#and mr self destruct. lmao.
dennisboobs · 5 months
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leonenjoyer69 · 1 month
*Inbox Invasion* Free ramble card!! Make it a long one, About literally anything, anything at all, can even switch topics constantly. This is literally just for fun.
Okay so, starting off strong, let's go music. Will Wood and the Tapeworms, right? A few weeks ago I listened to both versions of every song twice to find which versions I liked better for when I eventually burned CDs (my car is old af, bbg ain't even got an aux, but also her ass ain't got an engine rn 💀) for the albums.
My verdict for Self-Ish? Literally all the songs are the exact same, except Self-, -Ish (which just sound a wee bit different), and Dr Sunshine is dead (which just has a longer outro in the original).
EVERYTHING IS A LOT THO? Some big differences in some songs. So here's my preferences:
6 up 5 oh- Remaster, the "oh how I know how I go.." Part just sounds better to me
(Bones)- Remaster, the radio/tv talk at the end isn't glitchy and stuff, like the OG
Front Street- Original, I like the snaps (tapping?) Behind the pre-chorus, along with the dialogue clip. But, also, I like how much clearer everything is in the remaster, so I'm kinda torn.
¡Akiado!- Original, I am,,,, not a fan of the extra end part in the remaster
White knuckle Jerk- Original. The background(?) Voices are quieter and sound kinda different. Idk I may be wrong about that tho.
Cover this song- Original. I hate hate HATE Batman will wood growling in my ear, please never make me listen to that version again, it was a genuine jump scare. (EDIT: THE REMASTER JUST PLAYED ON MY SPOTIFY AND??? HE'S NOT BATMAN ANYMORE??? IS MY SPOTIFY BROKEN?? PLZ IK I'M NOT CRAZY)
Thermodynamic Lawyer- Remaster. Not really a fan of the robot voice in the original.
Red Moon- original, his voice seems quieter or more drowned out in the remaster.
Lysergide Daydream- Original, don't remember why, so vibes ig lmao, there's not really a difference between the two
The First Step- Remaster, I think it just sounds a little clearer
Jimmy Mushrooms- either, they're literally the same lmao
Chemical Overreaction- original. WE CAN'T STOP HERE, THIS IS BAT COUNTRY 🗣️🗣️ need I say more?
Everything is a lot- Remaster, so then I don't have to listen to construction noises (or destroy to enjoy in general) 😋😋
So yeah, ig that's my dream Everything is A Lot album.
BUT NOW!! more music! But Chonny Jash this time!! Specifically the Ballad of Dr Jekyll and Bargaining/compromise.
First of all, I love the lyrical differences!! Ballad Jekyll leaning more towards blaming Hyde for everything and being way more self-pitying, while B/G Jekyll seems to have more of a subdued acceptance? Like, Ballad Jekyll is a lot more emotional and bitter, while B/C seems to take more of the responsibility. Also!! I like how in B/C Jekyll seems to be with someone else, while Ballad Jekyll seems to be alone. The contrast between the last lines ("but if it takes Mr Hyde with me, then I'm glad to hang" V.S. "so take my hand, hold it till the end") really does show that bitter self destructiveness vs that sad, duty-driven acceptance. AND LIKE UGHHH JUST THE LYRICS OF B/C IN GENERAL!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!
Also, the Mr Hyde Jive? I love Hyde being a silly fellow. Literally just being like "damn, I'm not the villain, smh, lemme go have some fun for you gayboy 🗣️🗣️ (might still ruin lives tho!! I am vice, teehee)"
Yk what? Fuck it, this whole ramble will be music. THE JEKYLL AND HYDE MUSICAL 🗣️🗣️🗣️ I love Anthony Warlow so much, all the Jekyll or Hyde-centric songs are so eoughhhh ughhhhh AHHHH. Favorite songs rn? Board of Governors, His Work and Nothing More, The World Has Gone Insane, This is the Moment, Transformation--I JUST UGHHH I love listening to his screams idk man. also Alive. I also love you, Gabriel John Utterson. His parts are so fun to sing.
BUT!! the absolute hold Board of Governors has on me is insane. Every time I hear the intro begin to play through my tv I look up. I'm literally pavlov dogged to that shit. It's basically a requirement for me to go "THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF ST JUDE'S HOSPITAL IS NOW IN SESSION!" every time it plays. I love sassy Jekyll and Stride, it's so funny, like yes!!! The girls are fighting!! The absolute sass of half that cast is crazy. I have every part memorized, I AM the entire cast and recreate it expertly 🗣️🗣️
Anyways, yeah, I love Utterson too, his voice is in my range perfectly, he's literally my bbg. All his parts in How Can I Continue On and His Work and Nothing More? Kdoelvkskfldk I love him I love him. JEKYLL THO? shaking him aggressively (lovingly) I want to chew on him and rip him apart. Warlow's voice for him is so EOUGJDJDKKD ‼️‼️‼️
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kandlewick · 1 month
Hi. You're not safe from me kidnapping your twst ocs and pretending they're my kids.
ahhaah im glad you like my twst ocs!!! they were a bunch of fun to make and im planning out the next update as we speak!
im sorry about the hiatus, work and art( for work) took priority orz but heres a sketch to get an idea of overblot adam!
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so spoilers for others who just wanna read my story but adam's overblot focuses on self loathing and apathy
adam was a child star that was known for playing handsome and princely boys but had a horrible attitude off camera, away from the eyes of his fans. In reality, he was a horrible child whose parents either ignored him or fed into his diva personality. he was a 'good guy' star that bullied vil relentlessly when they were younger and his fans all loved him. until one day, he angered a powerful fae that cursed him by stealing his life force and turning him into a cursed beast. he was dropped by companies, his fans, and his parents after his mood swings became worse and worse and he self destructed, destroying his name and legacy. the only reason he's where he is now is because he was taken under the wing of his former live in nanny, Mrs. Potte.
his signature magic, beauty within, allows him to bestow life to inanimate objects such as Perrault, the dorm's caretaker, and the many living furniture that fill the dorm. All of them have such nice things to say about Adam...
my whole brain idea was that instead of a battle, it was a twistune. Adam isnt outwardly attacking you after all. all of his hatred is about himself. he's constantly self sabotaging and is suicide idealization the character that i think it would be funny if the dorm itself began attacking night raven college because its on school grounds. the barrier drops and all of a sudden this castle is throwing things at the school and vargas has to take control of the students and lead a group of students to do damage control...
hehheh i had mentally planned for this to take place after the Scarabia chapter right before the Pomefiore chapter because Adam is so heavily reliant story wise on Vil that I thought it best to tuck book Rosenfluch right between them lmao
anyways sorry for my rambling i love adam so much and i love luc and perrault theyre my babies i love them hehe
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Watching Star Trek TOS and loving it! Sex pollen!!
The Return of the Archons
Jim Spock shenanigans shenanigans it was ok enough.
Gotta say I'm all for criticism of organized religion
Space Seed
So I met Khan (not the Benedict Cumberbatch whitewashed version)! The episode was good, lots of good dialogue, a solid plot and an uncertain ending (kofkof uncertain for them).
The toxic masculinity vibes were off the charts though:
First, I'm not commenting on McGivers instantly falling for the hyper masculine guy, accepting his abusive behaviour and choosing to stay with him; because if I do, I'll get mad. But you know, it's terrible and I hate it.
Then the admiration for Khan, "the best and most dangerous of the tyrants" expressed by Scotty, Bones and Jim. Sigh. Of course it's all three of them, the only one out being Spock ("Illogical"). We're supposed to take away that it's because he doesn't feel the human/manly appeal of courage, ambition, greatness or whatever. Honestly not even IC? (sorry but I don't want to picture Jim and Bones as real life fans of Napoleon lmao they are the worst)
SPOCK: Gentlemen, this romanticism about a ruthless dictator is KIRK: Mister Spock, we humans have a streak of barbarism in us. Appalling, but there, nevertheless. SCOTT: There were no massacres under his rule. SPOCK: And as little freedom. MCCOY: No wars until he was attacked. SPOCK: Gentlemen.
You tell them Spock!
MCCOY: Well, either choke me or cut my throat. Make up your mind.
Instant classic
MCCOY: Well, there aren't any regulations against romance, Jim.
Duly noted!
Jim thinking he and the bridge crew were dying and recommending commendations in his log? Him being in the decompression chamber being murdered? I was on the verge of tears then
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jsbfjhe i'm sorry i can't take it seriously this shot is so funny
SPOCK: Surprised to see you Captain, though pleased. JIM: I'm a little pleased myself
they're so dumb (lovingly)
SPOCK: It would be interesting, Captain, to return to that world in a hundred years and to learn what crop has sprung from the seed you planted today. KIRK: Yes, Mister Spock, it would indeed.
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A Taste of Armageddon
Wow the plot's heavy but powerful. The whole episode is dark but hopeful ending! (plus pissed off Jim is v sexy)
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Death, destruction, disease, horror. That's what war is all about, Anan. That's what makes it a thing to be avoided. You've made it neat and painless. So neat and painless, you've had no reason to stop it. And you've had it for five hundred years. 
I've given you back the horrors of war. 
Ending a 500-year war is just one of many things Captain Kirk does!
And of course:
SPOCK: Captain, you almost make me believe in luck. KIRK: Why, Mister Spock, you almost make me believe in miracles.
I love them ._.
This Side of Paradise
The perfect mix of fun and tension in this episode! Loved it!
Jim's confusion at Spock is everything. When he says "Spock" - clears his throat - "Mr Spock"
Jim being his dramaqueen self "In effect, I am marooned here."
Jim's immunity is his sense of duty what a goody two-shoes (affectionate)
The idea that anger/strong emotion is necessary ties up nicely to The Enemy within
Then the scene... You know which one... Did I have to pause because Jim was being so mean to Spock it was a bit much to watch? maybe!!
SPOCK: You did that to me deliberately. KIRK: Believe me, Mister Spock, it was painful in more ways than one.
My heart!
SPOCK: Captain. Striking a fellow officer is a court martial offence. KIRK: Well, if we're both in the Brig, who's going to build the subsonic transmitter? SPOCK: That is quite logical, Captain.
Sooo dumb <3
The scene between Layla and Spock was lovely too!
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MCCOY: Well, that's the second time man's been thrown out of paradise. KIRK: No, no, Bones. This time we walked out on our own. Maybe we weren't meant for paradise. Maybe we were meant to fight our way through. Struggle, claw our way up, scratch for every inch of the way. 
This after the reference to Milton two eps ago! Yes! Yes to all of this!!!
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loaffofbred · 10 months
Hmm.. interesting (qsmp rambles)
Note: All roleplay/characters
So much has happened lately in one day! Apparently Bad has to do a survey for the fed, Cellbit has done the final code/enigma, Forever's plan to leave the island, Pac&Mike's plan against Foolish, and Roier found a book that Foolish possibly wrote with a gun in the grandma room of Cellbit's castle.
I find all of them interesting, but since im massively biased, i wanna focus on Foolish's and Bad's since im super curious with what's been happening to them. The questions seem like they plan to do something to change themselves, maybe they'll make actual changes? It'll be interesting if they actually listen to the suggestions and answers of the different members. Bad used the reward in order to ask the possible entities the federation has created, which is pretty smart since itll answer several of the questions we have, including the code, the eggs, and the island overall. It's interesting that the federation is rewarding or making transactions with this, I guess its self aware of everyone's distrust. If they ever do answer the question honestly, i feel like they'll be just as vague, but at least they're giving answers unlike the past months lmao
About Foolish's book and gun in Cellbit's castle, the thing is, theres at least 2 possibilities:
Richas was the one that put it, including the gun! Since he has a gun himself and may know some spanish, and is there to simply hide it for fun or for others to also possibly get it.
Foolish hid it, changed the contents of the book ( since the book wasn't with codes nor written in spanish before ) because he wanted to give a gun for fun! This is indicated further based on Foolish's (supposed to be qsmp) recent stream with the emoji as Grandma and his statements about his guns to Forever, saying he already has possible plans behind it. This means he did this offstream ;)
It's definitely leaning more towards Foolish, especially the overall mannerisms of the book, with the middle finger at the end of the page and random codes. But i wonder why he would do it in general, most likely for fun since its not like many ppl have any ammo for the gun. Yet I cant help but feel like its such a weird move, especially now that many people suspect him to be working for the federation! But this does establish that he would never be fully with the feds, which are definitely against spreading around guns lmaoo
I'm not super informed about Pac&Mike's possible plan, but from what I know they may use Rey(Phoenix) as a hostage, possibly do something to Foolish's dragon (Keep in mind they will be avoiding hurting Leo here), or kill him after an interrogation;
Killing him off wont be too incriminating, maybe except the badge but thats it really it
Interrogating him may be useful as long as they don't go in circles like the previous interrogations, its best to listen but also dont expect a direct answer from him. Imo its best to keep it casual, but if they don't have the patience, then go off
Rey as a hostage - Maybe possibly can work since he can be very attached to animals, i.e Mr. Mustard, but it depends highly if he feels actually threatened.
Destruction of Foolish's Dragon - Easier but more riskier to execute, probably should be the last resort!
If theres one thing i would recommend when it comes to trying to get through to Foolish, Bad probably knows more tactics since he knows Foolish very well. I know the trap/revenge will be done tomorrow but I feel like they could've benefited from taking advice from Bad at some point. Not sure if this is confirmed but if Foolish does stream tomorrow I wonder how he'll react to Pac&Mike's experiences. Since his moral compass is nowhere near similar to theres, I think they may misunderstand his intentions based solely off of his not so straight morals. If Mike ever does do revenge, from what I know of Foolish, he would never clap back at Mike (unless if it involves Leo and his family). Foolish is pretty chill and tries not to maintain any grudges, so if he was killed off, I think he would understand. In the end though, I do hope they come to an understanding! Foolish definitely still has to lie just because of his job lmao buttt, I think they can still come to an understanding without all the info he has.
anyways thats all folks, carry on!
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pathetic-gamer · 2 years
Black Eagles and who they main in Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Edelgard: f!Byleth lmao
Hubert: Sephiroth (thinks he's cool, has not played FF)
Ferdinand: Fox ("no items, 3 stock, final destination" *gets 3 stocked*)
Linhardt: Random, self-destructs three times and goes to bed
Caspar: Random, and is passable with everyone except R.O.B. and Mr. Game & Watch (who is, tho, amirite?). Weirdly good with Pikmin
Bernie: Pikachu (spams normal attack)
Dorothea: Cloud (thinks he's cute, has played FF)
Petra: Link (loves LoZ and is extremely good with all three Links but also lowkey spams up-b, competed at EVO in 1181 but lost in the quarterfinals to a Little Mac main. respects that player SO MUCH)
I explain some terms in the notes - Blue Lions / Golden Deer / Church of Seiros / Ashen Wolves
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queenhellwitch · 1 year
the angry one
Sam is emotionally intelligent and can't hide his feelings from his own eyeballs, but I actually think he's more repressed than Dean. He encourages Dean to open up, but Dean won’t share with his little brother, because it’s his job to be strong. However - Dean does share, with other people. And he punches heads in, shoots the crap out of stuff, he drinks beer, he gets laid. He cries and gets angry and violent, and he takes it out on people. He’s very emotionally expressive.
Sam, on the other hand, keeps it all in. Half a laugh, half a cursory smile, the endless “I’m fine!”s… The only time he really opens up and starts to talk about what he actually experienced, is to Rowena. He doesn’t even get to have a go at Chuck, in the same way Dean does. Even when he shoots Chuck, it literally bites back. Sam lives a life of self-flagellation and penance, and when he dares to allow himself any action, reaction or even pleasures, his decisions always come with a ton of guilt. Even when he’s right.
Jared does an amazing job of showing us his true emotions with just his eyeballs, but nailing the very obvious repression. It’s amazing, really.
Yet - guess who gets accused of being angry, self-righteous, hubristic and selfish, by the fandom, by so many people in the show, and even labelled “not exactly Mr Anger Management” by his own father figure? That boy was actually too good at managing his anger. But he’ll never be viewed that way, because he’s already been put in that pigeonhole with his family. He always was the “deep little son of a bitch”. Bobby says John would rather “push Sam away than reach out to him.” Kids who are hard to understand end up being difficult. As if being a teenager isn't a ragey experience in itself. John's fear? Was it because of the evil in his veins? Or just because he was stubborn? Because he yelled at his dad? He stood his ground against the abuse, he ran away, he went to college despite being disowned for it?
In Mystery Spot, Sam is without Dean for six months and he goes psychotically revenge-driven. He cuts himself off from all other humans, and he stews in his own anger. Yet when he’s faced with the Trickster, it’s clear that despite his obvious emotions, this is a man fully in control when he needs to be. I think we forget this, when the same thing happens again at the end of Season 7. A Sam without Dean is not a stable person. Add all the hell trauma he’s suffered and the loss of Bobby – the father figure who never saw him outside that pigeonhole of ‘the angry one’ – Sam is completely alone, and not by choice.
Again, he could easily be angry. He has every right to be raving mad and on a destructive revenge trip, like he did in season 4. When Dean and Cas disappear to purgatory, he chooses to not be angry. He chooses not to be hubristic this time; because where did that get him before? Actual hell, actually. Against all that we know about Sam, and his love for his brother, he controls himself, he chooses to step away, from a dismal fucking world that only seems to bite him, and his loved ones, on the ass - no matter what he does. So he removes himself. He just drives (and then later becomes unhinged because that's my headcanon lmao).
And it turns out that was wrong too. He never gets across to Dean or to anyone else what his thought processes were, though, and nobody ever really knows the real Sam, the one who leaks through when the emotions are dialled down, when they can finally both just rest. It breaks my heart.
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diizi-dot-png · 1 year
Music Through Your Eras Tag Game!
thanks for the tag @ifritfan !!!
1️⃣first song/artist you remember liking: Maroon 5, Melanie Martinez and Marina.... 
👶middle school anthem (age 11-13): mostly DAMA songs (portuguese band) but esp Luísa and Às vezes, they werent new songs at the time but we were crazy over them for no reason lmao, and ALSO I loved ariana grande so some of her songs as well
🚗roadtrip must have song: i dont know. I have no idea dude. im gonna say A minha casinha and Homem do Leme by Xutos e Pontapés bc I have distinct memories of listening to those in the car
🙈Guilty pleasure artist: Chico da tina. if any of you guys knew who he was id be bullied relentlessly but idgaf. his music may not be good but fuck do I love it
💯I know all the lyrics to: year zero, ritual, con clavi con dio, prime mover, all by ghost, probably some more but these are the ones that come to mind lol, the Damned by cos sylvan, not allowed, cigarettes out the window, song about me and The blonde by TV Girl, The Fall, Perfume and Sex sells by lovejoy + p much every Wilbur Soot song (LEAVE ME ALONE OKAY), almost every public void song (penelope scott album. again leave me alone), a bunch of Mariana and ashnikko songs, almost every single melanie martinez song, first love/late spring by mitski, literal legend by ayesha erotica, I can keep going
🤬A song to yell to: i dont know??? mr. self destruct by NIN?? I cant think of more I dont yell to music bc i cant scream at home 👍
❤️‍🔥 Current favourite music video: Ive always loved the square hammer mv, and also call me what you like by lovejoy is cool. OH AND THEIR COVER OF KNEE DEEP AT ATP I love that mv
🥰current favourite band: dude cmon now. thats so hard. its between ghost and radiohead but Ive also been getting into goth music esp sister of mercy lately and theyre great
🏟️Would kill to see them live/again: ghost obvs, Chico da Tina, brother his concerts are such a fucking vibe!!! rammstein, theyre coming here this summer and I want to go sooo bad
🏝️if you could listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life: the Damned, woodcutters or night sculptor by cos sylvan I love all of those songs very very much
🔁stuck on repeat: climbing up the walls and my Iron lung by radiohead, absolution by ghost, and a bunch more that Ive already mentioned here
Tagging: @sphylor @owlghuleh @s01ar-3cl1ps3 @purple-moonglade @finch-does-stuff @everybodyshusband
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
alright character soldifying ask game lets go.... 11 for Samuel, 33 for O, 47 for Miles
11. How do they see themselves: as smart, as intelligent, uneducated?
Samuel is a man of few words and never had a 'proper' education with growing up an urchin during the fall of London. However, he's a prodigious zailor and cartographer. He probably doesn't label himself 'smart' because he doesn't have the academic skill set; however he's confident in his intelligence with hard skills, and he has an excellent memory. He probably also deals with some of the internalized issues of having a working class accent and people assuming your intelligence level :/ When it comes to subjects like zailing where he's the expert, he gets stubborn when others come in with different perspectives.
(I call Samuel the dad man but I ended up thinking of my own father here lmao)
33. Do they drink? Take drugs? What about their health? 
Orsinio avoids honey as much as he can after Nemesis. He enjoys a drink or two in moderation unless Mr Wines is playing with him but that's a different story. He's just not one to use many substances, despite being capable of making elixirs with toxicology skills. As for his health, he deals with chronic illness that being in the Neath only made 10x worse. At this moment in canon he's pretty stable, finally recovering after getting thrown in the washing machine with Nemesis and the Discordance. We love to see recovery arcs
Fun fact! I actually decided my character used a cane before I started to use one. It was at the time I was not yet diagnosed but I knew Something was wrong and I imagined what it would be like to have more support. Luckily I did finally get care soon after that and my doctor agreed it was good for me to use something for balance <3
47. Do they want to project an image of a younger, older, more important person? Do they want to be visible or invisible?
Oh no.
Well, Miles' whole narrative arc that led to their ultimate downfall was seeking power lmao. They decided they were important because of their birth into the leisure class, that it's their right to have whatever status they desire. They want to be an important person and they make literally all the wrong choices trying to achieve that. "Those who seek power will never be satisfied" etc.
It gets interesting though, an external vs internal conflict. Externally, Miles wants recognition and accolades, they want to be visible. They take up a lot of space and are constantly doing things to get attention (and negative attention is still attention). However, on the inside, Miles wants to disappear. They hate their family name, they hate themself more with each poor choice they make. They wish they could be free, live a 'normal' life and not worry about status, but that never happens; they always choose power over everything else to the point of self destruction. Their final decision to knock is the greatest act of becoming invisible.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 11 months
40 Day Anime Challenge 2023 Edition - Day 7: Character you want to marry
*drum roll*
My boy.... my love.... my first anime love.... 😍
*bellows into megaphone*
ZERO KIRYUUUUUUU!!!! (Vampire Knight)
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The closest thing to an "angsty boi" I will ever go feral over. While most of my faves have some sort of chip on their shoulder, some sort of angsty backstory, 9 times out of 10 they hide it behind either Tsundere attitudes or sarcastic humor.
While Zero isn't an open book, he also doesn't bother with facades. To quote the great Mr. Darcy, "disguise of every sort is [his] abhorrence," which is probably a HUGE reason why he hates Kaname Kuran so much, who always has an ace up his sleeve. Zero does mellow out as the series goes on, naturally, but his angsty honest core remains true.
Underneath his hatred and desire for revenge against all vampires is a burning desire to protect the ones he loves. Not only is this shown with Yuki, but his bond with his twin, Ichiru, and the tragedy of their estrangement (to put it nicely lol).
He's gentle and kind towards animals and children, socially awkward among his peers and rude to his superiors (at best lol), and self-sacrificing if it means doing the right thing (aaaaand possibly with the thought of ending his own misery, but that's mostly in the beginning of the story ^^")
Honorable Mention:
Tomoya Okazaki (Clannad & Clannad: After Story)
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As much as the fangirl in me would always choose Zero, realistically, Tomoya would be the most LIKELY choice I would fall for in real life. Because this guy is basically my fiance.
SEVERE family trauma and baggage
super angsty but hides it behind a sense of humor
helps out others without a second thought
doesn't even consider ulterior motives even as he develops feelings
extremely kind and thoughtful, but doesn't believe it about himself
self-loathing yet incredibly loving towards his loved ones
unknowingly makes other peoples' lives better just by being him
also a bit of self-destructive idiot lol
I'm.... starting to see a pattern in the fictional men I love lmao
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pinkfey · 2 years
tagged by @mrs-theirin, tysm my dear 💘 taggingggggg @rosebarsoap @trvelyans @lvllns @arklay @kirnet @aartyom @druidgroves @shadowglens @lavampira @sanguinettii and you !! sorry i’m not sure who has wips atm 😔
here is audra having the worst reaction to saskia ever lmao help !! the girls are self destructing !!
“Button...” His voice was steady, but steady out of panic, like he walked a tightrope miles above ground. “I love you.”
Audra may not have been bright but she knew people, and she knew Nick most of all. This was a plea. She could see it in his eyes, desperate and cautious like the day she decided to run away ten years ago. It had been a pathetic attempt, more for the dramatics than anything, but Nick had followed her all the way down the block to convince her. “Come home, Button,” he’d said. “Mom didn’t mean it.” That was a lie then.
It seemed Nick was good at lying.
She scoffed despite herself. “You love me,” she mocked. Her gestures were wide, frantic. “You knew about crushes I didn’t even know I had as a kid—you have access to every thought that I will ever have—and you won’t tell me about someone you’ve been dating for months, even when I asked!”
She shot out the last two words knowing they would hit their mark. Yes, his face fell in on itself and eyes had gone red, and she did not think of how she had never seen him like this before she added, “But you ‘love me,’ right?”
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lisiprom · 7 months
I watched S2e01 of The Gilded Age so some thoughts and spoilers so I can get it out of my system:
i love that running joke about french chef who's from kansas actually. also i think he and mrs bruce have nice chemistry going on
oscar going down the self-destruction route is sad. also as much as i like him i want him to stay away from gladys 'cause while his offer may be nice for her at this moment i also think she deserves to marry someone who'll love her. at this point i wish for some asspull like john & oscar meeting some nice lesbian couple of the same social standing so they could cross-marry and live in peace but taht probably impossible (´_ゝ`)
peggy's child plotline got dumped so fucking fast i really thought that i was misinterpetting what was being said. eitherway i hope she'll be back as agnes secretary so she can have time to grieve properly without being in that regret trio and so she can have time to write more.
mrs russel keeps winning, that opera singer at the end left me speachless lol. also mr russel saying: you don't even like opera.
carrie & gladys acting like actual young girls and giggling about oscar's propsal was cute. i really enjoy their friendship
john/bridget/adelheid love-triangle incoming?
frances outing marian as teacher in her school and agnes looking like she wants to punch someone but it's not in etiquette lol
larry working in architecture and mrs russel calling hima genius was really nice
that scene when agnes & co show varying degrees of not admitting to know mr raikes lmao though i feel bad for marian since she still look sad when he's mentioned
i'm ready for OPERA WARS
Eitherway I really enjoyed this episode and cant wait for next one.
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lazaruspiss · 1 year
watching batman ninja and taking notes bc idk how to focus <3 spoilers under the cut
batman ninja is a wild movie already but harleys design fucks
smth smth. everyone got sent to generally the same time/location with variation, time can vary by years (selina was sent 2 years before bruce) but probably not decades and id assume location varies to anywhere within a certain range of whatever island in japan that this is on.
nightwing and red hood were teamed up separately from batman before the blast that sent everyone back by the look of it. cute.
i wanna see ivyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy- DEATHSTROKE IS HERE?
ohh ok. time difference was based off of proximity/order that they were sucked in, making batman the last to show. a few minutes become years, everyone else were def much closer in timing but even a few seconds mightve made weeks difference in how far back they were sent.
lords alluded to so far: joker, penguin, ivy, deathstroke, two-face
mz ivy im in love w u
"once my fortress is complete, itll be my time to strike. yeahhh" OLD MAN. BOOMER. he says yeah like an adult actor playing a teen in an anti-drug ad campaign.
the lord intros are so fun actually
i love selinas little puppet, not a fan of bruces general disposition.
ok bruce looks better with the beard. also alfred what the fuck. how. and lmao. alfred. "lets go on a japan trip we get back."
HARLEYYYYY SHES SO CUTE. is this tara. i think its tara. love her.
classic "stop me or save the civilian trick" smh
congrats to bane on bulking up i guess? anyways. wheres the others. im bored of batman. i do love the little chibi batman who forcibly ejects bruce, someone mustve added a fail safe specifically for bruce being dumb and self destructive.
the lip syncing is off, is this a dub?
DICKIE!! anime hair... and dick's anime bf/leader of the ninjas.
"how do we regain the advantage when we have nothing" bruce. bruce. the whole squad is here + a ninja army. girl.
DAMIAN? oh hes still cute.
monkee :) hes so silly
so tims swords are just for decoration then? weirdo. joker gets his ass beat, whatever. tim states the obvious. backstab fest. im bored again.
"joker!! you'll kill yourself!!" "that's the point, lmao"
35 min in, still no red hood. just establishing shots to explain that each lord has the special time sticks.
"i didnt know who i was after i lost my car" could you be anymore pathetic. he isnt even cute pathetic, hes just "id push him into a puddle" pathetic. stop brooding you boring bitch. oh thank god. he acknowledges that he has other people carrying his ass. red hood still hasn't shown up, not even for bruces go team speech.
ACK. THE CUT IN ART. SO PRETTY. ill probably make another post for screenshots.
red hood time. finally. jason the buddhist monk and his joker hunt sidequest. a part of jasons lashing out at harley is framed in a way that makes it look like a sexual assault imo, so it's giving some mixed emotions. like if this turns out to just be some regular farmers this would be a "stranger breaks in and gropes your wife while threatening you" kinda deal. i mean they went ass shot to jason grabbing her and holding her like. ack. like hes holding her like that so he can break her arm but u gotta trust me it looks Bad. not to just narrate the entire scene but its a lot. jason's pissed and scary, the art is very pretty, im sacred and a little. you know. youve seen me post you know how i am.
this movie kinda. i personally think it wouldve looked better in 2d.
"if you knew him like i did" bruce... also mr j and harley are fully amnesiac so jason the effectively traumatize 2 strangers for no reason. jokerquinn gets a happy ending by becoming farmers. "we'll take them back with us-" NO??? THIS IS LITERALLY THEIR HAPPY ENDING?? THIS IS THEIR BEST/ONLY SHOT AND TRUE REHABILITATION BRUCE. BRINGING THEM BACK WOULD BE PURE STUPIDITY AND/OR SELFISHNESS.
jason saying bruce but bruce saying red hood...
whoops. they still remember, so bruce is just a dumb hoe who thought he and joker had something special.
why are there penguins here. like actual penguins. and why does slade have a gf.
red hood has my fav voice acting of the boys tbh, the others sound a bit clunky. and is ivy also tara. she sounds a bit like tt03 raven.
mech battle. slade is still hot. even if he is a cringe old man. HARVEY BUDDHA BOT?
dami should get to keep his monkey friend. as a treat.
ok two face is funny. coin said i gotta beat ur ass now. literal "switching on a dime" behavior
hi welcome back to robot wars. fight scenes are really hit or miss for me, i love em or i fall asleep. smth smth. joker moment. clowns doing the heavy lifting. and where is harley getting her hair dye from, or is that a wig?
fun fact! red spider lilies (the flower growing from jokers gas bomb) symbolize death <3
aaaaand we're back to mech battles. voltron assemble or whatever.
dami almost gets squished trying to save monkey
bruce. bruce are you having an autism event or are you being rude on purpose. anyways give the dues ex macina to dami he deserves it more. baby boy can play the flute so good <3
"momi?" "whos she" a monkey friend tim. obviously.
THE MONKEYS ARE HELPING HIM PLAY IM GONNA LOSE IT. thats so unrealistic but its sooooooooo cute.
m. monkey.
damian is having the time of his life fr
damian is no longer having the time of his life
bats. bat monkey. b. batman? how.
fire no match for batman made of monkeys and bats. anime punch.
Nightwing Vs Penguin, Red Hood Vs Deathstroke, Red Robin Vs Two Face, Robin Vs Poison Ivy
damian that was not a joke. A for effort tho.
ok so the amnesia WAS real but smth smth plant magic.
joker that is not what a joke is. you're worse that damian.
4 barrels, who do you think you are deathstroke. the guy who killed the prime minister of japan? HARLEY? harley. this frame gets its own post she straight up licked her. and thats a lot of bare monkey ass. blah blah they blow up robot. "keep your tongue to yourself" blushing rn
batjokes sword fight, im bored again. joker has a boner. who give a shit. bruce bores me in that special way of his. i am once again reminded about why i can only ever pay attention to him when Dick is involved. if someone else doesnt show up soon my eyes are gonna roll back into my head. joker is not funny enough to make this interesting. hes kinda hot tho. is it just me or are the animators losing steam towards the end of this. im. im bored. oh i missed the fans, those were cool, its nice to see them one last time. blah blah kill joker- wait a minu- ok nvm. coward. batjokes should die together an share a grave. in main canon even.
gonna cry over monkichi brb. at least he has monmi. his sister? gf? both?
ok so by the credits i assume this movie was originally in japanese. anyways. after credits. bruce does wayne stuff, selina does catwoman things. pfft. old style batcart dents a strangers car.
harley and ivy were tara strong ofc, and apparently jason and dami shared a VA, i didnt even notice that. so did dick and alfred. and grodd and deathstroke. a lot of double casting.
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haleigh-sloth · 2 years
Hello! I apologize if you've been asked this before, but do you think Mister Compress will come back during the final battle? I figured if the whole League is to be saved, he might be there just so he can get his shot. But that makes me wonder who would save him too.
Good news! We already know that Mr. Compress will be back!
His manga profile page in volume 30 literally says “He’ll be back.” Lmao, like thank you Horikoshi for saving us the trouble of wondering. Really. (Not sarcasm, I’m serious)
I can’t find the translated page of his profile online and I don’t have my volume 30 on hand, so I can’t show you sadly. But I promise it’s there.
As for saving him:
So, Compress is not like the rest of the League. He’s quite different in a lot of ways!
He’s not portrayed to be immature and severely out of touch with his emotions, mental state, and circumstances.
We do not have a lot of information about him aside from his family lineage. He’s very separated from the rest of the League in the sense that he is not shown to be struggling internally with anything, wrestling past demons, or fighting against himself and looking for salvation in anyway. Of course this could change once he shows up again—I’m just going off of what we know and what we’ve seen to date.
Does need to be “saved?” Based on what we have, I’m really not sure. For reasons listed above. Does he need a reality check in a way? Yes—he’s supporting a destructive path that harms the people his family lineage worked to provide for (stealing from the rich, redistributing to the poor). He’s not exactly living up to what his infamous grandfather accomplished.
I don’t expect his personal conflicts to be a huge deal—but I do absolutely expect him to see the situation at hand and reflect, and change.
I pointed out how he’s different because he doesn’t seem to lack a “sense of self” like the rest of the League does.
Shigaraki has all but succumbed to AFO’s careful constructing of his current persona—destruction incarnate, incapable of creating a future, born to kill and being mourning into the world. Only a little part of him is left still holding onto hope, keeping him present and afloat in the possession—and we are currently seeing THAT last sliver of him left start to deteriorate.
Toga tries to reject the idea that she’s miserable, put onto her by Curious. Tries to tell herself that her normal is exactly what she wants in life. Well, it’s not. We’ve seen her break that belief several times by chasing after the same UA kids she latched onto the moment she met them.
Touya won’t face this fact, but he desperately wants reconciliation with his family. A lot like early Shouto, he hasn’t been able to create his own identity outside of his dad and do something for himself with it because he thinks the people who were supposed to love him no matter what, moved on from him. Just like Shouto was able to do that after facing himself through his fight with Midoriya, and then facing his mom, Touya should be able to do the same thing through Shouto and then facing his family.
Spinner needs an identity. Period. His identity right now is “Shigaraki’s follower”, and as a result of that he is now AFO’s follower. He needs to look past the “weakness” society assigned to him and find his own purpose.
Kurogiri needs to remember who he is at his base—the person who didn’t leave anyone behind. He already kind of is like that as Kurogiri, toward Shigaraki. But he needs one more push in that direction in order to really fight for Shigaraki’s sake, and by extension everyone else’s too—and I predict that push will be from Aizawa.
Compress? I mean it’s mostly because he’s less of a fleshed out character, but he doesn’t have those issues.
What the other League members’ issues all have in common is that—in the circumstances of this story—their resolution relies on the influence and intervention of other characters. Meaning the way the story has chosen to resolve their issues is by making them dependent on someone else to help them face and resolve their problems.
Compress does not really have that type of situation. SO FAR—he isn’t shown to be spiraling or losing himself to his personal demons and needing to be picked back up. He seems to be well in control—just in need of some serious reflection on his and the League’s actions.
So all of that to say—I think Compress will partake in the foreshadowed redeeming acts of the League along with them, and he’ll be fine that way. I also think it’s possible that because he’s in presumably the same hospital as Kurogiri, he can help on the front with Shigaraki in a way as well. Possibly.
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zorkaya-moved · 2 years
❛   a first sign of the beginning of understanding is the wish to die.  ❜  
[ he's just ... really hitting the ground running isn't he LMAO ]
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Diluc Ragnvindr is a man known in both her web and beyond, a figure of powers that leads the Mondstadt from its shadows. Well, in some capacity. A dangerous figure that should be approached with utmost caution. Not that he was like a Harbinger, but he was dangerous in another way for her own plans. The secretary of the Aurora Borealis Theater would look at the man with an inquiring look, trying to discern what he means exactly. Internally, she wants to laugh at him. She wants to laugh, to shame him, and to call him out. He still has his brother alive as she's heard from the people in Mondstadt, he still has people who he can protect, he still has a way forward and his life isn't limited like hers. In this selfish comparison, she thinks he is a whining bitch, but she also cannot speak of his life. They lived a very different lifestyles, but it doesn't mean she won't judge. She can judge but still think that she should learn more before speaking anything out loud.
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" Do you wish to die, Mr. Ragnvindr? " Zarina states the question plainly as she puts down her drink, staring right at the man with a look of worry and curiosity mixed together. How true that is would remain unknown. " I don't think self-destruction should be the first sign of understanding. If it is, then none of us understands anything. "
A wish to die? Don't make her laugh. If you are weak, it would be the first sign and the first wish because the situation would be desperate. In this world, the weak die, and the strong succeed. It was a natural order, a hierarchy Sokolova herself followed ever since she was born. This is the way she was raised and this was the way Snezhnaya creates warriors that make the rest of Teyvat shudder, wonder, and fear them. The isolation of those from the snowy lands was obvious, she knew how deep their despair ran in Mondstadt, in Liyue, in other regions too. The first sign of understanding is the wish to die? No, the first sign of true understanding is anger, rejection, and fighting.
" Or are you passed that phase of understanding and you found something else? " Heroes are always acting like they are holier than thou or they sink deep into the guilty consciousness. It makes her wonder just how much of a hero Diluc is within the city of Mondstadt, a so-called city of freedom where citizens are throwing stones at Fatui and where a woman who genuinely wishes to help others is deemed a hideous creature simply for carrying the name of a noble family. This land and freedom? The perfect example of humanity's depravity. Relying on one or two people to keep them safe, weak in their own desire and their own conviction. " I've seen many people on my travels with Mistress Serebro and while I was on the errands for her to gather actors for Aurora Borealis. A lot of people... " Eyes look down at the drink she has, her visage reflects in it. Her tone of voice is laced with struggles and with the weight of a thousand lives, her sigh that comes out sounds exhausted. " ...Would say that the first step in understanding is to push back, because they cannot allow themselves to give up. All people in Mistress Serebro's theater just like I am, our first understanding of how unfair the world could be was... the wish to push back, to live, to fight for a place where we could belong. I guess, " then she looks up at Diluc, giving him a tiny smile. " We just have different experiences, wouldn't you say? "
As if he had watched everyone he ever cared about die right before him. As if he thought he would die but then woke up to the news that everyone he ever cared about was dead and he was not strong enough to protect them. As if he had a limit on his life and his body was slowly destroying itself. As if all of his dreams were taken away from him. As if he had held the head of his deceased younger brother who was his light and everything good in the world he wanted to protect. As if he knows anything about true despair. Ah, but it is only her judgment, her experience, her weight. Not his, no, she shouldn't try to judge too hard but it's hard not to when she is so bitter on the inside.
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studyingthelore · 1 year
I don’t think we’re done with the 70s timeline, either; the “don’t mess with anything” rules of time travel are there for a reason, and I think it’s pretty obvious that this isn’t going to be a simple “and so this AU John and Mary were happy and nothing bad happened to them, the end.” That’s willfully staying in Limbo’s happy halls.
So, some possible directions:
It’s still entirely possible that Mary will end up having to make a deal with Azazel to bring John back to life. John being aware of his anger issues and his self-destructive impulses doesn’t mean that he’s going to resolve them. This could still be a tragedy as a whole: Mary dies young, John loses all of the coping mechanisms that he had built up and devolves into the John we know from the original series.
It’s possible that Dean helping his parents heal their generational trauma to this extent leads to them having an entirely different family structure. I think photoshopping Sam out of that “mystery man” picture was a deliberate choice (and not just to shade Jared lmao as funny as those posts were). They very obviously could have just shot present-day Jensen getting out of the Impala. So picking a photo from season 6 (? I think? I will double check that) is a choice; is there a timeline collapse sort of thing going on here?
If it is in fact from season 6, that season showed the impact of Cas unsinking the Titanic: Ellen was alive and married to Bobby, and all the descendants of those who had originally died on the Titanic started dying in freak accidents. This seems significant! If you try to mess with the timeline, it will correct itself (see the first bullet point that Dean’s meddling might not have actually changed the course of events; perhaps it did for a while, but then the course of events will correct itself).
So, did Dean’s meddling erase Sam from existence? Maybe, but I think it’s more likely in line with Dean’s djinn dream, in which Sam marries Jess, becomes a lawyer, lives a very different and separate life from Dean and they aren’t all that close to each other. Remember season 6 is also when Dean was trying to keep his own normal life with Lisa together. Maybe this is the normie AU, with lawyer Sam and mechanic Dean who’s in this good enough, mostly okay relationship with Lisa but something is still not quite right and he isn’t exactly happy.
I would still love to see Dean test out other AUs (do we think Mr. Guilt Complex is going to be able to resist the possibility that he can go back and find a timeline in which he can save Charlie’s life, or Kevin’s?), because I do think that he just happened to kind of stumble into this one but his main mission is finding Cas. I think he’s very afraid of possibly messing with Cas through his timeline meddling, so that’s why he keeps it vague (”looking for my family”) in explaining himself to John, Mary, Lata, and Carlos. So, he’s keeping that close to the chest, but in a mirror of the first season of Supernatural, where he was trying to find his dad, Dean can’t resist saving as many people along the way as he possibly can (and now with the added bonus of processing his own trauma and grief; and I absolutely think that his enormous guilt complex has to be addressed).
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