#and slowly update all of my buy CC
windslar · 5 months
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sneaking in a little update via my for rent gameplay. i know it may not seem like i've been MIA with my stupidly long queue and all, but i haven't been playing the game or spending much time here on tumblr lately. the holidays were really busy and then a couple of my friends flew across the country to stay over for a week. all of that, AND my husband told me about a sale and influenced me to upgrade my PC. So he built me a semi-new rig (which he enjoyed very much) which runs my game beautifully (which I enjoy very much)!
unfortunately, i've had to go through the process of reinstalling the game, reshade, PS, and my plug-ins just so i could get back into the swing of things in terms of editing and posting my gameplay. mods are updated but i have to figure out if i can find my old MCCC settings or if i have to reconfigure everything again. also, i could've sworn i backed up everything but there are some presets, actions, and even cc that have gone missing, so i've been slowly trying to replace what i can. it's been a process, friends!! very glad to have this new PC but it feels like a real-life move where you've got to pack, unpack, and "buy" all sorts of new stuff.
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zie-ccfinds · 10 months
Is anyone having an issue currently with sims not eating? And i mean they won’t eat *anything*, they won’t even feed the baby. It seems really sudden on my end—I’ve been playing for hours just fine since the latest update and it’s out of nowhere today. MCCC is fully up to date and I removed all other script mods (though I’m pretty sure they were all up to date as well). I also removed all build/buy CC because the (otherwise old and unhelpful) threads mentioned CC beds and sofas, of which none were on this lot anyway.
Am I really going to have to do the whole shebang of removing ALL CC and adding it back slowly? :/
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timeless-toaster · 8 months
OOC: The Test of Time Challenge modified challenge rules
So I finally decided to modify the rules for myself. For the actual rules scroll down. Now I'm gonna be talking about the why. Why do I wanna have my version of the challenge?
Well, first of all, I have my own ideas that I think would add to this challenge, while I also have some rebalancing ideas I thought of while playing/playtesting the challenge. I really do love this challenge, and I feel like I could improve it.
The other reason is that I'd prefer removing the skin tone related restrictions in this challenge (that's why I started playing with the Pleasantsims modifications). I'd also like to use some different language while refering to some aspects.
While I generally think the Pleasantsims version is fine, due to recent events with the owner of the site, I no longer want to link to her and I try to find alternative resources to the site.
Now... Onto the actual rules. Disclaimer: I'll only write the rules for the current stage I'm playing. This post will be updated slowly!
I strongly reccomend you to bend and break these rules for your likings.
What is the Test of Time Challenge about?
The general idea of the challenge, is starting out at the beginning of time, with a few couples, and following their descendants throughout all the major stages of history. The rules change according to time periods, but there are some general rules that apply to every period, unless specified otherwise. This challenge is built on the rotational playstyle, as you will be switching between multiple households from the start.
General Rules:
You can only add new sims to your hood at the beginning of a new stage. Only one sim can be added at a time. This sim could look any way and they can be any class. They could also be supernatural sims like vampires or witches or whatever you want.
All your families must have a method of choosing the heir. You could have a family where the heir is always the oldest man, you could have a family where the heir is always the oldest woman. You could also have a family where the heir is chosen through ritualistic battle, or some kind of test.
The sim marrying into the family always has to take the family name.
If anyone gets into a fight, the loser must die. They can take some time to succumb to their wounds, but do it quickly, with whatever method you choose.
When sims Woohoo, they always must try for baby. Sorry, reliable contraception took some time to develop.
Switch stages after the first grandchild of the "stage starting" adult becomes an adult.
You can add any amount of pets at any time. However you have to be able to feed them just like you feed your sims. (Refer to rule number 9.)
Try to remain logical and period approriate with the items and CC. However you do not have to be perfect historically accurate, I'm not here to give you sleepless nights of researching the lives of people in the middle ages, and desperately trying to find that one perfectly approriate undergarment for your sims.
Food must come from a source. This source could be gathering, farming, fishing or buying it from other sims who did the hard part for you. Food must be made by stocking the ingredient or ingredients used into the fridge first. You can make up your own recipes.
The technology and living enviroment of your sims can change gradually throughout the stage. No need to play for 50 hours with the same basic stuff, that would become boring. It would also be unrealistic to just flip a switch and suddenly go from sleeping under the stars to having a palace.
If the given period has no way of keeping the food items from going wrong, you have to sell every food item in your sim's inventory after an X amount of time. I personally do this every 3 days, cause that's how long my rounds are and leave enough for only one portion. The exception are non heir teens and children, cause they'll gather the food that will be immediately sold if they move out so they can start their adult life easier, or can give it as a marriage gift in the form of funds.
You're not allowed to dig for treasure.
Sims from the same family must all dress in their assigned family colors. This just helps with quickly identifying and separating your families. Heirs can have something identifying them through their clothing.
Roleplay. If you wanna do something, think about how that would be possible. For example: you have a lot of money in one family, and think about building a bigger and more complex house for them. Would that be possible or period appropriate? You could say that it's a family with a lot of people in it, and the family members are in good connection with each other, so it could be possible for them to do bigger projects like that.
Use sim hobbies to introduce new items, like a sim with Music & Dance hobby could invent instruments. A sim with the Science hobby could invent the telescope, etc.
Tribal Stage Rules:
This is where the challenge starts. I decided to rename this stage, from "Neanderthal Stage" cause I feel like this one captures the feel of the stage better for me.
First of all, you need a place for your sims to live in. Create a neighbourhood with all time Summer. They're blessed with a perfect weather for farming, but they're cursed by getting roasted while being outside.
You can reset the sims temperature at night. Technically this is not a Tribal Stage exclusive rule, but I think it's gonna be the most relevant here. Your sims can cool off, since the air cools off when the sun is gone. If you wanna be extra realistic you could wait a few hours after night falls.
Sims can only interact with sims that are considered to be part of the challenge. So I strongly recommend you to get the Visitor Controller mod if you don't already have it, or you could just pretend that the random walkbys don't exist.
Couples must Woohoo at least once every 24 hours. However mothers who just gave birth can take a day off, unless they decide to do it anyway with your ACR on.
Sims can't get jobs.
Your sims can visit community lots, but more on those later.
When a sim grows up into an adult, and they're not the heir, they need to move out. They'll get the default 3000 simoleons for moving into the same sized lot as their parents, plus they'll take their belongings if they have any, and the plants and food they gathered.
Graves need to stay on their original lots. Exception are child graves, more on that later.
Your sims can't read. Writing, and especially books haven't been invented yet. Of course this means you can't put down any bookcases and you must cancel any autonomous reading.
How to start the Tribal Stage:
First and foremost create a neighbourhood and gather up your preferred amount of CC. Now you have to populate your place.
Create 5 pairs of adults. You'll need to create them according to these characteristics:
2 couples with Skin 4
2 couples with Skin 1
1 mixed couple with one of them being Skin 2 and the other one being Skin 3
Feel free to ignore this part if you're using custom skin colors, but if you're sticking to basegame, this will ensure you to have pretty varied genetics. Everyone is just gonna end up having black hair and Skin 2 and 3 anyway, lol.
You can freely choose your hair and eye colors.
Optional: Create a story for your couples to know where they came from, why did they move to this new place and how they met each other.
Now it's time to move in everyone. Keep in mind that after you move in your families, you need to set their funds to 3000 simoleons.
Lots in Tribal Stage:
Family lots:
These must be 2x2 lots.
These lots must contain a water source.
These lots must contain the following items (or CC that functions the same way): a stove, a fridge, a table with at least 2 chairs, a counter, a sink, a dresser, a loveseat, a double bed/tent, something for trash collecting, and a toilet.
These plots must have plants or gardening plots for farming.
Everything listed above must be purchised with the starting money of 3000 simoleons.
Community Lots:
You can have any community lot that you like, but you have to keep them natural and you can't have "sim buildings" on it. No one owns these places, so no one wants to build here, they just come here to hang out or gather something.
Examples for lots: forest, hot springs, waterfall, cave, meadow, etc. If you really want some buildings you could have some ruins from an unknown civilization before humanity or whatever you can come up with.
Regarding the cemetery: by the rules of the stage, you need to let the graves stay on their original lot, however, I'd personally recommend you to have a cemetery for the sole reason of ghost children. If by any chance you get one, I would rather send them to an outside burial side, cause I never had children ghosts and I don't know how bad they get with the glitching.
Now everything is ready to play. Don't stress on the rules, go, modify what you want, cause what's important is that you have fun with it.
Finishing the Tribal Stage:
Congratulations, you reached the time of change. Or you're just reading this in advance.
What you have to do now, is some cool **math**, and gather all your families with the same names, and add up how much money they have in total.
This is gonna be important, cause the next stage will introduce the following classes:
Ruling Class (includes the Emperor)
Upper Class/Patricians
Lower Class/Plebeians
Obviously, the family with the most amount of money will be the ruling class, the next one with the most money will be the patricians and so forth. Keep in mind, that the ruling class is just one family, and there should be less families in higher classes than in the lower classes.
The rest should be taken care of in the Ancient Stage.
Ancient Stage Rules:
I renamed this stage from "Roman Stage" cause I'd like to explore more than just the Roman Empire. I also like to keep my Sims game away from references to the real world.
WARNING: This section is not playtested yet, and I will probably change it in the future. For now this is how I'm planning to play.
The weather has changed. Now your sims will live in changing seasons consisting of a humid and a dry period. (Set the weather to Summer -> Summer -> Spring -> Spring.)
A broad range of new objects have been unlocked for you to use. This is rather straighforward on what you can use or not, but if you're not sure if something specific has been invented yet, then you can freely consult your search engine.
Class Specific Rules:
Ruling Class:
Allowed Lot Size: Large.
The heir of your Ruling Class family becomes the Emperor/Empress.
Ruling Class are only allowed to marry Upper Class. If there aren't any Upper Class avaliable, then you can use the Lower Class for pairing.
Your Emperor/Empress will hire two servants, who will live at the palace. They'll do the housework, and in return they'll get a salary that they can send back home to their families. (I don't have a specified amount for it yet.) You can build them their own living space.
The teens of the Ruling Class can attend school. (You can also choose someone from the Ruling-Upper Class to be a teacher.)
The heir teen of the Emperor/Empress can take a job in Politics.
Sims who're not the heir must move out when they become adults.
Upper Class:
Allowed Lot Size: Large-Medium
Jobs Allowed: Politics, Medicine, Military, Law Enforcement, Science, Education.
Upper Class is able to marry up into Ruling Class. Requirements for this: sim must have a good relationship with the parents/guardians of their desired mate and they must have a $3,000 worth of gift in their inventory. To marry the Emperor/Empress, the same applies, but they must have a gift equaling $5,000.
Upper Class can marry Lower Class.
They can hire 1 servant per household.
Teens may go to school, however they can't take jobs. They can work on some profession at home.
Can own community businesses.
Lower Class:
Allowed Lot Size: Medium
Jobs Allowed: Military, Education, Architecture, Artist (may take lower ranks only).
Lower Class can marry up in rank to Upper Class. Requirements: sim must have a good relationship with the parents/guardians of the desired mate and they must have a $1,000 worth of gift in their inventory.
Can't hire servants.
Teens may go to school, however they can't take jobs. They can work on some profession at home. Lower Class teens can be hired as servants only by the Ruling Class.
Allowed Lot Size: Small
Jobs Allowed: Criminal, hired by a family.
If a Servant Class is hired to work at a family, they can't take a job.
Servant Class can marry up into Lower Class. Requirements: none, however if they don't have a good relationship with their desired mate's parents/guardians, they won't be welcome in the family, and won't get into higher class, instead, their spouse will rank down.
Just before a Servant gets married, they have to move out onto their own lot from the family's house they're hired by. Therefore they won't be employed by them anymore.
Servants are not allowed to own anything that costs more than $1,000, as it would seem suspicious. If a member of the Ruling Family or someone who works in Military/Law Enforcement walks by, they'll be charged with stealing. More on that later.
With a structured society there came laws. The following are now punishable:
killing someone (severe)
fighting someone outside of an agreed duel (severe)
stealing (moderate)
working in the Criminal career (lol) (moderate)
not paying taxes (moderate)
gossiping about a Ruling Class member (minor)
Sims will only get punished if their crime is witnessed. You can also say that the witness present might not report them for some reason. Feel free to play around with this.
For severe crime: prison with variable sentence (can be lifelong)
For moderate crime: prison with shorter sentence
For minor crime: 1 day of "communal work" at the mine (or any place you can think of)
On the case of the Criminal career:
Sims who work in the Criminal career have a starting chance of "getting caught" at 3% per each day they go to work. With every level they gain in the Criminal career, this chance goes up by 3% per level. (This number is subject to change.)
To be continued.
Thank you for reading this far. If you're interested in the challenge, and updates to my rule modifications, be sure to not lose this post in the unending vortex of the internet. Also feel free to give me any feedback. See you next time!
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renorasims · 3 years
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I’m still going to be around, creating and active in the community! After a rough couple of months with constant stress of keeping my quantity production up to par, i’m taking some months off of Patreon.
My billing cycle will be paused for at least 3 months. During this period pledged patron will not be charged. At the end of March i will re-evaluate if i need more time or start up my page again. I will inform you ahead of time if/when i start up my page again! I will change the bio of my patreon page/tiers/website accordingly so people will know that there will be no early-access/pre-release items for at least 3 months.
Continuing support?
Pausing the billing cycle only pauses the monthly billing cycle, which is only at the start of the new month. So if you pledge, you get charged right away. If you’ve already pledged/are an active patron and want to donate; you have to un-pledge and re-pledge to get charged. This way, i can still use Patreon as a donating system. Please don’t feel obliged or anything! I love you regardless<333
I need to take a nice looong breather and i just want to play the freakin’ game for awhile haha! =) Also; update my CC on my slow-poke pace, experience what needs to be made bc i miss it in-game and... last but not least; make CC in peace! Care to know more? Read further below!
First and foremost; thank you so much to everyone who ever supported me! I cannot possibly put into words how this made a difference for me the  past 1,5 years i’ve been doing Patreon <333! Till this day, it paid for most of my creating expenses (software subscriptions, hosting fees). Please don’t take the below explanation as a insult or me being  ungrateful or anything. Its has nothing to do with that! Its just the reality of my current situation.
While i enjoyed and hopefully one day might enjoy Patreon again, it has also put a strain on me and my personal life. I know more creators struggle with ‘the pressure’ and i just want to share my side of it. To enlighten the other side of the coin (pun intended).
Creating CC takes time, in my case a lot bc im a freak and tend to uphold myself to absurd standards for some reason. bc of this i never learned how to be more chill and just ‘let it go’. I sometimes have periods that every pixel needs to be right which is absurd. Its also takes inspo and sometimes... the juices just aren’t flowing. Now, there is not room for times like that.
There’s this certain expectation to get 3/4 items each month since that’s the unwritten ‘rule’. If you look at most pages, that’s the unwritten (sometimes written) ‘threshold’. I failed to deliver that, twice. ‘Only’ had 3 items for that month and immediately people unpledged citing something “did not deliver what was promised”. Don’t get me wrong, it’s your right to do so! If you’re not satisfied than by all means, do what you have to do!
Hear me say this in the nicest way possible; just try to remember that at the other side of the screen there is a person working for 1-3$ a month (i get maybe $0,75-2,5 of it after conversion fees, Patreon fees, etc not to mention; taxes... which is at least a 3rd of the total amount, here in the Netherlands) in my case at least 32 hours a month. In most months its more but im a bit embarrassed to reveal how slow i work. Being a "smaller" Patreon Creator (nothing wrong with that!) i don't make 'big money' with it. The biggest misconception of Patreon i think. It's super nice(!) to earn anything with it! Don't get me wrong! but the hours never weigh in for the earned amount in my case unfortunately. And reading those exit-polls after those 2 incidents... I stopped reading them all together. It crushes someone’s soul who’s literally working her/his ass off to deliver you CC and only came up 1 item short. bc of this i sometimes (in rare cases, thank god) had to go for quantity instead of quality which is NOT for me.
Please know: most of my patron’s aren’t like that all! 95% is satisfied/understanding/loving and supporting all the way!!! I love you guys to the moon and back and thank you for being there this past 1,5 years! <333 I only experienced this twice in 2 years but still... it takes the pressure to a level that’s just not healthy (for me) to sustain.
A lot of creators seem to work the whole Patreon thing quite well. I really hope they do, I’m happy for them! and hope they can continue to grow healthily! Nevertheless, I can’t help but feel that i’m not alone in this. Being open about this is hard bc people think you’re making ‘all this money’ and you don’t want to come off as ‘complaining’. I totally understand, i had the same feelings. At the end of the day i chose to share my side bc i suspect there’s a lot more stress/pressure going on behind those pages than non creating simmers could possibly comprehend. I rlly hope this can contribute to more knowledge and understanding what can be happening behind a Patreon Page.
Hopefully I can come back in a few months! I still wish I could create full time some day (putting in less hours at my normal job) and will actively keep this in mind but i might have to acknowledge/accept that it will never happen. I have to see if i can conquer my own insecurities and reshape that idea in order for it to work in a sustaining and healthy situation.
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mack3030 · 3 years
Help me obi-simmer-kenobi...you’re my only hope!
So I normally don’t ask much for help, but I’m going to make an exception of it today.  So here’s the deal.  I run a really epic CC Tracker. It’s awesome. Has over 200+ links to CC places, lots of great tags, all that jazz. But the thing is, I maintain it all by my lonesome.  In addition, I’m slowly working on moving it over to Notion where people will be able to easily search it more like a database vs just a sheets document.  I am in need of people to help me.  Here’s what I need:  - Checkers. People willing to check the links I have to make sure that those blogs are still running, and also to help update tags in case a CC creator makes a foray into a realm of CC they normally don’t go into. (Ex: a build/buy creator actually makes a clothing mesh.)  - Finders. I need people who are tumblr, pinterest, and patreon experts who can track down CC that I don’t have already.  - Data Nerds. I need folks who are really great at inputting and formatting data, who can help not only put stuff into the tracker, but help me move it over to Notion.  If ANY of these things interest you, just let me know via DM. All you need is an email to be added to the document (and if you need a throwaway one that will work, https://temp-mail.org/en/ is a great resource).  I have been maintaining this by myself for a while now, but since more people are using it, I’d like to have other people come beside me to help update it. <3 (Please feel free to reblog this, even if you can’t help...in hopes of reaching someone who can. xD) 
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detroitbydark · 4 years
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Chapter 11
Characters: Fox/Mouse (reader), appearances from Hound, Thire, Rule, Mace Windu, Yoda, and Padmé Amidala.
Warning: angst (y’all want me to hirt you right?)
A/N: so get ready to read nearly 6000 words of Fox’s self loathing, the CG being supportive vod, Jedi being Jedi, and Mouse being hurt yet again.
The choices had been fresh ink or gut-rot barracks hooch. Fox chose the ink.
He’s down in the levels, he can’t remember which one exactly, far enough from prying eyes and questioning vod, that was all that had really mattered. The artist, a pantoran with a nice portfolio, was busy laying out the design. He can feel the cool transfer as it’s pressed over his heart and he drags in a ragged breath. This was penance. This was the closure he needed. He’d messed up. For two weeks he’d messed up and now any chance he had was gone along with her.
“You wanna talk about it, man?” The tattoo artist asks as he peels away the flimsy leaving the outline on his skin.
Two weeks earlier
Fox hates the sterile smell of the hospital, the beige walls, the gleaming metal all around. It reminds him of Kamino and a medbay he’d spent more than enough time in. He was never quite as strong or quite as fast as the other CCs in his batch, men that would go on to bear monikers like Gree and Bly and Wolffe. He made up for it in other ways. His mind was sharp, quick to come to a plan of action, he could think on his feet.
He remembers Sargent Kal coming into the CC classroom one day for a talk on urban combat- something that had piqued CC-1010’s interest from the word go- and how by the end of the lesson he’d ended up the star of the day. His observations as they’d talked through scenarios had left Kal remarking that he was “Sly as a Fox” and that the Triple Zero would be a good place for the likes of him. He was only the second in his batch to earn a name and he wore it around like a badge of honor.
Now he didn’t feel so honorable or so sly. He felt a lot of other things though. The psych droid, a loathsome device of he'd ever seen one, had talked him through what had happened in the Supreme Chancellor’s suite. It had questioned him over and over, maybe expecting the answers to change, about what his part in the assassination of Sheev Palpatine had been. He was tired. He wanted to wrap himself around his cyar’ika and pretend the whole day had been a nightmare.
That was impossible, she was somewhere else in the hospital being treated, shoved into a bacta tank. It had only been Rex’s firm voice that had convinced Fox to let the medic’s anywhere near her. When he’d let them take her limp body away from him-
The handprint- a bloody partial across the left side of his breastplate, was still there.
“Commander Fox” a familiar voice cuts through the silent world of the room“ Much to think about you have“
He recognizes the Jedi Master, Yoda, immediately. There was no one else the ancient green Jedi could be mistaken for.
“I prefer to not“ being around a force wielder was not high on Fox’s current list of things to do.
“Such Is life”
“With all due respect sir,” he can hear the petulance in his own voice but he has neither the energy nor will to rein it in “I didn’t ask for this life.”
“But given to you it was, nonetheless. Choices you must make with what to do with it.“
Fox is quiet and the small Jedi Master matches it until the door opens again and General Windu joins the pair. Fox meets his gaze and the Jedi nods solemnly.
“Much discussion Master Windu and I have had these last few hours-“
“So it’s back to Kamino then? Reconditioning or Termination?” Fox can’t hide the bitterness in his voice. He doesn’t want to. He wants the world -or at least the two Jedi in the room- to see his pain. To feel it like he was.
Yoda sighs and moves to him, walking stick clicking in time with his steps. He hops up on the cold metal table next to Fox in a way that makes Fox think that the walking stick was not really necessary. He fights the urge to move away.
“A great disservice has been done to you, Commander. No, Kamino is not where you belong, deserve punishment you do not.”
The words burn. Fox is trapped between relief and a slow simmering rage, one that demands he be punished for his inability to protect those most vulnerable. First Fives. Now Mouse. He failed because he was weak-
“Stop” General Windu’s voice is firm. The look on Fox’s face must read pure terror because the Jedi huffs softly, “I don’t need to see inside your head to know what you're thinking. It’s all over your face. Do you know the kind of power Sidious possessed? To fight off that kind of insinuation would have been nearly impossible and that was before the chip-“
“The chip?” Fox attempts to rise to his feet but three green fingers press down on his arm. He looks down at the tired, ancient face of the Jedi Master and sits back down. “What of the chip? What has it got to do in all of this?”
The answer is simple. Everything.
Fox sits in cold shock as the Jedi describe to him what they’d learned of Palpatine’s- no, Sidious’ plans for the clone army. He stops them once to go to the bathroom and vomit. It wasn’t just Tup and Fives and him. It was all his vode. The entire clone army programmed to turn on their leaders, their friends with the utterance of a single phrase. He thinks of the hints Bly had made about his Jedi when they’d last spoken.
For a moment it’s more than he can fathom, and he holds a hand up for quiet. The Jedi allow it. He gives himself a minute, just one, before he pulls himself together, before he sits up straight and pushes the anguish, hurt, and the dirty feelings deep down.
“What now?” The implications of what has happened are finally becoming clear “The Republic can’t know the truth. There’ll be chaos in the streets. They’ll turn against the clones entirely” Fox worries more for his brothers than ever before. If the citizens knew…
“Correct you are, Commander” Yoda agrees..
“It needs to stay under wraps. The only people that will ever know it was anything other than an sudden death by natural causes will be us and the others that were in that room. Skywalker, Captain Rex, and-“
“Don’t say her name” it comes out as a growl, “leave her out of this.”
“There she was, Commander. Secrets she must learn to keep.”
Fox’s nails bite into the palms of his hands, “you won’t-“ he can’t bring himself to say the words.
“We will not force thoughts into her head.” Mace clarifies. “From what I’ve heard of her I think she’ll understand our reasoning for secrecy. Her injuries will be said to come from a mugging. You’ll fill out the report. Wrong place wrong time”
Wasn’t that the truth.
Fox nods slowly, “and what of my brothers?”
“Come out the chips must.” Fox flinches when a green finger taps at his temple, “but uncomplicated and quick it is.”
“We will let it be known that the chips are faulty and to continue to use them puts the clones in danger of having unforeseen medical problems.” Mace’s eyes narrow as Fox scoffs. He raises a brow challengingly, “do you think they’d rather know that they were all ticking timebombs? That at any moment they’d be triggered into mindless killers? Pawns?”
A tense moment passes with the two men glaring at one another. Of course Fox doesn’t think that would be any better.
“We’ll begin rotating troops through the nearest medical units capable of removal immediately.” Mace explains. “We can have the entire Coruscant Guard done by the end of the week and it appears with minimal down time. A day, tops.” He explains.
A quick nod is all the acknowledgement Fox can muster. He doesn’t like the idea of keeping the Guard in the dark and he hates having them undergo any medical procedure even more. He wasn’t the only clone who had lingering emotions when it came to the medbay, not by a long shot.
“I’ll go first.”
The Jedi at his side makes an agreeable hum. General Windu nods.
“As I would expect a good leader to do.”
Fox isn’t sure how much he buys into their approval.
13 days earlier
The official story was that Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine had succumbed to a sudden illness. The holonews was ablaze with stories: from the official release to the tabloid fodder. Fellow politicians waxed poetic on him as a man and a leader, someone who stepped forward when the Republic was in its darkest hour to take control of the chaos.
It was said his last words were, “and sorry I couldn’t give more for my people and the galaxy.”
If Fox’s eyes rolled any harder he was sure they’d fly from his head and ping around in his bucket. Sidious was dead. He didn’t deserve the adoration of billions or the high honors of his burial. He was a hu’tuun. The skanah was better suited as feed for the carrion birds than the marble burial chamber he’s laid to rest in with military honors provided by clones he’d have used as weapons against the very Republic they swore to protect.
10 days earlier
Four days without Mouse and Fox feels twitchy. It’s been over a year since he’s gone more than two days without laying eyes on her. Knowing that she was recently released from the bacta tank doesn’t make it any easier. He’d not wanted to see her floating in the tank for a plethora of reasons, the least of which was his own guilt. That didn’t stop him from setting up a guard rotation at her door as soon as he was cleared to return to duty. It also didn’t stop him from demanding regular updates on her care from the kits he was setting up at her room.
Ryk had been present when she’d been taken out of the tank and said she’d seemed in good spirits as she’d slowly come too.
Wren had gently indicated that she’d love some company while she was on bed rest.
Rule had given him a look that screamed, ‘don’t be a scum sucking piece of nerf fodder.’ As he’d explained that Mous’ika had been asking for him.
She’d been asking for him. Even after everything she wanted to see him.
And he couldn’t do it.
He’d made his way twice to the nurses station before turning and making an excuse to leave.
He couldn’t look at her. Sidious’ words still swirled in his head. even though General Yoda had reassured him that he was no longer under the sway of the Sith, the thoughts still lingered.
You were supposed to use her to fuck your baser urges out.
She’s using you to obtain a foothold in the guard.
She’s fooled you all.
The underlying message was unmistakable.
Why would anyone choose to care for a clone?
Fox almost wishes the headaches would return so he could focus on the pain in his head vs. that dull empty ache in his chest, a black hole behind his rib cage, but he hasn’t had one since both the Sith Lord and the chip were removed from his life.
9 days earlier
Bail Organa is voted into the Chancellorship by an overwhelming number of his peers.
It’s the best choice, as far as Fox is concerned. With Senator Amidala announcing a leave of absence to give birth to the best guarded secret since the clone army, it’s the only choice Fox finds acceptable.
Not like anyone would ask his opinion.
Organa is a good man, even if he is a politician. He’s only ever looked out for the Republic, never given in to self indulgent whims, never taken more than he deserved.
Fox touches the fresh scar on the right side of his head gently as Holonet News continues to replay the new Chancellor's inauguration from earlier. Barely more than a week and everything has changed.
General Windu was correct, medical had been able to get through the entire guard in rapid fire. All of his men were sporting matching scars, many were more than a little curious as to the actual reason their chips had been removed. He’s both insanely proud and horribly frustrated at the theories being bandied about. Some far too close for comfort.
They can never know. Nobody can ever know.
But somehow Bail Organa knows.
He’s only had one meeting, early this morning before the inauguration, in private with the new Chancellor but he’d alluded to things that left Fox speechless. He’d known Bail to have friends in high places, but he hadn’t realized how high.
“Think he’ll do better than the last one?”
Thire hovers in the doorway, unmoving until Fox inclines his head toward the open seat across his desktop.
“Can’t be any worse.” There’s no humor in his tone but Thire huffs out a quiet laugh.
There’s a lag in the conversation, not like one has truly begun, and Fox takes a breath before setting down his datapad and flicking the holo off. “How long have we known one another?” He asks looking up at his lieutenant.
“Long enough.”
“So, you and I both know that you're here for something else and It's not just to make quips about the new Alor.”
“I suppose that’s true” Thire’s face gives nothing away. Fox liked that about the shock trooper. He was reserved, yes, but also pragmatic. A problem solver, not ruled by his emotions. Which was all well and good but something about the way he’s staring makes Fox feel like he’s the problem needing solving.
“Spit it out.”
“Go see her.”
Fox raises a brow in his vod’s direction. “Is that an order”
“Respectfully sir” the corner of Thire’s mouth quirks almost imperceptibly before it falls away.
The little shit.
In reality, Fox had known this one going to come from one of his men. He’d expected Rule or Hound, the more brash and aggressive boys, to be the ones but Thire is not a complete shock. He’d never seemed particularly close to Mouse but the lieutenant did play things close to the chest.
“She had a nightmare last night while I was on watch. Woke up crying your name.”
Inside Fox crumbles. No amount of talking to a psych droid was going to fix that feeling. No amount of time would make him feel ok about what he’d allowed to happen to the woman he loved. Thire continues.
“A clone's lot is not much. They decant us. They train us. They ship us out to fight in their war. We live, maybe. We die, more likely. Nothing is given to us.” Thire runs a hand over his head, fingers scratching at the crown. “Sometimes though, a di’kut like you gets a break. That woman in that bed cried in my arms. Talked to me like I was you for over an hour and I let her. You know why?”
Fox has to unclench his jaw, work past the jealous ache rising up in his chest to respond, “why?”
“Because it’s the closest I’ll ever have to feeling that kind of emotion. I’m not ashamed to say I pulled your girl into my lap, held her close and said soft things I didn’t even know I knew into her pretty hair until she calmed down. I was happy to pretend to be your atin’shebs but you know what the real kicker is, Vod?”
Fox’s hands are like vice grips on the edge of his seat, knuckles pale white as a shinies armor. The thought of Mouse hurting is one thing, but to have someone else be the one to comfort her? It tears at him. “What?” He asks through gritted teeth.
“When she calms down she says, “I know you're not him. Thank you for letting me pretend for a minute”.
7 days earlier
He pretends like he doesn’t know where he’s going. Like talking to the kriffing psych droid really had him so out of sorts he didn’t realize he was getting on a turbo lift and heading up three flights after his appointment.
He tries to act like he doesn’t know his feet are carrying him to the room with the familiar red and white sentinel outside the door.
Rule quirks his helmet before snapping to attention.
“Commander Fox, sir?”
“At ease Sargent.” It's late, well past visiting hours but the few sentient nurses and the droids assisting them make no move to rush him along. Perks of the armor.
Rule relaxes and glances through the small transparisteel window on the door behind him before turning back.
“She just had some medicine.” He explains, “pain was getting pretty bad again.”
Fox’s bucket hides his cringe, allowing him to outwardly remain impassive and aloof, his voice even as he asks simple questions about visitors and any possible issues arising.
“No problems here sir. I think I heard her Doc say something about discharge tomorrow. She’s doing ok” what isn’t said hangs in the air.
She’d be doing better if you were with her
“That’s good. That’s good” Fox agrees, readily avoiding the things left unspoken. “Have you been relieved for dinner?”
“I have a ration bar in my pack sir.”
“Do I need to say it?”
The sunny tone of Rule’s voice tells him everything he needs to know. He can imagine the shit eating grin that accompanies it. “I’m not entirely sure what you mean, sir?”
A quick glance up and down the hall shows nothing but gleaming white tile. No staff. No visitors. No one but Rule to bear witness to his moment of weakness.
“Take the night off Sargent. I’ll cover the watch.”
He stares at the emotionless visor for a beat waiting for his kit to argue, for him to make a smart comment.
It doesn’t happen.
Rule rolls his shoulders, stretching slightly as he makes his move past Fox. At the last second, Rule's hand shoots out, resting over Fox’s vambrace. The moment lingers without either speaking until Rule gently pulls the Commander in and knocks his bucket against Fox’s, pressing his forehead to his Commander’s.
Fox, claps a hand behind the sargents head and they sit there frozen for a moment in time, Rule offering more comfort in that one gesture than he’s felt in days. A Keldabe kiss to ease his fragile psyche.
“Alverde.” Rule offers quietly when the pair finally part.
“Sargent” Fox gives a minuscule nod. “Enjoy your night.” He watches the youngster head down the hall until he turns a corner and is gone from sight.
Fox manages to avoid looking in the room for five minutes exactly. He’s able to fight off the pull to enter it for another twenty. The draw of her is too much in the end and he finds himself slipping into her room before the first thirty minutes are even past.
The lights are low and the monitors and electronics surrounding her hum and buzz steadily. Everything is white and stark. His cyar’ika is nearly the same color as the sheet she lays under.
She looks small, and so achingly fragile Fox is afraid the weight of his look alone will break her. She shivers lightly and he lurches into motion, dragging the itchy comforter over her legs and tucking it around her shoulders. Her body stirs as his gloved hand grazes along her cheek.
He freezes as her eyes flutter open. Her pupils aren’t quite right. It seems to take her a moment to piece together what’s going on but when she does the realization that washes over her is visible.
“Fox” his name sounds like a long lost friend rolling from her lips. She struggles to sit up. A look of pain flashes across her face as she twists under the blankets.
“Stop that” he demands impotently, his gloves moving to press gently against her chest. “you’re going to hurt yourself.”
She blinks owlishly up at him in the way only a person on good pain meds can, like she doesn’t quite understand what’s been said and she’s not sure whether she should comply or question it. It’s somewhere between bemused and scared.
He cups her cheek in his hand, “easy precious girl.” He soothes. Mouse relaxes into his touch as his gloved thumb rubs softly. Her eyes flutter shut and he can feel the soft sound she makes against his palm.
This was already far past what he intended. He just wanted to see her, to prove to himself she was really alive and in one piece despite him.
Now, he finds himself already slipping into old habits.
More focused, her eyes open. Her hand slips up and grips his vambrace. Slowly she pulls his hand away from her face. She lets her fingers slip down into and through his. Her voice is thick with sleep when she speaks and Fox has to lean in to hear her.
“I knew you’d come”
Of course she had. Fox wonders if she knew him better than he knew himself. This was always going to happen no matter how many times he’d lied to himself. He pulls his hand away. Mouse’s hangs empty in the air for a moment before she sets it down over her chest.
The quiet burr and hum of the monitors around her are the only sound between them until he reaches up to his bucket and lets the seal pop with a soft hiss.
Her eyes scan his face as he sets the helm off to the side. There’s a question there he can’t decipher. “What can I do?”
A harsh laugh escapes Fox’s lips and Mouse frowns at him.
“I think you’ve done enough, cyar’ika.”
“Fox-“ it’s a scolding tone that holds no weight when she looks like a battered doll in a too big hospital bed. She closes her eyes when he doesn’t give in and offer her more.
The bed dips under his weight as he sits at the edge of it. “I just wanted to make sure you were, ok. Alright?” He holds back from touching her again. It takes an enormous amount of will.
“I’m ok, Fox. Because of you.”
It’s a lie. All of it. It can’t be anything else. “You're in a hospital bed,” he growls, pushing up to his feet and stalking toward the window. He can’t look at her. “You spent days floating in bacta. You-“
“I’m alive.”
“That’s not because of me.”
He hears the ruffle of sheets as he looks out over Coruscant. The lights of the buildings and speeders in the sky lanes, like stars in the polluted evening light.
“Fox-“ her hand touches his arm and he spins to steady her. Anger swells up in him.
“Kriff- Mouse, get back in bed” he orders lowly, “you’re going to get hurt.”
She sways gently on her feet in the too big hospital gown but her jaw is set, “will you listen to me?”
“Will you get back in bed?” Fox pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath before looking at her again. “Get back in bed and I’ll listen. Please.”
Mouse stands, arms crossed, glaring pointedly. Fox has had enough. Quick and smooth like a tactical insertion he scoops her up. Mouse makes a small noise as his arms slide behind her knees and his other arm cradles behind her shoulders. She breathes heavily as she looks up at him.
“You’re going back to bed.” He covers the small room in just a few steps. When he goes to set her down she slips her arms around his neck and holds on for dear life.
“I’m not getting back in that bed unless you come with me.”
“You’re not in the position to make demands.” But that’s a lie because, with him, she was always in the position to make demands. She just never had to.
“Please, Fox. I just want one good night. You can leave as soon as I'm asleep.”
It’s hard to say if it’s the tired tone of her voice, the smell of her skin so temptingly close, or just his own beaten down need to be close to her, regardless Fox gives in.
“The armor stays on.” He says as he settles into the bed, he tries to keep his boots off the bed the best he can. Mouse curls tighter against him. It can’t be comfortable against the plastoid but to look at her he’d never know. One hand rests along his jaw while the other wraps around his back keeping him from easily disentangling himself.
Fox can’t help himself as he slips one glove off and cards his fingers through her hair, stopping every so often to work out a tangle. Mouse sighs against him.
“Precious girl,” he hums lowly as her fingers trace along the stubble at his jaw, “go to sleep.”
“You're going to leave once I do.”
“Yes, that was the deal.”
“You’re not going to come back.”
Again, he’s struck with how well she knows him. “No, cyar’ika. I’m not.”
6 days earlier
His knuckles are wailing in pain and it feels so kriffing good. His hands, wrapped in protective tape are held tight and safe as he tenderizes the heavy bag in front of him. A low, guttural growl works its way up from his chest with each landed blow.
It’s the first time he’s felt in control in days. Even if it only lasted for his duration in the sparring rooms he didn’t care. When he closes his eyes he doesn’t see Mouse at the end of his blaster, the way her body recoiled and convulsed at the first shot. He doesn’t hear the scream that rips through her when the second bolt burns through her side. He doesn’t dwell on the voice in his head demanding the kill while Fox did everything to drag his near perfect aim away from center mass.
He pictures Sidious’ face on the bag and the pile of sloppy mash his fists were making it into. There’s catharsis in the exertion that a psych droid couldn’t give him.
“Commander, sir?”
Fox turns to see Hound stripped down to just his black under armor pants. He was a burly boy as far as clones went, thicker and more muscular through the torso, next to Hound, Fox looks almost lithe.
Fox pants lightly as he dips to grab a bottle of water and straighten back up. “What can I do for you?”
“I- do you need to-“
Fox watches as the man chooses his words carefully, finally gesturing first toward the mat.
“You wanna go a few, rounds? Looks like you could use it?”
A roll of tape is flipped through the air in answer. Hound catches it smoothly, giving Fox a happy grin as he begins wrapping his hands.
5 days earlier
There’s a neat hole in his wall, fist sized and fresh, less than a week old. Fox pretends like he doesn’t see Chancellor Organa eyeballing it with some amount of apprehension. What he can’t pretend is that a visit from the newly minted Chancellor to his office isn’t a surprise.
“Commander, you can drop the title with me.” The Chancellor says for the second time since his arrival.
“Sir, it’s frowned upon-“
“-not by me”
Fox huffs and closes his eyes to hide the roll of them. “Ok, fine. Can I get you something to drink? Some caf?”
Bail waves off the offer, “I won’t be long and it looks like you're woefully underserved.” He tips his head back toward the door and the empty desk.
A bristle of irritation tingles down Fox’s neck. “She was in the hospital. She was…” the words trail off. Part of protecting his little Mouse was keeping her involvement in the Sidious event quiet.
“I know, Commander.” Bail says quietly, “we share a friend on the council who’s made me aware of many interesting things.”
It feels like he’s being baited. He likes to think Organa wouldn't try to try to weasel information from him but his trust is a very delicate thing at the moment and he’s not willing to give an inch. His loyalty is to his men and the republic, after that only one other person had earned any devotion from him and that was not Bail Organa. At least not yet.
“If there’s anything I can do for her, anything she needs we can make that happen.”
Fox glances at the picture on his desk. It had come by courier earlier in the day. It’s been neatly matted and framed to be hung, a children’s drawing of a small green twi’lek child and him holding hands. He’d stared at it on his desk in silence for far too long before he felt something ugly bubble up. Now he had a hole in the wall. He hoped the picture would cover it.
Fox continues to look at the picture. He needs a second to pretend like he knows what Mouse needs. He doesn’t listen to the nagging voice inside of him saying it to him. He hates that voice, would smother it if he could.
“She needs time to heal.”
“I can make that happen.”
“Thank you.”
Earlier this day
“Senator Amidala” Fox greets the senator at the door, “this is a surprise. If I keep receiving politicians in my office I’m going to have to have it made more suitable.”
The senator gives him a bright smile, “it’s good to see you Fox.”
He lets out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, “it’s good to see you too Padmé.”
They were friends, of a sort. They’d seen enough together that Fox would gladly file her under battle buddies in his short list of friends. She looks lovely, as always, absolutely glowing. Her hand rests softly over the growing baby bump she was now proudly displaying.
“You look wonderful. Congratulations on the coming Ik’aad.” He offers gesturing toward her belly. His eyes linger and he remembers laying Mouse across his bed, placing kisses in a ring around her naval and imaging what it would be like someday when he-
Fox gives his head a quick shake and refocuses on the senator.
“Thank you.” He watches her eyes travel to the child’s drawing on the wall behind his desk before returning to him. “And how are you doing?”
“As well as can be expected. Chancellor Organa keeps a busy schedule and he’s insistent that I go with him. He’s got a lot of ideas and he asks my opinion. It’s different… but it’s nice.”
Padmé slips into the chair across from him.
“That’s wonderful” but she doesn’t sound like it’s wonderful. She sounds like she was here on a mission that he hasn’t been briefed on. He raises a brow at her. They’ve known each other long enough that she should know to just come out with it.
“We’re leaving for Naboo today. I want to have the baby in the lake country. It’s beautiful and peaceful.” She lets out a tired laugh, “and far away from the prying eyes of the holonet news.”
“They’ve been very… interested in you as of late” he offers diplomatically.
Another small laugh, “to say the least” Padmé sobers. “I just wanted to make sure you were ok with her going?”
Confusion must show on his face. Her?
Padmé frowns gently, the look of pity is out of place on her serene features, “you weren’t told, were you?”
“I’m afraid you’ll need to speak clearly.” Fox tries to bite back the tension but it slips into his voice.
She says Mouse’s name. Her real name.
“The Chancellor asked if we would take her with us. That she needed a place to finish recovering.” Padmé is watching his face. She’s trying to gauge his reaction.
He tries to give her nothing.
“She’s an amazing woman. She said if she went then she had to be useful. She’s going to be my assistant while I’m on leave-“
Fox holds up a hand. “She’s excellent at what she does. You’ll never be in better hands.”
“What about you?”
“I’m not her keeper. Mouse deserves to be safe and happy.” He shoots her a forced smile. “That’s not with me.”
He had the rancor etched into his arm after Thorn had been killed in action on a mission Fox was supposed to have led. It was an inside joke they’d heard as shinies. Something about a Jedi and a rancor walking into a cantina. He can’t remember the punchline. It wasn’t funny anyways.
The Pantoran works the needle over his freshly shaven chest. Back and forth, outlining and filling. Pressing the ink into his skin to permanently mark him with another mark of regret, penance. Everytime he looks in the mirror, stripped down from his armor and his blacks he’ll see the reminder of what never was supposed to be, the thing that he went after when he knew it wasn’t allowed. The love that nearly destroyed the person he cared for beyond all others.
“So, this picture is pretty wicked” the Pantoran says conversationally. He glances back and forth from the reference picture Fox gave him, a partial hand print pressed against his armor, the fourth and fifth finger only partially visible and the heel of the hand smeared red. “Was it done in ink?”
“No. Blood.”
The Pantoran makes a sound of understanding. The buzz of the tattoo gun fills the quiet.
Seconds, minutes, hours it’s all the same as Fox sits still as stone in the chair, the press of the needle intimately familiar.
He thinks of Mouse on a shuttle to Naboo.
This was what he’d needed. Mouse far away, somewhere safe. Somewhere no one could hurt her. Where he couldn’t hurt her. No matter what he’s told he still doesn’t believe there isn’t something in him that can be persuaded, to be flipped on, that won’t harm her.
He needed to focus on his job, his men, the Galactic Republic. There was no world in which he and Mouse would work and it was better that she wasn’t there to know that.
“Alright, mate.” The Artist sets the gun down and claps his hands once before rubbing them together. “You’re all set. Why don’t you take a looksy in the mirror while I grab the bacta gel and a dressing?”
Fox nods and pushes himself up. His back is stiff from laying still and he takes a moment to stretch and twist before stepping in front of the mirror. His eyes trace the ink. It’s a perfect replica of the picture, deep vibrant red fingers pressing into his armor, only now pressing into his heart. A reminder of what happens when he becomes selfish. When he wants more than the greater design allows for.
“It’s perfect.”
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bunbunbo · 3 years
Simblr Community Challenge by @amelettes
I was tagged by @aehklnt (thank you! ^-^)
How long have you been playing the Sims?
I can’t remember exactly when but I was in elementary school when I first played it. So I wanna say I was 8 and I’m now 24. That would make it about 16 years long (I feel old lol). My sister recommend The Sims to me when we were at blockbusters and we rented it for Xbox. Eventually my parents bought The Sims 1 for PC and some of the expansion packs too. Also when the sims 2 came out, I convinced them to buy that too but sadly our computers couldn’t handle the game. For good while I stuck to console versions of the game but a few years later we finally got a laptop that could handle the game. 
How long have you been a Simblr, and why did you become one?
I made my simblr 7 years ago. I made one because I wanted to have a separate account from my personal tumblr and have one dedicated to following only simblrs and posting sim related things. 
What type of Simblr are you?
I guess I’d say a photo simblr? I mostly post photos of my sims. I did at one point get into recolors of clothes and dabbled in converting clothes. But my computer isn’t really the best for converting, so I stopped. I also don’t wanna overwhelm my computer after it crashed last year. But I do plan to purchase a new pc at some point, so maybe I can get back into converting :3
Which generation of Sims do you primarily play?
I think it is a tie between TS2 and TS4. My TS2 game hasn’t been the same since I updated to windows 10 so I mainly take photos (but it did get better after I organized my downloads folder) and rarely play it just for fun. TS4 I mainly play for fun especially since it loads faster but with all the CC I download it’s slowly getting slower lol XD I also enjoy all the mods that creators make that add to the gameplay. But TS2 will always be my favorite of the franchise!! <3
Tagging (and you don’t have to) Whenever I do these kind of posts, I’m always too shy to tag anyone. So if you see it on your dash consider yourself tagged and do it if you want to :3 
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Bluegrass-Chapter One
Tumblr media
                       A special thanks to @statell​ for your help and wisdom
Chapter One
Claire bounced out of bed feeling amazing and full of energy. From her hilltop home, she could look out over the most beautiful expanse of bluegrass fields below that were covered in misty fog at this early hour. It was an inspiring view of the best Kentucky had to offer. Setting down a steamy mug of strong coffee she went through her morning yoga poses breathing in the crispy air gratefully. She pressed her hands together in front of her heart, bowed slightly, and said “Namaste” to the beautiful day.
“God I love days like this.”
She pulled her scrubs on, and a hat atop her fresh-scrubbed face, and bounced out the front door looking for her ride. Typical, she thought, he is late again. She looked at the hands of her watch, 7:38, that guy will never amount to much being late all the time. She didn’t like the energy shift and carefully pressed her body into a particularly hard yoga pose as she closed her eyes and welcomed her calm center. The pose balanced all her body weight on the ball of one foot, the other leg pulled into the air behind her. She took a deep breath in and exhaled slowly. On her second intake of air the ear-splitting horn of her supercharged Ram, a hospital on wheels blared from the road. The shock was enough to topple her pose, twisting just in time to let her ample butt hit the ground first.
Dusty cursed watching her fall, feeling like a total idiot. His excitement was on overload this morning, so happy to finally be early and prove to Claire he could make his commitments. She said 8:00 and it was now 7:45, a true miracle for him, except Claire was now laying on the patio concrete after he scared her half to death. “Goddamnit, when am I gonna think before I do stuff?”
He ran to help his employer off her ass and noticed her scrubs. They were treating the yearlings today at Highland Brothers Farms and they would be there all day. It was a big deal for Claire, and he thought she should have dressed more…something. Dusty pulled his hat off and watched her feet rise into the air as she used her temporary time of the ground to pull a perfect headstand.
“Ah, Doctor Beauchamp, are ye ready to go? I’m sorry I honked at ye and made ye fall. Now ye got dirt on yer pants.” He didn’t dare look at her on the ground, so he spoke to her cowboy boots.
“You are late Dusty.”
He was about to launch into an argument, but her boots swung to the ground and she popped up with a red face and smiled at him.
“Let’s go.”
Claire jumped into the passenger seat of her amazing vehicle. It was her biggest investment after graduation. With a price tag of almost two hundred thousand, the vehicle did everything a mobile vet would need. Claire had structured their working relationship where Dusty would keep her truck at the end of the day. She only had to jump out, wave as she walked up the steps to her cabin in the woods. It wasn’t easy for Dusty to drive away knowing she had no other vehicle, but this is how she wanted it.
As Dusty fell under Claire’s spell he googled the vehicle and almost passed out at the price. With a fully stocked hospital in the converted bed, he estimated two-hundred-fifty thousand dollars. He gripped his computer desk and tried to breathe. The next weekend he recruited his buddies to come and build a garage to park it in. He installed the best security he could buy and finally felt worthy of her trust the first night the electric garage door closed the vehicle in for the night.
The workday did not end when Claire waved him goodbye. Dusty would wash off the caked-on mud and vegetation that collected in the grill and wheel wells from driving into the farms. Once a month he would wax and buff until he was dripping with sweat. Sometimes she would notice, sometimes she wouldn’t. Either way, it was his honor to do it.
Dusty would grimace and complain to his friends about her demanding nature and lack of appreciation, it’s what young men in Kentucky did when they worked for a female, especially a woman doctor. But it was a kaleidoscope of emotions he felt every day, running interference between her and the world. He was in awe of the young veterinarian and her extraordinary diagnostic abilities.
Claire had her nose in a medical book when Dusty jumped into the driver’s seat. He was at war with himself to mention her scrubs and finally asked if she wanted to change before they left. Her head jerked up at him as her heavy black glasses slid down her nose,
“change into what Dusty?”
“Ah, never mind, not important. Let’s go.” He exhaled a miserable breath wanting to kick his own ass for being such a pussy. He had spent half his paycheck on starched new clothes for today to show respect to the great Jamie Fraser, owner, and breeder at Highland Brothers. Claire’s reputation for being a super healer was burning across Kentucky and doors were opening for her in the most prestigious farms, Highland Brothers being number one on the list.
Claire pulled a stack of files onto her lap to update her treatment notes while Dusty drove. She asked him questions on every file she opened.
“What did we do to the Miller gelding?”
“Drained the abscess, front left chest, forty cc’s of penicillin.”
“What about the Hildebrandt mare that foundered.”
“Restrained in her stall, estimated three months, the family wants to save her.”
“Oh! Thank God.”
This continued through the forty-minute drive to Highland Brothers. Dusty had a stunning mind that remembered every detail of each day. Every animal, every owner, breeder, barn ranking, problem mares, sick and injured horses. Drugs, dosages, and who still owed her money. She looked at his handsome face and sighed, making him look at her and blush. He always blushed when their eyes met, and he quickly looked away.
Claire knew he would make huge contributions to equine medicine. He was already an expert on grain nutrition, and he hadn’t started vet school yet. It was the reason she pushed him so hard.
“I really don’t know what I will do without you, Dustin. Have you chosen a school yet now that you have so many to choose from?” She put her hand up to stop him from talking. “I don’t want to discuss it actually, it makes me…. not happy. Hoooooly bloody shit! Look at how the superstars live!”
Claire’s mouth hung open as her eyes took in every detail of the fancy compound. She swept her eyes across the acres of green, as far as she could see. As they got closer, she saw horses on the track with jockeys and trainers, along with mares and foals in the pastures. She looked ahead at a large Bay gelding being led to an outside arena.
“Doctor B, what do ye think of Jamie Fraser?”
“The owner of Highland Brothers.”
“Never met him.”
Dusty rolled his eyes and realized his boss was not impressed with celebrity in the horse world. If he wasn’t hailed in her medical world or mentioned in her books, he was insignificant.
Claire’s practiced eye scanned the horses she could see as they were being led, running the track, or grazing in the beautiful meadows around the complex. She wasn’t happy with what she saw and felt from them.
She approached the Bay gelding and ran her hand down his back while the handler looked annoyed.
“I am Doctor Beauchamp and this horse is sick. Back up please so he can breathe. The man knew who she was and gave her space. Claire placed her open palms on both sides of the horse's face and stood perfectly still for five minutes as the horse dropped his head into her hands. She jumped back into the truck and looked wide-eyed at Dusty.
“He is sick Dusty, he said they all are, even the babies.”
“Ah, Doctor B, here’s the thing, ye need to keep that part to yourself if ye can. We talked about how it creeps-out the breeders and how they don’t believe in yer gift. Remember?”
“I remember something about that, but I don’t have time to pick my words around these people.” Her face had gone white and her eyes wide and worried. “They are all sick. Someone has done this to them,” she whispered.
Claire walked through the large housing facility that kept some of the most expensive horses in the world. She stopped in front of a beautiful gray mare, stunning actually. She approached feeling the horse’s exceptional health and vitality. Claire was doubtful this horse could be immune to whatever this was. She touched the beast and listened. The mare wanted to leave this place, not afraid of getting sick, but to get away from her rider. Claire felt an evil cold settle into her bones.
“I’m here now. I won’t let them hurt you.”
She went stall to stall gaining more of the story feeling alarm bells go off in her head. She looked for Dusty, he had an important role to play in this rescue. What Claire saw next almost made her heart stop and she took off running as fast as she could. The housing complex was huge and a man with the grain cart was shoveling something into the feeders at the other end. She pushed herself feeling her thighs on fire from the effort.
“Stop! Please stop!”
The man looked up at the woman running full speed for him and just stopped like he was frozen. When Claire caught up to him, she was panting but very thankful he listened to her. She could hear Dusty run up behind her and turned to lock eyes with him. Her voice was quiet, but he heard the stress and felt the immediacy.
“They are eating it, whatever it is that’s making them sick! Look at that horse Dusty!”
She pointed to a large thoroughbred that had backed himself into the corner of his stall, as far from the offending food as he could get. Dusty asked the worker to show him where the feed is kept. Claire continued walking the line of stalls.
She found the breeding wing and it almost crippled her when she touched the mares, fat with foals. She touched them and made promises to help, overwhelmed by how many had given up, ready to accept death because they were so sick.
She was running again trying to find Dustin or the owner that let this happen. She felt the enormity of loss that was coming as all these horses would lay down today for the last time. She started yelling for Dusty at the top of her lungs until he was running toward her. His face told her he found something, whatever it was. Dear God, she thought, who could do such a thing.
“I think I found it, Claire, there’s a shiny coating on the rolled oats. I told that man to lock down the feed room, stand guard, and not let anyone in. Fraser is in a meeting you need to pull him out."
“Triage Dustin, back the truck into the complex, park halfway down this aisle, don’t let the motor run for a second longer than you have to. Hurry!” Minutes later her enormous dually was backing down the aisle, just as Jamie Fraser was running for it yelling at Dusty to get that vehicle out of his barn.
Claire watched him run up on Dusty who stood his ground and pointed at her. Fraser was yelling but she couldn’t be bothered with that, she felt a distinctive change in the energy around her and looked to her side in time to see a horse collapse.
When the first horse went down right in front of her, she shrieked for Dustin to bring fluids and rushed into the stall.
“No, no, no, no! Don’t go” she shouted grabbing her stethoscope pressing it into a quiet chest. She heard another horse fall nearby and another. She bent over, sobbing, and held her stomach. They would all die if she didn’t galvanize against the horror. She was running for the truck as Fraser turned wicked eyes on her. He was roaring at her and she hit him at a full run telling him to get out of the way!
She called out a cocktail of drugs to load into 20 CC syringes and a large gauge needle to shoot the life-saving mixture into the jugular. They were both filling syringes as fast as possible.
“I assume you are James Fraser. Your horses have been poisoned, they will all die in the next few hours, many already have. If you want to help, call every veterinarian you know to help us. On the double Mister Fraser!”
Jamie put fingers to his mouth and blew a loud strange whistle. Two men ran toward him, white-faced, and stopped, waiting for orders. Three cell phones came out and the men called for reinforcement. Dusty ran behind Claire with a sack full of filled syringes. She administered the drug cocktail very fast and listened to the heartbeat stabilize before running to the next. Other men were driving their rigs into the complex and running for the drug protocol. Dusty gave the drugs and dosage and the veterinarians stared back at him frozen in place.
Jamie Fraser was on the verge of collapse, but he ran behind one of the doctors holding the precious syringes. Claire was on her knees doing an emergency cesarean section of a dead mare. Her hands were a blur and Dusty stood above her ready to split the tissue and pull the distressed foal out. Another vet stood watching Claire, eyes wide at her ability to move that fast. He grabbed a blanket to cover the foal and rubbed until he saw movement.
Jamie Fraser looked at the body of his favorite broodmare, ripped open savagely to save a baby that was worth a fortune. Claire ran by him coming back in five minutes with a large bottle of warm milk and enormous nipple. She pressed it into Jamie’s hands and looked into his anguished eyes.
“Please, save the ones we can.”
She pushed him gently toward the baby who was clearly needing some comfort. Jamie wrapped his warmth around the baby and offered the bottle, encouraging the colt to drink.
Claire watched with gushing eyes. She knew they had to assess the loss, pronounce prize horses dead, and prepare for the next round of drug therapy. Fraser was so big and strong. He seemed so capable and willing. She felt her body inch toward him and then kneel next to him. She corrected the angle of the bottle and then leaned against him and sobbed.
Jamie was overwhelmed with this little veterinarian who took command like a general and was spot on with the drugs that would save his horses. When she collapsed into him, he quickly wrapped an arm around her and supported her while she fell apart. He held the bottle for the colt in the other hand. Dusty walked over to her and bent to help her up but Jamie shook his head.
“It’s alright laddie. I’d say she’s earned it.”
Just like that, Claire stopped crying and stood up. A nod to Fraser and she was onto her next task.
The next half hour culled the sickest from the rest. Those that were on death’s door were struggling. Claire put her hands on one gelding’s face and heard or felt how sick he still was. She was very sympathetic at how awful he felt and let him know she insisted he live.
“Dusty! Positive-feedback hypovolemic protocol with 5 cc of digitalis, mix with a quarter dose for hypertension, on the double if you please. Claire grabbed a loaded syringe and ran for the sick gelding. He had given up and was taking his last few breaths as she pushed the cocktail into the huge vein in his neck. He seemed paralyzed, his big head suspended and shaking very low to the ground. She watched him as the other veterinarians questioned her protocol suspiciously. She moved to the gelding’s side and he pushed against her needing her reassurance. Dusty sat on the corral bars watching and waiting, hardly breathing.
The horse gave a healthy snort and lifted his head to a normal position. His tail whacked at flies and he shook his head like he was throwing off the illness.
“Dusty, you know the cocktail.”
Dusty dropped off the bars and jogged to the truck with the other vets watching the mixture he pulled into multiple syringes. Three of the vets left saying the protocol was too much risk. Those that stayed bravely followed Claire’s orders and pulled numerous horses from death’s door.
Claire wrote the milk recipe on a notepad and went to find James Fraser. It took all her strength to hold tears back when she saw his grave face. He moved toward her and the little colt followed so close he plowed into his butt when Jamie stopped in front of her. Even this newborn had the strength to knock Fraser right into Claire’s arms as she laughed nervously feeling a jolt of lightening shoot to her feet.
“Sorry. Ye have a theory lass?”
“I’m sorry to say I do Mister Fraser but it’s not a theory. Someone who has access to the horses and their food tried to kill them, all of them, near as I can tell. Dusty, my assistant, is taking blood and fecal samples and we must carefully get samples of every bag of feed, guarding against cross-contamination. Fortunately, we were able to lock the feed room within minutes of arriving.”
“There are feed rooms throughout the building!” Jamie whistled again and the two men came running. Hearing the order to lock down the other four grain rooms they took off in opposite directions. Claire watched them and prepared to tell Fraser what would be needed for the samples when she went rigid and pale. Fraser could see her hands shaking at her sides.
“What is it!”
“Do…do you have a water main that can shut off the water to the horses?”
Fraser heard the tension in her voice and started running. Claire was very aware of the thirst from her drug protocol and wondered how much they had consumed already.
“Sweet Jesus.” Claire ran along the stalls spilling the water as she went. This high-tech facility used floaters in the water buckets to make the water turn on automatically. She pushed the buckets sideways to spill the water only to hear the faucet above them run a fast stream to refill it. “Come on Fraser, turn it off.” Finally, she could spill the water and the faucets did not turn on. She ran along the stalls spilling the water and reached for her phone.
“Dustin! Hold off more samples we need to get the water out of the stalls. The water main is off, hurry!”
Jamie and his two managers came back and joined the effort to empty the water buckets. When Fraser came back to Claire his face was a mixture of fear, sorrow, and white-hot rage.
“Take a breath, Mister Fraser, there will be time for punishment unless we blow it and start making mistakes. I need to think for a few minutes and form a plan” She walked away mumbling and touching her fingers like she was making a list. She intended to lock herself in her truck for some quiet time but there wasn’t time for such a luxury. She ran back to Jamie panting from the effort.
“Those two men you work with can they be trusted?”
“Aye, with my life.”
“Please call them, or whistle, and tell them to listen to me, please hurry.”
Claire watched the large roll away doors to the outside clearly terrified about something. Fraser whistled again and his two best friends since childhood were racing toward him. “Listen to the doctor boys, do as she says.”
Claire pulled the group into a tight circle so she could speak quietly. She explained her fear of the next strike against Jamie.
Someone who was trusted to have access to the horses and feed tried to poison them. Dusty believes it’s a glycol-based poison so it’s cumulative, over time. Somehow they got all the horses to peak at the same time. I would not think it possible, but it happened so this person is knowledgeable, smart, and determined to bring this place and Fraser down in a glorious murder fest by ruthlessly killing the world’s best horseflesh in the process. I don’t know how long it took to pull this off, but I know the person responsible is close by and may know we thwarted the grand plan with minimal loss. This fucked up bastard will be coming for you Fraser, tonight, now!” Pretend you’re him and you can barely contain your rage, what would you do? Right now, what would you do!”
The three men flinched when she yelled the question. “Call the boarders and the trainers. Anyone with notoriety and a horse stabled here. Tell those people they’re all dead and its Jamie’s fault.” Claire waited while the men wrapped their heads around the enormity of the hatred behind this attack. Jamie’s voice was heard above the others,
“He’ll call the press and start a media frenzy that will go around the world. It will be so easy. People will stampede this place and destroy evidence, prevent the samples, maybe put me in jail until every animal is gone and the evidence is ruined. Jesus Sassenach please help me, tell me ye got a plan.”
Claire looked up, surprised all three of them were looking at her to answer. “Dusty has water and bowl swipe samples and every grain that was opened. If we can clear the water as the source and get the buckets full it’s a win for us. She looked at Dustin sitting on corral bars nearby and told him to go. Dustin drove slowly until he was out of the barn where he left tread on stones racing away.
“We need to pull in the authorities. If there’s anyone you know and trust, call them. Mister Fraser, can you estimate the financial loss attempted today?”
Jamie scanned the stalls as he calculated a rough estimate. “Fifteen to twenty million.”
“Well, that pushes into the territory of the FBI and I’m in favor of bypassing local police, at least until we can process the crime scene. For that, we need a forensic team. Let’s hope a twenty- million- dollar loss will get us one. Last, and most important, we need to remove the dead horses and hide them. I am so sorry gentlemen but six horses dead in their stalls will seal your fate. Game over, you lose.”
“I know what to do.” Jamie pulled Angus and Rupert to walk with him while Claire called her friend at the university where a pacing Dusty waited.
The horses were getting desperate for water and Claire felt their tremendous thirst and heard the hooves banging against the bars. What could they do if the water was the source? Turn them all out and let them fight for the little that collected after a rain? It would be brutal and bloody.
Claire felt like she would split down the middle from the accumulating tension. She walked the line of stalls watching for distress in the horses. She stopped and looked up and down the aisle, noticing for the first time how many stalls were empty. She saw name tags on each of them but no horse. She estimated half of the animals were gone.
The walking calmed her down a little but she couldn’t wait any longer to call the lab. She prayed they were done with the water.
“Hello Michael, you are my hero today. Do you have any results on the water yet?” She held her cell phone so tightly she feared it would crack and still could not relax her hand.
“I love hearing your accent, Claire. I’m so sorry about what happened today.”
“The water Michael?”
“Yea, I have the results of the water. The phone in the lab actually has a cord, can you believe it?”
“Yea, hold on I’ll grab the report.”
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drnucleus · 5 years
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We get down every Friday night Dancin' and grindin' in the pale moonlight Grand Ole Opry, feelin' alright Mary prays the rosary for my broken mindI sing the body electric I sing the body electric, baby I sing the body electric I sing the body electric Sing the body electric Sing the body electric I'm on fire I sing the body electric
Body Electric - Lana Del Rey
Bedroom Hymns  - A Reylo Fic by drnucleus
Author: drnucleus Rating: E Genre: Modern AU, Romance, Mild Angst, Semi-slow burn Pairing: Ben Solo | Rey, Minor character pairings Warnings: Healthy BDSM, D/s relationship, Male submissive, FemDomme Summary: For much of his life, hotshot architect, Ben Solo, lived a life full of privilege and entitlement. Son of a Senator and Admiral, the world was his oyster. He slid easily into the alpha male persona that was expected of him. Yet, running his own architecture firm by his late twenties he’d never expected to be saddled with the control behind every single decision. And underneath that façade lay a man, yearning to lay it all down at the foot of a powerful woman. What happens when he uncovers that side of himself and that leads him right to Rey Erso; a psychologist and domme who decides to help him navigate the world of dominance and submission in the local scene. That is until they find they’re more compatible with one another than either of them previously thought.
Story Aesthetic | Story Playlist Master Post | Story Spotify Playlist | Story Misc. Post (Paperwork) | Story Research Master Post | Hymnals & Other Selfish Prayers
I. Prelude | II. Awakening | III. Painted Faces on Parade | IV. Paperwork | V. Defying Expectations | VI. Connection | VII. Burning Desire | VIII. Fight or Flight | IX. Elastic Heart | X. Ache | XI. Pursuit | XII. Off to the Races | XIII. What Kind of Man | XIV. Collar Stays On | XV. Courtship | XVI. Walk the Line | XVII. Lights On | XVIII. In Time | XIX. Body Electric
Chapter playlist: Amber – Vitamin String Quartet (Originally 311); The Sinner in Me – Depeche Mode; Push – Madonna; Everybody’s Got a Family – Massive Attack; Body Electric – Lana Del Rey; Personal Jesus – Depeche Mode; #1 Crush – Garbage; Strict Machine – Goldfrapp
Chapter Sneak Peek
“And hold that for five breaths. Slowly inhale through your diaphragm, and hold for three… two… one… and exhale.” Mirax instructed out to the class in front of her as she moved around the room, correcting postures and praising those with perfect technique.
Towards the back Ben pushed his hips to the ceiling in pūrvottānāsana an upward plank pose in the primary series Asanas. The muscles of his arms and shoulders burned worse than any set of pushups or weights had ever pushed him before. To his right Poe huffed as his arms shook.
Mirax came over to Poe, directing his attention to his core. “Poe, try shifting your weight to your center, here,” she stated, with a hand flat to his naval just hovering above it. She did that often. Correcting her student’s postures but never touching them.
Ben supposed it was her way of allowing the student to self-correct, and grow. If there was one thing he’d learned in beginning yoga classes as per Rey’s instructions, it was a process. You started at one place and through each subsequent session you grew – you learned.
Poe huffed again and tried to shift his weight but his arms only grew shakier as Mirax walked away and he collapsed to the floor.
“Good technique, Ben, keep breathing,” she added with a gentle grin cast in his direction.
Annoyed, Poe leaned over towards Ben. “What does that even mean? Direct my weight to my center? What bullshit did you convince me to do?” Poe snarked with a loud whisper.
Ben rolled his eyes and sat down, bringing one knee in and bending at his waist, one hand around his back and the other reaching for his foot in Ardha Baddha Padma Paścimottānāsana, a seated half-bound lotus pose. Grasping it wasn’t the problem here. His flexibility had improved in the last three weeks he’d been attending Mirax’s classes. However, he still needed a strap for most flexibility things, and a block at times but he was getting better at it. Could feel his hips and thighs loosen a little more each class letting him stretch further for longer each time.
That had been Rey’s intention all along. Get him centered, limber. When she’d tried teaching him once he was back from New Zealand they’d gotten half way through Sūrya Namaskāra or the sun salutation series before they’d given up and ended up roughly fucking, half-clothed on her living room floor. He’d been the aggressor. Distracted by the way her body bent so easily and then her hands on his as he tried to mirror her example. Then, in the afterglow she’d declared that he needed to go to a real studio to learn Ashtanga yoga from a professional. It so happened that Mirax Horn had a studio that specialized in Ashtanga yoga. Meant for increasing endurance, strength, stamina and flexibility.
The first two classes had kicked his ass. Barely able to make it through the fundamental asanas after eight sun salutation series before he was gasping and his muscles giving up. Mirax had been kind, and aided him in getting set with a wheel, block and strap to help him through much of the rest of the ninety-minute class. She’d helped him afterwards, giving him direction on what to do as a morning and evening routine to increase his flexibility between classes. Simple stretches to loosen up his muscles that relaxed him before bed every night, and got him focused and ready for the day every morning. Rey had been encouraging, joining him in those stretches when they spent the night together, which often led to more aerobic activities on the closest surface.
Mirax gave the boys a disapproving glance at Poe’s continued belligerence. Ben sighed and gave her a reassuring smile before leaning back over to his best friend and silencing him. “Will you shut the fuck up? This is supposed to be quiet.”
Read more now on AO3
Be sure to follow the tag “drnucleus writes things” for all updates and liveblogging the writing experience.
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After a few month hiatus to finish my literature review for school I am BACK. And so is BH!
cc: @thereylowritingden, @reylofic, @reylofanficclub
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new-world-hope · 6 years
QuakeCon Fallout 76 panel
Panel begins at around 37:50, but if you want to skip the panel intro (in which nothing happens) and a replay of the E3 trailer, go to 42:18. Panel includes Fallout 76 development director Chris Meyer, project leader Jeff Gardiner, and game director Todd Howard.
Important/noteworthy info (I’m sure this is riddled with spelling mistakes, bad grammar, maybe even conflicting info; if you notice anything, let me know):
In regards to questing and general feel, FO76 remains “very similar to the Fallout you know and love.” Howard describes it as being 80% the familiar feel of Fallout, with the other 20% being “really different.”
FO76 has more “adventure elements,” focuses more on what it means to live in the world. It “has to feel real” to the player. The game “has a slow burn,” and they want you to really feel like you are your character in this game.
FO76 uses the Quake III networking architecture.
According to Gardiner, Bethesda Montreal is working on the game’s graphics, while Bethesda Austin is comprised of gameplay and network code experts.
Bethesda debuts the Fallout 76 Perks trailer (in the style of similar animated Vault-Tec trailers which came out before FO4), including things like mutations.
Character creation in Fallout 76 is shown at 54:40. The CC has been improved over FO4, though no details on how or why are given. Immediately after creating your character, you are taken to a screen where you can take your Vault-Tec ID badge photo, using the game’s photo mode, which allows you to select character poses and facial expressions.
Photo mode can be used at any time throughout gameplay, and photos you’ve taken appear in load screens. These are randomized along with “curated photos.”
Loading screens do not appear often, but there is a “little one” whenever you fast travel.
You can change your character’s appearance at any point throughout gameplay, from your hairstyle to even your gender.
At 56:25, gameplay is shown of emerging from the Vault, including your first level-up.
Leveling up begins with choosing whichever one of your SPECIAL attributes you wish to increase, which is followed by choosing an available “perk card” under that category. This seems much less cluttered than FO4′s perk chart screen. Taking a perk again increases its rank up to a seeming maximum of three. Each perk card has a “point cost” which requires a certain SPECIAL level in order to equip it.
“The levels keep going up and up and up. We don’t want to make a game where you have to stop leveling, but we had to make some very interesting decisions on what that means for a multiplayer game for balance.
We see level-ups to level 2, level 4, and then level 42. At 58:37, at the level 42 level-up screen, the player is wielding a crossbow.
PERKS SEEN: (any words in brackets were cut off; all assumptions are my own, though any indicated with ? I am unsure of--KEEP IN MIND that the numbers are affected by PERK RANKS and are thus subject to change; the numbers here are taken from perks of various tiers; this includes things like “there’s no chance you’ll be addicted to alcohol,” which is a level 3 perk, in which we can assume the first two levels just have a lowered chance)
GLADIATOR: Your one-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage.
THRU-HIKER: Food and drink weights are reduced by 30%.
STURDY FRAME: Armor weighs 25% less than normal.
EXPERT SLUGGER: Your two-handed melee weapons now do +10% damage.
BEAR ARMS: Heavy Guns weigh 40% less.
BATTERIES INCLUDED: Energy weapon ammo weighs 30% less.
BANDOLIER: Ballistic weapon ammo weighs 90% less.
EXPERT HEAVY GUNNER: Your non-explosive heavy guns now do +10% damage.
GREEN THUMB: You have a 25% chance to reap twice as much when harvesting flora.
PERCEPTI-BOBBLE: You hear directional audio when in range of a bobblehead.
PANNAPICTAGRAPHIST: You hear directional audio when in range of a Magazine.
SLOW METABOLIZER: All food satisfies hunger by an additional 15%.
VACCINATED: Chance of catching a disease from creatures is reduced by 60%.
DROMEDARY: All drinks quench thirst by an additional 15%.
PROFESSIONAL DRINKER: There’s no chance you’ll get addicted to alcohol.
AQUAGIRL: You no longer take Rad damage from swimming and can breathe underwater.
HAPPY CAMPER: Hunger and thirst grow 40% more slowly when in camp or in a team workshop.
PHILANTHROP[Y? IST?]: Restore some of your [team’s] hunger and thirst when [you eat] or drink.
SPIRITUAL HEAL[ER?]: You regenerate health for [?] seconds after reviving anot[her] player.
SQUAD MANEUVER [perhaps MANEUVERING?]: Run 10% faster when part of [a] team.
STRANGE IN NUMBERS: Positive mutation effects are +% stronger if teammates are mutated too.
LONE WANDERER: [Wh]en adventuring alone, take 10% [l]ess damage and gain 10% AP regen.
TEAM MEDIC: [Y]our stimpaks now also heal [ne]arby teammates for half the normal strength.
BLOODSUCKER: [Blood p]acks now satisfy thirst, no [longe]r irradiate, and heal 50% more.
PARTY GIRL: The effects of alcohol are doubled.
HAPPY-GO-LUCKY: Your Luck is increased by 2 while under the influence of alcohol.
QUACK SURGEON: Revive other players with liquor!
BODYGUARDS: Gain 8 Damage & Energy resist (max 24) for each teammate excluding you.
HARD BARGAIN: Buying and selling prices at vendors are better.
INSPIRATIONAL: When you are on a team, gain 5% more XP.
FIRST AID: Stimpaks restore 10% more lost health.
CONTRACTOR: Crafting workshop items now costs 25% fewer materials.
MASTER HACKER: Gain +1 hacking skill, and terminal lock-out time is reduced.
EXOTIC WEAPONS: You can now craft Rank 1 exotic weapon mods. (Plans required) [Vault Boy is shown wielding a bow on this card]
MARATHONER: Sprinting consumes 20% fewer Action Points.
GOAT LEGS: Take 80% less damage from falling.
SCROUNGER: 50% change to find extra ammow hen you “Search” an ammo container.
STARCHED GENES: You will never mutate from rads and RadAway will never cure mutations.
MYSTERY MEAT: Stimpaks generate excessive, edible meat. Higher Rads improve the chance.
MYSTERIOUS STRANGER: The Mysterious Stranger appears more often when using VATS. [This perk is at level 2 of 3; assume that the Stranger only begins appearing if you have level 1]
LUCK OF THE DRAW: Your weapon has a 10% chance to regain condition when hitting an enemy.
CAN DO!: [30%?] chance to find an extra canned good when you “search” a [?] container.
You can pick any perk that you meet the requirements for when you level up. More become available as you level.
Your stat level determines how many perks you can have active at a time: A character with 12 Strength is shown to have one level 3 perk, three level 2 perks, and three level 1 perks, adding up to 12. Cards can be worth up to 5 points, with each capping at different tiers.
Each SPECIAL stat has a cap of 15.
Charisma in FO76 is designed to share your perk cards with other players in your team.
Perk cards can be unlocked in card packs, which you initially get every two levels, until level 10, after which you get one every five, in addition to the single perk card you unlock every level. They come with four cards and a stick of gum, which can be used as a food item. The gum wrapper has a joke in it, all of which are written by Emil Pagliarulo (writer of such things as Oblivion’s Dark Brotherhood questline, Skyrim’s guard dialogue, and Fallout 4′s main storyline).
You can swap out your perks at any time.
There are “hundreds” of perk cards.
SPECIAL points cannot be increased after level 50, but you can still pick a perk card every level after that.
Beta goes live in October.
They fully expect FO76 to be broken at first; the beta will be used as a stress test.
FO76 will be updated regularly after launch; Todd states it will be a “different game” one, two, five years after it comes out.
On PvP, griefing: When you shoot another player, you do a little bit of damage, not full damage, described as an “invitation” to combat, like “slapping somebody at a bar.” If the other player engages, then both enter combat and do full damage. There is a cap reward to combat based on the players’ levels; you will get more caps for killing a high-level character than a low-level character. When you are killed, you can “seek revenge,” which doubles the reward for killing them.
An attacking player can still kill someone who does not wish to engage, but if they do (i.e., against their will), they become a “wanted murderer,” and get no reward for it (no caps, no XP) and appear on everyone’s map as a red star with a bounty on their head--a bounty which comes out of their own caps. They are also unable to see any other players on their map.
Sneaking removes you from the map (unless you are wanted).
When you die, you drop your junk items--think crafting materials, a large portion of the gameplay loop. You can store your junk in a stash. The point of this is to represent sunk time, to make sure you are preparing before heading into a dangerous area.
You can respawn at any fast travel point; the point closest to you is free, the Vault 76 entrance is free, but everything beyond that has a cap cost dependent on distance from you.
PvP does not “kick off” until level 5.
You are able to “ignore and block” players; ignoring blocks them for the session. (Assuming blocking means you won’t be matchmade with them again?)
There is a “pacifist flag” (mode) which sets the game so you cannot accidentally engage in combat, so that no one can trick you into fighting by jumping in front of your bullets (further preventing griefing)
PvP is balanced so that stronger players will indeed be harder to kill, but if you play cleverly and well you can still manage to come out on top; the cap reward will be incredibly high if you pull off a kill on someone much higher in level
Blueprint system: Save blueprints to a creation so that you can easily rebuild it if it gets destroyed, and so that it can be moved within your camp to fit it nicely with the terrain whenever you move somewhere new.
Camps can be destroyed so that you cannot grief players by trapping them inside a prison.
Example of a trap set by Bethesda employee: Player sat in the middle of the road playing a tuba, but built turrets in the foliage to the side of the road. When players attempt to attack him, the turrets turn on them and fire from the foliage, killing them first.
Camp can be moved so that players can move their camps around when they find a nicer spot, but players tend to settle in to a specific place to keep their camp.
There is voice chat for your team, and for the game world; area-based, so you can hear players near you.
VATS is now real-time. You cannot initially target individual body parts, and the ability to do that is a perk you can unlock. Percentage to hit is based on your Perception. VATS can be used to find players (as you can in other modern Fallout games).
VATS becomes more and more useful the more you invest in Perception.
Inon Zur is scoring Fallout 76.
Licensed music: FO76 has more tracks than have ever been in a Fallout game. There are radio stations you can listen to. There is a balance of “classic” tracks used in older Fallout games, as well as songs new to the series; they seem to be drawing most heavily from 40s music this time around. Howard says there is an “unbelievable amount” of weird, wacky 40s music.
Private servers are definitely happening, specifically because they want people to be able to mod the game. It’s going to be “very, very complicated,” but Bethesda is “committed to it.” They are in the process of solving that problem.
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stillthewordgirl · 5 years
LOT/CC fic: Ripples in Time (Updated ch. 1 and new ch. 2)
UPDATED! And with two new chapters coming.
Set in my "Chances Are" continuity. (In which Leonard Snart got stuck in 1958 with Sara, Ray, and Kendra.) Rip's already lectured Sara and Leonard about how their actions in 1958 may have changed many things. Turns out, at least one of those things strikes very close to home. Set between chapters 16 and 17 of "Somewhere on Your Road Tonight."
Well, this was originally supposed to be one of the last chapters of "Somewhere on Your Road Tonight." However, now that I've arrived at that point, it feels like it's better as an interlude in that story. This original/first chapter has been very slightly updated, and I'll be posting two new chapters soon here before resuming the end of "Somewhere." Thanks to LarielRomeniel for the beta!
You'll probably understand this better if you've read "Chances Are," "19 Gabriel Drive" and "Somewhere on Your Road Tonight" up to this point!
Read the updated chapter one here on AO3 or here on FF.net.
Read chapter two here on AO3 or here on FF.net. Or below!
Ch. 2
Leonard Snart walks into the so-called Arrowcave both uneasy and smug, side by side with Sara Lance, trying to act like he has no doubt whatsoever about his right to be there.
He doesn’t. Really, he doesn’t. Even if he has eschewed the idea of being a hero, he knows that he’d done something necessary (even if it’s not heroic, no matter what Sara says) in destroying the Oculus. That’s gotta earn him some points, right? Not that he needs points.
He doesn’t need points. And he doesn’t…
Oh, hell. He does. He does doubt his right to be here.
But damned if he’s going to show that.
He lags back a little as Sara sees her sister and father in the cavernous, tech-filled room and moves forward, calling to them. There’s a lot of things in the space he’s pretty sure no crook is meant to see, such as weapons racks and uniforms, and Leonard scans the space as if he’s pretty sure someone’s watching him, waiting for him to screw up.
Well, if they are, they’re not there at the moment. He joins Sara, who’s talking earnestly to Laurel, glancing uncomfortably at Quentin.
They’re a little late because Sara had decided to jump him as soon as they’d checked into their hotel. And that’s sort of a pleasant but uncomfortable memory to carry with him as he encounters Sara’s father again. He’s not used to dealing with parents—Alexa had hated hers as much as he’d hated Lewis (at least if she’d been telling the truth, for once) and he’d never met Daniel’s, and every other relationship, such as they were, hadn’t precisely been the “meet-the-parents” sort.
Quentin does eye him, momentarily, as if he suspects Leonard’s uncertainty—and potentially some of why--but then he focuses again on his girls, and the heat’s off Leonard. He sighs, then glances around before looking back at Sara and Laurel.
“So. Cold.”
Leonard very nearly yelps. He glares at Felicity Smoak, who’d appeared smugly near his left elbow, smiling at him. He truly must have been distracted.
“I trust Sara,” she says casually. “But you’ll still have to convince Oliver.”
Leonard flicks her a glance. His first instinct is to say that he doesn’t give a fuck what Oliver Queen thinks. But…perhaps Sara does. And he’s willing to do a lot, for her.
“Ok,” he says cautiously. “For Sara, I’ll try.”
Something flickers in Smoak’s eyes. She sighs, then actually smiles at him.
“That’s sweet,” she murmurs. “You’ve changed, haven’t you?”
Leonard tilts his head, frowning. It might be true, but he’ll be damned if he admits it. “Not really,” he drawls, parking his hip against a desk and leaning, crossing his ankles. “Just got a different crew.”
“Mmhmm.” Smoak’s rather obviously not buying it—but she lets it go, to his relief, moving past him and on to chatter at Sara and Laurel about dinner, be it takeout or a restaurant. Leonard hopes rather fervently for takeout, then sighs again, quietly, glancing around the room.
He supposes that he had envisioned something more like Team Flash’s STAR Labs—which is really a bit silly when he thinks about it. This place is a lot—darker. No surprise, really. And the security is better, which just makes it a rather intriguing challenge.
Not that the STAR Labs security is really all that bad. He’s just properly motivated to make it look like it is, for the sterling reason of, well, yanking Team Flash’s collective chain.
Is that going to change now that he’s a sort-of good guy? Leonard sighs to himself. Well, he’ll just have to get creative.
Not long after that, Sara (perhaps realizing that he’s thoroughly casing the Arrowcave in the absence of other entertainment) wanders back over to him, grinning. He smiles to see how happy she looks, and allows her to take his hand and haul him over to where Laurel is talking to Felicity at a cluster of desks. (Quentin is in a corner talking on his phone.)
Both women stop talking and watch them as they approach, grinning at their linked hands, and Leonard grasps for equanimity. He’s not used to being watched like he’s something adorable. Dangerous, yes. Hot, occasionally. Adorable, not so much.
But he doesn’t pull his hand away.
Felicity opens her mouth, smirking, but Laurel gives her a quelling glance and she closes it again, looking disappointed.
“Takeout OK?” Laurel asks Leonard, who tries not to let his relief show. “I think it’s just going to be the five of us getting dinner…well, if Ollie ever gets here. John is off being a family man tonight, Curtis actually wants to see his husband, and Thea has a date.” She sighed, stretching her arms over her head. “It’s been a rough few months. It’s nice to finally get a breath of air.”
“I want to hear more about that later,” Sara tells her seriously, letting go of Leonard’s hand and boosting herself up to sit on an empty desk. “I mean, we came pretty close to being part of a nuclear disaster ourselves, back in 1975 Norway.” She bites her lip. “Sounds like you came a lot closer.”
“You have no idea,” Felicity says fervently. “Um? Norway? What...”
Sara happily starts telling them about how she and Leonard, with Mick and Stein, had arrived at the arms deal in Norway and how Stein, to everyone’s or no one’s surprise, had wound up being the loose cannon of the bunch. Leonard relaxes a little, enjoying the opportunity to add the occasional snark and pithy comment to the story. By the time Quentin wanders back, though, the other women are starting to eye Leonard speculatively, obviously wondering how he and Sara had become…whatever they are…and Leonard’s starting to shuffle uneasily under the regard.
It’s almost a relief when Quentin looks at him, raising an eyebrow….and after a moment, clears his throat.
“So,” he says, looking at Leonard, “gonna go upstairs and wait for the pizza. Want some fresh air?”
Leonard agrees with far more alacrity than he’d ever thought possible.
“So,” Felicity whispers, “how the heck did…ah…this happen?”
Sara smiles to herself, watching Leonard wander off with her father—truly a sight she’d never thought she’d be seeing. Then she glances back at Felicity and Laurel, raising an eyebrow.
“What?” she asks archly.
Laurel just continues to smile, but Felicity rolls her eyes dramatically.
“This!” she whispers loudly. “You and Cold guy there.” She pauses until Quentin and Leonard have left the room, then raises her voice. “I mean, you are…um. Right?”
“Um?” Sara stares at her, trying to look innocent. “Translate, please?”
The other woman throws up her hands in frustration. “You know what I mean! Sleeping together. Knocking boots. Shagging. Um…I know more, give me a moment.”
But Sara’s laughing too hard. “Yes, OK? Yes, we are.” She shakes her head, wiping the tears from her eyes. “Long story. Sure you want it right now?”
Felicity looks like she’s going to explode, but Laurel just shakes her head slowly.
“It’s more than that, though,” she says, watching her sister. “Isn’t it?”
Sara smiles at her serenely. “Yes,” she agrees, though she doesn’t elaborate—she’s still not sure how to define things right now. “Anyway, we were starting to become…friends, I guess, thought it was a little more than that…even before, but then we got stuck together.” She tapped her fingers on the desk. “For nearly a year. In 1958.”
Felicity gaped at her. “Sara,” she says a little disapprovingly, “don’t tell me you went all Suzie Homemaker on us.”
That gets her a roll of the eyes. “I helped abused women learn martial arts and went patrolling with Kathy Kane in Gotham,” Sara informs her. “And helped Leonard rob a business owner who was a racist dick.”
Felicity brightens. “OK, that’s the Sara I know and love. Awww. Was it all Bonnie and Clyde?”
Neither of the other two will ever understand completely why those words make Sara go still, then smile a little, shaking her head. “No,” she says after a moment. “Leonard said leaning on thieving too much wasn’t really sustainable, unless we wanted to keep moving around. And we wanted the Waverider to be able to find us.”
She pauses to figure out what to tell them. “Len started a security system business. Eventually, we settled down in Orange City. Made friends. Helped people. Visited…oh, yeah, Ray and Kendra were there, too, in 1958.” She hesitates, wondering if it should be their news to tell. “They’re married now. And they have a 1-year-old son. It’s kind of a long story.”
Felicity and Laurel are just staring at her. Felicity has her hands over her mouth, but then slowly lowers them, shaking her head.
“None of this,” she whispers, “is anything I really expected when I heard you were going time-traveling.”
“Well, to be fair, it wasn’t what I expected either.” Sara thinks about it another moment. “There were some more typical hijinks, I guess you’d say.” She decides it’s not worth mentioning Star City in 2046. “Oh! We all visited the Old West. That was interesting. As were the ‘70s. And a few points in the future. That was…well, not as interesting as you’d think. But…” She shakes her head and smiles at Laurel. “I’m glad you talked me into going.”
Laurel’s smile is warm and pleased, and the two sisters share a look of understanding as Felicity sighs.
“I’m really happy for Ray,” she says. “But…a 1-year-old son? How does that work? You’ve only been gone a few months.”
“The same way Leonard and I spent nearly a year in 1958.”
“I get that, but…” The other woman throws her hands up and turns around. “Y’know what? I’m not going to think about it. It happened, it’s done, mazel tov. Oooh, what do I get as a baby gift?”
She walks over to her desk and logs into the computer, muttering to herself, and Sara shakes her head, grinning. She glances back at Laurel, who’s looking quite thoughtful.
“And the whole ‘big damn hero’ thing you mentioned?” Laurel asks quietly.
Sara doesn’t really want to get into all the Time Masters were capable, or the ultimate truth of their mission. So she just shrugs.
“He should have died,” she says just as quietly. “He didn’t. Like Felicity said: it happened, it’s done. We were lucky.”
Much to Leonard’s surprise, he quickly decides he really does like Quentin Lance, despite the whole cop—former cop—thing. The man isn’t beyond giving Leonard a bit of an interrogation, but it’s rather more…well, thoughtful…then expected, and he certainly doesn’t seem to feel the need to fill silence with chatter when they’re not talking.
When the delivery person gets there, Quentin pays him, and they take the food and head back down to the so-called Arrowcave. Smoak is engrossed in her computer, and Sara and Laurel are talking quietly. The scene quickly devolves into a cheerful familial scramble for food, though, something that has Leonard—who’s never precisely had what would be considered a normal, if that even exists, family—a bit befuddled before he acclimates.
(The closest he has, of course, are Lisa and Mick, and no one, not even Leonard, gets in the way when Mick is hungry. Or, sometimes, Lisa.)
He sits and fastidiously eats his pizza while listening silently, bemused at the sisterly (amongst all three of them, actually) banter. Quentin occasionally interjects a comment or two, sometimes in a way that invites Leonard to contribute too, and that’s surprisingly warming,
Some part of him can’t figure it out. Why would the other man bother to do this? Especially to the crook (probably closer in age to him than Sara) who’s involved with his beloved young daughter? He keeps looking at Quentin out of the corner of his eye, wondering.
He’s still uncertain when he gets up, taking his own paper plates and those of a few others and wandering toward the garbage can at the other side of the facility while the others continue to talk. And no sooner has he dumped the refuse than he hears quiet footsteps approaching, and looks up, tensing, as a figure approaches through the darker recesses of the Arrowcave.
The other man stops in his tracks, eyes narrowed, watching Leonard with a laser focus that makes the hairs rise on the back of his neck. One, because this man is deadly, and every instinct Leonard has is telling him that. Two, because…
Oh. Oh, hell. Oliver Queen is attractive. Yeah, that’s not something Leonard really wants to think about. Nor admit to Sara…who knows him well enough to guess anyway.
The other man looks past to regard the others—who certainly don’t look alarmed—and then focuses back on Leonard, apparently deciding that he’s not worth violence—yet.
“You’re Leonard Snart.” The tone is clipped and unforgiving. And certain. Queen may be surprised at his presence here, but he knows perfectly well who Leonard is. Uncanny.
“I’m aware.” Leonard gives Queen a humorless smile. “Arrow. Hello.”
The other man just watches him with that cold, calm, focused look. Then he speaks again: “Where’s your partner in crime?”
He clearly means Mick, but Leonard can’t resist messing with him. “Over there,” he informs the other man, tilting his head toward Sara.
Queen’s eyes flick toward Sara and he actually blinks as he registers Leonard’s meaning, which is kind of satisfying. But then those eyes narrow again and dart back, and his scowl deepens.
Leonard regretfully decides to stop messing with him. For now. Sort of. “Oh,” he drawls, “you mean Mick Rory.”
Queen’s eyes narrow further—if that’s even possible. “The arsonist,” he grits out.
Leonard feels a surge of protectiveness for Mick. “He’s back in Central City,” he says, lifting his chin and regarding the other man. “Presumably pestering Barry Allen or continuing to eat the Steins out of house and home.”
That’s not what Queen expected, clearly, and It knocks him out of his scowling mood. He stares at Leonard, then lifts his head as Felicity and Sara both call his name. With a rough shake of his head, he leaves Leonard alone, moving toward them, and Leonard shrugs, turning to watch him.
Sara rises, smiling, wrapping her arms around Queen in a way that provokes a flicker of jealously from Leonard, even as he knows it shouldn’t. He sidles slowly toward the group, ignoring the whisper of “Snart” he hears from Queen and trusting Sara to explain.
It’s a bit unnerving. But he’d sworn he’d try, and this is part of that. Right?
To his immense relief and surprise, though, Laurel wheels over toward him, then, watching him with understanding eyes.
“Let them talk,” she says under her breath. “Trust me.”
Leonard stops in his tracks, watching her too. This is so far outside his realm of experience that he’s truly not sure what to do. So, he decides, the least he can do is listen.
“All right,” he drawls uncomfortably. “I...ah.” He glances around, wondering what he can do or where he can go that he won’t be looked at suspiciously, by Queen at least. That’s not something he’s used to giving a fuck about.
Laurel takes pity on him again. She nods matter-of-factly, then starts wheeling herself past him, toward a corner of the huge room. “I need to do some PT exercises,” she tosses back at him. “I could use a spotter. Can you do it?”
Leonard blinks. Once. Twice. Then he follows her toward the corner in tacit agreement, a bit bemused.
“I’m here a lot now that I can move around a bit more, and there’s more room here anyway,” Laurel explains as she carefully maneuvers over to the wall and reaches out to grab a bar fastened to the wall. (Leonard hovers a bit awkwardly, but she seems perfectly adept at moving about slowly.) “Made sense to have a set-up here.” She winks at him as she levers herself out of the wheelchair. “And Dad can’t hover as much if he’s distracted by everything else going on.”
Leonard involuntarily glances over his shoulder, but Felicity is showing Quentin something on her computer and….and he can’t see Sara and Oliver. He stifles another unwanted spurt of jealousy and looks quickly back at Laurel, who’s leaning there watching him with an element of….not sympathy, he hates sympathy…but empathy, anyway.
She doesn’t say anything about it, though, taking a careful step forward, then another. Leonard puts his hands behind his back, trying not to think about what Laurel’s sister and father will do to him if he lets her fall. Not that he’s “letting” her do anything. He has a feeling “letting” Laurel do something is rather like “letting” Sara do something. It just doesn’t work that way.
“I’m seeing a physical therapist, of course,” Laurel says a bit clinically as she moves along the wall and Leonard watches, “and that’s where a lot of the really exhausting work comes in. Not that this can’t be. But I do try to do a little here every day. It seems to help.”
Leonard figures he should say something. Right? Isn’t that what normal…family members…and friends do? “Good,” he says. “Uh.” He doesn’t want to be the one to tell her about the original timeline. “You’re doing pretty well. For…from what I’ve heard.”
Laurel quirks an eyebrow at him. It’s an expression very like her sister’s. “I am, I think,” she says, keeping much of her concentration on her movements. “Don’t know if my balance will ever be quite the same. And changing speed is…hard.” She pauses, a quiet interlude in which Leonard’s suddenly sure that she’s telling him things that…that maybe she hasn’t told real family. “And it hurts. I’m frighteningly used to that. That’s background noise, now.”
Leonard watches her intently. “Why are you telling me?” he asks quietly as she reaches the end of her walk up and down the wall and turns, slowly lowering herself into the wheelchair with a sigh. “I’m…well. I’m not…family.” Yet. He barely dares think that.
Laurel turns her head, actually smiling at him despite some clear pain and fatigue. “Because you won’t go all…” She considers a moment. “…protective on me.” She eyes him, a gleam of odd understanding in her gaze. “You get the idea of pressing on, I think.”
Then she changes the subject. He thinks. “You have a sister, Sara said.”
“Yes,” he tells her cautiously. “Lisa.” He pauses as she turns the wheelchair toward him. “Can’t say I’m not protective of her…in our own way…”
That gets a chuckle. “But you get it,” Laurel says intently, watching him. “I don’t want to be wrapped in cotton. I’m still me.”
Leonard thinks of the notion of wrapping Lisa in cotton…and shudders. “Yeah.”
Laurel nods, satisfied. “Well, then.” She studies Leonard. “I can see why you and Sara hit it off.”
He snorts. “Because I’d never wrap her in cotton?”
“That’s part of it,” Laurel agrees. “More that I daresay the notion would never even occur to you. And...” She pauses. “...you’ll never try to ‘fix’ her.”
Leonard’s chin snaps up. “She’s not broken.” She’s just like him. A survivor.
But Laurel’s nodding. “And that’s exactly what I mean.”
Oliver Queen is a stubborn asshole. But Sara’s known that, and him, for a long time, and he knows her in return. By the time she finishes telling him some, at least, of what she’s been up to with the Legends and he finishes filling her in on the events in Star City over the past few months, he hasn’t precisely thawed toward Leonard—but he’s tacitly agreed not to be too overt over it until he gives the former crook a chance.
Or at least he understands that Sara will happily kick his ass if he persists in staring accusatorily at the other man. Either works.
They eventually head back into the main room after wandering around the complex for a while. Sara doesn’t see Leonard immediately and casts about, momentarily concerned. Then she spies him—apparently talking quite earnestly to Laurel, as odd as that seems.
Laurel looks weary but is smiling, and Sara studies her intently, wondering again if she should say something about the other timeline. She really doesn’t want to.
Maybe she should just do it.
Maybe she shouldn’t.
At the moment, at least, Sara just decides to let it go.
As she gets closer, she hears Leonard speak.
“…miss it?” he asks quietly, watching Laurel.
Huh. Sara’s steps slow as she listens for the answer.
“I do,” she hears her sister say seriously. “I expect I always will. But…now I can focus on other things. And…who knows? Maybe I can help train a successor. There should be a Black Canary in Star City.”
Sara feels a surge of…guilt? …as she hears those words. Laurel had become the Black Canary because of her, because Sara had died and left the city without a Canary…and she’d paid the price. And now Sara was abandoning her city again, heading back out on the Waverider, and…
But then Leonard glances up as she approaches, and his eyes lighten a little as he sees her. Sara smiles at him, and she hears Laurel’s thoughtful noise as she registers that look. But she doesn’t say anything more, and neither does Sara.
“You OK?” Sara asks Leonard cautiously. “Sorry for vanishing. Had to talk to Ollie.”
Laurel makes a noise that’s rather Snart-like, but she doesn’t say anything more. Leonard glances at a her, a smile lurking around the corners of his mouth, then back at Sara.
“Fine,” he drawls…and she can tell from his voice, he is. “Talking about annoying little sisters.”
Laurel snickers, then, and Sara rolls her eyes even as she can’t help smiling.
“Laugh it up, you two,” she tells them, unable to keep how very pleased she is to see them getting along from her voice. “Wait ‘til I team up with Lisa.”
Leonard looks somewhat alarmed at that, and Laurel tilts her head. “You haven’t met yet?” she asks, looking at Leonard. He looks a little sheepish.
“She’s not in the city… in Central City,” he mutters. “Thought I’d track her down after…after it’s done, the Savage thing.”
Laurel makes a noise of sympathy before Sara can interject. And then Ollie interrupts them all, voice terse in a way that speaks of restrained profanity.
“We’re going to have to call in the others,” he says, staring at Felicity’s computer screen. “Laurel…”
“Why?” Sara asks sharply, turning.
Oliver gives her a distracted frown. “We’ve been watching for this drug lord to come back into the city,” he says absently. “We ran him out last time, but his kind never stays away for long. He’s out of warnings, and I’m not going to let him hurt any more people. I need backup….”
“And you have it.”
It’s obvious, what Sara’s thinking…well, maybe it’s obvious to anyone other than Oliver Queen. Her eyes are shining, and there’s an impish and eager smile on her lips—and a little of the sheer joy in physical mayhem Leonard loves seeing in her. Queen glances back over at her thoughtfully, then nods.
“I still need a third,” he says, “so…”
It abruptly occurs to Leonard that the other man is assuming that Leonard will, apparently, just watch Sara go trotting off to fight drug lords without him. And he would, of course, if he thought that’s what Sara wanted, but he’s pretty darned sure it’s not.
Oh, fuck this.
“A-hem,” he drawls, noting Sara’s grin, quickly hidden. “A third what?”
Queen blinks and looks at him, as if he’s forgotten Leonard’s even there. Then his expression darkens a little, and he opens his mouth…
Sara growls. That’s really the only word for it. It’s a warning and a claim, and Queen’s face goes blank again even as Leonard has a distinctly different (but quite visceral) reaction. He hears both Felicity and Laurel snicker in the background, but he keeps his expression merely inquiring with an edge of smug.
“Fine,” Queen says finally. He doesn’t sound happy, but he doesn’t sound too unhappy either. Too practical. Leonard can respect that. “You want in? You’re in. But I’m calling the shots.” He steps back and waves at the computer. Felicity loses her smirk and suddenly looks very serious.
Leonard nods to him, glances at Sara, who looks calm and not too surprised, and moves forward. “You know the terrain,” he drawls, “and the players. Fill us in.”
Sara knows Ollie well. But she finds she’s a little surprised that he lets Leonard in on things without more of a protest. Even with the talking-to she’d given him earlier.
But then, he’s always been pragmatic. Like Leonard. A lot like Leonard in some ways. And holy hell, she’s not going to examine that too much.
Oliver, speaking in clipped, precise terms, gives them the background and the people involved as Sara and Leonard watch the computer screen. He has maps and diagrams and all those things Leonard likes to study when planning something, and Sara can see Leonard’s natural desire to give the other man grief fading in pursuit of the puzzle. He asks questions, but they’re good ones, not ones designed to annoy, and Sara can also see Oliver’s natural inclination to mistrust the crook fading in that light.
Well, what do you know?
Sara and Leonard have left their gear back at their hotel room, so as soon as the light starts fading, they make plans to meet Oliver at the scene, and withdraw. Getting back out of the hotel in full Captain Cold and White Canary gear (though Leonard eschews his parka for his usual leather jacket) is a challenge, but they manage, and they meet Oliver in the warehouse district as promised.
The goggled man with the cold gun and the archer in green give each other a once-over, and Sara rolls her eyes. Still, being here in her home city and time again makes her a little uneasy without a mask herself, so she puts on the black silk one she’d brought along from her Canary days—just in case.
Leonard studies her and nods. Oliver’s already paying more attention to the quiet, dark area in front of them.
“Why do bad guys like deserted warehouses so much?” he mutters—and then glances at Leonard. The suggestion is clear, and Sara starts to bristle. But Leonard just tosses the other man a smirk.
“Anonymity,” he drawls. “They all look alike. And who the hell wants to hang around one voluntarily? Easier to keep an eye on the area.” He shrugs, checking the cold gun’s charge. “Never much my style.”
But then there’s a flurry of activity in front of them, and there’s no more time for banter. Oliver glances at them, but apparently decides that he’s in for a penny, and he might as well trust them both. He jerks his chin at the building, and Sara and Leonard exchange a glance before both heading off to opposite sides, to cover two other entrances/exits and make themselves available for backup as Oliver, being Oliver, barrels right in the front.
It all goes rather more smoothly than Sara expects.
“Did he wet himself?” Sara asks rather gleefully as they regroup a bit later, on a rooftop not so far from the Arrowcave, just to make sure they’re not pursued by either police nor gang members. “He looked like he wet himself.” She laughs again, an open, free sound that makes Leonard smile, as she turns slowly, looking out at the city.
Queen gives her a small smile as he checks his weaponry. “I didn’t ask.” He’d put an arrow right between the man’s legs as the would-be drug lord had lounged on a chair that might as well have been a throne, there in the middle of the operation. The aim had impressed even Leonard. “But I wouldn’t be surprised.”
Sara laughs again. She gazes out over her city with an almost propriety expression that makes a pang go through Leonard’s heart, for some reason. “Well,” she says with satisfaction, “given that it sent him running out right into the arms of the SCPD, it probably doesn’t really matter. If he thinks he’s safer in Iron Heights, at least he’s not here.”
Queen makes a noise of agreement, but he’s going through the arrows in his quiver now, not paying much attention to them. Sara turns to Leonard, her eyes still gleaming. “Have fun?” she asks archly, moving closer. “I know you’re no fonder of that sort than Oliver is.”
From the corner of his eye, Leonard can see Queen’s attention briefly diverted toward them, but he ignores it, watching Sara, a smirk spreading over his face as she saunters toward him. “I did,” he drawls, choosing to keep his hands to himself as she moves closer. “It had its...cathartic...elements.”
“Hmm.” She stops, looking up at him. “So did I.” Her lashes dip, and she looks up through them. “Lots of adrenaline.”
Queen, behind them and feet away, clears his throat, but they both ignore his apparent discomfort.
“Oh?” Leonard slowly lifts a hand and curls a finger under Sara’s chin, tilting it gently upward. “And what do you think we should do with that?”
Instead of answering in words, she reaches up and snakes a hand around behind his head, pulling him downward a fraction even as she goes up on her toes a little, and kisses him.
Neither of them sees the nearby flash.
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Rank (5/5)
Reviews: 285
License: Trial Version
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Version: 2019.2
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Download Adobe Animate FREE (previously Adobe Flash Professional, Macromedia Flash and FutureSplash Animator) and create multimedia and animation without subscription.
Animate was designed by Adobe Systems as a multifunctional platform for creating graphic design projects, cartoons, advertisements, web applications, games, online videos, interactive vector animations and other interactive content.
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Can I download and install the Adobe Animate trial?
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Every registered Adobe user can get trial versions of any Creative Cloud App. Animate is not an exception. Just enter your Adobe ID, password and download a free trial from the Creative Cloud apps catalog.
How can I download and install Adobe Animate?
First of all, go to the Creative Cloud apps catalog. Log in, enter your Adobe ID and password. Find Adobe Animate and download the program to your computer. If you are interested in installing previous releases or looking for Adobe Animate download updates, check Download creative cloud apps catalog.
Is it possible to install flash animation software on another computer?
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It is possible to use Animate and other Adobe products only on two computers. If you want to install software to more than two PCs, it is necessary to deactivate the program on one of your desktops.
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How to apply layer depth to my Adobe animation?
Animate has an advanced layer feature which you can use to add layer depth to your timeline layers. It is possible to change the depth of a layer and animate it.
How to create animation without writing code?
If you create animations for HTML5 canvas, you can use the actions code wizard. In this case, you don’t have to write any code. Learn how to use the actions code wizard in Animate.
How to install MXP and ZXP file extensions in Adobe animation software?
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There are two options of installing MXP and ZXP file extensions: you can install them as add-ons using the Manage Extensions utility or with the help of the command line. Check how to install extensions in Animate and find tips that will help you fix any issues.
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5 Reasons to Stop Using Pirated Flash Animation Software
There is no legal way to get Adobe Animate free download. That is why many users are looking for pirated versions. Some of them don’t realize the dangers of using such kind of softwares.
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Everybody knows that it is illegal but not every user realizes the possible consequences. If you are the USA or UK citizen, you may find a policeman at your doorstep or your case may be sent to court.
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Even a small cracked application you have downloaded on the Web may result in big problems.
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Modern software requires more specialized online support. If you download Adobe Flash Animation free and it doesn’t properly work, you cannot call customer support.
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Trial Versions Are Available
Usually, you can try Adobe Animate free before purchasing a license. 14-30 days are enough to use all its functions and understand whether this program is worth the money the company is asking for it.
If the software seems too expensive for you, no one is making you pay for it. This type of market pressure has led to price reduction for software and applications. If the program is really worth its money, you will definitely purchase it.
It Won’t Upgrade
Adobe Flash Animator requires upgrading to improve its performance. Each program we use often connects to the developer’s host server.
Due to this, the software can update essential files and fixes. If there is no possibility to update the program, bugs and lags will soon appear, and it may even work unstably. If you buy software, it means having a license that guarantees future updates.
2 Adobe Animate CC Free Alternatives
If you are not happy with Adobe Animate free, for instance, it works too slowly or ineffectively, I gathered free alternatives that have the same functionality and features. You can download and use them without paying a dollar.
1. KoolMoves
Various interactive and informative tutorials
Numerous effects and tools
No advanced audio and video Flash capabilities
Keyboard shortcuts cannot be adjusted
This is an excellent alternative to Adobe Flash CC, as the popularity of Flash is very strong nowadays. If you are looking for a program that can create unique and extraordinary content, KoolMoves is a great option.
Of course, it is impossible to create such sites as Yahoo.com in a matter of minutes. KoolMoves is an excellent introduction to Flash capabilities. It allows you to bring in graphic pictures, create beautiful animations, interfaces and web pages, using an intuitive interface.
KoolMoves toolbox features an amazingly large set of functions. You can work with text and animation effects, import files, tween and add MP3 or WAV files to your projects.
2. Moho Pro 12
Helpful tutorials and support
The possibility to switch between 2 modes – beginner and advanced
A wide variety of pre-made content
Bone-rigging system
Capable of uploading files directly to YouTube
Unappealing interface
Requires time to learn
Moho Pro 12 is animation software for creating cartoons, 2D movies or cut-out animations, drawing backgrounds, adding text or audio to projects and, if necessary, uploading them online.
Moho Pro 12 has features similar to Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash. Moho Pro 12 is rather difficult to learn, but it will entertain you for hours.
Thanks to the informative tutorial, you'll be able to learn how to work with illustration and basic animations. Moreover, you can experiment with the characters and sounds from Moho Pro 12 library to improve your skills.
The software has an intuitive workflow because Moho Pro 12 features widespread techniques: working with layers, a timeline, vector images (light and malleable) and a simple and rich palette.
Download Adobe Animate CC Free
Adobe Animate is the best tool for creating Flash, canvas HTML5 animations and elements for websites (banners, buttons, etc.). The software is a convenient Flash professional development platform. Download Adobe Animate CC free trial and enjoy the speed and ease of working with Flash.
Check out more Free Adobe Softwares you can download.
Ann Young
Hi there, I'm Ann Young - a professional blogger, read more
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ayellowbirds · 7 years
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I know, I promised an update earlier today. The thing is that my household has been dealing with what seemed like small problems snowballing into bigger and bigger problems; our only car can’t pass inspection and the troubleshooting of why has turned up problems with the fuel pump and control arm that are being estimated at a couple thousand dollars in parts and labor; we’re going to see about whether another mechanic can do that for less, but we’re still expecting a significant cost. That’s in addition to making up for the cost of a rental, and on top of testing for both myself and my father turning up unexpected medical problems, which are compounded by the lack of reliable transportation, and our general practitioner being on vacation. 
I said yesterday that NaNo was a big undertaking that has absorbed a huge part of my time, and has been very emotionally rewarding. But it’s also been emotional labor, and that labor is affected by not only dealing with these problems, but interacting with my short-tempered senior citizen father and acting as a go-between between him and other people, including doctors and relatives.
We have some savings, but that can only take us so far, and there’s costs outside of the more urgent ones. 
If anyone is up for helping offset those costs, please click here for a Paypal donation page, or here for my Ko-Fi if that’s easier for you. 
If you missed the last update, or just want a refresher, then click this link. 
And now, the penultimate update:
The 29th of Lumeary, 5647 CC
“Next, I guess we’ll wrap things up with those who want to come back alive,” Cypora said, looking through the papers. They’d traveled out to a border town to purchase some more food and other goods, as Etzbamoreh was more of a holy site for the dead than a place to buy things living ‘tourists’ might need. Here, they even saw some living mortals, and undead who were likely on their way to see about resurrection. It had been agreed that it would be bad to harass adventurers here, and they kept as low a profile as they could manage while still dealing with the more self-aware of the rephaim to barter for goods and services.
She spread the pages out in stacks, handing some to Shiaroc, and others to Sefora. Orangella was at a stall nearby, haggling over the value of some pieces of treasure she was trying to exchange for dried fruits; her turn to deal with the oddities of the local merchants after Cypora had worked herself into an anxious mess negotiating for supplies to make switchel.*
“How are you feeling about all the volkelak coming back?” she asked Sefora, who was reviewing her pages. Under the table, Sharf yawned, and Cypora reached down to pet her and give her a snack.
Sefora seemed to think about it, flipping the pages about as a distraction. “It’s going to be good, but different. I guess I got used to it just being me and the kids, and before that, a few others. I don’t even know most of the people in here, they’re from before my time.”
“You came to the dungeon recently?” Cypora asked, and Sefora nodded. “I guess I didn’t think about that, much. Newcomers, versus those who were there from the start. And me, the newest-comer of all.”
“We will vouch for you,” Shiaroc assured her, and under the table, curled her tail around to brush against Cypora.
“Thanks,” Cypora felt the heat of a blush on her face. She had her mask up, but the papers made it easier to hide the redness. “What about you? How do you feel about all of your people returning?”
Shiaroc slumped, and let out a long breath. “I thought I would be happy. But, I am frightened? What will they think of me, and the choices I made? There are many mothers coming back. There are champions who fell, before me. To face them is making me feel stress.”
“I can relate,” Cypora said, laying her hand over Shiaroc’s own. “My legs felt like jelly when we met with the Old Goat, and now we’re going to bring back Joia-Douce, who was overlord after him and right before me.”
She realized that might have been insensitive, and looked at Sefora, trying to gauge her reaction. She had apparently been distracted by something in the other papers, the ones that neither she nor Shiaroc had been reviewing.
“Eh?” Sefora startled, looking up in the silence. “Sorry, I didn’t really know her, but I remember that she basically took the job because nobody wanted it right after the Old Goat died. And then she holed herself up and refused to interact with anyone, which I guess is how she wound getting sick and dying. It takes a lot for sickness to kill a loup-garou.”
She picked up one of the pages she’d been reviewing. “Anyway, I was wondering about some of the people we’re bringing back. I don’t know that the witch-does or the pigmen will get along with the loups-garou.”
Although she’d never† met one—all those that had lived in the dungeon had been slain in previous raids by adventurers—Cypora knew from her studies under Madrona that these were near-kin to the volkelaks: not humans who had acquired, been cursed, or born with the ability to take on the form and features of a monstrous wolf, they were instead people who took on the aspects and bodies of swine and deer. The pigmen were especially dreadful; she shuddered to imagine being afflicted with turning into that most trayf of animals.
“Ah, because they turn into animals that wolves hunt?” she guessed.
Sefora blinked, before slowly and flatly responding, “no.”
“Then, why?”
“They’re more vicious than any wolf,” Sefora said. “Brutal, bloody, cruel. Loups-garou will hunt people, sure. But pigmen and witch-does will play with them, like a cat with a mouse.”
This had been one of Cypora’s worries about the inhabitants of the dungeon. It was true that some of those who still remained, like Hashraa, were openly murderous. Others made a pretense of it: a number of the lizard-people had casually mentioned having eaten human flesh after killing adventurers, but that had turned out to be a boast, and they had admitted when Cypora questioned them that they found the idea unappealing. In the latter case, it simply added to the bluff that Cypora wanted to create of the ‘scary evil queen’. But she did not wish to take it too far; the entire point of being ‘evil’ was to oppose the corrupt ‘goodness’ of adventurers.
She couldn’t make that work out if innocent people were being tortured.
“Do you suppose,” she ventured, “we could direct that at the adventurers, only? Expand the Avanturistyegers into something larger, more genuine?”
With excellent timing, Orangella sat down at the table. She gestured to the stall. “I got the price down to half, but we’ll have to haul the crates ourselves. I guess we’re not taking the whole dozen.”
“Nu, I can carry most of them, if I float” Cypora responded. “But did you catch any of what we said there?”
“Yeah, I did,” Orangella said. She shut her eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath. “We’ll need someone to give them direction. Scoloaster’s a good start, and Lináloe’s anger is just directed at adventurers. The taily-pos only care about getting back what’s stolen. And that’s just the First Company, which is only six people, anyway. If we expand the Second Company to more than one member….”
“You made light of the ranks and status, but perhaps we should take them more seriously,” Shiaroc suggested.
“If we do that,” Orangella began, and paused again. “If we do that, there’s something I want to do, first. I want to see if the dungeon extends into the yenne velt, and if I can get down there.”
“Visiting the donstairsikes?”‡ Cypora chuckled. “Of course. We should learn as much as we can about the dungeon, in and out, up and down. Maybe you could even find some cousins?”
“Maybe,” Orangella smiled.
“So, discuss it with them, but hold off on formal recruitment, especially since you want them to settle back into living a bit before putting them on the heels of adventurers?” Sefora said.
“Sounds good,” Cypora agreed, reaching to look over the pages in question. There were details of the lives of each, and, in a useful bit, the natures of their transgressions in that time. It seemed to have some bearing on the costs of bringing them back, though there were other factors she could not entirely work out. It was possible that half of it was simply Q’dushah’s whims. “I see some possibilities, a few of these sound like they might want to do it even if we don’t ask them. So! We bring back this bunch, and then it’s just all the folks who only want to come back as zombies and dybbuks and the like, which I’m sure Qurra will be pleased about.”
“What’s with you two?” Sefora asked, apparently not missing the scorn in Cypora’s voice.
“She just bugs me,” Cypora responded, curtly. The truth was that she didn’t know, and didn’t feel like examining it. “I can’t just be bothered by someone? I don’t have to be everyone’s friend.”
“Not a friend,” Shiaroc said, “but you should be her ally. You cannot rely only on friendship to be an overlord or queen.”
“Probably right, there. Anyway,” Orangella added, ”she likes you.”
Cypora didn’t realize she’d been leaning back on the bench until she nearly fell off of it. “She does not.”
A chorus of refutation met her.
“She’s always bugging ‘Ricia, gushing about you,” said Orangella.
“I think she at least admires you,” Shiaroc agreed. Her manner turned sly in a way that Cypora didn’t want to admit was exciting. “And maybe she hopes for more, if I am reading humans right.”
“She—” Cypora began, but was interrupted by Sefora.
“We need to solve your body language problems,” the loup-garou girl said, jabbing a finger at Cypora. “She’s been hanging on your every word when she wasn’t practically hanging on you, when you came by.”
“This is absurd,” Cypora insisted, and stood up, wobbling for a moment on a leg that shot with pain, before lifting herself up with the magic in her boots. She hovered her way over to the crates of dried fruits that had been set aside. “And it’s getting late, let’s get these paid for and ready to feed some bellies. Caracosa will already be waiting for us at the station in Kaf.”
There was silence behind her.
She turned back, already starting to bend down to lift some of the crates. “What?”
Shiaroc, Sefora, and Orangella looked at each other—or, more accurately, Sefora looked between Shiaroc and Orangella, and Orangella stared at Shiaroc and nodded towards Cypora. Even Sharf seemed to cast a concerned look her way.
Shiaroc spoke up, standing and walking up to meet her. “We are worried about your pains. This is not a normal amount of time for the changes to take place, for an overlord.”
Cypora had been hoping this wouldn’t come up, even though, rationally, she didn’t have a reason to hide it from her friends, allies, whatever she would call Shiaroc, now. She took a deep breath.
“I might have asked for some unusual changes,” she started to explain, before realizing it wasn’t really an explanation, and adding, “or more accurately, unusual conditions for the changes. I was hoping I could, well, hang onto it as an ace in case of something serious, to deal with a real threat.”
Shiaroc nodded. “You like to keep opponents misdirected. It works very well. But we are not your opponents.”
“You’re right,” Cypora admitted, standing up and pulling down her mask as a living half-giant and a dog rounded the corner. She didn’t feel like more strangers seeing her face. “I should’ve told you—everyone, but especially you—what it was.”
She was about to explain, she would swear, later on, when it came up. Really, she was. But Alícha de Matos rounded a corner and walked into Shiaroc.
“Sorry, Miss Frawley,” she began, but looked up and saw Shiaroc. “You?”
It was absurd. The adventurer had been left far outside of the dungeon, far even from Crossroads. Cypora had made sure the Avanturistyegers had seen to that, even giving Scoloaster instructions to try to leave her nearer to a place where she could be distracted by other things than finding her way back to the Timber Barony, based on what the dybbuk had plucked out of her mind while possessing her. On top of all of that, she’d had the instructions for the one other volunteer, the sole member of the Second Company. Everything should have kept the dangerous little brute as far away from her dungeon and its people as possible, but here she was, interrupting things between her and Shiaroc again.
She heard herself and Shiaroc repeat the question from Alícha, “you?”
It was too much. She grabbed her shepherd’s axe from where it was stuffed through her belt, under her cloak, and lashed out without any expertise or direction. “What are you doing here?”
Surprise worked in her favor, but aim didn’t, and she caught Alícha with the blunt side, rather than the axe head. Enough of her anger and strength went into the blow, though, and it knocked her back; Alícha clutched at her rib where the wild attack had landed.
Cypora put her will back into the boots, and flew up and out of reach, casting a quick eye over the area. The half-giant and dog had reacted, and were moving to support Alícha, who had unsheathed her sword and was backing up, taking fast, wide glances. She still had the eyepatch, but Cypora couldn’t count on her fighting ability being affected by it.
Nearer to Alícha, three more adventurers. A zombie in oversized clothes and with an even more oversized sword—that must have been the reason they were in Sheol, for a resurrection—and two more mortal-looking humans, one pale and straw-haired with a nasty-looking hammer, and the other with long black hair and a longer bow that already had an arrow nocked. Among them, the last Avanturistyeger, her intended double agent, staring straight at her.
She caught their eye, and mouthed, “not yet,” shaking her head.
An arrow zipped through the fabric of her cloak, grazing her arm.
* It had been agreed that an alcoholic beverage would be too pricey and not truly thirst-quenching would be more suitably replaced with something they could make from scratch, with some cheap ingredients. Fortunately, there was a source of cheap, strong ginger in Sheol, and vinegar was in plentiful supply. The truly costly part would be sweetening it, as the dead seemed to relish their sugar and neither syrup nor honey came at a low bulk price. Cypora made mental notes to convince Keturah to start arranging for beekeeping at the dungeon, which would be easy, and to see about tapping the maple trees, which would be complex and required expertise she lacked.
† This was false, but Cypora had no way of discerning a shapeshifter in human guise, at least, not prior to becoming the overlord of the dungeon. Individuals of several kinds had entered and left her life between her birth and adulthood.
‡ “Downstairs neighbors”
The 29th of Lumeary, 5647 CC, Alícha.
Alícha saw Tavi loose an arrow at Cypora, in the same instant that the lizard-person Shiaroc swung out her tail like a whip. The very end caught Alícha as she dodged, slashing her clothes but not doing more than scratching her.
“Who the—?” Broke yelped, unbuckling zir sword and moving to defend her, even as she moved back to form a circle with her party. Pheribee was joining them, as was Lucky.
“Remember those rumors about ‘adventurer-hunting monsters’?” she yelled even as Cypora and her monstrous allies began to call to each other. It had been the biggest new chatter among adventurers since the last dungeon discovery. “This is their boss and her buddies!”
A cloud of smoke encircled them in a ring, expanding up into a wall. “What’s happening?”
Dots were connected. The other girl she’d recognized, who must have been the Orangella of the Wisps from the stories going around. “The mazik, half-shedah! She can manipulate smoke and shadow, watch your eyes and breath!”
“Got it,” Pheribee replied matter-of-factly, and swirled one hand over her head. It made a little tornado with their party at the eye, spiralling the smoke into the dark sky of Sheol.
Even as she did, Orangella was leaping through the wind to attack, and from the other sides, Cypora, Shiaroc, and a loup-garou. Alícha moved to protect Tavi, who did better at range, and caught Shiaroc’s attack with her sword. The wooden staff the towering beast-woman used was heavier than it looked, and Alícha felt like she had blocked steel instead of wood. The least she’d get out of this would be an agonizingly sore arm.
As she traded blows with Shiaroc, Alícha caught sight of the others fighting. Tavi dropped herself into Pheribee’s hand, and the anaqah tossed her out of the middle of the fight into some haystacks a good distance away. In the adrenaline-sped thinking of battle, Alícha had just enough time to wonder what kind of crops the land of the dead grew that they had haystacks in the first place—and then she was bracing against a sweep of Shiaroc’s tail to her legs.
She let herself tumble over, rolling into the fall rather than just being tripped, and caught her opponent with a sword strike that managed to stab between the wooden slats and pierce leather. Unfortunately, only a shallow stab. She had time to move her sword to defend as Shiaroc reacted, and dodged swings of the staff that kicked up a cloud of dirt around her, hopping back.
Tavi was loosing arrows that thudded into the loup-garou, but didn’t seem to achieve much. The problem with shapeshifters was that, even in human form, too few things truly hurt them. This one was heavily bandaged, and ugly scars were visible beneath as she grew into a larger form. ‘A wolf on two legs’ would have been a way to describe it, if you only knew wolves from old illustrations by people who had only seen wolves in nightmares. Far too many teeth, far too much mouth. Arms and legs too long by half. Eyes that gleamed yellow as the full moon.
Broke was engaged with fighting Orangella, pairing zir sword with zir ink-slingers. More than just a distraction or a means to create a slippery surface, Broke had picked up the magical skill of making the released ink go where ze wanted, and achieving strange effects by writing into the air and onto whatever surface ze wished to affect. The name of an angel of air the fell on the mazik, and she was flung back, the candle in her hand cast away.
Pheribee and Lucky were paired off against one of the strange dogs that accompanied Cypora, an axe-faced creature. Alícha had read up on the creatures she encountered in the dungeon after her previous battle with Cypora, and even more so once the rumors started to reach her ears; this “axehandle hound” was far larger and more densely-muscled than most.
Cypora was faced by Lodemia, who was snarling and using the haft of her sledgehammer like a spear, jabbing at the ‘Evil Queen’. But Cypora’s axe was faster, and lighter, and while Lodemia’s frenzy made her ridiculously strong, it didn’t make a sledgehammer any less unwieldy a weapon. Even an enchanted one.
The 29th of Lumeary, 5647 CC, Cypora
Cypora dodged the hammer blows, not with great effort but a good deal of frustration. Her opponent was the type of adventurer who was famous for giving in to a berserker rage as a path to strength. If any of her strikes landed, they would have been devastating, but with such an absurdly oversized weapon, she was slowed and couldn’t match up to the lightness and speed Cypora’s boots granted her.
Another oversized weapon was in the hands of the zombie. Some sort of magic-user who balanced enchantments with ink and the use of the sword, but what an absurd sword. It had the reach to catch Orangella, but since Orangella was better at a distance, anyway, the fight was in her favor. It didn’t help that the zombie kept casting spells that actually maintained the distance between zir and Orangella.
Sefora was doing just as well, casually plucking arrows out of her now fully-transformed body, and moving to assist Shiaroc, who was battling Alícha. Where Shiaroc had started to use a staff of enchanted wood from the dungeon, Sefora had picked her weapons from among what the Avanturistyegers had recovered.
Even Sharf had an opponent, battling both the dog and the anaqah. The dog was yelling out incantations of spells, and the air around them was swirling and twisting in nauseating ways.
Cypora didn’t know about those last two. The reports that had been snuck back to the dungeon by her agent had covered the details of Alícha’s party, and other sightings. In fact, the details of the reports were part of why she was now so frustrated.
The damnable thing about it was that Alícha seemed to be one of the only halfway decent adventurers. It was as if she’d taken all of Cypora’s anger and insults during their first fight back in the mortal world, and started trying to turn around the institution of adventuring. But it was an institution, and Cypora knew that the corruption and greed ad the heart of it were too much for Alícha de Matos to dismantle, especially if she was doing so while still being an adventurer herself. It was frustrating, maddening, even. It had kept her up, the nights after each report. If the other girl hadn’t gotten into adventuring, they might have even wound up allies, friends.
But that wasn’t how it had worked out. Maybe in the future, maybe if they could get out of this battle.
31 notes · View notes
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The Seven Deadly Sins Guide
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On the other hand, two 2-megastar playing cards will create a 3-star pass, that's the very best available base capability. If playing cards aren't subsequent to every different, you may exhaust an motion to transport them collectively and collect the upgraded card. You are also allowed to bypass moves and reset talent choices as many times as you need at some stage in a fit. This presents you with near-limitless methods of managing every spherical, with no two coming off as the equal. You commonly get them by farming sr/ssr tools and breaking them for a risk at a drop every day free summon: because the name shows, you get 1 loose day by day summon upon watching an advert. The summon is on a frequent banner and has widespread costs. In jp, this every day summon is definitely a 1 gem summon (rather than the standard three gem), so on global, you basically get 30 gemstones for "loose" every month with this machine. Castle solgres roulette: this is the game's farming dungeon, which gives you the choice to spin a roulette after each three runs, giving diverse rewards. These missions are tied to a positive man or woman's usual progress and are supposed to upgrade them to their maximum stage of power. Try finishing those missions on a ordinary foundation so that you can max out a positive character and earn some beneficial rewards on your efforts. • after you whole the principle tale episodes for a metropolis, head into the quests menu and head to the story tab. Each finished bankruptcy inside that menu is domestic to a village that has several facet quests for you to finish. • cooking lets you whip up diverse dishes that provide your birthday celebration added stat bonuses before a conflict, so attempt combining exclusive elements for you to create new ingredients. You may also head into city to buy unique cuisine if you'd instead no longer prepare dinner every now and then, however. You need to best feed your birthday celebration earlier than conducting a outstanding hard battle on the way to provide them the more stat boosts they want. • some other function that can be accessed out of your tavern is the hero way's missions. In a sense, one of the perks hard to recognize on every occasion you be a part of in on a sport a little later than different human beings are features like this. You could enter into battle with your stage 15 or so characters and feature them be joined through a stage 50 man or woman from a pal or any other player. In some instances, even being at the deprived stop of a gap in energy against enemy units will not prevent you from completing missions way to a few mercenary unit that rendered your squad extra effective than the enemy group. You use five according to reroll. - you could also get hammers which increases the % of your substats through 1% to 5% (can get round 18 per week from schooling cave). It expenses three-5 hammers relying on the rarity of your tools. - you dont have to farm ur gears due to the fact you can get it free by way of upgrading the tier of your gears such as rare-sr, sr-ssr, ssr - ur. Characters additionally receives enraved at the gear in order that they get bonus stats for equiping it. In my view, i have not heard of the manga or the anime earlier than, and i am having a blast following meliodas, elizabeth, hawk, diane, and others round britannia. The manner that meliodas greets his antique friend ban is one for the history books of video games - in place of the conventional compliment, they engage in an epic warfare for vintage times' sake. Boys could be boys, as diane could say. The Seven Deadly Sins: grand pass is not an open world rpg, rather offering three awesome kinds of play that healthy together to shape the big picture. All you will need is an android device with free space for downloading it. So, if you are looking to get a new rpg game for yourself, you should definitely check out The Seven Deadly Sins when it comes out. So, pre-register for it and you will get notified when it is released in your country. I'm beth trotman, a fun-loving freelance writer living in the ottawa area. I love writing about games. I don't know why, but it seems that's my hobby, at least for now. Just like standard skills, the ultimate can have various effects, from dealing damage, to debuffing, buffing, healing, etc ranking up an ultimate can only be done outside of battles by using dupes and it has 3 effects (more on that later): raises the modifiers of the ultimate, raises the stats given as an association unit and increases the unit's combat class (cc). It does not modify the skill in any shape or form. Finally, the passive can grant the unit themselves, your team or your enemies various effects, ranging from passive stat buffs, recurring buffs if a condition is met to free ultimate orbs. Not farming means your ability to instantly raise a new unit to max is severely hampered and you'll be behind in terms of gear/team cc. There's also a part of the content cycle that's more hands-on: pvp, co-op raids and guild boss (final bosses as well, when they're available). While pvp can be ignored once you've reached your desired tier, co-op raids are crucial for unit development, as they drop limit break materials. They need to be run in duo and usually take between 5 to 10 minutes a run, depending on the cc of the 2 players and the difficulty of the raid. These skills usually don't inflict damage but are pure debuffs. From here you can click at one of The Seven Deadly Sins member and will bring you to shop thing related for ex photo meliodas tab : is where you can go to summon for accessories yeah you summon for that in this game there is free daily single and different accessories banner based in some treasures you got from pvp elizabeth tab : here where you see deals for in game purchase like crystals with other stuff dont whale yet boys gowther tab : here where you see beautiful costumes you can buy for character and it will cost crystals that you use also for summon for characters the prices is from 10 to 30 it only cosmetic appearance and give slightly a bonus king tab : here where you spend the rainbow coins which you get from any dupe of ssr like i said before and also have Gold and silver for sr and r dupes merlin tab : to buy ap [ stamina ] and other stuff for 1 crystal which highly don't recommend spend crystal for stamina do mission and you will not run with it fast will take place from first season event and you will get to experience it with 3d model and voice acting also live the world and explore it breaking stuff or doing missions for citizens etc there will be update for the story of course and bring more characters to the game and original stuff as well sp : a daily event which drop book that daily change each day to a different attribute color which you need to evolve the character the first one locked not sure yet the one in left with wolf holding potions this is where you get them to lvl the character and the right is the book you need to evolve the character pvp : 1v1 pvp in real time also there is friendly battle you just go to the settings then first button in right corner there will you see your friend there will be a challenge button you invite him and he accept and add also from there i guess you can add friends see you code etc a mode where you and one of your friend fight a boss you have 3 cards to use and he/she have 3 cards to use so your overall total for one turn is 6 cards/act bienvenue sur le guide de The Seven Deadly Sins: grand cross of light and darkness, un action rpg tactique au tour par tour sur mobile. Completing those quests helps raise your friendship level with that village, which then gives you access to more shops and various rewards. • spend some time taking care of a village's quests in order to improve your reputation with it and eventually fill the quests meter that helps you earn 50 diamonds. Buddy up with various heroes in order to increase your affection levels with them, by the way - perform the actions stated within the heroes' affection tab in order to earn the hearts that send even more Diamonds your way. And as intricate as this game is, it's surprisingly simple to understand, topped off with outstanding game mechanics and animation. Playing this game allows the player to feel like they're actually in liones, fighting hendrickson, or in the tavern, cooking a meal for the whole gang. If this wasn't enough, they allow multiplay, and customization with all playable characters. This isn't new for a mobile game, but what makes it so spectacular is the detail and animation everything has. This game is fun everywhere you turn, and just when you think that there's nothing else to the game, you find something else hidden behind a corner. While The Seven Deadly Sins: grand cross does not exclusively consider combat power as the sole determinant of which team wins a battle, it is still a highly influential factor, which is why you will need to be ready for such instances by obtaining temporary buffs before challenging battles. You can cook your own food as well as purchase prepared dishes from npcs in town. Different meals provide different sets of buffs for your team so even before you are confronted with a fight you know will be a challenge, be sure to stock up on food early one and read each one's description to know what you can get out of each meal. One of the most creative features of this game is the turn-based option that is offered. This is an ideal approach to a combat game where each player will get a turn after his/her opponent. This makes it crucial for gamers to use an adequate strategy for combatting opponents to destroy them. Also, players will have to use skill synthesis for this combat system. Skills with the same or similar start rank easily upgrade to another higher rank when it is next to one another. Then i only loged in to do once a week a pvp match so i get 42 free gems weekly for log in 1 day each week lol. And im having funn right now with the collab, had 800 gems saved. So now im back at farming a bit. But there is absolutely no reason to not play casual unless u want to be top 50 in pvp. I think the most time effective way to play this game is just do dailies only with gems aka 10 minutes per day got all meta units (escanor, gowther, helbram, merlin, arthur, king) to 75/6* and i am completely burned out from this franchise. So i ... The world of warcraft esports tournament, mythic dungeon international, is starting this weekend - and we have the lowdown on how to watch it. Cryptic studios are offering a bundle giveaway in conjunction with the latest chapter in the star trek online storyline, all as part of their 20th anniversary celebration. Neverwinter: avernus is the latest update for mmo neverwinter and comes at the same time as developers, cryptic studios, are celebrating their 20th anniversary. Mu online is due an update on 14th july - but, in the lead-up, players will be able to collect some nice in-game rewards to enjoy, simply by playing the game or pre-registering for the upcoming update. Guild boss is a score mode that gives you and your guild various rewards every week and is somewhat rng to get a good setup. With everything in mind, while this isn't anything close to arknights in terms of casualness, you do have the ability to set your phone/emulator on auto and just leave the game by itself during a great deal of the content cycle, but you can't expect to not put in the time and still be up-to-date with content. • with a mobile game as feature-rich as grand cross, it becomes quite daunting to keep track of everything there is to do and see. Luckily, there's a tutorial for everything you tap on. Whenever you have some time to just freely wander around, click on all the available tabs you haven't gotten an explanation for yet. • a tutorial will immediately break down everything for you and gift you with a valuable diamond for your learned lesson. Diamonds are especially useful since they can be used to purchase tavern decorations that give you various boosts, alternate character costumes that give them stat buffs and tons of other beneficial items. Thanks for the write up. Having played the kr version of blade and soul showed how difficult playing a game in another language can really be, despite having a lot of translation guides and hangul being very intuitive. I hope it will be translated and brought to the west, though the maximum energy/renewal interval worries me. I hate feeling like i can only play a little bit but am notified within an hour or so that my energy is full. I prefer a game that has a larger cap and allows me to choose when i want to set aside a chunk of time to get immersed. Regardless, it's enjoyable, and the fully voiced cut scenes with the original japanese voice actors made the experience all the better. The graphics are rather high in quality. Characters and environments are 3d rendered, which makes for a very cohesive experience since it doesn't pull you from a 3d to 2d format. Everything from in-game cut scenes to ultimate moves in battles is well animated, which extends to the different hub-worlds you visit, allowing you to explore, shop, and pick up quests. Rerolling in this game is quite easy, since it doesn't require a redownload. You do have to play through a tutorial again, though. After the tutorial you get a free 11-roll which always includes 1 ssr char. 1 quest later you can do another regular 11-roll which can have any number of ssrs. You can also do 2 single rolls. Also be warned, that running this on high settings might melt your phone. Even my s10 is getting hot which did never happen before on any game. But enough on the game, here are some tips and guides to help you get started with seven deadly sins hikari to yami grand cross. Grand cross has a fairly lengthy tutorial which includes a 10x summon that has a chance to summon ssr characters. With the pre-registration rewards, players will be able to do another 10x summon after the tutorial. To make things easier for players to re-roll, the game does include a built-in data wipe option, this saves a lot of time for players since the game requires all players to download over 1.6gb worth of data before the tutorial! Side quests and optional challenges are the lifeblood of many gacha games like 7ds. Many exclusive features and awesome prizes are usually locked behind these missions. However, while crucial, these tasks are ancillary to the main plot, which is where the big rewards lie. In this sense, if you're looking to score big, your best bet is to speed through the main missions as they will give you many valuable prizes, including diamonds, for beating them the first time. You can check the rewards for completing each stage in the quests menu, in the tab corresponding to the current ongoing chapter. Games like these that are built to make you spend a lot of time and even money aren't for some people. The whole point is that there are ample stuff for people to play at their own pace. Of course you need more dedication when it comes to being competitive, but that's par for most if not all things in reality. It makes no sense for anything (game or not) to be one where a person who has spent significantly less time practicing/dedicated to the activity is able to do better than someone who has spent much more time working on it. 7 deadly sins: grand cross is one such title that just recently saw it's global launch after great success in japan. This game is standing out from the rest, however, boasting highly cinematic gameplay and cutscenes, a plethora of engaging features, and a wholly nostalgic experience for fans of the anime series. 7 deadly sins: grand cross follows the plot of the popular anime, The Seven Deadly Sins. Kicking off in the boar hat tavern with hawk, meliodas, and his exceedingly noxious culinary creations, the evocative references come charging at fans from the starting gate - one of the smallest, yet most endearing references being the map progress. Playing casually? Yes, you can do what you want, and will still have alot of stamina, and stuff. Just forget of beating some high scores on guild boss; getting high rewards in pvp; easy time with demons, and most importantly, even slower character development. This game actually requires playing as much as possible to stay competitive. Take a look at current half-stamina events. There are people leaving their phones on auto for the whole night to capitalise on that. Just try to awaken a unit (just one) to 6 stars and you will see how much it takes. Overnight farming, daily missions, kingbram or ultimate rush pvp all day, equipment min-maxing, that's no joke anymore. I'm in the exact same boat... all metas maxed. Top 5% final boss, champion 1 and challenger (pvp), and my guild is top 1%.... and i am completely burned out. I'm looking at the new events and just thinking "do i even care any more?" I'm just tired of doing the same thing every week with gb and hoping i get that perfect rng after a couple of hours. Whaling/dolphining: this is another small complaint, as i often spend a little bit here or there on better packages. Things like monthly gem deals i will spend every month if they are reasonable. (sub 10 dollars). However, a lot of the gems are overpriced except the limited packages and even the monthly package is 30 bucks which is a bit too much to casually spend every month. It is definitely hard to casually dolphin and harder to whale. I have bounced around in many different games the last year but i think grand cross really hit the spot. Now, let's talk about combat, the main aspect of the game. You'll be able to select up to three characters you have to be your team and then a fourth character can be assigned as a sub if needed. There is a rock-paper-scissors mechanic, so you'll want to pay attention to the colors of your enemies and match them accordingly. You can also use any characters you have unlocked, even if it makes zero sense for the story. I ran some of the first few missions using meliodas, ban, and gilthunder. Well, lilia is at least gonna be guaranteed and she turns howzer, a common ssr, into a pvp god for awhile. I thought everyone hated games that had costumes that gave stats? Is that out that window now because its a 7ds game? Honestly if the quality of the game wasn't so high, you would probably see more complaints. The game has some flaws for sure, including the costumes, but overall still one of the better gacha. Yeah it looks nice. Everything is fun. To the battles, to cooking, to drawing characters. Even the loading screens are fun. There's almost always a new one, different, exciting loading screen. I don't usually write reviews for a game, but i had to for this one. It's just too great. I'm so excited for the future of this game! To anyone reading this, play the game! You won't regret it! Requires ios 9.0 or later. Compatible with iphone 5s, iphone 6, iphone 6 plus, iphone 6s, iphone 6s plus, iphone se (1st generation), iphone 7, iphone 7 plus, iphone 8, iphone 8 plus, iphone x, iphone xs, iphone xs max, iphone xr, iphone 11, iphone 11 pro, iphone 11 pro max, iphone se (2nd generation), ipad air, ipad air wi‑fi + cellular, ipad mini 2, ipad mini 2 wi‑fi + cellular, ipad air 2, ipad air 2 wi‑fi + cellular, ipad mini 3, ipad mini 3 wi‑fi + cellular, ipad mini 4, ipad mini 4 wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (12.9‑inch), ipad pro (12.9‑inch) wi-fi + cellular, ipad pro (9.7‑inch), ipad pro (9.7‑inch) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad (5th generation), ipad (5th generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (2nd generation), ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (2nd generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (10.5‑inch), ipad pro (10.5‑inch) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad (6th generation), ipad wi‑fi + cellular (6th generation), ipad pro (11‑inch), ipad pro (11‑inch) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (3rd generation), ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (3rd generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad mini (5th generation), ipad mini (5th generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad air (3rd generation), ipad air (3rd generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad (7th generation), ipad (7th generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (11‑inch) (2nd generation), ipad pro (11‑inch) (2nd generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (4th generation), ipad pro (12.9‑inch) (4th generation) wi‑fi + cellular, ipod touch (6th generation), and ipod touch (7th generation). Every battle your heroes participate in earns them experience points. At a certain point, each will reach new levels up until they reach their level cap, which is not dependent on your account rank. Beyond that, the most basic way to improve your hero's stats is through the enhance option, which is basically levelling the hero up with the use of enhance potions. For one, you can use it on your current main team or save it so that new heroes will be able to catch up in terms of level later on. Anime games are frequently some of the flashiest, most over-the-top titles in their respective platforms, and the new The Seven Deadly Sins game is no exception. Released on android just... The long-awaited seven deadly sins: grand cross has finally had its global launch today and it did not disappoint! Straight from the very beginning, new players are thrown into combat... navigation list index list of sr characters in The Seven Deadly Sins: grand cross list of r character honorable mentions in The Seven Deadly Sins: grand cross most of the... bluestacks 4 is not available on windows xp.
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pictureamoebae · 7 years
Ha i pray i could go with just 8gb of cc but i just love colorfull things too much so im at a rough 21gb (was 30 till i did a small purge) takes about 15mins for my game to load then the first time being 35
15 minutes? 35 minutes? I thought things were excessive for me when it was 10 minutes ^^
It’s been a long and painful road to travel down, slowly getting rid of my cc.
Here are my spreadsheets. ‘Current as of 2017′ is everything I had installed (not including my own cc) after The Great Purge Of 2017, but before Cats & Dogs came out. ‘Old’ is everything before the purge. 
I haven’t updated the sheets to reflect The Greater Purge Of 2017 that happened last night. I’ve kept all my CAS cc, but ditched almost all my build/buy except everything by @brazenlotus because it’s essential, most of @jools-simming sets, some plasticbox stuff, the build sets by @peacemaker-ic and @theplumbobarchitect, and a handful of other things here and there. And my own recolours, of course. There are a couple of things by @aroundthesims I found myself missing as I was decorating last night, so I’ll likely add a few of those back in.
I’ll be on the look-out for any separated/liberated Cats & Dogs items, and of course I’ll likely be continuing to recolour things myself. And I’m waiting for more pet eyes to be released before I decide on which I like best (and has anyone done the teeth yet?). I’ll always add extra hair as and when they come along, although I’ve been trying to pare down the recolours and stick to just one set per hairstyle since they are what take up so much space.
The struggle is real though, anon. 
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cookiemonsterrsims · 7 years
Things are changing
Since the cats and dogs update broke the cc beds and other stuff, I decided to take out all of my build/buy cc! It’s a hard change because I’m not used to this but I follow a few no-cc blogs and I gathered the courage and inspiration to try it out. 
I did keep my CAS cc and defaults of course but I’m trying to slowly use less of it as I go...
So anyways I’ve been playing a bit and I’ll probably start posting again soon, but I want to make sure I actually have a decent amount of things to post before I start so I’m not so scattered with my blog as I’ve been in the last months.
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