#and the first item that sanji both loses and actually owned in the first place (rather than it being Judge’s property) is a grocery list
subbyp · 9 months
writing is an Experience because inevitably I’m gonna need some information that there’s really no way to search online for and it probably isn’t at the library either
on a related note, does anyone know how one would write a grocery list in Cajun French?
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heyitsdoe · 3 years
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One Piece Bachelorette Round 3: The Gift of Giving + Question Submissions
In addition to your bachelor vote, send in a question you'd like to have answered by one of your prospective partners in Round 4! Make sure to indicate which bachelor you wish to ask it to and keep the contents SFW. Please submit as a separate ask to your Round 3 vote.
Round 3 Voting Deadline: Sunday, August 8th @ 8:00 PM (MT)
(Named accounts only! Anon votes will be deleted and uncounted. One vote per person, per round.)
Trafalgar Law
The sound of someone clearing their throat behind you made you turn, and with a start, you see Law standing inside the door frame of your bedroom. You welcome him inside with a smile, putting a bookmark into the spine of your book. So late into the evening, you hadn't been expecting him, but it was a pleasant surprise, nonetheless.
The wrapped box in his hands is even more surprising, especially when he extends the gift to you. A gift? How kind of him...he didn't have to go to such trouble for you. Your curiosity getting the better of you, you open the wrapping and lift the lid from the box.
Sitting inside is a pair of white, fuzzy earmuffs. You lift them out to inspect them closer, seeing the small panda faces on either side. The fur is soft to the touch, and they fit perfectly when you place them on your head to try on. They instantly warm your ears.
Law clears his throat, looking away as he went to explain, but you didn't miss the way he tried hiding his cheeks.
"I saw them while I was running my errands today, and figured you'd appreciate them. I remember you saying that you liked soft things. Don't feel obligated to wear them, it's just a silly gift...ah, um...yes, you look...very cute in them. Ahem. I'll let you get back to your reading now."
Eustass Kid
You nearly fall over from fright as you round a corner, only to be confronted with the larger form of Kid right in front of you. You gasp, stepping back from the unexpected person in the way. He looks surprised to see you too, but he recovers his shock much quicker than you. A wicked grin lights up his expression.
Holding up his hand, he shows you a small figurine, and insists you take a look. He explains he'd been looking for you to give the small trinket to, and upon further inspection of the metal figurine, you notice it's in the shape of an animal. Your favorite animal, in fact.
When he confirms that he indeed made it himself--his skills with welding were top notch--you thank him for the time and effort he'd put in to make this for you. The attention to detail alone must have taken him awhile, and the idea that he'd put all those hours, hunching over a desk as he slowly molded it into the little figurine was so touching.
He gives a satisfied 'hmph,' looking rather pleased with himself.
"That's nothing. You should see what else I've made! Be sure not to lose it, alright? I put a lot of work into it. Just...don't tell anyone you got it from me. Especially Law. I'll never hear the end of it if he finds out I made you a gift myself..."
Roronoa Zoro
Eyes closed as you concentrate on your yoga pose, you hear a commotion somewhere in front of you. You crack an eye and notice Zoro wandering around the garden section of the lawn. He appears to be looking for something, and so you call out to him, just in case it was you he was after. By now, you'd grown used to his terrible navigational skills.
As he approaches, you realize that instead of his typical 3 sword, there is a fourth in his hand, and when he stops in front of where you're sitting on the grass, he holds it out for you to take. When you appear confused, he admits that he purchased it for you, and that it was a gift.
You inspect the weapon, but given you've never had a sword or knew much of them, you feel like you aren't sure what sort of quality it was. Either way, you smile up at Zoro and thank him for considering you when he was out and about.
His arms cross and he looks at you with a tiny spark of excitement.
"I don't expect you know how to use it, so come to me when you're ready and I can teach you. It's important for one to be strong enough to defend themselves. You'll do fine, trust me. I'll be right there with you to make sure everything goes well."
Vinsmoke Sanji
You smell Sanji's approach before you actually see him, the heavenly aroma of something delicious reaching your nose first. He spins into the room with a flourish, finally kneeling on the floor before you and extending a small box to you. Through the tirade of compliments he sends your way, you gather that he's crafted a special bento box just for you to have for lunch.
You invited him to eat with you, and dig in to the meal he'd provided. The perfectly seasoned meat melts in your mouth, the fruit ripe and juicy, and tied up with just the right amount of cake as dessert to satisfy your sweet tooth. In all your life, you could possibly say with accuracy that you've never had something as delicious as what he'd served you.
You thank him for the delicious meal, and then praise further when you discover that he'd cooked it all himself and had been working tirelessly all morning to ensure its perfection. Such a thoughtful gesture, you're honestly very touched.
He clasps his hands together, pleased smile fixed on his face.
"I'm so happy to know you enjoyed my cooking, Y/N! Everything is made with love, and I have so much of it for you, sweet mellorine~! You can ask for anything you'd like at any time, and I will make it for you."
Portgas D. Ace
You're startled out of your thoughts as something is placed on your head. Looking away from the birds that had caught your attention high in the sky, you noticed Ace standing beside you with an amused grin. He apologizes for scaring you, but says that he just couldn't wait any longer to give you the gift he'd gotten for you.
Tilting your head, you reached up and took off the hat that he'd placed on your head, noticing that it looked extremely similar to the one that adorned his own head. The only difference was the color and accessories that adorned the front. Instead of his faces, yours had abstract pictures of birds in two varied positions.
You felt the soft material, confusion clearing as you grasped the meaning of his choice of gift. You thank him, placing it on your own head again. It fit just perfectly. How he would have known your exact hat size, you couldn't even begin to guess.
He beams, standing beside you at the railing.
"Now we match! And you won't get sunburned standing out here in the sun. Do you like it? It looks really nice on you, you should wear it all the time. What? Of course it goes with everything! It's the perfect accessory!"
The call of your name made you turn away from your task, and with no surprise, Sabo came bounding up to you with the widest grin you'd ever seen. Ever the happy man, he asked you the status of your day, engaging in idle, polite conversation. He's in such a good mood, and it's infectious.
You noticed he kept his hands behind his back, and upon being asked why he wouldn't move them, he gave a chuckle and finally brought them forward, holding a wide rectangle in front of him. Upon closer inspection, you saw them to be chocolates!
You quickly opened the top and grabbed one, popping it into your mouth. It was sweet and melted in your mouth, and exactly what you needed right when you needed it. The whole time you savored the taste, Sabo was beaming at you. Mouthful of chocolate, you thanked him for the lovely gift.
He finally set his hands on his hips and cocked his head.
"Like them? I knew you would! I tried some earlier and thought to myself, 'Y/N would love these.' Their sweet just like you. Just don't eat too many at a time, or you'll feel sick. Trust me, I learned that the hard way...I'll get you more later if you want, all you have to do it ask!"
You cock a brow at Usopp, asking not for the first time where he was taking you and why. All you received in reply was a mischievous chuckle and a grin, and the insistent plea for you to keep following him. Curiosity getting the better of you, your feet keep going until the two of you are standing in your living room.
You immediately notice the giant-sized plushie sitting on one of the cushions of your couch. The giant penguin plush was of a much higher quality than you would expect, and when you feel the soft fabric used and feel the plush pillowy texture when you squeeze it's beak, you can't help but smile.
It's adorable! Giving the huge plush a hug, you tell Usopp that you really appreciated it, and that you hoped it hadn't cost him a fortune. He waves away your concerns, before helping you move it to your bedroom where you would like to keep it permanently.
Seeing it propped up against your corner, the perfect place to serve as a giant plush chair, he ruffles your hair.
"It was hard getting that penguin in here, but it's all so worth it! It's cute, just like you. Wanna take a nap on it together? Looks big enough for the both of us, and after all that moving, I'd say we both deserve a break, yeah?"
You had opened the door to leave your room, when you were faced with an equally surprised Killer standing on the other side. You hadn't heard a knock, nor had you heard anyone approach in the past few minutes, so you concluded that he may have been standing there for a time before you'd unexpectedly opened it.
You smiled and asked if there was anything you could do for him. Instead of answer, he held out the square package in his hands, prompting you to take it. With a quirked brow, you sent one last glance his way, before unwrapping the brown wrapping to unveil the contents.
A small glass bottle that you recognized to be perfume sat inside. The delicate item was brought up to your nose, and with a small whiff, you identified the scent as a combination of sweet and citrus. Touched, you thanked him for thinking of you and purchasing the gift in the first place.
His hand reached up to scratch the back of his neck, as if embarrassed or uncomfortable.
"It's nothing...I just remember you mentioning it, that you liked the scent. And I figured since I saw it in the market...well, I'm glad you like it. The smell suits you. Oh, that sounded weird, didn't it? I'll, uh, get going now."
Charlotte Katakuri
There was no noise to indicate that someone had approached you, but you sensed something amiss from your place on the garden's bench. Looking up from your novel, you saw Katakuri standing, almost surprised that you'd noticed him, perhaps. For a moment, you wondered if he would try to leave given his expression, but he did ultimately stick around after apologizing for interrupting your reading.
You told him that he was not interrupting, before asking if he needed something. His eyes closed briefly, before reaching into his pocket and retrieving a small square box. You quirked your head to the side, curiosity getting the better of you. With a glance up at him, you lifted the lid of the tiny box.
Inside were a delicate pair of earrings. But instead of silver or gold as one would expect, two donuts adorned them, complete with frosting and sprinkles atop one side. You smiled up at him, thanking him for his thoughtfulness.
You could see the beginnings of a blush from over the top of the scarf hiding his face.
"Our time at the cafe was a memory I won't soon forget. I felt it fitting to give someone as...sweet as you the donuts I cherish so much. Would it be too much to ask for you to try them on for me?"
Marco The Phoenix
As you passed through your home's living area, you spotted Marco sitting and lounging around with his eyes closed on your couch. He looked relaxed, but the nervous bouncing of his knee indicated he was still awake and perhaps a little excited or nervous? You bid him a wonderful morning, causing him to open his eyes, and he suddenly stands with a smile.
A box you hadn't noticed sitting beside you is set into your awaiting hands, and with a sly smile, he requests you open it. Matching his expectant smile, you tear apart the paper wrapping and lift the small lid, gazing upon the gift inside.
A beautiful bird pendant upon a silver chain stares back at you, the wings lifted as if caught mid-flight. Small gems decorate one of the wings, blues and yellows meshing together to create a mottle of color. It's truly beautiful, and you tell him so with much gratitude.
He gives a shrug, leaning against the wall beside you with his usual casual disposition having returned.
"I'm not sure if you like jewelry, or necklaces, but I wanted to give you something. Maybe it'll remind you of me? I'd hope so, but if you never wear it, that's alright. I'll still be happy that you have something I gave you, yoi. Oh, you'll wear it? You know just how to make a guy feel special, Y/N."
Dracule Mihawk
With Mihawk being as much of a gentleman as you perceived him to be, it really shouldn't have surprised you that he presented you with a gift. It seemed just like something he'd do, at least when it came to the efforts of wooing someone he had set his sights on. But when you rounded a corner and noticed him there, and then when he revealed the large bouquet of roses from behind his back, you were still caught off guard.
They smelled delightful, the fully flowered roses a deep, crimson red and the petals silky smooth to the touch. Tied together with a white bow around their stems, you noticed that they had also had the thorns removed, leaving no chance that you'd be pricked with their spikes.
You flashed him a grateful and appreciative smile, saying that he was such a charming man to bring you the flowers, and that you hoped to repay his kindness in some appropriate shape or form.
He simply shook his head.
"Gifts require no repayment, Y/N. Knowing you enjoy the scent of them in your spare moments is enough satisfaction for me. I only hope a gesture so simple can properly communicate how much I value our time together. And if one bouquet isn't enough, I'll bring as many as needed to convince you."
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