yolo1650 · 3 years
Animal Crossing One Shot- Ten Star Rating (BobxReader)
Summary: Getting that perfect island turns out to be a lot harder than it looks.
Word Count: 1498
Warnings: No warnings here, it’s basically rated G, just two cute people, being cute together
Feeling nothing but a heavy sense of defeat, you closed the doors of the Resident Service building behind you. With the sun still high in the sky, there was still many hours of daylight left, precious hours that could be spend planting, refurnishing, terra-forming.  
But all you could feel was the aching in your legs, clearly overworked by all the running around you did this morning. They couldn’t help but buckle beneath you. Giving in, you sat down at the center of the plaza, face in your palms, as you remembered Isabelle's advice.  
"Let's get more greenery on this island by planting fruit and saplings. When it comes to tree varieties, we should really branch out!"
Your jaw clenched. While Isabelle's corny joke came from a kind-hearted place, it did nothing to cheer you up from your predicament.  
Last time it was too many trees, and too little flowers. Now that I've spent the whole morning planting more flowers, you're telling me there's not enough trees?
At this rate, you many never get your island to a five star rating.  
Then, you heard someone yelling, their voice getting louder as they got closer to you.  
You felt Bob's shadow cast over you, giving you momentary relief from the afternoon sun.  
"Hey Bob."
His shadow moved, and with it, his footsteps as its pattering sounds circled around you. Even with your eyes covered, you could still vividly see Bob's wide, carefree smile, and his arms outstretched like an airplane.  
"The island looks great today! On my way here I stopped like, five times to smell all of the pretty flowers! Or was it more like three times? I kind of stopped counting after two, pthhpth."
Taking your face out of your hands, you leaned your cheek against one of your palms and did nothing to mask your exhaustion and disappointment.  
"Still not good enough to get a good island rating though."
Bob stilled. Taking quick glances between you and the Resident Service building, he began to understand.  
After taking a seat next to you, you look over to his uncharacteristically somber face.  
"I'm sorry to hear that."
Great now you messed up his groove. One of the happiest, most carefree villager is sulking because of you. Maybe it was better if you just got up and left, you should have never left your house in the first place.  
But Bob beat you to it. Standing up with what seems to be renewed energy, he ran back to his house. You didn't have to wait long before hearing your name being shouted in the distance, its volume gradually increasing.  When Bob came back his typical ear-to-ear smile was as well. He was also holding onto a medium sized canvas. With outstretched arms, he presented it exclaiming,
"Here! I gotta lil' something for ya!"
After getting up and dusting off your pants, you took the unexpected gift from his hands. Your eyebrows were raised high in astonishment. Pleased at your reaction, Bob shyly looked away while rubbing the back of his neck.  
"But it's probably nothing compared to what you've done for the island so far."
As you examined the painting you weren't sure how to feel about it at first. Anyone back at your hometown would recognize immediately that this gift was clearly not your style. While you preferred romantic style oil paintings, the piece before you had to be best described as the work of a child. Abstract and sloppy, no distinct line art, and distinct brush strokes. That last part was the most peculiar to you. Did he use cotton balls to paint this?
You took a step back and looked at the piece again as a whole. Once you did, you felt a smile creep up on your face. This painting was clearly made with you in mind, as not only were you the subject, but you were surrounded by all of the things you loved on this island. The foreground was adorned with your favorite flowers, the background was the island's serene coast, and you were wearing your favorite outfit.
The colors were the most impressive, in your opinion. They were so spot on that just looking at it alone made you feel like you were right there, hearing the crashing waves. He even got your eye color at just the right shade, and remembered to add your dimples to your smile.  
You found it difficult to contain your excitement.  
"Wow! Bob, this is amazing! And you painted it? I didn't know you liked to paint!"
"Hmmm? Oh yeah, I like to do all sorts of drawing." Lost in thought, he started leaning back and forth between the balls of his feet and his heels. "But I especially looooooove finger painting! It's like ya got super powers 'cause everything you touch changes color!"
You chuckled. Paw prints, that explained the strange brush strokes.  
"How'd you know my favorite spot on the island was the beach?" You asked.
Bob simply shrugged as he replied, "You're just there so often, I sorta figured it was like, your natural habitat or something, pthhpth."
"What about my clothes?"
He looked away briefly before clearing his throat to answer. "I, uh, always thought you looked the prettiest when you wore those." He couldn't help but blush a little. "Just 'cause you always smiled more when you wore those."  
You then felt your own face heat up.  
"A-and what about the flowers? How'd you know these were my favorite?"
"Oh, those? You were always buying those from Lief every time he comes over." His eyes glanced up in thought as he continued.  
"At first I was thinking what made these flowers so special? You already had so many different flowers in your own garden. So then I bought a pot of my own, and boy do they smell deeelicious! They reminded me so much of you so of course I had to put it here, pthhpth!"
You tried to give a polite smile to match Bob's beaming face. But you weren't too sure how to take that compliment, if it even was one. Was he saying you were like a snack? Does he snack on flowers?
You decided not to dwell on it too much.  
Now when you looked back at the painting, it was as if it completely transformed before your eyes during the short length of your conversation with Bob. What was once sloppy, thick brush strokes were now intentional, and authentic. What was once meaningless shapes of abstraction have now turned into a thoughtful presentation of who you were in the mind of Bob.  
It was all so touching, you might have started tearing up a little.  
You tightly wrapped your arms around Bob.  
"Thank you. You have no idea how much I needed this right now."
He eagerly hugged you back.  
"Like I said, it's nothing." His lips curled into a bashful smile.  
Releasing each other from your embrace, you were surprised to see that somber expression return to his face. His brows furrowed in frustration.  
"I don't know who's judging these islands, but if I were them, I'd give you a ten star rating just because you worked so hard on it!"
You didn't have the heart to tell him that island ratings only went up to five.  
Bob continued on. Pride and determination lighting his eyes as he placed his paws on his hips.  
"I might even throw in a prize, like a day off, or a life-time supply of brownies!" A nervous chuckle bubbled out of him as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh, actually, that last part might be more of a prize for me than for you."
Now that he mentions it, you really do deserve a day-off, heck, maybe even a week-off. You put so much work into this island, it was only natural that you needed a break to regain your strength. Then, you'll be sure to get that five star rating!
You grabbed Bob's paw and headed towards the direction to your house.  
"It's been a while since we hanged out, huh? Well then let's go to my place for lunch," you said.  
"Really?!" Now it was Bob's turn to look surprised. Free food always got him excited.  
"Yeah!" You smiled. "Think of it as thanks for the painting."
"Sounds great!" Bob had already skipped on ahead of you, his face radiant. "Race ya!"
"Wait, Bob! My legs are still killing me from this morning, can you-"
Too late. With arms outstretched, Bob zig-zagged his way towards your house, already leagues ahead of you. For a guy who was always hungry, he sure did have boundless amounts of energy.  
You shook your head to yourself and smiled. Taking one last look at your painting before trudging along, you were already thinking of how to best frame it. You loved how brilliant it looked in the natural light. A nice spot by the window would be perfect.  
This was requested by @teagibs I hope you like it! Sorry it took so long :’-)
Please bear in mind that I’m still in school, so if anyone else has made a request, or would like to request something, it might be a while. I will also be doing requests in the order they come in. 
On another note, this was a lot of fun! Bob is one of my favorites, so I hope I did him justice. I currently have another one shot in the works (not a request), and ya’ll better brace yourself, cause it’s gonna be a dooozy...
Let me know what you guys think, constructive criticism is especially welcome here :D
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yolo1650 · 3 years
Animal Crossing One Shot- Your Love (ReddxReader)
Summary: After a stressful outing with your family, you decide to let loose and spend the rest of the night with your most recent hookup.
Word Count: 3170
Warnings: This one definitely is rated M for mature just to be safe, talk of sex, slightly smutty, angst, especially at the end, inappropriate drinking, mentions of drug use, two adults being bad examples, reckless behavior, has adult language, minors please do not read
This was inspired by the song “Your Love” by the Outfield. I also recommend you guys check out the PostModern Jukebox cover of the same song, the vibe really fits this fic’s atmosphere
Thankfully the streets were nearly empty around this time, which made the trip there quick and smooth. The street lights and buildings flew past you at accelerating speeds as you neared your destination.  
You didn't even have to look at your phone to know who it was that texted you, or what it said. Knowing him, it was probably his usual smirking emoji, or an eggplant one if he was feeling particularly frisky today.  
Not that it mattered, because after what you had to go through earlier, you were honestly down for anything.  
It was only after stepping outside of your modest 2012 Honda Civic did you realize you forgot to change out of the clothes you wore to the party. The combined sale value of your outfit and the wine set in your hands had to equal at least triple the sale value of the car alone. Thankfully it was only two in the morning. So no one was around to witness you, the walking oxymoron, lock their rental car before walking across the street.
In all the months that you have done this, this would be the first night where you were reckless like this. You assured yourself that it would also be your last.
The door in front of you opened to a shirtless, grinning fox with a lit cigarette in hand. He was a little bit younger than any of your previous hookups. But you didn't mind, and the sex was definitely much more playful and addicting because of it. Perhaps that was why you found yourself standing in front of his door almost every week for the past three months.  
He whistled a low whistle.  
"You know if you wanted to go out and have dinner, you should have picked a more reasonable hour to meet me."
Trying your best, you repressed a bittersweet laugh. Dinner did sound nice. Then the two of you could remotely feel like a normal couple. Only, you weren't a normal couple. You quickly changed the subject by raising your hands, one which held a wine bottle, and another which held two wine glasses and a wine key.  
"No worries, I have all the dinner we need right here."
Handing him the bottle, you saw his eyes light up in intrigue and excitement.  
Redd never asked you to spend money on him and neither did you, as the two of you knew damn well that these meetings had to leave a paperless trail. If anything suspicious showed up on your credit card statement, your parents were sure to find out and it would be bad news for the both of you. It also did his ego some good too, as there was no way he could ever do better than this fancy bottle of wine.  
You only started bringing a complimentary drink this past month, all usually from your family's cellar. Not that Redd was complaining or anything. You were already one hell of a main course, why not spice it up with a nice little appetizer?  
So what was it this time? A deep, mature Merlot? A fun, fruity Pinot Noir? Maybe it was one of those simple and bold Chardonnay he liked so much last time. He put out his cigarette before turning the bottle over and examining its label.  
"Ahh, you know, I've always wanted to try-"  The length of the name alone was enough to stop him mid-sentence. "Mmm, sorry sugar, I can't accept any gifts with names I can't pronounce."
You chuckled and moved next to him to see for yourself. As you took the bottle from his hands, you gave no protest when he pulled you closer with his hand at your waist. You grinned at the sight of the familiar label.
"It's Pinot Noir," you explained. "More specifically, a Maison Leroy, 1989."  
Redd couldn't help but feel his heart flutter at the sight of that mischievous twinkle in your eyes.  
"My parents are so going to hate me when they find out that this is gone."
Your own eyes met with his own, which held an expression that made your heart stop.  
"Rough day, huh?" He asked.  
"You know it, handsome," you whispered into his ear. A pleasant shiver ran down his spine.  
As you went off to prepare the drinks in the tiny kitchenette he had, Redd closed the door and leaned against it. Usually the pet names were more or less his sort of thing. But every once and a while you would throw in a few of your own and every damn time, it would always drive him crazy. Everything about you drove him crazy. Your soft hair. Your lively eyes. Your amazing body. Your beautiful smile.  
Watching you open the bottle with a little pop, he felt something stir within him. A want to hold you closer than ever before and never let go. A desire to wake up with you curled against him, instead of seeing you walk out the door. A need to share with you his heart, his soul, and his everything.  
But the two of you weren't in that kind of relationship now, were you?
Still deep in thought, Redd didn't even see that you were already carrying your drinks to the bedroom.
You looked back to his piercing, half-lidded gaze and, after interpreting it for a lustful one, flashed a sly grin in return.  
"Well come on then, I didn't come here to be drunk and alone tonight."
To Redd, those words only confirmed what he already knew, that you were only here for a good time.  
One of the first lessons your parents taught you, as their only child and heir to one of the world's richest corporations, was to be very selective of who to trust. It wasn't until recently that you realized that anyone who gave that advice were the ones that should be distrusted the most.  
How ironic.  
It seemed like from that point on your entire life was defined by irony. You were the most alone when you were surrounded by your family. The deadbeat apartment of a stranger’s was more like home than the pristine mansion that you grew up in. Your most treasured memories were held within the cheap fabrics of a futon. And as you sat on top of the lap of a criminal, next to a half-empty bottle of wine, you swore you've never felt more safe than when he wrapped his arms around your waist.  
Your own arms have found the perfect spot on Redd's shoulders. It brought his face nice and close to your own, which not only made kissing his lips easy, but also his jaw and neck as well. Hot breaths tickled the inside of your ear, causing you to giggle uncontrollably.  
"Redd, you're so drunk," you said as you rested your forehead against his own. Your own words were just as jumbled as the nonsense you heard before. "Whaddjiya say?"
Looking at his flushed face, you watched as his lips curled into a lazy grin as he hummed. His eyes were half lidded and full of adoration. Being this close together, you were sure he could hear how fast your heart was beating.
You didn't even know Redd for very long, or really knew him at all for that matter, and yet with one look he was able to send your heart racing. Well, you knew he was an artist, not only well adept in the visual arts but the art of conning as well. But that never bothered you. You've known some family members who've done far worse, scamming people out of their own pride and disgust for the poor. Redd only scammed because he needed to, and that made him the most honest person that you've ever met.  
And the best part was that you could actually be yourself around him. Without the judgmental gaze of your family or their friends, there were no rules, no worries, no box to be squeezed into. It was just you and Redd, and he has never judged you once for it.  
He pecked your nose with a gentle kiss.  
"I said, ya look beautiful darling, being all dressed up like that and all."
Even after two full glasses, you still felt a new wave of heat rushing into your cheeks. You gave a small, strained smile before locking lips with him once again. The kiss, slow and full of longing.  
At first you liked seeing Redd a little bit drunk. He would get a little more cuddlier, and a little bit more direct with his flirting. With that, it was like you could pretend for just a few moments that you were more than just a hookup. But now it just made your heart throb as you were reminded of the events that brought you here in the first place.  
Pushing those feelings down a familiar one rose up on top. Cupping his face with your hands, you deepened the kiss as you adjusted yourself to sit right on top of his growing erection. As you moved your hips back and forth, Redd moaned underneath you. He moved his hands from your waist, down to grip you from behind, pushing you into him more. After breaking away, the two of you shared a moment of reprieve, as your breaths came out in short pants. You grinned a devilish smile before speaking.  
“While I’m glad you like the outfit, I was hoping you could rip it off me, sport.”
Redd flashed his canines, displaying a sinful glee of his own.  
“Feeling anything in particular today?” He asked.  
You leaned in and whispered hoarsely into his ear. “Just surprise me.”
A low growl came out of Redd's mouth as he pushed you down on top of the futon, making you giggle. You’ve seen Redd’s body on top of you like this dozens of times. But this time, there was a nervous fluttering inside you as his fingers skillfully undressed you. At first you just chalked it up to the excitement of having sex with him.  
But the butterfly sensation remained even as he deeply kissed you. His hands caressed your body, its touch was gentle, leaving every square inch aflame. When your eyes locked with his, the nerves came back stronger than ever, and deep down you knew the real answer. It left only one question in your mind:  
Was it possible to be in love with someone you barely knew?  
By now, Redd already knew all of your sexual preferences. Usually you liked it a little on the rough side, some days more than others, depending on how stressed out you were. On the occasion when you were in a really good mood, you'd like something more on the teasing side. Him on the other hand, well, he wouldn't say he really had a preference. He always enjoyed sex with you. It wasn't every day where he met someone who's stamina rivaled his own, and the challenge that provided was something Redd was always down for.  
But this time, your request was to "just surprise you," and at that moment he knew he wanted to do something new and different. While you were the same smart, confident and snarky person who walked into the bar and captured his interest months ago, things just felt different now.
Even though you never outright said much about yourself, you never really had to. Whatever you left unsaid you would say it ten times louder with your actions. He knew you came from good money, even your more modest clothes were well over how much he made in a year. But you've never acted like any other booshi he's known. No empty promises and pity looks, no flashy speech to protect your ego and to talk down scum like him. You didn't even bat an eye when he told you how he makes most of his money. In fact, he's never met anyone who yelled "fuck the rich" as loudly or as proudly as you.  
The two of you were kindred spirits. Left bitter by the betrayal of the world and yet still managed to find each other. Tonight was the night where he'd show you that, using his whole body to do it.  
At the end, only breathless gasps were uttered between you. Both of your cheeks were colored red, despite the alcohol having already left your systems. Your backs were leaned against the only pillow that he owned. You were the first one to speak.  
"I don't know if it was the Leroy that did it this time, but that was probably the best sex I've ever had."
Redd swung his arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. He looked at you with a prideful grin.  
"Oh yeah? Care to explain?"
That would have been the second time he's seen you blush like that tonight, like a spark of kitsunebi. Its beauty flashed briefly before disappearing once again, a trick in the light. Your eyes had trouble meeting his gaze. They constantly flitted back and forth between him and your lap as you struggled to find the words.
"If felt..."
Were you embarrassed? You, the one that openly admitted and pursued your alcoholic tendencies. You, the one who, after wrecking a bar because one sleaze couldn't take a hint, nonchalantly left a six figure check into the manager's hand and walked away. You, the one that shamelessly banged as many people as paintings he's forged. Unbelievable. Redd's smile only widened as he witnessed your tongue-tied condition. Eventually you sighed in defeat and turned away. Your answer was just barely above a whisper.
"...I don't know, just different. But in a good way."
He reached out and gently grabbed your chin, turning your face back to him. Your faces were close enough for a kiss. But really, he just wanted to get a good look at that flustered face, and damn did you look adorable. He could just stare at it all day.  
The words came tumbling out of him before he even knew it.  
"Is it crazy that I might be in love with you?"
For just an instant, he saw it. That look of dread, that face that someone made when everything went wrong. It left as quickly as it came because soon enough your hungry lips crashed into him, and he was reminded of the first night you were together. The kiss was forceful, not once giving him time to breathe. Before he knew it, you had him pushed against the wall with an arm on either side of his face. In the next second you had released your hold on his lips and looked down at him with half-lidded eyes.
"Yes," was your only response before crashing in on him again.  
Well, that certainly wasn't the answer he was expecting. He remained stiff and motionless underneath you, unsure how to respond. But the feeling of you on top of him was tempting, to just melt into your touch was too easy. He kissed you back. That look that he thought he saw earlier was probably just his imagination, and what you probably meant to say was that you liked crazy people. Good thing they called him Crazy Redd.
When you bit down on his lower lip, it sent small tingles of electrifying excitement between you two and he pulled you closer. It just felt so right to have you in his arms, he was sure you felt it too. Why else would you be on top of him right after he told you he loved you? As you traced teasing kisses down his stomach he could tell you were asking for a second round. His expectant gaze being the only confirmation you needed to keep going. Any fears he had before ceased to exist once he looked into your eyes, full of passion and confidence. He loved you, and deep down, he knew you loved him too.
Hearing Redd's soft snores next to you was your cue to start getting dressed. You tried your best to be quick and it wasn't because you were about to be late for work. Grabbing all of your things, including the Leroy, you head towards the door. But before you reached for the doorknob, you dared to turn back at Redd’s sleeping body.  
Even though you've seen his peaceful face countless time, every time, even now, it still felt like it was the first. You felt your heart swell along with the gentle rise and fall of his chest as you walked closer. Looking down, you tried your best to memorize every square inch of his serene face, its slender shape, a cute, twitchy nose, high cheekbones and thin eyebrows, You were even close enough to place a kiss right between those eyebrows. It wasn’t like he was going to wake up, especially after last night. Just a sweet little kiss goodbye before you ever saw him again.  
You breath hitched and you pulled yourself away from his face, suddenly remembering yourself. As you made your way back to the door, you tilted your head back, taking a few gulps of last night’s wine. You urged yourself forward. Redd’s face wouldn’t look so sweet if you stayed any longer. You imagined his fine eyebrows, strained as they knit together in anguish, his bright eyes now simmering embers, and his lips sealed tight into an uncharacteristic frown. Stealing one last glance at the Redd behind you was like comparing day and night. You were doing yourself a favor by having your last memory of Redd’s face be this one, and not the one you’ve been fearing all night.
Finishing up the last of the wine, you left the apartment as the memory Redd's confession last night replayed in your head. If Redd was crazy for just loving you, you had to be downright mental to be driving away like this.
As you bit your lip and clenched your shaking hands onto the steering wheel, you deeply wished the ache in your chest would go away. You wished he didn’t confess to you tonight, of all nights. You wished you didn't go to that party with your family before coming here. You wished you had the choice to just be happy, because in just a few months you were going to marry someone you could never love. The only one you did love you've just left alone in his futon, and you were never going to see him ever again.  
After getting on the highway, you weren't sure whether to feel surprised, agitated or indifferent when you felt hot tears prickle at the corners of your eyes. You swallowed a hard lump in your throat. Unfortunately you’ve just finished whatever alcohol you had on you and your Vicodin was in the other car. Your only condolence was the fact that there was always more time to cry in the shower after you got home.
Kitsunebi-also commonly known as foxfire. Used in folklore as a means to lead travelers astray
Ohhhhh booyyyyyyy. I told ya’ll this one was going to be a doozy. 
But also, wow! My first (kind of) songfic! I decided to leave out the lyrics throughout the fic, it just messed up with the flow too much. Especially since I added so much background info, the reader here is just half a step away from being a full fledged oc XD
If you liked reading things like these, I’d recommend Friends with Benefits (a Hetalia fic), by YourHero213 on Wattpad. (It actually has a happy ending lol)
If you’re looking for something with more substance, more unrequited feelings and more romantic tension, I’d highly recommend I’m a Fool to Want You (a Hazbin Hotel fic) by DisneyFanatic2364. I’ve linked the one on AO3, but it’s on fanfction.net as well. 
Both of these writers are a big inspiration for my own writing. So I hope you can show them some love too!
Let me know what you guys think, constructive criticism is especially welcome here :D
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yolo1650 · 3 years
Animal Crossing One Shot- You Know Me Too Well (FangxReader)
Summary: Fang invites you to enjoy the sunset with him
Word Count: 954
Warnings: There’s like one minor swear word that I decided to leave in here, but other than that it’s basically PG. I guess I should also mention there’s lots of some pining too
Fang was right, the sunset did look beautiful today.  
The sun's color was as brilliant as the native oranges that grew here, and it's harsh rays stretched out farther than they ever had onto the beach, warming up the soft sand beneath you. Above you the sky looked like something out of Lief's flower arrangements, a stunning gradient of pinks, purples and blues. The wide coconut tree leaves rustled above you as you felt the sea breeze cradle the sides of your face. A content sigh left you and with it all of the stresses and responsibilities from the day.
Some would even describe this scenery to be romantic.  
You leaned back against the coconut tree and looked over to the book Fang was reading, though your brain quickly decided that processing words on a page was a task too difficult after a long day.  
Then you turned your attention to your friend Fang, who, unlike you, kept his focus entirely on the pages in front of him. A pair of circular framed glasses was perched on his nose and his eyes slowly shifted from left to right going down the page. Small hairs from the tufts of fur on the back of his head tickled your cheek because of your close proximity. You could even see the colors of each strand of hair as it transitioned from dark gray to silver to the short white hairs on his cheek.  
Fang probably wouldn't even notice if you kissed that spot on his cheek right there.  
Scrambling to stand up, you quickly caught yourself with your face flushing red. Nope, you weren't going to embarrass yourself tonight. Fang closed his book.  
"Heading back already?" He asked.  
With your back away from the sun, which was already almost consumed by the ocean's horizon, you feigned a stretch.  
"Yep," you hoped your face would cool off quickly with the incoming cool evening air. "I was about to pass out on top of you just now. I think it's time for me to call it a day."  
"Oh, then let me walk you back, cha-chomp." Fang stood up and dusted off his legs before catching up to you. "You still look pretty drained, wouldn't want ya to pass out on some neighbor's front lawn by accident!"
He left out a huffy chuckle at his own joke, which called back to the time when you first met. The nostalgic memory made you giggle and you smiled fondly. You've always loved the way he laughed.  
The two of you continued your walk in silence, with content smiles gracing both of your faces. As you watched the sky gradually become littered with stars, you failed to notice your companion stealing glances at you every so often, shy and uncertain.
“Hey, listen up. I like you kiddo.”
You turned to him with eyebrows raised in anticipation, your breath caught in your throat.  
“You remind me of a young...me. Always ready to buckle down when it counts. You’ll be going places because of that, I'm sure. And I’m not just saying that because I want to borrow something. Although...”
And now we’re back to our usual programming. You roll your eyes and scoff as you pulled out your wallet.  
"How much do you need?" Your wide grin betrayed the accusing tone of your voice because let's be real, you would give Fang your entire savings if he asked for it.  
"Oh just 500 bells."
Your eyes widened. "What did you do? Lose to another bet or something?"
There was a pause.
"W-well, it was more like-"
A snort and some giggles couldn't stop themselves from coming out of you, interrupting Fang's half-asses effort at an explanation. For a guy who's self-proclaimed to be "older and more experienced" he sure has made some childish decisions.  
Just add that to the ever growing list of things you loved about Fang.  
"Who'd you lose to this time?"
The look on Fang's face was quite adorable as well, His eyes were cast downward in embarrassment as he grumbled something about how you knew him too well. You also didn't fail to notice the pinker coloring of his ears.
"Hazel," he reluctantly muttered out.  
That's gotta be a funny story. But you were going to have to ask him about it later, as you would be arriving to your house shortly.  
"Here." You placed the 500 bell note into his paw, and when he took his hand into yours, you tried your best to ignore the fluttering feelings within you. He looked even more stunning than ever under the moonlight, which transformed his fur into a dazzling silver.  
You hoped Fang would believe you if you said that your cheeks have colored from the brisk evening air.  
"Thanks," he said before pocketing it. You both have reached your house now, and were your eyes deceiving you was there a bit of hesitation in his eyes?
"I'm going to go find that buck-toothed brat and give her the money," he said but his feet kept him in place, standing in front of you. You had your arms in front of you, with one hand over the other, trying to memorize the lingering feeling and warmth of his touch.  
You opened your mouth to say something, but Fang beat you to it.
"Yeah, yeah, I'll tell you more about how I made this bet tomorrow." He then flashed a knowing grin at your perplexed expression and the thought to capture those sly lips with your own crossed your mind once again. "I know how much you enjoy seeing me make a fool out of myself."
You gave him one last smile before entering your house.  
"You know me too well."
Is it obvious who my favorite villager is yet? XD
Partially inspired by fhgtffymortgage’s tumblr post about Hazel and Fang’s strange friendship. I’ll also be taking requests for things like these so hmu
Let me know what you guys think, constructive criticism is especially welcome here :D
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