#and its very qroier coded
soups-archive · 4 months
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more signs were discovered around the spawn area!
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iolypse · 1 year
alright! shit went down last night, huh?
I'm gonna run through the events that took place, then break it all down. (this whole thing is 1.4k+— sorry!)
qcellbit, our newest mad theorist, spent some time going around the island asking the members who've been here the longest about their experiences. how they got to the island, if they remember anything from before the island, the dragon, the duck, the messages, the binary code fuckers, cucurucho, the eggs, etc etc.
one particularly interesting bit of info was given to him by qphilza, who explained the existence of the airships and his investigation of a particularly large one. after showing qcellbit some items he looted from said ship, including a netherite pickaxe, enchanted golden apples, and chorus fruit, he talks about how a binary monster chased him all the way back to mainland, trying to kill him the whole time. he mentions that when accidentally right clicking it, a baby certificate popped up just like what happens when you right click the eggs. he then recounts that qfit threw a bomb to kill the entity, which promptly despawned so they couldn't loot its body.
he says that a short amount of time later, the entity appeared again and gave him a book with coordinates on it. said coordinates lead to an odd machine built at qluzu's house.
later on, qcellbit explains all of this to his fellow theory brothers, and with qphil in tow, they go to investigate. it's exactly as qphil said— an odd machine, specifically a few blocks of which are admin placed, and what looks like a screen that could hold code inside? the machine also has an eight on it. maybe tracking the number of eggs?
(the original number, maybe. there are only seven eggs alive right now, ten eggs have existed total. with tallulah and richarlyson as late additions, yeah, that makes eight original eggs.)
qcellbit, qbad, qmaximus, and qfoolish all discuss this. one of them is suddenly given a book with code that translates to say "LEAVE". they debate this for a little while— is it saying to leave the machine, or leave the island? they aren't sure.
I'm not really caught up on qluzu's lore, but apparently there's some alternate version of qluzu called arin, and arin is a machine of some sort. arin may allegedly be part of the machine they look at now?
they then decide that they need to at least see if it would be possible to escape. the portal that the initial trains came through still exists, so they all leave their kids with qphil and go investigate.
qphil, now alone with chayanne, richarlyson, and leonarda, all of which have a single life, sets up a table and decides to ask them about their past. do they remember anything at all from being kidnapped and returned cracked? no. he turns to richarlyson, then— newest egg, the only one left uncracked— and asks about the dragon. was it small like a little lizard, or large, larger than luzu's house? richarlyson specifically says that he thinks— doesn't know, but thinks— that the dragon is very, very large.
it's then that a binary entity with a name translating to "AI" attacks (very briefly, it appears with cucurucho's skin, though I personally believe this to be a simple glitch unrelated to any actual lore, same with the eggs occasionally appearing with normal mc skins), immediately going for chayanne. qphil quickly sends out messages telling the others to come back now, and he and the eggs try their damned best to fight it off. qphil has to pop an enchanted golden apple, and it seems like the eggs' guns aren't really doing anything. the binary entity isn't going down. it flees just before the others return. they never quite reached the portal.
qphil takes chayanne home after this. chayanne tells him that he's missing his gun. did it break? he's not sure. it might've, but it's gone now.
meanwhile, qroier and qbobby are on a boat ride, far from mainland. they make it to shore, and that's when the binary entity— the same one that just attacked qphil and the eggs he was looking after— attacks. it forces them into the water, and bobby drowns while trying to escape it. the entity exclusively attacked bobby the entire time, not once going after qroier. as soon as bobby was confirmed dead, it swam to the surface and flew off.
there's more that happened after this— I haven't watched the full clips, but some include a mob typically only spawned by the binary entities showing up and attacking qbbh while he and tallulah were making a beach house, and cucurucho appearing within the hidden parts of qcellbit's base while he was in the middle of theorizing.
so! onto the actual analysis part of this bullshit.
the binary entities. there's at least six of them, 01101100 "l" (lowercase L) who originally attacked qphil, 101010110101 (has no direct translation, too many numbers) who attacked arin, 1001010 "J" who attacked qcellbit, 100101001 ")" (?????) who attacked leonarda, 01101001 "i" who attacked qmariana, and now 01000001 01001001 "AI" who attacked qphil and qroier separately (not including other binary entities I may have missed).
some of them are very determined to kill the eggs (looking at AI specifically), while others freely attack players (lowercase L), so it's hard to pinpoint if they have a collective motive here.
I've seen some people theorize that they are the interference in the messages players have been receiving— jumbled numbers and letters and morse code hidden within the videos, a voice asking "are you there?". I would have said they're trying to get players to leave the island by making it more dangerous and more unappealing, getting rid of the eggs so they no longer have any reason to stay, but then there's AI, who specifically attacked while the theory brothers were attempting to escape. A distraction, most certainly— I don't buy that this is a mere coincidence.
something I have noticed is that their activity has been more and more frequent the more the theory brothers spread what they've discovered, today revealing to qroier most everything they've been able to decipher, just a few days ago explaining things to qphil and inviting qcellbit to the group.
clearly they don't want people knowing things. they don't want the code deciphered, they don't want the island residents to learn what's happening beneath the surface.
so they're not trying to get them to leave the island, and the code within the video is likely not theirs (it's in a totally different format anyways— morse code and jumbled numbers and letters as opposed to pure binary code). when they received the book telling them to leave, it most likely meant to leave the machine. they're tormenting the eggs to further build emotional attachment and discourage attempts to escape or solve the code.
so whose code is this, if not the binary entities'?
no fucking clue! I do quite doubt it's cucurucho, and it's most certainly not the duck. it may be an outside source knowledgeable to the census bureau's potential crimes, or a possible survivor and escapist from long ago. the island was definitely once inhabited judging by the run down buildings that existed when the first batch of island residents arrived.
one thing I've been thinking about lately is the fact that they had to bring power to the island.
we haven't really seen anything come of that, have we? why would the island need power? there's odd outlets put in the wall, what's their use? why would something need to be linked to the wall?
wasn't the attempt kind of unsuccessful? both groups fucked up the puzzle in the train station, but they were let out anyway?
small little theory of mine is that they somehow drew power from the eggs to bring the brazilians there, cracking them in the process, but I really don't have any proof or anything to back this up. it's just a potential explanation as to why the eggs disappeared and came back cracked on the very same day the brazilians arrived.
I will say that some of the eggs have acted somewhat different since that all happened. while it may just be a response to the trauma they experienced, I feel like chayanne and tallulah have both been wandering a lot more than they used to lately. they always stuck fairly close to their parents, but it seems like they've both been straying a bit.
I'm honestly spitballing at this point, just trying to get a grasp on all this info. at the very least, I'm almost 100% certain the dragon never existed, and something is super fucking wrong with this island!
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anonymous-dentist · 5 months
For me personally the thing that is causing QSMP to lose its initial charm is it went from being a character driven story to a story that the characters are forced to just find a way to fit into? Of course we’ve always had overarching stories of the federation and the codes but it felt like it was very heavily shaped by the characters reactions and feeling towards those things but now it’s like all the characters have been allowed to build up their personal stories and arcs for months and suddenly are just being shoved into situations and being told to just figure out how they fit into it and if it cobtridicts their personal arcs then huh oh well I guess 🤷‍♀️
Another issue I’ve found is that a lot gets hyped up TOO MUCH and it leaves everyone feeling disappointed when it doesn’t live up to the expectations we as the audience were told to have. Like purgatory it was all “THIS IS GOING TO CHANGE EVERYTHING NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME BE PREPARED FOR ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING TO HAPPEN” and then it was just a two week long pvp competition that has had barely any long term impact?
It’s upsetting because I’ve been watching and enjoying the server since literally day 1 and it’s just kinda fizzling out and it sucks :(
Yeah, same. That's why I look back on May-August so fondly because like. Things happened? But the characters made things happen.
Like, the lore was setting ElQuackity up to win the QSMP Elections, but the players stopped that from happening by surprising even Quackity and killing ElQ twice. Both Cucurucho and the admins seemed to be at least a little surprised by qCellbit going up and asking to join the Federation in May, and they rolled with it, and it was super cool!! Bad and Cellbit and Baghera all save Dapper from ElQuackity despite the whole situation more or less being set up to end up with Dapper getting hurt in some way, and everyone rolls with it!
Now? The characters have little impact, and it's super disheartening to watch as a viewer imo. Like Cellbit's murder arc and his and Roier's murder husbands arc that they spent literal hours on call talking about probably isn't gonna happen the way it was supposed to anymore because of everything with Purgatory, that's a great example because both ccs seemed disappointed when they realized that their big huge lore character arc just. Wouldn't get to happen through the event like they thought it would, because they thought it would be a brief little event on an island they could kill people on, but nope! Two weeks, they're forcibly split up, Cellbit is so tired by the end that he has to take a long break, and his character's sacrifice doesn't even matter because the thing he sacrificed himself for, aka Richarlyson, was rescued by a fucking NPC days later
And, yeah, literally every event is hyped up as the Coolest Thing Ever when it's like. Nothing comes out of it. Purgatory was supposed to be this big huge event, and legitimately only qRoier has felt any impact from it. The audience was overwhelmingly disappointed with Purgatory's start, and the audience is even more disappointed now with the eggs coming back to sorta calm people down after the disappointment
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cavewretch · 5 months
I would live to hear more of your roier thoughts, both character and creator wise, but I understand if you're too tired with mcyt and the content format for that. just think that the recent post you wrote was incredibly interesting and would be very curious for more.
like apart from general thoughts on roier both character and streamer, what specifically would you be curious to hear him explain about his character?
helloooo!!! don't worry i'd love to say more i haven't mentally escaped cubitos yet lmfao. i'm glad you thought so, anon!! :3
i'd love to hear roier's thoughts on roleplay in general (how he approaches it or prepares for it) bc he's so subtle and long term with his character. i'm curious how intentional he is with his performance too. like of course it's all mostly improvised so his actions aren't usually planned, but his actions in-character build up beautifully. like him in-character hiding that he's good at pvp and then revealing he's actually one of the strongest fighters on the island - that was a months long character choice that he couldn't even guarantee would pay off! or when after bobby's death he stopped doing dungeons for fun, but would immediately snap into fighter mode when he had to if it meant protecting the others. (off the top of my head i'm thinking of the cellbit and felps rescue mission and the code sword mission).
idek if he thinks about roleplay this deliberately but he's gotta have some sort of qroier brainspace constructed bc of how things have progressed, no? like, at risk of being unbearable, yeah it's minecraft but it's also theater lmfao
(also tangent but roier's playstyle for most games i've seen him play is offense, he quickly evaluates a little and then launches into situations headfirst, so it's interesting to watch that translate into a defensive role)
anyways more specifically bc i feel like i haven't even answered ur question yet fjshdjshf - to roier, about qroier: does he want to know his past? does he get frustrated with how he's perceived by the other islanders? what keeps him from correcting people? how does roier decide when qroier's angry enough to show it? to me, qroier's breaking points are betrayal and the people he loves- what does he believe about himself that keeps his personal safety and pride from that list? ALSO this is less important to story im just curious- melissa started as a disguise to manipulate quackity but has sort of evolved into a drag persona, why does he refuse to tell people he and melissa are the same person? (i imagine its to keep the secret from getting to quackity or keeping it as another secret asset in his back pocket but i wanna hear him talk about it)
and finally to roier - if he could retcon anything in qsmp what would he retcon and why hehehe
i thought purgatory would be a breaking point for qroier, and it was in some ways (i'm no longer a clown, i'm no longer joking, actually fuck all this lets burn all our stuff to force system change) but the consequences are so blurry it seems like qroier had to shrink back a bit into lying in wait (FOR WHAT???) once they returned to the island/he was handed pepito. disclaimer tho i haven't watched any qsmp since the end of purgatory i've just read posts and talked w my sister who still watches it
this got out of hand - i hope i answered your question!!!
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pixiecaps · 8 months
now it's so hard for me to pretend it doesn't bother me when people say cucurucho is just a silly goofy guy full of whimsy and bubbles. that bear is sadistic, sinister, and now we know what it and the federation are truly capable of. will jaiden know the truth? does she even care? did she care at all back then when she first worked for them?
hii im late to this!
qjaiden definitely knows! she understands the things the federation is capable of besides the recent lore that she has missed. its fundamental to her character to understand that qjaiden’s belief is that cucurucho’s actions are less about him being sinister as a person but that his boss who is ordering him to do those actions is the true evil. she believes while yes cucurucho has done some alarming things he is under someones direct command and is still a living being who deserves a level of kindness especially since offering that kindness may assist her in learning more about the federation and his boss.
from how i view it qjaiden definitely cares i mean she was one of the ones who was quite adamant trying to find qq as she was the one who literally watched him get taken by cucurucho. and though she appears to naively go along with missions and what cucurucho says she is aware there could be negative consequences for her & others. she is willingly taking that risk hoping that it will only affect her. she knows full well she can get taken or harmed in any capacity and even perhaps be lied to about the egg safety but she feels she has to do something. as well as acknowledging that she cannot turn back at this point.
important to note she knows her path is completely dangerous & risky but she feels she doesn’t have anything to lose as well. and to speak honestly shes right. at least compared to the others on the island. she lost the one thing that held value & massive attachment to her. bobby. and of course she has friends and those who trust her but its not something the federation can use to easily harm her as easily as an egg would. i think the closest thing they could do is something involving qroier but even then I’m not sure how well that would work.
i think what’s interesting about jaidens connection with the cucurucho is that it’s a very honest approach. she doesn’t lie nor attempt to manipulate cucurucho. she has no greedy or secret intentions. she is in her most honest form trying to get to know and understand cucurucho. she acts like a true friend to him. she treats him like any other person on the island.
i see qjaiden as a person placed in a field of land mines. the chances of not hitting a landmine are low and the further she traverses the field the closer she may reach her demise but theres always the end of the field. the end is there despite how far and treacherous it may be. i wonder if when she reaches the end, if she ever does, will the danger have been worth it? only time will tell.
now the qjaiden we know is the one who cannot remember a past with the federation so it’s hard to speak for that federation worker version of her as it’s completely unknown to us. but i would assume if her memory was wiped then maybe she did realize there was something bad going on with the federation and cucurucho and they had to remove her recollection of it. but its hard to say. as again we don’t know much about that.
overall i think we as the audience cannot and should not trust the federation, cucurucho, or the code entity. but i think when it comes to the characters qjaiden is a special case especially when we consider how she views the situation of being trapped on the island. it’s different it’s interesting and it has a lot of potential at least to me. obviously there’s nothing wrong with characters like qcellbit who adamantly are against the federation but characters like qjaiden i feel have a lot more room to roleplay with the federation/cucurucho and in turn expand our knowledge about them. so i think jaidens path for this roleplay is excellent since it balances out nicely with characters like qmaxo qcellbit etc. and give us a different perspective on everything. we love a true neutral in this house.
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