#and it’s something Charles loves to take not of cos he loves music
leclercskiesahead · 3 months
“It’s finally quali day…”
carpool C2 karaoke
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ferrstappen · 1 year
paella en mallorca: spending time with your boyfriend's family was almost as good as having him for yourself.
mónaco : pero si hay algo que nos quedó es todo lo que pasó en Mónaco (but if there's something left in us then it's everything that happened in Monaco)
loving him is red: Charles’ girlfriend receives her first Grammy for Song of the Year, sadly enough the inspiration behind the song isn’t able to make it to the ceremony.
and the Oscar goes to: Charles and his actress girlfriend go to the Oscars, and he has to constantly reassure her.
AirPods and Princess George: a story of lost AirPods and Twitter memes.
titi we don't care: Charles can't seem to handle the fact a notorious singer took interest in you during Monaco GP.
Josephine, baby nº2 and baby nº3 Leclerc (dad!Charles)
the first one (dad!Charles):  Charles tries to prepare to be the best dad for his daughter, even if she’s just two days old.
aren't we supposed to surprise you? (dad!Charles): you somehow manage to overshadow Charles and Jo's gift.
LONG LIVE: Esteban Ocon (aka the biggest Spiderman fan, according to himself) tried to bribe his girlfriend for spoilers, but Marvel was just too good keeping their secrets (actress!reader)
august: every single one of her friends warned her that he was fresh out of a relationship. but she didn't care.
when we broke up series
the first time we broke up: it was easy to remember how you and Lando fell in love, but it kept getting harder for you to remember why you love him.
the second time we broke up: there were reasons to try again, but maybe not enough.
everybody wants a taste : Lando had never been the jealous kind, but after seeing you with many co-stars, he reaches his limit. and his girlfriend doesn't like it (actress!reader)
Amalia Norris (dad!Lando)
surprise! we are a family : this wasn't planned. you are basically children yourselves and why isn't getting pregnant at 24 not considered teen pregnancy? Now Lando is waiting to meet his baby and hoping he doesn't mess up.
meet & greet : Amalia's first time in the paddock to support her dad.
let me take care of it : when papa isn't feeling his best, baby Norris knows what she has to do.
daddy's a race winner : McLaren garage with baby Amalia in what appears to be Lando’s first win.
what happens with the kids?: Max really didn't have to find a girlfriend that soon after the divorce, and the fact that his girlfriend had a daughter of her own, didn't really help your case.
max, don't panic (driver!reader): your relationship with Max gets exposed in a non-conventional way, an accident.
max the wag: you can’t keep up with all the drama outside the track, but your boyfriend keeps you updated.
max the wag (again) max the wag (for the third time) max the wag: are we the drama? max the wag: caught in the middle max the wag: is taylor swift coming?
chicken soup: chamomile, green tea, honey, chicken soup, and your boyfriend was the best recipe to get over the flu.
primero llegó verstappen : Suddenly, Max isn't annoyed about being featured in a music video.
SLUT! : this isn’t your first time being a WAG, but people don’t seem to like the idea of you ending your relationship with Joe Burrow and falling in love with Max.
Mila & Luca Verstappen (dad!Max)
SAFE HAVEN: the Verstappen family and St. Barths
Disney World Break: Ahead of the Miami GP, Max and his wife take the twins to Disney World.
happy mother's day, sorry for the mess: Mila and Luca go rogue during Mother's Day, ignoring Max's plan.
unscheduled school visit: the twins’ teacher calls, the twins got in trouble. Max is in disbelief.
maxplaining 2.0: Luca Verstappen's first press conference during his karting career. turns out, he even speaks like his dad.
could you be more obvious? : you show up pregnant for the first race of 2024, just six months after Max won his 3rd WDC.
Accidentally referring them as "my" (MV1)
and whispering in their ears, "I love you" (CS55)
THE COLLECTION MASTERLIST: pieces inspired by Taylor Swift's lyrics.
all the years we stood there on the sidelines, wishing for right now (EO31)
wanting was enough, for me it was enough (LN4)
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marcos-scorpion · 1 year
Heyy a Charles Leclercx fem!reader request where he comes home exhausted and the reader is making him a romantic dinner he comes in while she is cooking listening to some old music and he sways her around the kitchen and then they just slowly dance around the kitchen all evening food long forgotten deeply in love with eachother thank you and love your work
il predestinato - Charles Leclerc x Reader
hihi !! so i was aiming for this to be totally fluffy, but there’s a lil angst, mostly around how this season is going for Charles and Ferrari. I really like this tbh, and although i wrote it pretty quickly, i think it’s cute! tysm for the request my lovely,, hope you like it!! requests are still open
warnings- lil sad cos of Ferrari and how they treat Charles,, mostly fluffy
w/c- 1489
Charles Leclerc was struggling this season. You couldn’t deny it, no matter how much you wished it wasn’t true. 
Ferrari disasterclass after Ferrari disasterclass were starting to weigh heavily on his mind. No matter how many positive interviews after less positive results he gave, how many toothy grins he shot your way after another day in the factory or on the sim, you could see how all of this was beginning to weigh on your boy. 
You knew he deserved more, every F1 fan knew he deserved more. You’d seen messages between him and Pierre, him and Max, hell even a few with Sebastian that showed that they knew he deserved more. You’d watched quietly as his brothers rallied around him, despite Arthur taking off in F2 and Lorenzo always having to dash off for meetings, his career being more demanding than people realised. You’d watched as Charles’ dreams crumbled under the pressure of the team, under the tyres of his once-beloved red car. 
He was meant to be ‘il predestinato’. The Predestined. One of the greats waiting to happen. He was meant to be fighting for that title, wheel to wheel with the Red Bull, the Mercedes, and, surprisingly, the Aston Martin. He was a front of the grid, top step of the podium driver, stuck with the team who had promised him the world, and left him to piece together the shards of the glory they had promised. 
You felt powerless in this all. A girl with a degree earned in student loans and scholarships, and no career to back it up, in a fast-paced world of the rich and important. Finding a place in Charles’ life had been difficult as it was, but you would do it all again to support him. Put your dreams of a Masters degree, and a doctorate, on hold. Sell your meagre little studio flat for the life so many dream of in Monaco. Leave family and friends behind for a world that would never quite be yours, no matter how many brands suddenly wanted to dress you for paddock appearances, no matter how much diamond jewellery Charles draped around your throat. What could a normal girl do to support someone like Charles, in a situation as delicate and important as this. 
Whatever you could. Anything you could. You celebrated his wins, commiserated and comforted after losses. Spent weekend after weekend in crowded garages, night after night holding him as his shoulders shook under the weight of everyone’s expectations, as tears ran in rivulets down his cheeks. 
Today was going to be a hard day for Charles. You had seen it in his eyes when he had left your shared apartment that morning. Another meeting with the Ferrari high-ups, another meeting where they blamed everything but themselves for the poor results ahead of the Azerbaijan Grand Prix this coming weekend. As soon as the lock clicked into place behind him, you decided you needed to do something today that could hopefully lift his mood. 
After spending most of the morning cleaning your home, washing his training gear and polishing the monitors on his sim, dusting trophies in the cabinets lining his office walls, a trip to the market began. The ingredients for Charles’ favourite food in your basket, you decided to stop and get a few more treats for him that would certainly anger his trainer. A bottle of his favourite expensive wine, pastries from the little stall he took you to the day you met, the chocolate his mum bought him after good results in kart races as a child. 
Hours later, after what felt like much longer leant over the stovetop in your kitchen, the rich smell of the sauce you were stirring filled the room, the soft sounds of Elvis crooning though the speaker settled safely on the windowsill. Charles wasn’t meant to be home until seven thirty, and it was currently just past five. Enough time to finish the sauce, lay out the good plates and light a few candles. Maybe change into something other than the pyjamas you had put on when you got back from the market. ‘Pyjamas’ being a pair of Charles’ boxers fresh out of the dryer and your faded university jumper. 
Tapping on your phone to increase the volume, you began to gently sway your hips to the intro to Suspicious Minds. So wrapped up in the music, you didn’t hear the front door click, or the bag hit the floor in the entryway. The footsteps making their way into the kitchen didn’t register, not until you felt an arm snake around your waist, palm pressed into the skin of your stomach and the waistline of the stolen underwear. 
You didn’t even flinch at the sensation on your skin, it was so familiar and comforting. Leaning back into his touch, you smiled lazily as your eyes met. 
“Hello, mon coeur.” He murmured, pressing his lips against your hair. 
Twisting in his arms, you let him fully wrap you in his embrace, feeling the tension melt away from the muscles in his back. It had been as bad a day as you’d expected, you could see the slight glisten in his eyes, the furrow in his brow. 
“Oh my darling,” you began “I take it the meeting didn’t go well?” You already knew the answer, but the tightening of his arms around your waist as he buried his face against your hair told you enough. 
You could feel his lips move against your scalp after a few moments, the words he wanted to say struggling to come out. He sighed, stepping back slightly, shifting his arms to press his hands onto your hips. “They’re blaming me. Saying I’m not working hard enough, not trying hard enough to adapt to the car. I’m going against all their plans, against how they’ve set everything out for me. As if it isn’t their bad strategy that’s fucking me over every race.” 
You suddenly felt insecure that your days-worth of work wasn’t going to help, or would even worsen his mood, that it was going against the plan designed by his team and his PT that was so clearly set out to help him be his best. 
“I-I wasn’t sure how you would be feeling, so I’ve tried to cook your favourite. But if you don’t want it, the pre-planned meal ingredients from your trainer are in the fridge. I can make that, o-or I got some pastries from that stall, the one from our first date? And some chocolate, the one your mum used to get.” You smoothed a thumb over the crease between his brows, “We can do whatever you want.”
His hands dropped from your sides, and his chin drooped towards his chest, and you began to panic more. “O-or I can call Pierre, or your brothers, and you can have a boys night, I’ll get out of your way. Whatever you need me to do.” 
His head is still down, and you’re so worried that you’ve made everything worse. But you weren’t expecting the look that you were met with when he raised his head. His eyes were shining more now, the glistening from earlier now lining his lashes with unshed tears. You weren’t expecting the sheer love that was emanating from his expression, his entire being. 
The smile he gave you could move planets, reignite the stars. Any insecurity and anxiety settled in your chest disappeared, replaced with a deep-rooted warmth. 
“Oh, my darling girl,” he sighed, “What good did I do in a past life to deserve you?” 
His arms snaked around your waist again, pulling you tight against him. He began softly swaying to the music still playing. 
“Sometimes, I think the universe made you for me. No one has ever done something so simple, yet so perfect. I think we were designed for each other mon coeur. Destiny did something right for once.” His voice was barely above a whisper. 
“You know, I used to think the nickname il predestinato was a curse. A label placed on me for such an unattainable dream. A ridiculous notion, and unexpected pressure. But I believe that I was your predestined. And you’re mine. And as long as I have you, all of those dreams are within reach again.”
The food was long forgotten, simmering away to itself, and the candles on the table would remain unlit, for tonight at least. Right now, nothing would feel better than dancing with the love of your life to the songs your parents loved too. 
And as the opening notes to Can’t Help Falling in Love With You began, and Charles reached around you to turn off the stove, twirling you to the song as he softly sang the words, you couldn’t help but agree with his sentiment.  
This love was written in the stars. Predestined. And maybe, that was all you two would ever need. 
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lovrsm · 5 months
ᴄʜʀɪꜱᴛᴍᴀꜱ ᴛʀᴇᴇ ꜰᴀʀᴍ
sum: Christmas is near the corner, remembering how in this time of the year, everything is magic with the man you love.
word count: 2.5k
pairing: charles leclerc x childhoodbsf!reader
warning: angst, overthinking and FLUFF!!
disclaimers: we’re going to pretend that in Monaco it snows, FOR THE SAKE OF THIS SILLY WRITING. Alright? I investigated what winter is like there, and it’s not even close to snowing🤕. Also, kinda wrote this like a fairy tale, I’m so in love with it wtf😭♥️
Merry Christmas to you all🫶 love you and enjoy!
Spotify - Apple Music
ᴍᴀɪɴ ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
“Just being in your arms takes me back to that little farm”
Tumblr media
Christmas was around the corner.
Or maybe in a few couple days.
In reality, it was more than a month away.
November, 1st of November, and everything turned a mix of red, white and green. The colors of your favorite time of the year.
Your hands were covered in bags, and the bags filled with presents for all of your loved ones. It was barely afternoon, but you had woken up since 6am to be at stores as quick as you could.
Every single present was planned, even if it’s one time they mentioned they wanted it, or something they’ve been dying for since forever. Your presents were always the best, and everyone knew that.
After you buyed some great amount of gift wrapping, you finally headed home.
You knew you’d take a long time to get home, holiday shopping traffic was surely starting now.
Just a day after halloween and you knew you had to make everything green and white, and hella lot of red.
The rest of the day was for yourself, your family, and for making everything festive. Changing your bedsheets from black to red. Having christmas decorations over the entrance of your house.
The only thing that was missing, was the Christmas tree.
The very thing you waited for all year long.
You weren’t sure if it was the smell, or the shape. But the journey to find the tree, that was all you needed for Christmas.
You closed your eyes, and that silly little Christmas tree farm was the only thing you pictured.
“Sweetie, it’s time to go, they’re here!” My mom screamed from downstairs.
I finished drying my hair, since I had just showered. Quickly, I grabbed all the extra clothes I needed for the cold weather outside.
I rushed downstairs, grabbing a beanie I had by the door in the way.
I could see at the corner of my eye the whole place covered in a blanket of snow.
“Oh, we are ready to go now!” I heard my dad shout as I was locking the door soon a lot of footsteps.
“Took you long enough” I heads a calm voice behind me.
I turned around to see the face I’ve been missing so much. I quickly jumped into his arms. “I’ve missed you too, asshole.” I whispered in his ear. He chuckled, making my whole body shiver with excitement.
“Missed you too, you have no idea.”
I let him go, taking a good look at him. His dimples showing up, and his white pearled teeth shining at me.
I couldn’t hide my smile, he was finally here.
A honk interrupted my thinking. “Come on you two, we want to get early this year!” I heard Lorenzo screaming from his car.
We both rushed to it, my dad, mom and Pascale left in the other car. While the Leclerc’s, my brother and I traveled in this car.
“Hey y/n!” Lorenzo smiled at me through the car mirror “Sup!” Arthur gave me a wave from the co-pilot seat.
“Hi!” I responded as I settled into my seat, putting on my seat belt. Lorenzo wasn't the best driver around.
“So, how was everything both of you? Did you miss us?” My brother started a conversation.
“It’s been crazy! All I could ever imagine, it literally felt like a dream”
“Yeah, all the behind the scenes is absolutely crazy, definitely learned a lot from the team, I think white looks good on us” Arthur completed.
“But, do you know what will look even better?”
“Red!” We all said in union and laughed.
Charles had won the new Ferarri seat for the 2019 season, and we were all so proud of him.
“We all saw you at your races, y/n was the first one to wake up and put on the tv, always.” My brother, Matthias tried to tease me.
Charles turned to look at me with a grin plastered in his face.
“Okeyy, I’m a morning person, alright? What is wrong with that?” I answered normally.
Yeah, I am a morning person, but I would normally go walking on my mornings or maybe do some exercise, not stay home watching tv.
But if Charles was on it, there was no way I would miss it.
“If you say sooo” I leaned out of my seat to look at Matt, since he was on the other side of the car. Charles was in the middle.
“okay.” He quietly answered to my glare.
“Anyway, so what is the first thing you want to do when we get there?” Lorenzo asked from the pilot seat, concentrated on not crashing.
“The sleighs”
“The horses!”
“Maybe we should get the trees first” Charles said calmly, looking at the road ahead.
“Yeah, you know how quickly they buy them, we should get the best two around.” I smiled at them, and everyone nodded in agreement.
Charles was right, the biggest, greenest and beautiful trees were obviously taken as soon as possible.
Last winter we were left with not the best tree because we all got distracted doing something else.
“So, we all know the drill, right?” Arthur asked, turning to look at the three of us in the back.
I smirked, this was going to be fun.
“Maman, papa are with Pascale, I texted them. They are going to wait for you, Enzo”
And with that, we arrived to the parking lot, and thank god we found a good place to park in, I did not want to walk too much after the whole day.
We always end up exhausted.
“Everyone get their phones at maximum volume, if someone calls answer immediately!” We all agreed.
“Go go go gooo!”
I opened the door as fast as I could, and waited for Charles to get out, but in a blink of an eye he already grabbed my hand and started to run to the barns direction.
I was slowly catching to his pace.
Shit he was faster than last year.
He finally stopped at the start of the trees. “Well, we have a lot of options”
Charles was concentrated on watching every single tree in front of us, scrunching his nose in a very cute way.
“Yeah… we better go looking”
Half an hour. A whole 30 minutes we were looking for the damn trees.
All of us took this very seriously.
“Too short”
“Too tall”
“Ew, that’s ugly.”
“Never liked the ones with fake snow.”
“Not fluffy enough”
“Oh come on, there is no way an ornament will look good in that.”
Every time there was an excuse. That was until Arthur and Matthias called us saying they found the 1st one.
Then my maman and papa called right after just to say they finally found another one, the most ‘perfect’ in the place.
In the pictures they sent to us, they looked so cute and wonderful. Surely there was no complaining at all.
So the Christmas tree hunt was over. And now we could peacefully walk around the place.
Charles and I walked silently to our favorite place here, it was somewhere close to the icy and blue ice rink.
Some small open cabins were there, just so people could get somewhere to get warm, and to lit up a bonfire.
The temperatures here were no joke.
Charles and I were basically freezing, even if we had the mittens that his mom made for us last year.
I snuggled into my sweater as I waited for charles to set the bonfire.
“You cold?”
“Mhm” he laughed at my state, I always get easily cold, but that doesn’t mean I hate winter.
It’s actually the exact opposite.
“Your nose is red as a tomato.” He pinched my nose.
“Hey!” He shrugged and smiled while he gave me his white scarf. “Thanks…”
I was now hypnotized by the dancing fire, and Charles came closer, having his arm touching mine.
“I wish you could’ve come with me” He whispered.
“To your races?”
“Everywhere, I needed you there.” He sweetly smiled at me. But I hit him in his arm “ow? What was that for?” He laughed at me.
“For all the times you were reckless and almost gave me a heart attack!… but, I would’ve loved being there with you too, you know that”
He chuckled, since we were little, when he was karting I would always be there for him when he crashed or just had a bump on the way.
But now we were talking about F1, something people should not play with. Cars that go at a speed I can’t even think.
So, yeah, I obviously had my nearly death experiences while watching the tv and having Charles crashing out of nowhere.
But here he was, next to me and I could now feel his warmth.
charles pov.
Missing her is just an understatement, he needed her. Every day it passed without her was absolutely devastating.
Yeah, they texted and called often, but there was nothing like having her by his side.
At this point she’s the air he need to breathe, it was like the sun finally appearing after long rainy days.
She was the first person he called when he got into Ferrari, she was the one who he texted in the middle of the night when he couldn’t sleep.
Charles didn’t even know how much he needed her till she wasn’t by his side anymore.
How do I even tell her?
She’s at my side, peacefully watching the bonfire while I am dying inside to tell her how much se makes me feel.
“Hey…” I started, I don’t even know what Im fucking going to say.
She turned her head to look at me, and tilted her head while shining her big gorgeous eyes at me.
I gulped. She stopped the world completely by just looking at me.
“Are you ok? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” she laughed, and the ends of my lips turned upwards.
“Here, let’s go take some hot cocoa, maybe it’ll help you relax”
She stood up and offered me her hand, and I took it hesitatingly, if I don't do it now when will I do it? I can’t just not tell her.
“Oh god, you’re even paler now.” She looked a bit worried.
“Come on big boy, you will be fine, follow me”
I grunted, but she didn’t stop moving. The cold air hitting us as soon as we left the warmth of the bonfire.
“Here, with marshmallows, just how you like it Charlie.” She showed her teeth at me handing a warm cup of hot chocolate.
“Feeling better?” She placed a falling piece of her hair behind her her ear after taking a sip from her own cup.
“More than ever” I replied.
She looked directly into my eyes, god I could melt right now.
“What was it that you were saying?”
I almost choked.
“Ugh, nothing important”
“Must be, you can always count on me Charlie.” She placed her delicate hand on top of mine.
Charlie, she has called me that since we were little. My parents and hers were friends since forever, and I guess we just followed.
“I just, was thinking about when I was away. Uh, I was just thinking about this… girl.”
ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴘᴏᴠ
I felt a sting on my chest
But that is does the mean anything, right?
“Oh” i just managed to say, I looked at my feet just so I couldn’t meet his angelic eyes.
who am I even fooling at this point?
“It’s just, I really, really want her to be more to me than she is now. I just don’t know how to tell her.”
Cool cool cool cool cool… cool.
“I mean, I don’t know, what is she like?” I looked everywhere just to not look at him.
But I’m pretty sure he must be distracted thinking about this girl.
why am I feeling like this?
“Well” he chuckled. “She’s like, the best woman I’ve ever met. She gets me, and she’s so creative and funny and everything great in this world...”
My heart was slowly breaking by each compliment he gave her.
“…I just want her by my side.”
“Just tell her, if you feel all… this, maybe you should just tell her”
It’s the first time I’ve heard him talk about a girl like this, heck, he even called her a woman.
I finally looked up at him, just to find out he was already looking at me.
His eyes shined with that sparkling light he had. I could resist the smile creeping up my cheeks already.
“Really? I’m just afraid I’ll screw everything up.” He concluded.
“Any girl would be nuts to say no to you.”
His cheeks turned a slightly darker red. I could feel my cheeks burning already.
But I had to stop myself, this isn’t you who he is talking about.
I turned around, I need to take a breath.
“y/n…” he grabbed me by the wrist to turn me around. I met, once again, with her dreamy eyes.
“Yes?” I quietly replied.
“You know who I’m talking about, right?” He raised an eyebrow at me, and gave me a look I couldn’t quite figure out was trying to say.
I shook my head side slowly. I felt my eyes watering.
I looked around just so that he couldn’t catch my glossy eyes.
But I met with a mistletoe just over a head. I opened my mouth in awe.
I felt a shift in the ambiance, I looked back at Charles and saw him smiling showing his dimples.
He was looking at the mistletoe above us.
“I can’t, I just can’t anymore y/n.”
He met my gaze and took both of my hands, I could feel them over my mittens.
“Since we were kids, there was something about you, the is something about you that has always made my heart skip a beat.”
This isn’t happening.
I could feel my mouth slowly forming a smile.
“And I’ve always thought it was normal for me to feel like this with you. But god, being away from you has been hell. I need you, I can’t conform with just texting and calling.”
“Maybe this might sound selfish, but I don’t even want to picture you with someone else who is not me. I thought it was a little crush, but heck, you make me feel this way every single time and I never get tired of it.”
I was completely speechless.
This is happening.
“It’s ok if you don’t feel the same way, but it physically hurts to not tell you how much you actually mean to me. I’d be a fool not to tell you how special you are.”
At this point I started crying.
I cupped his face in my hands.
“What i’m trying to say is… I love you. More than I’ve ever loved anyone.”
I was left with words, I’ve never been good at telling my feelings.
But I am good at showing them.
I slowly looked up at the mistletoe, and he followed my eyes.
I bit my lip. And furrowed my eyebrows asking him with signs, not words.
“Please” he quietly begged. I didn’t even had to think it twice.
I crashed my lips into his, expressing every single ounce of love I had for him. He followed.
It was the most magical night of the year.
Under the sparkling lights, bundled up in their mittens and coats, sweet dreams of holly and ribbons…
The couple finally found their way together, and their souls finally united and all their wishes came true.
Their love was blooming, and it all started in that little Christmas tree farm.
@delicatepeanutsublime @leclercera16 @ironspdy @architect-2015 @buendiabebeta @zlut1r
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coloursflyaway · 29 days
I Will Hold Your Hands To Stop Them From Shaking
Pairing: Edwin Payne/Charles Rowland
Rating: T
Word Count: 9.000
Read on AO3
“You don’t have to know how to dance”, Charles says, and he is so close that Edwin can make out the shadows each eyelash paints onto his face. If he had a breath still, the sight would take it. “I never learnt it either. Just move with the music, and I promise that if I spin you ‘round, I won’t drop you.” _____ It doesn't take Charles forever to figure out the rest.
Watching Charles move is easy. Maybe it’s the easiest thing in Edwin’s life right now; it’s definitely something that he hasn’t only started recently, but something that he has always done. Even before he knew what it meant. Because it is so easy.
Everything about Charles seems to be in motion, like motion is what he is deep inside, bright and fluid and everywhere at once, because no place can hold him. None deserves to hold him, not for long. Crystal once told him that Charles used his brightness, his smiles and his constant movement, to cover up all the pain in his past, but Edwin secretly disagrees: there is some of that, he can see that now, but that’s not where it comes from. Where it comes from, that magnetism that ensures that everyone they have ever met grows to love him, is just Charles. Just who he is inside, and who he always would have been, had they not tried to beat it out of him when he was still alive.
And love him, they do. Crystal most certainly does, Jenny almost smiled at him two days ago, and even their new minder – who Charles insists on calling Charlie – seems to struggle to push down a growing affection towards him. She will lose, Edwin knows it for certain. It’s beautiful to see, because that is just what Charles deserves, and it’s… it’s difficult at the same time. Or rather, it was a little easier when there was only Edwin who loved him.
Because love him, he does. Looking back, it’s almost impossible to believe that it has taken him thirty years to realise it, that it took a crow-turned-boy to make him see, a cat king who couldn’t keep his hands to himself, but oh, he loves him.
Loves him to a point where he almost feels like he has a heart again, because he thinks he can feel it beating, just like he thinks he can feel it stop when Charles touches him, smiles at him, gets out that new cricket bat they got and twirls it just to show off. Loves him so much that he feels like it’s not only the reason why he was put on this Earth, but why he died, why he crawled out of hell and why he was permitted to stay here after all. And looking back at it, it was all worth it for a single moment of watching Charles sing a Joan Jett song to himself, spinning in between his steps when he thinks he’s alone.
“I’m voting for the bloke who got mysteriously shanked at the Troxy”, Charles casts in his lot, twirling a pen he is not writing with between his fingers. He’s positively glowing in the warm, late afternoon sunlight. “You just want to go to a concert venue”, Crystal interjects, raising a perfect eyebrow, before chucking a piece of nectarine at him. Charles catches it effortlessly, of course he does, and tosses it right back. They look positively domestic, sitting on opposite sites of the couch they got for their human co-detective, playing with fruit. Edwin aches.
“So what? Nothin’ wrong with having a bit of fun on the job, is there?”, Charles is grinning, looks over at Edwin, who tries not to notice that the brightness of his smile doesn’t waver for a second. “C’mon, mate, back me up here!” “I’m afraid that merely getting stabbed doesn’t sound like something that would necessitate a supernatural investigation”, Edwin answers, and even then, the light doesn’t dim in Charles’ eyes. “I’m sure the normal, living police is more than enough for that.”
“You guys are no fun”, Charles whines and catches another piece of fruit from mid air. “Also, I’ll have you know that the Troxy’s a nice place, people don’t just get stabbed in there.” “Well, apparently they do now.”
“Can you please wipe that smug smirk off your face”, Crystal hisses just after the bouncer waves her through the doors of the Troxy. Edwin, who can only see the back of Charles’ head, still knows that he absolutely doesn’t. “What, I’m only happy to go and see a gig with my mates!”, he shoots back, and Edwin watches the little skip in his step, like he is dancing to a beat that hasn’t started playing yet. “And do a bit of work on the side, of course.”
It’s difficult to regret the decision to take this case, because Charles is glowing, has been since Crystal purchased the ticket to the concert this afternoon. Edwin does not know the act that will be performing and he doubts Charles does either, but that doesn’t seem to matter for a second.
The other two bicker for a few more moments while Edwin tunes out of the conversation to check their surroundings – they are here on a case after all – until Charles spins around on his heels, looking at Edwin expectantly. “Well, have you ever? Was that even a thing in your time?” “Excuse me?” “Been at a gig, mate!” Charles spreads his arms like he is trying to show Edwin all the wonders of the world, his smile so wide it seems to split his face apart. Edwin’s metaphorical heart gives out for a second.
“I haven’t had the, uh, pleasure, yet”, Edwin answers, even while he tries to avoid touching anything in his near vicinity. It’s sticky, just looking at it. “I wish I could tell you that I know you’re gonna love it, but I guess we’ll have to see about that”, Charles tells him, half laughing, and Edwin finds himself smiling, too.
He knows he’ll end up loving it, even if not because of the reason Charles is thinking of.
“Just let us enjoy, like, three songs”, Charles all but begs when the show finally starts. “I swear, after that I will be good and I won’t complain at all when we go work. Just three.” Crystal is holding onto the drink she bought earlier, but she doesn’t say anything, just turns to look at Edwin. Who is powerless to do anything but nod. “Aces! Thanks, Edwin.”
And Charles slings an arm around his shoulders for a second, pulls him into an almost hug, before he turns back to the stage, leaving a cloak of warmth across Edwin’s upper back. Music starts playing, but he doesn’t really notice it, and why should he? Charles is cheering and clapping and moving with the rhythm, and even if Edwin cannot see his face, he can see the joy in him so clearly that it is burnt into the inside of his eyelids every time he blinks.
Charles is the sun, he’s radiance personified, he’s-
He turns around to face Edwin, the music temporarily stopped as the singer says some words into the microphone, and he extends a hand, palm facing upwards. “Do you wanna dance? Shouldn’t leave your first concert without having danced at least once.” Charles is smiling, but it’s different now, encouraging somehow.
It works, because Edwin’s body is moving before he knows it, hand reaching out to take Charles’ like it is nothing when it’s everything instead, when it’s like he can feel the weight of Charles’ fingers in his. “I’m not a prolific dancer, I’ll have you know”, he mutters when Charles pulls him closer, even though chances are that Charles figured that out himself quite easily. “Don’t have to be”, comes the answer, and Charles is so close now that Edwin can make out the shadows each eyelash paints onto his face. If Edwin had a breath still, the sight would take it. “I never learnt it either. Just move with the music, and I promise that if I spin you ‘round, I won’t drop you.”
Another smile, one that Edwin reciprocates, and then the band starts again and Edwin is still not listening to the music. Instead, he is trying to follow Charles when he starts swaying to it, distributing his non-existent weight from one foot to another. It seems to be working because Charles laughs, head thrown back and happiness painted in broad strokes across his entire being, and puts a hand on Edwin’s side, like he is trying to guide him. Like Edwin wouldn’t follow anywhere he is going anyway.
“You’re getting it!”, Charles shouts at him over the music, too loud and yet not loud enough, and then Charles is lifting their joined hands for everyone and no one to see, the hand on Edwin’s hip giving him a little push and Charles is spinning him. Doesn’t drop him, just like he promised. It’s silly and a little immature and it makes Charles laugh and Edwin follow suit; it’s wonderful and thrilling, and then Charles glances behind Edwin’s shoulder at Crystal.
Who he would rather be dancing with, of course. But who has been to concerts before, and who might garner attention they do not need when being spun by an invisible hand.
Charles’ eyes dart back to his, and his smile is the same, and Edwin thinks, thank you, thank you for this, and means it.
They don’t find much, but for once, that doesn’t matter too much to Edwin, because Charles keeps glowing for days afterwards. There’s an extra spring in his step that carries him all the way up to the victim’s flat, where Crystal finds the clue that leads them to their rather unsatisfying explanation to their mystery: the brother of a mistreated ex-girlfriend, who saw an opportunity for anonymous revenge. It’s worth it, all of it, every time.
“But if you haven’t tried it, how do you know it doesn’t work?”, Charles asks, partly incredulous, partly amused. “You might be able to eat! Do you know how much I miss eating? What I would give for, let’s say, a day where I could eat again?” Charlie, since she hasn’t settled on another name yet, scoffs, and primly sits down on the sofa. “As I have explained, I have no interest in trying any kind of sustenance that is offered here on the mortal plane. The thought disgusts me.”
Charles groans and flings himself back onto the armchair – they keep getting more and more furniture, it seems – so that his head is hanging off it, upside down, looking at Edwin. “Edwin, I’m right, yeah? You know that I’m right.”
“He’s right”, Edwin tells Charlie, and even upside down, Charles’ smile lights up the entire room.
It’s late at night, around four a.m., Crystal is asleep and Charlie hasn’t shown her face in the office in the last few days, so it’s just them. Nights like this are Edwin’s favourite – he has never spoken it aloud, but he suspects Charles knows anyway, might even feel the same occasionally – and they have become… not rare, but less frequent than they used to be, because Crystal has no established sleeping schedule and Charlie drops in whenever she feels like it anyway. But, oh, Edwin has missed them.
They do not have an active case right now, will probably pick a new one come the morning, so it really is just them. Charles is trying to balance a ball on his cricket bat, spread out on the couch he seems to enjoy much more than he wants to admit, Edwin has just picked out a new book after finishing his last one, and there is space left between Charles’ feet and the armrest on the sofa. It’s not a choice Edwin makes, sitting down next to him. Where else would he go?
There is enough room for both of them, and yet Charles lifts his legs when Edwin approaches, even though it means dropping the ball right into the hollow between his neck and chest. And he lets Edwin settle there, caught between the cushions and Charles’ feet, as if it is the easiest thing in the world. And really, it is.
Without thinking, Edwin rests one hand on Charles’ ankle, fingers circling his leg, while he picks up the new book, a novel this time. Charles does the same with his ball, throwing and catching it when it comes back down a few times, before putting it back on the cricket bat. It’s familiar, it’s new; it’s how Edwin wants to spend eternity.
“Watcha reading?”, Charles asks eventually, after the ball has dropped another three times, and while being interested in Edwin’s reading isn’t that uncommon for Charles, it startles Edwin slightly. He glances over at Charles, who looks like he has been watching Edwin for some time, and shows him the cover. “East of Eden”, he tells him for good measure, “a novel, for once.” “Even though you don’t have a friend to talk about them with anymore?”
Charles seems genuinely curious, and while Edwin does occasionally finds himself missing Monty and their conversations, it still seems like an odd thing to ask. “Of course I have someone to talk to about them. I have you, don’t I?” Although it takes a moment, it makes Charles smile; he looks almost a little wistful and Edwin isn’t sure if he likes that expression on his handsome face.
“Well, yeah. But it’s not like I can talk back about them, innit?” Charles tosses the ball again, catches it effortlessly, and maybe Edwin has to stop with the novels after all, because for a second he thinks, just like he has caught me every time I needed catching. “I could read it to you, if you wanted me to?”
He doesn’t expect much – Charles doesn’t enjoy books like Edwin does – but Charles nods immediately, tosses the ball again, catches it, and looks at Edwin with a smile that fits his face much better. “Yeah, I’d like that. A lot, actually.”
“I am telling you, this is something the police will be able to solve on their own, and if it isn’t, they should most likely lose their jobs, because they are incredibly incompetent”, Charles repeats for what feels like the sixth time, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He just so stops himself from rolling his eyes. Crystal has become a somewhat valued member of the detective agency, however, sometimes, it is like she simply doesn’t want to understand what he is telling her.
“They have been trying to solve it! For two weeks!” Crystal looks as exasperated as Edwin feels, which, at least, is some comfort. Maybe the frustration will make her more likely to give up her ludicrous idea of helping with a perfectly run-of-the-mill hit and run. “Charles! Back me up on this!”
For a second, Charles just looks between them, obviously amused, then he throws an arm around Edwin’s shoulders, squeezing him close to his side. “Sorry, Crystal”, he replies, and Edwin can hear the smile in his voice, wants to trace it with his fingertips, “I’m with my best mate on this one.”
“You wanna read to me again?”, Charles asks that same night after Crystal has gone to bed, lifting his legs to make room for Edwin. As if he knew his answer already. He does.
“I didn’t think you enjoyed the story this much”, Edwin remarks as he settles down between the sofa and Charles’ legs, reminded once more that this might be his favourite place in the world. His hand finds Charles’ ankle, only that this time, he touches not only fabric, but skin as well. “It’s alright”, Charles replies, shoots Edwin a little smile. “I’m mainly enjoying you reading it to me.”
If he had still a heart to pump blood through his astral body, Edwin is certain he would be blushing, because of Charles’ words, the sliver of skin pressing against his palm, or both.
Slowly but surely, it becomes a regular thing between them. Once or twice, occasionally even three times a week, Charles will look up at him from the sofa, lift his legs in invitation, and say, “Read to me?” And Edwin will slide into the best place this world has to offer, put his hand around Charles’ thin, graceful ankle, and start reading to him about the Salinas Valley.
Things are quiet, for their standards, because they are approaching Halloween and the ghosts are preparing for it like the living do, perhaps more so, when Charles looks up from the strange tablet computer Crystal is trying to get them to use. Charles, admittedly, is much better at it than Edwin, but at least in Edwin’s eyes, that was to be expected.
“This might be interesting”, Charles says and turns the device around so Crystal and Edwin can see. “A magician’s assistant went missing during a show, her body was found half an hour later, but halfway across the country. And in two places. They have no idea how she got there, it should be impossible. Nor how she got cut in half. Sounds supernatural to me, doesn’t it?”
Edwin scans the article for a second; it does sound interesting, sounds supernatural, but… “We don’t exactly have a client though, do we?” “I know, but I’m sure that if we find the ghost of that assistant, and she hasn’t passed on yet, she would be interested in solving it. And it would be a proper mystery again, you love those.” Charles smiles at him, because he knows he has won already; Edwin does love those. Slowly, he nods.
“Great. Crystal? You’re on board?” This time, he needs to do no convincing at all, because Crystal is grinning already. “Oh, absolutely. Magical nonsense with an actual magician? I’m so in.”
They take the train to Cambridge, where the body was found after disappearing in Manchester, and Edwin bites back every comment he might make about how much quicker it would be to travel via mirror. His point still stands, of course, but Crystal is now part of the agency, and, mostly against his will, Edwin has started to grow fond of her. And more importantly, Charles has. So they file into the small, dingy train wagon, where Crystal has booked not one, but three seats for them. It’s thoughtful, if not frugal, but as Crystal reassured Edwin when he brought it up, her parents have more than enough money and also owe her something for not even noticing when she disappeared.
It makes sense, in a way.
So they sit down, Crystal pulling out the tablet computer and a pair of oversized headphones, making it look like she is talking to someone over the internet instead of them. Quite a clever disguise, Edwin has to admit.
“So, I think the best plan of action is to first go to the site where they found the body. If the ghost is still on the mortal plane, then she might be hanging around. And if not, Crystal can maybe read something around the place, find out about what happened that way.” Charles says, and snatches Edwin’s spare pen right from his breast pocket to twirl it between the elegant fingers Edwin usually tries not to notice. “And anyway, we are getting out of town for a bit again, and that by itself is pretty exciting, isn’t it?”
Exciting might not be the word Edwin would choose, but he has to agree that a change of scenery is welcome. He nods, while his gaze follows the motions of his pen, the flex of tendons under Charles’ skin. When he looks back up, Crystal is watching him with an expression he cannot quite place.
“I don’t think I have ever been to Cambridge”, she finally says, although Edwin can hear the expression in her voice still. “So, yeah, sure. Nice to see something else. How about you guys?” “We were there in, what? ‘92, maybe? Definitely in 2006”, Charles replies, not noticing the expression at all, but then again, it isn’t directed at him. “The case of the missing sledgehammer and the Coca Cola vending machine, and the one with the electric monk.”
“I would posture that the first case had more to do with the man that went missing, but otherwise, Charles, you are quite correct”, Edwin replies, and he is not thinking about how they were back then, not wondering if, even twenty years ago, he had been this hopelessly in love with Charles. He suspects he was, but he is too good a detective to allow himself to spend more time wondering about it, lest he lose himself in the question.
“The electric – you know, all things considered, I don’t want to know, just forget I almost asked”, Crystal starts, then stops again, making Charles laugh. “Don’t worry, explaining the whole thing would take too long for this train ride anyway”, he comments, “and I would rather just enjoy it. Haven’t been on a train in a long time, have I?”
“And how does one enjoy a ride on the British National Rail? I don’t think that has ever been done before”, Crystal asks, but Charles just smiles. “Like this”, he answers and turns around so he faces the window, settling back against Edwin’s shoulder to use him as a backrest. The position is slightly awkward, doesn’t seem like one in which Charles will truly be able to enjoy the view, so Edwin adjusts his body slightly, turning it towards Charles’ back and puts the arm Charles is resting against over his shoulder, leaving it stretched out across Charles’ chest. Who grasps his wrist like Edwin does his ankle when he reads to him, holds onto it and settles back like they have done this a thousand times before. They haven’t, but Edwin allows himself the quiet hope that maybe, they will.
The expression doesn’t leave Crystal’s face for the entire train ride.
They arrive at their destination, a street corner with a quite charming looking French restaurant and a church on either side. Apparently they had found half of the woman’s body in the courtyard of the church, the other half in some bushes across the street, but, as Crystal informs them while reading off her phone, without any blood around the pieces. It is mysterious, and Edwin would be lying if he wasn’t itching to solve the puzzle.
To speed things up, they split apart, with Charles and Crystal going to the church, where the top half of the body was found, while Edwin walks over to the small square on the other side. Finding the spot where they had found the corpse is easy enough; police tape is boxing it in and the bushes are trampled around it to the point where Edwin almost pities them.
He walks through them, grateful that the twigs and thorns cannot snag at his spectral clothing, but there is nothing to be found that the police, or their boots, have left untouched. And just as Crystal said, not a single drop of blood that would suggest someone’s cleaved-in-half body had been left there just two days earlier. It is disappointing until he hears his name called from behind him, Charles running up to him with his curls bouncing, his steps light and sure. He’s a vision, just like he always is, and Edwin loves him to the point where it feels like it is splitting his body apart at the seams.
“Edwin!”, Charles calls out again and comes to a halt in front of the police tape. “We found the ghost! And she is even willing to pay!”
Amina, as the ghost in question is called, turns out to be a woman in her late twenties, with long, dark hair and a faint German accent, wearing something akin to a 1920s cocktail dress which she had apparently died in, although there is nothing left to suggest she had ever been split into pieces. “This is Edwin, my partner”, Charles introduces him, and Amina gives him a smile that looks practice and sincere simultaneously. “Well, you are a delightful addition”, Amina comments, her voice deep and warm, one eyebrow elegantly arched.
“I strive to be, at least”, Edwin replies, “Now, can you tell us anything about what happened to you?” “Of course. It isn’t much, though. I was on stage, and we were about to perform one of our usual tricks. Nothing crazy, just your standard disappearing assistant. Arnold did his speech, like he always does, then I stepped into our little cabinet and he pulled the curtain shut, so I could get into the hidden compartment below the stage.” She pauses for a moment, then adds, “Actually, I only remember opening and stepping into it, not getting inside. And then I found myself here, in Cambridge, where we had been only a few nights ago with the show. Not too far from where we had been staying, actually.”
“So you recognised the place?” “After a little while. At first, I was just very confused.” She shrugs her shoulders, one of the straps that holds up her dress falling down; she doesn’t fix it. “But my grandmother was a medium and used to talk about ghosts quite a lot, so I caught on relatively quick, all things considered. I spent some time trying to figure our what had happened myself, but now you and your little trio of detectives are here, so at least I will be able to sort this out before I pass.”
Edwin has the distinct feeling that she’d take a drag from a cigarette if she could, but like this she just stops talking, a moment of silence stretching between them.
“I tried to do a reading, but all that I could find out about this place and how Amina ended up here, is that she did. A flash of light and then there was a dismembered torso lying on the ground”, Crystal eventually says, gesturing at the floor. “Not exactly helpful, is it?” “Well…”, Edwin starts, glances over to Charles and realises that they are thinking the same thing. Charles is quicker.
“What colour did the light have?”, he asks and Edwin can’t help but smile at him; Charles gives him the quickest of looks, one corner of his lips upturned. “The colour?”, Crystal asks back, a second slower than expected, “Sort of…. green, I guess? Does that mean anything?”
But Charles is already looking at Edwin, the smile fully formed, and it’s in unison they say, “Oh, yes.”
It’s a spell, of course it is, but it’s more than that: it’s a portal, and a shoddily made one, too. Edwin tries to explain, but he, quite honestly, doesn’t have the patience for it, so in the end, Charles takes over. Sits Amina and Crystal down and goes through it step by step: that the portal was done by someone who obviously didn’t have the practice, that it worked well enough to transport half of Amina at a time, but not all of her, and that that is why there was no blood. That the only question is if it was done maliciously or by accident.
“Your magician, the one you work with, is he, you know. A real magician?”, Charles asks, keeping his voice soft and sweet, although Edwin isn’t certain Amina needs it. For someone recently murdered, she is taking it in stride. “Oh no, it is all an act”, she answers easily, “Nothing but slight of hand, tricks, that kind of thing.” “So no way he could have created the portal?”
“I don’t think so? And why would he want to? The whole point is that I come back after I disappear, so getting me here, cut in half, would defeat the purpose, don’t you think?” She looks at them, one by one. “Also, Arnold, he is a little bit of a dork, but he is kind. Has a bit of a crush on me, if I’m being honest. It’s… sweet. Or something.” She smiles, almost pityingly, in a way that, if Charles had looked at him like this when he had confessed his feelings, would have broken the heart he doesn’t have into the smallest pieces. Edwin hopes against all hope that Amina never let her magician see that smile.
“Okay, so-”, Charles starts, and there is something wrong with his voice; when Edwin looks over at him, there is something off about his expression, too. Like there is something he wants to say but can’t. For a second, their eyes meet, then Charles focusses back on Amina. “We’ll still talk to him. After all, it was his cupboard the portal was in. Anyone you could think of that might have wanted to harm you otherwise?”
Amina shakes her head, and Charles nods, but the smile he gives her looks almost frail.
Once they’re on the platform for their train to Manchester, and Crystal has left them behind to get herself a few snacks for the ride, Charles suddenly turns to him. “Edwin”, he says, and there is an urgency in his voice that Edwin doesn’t associate with it at all. “I just- you know that that is not how I think of you, right?” “What?” “Like Amina”, Charles tries to explain, and if possible, he sounds even more urgent, more intense. “I don’t see you how she talked about her magician friend. Arnold. I never will. I never could. And I need you to know that.”
Standing there, he looks so earnest, so fierce, that Edwin wishes it still could take his breath away. Because it doesn’t matter that Charles isn’t in love with him, as long as he loves him like this: fully, completely, enough to be afraid that Edwin might be hurt by someone else’s comments about a person he has never met.
He permits him himself a little smile, because of course, Charles would notice, before he puts a hand on his shoulder, squeezing. “I know”, he answers and sees the tension wash out of Charles’ form within a second, his gaze dropping as if he has to collect himself before looking at Edwin again. “I know you never would. I didn’t doubt it for a second. Don’t worry about it.”
“Okay.” Charles almost breathes the word instead of speaking; when he looks up at Edwin again, his eyes are dark and full of affection, full of gratitude Edwin isn’t sure he deserves. After all, the only reason he knows it is because Charles has proven it again and again. “I’m – God, I’m glad, I don’t know what I would have done if you had ever thought it was like that with us.”
And he hugs Edwin to his chest, all that intensity, that urgency captured between two arms; Edwin sinks into it like he might not have permitted himself to a few months ago, and wishes he still had a sense of smell so he could breathe Charles in.
Their trip to Manchester is uneventful, Crystal munching on chocolate while listening to a podcast, and Charles looking out of the window at the scenery, this time, unfortunately not leaning back against Edwin’s chest. However, like this, Edwin gets to see the joy bloom on his pretty face whenever they pass something that delights him in particular. Because that is Edwin’s pastime: watching Charles.
He gets caught doing it, too, but then again, it doesn’t feel like getting caught at all, since Charles just smiles at him when he notices Edwin watching, points out something in the fast-moving distance. A cow, maybe, a cloud formation that reminds him of something. And then he turns back to the window, and Edwin goes back to watching him, the slope of his nose and the arch of his eyebrows, the sharp cut of his jaw. The darkness of his eyes and how they light up so easily, so often.
If he could, he would stay here. Maybe not for eternity, but maybe a decade or two.
Neither of them has been in Manchester in a decade, so it’s like stepping into a new city when they finally arrive. Charles takes off immediately, looking around the train station in wonder, but before Edwin can sigh and watch him, or maybe do the reasonable thing and follow, Crystal stops him.
“There is something going on between you two”, she doesn’t ask, just states, like she knows she is right. Which, of course, she is. Since it seems foolish to try and deny it, Edwin just nods. Doesn’t know what to say, if she wants an explanation, or just to let him know that she has noticed.
“Charles has told me about hell and all that”, she continues, and again, Edwin nods; he figured as much. In fact, he is quite grateful for not having to do it himself. “But it isn’t trauma bonding, not that you guys would need any more of that. It’s the way you look at him, the way he looks at you. Something has changed between you and I can’t put my finger on it.”
“It has”, Edwin confirms, and Crystal squints at him like she is trying to read him. “But not to worry, it’s nothing bad. Just complicated, I suppose.” His response draws a laugh from Crystal, her eyes sparkling with mirth and like Edwin has completely misunderstood her. “Oh no, Edwin, I know it’s nothing bad”, she replies, laughter still colouring her words. “I just wanted to know if you felt like telling me what kind of good thing it is, since Charles doesn’t seem to.”
Finding the magician turns out to be easier than expected. So easy, in fact, that they almost don’t, because looking in the venue where Amina disappeared seems too on the nose, all of them agree, and just stop by because Crystal wants to do a reading for clues where he might be. Which turns out to be the same theatre, sitting in the front row with his head in his hands, looking to Edwin like his shoulders are carrying the weight of existence itself.
“Uh… hi?”, Crystal tries to introduce herself, and it’s like pulling at the strings of a marionette how fast his head snaps up, red-rimmed eyes staring up at her. The Astonishing Arnold is a man in his thirties, hair dyed black and a little moustache over his upper lip, and he is devastated.
It’s pain Edwin cannot comprehend, and hopefully never will have to, but one he can empathise with; it looks like he thinks losing Charles might feel like. Without thinking, he turns his head, almost to make sure that Charles is still there, only to find that Charles is looking at him already, the same kind of understanding painted in bold strokes across his face. This was no little crush, and that makes Amina’s response to it so much worse.
“Hello”, Arnold says, quickly wiping at his eyes. “Are you… lost or something?” Crystal shakes her head and Edwin can see her make a quick calculation, decide on a plan of action. She is truly getting quite good at this. “I’m here about Amina. I’m a medium and I want to help.”
Her name is enough to draw a sob from Arnold’s lips; Crystal glances over at them quickly and Charles gives her a thumbs up, a brittle-looking smile. She’ll take this one. “I talked to Amina”, Crystal continues, “I want to help her find out what happened, so she can move onto the afterlife. She mentioned you and that she really cared about you. Said you were the kindest person she knew.”
She’s twisting Amina’s words, but Edwin cannot blame her, not when Arnold looks so broken down by what happened, not when a lie might ease a little of his pain.
“And she said she knows that you have nothing to do with her death”, Crystal continues, “That you would never do something like that.” A tremor runs through Arnold’s body, like an earthquake, a cosmic event, and then he drops his gaze to where he has clenched his hands in front of his chest. It looks like he is praying. “That’s where she is wrong”, he finally says, and it’s a confession, it’s a plea for help. “Because I did.”
It turns out to be a failed ploy to woo Amina, in the end. A portal to transport her to a restaurant they had been meaning to go to back in Cambridge, the little French place on the corner, where a reservation and a bottle of chilled champagne was waiting for them. Arnold would join her after the show, with a bouquet of roses he had stashed away in his dressing room, to ask her to give him a chance.
“I knew she didn’t feel the same way”, he admits, tears streaming down his face. “But I thought maybe I could win her over. I’ve loved for so long, I thought maybe that could be enough, that I could love her enough for the both of us. And I figured, real magic, that would impress her. That would impress anyone, right?”
Only that Arnold had no experience with real magic, had only found a volume of spells on one of their trips by chance and had practiced on objects first, then small animals. It had worked, well enough that he thought he was ready to do this, without realising that while his portals were able to transfer the bunnies and birds that they kept for their shows from one side of the room to the other, they couldn’t yet handle a grown woman and this much distance.
“It was only after the show that I started freaking out”, he continues and Edwin’s heart aches for him, more so than it did for Amina. “When I was preparing to go through the portal myself I found a strand of her hair, cut off, looking like it had been singed. Amina was always so careful with her hair, so I knew something was wrong. The portal itself looked different, too, like there was static running through it. I called her, because I know that she always keeps her stupid Apple watch on, even during the shows. We had so many fights about that.”
He sniffles, the ghost of a smile passing over his face at the memory, followed by a wave of fresh tears, most likely caused by the realisation that they will never have that fight again. Crystal reaches into her pocket and hands him a tissue, and Edwin drops the hand he is holding his pen with for a moment, glad that his fingers don’t have the ability to cramp any longer. Yet, he shakes them out; when he stops, there’s a hand reaching for his.
His non-existent heart seizes up in his spectral chest and he looks over at Charles, who is holding onto his hand, intertwining their fingers. Charles looks back, raising an eyebrow as if to ask, is this okay? and Edwin nods, although he isn’t sure if it’s the right answer to give. Not because he doesn’t want to hold Charles’ hand, but because he isn’t sure if he will be able to concentrate on anything but this, now.
The notes, in any case, will have to be written later.
Arnold is drying his tears, and Charles’ fingers are slender between his own, elegant and strong, and Edwin is trying his best to listen when Arnold starts speaking again and yet isn’t sure if he succeeds.
“She didn’t pick up”, Arnold says and it’s like his heart is breaking within the words, “Of course she didn’t. And I started panicking, but I didn’t know what to do. Go through the portal myself and try and look for her? Call the police? Drive to Cambridge? Before I decided on one thing, I got a call and they told me they had found her. Gotten my number from the stupid Apple watch.”
He shakes his head, like he is still not sure how to process any of this; in his lap, his fingers are tearing the tissue apart, bit by bit, but Edwin isn’t sure that Arnold even notices. “I tried to confess to the police”, he continues, every word a sob, “But what was I supposed to say? That I created a magical portal to take her to dinner, but instead ended up cutting the woman I love into pieces? They would never have believed me. I wouldn’t believe me, if it hadn’t happened to me.” There is a pause, and Edwin can see that Crystal is trying to find the words to say something, but Arnold beats her to it.
“When you see her again, tell her I am sorry”, he asks Crystal, no, begs her. “Tell her I never meant for this to happen. Tell her… tell her I love her.”
Another wave of tears and the fingers around Edwin’s hand tighten; when Edwin looks over, there are tears in Charles’ eyes too.
“I will”, Crystal promises, and Edwin hopes that something so small can be enough.
In the end, they don’t tell Amina anything. Instead Charles brings her to Manchester via mirror, where she crouches down before the man that loved her above all else, and there is pity in her eyes, but genuine affection, too.
“Tell him… tell him it’s okay”, she says softly, and reaches out to hold his clasped hands in hers. “Tell him I forgive him. And… even if I am not sure if it’s the truth, tell him I would have said yes.”
Walking back to the train station afterwards is a quiet affair, each of them lost to their own thoughts, until Crystal stops them between the bustling crowd, the cafés and stores. “You two go ahead without me. Use the mirror to get back”, she tells them, “I could use some time alone after all this.”
“Are you sure?”, Charles asks, trying and almost failing to give her a smile. “We can be quiet.” “Yeah, I really am. I’ll see you in a couple of hours”, she says, and squeezes Charles’ shoulder like Charles had held onto Edwin’s hand; to make sure he is okay, to let him know that she is. “After I have eaten my weight in Gregg’s sausage rolls and Cadbury crème eggs.”
The agency is quiet, almost empty, without Crystal here, and it is a strange thing to realise. Before Edwin can contemplate what it means, Charles has flung himself down onto the couch, looking up at Edwin with wide, hopeful, beautiful eyes. He lifts his legs a fraction, and Edwin knows his answer, the same answer as always, before he has heard the question. “Read to me?”
“He followed the Rio Grande past Albuquerque and El Paso through the Big Bend, through Laredo to Brownsville. He learned Spanish words for food and pleasure, and he learned that when people are very poor they still have something to give and the impulse to give it…”, Edwin reads, aware that this time, Charles is doing nothing to keep his hands occupied. He’s just lying there, his feet in Edwin’s lap, listening. If it means anything, Edwin isn’t sure what it is.
“I wish I could fall asleep like this”, Charles interrupts him, smiling softly when Edwin looks up from his book. “It would be nice, listening to the story and your voice and just drift off.” Edwin’s fingers tighten around his ankle unwillingly; Charles must notice it, if he doesn’t, then he at least hears the warmth, the heaviness in Edwin’s voice when he answers. “Do you want to pretend to? I’ll keep reading, but you could close your eyes.”
“Yeah”, Charles replies after a moment has passed, and a bit of the light that has been missing in his gaze returns. “That sounds really nice, actually.” And he settles back, letting his eyes flutter shut, and Edwin continues reading.
“He developed a love for poor people he could not have conceived if he had not been poor himself. And by now he was an expert tramp, using humility as a working principle…”
Crystal returns a few hours later, when the sun has long since set.
They are still on the couch, positions unchanged, but Charles’ eyes are closed and the blanket Edwin had thrown over them earlier is concealing where Edwin’s thumb is brushing circles against the thin skin of Charles’ ankle. She doesn’t say anything, just looks at them for a moment, then sits down into the armchair and lets her head fall back against the cushions.
Edwin continues reading.
It’s morning, but just so, the first rays of sunlight forcing their way through the clouds. A few days have passed since Amina’s case, and slowly, they seem to be getting back to themselves, which is why Edwin looks up from the book he is reading – by himself, this time – and asks, “Why didn’t you tell Crystal about the confession?”
Charles keeps his eyes on the tablet computer for a few more seconds, then glances at Edwin, shrugging his shoulders. He’s only wearing a shirt, his jacket discarded on the armchair, and somehow, it makes every motion even more distracting. “Wasn’t my story to tell, was it?”, he replies easily, like he never even considered it before. “Didn’t know if you’d want her to know, either.”
Edwin isn’t sure about that himself, but he knows that he wouldn’t have blamed Charles if he had told Crystal. After all, he deserves someone to share his feelings with that isn’t Edwin, even if it hurts a little to admit that. It was just the two of them for so long, is all.
“I wouldn’t have minded it”, he says, and Charles chuckles a little at that, sets the tablet aside. “Not minding and wanting something are different things, though. Do you want me to tell her?” “I’m not sure”, Edwin replies, then considers it for a second longer. “I do, if it would help you.”
“Help me? With what?” There is genuine confusion written on his face, and Edwin can’t help but smile at him. “As I have gathered”, he replies, “it is considered helpful to talk to one’s friends to solve a problem.”
A pause, then Charles laughs, a soft, sweet sound that makes very little sense in this particular situation. Until he says, his voice so warm and so full of affection it makes Edwin tingle all over, “Edwin, mate. Your feelings have never been a problem. Not to me.”
They find another case a few days later, a simple one. A missing necklace that is supposed to be given to a daughter, like it had been given forty years ago to their client. Crystal finds it easily, hidden behind cracks in the floorboards, and when blue light starts glowing behind their client, Charles reaches out and takes Edwin’s hand in his. Not to make sure that he is okay this time, Edwin thinks, but just to hold it.
By now, they have made it through almost half of East of Eden; sometimes Crystal joins them, but today, it’s just Charles and him. “You know”, Charles says in the pause between two words, which is a surprise, because Edwin thought he was pretending to sleep. His eyes are closed, after all, and Edwin has gotten him a blanket to cocoon into twenty minutes earlier. “Sometimes it reminds me of dying, you reading to me like this.”
The words are a slap to the face, delivered in a warm, relaxed voice. “Oh. Oh God, if I had known, I wouldn’t have- “, Edwin stutters, trying to stand up, but Charles’ eyes fly open, his hand reaching out to hold Edwin in place. “No, no, no, this is brills, that’s not what I mean at all”, he says quickly, sincerely, and Edwin settles back against the cushions, still unconvinced.
“I didn’t really think about how that would sound”, Charles chuckles, scrubbing a hand across his face. “Sorry for that. I just… I guess, dying isn’t that bad a memory for me. Sure, it sucked, it was really cold and kind of hurt, but you were there. Talking to me. Reading to me. And, to be honest, I hadn’t felt that… not-alone for a long time prior to that. So, yeah, this reminds me of dying, because dying wasn’t that bad. And probably the most important thing I ever did in my life.”
He gives Edwin a smile that would heat up his cheeks, if he still had the ability to blush; like this, it just makes warmth bloom in his chest, where his heart would be. “You dying isn’t that bad a memory to me either”, he confesses, something he has felt a certain amount of shame about until this very moment. “I didn’t want you to die, of course, but if you hadn’t…”
His voice trails off, because he cannot bring himself to say it, not sure if it would be too much, but he doesn’t have to. “Then we wouldn’t have this”, Charles completes his sentence, sitting up so he can grasp the hand Edwin had been holding the book in, squeezing it tightly. Like he doesn’t want to let go again. “I know. Seems worth it, to me.”
Another smile, utterly sincere, then Charles settles back against the cushions. “And thank you, for letting me stay.”
The door opens, and Crystal steps out of the room Charles dragged her into a few minutes earlier. Something about her expression is conflicted, unreadable, but when she sees Edwin watching her, her eyes soften, even if the struggle doesn’t disappear. One, two steps, then she stops and looks at Edwin.
“Good for you”, she finally says, and even if Edwin doesn’t know what she is referring to, he knows she means it.
“Wanna come upstairs?”, Charles asks, rocking back on his heels. “Look at the stars for a bit with me?”
It wasn’t how Edwin intended to spend the evening, since they have a new case and he should do some research, but Charles looks at him with a ghost of a smile on his lips, hope in his gaze, and Edwin loses the battle before he has even decided to fight it. “Of course, he replies and closes the book without noting where he stopped reading.
If he could feel, the night air would be crisp and fresh against his skin. Like this, it’s just clear, lets the stars shine brightly against the darkness of the sky. They used to do this more often, back when they first set up the agency; why they stopped, Edwin cannot quite say. Because it’s nice up here, the sounds of the busy streets mostly muffled, just enough space for the two of them. It’s intimate, it’s theirs, and Edwin hadn’t even realised that he missed it.
Charles is standing with his back to him, fussing around with something, cursing under his breath, so Edwin cranes his head back to see more stars. Long ago, he learnt the names of the constellations over London, but right now it seems difficult to recall a single one.
Before he can remember, a note rings out, strange and unexpected, and when Edwin looks down to find the source, Charles has turned around, Crystal’s Bluetooth speaker glowing with a dim, purple light behind him. He’s playing music, and it makes Edwin smile, even if he doesn’t recognise the song, because, of course, Charles would want to have something playing in the background to watch the stars.
“It’s the band we saw back at the Troxy”, Charles explains, and he looks nervous, almost. Hands clasped together in front of his body, fingers tangling and untangling, the smile on his lips bearing an edge Edwin isn’t familiar with. “You know, the stabbing case. I thought, maybe you would like to dance? The song is the same, even.”
His gaze drops and when he looks up at Edwin again, it’s from beneath his lashes; it’s enough to set Edwin’s immortal soul aflame. Charles has always been beautiful, Edwin had known that since the first moment he had set eyes on him, but he looks ethereal now, a painting, a statue carved in marble and gold.
He nods, because he doesn’t trust his voice, and Charles smiles so wide it’s blinding. Ducking his head once more, he steps forward and takes Edwin’s hand in his, puts the other one on his waist, and although they have only done this once before, it feels like like it is their rightful place. It feels like coming home.
Edwin’s other hand settles on Charles’ shoulder, and it feels so easy to start swaying in time with him, shifting his weight from one foot to the other so he can continue to look at Charles, who is looking back so openly, like he wants Edwin to read every single of his thoughts, his feelings. He can’t, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t trying.
“It might sound a little silly”, he finally says, and Edwin wants to kiss the words out of his mouth, wants to listen to his voice for the rest of time, “but I never thought about this. Never considered it. I’m not sure why, but in the end, it doesn’t matter, does it? Because I love you. I’ve always loved you. Ever since you read me detective stories so I wouldn’t die alone.”
He smiles and Edwin is combusting, he’s being torn apart, he’s bubbling over with happiness and with love and with gratitude to be here with Charles, to have gotten the privilege of knowing him, loving him.
“You know when I said we would have forever to figure out what the rest between us meant?”, Charles asks, and Edwin nods, speechless. “I don’t think we’ll need that long. I think I’ve figured it out already.”
And he leans in, slowly, like this is a moment he wants to savour, and kisses Edwin with so much love, so much devotion, he can feel reverberate through every part of his soul. His hand slides from Charles’ shoulder to cup his face, and Edwin was wrong before. Because this is its rightful place.
This is coming home.
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hooked-on-elvis · 12 days
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Elvis' photo shoot for "Loving You" (Paramount 1957)
Elvis Presley: Loving You album, released in June 1957
Written by Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller for Elvis' second movie score, "Hot Dog" was recorded at the Paramount Scoring Stage on mid-January 1957. According to Ernst Jorgensen in "Elvis Presley: A Life In Music", the song "lasted all of a minute and twelve seconds but took seventeen takes to record".
Recording it must have been tiring, but the hard work with this track wasn't over at the end of the recording session. It would follow to the filming of the movie (from January 21 to March 8, 1957).
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(1) Elvis' during filming of "Loving You" (Early 1957). (2) Page from article for the Silver Screen magazine (1957)
THE DAY ELVIS BLEW HIS TOP! When he's restrained by strict demand of movie-making, Elvis has got to explode somewhere, somehow - and explode he did! By Viola Swisher "Hot Dog!" That's how the lyrics go. Singing them, Elvis Presley spun into a forward lunge, one arm out-thrust, eyes afire. Hypnotized... hypnotizing. Hot dog? What did the words matter? Elvis exploded them as if some overwhelming earth force had hit him right in the heart. He hunched over to hug the sensation to himself. He swayed with the eternal rhythm of nature. Elvis was blazing through the action of his pre-recorded song "Hot Dog," featured in a country fair sequence of "Loving You," his new Hal Wallis picture for Paramount. Director [and co-writer] Hal Kanter called for a full rehearsal using about fifty extras bouncing and juggling to Presley's music at the fair. "All right" shouted an assistant. "Places, everybody." "Let's try it," Kanter nodded to the star. "Well, here's where I get censored," quietly commented Elvis in his understated, off-screen manner. But only a few alert ears caught the remark. He gave an experimental leg-quiver and looked at the director for an okay. Kanter shook his head in a pantomimed "no". What followed was a running series of dilutions, deletions and compromises for Elvis. Charles O'Curran, a top-rated dance director staging the routine, tried to make up some "typical Elvis Presley" action for the number. Only he kept getting nowhere. The more he struggled to gear the Presley-style to Hollywood's cameras, the more static and inhibited Elvis became. Things grew just a litle bit tense. Head lowered, the singer rolled his velvety eyes upward to level off at Charlie. Not a word exchanges. None was needed. Elvis remained quiet and courteous. No throwing his weight around. No acting big-big. Only his eyes making the polite plea: "Don't tell me how to do my stuff." Presley and O'Curran tried over and over again to get together on the routine. Elvis was aware of what he wanted, yet because it wasn't natural for him he couldn't get with it.
Excerpt from article on the Silver Screen magazine (1957 issue) , pg. 45.
More was written in this article about the filming of "Loving You", possibly something more about how the filming of the scene went on until the final result but I, unfortunately, haven't found the following pages online. I guess the most important story was told by this excerpt anyways. They got the scene. We know they did. I wonder tho how Charles O'Curran had imagined the number. What we see Elvis doing onscreen while singing "Hot Dog" is more Elvis acting like himself or something like Charles wanted him to look like?
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Pictures of the outfit Elvis wore to perform "Hot Dog" and, below, the King performing the song in scene featured in his second movie, "Loving You" (1957).
Scene from movie "Loving You" (Paramount Pictures 1957), starring Elvis Presley, Lizabeth Scott and Wendell Corey. Directed by Hal Kanter. Screenplay by Herbert Baker and Hal Kanter. Story by Mary Agnes Thompson. Produced by Hal B. Wallis.
Hot dog, you say you're really coming back Hot dog, I'm waiting at the railway track Hot dog, you say you're coming home for good Hot dog, I'm going to keep knocking on wood And baby, I can hardly wait I'm gonna meet you at the gate, hot dog I fell in love with you and then you went away But now you're coming home to stay Hot dog, soon everything will be all right Hot dog, we're gonna have a ball tonight I've got a pocketful of dimes It's gonna be just like old times, hot dog You went away and every day was misery But now you're coming back to me Hot dog, my heart is gonna go insane Hot dog, when you come walking off the train Oh how lonely I have been But when that Santa Fe pulls in Hot dog, baby, baby, hot dog
Lyrics by Jerry Leiber/Mike Stoller
I'm not American, and that's why I don't get slangs in English right away (and that's also why you'll find typos in my writing, sorry 'bout that). So, until this very moment, I never understood why the song was entitled "Hot Dog". I found it so silly... I thought about the food, not gonna lie, but I just googled the word and, in slang, it seems 'hot dog' can mean someone who's dangerous, a daredevil or something. So, the poetic persona in the song is calling out the lady for leaving him for a while. I guess that's it. Probably many already got it from the start (and if I got it wrong, please, correct me) but this note is here just in case someone needs an explanation. Oh, I also found an article about the meanings of "hot dog" as a slang, over the years. It's really interesting. Like I say, Elvis is always directly or indirectly teaching me something. Read more about the meanings for 'hot dog' here: today.com/food/hot-dog-meanings.
UPDATE - May 22, 2024: @thetaoofzoe and @lookingforrainbows helped us with this one. THANK YOU SO MUCH, BABIES. ♥ According to dear @thetaoofzoe, "I'm under the impression that 'hot dog' here means he's expressing delight or excitement about the girl coming back. Like a 'yay! I'm so excited'" and then I read @lookingforrainbows with: "hot dog in this case might mean ‘I’m so excited’. It was a saying in the 50s to mean something like ‘wow! that’s awesome’" -- There you go, friends! Solved!
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thezombieprostitute · 10 months
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A/N: This is yet another entry for @the-slumberparty​‘s Bingo. This time I’m mixing together three squares: Professor AU, Caught Redhanded and Enemies. Reader is female.
Warnings: Sexism, bullying, body shaming, workplace sexism
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Being an adjunct professor in any field can be such difficult, but rewarding work. Especially if you’re able to get tenure. Today was definitely on the difficult side, made worse by Professor Charles Blackwood, your current competition for the one tenure position available in the department. Even before this the two of you were always at odds. He was a pretentious shit who insisted that your time would be better spent as a housewife, “if you could find a man to take pity on you.” It got so bad you even stopped bringing in baked goods to share because he’d always use them as evidence for his case. But you couldn’t afford to make waves or fight back. He had a rich family to fall back on, you couldn’t afford a blemish on your record. 
Today, he brought his friend from the literature department, Professor Drysdale, to use your shared office. Between the two of them, you heard more comments about your size in one hour than you had in an entire month. You tried to bury yourself in work, getting back with students, TA’s, researchers and co-authors. Headphones didn’t help since the conflicting noises of music and a conversation, while trying to focus on work, aggravated you in ways you couldn’t really describe. By the time they left, your jaw, shoulders and neck were all sore from how tense you’d become. Blackwood must be upping his taunting given that the tenure decision was in less than a week but you’d be damned if you let him break you so he could win.
After double checking some of your latest work, you stood up, stretched and refilled your water. You didn’t need to check the time since Curtis, the custodian for your building, was working and that tells you it’s way late and you should be home. You smile and wave at Curtis and he nods in your direction. You quickly run back to your office and grab a couple of cookies you’d brought in for him. You might not bring in baked goods for the department, but you’ll happily still share with a friend. 
Well, maybe “friend” was too strong. You shared some food and smiled at him but all you ever really got was an appreciative grunt and an occasional “thank you” note left on your desk. You figured he just wanted to do his job and go home, something you could definitely respect. It can’t be easy, or enjoyable, cleaning up after college students for a living. Still, you hated hoarding your baked goods and Curtis was safe enough to share with. At the very least, he never told you to give up your work.
“I hope you like them,” you said as you handed him a small bag of cookies. “It’s a new recipe and I’d love to hear if they’re actually good or if it’s just me.” Curtis put the bag in his pack and nodded. Sensing you weren’t going to get anything else from him, you turned and went back to your office.
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The day of the decision comes faster than you expected. Blackwood had Drysdale visit him often and the resulting stress was affecting everything in your life. You’d even burned a batch of cookies for the first time in years. You thought you were hiding the stress well, no one seemed to comment, but you did notice Curtis was actually checking in on you. For others it would likely be a small gesture but to you, it was everything you needed to keep going without crying.
You and Blackwood are in your shared office when you both receive your emails. You get two sentences in before you read, “we’ve decided to go with Prof. Blackwood for the position.” You feel so defeated, deflated and defective. You don’t bother looking at Blackwood, knowing he’s wearing his smug smirk and watching for you to start crying. 
“I told you,” Blackwood sneered, “you shouldn’t be here. You need to find yourself a blind husband and just focus on your domestic skills.”
“Please, just leave me alone,” you whisper. “You’ve won. You don’t need to bother yourself with me any more.”
“I could always offer you a consolation prize.”
“I want nothing from you other than to leave me alone.”
“But you’re so much fun to poke at! You never strike back and it makes me even more eager to be the one that finally breaks your resolve. The one that gets to finally see your tears, to earn your tears.”
“Charles, I’m too tired to give you what you want. If you aren’t going to leave me alone, I’ll just go ahead and head out for the day.” You start to pack up your work and Blackwood almost looks like he’s going to throw a fit.
“No, you will not!” He stands up, using his height to stare down at you and look more menacing. “This is my victory and I will have my prize! Now cry for me like the good girl you are.”
“Ahem…” you hear a fake cough at the door and turn to see Curtis standing there, with his phone out, very clearly recording the interaction. You turn back to Blackwood and see him go pale before he starts walking towards Curtis.
“You’re going to delete that video,” Blackwood orders. “I’m a tenured professor with connections and I will have your job otherwise!”
Curtis doesn’t move and you see the corners of his mouth turn up into an almost smile. The much larger man doesn’t put away the phone and replies, “I’m the Custodian, I’ve got dirt on everyone. And that includes those connections you used to get that tenure.” Blackwood stops his advance and you see him practically vibrating with rage, or maybe it’s fear. “Now apologize to the lady.”
“That’s not needed,” you interject. “I know it wouldn’t be sincere.”
“Want me to get him to turn down the job? I can do that in a few ways.”
“No, but thank you, very much.” Part of you enjoys talking about Blackwood as if he wasn’t there. “If I were to take the job I’d have to keep watching my back because they’d get rid of me or treat me like shit at every turn.”
Curtis finally puts away his phone, walks past Blackwood and holds out his hand to you. “I’m gonna miss you, but I respect your decision.” You shake his hand and give him a tired smile. “With your permission,” he continues, “I’d like to keep an eye on you until you leave. Make sure this one doesn’t keep bothering you.” He points to Blackwood who still looks to be in a state of shock. 
“I’d really appreciate that, Curtis. Thank you.”
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It’s been several years since then and you’ve really found your place, professionally and (if things with the cute, muscular IT guy keep going well) personally. You’re hard at work setting up the syllabus for next semester when you get a phone call.
“Hello, this is Y/N Y/L/N. How may I help you?”
“Hello Prof. Y/L/N, this is Dean Vernon at Mathematics And and Research Sciences University. I’m calling about a reference.”
“Oh, okay. Would you please tell me who listed me?” You’re not surprised at the call, several of your former students have put you down as a reference and you’re happy to support them.
“It’s Professor Charles Blackwood,” Dean Vernon responded. “He’s applying for an adjunct professorship with us.”
Your mouth drops and you’re quiet for so long Dean Vernon asks, “are you still there?”
“Yes,” you snap out of your shock, “yes, I’m just surprised is all. Last I saw him, he had just gotten tenure.”
“Well that’s part of why I’m calling,” Vernon continued. “Per his credentials, he really should be in a better position. Can you tell me about your experience working with him?”
You chuckle quietly at the incredible position you find yourself in. You allow yourself to smile wide and tell him, “if you hire Professor Blackwood, you are opening yourself up to a lot of lawsuits. Last I saw him, he was trying to make me cry for the fun of it. I can only think that he listed me as a reference because he thought I’d still act like I was under his thumb. Thankfully, I’m not and can warn you not to hire him. Keep your own employees safe and do. Not. Hire. Him.”
The phone is quiet for a bit before Dean Vernon says, “thank you for the information” and hangs up. The rest of your day is spent with a big smile on your face.
A/N2: please let me know if you found the Futurama reference.
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briansmells · 5 months
twf stuff of note from the most recent twitter space with kyle and martin and co. (12/28/23)
talk of possible diegetic merch like the bunny smiles inc. employee notes book, party supply sets
the idea for the book is "charles and susan writing about how the animatronics function and how they work and [...] how maintenance is done on them," "actually writing out something that would probably to most people be boring, but like something for fans."
twf 4 has a shot heavily referencing breaking bad/better call saul
everyone is so excited about twf 4's ending and wishes they could talk about it
"episode 4 relies so much on music almost. there is music almost all the time in the episode" and "sometimes it uses tracks where you think it wouldn't fit at all and [martin] fit it in so perfectly"
"apparently, martin has created a reference sheet for bon for [TWF 4], which is why he looks so good."
martin: "that's the one thing i don't show anybody [...] i like the idea of [altering bon's design] and people not even noticing and i also do proportions of the character when i want to make him look more intimidating or more like an animatronic and shit like that [...] I really love that stuff."
kyle: "i'm not going to spoil anything, but I will say martin has sent me a thing that he is working on and when it comes out [...] i think it might be my favorite piece of walten files merch. just period. ever"
martin said if there were to be a twf game now, he'd want it to be something that has a day shift and a night shift as a facility caretaker. the day shift would be "normal stuff." the night shift would start off humorous/light-hearted: you'd deal with a burglar, preventing them from taking more stuff, then at some point you'd turn around and find them mutilated. you would then have to clean up the body and more items would disappear
feel free to add anything i may have missed
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burlveneer-music · 7 months
John Metcalfe - Tree - a modern classical suite with both chamber and orchestral arrangements.
Tree is eight immersive compositions that take the listener through twenty-four hours in the life of one of nature’s most majestic creations The Durutti Column viola-playing master - a composer and arranger for the likes of U2, Coldplay, Peter Gabriel and Blur, as well as co-founder with Tony Wilson of the Factory Classical label – had been composing music spontaneously, instinctively, when the idea of Tree arrived. The album came from a desire in John Metcalfe to write at scale – perhaps a natural reaction for a composer writing out of the silences and solitude of our recent pandemic years. “The pieces I was writing were big and trying to be bigger, so I knew they had to be to do with something – and then I thought about one of the most profound experiences of my life.” He is referring to seeing Tāne Mahuta as an adult, the largest known living kauri tree in the world. Set in an ancient subtropical rainforest on the North Island of Aoreatoa / New Zealand, John had spent his early childhood living in that part of the world after his British father had "escaped there as a ten-pound Pom". Having emigrated to England as a child, he went back to New Zealand with his wife when he was 26. He explains, “…we thought we’d tick something off the tourist list, and I thought we're going to see trees, which is great – but we weren’t prepared for what happened.”. They both cried when they found Tãne Mahuta, and Metcalfe is still amazed at the reaction he had: “… as an atheist, it was the closest I’ve ever got to a spiritual moment… there was something extraordinary about the atmosphere in the forest and the size of this tree, and the sense that it had been there a long time. It was about the protection it gave, and the sense of connection we had with that protection.” Written for live players and recorded in Abbey Road Studios to convey human connection at scale, Tree imagines what it would be like to be sat completely still under a tree that you love, being alive to the ever-shifting interplay of light, colour, weather and sound. Shimmering pulsating layered tracks take the listener on a voyage that takes in the dawn chorus, depicted by conversations between chirruping woodwind and staccato strings, through to the solemnity of dusk and into the playful night. The album at times summons up the folkloric power of ancient forests through an emotional crescendo in emotion and sound, before bringing us back to sunrise, and a reflection on the journey we’ve taken. Tree isn’t just about Tãne Mahuta, explains Metcalfe: “It could be about any tree – they’re all very magical.” This record isn’t a political statement, but it's clear to him that as science progresses, and as climate breakdown progresses, people are trying to find deeper ways to understand and cherish nature. "It’s about the music that people are trying to create to connect with things that are huge and beautiful and inexplicable around them." Tree is John's beautiful, emotional attempt. "My album's about describing our relationship with something as every-day and extraordinary as a tree, and how it can be an incredibly important part of who we are.”  All tracks written, produced and performed by John Metcalfe Additional Strings on Tracks 1,3,5,6,8 Violins Everton Nelson (leader), Natalia Bonner, Charlie Brown, Emil Chakalov, Alison Dods, Louisa Fuller, Richard George, Raja Halder, Marianne Haynes, Rick Koster, Oli Langford, Steve Morris, Charles Mutter, Tom Pigott-Smith, Cathy Thompson, Debbie Widdup Violas, Peter Lale, Reiad Chibah, Gillianne Haddow, Kate Musker, Andy Parker, Rachel Robson Celli Richard Harwood, Adrian Bradbury, Ian Burdge, David Daniels, James Douglas, Julia Graham, Sophie Harris, Tony Woollard, Double Basses Stacey Watton, Roger Linley, Richard Pryce, Lucy Shaw Woodwind on Tracks 3,4,5,6,7,8 Oboe Alun Derbyshire Bassoon Sarah Burnet Strings fixed by Jenny Goshawk for Isobel Griffiths Ltd. Cover Design; Marc Bessant
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lovings4turn · 2 months
𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌 𝐀 𝐕𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐄 — send me a lil description of yourself + fandom(s) and i'll ship you with someone + give you your best friend !
for f1 & marauders please! here's a description of me (tbh idk how much info you want so):
lola, I'm pansexual, she/her, I'm korean-pakistani, born and raised in the uk, 5'5, brown skin, long-ish black hair and black eyes, I tend to dress in a mixture of clothes, very into fashion (I love pintrest) and fashion weeks are the highlight of my year, I love football (liverpool fan), I love formula one (ferrari, mercedes, and redbull), and I do archery in my spare time, i'm fluent in 3 languages english urdu and punjabi, i'm also not really in touch with my korean side, which is why I want to try and learn korean some time in the future, also have alot's of family trauma!!, I'm currently in uni studying psychology and I want to become a therapist, I love animals and I have two dogs (salt and pepper) and a cat (bartolomeu the cannible), I love music and spend alot of my time creating playlists, very chaotic (adhd), my fav season is either spring or autumn, I love aesthetic things, and am kinda a perfectionist, very much a people pleaser, kinda nervous around new people, love writing stories, I have a older brother, can't cook to save my life (unless it's pot noddle), also I love spicy food!!
ahh thanks so much for sending this in lola bby ,, was super fun to pair you up w these ppl so i hope you like it <333
ᝰ.ᐟ 𝐅𝟏 
𝐢'𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐱 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧 !
i could have chosen so , so many drivers here but ultimately maxie won for me !! i just think the dynamic would be something so special and perfect ,, so he won for me here🤭
ᡣ𐭩 your interest in fashion and mixture of styles is something max really admires about you - he's never really been someone who knows a lot about fashion , so seeing you effortlessly put together outfits and be so passionate about clothing is so endearing to him !! his style definitely gets 10x better after you start dating (and oh my god are the fans eternally grateful for it)
ᡣ𐭩 of course , max also adores salt, pepper, and bartolomeu ! he may have a secret agenda to get them to absolutely love him in return , because any time he's at your place he's showering them in love , pets , and affection , mumbling about how cute they are (and how they must take after their mother)
ᡣ𐭩 max is enchanted by your hair and eyes , i swear . there’s something about the way they compliment your brown skin perfectly that just has him awe-struck , and he’s been caught staring at the way the light catches your eyes or how your hair falls over your shoulders more times than he would like
ᡣ𐭩 the fact that you’re a perfectionist is something max both admires and can heavily relate to — he always strives to do the best and be the best that he can , so he loves that you both share that trait !! that being said , max always offers you a level of grace that he doesn’t really offer to himself . if you’re ever getting worked up about something not quite going the way you want it , he’s pressing a kiss to your temple and assuring you that it’s great , and you shouldn’t put too much pressure onto yourself (hypocrite of the year award goes to your boyfriend!!)
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜 !
ᡣ𐭩 you and charles definitely bond a lot over your love for music !! whether it’s charles sending you samples of some piano compositions he’s been working on or you guys sending playlists and song recs back and forth , music plays a big part in your friendship !!
ᡣ𐭩 you often love to tease charles for his inability to handle spicy food (those pics of him eating that chilli were definitely taken by you , and of course you didn’t let him live it down) , but you sadly can’t make fun of him for his lack of cooking skills, since he could turn around and hit you with the exact same claim . you and charles quickly learned that cooking together would never be a large part of your friendship (charles’ frying pan never truly recovered from the one time you decided to be ambitious and cook a meal from scratch)
ᡣ𐭩 really admires your love for aesthetic things and often asks you for your opinion on his latest ig posts / photodumps , wanting to be sure that they not only look nice , but also go well with the rest of his feed
𝐢'𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐣𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 !
okay now this just made oh so much sense to me , i can't explain it !!! you and james would be an absolute power couple , i'm convinced !
ᡣ𐭩 absolutely obsessed with your height difference . james is a tall lad , and the fact that you're shorter than him just makes his heart happy . he loves being able to press kisses to the top of your head easily , and loves how he can practically engulf you into his arms with every single hug . of course , he jokes about how you're killing his back every time he has to lean down for a kiss , but the dopey grin he gives you afterwards lets you know he's never being serious
ᡣ𐭩 james loves the fact that you want to learn korean in the future to get more in touch with your korean side , and is more than willing to help you in any way he can !! can he speak a lick of korean ? absolutely not . but he's determined to support you however possible , learning some basic phrases here and there and allowing you to practice on him , even if he has no idea what you're saying to him
ᡣ𐭩 your chaotic energy matches so well with james' bright and excitable demeanour , and you two bounce off of each other so well . it's almost like you were made for each other , honestly - sirius always jokes that someone must have made you specifically for james , because who else would be able to put up with his insane amount of energy if not you ??
ᡣ𐭩 james doesn't really know much about muggle sports , but god is he determined to learn about your favourites so he can keep up with you !! he'll watch football games with you and try his hardest to correlate it to quidditch so it computes in his mind a little easier , but watching a grand prix with you was a whole other ordeal . could not wrap his head around it and sat there with a baffled expression for at least three hours , even after you tried so hard to explain it to him in the simplest of terms . all he knows is fast cars racing , and he thinks that's satisfactory enough just to see your smile whenever he asks to watch a race with you
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝 !
ᡣ𐭩 this was just an absolute no brainer to me !! i mean , with your love for fashion , who else is a better fit for your best friend than the most stylish girl out there ??? mary loves talking fashion with you , and you guys definitely end up sharing wardrobes , her clothes becoming yours and vice versa .
ᡣ𐭩 mary is also a lover of spring , and you two definitely make the most out of the season when it rolls around !! the moment it's sunny enough , you guys are going on picnics (and of course , the set-up is pretty enough to rival a pinterest board) , picking fresh flowers , and fawning over all of the baby animals being born , like the small bunnies that tend to roam the fields you two frequent !
ᡣ𐭩 whenever she notices you getting a little nervous around new people , mary tries her hardest to make you as comfortable as possible . she doesn't want to talk over you or for you , but she'll definitely take the spotlight off of you for a little if you prefer , allowing you to get to know the new faces on your own terms and build your confidence at your own pace !!!
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espithewarlock · 5 months
Some end-of-2023 asks that didn't get asked but I'm answering them anyways! Some are from AO3 Wrapped and some are from the more general 2023 reblog.
How many works did you publish this year?
20! It's so much more than I thought I would post, let alone write!
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Bittersweet, That Glitter (aka, Dragon!Pierre) by a long shot. I love the fantasy & worldbuilding and it's some of my best stuff. (I also loved dropping it on Sol unexpectedly and having her start shouting at me within a minute of posting it. Seriously, AO3, you chose then to be speedy with email notifications??)
What work of yours has the most hits?
My Pierre/Charles/Max Soulmark AU. Probably because it's one of the few chaptered fics that I have and probably because it's lestappen tagged. Of my oneshots, Omega!Pierre just beats OnlyFans!Charles by a few hits.
What work was the quickest to write?
I started Take, Take Me Over at 6:30am, wrote 1.9k words, edited, and posted it by 8:30am. (Then I went to the gym and found the perfect song inspiration. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
What work took you the longest to write?
Another Deep Dive All The Way Down (aka, the Carlando Coffeeshop AU that's a companion to Mermaid!Charles) probably had the longest time start to finish because I kept procrastinating writing the ending.
What’s your shortest work of the year?
I wrote exactly 1,016 words for the short-fic prompt challenge, Trading Controllers, and I'm impressed at how much story I squeezed into just over a thousand words.
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
I'm sitting at 2,307 while I'm writing this and that is simply insane! I'm done posting Coffeeshop and I'm hoping to get a few more on that one since it's now 100% complete. Honestly, the fact that over two thousand people have liked my stuff enough to say they like my stuff is incredible!
Which work has the most comments?
By sheer number? Soulmark AU at 66 comment threads, but that averages to 3.9 per chapter. Mermaid!Charles has 4.1 per chapter, for comparison. Of my oneshots, Nymph!Pierre has 8 (including an ESSAY that makes me 🥰), Baker!Pierre has 7, and OnlyFans!Charles has 7.
What do you listen to while writing?
I actually usually listen to Twitch streams. The video game music + the commentary/content gives me something to flip back to while I'm thinking over story ideas and doesn't pull me out of the writing flow like listening to distinct songs.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
It's so hard to pick just one! Here's some of my favorites: 1. The 'little squid' bit from Nymph!Pierre 2. The whole meet-cute scene from Baker!Pierre (+ Kimi's "But that did not go well") 3. The line from Dragon!Pierre after he leaves ("Now that he knew the warmth of Charles' hands, of his mouth, on his body, there was no way the sun could compare.") 4. The absolute heartbreak of Pierre saying goodbye to Mermaid!Charles 5. OnlyFans!Charles pointing to himself ("what a coincidence! I also like your shirt.")
Talk about a new friend you made this year
Literally everyone in the Calamar's Club, but especially Logan & Sol. Sol for being the sweetest person ever, letting me be insane about dragons, and inviting me to the server after seeing me shout into the void for friends. Logan for dragging me into the chaos, the constant encouragement of everyone, and for making me melt every time they react to anything I post.
How was your birthday this year?
Excellent! I visited my sister, went to her wedding dress fitting, and we saw the musical Six! It was my first time seeing it and it was AMAZING.
Favorite book(s) you read this year?
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune & The Near Witch by VE Schwab
What are you excited about for next year?
Posting my PWFE fic, meeting up with a local-ish fandom friend, and hopefully planning my first overseas trip!
If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be?
Read your fucking comments, Espi! You could have been making new friends and having fun conversations all year and you were too much of a coward to try that until ~September~. Most of them are lovely and you should ignore the ones that aren't!
Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions?
Yep! I resolved to start lifting at the gym (instead of just doing cardio) and I've made pretty good progress! Going to continue into next year for sure!
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Get To Know Me Better :)
Thanks @vinvantae for tagging me!! I love doing these as I am incredibly vain lol
Relationship status: Painfully, agonisingly single
Favourite Colour(s): Orange, Pink and Black
Favourite Food: Pasta (of all kinds, but the simpler the better. Cacio e Pepe my beloved), kimchi ramen, nachos
Song Stuck In My Head: Either that one ‘Chrissy Wake Up’ remix from TikTok or ‘Our Last Summer’, specifically the version from Mamma Mia The Movie lol
Last Thing You Googled: Can I take Naproxen and Co-codamol together? (I am 90% painkiller and 10% human at this point lol)
Time: 11:42pm
Dream Trip: Spending a whole summer travelling around the Mediterranean. There’s so much I wanna see!
Last Thing You Read: This one doesn’t specify that it has to be a book so i’m gonna give the honest answer which is This fic by the wonderful @vinvantae
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: Chernobyl by Serhii Plokhy
Last Book You Hated Reading: I don’t think I’ve ever really hated a book I read for pleasure? But tbh I hardly read anymore unless its non-fiction and it’s hard to hate a non-fiction book really.
Favourite Thing To Cook/Bake: I like making vegetable chilli, mainly because I know exactly how I like it and I know all the ingredients are fresh and tasty! I also like to just be able to throw on some fun music and sing my heart out while I chop various vegetables. When it comes to baking, not to blow my own trumpet or anything but I make an amazing Victoria sponge cake. With raspberry jam and fresh chantilly cream ah its delicious.
Favourite Craft To Do In Your Free Time: I like those diamond art kits because they’re repetitive and impossible to fuck up lol. I can just throw on my favourite album and get going without really having to think about it all that much! And you get something sick for your wall once you’re done too!
Most niche dislike: Slow walkers in public places who don’t move to the side to allow fast walkers myself the chance to overtake them. Like yeah, yeah I get it, we’re in a shopping centre for some leisurely shopping time, but also if you’re walking at like -2mph and blocking the entire path when I just want to yeet to Primark and get what I need then I should be able to execute you via firing squad. Sorry lol.
Do You Have Any Sense Of Direction: Once I’ve got my bearings in a place I’m usually pretty good. On road trips I usually earn the role of front seat navigator!
Tell Us About Your D&D Character: I don’t currently have an active character, however, I am currently planning a campaign for a few friends. It’s essentially a heist movie, set in a Vegas-like city. The party are approached by Charles (I stole all the names from F1 Drivers because why not, right?) who is the beloved prince of their nation. He reveals that he had lost his crown to the unscrupulous Lord Fernando in a game of magic poker. The party are tasked with stealing the crown back by any means necessary before the King realises what his son had done. So essentially a heist movie, but with magic users. And a vampire.
I genuinely don’t think I know anyone else who wasn’t already tagged when I was lol, so this is a completely open tag, wherever wants to do this, I give you permission!!!
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elysia-nsimp · 7 months
Welcome to a new series of posts kinda. I thought it would be a good idea to write down official OC intros somewhere so y’all would have something to look to for information.
I won’t give you all the information, some of it is for y’all to find out via asking questions or stories I may or may not finish, but I will give you all the basics and things you need to know.
Please note that this is currently a massive WIP, so there’s not much here yet! You can at least see what my plans are for the future right now.
Let’s get into it!
Asterial / Entropy Cirque OCs
Asteria is the name of my fantasy universe. Takes place in modern day, in a universe parallel to our own. We used to live in harmony with magical beings, but after the Great War, they fled our half of the world and build a new home in a realm invisible to humans.
Entropy Cirque is an interdimensional circus (made by my friend @aetherphobia) where characters from all sorts of different universes can meet and interact. Many Asterian characters find themselves in the Cirque.
Charles Duras
Head CEO of Duras Corp. and one of the most famous Asterian figures. One of the few royal angels left in the world, he runs pretty much the entire transportation industry. He’s also the richest man in Perzion City.
Twisted Wonderland OCs
Takes place in an AU similar to canon, with Comet Yuusonya as the main character.
Comet Yuusonya
Main protagonist, Ramshackle Prefect turned Housewarden. Based on Rapunzel and Anna primarily (and myself of course).
Twisted from the bride of the Haunted Mansion (and maybe the Mayor from NmBC). Considered a walking bad omen to most.
Ignacio Hayes
An Ignihyde student—based on Pain and Panic.
James Steelclaw
His real name is actually James From Savanaclaw /j, based on the jaguars from Emperor’s New Groove.
Orville “Buggie” Becket
Buggie is an Octavinelle student… much to Azul’s dismay. It’s based on Oogie Boogie.
Wade Krillis (WIP)
A very secretive Diasomnia student. Not based on any actual Disney character, rather… an offshoot oc from canon Twst characters.
Neisha Faez (WIP)
Twisted from Jasmine from Aladdin (mostly the live action version), also distant cousins with Kalim!
Malina Esperanza (WIP)
Twisted from Asha, from Disney’s Wish. A strong-willed girl who loves to chart the stars and works hard to make her wishes and dreams come true.
Denzel Marley (WIP)
A lowkey and chill kinda guy who likes sushi on the beach and sailing. Being twisted from Max (Eric’s dog), I bet it’s no surprise he’s a dog person.
Graham Amato (WIP)
A hard worker who enjoys cooking and roller skating! Twisted from Tiana. Rivals with Azul <3
Atrus O’Keeffe (WIP)
Twisted from Merida! A headstrong jack-of-all-trades kind of guy with a whole lot of confidence. Ask him about the time he fought a wild boar, he loves to tell that story.
Jonah Cainwell
The Vice Student Council President of Noble Bell Collage, twisted from Prince Hans from Frozen! (Yes this is indeed bad news for Comet, who’s based on Anna.)
More may come, these are just the main ones.
Obey Me! OCs
An AU that follows canon pretty closely… except there’s several exchange students from the human realm! At least three of those exchange students are not my OCs, so these are only my own.
Dove Shepard (WIP)
The closest character to MC among the exchange students…the brothers love her.
Toby (WIP)
Not part of the exchange program, but… you know, he summoned himself in the Devildom anyway.
Gabriel (WIP)
An angel the brothers used to know. He visits occasionally.
Cookie Run: Kingdom
This sure diverges from canon, huh? It’s mostly slice of life while Gingerbrave & CO are away from their kingdom.
Elysian Cookie
oim haary stoyles/j
Pizookie Cookie (WIP)
Maybe you know him as DPRizz online, music producer, remixer, and faceless CookieTuber! He is B.A.D.4’s BIGGEST fan!
Lava Cake Cookie (WIP)
Mad scientist cookie of darkness bwahahahaha
More will come, but I want to focus on these sections right now.
Stay tuned!
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byneddiedingo · 2 years
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Ralph Meeker and Carroll Baker in Something Wild (Jack Garfein, 1961) Cast: Carroll Baker, Ralph Meeker, Mildred Dunnock, Jean Stapleton, Martin Kosleck, Doris Roberts, Charles Watts, Clifton James, George L. Smith, Ken Chapin. Screenplay: Jack Garfein, Alex Karmel, based on a novel by Karmel. Cinematography: Eugen Schüfftan. Art direction: Albert Brenner, Richard Day. Film editing: Carl Lerner. Music: Aaron Copland. A young woman is brutally raped on her way home, but she tells no one and next day tries to act as if nothing has happened until she is overcome by the crowds on the subway and faints. A policeman brings her home, where her self-centered mother is more concerned that the neighbors saw her in a police car than about her health. Unable to tolerate her mother's whiny self-centered behavior, she runs away, rents a tiny room in a dirty, run-down tenement, and gets a job as a clerk in a five-and-dime store. But her stand-offish behavior, the result of her distaste for being touched, annoys the other clerks, who ostracize her. Wandering aimlessly through the city streets, she finds herself on a bridge and, in a daze, starts to climb over the railing. She is stopped by a garage mechanic on his way to work, and he persuades her to come back to his basement apartment to rest. In her exhaustion, she agrees, but he later comes home from work falling-down drunk and attempts to rape her. She fights him off, kicking him in the eye when he's down, and he passes out. But she discovers that he has locked the door and she can't escape. When he awakes the next morning, he has no memory of attacking her and thinks that he must have sustained the eye injury in a fight at the bar. But when he leaves for work, he won't let her go and locks the door behind him. She becomes his prisoner, while he pleads for her love and eventually proposes marriage. So far, Jack Garfein's Something Wild succeeds as a harrowing, vivid portrait of lost lives in the city. Carroll Baker gives a fine performance as the young woman, Mary Ann, and Ralph Meeker shifts convincingly from tenderness to menace and back again as her captor, Mike. Mildred Dunnock makes the most of her role as Mary Ann's mother, and there are some good performances by future TV sitcom actresses Jean Stapleton and Doris Roberts, the former as the noisy prostitute who has a room next to Mary Ann's in the tenement, the latter as Mary Ann's co-worker at the five-and-dime, who leads the other clerks in shunning her. Best of all are the cinematography of Eugen Schüfftan, capturing New York City at its grandest and grimmest, and the edgy score by Aaron Copland. But just when things look the most hopeless for Mary Ann, Mike goes out one day without locking the door -- perhaps intentionally -- and she escapes. It's a beautiful spring day in the city and she wanders through Central Park, her spirits reviving, and returns to the apartment where she accepts Mike's proposal. Then it's Christmas and Mary Ann has sent a note to her mother telling where she now lives. The mother visits the basement apartment to plead with Mary Ann to return home, but Mary Ann tells her that this is now her home and moreover that she's pregnant. And on a moment that is fairly drenched with Hollywood-style sentiment, though this has been a fearlessly unsentimental and independently gritty movie, the film ends. I suppose it's possible to take this wrap-up as Garfein's parody of the Hollywood ending, but it's difficult to countenance the film's undercutting of itself any other way, not to mention that it seems to suggest that the trauma of rape can be "cured" by another kind of rape: imprisonment. Something Wild seems to me a collection of brilliant moments and skilled performances, and to provide a compelling portrait of urban alienation whose tone is set with the striking opening credits by Saul Bass. But by losing its integrity of vision at the end, it fails to be a whole film.
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
Through The Heart Is The Only Way. Chapter Two: "I Didn't Catch Your Names." Poly!Chiffany X FEM! AFAB! Reader.
Hey, hey, hey! Newest chapter is here! Masterlist Here. I am gonna get back to requests after this, see what I can’t get done before the two year anniversary of this blog of mine and do a few things for that. I am so fucking happy with how this chapter came out, stepping it up a little bit, getting a bit spicy at the end but nothing TOO crazy yet, either way, hope you all enjoy it. Not much else to say other then let’s fucking GO!
Rating. Explict. Length. 5.3K. Charles Lee Ray X Tiffany Ray Valentine X FEM! AFAB! Reader. She/Her Pronouns. Poly! Chiffany. Warnings. Mentions Of Masturbation. Banter. Alcohol Consumption. Flirting. Blood. Gore. Violence. Making Out. Grinding.
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When the nightclub closes it can be kind of jarring if you aren’t used to it.
Last call happens, you make the final rounds and the people that are left can only be described as desperate. People trying to knock back their last drinks, dance to the remaining songs on the playlist and find someone so they wouldn’t be going home alone. All trying to squeeze the last bit of fun out of the night they can before being shoved out in the bitter cold of the Chicago in January air. Eventually the fun would end, the lights would flip on, the music stops and the people shuffle out, leaving you and your co-workers to close up.
It’s late.
Most of the clean-up had been done, you were all pretty prepped up for tomorrow and you were seated at the bar, counting up your tips for the evening, your other tasks all having been completed. You were counting out ones and putting them into the usual piles of ten for ease, Logan was busy re-stocking the last of the bar supplies as you were talking.
“C’mon, aren’t you hungry?” He asked and you glanced up to see him refilling the straws, you replied, “Not THAT hungry.”
He switched tasks so quickly this time of night, he was almost frantic in trying to get out, straws filled he was now wiping down the bar as he said, “What? I thought you loved pizza!” He threw the rag he had been using over his shoulder and you rolled your eyes as you said, “I do!”
“So if you loooove pizza then what is the issue?” You finally finish counting the money and fish out your rubber bands out of your belt to start putting them together, “The pizza isn’t the issue.”
He stopped what he was doing, hands on the bar as he stared you down and you finally spoke up again, “The issue is I dunno if I can handle watching the girl you have a massive crush on reject you yet again.”
“What are you talking about-no! No, I’m just hungry and want some pizza, I swear.” He tried to argue and you gave him a rather unimpressed expression, “Then what pizza place were you thinking of?”
He looked away from you as he mumbled his answer which prompted you to say loudly, leaning forward on your crossed arms, “Wanna run that by me again?”
He sighs, “Sal’s.” You grinned, sounding very amused as you said, “Oh, Sal’s huh?”
You let a pause take over before asking in a tone that is nigh mocking, you know the answer you are just fucking with him, “And isn’t that the place that Harriet works?”
Logan shrugged noncommittally, “It might be.” You hummed, a nod as you asked, “Mmm soooo you are just, what? Not gonna talk to her if we go in there for a slice?”
He was restacking the coasters for the third time in less than five minutes, fidgeting and clearly looking for a distraction, “I mean it’d be RUDE to not say something to her if we go in there, right?”
You shake your head with a sigh, money officially banded you leaned up, heels on the rungs of the stool. One hand on the bar your other hand gripping the stack of tips you’d collected hit your co-worker playfully on the nose, “You are so fucking obvious Lo.”
He knocked your hand away from him, making a small face at the nickname you would tease him with and you sat back down as he said, “Listen at least I am putting myself out there! How long has it been since you’ve seen someone?”
Too long but you weren’t gonna give him the satisfaction. “None of your damn business.”
“Oooh that sounded a little harsh. You all pent up? By the way, how's your carpal tunnel coming along?” He asked and you noticed the particular way he was cleaning the glass in his hands, a rather lewd gesture as he looked like he was fingering it hammering his taunt home.
You laugh and fire back, “Probably about as well as yours.” You mimed jerking off crudely as you said it, earning a laugh back.
“So you are seriously out?” He asked and you nodded with a sigh, “Seriously. Besides, Jackson and I are leaving together to get the train.”
“Jackson you fucking suck!” Logan called out, hands cupped around his mouth and you turned to see him coming up to the bar, bag in hand and coat slung over his arm, “I mean yeah usually, but why this time?”
You snorted and Logan said, “Because you are taking my late night snack buddy away so you don’t have to walk to the train alone.”
“Oh am I? My apologies.” Jackson said with an over exaggerated bow that made you laugh and when he came up he asked, “What kind of snack are we talking though?”
You groaned, head falling back, you knew right then that you were gonna be dragged along no matter what. Jackson was always starving after work and you would end up getting talked into tagging along.
You were correct.
You find yourself walking down the street, coat buttoned up all the way, hands deep in your pockets as you trailed behind Jackson and Logan, your other co-worker and fellow waitress Marcy got roped into coming too. “How’d you do on tips tonight?”
Your head turned to look at Marcy as you responded, “Pretty fucking great honestly. But tomorrow is Saturday, that is the real money making night. How’d you do?”
“Not as good as you I bet.” She sighed, “But you are right, tomorrow will be better.”
“Hell yeah it will! You always find your groove on Saturdays. You got this.” You assured her, a hand on her shoulder and she thanked you.
You were finally there, all piling into the place, a few drunk strangers around to get some food before heading home to sleep it off before partying it up tomorrow. You and Marcy were still chatting when you came inside and Logan stopped right by the door, you almost walked right into him and were about to say something until you followed his line of sight and saw who he was looking at. Jackson nudged you, “Is that her?”
“Yeah that’s her alright.” You said and the three of you watched as Logan took off for the counter immediately to talk to her. “He’s not wasting time tonight.”
He started to talk to her, the three of you saw how it went, the way she was smiling at him and responding and Jackson said, “Seems like it’s going well.”
You laugh, “Yeah for now.” Marcy glanced at you, “C’mon have some faith in him. Bet you five bucks he gets the date.”
“Oh you are so fucking on.” You held out your hand and she shook it once. You continued to watch as they talked and seemed to be clicking until he said something that seemingly offended her. Body language totally changed and he looked embarrassed and sheepishly ordered a pizza, paying with too much money and hurrying back over.
“Ha! Told you.” Marcy grumbled as she pulled out the money and thrust it into your open palm, “How’d you know? He seemed to have it in the bag.”
You folded the bills and stuffed them into your purse, “The man can open, I’ll give you that but he can’t seem to close for the life of him unless we are at work.”
It was true. When he was behind the bar at work he knew just what he was doing and had such a handle on it. He almost dripped with an easy kind of confidence and was so likeable and fun and funny, was able to pick up girls no problem but his issue was getting that air to follow him outside of work. He claimed that at work there was no pressure and he felt relaxed and in his element, felt he looked a lot better in the lowlights of the club too, which you didn’t get, Logan was a good looking guy, had no reason to not feel confident in himself, lighting be damned.
He was back over with your group now and Jackson clapped him on the shoulder, “That looked real rough buddy, sorry.”
“Yeah, yeah, I feel bad enough, I don’t need your pity.” He sighed, one of his hands coming up to his head, averting his eyes as he admitted, “I felt so awkward I ordered a whole pizza we can just split.”
“Ooo so generous. Thanks Lo.” You said with a smile and he looked less than impressed so you added on, “For real though, I am sure you’ll get her number eventually.”
“Yeah, you’ll wear her down.” Jackson chirped and you all laughed and even got Logan to smile.
The pizza was good, you all talked more and then parted ways, calls of how you would see each other tomorrow and kill it at work. Jackson walked with you to the train and soon enough you were walking back through your apartment door, ready to wind down for the night.
You do your usual evening routine. You take off your heeled boots, you strip down and shower off, slide into bed, do a little reading and you turn the lamp on your nightstand off and pass out.
Your Saturday is normally kept easy, reserving your energy for work.
You sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast, more like lunch because of how late you get up. You don’t do much on Saturdays, you usually stay in, might catch an early dinner with a friend before you get ready and make your way back into work.
You consistently put in effort when you got dressed for work, always felt like you worked better and harder when you felt good and you felt good when you looked good, naturally, but you always stepped it up on Saturday’s. Busting out nicer heels, spending longer on your make-up, you were in the mood for purple for some reason tonight when you were doing your eye shadow. You picked out a dress that wasn’t quite as short as last nights, but one that showed off more cleavage as a trade off. You were careful on your walk today, not wanting to eat shit, it was still winter after all.
You work so hard, it is so fucking busy, the club you worked at was very popular and Saturday is the busiest night by far. You are practically run off your feet but the plus side of that is that the shift flies by. You feel like you barely talked to any of your coworkers tonight, certainly not about anything not work related.
You are tired as you finally are wrapping up your last tasks. You make your way to the bar to count up tonight's tips, they made last night's pile look like a joke, you slide into your favoured barstool and Logan is right there, he greets you as you sit down. “There you are! Been waiting for you to finish your shit up.”
“What? You miss me that much?” You ask with a tired smile and he says, “No, but I do have something interesting to tell you about. First off-” He reached up the bar and pulled out some money, sliding it across the counter. “-this is yours.”
You eyed the money as you asked, “What’s this for exactly?”
“There was this guy who was asking for your name earlier at the bar, right?” He started and you nodded, wondering where he was going with this, “Uh-huh, sure. What did you tell him?”
“I told him that info isn’t for free, he handed over a tip no problem and I gave him your work name.” He said proudly and you smiled wide, scooping up the money as you praised him “Just like I trained you! Good boy.”
“Woof.” He said sarcastically with a roll of his eyes and you almost snorted. “Seriously thank you though.”
“Yeah, anytime.” He replied easily and you ask, “So who was it?”
“Didn’t get his name.” He said, seemed distracted as he was restocking and you pressed, “Well what did he look like?”
“Why are you so curious?” He inquired and you shrugged, “Wanna know if I know him.”
Which is true but there were many reasons, it was always good to know who would become a regular, who would want you to serve them, people you could weasel in closer with, get a little more out of them. That might sound cruel or cold or callous but hey if they liked you and wanted to offer up more money that was on them, not you. It was all part of the job.
“Fair enough, he was pretty well dressed, longer hair, interesting voice, kinda rough quality to it, intense eyes but he wasn’t off putting, easy kind of air about him, seemed like a decent enough guy to hang with. Was in a good mood.” He described him and your mind flashed back to the guy from the other night, the guy who asked for a strong and special cocktail who needed help lighting his cigarette, the guy you clicked with so easily.
“You know him?” He asked and pretended to be much more interested in counting your tips as you said, “Yeah I think that’s the guy you made the especially strong cocktail for last night.”
“Ooooh guess he must have really liked the drink.” Logan said confidently and you smiled to yourself, “Mmm, must have.” You thought about the fact you hadn’t seen him but you were really busy tonight.
You then hear the click of heels behind you and turn your head, Marcy coming up, “Sweeping is done, finally.” She dropped her money on the counter and knocked her fist on the bartop, asking, “Where’s our end of the night shot?”
Logan laughed, “ Fat fucking chance. Jackson and Rachel aren’t here yet, you trying to get me in trouble?” Marcy scoffed and said, “Only always.”
Which prompted Logan to flip her off which only had her return the gesture with her tongue out. You honestly really loved your co-workers, loved the playful relationship you all had.
“You two gonna fuck it out any time soon or?” You turned to see Jackson who had asked the question had sidled up on the other side of you Rachel beside him, arm thrown over her shoulders.
“Not with all the lube and alcohol in the world.” Marcy responded and Logan lined the shot glasses up, he ignored the dig in favour of asking, “What are we drinking tonight?”
“Dealer's choice.” You said as you finished up with your tips, banded now you slid them away, you weren’t picky when it came to shots and Logan had good taste.
“Lemon drops?” He asked and Jackson perked up, “Fuck yes!”
Rachel leaned forward on the bar, “Never had one before, hit me.”
You all finish up the remaining things needed, chatting and hanging out, all taking that shot Logan so generously made before you all bundled up and braved the cold winter night again. After getting off at your stop, waving bye to Jackson who had accompanied you to the train again, you couldn’t help how your mind wandered. Wondering if you were going to see that guy who asked for your name again, might have been a one off or perhaps he would come by more regularly.
Days passed, some you worked, some you had off, totally average and regular, that particular guy had almost totally slipped your mind until you were at work on Thursday evening. Thursday’s were usually a decent night, you had some regulars who would come through, people who wanna get a chill drink and to cut loose a little, take some of the edge off. Some people who didn’t want all the craziness of the weekend would pick Thursdays instead as their go to night.
You are making the rounds and see someone in need of a drink that you hadn’t served yet, you come up and greet them in your standard fashion, “Hey! Hope you weren’t waiting long, what can I get you?”
“Hey yourself.” You saw just then that it was that aforementioned guy who was so curious about what your name was. “Oh my God, hi! Didn’t realise it was you! How are you?”
“M’ fine. Was starting to worry you weren’t working tonight.” He said as he briefly looked you over and you adjusted the tray on your hip, honestly you accepted being looked at like this as part of the job, one you could take or leave but him looking at you like that was all too welcome. “Well lucky for you I am.”
“Lucky me indeed. Could I get the same as you brought me last time?” He asked and you nodded, “Of course. Gimmie a minute, I’ll be right back.”
True to your word after getting that same drink from Logan who luckily remembered exactly what he made, and also was excited for you that the guy came back, you brought it back to him. He thanked you and you looked him over, was in a little more casual of an outfit then you had seen him in previously but he still looked good.
“Place is quiet tonight.” He commented and you glanced around, “Yeah Thursdays are always a little more calm, but it’s still early, in about an hour it is going to pick up.”
He then told you, “Sorry I’m gonna miss it.”
“Why’s that?”
“I’m just stopping in quickly, going out to dinner but I’m gonna be back this weekend.”
Oh really?
You perk up more at that, “Amazing, I work basically every single weekend so I will be here. Looking forward to seeing you.”
He returns the sentiment and before you leave him to do more work and to finish his drink you turn back to him, “Oh thanks for the tip by the way.”
He grins at that, “No problem-” and then he says your name, well what he THINKS is your name, he says the fake name you use for work and you think briefly that you wish he had said your real name.
You strut off, mentally berating yourself for a moment over such a thought with a relative stranger, and a customer at that You had reasons for doing what you did and you barely knew this guy, he shouldn’t be getting special treatment or exceptions.
He does come back in.
You were at the bar putting in orders when he came up to you, seeing him made you smile, real and genuine, “Hey if it isn’t my favourite new benefactor.” You teased and he knocked on the bar once, cock of his head and pointed to you as he asked, “How did you know my middle name?”
“Ah, just a hunch.” You shrugged before asking, “How’s your Saturday treating you so far?”
“Pretty good, better now.” You smiled wider at that, the tone he says it in as he looks at you like that, what a flirt.
“You planning on sticking around tonight?”
“Sure am. Are you gonna take care of me?” he asked and you picked up the tray now loaded with drinks to go make your rounds, “Naturally. You call, I come.”
“Really? That a promise?” He was grinning at you and you nodded once, “Mmmhmm. And I always keep my promises.”
You leave him behind to get back to work.
Later on you are swinging by the DJ booth when you hear that voice through the music. That same voice from last week that you were having trouble forgetting. Your head swivels to the direction you hear it and you see her, looking just as good if not better than last week. You step closer to hear her asking Jackson to play one of her requests, “I’m not saying no there are just a lotta people ahead of you.”
You are close enough now, you give a snap, followed by a wave and catch his attention, you start in on him, tone clearly joking as you lean against the booth looking up at him as you spoke loudly over the music, “You’ve been playing your songs for the past half hour you lying son of a bitch.”
“Shit, you caught me.” He conceded, hands up, being playful back, “And what are you gonna do about it?”
“Ask you very nicely to play whatever song she wants. She’s with me.” You say it as sweet as pie and he could certainly never say no to you. “Alright, fine. You got it.”
“Thank you.” You sing-songed out and he waved you away, still clearly amused, “Yeah, yeah.”
That is when you face her properly and say, “Need anything else?”
“Oh my God, thank you! That was so cool of you.” She had a good smile, you feel like you bloom under her praise. Something about her was so magnetic, you just wanted to keep talking to her, hanging around her. “Just happy to help.”
You were both stepping away, she was walking alongside you as she said, “Seriously though, thanks. I’m honestly just a little surprised you remember me.” You wanted to laugh, how could anyone ever forget her? Even after one simple meeting?
“Trust me, you are a lot more memorable than you realise.” What was up with you lately? Between that guy and her you were struggling to play it cool. You pivot the conversation back to work before she can respond, “You need a drink?”
“Yes please, that sounds great.” She admitted and you ask, “What are you in the mood for?”
“Something sweet. I trust you.” You had to hold yourself back, hands gripping your drink tray hard at her saying that. You needed to calm down. She wasn’t making it easy when she smiled at you like that, was so close to you, looking so fucking goregous, perfect make up and amazing hair, God she had to know how fantastic she looked.
“Right, something sweet. I’ll come find you.” You step away as she calls, “I’ll be waiting.”
You hurried.
You found her pretty quickly, finding that figure and head of blonde hair was easy, she was so eye-catching. When you were a few steps away you saw who she was with and it made you stop. That same guy who was so curious what your name was and kept coming in. He had a hand on her lower back, she was leaning against him, he was whispering something in her ear and afterwards it had her laughing, a hand on his chest and a smile on his own face.
They knew each other?
They had to. They were being very close and friendly if they had just met, something decidedly intimate about how they were nearly pressed together.
You make your feet continue and come up, setting the drink down on the table and before you can say anything they are both looking at you, “There she is! My hero.”
“I was just hearin’ all about what happened with the DJ, how helpful are you?” He asked and you were still just staring, she had a hand in the hair at the back of his neck, and his other hand was casually on her waist and you speak without thinking. “You two know each other?”
A shared look between the pair that said something all though you weren’t all together sure what. They were side by side, her head resting against his as she said, “Yeah, you could say that.”
“Know each other pretty damn well.” He confirmed, a kiss laid to her jaw that made a fond look wash over her features.
That is when the obvious really hits you. They are together. What a picture they made together, a totally hot power couple. Well there goes your shot with either of them. It was hard not to feel slightly put out by that but ultimately you shouldn't let it get you down.
She had taken a drink of the cocktail you brought her and her gushing about how good it was brought you back. "Glad you like it! I'll be back to check on you soon-"
"Actually before you go, we were wondering something." She asked and your curiosity was piqued. "What's that?"
"The guy over there-" He pointed, "-what's up with him?" You looked where he meant and you asked, "What do you mean?"
"Seen him in here and he's always by himself, any particular reason?"
So one thing about you being so good at your job is you are very observant, got to know people, had a very easy way about you that could get people to open up. Also you kind of loved gossip and didn't have a chance to talk with people who aren't your co-workers.
You glance around, there is a lull, everyone seems content, there are lots of other waitstaff tonight, you could indulge for a bit, you earned it. Plus even if they were together and you didn’t have a shot it didn't mean you couldn't talk to them and enjoy their company.
"That is Randall, let me tell you all about Randall-"
The rest of the night was great. You talked and gossiped with them, they had some more drinks, tipped heavily, danced with each other and you could have sworn they were flirting with you. They asked more about some people around and you happily fill them in on what you know, grateful for the break in your work.
You shouldn't but you flirt back, can't help it, they are both just so attractive and seemingly so invested in you. They come across as interested in what you have to say and not in a self-serving way like some of the people who roll through here clearly trying to pick you up.
It gets late, almost last call, they are finishing up, about to head out and you tell them, "Hope I'll see you around here more often."
"Oh you will." He assured helping her with her coat and she followed up with, "Thanks for such a good time, most attentive waitress I've ever had."
You feel warm at the compliment. It was then another massive realisation hit. "I am so sorry, after all this time I didn't catch your names."
"No harm, this is Tiffany." He said with an arm slinging around her shoulders and she said with a hand to his chest "And this is Chucky."
Tiffany and Chucky, alright, you'd make sure to remember that, burn it into your brain. "Well Chucky, Tiffany, have a great rest of your night, till next time."
A wave from her as they walked past, "Bye-" and there was your work name again, fuck, maybe you should correct her now? It would be awkward the longer you let that go on but again, they were just customers, who says you'd ever be in a position where you'd have to fess up your real name?
So you say nothing and just watch them go.
Last call comes soon enough and you find yourself cleaning up with your co-workers. You and Rachel were wiping down tables when she commented, "You were awfully busy tonight."
"Eh Saturday’s, you know how it goes." You give a small shrug as you scrub at a stubborn sticky spot on the tabletop you were currently working on.
"Yeah I know all too well but I mean with that particular couple. You gave them a lot of attention tonight." She teased and you defended yourself, "They are great tippers and I suspect they are going to become regulars. I'm just doing what I can to make sure that happens plus it just so happens they are actually interesting to talk to."
She seemed satisfied with that answer and said, "Good tippers, eh? Maybe I'll just have to steal em from you."
"Yeah good luck with that Rach, I'd love to see you try." You flashed her a smile and she shot you a look that told you not to tempt her but you weren't worried.
If you knew what they had been up to perhaps you might have pushed for your co-worker to snatch them up.
But what were they up to currently?
The two of them were three blocks away.
"Deeper." The command left her breathy, her mouth near his ear, her manicured nails digging into the sleeves of his jacket and he asked, his own tone deep, slightly playful, "Yeah? You want it deeper, Tiff?"
"Mmm." She hummed, she nipped at his ear and asked, "Please?"
"Anythin' for you." He meant it when he said it.
His grip tightened and he drove forward hard, penetrating deeper than before, purposeful, sure. The reaction it drew was instant, the way the body under him jerked, the gush of warm wetness and the cry from her, "Yes! Fuck, just like that."
He pulls almost all the way out, tip just barely inside and then thrust back in so brutally. He doesn't stop, back and forth, in and out, he grit out, "Just. Like. That?" Each word punctuated with another hard move from him.
Tiffany was agreeing, right along with him, clinging closer, "Yes, yes, yes!"
"Almost Tiff, can fuckin' feel it." His own breathing was laboured, pleasure nearly oozing out of every word of what he said.
"Do it, Chucky." She said it so sweetly, he couldn't wait another second. He pulled out, and in a single move his knife slide through the flesh of the man's throat below him.
The man made weak whimpers and gurgles from behind the leather gloved hand locked over his mouth from his attacker as he choked on his own blood. Finally his body gave out, all sound and movement stopped and Tiffany hugged Chucky from behind. Arms around his middle, kisses placed along the side of his face, "God that was so hot."
He admired his work for a moment. "Yeah it really was."
The man was a mess, holes through his shirt, stab wounds litter his chest and stomach, blood soaked his clothes thoroughly. One of Tiffany's hands snaked down, palming him through his slacks and it made Chucky let go of the man, causing him to fall like literal dead weight, slumping on the ground, his back against the brick wall.
He was on her then, his hands prying hers away, turning around and his hands still clad in those leather gloves found her face, pulling her to him, kissing her deeply. He pushes, moving her backwards until her back is up against the other wall on the alleyway. She is returning the kiss with equal heat, her hands fisting in the lapels of his coat, her leg hooking around his hip. Her tongue breaches his mouth first and he moans into the kiss, his hand under her thigh, helping hold her leg up around him, he grinds forward letting her feel just how hard he is.
She breaks away first, panting softly, "She picked out such a good victim for us."
Chucky didn't let up, his mouth on her neck, he hums his agreement as he grinds again, "Yeah she did."
"M' really starting to like her." Tiffany admitted and he paused kissing her throat to say, "Honestly? Me too. She's cute."
"We gotta keep going back. Maybe she can keep 'helping' us." She let go of his jacket and her arms wrapped loosely around his neck, he told her, "I can get behind that."
He leaned in, kissing her again, this time she moans as he nips her bottom lip, he grinds again, bloody knife in his other hand teases under the edge of her mini-skirt.
He murmurs against her, "But first-" His mouth is back on hers, knife finds what it's looking for, hooking in the side of her barely there panties and cutting with ease. She moans louder in response, hands gripping the back of his jacket, she is drenched and ready to really indulge together. She wants it just as bad as him, less than two feet from the evidence of the crime they committed, the life they stole, together.
Just like them.
A united force, always together.
And then there is you, the outsider, still completely unaware of just what you were so close to stumbling into.
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mentalpolaroids · 3 years
Hello!! You are one of my favorite writers on here so I wanted to ask you for this idea I had 🥰
After seeing Drew’s Nashville trip 🤤 can you write something suuuper fluffy about Drew seeing a girl he just falls in love with her from across the bar, approaches her and they spend the night together looking at her hometown. Maybe some cute fluffy, or sorta smutty stuff in the back of a truck looking at the stars 😩😍 I trust you with this and know it’ll be amazing 🙌🏼
She Looks Like Fun (part I)
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Drew Starkey x female!Reader
Warnings: mentions of drinking
Sightly inspired by She Looks Like Fun by Arctic Monkeys
Thank you so much 🥺 I freaking loved this concept and I had a blast writing it, will do too with part two, really really hope you enjoy it ❤
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When entering one of the many bars in the musical city of Nashville, Drew never expected for that night to turn into one of the best nights of his life. Let alone with a stranger.
The boys had met up with Charles and were warned about their turn for some karaoke later, something Drew claimed would only happen after a few drinks. The bar was crowded, and even though he and Chase didn’t know anybody in town, the same couldn’t be said about the few people in the middle of the crowd waving at the boys and asking for pictures, which proved Drew would definitely need a boost to put himself through the extra attention he would have to go through later.
“Guys, we’re up soon, come on!” Charles was standing near the stage as he waved at his co-stars, who were waiting to be served one last beer before they took the spotlight.
There was a group of three girls still on stage, and by the looks of their clumsy dancing, more swaying, while laughing more than actually singing an Arctic Monkeys song the boy couldn’t remember the name of, it was hard to tell if they would finish anytime soon. Drew smiled to himself at the sight of the young women entertaining the public more than they probably intended, or cared even, but one of them, on the right, caught his eye. She was the one having a hard time concentrating on the lyrics due to being too busy laughing, a laugh Drew wished he could hear over the loud music, sure it sounded as heartwarming as she looked. The stage lights made it seem like they were meant to illuminate only her, or at least that’s how Drew saw it. He couldn’t take his eyes off of her and he made a mental note of trying to get at least a name out of her later. Every detail about that girl would be a gift to remind him of that night in Nashville.
If it wasn’t for Chase nudging him towards the stage, Drew would’ve kept staring at the girl, who was trying to tame her hair that got messy doing the performance. She was clinging to her friend’s shoulder for support when she threw her head back in laughter, and now that the music had ended, Drew was able to hear it, the sound making an involuntary smile appear on his face. Her energy was contagious and boy did he want to get infected with it.
The boys moved to the side of the few steps that led to the stage to wait for their turn as the girls got ready to leave. She was the last one to step down, her wide, excited smile still standing as she carefully made her way out of the stage hoping not to fall from the small steps. And then she looked up and saw him, studying her moves, as if he was also concerned she would trip or slip and fall.
(y/n) couldn’t say she wasn’t used to having guys stare at her, some with creepy intentions, some as if they had never seen a woman in their lives, and, especially at bars like that one, most of those guys just wanted to buy her a drink, potentially get a number and hope for a prolonged fun night somewhere else. And they didn’t even need to speak, the way they looked at her was enough telling of their goal.
And then there was him. A guy with a look she had never seen before under spotlights and neon lights, a guy that irradiated a sense of comfort that was foreign in crowded places like the one they met. It was a weird feeling, how familiar he seemed and how she would give him her real number if he asked. How she would be the one buying him a drink.
It was a mere second that they locked gazes, but it was more than enough to share a wider smile, a silent greeting, and (y/n) made sure to get a name out of that friendly, and very handsome, face.
It wasn’t a usual thing for (y/n) to drink that much and she was very much glad to learn that she could hold more liquor than she thought. Despite the slight dizziness, that she gladly disguised with her dancing, she was hoping to prolong that night as further as she could because it had been a while since she had felt that happy and good with herself. She was having fun and no heartbreak was allowed to consume her mind, whether it would be the alcohol or her friends to keep it away. The girl was done feeling sad and, over that, she was done with getting with people who couldn’t see her worth. (y/n) knew she deserved better than the ones who insisted on leading her on knowing it would lead nowhere.
And maybe that’s why Drew had caught her eye, because he looked at her in a way she needed to be looked at. Meaningfully. Like the real person she was and not a temporary company, and if her smile wasn’t enough of an indication, she looked at him the same way. An exchange of genuine grins between two strangers, the kind you don’t forget due to how uplifting it was.
Drew looked around him hoping to spot her in the crowd, his height and the tall bench he was sitting at at the bar helping in spotting the three heads in a corner, their hair a bit messier than before. And there she was, laughing, singing and dancing like she was putting up yet another performance but at the same time not caring who was watching. And there were a lot of guys watching. Her other two friends were in that same world, a few men had even tried their luck, either by offering a drink or attempting to dance with them, but there was no place for them in that world.
(y/n) though, would often look around the mass of people hoping to see that tall blonde guy. The only one she wouldn’t mind taking a step into her world. With no sight of him, she pushed the disappointed feeling behind her back, telling herself it was stupid to feel that way about someone she hasn’t even talked to, and told her friends she was going to get another drink.
Drew, engrossed in his conversation with Chase, barely noticed the presence beside him. He didn’t think much of it, thinking it was just somebody random asking for a drink, nothing unusual at a bar, but the extended presence touched his curiosity and he quickly glanced to his right, taking some time to process the sight of her right there.
(y/n) felt someone staring at the side of her head and, ready to tell the creep to piss off, she looked to her left, only to have those pleasant blue eyes from earlier greeting her once again. Both smiled shyly, not exactly expecting the encounter, and averted their gazes to the dozens of bottles of alcohol decorating the wooden shelves of the bar. All the confidence from before about buying him a drink dissipated, the way he carried himself, so laid back and kind, being almost intimidated. She wasn’t used to that, but she wanted to suck it up and take advantage of the rare find that was the blue eyed boy. In those seconds of silence, Drew was having the same argument in his own head, but he established that there was no way he would let her go so soon.
“Can I buy you a drink?”
The timid question disguised as flirty came out at the same time, which made them laugh and it was all it took to make the situation less overawing. Definitely not how they planned to listen to each other’s voices for the first time.
“How about I buy you one first, and you buy me one later?” the now lighthearted situation brought (y/n) her confidence back.
“Sounds fair.” Drew answered, keeping his shy, tight lip smile on.
He nodded to where (y/n) had pointed, the semi empty bottle in his hand, and signaled a two with her fingers towards the bartender, who didn’t take long to bring them the two beers.
Before Drew could ask her about her name, Chase interrupted.
“Hey, Charles is gonna introduce us to the band.”
“Oh, huh, go ahead, I’ll meet you guys there.” Drew answered, glancing quickly at (y/n) to let Chase know he was a bit busy.
Chase looked at the girl and nodded, waving at her and silently greeting her with a smile, the gestures mimicked by her. Drew, who watched his friend walk away hoping he wouldn’t embarrass him, obviously didn’t miss the wink and knowing look Chase sent his way before he turned around and followed Charles backstage.
“So,” Drew started, finally giving the girl his full attention, “does karaoke girl have a name?” he just hoped he didn’t sound lame, it had been a while since he had at least attempted to flirt with a stranger and he really didn’t want to freak her out already.
She giggled at the mention of the early event, a bit embarrassed he had witnessed it and that it was probably the first impression he had of her, whatever it was.
“(y/n).” she waited a few seconds, expecting for him to tell her his name. Nothing. She raised her eyebrows in what she hoped was an indication that it was his turn, “And does not from around here boy have a name?”
He was surprised not only for her realizing he wasn’t from Nashville, but also because, unlike most people (or, girls) in that place, she didn’t know he was.
“Drew.” he answered, with another smile, this time, a contently relieved one, “How do you know I’m not from around here?”
“I don’t. It was a guess.” she chuckled, “But thanks for confirming it.”
“It was a nice guess.”
“So, where are you actually from?”
“North Carolina, but I’m living in LA.”
“Oh, aspiring movie star?” she joked, making him chuckle before taking a sip of his beer.
“You can say that, yes.”
(y/n) stared at him for a moment, aside from admiring his handsome side profile, she was sure there was something he wasn’t telling her, at least referring to his living in LA.
“What?” he asked, his smile turning into a cheeky one this time.
“Yeah, what?” she shot back.
“Ok, I’m actually an actor.”
“Ah, movie star it is.”
The way she seemed bothered by the fact he was, in fact, famous, made Drew become even more willing to keep her near.
It was his turn to ask her where she was from, and between more questions and answers, they ended up rolled up in a conversation that seemed endless. Drew had completely forgotten about the fact Chase and Charles were probably waiting for him, just like (y/n)’s friends were probably wondering where she had gone to get a simple drink. (y/n) was right there and was still the only thing on his mind and he sure wouldn’t mind spending the rest of the night just chatting with the girl.
Drew kept the promise of paying for the next round of beer, but many followed after that one, until they had forgotten who was supposed to pay for what. Minor detail.
(y/n) couldn’t remember the last time she had had so much fun simply talking to someone, especially a stranger. Especially a man. Drew had the kind of energy to make someone feel welcome, and she was hoping he would let her in even more, because she had also shared more than she ever would allow herself to share with a random guy she met at a bar. She was careless in giving herself to Drew. Emotionally at least, for now. And with that, almost two hours were taken away from time, two hours of getting to know the guy that felt so familiar already, and it was only when Chase came to tell Drew he wanted to go that they noticed how long they had been talking.
“I think I’m gonna stay a bit longer.” Drew told Chase, “Sorry man.”
“No need to apologize big guy.” Chase turned to (y/n), “Good luck with him, he’s a bit of a weirdo.”
“I think I can handle it, thanks.” she answered, in the same playful tone as Chase, who chuckled.
“Have a good time man, you deserve it.” the freckled boy mumbled to Drew, patting him in the back and then said his goodbye to his friend and his company.
“I should probably go find my friends and tell them I wasn’t kidnapped in the meantime I was gone.”
“Yeah, you do that.”
They stayed in silence for a bit, both hoping that wasn’t the part where it became awkward and they would part ways and never see each other again. Which would be a shame, considering how memorable those few hours had been and how much both wanted to triple those hours.
“Have you visited any rooftop bar?” (y/n) asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Uh, no I haven’t actually.”
“How about this,” she turned in her seat to face him, “I’m gonna go find my friends, tell them I’m calling it a night, and I’m gonna give you a night tour of the city. If you’re up to it, of course.”
“That sounds great.”
Drew tried to mask his excitement, the kind of feeling he admitted he had forgotten about. She was like adrenaline in human form.
“I’m gonna go outside and have a smoke while you say goodbye to your friends.” he said.
“Deal.” both got up from their seats and, with one last smile at each other, they went their separate ways, that fortunately and anxiously, wouldn’t last long.
It turned out that (y/n)’s friends had texted her saying they were leaving, and that was almost an hour ago. She really should’ve let the girls know where she was, and who she was with, but she would blame Drew for that. He got her under his spell and damn was she in for it. She headed outside, the warm night was inviting and ready to host what was about to be the wildest experience of (y/n)’s life lately. She needed that wildness, that unexpected euphoria. And good company.
And that company was leaning on the wall of the bar, his height and his light hair making it easy to spot. She took a deep breath, it was shaky from excitement, and the girl made her way through the various groups of people filling the street until she could call Drew from a distance he would hear.
“Hey, movie star.” he looked at her and smiled, “Ready to go on tour?”
Part 2
taglist: @marveloussensations @gryffindorpouge11 @tommymcartney @pankowfruitsnacks @alanniys @absolute-fcking-chaos @rafeswh0ree
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