#and also why persona 5 royal is my favorite persona game
silent-partner-412 · 1 year
Really trying to unpack why the gameplay of Persona 3 didn’t entirely work for me, especially since I see so many tweets dunking on people for saying they want the rumored remake to be real so the gameplay problems are fixed and I actually agree with those people. I haven’t played it since 2019 when I played it the first time, but all I remember is thinking god can we please get a move on?? Everything in that game felt slow; walking around in the overworld without any sort of fast travel, your bland 256 floor dungeon that’s your only source of RPG gameplay, the battles where you have to wait for your AI party members to do their actions every single turn, the menus that are clunky and really show their age… it was a slog to play. Top it off with the fact that the story is a MAJOR slow burn (not a problem inherently, it has a lot of setup for one of the best ending stretches of a game I’ve ever played) meant that around October or so it took everything in me not to just drop the game and play something else.
And like, I kinda hate that?? Cuz the stuff Persona 3 does well it does *really* well. I’d argue it comes together better than Persona 4 Golden does, and arguably better than base Persona 5? The stretch from about November to the end of the game is truly unforgettable, and is the reason why you play Persona 3. But I’ve tried to go back to the game and I just can’t sit through the rest of it anymore, and if they can make a remake that just speeds up and streamlines the process I think it really would be to the game’s benefit.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I really love how you write Wally :)
Can you do one with the reader try’s to play video games with him? You can write about video game you want btw
Wally playing video games is something that increases my serotonin. It is time to make the ultimate semi crossover of funny, silly puppet man and the serious and (at points) sad Persona 5 Royal because I want to see Wally's reaction to those topics. Especially since he probably doesn't even know like... Half of what is going on.
So I guess spoilers for Persona 5 Royal. The game is explained so poorly in this that people will probably not understand anything (much like Wally), but there are still some spoilers.
Reader Playing Videogames with Wally Darling (mainly Persona 5 Royal, but others are mentioned):
🎮 So, it turns out Wally has a bit of trouble holding controllers. He only has three fingers and a thumb on both hands, as well as felt for skin. Most controllers just fall out of his hands, so he mostly just watches you play.
🎮 Wally CAN play games on a DS, Wii U, or other consoles that can be laid flat and controlled using a screen and stylist. Some of his favorite are any Pokemon games that let you play with the Pokemon (he hates making them fight, so he makes you go out and catch them for him. Also, he'll have you play through the story because of the fighting), Nintendogs (he always names his dogs Barnaby. He has Barnaby, Barnaby 2 and Barnaby 3...), and Super Mario 3D Land.
🎮 Mist of the times, he just watches you play the games. Ever since you got Persona 5 Royal, though, he has been on an emotional rollercoaster. He doesn't understand even HALF of what is happening. Like... WHY ARE PEOPLE BEING SO MEAN? He doesn't know what they are doing, but they know they are being mean because people in the game are reacting with like... Horror once they find out. At least you fix them in the end? And the art is good!
🎮 Your character is also cool! He doesn't understand why people don't like you? What is a "probation"? Wait, you committed a crime?! No, people just think you did? HUH? A politician accused you of it? What's a politician?
🎮 You make a lot of friends, though, and fight the bad guys! Even one of the people you fight becomes a friend! Her name is... Futaba Sakura? Her name sounds cool! Along with all the characters' names! She didn't seem so mean, though, so he doesn't understand why you fought her or why she wanted you to. She kinda reminds Wally of himself in a few ways, to be honest.
🎮 Then the ending and the second ending after that is really cool! When he saw that like... one bad guy you fought that was like... keeping the weird second versions of people in prison? He was kinda like "Woah! He looks so big and scary! Wow! I don't even know what is happening, still! Yippee! 😁" Then there was the guy who was your... uhh... counselor! Yeah, counselor! He seemed more like Futaba in that he didn't seem so bad. He still doesn't understand why making a world where everybody is happy forever is bad. Even if it is fake, everybody is happy! That's how all stories should end! Right? At least that counselor guy had a slightly happy ending, though!
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gamercats-fight · 25 days
Morgana from Person 5 vs Krampy from Cattails: Wildwood Story. Vote for your fav!!
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Need help picking? Check down here!
Morgana - P-Studio - 2016 - Anthropomorphic tuxedo cat:
-If we’re including his abilities in Mementos/Palaces then he has a clear advantage of being able to use his persona to cast spells as well as fight. He also uses a curved sword and a slingshot. If hurt he also has healing spells. His appearance in this form is mascot-esque, but don’t let his big head fool you—he’s quite agile. Having a persona at all grants the wielder extreme abilities. Fast enough to dodge lightning, take incredible damage and even able to fight against gods. This strength is only granted in places they can summon their persona, i.e. not the real world.
Even in his cat form while in the real world, he is extremely dexterous: able to pick locks. He’s also taken a kick from a guy and having a metal briefcase land directly on his head following a bit of a fall. Not altogether impressive but still something for a cat to endure. He’s also smarter than the average cat, giving him a nice advantage.
He does eventually become human in Persona 5 Royal, but is just a cat at the end of the original game.
-He can turn into a car and run over any competition. He’s a master thief and fought god once. Also he has a slingshot.
-1: THIS CAT IS A HEALER! He gets the best healing spell in the entire game and when I got it on him, I don't think he ever left my party
2: THIS CAT CARES ABOUT YOUR HEALTH AND WELL BEING! It's become a meme at this point, but Mona wants you to go to sleep >:(
(P5 Spoilers Beyond this Point)
3: THIS CAT IS THE COLLECTIVE HOPE OF HUMMANITY! It's explained late game, but Morgana was created through the last scraps of humanities hope against the false god that the party eventually fights
4: THIS CAT EXPOSED A MURDERER! Its not important but the scene IS funny so I feel obligated to mention it.
-Everyone hates him for the stupid “go to sleep” mechanic + some of his issues with another character but he’s such a good boy i love him so much. he’s always with you, helping you out and supporting you! plus he’s so little brother coded oh my god. baby. baby boy. spoilers for p5: also he’s literally the manifestation of hope like guys. hope is a cat. hope is stored in the cat.
Krampy - Falcon Development - 2023 - Gray tabby medicine cat
-He's so autism
-Cattails is like Stardew Valley for warrior cat fans, and Krampy is a fan favorite for several good reasons. He's a kind of eccentric medieval doctor who also has trouble relating to other cats because of his weird experiments and love of leeches, but that passion also makes him very charming as a character. He's got a tendency to ramble and tell long stories and is just really wholesome all around. Also he wears a plague doctor mask which is just a really cool design choice.
-The iconic doctor of the Mystic Colony. Who doesn't want a medicine cat with a plague mask?? And they are a real character too. Some of their best quotes:
"“Actually, I don't believe we've been introduced. I am Krampy the doctor, and don't worry! I am not a bird. Although when I had that concussion, I did think I was... ... What was I saying again?"
“Greetings young kitten. Do you mind if I put leeches on your tail? It's for science. And, I think it would be funny. Or I could do it to myself... But then what will I do tomorrow?"
“I think you should wear a beaky mask, it will protect you in this world. I wish not to see my friends hurt. Although that is bad for business... bit of a double-edged sword. Don’t get hurt too often!”
“You have the worst-smelling miasma I have ever smelled! I can smell you from miles away! Why don't you roll in some garbage? - It can only improve your odor, and you end up where you belong!"
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snapscube · 11 months
Hello, Penny! Question for ya. You've said that Dragon Quest 11 helped you really get into that genre of RPGs, but i am curious. Who or what made you decide to try it out in the first place? I wasn't super interested in that kind of gameplay myself until i saw you playing DQ8, and i was able to relate to what you liked about it. It's kind of neat how one game can open the door to a whole bunch of others for you. :)
Honestly I have another JRPG, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, to thank haha! I had been streaming Y7 and got just like... so into it. But I was running out of side content to do off-stream and was really itching for the general gameplay loop. Since the main character of Y7, Ichiban, is a huge Dragon Quest fan in canon and it was an inspiration for the style of game Y7 would become I decided I should give DQ a shot. I had actually years prior rented a copy of DQ11 but then subsequently turned it off and returned it in like, the opening screen of the game. I couldn't tell you why lmao, I just wasn't feeling it. But this time I was properly primed for the gameplay loop and really down for something of that pace, and I figured DQ11 would be a very similar game to Y7. It ended up.... not really being a similar game to Y7 aside from the basics of being a turn-based RPG. But that actually was perfect because it scratched a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT itch I didn't even know I had, while also giving me something to play in between Y7 streams.
Once I finished both Y7 and DQ11 back to back I was like ohhhhh okay this genre fucks. Then I played Persona 4 Golden and while I had my issues with it, a majority of the experience REALLY clicked with me (and also made me fall back in love with my Steam Deck). Then I played a chunk of Trails of Cold Steel and had a great time with that, though I didn't finish it. Then down the road I finally finished Persona 5 Royal after years of failed attempts to play past the 2nd dungeon. And that was the moment where I was like Ohhhhhh okay this actually might be one of my favorite game genres ever.
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mycomicbox · 5 months
Random thoughts on Persona 4 Golden:
(for context, I'm up to 6/25, and I just rescued Rise)
Going from Persona 3 Portable to this, it was lowkey kinda jarring to suddenly have full 3D exploration during the real-world segments. The more upbeat vibe compared to the previous entry also took some getting used to, though it's a nice change of pace.
I like Margaret and her customer service-ass voice.
I thought that Yosuke would be more similar to Junpei in personality (since they both fill the same "best bro" archetype), but they do have a lot more differences than I originally thought. Yosuke is more level-headed and better at thinking of plans (most of the time). Just an observation.
I like Chie! She's annoying, but in a kind of charming way?
When I heard Yukiko, I was like "why does her voice sound familiar" and then I found out she has the same English VA as Magnolia from Bravely Second.
Speaking of Yukiko, she's kinda like if you mixed Mitsuru's rich girl background with Fuuka's cooking skills.
SO many gameplay improvements and quality of life features that weren't in Persona 3. Improved Shuffle Time. Faster animations in battle. More benefits from Social Links. Fusion Search. Ability to select which skills get passed down when fusing Personas. Ability to buy skill cards. Ability to accept more than 3 sidequests at a time. Gaining money from battles without needing Shuffle Time. Costumes are now a separate slot.
The soundtrack continues to go hard, though I guess that's a given with Persona games. Heartbeat-Heartbreak, I'll Face Myself -Battle-, and Reach Out to the Truth are some of my current favorites.
Nanako kinda reminds me of myself when I was her age, mainly because of her habit of singing commercial jingles.
I'm very interested in where Marie's Social Link goes, considering that, IIRC, it wasn't in the original Persona 4: it was a new addition to Golden.
Great vegetables.
I can see why fans call Adachi a boyfailure.
...Okay, after Kanji's dungeon and the summer camp segment, I can see why the story has been criticized. Like, it feels like the writers wanted to explore queer themes, but they were forced to cut them mid-development. Why do I have the sinking feeling that it's not going to get any better in that regard?
Speaking of which, Shadow Kanji was the only boss so far that I got a Game Over against. (Tip: Take out his two helper guys first, they're weak to ice and fire respectively.)
The whole motorcycle flirting scene was even more awkward than the "Operation Babe Hunt" from Persona 3. At least you can skip that scene in Portable if you're playing as the female protagonist.
WHY AM I FIGHTING A STRIPPER (Switch's handheld mode is a godsend for this part)
At first, I hated Teddie, but after fighting his Shadow, I have a good feeling that he's going to get better.
Overall, I'm not really liking the story so far (mainly because of the aforementioned homophobic tones), but gameplay is of the utmost importance, and the gameplay is very fun. After this, I'll probably play Persona 5 Royal during the summer months.
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wonderfulxhappiness · 6 months
What's persona
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uhuhu a box surely this cannot have any consequences !!!!!!!!!
ayway !!!!!!!!!!! peesona. personer. purse owner. im out of funny things to call it. jrpg franchise ! very silly (not) ! so ! the modern persona franchise (3, 4, 5 and all their variants and spin-offs) are ! JRPGs that are a hybrid between dungeon-crawling and social sim! the first three games (persona 1, and the persona 2 duology) are isometric, and focus a lot more on combat and dungeons rather than the social element.
so !!!!! p1 + 2 duology i have not really played (i own them all and have played part of p1) but they are ! very different. kei nanjo is in them. hes my favorite rich boy after byakuya from danganronpa
so !!!! 3 !!!!!! modern series !!!!!! brings it into 3d from its pixel-y isometric look !!!!!!!! 3 is old and clunky but regarded as one of the best stories in the franchise. and it's getting a remake (p3 reload) that i NEEEEEEEEEED. so. 3 focuses on your protag (you can name all the protags - i always use their manga names, so mine is Minato Arisato !) and his life for about a year :3 the game is a lot about death and grief and mourning and how to move on and make peace with those you've lost while still honoring them and carrying their memories (to me! the stories are definitely up to interpretation :3) and its ! a very emotional story. i love persona 3
p4 ! u got Yu Narukami. the Chad of the persona series for some reason idk. minmin's the edgy bitch, yu's the chad, idk what akira is tbh. anyway ! focuses on Yu's life during a year where he goes and stays with his uncle and niece (cousin? i don't remember how that works) and his adventures with the friends he makes there! they go inside a TV. P4 is a lot more lighthearted but definitely has it's darker, more morose and somber moments!!!!! this ones more abt facing the truth and accepting it even if it's hard to hear ! (again, to me :3)
p5 ! everyone knows peesona 5 royale on the penis 4. if you don't ur lying to urself /j but !! anyway. u got Joker (Akira Kurusu) and his gang of Phantom Thieves. and their talking cat. newest (mainline) persona game ! very stylized and flashy and beautiful. yusuke is why im gay now /j beloved to me :) second favorite of the persona titles ! also it has goro akechi my beloved.
so ! every story after the original isometric games isn't directly connected, however in 3 you find reference to characters in 2, 4 there are references to the characters in 3, 5 has references to 3 and 4 i think? but !! they're all in one timeline (presumably) but the stories are separate :) P3 is set in 2009, P4 in 2011, and P5 in 2016! (p5 doesn't actually tell you the year, but the calendar perfectly matches the 2016 calendar, soo)
anyway. beloved games
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styrmwb · 18 days
I beat Persona 5 Royal
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aaaaaaa AAAAAAAA a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a
Knocking another game off the list of games I should have played a long time ago, and this one is just... so so so so good. Ever since I booted it up I was absolutely absorbed into the game the entire way through. I don't think I really had Persona in my sight until Joker was announced for Smash a while back, and then this game was always like "I really need to at least interact with it like I have every other character in Smash", but that obviously took a while. I am glad I waited though, cause from what I've heard, Royal is just objectively the better experience. For what is my first entry into the series, it completely hooked me and I am in for the rest (and also SMT but that's later)
Turn! Based! RPG! Of course I'm gonna fucking like it I love turn based RPGs. But like actual shit, there's two aspects to this game and I love them both.
Battling/Hanging out in the Metaverse is very fun. All turn based needs to really pop off in the modern day is fun options, and I feel as though I am given that. Baton passing alone is all I really needed, as it makes me think of the optimal order to take down each enemy for the best result. I absolutely loved the magical elements used. Like yeah you got the classic Fire, Ice, Wind, Electricity, but then you also got fucking Psy, Bless, Curse, and my new favorite of all time Nuke???? I love Nuke so much it's such a cool concept! They each have like, their own unmentioned counters/duos which is super cool! Also Almighty goes incredibly hard. Then you add on the buffs and debuffs. I FREQUENTLY used all of them and felt like they were critical to fights which is awesome. Combine these two for technicals, certain statuses making a weakness when hit with certain elements, it's just such a joy and it makes battles where I can actively use all of these something I look forward to (and then when you have a stupid bullshit fight and your name is Okumura, I hate you forever and I'm going to date your daughter in revenge, FUCK that fight eternally it was the only boss I actively disliked).
The other half of the game is your slice of life student simulator. The other half of the game is also like crack, and I swear they put demons in the game cause something would possess me whenever I got to roam the world. Despite the limited clock, I relished managing my time. I loved thinking of who to spend my time with, when to focus on skills rather than confidants, how to optimize my Mementos trips, knocking out an entire Palace all at once so I could have maximum time for the rest of the month, it was so addictive! It really came to a head in the Royal Third Semester section where I literally created saves and calculated if I had enough time to do everything I wanted to, and finished it on Literally the last free day. Also, when like 75% of your game is writing, it helps when the writing is good, and I absolutely loved reading everything, but maybe I'll talk about that more later.
Last bit that I'm gonna expand on why I love more later, but I was NOT expecting this game to be a monster collector. Regardless, I loved the flow of collecting new guys, then seeing what I could fuse together to obtain.
I! Love! This! Cast! I love them to the bottom of my heart! The best way to make me love an RPG is by making me care about the core group to the bottom of my heart and I do. When I write these, I mean the tag of game ramblings literally cause this is all just stream of thought, so I have a feeling this is gonna be the longest section. Sorry in advance.
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts is a name that goes incredibly hard (and I wish they didn't make me name the group separately cause I just stuck with the default anyways (I'm a default daniel)), and a group that I hope keeps their group chat open for the rest of their lives and is always friends.
Ryuji is my fucking BOY. I don't care if he's an idiot and needs to keep his damn mouth shut sometimes, I'm ride or die with that dude for life. I thought his backstory as a former track star now dealing with his physical disability and ruined record was really interesting, and added an extra layer to the usual delinquent + stupid best friend energy. In battles, I would bring him in when I needed to smash shit, cause he does that Very well. Captain Kidd is a sick design and namesake, and I really wish I could have kept the basic design.
Morgana :) kitty (despite what he says). I'll admit, he's not my Favorite of the bunch (this does not mean he is bad! B tier is still good, but it is ultimately below A and S!) as his bits of I'm NOT A CAT and Lady Ann~ didn't really hit it for me, and I didn't usually use him in battles, as Joker tended to take over the wind damage role (although I always used him for healing outside, or in harder battles), but I cannot deny that he's a very good companion. It was nice to have your little buddy always by your side. He's with you when you're playing games. He's cheering you on while you eat a big burger. He lays on top of you at night like a cat is best at doing and he confides his secrets in you. I get why he had his moment of weakness and insecurity, but if that was me in there, I'd be giving Morgana as much love and appreciation as I could.
Ann is so strong, both story wise and game wise. Seeing her rise up against the constant bullshit she has to deal with, from the teacher, her best friend's struggles, and other models, was inspiring, and I rooted for her constantly. I essentially always had her in battle, with the magic SP usage down passive, her fire damage being usually relevant, and her buffs/debuffs being Very useful. Ann was the goat in the whole playthrough. I almost chose her as the romance but sadly I held out and was rewarded for doing so. Also, her third awakening Persona SLAPS
Yusuke is... probably my least favorite member of the group. Again, not bad. Not hated. Just least favorite. I rarely ever used him in battle, but his up to evasion did very much come in clutch. I couldn't really mesh with his love for the arts, but that's mainly on me over the actual writing of the character I think. I did, however, really appreciate the fact that he was clearly struggling in life and had a group to back him up. I also quite enjoyed his literal starving artist shtick. Poor guy, let him eat the sushi and have more than sugar water and slice of toast for dinner.
Makoto is amazing. Such a sudden turn around from stuck up student president to the MVP of the group. Her design is so cool, I loved the biker aesthetic, the fist weapons, the fucking motorcycle! Her role as someone to bring thoughts and logic to the group, as well as the connection to an "antagonist" with her relation to Sae was very needed. I wish her confidant storyline focused a little more on her, but that's ok. The girl's an absolute badass, and a joy to have in the group. She was another essential part of the team, usually being my team buffer, but also nuke damage is goated (again it's like, my favorite element in this game). Plus both of her showtimes are amazing lmao
Futaba is my little sister, and deserves a hug. Her palace is absolutely heartbreaking, and it is something that makes me so so glad to see what happens to her afterward. Seeing her grow from a severely traumatized teen wanting to die to someone that enjoys and loves life and her friends makes me so happy. She didn't deserve ANYTHING that happened to her. Gameplay wise, once I started to get her levels up and max her confidant, she absolutely came in clutch, and somehow always consistently gave me whatever support I needed. I also quite enjoyed her constant nerd references that came really close to lawsuits (she straight up said gym leader)
Haru :) <3 I love Haru. The moment I saw her, acting like a dramatic masked hero, and then she fuckin pulls out an axe and grenade launcher, it was over. I've seen a lot of people lamenting her screen time, and while I do wish she got more, it certainly didn't stop me from enjoying her character (although maybe Royal helps that?). She's sweet, silly, caring, soft, and somehow brutal. Like Kirby in human form. I feel like she really got it rough out of the party, her dad getting assassinated, and still having to deal with the burdens of a company, but she still made it through. She's the best. Gameplay, I feel like she very much came in clutch with her Psy affinity constantly comboing for technicals, and her reflect spells protecting Joker from dying. Fuck you Okumura and the stupid fiancee you picked I'M GONNA GIVE HARU THE BEST LIFE EVER TO SPITE YOU
Akechi is interesting. The moment I see this fucker, my brain connects him to Light from Death Note. I'm constantly waiting for him to hit his villain arc. Then he joins the party, and I'm surprised! Oh shit, that's the second big rpg I've played this year that has a surprise party member I didn't know about! How cool :) Then pancakes happen, and I realize the game sucker punched me into forgetting that THE DUDE WAS SUS AS FUCK FROM THE START THE BASTARD! I really enjoyed him in the third semester though. Completely dropping the act, and powering through full of anger and spite regardless of his inevitable fate. Akechi is a cool character. I didn't use him much in battle, but he was great for big physical/gun numbers. Also Loki is a sick ass Persona.
Then the last member, Sumire. i do feel like she felt... a little forced in? Like I could definitely tell she was extra Royal content. I wish she had more scenes with the group, and longer playability. Regardless though, I still enjoyed her character. A story of someone dealing with self-esteem and aspirations of death really hits close to home, and I loved seeing her accept herself, still walk forward in life, and thrive, finding a group she belongs in. I can't say much gameplay wise cause she just wasn't there for long, but her big physical moves were very appreciated in the final battle.
Now everyone else. The other confidants were very enjoyable. Sojiro is like, EASILY the best one out of the whole group. He's my actual literal dad, and I wish Joker could have stayed with him cause fuck his real parents, if no one got me I know Sojiro got me! I also really enjoyed Iwai I'm just a sucker for dad type characters. While I don't really fuck with the whole maid-master shit, I did still really like Kawakami too. The only one I didn't really care for was Ohya. I just like... couldn't lock in with her or her story line (we love Lala though!) Everyone else, even Shinya, I wanted to see through their story, and was excited for each bit I got. (Shoutouts to Yoshida, the ONLY good politician. This is how you can tell this is a fictional game)
The villains as I look back, aren't exactly the peak of characters compared to most of the list, but they were still enjoyable. Kamoshida was the perfect introduction, an absolute scumbag the game made sure you would hate, and someone that set the tone for me of what the rest of the game would look like. Like, once I noticed the middle name of his boss fight being one of the princes of hell, I got really excited. Madarame and Kaneshiro were fine, I more appreciated what they served narratively over their actual characters. Okumura is a piece of shit and I hate him forever (but jokes aside there was something very cathartic about a game presenting a CEO as a cartoonishly evil pile of garbage), and Shido I felt was a nice way to tie everyone together, having connections to everyone from the start. I can't really call Sae a villain per se, but I will put her here anyways. I thought her palace was super cool, and her turn from antagonist to support was appreciated. Yaldabaoth I think was a cool reveal character, and an awesome classic JRPG ending, but overall I think I appreciated Shido more.
Now since this is Royal, the real MVP is Maruki. I love this dude. I appreciated him at the start, a therapist character I feel like, isn't something super common? I loved how much it seemed like he genuinely cared about people. And that was his whole deal, even to the end. He wasn't a bad guy, he honest to god cared about people. Like yeah, he wasn't doing anything the right way, and even his outfit being like a bishop or a pope showed that he was Not there mentally, but he was such a cool character. A hurt and sad man who lost too much, wanting to prevent others from feeling the same way. I think he especially makes me appreciate how the Phantom Thieves' methods don't kill, because it gave him a semi happy ending. Now, I think I've rambled about characters long enough, but again, I did really enjoy this whole cast.
I think the fact that I played this game at this time in my life rather than when it came out is nothing but a benefit, because the story of a group of people hurt by society fighting back against the shitheads and taking down the corrupt really hits different (although it does have a bit of an FFVII effect where the mass popularity and marketing of the game kinda goes against the original message, I can't help but think of the possible Okumura or Kaneshiro in the background). But regardless. I was locked in the whole way through. Most of my love for the writing of this game comes with the characters and their interactions and stories, but that major theming of rebellion, fighting for the people, just sits well in my heart.
Like I mentioned before, this was my first Persona game. It also feels weird to like, Say this, but I am a big fan of Jojo as well, Part 4 being my favorite. Persona hits that same itch, that slice of life setting, a group of high schoolers having fun, enjoying their life, but also fighting against the people harming their city and way of life. It's like, a venn diagram that's a circle (I've heard 4 is even more similar and I'm looking forward to playing that next).
The writing felt very modern, like whoever was behind it was in tune with what they were portraying. The dialogue, the subjects, things that felt real, even if they were caricatured or something like that, I could see that this was a real world, and I really appreciated that.
The Look. The Vibe.
Holy fuck this game is aesthetic incarnate. The style imbued into every single pixel; the menus, the transitions, the bits where the model of like Joker, or Iwai, or Takemi moving around; the ransom letter aesthetic with the flat colors and everything MY GOD it's such a good looking game!
The music is an essential part of this as well. There's a joke I've seen occasionally (it might just be exclusive to a community I'm in but I could be wrong) that Persona 5 invented jazz, and I'd believe it honestly. The soundtrack feels like, perfect background music. It's usually not the Highlight of the scene (save for any vocal track stealing the show), but it's ALWAYS the enhancer of any moment. I can feel the stress of battle, I can feel the chill vibes of a rainy day, I get hyped when we're stealing a treasure, etc.
This game is an A+ class example of style, making any activity you're doing enjoyable.
Hoo Boy.
I mean. Fuck. I don't think I've felt this entranced by a game in a good while. VII Rebirth was up there for sure, but something about Persona just felt addicting.
Something I really really really loved about this game that I couldn't quite fit anywhere else, but makes me super excited to check out the rest of the series, is the usage of mythology. Mythology is sick as fuck. But what really got me hooked, is how EVERY sort of mythology was used. You got your classic Greek and Egyptian. You have plenty of Japanese Yokai, but then you also have gods and monsters from like... things that people still actively worship??? From religions that are in my head as "religion" and not "mythology". Seeing angels and demons from Abrahamic religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, and even seeing some old Zoroastrianism in there? Also like, to bring it back to the start, using mythical creatures from everywhere! I saw European monsters, Celtic creatures, American cryptids, the whole thing was so cool! This alone is a huge part of what made me addicted to this game. I wanted to keep seeing just where they would pull inspiration from, and I was constantly surprised and overjoyed, reading the backgrounds for everything, and going to look up where some of them came from, trying to guess what else would be next. I genuinely cannot wait to play more Persona and later Shin Megami Tensei to get more of this kind of stuff, but also I think I need to take a break so I don't get burned out hahaha
I loved my time playing this game. I can see why it's so loved. Sure, there were a couple things that I wish hit my heart or I connected to a little more, but overall I am very satisfied with my experience.
9.7/10. Great characters, great concept, amazing style and super cool inspiration. Some things just needed a little extra to really hit home for me for a perfect 10, but still an experience that will stick with me.
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callmearcturus · 1 year
Out of curiosity, what would the premise of your dream Persona game be?
Well, let's see. What were the strong points of each game?
Persona 3 Portable: Girl Route. Team members have important relationships with each other instead of just orbiting the MC. Extremely strong theme. Structured in such a way that the player doesn't control what day they have a mandatory dungeon/plot event, making for better pacing. Best final boss. Best music. Greatest of the Best Friend guys. My favorite UX by far.
Persona 4 Golden: Best cast. Most interesting mystery. Was extremely queer, especially for the time. Most naturalistic writing. Best villain (not final boss). Easily the most polished script. Combat had the best balance of things to do and friction without being overcomplicated or simplistic.
Persona 5 Royal: Most interesting, sprawling location. Social link bonuses that matter. Jawdroppingly good bonus campaign. Best exploration. Only MC that fully feels like his own person. And I'll admit it, it has the best social links for NPCs.
So, the best Persona game would have:
A protagonist with as much personality as Joker but not gender locked. For the love of god just make a gender neutral protag.
Set it in another city that's based on a real place since it feels like real life designs better locations than Atlus does off the dome.
Honestly at this point I would love to see Persona do a game that doesn't take place in high school. I wanna see some young adults getting up to shit. If you absolutely need the school structure, then have it set in university/college. But the need for structure for the calendar can come from anything.
When everyone is cishet, the cast suffers. P5R proved it. (Okay, it's also because P5R literally has more teammates so no one gets properly developed but the cishetness does not help.) Lets get some queerness back in the cast, it does absolute wonders.
Morgana should be in it again. I don't know why or how, but I do know that carrying a cat around everywhere made Persona 5 was part of why I finished that fucking game.
I personally like the structure of having a central mystery with uncertain mechanics to solve, I think that's really engaging and helps with the episodic nature of Persona. However, once the mystery is solved, DO NOT ADD IN ANOTHER MASTERMIND CHARACTER WHO IS "REALLY" BEHIND IT ALL. JUST FUCKING STOP! GOD I HATE IT. Stop having a really cool set up and then deciding in the last 5 hours that a Mean God Did It All, I'm so DONE with that shit. Fuck Izanami and Fuck Yarblegarble.
While we're at it, if one more Persona game turns out to be a parable on how them kids are on their phones too much, I'm done.
Regarding music, either: A: Create multiple main battle themes so if they Fucking Suck again like in P4 it doesn't make your players want to scream by hour 30. B: Just use "Wiping All Out" again for the main battle theme. We're never going to surpass it, why not accept that.
LET THE PLAYER START A ROMANCE SEPARATE FROM SLINK RANKS. If I hit level 10 on someone and decide later I wanna date them, I should be able to do that. That way I can actually meet everyone, THEN decide who I wanna kiss.
Just gimme back Igor using shiny key of solomon shit to combine personae, fuck P5's edgelord bullshit. Also Margaret bc she was funny and also really hot and flirty.
Bring Maruki back just for funsies.
there we go, the perfect persona game
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madeforunkownpurpose · 4 months
One of my favorite games is BloodBorne and one of my favorite characters is Eileen the Crow. Three of my favorite characters in gaming are Eileen the Crow, BT and Takuto Maruki.
Spoilers for Titanfall 2 and BloodBorne. I'm not explaining why Maruki is a favorite besides I love him and he deserved better.
Eileen's questline was so awesome but I felt terrible at the end. I killed the bloody crow of Cainhurst for her and I came back to find her dead. I was just sitting there stunned for a bit, sitting with the body. To find some peace I guess. I fucking mourned a video game character. I mourned the loss of BT as well when I beat Titanfall 2. The only reason I played the game is because one time I said "Protocol 3: Protect the pilot" and my friend was like "Did you beat the campaign?" I said no and he went "You don't have the right to say that, then." And so I beat the campaign, called him, cussed him out while crying (in a joking manner. Not the crying but the cussing.) Persona 5 Royal though hit me hard. That game made me think about my morals and world view. I'm getting all philosophical. I'm also typing this out rapidly. Some of this post is just a ramble so yeah whoever sees this I'm sorry for your eyes.
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frickingnerd · 6 months
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i can't actually reply to the ask for some reason, so i'm answering it like this! as always:
answers for the ask game under the cut!
3 male characters I love:
my favorite male characters have recently shifted, with a new guy claiming the top spot. that one is no other than shinjiro aragaki! since i played persona 3 portable and romanced him (+got that eleventh social link with him 👀) he became my favorite guy! i really love him and he's such a tragic little guy. he'll break my heart a second time once p3 reload drops :')
my second favorite (and former first place) is yosuke hanamura! i liked yosuke from the start in persona 4 and he just grew on me so much over the game. he never left my party and he's been my favorite since my first day of playing the game. he's just great!
third place would have to go to goro akechi! i can't even remember why i was so interested in him when i started persona 5, but he just caught my attention from the start. his voice actor is absolutely amazing and akechi gets even better in the royal section of the game. he's just such a tragic character and so interesting!
3 female characters I love:
i'm not as passionate about the persona women as i am about the persona men. i like pretty much all of the girls equally, but a few stand out a bit. one of them being kotone shiomi aka. femc! i just love how silly she is and she's such a nice contrast to the male protagonist of persona 3. but she still keeps that tragedy that both of the protagonists have. honestly, she's by far my favorite girl!
my second favorite would have to be rise kujikawa! i knew i'd like her from the start and when i actually did her social link, i got so sad that i was already dating someone else, because turning down rise was so heartbreaking. rise is such a great and interesting character, as well as also being weirdly relatable!
my third pick would have to be makoto niijima (i'm seeing a trend here with my fav characters lmao). i just find her relatable and she's a very sweet character. she really grows a lot and i love that for her!
3 romantic ships I love:
my absolute favorite ship is foolmoon aka. shinjiro aragaki x kotone shiomi! everything about them is just perfect! they offer the right amount of angst/fluff ratio, their ship name is absolutely brilliant and they are both great characters, that get even better when put together! plus, there's something tragically beautiful about (major persona 3 spoiler coming now!) how when you pair them up in p3p, shinjiro actually survives the game, while kotone dies. the one that wanted to die lives, while the one that wanted to live dies. it's just... man, those two are breaking my heart in the best way possible!
no other ship can compete with them, but following my unintentional pattern, my second favorite ship is kanji tatsumi x naoto shirogane. i already love kanji a ton (he'd be my fourth fav guy, but he just barely didn't make the list) and he really gets to shine when he's with naoto. those two really are a straight ship made for gay people.
and my third pick is going to be aigis and kotone shiomi / makoto yuki. honestly, both of the protags with aigis are great! there's something so tragic about this ship, plus i love android characters like aigis that need to learn friendship, love, emotions and all that fun stuff. that pairing is really great as friends as well though! i just think they are neat together, no matter how!
3 platonic dynamics I love:
i have way more platonic dynamics i love, so this is kinda hard for me. i really love rise with both yosuke and kanji as friends! i can't really pick a favorite guy here, they are both great with rise!
another character that i just cannot pick for either is shinjiro aragaki, who i love with akihiko, fuuka and ken! each of those three for different reasons, but they are all great and really enhance his character!
that's more than three already, so i'll just... move on!
3 favorite moments in canon:
shinjiro's "secret eleventh social link" with the femc in persona 3 portable! first off, it's just a really sweet scene, plus it's great that you can still date him despite all of it. but then that social link itself is so funny, because... it highkey implies you two are fucking??? like with the right dialogue choices, you end up in his room and he tells you the whole "i'm not holding back if you stay". that caught me so offguard because i was just messing around with the dialogue choices and suddenly something's actually happening??? it's both sweet and funny, which is something you can't say about most scenes shinjiro is in, so i really appreciate it!
another canon moment i really love is the ending of persona 4, when everyone is running along the train and you get to see a picture of the investigation team :') it's just a very sweet scene and perfect to end the game with!
my third favorite canon moment would have to be the "bad" ending of persona 5 royal. because, it really isn't bad at all. it's happier than the "good" ending, which is a very interesting thing to do. that scene is just so incredibly bittersweet, knowing this is the "bad" ending, while also seeing everyone so happy. can it really be that bad if it makes them happy? :')
3 favorite headcanons:
i headcanon quite a lot of people as bi, but especially yosuke, kanji and naoto! kanji and naoto just give me "bi people in a straight relationship" vibe, while yosuke literally had a cut gay confession scene that i cannot ignore. also, he's such a disaster bi!
i don't really have that many big headcanons, so another one would have to be... haru likes otome games! and she gets ann & makoto to play a few of them as well (and both of them are lowkey into it).
my third headcanon is going to be that rise would've tried to become a streamer instead of an idol if that had been an option. sort of like iris from ai:tsf, who's half streamer and half idol. i think rise would've thrived like that and instead of taking a break from being an idol, she would've just taken a break and focused more on streaming!
3 least favorite things about it:
immediately spoiler for the ending of persona 3, but i hate that final boss! it has way too many phases! plus, i encountered a glitch during the last phase of that fight in my playthrough and it had took me almost two hours already to even get to that point. this one is just a personal grudge!
another thing i hate with a burning passion, even more than the p3 endboss, is the fact that you can date kawakami in persona 5! i really loved the first arc of persona 5, with kamoshida as the villain, since it's... relatable? saying it like that sounds bad, but hear me out: we all went to school and had teachers, some worse than others, so we all know a few teachers each. but how many politicians do you know? or how many famous artists? kamoshida was relatable because even if you never went through something that horrible, it's much more likely that you were wronged by a teacher before than a politician, famous artist or some mafia guy. i really loved how serious they took the kamoshida situation, only to be absolutely disgusted when seeing you could date kawakami. like, did we not just establish that teacher & student relationships are bad? did the people making persona 5 forget what the first ten hours of that game were about? or is it suddenly okay to have an age and power gap like that, because kawakami is a woman and "that's hot"? seriously, this is one thing i'm massively dissappointed about. also, in the same vein: why can you romance ken, a literal child, in persona 3? 🤨 that one is just as bad, but i just never did ken's social link so i never had the chance to build a hatred for this as strong as my hatred for the kawakami romance.
i think another thing i hate, which also fits my first point: the boss fight against haru's dad. it already sucks, but adding a timer to it? unforgiveable! timers are the worst thing to exist. i don't want to be rushed, i want to take my time with games. it's already a bad boss fight, but anything with a timer already gets ten times worse.
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mrmallard · 6 months
I'm probably about to have a Real One bc I had a lot of caffeine earlier, but. persona 3, 4 and 5 party members ranked from favorite to least favourite
Beware of spoilers for all three games, I'm tip-toeing around big story spoilers but smaller stuff and broader inferences are left in.
Before I start, the process I used was ranking the individual game casts, then deciding who I liked better out of the three #1 picks, then the three #2 picks etc. etc. Because of that, the list starts off a bit formulaic, but I did arbitrarily raise and lower some entries based on gut feeling.
Also, I would say that I outright dislike 2 party members between all three games - or rather, there are aspects about their characters that rub me the wrong way. I like, or am otherwise ambivalent about, the other 21 people I considered for this list.
Thirdly, I didn't include Akechi or Kasumi because I didn't play P5 Royal. Akechi is an interesting character, I like him a lot, but them's the breaks - and I just outright wouldn't know what to say about Kasumi.
Lastly - this isn't an Objective Quality Ranking of the characters. It's a list of my own preferences, and the reasons why I picked them. The reasons why are going to vary, I'm gonna have some hot takes and stuff. Chill and hear me out.
Okay, so from favorite to least favourite:
1. Naoto
Naoto fucking rules. I know that the spin the game puts on her storyline ends up being about gender inequality and internalised misogyny and feeling like you have to mask feminine traits to succeed in a field that's predominantly seen as a "male" profession - it's a solid point to make and I feel like most games wouldn't touch that topic with a ten foot pole, so either way that's a surprisingly big win for Persona 4.
But Naoto's story also hems extremely close to a transgender narrative, and I love it. Like legit, I feel like the game goes out of its way to shoot down the trans narrative and goes with internalised misogyny/surprise cross-dressing woman partly so that they can make oppai jokes and do the whole "see Naoto you had inner beauty and femininity all along" story beat. And like even as the game does that, Naoto has tons of moments that can be read as trans, so it's just like this crazy mix of stuff y'know.
I'm referring to Naoto with she/her pronouns bc that's ultimately the path that the games take, but with her entire narrative about finding strength and security in her gender performance, and OUTRIGHT SAYING "why wasn't I born a man...?" at one point, I headcanon Naoto as a transgender boy. I'm doing a bad job of selling it, but even with P4 choosing to steamroll right past the queer narrative, I find Naoto to be an incredibly well-done and, arguably, pretty prescient and forward thinking character. But trans headcanon Naoto is like a 12/10 character.
I love Naoto. I also love the idea of Naoto being like a closet key for Kanji, then being found out as AFAB is like a "oh shit I guess I do like girls after all" moment for Kanji, but then being a closet key for Kanji again after coming out as a trans man. Best character in P4, almost certainly best Persona party member.
2. Aigis
I love emotional robots, fuck you. When I was replaying P3 a year or two ago, I thought that Aigis kinda hijacked the plot halfway through the game - and as much as I like her, I thought it was a wrinkle in the game's pacing. But on the other hand? Emotional robot. I love Aigis's story progression, and like getting to watch her open up and become more accepted and stuff. I do think she ends up with a bit too much of the spotlight in a way that's super noticeable and not super great, but also I really like Aigis's character and storyline so that shit panders directly to me.
3. Makoto
I'm absolutely a Makoto truther. She has the coolest Persona in P5, I like the juxtaposition between her biker thug/delinquent presentation and her role in the real world as like the student council president, she plays a big part in the plot with the flash drive and stuff and I disagree with takes about her introduction being poorly done character shilling.
With her initially being an antagonistic force, I didn't like her very much to begin with. I think Persona 5 does a great job with the character writing, because she spends most of the early game being an active hindrance, and then she just steals the entire frigging show. It's a total "let's fucking gooooooo" moment and it sets her up as one of the most practical and pragmatic Phantom Thieves.
I like her throughout the entire rest of the game, and it helps that she's tied to Sae because it brings Sae into the story a bunch more than her initial presence in the framing device. I really like Makoto's arc, I like her personality and I think she was used really well to drive other elements of the plot with her relationship to Sae. And again - coolest Persona in the game, outright.
4. Ryuji
Ryuji is the best "bro best friend" character in any of these games. Like he's just a friendly dude who's gotten caught up in this stuff with the protagonist, and him summoning his Persona sets the tone for the entire game: the mistreated and undertrodden finding their inner power and accepting what makes them a reject to fight corrupt authority figures that's been keeping them down. His design with the skull mask, leather punk jacket and the pipe? Badass.
It's been a while since I played P5, but I feel like he probably gets less of a personal arc than like Junpei, but the character writing for everyone in P5 is so good that he stays relevant the entire game. He looks and slinks around like a sketchy bastard, but he's a total bro and he always has your back. Ryuji fucking rules.
5. Yukiko
I initially liked Yukiko for being a slightly more grounded, aloof character who balances out Chie's jock energy. She's got a good design, she's got this whole thing with the Amagi Inn and balancing her dreams with her responsibilities, and overall she helps balance out the early team with Yosuke's kvetching and pratfalls and Chie's chaotic energy and kung fu nerdery. The game plays with that regarding her reputation among the student body, as well as her being the first gameplay victim of the Midnight Channel.
And then the game cracks her wide open with the swirly glasses and her deep, prolonged laughing fits.
And as much as her initial characterisation complements and fills out the vibe and dynamic of the team, Yukiko's silly side elevates her to one of the best characters in the game. Like she's so weird and silly, and she's so thoroughly tickled every time she cracks up that it's infectious. She's the serious one, except she's arguably the most stupid and easily amused one out of all of them (except for maybe Teddie), and it rules.
6. Futaba
I actually swapped Futaba and Ryuji around in this list. I really like Futaba and her gremlin video game personality, but I think her appeal has been overinflated by the amount of players who want to date her, and I'm honestly pretty cool to the idea.
She's a great character and I really like her in Persona 5; she isn't in the top third of my favourite Persona characters for nothing. But I fall into the camp where my P5 protagonist sees her more like a little sister, and the Futaba fervor has cooled me on the character a little bit y'know.
She's funny, I like her social link and she's one of the more oddball characters in the franchise. But compared to some of the more intense Futaba fandom, I'm just not in that camp y'know. She's my guy's goofball little sister. She's just a funny little guy. You can date her in the game, but like some of y'all need to chill.
7. Fuuka
Fuuka is underrated.
She's not that bad, I like her whole thing about being ostracized and slowly socialising and being accepted. It's a bit lightweight, but I thought she had a bunch of good scenes with the other SEES members and I'm just not as bothered by her character as other people seem to be.
Some of that stems from projection on my part, because being a shy, awkward bullying victim resonates with me. I've only played FES and Portable too, where I'm pretty sure they recast her VA. But yeah, Fuuka's fine.
8. Akihiko
Akihiko's a cool character. He has one of the most standout scenes in the game - I can't spoil it, but it's the part where he gets a power upgrade if you're hip to the P3 plot. I feel like he has some of the more fleshed out relationships in Persona 3 with Shinjiro and Mitsuru, and his whole calm, collected pugilist thing is just good. Akihiko is always on my Persona 3 team.
9. Chie
Chie took a while to grow on me. I'm not a big fan of how her lines are delivered, and the whole "dumb jock who beats up the butt monkey character" thing was a bit ehh. But she won me over in the end. I really like her character design with the green and gold jacket, I thought the kung fu angle of her character was really well-done and fresh, and I thought her friendship with Yukiko was one of the strongest aspects of the homey vibe of the game.
I have this whole fanfic/headcanon thing happening with Chie, Kanji and Naoto that I won't get into, but the ultimate point I'm trying to make by bringing that up is that they're immensely likeable characters who I connected with a lot. Chie's great, I feel like she'd be a good delivery driver for the liquor store in Inaba and keep up her love of kung fu movies well into adulthood.
10. Yukari
Another P3 hot take; Yukari is a perfectly adequate party member at worst, and while the contentious nature of her depiction in The Answer is understandable, I think that's more of a cultural/dubbing mishap than it is her being Objectively Wrong or like a shitty, unlikable character.
Like it seems to me like they were going for Yukari as this aloof, standoffish person because she's traumatised by the events of Persona 3, and she's meant to be wrong and off-kilter before the culmination of her character arc. I think it's more common in Japanese games and media and stuff, and I think it was poorly conveyed in The Answer's localisation - conceptually, I think Yukari's character arc and motivations in The Answer were sound.
Otherwise, I thought she had a fun dynamic with the protag and Junpei. They were like a three man band, and I liked seeing her play off of Junpei.
11. Kanji
Kanji is another character who I elevate in my mind through headcanons and stuff. Like Naoto, this is partially by viewing his story through a queer lens - it's more up in the air than how I feel about the queer overtones in Naoto's story, but it's still there. I think Kanji's still figuring a lot of stuff out, and he uses his tough exterior to get him through what he needs to get through.
I love Kanji's weapon style, and his Persona is one of my favorite ones from Persona 4. He also got the biggest laugh out of me during the gang's beach episode. So yeah, Kanji's pretty cool.
12. Mitsuru
Mitsuru is a good character who I don't remember too much of. I thought she had an interesting dynamic with her dad, and while you're expecting that to go a certain way due to like preconceived notions of the whole "oujo corporate princess has issues with dad" trope, I thought the game treated that aspect of her character in a much more down-to-earth and interesting way.
I remember Mitsuru having a lot of range and depth in Persona 3. I like her a lot.
13. Shinjiro
Shinji is a fine character, and I thought he and Ken had a pretty good storyline. The reason I'm ranking him so low is mostly because of his screentime.
Shinjiro might be the first glance at Persona 3's focus on grief. He's certainly not the last character to touch on the concept, but there's a sort of hulking inevitability to his character that really introduces grief into the mix, and from that point grief becomes a core pillar of the Persona 3 experience. He has a big impact and he drives the story along, but I can't say I like him more than Yukari, Akihiko or Mitsuru.
14. Junpei
I actually just bumped Junpei up from #17 because I thought I cut him a raw deal. I'm actually going to defend him here: I thought he had a pretty good storyline with the Strega girl, and I think his storyline is surprisingly candid about portraying jealousy and bitterness. It's a testament to the friendship between the protagonist and Junpei that he can just say "I'm sorry for being a dick, I've been dealing with all this jealousy and negativity shit, you're my friend and I've got your back" y'know. It's a surprisingly mature portrayal of jealousy, and I really commend the game for going there with him.
Junpei is like Ryuji-lite; I'm not 100% with him, but I think he's a great buddy character and I like his storyline.
15. Ann
Ann is a fine character, being a part of the founding party and all, but I just don't have a lot to say about her. She's fine. Outfit is definitely interesting, and I thought her plot with her modelling career, the story details of her parents, the whole thing with the first Palace of the game and her friendship with Shiho were all pretty good. I just don't have much more to say about her. No hate.
16. Morgana
I don't dislike Morgana. I'm not a fan of using him in the game, and I thought the subplot about him running away and recruiting Haru was a bit drawn out. I'm also not a big fan of his whole one-sided crush on Ann. But honestly, that's the worst I could say about him. I like his dialogue and his role in the story, I like how he travels with you as an actual cat, I like how he can turn into a bus for you and your buddies to drive around in. Mona is a great character, and as far as non-human mascots go, I think he has a leg up over Koromaru and Teddie.
17. Rise
I like Rise, but there are two aspects holding her back. The first aspect is that the whole lovey-dovey thing can come off as one-note and kind of out of nowhere - I don't dislike it, it just comes on a little hard and fast. The second aspect is that I thought she was gonna have a bigger role in the story, and I was disappointed when she didn't. But that's not the game's fault - that's a me thing.
I think Rise is a great feelgood character, and I liked her social link.
18. Koromaru
I love spending time with Koromaru in Persona 3. I like taking him for walks and getting to strengthen my other social links, and he's just a really likeable dog character. The only reason I'm rating him so low is because... well, he's just a dog. He's a great dog, and he has a bunch of charisma and character, and frankly being a total oddball party member strengthens his appeal - but ultimately, dude is a dog y'know. It limits your character options, and I think that's why P-Studio have been making their animal mascots talk since Persona 4.
19. Yusuke
Yusuke has one of the funniest social links in Persona 5, and I actually really like his Palace storyline and his screwy personality. That being said, he has a voiceline in Mementos where he's like "A treasure chest! Maybe we will get ~money~", and the way he says "money" makes my skin crawl. Literally the only thing that outright bothers me. I'd even say that the Palace storyline that focuses on him is one of the best storylines in the game, with one of the best emotional payoffs in the game. But that voice line is just such an ick, y'know, and ultimately I think he becomes more of a comic relief character as the game goes on while the rest of the cast (sans Haru) stay relevant.
20. Ken
Ken is an interesting character. I don't hate his plotline, I feel like "younger kid misplaces blame and swears revenge on character who doesn't necessarily deserve it" is a trope that Hardcore Gamers just tend to hate - look at Hope Estheim from Final Fantasy XIII. I also think that he and Shinjiro are the first characters in Persona 3 to address grief, which becomes a running theme from that point on. There's also an interesting angle to Ken as what basically amounts to a child soldier, and the broader group trying to balance his regular adolescent life with the work they do with the Midnight Hour.
The Ken hate is overdone - frankly, I think a lot of people have bad takes about Persona 3, and I hope the remake helps pave the way for new discourse and a re-evaluation of these characters.
That being said, I don't use him in battles. He's this low mostly due to apathy. He's better than people give him credit for, but I don't really use him in the game itself.
21. Haru
Haru is this low on the list mostly because of how late she's introduced in Persona 5, which affects her impact on the plot and leaves her a bit short on characterisation. I don't hate her, I just think she falls by the wayside a bit too much, and rather than it being a Haru problem I think it's an issue with the game and how it's paced. Honestly, Haru not getting enough screentime is probably the biggest complaint I have with Persona 5 - but even then, considering the structure of the game, it feels almost inevitable that it would happen y'know.
What I'm trying to say is that Haru is ultimately a victim of circumstance, and her placement on this list is out of her own control. Which is more than I can say for the next two gormless freaks:
22. Yosuke
Okay - I get that Yosuke is meant to get better over the course of Persona 4, and his social link apparently helps that along. Apparently it unpacks a lot of the toxic things he says or does during the course of the game. But outside of the first few dungeons, I feel like Yosuke is a millstone hanging around the game's neck, and because of the multiple times that he says or does something that just completely and utterly lets me down I avoided his social link like the plague.
One of the most popular posts on my other blog is "Homophobic Yosuke Moments Vol. #", because he just says the most bafflingly insensitive stuff about gayness that it's embarrassing. Apparently this is addressed by his social link, but I have to ask: does it reduce the amount of homophobic ribbing he gives Kanji over the course of the game? Does it tone down his machismo, like shaming Chie and Yukiko to dress in swimsuits?
He's comic relief, sure - his stuff gets broken, people spend his money and he gets his comeuppance a lot. But he also comes across like a tightass who's complaining all the time. It's justified sometimes, but I feel like the three biggest takeaways I got from his character is that he's a perv, he's a homophobe and he's a bellyacher. I don't like Yosuke.
23. Teddie
Teddie, as a mascot character, is whatever. I think he overstays his welcome, but just as himself, he's fine. It's like watching an American primetime show like the Blacklist, you've gotta accept the main character is gonna be kind of a bland audience stand-in - Teddie's gonna be Teddie. That's fine.
But Teddie's storyline is probably one of the weakest aspects of Persona 4, which I can probably only say because I played Persona 5 years before this game and Morgana's arc feels like Teddie's arc done right. There's not really a payoff, the reveal about his past is a wet fart that comes and goes with a gust of wind. I don't get the human transformation, except to make Teddie into an absolutely unlikeable perv. He's worse about the perv shit than Yosuke, and Yosuke bullied two of his closest friends into wearing bikinis so he could ogle them. Teddie is somehow even worse than that.
Ultimately, I think Teddie is just a bit too wacky for me. He and Yosuke were my least favourite parts of Persona 4, and having played P5 years beforehand I couldn't help but compare the two games. That's a me thing, and I guess Persona 4 has just aged a bit more than I might have liked - but man, between Yosuke and Teddie, Persona 4 has so much extremely sus shit in it. It's a great game, and Naoto is GOATed, but Jiminy fucking Christmas, man.
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happycricketbox · 1 year
I did it… I finished Persona 5 Royal!! Here's my unfiltered thoughts on it (a.k.a me entering my Hater mode)
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That was so long!! WAY longer than it needed to be. I sorta dicked around but not much, and ended up with around 150 hours of playtime. Ultimately i think this is my least favorite aspect of it. Of course, i wouldn't mind playing as long as i need to, if the story warranted it. But it's not!!!!!!! I almost quit multiple times towards the end because i've grown weary of it and i'm sure whatever awaits me by the end will not be worth it. But i pushed through! Yaay.
That brings my second least favorite aspect.
Even before playing it, i already have reservations about the main theme of the game (society bad?? 😲). And playing it made it clear about how oh so apparent that theme is. Almost every single villain is a mustache twirling saturday morning cartoon villain. Maybe i am getting too old to appreciate this kind of story, but i couldn't stand it (and the cutscenes we got of Ann's wet thighs and Ryuji ogling at her boobs in the desert makes me believe that this game is targeted towards teens... i'm honestly still baffled, they're insane for that one) The way they insists how Phantom Thieves are so edgy and genius and cool. How they kept calling us the ""trickster"" of this world or whatever. It is so simplistic yet so pretentious. The story addition in Royal is a nice surprise though, but it feels like a somewhat alright arc in an anime i feel nothing about, lol. Main story aside, i also have problems with the side stories (individual confidants) in general.
At first i liked and appreciated the variety of characters we get to bond with, but after spending time with them it became apparent that a lot of these go towards pretty much in the same direction (we met > we learn about Problem > we solve it by defeating the Problem Source in mementos > Problem solved!). It's just... kind of lame? Like the characters didn't need to work to solve their problem. I wish they had more depth than just a poor soul tortured by the Evil.
Actually i do have a dozen other problems with it (like how the events are all HORRIBLE + the characterization of our teammates + pacing and what nots) but i'll cut this rant short because i'm tired lol. The best aspect of it really is the visual, as i'm sure many have pointed out, and i enjoy the gameplay elements a lot. I also appreciate the amount of supplemental things you can do in your free time (even though i'm supposed to ignore them for confidant grinding).
It's a game with eons of flaws and i can see why some would call it the worst of the bunch. I don't regret playing it, though. But i will NOT be touching it again. Feel free to check it out if you're interested in the Persona series, but honestly if you ask me, if you have 150 hours to waste i'd just tell you to read Umineko instead.
Thanks for reading :]
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panthera2912 · 2 years
P5R broke me
Hello tumblr ! I finished playing Persona 5 Royal and I have a lot of feelings about it and need to put it out there. And tumblr seemed like the best place for it even though I haven't posted in years x)
Beware, this post will contain spoilers (well, the game is old but there still might be people like me who are late to the party).
So, first of all, I wanted to play a Persona game for a long time since I heard a lot of good things about it, but I never got to it 'cause I didn't have the motivation to spend 100+ hours into a game (says the girl who played WoW for 10 years). But since it recently came out on Switch and I didn't have any ongoing game I decided to finally give it a try. And I'm SO glad I played the royal version because Akechi was by far my favorite character and a big part of why I loved this game, and apparently he didn't have as much development in the original ? And Sumire was my second favorite so... yeah, royal for the win !
Anyway, to talk about the plot, basically this game broke me several times.
The confrontation with Akechi in Shido's palace was absolutely heartbreaking (props to the voice actors, JA and EN). A lot of what he said hit way too close to home, and the whole time I was yelling at my screen for Joker to say something ("say something i'm giving up on you" cover by Robbie Daymond playing in the background).
Anyway, I spent the rest of the game grieving (and raging against Shido because will you fucking die goddamnit, I've been fighting you for 45 minutes !!!!), but then Akechi reappears like nothing happened ??? And he's way too evasive about how he survived ????? And then Maruki's like, sike, got you, he dead ! ... Thank you game, I don't need to grieve a second time.
And of course, Akechi knew the whole fucking time, and didn't say anything, and he basically tells Joker he wants to die and tells him he doesn't need pity. Like, excuse me Sir ?! But first of all don't talk about yourself like that, and secondly, what about Joker in all of this ? This is not about pity, Joker wished for Akechi to be here. Like, seriously, Joker deserves to be happy after everything he's been through. And I get what Akechi is saying, he doesn't want to be toyed with by Maruki, like he's been controlled all his life, but he's aware of it, and I'm sure he could find happiness somewhere in this...
So... after staring at my screen 5 whole minutes, I took Maruki's offer. I'm weak, I know, I really just wanted to see them happy for once, they deserve the world. That end card is my wallpaper now.
But anyway, after taking a break, back to the true ending because I'm still curious despite it all. So we defeat Maruki, and Joker's reward is some time in jail and Akechi disappearing. Great. At least they get him out of jail but like, nobody talks to him about Akechi ? They know that Akechi was Joker's wish but they don't address it with him. Seriously, someone at least give this guy a hug, wtf ? Through the WHOLE game, he helped every single one of them. But no, he's the leader, he needs to stay strong, right...
And then when Joker goes to the jazz club.. and he still has Akechi's glove in his pocket... Excuse me, just crying over there.
To top it all, I was dating Sumire in this playthrough (rank 9 event done), but since I didn't get her to 10, the game acted like nothing happened. I spent valentine's day alone and it felt like Joker and her had broken up so it just added that much more drama lol.
But really, I love tragedies, and this game delivered. This was a well-crafted rollercoaster of emotion from start to finish and every hour was worth it. And it's very rare for me to do multiple playthough of a game, but I definitely will for this one. This is going in my top 5 games of all times for sure.
Anyway, I'm dead inside now and I'll probably be reblogging memes to cope x)
(Also, on a lighter note, the music in this game is a bop. Lyn is absolutely incredible.)
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janichroma · 1 year
So I wanted to ask about something other than Rejuv. What do think about persona 5? I know you were inspired to add some concepts from there to rejuv. I understand why it's a good game. My favorite characters from persona 5 were futaba and morgana. I know the morgana one is a bit controversial but it's whatever.
Really loved it! There are a few really annoying parts of it though. Like, not even gameplay wise. Stuff I don't really want to get into, but besides all that I really do like it. I also really loved the extra content in royal.
I also am one of the few who like Morgana (except for the obvious Morgana section that everyone hates because I also find that extremely drawn out and annoying, but I don't find the premise stupid). ...But I'm not gonna lie? I'm not a huge fan of Futaba. I feel like she's kind of a caricature in some ways. Like an extremely stereotypical otaku and those kind of characters can be really annoying to me. She's a better otaku character, though, and I do like the arc she has.
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thatll-do · 1 year
top five favorite video game characters?
Ok, so I originally had this whole thing with pics and gifs typed out, and I was on the last sentence before posting answer when tumblr glitched out and deleted all of it. So Imma redo it and hopefully do the original draft justice, but without gifs and pics just in case that was what screwed it up
Edit: it happened a third time >:(
1: As a devout Haru stan and apologist, it pains me a little to say that I have not had the full Haru experience, having not played any of the spinoffs or supplementary material outside of Persona 5 Royal, and we are not counting the Haru that exists only in my head, which is why despite my love for her, I cannot in good conscious call her one of my favorite video game characters, yet. With that in mind, I will have to with mild begrudges have to hand it to Futaba. What can I say? I have no choice but to stan an internationally wanted hacker who is capable of shutting down governments from her phone while being incapable of calling the pizza place down the road without going into a nervous breakdown. Plus, have you seen her? She smol. Diminutive. Gremlin shaped. Perfectly scampable. Plus, I feel she provides a very welcome change of pace with her palace in the story, being the only one where the antagonist is not some overtly hostile villain being quite refreshing for when she comes into the story, with her overall arc being very satisfying to watch play out, both in the grand narrative and in her smaller personal interactions. However, I must admit I'm not overtly fond of how navigators are used in Persona games, with them feeling generally detached from the general gameplay loop of them not being active party members, but as someone who doesn't typically go for JRPG's I am totally willing to recognize this may just be a me thing and that my sensibilities might not quite line up with how these things typically go
2: Surprise motherfucker! Nobody expects Wheatley! Which is a shame, because he's great, but it's understandable. On the one hand, you have GLaDOS, who was scientifically engineered to be fucking hilarious at every possible moment. And then in the other corner you have Chell, a fine self insert to insert your sense of self into, who shoots things when you tell her to. But people often overlook this little metal ball of idiocy, and what he brings to the table. First, he brings a very different kind of humor to the table that I think tends to go a bit underappreciated by the audience, and I'm not just talking about the slapstick and general incompetency, although that is also top notch. Honestly, just his inane ramblings are fucking comedy gold on their own that I could listen to for hours. He's also surprisingly arguably a more effective antagonist than GLaDOS. I went into Portal 2 almost completely blind, and while GLaDOS's insults were funny, they never really like stung or anything. There wasn't any real substance to it, it was just a one-sided hatred from my perspective. But Wheatley? When he did his heel-turn, I was in active shock. It took me several seconds to fully process what the fuck had just occurred. Unlike GLaDOS, there was a genuine bond formed, and breaking that opened so many doors despite slamming my fingers in them. And highlights what he does incredibly well. He brings a certain element of chaos and danger that GLaDOS could never have due to the fact that she has a functional sense of self preservation. With GLaDOS, you know what you're in for. She's gonna try to kill you, but she's gonna do it through elaborate traps and her patent pending Aperture Science Testing Chambers, but never directly, and she sticks to those rules. She is bound to them, and because of that you can plan around them and monkey your way out of it. But Wheatley? Wheatley in charge of Aperture is like a ticking time bomb without the watch. He doesn't even know what the rules are, otherwise he wouldn't mash two testing tracks together like a four-year-old smashing two lego master-builder sets together and almost accidentally killing you in the process.
3: Madeline, from Celeste. She is trans and I can project myself onto that
Not much else to say, really
4: Nope, you're not getting off that easy. The actual thing about Maddy is that, genderisms aside, I don't think I've ever felt quite as seen as I have with her. Celeste, by all accounts, is a very simple game. Both in terms of story and mechanics. The story is you climb a magical mountain in Canada, and the mechanics are run, jump, and climb. But it's how these two interplay to put you in the mindset of her, how anxiety hounds you, how it unnerves and undermines you, getting you stuck doing the same things making the same mistakes over and over again, is where Madeline really strikes a chord with me. And the game really doesn't shy away from how "tricks" and coping techniques can help but they're not a cure-all, they don't always work. Your fears and worries will break through, and you can try to ignore them, or leave them behind entirely, but you really can't. The only way to deal with them is to accept them for what they are, that they're just a part of you but you nonetheless and need to work with them. Her frankly snippy personality is also appreciated, because like, while it's not the nicest thing it's refreshing to see someone who's kinda just really tired of people act on that annoyance even if it's not strictly other people's fault for setting it off. And also her being trans just really brings it in for me
Actual number 4: This may be because I'm a horny shill, or maybe because I would prefer to liken myself as something of a philosopher, but I find myself drawn to 2B and her plights and think that the world of Nier:Automata provides some of the most profound and insightful moments modern gaming can offer. She's something of a stoic hardass, meant to be unfeeling of the world around her but still taking note of the absurdity of it all and sometimes going along with the unexpected asides from the farce she finds herself in. For all intents and purposes, she's just a cog in the machine, just a perfect mindless unthinking AI soldier in a proxy war with machine enemies that has spanned millennia. But as much as she plays the part, she can't help but display an overt world-weary awareness of her role that she's lived and relived time and time again. It may be only displayed subtly most of the time, but those tinges in her interactions quickly bleed out once you get a fuller picture of the story at hand.
5: Ok, as tempted as I was to put a FromSoft character here, even I have to admit that I find their interactable NPC's rather lacking. And while I like a fair amount of them, I would never call them my top of the list favorites. Instead, I'll go with my favorite companion who is trapped in one of my least favorite games, Curie from Fallout 4. I'll try to keep this spoiler free since I think you've been playing it and I don't wanna ruin anything for you, but simply put Curie is a sweetheart. You find her long abandoned in what was one of the most monstrous vaults designed, made purely to violate every medical ethics code in the book, but she spends her days toiling away trying to create medicines instead. After nearly 200 years alone, she's eager to explore the world, and she just has this bright-eyed curiosity about the wasteland that's rather infectious. Where most people see ruins and decay, she sees resilience and life persisting, and that kind of optimism in such a jaded setting hits like a hot shower after a filthy day outside. She's not terribly complicated, but she doesn't need to be
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mycomicbox · 1 month
Random Thoughts on Persona 5 Royal - Part 3
[Progress: October 13th, 5th Palace conquered]
<<< Part 2
I've been thinking a lot about what it'd be like if I were a Phantom Thief. Perhaps I'll draw that sometime.
God damn, this game is long. I consider myself someone with pretty good JRPG stamina, but I'm about 103 hours into this game and I'm nowhere near the finish line. For reference, my Persona 4 Golden playthrough maxed out at 100 hours.
It took me far too long to notice that the letters on Caroline and Justine's hats spell out "oxymoron".
The Doraemon reference in the movie theater got a chuckle out of me.
I like the little quips from your party members while exploring Mementos. One of my favorites is Morgana complaining about the tiny school desks in the suggestion box.
Ryuji and Yusuke's Showtime attack is the funniest shit I've ever seen.
The fact that Futaba's All-Out Attack splash screen says "Git Gud" is pretty indicative of when this game initially released. If the game came out now, it'd probably say "Skill Issue" or something.
Haru's Phantom Thief costume is probably my favorite. Hats with feathers in them are guaranteed to look cool.
Add Futaba to the list of characters who desperately need a hug. I like the idea of someone willingly asking for their heart to be stolen. After all, the Phantom Thieves don't just beat the shit out of scumbags: they help those who can't help themselves.
I also like how Futaba's awakening is somewhat of a callback to Persona 4, as she awakens to her Persona by facing her Shadow directly (no face-bleeding required).
How is she so goddamn short (then again, I guess being a shut-in could've stunted her physical growth)
You can tell that I have some stuff to say about Futaba. Yusuke has some competition for favorite Phantom Thief.
Another Persona game, another awkward beach scene... (except for Yusuke's lobster gag, that amused me).
Why did Ryuji think that Los Angeles was the United States capital? Is he stupid?
Shadow Okumura needs to speak up, man. It's like they lowered his volume compared to the other characters (which kind of makes sense with the space helmet he's got on, but still).
Unfortunately, I have been spoiled as to the Black Mask's true identity. I don't care how old this game is, tag your damn spoilers!
When I was in middle school, I went to a water park on a school field trip, and the county schools rented it out for the students. I thought that alone was magical. Imagine getting a whole Disney park rented out just for you and your homies.
With the death of President Okumura, and the tanking of public approval, the Phantom Thieves' resolve is starting to waver...
The sixth calling card is addressed to Sae Niijima. I can't wait to see how this story will unfold.
⚡️Confidant Lightning Round
Beep boop.
My man Sojiro going through it...
With the way that Futaba peppers her speech with video game references, I see a bit of my 15-year-old self in her. I've noticed references to Pokémon, D&D, and RPG terms in general (EXP, trash mobs, etc.).
Imagine meeting a cute nerdy girl and the first thing she does is ask if you're a NPC 💀 poor Mishima, I would've never recovered from that
I like Iwai's little quips about gun terminology.
Takemi please step on me
You're telling me that the Get Smoked hat was from this game!?
I would do anything for a politician like Yoshida.
As I have discovered, there are some unused voice lines implying that Sae was planned to be a romance option at some point. That would've been one hell of an enemies-to-lovers (even if it wouldn't make sense narratively).
Well, I've gotten the Faith and Councillor Confidants to their proper ranks before their deadlines. I guess I'll wait and see what happens next.
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