#and just cbmdnd
cheemken · 9 months
I actually wanted to explain all the covens and wild witches to you but I felt it would be to much so I just opted for something similar, which was Harry Potter
But yeah, Belos!Diantha 👀👀 Would that mean Iris or Hau is The Golden Guard/Hunter?
Which covens are everyone in? Is anyone a wild witch? And what about after Belos is overthrown and people are allowed to specialize in more than one magic?
Omf okay so so cjdmdbdj
Ough idk like,,,, the thought of Diantha being like Belos is sooooo jdmxbjd like damn, villain Diantha is just soooooo🥴🤭 you get me?? Just the most manipulative piece of shit to walk the earth and the Boiling Isles ncmdbd
Augustine is the Golden Guard in this ofc ouo, but like, in this au, he wasn't like,, as young as Hunter, an adult yknow but like around his 20s at most, and he's not even the original Augustine bc yeah, he's a Grimwalker like Hunter. The real Augustine has been dead for so long, and that was the reason for Diantha's hatred towards humans (yeah it's the opposite in this au)
But anyways, in my lil toh au, Iris is like Luz, the Unova kids are her friends in the Boiling Isles, so ofc Bianca is Amity– hahahah
Drayden is Eda and Axew is King, and they're a family your honour, but ofc Drayden knows the dangers of Iris being in the Boiling Isles, as their empress, Diantha, fucking hates humans and all the humans who got to the Boiling Isles back then were executed by the empress. Ofc that didn't calm Iris down at all, and she lost the portal back to the human world, so she's kinda stuck there until she can make another portal
And like,,, idk,,, maybe Iris did get caught and Drayden payed the price, but Iris up and saved him too, like in that one episode of toh hahah and just jcmdnd oughhhh Diantha and Iris fight😭😭
Do you see my vision tho cbdmnd ough low-key deranged Diantha but she's just so fucking calm most of the time, and like Belos I wanna say she was kinda cursed too, bc she was so desperate to bring Augustine back that she tried everything, only for those spells and glyphs to take a huge toll on both her mind and body. Until ofc, she found out abt grimwalkers, and she failed, a lot of times, time and time and time again she watched her brother die over and over and over again, until the most recent one, the one Iris and her friends encountered, he was perfect. Of all the grimwalkers, he looked just like you, Augustine. So of course, I named him after you.
BUT YEAH CHAMPIONS AS COVEN HEADS CJMDBCMD and maybe the Kalos E4 too hahahah
So we have (excluding the Emperor's/Empress' Coven ofc)
Lance - Abomination
Steven - Construction
Wallace - Bard
Cynthia - Potions
Hau - Healing
Leon - Beast Keeping
Geeta - Oracle
Malva - Illusionist
Siebold - Plant
I added in Malva and Siebold bc why not, I wanna say they're also Dia's childhood friends in this and were the ones to help her find out abt the grimwalkers to bring Augustine back
As for the Unova kids
Iris - Beast Keeping, Oracle
Hilbert - Construction, Beast Keeping
Hilda - Potions, Abomination
Bianca - Healing, Plant
Cheren - Oracle, Illusionist, Abomination
N - Abomination, Illusionist, Beast Keeping
While writing that tho I had another thought like imagine cbmdnd imagine if Diantha and Augustine were raised by a human, Drasna way back then. Drasna was the first human to ever visit the Boiling Isles and ofc Diantha found her and looked up to her and just jcmdnd ough Drasna raising Augustine and Dia, she was even the one to figure out abt the glyphs and taught the kids that. Then smth happened, another human found the portal to the Boiling Isles, his name was Lysandre, Augustine loved him. The two became close and hey it was going so well yknow, until Lysandre betrayed them.
He killed off Augustine, going on how a witch— a demon— shouldn't even exist, and then killed Drasna for betraying her kind. Diantha went home that day w Lysandre all bloodied while setting fire on Drasna's body, Augustine was lying lifeless on the floor. In her rage, Diantha attacked him, killing him too, promising herself that no more will humans torment them, no more will humans be welcome within the Boiling Isle, she promised herself she'll kill them all if she has to.
And god that really fucked her up yknow, bc Drasna was human, but in her mind Drasna wasn't like the rest, she was good, she was kind, treated them like they were her own children, but maybe.. Drasna was treated differently by the rest of the humans too. And that thought pissed Diantha off. So hey, she collected Drasna's ashes, still within the castle, within a secret chamber, somewhere no one would find. Drasna is safe, that's all that matters to her. Augustine tho... She knows she can fix him. She'll get her brother back, and she did. And she promised herself nothing would happen to him again.
Now imagine her being so dead set on killing Iris, that fear and paranoia never left Diantha, and seeing Iris again triggered that fear again, triggered that hatred, seeing Iris being close to witches, acting all friendly, it reminded her so much of Lysandre. So she decided, she'll make the portal herself, she'll kill everyone in the human world, she'll make sure every human would feel the same pain she felt when they took everything from her. And she's going to start with Iris.
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cheemken · 7 months
Knight I had a small angsty vision of the newest AU, while listening to Gods Mercy of all songs lmao
Actually it’s full on angst™️
Just,,,when all the Champions are captured, they get tortured to death instead of, idk, shooting them or something quick and relatively painless
Cause like Team RR is using them both as a show of power, but also what will happen to rebels and traitors if they don’t agree with Team RR
Imagine it being worse that they give E4 and gym leaders a change to join their side, cause they’re all strong trainer, before they label them as traitors, but not the Champions just to rub salt in the wound. Truly letting them know they have 0% chance of finding a way out of dying
Anyways yeah, Giovanni ordering them to stab Lance all over his body in non lethal parts, letting him slowly bleed out and watch the rest, Maxie ordering for Steven to be slowly burnt alive, Archie ordering the grunts to water board Wallace before finally drowning him, Iris being mauled to death by Dragon Types, just horrid deaths they all got
But wait ‼️‼️
What about SilkWing angst, like Giovanni ordering the grunts to kill Iris in front of Diantha and Lance, and both of them have to watch their practically get eaten alive. Them just screaming at the Leaders to let Iris live, saying “she’s only a teenager she doesn’t deserve this” “we don’t care what happens to us just let her go please”
But of course, Diantha’s gonna be next
Just Giovanni being an evil leader and killing Lances family in front of him before he dies himself
Also sorry if this is to much. Feel free to delete if you don’t want to answer this and just let me know so I don’t send something like this again
Oh love myself some torture fr fr if you have more concepts like this send em my way, man you don't understand I had like the whumpiest au back then in my old fandom and it low-key broke some people hahahaha the torture and abuse in that au was too much too ig but hey
Ough that's so good tho what the fuck😭😭😭 just bcmxbxmx yo idk this got me excited holy shit hahahah
Like, you know what would be so so fucked up SHIT FUCKING IMAGINE CHMDBXNDND if Lysandre knows just what would really fuck Diantha up, for not joining him, for wasting her beauty, for trying to stop him, is that instead of Dragon types being the ones to kill Iris, it's a pack of Houndoom. Like. She's literally being fed to the Houndoom and Diantha could only watch as she screams and writhes in her confines, screaming at Lysandre, cursing him, and Lysandre could only smirk as she watches her daughter get killed, and soon she'll follow suit
Like cjxncbmxbxsk OUGHHHHH IMAGINE TOO THO LIKE CNDNCBDN once all of the other Champions are dead and Lance is still around, Giovanni's there smirking at him, telling him that he must be missing a few people, he really wants to see just how Lance breaks. As if his daughter and wife wasn't enough fucking imagine Gio calls in the grunts and the other leaders to take Clair and Silver right where Lance is, and got them killed in front of him too cbmxnx like Gio's too deep within that rabbit hole that he had no problems having Silver killed, so Lance had to also watch his cousin and his son die before him man like csxjdmdjdkd
Ough bonus points if Lance is there just basically begging Giovanni to kill him, but for Gio that would be mercy, and why would he ever show him mercy y'know? Imagine if Gio and the other leaders kept him alive, making him watch as they destroy his home, his region, and the next will soon follow, he was forced to watch innocent people die, and Gio's there leaning close to him, forcing him to watch, "see how powerless you are? Are you truly still worthy of being called a Champion?" And he could only laugh as he watches the last bit of hope in Lance's eyes get extinguished, his defences crumbling, he was nothing more than a shell of his former self, and god did Giovanni revel in it.
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cheemken · 2 years
Hello there my lil nugget. I saw thine post of art request if isn't a bother could ya draw Cerise Hood or DL! Pearlescentmoon.
Also *hugs* 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
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Here you go, elder ^w^
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cheemken · 10 months
Thinking abt this new concept of villain au Iris and how she decided to try and become Champion, and like, she already has the gym badges yknow, before that fateful battle two years ago, she went through the gyms to prove herself capable of being a Gym Leader herself
And hey, she never got the chance to actually challenge the E4, so this was good opportunity. She wondered if that old man w wild red hair was still Champion, she forgot his name, but hey, she has to admit, he was a kind man and treated his Pokémon like family. She wishes him well. What was his name.. Al.. Alder! Yes, that's the one, the kind man who would often visit her and Drayden at Opelucid. He was nice, Iris liked him, he had a lot of stories about Drayden and himself when they were younger. It reminds her of the times she and her brother would play around w Pokémon too.
But, this is no time to reminisce of the past, it's time for her to challenge the League and become Unova's Champion. Whether or not Alder will be the one waiting for her, she doesn't care, she will win.
The E4 was no challenge for her. Surprisingly, they still recognize her. Shauntal hugged her, telling her that she missed her, all of them thought smth had happened to her, but she's glad she's okay. Caitlin woke up from her slumber in a hurry, almost couldn't believe that it truly was Iris standing before her. Marshal was left speechless, like Shauntal, he crouched down to hug her, hiding his tears and going on how happy he was she was alive. Grimsley dropped his coin the moment he saw her, but he smiled, wiping his tears as he went on how she got everyone scared thinking she was dead. It was a strange feeling. Drayden, the Elite Four, they all showed concern towards her. They showed how happy they were to see that she's still alive and doing well. It was.. unfamiliar to her. Ghetsis would often show them that he cares, but it never felt as warm as w Drayden and the E4. It was drastically different, and ofc, she knows why, it was still strange for her. She wasn't used to it.
Well hey, no need to dwell on those thoughts, she tells herself, as she walked towards the Champion chambers. It has.. been a while since she last been there. She wonders who'd greet her within the room. She actually prayed it won't be N.
Heading inside the chamber, everything was so different. Sitting on the throne, she saw someone donning blue, those hazel eyes looked at her, a small gasp left his lips as he hurriedly stood from his seat, almost running towards Iris but stopped midway, hand outstretched, wanting to reach out for her, but was terrified at the thought that perhaps.. it was another trick of his mind. Iris felt overwhelmed, it was her friend. He became champion, just as he always dreamt he'd be. She wanted to reach out too, to hold his hand once more, to hear his voice, and Arceus granted her that one thing as she finally hears the voice of her friend again.
"Iris..? Is that.. is that really you..?"
Hilbert.. she missed him so much. Tears brimmed her eyes as it did w him, and she nodded, running straight to his arms, w him holding her close, afraid she's gonna disappear again. They know they're going to battle soon, ofc Iris didn't head to the League just to see him, she probably didn't know he was Champion, but.. right now.. right now they don't have to think abt that. They'll cross that bridge when they get there, rn they're just happy that they're together again.
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cheemken · 10 months
Knight you got me feeling
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After reading bout the Unova kids. Like.. they’re each other’s friends. Each other’s family. But even if she never voiced it, Iris always felt a small bit of resentment towards the Twins because people always gave the credit to them. Even though she gave everything to protect Unova from harm, she was outshined by the two Hero’s. Even though she was a Hero herself
But goddd Bianca liking both Iris and Hilda. And these two being respectful of each other and agreeing to let Bianca decide. But now Iris is reminded of all the little things Hilda had stolen from her. The fame, the credit, the title, the respect. And now she’s trying to steal Bianca from her, just like she had with everything else. But she’s not going to let Hilda get away with stealing from her ever again. She’s been passive about it for to long
(But ough, I am being sane about this. Like Iris had been relatively okay with Hilda and Hilbert taking the credit from her because she knew they didn’t mean to. The public just liked them better then her. But now that she’s losing it she’s taking her anger out on everyone about anything, including her friends)
Your honour everytime I make a concept abt them I have to be my own goddamn therapist they make me so fucking ill😭😭
Like yeah Iris really hated the fact that the public liked the twins better than her, but they're her friends yknow, they were so supportive of her, they were nice to her and told her how strong she was, that out of all of em, they always felt safe w her bc she's strong and capable yknow, that they could really trust her. But shit they didn't really do much abt all the comments Iris gets. Like they'd tell her to just not listen to them yknow, that those comments aren't worth anything, the people of Unova were just being very bitter. But it's also the fact that they say that while bending over backwards trying to please the Unovan people too. That they never got any hate from them, that even N, who was formerly Plasma's king, was better off than her and it's so fucking unfair man.
What was it abt her that was so easy to hate? She kept repeating that question over and over and over again until she cries herself to sleep. She asked Drayden abt it, he pulled her in for a hug, telling her to not mind those comments. Told her the same thing her friends said. If anything he'll make sure that the people of Opelucid doesn't see her as weak, they should know better. But that didn't change anything, fake smiles and promises managed to fool Drayden, and still she suffered.
Then a tournament at Kalos, all the Champions are there, she still hears those whispers, how they doubt she could even get past the first round. It messes her up ofc, she told Diantha and Lance abt it. They were not happy, not one bit, and they actually did something. They went and confronted the people who looked down on her, told them off, told them how Iris was stronger than she seemed. And that actually shut them up, when Iris got to the semi finals they cheered for her, even if she lost to Lance. They became her fans, supporting her too. And that really made her happy.
So why can't her friends do that too? Did they secretly hate her? Years later she really believed that, that maybe they liked being in the limelight, that they liked the praise being said to them, that the people of Unova hold them is such high regards. She hears how Hilbert should've won against Iris, she hears how Hilda was such a hero helping around Unova. She hears how the twins were just so perfect, how they're doing a much better job than Iris, but she was doing the same as them tenfold. She's already struggling as it is, yet even w that the people of Unova just didn't like her and she doesn't understand why. She ended up hating her friends bc of that
But now she has smth yknow. She has Diantha and Lance as her parents, and they actually do smth to stop the hate. She has Kyurem, her very own legendary dragon who trusts her so much, who was so lonely before he met her. She has the Shadow Triad, despite it all, they grew close, somehow they confided w each other, and they grew loyal to her. She has Team Plasma, and they were so loyal to her as well, giving her the respect she deserves. She has Bianca,, well, had. Ofc, the person Iris wanted to be in her life still, the person who she wanted to share her future w, Hilda took her away.
Was she not satisfied with everything else she took? She had to take Bianca away from her despite Bianca telling Iris that she loves her. Hilda is so fucking unfair. For Iris, it felt like one final fuck you before she takes everything else that she finally has in her life away from her too.
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cheemken · 10 months
Maybe bc I've read too many possessive Donna Beneviento fics but like,,,, villain Iris being really possessive too tho
Do you see my vision for this
Like, imagine prior to the reveal, Iris was already a lil bit,, possessive of Bianca. That lil concept where they're at Lacunosa, and it's all good yknow, but like, Iris is there holding Bianca's hand tight, and then she sees someone talking to Bianca and she has to stop herself from growling and pulling Bianca close to her, bc they aren't even dating and it'd be awkward
But just bcmdnd yknow
As Plasma's leader, since her face was so hidden sans the eyes, everyone was intimidated by her, she's there w her team attacking a city, and Bianca's there yknow, and she was terrified, oh if only the others were there. But like cbdmnd oughhh Iris just slowly walking towards her, Bianca was abt to call out her Serperior but Iris grabs her wrist. Bianca was honestly abt to cry, then Iris just lifts her other hand and soft caresses Bianca's face, going on how she's so pretty, and "a pretty lady like yourself shouldn't be here" and just pulls her close to her and got the Shadow Triad to take them away from there, leaving Bianca somewhere safe
And like,,, idk, like imagine after the reveal, while Plasma was fighting the League and the Champions, Iris did get a hold of Bianca again tho, it's the two of them at Plasma's frigate watching the others fight to the death. And Iris is there just pulling Bianca close, going on how she could be her goddess, since she's a god now, and together they can rule over Unova
But Bianca didn't want that, she was telling Iris that what she's doing is wrong, that she should stop, but Iris was shaking her head. "Aren't those the people who looked down on you too?" She said, voice soft, yet her grip on Bianca was tight, pulling her close, closer than they already were, "now they won't have to bother you anymore. After all, you're mine, my equal, they should know better than to go against you."
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cheemken · 11 months
Thinking abt Unova kids again
Like,,, how Hilda and Hilbert sees Iris now
How Hilbert was the first one to ever notice the sudden change in her personality. How he was the first one to ever reach out to her. How he just wanted to help her because she's his friend and he loves her he cares about her, and seeing what kind of person she's gonna turn out to be scares him, bc Iris isn't like that, Iris was kind and was fun and she was always there for him, she isn't cold or distant or temperamental, impulsive maybe, but it just shows she's passionate.
How Hilda tried so hard to believe that there was nothing wrong w Iris, then she started wearing that cape, then she started wearing those dragon tamer robes, then she started becoming more and more emotionless as the days, month, years went by them. How she hated Iris' Champion persona bc it's not the Iris that she knows and love, it's not the same Iris who got excited when she became champion, not the same person that tried her hardest to prove herself worthy to be Unova's champion, she became more strict, quick to anger when someone threatens anyone in the region, going as far as almost killing someone.
The two of them wanting to get their friend back, bc that isn't the Iris that they know, that's not how she's supposed to be and they all know that. And god they just love her yknow, she's their friend, she had always been there for them, so they should be there for her too. But how could they if she keeps pushing them away?
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cheemken · 6 months
I threw my Aconite out to battle a 4* Bug Raid Zebstrika and let's just say that Bitter Blade is very effective at dealing damage haha
That's dope tho hahaha ah I wish they'd add raids like that in rom hacks now, they already have the gmax raids, most likely they'd probs add that kinda raid in Rad Red hahah
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cheemken · 7 months
along with bw and b2w2, what other pokemon games do you love and which ones are your least favorite
Unova and Hoenn and Johto games my absolute fucking beloved
Anyways under the cut bc it's really just me rambling abt stuff hahaha
Your honour hckdndk Emerald was legit the first pokemon game I ever saw fr, and Treecko was the first starter Mon I saw too, but when I got my phone and downloaded my first pkmn game, I didn't know Emerald at that time and the thing that shows up most was FireRed and I thought that was it so like imagine my confusion when I was going through the starters and I didn't see Treecko anywhere and the vibes are like, different lmfao
But when I discovered RSE man ofc I downloaded all three of em, I finally found Treecko hahah and like, when I saw the other starters they were so goddamn cool man the Hoenn starters are peak fr, all three of em were so fuckin dope and I really wanted to choose Treecko ofc bc he was the one I was looking for all these years, but then I saw Mudkip and yeah the rest was history hahah
Also dyk, I encountered my first ever shiny in Sapphire hahah it was a shiny Shroomish, unfortunately, I was out of pokeballs so I didn't get to catch it ;w;
But yeah y'know, until now I still wish I could play ORAS, I have a tab now y'know I can dl Citra, but like,, it's still lag as shit, I tried it on X so yeah owo. Ah well hey, maybe one day hahah either way, RSE be dope af, it's honestly so so homey for me idk why, it's just,, there's smth abt it that feels more at home than any other pkmn game, even Unova, like,, the music for Littleroot Town would get me man chdmdb hahah but maybe bc it's like a tropical region, and I live in a tropical country so hey, it's the sense of familiarity ig hahah
And then the Johto games, Crystal was the first GBC game I played and the first gen two game I played and it was so cool man, seeing the old sprites, seeing them move a bit, how cool Typhlosion was, having to battle Red for the first time hahah was even dope when I found out Lance became Champion, and while I'm not very fond of Kanto, it was cool that the games let us visit another region, that was the dopest experience honestly hahah
And like, I was curious tho bc I wanna know what I'd get when I completed the pokedex there, granted I never completed the dex prior to that, so busted out the cheats bc I really wanted to find out, and like,,, nothing owo. But hey ig, guess Crystal gets that point of being the first game where I completed the dex albeit cheated hahaha
Then I found out abt HeartGold and my guy let me tell ya my soul fucking ascended when I discovered my pkmn can follow me around man like that was dope as all fuck my Typhlosion back then was so goddamn cool jcmdndnd such a shame that mechanic wasn't in gen 5 anymore, it would've been dope plus story wise it would've made more sense if it was itroduced or was still around in the BW games
And ofc, I was an og Unova stan hahaha I think at this point we all know I'd throw hands for the gen five games lmfao it's just cool as fuck man like,, idk it really is the peak of pkmn for me, like yeah there are some cool games now like PLA and ScVi and all that but like,, BW/BW2 are just the dopest for me hahah like it legitimately set the standards for me I'm ngl, I mean c'mon, the story was amazing, there's so much going on, the league actually did something instead of just vibing around, like it's so fucking dope man it actually made me care abt all the characters in it bc they show what they're like outside being gym leaders, they interact with each other, the game shows us abt their friendship and how they're all willing to help each other and the region out like to honour this is the game ever for real I can never get enough of the Unova games man
Also real shit, N being my trans awakening lmfaooooo you don't understand how much I wanted to look like N back then I thought it was just young me having a fictional crush but no I deadass liked his whole ass aesthetic I wanted to be like him and here we fucking are owo
Anyways my least fave of the pkmn gamesss
I honestly don't vibe w the Kanto and Sinnoh games lmfao
Idk man, the Kanto games are just boring for me and the Sinnoh games dont appeal to me much, like it really took me a while and a whole lot of coaxing for me to actually finish Platinum bc half way through I just wanted to stop bc it really wasn't that fun of an experience for me
Idk ig it's the fact both games are kinda,, over hyped?? Like, a lot of peeps still think the gen one/Kanto games are the best and then there's the people who like Sinnoh but let's be real most of them just kinda favour it for Cynthia. Honestly at this point I see Cynthia and Red kinda like Sans from Undertale, overrated and almost everywhere, the fandom hold them in such high regards that they just kinda ignore other characs or everything just kinda,, revolves around em? Idk, but, majority of the stuff I see are like that so hey y'know take this w a grain of salt hahah
And like, not that I hate those characs ofc, just that I don't see Red as a "legendary" trainer, and I honestly don't see the hype in Cynthia's fight, it,, it really wasn't that hard for me idk but hey
But ig it's also the fact that Kanto didn't give me much and Sinnoh was slow as shit even w the fast forward on in my emulator like my guy it's smth else💀 that plus the tons and tons of HMs you need to get through the game man it broke me o w o
But y'know, that's just me, if you like these games then hey, you have fun and enjoy playing em, those games are just not my cup of tea hahaha
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cheemken · 2 years
Bulbapedia says that Rika of the Elite Four is female, but Rika would forever be non-binary to me-
Well, Grusha too haha
They both can be non-binary icons haha
They're so gender my guy you are so right they're nb in my book too hahaha
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cheemken · 7 months
Hey Knight, I have another small headcanon about Iris
She takes in and cares for small dragons types or dragon like Pokémon. She’ll find a baby archen with a broken wing and once Nurse Joy wraps up it’s wing, she will take it home and care for it until the wing is fully healed. Then she’ll usually release them into the wild once they’re fully healed
This is actually how I headcanon she caught her Archeops. It didn’t want to leave her
Anyways, it’s such a common occurrence that she’ll sometimes show up to League meetings holding some kind of Pokémon and looking slightly disheveled, and no one fights her about it anymore. I just imagine every conversation going smth like
“Iris where the hell did you find that Gible this time?”
“I found him alone in a cave, there was no Gabite or Garchomp nearby so he was probably abandoned or got lost”
“Anyways, his name is Eepy and he likes to bite :)”
She makes Haxorus or Hydregion babysit when she can’t watch the baby Pokémon
"his name is Eepy and he likes to bite" your honour please that's so cute what😭😭
Lil Eepy just running around the League, got away from Haxorus and Hydreigon bc ofc he did, and he's there going through all the chambers of the E4. Imagine chdmdb hahahah him monching on a few of Shauntal's books, ate a few of Grimsley's coins, jumped on Caitlin while she was asleep, and even bit Marshal's leg, Iris and the rest of the E4 had to stop Caitlin from going apeshit lmfaaooo
But also your honour pls, Bianca looking after lil Eepy bc everyone's sure Haxorus is so tired of her tail being bitten lol, and ough your honour pls, Bianca and Iris being so soft w Eepy, Bianca's the only one he doesn't bite bc she actually gives him chew toys lol, and your honour pls that's their son now okay chdnnhfjf
Also also I know in my heart Eepy bit every other Unova kid lmfao, even N, imagine N tying to talk to Eepy tho and the only thing running in Eepy's mind is how he wanna bite off N's hair bc it's the same colour as the chew toy Bianca gave him cbmdnd
Hilda got so pissed over Eepy bc he bit her arm while she was eating a sandwich and the lil shit took off w her grilled cheese too, Iris was all "don't be mad at your nephew, he's still a kid, of course he'd like grilled cheese >:("
"that little shit is not my nephew, fuck off, running away with my grilled cheese like that, can't have shit here in Unova"
Also it'd be cute if like, Cheren was looking after Eepy once and introduced it to his class, like the Prof Gible thing in ScVi bc I think that was one of the cutest things there along w DJ GRave hahahah Cheren does make sure to always give Eepy food or his chew toy tho bc yeah, he bit Hugh and doesn't want him biting any of the other kids hahah
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cheemken · 7 months
u hv any mre unova kids hcs king?
Idk if these are hcs more on me wanting this to actually happen but hey guess I can add these in my hcs hahah
Anyways y'know, wishful thinking on my part but imagine if we do get a bw3
Imagine if Cheren became an Elite Four, still specializing in Normal types, and his successor for Aspertia's Gym is Hugh, becoming the Dark type Gym Leader with Liepard as his ace
And then it's Bianca that's the professor now, the one to greet the new trainers and give them their starters (then again she's already the one to give the trainers their starters in bw2), the one who guides them on their journey, even telling stories abt her own journey w her friends
Then N's there in Alder's place, travelling Unova, guiding the trainers too, telling them abt his views and ideals and how it blinded him back then, but now he knows the world isn't just black and white
Iris is still Champion, Unova's longest running Champion, much older and wiser now, the image of a hero in the eyes of the Unovan people, patrolling the skies and the lands of their region, making sure everyone is safe, and she becomes a mentor figure for the trainers too
Imagine how dope that'd be tho cbmdnd imagine that at the end, when the trainer gets to Nuvema town, they see the mysterious Hero of Truth/Ideals, so close to going back home, already one more step before entering the quaint and peaceful town, yet the hesitation got to them, as their dragon's shadow loomed over them, they're gone, never having the courage to go back home
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cheemken · 10 months
“how do I put this delicately.. I think it would be best if you die." THATS COLD just like the spear
Girly straight up just said your free trial is over and stabbed her dad
ough Iris feeling like real shit because Kyurem had to pretend to still be under Ghetsis control, and Iris had to watch her grandpa mentor try fight off the legendary. All while Ghetsis is being a dick and monologuing about how powerful he is and the next part of the plan
Iris being an anti-hero is good shit. Like yeah she got rid of Ghetsis and she’s leading Neo Plasma in a different direction, but she’s killing people and doing questioning things to do so. She’s still going down the same path her dad was leading her just without him, because she knows she’s better and smarter than him. Plus she was just sick of the abuse and fear she had over him
You know Drayden really loves Iris cause Hilbert told him about her being seen with N, the enemy, and he still wished for her to be safe and found. Man didn’t even doubt for one moment that Iris was still alive, he knew she was. Even though the rest of the League probably thought she had died sometime in that battle
Homegirl has had enough, I think along w a hug she also deserves to commit murder yknow, as a treat uvu hahahah
But ougndmcbxnxbd please Iris believing she's so much better than Ghetsis, she was stronger and smarter and unlike him she didn't have to forcefully control Kyurem, as Kyurem was already her friend, and Kyurem would do anything for her.
And like right anti hero Iris is soooooo *wild hand gestures* like she really thinks she's doing the right thing, even former Plasma members joined again bc they know she was genuine w her cause, they don't separate people from Pokémon in an instant, but they're also.. they don't hesitate to kill. Iris had said if they ever see a trainer, no matter who it is, mistreat their Pokémon, they should kill them on the spot and save that poor pkmn.
She doesn't understand why the people are still terrified of Plasma. She's not like Ghetsis, it's not like she's doing smth wrong, she's just making sure her pkmn friends are safe. Her brother should know better right. Her brother knows what it's like, her brother should be on her side. But imagine once she and N met again, N had told her that what she was doing is still wrong. Hurting people was wrong, he finally realizes that, and tells her that she should really just disband Plasma, as it's nothing but a connotation of fear for the Unovan people at this point. Imagine him telling her she's no better than Ghetsis, letting Plasma's followers believe what they're doing is right, when it actually isn't.
Oh Iris was pissed, she really thought her brother would know better, but perhaps these humans really corrupted his mind. A shame, really, she did like those kids she met, she befriended them, but she can't just let people hurt pkmn, she just can't. Well, no matter, she's sure Drayden and Hilbert would be by her side, right?
No but like cbmdnd imagine Drayden being so happy that Iris was alive and safe and was back home to him, and like Iris getting so excited for Drayden to really meet Kyurem. And imagine the fear Drayden felt when Iris called out Kyurem, the Boundary Pokémon looking at both of them. Drayden could feel the chill, he held Iris close in fear of Kyurem suddenly attacking them, but Iris calmed him down telling him that Kyurem was sorry for attacking Opelucid. They had to bc they want Ghetsis to believe that he still had Kyurem under his control. And to make it up for it, Iris commanded some grunts to help around Opelucid, making sure the city is safe. Drayden wasn't sure what to feel abt that, he was happy his granddaughter protege was back, but just,, she's still part of Plasma ofc. He doesn't know why she still ties herself w that organization, she has so much potential, but he fears it will be wasted on being Plasma's leader.
Oughh imagine if Drayden actually had a talk w Iris tho, later that night, saying how he knows she's strong, she's a really good battler, a battling prodigy really, that maybe she could give up Plasma and live a normal life. She already has a home in Opelucid w him, and Drayden was kind enough to mention that her brother could live w them too. But like, Iris thinking of smth else tho. Thinking that Drayden was right, she was strong, maybe strong enough to be a Champion. And if she's Champion,, well, maybe people would stop fearing Plasma. Ofc, why hadn't she thought of that sooner, she could become Champion!
Oh, how grateful she was for Drayden, but he can't know she really wasn't willing to disband Plasma. Without Plasma, who would protect those poor Pokémon being mistreated by their trainers? Well, she's sure once she's Champion, people will see her vision, and they'd finally stop being scared of Plasma, they'd finally stop being scared of her and Kyurem. Yeah, that would be cool, she decided, before she slept she promised herself she'll be Unova's Champion, the strongest trainer in the region, and people will see that Plasma is there to help them.
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cheemken · 9 months
Oh my god you remembered my birthday! Wait no that sounded like I assumed you would forget-
Anyways regardless how your new sona design turns out I'm sure it'll be rad!
Also yeah, uni just smashes mental health like that wrecking ball in Miley Cyrus' song, shit do be difficult regardless which course you're in but thank fuck I'm not in psychology haha
I'm in healthcare which is probably equally bad
Real cbmdnd hahaha but hey my memory isn't that good anymore I think I mixed up yours and Dee's, yours is this eighth yeah? Ough I have make up classes that day but hey don't worry I'll make smth for you, you always make smth for me too so hey hahaha altho I can't guarantee it'll be dope bc yeah my art skills aren't at its peak anymore hahaha hopefully tho I'll deliver uvu"
But pfft yeah even shit tho that I honestly fucking think our school hates the psych dept that I made this lil inside joke that if ever these mfers go crazy I'll gaslight them even more owo hahahah ah but hey ig we vibing, a ton of major subjects na and a ton of reporting and ough it's all a mess but hey, we vibe ig, can't do shit ig hahaha
Mood tho w healthcare, well hey good luck w your stuff there too hahah don't forget to take breaks and drink water, take care of yourself my guy hahah
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cheemken · 1 year
y dont u like g4? nd whats ur fav gen
Idk man, I just don't vibe w it ig hahah there's just smth abt it that I don't like,, ig bc it's,, overrated?? Or maybe the ton of HMs?? Idk, it just,, I just don't vibe w it hahah but hey if it's your fave gen or smth then that's dope, I'm not hating on that, like the gen you vibe w and such uwub
And as for my fave gen,, well, gens, I love three and five so much chdnnd I already loved gen five when I was still ten, but I didn't get to play it, and when I first got to play FR and RSE, the Hoenn games were legit the first games that I genuinely enjoyed playing and when I finally got to to play BW man that was such a fun experience cbmdnd hahaha unfortunately, I didn't get to play it as often as Emerald bc yeah my phone back then isn't compatible w the DS emulator, but now at least I can play my fave gens again hahaha
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cheemken · 1 year
i kno u dun hv pkmn scarvi but whos ur fav character?
Look okay hear me out bc I know a lot of people don't like them now but like,, the professors, mainly Sada cbmdnd
Idk man she hot hahah—
But also!! I saw a post saying how the profs really did care for Arven and yeah I get it y'know bc they weren't there much for him but still chdmxn I just think they're cool hahah
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