#and M'benga is probably the only one who understands
cozyforjate · 10 months
There were interesting Spapel moments in 2x08 but i just want to talk about one specific exchange that i believe shows Christine’s and Spock’s POV perfectly and gives us an idea of how each, views their relationship.
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“You just see me going through something and our closeness makes you feel responsible.”
Christine, already having trouble bcoz of what Boimler told her and now triggered by her war trauma, reflects her relationship issues in this single line. For her, Spock is trying to help bcoz he feels responsible. She thinks, now that they are in a relationship–kind of-, he must be feeling responsible as a boyfriend, trying to do the right thing out of obligation.
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“I’m having difficulty watching you experience such obvious distress. I want to help.”
Spock on the other hand feels completely different than Christine. He doesn’t want to help out of responsibility. Fuck responsibility! He just wants to make her feel better bcoz it breaks his heart to see her in such distress. He is trying to help out of love not a sense of responsibility.
I think Spock and Christine need to sit down and talk about their relationship. But this time, without nerdy quantum references. This time they need to talk about what they want, what they expect and what they can give to each other. They need to talk about their fears and struggles. They need to be honest with each other but also to themselves too! Christine once told Spock “you need to be honest with yourself about what you can give…” and now she needs to take her own advice.
The musical episode might help them express their feelings through songs and who knows maybe we might get a scene in the end where Christine opens up to Spock. If not, then in the finale.🤞🤞
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swimmingwolf59 · 22 days
Master Post of Ken's Nonsense Fics
Hello, welcome to my blog!! I've written, uh, a lot lol, for a lot of different pairings and fandoms, so I wanted to make a post to tie all that together! (You can also head right to my ao3 if you wish Iol) Fics are beneath the cut!!
My personal favorites are bold and brash blue!
Star Trek
Spones - Easily contains the most fics I have ever written lmao, a truly insane amount. You can find a list of my spones fics here.
Buried in the Sand. Sarek and Spock, follows their relationship over the years in both tos and aos. Written for Spock Prime Big Bang 2021. Complete.
Persistent Doctors for Stubborn Patients. Spock and the med crew! M'Benga front and center. Complete.
From Scratch. McCoy brings Sarek tea post Journey to Babel surgery. Complete.
Nuclear Fission. Spock/Scotty, Scott runs into a Vulcan while stationed on Delta Vega. Complete.
Viva la Q. Picard/Q, Q keeps saving Picard's life over and over. Complete.
Fistfuls of Data. Worf/Data, post the episode "A Fistful of Datas". Complete.
Darlin' Dax. McCoy's and Dax's friendship throughout the years, with a side of spones. Complete.
Needles and Thread. Kira/O'Brien/Keiko/Bashir/Garak + the kids fluff (or the fivesome that I'm crazy about and my friend totally roasted me for). Complete.
In the Desert with the Doctor. Tuvok and the Doctor missing scene for the episode "Future's End." Complete.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure
You can find a list of my jjba fics here!
KHR (Reborn)
You can find a list of my reborn fics here!
Disco Elysium
Familiar Fluidity. Please read my trans!Harry choose your own adventure fic I worked so hard on it LOL. Complete.
Kamonohashi Ron
The Case of the Clairvoyant Friend Group. Rontoto. Do you like fun silly friends all knew before them fics??? This one's for you! Complete.
Cool Doji Danshi (Play It Cool Guys)
Play it Cool, Gays. Hayate/Mima, Hayate and Mima both try to ask each other out, but neither of them understand the other. Complete.
Sparks of Joy. Hayate/Motoharu/Mima, Mima and Motoharu throw Hayate a surprise party. Complete.
Comfort. Hayate/Mima, Mima stays the night with Hayate to recover from playing that horror game. Rated G, complete.
Millionaire Detective
The Newlyweds. Kambe and Kato fake marry to participate in a game show and track down a shipment of adollium. Complete.
Good Omens
Fire Within the Heart. Crowley has difficulty maintaining his human form when it gets too cold. Romantic!azicrow, complete.
Our House. Aziraphale and Crowley move into the South Downs cottage together. Romantic!azicrow, ongoing technically. Some day I will probably return to this lol.
The Raven Cycle
A Dreamer's Guide to the Galaxy. Pynch hitchhiker's guide AU series. First fic is complete, the second is permanently on hiatus.
Trying It Again. Compilation of fics written for pynch week 2018. Complete.
Safety First. Adam spills chemicals on himself and has to use the safety shower. Though apparently he's not the only one... Pynch, complete.
It's Not a Date. Two times Adam didn't know it was Valentine's Day. Pynch, complete.
On a Raven's Black Wing. Adam works at a pet store where Ronan and Chainsaw are frequent customers. Pynch, permanently on hiatus.
Wild and Free. Another compilation. this time for pynch week 2017. Complete.
You Are My Dream. Ronan and Adam explore their new relationship now that they're not tramping around mystical forests looking for sleeping kings. Complete.
Fire Emblem
Three Houses
Cashepar Week 2019. 4 fics I wrote for Caspar/Ashe. Complete.
Too Lazy to Stop Being Lazy. Hilda and Linhardt trick each other into doing their chores for them. Gen, complete.
Love Me as I Am. Inigo/Laurent, both have strict parents, but together they can be who they really are. Permanently on hiatus.
Rabbits, Masks, and Monkeys. Gerome/Yarne, how two boys become friends again (and perhaps more than that). Complete.
Trick or Treat? Gaius/m!Robin, Gaius takes Morgan trick or treating. Lots of background pairings. Complete.
Yowamushi Pedal
You can find a list of my yowapeda fics here!
Person of Interest
Sing. John loves Finch's singing. Romantic, complete.
Snapshots. Compilation of fics for souharu week 2015. Complete.
About Time. Cuddly souharu try to celebrate Sousuke's birthday (Sousuke forgets). Complete.
Memories of Friendship. Gen souharu, where Sousuke stays at Haru's house a little longer during High Speed 2. Complete.
Broken. When Sousuke finds out he can never swim again, his world falls down around him. Gen, complete.
Adrift. My souharu saga: Sousuke, unable to swim any longer, has to coach Haru for the Olympics. Complete.
If You'd Only. Shibakimi friends with benefits, where neither of them want to admit to being friends or having benefits. Permanently on hiatus.
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Five Stages of Falling In Love With Leonard McCoy
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Prompt: This story is still based on a chat room conversation and can be seen here
Warnings: Still angst man. Some pseudoscience where I pretend to know what I’m talking about after some google research.
Pairing: Bones/Reader (predetermined)
A/N: one more after this. Then it all comes to an end. Catch up on this series if you haven’t! PART 1 PART 2
Word Count: 1627
By the end of the fourth month, David had a stroke. The pressure on the brain, caused by the high levels of blood. M'Benga thought it could be caused by a clot. That’s when he told you he was unsure what damage had been caused, but there was probably damage and it would affect him for life if he pulled through. You vomited into the toilet, not wanting to believe what was true. He was getting worst.
Meanwhile, Leonard was finding solace at the bottom of the bottle. They had both taken a nosedive in the last month, the need for blood draws increased to once a day, you were sure now some else would pop up. The labs still had nothing and were still doing their best. Or so they assured you.
You watched your son, his skin all pink, a sign that his blood count was reaching unsafe levels, again. He was bloated from all the fluids they were trying to push into the tiny body. His voice was hoarse from all the crying. But the crying grew less and less as lethargy took over. You were thankful for the relief, but you knew it was a bad sign. On top of that Leonard seemed to go AWAL on you.
For the first time in a long time, you felt alone. Isolated on an island. Your husband would be no help, he was probably half way through a bottle of whiskey. You needed someone. So you ran to Jim. You aren’t sure why. Maybe because he’s the Captain. A comforting figure when everything is going to shit. Or, maybe because you two had grown close over the years, you being with Bones, meant you spent a lot of time with Jim. So, you pounded on his door, calling his name, tears threatening to overflow.
“Y/n,” he asked sidestepping to let you in immediately. “Hey, what’s going on?”
“I can’t take it anymore! I can’t handle this on my own anymore Jim! I just can’t! I can’t fight this battle!” You began to sob, a hard, ugly, soul-crushing sob.
Jim threw his arms around you holding you to his chest. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Jim hushed. “Breathe, breathe with me.” You were still crying but you managed to start breathing with Jim, finally getting it to level out. “Where’s Bones? What do you mean alone?”
“He's dealing with his guilt and emotions he can't process with liquor. He spends his time in his office. I haven't seen him for more than about an hour every day for the past two weeks when I have seen he’s been drunk. He's self-destructing. He's falling apart and leaving me alone to be a tower of strength. And I'm just not that strong Jim. In trying but I'm not!” You yelled, tears streaming down your face. “What if David dies? What if Leonard goes after him? He feels so guilty, and won’t realize I don’t blame him. I’m scared, Jim.”
Jim hushed you, pulling you back to him. Rubbing circles into your shaking back. “You are not alone. You always have me, too. Remember that. I'll talk to Bones.” You shook your head.
“You don’t have to get involved.”
“I am. I dragged his drunk ass out of this kinda thing before. I can do it again. He needs a good slap in the face of reality. I’ll handle this.” He rubbed your arms. “Stay here tonight. You need a break. I’ll take the couch. Alright.”
“Jim you don’t need to do that. I’ll be fine. I’m fine,” you tried to convince yourself.
“I order you,” your head snapped up and looked into his eyes. That were soft, worried, and kind. A smile gently pulled at his lips. “I order you to stay here, take my bed and relax.”
You chuckled in spite of yourself. “Yes, sir.”
He nodded, “good. Take a nap. Take one of my shirts. Alright? I’ll be back,” Jim said as he exited out the door.
“Jim,” you called. He popped his head in. “Thank you.” He just nodded once and left.
Kirk walked into Bones’ office. The other man looked up from his glass, “Jim, you want a drink?”
“No,” Jim spoke curtly. “Bones what are you doing?”
“Having a drink,” Len grumbled. “What does it look like?”
“At 2 in the afternoon?” Jim huffed, crossing his arms. “How’s David?”
“He’s deteriorating. I-I don’t think he has much time,” Bones’ voice began to quake.
“And exactly how is you getting drunk helping,” Jim pressed, he leaned against Leonard’s desk, the comment causing the other man to stare.
“What can I do Jim?! I’m helpless! Without that cure, I can’t do a damned thing. So I’m numbing the pain sue me,” Bones spat.
“That’s great for you but I want you to stop,” Jim punctuated by putting his hand over the glass. “You’re being selfish.” Bones rose from his seat leveling himself with Jim, swaying slightly.
“Back off, Jim. You have no idea what I am going through! So don’t you dare come posturing in thinking you can damn me for trying to deal with this.” He gestured wildly at the door, obviously meaning his son.
“I might not understand, I can’t understand. Not yet anyway,” Jim raised his voice, standing to his full height, taking the few inches Leonard had gained back.
“Then get off my back,” Bones growled.
“No, Len you need to listen. I might not. But I know who does.” Bones recoiled. Jim never called him anything close to his real name, unless he was serious. “Your wife. You remember her? Or have you drank so much you can only remember this room?” Bones went to leave, angry, furious at Jim. That’s when the blond grabbed a fistful of his shirt. “You can run away from this! You are on a starship. Space isn’t an option anymore! You’re already here.”
“Get off me. Don’t you lecture how to handle my grief.” Bones attempted to break free of him, but to no avail.
“It’s not just your grief,” Kirk yelled shifting his grip to is friend's arm “You might be losing a son but at this rate, Y/n is losing a son and a husband! Len you can’t keep doing this! You can’t keep running to the bottle!”
“Let go of me, Jim,” Bones barked, his voice raw. “Jim. Please,” James could see the tears in his eyes.
“Not till you realize you are not alone anymore! Y/n came to me today.”
“What,” Bones murmured.
“She came to my quarters. Crying. She didn’t know where to go. She didn't want to be in medbay because she needed a break. But she didn’t want to be alone in your quarters. So she came to me. Saying she couldn’t do it alone. She needs you.”  Jim was now speaking softly, hoping Leonard would understand. “You don’t have to fight alone. You have me and y/n. And she wants to stand with you so bad, and you just left her alone. She needs you. She needs her husband. She needs Leonard McCoy.” Leonard looked down and away. “You have her. She would follow you to hell and back. Fight Satan himself for you.” Jim could see the recognition in his eyes. It was finally hitting him.
“I’ve been an idiot. My son is dying, and I’m leaving my wife to suffer alone. I gotta,” Bones started trying to pull away. “I gotta go see her. I gotta make this right.”
“No, you are going to your quarters to sleep this off. She doesn’t need you drunkenly apologizing. She’s spending the night in my quarters. Alright?”
“I’m so sorry,” Bones moved back towards his desk. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered placing his hands on his desk, head hanging. Jim sighed and walked over to him, placing a hand on the now trembling back.
“Bones.” Len shook his head, his back heaving with a sob. “Bones, come on. Let me walk you to your quarters. You need to sleep.” Jim maneuvered his way under one of Len’s arms, encouraging the other to follow him. Kirk gripped tightly, whispering soft words of encouragement as the other fought to stop his tears.
“Jim I’m so scared.”
“I know, I know. So is she.”
You walked back into the shared quarters early. Leonard was asleep on his stomach, mouth open. You smiled, he needed it. You felt pretty okay, Jim’s bed was comfortable, and the different environment helped you get some rest. Your rustling woke the sleeping man. “Y/n?”
“Len,” you replied instinctively. You turned and watched him sit up to address you.
“I’m sorry.” You opened your mouth to say something. “No, let me finish. Jim told me you went to him yesterday. And I’m sorry. I just. I forgot that I had you. I had someone to stand by me, help hold me up when the universe wanted to beat me down. So I returned to what worked best last time my life was crumbling. I don’t expect you to forgive me. Hell, I don’t forgive me. But I’m here. And I can fight without you.” He reached a hand out to you. You walked towards him, gently taking his hand. He pulled you close, burying his head into your stomach.
“You scared me.”
“I know, never again alright? I promise.” You carded your fingers through the thick locks, causing Leonard to hum at the attention. He ran his hands up and down your spine. Those talented hands rubbing knots out of your lower back.The monument was was so gentle. Just you and him, the ship felt still, the universe felt still. Life was still.
Until the com buzzed. “Leonard, David experienced a seizure.”
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Free To A Good Home 4
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