#and i think chrom does too?
asterouslyaesthetic · 10 months
concept: kid lucina with grima, but a grima who IS robin—no possessions involved, the closest it gets is to an evil alterego that manifests out of robin's desire to be good and not what her mother fears will be her future
like sample first conversation:
Lucina: "Mommy, mommy! There you are."
Grima, visibly shaken by her appearance and having flashbacks: "You're mistaken, child. I am not your mother. I am the fell dragon who bears her likeness."
Lucina: "Likeness? Oh, like Morgan and Marc! You're her sister! I get it now."
Grima: "That's not it. I am your mother—"
Lucina: "So I was right! I knew it—of course, I know what you look like, Mommy. But why am I not a dragon if you are?"
(she is, but i headcanon the bloodlines did a number on her ability to transform)
Grima: "...Ask your father."
Lucina: "Daddy said to ask you."
Grima: *incoherent curses* "Really, Chrom?"
basically, saying no to a kid lucina is extremely hard and she fulfills a similar role to regular m!morgan. but since lucina isn't quite aware of what's going on, she drags grima everywhere—she just thinks mommy and daddy are having a big fight, like how one of her friend's parents did
it comes to the point where grima no longer throws venom at older lucina nor does she engage with her, because the memories of when they were happier far overpower what she vaguely remembers of their past feud
it freaks lucina out deeply
(she also ends up talking to chrom about it, because it feels so wrong for this to be happening, because this monster ruined her world and took away everything she loved
but now there's visible confirmation that her robin-ness is taking the wheel and the kids aren't nearly as unified on that front as the shepherds.)
why, you might wondering, is that the case? i'm glad you asked because i will tell you very happily
so feh posits the idea that grima is equal parts man hater and equal parts chrom lover.
her lvl40 confession has her dare the summoner to find someone who would accept her, warts and all, and in a few of her lines, she references the idea that she wants to be accepted
then comes the halloween tt+ with s!chrom and h!grima. grima is clearly haunted by her successful murder attempt of her husband, while chrom, whose first appearance has him beg robin to escape and to keep herself safe, is interested in being her friend, claiming that she's robin, so long as a part of her lingers
here is where it slips into headcanon territory, BUT i think that it makes sense for bad future timeline!robin to be more grumpy and angry than her canon timeline counterpart. our robin has no memories of any traumatic events, save maybe physical ones that bleed into her actions.
she's a blank slate and she's molded entirely by her gratefulness to chrom and to the shepherds, rather than any separate life experiences.
but bad future timeline robin likely grew up in hiding, being fearful of the constant threat of turning into grima, and likely resented the grimleal for ruining her chance at an idyllic childhood. she might've been more cynical, balancing out to be more neutral after emmeryn's death
anyway, the point is, robin's lack of memories and lack of lack of a chrom compels her to reject grima. but bad future timeline's doesn't have those things.
older lucina has a lot of baggage associated with her, because she tries to kill grima, while chrom is associated most strongly with his death.
and for a grima who is robin, just all the worst amplified (assuming they're the same entity), nothing is going to be more important than the happy times she had
aka shepherds and chrom and when lucina was younger
she might not warm up to her baby right away, but it will happen.
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paunchsalazar · 7 months
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Fire Emblem Awakening families in my play through…
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the-priestess-of-dawn · 4 months
I went looking and couldn't find any record of me ever actually posting this on tumblr, oops, but a couple years back I wrote this thread on twitter about how Emmeryn's sacrifice absolutely is not supposed to teach Chrom (or Robin, for that matter) that "sacrifice is necessary" or anything like that and mmmm for reasons I am getting Upset about it again so asdfghjkl I'll actually share the Rant with my tumblr followers this time.
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#i'm sorry i'm sorry it's just then whenever i see anyone say that chrom didn't “learn his lesson” about sacrifice from emmeryn i freak out#it's such a common take too??? well okay idk if it's “common” or if i just keep running into a niche take but either way i've seen it a lot#i could also get into (i think i have before at some point) that when robin says “what is one life when weighed against millions?” it's...#it's actually a misquote of emmeryn's “you each have but one life and i do not wish it weighed against mine.”#and despite sounding similar it actually has a directly opposite meaning#emmeryn's saying her life is not more important than anyone else's but robin's saying that their life is less important than everyone else'#also robin does NOT in fact believe in sacrificing for the greater good. look at their supports with virion. and walhart too actually#when chrom tells aversa that one person's life means nothing in the shadow of millions he's basically parroting robin#except neither he nor robin believe that. that's what they say when they feel powerless. like when emmeryn was on that cliff#(also the game literally does call out the hypocrisy? aversa points out he didn't feel that way when his sister was on the line...#like... you're supposed to notice...)#anyway sorry for vagueblogging but do note that i've had this take for 2 years (and well... longer but it took me a while to write it out)#and dang it i have a certain blog BLOCKED but sometimes i go to my mutuals blogs directly and for some reason tumblr still shows me reblogs#anyway normally i would keep my mouth shut it's just that i already had this one ready to go from 2 years ago asdfghjkl
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moe-broey · 6 months
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This line is so. It still confounds me tbh. Like. Sir. This, combined with him saying "Red really isn't my color" (loosely quoted, from his voicelines I think) like. Sir. You both have dark blue hair. You both have dark blue eyes. Literally the only Big Difference is Alfonse has blonde highlights and he's more of a twink. What are you TALKING about and also HOW DID THIS EVEN OCCUR???? In WHAT scenario. Are you getting another prince to take off his clothes and put on the Santa suit. Hello
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convxction · 1 year
ooc. i love the fact that most female partners for chrom are the ones to initiate and are the bold ones in the relationship and chrom is like
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we like that. we need more of that. yehaw he ho mabufu~
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toestalucia · 2 years
thinking about those seofon vday/white day lines where gran fakecries to fool seofon
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coralhoneyrose · 4 months
Why Chrom Fire Emblem is The Husband of All Time: An Essay
SO. There was a screenshot going around of a reddit thread asking about how Chrom has managed to maintain such lasting popularity as a Fire Emblem husband even 6 years after Awakening came out. Given how beloved he still is another 5+ years later, I could not resist taking the opportunity to talk about just what I think makes him so great and endears him to players.
Character Introduction:
Let’s start out the same way Awakening does—with Chrom’s in-game introduction. This is one of the immediate ways Chrom sets himself apart. The game boots up and before anything else happens, Chrom is there expressing his unshakable faith in the player character. You take down the Bad Guy™ together, he turns and gives you this wide, puppy-ish smile and then you push him out of the way to take the hit from an oncoming spell in his stead. Right away you know this is someone your player character cares about deeply—and clearly that care is returned, because he’s immediately running over to make sure Robin’s alright.
Of course, as we all know, things go south very quickly after that. But as the cinematic plays out, and you proceed to watch yourself stab him in the chest, the *first* thing he does, the very first words out of his mouth are: “this is not your fault”. Chrom has just been completely blind-sided and arguably betrayed by his best friend, possibly his spouse, and his immediate instinct is to absolve Robin of guilt. He is literally more concerned about Robin blaming themselves for what happened than about his own imminent death. That alone tells you so, SO much about the depth of their relationship. It tells you both how deeply Chrom cares and how well Chrom knows Robin too. And not only that, but his final request, the ONE and only thing he asks of Robin before dying is that they will promise him they will escape from this place. In his last moments, his single “selfish” wish is for Robin to assure him that they will do what they can to survive. Chrom’s final request is for Robin to give him the comfort and peace of mind he can only obtain through the assurance that even though he won’t get out of there himself, Robin will. He just wants to be able to die believing they’ll take care of themselves and be alright—and knows them well enough to realize that unless he makes them promise, they likely won’t.
AND THEN. And then!!!! You jump cut to Robin waking up in the field with all the sunshine and Chrom’s smiling down with the softest expression and his ridiculously blue eyes. He lifts Robin up by the hand and pulls them right up to his face (because he has no concept of personal space, apparently) and OUUuuggh.
Those scenes in direct sequence make me so insane. You get Chrom’s life ending with Robin immediately followed by Robin’s life starting anew with Chrom. Chrom’s unwavering faith in them and his eagerness to extend his hand and bridge the gap between them from the moment they meet until his last breath. The warmth and kindness and love that Chrom treats Robin with is communicated so effectively in the first few MINUTES of the game it honestly makes me feel unwell. Showing how profoundly Chrom cares for Robin immediately endears him to the player. And he only gives you more reasons to love him as the game goes on.
There can be a tendency in some corners of fandom to simplify Chrom to just being either a generic prince charming type character or a lovable himbo. I’m not here to police how other people enjoy him, but I will say that those characterizations fail to get at some of the aspects of his personality I find most compelling.
Chrom is deceptively nuanced. While there are certainly ways in which he aligns very closely with the standard jrpg protagonist, I suspect that a lot of his enduring popularity is the result of the ways he deviates from it too. He is brave and loyal and cares deeply for his friends, yes. He has profound conviction in his ideals and strives to do the right thing, as is typical for that archetype…but what makes Chrom so lovable is his determination to keep trying to be good in spite of the ways it does not come easily to him.
We see this in the Valm arc, when he’s struggling to reconcile his own beliefs about justice with his sister’s ideals for peace. We hear echoes of it when he talks about the horrors the Ylissean people endured at his father’s hand and how despite that, he has never been able to understand how Emmeryn forgave them for the cruelty they once directed her way. He has so much admiration for his older sister’s ideals despite the fact that peace is not his first instinct. 
When Emmeryn first sacrifices herself, Chrom is consumed with grief and rage, and it takes some time for him to understand why she made the decision she did. “Peace above all else” is just not how he’s programmed to operate…yet he wants it to be. If you count the drama CDs as canon, then that serves as another excellent example as well—where the message of his sister’s sacrifice is so lost on him that his first instinct is to respond to it with violence and prejudice and hatred directed at the very people she sought to reach out to. For a moment there, we see him veer from the person he wants to be towards what we as the player can only assume is the person his father left him afraid that he would become.
And yet he finds his way back. He stumbles, he lashes out, but his love for his friends and fear of losing more of those he holds dear is able to help him course correct.
I love that tug-of-war in him. I love that we get glimpses of the darker paths he could have gone down and that there are tangible consequences for his mistakes. Early in the game, we see Chrom lose control of his temper and how Gangrel and Aversa are able to take advantage of that to officially declare war on Ylisse. Chrom later tells Gangrel that were he alone, he can imagine losing himself in that need for vengeance but reiterates that it’s love that is able to keep him from succumbing to that.
And it’s not only that he’s able to stop himself from being horrible—his losses are the catalyst for him coming into his own as a leader. He’s able to pick himself up and hold himself together to see their troops through the rest of the war. And he manages that despite the fact that in the course of mere days, he lost both his home and his most important person and has been freshly saddled with the duty of ruling an entire country. That’s…a lot. And really goes a long way in demonstrating Chrom’s incredible strength of character and conviction. We get some wonderful moments of vulnerability where he confesses to being riddled with doubts about his own capabilities and worthiness, but in spite of that, he is still determined to try to be the person that Ylisse needs him to be.
All of this leads me right into another wonderful aspect of Chrom’s personality, which is that he is just…so driven by emotion. He feels DEEPLY, and while the narrative definitely uses that as a way to hurt him and force him to grow at times, something that really stands out to me about Chrom is how the story isn’t here to send a message that it’s wrong for him to be that way. Chrom’s big feelings are one of his greatest strengths in addition to his greatest weakness—they’re what saves his life and ultimately Robin’s too, if you go the sacrifice ending route.
And ya know what? I honestly think that’s such a breath of fresh air. I love how much he does NOT embody the emotional disconnectedness that you see pushed a lot of times with stereotypical masculinity. I love that he is the hero, and he's gallant, and very traditionally "manly" in a lot of senses…AND that he's also very emotional and guided by his heart. If you’re playing with f!Robin then you wind up with a really refreshing inversion of gender stereotypes from that: in which Chrom is the emotional decision maker and Robin is the more calculating and logic driven of the two.
Beyond his big heart, I can’t talk about what’s so charming about Chrom’s personality without touching on the ways he embodies a certain level of gap moe as well. Chrom is so stern and serious, as well as quite charismatic when he’s speaking from a place of passion. But on the flip side of that, we get to see him as an absolute bumbling mess when he’s out of his element. He’s easily embarrassed / flustered, self-conscious about his appearance, and often socially awkward where romance is involved. While these traits may seem of minor importance compared to the whole rant above, I think they’re really important for humanizing and rounding him out.
There are lots of other nuances to his characterization that go a long way in fleshing him out too. Despite being a prince, Chrom is blunt and completely unmindful of formalities. That, along with his impulsivity, definitely gets him into trouble sometimes. He’s melodramatic and blisteringly sincere. He’s a little bit clumsy and doesn’t know his own strength. He has a dry sense of humor and can be surprisingly funny. He’s optimistic and trusting—not due to naivete or stupidity but because he has decided that giving people chances and believing the best of them is an important value to him and one that is worth embodying in how he lives his life. 
Lucina’s presence in the story and his immediate and complete acceptance of her is an extremely effective way of demonstrating what an incredible father he is too. Honestly, he just has really wonderful relationships and deep admiration for a lot of the women in his life and that absolutely earns him points in my book (and I suspect in many others’ as well). When you look at all of that together, I don’t think it’s hard to understand why he’s so beloved.
Slightly less serious note here, but I think it warrants discussion regardless because character design absolutely contributes to player’s feelings about and interpretation of a game’s cast members.
And Chrom is…well, he’s eye candy, honestly. He’s got the nice, exposed arm, the messy blue hair, the completely nonsensical outfit he somehow manages to look handsome in anyway (his questionable sense of fashion is a charm point, okay?). Add in the square jaw and the surprisingly long eyelashes and he’s just. He’s very pretty. Idk what to tell you. Bonus points for the summer scramble cg where he has the most inexplicably flat butt of all time. And I really do believe that some of the oddities of Chrom’s design lend memorability to him and go a long way in setting him apart from other lords in the series with similar design concepts. The insistent asymmetry across many of his outfits, the fact he’s showing a little skin, idk it just WORKS. Chrom is hot, I don’t make the rules.
Relationship with Robin / the Player Character:
Last but not least, I want to talk about Chrom’s relationship with Robin.
I touched on some of this in his character introduction already, but Chrom is just…the biggest Robin stan. If Robin has only one fan then that is Chrom. If Robin has no fans it’s because Chrom is bleeding out on the floor with lightning in his gut. 
He just has such deep respect and admiration for them. He values Robin’s opinion and insight and thinks so highly of them and their ideas, often serving as an enabler in many cases (setting the boats on fire, the volcano, etc.). Chrom’s faith in Robin is SO unshakable that when his daughter tells him that Robin is going to be magically controlled and forced to murder him, his response is, “That won’t happen because Robin and I love each other so much that everything will somehow be okay. No, I will not elaborate.” And ya know what? He was RIGHT. Their bond DOES wind up being so strong that it’s able to change fate. The narrative is quite literally validating his slightly ridiculous insistence that him and Robin just care about each other The Most of Anyone Ever. He is Robin’s biggest advocate from the moment they meet when he defends them from Frederick’s suspicions all the way to the game’s close when he either assures Robin that their life was worth preserving or, as in the case of the sacrifice ending, that he will spend the rest of his own life searching for them until they return.
Honestly the fact that Chrom was willing to potentially risk dooming the whole world to the fell dragon’s awakening 1,000 years down the line just so he doesn’t have to lose his comfort tactician is WILD. For the game’s hero to literally say “we don’t have to defeat this evil for good, the people of the future can figure it out” JUST so he can keep Robin is absolutely unhinged behavior and I love it. I think it’s incredibly humanizing that he’s a little bit selfish about the people who are most important to him…that despite his willingness to sacrifice himself or run headfirst into danger, he draws the line at losing Robin because he’s already lost his most important person once and he’s not going to let it happen again. Chrom and Robin absolutely come across as a little codependent and a lot obsessed with each other and personally I wouldn’t have it any other way.
And then there’s his love confession to Robin. GOd...
I think that’s the most flustered Chrom appears in any content in the entire game…and it’s because he treasures their friendship so deeply that he is petrified about messing it up or saying the wrong thing. I love that he goes into their S support dead set on NOT telling Robin what is going on but the second he realizes that Robin is under the impression he doesn’t care about them or like spending time with them anymore he is so horrified and desperate to correct that line of thinking that he blurts out the full love confession on the spot.
He’s SO earnest throughout the whole thing, but then at the end he hits you with the whole “this is the best day of my life”, and the “You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side. Together, my love, we shall build a peaceful world, just you and me” (thank you Matt Mercer for your services), and the cg image of him staring right at Robin with what are basically heart eyes and. I just. There were no survivors.
That’s not even their only proposal / love confession scene either! The fact that the game gives us an entirely separate alternate proposal that’s more serious in tone is the icing on the cake. How many ships out there can say that they get not one but TWO canon proposals that are both that good? Truly no one is doing it like chrobin.
Closing Remarks:
Chrom is a well written and nuanced character who struggles and grows over the course of the story while always remaining true to himself and his ideals. His intense and unending trust, admiration, and love of Robin endears him to the player from the moment the game begins all the way to its conclusion. He is kind and good while still being fundamentally flawed (and it doesn’t hurt that he’s very handsome to boot). Bearing all that in mind, while the message of Awakening may be that nothing is inevitable, Chrom’s conceit and execution were always going to lead to MANY of those who play the game coming to love him and pick him as Robin’s husband…and there may be no greater evidence of that then the fact I’m out here writing all of this eleven years after the game’s release.
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I think a lot of people miss that Nowi isn't a child, she's a teenager like Ricken and Donnel. She's just heavily traumatized because she was kidnapped after birth, bandied around, managed to escape long enough to befriend BANTU, and then recaptured and sold into slavery while being trained like a circus animal. She's emotionally stunted, not a literal child! It's okay to pair her with the younger Shepherds because she's a younger teen! She's explicitly doing what she does to keep morale up, and she says as much to Nah.
Nah: Mother, you need to take this more seriously! We're in the midst of a war! Nowi: I KNOW, silly. But thinking about it all the time isn't going to help me! The tougher things get, the more I laugh, and that makes everyone laugh, too. I think that's kind of my job here. To keep everyone smiling.
Please, read the supports with Nah. Nowi has some GENUINELY mature moments in it where her real self leaks through, including her worrying Nah is TOO YOUNG to use her Dragonstone.
Nah: I don't want to have fun. I want to get stronger. If I don't, I'll never help win this war or earn my place in this army. Nowi: Er... Nah: If I'm not helping people, then what's the point of even having me around? No real human wants to be friends with a half person who can't look after herself. Nowi: Is that what you're worried about? But I'm here—and I'm a manakete! You don't have to prove something to the humans to be here with us. Manakete, taguel, human—everyone in this army is equal and in it together! Nah: You truly believe that? Nowi: I do. And more importantly, you're still very young for a manakete. You can't overuse the dragonstone. It's far too powerful for one of your age. Nah: It's true that after a day of training I tend to feel terribly weak... Nowi: I'm going to give it back to you, but I don't want to see you hurting yourself. You must promise me to only use it during actual battle. Do you hear me? Nah: All right, Mother. I swear to use it more responsibly from now on.
She even outright says her "playing" is how she trains and that she's not very good at thinking and such so she leaves tactics to Chrom and Robin, but she IS good at fighting so she just does what they tell her to. Honestly, I'd argue she's actually much more mature than Ricken can be, she just hides it because she knows she looks young. Hell, she calls herself an adult woman to Henry's face. She's emotionally stunted, sure, and can't always read a room (she scares a bunch of kids off by transforming without warning because she wanted to give them a ride on her back), and she CAN be childish but like. When you actually READ her Supports, you can see she's got some genuine moments where her real personality shines through! THEY JUST NEEDED TO FIX HER PHYSICAL DESIGN!!!!
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ro-botany · 1 year
I never ended up finishing Shadows of Valentia (I know, I know, I’m getting to it), so it was... probably about a year or so after the game came out that I heard anything about the extra Grima backstory it introduced. At first I wasn’t sure how I felt about it. I didn’t know if the Big Bad Evil Guy in Awakening really needed that much backstory, given that at the time I felt their role in the story was as a force of nature more than an individual.
Now that it’s had time to stew though, and my interest in Awakening has been piqued again by that Risen King Chrom unit in FEH... I’ve been doing some thinking on that whole situation, and I might be changing my mind. It adds some interesting flavour to Grima and to Robin.
I’m a bit fuzzy on the timeline of Archanea’s history, but the important part for right now is, of course, Forneus. The man who created Grima. There’s a lot of Frankenstein DNA in Grima’s origins, enough that I feel like it HAS to be intentional.
We’ve got a scientist consumed by grief over the death of a loved one who starts experimenting with creating life, who manages to make a creature, only to near immediately find terrifying. The scientist eventually tries to kill their creation and dies in the process. Similar too is the stories’ insistence that the creations are inherently bad, were evil from the very start... in direct contradiction to the order of events begging you to sympathize with the creature.
A young Grima, barely a baby, smiled at their creator; and their creator thought that terrifying. They were only a few months old when their own father tried to kill them and they were forced to defend themself. They were sealed in a labyrinth for centuries, in total isolation save for the risen dead. When they finally lay eyes on another living human—Alm and Celica and allies, bearing weapons no less—of course they attack. The only contact they’ve had with living humans thus far is their dad who tried to kill them. Alm and Celica destroy Grima’s physical body, and... presumably, they find a way out after that, since the seal on the door is gone now.
(I know Forneus writes about the young Grima supposedly planting “violent thoughts” in his head. But that feels a bit like bullshit to me, honestly. One of Awakening’s themes is that you are not defined by your bloodline. Why would we backtrack on that and say this baby came out of the test tube already advocating for genocide? Hell, why are we trusting Forneus’ opinions on that to begin with? He’s a deeply unethical mad scientist who regularly murdered people for his experiments, I’m pretty sure he was having and acting on violent thoughts long before Grima grew a consciousness.)
Despite that fantastically rocky start to life, m!Grima’s 5* level 40 dialogue in Heroes suggests that Grima might have even tried to get along with humans for a time. I mean, just look at this.
[Humans] have no qualms asking for divine assistance when it meets their fickle needs... But how quick they are to shun their benefactors once they get what they desire. They become arrogant and make the same mistakes repeatedly, incapable of learning the folly of their ways. They claim their actions are for the good of others, but that's merely a show of self-indulgence. Humans are selfish.
That sounds like they’ve had time to observe humans. After they got out of the labyrinth they must’ve spent time just... around people. Either they witnessed what happened to other dragons-regarded-as-gods, or they themselves tried out being a god for a while (seems likely, given Plegia), and felt like their early experiences with humans were only getting proved on the large scale over and over again.
And if all of Forneus, Alm, Celica, and the allies of the latter two decided at a glance that Grima was evil and needed to be destroyed, how many more times did people try to destroy Grima after that? How many people took advantage of their powers, only to “shun their benefactor” later? What does that do to a person’s worldview and their view of themselves when they’re already predisposed to fear and hatred due to their early experiences?
Grima’s insistence that one’s destiny is rigid and immutable, their self image as an incarnation of despair—it all makes a lot more sense with this context. Grima is Frankenstein’s monster writ large, born of a man’s grief, named an abomination from birth, given the powers of a god and a thousand years of reasons to wield them for destruction. “The ugliness of mankind has turned me repulsive. It's the world that wants me to be evil.”
Whatever else you think of them, there’s a tragedy in a monster that is only so because they were never given the chance to be anything else.
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fe-fictions · 11 months
Chrom x Robin Commission (Chrom is kidnapped and Robin is not having it!!!)
You weren’t necessarily trying to hide the fact that you and Chrom were romantically involved, but it’d be a lie to suggest you were being open and public about it.
No, you preferred to keep that to yourself, more than anything. You didn’t want it to change what people thought about you, even if that meant watching Chrom be flirted with by noblemen and women alike, waiting for their chance to catch his eye whenever you’d stop in town.
It was the one pitfall of courtship during war, aside from the obvious. The times in town, which were relatively peaceful, you found to be more stressful than a battlefield.
You had to stand by and watch Chrom be swooned over and watch them try over and over to steal him from you.
The only issue was that Chrom didn’t seem to rebuff them as often, nor as decisively, as you preferred. You knew he could be a bit oblivious, and that he wasn’t the most capable at expressing his boundaries until it was far too late (the Frederick propaganda posters came to mind immediately).
But you were starting to get more and more frustrated with it, the longer it went on. And now that you were nearing the end of the journey to fight with the bastard king of Plegia, you were finding the management of stress much more difficult than before.
So naturally when you stopped in a bordertown just north of the territory line, you thought it would be ideal to kick back, enjoy a pint with your favorite long-sword-wielding prince, and try to indulge in some relaxation before it was time to return to reality.
“Robin! They’ve got some excellent mead here- I brought you a mug.”
“Oh,” You smiled softly at your dear prince, glad to accept the offering. “I was going to get a pint in a moment, so thank you for being proactive. Did you manage to escape the bar unscathed?”
“Well, I received a few interesting looks, but I think the cloak ought to be enough cover.” Chrom explained; being so close to the edge of Plegia meant that there was a good chance there would be soldiers and informants scattered around the place.
Frederick was insistent that if Chrom were to join them for a night in town today, he’d be concealing the hair, and the mark. There was no need to risk him being in public more than they already were, already.
But even then, it was difficult to conceal his particularly handsome face. You were slightly biased in your belief that he was ridiculously handsome, but you weren’t going to hide the truth; you loved that man.
The only problem was that others seemed to be infatuated with him, too.
“Chrom, you didn’t let them see too much of you, right? We’re so close to Plegia, I’m worried that if the wrong person saw your hair…”
“Nothing to worry about. I promise,” He reassured you, setting the mug in front of you. “Now let’s talk about something more fun. Now that we have some time away from the army- I’d like to explore our future a little bit.”
“In a place like this?” You laughed, “Wouldn’t you rather we discuss that somewhere more romantic? Maybe out in the valley, under the stars…somewhere more ‘talk about the future’ like?”
“Nonsense! There’s no time like the present! Well, that, and I just can’t wait to talk about it. There’s so much to discuss!” He told you in earnest, covering your hand with his. “I’d love to talk about wedding plans, in particular. When we can get back home…what do you think- something big and elegant, or small and private?”
“Does…does someone in your position get to make a decision like that? I have a feeling we won’t be allowed to have a small wedding.” you mused, but Chrom insisted.
“We can have a small ceremony and a big party, if you want it. I’m happy with whatever you prefer. Both sound great to me!” He smiled, “So long as we finally get to show everybody how we feel.”
“That wouldn’t be bad. Maybe…when we get back, my mind will change, but…for now, I like the idea of an intimate ceremony. The Shepherds likely won’t be able to handle a small party, though. I can’t see Vaike and Basilio allowing a good party to go to waste.”
“That’s true,” Chrom chuckled, “Then, how about-”
“Excuse me, if I may…” a man suddenly loomed over your table, catching your attention. “I couldn’t help but notice how particularly attractive your friend is, here. I wondered what he might look like with the cowl pulled back?”
“I’m afraid he’s taken, sir.” You sighed, nodding your head towards your still-held hands. “If you don’t mind, we’d like to return to our conversation.”
“No, no, I don’t mind-” The man lifted his own hand, and suddenly the tavern grew quiet.  The only sound that perforated the building was that of the doors latching shut.
Chrom’s grip on your hand tightened. You were in danger.
“I won’t ask a second time- show me your face.”
“We’re under no obligation to do what you ask,” Chrom rose from his seat, keeping his head low. You stood beside him, quietly reaching for the knife at your hip. “We’re taking our leave. Stand asi-”
Chrom was silenced by a hand at his throat, the shocking stranger launching at your husband before you could even blink. 
The other hand ripped his cowl away, revealing a shock of blue hair.
“Chrom-!!” You weren’t able to get another word in before you were suddenly attacked by the people around you. The tavern erupted in violence, men and women alike throwing themselves at you and the prince. 
It didn’t take long to put the pieces together, as every enemy that came closer and closer to you were slashed away.
The entire tavern was filled with Plegians- they knew you were coming.
You didn’t know how- but they were waiting for you and Chrom. And you weren't going to get out of the fight unscathed.
“Chrom!!” You shouted for him, finding his cloak torn away in his scuffle. He as being piled on far worse than you were- he was the one they wanted.
He wasn’t able to get to the blade on his belt- he was being pulled down and restrained. 
“Chrom, hold on! I’m-” A fist smashed into your jaw, sending you stumbling to the floor. 
“ROBIN!!” Chrom’s voice was muffled in your ears, the sharp ringing disorienting you. The last thing you saw was Chrom’s hand reaching out for you, before something heavy struck your head.
There was pain, and then there was nothing.
It would be roughly twelve minutes before you’d come to, shaken awake by a frantic knight, a tearful princess and an entire horde of Shepherds that were crowded around you.
The tavern had been abandoned, ransacked and simsimply a huge mess.
Frederick would help you sit up, Lissa and Maribelle casting healing spells over you to try and return some of your lucidity.
“Robin…where’s Lord Chrom?” Frederick posed the question first, clearly unsure he wanted the answer. Your eyebrows drew together, fear replacing your confusion.
“What do you…why are you asking me that?”
“You were here together, before the attack. Miriel heard a commotion from the market across the street, but when she came over to investigate, the tavern doors were locked. What happened? Were you and Lord Chrom attacked?”
“Clearly she was, you oaf-” Maribelle snapped, “Did they attack him too? Did they-”
“They were Plegian.” You recalled first, staring up at them, “They were all Plegian. They locked the doors, and a man asked Chrom to take off his hood, and then he grabbed him. I couldn’t…they all came after us.” Your voice became increasingly more shakey with every when your recall came back.
“Lord Chrom was-!” Frederick grimace, rising to his feet, “The entire building is cleared,- he’s not here. We need to organize a search party immediately. We must operate under the suspicion that he has been kidnapped!”
“By Plegians,” Maribelle hissed, “Those monsters!! We were so careful when we came here.” How did they figure it out?’
“I don’t know,” You swallowed, “But there’s no point trying to figure that out now. We have to find Chrom!”
“We do, yes, but you won’t be doing anything.” Lissa jumped in, “You're Injured badly, Robin. They could’ve killed you! If we hadn’t come in when we did, Robin-”
“Thank you,” You cut her off quickly, recognizing the tears in her eyes. “But that’s not important…not right now- we need to focus on getting Chrom back!”
“We need to get you back to camp. Quickly-” Frederick’s jaw was clenched, but he was right. He and Maribelle helped you to your feet, your head still pounding. “Then we will regroup and locate milord.”
“But we don’t know what they want with him. We don’t know if they’re trying to kill him, or-”
“They’re Plegian, so they’re probably going to take him to Gangrel. I don’t know how they figured out where we’d be- but we can’t waste time.” 
“We’re not far from the capital- seven days’ time, maybe.” Maribelle said grimly, “If they wanted to take him, it wouldn’t be impossible.”
“Then we’ve done enough talking. We have to go.” 
You could ignore the pain, and the dizziness, and the fear. But the one thing you could not possibly hope to ignore was the anger.
They didn’t just take the prince of Ylisse. They didn’t take the Exalt’s brother, the Shepherd’s commander.
They took the man who was to be your husband. And they weren’t going to get him without a fight…one they would be losing.
It did not take long to deduce the source of information that led the Plegians to capture Chrom. There was a mole among the Shepherds.
A woman, an archer trained in Virion’s own squadron, who was weeded out quite quickly once Tharja pointed out the likelihood of it being an internal leak rather than pure luck.
One did not simply fill a tavern with capable enemy fighters.
Within two days, you would have the woman interrogated to the point of revealing everything she knew.
Where they were taking him. What they were doing to him- what they planned to present to Gangrel.
The beaten, bloody prince of Ylisse, to stand “trial” with his sister. 
And if all went according to their nefarious plan, it would surely spell the end of the Ylissean army, and lead to the fall of the whole country.
Chrom’s shield and Falchion would be strapped to your back, your Levin Sword and Arcfire tome secure on your waist. If the healers were coming with you, then he’d be able to fight his way out. Assuming he wasn’t injured to the point of needing bed rest.
You tried very hard to shove that worrisome thought down deep.
The Shepherds were rallied with a violent fervor, desperate to bring back the prince before they could get too far.
Miriel and Ricken were able to cast a tracking spell on the Falchion, following the directions you had forced out of the snake in your ranks.
He hadn’t gotten too far away. Mercifully, goddess be praised, the location that had been suggested was several kilometers south of the border town.
There was little doubt they’d be pushing as fast as they could to transport Chrom. With everyone gathered, you were haphazardly planning out how to rescue him, while also moving en route to catch up to them and get him back.
You were riding up front on the back of Frederick’s horse, Hebert, while said knight was galloping at full speed. Miriel and Maribelle were positioned on the backs of Cordelia’s and Sumia’s pegasus, driving as fast as they could into the desert.
“If we keep moving at this pace, we should be at their fort by sundown!!” You shouted over the whipping winds, the sand battering your face ignored as you explained the moving plot.
“Sundown isn’t soon enough- they’ll already be on the move by then!”
“It’d be foolish if they didn’t be on their way by then-” You agreed, stabbing the quill against the shifting map to pinpoint the location. “But they might also be expecting the fortress to be looked over, given the lapse of time! We’ll need to divide the Shepherds- enough to secure the fort! The rest of us will keep driving south!”
“How do we split up??” Cordelia asked, her eyes lasered forward in case she was able to spot Chrom.
“I want flying units, mages and archers with me- we’re gonna keep riding!! I want heavy units and thieves on the fort. Lissa and Frederick, I need you both while Ricken and Maribelle go to the fort as first aid. Are we clear?”
The shouts of your Shepherds made it quite clear that you were heard loud and clear.
There would be absolutely no hesitation from this moment forward.
The snap of Frederick’s reins echoed in your ears, the two of you were galloping for dear life, the pegasus riders swooping above with renewed vigor, now that the plan was put into action.
By the time the sky turned orange, the fortress was in view. You looked to your shifting team, nodding to Sully- your chosen commander for the fort rescue unit.
She growled, thrusting her spear in the air before charging away with them, a war cry rattling even your bones as they thrust themselves into their battle.
And now, it was down to your team.
“I pray they find him there- it would at least mean he’s back in our hands sooner.” Frederick said, digging his heels into the horse’s sides. You frowned, drawing your hood up against the sand beating your flushed skin.
“We can only hope. But if they don’t find him, I pray we’ll be able to find him in one piece”!
Within a half hour, Sumia dove back down, flying nearly side by side with Frederick’s beast. 
“We spotted a caravan moving at high speeds, twelve kilometers ahead!”
“How big?”
“It seemed to be only two carts- everyone else was armed. Four wyverns in the air, two pegasus!”
“That’s where he is.” You glowered, drawing your blade. Falchion weighed heavy on your back, realizing how close you were to finding him.
The push forward from that point was no longer a quiet urgency.
As soon as they were in range, the fight was on.
Virion’s arrows were flung into the sky, catching dragon wings and horse’s hips, forcing the flying units down with little mercy or hesitation.
The moment you heard the whinnies of frightened beasts, you knew you were close enough.
“Halt, in the name of the Exalt!!” You bellowed, drawing up your Arcfire and flinging a decisive blast into the path of your enemies.
The carts split apart, horses careening away in a panic. You were quick to direct Frederick to the left, thrusting Maribelle and Stahl towards the cart separated in the opposite direction.
That was when the chaos started.
Panne leapt onto the first Plegian she could reach, her beastly form devastating and quick to defeat her prey. You caught an arrow in your arm, but it was ripped away and countered with a blast of lightning. 
As soon as Frederick’s lance could reach, he was cutting away the wheels in a single angry stroke. The back spokes broke loose, and the cart slid back, crashing against the sand. 
“Secure the driver!!” You shouted to him, leaping from Hebert’s back and rushing the cart skidding into the ground. It was still being dragged, but the speed being greatly reduced made it much easier for you to jump on. 
Frederick rushed to the front, battling the driver to take control of the broken carriage.
You grabbed onto the wooden box, its door cracking and groaning as the walls threatened to come apart.
“CHROM!!” Your voice had yet to break from all the yelling, but you weren’t going to stop until he was safe. A knife was ripped from your belt, driving it into the splintering wood to force an opening.
You hoisted yourself up, peering into the hole and into the dark space.
There were crates, barrels of supplies, but in the very front of the cart, you could see it.
A silver glove, and a dash of blue hair on the floor of it.
“Oh-” You jerked to a sudden stop, Fredrick having halted the caravan. The other Shepherds pressed onward, bringing their battle to an end. But you had bigger things to worry about.
“Frederick!!” You called forth knight, who was sprinting from the seat now that the horses were stopped.
“Robin! Is he-”
“Help me break the door down-”
“He’s in there!!”
The lance was traded for his axe, which was breaking the wood down and splintering it away without a second thought.
When it was down enough, you pushed into the space, shoving away the boxes and barrels to force yourself into the space.
“Quickly, you must fetch Lissa!! Get her and Maribelle, I don’t think he’s conscious-” 
Frederick’s hesitation was only for a moment- seeing the slightest hint that his prince was in there was almost enough to send him barging in past his liege’s lover.
But he would be quicker than her to get the attention of the healers.
“Chrom!!” His name cracked on your tongue, racing over to him and kneeling into the wood and sand where he laid.
His hands were bound, his body curled inward as though in pain. You shook his shoulder, calling his name again and again. He would not reply.
But he was still breathing. You heaved a shaking exhale, searching your pouch for a vulnerary. There wasn’t much left inside, but enough to ensure he’d stay with you until Frederick came back with the others.
“Chrom, please- I’m here now. I’m here, so please wake up.” You whispered, pulling his heavy frame up so that his head rested in your lap. You tilted his chin up, uncorking the potion and pouring it gingerly.
His breathing stuttered before he swallowed, his eyebrows drawing together suddenly, contorting as he was slowly regaining consciousness.
“Breathe, Chrom, it’s all right…I-I promise, it’s all right now. The healers are going to be here soon. Lissa and Maribelle, and Frederick, and…”
Chrom’s eyes fluttered, his fingers clenching and unclenching against his palms. 
“Oh, um…hold on, I can get those…” Awkwardly you leaned forward, trying not to disturb him while you cut away the ropes on his hands.
The moment the fibers snapped away, you felt his fingers wrap around your wrist, clinging tightly.
His voice was such a weary, hoarse and hopeful sound. You slipped your hand back so that you could squeeze his, feeling the tremble of his fingers against the gloves.
“I’m here, my love. I’m right here. We got you.” You whispered, the tears blurring your vision only moments from falling. At last, Chrom’s eyes opened. Glassy, but as blue and vibrant as ever. He was awake.
“You…y-you found me.” He gazed up at you, the almost shocked expression impossible to miss despite his exhaustion, and all the blood and bruises that otherwise hid the view.
“We all did darling, and they’re on the way.” You lifted your head, hearing the clanking of armor and the tense voices that were surely not far away. “Lissa and Maribelle will heal you up, and then we’ll get you back on your feet in no time.”
“Your arm…” He trailed off, brushing his hand against the torn fabric of your coat. You are standing right there, finding the gash on your skin.
“It’s fine. Nothing a bandage can’t fix.” You assured him, “Now stop worrying about your rescuer and focus on yourself, for once.”
He hummed, closing his eyes with a soft sigh. You ran your fingers through his hair, comforting your rescued love. You had no idea what on earth those monsters had done to him, but he was clearly exhausted and was treated harshly. As if you needed another reason to beat down the Plegians…
The silent reverie you found with him, relishing your reunion, did not last much longer. He was back in your arms, but shortly after holding onto him, you found yourselves overwhelmed by an army of anxious men and women.
The clerics took to the forefront, and you were at least allowed to stay in place while he was treated. Best not to move him too much until they knew it was safe to move him.
His breathing became less labored, and his sentences were more sturdy. He stared up at you clearly now, and sought out your hand deliberately despite the mess of people working around the two of you.
“We’re gonna be okay.” You promised, your fingers threading together.
You separated yourself only long enough to get him onto the other cart, which they had been able to preserve its wheels unlike yours and Frederick’s barbaric tactics.
Eventually you returned to camp, to the tearful reunion of the fort party. The place had been run through from top to bottom, but when no one was able to locate the prince it didn’t give them much comfort.
The extra supplies you were able to salvage from the place would come in handy, but that was on the back of your mind at that moment. After all, you had a prince who needed tending.
He would be sent straight to the healing tent, and you would be right behind him, taking up residence in a chair beside his cot while he recuperated.
It would be two days of sleeping before he came around from his healing, but of course the very first thing he did when he could sit up on his own was taking that he took you into his arms and squeezed you close, kissing you over and over until the tent was completely empty for fear of being exposed to the prince’s private affection.
He only managed to pull back to say a tearful thank you, reminding you just how deeply he loved and cherished you more than anything in the world. 
Which, of course, earned a response of a thousand more kisses and a tight squeeze, one which would have been impossible to separate you from.
Chrom was home, in your arms. An embrace he hoped he might never leave, again.
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usaigi · 4 months
For the ship ask meme: Chrobin! If you've already answered that, Frederobin?
Ship It
What made you ship it?
Awakening was my first FE game and I was a teenager, I think I initially shipped it because I thought Chrom was cute and funny. They have the jock/nerd dynamic going on. But now I ship it because I'm a sucker for a good tragedy.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
They're soulmates, they're two sides of the same sword. But Robin is also destine to kill Chrom. I love the idea of soul mates in fiction, individual choice aside, destiny is pushing you to one person, for better or for worse. Especially in a game like fire emblem which deals the themes of choice and decision but what if they don't get a choice in each other? They're Naga and Grima, they're bound together. Romantically or platonically, they're each other's other half. They need each other, they're holding on to each other so tight it leaves bruises. And no matter what, their path lead to each other to their death.
And Lucina and Morgan, my sweet children!! Not only does it make Lucina's past more tragic but they're just so sweet together. Morgan is the annoying carefree little brother who can't remember any of his trauma and Lucina is the big sister who needs to protect his innocence. I totally think Grima got to Morgan in the original timeline and Lucina was holding on to the guilt for years. I imagine she refused to talk about him even when she was reunited with her dad and mom, the memory was just too pain. All the other child units probably knew better than to speak his name. And the relief she felt when they found him, sweet and naive and a child like he once was? A do over on her greatest failure. A second chance to keep him safe. Not only does Lucina get to protect him, but he makes Lucina laugh. He lets her also be a kid.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
f!chrobin is the same as m!chrobin, y'all are just misogynist >.< "But their support is bett--" I don't care! f!Robin/m!Robin are the same person! Dingus aside!!!
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almoststedytimetravel · 11 months
Are Grima and Robin the same person? An essay by me. 
Short answer, no I don’t think Grima and Robin are the same person, though the base game of awakening really makes it seem like it. And it’s that characterisation in the base game of awakening that has always stumped me when I’ve tried to pin down my thoughts on this. In Awakening’s base game Grima says multiple times that they are Robin, which seems pretty cut and dry, the Grima from Lucina’s future is a version of Robin who made different choices. But, the future past dlc changes this (at least to me). There are two moments that cement this to me first is Robin being able to save Tiki from being completely destroyed by Grima, sparing her soul and allowing Tiki to take Naga’s place in order for Lucina to perform the awakening and seal Grima. Tiki refers to Robin as the man/woman who still lives inside of Grima. As well as Robin and Lucina’s final conversation at the end of the dlc, in both version’s of future past’s ending Robin get control of their body back and has a conversation with Lucina (Their talk is more extensive in the bad ending). A conversation that Grima interrupts multiple time. Both of these moments are against Grima’s will and both of these moments happening make Grima mad at Robin, cursing them specifically. If Grima and Robin were the same person this would be framed as a change of heart, but it’s not, it’s framed as Robin meddling. To me this clearly shows that Robin and Grima aren’t the same, their wills don’t align, that the Robin who becomes Grima would have preferred to live with Chrom and the rest of the Shepherds “I wish that I were human! That I could have lived a normal life with you!”
But there is something of a problem with this, in the previous sentence Robin refers to Grima as “I”, saying, “...I murdered your father... ...just as I murdered legions of Ylisseans... ...I snuffed out the very Voice of the divine dragon... ...and I just finished killing the friends you sent for the Gemstones...” and most damning, “...I am Grima! There is nothing human about me!” Why is Robin saying this? If Grima and Robin have completely different wills why does Robin say that they are the fell dragon? This is another thing that has stumped me, but I think Robin is being purposefully deceptive to Lucina. Prior to Robin say this Lucina says “You're a human, aren't you—a person, like us? Grima is using you to—” whether or not Robin and Grima are the same person doesn’t matter, Robin just need Lucina to destroy them and they don’t want Lucina to feel sympathy for them. The conclusion that I draw from this is that once Grima has taken control of Robin’s body they can’t be separated and both must be destroyed together. For the Robin of Future past and Lucina’s bad future it’s too late for them to be saved, but true ending Robin, having escaped from Grima’s influence twice, once when they weakened their magic to save Chrom and again on Grima’s back, is able to be restored in Awakening’s true ending.
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asterouslyaesthetic · 9 months
do you think rkc has a preferred grima
do you think he prefers rearmed grima over l!/h!grima because she's more in line with the grima he knows
do you think he avoids l!/h!grima because she reminds him too much of robin so if he closes his eyes and pretends the stench of death is coming solely from him, he can imagine it's actually his wife
do you think he feels that's an insult to her memory because the other chroms might warm up to l!/h!grima and recognize that their wife still lives eventually, but he's so used to the grima who tried to kill his daughter (but never did and does that mean anything?) and took away his son to be raised in the same way she would've if validar kept her that he can't
do you think he would slightly resent the other chroms for choosing the lesser of two evils in a custody battle for fell morgan, even though he knows that's the logical choice?
because i think a lot about how rkc is portrayed and he's so much of an opposite that it kind of hurts in the best way. and i think a sign of that would be that he's much more inflexible about grima and robin that perhaps even them, especially if their thoughts on it are "you are me but i am what you could've been (anger/pity)"
if og/horse chrom are of the mind that any grima is robin so long as even a piece of her cares about him and the shepherds, and l!chrom/brave chrom are somewhere in the middle and think that l!/h!grima ought to be counted but the ones they faced off (and rearmed) shouldn't, then rkc completes the trifecta
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imustbenuts · 11 months
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this hinges more on my interpretation of kiran so if you’ll humor me, i’ll start explaining why
so im working off the idea that kiran is a fire emblem nerd isekai’d into FEH. from there, i extrapolated a couple of common possible traits a person like that might have
possessiveness of heroes. the player would likely try not to let their fav FE unit go if they wanted to leave
obsessiveness. the player wouldve likely dug up all kinds of info relating to their fixation, be that lore or character wise. in short, imagine a player walking up to you and immediately going ‘btw i know of your most embarrassing vulnerable moment bc ive been watching over u! uwu’. (fuck that shit lmao)
arrogance/hubris. FEH is medieval and we’re technologically advanced so the natural assumption for some people is we just know better, for example
and if we assume that the leads in FE games are their avatar, or their window to look into the worlds, then you can start to see that an isekai’d person like that starts to have a perception of time in the same way a god or a divinity would. 2 years in fire emblem awakening would have been 5 minutes for us, for example.
and now, what if this player had a sense of how the FE world and its political systems should be? what if we had nothing but a single FE game world, say arachnea, and we see marth ascend the throne, only to see one of his descendants fucking things up in the next game. now, if the player now had the direct power to change things… would they possibly get rid of this descendant who has failed their expectations? maybe restore the nation marth built, through his journey of sacrifice, tragedy and blood, instead of watching it waste away?
you know, kinda like what eitri did?
replace marth with any FE royals meant to ascend the throne. alfonse, chrom, dmitri, alfred, alear, absolutely whoever and whatever. same thing applies.
eitri has all 3 traits i mentioned above. they're loyal to Niðavellir’s first king, possessive of his country and obsessed enough to engineer a crown that drives everyone but the ‘correct’ bloodline crazy. their arrogance is what ultimately does them in, their hubris borne out of that first love and obsession.
they summon heroes and breaks them, kiran summons heroes and seems to at least implant a suggestion. as far as i can tell, no matter how you’re meant to read kiran, they’re meant to come off as benevolent, so those three traits can be present, but not expressed overtly.
(as a thought exercise, would YOU let go of the unit you sunk orbs and feathers for? to build? if this was a real situation and these were real actualized people, are you, the player, benevolent?)
so when eitri says in their recording left for the summoner at the end of book 5:
@1:34: “And you, what incredible self-righteousness! Do you really think you’re any different?”
my thought when i saw that was just: ‘i love this antagonist holy shit’
uh anyway yeah thats why i think eitri is a reflection of the player. i might be reading too hard into this, but here u go.
as a final note, i think fafnir is a reflection of the player as well, but far more ignorant than anything. both kiran and fafnir are isekai’d into FE, and i think if there exists a player who is arrogant enough, they could totally take out alfonse and take over askr. but kiran doesnt despite the power they are clearly gaining as time goes on. i also read this as the world of FE punishing an outsider stepping too far out of line, so maybe its a good thing kiran didnt try to do exactly what fafnir did.
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convxction · 1 year
ooc. appears to think about chrom most likely not acting on his feelings, especially if he found someone because you know, they are going to be bound with him forever with this nation ruling shenanigans and he wouldnt want to flip someone's life upside down so suddenly like this. plus, i feel like 'birthing an heir' is also too a ...hmm pressure he does not want his partner to feel like they must do it. laugh track that is why he might not be that forward if he liked a guy. hear me out, henry can whip a baby and he is working on it via magic, him and tharja, but it is not confirmed at the time of traveling that they were successful so welp. i wrote slightly deeper than this in a previous post but yeah. plus it is a bit trickier for him to fall for a guy than a woman. hear me out dnt kill me. you understand the 'www i admire them' routine of his right? this but double it because like hahaha no way we are friends. wait. friends? wow uh. friiiiends. but he kinda make me feel stuff. hahanoooo.yess??nooooo.im confused. (im confused too chrom.) anyway. give him boyfo now.
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trulytiredhermit · 1 year
Courage : Well I'm thinking of not dealing with any of that--
Reader : Well excu~se me, Courage, you're not saying that i have to do that, right?
Courage :
Koridai : *snickering, heard that? Better listen!
Just Reader basically turning Courage's saying against him whenever they get the chance. Like for anything.
It gets to the point where Courage goes to say said phrase and Reader has already beaten him to it.
And Courage is just off to the side like that pikachu meme:
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Because yes, Courage says it enough to each of them for it to get annoying.
But then Reader comes in and starts throwing it back at him? They eat that up; they love it.
Eventually the other members of the Chain start doing it too.
Especially Wind and Legend, those two catch on to doing it real quick. Wind does it cause he's imitating his forced honorary older sibling Reader, but Legend does it cause he knows it gets on Courage's nerves.
I loved this Chrom, this image you're projecting into my mind is amazing.
*Edit: I have just now been informed that I accidentally mixed-up Courage and Koridai, forgive me my brain is fried. Big thanks to @chromonomatic for correcting me lol.*
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