#and rené is at most annoyed but is probably just wrapped up in other things
wisteriasymphony · 1 month
Miraculous Mortality - Transmutation
CW: gun, body horror, blood and pus and ickiness :( also like. toxic yaoi vibes i guess
It had taken hours to find a suitable shelter—Hours that Jaqueline arguably did not have. Every bandage she once had was now coated with blood and pus, and the boils on her arm just continued to grow and burst and multiply like they fed off of her. Damn that Helix Vert—She could admit he'd pulled a fast one on her, but that was the last time she'd ever let that slimy bastard get that close.
Jaqueline huddled up against a wall, letting herself sink to the floor. She'd lost control over her good arm, too, making everything even harder. Her satchel needed to be opened with the same hand that held her gun, and that hand also had to—It was annoying, in short. If she had any bullets left before recharging, Jaqueline would track that bastard down and make sure to pay him back double for the mess she'd been put through.
Jaqueline fiddled with her revolver, sticking it to her jaw.
Jaqueline felt the path of the bullet through her skull, the feeling just as painful as always was. But it made watching her targets writhe in pain all the better, as she knew what it felt like when the copper shrapnel burned through flesh and spread a fire like no other through every nerve. She'd be catatonic for the next few minutes, and then just in debilitating pain for another hour—that was what made shelter so invaluable. If she'd dealt with it in the middle of a horde, she'd be dead meat. And if she was dead meat while the infection was still in her... that bastard Helix would have a carte blanche to her skillset. And there was no way in hell Jaqueline would let anyone take her gun, cause she was sure it was all she needed to be the last woman standing.
Her infected arm began to spasm, dripping pus onto the dirt and gravel as the infection was burned out. And it was never exactly pretty either—The boils and open wounds would suddenly explode in number, her arm splitting apart at the seams and spraying viscera everywhere. Jaqueline threw her head back against the wall, grinding her teeth from the pain. She'd get Helix good for this, she swore it. Tie him up with his own string, force him to grovel at her feet before she stamped his head through the ground with her boot. And if he didn't beg for mercy, she'd find a way to make him—stick her revolver against his head and force his brain to rewire. Imagination was the limit to Amalgam, and Jaqueline chose Iciss because she was as creative as she could be cruel.
The infection was nearly staved off—only mere remnants of the poison remained in the greenish-yellow tint of her veins. Through her grunting and panting, Jaqueline forced a smile; She could only imagine the look on Helix Vert's face when he realized just how easy it was to ruin his 'hard work'. It wouldn't be so easy the other way around, now would it?
Jaqueline's arm buzzed as she finally regained feeling in it. Still, she couldn't bring herself to move it, stretch the fingers that were seconds away from rotting off at one point—All she could do was lie there, drained and nauseous, until the pain fully subsided. It'd be a damn shame if she got jumped again, cause then she'd just have to fight through it instead of giving herself the luxury of a nice rest. But no matter what she put her body through, Jaqueline's spirit would never weaken or waver. She would never die.
big thanks to...
@bakawitch (Creator of Miraculous Mortality AU)
@nocturnal-notes (Contributor for Beetum/Helix Vert/ I thought you would want to see this anyways :3 )
and whatever lovely individual contribued to Iciss hm i wonder who that could be guess we'll never know
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vnderoo · 4 years
lyrics were slightly altered for this one
word count: 1.3k
love her || h.o.
One second he's Sir Sentimental Then he’s afraid he's said too much
To be completely honest, Harrison never had the greatest relationships in the past. They were always so toxic in their own way. He never found someone who loved him for him. But then he met y/n.
Harrison’s relationship with y/n was easily the best relationship he’d ever been in. They took things at the pace that made each other comfortable. He was more than patient with y/n and for that they were grateful. He never pressured them into doing something that they was eerie about. He never tried to push the boundaries. He proved to them that chivalry was a trait that could still be found in few men today.
Often times, for most people, when it gets very late in the night, they become sentimental–or “in their feels” as they like to say. It was that time in the night for Harrison. He stayed up having a conversation with y/n as they cuddled in bed.
“Sometimes when it’s late at night, I think about us.” Harrison turned to look at y/n.
“Yeah? What are these thoughts?” they gave him a cheeky smile.
“As cliché as it sounds, how lucky I am to have you.” they shook their head. “Okay but hear me out. As you well know, I haven’t had the cleanest track record when it comes to people that I’ve dated. They were all twats and the relationships went sour. Then you came along and the world didn’t feel so gloomy anymore. It’s like you brought this ray of sunshine that I never knew I needed.”
y/n was left in awe. They really found themselves a keeper.
Upon realizing y/n wasn’t saying anything, Harrison started to worry. Did he just scare them? Is y/n about to breakup with him? Did this make them uncomfortable?
“I’m sorry.” he shook his head, “it just came out.”
They gave Harrison a confused look, “why are you apologizing, bub?”
“Someone in the past told me to stop it with the ‘sentimental claptrap’ the last time I opened up about how I felt about the relationship. After that, I went back into my shell and never mentioned anything again.”
“Haz, I’m not that person. I love you more than words could ever describe. I’m here to stay.”
“That’s what they all said and looked at how it all ended.” he sighed.
“You being cute isn’t going to be the demise of this relationship and I refuse to let that be the reason.” they stroked his cheek with their hand, “plus, it’s a little too late for you to get rid of me at this point.”
And they say love can hurt But seein' him smile can get you every time
y/n meant what they said when they said that they loved him. They would move mountains for him if need be. y/n knew how damaged he was when they first met him. But they also knew that there was something about him that had them wrapped around his finger.
y/n gave Harrison this sense of safety and security for him to be whoever and do whatever he wanted. He wasn’t perfect but they never judged him for what he did or what happened in the past. They only paid attention to the person that he had become.
They went to an art gallery together for the sake of getting out of the house and escaping boredom.
“You can put your acting skills to the test and pretend you’re an art collector or something.” y/n joked.
“Don’t tempt me.” he walked up to a painting, “ah yes. The...” he leaned closer to the plaque, “Son of Man by René Magritte. Lovely painting. The symbolism of the apple is beautiful.”
“And it means what exactly?” they wanted to see what the blue eyed bloke had up his sleeve.
“That apples were quite juicy during his time and green apples were the best. This was the inspiration behind the man in the bowler hat in the Haunting of Hill House.”
“Actually,” they laughed, “it’s a surreal painting. The meaning behind it is that everything we see hides something else. Like you can see the green apple, but you probably didn’t notice the man’s eyes peeking over the apple until I mentioned it just now. Or that his left arm is twisted at his elbow.”
His laugh was music to their ears. His smile was something that lit up the room and it was infectious nonetheless. It didn’t matter what side of the bed they’d woken up on that morning, anytime they’d see him smile, their day would be better.
And I promise I'll never walk away
y/n remembered they once came to his place after a long day of running errands and he was staring blankly at the tv in the living room, tears running down his cheeks. They didn’t know what he was crying about but seeing him in that condition was heart shattering. They didn’t know what to do or say to help him feel better.
“Haz? What’s wrong?” he didn’t reply. “Bub, you’ve gotta talk to me.”
“I’m a burden. It is what it is and it’s embarrassing and it’s stupid. But it’s true and I’m sorry.”
“No, don’t say that.” they sat next to him and held him, “you’re not a burden.”
“I feel like I am.”
“Look at me,” y/n let him go, “you are not a burden. Okay? You’re a strong person who wears his heart on his sleeve. It doesn’t matter what you’ve been through, you don’t let your past define who you are today. But what you are is a bad cook.” they winked. Harrison wiped his tears and smiled. “There we go. That’s all I needed to see today. Your beautiful smile.” they kissed him.
Opposites attract and we're the livin' proof of this But I keep on comin' back like a magnet
Harrison was an outgoing guy. He loved being out and about with friends, doing God knows what. y/n was quite the opposite. They liked staying indoors and reading. They were a homebody and didn’t like going out much unless they were absolutely required to. Sometimes that would annoy Harrison because he just wanted to explore with them, but they just wanted to explore the shows on Netflix.
At the beginning, the pair would get into petty arguments about being too outdoor-sy or being too indoor-sy. They couldn’t find a middle ground. He would complain that sometimes y/n came off as a sad sack throwing their life away by consuming themselves in fictional worlds. y/n would rebuttal by saying that all he does is go out to the pub(s) and have multiple drinks with his friends and come to their place when he was drunk. They each knew that the other was right.
After giving each other a couple hours to simmer down, they’d come back together and work things out like adults. They came to the conclusion that they would go adventure every other weekend and on weekends that they weren’t adventuring, they’d find a movie to watch together. Some of which were recommended by Harry.
Because you love him
Harrison and y/n being together was perfect. They molded so well together. They understood each other in ways that no one else had understood them. Their chemistry was something that some people had never seen before. But here they stood. True, pure love at its finest.
With all the fun that they’ve had together over the years, Harrison knew that y/n was someone he saw himself living the rest of his life with. There was no way he was letting them go. Ever. 
Love him, yeah
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tanjamikaelson · 5 years
Natali barely had any sleep and with first sunbeams that came through their window, she decided to get out of bed.
  - Where do you think that you're going?" Kol says as he grabs her hand to stop her from leaving the bed.
  - "We should get up, Kol." Natali says and turns to look at him.
  - "No, we shouldn't. We should just stay in bed." Kol replies and pulls her towards him.
Natali falls onto him, her head was on his chest and Kol wrapped his arm around her so that he was sure she won't leave.
  - "You know I have to deal with my sister." Natali tells him.
  - "I'm sure she can wait a little longer." Kol says, "Maybe like another thousand years."
  - Natali laughs, "I know where you're going with this." she then turns her head to look at him, "You don't like the idea of me forgiving her." 
  - "You're right. I don't." Kol tells her, "She doesn't deserve that."
  - "But it's for your sake. I just need to find out what she knows about a weapon that can kill you." Natali told him.
  - "I can take care of myself." Kol replies quickly without thinking it through.
  - Natali raises her eyebrow at him, "Oh, really? Sorry for not wanting you to die." she says and tries to move from him, but he doesn't let her.
  - "I didn't mean it like that." Kol says, "I know everyone we know will die if they get that weapon, but Klaus and Elijah will handle it."
  - "I will not let them deal with my sister. She is mine to take care of and I'll kill her if it's needed." Natali told him firmly, her decision was final.
  - Kol sighs, "We should have stayed in Saint Tropez."
  - "Tell me about it." Natali agreed with him.
A little while later both of them finally got out of bed and had a shower, then they walked downstairs to their club. Eric was already behind the bar, making them drinks.
  - “I heard you two are about to come down, so I’ve made you bloody Mary, for breakfast.” Eric tells them and smiles.
  - “Thank you, Eric.” Natali says and takes her drink.
  - “What’s this?” Kol asks as he picks up a box that was on a bar.
  - “Someone left that in front of the club. It’s for you two.” Eric told them.
Kol opens it and there was just an envelope with Renée’s name on it.
  - Kol takes the envelope and looks at Natali, “It’s from your sister.”
Natali takes it from him and opens it, in the envelope, there was a Strix's business cards. On the back, there was a message: "7041 ST. CHARLES AVE. MIDNIGHT".
  - “I guess we’re going to a party tonight.” Natali stated.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
On the table are a dozen lit white candles, a smoking sage smudge-stick and a map, while a spindle hangs from the chandelier and points Venice on the map. In each of Natali's hands are various multi-colored crystals and there are several other tables and candelabrum full of lit candles as well. After a moment, Natali, with her eyes closed reaches over and picks up a shot glass full of dark liquor before downing it in one gulp. 
The alcohol activates her spell, allowing her to astral project to a hotel in Venice. When she opens her eyes, she is sitting at a table and she smiles affectionately at Rebekah, who is sitting across from her in her human body and has just finished a shot of alcohol of her own.
  - “This is better than texts or video chat.” Rebekah remarked.
  - “I wish you could come to New Orleans.” Natali told her.
  - “Well, I could but no one allows me to do so.” Rebekah says, she was annoyed because everyone thought it’s for the best if she stays far away from New Orleans.
  - “We’re right. You’re too fragile in the human body.” Natali says.
  - “I finally have a life that I wanted, I’m not going back to my original body.” Rebekah points out.
  - “Okay, I didn’t even tell you that.” Natali says in defense.
  - “I know.” Rebekah says, “Anyway, so your sister is alive, huh?”
  - Natali takes another shot, “Yeah, she is.”
  - “How are you handling that?” Rebekah asked.
  - “Okay, for now. Something bad is going to happen because of her, I know that.” Natali told her, “She invited us to Strix party tonight.”
  - “And you are going?” Rebekah asked.
  - “Of course I’m going. I need to see what she wants.” Natali says.
  - “Keep your eyes wide open.” Rebekah tells her and lifts her glass.
  - “Always.” Natali smiles and lifts her glass in a toast before they each drink their shot. Doing so returns Natali's astral form to her physical body.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
The Strix's party is in full swing, complete with formally-dressed members wearing masquerade masks and burlesque dancers dressed in the style of the flappers of the 1920s. There are humans in attendance as well, most of whom are being fed on by the various members of The Strix. As soon as Kol and Natali entered the room all eyes were on them. Since the party was for the members of the Strix who were Elijah’s sire line everyone wondered why the two of them came. 
Quickly after they walked in Renée approached them giving them two glasses of champagne, then she tapped her glass to gather the attention of the guests.
   - When everyone turned towards them Renée began speaking, “Welcome everyone. I probably don’t need to introduce Natali, most of you heard about her, someone of you may even know her, but no one knows this..” she paused for a moment before saying, “She is my sister."
Every vampire in the room was surprised to hear that.
 - "Adopted sister." Natali added.
 - "Yes, adopted sister." Renée confirms.
 - "Renée waited a thousand years to tell you that and to tell me that she is alive." Natali told them.
 - Renée smiles, “I love to make a good entrance.” after that everyone continued to do their thing and the three of them were still talking, “I was surprised you two even came.” she told them.
 - “We wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Kol says with a touch of sarcasm in his voice.
Just then Tristan made his arrival to the gathering known and Renée excuses herself to go and join him in his speech. 
Natali and Kol were looking around the room not caring to listen to Tristan when they saw Elijah and Hayley standing next to the bar. They walked towards them and heard Hayley saying, “These vampires are ancient. How is Marcel supposed to beat one of them?”
  - “And I was wondering how did you beat the curse?” Natali asked, turning their attention towards them.
  - “Davina actually did that.” Hayley replied.
  - “Davina.. haven’t seen her in a long time.” Natali remarked.
  - “That’s for the best I suppose.” Hayley tells her.
  - Natali smiles, “Maybe we should pay her a visit. I heard she’s a regent now.” 
  - “If you touch her you’re gonna have to deal with me.”Hayley threatens.
  - Natali laughs, “And what are you gonna do? Bite me?”
  - “I think that’s enough, if you’ll excuse us.” Elijah says and takes Hayley by her hand so that they can walk away.
  - “Care for a dance?” Kol asked her and held out his hand.
Natali took his hand and Kol leads her to the dance floor. She placed her hands around his neck and his hands were around her waist to pull her closer, she smiled as they started to move. 
  - “What do you think Renée is playing by introducing you as her sister?” Kol questioned.
  - “I’m not sure.” Natali replied, “I’ll have to talk to her alone, but not tonight.”
They stopped dancing when Klaus and Lucien entered the room, with a large group of women wearing Halloween costumes. 
Klaus howls drunkenly like a wolf as Lucien and the women all laugh happily, attracting the attention of everyone in the room to the point where everyone stops what they're doing and stare at the gate-crashers.
  - “What a beloved occasion.” Klaus shouted.
  - “My God, it's a room full of Elijah’s.” Lucian mocked, everyone could tell they’re all wasted.
  - Klaus has his arms thrown around the women's shoulders and is drunkenly leaning against them, “I had that exact same nightmare once!”
The group all laughs hysterically as Lucien turns to one of the women, who is dressed in a fuchsia corset and matching bobbed wig and whose identity is concealed by a black mask.
  - “Go and grab us a drink, love! Feel free to fetch one for yourself.” Lucian tells her. 
  - “One for me, please!” Klaus slurred, “And one for her, and her, and her, and her..”
The woman in pink turns to fetch drinks and Natali was suspicious that it was actually Freya under a mask.
  - “Tristan? Tristan! Come out, come out, wherever you are! Unless, of course, you're afraid!” Lucian and Klaus shouted. 
  - Tristan heads straight for Klaus and Lucien and gives them a patronizing smile, “You should, uh, move along. You're not welcome here.”
  - “Oh. Oh, okay. We're-we're not welcome here..” Klaus says and plucks a champagne flute from the nearest serving platter before walking up to Tristan and slurs drunkenly at him, “Or maybe you should move along before I make you cry in front of all your little friends!” he ended his statement with a laugh.
  - “My concern is for your companions. They appear out of sorts without a shiny pole to writhe upon.” Tristan deadpanned. 
  - Lucien looks over at the woman dressed as a skeleton bride, “Ohhhhhh, he's suggesting that you're exotic dancers! Which, to him, is an insult-” he then gestures toward the burlesque dancers who have stopped working in favor of watching the drama unfold, “If not hypocritical. But, don't take it personally, love. He finds all work demeaning. The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth.” He smiles at Tristan and leans forward, extending his index finger and tapping Tristan on the end of the nose, “Boop!”
Klaus can't resist laughing hysterically at this.
  - “Lucian, can I ask you nicely to leave?” Renée says, taking a step forward, she now stood in front of Tristan.
  - “Oh love, I was deeply hurt when I haven’t received your invitation to this party.” Lucian tells her.
  - “You’re not part of this sire line. You and Klaus can make your own party elsewhere.” Renée told him.
  - “We’re not the only ones.” Lucian replied as he glanced towards Natali, Kol, Hayley.
  - “Niklaus.” Klaus turns in an ungraceful manner to try to find the source of the voice until finally realizing that Elijah is coming from the opposite direction. Elijah eventually walks toward him until they're standing side-by-side.
  - “What is it?” Klaus asks.
  - Elijah rolls his eyes, “Oh, you're hammered. Which should come as very little surprise to anyone here, but it does hamper the festivities somewhat. So, could I recommend that you find the nearest exit?”
  - “Just..” Klaus whispers.
  - “Yes, and could you take your playthings with you, too?” Elijah says patiently.
Klaus shoves his champagne glass into Elijah's hands before staggering farther into the ballroom.
  - "You know, I used to find it insulting that I was barred from your special little club. But now, I realize that I lack the flexibility to become a member - I could never get my head far enough up my own ass.” Klaus bowls dramatically and laughs, while Tristan and Elijah exchange annoyed glances. Lucien and their companions are delighted by Klaus' behavior. Klaus walks back over to Elijah and takes the glass from his hand before downing the rest of the champagne in one gulp and handing it back to him. Afterward, Klaus makes a disgusted face at Tristan and remarks on the champagne, “Cheap.” then he turns to address Lucien and the others, “Come on. Let's go. This party's dead anyway.”
  - “See you later, love.” Lucian says to Renée before they all turn to leave, howling and laughing loudly as they do so.
  - Natali pulls Kol to the side, “Let’s go after them.”
  - “Why?” Kol asked in confusion.
  - “I think Freya was with them. They’re up to something.” Natali tells him.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
They went to the compound and in the courtyard, they’ve found Lucien, who was sitting next to his witch Alexis on the couch, while Freya is standing close to them.
  - “Freya, you’ve been with them at the party, didn’t you?” Natali asks.
  - At the sound of her voice, Freya turns towards them, “Yes, they kidnapped Lucian’s witch.” she tells them and they all look towards the couch.
  - “If looks could kill.” Lucian remarks when he saw how Kol was glaring at him.
  - “Oh, if you insist, there is a lot of ways I could kill you.” Kol threatens in a low voice.
  - “Kol, can you leave that for later?” Natali asked him.
Kol just rolls his eyes and walks towards a table where he found a bottle of whiskey.
  - “What’s going on between you and Renée?" Natali asked Lucian. After their talk at the party, she had a feeling there’s more going on between them.
  - “Why would you think there’s anything between us?” Lucian says.
  - “See you later, love?” Natali reminds him of what he said.
  - “It was a figurative speech.” Lucian replies.
  - “Are you sure? You knew she was alive all this time and you never told me.” Natali tells him, “Why?”
  - “Because she told me not to tell you.” Lucian says.
  - “I didn’t know you listen to her orders.” Natali told him.
Lucian was saved from revealing more to her when Alexis began to wake up. Soon after that Klaus also joined them in the courtyard.
  - “I'm sorry. I hoped I was wrong, Lucien. I really did. But I saw it. I saw him die.” Alexis says and looks over at Klaus who sighs and closes his eyes, not at all happy with this news.
  - “Did you see the weapon?” Lucien asked nervously and Alexis nods in response, “What is it?” he asks.
  - “To understand, it must be seen.”Alexis says quietly.
She smiles weakly at Lucien, who frowns in confusion for a moment as Klaus stares at them both suspiciously. Alexis holds her wrist out to Natali, who sits down next to her on the couch. Lucien stands to his feet and allows Kol to take his seat next to Alexis so he can see the vision as well and she holds out her other wrist to him. Kol and Natali look at each other warily before they each bite into Alexis' offered wrists and begin to feed.
Alexis throws her head back as her eyes roll back into her head as the visions begin. Like the other visions, the first flash is of a page from a grimoire with a spell and several pentacles are written on the parchment. Then, the vision cuts to the dining room of the Mikaelson compound, which is in disarray - it looks like a fight broke out during dinner because the chairs are overturned, broken glasses litter the table and floor, and the plates of food have been scattered over the bunched up tablecloth. There's another flash to Freya dipping her fingers in the bowl of Klaus'/Alexis' blood, and the scene of Elijah's painted portrait in the living room dripping blood. Another flashback of Freya casting the spell to see the visions from Alexis' blood is seen as the pieces of paper with Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah' and Kol’ names written in Elder Futhark Runic script catch on fire. There is then a flash of Lucien's face, which looks serious at first before he smirks smugly. Another flash of the "beast" with extremely long and sharp fangs is seen as well before the vision erupts into flames.
Suddenly Alexis' nose has begun to bleed, and Natali quickly stops feeding on her, looking at the blood on her hands in fright. Kol throws up all the blood he had just drunk onto the floor and Natali looks sick as well as she tries to keep herself from throwing up as well.
  - “Something’s wrong.” Kol says.
  - Natali looks at the others, “Poison!”
Alexis gags before she, too, begins to vomit up a large amount of blood, and Lucien, alarmed, rushes over to Alexis, whose nose and mouth are still bleeding profusely.
  - “No! No!” Lucian continues to say as Alexis weakly falls into Lucien's arms and he desperately tries to wake her.
She falls into Lucien's lap and dies, while Klaus looks both suspicious and concerned regarding what has just happened. Lucien, however, is devastated and furious and scowls as he tries to figure out who did this.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
Tags: @mikaelsonsmagic �� @p3nny4urth0ught5   @cute-freak27   @ias-born  @superhalsteads  @characterobsessed   @hinata7346   @luiza-4-ever  @huntress1428  @infiniteoblivion21
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makeroomforlaferry · 6 years
Prompt: “Coming Home”
Prompt list Requested: U - Coming home LaFontaine & Perry
AN: Listen up before reading this - I obviously can’t know what parental term LaFontaine would want their kids to use with them, but I chose to go with my gut, and I understand that some of you may not agree with it. I personally didn’t feel like my written version of LaF would want the kind of mashup-title for genderneutral parents that the internet suggested to me, obviously there would be nothing wrong with them, but the version of LaFontaine that I write and understand would want a more traditional word, lowkey because they feel like their relationship and family with Perry is traditional in a sense and wants it to show, but anyway, I had a look at the available words already existing and “parent” just seemed way too impersonal, and I’m fully aware that LaF identifies with neither female or male expressions, but I chose to have them use a word that normally stands for mother, “ma”, but to me it sounded like it could mean whichever. If “pom” and “mad” are acceptable as genderneutral terms I don’t see why “ma” couldn’t be. I guess the point I’m trying to make is that in this fic, and to LaF and to me, the term “Ma” is 100% a genderneutral word. I just want to make sure that everyone knows I’m not putting a gender on LaF as a parent, or otherwise? I know everyone will have differing opinions on this, but I wanted to explain my point of view as I might continue using this term for them in other/future fics. Anyway, here goes!
Obviously, Perry and LaFontaine had spent years building their lives, building their home. It looked like it came straight out from a Pinterest board at this point, mixed with the cosy elements only Perry’s grandma-ish tendencies could bring to it. Not that LaF cared much about the decorations, but it was perfect.
But then again, regardless of where they were, LaFontaine had always felt like they were at home with Perry, or like Perry was home. Missing Perry was the same as feeling homesick, and every time they made some commitment, made some gesture or move that showed that they belonged together, it felt like a step closer to where they’d always been meant to be. After she came out of the possession and they transferred from Silas, it seemed to determine that no matter how far apart they’d grown, they’d still do whatever came next together. When they started up LaFerry industries, it was the most grown-up thing they’d ever done, but they were doing it with Perry, and even though they were already partners, becoming business partners as well felt like another step forward. Proposing had been a success - they’d planned it out perfectly since the age of six - and nothing else could have filled them with joy like the sight of the engagement ring on her finger.
Though as expected, of course, most joyful sight got replaced by the image of her walking down the aisle towards them in a white dress. It was a while before anything replaced that, but when it did, it knocked them off their feet completely.
A plus on a pregnancy test after months and years of research and experiments of a whole new kind. Endless models of embryos and DNA fusions, and they swore they could have fainted when it all proved fruitful. The feelings of happiness and content and pride and joy and nerves and excitement multiplied by the week after that, it seemed, every time she was sick in the morning, or they found her eating something funny, or when they had to buy new shirts because she kept outgrowing them.
------------3 pregnancies later-------------
They came through the door without knocking, putting their suitcase down on the floor and bending down to untie their shoes. It was getting harder every day to deal with their back, but they only had themself to blame for all the hours slouching over books and screens, after all. Before they’d gotten off either shoe, though, a small body slammed into them, tiny arms wrapping around their neck and a high voice all but yelling in their ear. “Ma’s home!”
They laughed, steadying themself on one knee so they could hug their youngest child close. “I aaaam!”
The five-year-old cuddled close, giving them a wet kiss on the cheek. “I missed yooou!”
“I missed you too, sweetheart,” they smiled and gave her (all their kids, knowing LaF’s pronouns, were well aware that they didn’t need to have a set gender, but three out of four seemed comfortable with the pronouns people assumed them to have so far, including Clarke, even if she was only five) one back. “What did you guys do today?”
“We drawed with the sticky colors--”
“The finger paint?”
“Yes, and we drived Queen and Rey and Flo to school, and we went grocery shopping, and then mommy had to clean out the fridge…”
They shook their head, amused smile on their face. Had to, sure... “Did she, now?”
“Uh-huh, and I helped!”
“Ohhh, what did you get to do? Did you get to eat the things that didn’t make it?”
“No…” she pouted. “Mommy said I couldn’t…”
They laughed, going to ruffle her hair a bit. Truly their child. “And she was probably right to say that, baby. What are they all doing now?”
“Rey and mommy are doing their hairs, Flo is doing homework, I don’t know where Queen is…”
LaF raised an eyebrow at that - they had no doubt Perry knew exactly where Quinn was, but still. “What do you say we go find her?” They got their shoes off and hoisted Clarke up on their hip, going around the house to find their firstborn. It didn’t turn out to be much of a mystery, however, as they spotted the calendar in the kitchen, remembering the day of the week. “It’s thursday, Clarke, Quinn’s at elf practise.”
Their wife’s voice called out from the nearby bathroom, then, having heard them through the open door. “LaFontaine, stop. She’s at band practise, and I will not have you teaching them another meme.”
“Why, what was wrong with the last one?” They grinned, going to peek into the room, finding nothing but utter ridiculousness - Perry and René, both with some sort of white goo in their hair, probably something to tame it slightly. All their kids had inherited Perry’s curls, but only René seemed to care about actually managing them, like their mother.
Perry raised an eyebrow at them. “For one, it was annoying not to be able to say ‘some’ without---”
René and Clarke both burst into loud song immediately, as if on cue. “Some-BODY ONCE TOLD ME, THE WOOORLD IS GONNA RO-”
The song stopped and both kids dissolved into a fit of giggles when Perry got more of the goo on her fingers and shushed them, booping dots of goo on the tips of both their noses. “I swear, one more word of that god-awful song…”
LaF mock-gasped and held a hand over Clarke’s mouth to silence her. “Hush, sweetheart, she’s attacking!”
“I noticed!” Clarke grimaced, wiping the goo off her nose with her sleeve.
“Don’t you mean you nose-ticed?”
Both children groaned out loud, and Perry rolled her eyes and went to kiss LaFontaine’s cheek. “Welcome home, darling.”
“GROSS!” Clarke declared loudly.
LaF shook their head, grinning. “You kissed my cheek only a few minutes ago!”
“But you and mommy are GROSS!”
“Are not!” They did their best to look offended, but Perry only laughed, smiling softly at them. “I don’t know, sweetie, we are pretty disgusting...”
“Yeah?” They raised an eyebrow, smile never leaving their face.
“Mhmm,” she nodded, her hands settling on the barely noticeable baby bump under her shirt. LaF’s face softened, and let Clarke down before going to cover Perry’s hands with theirs, giving her a proper kiss. “Did you have a nice daaay?”
She nodded, smiling happily at them, ignoring the sound of Clarke gagging and running out of the room. “We did, how was work?”
“The usual, the usual… I’m tired, but y’know, normal.”
“We saved some pasta for you, but I figured I’d reheat it and the sauce for you both when Quinn comes home, is that okay?”
“Of course,” they nodded, kissing her cheek softly before going to pat René’s back - they would have hugged them, if not for the sticky state of their hair. “Hey, R, how’d your test go?”
“Aced it,” they replied with a smug grin directed at LaF. “You were right, I didn’t have to study as much as I did.”
“You did really well with the studying, kid, I’m proud of you. Keep it up and you’ll thank me in high school.”
“I can’t remember all this until I go to high school,” they teased.
LaF rolled their eyes a bit. “Shush, you know what I mean.” René grinned and went to poke LaF’s ribs, but they backed away. “Nuh-uh, not with your hair. I’m staying away from both of you until that’s out.”
Perry rolled her eyes from where she stood, reorganizing the bathroom cabinet. “Because you care so much about making a mess or ruining your clothes? Please, I’ve been doing your laundry for twenty years. Besides, it’s not like it’s bleach.”
“Hey, I’m catching up on the laundry,” they defended themself.
Perry laughed out loud at that. “Oh yes, darling, only nineteen years to go, then.”
They huffed a bit, knowing there was nothing they could say to that, and Perry blew them a kiss before turning back to the cabinet. “René, sweetie, how long has it been now?”
“It’s been...exactly 27 minutes,” they replied, looking at the clock on the wall.
“Right, put your phone away, not in your pocket. We’re getting this out.”
LaFontaine backed towards the door. “Not staying to see this… see you two later.”
“You sound like we’re gonna come out of here bald,” Perry said with a raised eyebrow.
“I’ve no idea what’s in that, you never know,” they chuckled and pecked her lips once more. “I’m gonna go check on Flo,” they told her and left. They found Clarke watching cartoons in the living room as they made their way to knock on their son’s door. “Florence?”
“Come in,” he replied, sounding way too mature for a seven-year-old, but it wasn’t like LaF didn’t know someone else who’d been an adult since the age of five. They just hoped he didn’t feel the same kind of pressure his mother had. He was sat by his desk as they entered, looking frustrated.
“Hey, Flo.”
“Hey, ma…”
“Whatcha doing?”
“English homework,” he grumbled, bottom lip sticking out. “Why can’t the other classes be easy like science?”
They chuckled at that - it seemed the older kids of theirs had inherited both LaF’s affinity for science and Perry’s for social studies and languages, but Florence was into science and didn’t care much for other subjects. “You know, kid, most people don’t find science easy…”
“You do,” he said with a raised eyebrow.
“We do, and everyone finds different things easy, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn it all. What’s the assignment?”
“Writing about our favourite book, but miss Kenner said I couldn’t pick a science book, it has to be fictional,” he huffed, clearly annoyed.
LaF bit their lip so not to smile. “When is it due?”
“Next week…”
“How about I go get you a kid-friendlier version of Frankenstein tomorrow?”
He lit up then, his bright smile making their heart melt slightly. “Really? I can read Frankenstein?”
“Not the original one, you’ll get there when you’re older. But you’ll get the monster bits.” And no details on how their ma had transferred a sentient entity slash consciousness through a USB cable into the corpse of a vampire.
“And she’ll let me write about it?”
“Totally! It’s a classic, she should be thrilled.”
“Awesome!” He grinned, turning the lamp on the desk off, apparently done now. “Are mom and René still doing their hair treatment thing?”
“They just started taking it out, and Clarke’s watching cartoons. Wanna watch with her until Quinn comes home?”
“Yeah!” He bounded down the stairs and they followed as he ran to the couch, and LaF sat down between them, wrapping an arm around Florence as Clarke snuggled into their side wordlessly.
LaF kissed her hair gently before letting their head lean back against the couch, eyelids drooping, not realising how tired they were. They didn’t wake up until about an hour later, when Clarke shook their shoulder, quite gentle for being her. “Ma, Quinn’s home!”
They blinked and shook their head slightly, indeed hearing chatter in the kitchen. “Thank you for waking me up, sweetheart…”
Clarke grinned cheekily. “Mommy said I had to. And that I couldn’t tickle you awake.”
“That’s because your mommy’s nice,” they chuckled. “And you should take after her.”
“No fun!” The five-year-old chimed, shaking her head and making ginger curls fly in their face.
“Yeah, yeah…” they laughed and picked her up, carrying her into the kitchen on their hip to find Perry reheating the food for them and Quinn, who sat at the table talking animatedly about her day, but paused when she noticed them coming in, getting up to hug them tightly, and Clarke in the process. “Hi, ma!”
They hugged back with their free arm, leaning down to kiss her hair. “Hey, Quinn! Wanna start over? I want to hear about your day too…”
She nodded, smiling at them. “I hadn’t gotten that far anyway.”
“Great,” they grinned and put Clarke down on one of the chairs next to Quinn and moving to help Perry prepare the food as they listened. Boring classes, new band songs, friend drama… Florence and René both came in as well after a while, and it all turned into a big discussion about their P.E. teacher, with Clarke agreeing loudly with everyone as if she went to their school as well. They saw Perry’s gaze flitting between the kids by the table and the pot on the stove fondly, and they moved to gently rub her back, helping her keep an eye on both and almost shaking their head with a sort of disbelief, even after all this time, as they took it all in. Everything they’d ever dreamt to have was in this very room. Their dream as a kid to become a scientist was pretty well-represented in that they’d figured out a way for Perry and them to have biological children, and their more adult dreams - marrying Perry, having kids, having more kids, a family of their own… all there. This pregnancy was going to be the last one, they both knew that, but it felt right. LaFontaine and Perry with their five ginger kids was a home they’d always dreamed about coming home to.
(There had been times when they’d wondered if maybe they’d have kids inheriting other haircolours from the family, but so far they were all ginger with Perry’s curls. LaF wouldn’t have them any other way.)
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withgraceandlight99 · 7 years
Through the Eyes of a Child - Chapter 3/?
My hiatus fic | Teen + | Read on AO3 | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
William’s perspective of his dad’s relationship with Felicity, ‘Team Arrow’, and maybe a girl named Zoe. But first, there’s some heartbreak and pain, because this an Arrow fic after all.
A/N: A lot of people requested a chapter of William and Felicity, so here you go! Enjoy!!! And thank you to the great response to this! If there’s anything you’d like to see, send me an ask!!!
“Okay, I’m late for my first day back, so I’ll see you both later.” Oliver ran into the kitchen, carrying his briefcase and dress jacket under one arm. William ducked his head to avoid the kiss that that exchanged by the stove, but waved when his dad said goodbye. When the door slammed behind him, Felicity turned around and smiled. “Guess it’s gonna be just me and you today, eh?”
That scared him a bit. Only because he hadn’t spent much time with her yet. Alone, anyways. William flashed her a smile. “I guess so. We aren’t gonna cook, though, right? Cuz Oliver told me that you’re not a good cook.”
She crinkled her nose and laughed. “I wish I could say he’s wrong. But he’s not. I can cook some really good macaroni, though. We’ll have that for lunch, because Oliver would throw a fit if he found out we’re having stuff from a box.” The last few words were sarcastic, but she smiled. “We can do whatever you want, but I would like to talk to you about something first.”
“Am I in trouble?”
“No! Definitely not. Did that come out like you were?”
“Kind of.”
“Sorry, sweetie.” She winced and took a couple steps backwards. “Obviously, I’m not very good at this. I’ve never really had a kid before. Not that you’re my kid. You’re Oliver’s son. There’s no doubt about that. And I’m just along for the ride. But…I’m going to stop talking now.”
He didn’t really know what to think. Or say. All he could do was stare at her.
“Well, at least I now know you look like your dad when I babble.” She took a deep breath. “Sorry. I’m going to try not to do that for a few minutes.”
He’d kind of assumed that there was more to Felicity than he’d gotten the past couple weeks, mostly because she often had something to do. And because he liked hiding in his bedroom to avoid talking to people. But after the ice cream run two days ago, he wanted to do something with his life. The idea sounded way too adult to him, but he didn’t have many friends, let alone friends his age. After a bit, he was bound to end up thinking like a grown-up.
Which was a little scary.
He looked up at Felicity, who had a horrified expression on her face. “Yeah?”
“I didn’t…I didn’t scare you, did I?”
“Damien Darhk and Adrian Chase tried to kill me. You talking really fast isn’t gonna scare me.”
She giggled, but then sobered again, her eyes turning misty. “I honestly don’t know much about being a parent. In any form. Oliver doesn’t either. I honestly think we should probably get a manual that says ‘parenting for dummies’. Y-You might not know this, actually, of course you don’t know this, but Oliver and I didn’t have good examples when we were growing up. But we’re gonna try this. And probably fail a hundred times over. But can you give us a shot?”
This time he did know what to say to her babbling. More like what to do. He nodded, and then smiled.
It seemed good enough for the blonde-haired lady that had his dad wrapped around her finger. She reached for her phone and leaned against the counter. “So I was checking with your school, and your principal said you never finished. Obviously.”
“You don’t even know what I was gonna say.”
“Either way, no.” He hated school. With passion. Maybe he got that from his dad, who’d moaned and groaned last night about doing something involving numbers for the office. Felicity had finally shut him up by taking the computer and doing it herself. “School’s out for everybody now.”
“But you technically didn’t finish school, buddy. So before you go all ‘grrr’ on me, here’s my proposal.”
If he wasn’t throwing up in his mouth over the thought of finishing school, he would’ve laughed at her motions with her hands at the ‘grrr’ part. Be nice. She’d been gracious enough to talk to him about it—did his dad make her do this because he didn’t want to talk to him about school?—so he owed her his obedience. For now, at least. Unless she gave him a strange option. “Okay, go ahead.”
“Wow, I was hoping that would be less grumpy. But oh well. Okay. Here’s my idea.” Felicity took a seat next to him and opened her phone to show him a document. “You have two weeks left of school. If we get that done, we can do one of two things. Go shopping at IKEA and get you a crazy amount of weird things, or we could go buy you one of those insane video game controllers that I don’t even know what they’re called, but Curtis talks about them sometimes. Deal?”
“I have one question.”
“Can we do both?”
Her eyebrows rose, and then she laughed. “Oh my. Thea’s gonna love you.”
“But can we?”
“How about this.” She puckered her lips and leaned forward, a ‘this is going to work for me either way’ look on her face. “You get the two weeks done in a week…we’ll do both. Maybe even more. Deal?”
“Deal.” He shook her hand and then gestured to the stove. “Your bacon in burning.”
 After showering—because he was getting greasy hair, which couldn’t be more gross—he sat down at the table and stared at his computer from his house. The last time he’d done school, his mom helped him. She’d sat on the other end of the table, doing her own work for the office, listening to his whining about how much he hated doing homework. Whenever he didn’t want to continue, she would come to sit by him and tell him, “Honey, I promise this will be worth it in the long run.”
He didn’t want to do this.
She set the basket of clothes on the couch. “Yes?”
“I don’t want to do this. I-I…can’t.” Just looking at the computer hurt. What if he touched it? He’d heard about things causing flashbacks. It seemed like his dad had that happen to him every now and then. They’d watched movies a couple nights in a row, and during a couple parts, he’d started, and then Felicity gave him the look.
He crossed his arms and sagged forward. “I-I’m sorry. But I just don’t want to.”
“I understand.” She looked past him to the computer. “But I have a question for you. Would you be okay doing school if it wasn’t on there?”
He needed to change the subject right now. “Could I help you fold laundry?”
There was a pause, but she nodded and sat down on the couch. William took a seat on the coffee table and pulled out a t-shirt with stains on it. “Is this Oliver’s?”
“It’s Oliver’s but it’s mine. Assume that most of these shirts are his but I stole them all to sleep in.” Her head snapped up. “But you can’t tell him about that.”
“Why not?”
“I advise you to not ask that question again, mister.”
At some point, he needed the full story on the relationship that seemed to be more than complicated. He pulled out a pile of clothes and set them next to him to fold. Felicity moved faster than him, piling an insane amount of sweatshirts up in the basket after she dumped the rest of the clothes out. How many sweatshirts did they need? She laughed when she caught him looking. “I haven’t done laundry in weeks, and some of this is the other part of the team’s stuff.”
“They have interesting fashion.”
“A lot of this is René’s.” She patted the top of the pile. “He loves clothes like this. Oliver wears these clothes when he’s mopey, but I think most of his stuff is still over in the lair.”
“Why’s it there?”
“That’s where he’d been living.”
Which was odd, since his dad appeared to be living here. Or maybe not. Did he sleep on the couch or something? There were only two bedrooms, and whenever he had nightmares, Oliver got there in seconds. “Uh, can I ask you a question?” No use waiting for her to answer, because if she knew what he wanted to ask, she’d say no. “Why was Oliver living down in the lair?”
“Well…” she continued to fold, her eyes never leaving the clothes. “It’s complicated. Very complicated. But Oliver and I…we just found each other again. We’ve had a very crazy several months. And I guess that after everything that happened a couple weeks ago, we just decided that it was time to move on. Together this time. Does that make sense?”
“Uh huh.” Though fishy. They hadn’t been together and suddenly they were all in again? He didn’t read romance novels—only books that involved action, thank you very much—and he wasn’t very old, but that situation didn’t make sense to him. But judging by Felicity’s reaction, he wasn’t going to ask her again. That would be a question for Oliver at some point. “What does Oliver do when he’s the Mayor?”
“Oh, just your typical stuff. Saving the city from disaster almost every day. Kidding. It seems actually quite boring, besides the crazy stuff he has to deal with from time to time. Don’t tell him I said this, but I think he enjoys being behind a desk and not being shot at. Not that he enjoys being shot at. It’s just that the Mayor thing is a routine, while being out as the Green Arrow, there is a seventy-five percent chance that death could come tonight.”
“Sounds terrifiying.”
“Oh, it is. I don’t know how many times I’ve had to watch…” she took a deep breath. “Never mind. Thank you for helping me with this. Usually it takes a lot longer, because I’m really terrible at folding clothes.”
“I used to help my mom with this kinda stuff. She was a teacher, y’know, so she had a lot of stuff to do, so I’d get this stuff done for her.”
“I bet she loved when you did that.”
“It actually usually annoyed her because I always put everything in the wrong places. One time I tried to do the laundry and I turned everything pink.”
Felicity laughed and pointed to one of the shirts. “That’s what I did to this one. Oliver was so happy about that. If you haven’t noticed, I’m good at computers. That’s it.”
“Oliver thinks you’re awesome, though, so you’re definitely better at more than that.”
She cocked her head and looked at him for a few seconds before nodding, and then giggled. “Maybe you should be our relationship counselor. We’ve talked about giving that a shot, y’know.”
No, he did not know.
“There’s a lot of issues that we both need to work out together, and eventually, it might come in the form of counseling. Or premarital counseling. Which is not something you need to tell Oliver about. Shall we do something else now?”
“Like what?”
“I was thinking—”
Her words got cut off by a beeping sound that came from the tablet on the counter. William pointed at it as she ran to grab it. “Oooh, frack.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Just a minor thing. Well, relatively minor considering what happened two weeks ago. Hold that.” She handed him the tablet and grabbed her phone. “Oliver! Hey, honey, we have a bit of a situation going on.”
William looked down at the screen. Robbery at thirty-second street. Who robbed anything in the middle of the day? The Green Arrow and his posy would be able to easily take these idiots down. Though the rest of the posy were apparently on a much-needed vacation from crime, which left only his dad.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, but that’s an elderly living space. Could you just run down there and check it out? I’ll be on coms if you need me.” When she set her phone down, she gestured to a small box on the table. “Could you grab that for me, please? It’s my com.”
“Oliver had one on on the island.”
“Correct. Thank you.” She opened the box and slipped the tiny black bud into her ear. “Can you hear me? Perfect. And since William’s here, I’m gonna open up the coms on my tablet so that he can hear us. Yes, Oliver, because he’s a part of the family now and you can’t argue against this decision. He can listen in on this one.”
He’s a part of the family now. William smiled as he took a seat next to Felicity. He watched her fingers fly across the keys, drawing up things he could only assume were satellite imaging. Right? When he asked her, she nodded.
“I use a whole bunch of different things. Don’t ever tell anyone this, but sometimes I use the CIA’s facial recognition, or Argus’ equipment.”
“Yes, dear?”
“My son does not need to hear about your—our—illegal activities.”
“I literally have your name on my computer as the Green Arrow.”
“I know, but he doesn’t need to know about…you.”
William laughed at Oliver’s hesitant voice, and Felicity’s open mouth, eyes narrowed as she glared at the tablet. “For the record, I like when she talks about this stuff.”
“Don’t encourage her.”
“No, I really do. I like computers and stuff.”
“Ha! So he’s not exactly like you!” Felicity pointed at the tablet, her laugh sounding a little satonic. Oliver released a long sigh.
“Honey, you are ridiculous.”
“Do you guys usually argue this much?”
Both of them answered, “No.” Felicity clicked off the com and said, “It depends on whether or not he woke up on the right side of the bed.” When she clicked hers back on, Oliver asked, “Why’d you turn that off?
“Because I needed to cough.”
Willaim pursed his lips, considering his options. There were two of them. Continue being a super sweet kid who cried a lot, or flesh out and be a little different than what Oliver and Felicity were used to. His mom told him to go with the latter.
“No, actually, she told me that you guys fighting depends on whether or not you woke up on the right side of the bed.”
“That was supposed to be between you and me!”
Bravo. He tried not to laugh, but watching and listening to them both sputtering about made him giggle. And then burst out laughing that brought tears to Felicity’s eyes. “What?”
“It’s just that this is the first time we’ve really heard you laugh. And it sounds like Oliver’s.”
He hadn’t heard his dad laugh much, but the idea that he sounded like him…it did something to him. All his life, he’d watched his school friends get picked up by their dads, and he wondered about that feeling. Now he finally knew what it felt like, and it was more than he could’ve ever imagined. Mom would be smiling down on him right now, because he finally got to experience what it was like to have a true family.
“Okay, Felicity. I’m here. You seeing anything?”
“No sign of anybody. The call came from the basement, though. Do you have your suit on?”
“Everything but the hood. I’m going down now.”
“I’m seeing something to the left—”
Something exploded. William jerked forward, but Felicity reacted first, screaming, “Oliver!” over and over into the com.
“Wh-What’s…what’s happening?”
“I don’t know. Oliver? Can you hear me?” She swore and slammed her hands on the counter. “I knew this was a bad idea! My God, Oliver, this is so stupid!”
“Hey, hey, he’s not dead.” William touched Felicity’s cold, shaking hand. “I’m sure he’s fine.”
“Oh, you have no idea.” She leaned closer to the tablet, her voice cracking as she begged, “Oliver, answer me!”
Something crackled and then Oliver breathed, “I’m okay, Felicity. I’m okay.”
Felicity burst into tears. Her hand lifted to her face as she cried. Oliver asked at least ten times if she was okay, but she kept shaking her head. William pried the com out of her ear and jammed it into his own. Maybe he didn’t need that, but it made him feel cool. He turned off the sound on the tablet and then spoke. “Hey, it’s William. Felicity’s okay, but she’s crying.”
Oliver sighed. “Tell her I’m okay and I’ll be home soon. Between you and me, she’s still recovering from everything that happened and this probably set her off. Sit on the couch and ramble. That’ll help. I’ll be home in fifteen minutes.”
William turned off the com and shut the computer. He looked at Felicity, who just stared blankly ahead, not blinking and barely breathing. What was happening right now? Was she having a panic attack? Anxiety attack? Or was it something else that he hadn’t learned about yet? “Hey, Felicity?” She didn’t answer. Help me. He wasn’t equipped for this at all. He was only eleven, after all, who was still recovering from losing the only parent he ever knew.
But right now, that wasn’t the priority.
“Let’s go sit on the couch, okay?” He pried her fingers from their death-grip on the counter and helped her stand up. She followed him to the couch, sinking down next to him when he tugged on her hand. What had happened? There had been an explosion. And then Oliver not talking. Something in that time frame set her off, and he didn’t know what to do. Except grab her hand and squeeze. And start rambling.
“When I was really little, I had a dog named Smarty. It was a really stupid name but I named him that because Mom told me I couldn’t. And then Smarty turned out to be really dumb, because he ran away and I never saw him again.” He glanced at Felicity. Her expression hadn’t changed. Why couldn’t Oliver call the Flash so he could get here quicker? “Uh…um, I actually really like science. I probably got that from Mom, because Oliver doesn’t seem to like science. Though cooking is technically a science. So maybe he enjoys it more than he lets on?”
Finally, her eyes glimmered. A little bit. William whispered a ‘thank you, God’, and kept going. “Computer science is interesting, I think. I’m not really smart when it comes to stuff like that, but I think I could learn how to do it. Maybe you could teach me sometime? Because you’re probably the smartest computer person in the world, and it’d be fun to say that you taught me stuff. Also, I think we should surprise Oliver one night and cook dinner, because he thinks you’re a terrible cook and you’d probably be decent if you had help.”
He went silent for a few moments and listened to Felicity’s breathing. And watched her face. She didn’t have the nearly-dead look to her anymore, but whatever had happened was still there. C’mon, Dad, get home. He’d just called Oliver ‘dad’. It wasn’t supposed to be that simple, was it? Focus. “Obviously I don’t know much, but if you want to talk about it…” Bad move. She stiffened again. “Okay, sorry. I’ll tell you about my other animals, okay? I’ve had a lot. I was obsessed—”
“Felicity!” The door burst open and Oliver ran in, wearing his Green Arrow suit. He set his helmet down on the counter and ran to the couch, dropping down into a squat by Felicity. His hands enclosed around both of theirs—William’s included—as he searched her eyes. “What happened, honey? You can talk to me, okay?” One hand reached up and caressed Felicity’s tear-stained cheek. “Talk to me, Felicity.”
“C-Can you…”
“Want me to hold you?” He pulled her up into a standing position and wrapped his arms around her. Her body started to loosen, and after a few minutes, Oliver sank back down to the couch, Felicity cuddled in his lap. William scooted to the side and watched as his dad calmed Felicity down by planting kisses on her hair and face until she heaved a deep breath and relaxed against him.
 That night, William found Oliver in the kitchen, making coffee. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
“Is it about what happened today? Because I was coming to talk to you about it.” He sighed. “There’s something you should’ve known from the beginning. No one in this house, or down in the lair has had a perfect life. We’ve watched our parents die, and cities blow up. And sometimes, what seems like a small thing can trigger memories of those events and that can cripple any of us.”
“So Felicity had…?”
“A mixture of everything. The explosion triggered a memory, and me not answering triggered another.” Oliver sat down on one of the stools and smiled at him. “Thank you for taking care of her. It might not seem like it, but every little thing helps in a situation like that. And just being there for her does a lot.”
“From the little bit I’ve been around her, she’s always so happy.”
“Felicity’s name literally means happiness.” Oliver’s eyes glinted with tears when he spoke. “But she’s not immune to the darkness that we’ve been surrounded in. She’s been my light for five years, but sometimes she needs people to be her light. You did a good job of doing that today.” Oliver clapped him on the shoulder as he walked past. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
William decided not to tell him for the sixteenth or seventeenth night in a row that usually one of the parents would situate him in bed and say goodnight or something like that. He missed his mom doing it, but eventually, Oliver would figure it out. Tonight, he dug around in the fridge for more food and after finding a half-eaten sandwich, turned on the TV. There was a discussion about how Star City hadn’t been subjected to a terrorist attack for the first time in four years. Both women on the show wondered if it had to do with the new mayor. It made him grin. That’s my dad. He’d saved a lot of people, and so had Felicity and the rest of team.
But he was just coming to realize at what cost.
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