#and introduce this cutie
s4moongiuk · 7 months
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— introducing lucas wonders, the founder!
you spent your entire childhood in the foster-care system going in and out of various homes. you never knew of your biological family, and frankly, you never want to. upon aging up to a young adult, you cut contact with all those who have wronged you and use the money you’ve saved up over the years to buy yourself a small home. then, you make yourself one simple promise: you will build your own legacy, one that is abundant with love and many wonders. 
traits: family oriented, loyal and art lover aspiration: super parent career: photographer
marry once, and never divorce a. go all out for your wedding by throwing many events!
have your spouse work towards one of the family aspirations a. completing this is not mandatory, as they are not the heir, but if you want an additional challenge, feel free to do so!
have at least two children a. they must be a mix of biological and adopted
all children must age up with at least one positive character value
decorate your home extravagantly for every holiday! You’re that parent!
go all out for all of your children’s birthday events, you want them to have the best childhood possible…
[following the amazing the legacy of wonders challenge by @gourmetsimmer ♡]
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thecutiecollective · 2 months
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Introducing 🤍🤍 Tanya Fisher 🤍🤍
IG: TheTanyaFisher
📷 Yoon (Dunguri__)
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horse-time-babey · 2 years
big cutie marks my beloved. symbols that span the whole flank my darling. tiny cutie marks my beloathed. dinky little symbols you gotta squint to see my enemy.
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casually-salad · 2 months
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heres moon dancers ref sheet!!!
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icantalk710 · 2 months
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I swear if you didn't see me, you weren't on the gym floor 😤💪🏽
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honeysulani · 6 months
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seaside-lovers · 3 months
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taibhsearachd · 1 year
So, Fantasy High update... I'm a few episodes past this by now, but I fucking scream-laughed when Coach Daybreak responded to Kristen's desperate plea for guidance about someone who had doubts about their faith with "you should cut her off, because she's going straight to hell." Literally what my wife's parents said about me.(I was still going to church at the time, just not THEIR church, I was questioning my faith but had literally never talked about it to Mags or ANYONE. I was only not still in AWANAS at the time because I think there wasn't one within a reasonable driving distance of where I lived.) Just... setting the magical shit aside, an incredible portrayal of actual religious cults that are too accepted within society to be recognized as cults.
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sugarbeampop · 2 months
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Here's our third member of the main cast of 'Our World of Dreams'! Meet, Pep Hazelton! An enthusiastic and jolly squirrel with a love for laughter and wonder who tends to do most things with a bit of a theatrical flourish!
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castelled-away · 19 days
I am rewatching bridgerton s3 again before part 2 drops and am hoping beyond hoping that Hyacinth will turn out to be bit of a tomboy when she gets her story
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bopaaaa · 1 year
🫧✨This is my cutie pie, MC✨🫧
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Finally! Let me Introduce my mc🖤
Name- Pessume Kwon
Pronouns- she/her
Familiar- None
Birthday- October 4th
Height- 5.5 (165cm)
Favorite Color - Turquoise
Favorite Season - Autumn
Fashion Sence - Ethnic, classic casual
Persona - Tiger
Most likely to -  Curious about everything
Other- trick to herself, but generous to others
“Hoc quoque transibit, It’s what I always keep in mind .”
Her name is Pessume Kwon. (I know it’s kinda weird and fun, but please pronounce Pezermay or pesumay Gwon)
She is from the East and came to Vesuvia.
She knows that pronouncing her name ‘pesume’ in Latin means "worst, evil". So she doesn't like when someone calls her name that way, so people close to her usually call her ‘pem’.
She has an oriental appearance, and her cheeks and nose are always red(or pink)(She’s not drunk). Her eyes are grey with a faint green and purple color.
Her jacket resembles the clothes she wore in her native country. The ribbon tied to the braided hair tip on the left has been used since she was a child. Her gold-decorated haetae-shaped(Korean foo dog) earring tends to be worn on days when she wants to be gorgeous depending on her mood.
Pem speaks in a gentle and quiet tone. She is generally friendly and considerate to others, but she doesn't open her heart easily. It takes a relatively long time to get close, but once she opens her heart, she becomes a better friend and colleague than anyone else.
She is cheerful, positive and committed. She’s curious and enjoys trying various things. Also, She is well immersed in contemplation and philosophical exploration, forgetting that time goes by with people and talking about it. Therefore, there are many cases where she is in a difficult situation by thinking deeply or trying to solve her curiosity.
She has a lot of understanding and easily overcomes other people's rude or rude behavior toward her, but she expresses anger that others don't usually show when they act like that to her loved ones. In that time, She looks like an angry tiger.
(I referred to the apparentice bio format on the Internet. After work, I found an error so corrected it by hand..🫠)
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thecutiecollective · 10 months
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Introducing 🤍🤍 Jessica 🤍🤍
IG: Jinxiike
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littleeyesofpallas · 8 months
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nuwuna · 1 year
Reasons Why I Think Geordi Would Listen to K-pop
because i said so
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rosenallies · 4 months
Since everyone (myself included!) is loved this pajamas prompt- figured I’d throw the witch au out there? It was brought up a few weeks ago and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since 🖤 but I totally understand if the inspiration has faded!
witch au my babies <3333
"Jasmine," Willow panted, fluttering over to her shoulder, the sprite seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
"Willow," Jasmine replied, continuing to stir the batter of the cookies she was making, the kitchen warm and smelling of cinnamon and chai.
"Don't be difficult, I need you to go drag Bosco to bed, she's sick and refuses to stop doing shit."
The sentiment alone made Jasmine stop in her tracks, her heart aching. "Bosco's sick? Why didn't she say anything?"
"That's just how she is. But she only listens to you; Cam, Angie, and I have been trying to get her to close the spell book all morning."
Jasmine huffed, wiping her hands on her apron, and all but stomping to Bosch's witch's lair, which was really just a cozy little greenroom attached to their cottage. She hated more than anything that Bosco refused to admit when she was sick or sad or anything other than content with everything.
But her irritation diminished when she opened the door to the lair and found Bosco nearly asleep over her spell book, head slipping off of her hand.
"Bosco," she cooed, touching her too warm cheek, "You're sick."
"No, 'm not, just resting my eyes," she mumbled, voice scratchy.
"Mmhmm, nice try. Honey, let me help you to bed. Please."
Jasmine pleaded with her, puppy dog eyes in full effect.
"Come on, Jas, 'M okay."
"Please," she tried again, letting her green eyes fill with tears; partly as a tactic to get Bosco up and to bed and partly because she was genuinely worried, she didn't even know witches could get sick. What if the common cold was immortality's one vice? She couldn't lose her parter who was supposed to live forever to some sniffles and a cough, but that's where Jasmine's mind wandered to.
Bosco finally relented, hands up in defeat. "Fine, I'll go to bed. But, I'm not gonna like it."
Jasmine kissed her forehead. "You don't have to like it, Ms.Grumpy Pants, you just have to rest and feel better."
Helping her up, Bosco then leaned on Jasmine the whole way to the bedroom where Jasmine made her sit on the end of the bed while she gathered things she needed.
"Alright, I'm gonna get you comfy, okay?"
At that point, just from the small journey to their bedroom, Bosco felt exhausted so all she could do was agree, not a single protest left her lips.
"I'm gonna brush and braid back your hair first."
Jasmine spoke softly to her, gentle fingers plaiting her hair into one thick braid down her back.
"Now pj's."
She helped Bosco up, stripping her of her cloak and the black lace dress she wore underneath in exchange for some soft leggings and one of Jasmine's old hoodies from college, between the two of them who both favored sleeping nude, it was the closest thing in their closer to pajamas, Jasmine was just afraid Bosco would freeze to death had she left her to sleep nude. For whatever reason, despite the fact that they'd dressed and undressed each other countless amounts of times, this felt more intimate, vulnerable somehow as Bosco finally leaned into Jasmine's care.
"Okay, last, Tylenol? Does Tylenol work for witches? Is there something else that helps?"
"It helps," Bosco mumbled, holding out her hand and taking the pills that Jasmine pressed into her hand.
"Good," Jasmine breathed, satisfied wit her work, "now cuddles?"
That caused a small smile to spread across Bosch's lips as she settled into bed, letting Jasmine hold her, pulling the duvet up to her chin to keep out the chill that rattled her bones.
"Jazzy, you take such good care of me," Bosco muttered, tucking herself against her human.
"Just sleep, baby," Jasmine chuckled, "you can thank me when you're feeling better."
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littlemissmau · 1 year
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i dont draw much of ria now but shes my other cute bun girl aside from camille!
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