#and i will look at it with fondness
this is going to sound silly but
yknow that club night that I go to that I have mentioned on here a few times
the day after tomorrow I'm getting a tattoo for it and I'm so excited!!! I cannot wait!!!
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lotus-pear · 5 months
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smoke break
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tbgkaru-woh · 7 months
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The new generation leaders
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jamiethebeeart · 3 months
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Lineart by @ovytia-art which was such a blast to color - I love the entire vibe of all of them hanging out together so much @green-with-envy-phandom-event
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bixels · 28 days
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Scary Sunset.
I'm concepting things way outta order in this story, but I'm sure you can piece things together. Context is for a storybeat where, after defeating and capturing Adagio (thus having all three sirens in her possession), Sunset enacts her revenge plot to release the sirens on Canterlot as Thea discovers she's been manipulated. In a confrontation, the two scuffle and fight over the siren orbs while Sunset struggles with her conflicting wants and emotions.
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mynabirb · 11 days
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Is this a new dawn?
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sualne · 2 months
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a good looking buggy to make up for the silly ones
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nextstopparis · 2 months
i really like the hc that magic loved arthur and protected him until merlin came into the picture but very specifically bc it means his idea of like. the laws of physics and How Nature Works would be completely warped. the reason why all those miraculously falling branches didnt raise any questions? its been happening to him his entire life
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forever obsessed with dynamics between vampires, specifically that of a maker and fledgling, as a way to explore abuse. the creation of a vampire itself can so easily be a literalization of the lasting impacts of trauma and also much more simply the ways a perpetrator might shape their victim’s very identity. the extremes of isolation in the way that the new vampire, in most narratives, must cut all ties to their mortal life, or else go through an elaborate charade to maintain the facade of humanity, while forever still being removed from it. and the sheer dependence and vulnerability of being in an entirely new state of being, wholly uncertain of what it entails, and relying on another person to define… everything.
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omaano · 5 months
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Winter fun with the 212th and adjacent headaches :3
Happy Holidays and New Years @wanderingjedihistorian I hope you'll like this❤️ (how does it feel to be the recipient of all my codywan-related drawings XD?) Jedi are horrible disasters when you put them on ice and I will not be convinced otherwise.
Thank you @starwarsfandomfests for organizing this exchange! ❤️
Close ups under the
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Could I have detailed out any one of these on its own and be done with it? Most likely. Did I get overwelmed with all the cool reference pictures I had found once I decided what I will draw, and then couldn't pick? Absolutely. Will I still draw Cody and Obi-Wan the first time I'll have time for a personal project next year even though I don't want to see them ever again? You know me and can recognize patterns, of course that is what I will do XD
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suiheisen · 4 months
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is it hockey or is it only fans (audio on)
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angelsdean · 1 year
whenever i think abt misha saying he didn't start playing cas as in love with dean until s15 i am like. that man is a Known liar who lies
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lovehours · 4 months
everyone has commented on this scene already but i just need to talk about how insane it really is. wilson giving up after trying to find furniture he’d truly love because he’s never really gotten attached to the places he lived before even with his previous partners… which is why he’d just let them do the decorating. he was opting more for comfort than actual care for the homes he would live in.
but this time he got something only house could use. something he knew house would enjoy. i love how he just affirms that he does let others define him... but it's house specifically who does so. like this is the guy who helped ruin all of his marriages after the first one (low-key ruined wilson's attempted reconciliation w/sam later too)... house is the most important person in wilson's life. no matter how much the things around them change, they’re a constant in each other’s lives and wilson is more than okay with that. the fact that he used furniture to communicate that is so... its just so them idk how else to describe it
i can only imagine the gay ass smile wilson had on his face as he picked the organ out and thought about house’s reaction when he’d come home and see it. just crazy. they really should have fucked here
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pokeberry5 · 11 months
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thug beatdown round 2: electric boogaloo
(extras, cw flashing gif:)
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the fit:
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rileyclaw · 2 years
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ohhh season 3 you wanna be here so bad....pssspsspss
i missed the kids so I gave them all bikes
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