#and I use opera gx
touteytout · 29 days
adobe using 👉👈🥺 while promoting that fuck ass ai feature is insane.............. WHO is this for...
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prototypelq · 6 months
Don't want to rain on your parade, but while looking through different browser privacy reviews, I was disappointed to learn that default Firefox is not privacy-secure browser either. By default, Firefox uses google's analytic features, plus the Mozilla company is partially owned by google, so they aren't really independent either.
This issue can be mitigated by switching to a more tight-code Firefox-based browser, I heard Waterfox mentioned a number of times, or using extensions + manually digging into Firefox settings to turn it off.
I'm not about to turn anyone away from using Firefox, just wanted to raise some notice about this issue.
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apyrisol · 9 months
finally got my new computer and made the move to firefox. there's only 4 things i liked more with opera gx so far and those are: 1) getting to have a wallpaper for a new tab 2) getting to see if any of the people i follow on twitch are live by just glancing to the sidebar (this one's not too bad but i did catch a lot of streams this way since twitch hates giving me notifs) 3) i could close all my tabs but the browser wouldn't close because of the gx corner and, 4) the gx corner. i like free games. a lot but hey if anyone's got good recommendations for ways i can replace these functions through extensions or whatever i'll gladly take em. im glad to not be using a chromium based browser anymore and really really don't wanna switch back
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bunn-iiii · 9 days
I probably should start using a new browser but I don't want to change again T-T
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evilvvithin · 2 months
I really enjoy firefox. It's ad blocking extension is free and hasn't failed me yet, plus it runs faster than Chrome. It does occasionally glitch out my screen, but it takes but a mouse flick to put it back to right. I've like Opera, Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc but only Firefox has impressed me.
I have such bad memories on Firefox but everyone talks about it so nice lately to the point I think it'd be the best option to switch to from chrome
As long as it takes less memory with multiple tabs opened and has adblock it sounds amazing
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opera-gx-official · 11 months
Windows 10 or 11 or 3.1
You fool, while 3.1 is obviously the better path of a windoes user, they all those pale in comparison to the new OS in beta called GOX
Check it out, or get left out
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ayahoes · 7 months
finally switched to firefox :3c
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salted15 · 2 years
Tumblr media
forgot i had my headcanons doc open from last night
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first-only · 1 year
Have you heard about the recent thing of people using vpns getting banned (cause of tumblr thinking they are pornbots)
Gotta say, as someone who relies on my vpn to feel safe, I do not like that
i havent actually, no. its weird to me tumblr would even use IP to sort out the bots like there's.. better ways lmao. at least maybe if its so obviously a false ban they might be more prone to lifting it after you submit a ticket?
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milkibana · 1 year
Tumblr media
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gothamite-seagull · 2 months
I decided to ask an AI for things to write when creating a (fictional hopefully) cult, here ya go my rabid little writers of tumblr!
Creating a cult in writing can add depth and intrigue to your story. Here is a checklist to consider when developing a cult in your writing:
Beliefs and Ideology:
Clearly define the core beliefs and ideology of the cult. What do they worship or follow?
What are the values and principles that the cult members adhere to?
How do these beliefs set them apart from mainstream society?
Leader or Figurehead:
Create a charismatic leader or figurehead who embodies the beliefs of the cult.
Explore the leader's background, motivations, and influence over the followers.
Consider the leader's methods of control and manipulation.
Rituals and Practices:
Develop rituals, ceremonies, and practices that are central to the cult's beliefs.
Describe how these rituals are performed and their significance to the members.
Show how participation in these rituals strengthens the bond among cult members.
Hierarchy and Organization:
Establish a hierarchy within the cult, including ranks or roles for different members.
Define how decisions are made within the cult and how power is distributed.
Show how the structure of the cult influences relationships and interactions among members.
Recruitment and Membership:
Explain how new members are recruited into the cult.
Explore the criteria for membership and the process of indoctrination.
Consider the benefits and drawbacks of belonging to the cult for its members.
Symbols and Artifacts:
Create symbols, emblems, or artifacts that represent the cult's beliefs and values.
Describe how these symbols are used within the cult and their significance.
Explore how these symbols may be hidden or displayed in public.
Conflict and Opposition:
Introduce conflicts or opposition to the cult, such as resistance from outsiders or internal dissent.
Show how the cult responds to challenges and threats to its existence.
Develop tension and drama through clashes with opposing forces.
Impact on Characters and Plot:
Consider how the cult influences your characters' motivations, actions, and relationships.
Show the effects of the cult on the wider plot of your story.
Use the cult to explore themes of power, control, belief, and identity in your writing.
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operagxreal · 3 months
stop saying goodnight and then staying up
looking at you, duo.
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enchantedmirage · 3 months
I'm downloading firefox nowwww
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jayysnotjoyful · 4 months
i am following too many fake company accounts i live for the drama
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hyperfresh-vixen · 7 months
is anyone else having trouble clicking on links on tumblr lately? like, i cant click ANY links thatre from tumblr to another site rn
Tumblr media
I just always get this and im so confused
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10,000 notes and I will film myself wearing a skirt and cat ears
@realsafari @duothelingo @true-blue-straya @yandex-search-fr @microsoft-edge-official @kroger-fr @official-the-united-states @totally-peacock-i-swear @the-us-navy-offical @definitely-wikipedia @walmart-the-official @bingle-official @true-opera-gx @gibbish-anon-from-gell @shakespeare-official-account @apple-unofficial @royal-canadian-air-force @firefox-official and whoever else I forgot
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