#and my poor felice also needs to get out of hillerska or she needs to get some better friends </3
true-bluesargent · 3 months
young royals is a very compelling show and i know everyone loves simon and wille together but i am going to be so honest the only correct way to end this show would be for none of these characters to ever see each other again and them all to leave this fucked up school and be put into intensive therapy x
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hazellevessque · 3 months
what exactly is young royals about? (feel free to ramble on and create an extremely long post I am very curious)
Oh I am so glad you asked this. I’m not sure whether you want spoilers or not so I’ll do the non-spoiler version.
Ok so basically there’s this guy named Wilhelm (but pretty much only his parents and the press call him that. Everyone else calls him Wille). He’s the Prince of Sweden. And he’s basically a “Party Prince.” He begged his parents to let him go to public high school, so he made a bunch of friends there. One day he and his friends decided to sneak into a club (because Party Prince) (he’s 16 btw) and everyone is recording him because… he’s the Prince. Then he asks this one guy to leave him alone, but the guy doesn’t. They end up getting into a fight. Everyone in the club starts recording and it turns into this big Royal Family Scandal™️
The Royal Court makes Wille publicly apologize and a part of that apology is saying that he is going to start going to this fancy private school called Hillerska. It’s where his older brother (Erik, he’s 20) went and where his cousin (August, 18) is currently attending. And Wille is NOT happy about it. He basically spends the next 15 minutes of the show complaining and being pissed off at the world.
Erik drops him off at Hillerska and we meet August, who’s pretty much a jerk. Erik tells Wille that everything he does affects the royal family and that he should start being more responsible. Wille, Erik, and August go to this ceremony that the school set up for Wille to join because he’s the Prince and special treatment ig. The chorus has a song, and there’s a boy who has a solo in the song. His name is Simon. Wille basically can’t take his eyes off him.
Now, here’s the thing about Simon. Everyone at Hillerska is filthy rich. But not Simon. He’s a non-res, so he commutes to school ever morning instead of staying at the boarding school. The only reason he’s at this school is because his sister, Sara got bullied at her old public school so much for her autism and ADHD that she was held back a grade. She was so scared to go to school that she didn’t have enough attendance to pass. Their mom sent her to Hillerska so she could have a fresh start, and Simon followed because he didn’t want her to be alone. Simon hates everything about Hillerska and has no friends. He’s also a part of a working class and pretty poor. His dad is an alcoholic and drug addict, and his parents divorced a few years ago.
August and his friends want to have a whole party to welcome Wille. But they need booze because high school party. (I’ve been to one hs party in my life and left after 30 minutes because I hated it). They’re like “Oh. Simon is poor. He probably knows a dealer” or something like that. Basically they say that if Simon gets them the booze then they’ll allow him and Sara to the party. Simon doesn’t care, but he knows Sara really wants to make friends, and he thinks that she might be able to at this party. He agrees.
Basically, Simon goes to his dad for the booze without his family knowing, his dad gives it to him, and Simon and Sara go to the party. Wille and Simon somehow end up hanging out because Wills doesn’t like August or his bitchy friends. They leave the party and have a talk outside, but Wille is pretty drunk so he’s just saying all this shit and Simon is just laughing at him. August tries to find Wille but Wille makes Simon and him duck and they end up really close while this happens.
They become friends and then Wille goes through this whole gay crisis because he feels so different around this person???? And it’s not like his other friendships???? And he’s freaking out????
Meanwhile Sara met this girl named Felice at the party, who’s Wille’s childhood friend and now goes to Hillerska. They become friends to and she invites Simon and her to this movie night all the Hillerska kids are having.
Wille’s gay crisis is still going strong and he literally prompts his hand for Simon to hold it during the jump scares (it’s a horror movie) and Simon ends up holding his hand. Wille’s crisis continues but like dude you brought that upon yourself. (And he’s also thinking about how this would effect the royal family and everything) and he leaves the movie room and has a panic attack in the hallway.
Simon follows to make sure he’s okay and they end up kissing (hooray!!!) but not really hooray because the next day Wille goes to Simon in the music room and is like “IM NOT GAY THAT WAS A MISTAKE IM NOT GAY CAN WE PLEASE STILL BE FRIENDS I JUST DONT LIKE BOYS” (which is a lie. Wille I know what you are) (He’s an unlabeled icon btw)
(Also side note this is why everyone calls the music rooom homophobic. Something terrible always happens to Wille and Simon in that room)
But then he really thinks about it and is like “fuck the royal court I’m in love with this boy” and they start dating in secret. (Not really dating because they constantly get sidetracked because this really terrible thing happens to Wille that comes out of NOWHERE which I will not share because spoilers)
And it’s really hard because the royal court does NOT approve of this endeavor because Simon is not only a boy but a POOR boy (gasp) and there’s also all this other drama going on because August likes Felice, Felice likes Wille (she doesn’t really she only likes the idea of a Prince) and Wille is in love with Simon (I’m trying to hard to explain this to you without spoilers)
There are also a BUNCH of subplots which I will not be explaining because it’ll take forever
Yeah that’s basically the show and it’s heartbreaking because of all the pressures the royal court puts on Wille and his relationship with Simon and it’s a lot for him. And all this stuff is going on with Simon’s family and it’s so so so sad. The series finale comes out next Monday.
Anyways I’m happy to give you a version with spoilers if you want
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simonsmandarine · 3 months
starting my last-minute young royals rewatch before s3 LET'S GO
choir scene my beloved
wille looks so small standing in the middle of the corridor :(((
i love how simon's first scene (other than the choir) starts with a close up of his middle finger keychain
poor sara but she's so perceptive
to THAT picture??? wille looks so miserable felice stand UP
girl...... your hand
felice skipping dinner
simon jumping in immediately so linda doesn't worry as much about sara's integration at school
why does alexander have to go knock on everyone's door do they not have alarms
why are we ranking crimes
the liberal bullshit at the classroom makes me so mad like i'm sure your parents struggle a lot henry
wille really isn't used to people challenging the ideals he grew up being exposed to
hillerska is so pretty tho i kinda wanna study there
im gonna be honest the first time i watched ep 1 i thought salice was gonna happen
you can't convince me simon didn't say he had to go just to see if wille would follow
wille probably had the song stuck in his head ever since he heard it
his sigh while he says simon's singing was beautiful oh wille you never stood a chance
ok ep 2 let's go
this tradition is so dumb "9 out of 10" stfu
the brief eye contact SNANDJ
hello cool wille
fredrika is like "i could fix him"
the bro tap NSNXJSJX simon was NOT expecting that
poor simon bless ayub and rosh but there's nothing wrong with wanting to leave the small city
august really thought wille was jerking off and STILL waltzed into the room and took his phone
simon still tries to be included and the others just ignore him
at least now wille is coming to the rescue
august did NOT think this psychologist visit through he's just used to getting everything his way
i really wanted to see how wille and simon got in the same table to study
wille was so sad that simon wasn't coming to practice lmaoo
oh felice that's not why he was smiling at you
fuck you august
so convincing wille you're doing great
why do you have to download an app to use the bus
wille was like i'm just like youuu you're just like meeee
like bby no
he's holding the hot dog so elegantly
ayub's little nudge gets me everytime
simon is so giddy i can't
way to start a conversation august
simon and his unspecified citrus fruit
ok but are the rest of the boys taking august seriously rn 😭😭😭
oh shit it's movie time already
wilmon seating next to each other once again
also stedrika cuddling the same way the straight couple next to them is
i always hold my breath during this scene
the way wille LOOKS at simon
simon is so scared he read this all wrong
but it just took him a bit longer to realize he wants it too
another rude ending
i need to know what simon was going to say
aw i love sara and felice together
the way wille LOOKS at simon pt 100
so much happened in just 10 minutes wtf this show's pacing is insane
why is august so involved in parents day
they were so happy looking forward to their weekend alone :((
smysan hasn't seen her daughter in months and one of the first things she asks her is wilhelm
"glances and stuff" me when i'm delusional
this mf did this on purpose
wille is so flustered stopp
the close up on the phone. ouch.
the way smysan immediately turned her head towards felice lmaooo
i mean it's very easy to misinterpret that wille ajnxjdj
this simon with s2e6 wille
boyfriends who beat up august together
felice wtf STAND UP
him ignoring the phone call......
why was wille the last one to know they shouldn't have let the news come out until after the whole family knew the royal family must have the power to do that
and why is he learning that THROUGH THE PHONE
episode 4 now
it's so cruel how the last thing erik said to wille was see you soon
the "broken" title card....
this show does transitions so well
he kinda looks like he did in ep 1 when he was left alone in the corridor
them sitting on opposite sides with all the empty space between them. simon facing him but wille facing forward. never even looking at simon.
malin my wife
simon always taking care of everyone
he looks so defeated poor bby but so done too
this scene 💀
not august putting felices hand back up i never noticed that
he's so insuferable godddd
"was it royal" LMFAOOO
i do love salice as friends sm
august you are RIDICULOUS "dump him" exactly
wille completely ignoring simon
sara's expression sends me ajjdjdjsjjx it's the right reaction to have
why do people with old money act like that "The Society" yall are silly
terrible terrible way of coping
how did he walk all the way to bjarstad
and then they walked all the way back to hillerska that's crazy
can i just say i love it's wille that's going down on simon
...... well
why would he do that??? was he planning on saving it for blackmail material or smth or was it just for shits and giggles
alright episode 5
their golden morning 🥺
i like to think that simon forced wille to shower and brush his teeth for my own sanity
simon being the one being cared for for once :((
fish scene my BELOVED
girl solidarity we love to see it
i understand wille was just trying to talk to simon and wasn't gonna say he had to blame him for the drugs but the way he went about it was awful simon had every right to snap and walk away
many people say it's weird that august keeps watching the video but i think it's just bc he knows the power it holds and he can't quite believe it
this song makes me feel a little bit unwell, it's not even one of my favorite uses of music on the show but the song itself is so fucking GOOD
yes stand your ground felice
i recognize that wille is being so vulnerable here and that's not easy and simon can see that BUT come on if you had blamed simon it would've ruined his life it's not just a matter of you not wanting to loose him
the lyrics to samurai swords :(((
sara looks so beautiful
this is betrayal from simon too like he didn't even tell sara he had visited micke MULTIPLE TIMES
they're fucked
oof. episode 6 now
i LOVE the way it starts
even the little kid knows who simon is
yeah kristina i don't think that's what wille needs to hear rn
im sorry but wanting sara to go back to marieberg is beyond cruel if the bullying she had to endure there was so bad she had to repeat a year
simon also did made a sacrifice going to hillerska for sara
ok that was quite insensitive sara
they're literally wearing the colors of the swedish flag.......
ohhh the beginning of sargust i don't necessarily ship them but i think they're so interesting
i love this scene sm i mean it's painful but it's so good omar and frida are so GOOD
i think even here simon doesn't quite believe wille will do it but he wants to believe it so bad
"what if i just want to be with him" STOP
but like. ofc he wasn't gonna say it was him he's just a kid and he is under so much pressure
but it's heartbreaking bc he told simon he would and now he just left him to deal with everything by himself
"i have chosen not to get involved in any emotional relationships" that's the worst part
that's why the other students are so shocked in s3 bc after this statement they didn't think simon and wille had anything serious
but like. wille really thought he could go back on his word and then simon would be ok w it and everything could stay the way it was
like simon said, he just expects everything to be on his terms
he probably got that from his mom
wille breaking his promise wasn't even strike 1 or 2 this has been pilling up and simon's been giving wille many chances and has always taken him back
i'm so glad he stood his ground
and he didn't pressure wille into coming out or anything everything he said was very reasonable
another great scene GOD edvin is so good
wille is completely alone
my favorite 4th wall break fr
this episode is such a rollercoaster it might be my favorite from s1
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caspianjames · 3 years
Having Young Royals brain rot now about August??? I think he’s often made out to be the villain and he’s really,,,not??? Did he do a shitty thing? Absolutely. Do I think he’s a bad person? Absolutely not. He’s incredibly well written and I think in a lot of ways he’s very easy to empathize with. Here’s why.
That kid has pretty much everything going against him. Canonically he’s what? 17? 18? His dad is dead, he clearly doesn’t have a good relationship with his mom or stepdad, he’s clearly never had a safe space to process his dads death and work on recovering, he’s relying on stimulants to get through school, the girl he likes decides to date him but only cuz she can’t get his cousin, he has virtually no caring adults in his life, he’s bankrupt and terrified that the only semblance of normalcy he has left (hillerska) will be ripped out from under him. That kid is a fucking mess and absolutely the consequences of this mean he’s going to lash out. He gives so many warning signs that he’s not doing okay too. But so, to break this down point by point:
1. His dead died in a rather horrific manner, his mom moved on but clearly was not around to make sure that her son was okay. He’s often referred to a stupid or prideful for not wanting to give up part of the family estate so he’s not bankrupt except that’s the only thing he has left of his dad. And it’s not even his fault he’s bankrupt, he’s a kid!
2. Not having a safe space to process his dad dying is sort of visibly a given, but actually to take that one step further I think he DID have a safe space. It was Erik. And then Erik died and this kid truly has nothing, not even Wille because he was more interested in Simon than paying attention to what August was going through (which isn’t Wille’s fault, he hardly knew August and clearly had different values and stuff from august. But watching the show I get the feeling August is really looking to be someone meaningful to Wille and Wille just,,,really doesn’t like him). He said this in a roundabout way to Felice, too, when he was jealous of her relationship with Willhelm. It was something like “you’re my girlfriend, you’re supposed to comfort me so that I can comfort him.” Which I think is a two fold thing where firstly, no one realizes how hard Erik’s death hit him and how much he needs someone to tell him that stuff is going to be alright, but secondly, the last thing we see Erik tell him is to take care of Wille. So now he also feels like he’s failing to do that. And Willie, the one person who he could relate to about Erik, hardly wants anything to do with him.
3. I am SO interested to see where the plot will go with the meds he’s relying on. I don’t think it’s ever actually made clear if he thinks he DOES have ADHD or whether he’s just using the meds to cope but either way it’s a problem that shows he doesn’t have adequate support, you know? Even the school counsellor dude was just like “ok guess ur gonna walk out of my office bye then” instead of altering the headmaster or his parents or a teacher he trusts or ANYTHING. And, as the season progresses he gets more volatile. Why? He’s out of meds (and, whether or not he actually has ADHD and needs meds, that means he’s low on dopamine and is going to start doing stupider stuff to get his brain to reward him). (Side note, given the role ADHD and also substance abuse plays in the series I really, really hope they do both concepts justice)
4. Felice dating him even though she has no interest. No hate to her for that, honestly, I don’t think she was really interested in anyone except making her parents happy with her. She’s under a whole different kind of pressure. But august? He clearly really likes her and is trying hard with her, until everything sort of falls out of his grasp nearer the end of the season cuz he thinks she’s in love with Wille and is otherwise not coping well at all.
SO ALL THAT leads up to him outing Wille, which we see from Wille’s POV but never really from August’s, right? We see Wille yelling at August about how he was supposed to be able to trust him, but honestly I think from August’s POV Wille broke that trust first. We said already that pretty much the only thing August had left going for him was Hillerska, and by extension his friends and community there. When Wille wants them to make Alex take the fall for the drugs to save Simon, he literally exposes August and basically rips that away from him sooner than August is ready for, because now all the boys know that he’s bankrupt. In Wille’s mind it’s not a big deal - it’s a means to an end and he already knows he’s asked his mom to cover August’s tuition. It’s a very calculated but very smart move.
Except that Hillerska is all that August has left, and in a sense, Wille takes that away from him. Can you imagine how horrible that would feel for August from someone he trusted?? And honestly there is nothing more dangerous than someone who has been wronged and feels like they have nothing to lose. You can tell when Sara sees August at the computer. He doesn’t make up a story, he doesn’t care. He just wants to hurt Wille back in the only way that he can regardless of the consequences.
I don’t even think he’s homophobic or anything, either. He took the video initially to make fun of Wille with, and then when he realized what it was he didn’t say anything. But in that moment that was the one thing he had on Wille that he could weaponize because he knew it would be taken badly by the general public. 
And then he gets the call of his tuition being paid and you can see reality crash down around him when he realizes rationally what he’s done.
Anyways. My conclusion is. This poor kid has literally no one looking out for him. Like, not a single person. And that’s what happens, you know? No one does horrible things or irreparable damage to themselves or others on a whim. There’s almost always a build-up of hopelessness or anger that has to overflow first. This is a real life thing. This shit is preventable. And I really, really hope we get to see that with August. I hope we get a redemption, but an honest one. Because no matter what led to his actions, they still have real consequences. I hope the show creates a storyline where we see him getting what he needs from the adults around him while also having to deal with the consequences of his actions. 
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