#and it’s so notalgic
dykedreaming · 10 months
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fellowship of the ring ost, the halfling’s pipeweed, and butch tits
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killjoygem · 1 year
Lowkey wish I hadn't got involved with dw fandom, it can be fun at times but it's also taken the joy out of a lot of things
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feyradio · 2 years
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hello, fey here! i am the one who brought you the hypmic social media AU that is currently being posted on an (almost) daily basis! i thought it would be pretty convenient to make a masterpost to keep things a bit tidy and organized!
this thread will get expanded once in a while, so it works best to reblog/like it or anything to keep looking back at it!
for now the social media doesn't have a direct plot and currently consists of mini stories. i am trying to keep those stories under the current image posting limit (10 images), but if a mini story needs more than that, then it will be parted in two! the mini stories should give you an introduction to the characters, as ships MAY happen in the future as well, and the osaka and nagoya divisions will be added respectfully.
this section will get expanded as soon as there will be a plot.
(except dotsuitare hompo & bad ass temple)
FLING POSSE (twit accs.)
ramuda amemura: shit poster, a menace in annoying his former TDD buds, does fake-callouts on jakurai to piss him off, sometimes vague tweets when he sees anyone of fp interacting with jakurai
dice arisugawa: usually tweets whatever he thinks, sometimes uses the FP twitter account to ask for donations, tends to lose his phone in ramuda's shop
gentaro yumeno: rarely tweets unless it's to promote one of his books, tweets quotes of his books, rather interacts with everyone else
BUSTER BROS (twit accs.)
ichiro yamada: retweets anime and memes, livetweets anime he watches
jiro yamada: kinda the same as ichiro, bullies saburo sometimes and annoys him by blocking him, then unblocks him, also follows only his brothers, the BB account and some random youtuber
saburo yamada: actually runs the BB account, bullies jiro on twitter sometimes
MAD TRIGGER CREW (twit accs.)
samatoki aohitsugi: doesn't tweet much, but if he does he's just being an asshole to anyone except jyuto and rio. also has ichiro blocked
jyuto iruma: sometimes uses twitter to spy on people, already has to keep a low profile because of his job too, got suspended for posting a picture of a gun once
rio mason busujima: posts pictures of his meals, posts shirtless selfies
MATENRO (twit accs.)
jakurai jinguji: emotional support/therapy account for everyone basically, can't take it when ramuda bullies him
hifumi izanami: he's got so many followers 'cause a lot of girls are following him (and he hates it), for some reason he knows most of twitter lingo, posts pictures of the things he's good at
doppo kannonzaka: hifumi @'d him once and a lot of girls followed him and he got overwhelmed, posts pictures of cats he sees and who let him take a photo ('cause u know how cats can be like)
the mini stories so far:
ramuda feeling notalgic
dice wanting to be spat on
hifumi is in the closet
dice birthday special
minecraft + why samatoki has ichiro blocked
onions are here to cry for
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Battlestar Galactica (1978)
It’s Notalgic Thursday, and so time to take you back to one of my favorite older science fiction series ever - Battlestar Galactica.  This will be strictly about the 1978 series - it won’t go into detail about the 1980 series, or talk much about the 2000s version at all.
I only ever saw a couple of episodes of 1980, which - imo - wasn’t very good.  It lacked almost all the characters I cared about, and it just didn’t live up to the 1978 series to me.  I have never watched the remake. And, full disclosure, I never will.  Everyone tells me it’s really good, but honestly, I simply can’t make myself watch it since it will never be Battlestar Galactica to me. (I also had some very bad experiences with newer fans who endlessly badmouthed the 1978 version, and NGL - that helped turn me against it.)
Battlestar Galactica (1978), however, I grew up watching.  I loved it then; I love it now.  And I think it’s kind of a shame that more people don’t love it.
In Battlestar Galactica 1978, the humans of the Twelve Colonies have been at war with a robotic race known as the Cylons for one thousand years.  The Cylons are warrior robots created by a reptilian race that expired long ago, presumably destroyed by their own creations before the humans ever settled on the twelve planets.  The show does not explain what happened to the original homeworld, only notes that there is supposed to be a thirteenth tribe of humans who instead of settling in the same galaxy as the Twelve Colonies, settled on a legendary planet known as Earth. This becomes important later, but for now, let's get back to the current war between Cylons and Humans.
We begin the show when - supposedly - a peace has been reached with the Cylons and everyone is celebrating that the war is finally over.  However, the peace treaty turns out to be a ruse.  The Cylons used the peace treaties to gather the Battlestars - the battleships of the colonies that have helped keep the Cylons at bay for so long - all in one place so they can destroy first them then the homeworlds.
However, Commander Adama, who is in charge of a Battlestar by the name of Galactica, is suspicious of the peace treaty and sends out two pilots on a recon mission while waiting for the arrival of the Cylons to the peace talks.  It is meant to consist of his son, the squadron leader Captain Apollo, and Lieutenant Starbuck - who are two of the series' main characters.  At the last minute, however, Apollo’s younger brother Zac convinces Starbuck to let him go in his place.  (Look, don’t ask why a guy named Adama, who has a son named Apollo and a daughter named Athena, named his youngest son Zac.  It will forever be among the unanswered questions of the series.)
While on the recon, Apollo and Zac discover the hidden Cylon fleet armed and ready to attack and race back towards the Galactica to try and warn them.  However, Zac is killed by the Cylons before reaching the fleet.  The president of the Council of Twelve, the political leaders of the Twelve Colonies, refuses to listen to Adama’s warning of an impending attack.  Part of this is due to the machinations of Count Baltar, the human behind the peace treaty, who has sold out the Twelve Colonies to the Cylons in return for his own homeworld being spared. (A promise the Cylons also break in the end. More on that later.)  This means that when the Cylon fleet attacks, only the Battlestar Galactica is ready for battle and able to launch its fighters (Vipers).  The rest of the Battlestars are destroyed, leaving the homeworlds defenseless except for Galactica - which cannot hope to take on the Cylon fleet alone and win.
It is decided that their only chance of survival is for humans to abandon the twelve colonies and run from the Cylons. Adama is who suggests searching for the legendary thirteenth tribe and the planet they settled on - Earth.  The search for Earth, and safety from the Cylons, is the main arc of the series.  A few times the fleet thinks they may have reached safety, only for them to find this isn’t the case.  They are often barely a few steps ahead of the Cylons - and the only protection is the Battlestar Galactica and their fighter squadrons.
Baltar, meanwhile, is originally going to be killed by the Cylons - having already served his usefulness.  However, when a ruse of Apollo’s and Starbuck’s manages to destroy the ship of the original Cylon leader, the new Cylon leader opts to spare Baltar instead.  The new leader puts Baltar in charge of tracking down and destroying the Galactica, in return for sparing his life.  This sets up Baltar as the series antagonist alongside the Cylons.  He is given his own Basestar (a Cylon ship), and the audience is introduced to his Cylon second-in-command - Lucifer.  Honestly, as an evil duo, Baltar and Lucifer were excellent.  Both were extremely intelligent and conniving, and while Lucifer was officially placed on the ship to supposedly keep an eye on Baltar, he openly expresses his admiration for Baltar’s intelligence several times.  Not that Lucifer lets that stop him from plotting against Baltar time or two  It’s also hinted that Lucifer has his eye on the position of The Supreme Leader of the Cylons.  So we actually get a hint of Cylon politics through their interactions as well.
Aside from the search for Earth, and the constant threat of Baltar and the Cylons, there are several other themes that carry through various episodes.  One of the main ones is politics.  There is a constant push and pull between The Council of Twelve and Adama, with certain members of the political council constantly trying to undermine him and seize power for themselves.  There is also a constant worry over having enough food and supplies for the entire fleet.  As the series continues political unrest does not just come from the original division of The Twelve Colonies or The Council of Twelve - but from between the different ships in the fleet as well.
The series does not shy away from the fact that while the main characters living on the Battlestar live in comfort, not everyone in the fleet is so lucky.  The ships are filled to the brim, not all of them are in the best condition seeing as every possible ship that could fly is among the fleet.  Food is not equally distributed among them initially.  In fact, in one episode Adama literally goes to where one of the Council of Twelve is basically having a feast despite the fact that some of their people on other ships are all but starving, and forcefully takes food from his ship to distribute to others.
Honestly, Adama has some of the best scenes when it comes to the darker side of the series.  In an early episode, during one of the political struggles between Adama and the Council of Twelve, Athena visits her father only to find him drinking silently in his cabin.  Adama reveals to the audience that not everyone who survived the Cylon attack was able to fit upon the ships that comprise the fleet.  He talks about how he was giving orders on who was allowed to board - who was allowed to live - and describes how a young mother desperately tried to give him her baby, only for the guards to shove her aside.  He expresses a desire to let someone else make those types of decisions, for someone else’s conscience to bear the burden he now has.  It’s a dark and painful moment, and extremely realistic that this would indeed all happen.
To talk about my favorite character, Bathsheba, I first honestly have to talk about Serina. Who also is an amazing character.  The reason I have to talk about her first is that I am not sure we ever would have met Bathsheba if Serina had remained.  Serina is a reporter, and young mother, who Apollo meets after the evacuation from the Twelve Colonies.  Apollo grows close to her and her son, Boxey, and the two eventually marry.  With everyone learning new skills as the reality of life on the run in space vs life planetside settles in, Serina trains as a shuttle pilot. When a mysterious illness decapacitates most of the fighter pilots, the shuttle pilots are trained as fighter pilots.  All of this initially causes arguments between Serina and Apollo, though Apollo eventually realizes he’s being an idiot about it.  Serina is eventually killed, however.  Not because of being a fighter pilot, though.  She is killed during a trip planetside when they are unexpectedly attacked by the Cylons.
There were several parts of the story of Battlestar that were altered because of outside influences.  This was one of them, with Serina’s death occurring because the actress decided to leave the series.  I’ve also heard the Cylons weren’t supposed to originally be robots, but since their being robots let them slip the number of on-screen Cylon deaths past the censors of the day, it was changed.
One of the other things that changed has to do with one of Starbuck’s love interests, Cassiopeia. For those who have never watched the series, Cassiopeia was in fact a Sex Worker when she was first introduced.  A career that is endorsed by The Council of Twelve she points out in her first appearance when another passenger is an asshole about it.  But the censors of the time freaked out that the show would allow a character to be a sex worker, so Cassiopeia quickly transitions into a MedTech.  Cassiopeia is actually a really amazing character.  She is strong, but also kind and intuitive.  (For those curious, Starbuck’s other main love interest was Athena, who can be a bit of a snarky asshole but that’s actually part of the reason to love her.  Starbucks is also a huge flirt so he had several temporary love interests as well.)
Sheba appears in the series when it's revealed another Battlestar did in fact survive.  Battlestar Pegasus, lead by Commander Cain - whose brilliance as a tactician and war hero is well known.  Sheba is Cain’s daughter and the head of one of his Viper squadrons.  Cain wants Adama to help him attack a Cylon base, but Adama is more concerned about the refugee fleet and does not want to put it at risk.  Politics and machinations play a big part in the arc with Cain, with Cain ruining Adama’s original plan on purpose to force his hand and make him take the Galactica to battle with him.  Adama turns out to be correct to be concerned, and in the end of the arc Cain sacrifices himself and the Pegasus so the fleet can escape.  Sheba, who ends up separated from the Pegasus because her part of the mission was planetside, joins the Galactica.  It is hinted that perhaps Cain survived, but that is left an open-ended question.  Over the rest of the series, Sheba becomes a main character, and a potential love interest to Apollo.  Honestly, she’s kick-ass and cool, and I adore her.  However, I do wonder if Serina was still around, as Apollo’s wife and a fighter pilot, if we would have ever met Sheba at all.
I’ve honestly gone on such a rave about the female characters and said very little about the main male characters aside from Adama.  (Me, adore Adama?  Well, maybe.  I also adore Colonel Tigh cuz who wouldn’t??)
Honestly, while it’s easy going into the series to see Apollo as the white knight general nice guy, and Starbuck as more the dark horse troublemaker, it honestly doesn’t hold if you watch the series.  Apollo is perfectly capable of being both conniving and even occasionally a jerk, and Starbucks is honestly pretty heroic and noble himself depending on the situation.  Their friendship is a staple of the series, and it wouldn’t be the same without it.
There is also Lieutenant Boomer, another member of their Viper Squadron, who is generally just cool and has some great lines. (How do you not love a character that responds to being told, “You’re too sick to fight - you can barely stand.” with “A Viper is flown from the seated position.”??)
Finally, I can’t not mention Boxey, Serina’s son to who Apollo becomes a father to.  Their connection is actually built before Apollo marries Serina, and continues throughout the series.  Honestly, they have some great father/son moments.  Boxey also has a robot dog Muffit II (generally just referred to as Muffit.  The original Muffit was a real dog who does die in the initial Cylon attack.  :_:  In fact, Muffit II is one of Apollo’s first gifts to Boxey.) YMMV, but I honestly love Boxey and Muffit.  Boxey is the perfect amount of cute and smartass, and well - Muffit is a robot dog.  What is not to love??
This is really, really long.  So I better stop here.  I absolutely recommend the series to anyone who likes to watch old tv series.  It’s an absolute delight.
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ineffablecollision · 6 months
watching dw live was so fucking notalgic for me?????? god fuck i love that show
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springatito-moved · 3 years
karls favorite flower is a rose hes everything to me
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theacewithoutgrace · 2 years
Decided to sleep for one hour, just ONE hour and my brain decided to betray me by giving me a freaky nightmare and nearly suffocating me jeez okay this is actually hilarious -
no because it felt so real- there were so many small details- it was so aesthetic and calming before the disaster part- the dream even remembered stuff that happened even when I forgot?? left a piece of cake on the sofa and got confused to see it when I went back in the room a dream day later
the disaster was me being left in a car that started driving by itself on the busiest road in the city - the way I didn't even realize at first because my vision started getting hazy and I couldn't breathe like
It was all too real ok I was scared bye I've been in an accident before with minor injuries and it felt EXACTLY like that in the dream when I jumped out of the car
only reason I woke up was because my dad ran to me like that one cop in cloudy with a chance of meatballs and then slipped on a puddle and spun around holding hands with a stranger, I wheezed
anyway it ended up only being half an hour of sleep even though it felt like 2 days long dw tho I slept during the whole day I'm more sane today I promise
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thxcrownlessking · 3 years
anyone else remember this one ask ben 10 blog where one of asks had ben being a huge weeb/ naruto fan with the headband and shit? it was rly funny.it looks like they deleted for some reason which is a shame cuz i rly liked it. it had good art too.. i wonder what happened 
edit: oh shit i actually found one of the posts
anyone know if theres an archive of the others?
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gotinterest · 3 years
ok. ill admit it. the disney child star music hits sometimes
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Do you guys think Destiel becomes canon this thursday?
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ratdivination · 3 years
In a notalgic mood so I drew my old pony oc that i haven’t drawn in 5 years
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godsofsummer · 3 years
God your art is so COOL and it makes me so NOTALGIC I love you
hi hello thank you anon i appreciate the compliment !!
a lot of my art is drawn out of nostalgia so i'm glad that feeling is able to translate well :)
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anjalis-ennui · 3 years
sliding into your ask game for fun :D
keiji and i like spending time reading together before bed. for both of us, the other's voice is soothing, and depending on the book, it makes us very notalgic and warm (especially if it's pride and prejudice!) when we finally do feel sleepy, we end up cuddling up next to each other and falling asleep ;)
— in the scenario that i can't sleep (bc im literally an insomniac at this point), keiji hums a soft lullaby under his breath and we fall asleep in each other's arms \
im sorry for being so specific djkhfkjashgkjsdfj
-> me and my husband — mitski
-> rises the moon — liana flores
-> juliet — cavetown
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dark-moons-stuff · 4 years
Umm.... what the fuck
I was feeling notalgic so i was listening to old glee music (yes, glee)
And i was watching the original first performance of dont stop beliving in the pilot
I say Cory's face and got emotional, especially because a couple of days ago i was watching supernatural season 1 and forgot that he was in the 2nd episode
And as soon as i remember that, my alarm rings
I have the tone of that alarm set to "the night we met"
What in the clusural fuck
I dont know what to say at this point
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spacereadinglesbian · 5 years
This Isn’t Goodbye
Summary: Cyrus gets notalgic as he and TJ get ready to go to college
Word count: 1219
Dear Tj,
When I was ten years old, my mom told me that when I meet the girl I fall in love with that I will see stars in her eyes, and an angel in her smile. When I came out to my mom as gay, she told me that nothing will change, but if don’t see some type of glimmer in his eyes to leave him behind, and that’s when I met you. God, the first time I looked into your green eyes I knew I was screwed. I never use to put the words green and happy together, but now that’s all I think, because when I see green, I see you, and you are my happy.
I always think back to that day when my mom was talking to me about falling in love, I never really understood it. I didn’t understand that I could actually get a zoo in my stomach when I looked at the right person, I didn’t understand that the phrase ‘I love you’ held so much more than just three words, but most importantly I never understood how somebody could fall in love with me, the way you do.
On our first real date you took me to a book store. We both picked out books for the other to read, then we went to target and bought fuzzy blankets and pillows, spending way too much money, then we drove around until we found an abandoned parking lot. We parked your car and made a little bed out of everything we bought and we sat there, for three hours, just reading. We read in silence but that silence said so much. It said that I’m comfortable with you, it said that I would rather spend time sitting with you and reading rather than going out on a Friday night. That was my most favourite night. After we finished reading I slid over next to you and I put my head on your chest. I could feel how fast your heart was beating, it was beating almost as fast as mine. After a few minutes you were treading your fingers through my hair, and I never felt something so soothing and electrocuting in the same sense, until you kissed me. That was our very first kiss, in the back of your car. And it was intoxicating, I knew at that moment, if I ever had to kiss just one person for the rest of my life, I would chose you.
I remember our first fight as clear as day, but now looking back to it, there was nothing to fight about. We were sitting on my bed, you were the little spoon, and you whispered into my ear “I love you.” Every time you said that I melted a little more, but I felt like your “I love you” was a little bit more than that, it felt like it was drenched in apologies. I sat up from where I was sitting and said rather harshly, “what did you do?” You looked at me with sorrow eyes, at the brink of overflowing at any moment. You said that Lily Webster kissed you that afternoon, and you tried to push her away, but it didn’t work. I yelled at you until my throat was bare, and I don’t know why, all I knew in that moment was that I wanted to be the only person to feel your lips. After the screaming was over you left, and I kept beating myself up over how I reacted, so I left my room at 12:15 that night and ran over to your house. Like any romantic, when I arrived I threw pebbles at your window. When I saw you opening your window I saw that your eyes were bloodshot, you looked like you just cried a river, and my stomach sunk because I did that to you. I made you cry, and I made you doubt yourself for a stupid reason. When I apologised we hugged, a hug that said everything that it was meant to and more, and I promised myself at moment that I would never let go of you.
Our junior prom was wild. We went out to get tuxes together, we decided to both wear grey suits with paisley blue ties. I couldn’t stop staring at you that night because of how perfect you looked, because Theodore, you looked so incredibly handsome. That night we danced until we couldn’t feel our legs, and sung until our throats were bare, but that didn’t stop us from going to Chase’s party. Most people get worried when their partner drinks because they are scared of getting cheated on, but we were both hammered. The next morning when I checked my phone I had a few snapchats from Andi, and one of them was of you standing on a table and professing your love for me.
Your last ever high school basketball game was so bitter sweet. I remember staying up until midnight the night before making sure you’re sign looked as great as you do. I decided to go with sparkly letters that said “May all your swishes come true.” You let me wear your blue basketball hoodie, that said “Captain Kippen” On the back. During your speech you said you couldn’t have made it this far without me, but I want to tell you, I couldn’t do this life thing without you.
Senior prom was one of the most amazing nights of my life. Unlike junior prom, after we danced our hearts out and took home prom court, we went back to my house and stole some liquor from my dads liquor cabinet. We spent the whole night in my room passing bottles back and forth, talking about the future, exchanging kisses between. The next morning I woke up in your arms, I never wanted to leave, I felt so safe.
Graduation, I was the valedictorian and my nerves overtook me. I remember right before we went on stage you took my hand in yours and kissed my palm, you promised me that everything was going to be alright. And it was, it was absolutely perfect, because you were by my side. We made it through high school together, but we were splitting apart in the end. You couldn’t deny that chance at a basketball scholarship in North Carolina and I couldn’t turn away Columbia, but we said we would have the summer and we did. We had the whole summer, and we spent it together. Days at the beach, nights in your car. Ice cream cones and s’mores, milkshakes and baby taters, and long drives with our fingers intertwined. I wouldn’t change it for the world.
Now, tonight, is the last night I get to spend with you, and I don’t want you to leave. I want to to tell you how much I love you, how you changed my life, but I feel like I already did that. This isn’t goodbye Teej, this isn’t breaking up, this is a see you later, this is a I’ll miss you, and most importantly this is a letter to tell you that you can accomplish your dreams, because I believe in you Theodore, I always have and I always will.
Love always,
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okdnn · 5 years
Okada Nana’s Mail February 2nd 2019
Naked eye
Finished with today’s work~ !
The cameraman today told me
「 beautiful eyes」receiving … such a praise
made me really happy(* ´ ▽ ` *)
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Moeka~ She’s very cute too today.
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It mean that appearance is also important
Even just by
Make up, hair, costume
Human can change drastically
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Human can change when they want to
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Twintail day
When someone with short hair
tried twintail …
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( ° へ ° )(・へ・)(;へ;)
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This is mail-limited photo. seriously. lol
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Eating something that I want to eat is hapiness
I realized that today …
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The day where I have to restrict carbohydrate intake
is so notalgic
Functional hypoglycemia
made me have to review my diet …change my environment …
In the meantime, I become better naturally !
as expected, going to hospital
when the symptom are still light is a correct thing to do
Right now my way of thinking and body has changed
so I live relatively healthy now( ´ ▽ ` )
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