#and now altaïr will be ‘obsessed’ with finding him
teecupangel · 1 year
Had another funny plot idea. Desmond in the Crusades, trying to stop certain things. Altair and co still go to Solomon's temple, only when they reach the end, all the Templars, including Robert de Sable, are dead and there's an unknown 'assassin' holding the treasure Al Mualim wants. And Desmond is staring at them like he just got caught at midnight with his hand in the cookie jar. (Where'd the time go? He thought he had like, another fifteen minutes to escape before they got there. Shit.)
You… you do understand what this means, right?
We now have, in our hand, the honored tradition of…
Altaïr chasing his target all over the city.
And this time it isn’t some Templar who has guards on his side.
No, no, no.
This time it’s with an unknown (most probably) Assassin who has the skills of three Master Assassin and a Grand Master (and maybe, just maybe, the vague Bleeds of a pirate).
So when Desmond panicked and booked it, Altaïr was immediately hot on his tails before Malik could even try to suggest they talk it- Nevermind, they’re already too far for them to hear Malik.
Malik and Kadar would stay behind just to confirm the kills (and realize that they were all killed by a sharp blade but not technically a hidden blade, perhaps a dagger or even a throwing knife of some kind… two of the guards were taken out by surprise at the same time, most probably, and there was a hint of a strange smell in the air…)
Back to Desmond and Altaïr…
Their chase would definitely have this kind of vibe:
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And they would be freerunning all over Jerusalem, from the busy streets to the rooftops, ignoring the guards who try to shout at them and sometimes they’d even take the time to take those guards down when they try to apprehend them but then the chase would continue.
Desmond didn’t actually have a plan other than get to the stables and grab a horse, hopefully outrun Altaïr.
He didn’t even know where he planned to go.
Anywhere but Jerusalem, that’s for damn sure.
Goddammit, he should have made more smoke bombs!
Desmond got his wish and he finally managed to get a horse from the stable, Altaïr hot on his tail.
He had hoped getting a horse would give Desmond enough distance for him to finally escape Altaïr.
And, seriously, his legs were killing him and his lungs were about ready to explode, he hoped Altaïr was the same.
Desmond’s horse was fast and it wasn’t long before they were out of Jerusalem.
And that’s when Desmond realized he fucked up.
Because he had picked the first horse he saw, all in the hopes of quickly distancing himself from Altaïr.
But Altaïr…
Altaïr picked his horse.
The same horse he had been using for a while now.
The same horse that was noted to be one of Masyaf’s finest…
And fastest…
Desmond knew he was screwed the moment Altaïr’s horse caught up with him, galloping next to him.
And Altaïr…
The motherfucker tackled him off of his goddamn horse and Desmond couldn’t help the yelp of indignation that left his lips as he was suddenly bodyslammed off.
Now, a common reaction would be to try and fight off one’s assailant while they’re falling.
But Desmond..
Desmond trusted Altaïr.
And so, instead of fighting him off, he wrapped his arms around Altaïr’s arms and embraced him tightly as he braced for impact.
Too surprised by Desmond’s action, Altaïr forgot the next part of his plan which was to grab the horse’s reins so that they would fall to the ground nearby.
They both skidded and rolled until…
They both fell to the nearby cliff, plunging into the uncaring wild currents below.
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worldly-diversity · 3 years
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( @shadxwcd​ ) asked : "You have yet to disprove to me this entire thing isn't a cult, you know?" Arno teases, settling down in a chair beside his mentor to rest his aching feet for just a few moments. Helping solve a murder had ended up with a lot of running back and forth. Typical. "Though it is a rather useful one."  —  Arno & Bellec
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Pièrre's eyes narrowed, Dorian's boy he may be, but Arno had a lot left to learn and that caustic, doubtful attitude of his in regards to the Brotherhood would have to go, sooner rather than later. The lad didn't lack the skill, but he lacked respect, and much of it too.
Oh, he could respect personal power, but he did not respect their millennia old struggle, nor did he respect the sacrifices of those masters who had come before them, those who had purged the Brotherhood of corruption and awakened a new dawn, a new era for the Brotherhood in which the Templar Order was the one left scurrying among the rats. If he had it his way, only the Roi des Thunes would be amenable to hosting them.
"A cult? Foolish boy…" He shook his head, struggling to find a way to finally instil Arno with the admiration for the cause he should have grown up with in the first place. "Your father would be disappointed to hear you speak in such terms. He gave his life for the cause, to protect artefacts best kept far from Templar hands, or any for that matter."
Pulling loose a flask from his belt he sipped the restorative before latching it back. No need to waste the entire thing, after all, but it was invigorating, and perhaps it would cure him of this exhaustion as well…
"What does a cult stand for, boy? Obsessive religious worship with no real purpose. A waste of energy and life designed for those lost souls to squander their lives for in the hopes of something, be it a sense of belonging or… redemption of some kind."
His train of thought had him pause briefly in his speech. Redemption, that was the key here, wasn't it? It certainly sounded accurate enough and from what he'd learned of the boy… Merde, would that Dorian were here to help him keep a cool head. The boy spat in the face of everything their order stood for! He may jokingly call them a cult, but that was what Arno used it as, and to Pièrre, that was unforgivable—
But no need to jump to conclusions or make an enemy of him yet either, Dorian's legacy was worth more than that after all.
"The Assassin Brotherhood's fight may seem pointless to you, mired in politics and thrown from the path as we are under Mirabeau's peaceful tactics, but we have stood for centuries, reformed once under the leadership of Altaïr Ibn La-Ahad in Masyaf, and once more under the guidance of Ezio Auditore of Florence, who established a strong Assassin presence in Florence and Rome alike!"
He was passionate about the history of the Brotherhood, their history, which was a tale that should not be dismissed so easily as fables and fear mongering.
"Tell me Arno, why do we fight? Why do you fight?"
Jumping to his feet, Pièrre pinned Arno with a stern stare, knowing by now both his answers, at least the true ones, not the fallacies the boy would spin in an attempt to placate him. Bellec was his Mentor, perhaps he ought to take the job beyond the physical aspect of his training, as Arno was clearly not mentally prepared to have the Brotherhood's interests in mind above his own once he tread the field alone.
"The Brotherhood has existed for as long as anyone can remember, not for our own gain, but to counteract the Templars. You grew up with them, no doubt you'll call them benevolent, because their public and even their private faces convey as such, even their motives may seem righteous to you. After all, we want the same thing, don't we? Peace."
The words felt vile in his mouth, but they would be necessary to drive the point home. Arno may never vilify the people he grew up with specifically, but he could yet make the boy turn against their goals before they had a traitor to the cause worse than Mirabeau in their midst.
"However, it is our methods that distinguish us. Even now, famine plagues Paris. Food has gone missing, there are riots in the streets and day by day politicians like Robespierre push the Templar agenda: Peace through control. Robespierre himself may or may not be a Templar, but he follows their whispers and suggestions, and with the King murdered at the guillotine as I'm sure is their aim, the Templars will have the opportunity to seize power in the midst of the chaos."
Pacing helped somewhat keep his fury at bay. It pissed him off that he seemed one of the few in the Brotherhood at all willing to do anything to make a change, yet even he was loath to betray the vestiges of the Parisian Brotherhood, even if it was to rebuild it better and stronger in the wake of the old leadership… He could not do this alone, and Arno was charismatic, quick witted and frankly had the makings to be one of their best. With him as the face of the rebirth of the Parisian Brotherhood… Pièrre doubted they could fail. That is, if he could convince the boy…
"We fight for free will boy. Peace through free will, where all understand the true meaning behind the tenets of our Creed. Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted. These words are not a leave to do as you please! They are a call to responsibility! To understanding! Only we govern our own fate Arno, and it is our duty to give the people that selfsame choice, rather than to leave them to the likes of whatever new Grandmaster is pulling the strings and making Paris bleed as she does."
Would that Arno would listen to him—
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A/N: I HAD PROBLEMS WITH THE TITLE SO I KINDA PICKED THE SONG CENTURIES BY FALL OUT BOY AND CALLED IT A DAY. I’ve received two requests about the Soul Mates AU - which I fully intend to write before satisfying my own selfish needs this time - and I’ll start working on them right away! I hope y’all enjoy this. It ended up being much bigger than what I initially planned, but it’s worth the ride. I’ll also dedicate this small piece of fiction to @winters-uprise and @arvaleeknight - the only people I know who understand my Altaïr obsession. 
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Your name: submit What is this? // <![CDATA[ function replaceAll(find, replace, str) { return str.replace(new RegExp(find, 'g'), replace); } function myHandler() { var input = document.getElementById("inputTxt").value; document.body.innerHTML = replaceAll('Y/N', document.getElementById("inputTxt").value, document.body.innerHTML); } // ]]>
You sighed, rubbing your eyes in a vain attempt to push the sleepiness away. You hadn’t been able to catch much sleep — for whatever reason it was, you simply couldn’t last night, and when you did your mind was pestered by that same dream. Again.
You had been having the same dream for over a week now. There would always be the same man in front of you and he seemed… sad. Even when you couldn’t make much out of his face beside his eyes — his amber gaze, almost alike to liquid gold, bored into the very depths of your soul —, you could tell by the way he gazed at you somehow. The man uttered words under his breath, you couldn't quite make them out, then he'd turn away from you with a sorrowful expression and, for whatever reason it was, you weren’t able to follow him. Your heart filled with dread once more when he disappeared in the dreams, that’s when you’d always wake up.
The weirdest thing was that you didn’t know anyone with such… peculiar eyes. You could see no meaning behind this weird dream — nor were you certain if you really wanted to know. What if it meant death? You had seen enough sci-fi movies to know that trying to change the future was always a bad idea.
You shook your head, chuckling at your own silliness. As if that were to happen. You forced your attention to the professor’s lecture about social media — Mr. Allman always managed to, somehow, turn something tedious and uninteresting into something even more tedious and uninteresting. It was a great ability if you wanted to kill your students with boredom, you mused. Sighing, you sunk into your seat as the lecture carried on; your long forgotten laptop still shut in front of you.
When the lecture was finally over, you  rushed to gather your things and slung your hefty bag over your shoulder to make your leave; idly thinking about the wonderful cup of coffee you were undoubtedly rewarding yourself with before returning to your dorm and working on an insanely difficult assignment you were given earlier today. You stepped inside the small café — Susan and Nan’s, they had the best coffee you’ve ever tasted in your whole life and it wasn’t watered down like Hot Beans’ —, still wandering in thought. You greeted Susan with a wave of your hand, ordering your usual and went to the back of the shop, like you usually did, since it was the only place where you could have some peace — bonus points, it was usually the emptiest of spots.
Only, this time, there was someone sitting in your favorite place — the corner, against the wall. You glared at the man sitting there — black short hair and tanned skin with a curious faded line over the left side of his lip. A navy blue T-shirt peeking behind the grey hoodie he wore, earbuds shoved into his ears as he wrote something down in his notebook. You frowned, staying in place as you eyed him. He seemed familiar… but not. You had the feeling that you should know him but you couldn’t have — you had never seen the man before.
You watched, dumbfounded, as he stopped writing and looked up at you; golden gaze meeting yours with curiousness and a hint of annoyance. And then, it hit you like a train.
You held back your sobs, clutching to Altaïr’s robes and hiding your face in the crook of his neck in a vain attempt to stop the tears from spilling down your cheeks. He caressed your hair, pressing gentle lips to the top of your head as you trembled in despair.
“Please, love me back…” You whispered heartfeltly, fingers curling into the thick white material of his robes. Altaïr sighed heavily, rough hands cupping your face as he coaxed you to look at him.
“You know we can not do this…” He said again, softly, “I will bring you nothing but pain and danger.”
His eyes widened when they met yours, brows furrowing as confusion washed over his face. All the sounds from the café — the laughter, Susan’s calls for orders, the chattering and clatter of cutlery — seemed to vanish as you stared back at the man; a man you felt like you should know. He opened his mouth, putting the pen down, as if to speak but nothing came out, so he closed it; still watching you, no doubt as puzzled as you must’ve been right now.
“I don’t care, Altaïr!” You cried out, eyes casting downwards as you pressed your lips together to stop the sobs from rising again.
“I do love you, Y/N.” He confessed quietly, “But… I’m an Assassin. My life is devoted to the Creed and I can not turn my back on my duty, my honor. I want you to understand… I can not be this selfish. I can not lead two lives, Y/N.”
You squeezed the paper cup in your hand, fighting the nagging sensation that you knew that man sitting there, that you were familiar with the way his eyes studied your face, the way he moved and the way he spoke. He put his pen down, taking one earbud out of his ear as he kept his gaze trained on you.
“… Who are you?” The man asked slowly, his voice inquisitive and low; but not threatening.
You scrambled, tearing your eyes away from his as you noticed how awkward this little staring contest must've been. “I’m sorry— I’m just...! Ah— my name is Y/N.” You managed to stutter, cursing yourself in the process as you watched his face shift into amusement.
He took his cup of coffee to his lips, taking a careful sip, still watching you “Altaïr.”
You mulled the name in your head. It sounded familiar, yet not. Was it Arabic? Most likely. You smiled sheepishly at him, nodding slightly in acknowledgment; giving up on trying to recall where you knew him from “Uh… I know this may look like some cheap pickup line, but… have we met… before?”
Altaïr’s eyes widened slightly at your question and, for a moment, he looked surprised. “… I believe not.” He muttered out, clearly puzzled, before shutting his notebook and putting his things together; and, for a moment, your heart sunk at the idea of the stranger leaving. “Sit with me.” He said with a small quirk of his lips before tsking and closing his eyes “Of course, if you don’t mind.”
You grinned at him, genuinely amused by seeing the man flustered — and you could tell this wasn’t something that happened so often with him — and accepted his offer, sighing as you rested your back against the cushioned chair.
“Don’t do this to me…” you pleaded again, looking up into his eyes “Please…”
“The circumstances might not favor us today…” the assassin whispered to you, pressing a kiss to your trembling lips “But I promise you. We’ll find each other again, in our next life and when we meet, I’ll love you the way you deserve to be loved, Y/N.”
Altaïr watched you for a while, eyes softening when they met yours as he chuckled. “I guess you could say your cheap pickup line got you somewhere, yes?”
You blushed, fidgeting with your coffee at his teasing. “Perhaps.”
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teecupangel · 5 months
Just saw the Mermaid!Desmond post and it reminded me that i have been playing around with the idea that Desmond gets transported to the past as a mermaid(he prefers the term 'merman' thank you!). With my obsession with EziDes(i'm shameless XD), i imagined 2 scenarios:
1) Ezio meets Desmond in Venice and though at first Desmond is shy and hides away, Ezios persistence and charm wins him over. Desmond has the ability to launch some sticky "vines" from his hands to drag people into the water(based on what the mermaids in Pirates of the Caribbean can do), so he helps Ezio with assassinations from the canal. We could even have some drama where the Templars catch Desmond in a tank on land and when Ezio comes to save him, the tank breaks and at first Desmond is suffocating, then he is in immense pain while his body transforms into a humans. So good news: he can walk on land and even "sleep" with Ezio without risking drowning him(No Ezio, we are not trying it again!). Bad news: it hurts like a motherfucker to transform and it takes a hot minute. At least he can see Monteriggioni now!
2) The classic "Desmond takes Older!Ezio and himself to the past to save Ezio's family" but Desmond is turned into a mermaid(merman!) and is stuck in the disgusting river that runs through Florence. They get transported a day before the execution(Ezio just needs that scar, i love that connection too much XD), so they get a plan to bust out the Auditore family during the night and use a boat to get far enough away from the city before switching to a wagon. Giovanni is confused to what his son is doing("Why didn't you deliver the papers to Uberto, Ezio?"), but decideds to trust his son. During the trip, a guard almost raises the alarm but before he can, something whips out of water and drags the man in. Everyone but Ezio is shocked and when they get to the wagon, they see a small tub with water in the back. Before they can ask about it, they see Ezio lift something from the river before turning around and revealing a mermaid(MERMAN!) in his arms. Ezio is not leaving Desmond behind, no matter how difficult transporting him is(in this version i'd have Desmond need to learn how to shift forms, so for a while he has to be transported in a tiny ass tub if he was to follow Ezio around). The ride back is pretty awkard 'cause it turns out only Ezio can hear Desmonds voice(he speaks mentally, so even underwater he can talk to Ezio and the connection can reach pretty far).
We can also use Altaïr and the funny scenario of him being afraid of water, but still has a mermaid(for the LAST TIME: I'M A MERMAN!) boyfriend. XD Though Desmond would be very helpful for the guy that hides on the boat.
Maybe the treasure in Solomons temple started glowing after the entrance collapsed, distracting the templars enough for a hurt Malik and bruised Kadar to grab it and flee? And on the ride back to Masyaf, during an attempt to cross a river to lose the Templars on their trail, the treasure falls into the water, causing an explosion of light. Kadar was blinded by it, but Malik escaped the worst of it and swears he saw a large dark shape swimming away from the orb before he went to grab it. When he returns to Masyaf, with a dead arm and a mostly blind brother, he still blames Altaïr for everything that went wrong, but knows it could have been so much worse.
Altaïr is sent to find the traitor(the same as cannon), but afterwards is sent to the river Malik experienced the light explosion, to search for whatever came from the treasure. Altaïr curses Malik for his clumsiness, to lose the treasure in the river! If it hadn't been glowing it would have been lost. So Altaïr is in a very bad mood when he reaches the river to start his search. He is forced to spend days following it to the ocean, but when he reaches it, he sees something gold, glittering underneath the waves. Before he can try to even figure out how to get closer without having to get near the water, it moves upwards, revealing a strange creature. A half man, half fish spirit that looks like him, just staring at him from the water. They stay there, staring at each other before the spirit swims back under the water, dissapearing before Altaïr can even utter a sound of suprise. No matter how hard he searches the coast, the spirit does not show itself. Altaïr is once again forced to return to his master with another failure.
Phew, okay, this took almost an hour to write(i'm a pretty slow typer). XD Words just came pouring out during the Altaïr section. Lol
Additions to the ask from @thedragonqueen1998
Follow up on my Mermaid!Desmond ask:
I completely forgot to add in a description for Desmonds mermaid design. XD I'm a fan of the more spikier designs, so he'd have sharp fins on the side of his tail, a large one on his back, razor sharp claws and webbing on his hands and his ears would be fins. His teeth would be large and sharp and his jaw could almost shoot out like a goblin sharks one. It also opens wise enough that he can bite someones head off. His colouring would be a shiny gold that would dampen the more tired he becomes and the shine would fade if he is sick. So if he spends alot of time in the Venice canals his colours would fade quickly to Ezio's panic. XD He's fine, he just has the mermaid version of the flu.
Additions by teecup:
Desmond being a mermaid during Renaissance Italy would be so fun. Of course, Leonardo would have to paint him, maybe even call him the ‘Siren’ of Greek folklore, going as far as painting what looks like a lot like Templars as the people the supposed Siren drowns.
Centuries later, people would debate if Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘Siren’ is androgynous or is actually male. Shaun has been part of that debate far too much.
Desmond probably has the habit of lifting his tail then smacking it down, making water splash all around the tank, an instinctive move that mimics humans saying their feet when they’re dangling.
There was actually an ask about what kind of merfolk design would each Assassin have but I can’t find it (as usual).
One of my suggestion for Desmond though is a tail similar to an angler fish like this:
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Not exactly like this but a combination of this and your idea of sharp fins. They seem to glow but it’s more noticeable when using Eagle Vision.
Also… the water underneath Monteriggioni is a good place for Desmond to stay as well (although Ezio would be everything to renovate Monteriggioni to have a pond large enough for Desmond, it will become his priority even if they don’t profit from it XD).
If you want an alternative meeting, Ezio could meet Desmond in the underground waters of Monteriggioni while he was exploring Monteriggioni.
For the AltDes version, I’m just kinda imagining Altaïr would be too stubborn to return to Masyaf until he was certain what he just saw. He had already failed, he can’t afford to fail again.
Both because of his pride and because he had lost faith in Al Mualim and the Brotherhood too much that he actually believes that they would execute him if he failed again.
So he’s just camping there, staring at the waters.
Every time he feels like someone is staring back, the feeling would be gone by the time he turns around.
He had read about many mystical beings that live in the waters and Altaïr had started to write about what he can observe, even going as far as drawing what he could remember of what he saw.
If anyone was to see it, it would look like the ramblings of a man imagining something that doesn’t exist.
Or perhaps they would believe it.
Many people do believe in such rot.
Altaïr did not.
Not until he saw the spirit.
And now…
Altaïr was simply too stubborn to retreat.
He would capture the spirit and drag it back to Masyaf if it’s the last thing he does.
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teecupangel · 10 months
As ‘Desmond can steal/touch his ancestor when he’s Bleeding’ idea more or less can be seen as gen, I figured this absolutely AltDes version (as I sorta hinted on in the alternate POV) should have its own post instead.
The AltDes version has definitely been started by the wonderful @thedragonqueen1998
Oh, i just imagine Altair waiting for the spirit to return to him after the whole thing with the apple went down, only to never feel him again. Maybe he'd use the apple to get answers? Could defo lead to altdes if you want comfort. ^^
My reply:
Yeessssss. Let's end this with Altaïr finding a way to keep Desmond in his timeline and maybe a big scene of Desmond holding onto Altaïr's red sash for one last time before he dies and Altaïr just grabbing his hand while the Apple glows and dragging him to his timeline
From @thedragonqueen1998
oh, im just imagining Desmond going up to the Eye and he sees Altaïr standing there, with his back turned and he holds onto the sash before he puts his hand on the device. He doesnt know if hes screaming as theres only the burning pain, the intense heat, the pure whiteness, the.. feel of fine silk in his left hand.
Altaïr has made sure to keep the Apple on him, so that if the spirit returns he could hopefully anchor it. Maybe he could finally ask some questions without it dissapearing? But its been months. Where as the spirit visited every few days, theres been nothing now. Maybe he should finally put it to rest? Hide away the Apple from anyone seeking to use i-
The spirit, its back. He makes sure to make very slow moves to pull out the Apple while the spirit holds his sash.
He cant mess this up, it might be months if not years until he can get another chance to anchor Desmond to him. With the Apple in his hands he tries to link the spirit to him. To communicate with it. Thats when the screaming starts. Altaïr freezes, these arent just screams of pain, its a death call. Is this how it died? He desperatly wants to turn, to comfort the dying creature, but he cant risk it. The Apple says its 47% done with "uploading memory".
What that means, Altaïr does not know, but the Apple has never failed in granting him his wishes, though understanding the information is another matter. He doesnt know if its been seconds, minutes or hours listening to the horrid screams, to smelling burnt flesh, before they stop and the Apple says "Memory Transfer Complete. Starting Body Transfer. Body Damaged By 20%, Repairs Can Be Done. Proceed?" Repairs? Does it mean saving the spirit? If so, "Proceed".
Addition from me
Malik did not understand this entire ‘spirit’ business that Altaïr has built in his mind. He had never felt anything strange whenever he was with Altaïr. If anything, the bureau in Jerusalem felt more haunted than Altaïr himself but, even if Malik has no real concrete explanation to the disappearing cups and small items in Jerusalem’s bureau, he also wouldn’t be able to stop it from being concluded as being ‘I forgot where I put it’.
Nonetheless, Altaïr stresses that the spirit is real and his obsession with this spirit of his that is named Desmond was simply another facet of Altaïr’s personality at this point. It was his deepest secret, only told in confidence to Malik because he needed a ‘sounding board’ to talk over his theories and plans.
Malik would have suggested he get a cat but he feared that making Altaïr a cat owner would either make a very spoiled and fat cat or a neglected wild cat that would get its treats elsewhere while its owner forget its existence.
So he tried to be this quiet sounding board, even ready to simply look over the reports given to him as part of his duties as Altaïr’s Keeper when he starts to hear all these… tales of a time far beyond them, machineries that Altaïr explains but left Malik reeling and feeling quite foolish for not understanding, of this… Animus.
Malik had thought Altaïr had gone mad. That whatever power had driven Al Mualim mad when he held the Apple had taken hold of Altaïr by tempting him with what he desired more than power itself.
And a connection beyond what mortals usually have.
Malik had never thought of Altaïr as being a romantic but he was a man who liked to make dramatic entrances and exits. Cyprus would be a testament to that and, really, it was just as well that Altaïr did not do anything too stupid when he went to Cyprus. (Although a temporary alliance with a Templar woman had been risky and Malik was just glad said woman had told Altaïr that she was leaving Levant to travel elsewhere.)
Malik didn’t want to deal with that kind of headache. Malik had been ready to tell Altaïr that perhaps the Apple had been faking it but then Altaïr showed him these… ‘post its’ that Desmond supposedly left and…
The materials themselves were nothing Malik had seen before. The words he used in English were strange but his Arabic was fluent.
And looks eerily like Altaïr’s, both in the way it was written and the words used.
Perhaps that was what made Altaïr snap.
The insinuation that this Desmond didn’t exist. That Altaïr had made up this person, a person who, from Altaïr’s own description and the little papers Malik had seen, looked and sounded like the kind of person that Altaïr would fall in love with.
Kind but as lonely as him, understanding of Altaïr’s own faults and still believing in him…
Malik had feared that Altaïr would do something drastic.
He had plans already written up and was about to start preparations in secret to keep Masyaf and the Brotherhood running while he tries to get into the bottom of this entire Desmond thing.
Altaïr was slowly unraveling because Desmond hadn’t been contacting him. Just quietly visiting, Altaïr had called them.
It felt like this was the prelude to something big in Malik’s eyes.
Make Altaïr desperate for any communication, make him desire to ‘hear’ from Desmond once more… Altaïr was primed to do something stupid and Malik believed that the perpetrator had to be that damn Apple.
So Malik went to Altaïr’s private studies to finally confront him and, if need be, knock him out so he could drag him away from the Apple.
But, when he got there, he found Altaïr holding an unconscious man in his arms.
A man wearing clothes that Malik had never seen before… And a right arm charred and black with golden lines lightly glowing underneath the cracks…
Malik realized…
“I did it. I anchored Desmond to me.”
… that perhaps that spirit that has been tempting Altaïr this entire time had been one of the olden ones that had created the Apple itself.
And more ideas from @zero-saito and @thedragonqueen1998
From @thedragonqueen1998
@teecupangel oooh, thats so hood! Malik would be so suspicious of Desmond, thinking hes tricking or manipulating Altaïr, but also cant help but like him. How he makes Maliks tea exactly how he likes it, how he pushes Altaïr into taking breaks and how he treats the novices. How could a being that made the accursed Apple be so pure and good? Did it take the darkness within it and store it into the artifact? Or something else? The being, Desmond, talks very little of it. For what reason does he share such wonderous "future" ideas, but will not tell of where to find more artifacts, of their uses and purpose? Malik can only hope it is for a good reason.
From @zero-saito
@thedragonqueen1998 @teecupangel I love all of this ‘spam’ 😍 this is great!! Yes to suspicious Malik but also Desmond is so sweet he can’t be mad for long. Also altair finally calming down and stop simping over a ghost! Wait! Malik finding out that desmond was haunting the bureau and either asking for the stuff back or an explanation. Desmond having puppy eyes that break Malik like Kadar used to
From @thedragonqueen1998
@zero-saito god yes, Desmonds puppy eyes are lethal! And he feels so guilty cause his hoard didnt travel with him. And he cant help stealing more to build another. He's like a dragon, gotta hoard everything!
From @zero-saito
@thedragonqueen1998 he has to steal things from altair and Malik the old fashioned way but he might still be able to steal from ezio and Connor the usual way. He will miss his family mementos after all
From @thedragonqueen1998
@zero-saito oh, didnt think about him keeping his Bleeds. :O i cant really think of anything else to add though XD im out of ideas here.
I got you, guys XD
Desmond wasn’t sure how Altaïr had done it and Altaïr himself was still studying it but his reasoning for studying it was more on the side of making sure Desmond stayed anchored to him. Desmond was sure that there was no way for him to return to his time, not when Altaïr had taken him just as he was about to die, his last memory the sound of his own voice telling him in a robotic sounding tone that the Solar Flare has passed and that it was dispersing the remaining 10% of the shield.
Desmond didn’t know if dispersing the shield was even a good thing but he had fate in the Assassins (his friends) that they would figure something out if it didn’t.
Oh, and about Juno too.
But Desmond was going to ask Altaïr’s help on that front too once he was satisfied that Desmond wouldn’t be thrown out of his time at all.
Desmond was sure that only Ezio and Ratonhnhaké:ton would be able to do that anyway since it was highly possible the ones he could connect with were the only ones who could use the Apple that way.
Between the two, Ratonhnhaké:ton wouldn’t even know it was an option because he would throw the Apple into the sea as soon as he received it, knowing the danger that it possessed.
Ezio wouldn’t even think about asking the Apple such things. He had always been wary of the Apple’s power and it took Machiavelli pushing him for weeks for him to even ask the Apple where Cesare was. So… yeah, Ezio was highly unlikely.
Even if they do…
Desmond was sure he and Altaïr would end up trying to contact one another to find a way to bring Desmond back.
It would be nice to see Ezio or Ratonhnhaké:ton. To be able to talk to them and to tell them everything but…
Desmond wanted to stay in this time.
He wanted to stay with Altaïr.
So the moment he saw their backs as another Bleeding Episode hit him, he gave them a letter that explained his situation.
Desmond couldn’t believe he didn’t think of it before.
Not like there were any papers lying around that Desmond could use in any of the hideouts he’d been. They mostly kept everything in their laptops, computers and other gadgets. Any paper lying around would be important that Desmond couldn’t take or part of Shaun’s corkboard which he also couldn’t take unless he wanted Shaun to start slapping his hand like a mother batting her child’s hand before the child could take a cookie.
Here in Masyaf though…
Malik was okay giving him as many pieces of paper as he wished.
He knew Malik was still wary of him and Desmond wasn’t surprised.
He’d be more surprised if Malik wasn’t wary of him at all.
Still, Desmond was pretty sure that he was slowly whittling Malik’s suspicion of him since he had been more than forthcoming about everything.
Malik did see the small treasure hoard that Altaïr’s (and Desmond’s) room had in the corner, filled with a lot of strange items that Desmond was more than happy to explain to Malik.
He would forever miss his hoard back in the 21st century but it was fine. He knew the others wouldn’t mind helping Desmond have a new one.
He… was still not sure if he should laugh or be offended that Malik had thought he was an Isu.
But that was fine.
This place…
This time…
It was peaceful.
And he knew the pitfalls that would come.
Desmond was confident that Altaïr and Malik would listen to him once he explained it all.
But for now…
He just wants to relax for a bit.
And let himself be consumed by the peace and happiness he felt.
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teecupangel · 26 days
Based on @wisecloudnightmare’s tags in the Altaïr and Desmond commits identity fraud (on each other) idea:
#this makes me think of that one comic where joonghyuk keeps saying going away kim dokja and then when kim dokha really disappears #he says don't you ever leave again or I'll kill you asfghjkbijgds #ugh but altaïr with 999th joonghyuk's personality would be so fascinating too #the one where his mind is really fragile but he's still a beast to fight with. only kdj can tame him.
(Absolute spoilers to ORV underneath)
I believe you are talking about the 1863rd Yoo Joonghyuk. 999th Yoo Joonghyuk is the best boi who sacrificed his limbs and life so his companions could reach the ending even without him by making a pact with a certain Outer God (which I think would be a fun idea to play with as well).
We’ll focus on 1863rd version for this one and we’ll make it so that Altaïr is regressing over and over again and he has no idea why.
He’s caught in a time loop that starts every time he died (doesn’t matter when, where or how, what matters is he dies) and he doesn’t even have a goal to focus on.
He always regresses to the same point:
The moment he killed an innocent man underneath the Temple Mount, Malik saying the same words again and again.
Nothing worked.
Getting the Apple of Eden during this time did not help.
Saving Kadar did not do anything.
Killing Abbas before he orders the death of his family and friends did not end this cursed life.
His first life was not perfect but it was a fulfilling one.
His later lives?
He could not bear to watch his sons grow and die before him.
He could not bear the thought of that family of his from long ago become just another part of this wretched tragedy.
That’s when the Apple whispers to him of what he must do.
It never did that before.
So he agrees to it as long as the Apple promises to find a way to finally kill him without any chance of returning to that point.
The Apple only says “Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad’s greatest wish will come true in this ‘round’.”
The Apple’s instructions gets Altaïr to kill Al Mualim early on, branding him a traitor and pitting him against his own brothers. This culminates in pretty much a ‘me versus the world’ with Malik being ordered to hunt him down together with Abbas.
During one of the three-way fight between Altaïr, some Assassins and the guards of the city they are in, Desmond appears.
Desmond survived the Solar Flare but how he did it was hazy. What he does know is that something is terrible wrong with Altaïr because he doesn’t look like the Altaïr in his memories.
This Altaïr is both more savage yet also more tired than Desmond remembered.
There is a resignation in his movements even as he dodged everything. As if he had given up on life but knows he must continue to move forward, ignoring the pain and tiredness of his mortal body.
Desmond doesn’t know about the regressions until the Apple tells him that this is the 1863rd ‘loop’.
Because of this, Desmond tries to help him and Altaïr leans on him because he is an anomaly. He knows of Altaïr’s first life.
He only knows about Altaïr’s first life, reminding him about it when he himself barely remembers it.
Desmond was from the original timeline.
Desmond was the real key to end this, not the Apple.
And so Altaïr started to depend on him.
Protecting Desmond was the most important thing in this entire world because he was Desmond, the key to ending all of this and the first person to ever get pass the darkness that has clouded Altaïr’s mind for so long.
Desmond was important.
Desmond’s words were law.
All he needed was Desmond.
On the other corner…
The Apple just lets Desmond use it like it was Desmond’s personal Google.
It does, however, give an error every time Desmond asks why he’s been transported to this timeline and the truth about the loops.
Desmond knows that Altaïr is getting a bit… well…. obsessed with him. But it brought life back in his eyes and that was enough for Desmond. He’d deal with the rest as they come up. (famous last words)
The twist is the loop is an unintentional byproduct of the Reader and the Heir trying to find clues to how to save the world by checking the other unused timelines that the Calculations had also found and more timelines that the Calculations didn’t catch the first time.
They didn’t know that Altaïr’s constant use of the apple made him the closest being to them and he gets sucked into their research, but didn’t get to the Grey. Instead, he was taking over the consciousness of the Altaïrs in those timelines they’re ‘skimming’.
Time was inconsequential to the Reader and the Heir. It was not to Altaïr.
They only learned about Altaïr around the end of the 1862nd turn.
The Apple? That’s the Heir staying in the Gray and connecting with the Apple to guide Altaïr into bringing the solution into the 1863rd worldline.
Unfortunately, something happened and what he brought was an incomplete solution.
Because Desmond forgot that he was the Reader.
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teecupangel · 6 months
Oh god I’m sorry I’ve been obsessed with Yu-gi-oh! lately but the thought wouldn’t leave me alone, so consider: Desmond as Yugi and Altair (or any one of his ancestors, really) as the Spirit of the Puzzle
When you think about it, the Bleeding Effect is kinda like a possession of some kind, only the subject is being possessed by the memories he is watching and these possessions don’t truly have a ‘conscience’ of their own.
So, we can do this in canon and make the memory of Altaïr touching the Apple be the trigger that gave Altaïr a conscience in Desmond’s mind.
Or so that’s what Shaun theorized after he learned of Desmond’s split personality when Lucy got Desmond out and they went to the Rome hideout.
That’s not what happens.
Because Altaïr doesn’t just have a separate conscience to Desmond.
He remembers everything.
Up to his death.
And the trigger was touching the Apple, yes…
But it only made Altaïr see Desmond as he watched Altaïr’s memories.
And it wasn’t the Altaïr of 1191 that saw Desmond.
It was the old lonely man taking his final breath in a dark empty library underneath the only place he ever called his home.
He felt Desmond’s warmth and, as his eyes slowly closed, he felt his very soul escape his body.
And find comfort inside Desmond.
Everyone might think Desmond’s Bleeding Effect was unique thanks to his 100% synchronization rate with Altaïr.
But no.
Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad was dead.
And he had possessed his descendant.
… but it wasn’t like anyone was going to believe them.
And Desmond… didn’t really feel like explaining it to anyone.
Right now, he wasn’t even sure if he could trust the Assassins around him.
Altaïr felt something was off.
Especially about that woman by the name Lucy Stillman.
And between these strangers and the ghost whose memories he watched and felt like his own?
It was clear which one he would trust.
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teecupangel · 2 years
Zero Eclipse's Chapter 43 is long enough that I can post the first 1k+ words as a 'sneak peek' and there will still be 12k words left.
But why would I do that?
“All the preparations are complete. We leave at first light tomo-”
“I’m not going with you.” 
“Father, please.” His oldest son (his only remaining son) pleaded as he took a step toward him, “Your obsession with the Apple is becoming dangerous. Please… come with me to Europe and help me warn them about the Mongols.”
“Just… a change of scenery and a bit of traveling.” Darim tried, he truly tried, his dutiful son, his oldest son, “They say that there are libraries there filled with-”
“I am not going.” Altaïr growled as he glared at his oldest son, “Leave if you wish but I will not accompany you.”
“You are not a child anymore, Darim.” Altaïr snapped, “You do not need my protection nor my guidance.”
Darim was quiet for a few moments before he lowered his head. Even with his hood covering much of his face, Altaïr knew his son too much to know the resignation in his expression.
And the disappointment.
“It is not your protection nor your guidance that I need right now,” Darim said quietly. He raised his head and calmly told Altaïr, “Very well. I will leave at first light tomorrow. I shall talk to Ala ad-Din about your stay here and request that they do not bother your…”
Darim glanced at the papers littering his father’s desk as he continued, “... studies.”
Darim turned around and stood by the doorway in silence for a few seconds before he said in a monotone voice, “Safety and peace, father.”
Altaïr remained quiet as Darim finally left his room. Altaïr closed his eyes and rested his hands on top of the many scattered pages strewn all across the large desk. He began to tremble as irritation began to build up inside him. 
Not for his son.
But for himself.
He was irritated by how weak he was, how powerless.
Altaïr opened his eyes and stared at the golden sphere sitting in the middle of the desk, “I have you in my grasp yet I could not prevent-”
Altaïr covered his mouth with his left hand as he gave a shuddering breath, feeling the bitter sting in his eyes and hearing the muffled painful sob that escaped his lips. The fingers of his right hand crumpled the papers underneath.
Useless papers. 
Useless information.
The Apple refused to show him what he truly wanted to see.
Altaïr remained quiet as he calmed himself for what felt like a long time before he finally grabbed the Apple and held it in his hands.
“Your masters were more advanced than we were. You showed it to me before. The Golden Fleece. Show me.” Altaïr ordered and the Apple began to pulse, “Show me their Shroud.” 
The Apple glowed brightly before it projected the image of an aging man in front of Altaïr, holding a piece of fabric in his arms. 
The man spoke in a language Altaïr did not understand but the Apple pulsed once more and his voice disappeared for a second before he began to talk in the same Arabic that Altaïr was familiar with, “Private log 2220100930: my vitals have been steadily dropping and I am already feeling its effects. All signs point to my nearing… demise. It is the law of the world… But given enough time and effort, even we can find a way to escape death. Not just to stop our aging like what Idunn’s little project is doing but eternal life. It is possible. The preliminary calculations are done and Aita might be able to complete it…”
“But not in time. Not for me.” The man looked at the fabric in his hands as he continued, “Not even the Shroud I have created can do that. It cannot bring the dead back. But I can transfer my consciousness to it and perhaps given more time-”
With a loud anguish scream, Altaïr threw the Apple right across the image of the man. The image disappeared like mist and the Apple hit the wall, falling onto the ground and bouncing once before rolling back to Altaïr’s direction.
“Useless! Useless!” Altaïr screamed at the Apple before he turned around and grabbed a fistful of the papers on his desk and ripped them apart before throwing them and grabbing another fistful of papers, “Useless!”
Altaïr’s legs gave out from under him and he began to breathe heavily. He remained on his hands and knees, trying to control his breathing as the frustration and despair inside him threatened to tear him apart. 
Bitter tears fell from his eyes as he grieved for those he lost and the painful anger he felt made his heart ache as he knew that more than Abbas, more than those who followed him and betrayed the Creed…
He was angry at himself.
He wished he could turn back time.
He wished he could return to that cool August night and agree with Malik’s suggestion that they let Darim and Sef assist the Mongolian Assassins.
He wished…
He wished…
A soft male voice called out and Altaïr didn’t recognize his voice at all.
There was a hint of an accent Altaïr could not place but the voice continued, “God. Is this even working? Fuck it. If it’s not then I’m talking to the Apple.”
Altaïr quickly turned around, fearing someone had grabbed the Apple.
There was no one in the room with him.
But the Apple was glowing a golden soft glow that Altaïr had never seen before.
It pulsed at the time of the man’s voice.
“So… hey, Altaïr. This is Desmond. Um…”
Altaïr’s eyes widened.
“I’m… well… I’m your soulmate.”
Altaïr scrambled towards the Apple and grabbed it as he asked, “Desmond? Are you truly my Desmond?” 
The voice continued as if he didn't hear Altaïr's question, “So I have no idea if the Apple can, like, send messages to the past-”
The past?
“But, hey, Minerva managed to leave a message to Ezio so who knows? Maybe?”
“Like I said, if this doesn’t work then I’m talking to the Apple like a lunatic… what else is new?”
He had an Apple as well.
His other half…
His Desmond…
Altaïr held the Apple gently as he listened, “Anyway, I guess I should start from the beginning. My name is Desmond Miles and… I was born on March 13, 1987.”
Altaïr’s hands began to tremble once more.
That far away? 
“And… you’re my ancestor.”
At those words, Altaïr couldn’t help the bitter raspy laughter that escaped his lips.
“So, yeah, what a clusterfuck, right?”
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