#and I got to talk about pompep!!!
9haharharley1 11 months
For the OTP asks:
3, 11, and 29
Feel free to do blackice, pompous pep, or both?? 馃憖鉁笍
Both? BOTH?!馃憗馃憗
Not me getting all prose-y about it!
3. Jealousy issues - Pitch is SO jealous. He hates that Jack has to leave him to go be a Guardian, it's partly why he can't keep his hands off him when they're together. He can't stand to have Jack away from him, and he sees the way Bunny and Tooth look at Jack and it drives him MAD, even if they don't actually have feelings for Jack like that. He wants to hide Jack away in his lair but knows he can't, knows that it would kill Jack to be away from his friends and the children. So he settles for leaving as many marks as he can on him, love bites and bruises in the shapes of his fingers, loves seeing the contrast against pale skin, knowing those are HIS marks, and he's the only one allowed to leave them. Jack is... a little envious when he can't have Pitch's full attention, be it when Pitch is focused on a project or talking to someone, but because of the isolation he put himself through, he tends to accept that he's not the most important thing to Pitch at the time. Pitch, being Pitch, can always sense that bit of fear when it manifests and is quick to remind Jack that he is loved and cared for above all things, either by wrapping an arm around him to pull him close or kissing him gently, and leaving whatever project he's working on for later.
11. Love language - Neither of them are big gift givers, but being as touch-starved as they are, they can't keep their hands off each other, even after years and years of being together. Jack tries to spend as much time with Pitch as he can, going out of his way to be in the lair even in the summer when it's far too hot for him to be there. He just wants to be near Pitch, even if he's sleepy about it, wants the reassurance for himself that Pitch doesn't mind his company. Pitch, on the other hand, is always quick to reassure him, with touch and words alike, knows Jack has a weakness for his voice (who doesn't lol), and reminds Jack often that he's wanted and needed by Pitch's side. And he never tires of telling Jack how much he loves him and his body.
29. Who said "I love you" first - Pitch. He fell fast, and he fell hard. He knew he was drawn to Jack, didn't know why for a long time, but after they're together and he realizes all the things he wants from Jack, he knows there's no other way he could feel. He's wanted companionship for so long, has wanted a semblance of family since losing his own so long ago, that he knows he loves Jack on some level before they even get together, and knows he'll burn the world just to keep Jack by his side. He also knows that Jack would never want this. Jack's a free spirit, and Pitch knows that, he knows he can't keep Jack by his side forever, but he desperately wants to. So he settles for holding the younger man close, settles for gentle kisses in the dark of the lair, settles for sensual touches to pale skin, and bruising bites to hips and neck, and whispers "I love you" so quietly against a pale ear that Jack's not even sure he heard it. He gasps, nearly cries, feels his heart swell so full of love he can barely get the words out coherently before he comes undone. Then he whispers it right back, assures Pitch that he wants no one but him, and they repeat the process all over again.
Pompous pep:
3. Jealousy issues - they are both so jealous it's not even funny. Vlad is the embodiment of "'most jealous man I know' 'you know other men?'" meme. He wanted to kill his best friend over a woman he thought he loved, and Danny? Danny means so much more to him than Maddie ever did! He can't stand if Danny so much as looks at another person, can't stand that Danny can't be glued to his side 24/7, but he understands the necessity of it. And he's always quick to remind them both that Danny is HIS, and he always leaves a visible mark on Danny's neck after Danny tells his friends about them. And Danny becomes a little brat if Vlad looks at anyone else, gets all pouty and visibly upset. He's insecure, been burned too many times by family, friends, and past relationships to think that he's worth the attention as Fenton, and that jealousy gets channeled into anger if left to fester.
11. Love language - Danny and his friends all tease Vlad about being Danny's sugar daddy, and they're completely correct. Vlad loves to give Danny gifts, especially in the beginning of their relationship. He hired tutors to get Danny through school, offered to pay for college, buys expensive gifts and anything Danny so much as looks at, and takes Danny out to fancy dinners. It took a long time for Danny to get over this, to not feel like Vlad was just trying to buy his affection when they started seeing each other. In a way, Vlad was. He wanted to prove he could provide for Danny, to be someone he could rely on for anything and everything and make himself the sole provider for Danny's every need. Eventually Danny managed to get him to chill out about this. But he does like the occasional shiny item. And Vlad likes to buy him nice things regardless of what he gets out of it. He just likes to see Danny blush and smile over it. They can go long periods without being together, kind of a necessary evil between a CEO of a fortune 500 company and a college student, but when they're together, they're together. They're always touching, kissing, snuggling, hugging, they can't keep their hands off each other! Mostly Vlad though. He spent so long alone that he's afraid that Danny will disappear if he looks away for more than a minute. And he's always quick to remind Danny how wonderful he is, how thoughtful and selfless, and brave and beautiful, and Danny's still getting used to being the center of someone's attention, but he adores it all the same.
29. Who said "I love you" first - Danny said it first. They had been together for some time, Vlad was on one of his weird jealousy stints, going on and on about how much he does for Danny, how much he was trying for Danny, to change, to be better, all for Danny. Being as emotionally constipated as he is, he doesn't recognize his feelings for what they really are and Danny, having grown up with Jazz, was much more well-adjusted. He saw what Vlad was trying to say, saw the way the man got worked up in ways he never had over Maddie, how he paced and ran his hands through his hair and couldn't find the right words because he had never felt real love before. So Danny stopped him, took his face in his hands, looked up into Vlad's eyes, and told him very firmly that "You're a crazy jealous fruitloop, and I love you, too." Needless to say, Vlad had been stunned silent until Danny kissed him and they actually talked about their feelings like proper adults. Jazz was so proud when she found out later.
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gilly-moon 11 months
Vlad Redemption Real (a glitch in time)
I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS AAAAA putting them under a read more because major spoilers (there's a lot under there I'm so sorry I got carried away this comic is just really incredible)
Vlad coming to this decision on his own is what really makes it for me. The main crew never really asked him or expected him to change. For a lot of the comic, he's the butt of the joke and it's what he deserves. But then he witnessed Danny having his own emotional breakthrough. Being able to see how powerful Danny became after embracing his emotions and letting go of his inner turmoil...like, that did it. He finally let himself look inward too, recognizing his own faults and the hurt that he had caused himself all these years. The focus of the scene is Danny, but I love how clear it is that Vlad's entire perspective just shifted, too
The moment where he tells Dark Danny that because he's part-Plasmius too, that means he's full of emotions, and that he's full of fear......my jaw dropped. Vlad admitting that he's deeply afraid of being alone, and that he pursued ultimate power in the hopes it could fix his loneliness. Doing so hurt all of the people he wanted to have in his life, and made sure he would never recieve the love he so desperately wanted. He says this in front of all of the people that he hurt the most, and he doesn't ask for forgiveness from any of them.
(Also fear being Vlad's driving emotion behind his power, just....ruin me.)
BUT HE TAKES IT A STEP FURTHER. No one is suggesting that Dark Danny needs to overshadow someone as a solution to his unstable form. Vlad comes forward unprompted and offers himself up, as an apology. An apology to the people of his timeline that he hurt, and to Dark Danny. He isn't the Vlad that created Dark Danny, but he knows the potential to be that guy was always in him, so he takes the faults of that other Vlad on his own shoulders. And still, he isn't seeking forgiveness, just a second chance. More time, to do something good with his life before it's gone. Danny tells Vlad he still hates him, but thanks him, and the smile Vlad responds with is everything to me. They're not friends. The wounds he caused aren't healed. But that little thank you is proof that Vlad is already making a difference in the world
He gets to be a guardian to Dark Danny!!!! He gets a family!!!! And it's broken, and hurt, and kind of fucked up, but this is all he ever wanted, and he has the chance now to do better for himself and for Dan. He already understands the root of his problem, the pain and fear that has been driving him all these years. The path forward is gonna be messy and hard for him & Dan, but the first steps are the hardest, and he's already taken them.
All that being said, he better continue being an insufferable fruitloop. Never let the sass die, you silly vampire ghost man.
Sjfkxnskd wow sorry this response turned into a whole essay. This is what happens when you prompt a neurodivergent to talk about their hyperfixations. And I didn't even get into the pompep potential in all of this. Anyways I love Vlad more than ever and agit is perfection.
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pyrrhicraven 5 months
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Just wanted to share a little bit about a few of my unpublished fics :) since I posted my unpublished master list for the year/next year!
Transformers: Now that I have an idea of where I'm going with both fics, Hyper Lane and Drift will set after a truce is formed and everyone is still kind of getting used to the notion, Hyper Lane will focus on MegaOp and Drift is so far Gen. Harry Potter: I've talked about Emerald Waves before or at least mentioned a Harry is a Vampire fic. The general storyline is Harry takes Lucius Malfoy by surprise, biting the man and making a deal to destroy the insane dark lord. Dreary is a Death Eater Remus Lupin Fic, He takes off with Harry basically to raise as his own and he's pissed off at Riddle for killing his friends. Fortress is a Harry figures out the light side might not be the right side and asks the Goblins for help and they kind of just...Adopt him? Hellsing: Blood Auction, Enrico Gets Kidnapped and Alucard makes a choice to help him. Basically, plus there's a dragon and a few other things, Enrico dies (Kinda) and everyone is happy in the end except Integra. Monsoon, Walter finds out that there are things out there worse than death...
My Hero Academia: Aizawa wasn't kidding in that first test, he expelled Midoria who goes rogue. I'd say more but I might give away too much lol
Miraculous Ladybug: House Of Mirrors Felix and Marinette go through a traumatic experience together and bond. Felix/Marinette 100%
Star Wars: A Change of Fate is a gift fic and it was requested to be a reader/Obi-Wan fic where the reader is Obi-Wan's padawan and things get a little steamy ;) My untitled Sith Obi-Wan is a Codywan fic where Obi-Wan is fed up with the war and goes 1000% batshit crazy lol Abandoned is a Clone! Centric Fic at this point of my Plotting, and Silver Veil is going to be a collection fic for stuff that happens off-screen for my fics Horizon of Yesterday and Red Shift.
TMNT: This one has been in the works for a stupidly long time and it's basically my story for how my version of Mikey became the super famous Theif Soot and other tales.
MegaMind: Pandora is kind of a mess plot-wise, I just knew I wanted to write a new Megamind fic. In this Roxanne for unknown reasons dumps Mega and he well freaks out a bit honestly and that's all I've got lol
Super Mario Bros: Untitled #1 Booigi. Honestly, it's an excuse to write smut lol I've already written a chunk for this one and it's just Boo pushing our boy around and Luigi liking it lol As for the other untitled Luigi and Peach just having friendship moments and also set in my Devil's Trap universe so it covers how Luigi got invited to Girls Night. Not that it really needed explaining but I enjoyed writing it and wanted to write more lol
Danny Phantom: Tempest also has been waiting around stupidly long and it's a Pompep fic where Vlad shows up on Danny's doorstep injured. It's very Fluffy by my standards.
Most of these have been hanging around for a while so most of them are at least 100 words of the first draft if not an extensive outline, there are a few that are just vague ideas that caught my attention lol
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