#and anyways....this is what matter the most rn 🥰🥰🥰
gxtzeizm · 2 months
lando podium celebration....from the eyes of maximillian "lucky charms" fewtrell 🥰🥰🥰
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pantherxrogers · 11 months
Dating Luca (The Bear Headcanon)
Content warnings: kinda smutty 18+ only, explicit language, there's fluff too :)
A/N: Idc how much screen time Luca got, he has a whole personality in my head LMAO 😩 I hope you guys enjoy more Luca content! This is super short, but I had so much fun writing it 😄 My requests are wide open, so let me know what you'd like to see next! <3 If you liked this, please like/reblog! It means a lot! 😘
Summary: A short headcanon of what I imagine it'd be like to date our fav pastry chef 🥰
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Let’s start with the fluffffff 😊
I feel like most of the reason we all love Luca (aside from the fact that Will Poulter plays him) is that he’s so gentle (but have you guys heard the term Stern Brunch Daddy?)
Let’s say you’re not very good at baking, doesn’t matter because he’s fully committed to teaching you. He will literally start with something as basic as baking a cookie from scratch and later making more complex desserts. It doesn’t even matter how long it takes because he just enjoys being around you :’)
Speaking of spending time together, Luca’s love language is defffff quality time.
When he spoke about learning from the chef who was much better than him (Carmy??) it made me think about how much he would enjoy just being around the person he loves. Whether you’re baking, watching a movie, or even napping together, the pair of you are like magnets.
He shares his love of food with you every chance he gets (he wants to combine two of his greatest loves 😭)
Going out to dinner with a chef is always a unique experience, but no matter what he’s letting you choose the restaurant (if he has to choose he'll just wind up cooking something for you at home since he can make it better anyways)
Thinking about how he’d definitely bake a birthday cake for you, spending hours on it because it needs to be perfect 😪 (he could bake a cake in his sleep but this isn’t just ANY cake)
He asks you to sample everything whenever he's coming up with a new menu item, he trusts your judgement and knows you'll be honest with him
When he’s working late, he tells you not to wait up for him (much to your displeasure) but every morning, you wake up to a new dessert in the fridge 🥺
He’s been doing it since you moved in together just because he knows it makes you smile (he’ll even leave little notes behind, sometimes silly, sometimes super sappy) you eat it up regardless
Now for the smutty stuff 😈
In the beginning of your relationship, Luca is SUUUPER shy. Like to the point that you have to literally spell it out that you want him to make a move. 
Like Carmy, he doesn’t really have much time for socializing, so he might miss the cues that you throw at him. 
The first time Luca spends the night at your apartment, he’s sure he’s going to pass out on like three different occasions 
1. When you open the door, you’re wearing a satin robe that leaves very little to the imagination (He’s hard before he even sits down)
2. You’re baking together in the kitchen, taking every opportunity to bend over and "grab a mixing bowl", flashing your lacy thong in the process. 
3. When you move into your bedroom because you’re getting “tired”, you ask him to unhook your bra for you, making a show of sliding the robe down your shoulders. And whoops! It just so happens to fall to the floor. 🤗
By that point, you’re done with the subliminals, pushing your ass back, feeling him straining against his jeans. For a moment, he doesn’t know what to do with his hands (it’d be adorable if you weren’t painfully horny rn)
“Luca, you can touch my boobs if you want to, I swear I won’t mind,” you playfully tease him, shifting into a sigh when his hands immediately connect with your sensitive nipples. 
That’s actually how the both of you found out that manhandling is one of the quickest ways to turn you on
Later in your relationship, he makes a show of tapping your ass (when it’s appropriate of course)
He casually shows his strength a lot because he knows it gets you going (thinking of him picking up those packs of flour 😓)
Both of you love the soft moments too. He’s a passionate lover, so slow, gentle sex is always amazing
Back to our regularly scheduled, fluffy programming 😋
Overall, I see Luca as a sweet, loyal boyfriend. The way he spoke about the chef he shadowed (again, do we think it was Carmy??) it seems like he really values the close relationships in his life
Of course, he values his relationship with you the most, always wanting to be the best version of himself for you (and vice versa) 🥰
Taglist (please let me know if you want to be added/removed):
@wakandamama @wakandama2 @blowmymbackout @nolita-fairytale @douceurrrr @mercang @eddiemunsonreader @cryobabyy @superhoeva @kdoxkeic
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xxliliana-screamsxx · 11 months
(Author note: I'm feeling a lil sad n lonely so I'ma make something fluffy 🥹 I'm one sad MF I swear 😭💀) also these headcanons only include Larry and sal, I would include Ashley but I suck at writing F/F relationship HCs😭 quite shocking coming from the pansexual gal ik. Plz don't hate me if these HCs are choppy I can't write worth shit plus it's 1 in the morning and I'm tired as hell but I don't wanna disappoint you all 🥲 ANYWAYS ENJOY ❣️
(headcanon description: This is more of how they would react to you being distant from them and insecure about yourself)
Sal Fisher🎭
He's used to your normal bubbly personality and kind heart but he noticed something different..
He won't stop asking what's wrong bc he's afraid that he may be the cause of your distance (same 🥲)
Ofc since you're not talking to him he'll give random gifts left n right to apologize for whatever he did even if he didn't do anything to you🥹
Eventually when you tell him why you're being distant he immediately comforts you and does everything in his own power to make you feel better ❤️
He was a tad bit upset that you didn't tell him what was wrong sooner but he can't stay upset when it comes to you 💕
Though you may think you're ugly and imperfect he thinks otherwise
"I don't understand, how could you love someone like me? You said while looking in the mirror observing your body. "What do you mean? What's not to love about you". "Well for one, my thighs are too big, I have a belly pudge, and my acne scars are ugly" you say in disgust of yourself. "Hey, no matter what, I will always love you and besides who cares about your belly pudge? The bigger the woman the more woman to love ❤️"
He absolutely adores you and shows it whether it's through gifts or physical contact 💕
If you have Belly chub Oh my lord he's head over heels and will make sure you know it 🥰
He will love you til all those insecurities and negative thoughts are gone❤️
(if you ever came across those memes that say "fuck it, wrap me in a blanket, feed me cake and tell me I'm pretty" he'd most definitely do exactly that😚)
Larry Johnson 🚬
This man almost IMMEDIATELY catches on with your distance between you and him
He'll sit you down and talk to you and ask what's wrong and when you reply he'll hug you and hold on to you like you're gonna turn to dust if he doesn't lol
He understands your insecurities and will do everything he can to help you get into a better mindset 💕
He doesn't like seeing you upset so ofc the constant love and affection is a normal routine for him, he'll do anything to keep you happy 🥹❤️(I'm sobbing rn)
As much as you hate your body, he loves it. And I don't mean in a sexual way but more of a loving way ya know?
He hates seeing you cry, he'll hold you and for hours maybe even days if he has to, just to get you smiling again 💕
(ya know those long ass love letters you see on TikTok, he'd take the time out of his day to make you one of those❤️)
I'm truly sorry to whoever requested this 😭 I forgot their @ but hopefully they see it 😭🙏 also sorry for the crappy writing 😞
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 months
Heyyy, I’m back, didjya miss me 🥰
(Back to be a parasite about the Fairy AU and some Cosmic Tides, cause that feels a lil’ forgotten rn-)
SO, I’m curious. For Fairy AU;
Does Eclipse have a goal? Like, okay… so we know that he was trapped due to breaking one of the most forbidden laws, right? And he’s like- getting some sort of revenge for that… is there another motive or is he just on a one way road with no real goal, just trying to make the boys lives as miserable or difficult as possible?
And what would you say his and Lunars relationship would be like? Assuming that Lunar doesn’t know anything about Eclipse yet since it hasn’t been stated he’s been informed about him; would Lunar unknowingly and naively trust Eclipse and ‘befriend’ him or would he just assume he means bad and just… not interact with him?
Now moving onto Cosmic Tides! Is it a shelved AU or it is just not the main focus as of now? Because I absolutely adore it with my soul and being and want more of my fishy babies and mischievous Y/N so badly-
Anyways, with those out the way, I’ll be returning to the darkness and start piling up more questions for my next visit… farewell, fair maiden. Take this for your travels 🤲
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As for Eclipse’s goal, I intend to let that be figured out as the story progresses. Along with his reasons why. There is so much to him that I am excited to explore, but it will take time QwQ
Regarding Lunar, he knows about Eclipse. At least, he knows what Sun has told him. And Lunar’s thoughts on the matter have yet to be discovered, as well. And boy does he have opinions…
Onto Cosmic Tides. I wanna get back into it so badly QwQ I have an idea for where the story will go, but most of the time making the story is used for planning and plotting. I even already have ideas for a sequel to the main story. Sadly my brain can’t juggle writing too many stories at once so I have to focus on one and leave the others aside. But it’s not been forgotten ^^
Thank u for your questions!
also, SPLOINKUS!!!!!
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whollyjoly · 2 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
alright alright i think im just going to do my "on repeat" playlist because that feels like the right vibe!!
Don't Know What's Come Over You - The Ruen Brothers
look...i love the ruen brothers. i love them SO MUCH. have i used songs from them for moodboards in both the bob and the 911 fandoms?? yes yes i have. i will shout about them from the rooftops because i just love their music!!! SO MUCH!!!
also i got to see them in concert a few weeks back and they are just!! so talented AND so nice!!! ahhhhhh okay anyways
2. Dream Girl Evil - Florence + The Machine
i have been on SUCH a florence + the machine kick recently!! you can blame @xxluckystrike for reminding me just how much i love them a few months back 😅 and ive been OBSESSED ever since so thank you blu!!!
also idk what it is but with canon bi!buck, i just feel like he would fucking love f+atm okay?? so i am living not just vicariously through him but FOR him
3. The Storm in You - The Ruen Brothers
LOOK i said i was obsessed and so it is not surprising in the least that they're on my "on repeat" playlist multiple times 😅😅 this song IN PARTICULAR though is a personal fav!! there's something about it that just makes me want to dance?? like swing or blues dance, something slow on a summer evening with the sun bathing everything in a dark pink and golden glow...
(they also played a slow version of this at the concert i went to that made my heart MELT so im especially obsessed)
4. A.M. Radio - The Lumineers
look i've been a lumineers girlie for a long time, and this album is just SUCH easy listening for me!! if ever im feeling overwhelmed or anxious, this is one of my go-to albums to put on and just turn off my brain!!
is it basic hipster of me?? maybe. do i care?? HELL no!!
5. The Exception - Dustbowl Revival feat. The Secret Sisters
okay okay so this is funny because like?? i have NO idea where i found this song?? maybe it was on one of the daylists or something, but all i know is that i found it and theres something about it that scratches SUCH a good itch in my brain?? it's also sooooo cute, not just the song and the lyrics but the album art too!! look at that!! the lil astronauts and a flower!!
but like, tell me this doesnt just make your heart so happy:
and i could go forevermore / maybe we open a general store in some small town / where no one could find us
no matter what i say or what I do / i can't live without you 'cause you're the exception to the rule
its literally the most kicking my feet twirling my hair giggling song i can think of rn, i love it just SO much!!
ANYWAYS thank you so much for sending this to my pretz my dear!! i hope you are doing WONDERFULLY and i just adore you SO MUCH!! 🥰💖✨
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bearseulgs · 2 years
enhypen's reaction to their s/o accidentally calling them their husband
gn!reader x ot7
genre: fluff
wc: 1029
warnings: mentions of food
requested!! tysm
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y'all were just chillin on the floor watchin tv
why weren't you sitting on the couch you ask?? bc it's pride month and i said so
anyways he got up to grab y'all snacks bc like you're hungry watching tv is honest work
and he comes back with your favorite easy food platter and you turned into the 🥺 emoji
"thank you Hee 🥺🥺 you make such a good husband"
you didn't even process what you said but he just stared at you
suddenly your eyes widen in realization
"oh dearie, i didn't mean to say that, i'm sorry, oh goll-"
"it's okay, i liked it ☺️"
HE WHAT ?:!:?3?3!3!
heart rate movin like gas prices rn 📈📈📈
Jay is the ULTIMATE husband material
like if there was a manual written on how to be a good husband, it'd be modeled after Jay and mans ain't even married
so are we that surprised that you couldn't help but think the same thing??
anyways, he had the afternoon off of work and wanted to do smth nice for you aw
so he decided to make a home-cooked meal to greet you with when you came home from work 🥹🥹 gimme someone like him
you get home and find your fav dishes laid out across the table and a smiley Jay sitting patiently in his seat
you eat the meal and by the end you're just so filled with gratitude and accidentally let smth that you think about slip
"thank you so much for this Jay, you're the perfect husband"
😦😦 big shock from Jay
he's a tad flustered but tells you you're the perfect spouse too and that soon enough that'll come true ;) WHAT 😱
he already calls you wifey/hubby all the time
so it was just a matter of time before you slip up and say it back
and slip up you do
you're getting ready for a date w Jakey and when you show up looking good he's over here like :0 <333
and so ofc he had to compliment his lovely s/o 🥰
"yoo wifey/hubby/whatevs you look amazing!!"
"thanks hubby, you ain't too bad yourself"
😶 oh em gee
play dumb
"said what"
"who called who what?"
not that dumb!
he doesn't let it go for the rest of the evening so ig you're calling him hubby now
okay tbh,,,
this wasn't an accident
but you were gonna play it off like one
you were determined to break your bf's cocky facade
(i'm a firm believer in easily flustered Hoon)
so you came up with the most perfectest plan ever slay 💪💯
y'all had planned a day off of work to just chill and do like normal coupley jazz and whatevs, like sleeping til noon and running to the convenience store and binging stranger things steve harrington date me pls haha what
and so y'all were at the convenience store grabbing snacks for your 7 hour st marathon
and when y'all went to check out your haul ended up being way more expensive than you had planned
and you were like :(( i can't pay for all this :(( i have to pay rent and stuff (idk i'm not an adult i'm still in hs)
but Hoonie payed for you aw 💞💞
as y'all were walking back to your apartment OUTTA THE BLUE you were like "you're such a great husband, Hoonie"
mans stopped dead in his tracks
"a great,,, what?"
YOU THOUGHT YOU DID SMTH WRONG AT FIRST but no he was just shocked
many cuddles for you when y'all get home
it was so sunny out lately, making it the perfect weather for a picnic date!!
you were looking forward to it all week, so as soon as the weekend hit you were preparing
Saturday morning you put on the cutest outfit ever looking so slayful purr 😘
and you biked to the picnic location with your picnic basket in your,,, bike basket
we need another word for basket
MOVING ON you arrive to see Sunoo sitting on the blanket he laid out looking cute as ever
"what husband material"
oops that was supposed to stay in the drafts (read: thoughts) 🫢
he knows he's cute tho so he just smiles and says "right back at you" omg
i want him so bad
you recently got a new job woohoo go you!!
so ofc Wonie wanted to treat you
he woke up extra extra early to make you breakfast in bed 🥺🥺
and he came in with a tray of pancakes and coffee and fruits and any of your other favs
you were legit abt to cry from his sweetness
you made him eat some too bc this is his creation and he should enjoy some of it
when you finished you were still kinda sleepy bc it was still rather early
so you just cuddled up and said "you're gonna be a great husband" without thinking
he stiffened up but you were asleep before he said anything so he just stayed quiet and look at you lovingly aw
Riki your mortal enemy
and also your boyfie 💞💞
we love the duality
that's unrelated but i think you deserve to know
anyways Riki was over at your place
and y'all were like "let's bake cookies 🥰🥰"
but Riki started MIXING UP YOUR SPICES the horror so you exiled him to the living room to play games ❌
y'all could still converse tho and converse you did
anyways at one point while you were balling the batter up to put on the baking pan your bffie called
and obvi you picked up bc that's your bestie forget the boyfie
you forgot that you and your friend tended to refer to your partners as your spouses and also forgot to tell them that Riki was over
so when they asked "how's the husband" you immediately responded with "he's great, he's actually over here right now"
then the realization hit ",,,and he can hear me"
he's so cocky abt it but only to cover up his adoration for you
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a/n: writing tip!! if ur ever stuck on a wip just listen to metallica <33
©️ bearseulgs 2022
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jayflrt · 2 months
Calling that there was an agreement where Jennie taps Hoon and Sujin taps YN to avoid the whole situation looking nepo baby and WHEN Hoon freaks about it then his brother is just going to frame it as him not trusting him again. The gas light is on people.
Heeseung you fishy little fish. I feel like Hee was probably once a decent guy but surviving in this world is not easy and he has begun to drift away from his previous frame of morality. He doesn’t want to admit to himself that he’s not that much of a decent guy anymore.
Controversial opinion but I feel (based solely on the evidence we have now) like Hoon is actually one of the most morally upright members of that group. His methods are NOT always great and he frequently loses sight of what is important, but my dude generally has pure goals and is not out to wreck people for fun. He is genuinely working for what he has. He is being bullied and manipulated by his family. He is a truly tragic character and fully deserves better. Hoping Yeonjun’s secret twin sister (or something) shows up and teaches him how to love like a human being. He genuinely deserves someone who cares about him. YN did but she was not the right person. Hoon needs a ball buster with a heart of gold. YN had the heart in spades but she didn’t have that pitbull streak that would really be needed to partner with this Hoon.
YN is a genuinely good person and she is strong in so many other ways. Hanging on to her morality and her compassion in that group is not easy feat but she has not bent to considerable pressure (both spoken and unspoken). It makes sense that someone looking to ruin her might need to resort to hiring outside help. Unlike many of the others in her group, she doesn’t have an immediately obvious exploitable weakness. I know she HAS made mistakes before and I fully believe those are going to come back in a big way. The stuff she wrote about Heeseung and the real reason for her fallout from Sunoo…I mean there is obviously something cooking there.
My theories are…that Hoon’s family might have something to do with hiring Jay. They need to secure a connection with YN’s family. It would be smart to have an insurance policy.
But to be more specific… if it is Sujin… Jay is the perfect insurance policy. He just needed Hoon and YN to drift apart, then he takes over the company and uses info from Jay to ensure that YN’s hospitals will be in business with the Hoon family company only if HE is CEO.
I really hope I’m not spelling Sujin’s name wrong. lol. But yeah this series is amazing.
OOH can't wait to see your thoughts on sungjin's motive reveal 🫣🫣 i totally agree with your take on heeseung too !! he's definitely wrapped up in trying to fit in with everyone else when he was once just like jay 🤧 (or, well,, mostly like jay LOL) and hoon def goes about most things the wrong way LMFAO 🤧 but he is genuinely focused on his goals and future !! it's only a matter of time until his family pushes him to a limit tho :(( HAHAH NOT YEONJUNS TWIN SISTER but bro does deserve love 😔 tho i don't think he has the capacity for it rn after how messy it was with mc
hot take i love mc too 🫶🫶 my soft spot for tragic characters and i wrote this story to be teeming with them MUAH and you're so spot on with her because she's got her secrets and hides them WELL 🧎‍♀️ doesn't even let her close friends into her priv because she's actually so reserved for someone who is forced to be a social butterfly
HAHAH *sungjin but you were close and his name only comes up at the top of the screenshot in a handful of chapters anyways !! 😩 and your theories are so intriguing to read 🫣 when we get to the ending im SO looking forward to reading back on these 🥰 also i'm so so glad you like the series 🥹💖 it's always such a joy to read what you have to say !! i hope you're doing well ml and having a great day/night 🫶
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rookthorne · 1 year
Your writing is phenomenal 🤎
What advice or research/resource tips could you give a writer newly trying to get into more mature-explicit (All natures- battles, love making, whump) scenes or fics ? 🥹
hello, my darling! thank you for your kind words! 🥰
firstly, can I just say that it's a lil' surreal that people are coming to me for advice...? I was in your shoes not that long ago now, and it's blowing my mind that sweethearts such as yourself are asking me for the tips and tricks. like damn, this is insane. ANYWAY
my advice will be under the cut, because, as per usual, I can't shut the fuck up - but this once? it may actually be warranted! 🤣
one thing I live by, that you first have to get into your mind, is that you need to have something on the paper - no matter how bad you may think it is, you must have something on that document. you cannot edit, beta, or work with, a blank page.
this translates so well into mature and explicit works. when I first started, I couldn't write a cuddle scene without blushing (but yet I read the filthiest smut, go figure).
having a mental picture is also crucial to get this to work - whether you visualise, watch videos (p-rn, battle scenes, or medical shows, etc), or whether you follow reputable websites that provide facts - it is crucial to have this step, without it, you have nothing to work with.
this is where I tend to differ from other writers, so this may be one off advice, but I literally just write. I don't stop to think, I don't stop to listen to that voice that is telling me it's stupid. I write, and then edit later (cue my advice earlier - cannot edit a blank page).
I don't always research first.
I know, the horror, right?
sometimes that's the way it goes! while, yes, it is very important to have research backing your works, sometimes the muse just doesn't let you! and that's okay - because you can always go back over your work with a critical eye, rather than a creative one.
I am a firm believer in not stunting your creativity for reality, where you can help it.
but, alas, here I am not getting to the point.
do not, under any circumstance during your research, use Wikipedia. if you go to Wikipedia because you have no other choice, scroll to the bottom and go to those sources - more often than not, these are medical journals, and they do tend to be available for public perusing.
I learnt how to write smut via a previous beta, and she was very graceful in educating me the tricks of the trade. but you can also learn a lot from other writers - just by reading their works! that is how I got to the point that I am at now. I spent hours seeing the differences between writers, and I related what they did in their works to my own creations in the sense of flow, placement, and structure. sooner than later, I ended up mapping out scenes in my head, and if I wasn't sure on how something worked, I reached out to my fellow writers and asked for advice, or asked for a beta! if you feel that isn't an option, watching p-rn is a very good substitute in learning how it all works, or how a position would look, or just in general smuttiness. here is one of the guides that I used.
regarding battle scenes (god I fucking love writing them), it's important to get the ambience right, and the flow of movements without dragging on. it's such a fine balance and it is so fucking easy to tip the scales one way or another, rather than keeping it level. I am a history nerd when it comes to anything Norse/Viking, so I have background and knowledge to help my flow, but watching movies and shows (even documentaries!) is a big help! they will teach you the dynamic movement and flow of how someone would handle a sword, or an axe, or a shield. here is a good combat resource.
whump... oh, my beloved whump, how I fucking adore writing whump. but I have a penchant for torturing and snapping my glow sticks, not everyone is as torturous as me. 🤣
this is where research is the most important, or prior knowledge. I never attempt a whump fic or scene without researching first - it is the only exception to my above statement of not always doing it first.
WebMD is an excellent source for learning about illnesses and the courses of treatment, same with medical journals. I have a few tags on my blog: writing resources, writing tips, writing help - that will direct you to many blogs that have countless resources.
last but not least, reach out to as many writers that you can!
I can't speak for everyone, but I preach that my inbox is always open, both on here and discord, to ask for help or advice regarding anything - whether that be writing scenes, beta work, or just general advice regarding anything writing/creating/aesthetics/graphics! I have a big wheelhouse and I am more than willing to share what I know if it will help someone else, and you can be sure that if I don't know something, I won't stop until I know how to help. never be afraid to reach out to me if you need more help, I don't bite! 💗
I really hope my essay helped you, nonnie, I tried my best - even if I got a bit rambly, my bad 😅🤣
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Hiiiii lemon here, gonna drop a somnophilia ask in beforehand (and hope it doesnt get lost in the fanmail lmao) if thats alright bc im gonna be travelling around that time and will likely be in no shape to send it in then (its v exciting but its so stressful i swear im going crazy i wont be surprised if i turn into a motherfucking banana before this is over. A banana anon. Abanananan. If this doesnt characterise the chaos my life is rn i dont even know) (oh crap the banana is taken already. Am i a hybrid? Lemonana? Balemon? Banamon? It looks like a banana and then you take a bite and surprise surprise its evil?? I dont know i should get to the ask prbly)
So idk if this is weird actually but i was thinking seb getting to play with you while youre asleep instead of the other way around? 
I mean, he is an early riser and sometimes he would wake up unbearably horny. It starts out as him cuddling up to you, kissing your neck maybe, nuzzling into your shoulder insistently, and he always shakes you awake when he cant wait any longer because he would never do anything without your explicit permission. 
And some morning he shakes you awake, and you swing an arm lazily around his neck and tell him he can go on, so now he is grinding against your hip, and it’s so nice—it’s a steady pace that’s almost lulling, and you’re warm and happy and have your favourite boy here with you who is so cute when he is needy, and it’s not like you were fully alert in the first place, so you start to drift back to sleep. 
He stops and shakes you awake again.
The problem is, you really don’t want to wake up yet.
“What’s the matter, love, do you need something?” you mumble, and he hides his face into your shoulder guiltily, realising he isn’t letting you sleep when you probably want to. But what if you want him to stop or something and you can’t because you’re asleep? You hum and settle more comfortably against the pillows. “Wake me up if you want to come, but not earlier than in half an hour.”
It turns out to be pretty fun—most of the fun being how into it he unexpectedly is. Because you trust him with this? You trust him to be a good boy and do everything right while you’re not watching him, but also trust him with your body so completely? 
He is not allowed to come until you wake up and give him explicit permission, but other things may vary: sometimes you will tell him beforehand that everything is fair game but he cant wake you up before your alarm goes off (otherwise he doesnt get to come for the rest of the day), or that he isn’t allowed to touch you, only help himself. 
Initially the main rule sounds something like “no orgasms while i’m asleep” and he is puzzled by it. Turns out, the question is, should he wake you up if you’re about to come? You don’t think there is much use in this rule, surely you’d wake up if you were that close, but you keep it anyway—and turns out the little shit can be extremely sneaky when he wants to, and not a little bit smug about it, too. So sometimes you wave the rule on yourself. As a treat.
With love, 
Lemon 💜🍋
p s hope everyone is having a fun kinktober the 15th, will look at what yall were up to as soon as i can! 💕✨🥰
Okay so lemon sent this ask a while ago and I have been counting down the days until somno day because this ask is fucking AMAZING. Lemon you are an absolute genius this is incredible.
Also lemon, we need a travel update. I assume you've gone insane, but we need to know the level of insanity. Update us!! We require a debrief.
Okay anyway, back to seb somno!
Before you came along, seb never really woke up horny after he was like 15. But then he gets into a relationship with you and suddenly he's waking up horny all the time? Like his body is aware that he's next to you and knows you'll make him feel good.
And of course, you love waking up to a horny seb, and love being woken up by a horny seb even more. Because the times when Seb wakes you up himself are just the best. He's so painfully hard, whining into your ear and finally shaking you awake because he cant take it anymore.
Being able to grind against you feels so nice. Not just because it's getting some much-needed friction, but also because he feels so warm and safe? He can can cuddle into your side, head resting against your shoulder as he grinds against you.
But then you fall back asleep and seb panics?
I also think it would take seb a minute or two to realise that you've fallen asleep? Because he's just so wrapped up in how good it feels to drag his hips against you in the warmth and comfort of the bed.
And then he looks up at you to get a kiss and realises that you've fallen asleep? Seb panics so much.
Because he doesnt know when you fell asleep. What if he's been grinding against you and you fell asleep basically the moment you said he could?
He feels so bad. He has no idea what to do, but he's also still so hard and not moving his hips against you feels like absolute torture because now he knows how good it feels.
So he shakes you awake, because he figures if he's going to get in trouble, then he should own up to it. That's one of his rules: he must always tell you if he's been bad and if he's honest with you, he'll get a lighter punishment (you have never needed to punish him, but he insists that you have rules for that).
So he shakes you awake, and you're very confused.
"Close to cumming?" you ask him, still half asleep. You assume he's woken you because he needs permission to cum.
"No..." he mumbles, "you fell asleep, and I.. I didn't know so I kept on going."
Now you're even more confused.
"Yes?" you say, "I told you that you could? Seb, why would you think you'd get in trouble for doing something I gave you permission for?"
"Cause you were sleeping," he explains, "you weren't... you didn't know?"
You roll over to face him, cupping his jaw, "You're my good boy. I know that you'll always follow my rules, even when I'm asleep, and I know that you'd never hurt me. So you can grind against me when you wake all hard and achy, yeah? You're a good boy, and good boys get to do that."
Seb cries at your words, shuffling closer and hugging you tight because he cant he gets to have this, cant believe you trust him with something as precious as your body.
From there, he gets more used to it. He understands he's always allowed to grind against you, that he can get pleasure like that for as long as he wants until your alarm goes off. And he knows that when you wake up, you'll always let him cum.
It's actually him that asks about him touching you while you're still sleeping. Cause he wants to make you feel good?
You're open to the idea, and you know he'd never hurt you.
Seb loves it so much! Even more than grinding against you, just settling between your legs and licking you for a little while is the perfect way to start the morning.
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kpophubb · 1 year
Hii love
do u mind telling me ur thoughts about sooha, if you've read dark moon?
I know the #sooha_OUT community are going to come for me for this, but i personally think that she's a neat and pretty girl ( LIKE I WOULD KILL TO HAVE HER HAIR AND BODY EVEN THOUGH SHES FICTIONAL) and maybe it's the fact that heli and solon are her potential love interests that has everybody buzzing like bees. And maybe her role is irrelevant in the lore, but i guess they seem to forget that she played an important role in the mvs of drunk-dazed and fever. I just can't wrap my head around the fact that people are hating on A FICTIONAL CHARACTER because she's a princess, has the most gorgeous guys in the webtoon pining for her, and has super strength.
Also, I believe i might change my bias to Sunghoon :)
Hi hi my baby bini!!🤍🥰 how are you today and tell me what you’ve been upto recently? I felt like I’ve missed u so much and haven’t heard from you in a while..
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now coming to sooha..I did talk about this with you before in another ask you sent that sadly I don’t know her enough to judge her babe😭 I only read the free ch 1 of the webtoon series and trust me if I could read the entire thing, I’d be doing it RN to come and talk to you about it in detail ( BUT idk how to purchase these things bc I don’t have a credit card ¿ )
anyways, at first I felt like fans were raging about sooha bc she was getting unnecessary attention and the series was becoming ABOUT HER and not the BOYS like it was originally planned to be. It was supposed to be their story and how they grow, get over their fears and get accepted in the outside world. That’s why, some fans hated sooha when she stole the spotlight and the guys LITERALLY STARTED FIGHTING EACHOTHER for her 💔 secondly, I thought reading the funny attacking tweets were just an inner joke between engenes and Enha. The whole “#sooha_out” thing was just for fun and not serious at all, that’s why engenes were even taunting enha on their vlives and asking them “sooha vs. engene”. It all felt like a funny light hearted joke and engenes being jealous and cute for enhypen, so the matter totally slid from my brain.
HOWEVER, if some people are obsessively throwing hate on this character mainly because of jealousy…then uhm isn’t that very immature? Like come on, this was a teen romance genre series in the first place so it was obvious someone was gonna be her lover (most probably heli bc it was sorta foreshadowed in the first chapter I think by their meeting). And the bite oh god…🙄 it’s just HELI, another fictional character not even OUR REAL HEESEUNG. If sooha was an irl girl, living in the enha dorm with them physically as some sort of 8th member in the group then maybe the jealousy would’ve been (a little justified ¿ ) but this is just very childish…
at the end I still think people are just doing it as an inner joke trend and nth too seriously..Ik some people are making a REAL big and serious big deal outta it but some obsessed problematic fans exist everywhere ESPECIALLY Twitter! 🤦🏻‍♀️ or else why do you think jay would have had to apologise recently and made felt like that for something..so simple that they all misunderstood. It was clear he had good intentions but NAH some people just had to be like that..
AND WOW THIS CALLS FOR CELEBRATION🤩🥳🎊🎉🍻 I’m clearly assuming it’s bc ethan lee always seems to threaten your sanity, hmm? 😉
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the-knaves-world · 2 years
Hello Amy ☺️💞🌺
Thought it would be easier to answer here. I’m happy that you forgave me for the angst ☺️💕 and minqia sounds so heartbreaking 😭
And Omg yes, lilia and jareth, “time to steal the babe” freaking faes 😂🤣
Howl lilia would be so freaking hot, it wouldn’t be fair at all! Can you imagine that line? “That’s my girl” *faints*
I’m really happy you’re enjoying my recommendations 🥹☺️💕🌺 thank you for liking them 🌷🌻
Who are your other fave twst characters? Besides lilia?
Hope you have a good day/sleep 🌷🌻🌺
Hey Hana🪄💌!
I'm just picturing lilia in the fae realm in his uniform, having brought reader to the castle and the rose garden after having them find their way through the town and all of his favorite spots there!
Howl!Lilia as he holds them in the air and dances with them while they cling to him bc they're worried about falling. They should know by now that Lilia wouldn't let anything happen to his precious human that he waited so many centuries for, especially after going through all that hard work of pulling them from their world and into twisted wonderland.
The "That's my girl" line from Lilia would absolutely floor me, I'm telling ya hana, that man would use it on us just to be doin it! But that's one of the reasons we love the old bat sm, isn't it?
I always enjoy your recommendations hana! You have amazing taste I must say 🥴🥰
I love everyone tbh! The ones I simp for however are all aged up obviously bc, why college if no adult? But anyway, Jamil, love that sweet 'n' sneaky snake man, he needs love. Idia is one that grew on me after reading more into vignettes, he is now on of my top spot blorbos.
Malleus is a favorite and so is leona! That is an interesting thought tho, given that they clash sm.
(Fun(?) Fact about me is that istp is my personality type apparently, same as leonas)
But riddle is one of my babies from the beginning and will stay near the top.
Depending on mood the list of most loved blorbos is as follows
Top 9, vil is in their somewhere depending on my mood that week😅 I love them dearly but there are some I just see as my children
That list is
Ortho (for obvious reasons)
Floyd(this one depends)
Now I don't much like rook, for reasons, I don't explicitly like trey either but I don't dislike him. Same with jack for that matter.
Deuce is a wild card for me as I adore him but the type of adoration changes every 5 minutes.
I rambled again!😣
That was the way to say I have parental issues but meh, it is what it is. 🤷‍♀️
Bat dad is bat dad, will prolly always be a top contender bc I tried to leave lilia hell but I keep getting dragged back in!
You are always welcomed to talk with me, I never shut up!
Who are your favorites, other than lilia? I'd love to know!
Have a good day/night! It's like 5:52 rn andi still haven't been to bed😅
Lilia would absolutely steal a baby and go "is ours now" and then proceed to try to convince you by dancing around the kitchen with you and the baby...would be kinda hard to resist the temptation of trying for a family together, by adopting or by getting some smexy times tbh.
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saintobio · 3 years
saint ;-;
i opened the finale of sn with a heavy heart only to read your additional notes and end up with a heavier heart. does this mean you're done writing? on another note, this finale truly broke me to pieces. i'm at a loss of words yet again. thank you so much for all the hard work and dedication you've put into making sn and the rest of your series. you have touched my heart time and time again and i can never thank you enough for helping me get through tough times through your writing (even if we've never directly spoken).
much love, 😔
Anonymous said
Ok, I haven't even read the chapter yet, just your author's note and when I saw how you signed it too, ahhh I never wanted to give someone a virtual hug so badly!! Your writing is beautiful and you always went the extra mile for us with all the research and everything! I really hope you enjoyed this journey as much as we did🥰
Anonymous said
Did I cry a lil reading your additional note on the finale? Yes, yes I did.
Saint, I absolutely adore your writing. Better than actually published stories I've read. Your writing is so fluent and overall stunning. I love it.
Saint, I wish you the best in everything you do. I don't know you personally, but I genuinely believe that good things will come your way.
Loved Sincerely Not, and can't wait to see you in the sequel.
With love and adoration,
awww thank you :’) i knew it was the perfect opportunity to sign off using ‘sincerely yours’ hhhh and i’m rly glad to have u guys on this journey. s2 is here now, and i hope you’ll enjoy it too <3
Anonymous said
Saint, people may have mixed feelings and different opinions about how the story is, but I want u to know that I enjoyed it so much 💜😭no matter how much I may disagree with any of the characters, the story is amazing and I’m so grateful for this amazing experience 💜thank you for this masterpiece! Pls rest well, enjoy your well-deserved break, and we’ll be waiting for your return! ✨Congrats for finishing SN1!! 🎉
Anonymous said
Hey Saint,
Just wanna say that I love your writing!
I know that after this chapter a lot of people are going to give you their opinion on how you are choosing to navigate the story/ plot. But I want you to know that I as a simple bystander am simply here for the ride. I support all your plot twist and trust your process of story telling. I can’t wait for SN2! Thank you for this masterpiece! Rest and take care of yourself on your weeks off! You deserve it!
that’s ok !! like i said in the prev ask, people’s opinions will vary depending on who’s perspective they’re looking at. anyway, thanks sm for being so sweet and for generally trusting my process <33
Anonymous said
Genuinely thank you so much for writing this series!!It gave me and probably a lot of others something to look forward to for the past few months. I had no idea how attached I’d get to the series. I just wanted to ask a few other questions.
What happened to Toji and the Ballerina 👀
Since Toji helped to raise Y/N’s child won’t it be especially painful for him when YN inevitably chooses Gojo since he’ll essentially lose a child he helped raise.
I completely understand where Y/N was coming from when she hid her pregnancy from Gojo. But also 3 years, when a child develops sm and everyone agreed to keep the information from Gojo. Although I was one of the ppl that really wanted Gojo to receive his karma I don’t quite understand why YN did that considering that who Gojo was as a husband is separate from who he’d be as a father. I understand 1 year to get away from the chaos but 3? Why? Also who knew? Ieri? Gojos mom?
Sorry if most of these will be revealed in S2! Thank you again!
ty very much <33 toji and ballerina remain just friends, and he had lesser contact w her ever since he got with yn :) and to ur other question, it’ll be painful for him but he also knows and respects his boundaries esp the fact that sachiro rly isn’t his child.
Anonymous said
kinda irrelevant rn but I've gots to ask this!! What's your opinion on Sera and her relationship with gojo?
I personally think they weren't in love with each other at all. Sera liked the good, healthy, happy and perfect parts of gojo, bec she rarely saw him in the kind of situations that y/n did, and she was hellbent on thinking that her relationship with him is the only good thing going on in her life, so ofc she held on to that idea of a perfect man (that gojo definitely was not) And gojo oof I rlly think that he just used Sera to piss off his dad, and eventually just got used to her company??? and just kept her around bec subconsciously it gave him some sense of control over his own life and decisions (which were otherwise dictated by his father) and ofc it helps that she was an attractive woman. SOOO PLS TELL ME YOUR OPINION ON HER!!
I started feeling particularly bad for her, bec I can really understand where she's coming from. Yeah she was extremely unpleasant at times and had serious issues, but I can't find it in myself to really blame her :(( she was done wrong by gojo. both her and y/n. they deserved better. I think this is why I still don't particularly feel sympathy towards gojo, Idk it's all his karma catching up to him in my opinion 😭🙏🏻
i always think that their relationship was toxic. she didn’t care for him more than having this image of a ‘perfect rich man’ while gojo’s love for her had always been strictly physical. sera has many flaws as a character, but that’s what makes her human. she leaves you conflicted on whether you should stay mad at her or if you should feel bad bc of her struggles in life :) all in all, her character is complex and will be judged from different lenses. personally, if i was yn, i think sera has learned her lesson and that’s enough for me to forgive, but not exactly forget ykwim?
Anonymous said
Miss y/n doesn’t sound very convinced about her second wedding huh… I wonder if she would have had that same reaction if Satoru had not showed up. Idk about y/n but I’m about to run to that altar and marry Toji myself at this point. Anyways I feel really bad for Satoru and I hope he can heal himself rather than be healed by y/n. I know eventually he’ll have to face her again about the whole fake abortion and hiding their baby thing, but for that to happen, I hope he can at least be levelheaded or else the child will be the one suffering with an unstable father. If he’s bound to end up with y/n at the end of the story, I just hope he can find peace within himself first and that y/n doesn’t go all “I can fix him”. But I trust you Saint, I know you’ll deliver the good drama and the craziest plot twists. I truly can’t wait for season 2 and all the new characters we’ll get to see. I’m most excited for mr sukuna and how he’ll be introduced to the story 😗
yes exactly, the best way to deal with the storm is once he’s levelheaded, but we’ll see 🥺
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parisakamali · 3 years
hi bie! how did you do the lovelovelove type on your latest edit? it looks so cool!
howdy! thank you so much 🥰
i don't have my laptop rn so i can't insert pictures but it's very easy so we don't need to! it's a combination of actually doing something and... luck tbh
i don't remember the font i used but that doesn't really matter anyway because you can use whatever font you want, set the filling to 0, and add a stroke. i'd suggest a heavy sans serif font cause it looks best for this "effect". you can either use different layers for each word or do it all in one text layer.
(if you did them all in one layer, the next step isn't necessary, you just have to play with the row distance to make them overlap. if you didn't, follow the next step:)
the next thing you do is center them. make sure they are all centered vertically. but you can play with that and see and align them whatever you want for a slightly different look. then place them each in a way that they overlap each other, but not too much. it looks best if the distance between them is the same and photoshop will show you if it is. idk how to explain this properly but basically just make sure they are on top of each other but not completely. that makes sense, i hope 😭
now. there are different steps depending on how you made your outlined text:
if you used a font that was already just an outline, you can simply put a layer mask on it or rasterize/convert to smart object. i suggest putting a layer mask on it even if you rasterize so you can undo your mistakes.
if you did what i said and set the fill to 0 and then added a stroke, you have to rasterize but make sure you choose rasterize layer STYLE. cause if you don't the lines will all get messed up. again, i suggest using a layer mask after you did that step, but it is up to you.
then you simply take the eraser tool and start erasing parts of your text so all 3 (or whatever many) text layers end up looking like they are interlocked. i'd suggest trying to make a "battle plan" before you start, maybe look at some other outline text effects, but i tried to do that and still messed up so you can go in blind, it's gonna be fine. but this is why i suggest using the layer mask because you'll most likely fuck up, and you will have to bring back sections you deleted. (to do that, take the brush tool and go over the space where your lost text was and it will bring it back. make sure you have the layer mask selected when you're both erasing and bringing the text back!)
and you're done! good job!! sorry i can't show pictures but if you don't find any of the tools/commands i mentioned, CTRL + F and type the tool/command name.
let me know if this doesn't make sense, and i'll try to explain better when i have my laptop 💛
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