort of casual, conversational tone with heavy, like, poetic influences—I try to make my writing clear and understandable first and then pretty second as a general rule, but sometimes I privilege the poetry because I can’t help myself lol. I also almost always have some kind of thesis that drives all my work.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
oh GOD DONT I... uh so im gonna do a friends to almost lovers to enemies to trying to patch the friendship back together readerxjohnny at some point (once i’m free from all my current wips lmao)!! im also gonna complete my idolverse angst thing with a dotae that’s about like, desiring love but being too scared to take the leap for xyz reasons lol. 
uhhh i wanna try an smau at some point, probably taeyongxbaekhyun onlyfans HAHAA inspired by some convos ive had w my friends. AND OH IM STEWING OVER A TVQX YUNHO MAFIA AU... I’ve also got one (1) bullet point for a yujae dark-themed au.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
I really like them! I want to join more but I worry that I won’t be able to balance collabs and my other personal works, and I usually favor the personal works because they’re always what are eating me alive lol. but yeah i think it’s a great way to get more eyes on my work and also make more friends!!! <3 my first collab (disregarding some network events) is next month and im really excited about it!!!
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