#and for some reason I have to have subtitles on even with English audio
springcatalyst · 7 months
this movie is permanently implanted in my retinas. it's not even that good
#LMAO#like its definitely a fun movie. but it's blatantly just a quick star wars ripoff#but for some fucking reason i decided to splice myself an original audio only version#the power of hating out of sync dialogue i guess#ive mostly got it done. theres some quirks in the video and audio that i still need to fix#but rn I'm just working on subtitles. gotta rewrite them all to fit my timing#and the English subtitles from the Japanese version dont always actually match what theyre saying#so I'm fixing that#i sat down at like 6 today and was like ok! editing subtitles real quick!#this shouldnt take long!#little did i know. it is 11pm and im not even halfway thru#bro i WISH i could tell u how many hours ive sunk into this silly goofy project by now#let's see i watched the movie Monday. pretty much immediately downloaded the 2 versions#ive been working on it at least a bit every day... probably around 20 hours?? at least?? considering how i spend my time??#so it's safe to say this movie is part of my brain matter now#theres parts that were tricky to get the audio right. that i had to check over and over#that i know like. exactly the diction of the lines. it's kinda hilarious#watching it again as i write the captions like lol. that's that line. the cadence of it lives in my brain forever#anyway anyway. having a normal one#i literally didn't even like the movie much when i watched it like it was fine#but by nature of spending so much time with it it is now like an old friend to me#those are my pals in the silly costumes flying the silly spaceships. so true maia. or whatever
0 notes
jokeroutsubs · 4 months
[ENG sub/translation] Bojan Cvjetićanin: "Slovenia is too small for Tinder" (podcast)
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Bojan Cvjetićanin on Cosmopolitan podcast, originally published on the 15th of September 2020 here. Podcast host: Anamarija Lukovec. Translation by @varianestoroff, native English proofreading by TWT @/klámstrákur.
This is an audio-only podcast, but you can listen and read the subtitles along with it here:
or you can read the full transcript in this post!
Bojan: I don't want to be available... available with a click. I want to be available in that if I am sitting in a bar, anyone can come up to me, that any girl can come up to me and ask me, I don't know, “Would you like to have a drink with me?”, “Can I have your number?”, whatever. Which doesn't happen anymore anyway, but...
Full transcript under the cut!
Host: Hi, believe it or not, the Cosmo Podcast is back. And it's back for a new, changed second season. Some things will stay the same, some things will change a little. And the very first thing that remains the same is that ... it remains the same that I will still be in front of the microphone. My name is Anamarija Lukovec and I'm the executive editor of Cosmopolitan.
In fact, I was thinking that we don't even know each other. We don't even know each other, actually. Even if you've heard all the episodes from last season, you probably don't know anything about me. I don't know anything about you. So I will introduce myself with one piece of information, which has somehow defined the new season. I notice in myself that I have many opinions that are not widely held. And also that, [while we] as a society are promoting ourselves as increasingly open-minded, free-thinking, accepting, we often act very hypocritically and are even Hostile to opinions that are not in line with ours, or with some opinions that are accepted by the majority.
So I want every guest of mine who comes to the new season of the podcast to present their unpopular opinion as a starting point for our discussion. To break taboos, to talk about things that may often go unheard to educate ourselves, and perhaps to anger or soothe our souls. Okay. Yes, and I'd really like to get to know you too, I'd like to know who you are, who's basically a Cosmo Podcast listener, so I'm inviting you, to send me your ideas, your secrets, your compliments, your complaints. Or you can just write, "Hi". I suggest Instagram for that. You can DM me at lunaticpoetry. It's L-U-N-A-T-I-C-P-O-E-T-R-Y. And yes, I don't use my real name, more on that another time.
So yeah, if you're up for it, we can get started and kick off a new season of the podcast. My first guest, yes, it's a male guest, not a female guest, I can't believe it, a round of applause... he's a musician, singer, frontman of the band Joker Out, Bojan Cvjetićanin. I'm sure you know him. I am sure you have a very good reason for knowing him. Bojan came to talk to me about relationships, dating, girls...
Before that, before we did the podcast, he also made a video. We invited him for a blind date in front of the camera because Bojan is single, wink wink. So yeah, I invite you, after you're done listening to the podcast, to click over to youtube.com/cosmopolitanslovenija where you can watch the blind date with Bojan¹.
And yes, let's start, right. Hi Bojan.
Bojan: Hi.
Host: How was your first blind date on camera?
Bojan: I was a bit nervous because I hadn't been on any blind dates before, and then the first time it was in front of the camera, oh my gosh. The camera catches everything, you can't hide anything. But I think I did a great job. The girl was great too.
Host: Do you think maybe you two have a future together?
Bojan: I don't know. I don't know. I must take a look at the crystal ball at home.
Host: Ah ok. In fact, our topic for today, your unpopular opinion, is also a little bit about love, dating, and so on. Can you just reveal your thoughts?
Bojan: My unpopular opinion, I don't know how unpopular it really is, but it is that Slovenia is too small for Tinder.
Host: Okay. And why do you think so?
Bojan: I feel that way because it seems to me that we all know someone who knows someone, and in Slovenia, this kind of social network very quickly turns into something where in the end everybody knows everybody and Tinder, at least in my experience, is quite, how should I say... funny, because you very quickly come across people you know.
Host: But maybe Slovenia is too small for dating in general? Because sooner or later you find, meet, date someone who someone you know has dated or been in contact with.
Bojan: I think it is. In fact, it is... We have this concept of dating, which I think is very different from the American one. In America, it's normal to go out with someone a couple of times a week and then, if you like them, you go to another one and maybe something develops. I don't think that exists here. Here, if you like someone a lot, you write to them on Instagram and then, if you're lucky, they say you can go out and two days later everyone knows.
Host: Yes, pretty much.
Bojan: Then you are off the list for all her friends.
Host: You close the door.
Bojan: Yes
Host: Do you think that makes us slower to go public with our relationships?
Bojan: Shoot, I don't know. Maybe we are a bit more secretive about it then, because of that, because we want to keep that certain feeling that the whole city doesn't know exactly who you're with but then all your friends are thinking about whether they know someone who was with your girlfriend or for girls if one of them was with her boyfriend.
Host: But perhaps the biggest problem here is that we are somehow closing our options, when we decide too quickly whether to be with someone
Bojan: To close our options with others?
Host: Yeah, let's say, because you know that if you're with a girl, then you probably won't go out with her friends or acquaintances. Well...
Bojan: In fact, that's probably pretty true, yes. Because I already feel that since we tend to introduce our friends to our online followers, and you're usually with them on stories and in photos, it would be a bit strange if one of your acquaintances dated the same person two months later, when you [and that person] were previously in the same pictures.
Host: And everyone would know. And suddenly you have a soap opera in front of the whole world.
Bojan: Right.
Host: Since you said Tinder is too small for Slovenia, you probably have your own experience with Tinder. You mentioned something earlier when we were filming. Would you tell us a little bit about your encounter with this app?
Bojan: I have a rather funny experience with Tinder. I was very interested to see what it was like. And of course I had to download it. And I made a profile, I put like three photos up and so on. And then I started getting screenshots of my Tinder profile in Instagram messages from some followers, “Oh my god, is that you?”, “Hey, is that you?”, and so I was like, “No, it's not me, no. It's a fake profile. It's a fake profile.” And it felt really awkward so I deleted it immediately.
Host: But why did you feel awkward?
Bojan: I actually made one because I was curious...
Host: In what it is like?
Bojan: In what it is like. This user experience. You actually see people and you just swipe them and there are no consequences. Nothing happens if you swipe someone left or if you swipe someone right. And I found that very interesting. But then I realised, yes, okay, but now it can be public opinion that I need to look for a girlfriend through an online service.
Host: Girlfriend. Or a one night stand.
Bojan: Right.
Host: Do you think public opinion is generally negative towards online dating? Because it seems to me there it is a kind of stigma, or something people are hesitant about when going online to look for love or a partner, because it's, I don't know...
Bojan: I think that this ‘Frendi in Flirt’ (‘Friends and Flirting’)² started when I was little and then the whole story was that these are services for people who are desperate. Both Tinder and these apps have normalised things a lot, I think, because it's virtually at everyone's fingertips. You sign in with that one click to connect with Facebook or you make a password and that's it. It used to be a process of making a profile and a photo and put the age and blah blah blah. And it was a bit more official, I think, when you decided to take that step. Now it's not a step anymore, now it's just, I download it in my room at home and in three minutes I have Tinder. So I don't think there is that much stigma about online dating anymore, I also know a lot of people who are in some kind of relationship through this, so I'd say there's still a bit of that, okay, LOL, you met on Tinder, there is no stigma of being a sad loner, someone desperate.
Host: By going on Tinder, you are basically admitting to the whole world or to all people who will see you there, that you are looking for something. And that's a bit awkward for us to admit. Yes, I am looking for something.
Bojan: Yes, in fact it is. I also... that was one of the reasons I deleted it. I mean, what is there for me to find now, you know?
Host: I'm cool on my own.
Bojan: Yeah, I mean, no, I'm cool on my own, but that, well, not everyone needs to know, that I am now looking for something, and that I am very available. Do you know what the cool thing is? That... I don't want to be available... available with a click. I want to be available in that if I am sitting in a bar, anyone can come up to me, that any girl can come up to me and ask me, I don't know, “Would you like to have a drink with me?”, “Can I have your number?”, whatever. Which doesn't happen anymore anyway, but... I would like to be available like that. But I don't want to be available for someone who can just swipe on me.
Host: Yes, yes, okay. Now, you said that a couple of girls screenshotted your Tinder and then sent it to you on Instagram. Did those same girls, for example, message you directly on Instagram?
Bojan: You mean directly on Tinder?
Host: Yes. No. Yes. Or directly on Instagram. Let's say, okay, on Tinder, if you didn't swipe them, they couldn't get to you...
Bojan: Yeah, probably then they wouldn't be able to.
Host: But then they wrote to you on Instagram, probably in some, I don't know, wishful thinking to get in touch with you. Why do you think they don't go directly to Instagram? Why... Seeing you on Tinder gave them a green light: "Oh, in fact, he is free, I can write to him."
Bojan: Maybe. But I also think it is a much easier way to just communicate something that already exists, than to start a conversation yourself. That's the same as, I don't know, I think most of the time, if we're sliding into someone's DMs, we're sliding through some story first or something you can reply to. It's much easier to reply back to something they've posted, than starting a conversation from scratch, where you let the person know you've come with the purpose that you want to get to know them and initiate a relationship. Like that looks so innocent: I'm just replying to what you posted.
Host: Can you explain to me this game of sliding in the DMs, because I'm a bit out of the loop?
Bojan: Okay. Honestly, I don't know what can I tell you, because I don't practice it at such a level either. I have two ways to slide into the DMs, I think. One is that if I see something on a story that I actually find interesting or funny, I slide into the DMs and I don't really mean to initiate anything else. And I just comment on what went on there, and sometimes a really interesting conversation starts afterwards. But sometimes you really do just reply, because why not?
Host: Okay. You've camouflaged it so well now that no girl will be able to tell exactly what you want the next time you slide.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Good. But what do you think happened to the actual old school approach towards a girl or towards a guy in person?
Bojan: I mean, it has changed completely, but now, basically, now that I think about it, I wouldn't dare say which way. I definitely think it is much easier if you see someone outside and you like them, wait until you get home and text them on Instagram, "Hey, saw you in town." Or whatever. "Would you like to go for a coffee with me?" Asking someone out for coffee rather than actually approaching them.
On the other hand, it seems to me that since we are all so exposed on these social networks, giving our followers the impression that they are somehow present in our lives, letting them into all kinds of situations, so that I could say that people feel as if they're already your friends somehow, before they even know you. So maybe in a way... basically, I will say, I think it's much easier for people to get to you at parties now, because they feel that they are somehow already connected, or that they already know something about you and can initiate a conversation based on something you do or post and share on your social networks. In the city, when you see someone, it's easier to wait until you get home and then write to them on Instagram.
But the last time I went out for ice cream with a friend, a dude actually came along and he was like, "Hi, can I just grab you for a second?" and I thought that some Jehovah's Witness was going to start selling some books there. And the guy actually came and told my friend that he couldn't resist, because he liked her so much that he just came to ask for her contact, to take her out for a drink and I was like "Wow, what a gentleman."
Host: Plus you were there.
Bojan: I was there. The first thing he asked, he was very polite, the first thing he asked was if we were a couple. I said no, go ahead. And he was, indeed, extremely kind. A very polite guy.
Host: And did she give it to him?
Bojan: Hey, she gave him her Facebook, I think. I don't know if they went out after that, I have no idea. But it was pretty impressive for me, he got respect points from me.
Host: Cool. How do you act if you see one girl somewhere and you like her?
Bojan: I usually try to find out who the girl is as quickly as possible, then sneak into some of the places where she's hanging around, you know?
Host: Aha, oh, but that's...
Bojan: I mean, ok, that sounded a little bit creepy now.
Host: No, no, it's fine.
Bojan: I watched two episodes of that show, 'She'...
Host: ‘She'?
Bojan: Isn't 'She' the series?
Host: ‘You'?
Bojan: ‘You'. That, yes, sorry. Yeah, I've just realised that I've been that dude, very creepy.
Host: They're probably people you have something in common with, you don't just...
Bojan: Yes, I didn't mean like sneaking in, just going out somewhere, but I meant more along the lines of, ok, now I see she's going to Kino Šiška for an event and then I will go there on purpose, even if I wasn't planning to otherwise. For example, you just invite a friend for a beer and watch out for where she is.
Host: How would you describe your love life or the current situation?
Bojan: I am extremely single. I don't know what you call it. Single and ready to mingle.
Host: To mingle.
Bojan: But actually, I don't know, I'm not looking for anything. I'm in a period now in which I'm like, trying to devote myself as much as possible to music and all that. So I try to be as creative as possible and not let any unnecessary thoughts distract me from being creative. But if anything ever happens, I'm always open to socialising.
Host: Since we were just talking about Tinder earlier. Tinder is also often associated with certain modern relationships, which often have some negative connotations. Undefined relationships and indecisiveness. Blablabla. Fuckboys, etc. But do you think this is really a new culture?
Bojan: From what I hear from acquaintances who live in slightly bigger countries, Tinder is actually just there as a means to get to non-committal sex very quickly. In Slovenia... given that I've never actually used it properly, I don't know exactly. But I suppose, knowing people who are in serious relationships, that people here take it a bit more as... actually seeing someone, they might like each other and go out and get to know each other. But there are almost certainly a lot of people who are only there for the sex. I mean...
Host: Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Bojan: No, I mean, I don't think it's bad at all, really, because if two people are physically attracted to each other and if they are actually safe in their physical relationship, which is to say, approaching the matter safely, I see absolutely no problem with that, honestly.
Host: Do you have any personal objections, like what you wouldn't do in a relationship or romance? Given that so many things are so okay and acceptable nowadays and things are...
Bojan: What do you mean?
Host: I don't know.
Bojan: Be more specific.
Host: Let's say open relationships, cheating...
Bojan: Aha. Okay, I've practically only been in a serious relationship once and when I was in the serious relationship I would never have thought of an open relationship and I never cheated. It honestly seems to me that if two people date in an open relationship and it works for them or rather, it suits them, then I have no problem. But if two people are in a monogamous relationship, cheating is one thing that's very, very wrong to me, I do not support it at all. So, I have nothing against open unions, I would not practice them myself. At least not for now. I have a very negative attitude towards cheating.
Host: Personally, I think Slovenia is totally too small for cheating in general, we don't approve of it.
Bojan: Absolutely.
Host: But how do you think this even works? People still do it.
Bojan: Hey, in fact, people do it full on. I mean, I have a big circle of people around me and I hear many stories and I, personally, with this anxiety that I have inside, I couldn't even manage these master plans and combine multiple hidden lives. I don't know. But some people actually enjoy it very much.
Host: You really have to have a lot of time to do that. It must be a hobby for you.
Bojan: It must be, I guess, a hobby for you, but you must really not feel sorry for your partner. Because you always find out in the end, undoubtedly always. Never...
Host: I think you find out before you even cheat. For example, when we were looking for a girl to go on a blind date with you the other day, a colleague contacted a girl. Before she even heard back from her, that girl's brother told her that he already knew she'd been looking for his sister. So within fifteen minutes it got around. So, let's say, one example of how quickly information gets around Slovenia.
Bojan: Well, here we go. Pretty awkward.
Host: Considering you're a young musician and I kind of feel like you musicians have a reputation for certain qualities when it comes to women and relationships. Would you say that you are the usual, stereotypical womaniser, someone who breaks women's hearts? Because I'm sure someone would believe that you are.
Bojan: Yes, I know that too, they are convinced that I am. I think, that at least here, some Casanova style Mick Jagger rock'n'roll version is impossible, because it's one thing to be in Los Angeles one day and New York the next. I would absolutely not call myself a womaniser. I choose the relationships I have very carefully. But I am very flirtatious. I do very much enjoy flirting, actually, not at all because I would have expected any starting point from this, we know what I mean by that. But just for that, because it's actually a lot of fun to give someone some playful signals and receive them back. I think it's a bit like, it gets your adrenaline flowing a bit, it's not harmful at all, I'm sure it releases hormones of happiness and joy along with it, so I think that it's only healthy and that people should be more flirtatious in general.
Host: How do you make yourself more flirtatious? Let's say, it seems to me that it really depends on someone's nature.
Bojan: It's in our natures, but I think people just need to relax and open up a bit. I think most people have feelings inside them, but they don't dare to express them. I mean, if I like... if I like a girl, I have no problem with that, if we look at each other, catch each other's eyes, I'll smile nicely, I don't know, if it's appropriate at the moment, I don't know, I'll wink. Or something. You know what I mean? Not winking like this, "What's up babygirl?", but in a way that is playfully flirtatious. Whatever. I think people need to realise that these things are not a crime and that someone won't hold a grudge against you if you smile at them beautifully, [or] if you initiate a small conversation, because that is just a small part of our lives and [we are just] creating some bonds, so I think showing emotion is a very important thing.
Host: But what if I linked it to, let's say, cheating? How would you feel if your partner or you flirted with others while you were in a relationship? Would you consider that cheating?
Bojan: I wouldn't consider it cheating, but it would probably bother me, so I'd want to talk about it.
Host: How would you defend your generation, to which perhaps the older generations ascribe many prejudices, looking at the way we... what kind of relationships we have, how we socialise?
Bojan: I think it is very easy for each generation to look at the younger generation and... to look down on the younger generation and judge them, because maybe things were a little different in their time. All these things are very much linked to the whole lifestyle we have. It's not just the way young people are in relationships today, or the kind of life as a couple they have, because it's all connected to our whole lifestyle and living on the internet, travelling the world at every moment and blablabla. I find that very hypocritical of them, given that they are a generation, or okay, maybe they're a bit younger than this generation, but they were nevertheless this certain generation of this free love, psychedelia, who used sex and drugs to push back on the war. So it seems to me that this particular delinquency was far from being invented by us but it dates back to ancient times. So I think for all people, who think that young people today have invented some perversions, open relationships, gayness, and so on should read a book from ancient Greece or Rome and see, that Caligula³ lived all this two thousand years ago.
Host: Just a little less hidden, I guess.
Bojan: Yes, maybe.
Host: Would you be up for a challenge? Since you said you're not a womaniser.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: I have a BuzzFeed test here.
Bojan: BuzzFeed test?
Host: Are you a fuckboy? Do you want to take it?
Bojan: Okay, let's go.
Host: Have you ever sent a "You up?" text? "Are you sleeping?"
Yes, once. I promise.
No, never.
Yeah, that's my go-to move.
Bojan: No. I don't think so, really.
Host: Have you ever cheated on someone?
Bojan: No.
Host: You said it. "Have you ever sent an unwanted picture of your "little friend"?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever sexted more than one person at the same time?
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Have you slept with two people in the same week?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever made up an excuse to leave immediately after sex?
Bojan: I think, yes.
Host: Have you ever convinced someone that you didn't need to use a condom?
Bojan: No.
Host: I would never. Okay. Have you ever posted a picture without your shirt on?
Bojan: Yes, indeed. In fact, I must have been shirtless a couple of times in the stories now, but I posted one shirtless photo two years ago.
Host: Ok.
Bojan: At sea.
Host: Yes, yes. Do you think all of your exes are "crazy bitches"?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever asked a girl to send nudes?
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Have you ever bragged about girls you've been with?
Bojan: Like openly?
Host: Yes.
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you complained about being "friendzoned"?
Bojan: Almost certainly.
Host: Ok. Have you ever sent that emoji of a monkey covering its eyes?
Bojan: No.
Host: Do you have any...
Bojan: What is this monkey's thing?
Host: I don't know, maybe... it's some fuckboy hallmark, I don't know.
Do you have any V-neck tees?
Bojan: Mhm.
Host: Do you wear them?
Bojan: My mum bought them for me, so I guess it's not really fuckboyish.
Host: Yes. Do you have any tattoos that are only visible while wearing a V-neck?
Bojan: No.
Host: Do you have any tattoos?
Bojan: No, I don't.
Host: Have you ever slid into a girl's Twitter DMs?
Bojan: I don't have Twitter.
Host: What about Instagram? We said yes.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Are you in a band? Yees.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: You see, the hallmark of fuckboys. Are you a DJ?
Bojan: No. I mean, if she wants, I can be a DJ.
Host: Could be: "No, but my friend is this like super poppin' DJ".
Bojan: Yes, it could, it's true.
Host: Oh, it doesn't work.
Bojan: Can't fix it anymore?
Host: No. What are Top-Sider⁴?
Bojan: I don't know.
Host: We'll put... oh, it's some shoes.
Bojan: Then I'm sure not, because I only wear one pair of trainers, and that's these.
Host: I don't think that's it. Have you ever introduced a girl you've been dating as your "friend"?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever randomly texted a girl you booty called more than a year ago?
Bojan: Booty called? Wait, what if I what?
Host: If you've been with a girl then, after a long time, you write her a random message.
Bojan: Almost certainly, yes.
Host: But were you genuinely interested in how her life was going or just a little bit because you saw her on Instagram?
Bojan: I think only because I saw her on Instagram.
Host: Have you ever travelled to Southeast Asia?
Bojan: No.
Host: Have you ever explained craft beer to a woman?
Bojan: Let's say yes, I think, but...
Host: Yes, but she was genuinely interested.
Bojan: Let's put down "She was genuinely interested", yes.
Host: Ok.
Bojan: Because I don't really know what craft beer is myself. But I mean... I think one of them asked me once why I was drinking it, because she found it very disgusting.
Host: Have you ever based an outfit on one of Kanye West's outfits?
Bojan: Oh, no, unfortunately.
Host: Do you own a hoodie that costs more than some people's rent?
Bojan: No. If you add up all the hoodies, they don't cost like a tenth of the rent.
Host: Have you ever ghosted someone?
Bojan: This means...
Host: That you suddenly stopped replying to them. The girls. Did you have a legitimate reason or did your phone die?
Bojan: Sure... yeah I did, but not like that, ghosting is probably for a very long time, no? To disappear completely?
Host: I don't know.
Bojan: Or just that, I don't know. To disappear completely?
Host: You disappear completely.
Bojan: No, this not.
Host: No.
Bojan: Just for a day or so, I took a creative break.
Host: Oh, good. It's not ghosting. Have you ever gone to a party with one girl and left with another?
Bojan: No. I go practically alone to parties almost always.
Host: And then home.
Bojan: Yes.
Host: Have you ever hit on a girlfriend's... one of your girlfriend's friends?
Bojan: No. Maybe after, when she was already... Not when we were together.
Host: Ok. What about one of your close friend's exes?
Bojan: That... no, homeboys, no, no, a homeboy is a true friend, I'd never do that in my life.
Host: Did you ever say you didn't have an STD and you did?
Bojan: God, no.
Host: And... You are probably a decent human being. Here's the proof. Live. Now no one can accuse you of being one... if anyone says anything to you.
Bojan: It's official! I'm not a fuckboy.
Host: Alright, that's it. Now, to finish, we have a couple of other unpopular opinions which I have chosen, and you will comment whether you agree or disagree, if you find it very stupid, or if there is any truth in it. First: people drink gin because it is fashionable.
Bojan: I think some people do enjoy gin. [But] I think it's disgusting, honestly. But I think some people find gin good.
Host: Ok, I agree too, because I find it good myself.
Bojan: Aha, ok.
Host: Star Wars is not really good.
Bojan: I'm not the right one to answer that, because I actually never watched it. I watched the old one a hundred years ago, they were pretty good.
Host: For those times. I mean, I'm not really interested, but maybe I'm...
Bojan: I've honestly never been drawn to Star Wars at all.
Host: Yes, I can understand why someone would think that. Pineapple on pizza?
Bojan: I haven't tried. But it looks and sounds disgusting to me.
Host: I've tried it, but it's not so bad. Although it's true that I ate it in America, where everything else was so bad that it wasn't so disgusting in comparison.
Bojan: Okay, fair. I think, if so many people eat it, it probably doesn't.
Host: Yes. Give it a try.
Bojan: I mean, there must be something to it.
Host: It's a bit sweet. Like in a Chinese restaurant, that sweet and sour...
Bojan: Yeah, I'm not exactly very... yeah, I don't think it would be good for me, but look, maybe, I mean, I'll give it a try sometime. I'll tell you.
Host: Please do. Here. Tinder themed. LinkedIn is a better choice for dating than Tinder.
Bojan: LinkedIn? Isn't that for business?
Host: Yes. Here someone thinks it's a better way to do things.
Bojan: I have no idea. No, I don't think so.
Host: Maybe you can find someone in your...
Bojan: Business. Yes, maybe.
Host: And the Foo Fighters are better than Nirvana.
Bojan: Never in life. They are sick, but not...
Host: They are not better.
Bojan: No.
Host: Ok. Do you have any more shoutouts to say?
Bojan: Shoutout?
Host: What would you like to highlight at the end of the podcast?
Bojan: Well, let people be aware. Maybe now really isn't the time to be very flirtatious and go into close spaces with strangers. Nothing, be healthy, love each other, and be flirtatious but with a mask, and listen to Joker Out.
Host: Smile with your eyes.
Bojan: Yes. Smile with your eyes.
Host: Bye.
Bojan: Bye bye.
¹You can watch the 'Bojan Cvjetićanin Cosmopolitan blind date' video with subtitles in English, as well as in several other languages, on our YouTube channel here.
²'Frendi in Flirt' ('Friends and Flirting') is a Slovenian website dedicated to people looking for dating and adventure who are over 18 years old, who want to meet new people to socialize and chat or find the love of their life.
³Caligula was the third Roman emperor. Known ancient historical sources have handed down an image of Caligula as a despot, emphasising his extravagance, eccentricity and depravity.
⁴Sperry or Sperry Top-Sider is an American boat shoe company.
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craniozito · 5 months
Tezuka Productions just started to post the 60s Astro Boy on YouTube for limited time buuuuuut I think is only available in Japan 🙄
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Time for me to rant, sorry not sorry.
I find very odd how stingy they are with Astro Boy, and only with Astro Boy in general.
Is the only one that is a real pain to find subs and HQ episodes that is not in a weird site or you need good contacts inside of the fandom to get a link to watch it.
Any other Tezuka anime is really easy to find, or is on YouTube or on Internet Archive, even Black Jack has basically everything on YouTube and they don't give a flying fuck about it for some reason.
And also I can watch Black Jack on their japanese Youtube channel but not Astro Boy, because ??????
I just wish they were not stingy with old anime and we could watch it legally with options of dub and subs for who wants it.
I personally really dislike English dub things in general (not original audio just to be clear) I think is pretty bad and on Tezuka Productions English YouTube most of the time they only give you options of dub versions which is bad so unfortunately I go look for a sub it somewhere else or PT-BR dub when is dubbed of course.
And even if is dubbed on my language sometimes the dub is so old that is really hard to even understand what their are saying so I give up and I just go watch a sub version instead.
Like, is not difficult to hire someone to make proper subbtitles fr.
I think they removed that option of the community to add subtitles because we cannot have good things.
I just wish I knew fluent japanese because I would be like:
No one wants to translate this old ass anime I like?
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Anyways, long story short: GIVE US LEGAL OPTIONS!
Again, sorry not sorry for the ranting, this just makes me mad.
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genericswordsmaiden · 5 months
I watched The World's End. I'm crying. It was a beautiful thing, truly. When Gary's motives finally unraveled I just started sobbing - empathy do really be like that sometimes.
The casting choices were brilliant: Rosamunde Pike slayed, Pierce Brosnan also joined the battle, and recurring actors were again very much appreciated, together with recurring gags. About the characters, I think I can say that I love every single one of them. Pete's past made me feel a bit sick - I was a victim of bullying too, even though I was lucky that it never got that much physical. Andy and Gary got my heart in a chokehold, they're beyond shipping to me.
Also I need to know if there are any fanfictions set after the finale! It was totally epic, and I was so fucking happy that I started crying even more! I thought back to Simon's own struggles with alcohol and I thought to myself "this is the best ending he could write for a story like this one 'cause it somewhat reflects him."
From a writing standpoint, it really is the best one because it combines the best parts of the other two movies.
Also, fun fact: it's the one with the best italian dub (opinion of a certified italian who only watched the first ten minutes in ita and then switched to english because I needed the full british experience) but on the trilogy blu-ray it says that both italian audio and subtitles are unavailable (meanwhile the other two movies have them) lmao
I don't understand why it's so underrated, honestly. I think if I had to rate the trilogy, this could very easily be interchangeable with Hot Fuzz on the top tier. Shaun is very good too, but I felt some kind of disconnect while watching it, for some reason I didn't get close to the characters as I did with the other movies.
So... yeah. This was, is, and always will be the Cornetto Trilogy. Now I can finally reblog one hundred posts about it without the risk of getting spoiled.
Also, did you notice a pattern for the last names of the main characters? Page, Chamberlain, Knightley, Prince, King? And the names of the pubs being actually relevant to the plot??? It's details like these that enhance everything. The (Nick) Frosting on the cake (I'm so sorry I had to lol). Anyway istg when Wright and Pegg started collaborating the planets aligned or something, because stuff this good is so incredibly rare!
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semi-sketchy · 22 days
Well, that's Sonic X finished. Yes I still really like the show.
Firstly, season 3 is a bit mixed. The first half it struggles a bit to find it's footing with the rhythmic "new planet, Metarex stole the egg but are still there for some reason, fight ensues". It gets pretty tedious. Honestly, at this point I was missing the human characters and their antics. Like Mr. Stewart shadowing everyone as if he was coy, Rouge having Topaz to bounce off of, Ella and Chuck... I wanted something to spice it up.
However, the second half, after the Emeralds get scattered again, it starts being less formulaic, having reveals and turns into some good entertainment.
Although, Eggman stuck out to me as being particularly not great this season. First half when he's causing trouble and such is fine, but then when he becomes a sort-of double agent and starts looking out for Sonic and his friends...I just didn't like that for Eggman. It was framed more as fatherly-oversight instead of Eggman perusing his best interests. It only happened a few times in season 1 and 2, so it was easier to overlook there, but it's prevalent enough in season 3 for me to take issue with it.
On the plus side, Shadow is actually enjoyable! I didn't care for how Shadow (or SA2 in general) were done in season 2, but I liked what they did with him here. He's kinda neutral, clashing with Sonic and trying to kill Cosmo, but at the end of the day his interests are still to stop the Metarex and save the universe. He's cold, but his actions show he does care, he just has his own way of doing things. Plus he is a bit of a showoff.
I still think season 1 overall is my favorite with 3 in the middle and lastly 2. Man the Discotek subtitles made season 2 worse...
I also went into this biased that the changes between the dub and sub were negligible. Perhaps because the dub isn't as fresh in my mind as when I formed that opinion, but the sub is definitely my preferred version now. I prefer the Japanese voice cast (I wish Cream could have an English VA as good as her Japanese X one, high pitched yet so soft spoken...it's so easy on the ears) and the music is so much better.
The biggest difference for me is Chris. I actually liked him. I can't exactly narrow down why, he used to annoy me, but that wasn't an issue this time. Maybe I've grown up, perhaps the writing frames him better in the sub, maybe it's this specific translation, I can't tell.
Are the dialogue changes that huge? No. Don't get me wrong, there is a difference, however the show's plot is still the same and understandable in the dub, which, makes sense. The story has to follow the animation. Like I said earlier, the translations between these two languages is somewhat subjective and sometimes sentences need to be shortened or made longer to fill the space. That's why plenty of lines carry the same or similar meaning but are said in a different way.
Yes, the writing is better in Japanese, hell everything is better in the Japanese version and I think that applies to season 3 the most. Could I recommend it over the dub? Easily. If possible, watch the original version. Although if you really can't stand subtitles and want the audio in English (or only have access to YouTube where the Japanese version doesn't have English subs), is the dub acceptable? Also yes, it'll do.
You do have to deal with the censorship in the dub, though I've been aware of it since I was a kid. The animation censorship is silly and stupid, but aside from Chris getting flung in season 2, I didn't think the cut scenes removed much of value. However, while I didn't like the beginning of an episode reusing the end of a previous one during bingeing, when coming back to watch more after a few days, it was a nice refresher. A reminder of a time when you had to wait a week to see what happened next instead of bingeing an entire season in a day. I liked it even though it isn't necessary in this day and age.
As said before, this was not my first time watching X in Japanese. I saw it several years ago and this series rewatch was moreso an excuse to say I finally used the Blu-rays I spent money on.
If I had to rate it, 8/10, maybe even an 8.5. Solid show where there's some very high highs and the lows are still quite enjoyable while the cast is mostly faithful to their game personalities. There's a reason this show has reigned supreme in the fandom for such a long time.
Coming off of Frontiers, it was a nice reminder that yeah, Sonic is still good.
Anyways, I guess next is Boom, although I rewatched it like a year or so ago when I bought the steelbook. I've seen it so many times, I've practically got the show memorized by now. Spoilers: I like it a lot.
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room-surprise · 5 months
Dungeon Meshi Anime Season 1, Episode 1 Review
Spoilers for season 1, episode 1 of the anime below the cut!
I watched both the English sub with Japanese audio, and the English dub, on Netflix.
I think overall it's very good, has a good tempo and doesn't mess with the pacing or characterization in any major way, very faithful to the manga. I think there could have been SOME improvements or adjustments made, but I'm not at all surprised that it didn't happen, making 1:1 extremely faithful manga adaptations seems to have become the norm lately.
On the plus side, that means that if this current level of quality continues, that the anime will always be at least as good as the manga... which is already very good! So that's great.
But on the negative side, that means it won't ever be better than the manga, and that makes me a little sad, because I think an anime adaptation of Dungeon Meshi could absolutely surpass the manga, if they were willing to take some risks, and with Ryoko Kui's guiding hand. Anyway.
Love the OP song, love it's old timey tavern feel and that it's not a straight up jpop or jrock song. Soundtrack music was really nice. Animation was great.
Love that they show a closeup of Falin's open eyes in the OP so we'll know.... ;3 later
Things that I didn't like as much:
Almost all the background text is in Japanese when it wasn't in the manga. Kui often used glyphs or scribbles to indicate that things aren't in English or Japanese.... but they're just using Japanese as far as I can tell.
Netflix America doesn't translate most of it either. They also don't put in the English logo on the opening even though they have it on the show homepage... Don't know if they'll fix it later.
Personally, I think it would also be fine if all the releases had the background in-universe text appear in the target language so the implication is "this is in the viewer's language, whatever that is, but that isn't the actual fantasy language being used in-universe". But I doubt this will happen.
And there is SOME text in glyphs! The dungeon gourmet book isn't in a real language when it's shown... I think it's just laziness. I would honestly very much prefer nonsense text in a variety of languages than this.
In the Japanese I genuinely thought Laios was providing the narration, so I was totally taken aback when there was a different narrator in English.... and I honestly liked it a LOT better when I thought Laios was narrating, it felt really natural and good! So sad that it isn't actually what's happening. Don't really like the slightly snarky David Attenborough style nature commentary narrator. Feels weird and jarring at times.
Subtitles are fine, but there's some things that are randomly different for no good reason, subs say Senshi means "researcher" and dub says "seeker" and.... Senshi doesn't have a mouth, you don't need to match his dialogue to mouth-flaps, you can make him say ANYTHING you want so why have it be different?
There's some dub script choices I REALLY hated and am probably going to die mad about lmao:
Marcille saying that their "inventory" was wiped out, like they're in a video game, calling the scared adventurers "newbs" like they're in a video game, saying "as if" like she's a 90's California girl.
Senshi saying "delish" instead of "delicious" . There's no mouth flaps, why shorten it to a modern slang term that feels unnatural?
Laios also says "geez" which is short for "jesus" so they could have picked literally anything else for him to say, I'm sure the Japanese was probably "mattaku" which just means "Really?" (too lazy to confirm this lol)
Chilchuck says "god" and you could just have him... not say that. Or say "gods" because there's multiple gods in Dungeon Meshi.
Those were my major thoughts so far. Overall thought it was great and I enjoyed it! Looking forward to more!
It's not perfect, but I have seen much, much, MUCH worse adaptations lmao so I'm excited for when they get to some of the more dynamic action scenes in the second half of the manga.
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iread-studies · 12 days
Korean Learning - Month 4 recap
A very very very productive month! Very satisfied with myself!
The King Sejong Institute
I completed the A1 self-learning course! Yay for me! I really like the Sejong Institute. It explains grammar without forcing me to learn all the rules. But it does force me to practice my Listening and Reading, which has improved a lot as a consequence.
I've also tried their A1 Conversation course, and while the drama they use to explain the various concepts is insane (seriously, it was such a fever dream), it felt like a useless repetition of stuff I had already studied in the "normal" course, so I dropped it.
I've realized that there is still a lot of grammar I haven't even touched, so I will also complete at least the A2 level course and then decide whether I feel ready to move on.
The platform is still buggy and I wish they would offer an English translation for the Korean example sentences but whatever, it's free.
Anki and vocabulary
Anki is amazing, as always. So far I've collected 253 words in my me-made deck and studied 100 of them, more or less. I've realized that words that contain ㅈ/ㅊ sounds are more difficult to remember for some reason.
I've stopped adding audio to the cards and I'm not going back. This change helped me tremendously with my reading comprehension. Before, I would rely on the audio and ignore the Hangul, but now I'm forced to read it. This probably means that I'm not pronouncing the words correctly but whatever. My #1 priority is to be able to read subtitles, which means reading speed is of the essence.
Grammar materials
I've discovered the book Korean Grammar in Use, which is sooo useful when you want to quickly check what a particular particle means (that index!!!).
I had planned to buy a Korean grammar book for Italian native speakers after finishing the A1 course, but now I don't know if it would be a good use of my money. They have it a library more or less near my house so I could try to get it from there first. We'll see.
Reading/Listening study materials
After finishing the A1 course, my plan was to move on to listening to Choi Susu's Beginner podcasts. I downloaded the (free) transcript to the first episode feeling all confident and legit almost cried because right in the first sentence, BAM, a grammar point I had never even heard of (reason why I decided to go back for the A2 level).
But with a little perseverance, the internet and Mirinae (MIRINAE IS SO GOOD!!! It analyzes Korean sentences for you!!!!) I was at last able to make sense of it. I can only work on a couple sentences a day, though, because I'm currently in uni exam season (yikes). Still, a little every day goes a long way.
I've also discovered the series of books Easy Reading Korean (not by TTMK). They are not exactly short stories, more like clusters of sentences on a similar topic but they are easy and challenging at the same time enough. In the first book, there are 25 chapters and I'm at the third one.
I've also subscribed to the newsletter Learn Korean with Daebak. It's in English but talks about grammar points, useful vocabulary and Korean culture. So cute!
I've also recently discovered the YouTube channel 태웅쌤 - Comprehensible Input Korean, which looks like a cool resource.
Immersion materials
I've been watching kdramas for 7 years now. I had never realized it before, but on Netflix I can stop the episode and switch to Korean subtitles whenever I want to! So I do it whenever I can almost understand a sentence or notice a word has been repeated quite often. Then I add that word/grammar point to my Anki deck. And there is how I discovered that the often heard 마음 means heart/head/feelings (?) (the Papago definition was unclear).
I'm paying more attention to what is being said in general and I'm surprised at how many simple sentences I can already understand. 7 years of passive listening are finally paying off :D
I've heard that listening to variety shows is more helpful than dramas (because dramas are easier) but I'll ignore that for now since I can't even understand dramas anyway.
I've found a couple of those calm aesthetic YouTube channels that have no spoken Korean, just background music and both Korean and English subtitles, so I've tried to watch those a couple of times. For example, Hamimommy or Kosil knits. I think I should watch these from now and when I feel confident enough I will move on to videos with both audio and subtitles.
AND ALSO. I've discovered how to type in Hangul on my computer keyboard! Before I only used the "drawing" option on Google Translate and Papago but now I can actually type! Of course, I don't have the Hangul letters printed on my keyboard so sometimes it takes me a while to remember where the letter I'm looking for is but that will get easier with time. I already remember most of the letter positions :D
Goals for the next month!
Complete at least half of the A2 course
Keep up with Anki
Finish reading Easy Reading Korean 1
Have more conversations with myself in which I try to speak Korean and realize I don't know how to say a bunch of useful words & add those useful words to my Anki deck
I should add numbers to Anki
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Weird thing about hbo max (or whatever it is called), if you are in region that predominantly speak Spanish there are some shows where it just straight out doesn't give you the option to put any subtitles that isn't the Spanish one, even if it have the English audio available, you would have to change your region with a VPN for it to let you. It's so weird.
Another reason i don't sign up
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beardedmrbean · 11 months
Your nostalgia trip made for a good read. Part of the reason I sent it was because I was reading an article on that film's Japanese release and also was surprised to learn that the film was released in Japan. https://legendsoflocalization.com/movies-in-japanese-01-the-wizard/
I hope they didn't rip on us too hard over it, got a friend I'm gonna need to send this to as well.
This picture, wildly curious about Japanese Ferris Buler
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This time we’ll be looking at a subtitled VHS version of The Wizard, which was known as Sweet Road in Japan.
While the movie is often considered a 100-minute Nintendo commercial among gamers like us, it feels a little different when looking at it from the outside in. It’s touted more as a fun road adventure/coming-of-age movie in Japanese, hence the “Sweet Road” title. Even if you can’t read any of the Japanese text, you can see this change in focus from the art on the back of the box. It’s described as a “lighthearted and touching American road movie” and the tagline at the top says:
Heroes don’t cry. We headed to California in pursuit of the rest of our dream.
The presentation and title give it a strong “we’re going for a Stand by Me” vibe, which we’ve previously seen is a big deal in Japan.
(I'd rather this than the actual Stand By Me)
The movie title changed for its Japanese release, but the new title appears before the actual movie begins. Then, when the original title pops up in English, nothing is displayed in its place. It’s probably assumed that the audience understands that the title was changed for Japanese audiences. The back of the Japanese box randomly includes the original “The Wizard” logo too, so that connection probably helps explain the situation too.
On a different note, an 80s song plays during this intro scene. It’s left untranslated and unsubtitled though. It’s pretty normal to see songs untranslated in English-to-Japanese movie translations unless the lyrics hold some meaningful connection to the story or to what’s happening on screen at the same time. Basically, if a song is used as a decoration for setting the mood, it’s pretty normal to see it untranslated.
Also, from personal experience, Japanese companies are weird about lyrics and their songs having separate licenses, which means that even if you have permission to use a song in a video, you don’t necessarily have permission to translate the song. Those rights have to be negotiated separately. This is why anime songs don’t always get translated right away. I don’t think that’s what’s going on here, though – I feel like it’s just the standard “it’s only audio decoration” approach. __________________
I gotta get up for a few, I will be reading this though it looks like a wildly fascinating look into how American culture gets translated elsewhere, since it's just such a basic film plot anyhow.
This is cool thank you
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Exploring Con O'Neill's Filmography Day #?-Pie In The Sky S02 Ep08
WARNINGS: Gun violence, alcoholism, pain meds addition, disability due to gun violence, workplace ableism, slight comment that could maybe be taken as transphobia? I'm also going to add slight passive suicidal ideation for the character Con plays.
This is a cop/crime procedural, but unlike the ones I grew up with in the US in the mid to late 2000s/2010s this has no claws. Seriously, the main plot is driven by pudding. I align more with ACAB sentiments (obviously), and this does fall into Copoganda. But I'm here for Con, and not much else.
I also didn't catch the name of his character till the very end, as this had no subtitles and I'm bad with accents.
As always, I'll be active in the comments if you want to discuss the episode. Especially if you deal with chronic pain/a disabling injury as I have a bone to pick with some scenes, and want to know how close to life they are.
If you haven't watched it, it's less than an hour and something to turn your brain off while watching. Spoilers ahead.
Pie In The Sky S02 Ep08 (1995, the same year as 3 Steps to Heaven. Jesus Christ, this man's career is wild)
IS HE GOING TO KILL SOMEONE. Based on what I know about crime procedurals, he's the murder.
(Con's character based on the first scene) He seems fun
Who is this mysterious man in the window
When is this? 80s? British 80s
Love the lesbians
That cop smiled more than any I've ever met
I know nothing about this show, and god, I hope I don't need context
Look at that helmet, how do people take cops seriously in England? I'd just point and laugh.
Why does he have a ceramic rooster?
Are these old ladies going to get murdered.
That guy's side part is really unfortunate
A CANADIAN COP, look at the Mountie
Mommy issues to the rescue
This is going to be a phoenix write case
(Con's scene that you've seen online in gifs 'One...Homosexual', you know the one) I LOVE THIS ASSHOLE
Why is talked to him like a child? Rude as shit. Even when he's acting weird, he probably has a reason. Hear him out and talk.
Slightly transphobic line? Idk how to read that.
Oh good, they're writing checks and not cashing them, Girlbosses
Look, I've just met this old guy(our detective inspector protagonist), but he's fun
It's a British show, there must be a character named JOHN.
IS HE A DETECTIVE AND A CHEF? Oh, that's his wife. God, I thought I was stretched thin. Look at him.
CON? (Con at a firing range?)
WHAT THE FUCK, why is he shaking?
At least he's wearing ear protection, (DI sneaks up behind him, and taps on his shoulder to alert him to his presence while still holding a gun) DONT FUCKING DO THAT, WHY WOULD YOU TAP ON HIM. HOLDING A GUN.
Con has a need for speed.
Nvm, that ladies hair is too tall
Why is Con's character just keeping guns in cars. Shouldn't he know where to hide them better? Cause he already carries one on him. The trunk one is probably just in case he loses his main one?
Oh, he was a cop. Got injured and is now paranoid. Fair, but unsafe as hell.
They are such shitty shoplifters. She tried to make eye contact with the woman she was stealing from.
Do English people just make a shit ton of Bread Pudding.
Aww they're sisters and not lesbians. Rude.
I'm just sitting here imagining how funny this scene could have been. 5 guns fall out of his wheelchair as she takes it out. "Those are for work"
Are they going to fuck or is one of them going to get shot, I'm getting mixed messages
(A benching rack in the corner)He's getting his gains, I respect it.
2 Con characters addicted to pain meds.
Pain meds+ Alcohol is got a good look
You didn't choose this but you chose how you react buddy.
Go to therapy
Best DI in media. Stealing Criminal Old Ladies Pudding Recipe
(A chef says a xenophobic line about foreign recipes) What's wrong with foreign recipes? All your shit is bland.
Maybe I'm bad with age, but Con and the detective seem like the same age. He doesn't seem ten years older than her.
He doesn't have to be a sad bastard, yeah, but Con's trapped playing that role. So if we can fix these characters 'problems' In the next twenty minutes I'll be shocked
He's jealous cause you're young and not jaded to the system like he is. You know. Like every ex cop/military/government character.
THAT CUT WAS JARRING (From a peaceful dinner to Con trashing in bed)
Who gets out of a car like that, slowly pulls out a gun, and fires like that? WHAT WAS HIS PLAN? DID HE HAVE DRUGS HE WAS HIDING? WHY??!?!?!?!
Go to therapy, Jesus Christ. The station would pay for it, and this is interrupting your daily well-being.
(The car shop guy goes to his house to hand over his keys personally, they do a weird double-take glance thing) That interaction post-nightmare felt gay? Is that just me?
What the fuck does 'twirlers' mean? Am I just not British enough to understand that?
73 arrests for shoplifting and they're still this shit? WHAT?
4 pistoles seem low based on his history. But I know a guy who has two hundred firearms anywhere from black powder with buckshot to pistols, and he's just a nurse...Well, maybe rural North West US is not the normal standard to judge by.
ALSO DON'T HIDE A FIREARM LIKE THAT. Does it just slide around in his trunk?
They're such jackasses to him, no wonder he's rude
TRUE THO, as long as he stays a cop feeling like this there's no point. He is just kind of stuck feeling like his life has no meaning. It's shit, but if he finds no point to living then yeah. He'll never move on
I was half expecting him to pull out a gun
The nice thing about being a disabled cop here is no one suspects you and socially we're trained to ignore people with disabilities. It's something our governments actually uses in day to day life. I kinda hoped they cover that more.
I don't think you can pull out credit cards like that. Any bank would be suspicious.
Con was playing a character named Ian? Cool.
Also, NOW WE HAVE ANOTHER CON CHARACTER DOING DUMB GUN SHIT. That brings us up to 5 characters baby (Telestar, Vengence is Mine, Blood Brothers, 3 Steps To Heaven, now this). The worst part is the only Con character I trust with a gun is Val. Cliff is responsible, but I still don't trust him. Izzy can shoot, and due to hijinks in the story, he might accidentally shoot someone.
Took a minute to understand what everything was going on. They brought up a fun idea about how cops use PR. I wish Ian's issues were resolved in the end. He just kind of get's his groove back and suddenly everything's 'okay'. He still hates himself, and struggles with a pain pill and alcohol addiction.
Ian trying to prove he's still useful is giving me some hope for Izzy season 2. Con pulls it off really well. You see Ian's frustration with needing to ask for help, and pushing himself past his limits. You can feel frustration from Ian knowing he's being sent on this baby case for essentially bullshit reasons. He spoke up and upper management essentially remembered he existed. This is a really fun way to use Con's chops as a serious, but fun character.
The old lady plot was weird but fun. Girlbosing legends. Not knowing the protagonist, and being surprised when he rerouted a case just to get a recipe was funny.
Overall an enjoyable episode, besides a slightly transphobic joke, it's not as 90s as it could be. Also, he and the car salesmen guy at the end there had as much chemistry as he and the detective had. Get you a guy who can do both.
Con:8/10. Fun, angry guy. Wish he got therapy.
Story: 6-7/10. Fun, I know depicting cops like this is exactly how they get away with doing awful shit, but seeing a cop story that wasn't life and death(besides Ian possible hurting himself) was fun. Felt new, at the very least. I knew nothing about this show but could still watch it.
Cinematography: 6/10. Of its era, but you get the feeling of putting on a warm coat. This is something that they would play at a hotel, on the free stations. You've definitely seen something like this before.
Overall I'd say around a 7. If I rank it, low B. Just cause he's not a real protagonist in the series, and I want to show love to the shit Con put his whole chest into. But it wasn't a bad watch. Fun contained story.
@ivegotnonameidea thanks for the recommendation ;)
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aclickbaittitle · 4 months
Language (s) in Moonbase Theta Out:
English as a language is taking over the world at an alarming rate, most other countries in which English is not the majority language have it as part of their school curriculum, and like math, you can fail the year if you do not pass the subject.
Why? Well, most of your job prospects will be severely impacted if you do not have at least a grasp of it. Though not as “present” as other consequences of USAmerican and England’s hold over the world, language imperialism is still something to worry about.
Like Minnie Degawan, activist of indigenous people’s rights says: “For Indigenous peoples, languages ​​are not only symbols of identity and belonging to a group, but also vehicles for ethical values. They constitute the fabric of the knowledge systems through which these peoples form a whole with the land and are crucial for their survival. The future of their young people depends on them.”
Of course it is not only the English language that is guilty of the linguistic masacre, my own mother tongue: Spanish is equally if not more guilty. And, unlike how I would like to blame the Western Europeans for everything, Hindi, Mandarin Chinese and many more also play their part. Please notice how all of this is backed by Nation-States Agenda of “Linguistic-Ethnic Unity” like Mexico’s “not-white, not indigenous but (light-skin) mestiz@” project that asked for indigenous peoples to exchange their language (and culture) for social integration.
But what does this have to do with a small little podcast called Moon Base Theta Out?
Moonbase Theta Out is a sci-fi audio fiction podcast produced by Monkeyman Productions. It is 2098. The Moonbase program has been determined unprofitable. The last base, Theta, is twenty weeks from being decommissioned. Most of the crew is in stasis awaiting retrieval. Five remain – Roger Bragado-Fischer, Nessa Cheong, Ashwini Ray, Michell L’Anglois, and Wilder. (monkeymanproductions.com)
In Moonbase Theta Out, our current way of organizing the earth in nation-states has fallen out of fashion. Instead we got corporate enclaves run by mega corporations, and if it sounds terrifying it is because it is. There is a saying that goes “english is the language of money” and in a world where neoliberalism has taken over every character is expected to know english from Brazil to North Africa to France.  It is not uncommon for US american media to portray a world in which everyone knows english somehow, but in Moonbase Theta, Out it actually makes sense. 
However, english is not the only language spoken in Moonbase Theta Out, within the constraints of the audio medium (in which subtitles are not possible, and the only way translations can be provided is through transcripts) the podcast manage to include portuguese, french, arabic (don’t ask me which dialect) and even some few words in spanish and bengali. The reason for this linguistic diversity? Because Moonbase, even amidst the cyberpunk hellscape, wants to show a future that is blooming with diversity and love. 
In a small mini-episode showcasing the poems used in the show, writer D.J. Sylvis talks about how poetry is the connecting vehicle between our main-lead Roger Brigado-Fisher and his husband, Alexandre Brigado-Fisher (their relationship also works to tie the events that happen in the moon and earth). I want to extend this sentiment, and argue that language is the way in which several characters expressed their unique relationship.
Alexandre, for example, is Brazilian (go my latin boy!) and a native Portuguese speaker, Roger on the other hand is not but has learned the language, however when he takes a job for the Consortium he is asked to only speak english. His job causes a rift between him and his husband which ends up in a fight, when Alexandre slips into Portuguese, Roger tries to do the same but ends up forgetting the words; just another example of how their relationship is deteriorating because of the corporate overlords.
Then we have Michelle and his sister Maria, both French. They have had a very rough life that led them to security jobs for the Consortium and said jobs have led them apart.
Michelle tries to establish contact with her while knowing that everything he says would be listened to by his boss (and his enemy Roger). He slips into French when in distress, and the only one to calm them is another French speaker, her sister. 
There’s also this very short moment in which Dr. Ashwini Ray has made a friend ze didn’t expect to make and can’t do anything about it because ze is going to the moon in just a few days with hopes of never came back, so ze says a few works in Bangla that ze knows hir friend, Jen Ponton, won’t be able to understand but that anyways, is a subtle way to express hir love for her.
Moonbase Theta Out is far from the only multilingual podcast out there (see: Desperado, MOONFACE, Hi Nay, Dos After You, Monster Dash and Celestial Blood) and I hope we continue to see more. 
I also want to motivate you, reader, if you speak any other language, to write a story with it. The best way to help a tongue live is through the beauty of literature, afterall.
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(This 👇 is not true, the entire time was something else from yesterday, see that is from the haters of the movie, so like myself, do not ever end up like them (which in a future multiple part post whenever I am ready, I will be able to collect all of that, and also of separate to the one that is from all of the positive, and mid about it), but do ever end up like how it was from my last post especially with all of the mid people such as all of the ones that are both okay with it, and also not okay with the movie otherwise if we are to become haters of the movie like how some of the critics are now becoming, and that includes the change of heart for all of the others that are out there in all over the internet that are hating on it, since I am trying to make sure that it does get better than how it is right now, I did not want to go all of the matters worse like how it is right now, but I do not know what to do with it even though I am doubtful to disappoint myself from all of this going on for all of the unknown reasons that are making all of the people turn against to this movie, but to keep me from being feeling down in the dumps blue, and to be able to make myself feel better within me, and my family, I can be able to see everything that I was thinking about for all of the stuff that this fandom can do like any other at all from my other past posts, and get all of the Elemental merchandise for the movie even if it comes to an archived cam copy, Disney Plus including with all of the bonus features extras, digital copies, physical releases, and all of the other stuff that it could be able to be in for my blog along with experiencing the movie in 4DX D-Box if I feel like it if they decide to put it back in the theater way before I am able to feel like watching the actual footage of the movie for myself after I try to keep myself thoughts, and everything else together for however everyone else is going to be able to make their commentary reactions to the movie from the very start of the movie with all of the opening logos, and all of the opening credits of the movie to the very end of the movie with all of the closing credits, and all of the closing logos with all of the other stuff that I put in other posts before for being able to do fan dubs, fanfiction, fanart, fan edits, cosplay, etc. along with me watching it in other languages first way before I put all over again, but this time with the original United States Of America English audio description, and all of the closed captioning subtitles turned on, but still from all of this process of what I just said, cheer me up from this whole tub of free unlimited endless all flavors of ice cream of the past, present, and future that you can be able to have in your dreams to swim in that I am typing out of my sadden sob, or so else to describe it by letting me know when all of the hate for Elemental is over for good!) :
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(Good to know, since because this 👇 is for how the Pizza Planet vehicle will be able to look like in the movie if anyone wants to have a challenge for being able to find it!) :
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: (These two examples 👇 are how to draw out of the language that the fire resistants speak in the movie as well as for giving me an idea to be able to plan a scavenger hunt for using it for all of you guys all over Tumblr, and all of the other social media platforms from the entire internet such as YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, all you have to do is starting with the opening logos, every single time for whenever you either when you hear anything spoken in Firish, make sure that the symbols all link to almost all of the fire characters from the movie are trying to say, but normal of how all of the other characters of earth, air, and water are speaking, and if you see something in Firish, pause the movie, decode it from being able to match all of the symbols of Firish that is on screen (the punctuation of it is fine to be able to not worry about it, since because it is the easiest one of all, but all of the 26 letters of the alphabet are going to be worth working a sweat, but for a good way) to be able to read it out for what it says before you type it out from it there when you have the correct answer to what it is trying to be able to say on there way before you are ready to resume the movie for being able to do for the next one, and on until the closing logos which is to also be able to keep count by numbering them from one to the very end of the list of all of the Firish!) :
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: (A clearer picture of the safety sign from the Cinemark picture from one of my past posts for the movie 👇, I wonder what the other sign that I was talking about still says!) :
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: Check out this following offer message from Indy 500 as its 16th ever partner for the movie 👇! :
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: Part 2 in my next post!
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ashes-of-elarion · 2 years
Ok I was gonna write my impressions on episodes 7, 8 and 9 but there was a translation thing that irked me a lot on episode 7.
Context: I'm Spanish, yesterday when season 4 aired for some reason I couldn't find the European Spanish dub, only the Latin American one, so I decided to watch it in English or French to practice my language skills.
I get to the part where Viren and Terry are searching for Claudia and Terry talks about his chilhood. And here there's something weird:
I'm watching in French with Spanish subtitles, in the subtitles what Terry says is: "Cuando era pequeño, los otros elfos me veían débil. Pero yo sabía. Siempre supe que era fuerte". In English: "When I was little, the other elves saw me as weak. But I knew. I always knew I was strong".
Problem: in the French dub he says: "Les autres elfes me traitaient de biche" (The other elves treated me as a female deer). I changed the subtitles from Spanish to French and they say "les autres me considéraient faible" (the others considered me weak).
Now I changed to English, I couldn't understand what word was used but again the subtitles go with "débil" (Spanish) and "faible" (French), both meaning weak.
So I try with English subtitles so I can read the original version: "Back then, when I was just a little one, the others elves saw me as a doe. But I knew. I always knew I was a buck" And that's when I go to the dictionary and I learn that doe is a female deer and a buck is slang for dollar. Also a male deer (or male rabbit, or male animal in general), which makes more sense in context.
At this point I give up and I change the audio to Latin American Spanish, here's what Terry says: "Antes, cuando era un pequeñín, todos me veían como hembra. Pero yo sabía. Siempre supe, supe que yo era varón" (Before, when I was a little one, everyone saw me as female. But I knew. I always knew, knew that I was male). Which has me screaming because that means Terry is canonically trans??? And I finally understand what's up with all the talk about deers both in English and French.
You know what that doesn't explain? THE DAMN SPANISH SUBTITLES!!! Because even with the audio latino the Spanish subtitles go with the débil/fuerte (weak/strong) translation instead of the hembra/varón (female/male) of the audio!
Ok that was yesterday (3 November 2022). Today, 4 November, I check again the show and see they finally have the European Spanish dub! Yay!
Here's what Terry says this time: "En aquella época, cuando era muy pequeño, los demás elfos me veían muy débil. Pero yo sabía. Siempre supe que era muy fuerte" (At that time, when I was very small, the other elves saw me as very weak. But I knew. I always knew I was very strong)
WTF!!! Who the fuck translated the European Spanish version I'm gonna punch the jerk!!! A text in which a character confeses being trans and you translate it as "oh people thought I was weak" WTF how can I not find a job as a translator and someone does this shit WTF you guys have no idea how angry I am right now!!!
Thank you for coming to my rant about translation. How about you guys? In which language did you watch The Dragon Prince? Anyone else got a translation mistake like this one?
Bonus: I tried with the Italian translation which is: "A quel tempo, quando ero molto piccolo, gli altri mi prendevano per una femina. Ma io sapevo. Ho sempre saputo di essere un maschilo" (At that time, when I was very small, the others took me as a female. But I knew. I always knew I was a male). Again the Spanish subtitles go with weak/strong instead of female/male (also not sure if he uses "maschilo" or "maschio" I didn't understand well and the dictionary didn't help)
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geekeryisafoot · 1 year
Danganronpa is so, SO trashy and stupid and nonsense and so, so fun and addicting. Miscellaneous thoughts on Danganronpa 2 as I'm playing below the cut
The soundtrack. Fucking. SLAPS.
I've been listening to it nonstop at work. I wouldn't be surprised if it dominates my spotify wrapped this year
Playing with Japanese audio and English subtitles is doing wonders for actually practicing my Japanese. It's like 95% passive without needing any energy while still reviewing and reinforcing the stuff I remember, with learning a smattering of new vocabulary here and there as well
裏切り者 (traitor) is very fun to say very nice mouth feel
ちびっこギャングスター (chibiko gangster) is similarly very fun to say as well. Love Akane for making this nickname
(I also love Akane for thinking she can punch her way out of every situation. I believe in you girl you can do it)
Starting the game with the English dub though has totally thrown me off of what to call the characters. I swap around their first and last names with no rhyme or reason
I (thought I) knew like vague memories of 10 year old spoilers so I had some guesses on who would die and be executed. And I have been completely and utterly wrong in those spoilers every time, which has made for a very novel story experience
Monomi is so fucking annoying I despise her so much. I can't understand literally anything she says
I hate the PTA minigame so much. I love rhythm games but the tempo for this one is so stupid that it takes me a million attempts and I despise it
(Props to the translator though for the mini game name)
Some of the mini games (like Hangman's Gambit) make me really wish it used the Switch's touchscreen interface
Chiaki is still the best and my favorite character. I know they have a different role for her in the plot but as of now I still maintain she should have been the main character instead of Hinata
Komaeda is, as promised, delightfully insane and he's so much fun
(Spoilers) The shot of finding his dead body has been the most narly so far and I love him for that. Shame the other deaths weren't to this degree
Nah but seriously Komaeda is so much fun and I love him he's utter nonsense and the epitome of a poor little meow meow
Thank god I didn't actually have the opportunity to play these games as a teen because I would have been even more insufferable
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rigelmejo · 2 years
Also, I've mentioned this before but: I truly do think Listening Reading Method is at least 75% as good for learning as it claims it is.
I've never had the stamina to do an entire book with it, but the one time I did 20 chapters of Listening Reading Method with Guardian (just steps 2-3 of chinese audio with English text, and Chinese audio with chinese text), I improved a significantly noticeable amount. That was 1 month of approximately 20 chapters x 40 minutes each to listen twice to each chapter. So 800 minutes, or a little over 13 hours. 13 hours of study is not that much study time in a month. But it drastically upped my vocabulary and reading/listening ability in that small time, and I'd say for anyone upper beginner/lower intermediate (A2-B1 ish) it would give a significant improvement to your abilities in a reasonably short time frame of study (10-20 hours short study time to see a significant improvement).
The L R Method suggests more study time, at like 40+ a novel and 200 hours in a short time period like 2 weeks. I've never been able to focus long enough to test out how well it works in that recommended study time. But I've tested L R Method in shorter bursts, and any time I did it 10 hours in a month or more I noticed a significant vocabulary boost, reading level boost, and noticed listening level brought up closer to my reading level.
It's the shortest "time investment" study method I've seen that works even somewhat as well as it claims to. It's only downside is it Does require you to focus the entire length of an audiobook chapter, and then do that 2+ times for each chapter. Which for me was the hardest part - I am not good at focusing for long unless I do other things at the same time like draw or move (which I can't do when reading/listening with my full attention).
And I've mentioned this before but like. If you've got Pleco (or some similar tool), for "english" you can just click the megaphone and have Pleco read aloud in chinese while giving a word by word translation. Then read the translation in one round and the chinese in another. Or even, the quickest laziest way to do this - open up the Chinese, paste that baby into Google translate, and use the resulting English text for ur translation part. And click the speaker for the Chinese part for ur audio. An audiobook is going to be wayyyy better in quality, but in a pinch machine audio does work (I used it and it still helped). And Pleco in particular will highlight each word as it speaks which helps keep you following along. So there's reading tools out there to do this in a very easy way with very little inconvenience or set up time, if you're lazy like me and won't do it if it takes too much work. (There's also SOME youtube and bilibili chinese audiobook postings with chinese subtitles, so you can use natural audio for the step of following along chinese text with chinese audio).
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Previously on Blue's Bafflegabs:
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BUT as some of you may have already guessed, the Fates had a different plan for me.
Yes, I did watch the entirety of Hercules (1997) in Polish and in English, two times, scene after scene and analyzed every line, and I am going to expose you all to the consequences
But first some general info, shall we? First of all I'd like to vocalize the utter ADMIRATION I feel towards Ms Elżbieta Łopatniukowa, the Polish translator, the woman, the myth, the legend, she did absolute God's (or shall I say gods'?) work on this movie. But it probably wouldn't be what it is if not for the amazing director, Ms Joanna Wizmur, the woman who would later go on to direct Shrek, which is said to have revolutionized Polish dubbing industry, so you know we're talking about A Level™ here. They along with Mr Filip Łobodziński were truly the perfect team to create this mastery of dubbing.
I have to say that this movie was more of a problem for me than Encanto, and than I honestly expected, because, I'll admit, I didn't understand many parts of the original dialogues (thank you beautiful person who added good English subtitles, I am eternally indebted to you.) But the problem wasn't just the accents or old audio, you know? No, the reason is actually an interesting artistic technique used when writing the movie- there is a ton of slang put in the dialogue and frankly? It's genius. Usually, I'm against putting lots of slang and references in movies because it ages badly, sounds unnatural and doesn't fit into most settings (I am looking at you Raya), but here it was handled so well, it not only didn't bother me it even added to the story.
I don't know enough about American slang to say for sure but I have a few theories as to why it worked out where so many have failed before and after it. First, Hercules is first and foremost, a comedy. Yes, it's also a family movie which is why they changed the whole myth in the first place, but the narrative is comedic for like 90% of the story - this movie doesn't treat itself too seriously, therefore slang and colloquialisms are perfectly welcome. Another reason, equally if not more important, is the consistency, because the worst a story can do is throw in a slang term out of the blue. The tone and language used throughout the movie is announced in the first minute, when the muses interrupt the first narrator and from then on, almost every character uses the same level of formality in their speech, the gods, the Greeks, the Fates, everyone - so it's not jarring, this is the status quo where actually formal talk would be considered a deviation. And my third theory, the least probable and backed up by the least amount of knowledge, since I have no idea how outdated this slang was back when the movie was written, but the fact that it's not used anymore works in its favour. Just think about it, a movie set in Ancient Greece and the characters use... "ancient" slang from the 90s or earlier. It's a sort of a meta joke I'd say.
And I explained all that to note, that the Polish translator handled it perfectly... If not better than the original. Because you see, not only do the dialogues consist in a big percent of outdated Polish slang and are unique for the important characters (okay mainly Phil), but they also include a lot of more or less noticable references to the classical culture, so it combines the Ancient and the "ancient" aspect of the movie even better.
So if that's all said and you know what to look out for, let's dive right into the movie! (I suppose the most comfortable way of reading this would be if you had the movie in the background or remember it really way because I have once again, not specified a lot)
+ “No to lu, panienki” fantastic line, I love it. It’s basically what he says in English ("You go, girl") but the vibe✨
= They didn’t translate the innuendo and instead Thalia (yes, I did look up the muses’ names specifically for this post) says just “Would any of us resist him?” but I’ll let you decide if it’s for better or worse
* Just like with Encanto each song will get its own post
+ Hera says just “let’s lay down now” instead of “behave yourself” which makes her sound even more like a good mother, which I guess she is supposed to be in this movie
- Hermes calls himself “king” when he tells other gods to let him through, which is clearly only a metaphor for how cool he is but meh I don’t really like it
* I literally do not understand what he meant when he told Hera about those flowers so let’s ignore that
+ Hermes says that the party is “godly” which really is the word we use in the same way like “fabulous” but here it also acts as a pun 😁
^ Imma use this symbol for talking about non translation related stuff, because I just have to note that whatever the accent Hera has is called, it made me confused for a good while what the heck is “dee-ya” that she says, before I turned on the subtitles
^ It was "dear". I'm not even going to think about English pronunciation anymore.
+ “Herkulesik” 🥺 Using a diminutive here just makes it even better
+ And now HERE things start to get interesting, because in the og dub Hades says that he hasn’t been so choked up since he got a hunk of moussaka stuck in his throat. Moussaka is of course a traditional Greek dish, so this is a cool cultural reference. BUT. In Polish he instead talks about a tuber of asphodel and you may be asking, but what is an asphodel? Why, asphodel is a kind of flower that not only was believed to be the food of the dead, by the Ancient Greeks, but also was said to grow on the Asphodel Meadows near the Styx in the Underworld. That’s how good the references are in this dubbing.
- The pun of “a sucker for the little sucker” couldn’t been conveyed :(
^ Again I am thankful for the subtitles because I swear I’d understand “you ought to slow down” as “yo, slow down”
+ And here’s an interesting thing! As I watched the English version I was wondering how’d they translate Panic’s name, because the word “panic” is in Polish feminine “panika” and turns out they just made it a male name kinda by force, cutting off the “a” and making him just Panik (I’d also say it sounds quite cute in Polish :3)
^ I swear where do they get the words like uncouth and lugubrious from
^ I mean objectively I love it when children/not very serious media uses smart/scientific words but do you realize the amount of googling I had to do for this movie
^ I just have to say that the fact that the anglophones pronounce Zeus as Zoos, or as we’d write it, Zus, is just quite funny for Poles XD
+ “Zeus, ruler of the universe and its surroundings”
- No alliteration :(
+ I’m sorry but the line “Ja wiem, kapuję, ja to wręcz przyswajam” is just so iconic, and it uses such perfectly colloquial language I don’t think I can translate it back into English
* “Taking control of the business” I’d say it’s better, but then again once I googled what a bid is, the og is also pretty funny
^ Oh did I mention how much nostalgia will cloud my judgment
^ Because it absolutely will
* I have to say how much I love the fact they use the form “Tytany” instead of “Tytanów” because it’s the archaic form and it’s nice :>
+ Hades paraphrases Polish idiom of “question for 10 points” by saying “question for 10 obols” :D
= I don’t know, google says that “Grecian formula” might be a reference to a hair product and if it is, it’s funnier than in Polish, where Herc just gets called a firefly (which I’d say is still funny)
+ Szhchc instead of “potion” in Polish Pain says “flacha” which means specifically a bottle of alcohol :’D
+ In Polish they call him specifically “Sunday coachman” instead of just “driver”
^ Btw I had no idea this idiom is also used in this meaning in English that’s cool
- I kinda wish they conveyed the “Pop” somehow, but I suppose we really don’t have that many synonyms for “dad” in Polish
+ Demetrius says “oh gods” instead of “oh my goodness” :D
+ Wait they give him name only in the Polish dub huh
* And with Phidias that makes it two famous sculptors’ names :D
^ Hsbhbhhibda NOT only does the guy say five is an even number, he also puts out only four fingers :’D
+ Instead of “maybe we should call him Jerkules” they make a direct callback to the famous translation of “Non Hercules contra plures” as “I Herkules dupa kiedy wrogów kupa” (something like “Even Hercules is an ass when going against a mass” (mass as in many people)) except since this is a kids movie they can’t say “ass” so the kids say “zupa” (soup) which is exactly how kids censor their swear words, so not only is this a fantastic reference to the Latin quote, but also it genuinely sounds like something a kid would say
+ Again the merchant exclaims “oh gods!” I feel like they generally use this more in Polish
+ Amphitryon uses the diminutive of “son”, “synek” :3
^ Jesteś bogiem, wyobraź to sobie sobie – Zeus, totalnie
- Aw I suppose it was about the length, but I wished they used the actual phrase “wstrzymaj konie” instead of the one they did, it would be a literal translation of “hold your horses” too
+ Philoctetes uses many russianisms (which is fascinating and works fantastically character wise, but there'd be much more cultural, social and linguistic knowledge required and we don't have time for that anyway, so just trust me when I say it's genius) and talks exactly like an old creepy uncle would 12/10 amazing job
+ Herc inflects Phil’s name into vocativus and I have to say it just sounds so endearing
- We don’t have “go the distance” being used and referenced so consistently through the movie :<
+ Abhcbzhscbjh “filuj Filu” :’D See, it’s a pun because “filuj” means something like “watch” but it does sound like his name too (Phil in Polish is written Fil)
+ There's this subtle difference in acting but I love how in English Phil just asks "Zeus?" whereas in Polish it's really "Zeus?!" it's about the emotions y'kno
^ AHAHCBJHB I love watching this movie after I’ve read some Greek tragedies, because Thebes
+ “Wonderboy” got translated literally but you know what, I think it’s kinda charming
+ Awww Herc diminutes Phil’s name to “Filcio/u”
* Ayyy another russianism from Phil, he calls Herc a “gieroj”, I’ve already noted it as a plus, but I have to appreciate how consistent they are with this
+ AND Phil also uses an archaic form of “żeś zobaczył” instead of “że zobaczyłeś”
- Megara’s iconic line of “(…) at least they would if I had any friends” got translated as well as it could’ve but it still doesn’t sound as good :(
+ Hhzbchz Meg says “it’s been godly” instead of “it’s been a real slice” (dw it sounds more natural in Polish) and y’know, unconscious foreshadowing
+ Btw Hercules uses the formal you for Megara for this whole interaction!
+ Instead of just theme park, Meg says straight up Disneyland XD
+ So was “I’m a bunny – and I’m his gopher” a reference to something? Because if not then Polish reference to Winnie the Pooh with “and I’m his relative and friend” (based on the Polish translation of Rabbit’s “friends-and-relations”) wins
- Asolkscoao to keep the pun with Meg’s name – the original nut-Meg – Meg gets called Meg-alomania :’D
+ “You were supposed to get the river guardian on my – and by the way the only right – side” >>>> “I thought you were going to persuade the guardian into joining my side for the uprising”
* Okay so I have to ask just because it keeps racking in my brain – is the “Peloponnesian minute” a reference to something? Is it true you guys say stuff like “New York minute” to just mean quickly???
* Bhbshbjh it’s not exactly better but “Herkulesów jak mrówków” just cracks me up
= Instead of “Britanny” the popular girls name is said to be “Izaura” as a reference to the TV show and I don’t know, I suppose they both work but in a different way, Izaura fits cause it’s a Latin name so it sounds natural in this setting, but I suppose it was part of the joke in the og dub to contrast Jason and Britanny (although with how popular modern name Jason is, at least for me, it completely doesn’t sound ancient)
This was already almost three pages of my doc so I'll divide this analysis into two parts and then, like before, make a separate post for each song.
Hope you enjoyed this one and see you soon!
Edit: second part is up!
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