#and happy tail wagging
cannibalhellhound · 4 months
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I did this
Because Sli deserves more love
And I'm trying to get used to the pain of coloring wings
Nothing else
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bonus gosling making a sand castle with his dad's sunglasses
Ron's big ass wings are good sunblockers
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babyanimalgifs · 20 days
Look at him go
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soosoosoup · 4 months
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Happy (late) Valentines!!!
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smolmoss · 8 months
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a commission! cat tail wagging stim, both with and without meow!
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sidetongue · 10 days
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when Splits was euthanised, I held it together so he didn't know anything was wrong. He had chicken jerky treats rained over him, and the vet even gave him a big scoop of cream cheese. He died quickly and peacefully with a mouthful of cheese - the best possible way for him to go. As soon as he stopped moving and his body went slack, the vet pulled me into a hug and I sobbed. I didn't think I would, but the pain hit me as suddenly as he had left. I felt something thrumming against my hip and as I pulled back... his little tail was wagging furiously. He was gone, somewhere far away, but his tail wagged; just for a moment longer. Wherever he was - I think for the first time - he was running.
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tangledinink · 8 months
i fucking love it when people draw the turtles wagging their tails. my god. there's nothing better.
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demi-pixellated · 4 months
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Thought Experiment: Tail
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astrodizzius · 5 months
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Gamers I am unwell
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kenneduck · 7 months
Sidlink BOTW AU where Sidon WANTS to fancy Link, but thinks Link will only like a Hylian, so Sidon tries to act Hylian around Link... except Sidon doesn't know much about Hylians.
Sidon just squatting and trying to act shorter around Link. Attempting to hide his sharp toothy grin and stop his tail from wagging. He's starting fires when trying to cook Hylian meals. Sidon putting on pants... incorrectly. It's really weird. Everyone in the domain is thinking the Prince is having a midlife crisis.
Sidon IS having a crisis, but it's a gay panic one.
But unbeknownst to Sidon, Link has fallen for these Zora quips. The smile Sidon flashes makes Link lose his train of thought... the way Sidon's tail wags makes Link flustered. When Sidon shook Link's hand with his two smothering strong ones, Link felt dizzy. Link is missing these quirks Sidon would show, so Link is determined to see them again!
When Link and Sidon are alone in Zora's Domain, Link purposely tells a funny story to the Prince. One he KNOWS will get him to laugh. But when Sidon turns his face from Link to "keep cool", Link gets frustrated. He grabs onto the fishy prince's face, asking him WHY Sidon is acting so differently. Sidon tries to deflect such a notion, but Link calls Sidon out on all the weird things he's been noticing... especially the pants.
Sidon cracks under the gaze of this Hylian! Link not only sees right through Sidon's changes, but Link seems to DISLIKE them, too! Sidon is embarrassed, and he deflates from the realization that Link doesn't like the prince. Sidon refuses to look at Link as he tells Link half the truth, that he wanted to be Link's... FRIEND. That he thought Link wouldn't want to be with... well FRIENDS with... a Zora. Link pauses, as he KNOWS that Sidon knows about he and Mipha's friendship, so something STILL feels off. It isn't until he notices Sidon's blushing that he understands what is truly being said.
After Link makes sure Sidon looks into his eyes, Link reassures Sidon that the things he likes about Sidon are what are truly him. His heroic grin, his playful tail wags. His champion-like swimming abilities. That Link enjoys Sidon. That he wants to SEE Sidon... all of him. Quickly, though, after Sidon lets out a flustered wheeze, Link realizes how his words came across, stating he just meant for Sidon to take off the pants! Sidon wheezes louder. Link gets more embarrassed and tries to explain he just meant Zora don't wear pants, so he'd want to see Sidon without-
It's great. They're great. They're trying.
It takes a bit more time after this convo, cause clearly the two are terrible with communication, but they reveal their romantic interests.
And they burn that infamous pair of pants.
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a-small-cretur · 9 months
made a little loopy animation gif thingy
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viaviv124 · 6 months
Hear me out
Bowser wags his tail when happy. Only in front of people he trusts but still. And considering his tail canonically has the strength to break stone pillars he SO broke a lot of shit by accident just because he was excited.
When Luigi first saw him wag his tail he was MELTING. When he later told Mario (it was an attempt to convince him Bowser isn't all bad and can be cute too) he did not believe him. Like he prolly went something like "Luigi. This is BOWSER we're talking about! Are you alright?"
Luigi has also been smacked by Bowsers tail one too many times by accident. Like Bowser just wanted to turn around to show him something and suddenly Luigi was sent flying. Bowser feels SO bad everytime and makes him snacks as apology bc food makes everything better.
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babyanimalgifs · 1 month
First time pet owner. My heart melts whenever I come home.
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Wait why would you need to say sorry to Noisette?
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Pep: "..."
Pep: "Reh ot deil I... I..."
(Flashback Begins)
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Noisette: "Is someone out here? We are open!"
Noisette: "Omigosh, hi there!!! Come in, come in! There's no need to be shy!"
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Noisette: "You're just in time for some fresh pie! Not that it was gonna go anywhere, since no one's come in today... But still! If that growl was you, you must be starving!!!"
Noisette: "Now you just sit right here! Don't move an inch! I'll be right back!"
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Noisette: "Tada!!! I hope you like cherries! It's on the house!"
Pep: "...?"
Noisette: "Are you asking if it's for you? Of course, it is, silly! D'you see anyone else in here? Now, eat up! There's plenty more where that came from!"
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Pep: *happy Pep noises*
Noisette: "Oh, I'm so glad you like it!"
Noisette: "Now, if you don't mind me asking, where did you come from? I haven't seen you around here!"
Pep: "..."
Pep: *uncomfortable gurgling*
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Noisette: "Oh, do you not speak...?"
Noisette: "Well, that's okay! Do you know any sign? I'm pretty good at it!"
Pep: "...?"
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Noisette: "Oh! I can show you some!"
Noisette: "I-I mean, if you'd like! If you wanna just have the pie and go, that's okay too, of course! Hah."
Pep: "..."
Pep: "...!"
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Noisette: *happy squealing*
(Flashback End)
Pep: "Deneppah. Tsuj ti dna dekcinap I, eil ot naem t'ndid I..."
Pep: "Em. Gnieb yb gnihtyna niur ot tnaw t'ndid I, yppah dna dnik os tsuj saw ehs tub, reh llet ot gniog saw I..."
Pep: "'Lamron' eb ot retteb eb d'ti thguoht I."
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greasydumbfuck · 30 days
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Laying in the bed swinging my legs and twirling my hair these are my fav screenshots i think maybe i like when he frowns which is almost always
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rogdona · 1 month
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jetii-mando · 9 months
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Dragon Rexwalker and their baby ‘Soka. Anakin is in awe of his little dragonet, Rex is just trying to sleep
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