#and the show within the show for the final musical will either reference tgwdlm or else just straight up be Trail to Oregon
CRACK THEORY: The Hatchetfield “Show-Within-The-Show”s Are Each Hints About The Next Musical
Okay, there’s so many real-world reasons why this theory is bullshit. But it kinda’ works and it’s definitely fun, so bear with me (below the cut because it's a couple of paragraphs)
In TGWDLM, Workin’ Boys is about a group of people trapped in the capitalist (business) system, struggling with the gaping holes in their emotional/personal lives (mostly from missing each other) as time takes them away from their college selves.
While a lot of Starkid’s work critiques the capitalist system in one way or another, no show goes as hard in that direction as Black Friday. It’s all about people caught up in the capitalist grind. And Wiggly preys upon the holes created in people’s hearts by the realities of life, capitalism, grief, and the passage of time, some of the same things that plague the Workin’ Boys.
Also in Black Friday, we have Santa Claus Is Going to High School, in which Kris Kringle goes to high school and becomes a star athlete, helping Northville High go up against their nemesis South Heights. Nerdy Prudes Must Die also revolves around high school students, many of whom are caught up in a sports rivalry of their own. Also, Kris Kringle is an ancient, powerful being who assumes the form of a high schooler, just like the Lords in Black in their one Nerdy Prudes appearance.
So, pretending this theory is true, what are the ✨implications✨ of The Barbecue Monologues? They deal with the food industry, a character disconnected from their own past (I know that’s Trevor fudging his line, but whatever), and a woman who longs to perform and be the center of attention. What else in Hatchetfield ties all of that together? Who works(/has worked) in the food industry, has a shrouded past (albeit not to herself), and was likely once a performer who so cherished being known by others that the Lords in Black accepted that human connection as a sacrifice?
The next Hatchetfield musical will be about Miss Holloway.
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