#and even differentiate by color
gamebunny-advance · 3 months
I'm not a linguist, so I don't have the terms to really describe what I'm explaining, but I like how the latest Pikmin comic implies that the Pikmin language probably doesn't contain specific words for specific items. Instead, it seems like they communicate almost strictly with descriptive language.
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While it's possible that "bulborb" and "mushroom" are just similar sounding words in the Pikmin language, I think the implication is that their language is very context-sensitive, so missing any part of a message can significantly change its meaning.
So for example, "bulborb" might be something like "dangerous spotted big red" in the Pikmin language, then the yellow pikmin might have misheard the "dangerous" part and just heard "spotted big red" which would be their word for "mushroom."
It's very fascinating~
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honetii · 6 months
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I'm like super normal and not unhinged in the slightest (I spent 3 days formatting, printing, and binding a niche internet story about sci fi football into a 280 page physical book)
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milkbreadtoast · 6 months
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"I quit my job and became the Princess Bride"✨ Have you read this romance novel? 😇
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maythearo · 1 year
Getting sillier on the self indulgent madness i've fallen into
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tcfactory · 3 months
I'm pretty certain this is not a new idea, but it's kinda relevant for one of the fics I'm writing, so please consider:
The Northern Demon Kings all have an expiration date, because the ancestral power their clan hoards and covets is poison. Some bear it better and rule for thousands of years before it wears them down. Some are not compatible with this horrid amalgamation of energies and fade quickly. There was the rare occasion when the wannabe king died from trying to assimilate the power and never lived to be officially crowned.
Mobei-jun - not Shang Qinghua's hulky ice demon, but his father - has been slowly, painfully dying since the moment he took on the power of his ancestors.
In canon Linguang-jun tells young Mobei (Qinghua's Mobei, our Mobei) that he should die young like his father. Linguang-jun himself isn't very old, likely no more than 10-20 years older than Mobei, so Mobei-jun probably inherited the throne not long before Mobei was born. Mobei-jun doesn't even rule a full century, in the end. He wastes away from the strain of keeping the ancestral power controlled. He neglects his family. He neglects his kingdom. He withdraws from the public eye except for his appearances at court where he has all the means to keep up the illusion of a strong, if eccentric and lazy king.
The king is dying.
It's a secret that weighs heavily on those who know.
Mobei doesn't know until he has to take over most duties of the fading king and he still doesn't know the cause; he assumes it has to be the result of some poison or assassination attempt. Mobei-jun is too proud to admit what he sees as the consequences of a personal failing to his son, although he does write his thoughts down in a series of journals meant for Mobei to find and read after Mobei-jun has passed.
Linguang-jun knows - how could he not? He was barely a teen when he had to start supporting his brother, picking up the slack in administration and rulership where his brother can't. Him dropping off his young nephew in the human world was an impulsive act of lashing out - a teenager having to do too much for his older brother with too much responsibility, coupled with his very young nephew going through a very clingy/annoying/needy phase made him snap and deal with the stressor he had the ability to deal with: smol Mobei. He regretted it almost immediately, but he couldn't admit that it was because of all the stress he was under (and he couldn't have explained it to his nephew without divulging his brother's state of health, which he swore not to do) so he just doubled down on the assassination attempt angle and then stewed in bitter regret.
Mobei-jun, when he finally becomes king, gets author's favorite blorbo treatment which means he can basically rule until the end of the world if he so pleases, but not without side effects. One cannot hold the cumulated power of a bloodline as ancient and powerful as the Mobei clan without paying the price.
But that's an idea for another day.
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ofsunhillow · 4 months
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THEYRE FINALLY DONE...... ranyart olias qoquaq in that order. i had to do them for my peace of mind
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lovebandit42069 · 3 months
Thank you so much for tagging me @radi0blahblah !!
I'll do this with Nem because she's been on my mind so much lately
Directions: Highlight/bold the tropes that apply to you and your f/o
height difference · mutual pining · first kiss · first love · married · inside jokes · lgbt+ · family disapproves · friends disapprove · would die for each other · fake relationship · arranged wedding · physical affection · pda friendly · and they were roommates · secret relationship · opposing world views · opposing personalities · opposing goals · getting a pet · have kids · grow old together · relationship failures · rest head on shoulder · share a bed · token dummies · relationship doubts · they have a song · first date · it's cold, take my jacket · sharing a blanket · mutual interests · study buddies · bathing together · crash into hello · accidental nudity · laundry · same hobbies · cooking together · big fancy gala · sibling rivalry · hair stroking · late night dancing · cloudgazing in the grass · watching stars together · watching the other sleep · shared values · friends to lovers · enemies to lovers · lovers to enemies · childhood friends · slow burn · love triangle · toxic relationship · sitting on each other’s lap · can’t be together · hugs · forehead touches · neck kisses · car/motorbike rides · compliments · petnames · falling asleep together · late night talks · spontaneous gifts
Tagging: @wulfums @sparky3tears @dudefrommywesterns @strawberry-selfships @gideongrovel (if y'all want!!!)
Feel free to do this and say I tagged you if you want to do it though, I just didn't want to tag too many people hhhas;dflky
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moe-broey · 11 months
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Seer's Snare team (they're lost.)
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masonsystem · 2 months
i wonder why the hd apollo justice sprites are so good while the hd phoenix wright ones arent.. did they lose the original artwork and had to recreate everything from scratch for the trilogy remaster? thts kinda what it looks like.. strange if thats the case cuz they sold artbooks with original artwork of the trilogy sprites, but im almost certain the original artwork wasnt used
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hollowsart · 2 years
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Electra.. ⚡💖
:) she’s cool. a bit angry at first, but she’s a lot of fun.
blue electricity, burning white hot <3
bottom left text, cuz I know it’s hard to read: I’ll make you regret being born.
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alto-tenure · 1 year
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why do these two designs who are of the same person have completely different hair colors and skin tones
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cigarettecomedians · 1 year
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wedding-shemp · 1 year
...did american girl seriously release another historical doll that's a blonde white girl...
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elkian · 6 months
One small but extremely annoying effect of Tech Modernization or w/e is how UI contrast is garbage anymore, especially just, like, application windows in general.
"Ooh our scrollbar expands when you mouse over it! Or does it? Only you can know by sitting there like an idiot for 3 seconds waiting for it to expand, only to move your cursor away just as it does so!" or Discord's even more excellent "scrollbar is 2 shades off of the background color and is one (1) pixel wide" fuck OFF
I tried to move a system window around yesterday and had to click 3 times before I got the half of the upper bar that let me drag it. Why are there two separate bars with absolutely nothing to visually differentiate them on that.
"Well if you look closely-" I should not!! have to squint!!! at the screen for a minute straight to detect basic UI elements!! Not mention how ableist this shit is, and for what? ~✨Aesthetic✨~?
and then every website and app imitates this but in different ways so everything is consistently dogshit to try to use but not always in ways you can immediately grok it's!!!! terrible!!!! just put lines on things again I'm begging you!!!!
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vaugarde · 9 months
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aro bi dewott :3
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tonyglowheart · 1 year
every so often a bottle of OPI Every Month Is Oktoberfest comes on the second-hand market in like the $30-ballpark (rn it's $40+ and I don't want to spend that lmao), and every time it does I tell myself I don't NEED it. but then I don't get it, and then later I'm like nooo I need it
I know there's a couple dupes that ppl say are "good enough," but just like. when you see the close comparison shots that PolishAholic did back in the day... like Oktoberfest just has that something extra special about it that gives the color that much more depth and interest...
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