#and i cant even TELL YOU how CONFUSED that must make yoh feel and YET STILL
taikanyohou · 9 months
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"Ah, it's fine. I actually benefitted from it. We took a bath together. Come on, hurry up."
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
I may be hella afraid of birds but that wont stop me from making this.
Injured wing
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The poor thing was in the balcony of the apartment. Making sounds and flapping their wings at ferocity to try to take flight again as you watched in pity.
Taking a warm towel from the dryer, your boyfriend's one since it was the comfier to be exact, you picked up the squirming little brow winged creature and took inside. You didn't had the heart to leave it out there, especially due to the snow.
While taking things out of cabinets, you didn't noticed your phone buzzing with the notifications of a certain... top hero calling you.
"A nightingale." You mused as you read on the internet what type of bird was now having fun on bathing on q small pot of water and singing to its heart content "How adorable!" You gushed as it shock out of the droplets of water as you carefully put a sorta of a tiny sling on a popsicle stick to mantain its feather that seemed to be broken stood on place.
"Sorry buddy, guess you're gonna have to stay like this for some time." The bird seemed to calculate your words before tweaking as you giggled at its cuteness.
That is until you heard the door opening and clicking shut.
Fuck. Keigo.
You grabbed the bird delicately and put it on a box filled with a soft towel and placed on your bed before going to open the bedroom's door to see a soaked wet, hair flat and worried hero with a frow.
"Is this some sorta of revenge or what? I was worried sick (Y/n)! You weren't answering your phone so I thought something happened." You picked your phone in confusion.
"You did?" Shit "oh..."
"Yeah. 'Oh.'" He crossed his arms before sighing cupping your cheeks "Why did you stood me up? I thought we were going to have dinner together on that restaurant."
"God!" You face palmed "I totally forgot! I'm so sorry Kei!" You whined as he let out a chuckle.
"Is fine. Although I would like if you compesate for m-"
Before he could finish his sentence, you both froze when a couple of chirps were heard. You analyzed his expression and soon giggled in nervousness at seeing his wings puff up in alarm.
"Was that.. was that a chirp?" He yed you, his pupils dilated as you took a step back with a smile.
"I.. I dont know? Maybe they are out there singing." You rolled your eyes and sweated when he towered over you as you kinda protected the nightingale inside the box with your body.
Yet the chirps intensified...
"There is a bird in here." Hawks more accused than asked as you giggled in nervousness once again.
"A bird? Why would a bird be-" the nightingale manage to escape the box and tweaked at both of you "...here."
"What is he doing in here?" He asked, if you didn't know Keigo enough, you could assume he was... unpleasant.
That's why you were so hesitant on showing the little nightingale to him in the first place when he showed up. You werent blind, and knew Keigo had some bird attics that showed up here and there. It wasn't as frequent as it would be however he was resting if the commission hadn't somehow put their hands on it. But Keigo didn't hold much strings around you. So... you could clearly see that your boyfriend wasn't happy when another one of "his kind", especially a male, he could tell somehow it was a male by the chirping dont ask why, was beneath the same rooftop as him with his partner alone.
"Is here because he is injured Kei, he needs some treatment." You cupped your hands together for the nightingale climb in it as Hawks hlardd holes at the little thing.
"Take him to the vet or something kid, this ain't a clinic." You flinched at his words but still remained strong.
"No I am not." You said "I dont know if they are going to sacrifice him or not Kei, I cant take chances."
"Do you even know how to take care of a bird in the first place dove?!" He asked, hands up as his wings puffed even more which made you snort and arch an eyebrow at him as the fella in your hands chirped.
"Well, I do have some knowledge of wings. And have to take care of one on daily basics." You giggled at the expression of shock and insulted Keigo did before walking off and leaving him groaning and sulking at knowing you wouldn't get rid of that street bird...
"Keigo Takami." He froze when he heard his full name coming from your mouth "Put that phone down. That little bird is going to stay until it gets better." He did just as you said with an eyeroll before pouting in anger at seeing the bird at your shoulder.
That's his place to put his chin on and snuggle your neck with his face. His.
"And you have to carry that thing whenever you go now? That must suck." He tried to joke, leaning with crossed arms on the kitchen counter as before his face completely fell as you simply chuckled and said it didn't bother you at all.
"Seriously?" He asked in disbelief before grabbing his mug taking a few gulps before you widened your eyes and giggling "What are you laughing at?"
"Is just that mug was full of water early and maybe our little friend may have took a bath in it." Your boyfriend stood up so fast and soon you heard disgusting noises of vomiting .
"For god's sake KEIGO I WASHED IT!"
You sighed, waiting for your boyfriend to be back as you feed the little bird with some seeds carefully, soon being met with Keigo, still brushing his teeth.
"Drama king." You chuckled as he groaned "You know he is not a thing Kei, is a nightingale."
"Great knowing it." He said with a mouthful of toothpaste before spitting into the trash, saying something about not dirtying his bathroom with other birds germs or something.
He looked at you a bit in defeat at seeing you feeding the bird as you noticed his wings drooping a bit.
"What is wrong now bird brain?" You giggled at his expression.
"You should be feeding me ... your boyfriend." You snorted before picking a sunflower seed and showing it to him.
"I thought you didn't liked this stuff?" Yoh asked cheekily as he groaned.
"There is chicken, takoyaki, nuggets heck everything that I eat!"
The bird chirped and you nodded thoughtfully as he stared at you in confusion.
"Cannibalism. I agree."
"Oh cmon I thought we were over this..." he sighed before getting something from the fridge as he scowled at the chirps following after.
He glared at the bird chirping a song as you hummed in delight at the sound, staring lovely at the nightingale.
"Oh cmon Kei!" You poked his cheeks which was puffed "You have to admit is a amazing sound! Nightingales are famous for that!"
"Hawks are famous for other things too y'know?" He grumbled before widening his eyes at seeing you werent giving him attention, instead grabbing your phone and recording the nightingale's chirping.
"Hm? What did you say Kei?" You looked up at him with that smirk which made him scoff and stood up with crossed arms and going to the kitchen.
You stiffled your giggled, going to your pouting boyfriend and hugging him lovingly after putting the injured bird back to safety.
"You're really jealous huh?" You carresed his chest as he breathed in and out, cheeks red at being so obvious about his feelings.
"Is a form of flirting birds singing to their mates. That little shit." He mumbled, earning you a laugh that made him smile as feeling you peppering kisses all over his neck and jawline before he caught your lips with his.
You broke apart with a goofy smile as he chuckled before deadpanning at hearing chirps before puffing and straightening his wings on all glory before shouting at the nightingale:
You never laughed so hard in your life. A sound that, for Keigo at least, was far more beautiful than any chirping, singing or melody on this whole world.
After a few days you saw Keigo's hatred for the nightingale easing slowly but surely. Yet you never thought that coming home late on one of Keigo's day off, you would see your boyfriend, layed on the couch with a finger up holding the bird he claimed to hate it and whistling some similiar tone along with the nightingale's chirping.
You stared in shock yet awe at the look of your boyfriend directed to the bird as the sounds came out of his lips before chuckling.
"Your wing soon will be better by the looks of it. Isn't (Y/n) a great nurse?" He mumbled, a sadness deep down on his gaze as he saw the bird clapping the wing that wasn't wrapped up "You got freedom and my dove's attention bud, how could you and (Y/n) not expect me to get jealous?" He chuckled sadly as you frowned, walking slowly towards him, pretending to not overheard his monologue.
"Hey pretty thing, back already?" His cheeky smile was back as you looked at it in awe before kneeling in front of the couch he was layed on and kissing him deeply, making him close his eyes in bliss and pull you closer with his free hand by the neck.
You broke apart as he panted with a glossy yet pleased look. Ignoring the chirps for a bit, you carresed his golden looks as he closed his eyes with a smile.
"Redeeming yourself for giving attention to this bird and not me for these past few weeks?" He murmured happily yet drowsily as you giggled and kissed his forehead softly.
"You could say that bird brain." You stopped for a bit, hearing him whine miserably for you to get back, cupping your hands for the bird to get in.
"Cmon..." he whined, arm dropped over his face as the other rested on him until he felt you tugging on his shirt.
"Just get up lazy, I'm giving you all the attention you want." At this, you saw his golden eyes practically glow in bliss as he stood up as fast as he could.
He stretched his arms as he sitted up on the bed. Hair untamed and eyes unfocused until they dropped on the bird that had exited his box and was flapping both of his wings. Both.
"Huh. You look all better." He smirked as he felt you shift and rest your chin on his shoulder with a drowsy look.
"Who is better?" You mumbled before he pointed at the bird jumping and trying to take flight.
"Your friend there." You squealead as hs chuckled, grabbing the nightingale in one hands as he unwrapped the the made up sling as he waited patiently for the little fella to flap its wings and fly just a few centimeters above his palm.
"Cmon dove." He ushered you to follow him on the balcony as he had a gentle hold on the nightingale "Go little buddy, being stuck on a unknown place forever isn't goog for anyone."
And with a little movement of his hand, the nightingale took flight with beautiful chirps that made you smile but soon look at your boyfriend with a sad smirk as he watched the little bird fly away.
It wasn't sadness because he got attached to the nightingale. It was because that, even a small bird as he, could be free and not him. A grow up man that had a partner but was still caged by the comission...
You carresed his arm before hugging it and placing a sweet kiss to his cheek which brought his attention back to you.
"How about some hot cocoa my handsome? You still got some minutes stuck with me until you go to work." You said softly in Hope's to cheer him up.
He looked at you in some sorta of shock before chuckling and bringing you close enough to him to hear his heart beat and feel his warm yet chapte lips on your forehead.
"Being stuck with you is the only way that keeps me going to be honest."
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
What about a scenario with overhaul and his SO got into an argument about him being reckless again. He didnt know he was hit with a quirk that granted wishes but it's not was it seems. During the argument. He slip up and said a wish he deeply regret. For example, like he might slip up and say "sometimes things like this I wish I didn't have a SO." (Or something Similar to that). The next morning he is looking for her and everyone was like "who tf is (y/n)."
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Again the same discussion...
Honestly? What did you expected from him? He was an yakusa criminal, people target him, tried to kill him... of course he wouldn't come back without an injury. Members of the Shie Hassaikai coming back from missions unharmed wasn't a miracle, it was a fucking joke.
"You can't honestly keep brushing aside your own health like that!" You trailed after him as he grumbled and fixed the injury on his arm.
"Is nothing major. You're just making a fuss, as always.." he growled while stoping on his tracks and looking at you.
"Oh now I am the one making a fuss?!" You exclaimed as he simply arched an eyebrow before sighing.
"Honestly, you are better off being quiet."
"So maybe I just say 'screw you' and not care about my boyfriend at all HUH?!" You exclaimed in offense and hurt as he only punched the wall, his anger finally manifesting.
"If I knew that having you as my partner would be like this everytime I came back from a meeting I much rather wish you never even crossed my path, or better yet, never existed." He grunted before opening jos eyes and seingbthe hurt in your expression and how you backed down.
It was silence for a bit before you brethed in and out, looking at him coldly in the eyes before managing to mumble some words.
"If is that how you feel. Fine. I will peave yoh alone Chisaki."
He narrowed his eyes at seing you walking away as he rolled his eyes after. Walking towards the bathroom to wash all of the filth sticked to his body.
As he felt the drops of hot water hit his skin and letting out a relieved sigh, his mind plagued him with the words he had said... Sure, he was a prideful man, but he knew when he had overstep and he was on the wrong.
He didn't know jow long he had been on the shower, but as soon as he left the bathroom he saw that all of your things were simply... gone. His face scrunched up at the mere thought of you being so mad that you just decided to get out of your shared room.
Sighing, he only picked up some clothes and layed on the bed. Thinking that he just needed to give you a bit of time to cool your head off.
It was alreadh dark, and sleep? He didn't get any of it. Just rolling on the bed, impossibpe of getting comfortable as he just chuffed and got up, placing his casual black mask on as he left his room.
Spoting Chrono on the halls he only sighed as both him and Mimic greetes his presence.
"Sleep well?" Mimic snickered at the face of Chisaki as Chrono chuckled. He only rolled his eyes at them before putting his hands on his pockets and lookimg around.
"Make all the fun you want. I have to apologize to (Y/n), a better thing that discussing with two imbeciles." He muttered nonchantly as Chrono and mimic widened their eyes while looking at eachother.
"Who is this godsend (Y/n) that YOU have to apologize to?" Chrono chuckled as Mimic snickered.
"Yeah boss, since when you apologize to someone? Specially a chick we never heard of?"
"Very funny." Chisaki deadpanned "Any of you saw where she went?"
"Still dont know who the fuck are you talking about." Mimic spatted as Chrono nodded in confirmation.
"Dammit both of you!" Chisaki hissed in anget "Stop joking. Im talking about (Y/n). You know? The woman I sleep with and even lives in here for about four years?" He narrowed his eyes as he vrossed his arms as Chrono made a worried expression as Mimic let out a confused noise.
"Kai? You're.. are you okay? Got hit by a quirk or something?"
"Chronostasis if you dont tell me where the fuck is my girlfriend I am turning you into a pool of blood on these halls." He growled threatening as Mimic got in the middpe of both them, returning to human form to prevent a catastrophe.
"Boss we're serious here. Never on those four years you brought a human soul inaide the shie Hassaikai asides from the precepts."
He scoffed, feeling hives creep through his spine as he spotted Nemoto coming along.
"Nemoto." He growled aas the man with glasses got onto his side pretty quickly. "Where is (Y/n)? I want you to ask them this moment."
The man only arched his eyebrows up in worry as he put his hand on his chin.
"Huh... master, who is this (Y/n)? Is a debtor of ours?"
"Not you too." He groaned "My girlfriend Nemoto! Where is she?!"
"Master..." the man only muttered in fear for his boss "You.. never had a girlfriend. Never even brought someone asides form us the eight precepts inside."
His eyes widened... Nemoto qoupd rather die than lie straight to his face...
No... this couldn't be real.
He ran past the three man back to his room. Anyone who saw Chisaki at that moment would tell he was insane, searching every centimeter on that room in search of a proof you existed, you were still there.
Yet, he found nothing. His room was throw upside down as he breathed in and out desperatly and scratched his arm full of red spots.
One last chance was Pops. Yeah. The opd man would just simply tell him that he needed to give you time and that was all a cruel joke from his most trusted subbordinates on him. Yeah, that could only be it.
Barging through the door he apmost shouted Pops name as the man was checking some papers.
"Why, good morning for you too Chisaki-"
"(Y/n)-" he breathed out your name as he slammed jis hands on the desk of the elder "Please tell me where my angel is old man.. please tell me I didn't losed my mind..."
It was quiet for a bit before he felt a hand on his head and he saw the worried look on Pops face.
"Chisaki calm down my boy, what is happening?"
"I had a fight with her." He breathed out "I said some stupid shit to my girlfriend and now everyone is staring at me like I am some sprta of crazy bastard, telling me (Y/n) never even stepped inside this house..."
"Kai, I hate to tell you this my boy..." he patted his shoulder "But really, I dont know who is this (Y/n).. maybe you're mistaken?"
"I am not.." he let out a shaky breath as he gripped his hair "I am not mistaken..."
He ended up sitting on the sofa, collapinsing even as his eyes burned.
He didn't meaant those words! How?! Must be a nightmare, it must be-?! A life without you he couldn't imagine, hell he didn't even wanted to live a lige without the light of his dark life. His angel that always worry about him...
It couldn't be.. please... this cant be real.
Before a tear could escape his eyes he heard a door opening and some muffped voices.
"He just barged in here talking to himself some nonsense and is just like this."
"I heard the same thing from the guys, is he okay?"
That voice... it was.. it was your-
"(Y/n).." he called out and finally looked up from his hands and seing you there looking at him.
There you were... hurt for sure by his words yet looking at him with worry in your eyes.
"Maybe he was hit by a quirk on his way out earlier." Pops commented as he standed up, immediatly catching your hand and pulling you towards him so he could your cheek. Uncharestically of him enough to make you widen your eyes.
"Kai..?" You almost whispered his name as his golden eyes had a tears stuck on them as he looked at every atom almost of your face.
His thumb carresed your cheek like your skin could breao at any moment... the fear he felt earlier was slowly melting away as he noticed you were really there, he could touch you and ... it was real.
"Kai..?" You furrowed your eyebrows, grabbing the hand on your cheek before gasping when his arms circled around your waist and almost crushed you to him.
"You're really here..." he breathe dout shakily, holding your body close to him as he rubbed his nose on your temple with shaky breaths.
"Where else I would have gone..?" You laughed nervously while hesitantly hugging back.
"I'm so sorry... angel, Im so sorry... forgive me for what I said.." the way he hugged you was so rare and so out of character of him, it was like you had died and come back to death.
"I will leave you both alone for now." Pops said before smilling at both of you as Chisaki finally repeased a bit the grip he had on you after Pops left the room.
"What happened for you to act like-" he quickly locked his lips with yours making you wide your eyes once again.
"I swear-" a kiss "I will mever spoke such atrocities to you again-" another kiss "You're the angel of my dreams and life-" so much kisses god.
You even giggled at his treatment and carresed his chest.
"Okay okay I forgive you-" you giggled as he he brought you close to him again so he could bury his face on your hair "But really, what happened?" You asked while carresing his back as he sighed in relief at feeling your warmth and scent.
"I just lived my worst nightmare... after a stupid wish." He breathed out, surely not over from what had happened.
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