#and 3. MAN FUCK
voltaical-art · 5 months
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spitblaze · 3 days
I guess Chilchuck has brought us right back to 'adults who are short are child-coded and if you like them you're a pedophile' discourse huh
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lazylittledragon · 6 months
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more domestics to warm the soul <33
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ftm-radio · 9 months
[SCENE: driving back from my appointment]
dad: ...am I going to have to teach you how to shave?
me: uh yeah! at some point, lol
dad: hm. well I can show you the way I prefer, with mug soap and a brush, because the aerosol cans are just no. I showed your brother my way and he likes it a lot better too...
dad: [rambles for a bit]
dad: ...it's really just another chore, you look in the mirror and go 'ugh I have to shave soon' so it's just one of those things you do every once in a while
me, externally: haha yeah, I can't wait :]
me, internally: he's talking about this like it's no big deal, it's not weird at all,,, he doesn't mind the idea of teaching me despite the fact that he never expected to be doing this with me,,,, he's my dad and he supports me even if he doesn't completely get it,,,
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hellspawnmotel · 3 months
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cementing my place as the crossovers for no reason guy
(third pic based on)
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anotherdarkiboi · 9 months
List of Astarion's Terms of Endearment
This is for the fanfic writers haha. Tell me if I'm missing any so can add it in!
Darling (his most used)
My love, love
My sweet
“You sweet, generous thing”, “you sweet little thing”
My dear, a dear, dear
Cheeky little pup
My little treat ("-with their cheeks all flushed")
You wicked little thing (affectionate)
"You're a sweetheart", "you sweetheart"
Delectable little pet (not directed towards Tav but it easily could be)
My friend (yay, we're his friend)
My favorite traveling companion (not a pet name but it's nice to be his favorite)
My leaking blood-bag (technically you refer to yourself as that first and he calls you his one after, but it counts)
You little scoundrel
Edit: Thank you everyone in the comments for adding the Dark Urge ones!
Bhaal-babe (I'm dead, this silly pun I swear)
My sweet, bloodthirsty friend
My precious little Bhaal-babe
My conflicted villain
My dagger-happy friend
Bonus: Ascended Yandere Astarion
My pet, pet
Little love
Precious thing
My treasure
My consort, My Dark Consort
My favorite spawn
Insolent little- (the Dev's notes say that the full line is "you insolent little brat" which, um...)
Insolent little pup (the line was in EA, although I’m not entirely sure if it’s Ascended Astarion. Full line: “you are an insolent little pup, aren’t you?”)
"You ingrate" (When you try to break up with him. It's not really a pet name, but-)
"Property I cherish, but still my property" (his thoughts)
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nettleparade · 8 months
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his one-sided love for life
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lieu-rey · 3 months
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first meeting
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metal-junk · 2 months
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i like ur funny words, magic man
the idea that probably one of the most dangerous people in faerûn can become good after falling for a pathetic wizard is fucking hilarious to me. also i am an avid defender of gale and i want to make VERY CLEAR he isn’t supposed to be mansplaining bhaal to a bhaalspawn here, that’s just the only info i could actually write a significant amount of. i’m the one mansplaining here not gale i love gale
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so how about that update, huh
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miilkybnn · 7 months
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y’all know that one audition tape Neil did? Yeah, so anyways make it Soap
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mikayesha · 5 months
"surprisingly way stronger than he looks"
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boffix · 4 months
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How’d she get here?? 💀
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oflgtfol · 1 year
Diff anon here but yeah it’s weird because even in episode 1 Din was not that antagonistic towards IG-11 despite having no character devlopement yet, he was annoyed and sarcastic but he didn’t threaten to actually harm him before they found Grogu. He showed concern for IG-11 pretty quickly after he got damaged and even when he distrusted Kuill’s programming he didn’t spit in the droids face about it. It just makes no sense why two seasons later he’s suddenly treating them like dirt.
right like din was obviously unfairly prejudiced about droids since he let his childhood trauma color his view of them even into adulthood, but he wasn’t like, “i’m going to beat you the fuck up” level of prejudiced? he just didn’t want to be around them, he didn’t trust them, but he wasn’t ever violent about it
din imo is just not someone who lashes out in anger often anyway. the only time he was ever really impulsively violent was in chapter 2 when he saw the jawas trashed his ship and he just started shooting and he killed like three all at once. but i mean also, like, arvala-7 is a remote ass planet (moon?), and having your spaceship ransacked to nonfunctionality is basically a death sentence (this is something ive talked about a lot in the past how i want to see more of it in sw, how any malfunction in this super futuristic tech can still leave you stranded to die a very very lonely and mundane death. despite all this fancy tech you cant escape the cold unforgiving void of space; if your hyperdrive goes out, you are DEAD.). so even then it’s like, well i can’t entirely blame him for going in guns blazing to try to stop them from destroying his ship. but yes this was the only time it was ever truly impulsive and clearly out of anger, every other time he kills people he’s much more calculated and unemotional about it, like it’s just a necessity and so he has to do it it’s never anything personal. so the only thing that makes this scene an outlier really is just the fact he kills out of emotion
so even though his dislike of droids WAS personal, he still never got violent about it. as you said, he was perfectly fine with ig-11, he was just kinda like 🙄🙄 about it the whole time but that’s barely anything
and now in s3 he’s suddenly just like, assaulting them? threatening to kill them? especially in a fucking Bad Cop Good Cop maneuver? it’s just, i know he wasn’t nice about droids in the past, but it was NEVER to THIS extent, and it’s especially egregious considering he went through that whole fucking arc between s1 and s2 about becoming more okay with being around droids?? HELL, even in S3 ITSELF, din has R5 as a droid companion??????? if he hates droids so much to where he’s going to act like THAT in chapter 21 then why was he totes okay with R5 just a few episodes prior?
Also speaking of R5, where the fuck has he been this whole time these past few episodes. now that i think about it i genuinely cant remember. like did he just become yet another plotpoint left behind and forgotten
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waterdeeping · 2 months
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On the subject of our future plans there was something I wanted to discuss with you.
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cringefail-clown · 2 months
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a birthday gift for @borzoilover69 !!! happy borth dude, your dirkjakes bring me so much joy <3
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