txttletale · 4 months
did you really mean to reblog that post equating “trans people should be sucking and fucking instead of infighting” with getting catcalled? the last poster reblogged it again explaining that they were referencing gross, sexually charged anons which is a totally different thing. equating “you have more in common than you do different” with “hey sexy come suck my dick” is NOT a good look
the amount of motte-and-bailey equivocation being done between 'have more in common' and 'should be sucking and fucking' here is absolutely mindboggling. if the posts going around said the former thing we would absolutely not be having the same conversation!!! i'm not fucking stupid, you can't tell me those are the same thing, come on now.
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that-stone-butch · 10 months
hi, your hair looks fucking amazing. can I ask you for advice? my head’s currently shaved and I’ve thought about growing the top out like yours, but stopped because the between stage made me look like I had a hedgehog on top of my head. any tips for styling between shaved and your length?
omg thank you!! i'm very flattered! as someone who has been going through it and several times in my life has done the 'lesbian going through it' coping mechanism (shaving my head and growing it back out) i have a lot of experience with the awkward middle stages.
if you're worried about styling while you're growing your undercut out, you can always just grow everything out and wait until it's all a decent length and then trim the sides back down and set the lines of your undercut. i don't know how fast your hair grows, but if it's anything like mine after a month or so you'll have enough to work with and can safely grab a clippers and cut the sides.
however, if you want to start keeping the sides short early and guide your hair through the middle stages, i'll give you my tips.
i'm very lucky to have a relatively thick head of hair, and i keep my hair healthy and strong. but that means my hairs are heavy and crowded, and any vertical styling is a constant battle with gravity. it's very easy for my hair, especially when it's short, to do what you called the 'hedgehog' thing (very accurate) and splay out at all angles, even at its current length. so i've developed a haircare routine that helps with this problem.
i work a very sweaty and messy job, and like to exercise on my own time, so i find myself showering every day, if not twice a day. as a result, i don't use shampoo every time as it will dry my hair out. instead, i use shampoo maybe once every couple weeks, if that. with every shower, i wash my hair and scrub through with water thoroughly to keep my scalp healthy. when i get out of the shower, i dry my hair like 75% and then apply a leave-in moisturizer (Revive, from Lush) and let air dry. once my hair is about 90% dry (not full dry but you can't feel the moisturizer if you run your fingers through it), i apply a small amount of hair gel. i typically use GOT2B ultra glued, but i use a very small amount, typically a bead the size of a pea on my fingertips. i work that in to all of the hair to strengthen the body of my hairs and to give them some structure. the goal isn't to thickly apply the gel to any specific spot to like, gel back the hair or anything. the gel is meant to be applied evenly throughout the top part like the moisturizer. i let the gel dry and then work my fingers through my hair to break some of the rigidity of the gel casting. now that the hair is treated, it's time to style it. i use Axe Messy Look styling paste. i know, but it works. medium hold, low shine. just a little bit worked through my hair gives it a lot of verticality and structure and it stays how i want it to look. your mileage may vary, but finding a hair care routine that works for you will help keep your hair healthy and keep it from splaying out as it grows into the length you want. this will also help you style it the way you want when it reaches full length.
additionally, as you grow out the top part of your undercut, you may want to taper the sides, instead of the sharp short cut up to the sides. this might make the transition less stark and prevent your hair from splaying out in the hedgehog effect. but either way, the early stages don't last very long and i recommend sticking with it. you'll get where you want to be before long.
hope that helps! if you have any more specific questions, feel free to send me another ask or jump into my inbox! my door is always open ☺️
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kafkaguy · 4 months
mr clitsuragi PLEASE watch interview with a vampire!!! it’s very good and I would love to watch you lose your mind over it
ouugghhh i know i have get into it im just still in the throes of this true detective hyperfixation and i feel lie one of two things will happen. either i will watch iwtv and my brain will not allow it to rock my world because im still thinking abt rust cohle, or i will watch it and my brain will immediately latch onto it and leave td in the dust and im not ready for that yet.... or i could be normal and enjoy two tv shows at the same time ! we'll see. I'll start it soon. i know I'll lose my mind in a major way so you'll be in for good entertainment
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sygneth · 2 months
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I have had a lot of thoughts on the original story after listening to the Sherlock&Co "Gloria Scott" and a new headcanon just dropped.
Chapter 1: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6
Masterpost (Index)
thoughts, if you're curious:
As far as gay Victor Trevor absolutely got me, I don't think there was anything serious between him and Holmes. This all comes down to my reading of Holmes, who is (to me) too aroace-spec to get involved in a regular relationship (althouuuughh about Holmes, his sexual and romantic orientation and him discovering it I have had so many thoughts I could write a whole essay). He likes to have a default person though, someone who will take him as he is, and maybe even admire a little - now that's Watson, earlier it was Trevor.
And yea I think Victor got a crush straight away after their first meeting, maybe they even talked about this at some point. Maybe Holmes said that he won't be able to reciprocate this affection but if Victor is fine with keeping things as they are, then he is too. I like to think they stayed pen friends even after Trevor's leave.
I feel like I should emphasize this? My intention in the comic was to make Trevor visibly flustered because he didn't expect a young attractive boy (he's hopeless in my head), while Holmes simply didn't expect to see someone his age and so sincerely sorry.
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iwtv2022 · 2 years
Voici, Louis, there are deux amis so close comme des frères, Louis, en relaxant in the j’accuse y, each afraid to breach that unspoken barrière de 1.5 mètres for fear of appearing like us evening botanists. You were like that once, too, n’est-ce pas, Louis?
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howdynewhanover · 2 months
why don't you go outside dig your hands into the earth and maybe you'll find god there
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once-was-muses · 8 months
As further self entertainment, the Entity is known to occasionally make alternate versions of Its playthings swap clothes and even appearances while retaining their individual "selves." It also supplies Its more favored toys with variety to their attire. In this sense, all cosmetics featured in D.ead by Da.ylight are canon, but not necessarily different dimensions' versions of the killers and survivors.
Below the cut is the "canon defaults" so to speak for the muses featured on this blog.
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Head: Haunted Stare
Body: Fascinating Gown
Weapon: Sharp Palette Blade
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Head: Shattered Mandible (Faded Leather) (although, the growths of Parasitic Pustula are present inside of his body and occasionally sprout out of his throat)
Body: Remnants of Humanity (Brown Leather)
Weapon: Scabrous Cane (Oxidized Bronze)
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Head: Blind Tiger Glasses
Torso: Glorious Violet Jacket
Legs: Functional Denims
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Head: Brainwash Fixation Straps
Body: Violent Business Suit
Weapon: Energy Prod
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Arm: Verdant Limb
Body: Petrified Limbs
Weapon: Wild Extremity
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Head: Cold Dread (with one of the flowers from Flowery Hair in coiled through her hair rather than her eye)
Body: Red Spider Lily Kimono
Weapon: Jagged Thorn
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Head: base cosmetic (only with braids with chains in them, similar to Chain Linked but with actual hair)
Body: Ashen Wraps (Cloudy)
Weapon: Skull Crusher
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birt-art · 11 months
Did you take photos of the magical flowers? 👀
I DID, I've been trying to take photos of flowers I identify to try and learn them! Here's some I mentioned in the post and a few bonus ones with equally charming names
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houkagokappa · 4 months
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Fragrant olive (Osmanthus fragrans) might be my favourite shrub/small tree of all time. It's known for its intense, sweet fragrance, like ripe apricots. You can instantly tell when there's a fragrant olive in the neighborhood when they bloom, as it's heavenly to be greeted by their fragrance
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ai-or-not-ai · 4 months
have seen at least two posts of “photographs” of flowers where at least one is definitely ai generated (it was tagged thank god) and the other looks suspiciously similar so I’m looking into it. just a heads up that thats something we have to look out for now for some godforsaken reason
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bring “horticultural lad” back!
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paintalyx · 5 months
planning a relationship between two ttrpg characters will have you discovering tropes you never would have considered going insane over. every addition is a galaxy brain moment
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kafkaguy · 8 months
trick or treat!
decided to do this a little silly so im picking a pinterest board at random then blindly choosing an image from that board... here's a salman toor painting from my "humanity | company" board :)
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this one's called four friends :)
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multi-lefaiye · 6 months
Tell me about ivaebhin. a boy filled with brightness.!! ~ @void-botanist
HEHEH :3c yes
so my playlist 'ivaebhin. a boy filled with brightness.' is the playlist i created for songs about the relationship between my oc eden linnaeus and his childhood friend/first love, kader al-masri. as well as eden's relationship with the knight, who... well. we'll get there.
the name specifically refers to kader's favorite pet name for eden, the elvish word ivaebhin. and 'a boy filled with brightness' is the translation.
the vibe of the playlist is like... very doomed by the narrative. losing someone you love more than anything and realizing it may have been inevitable that it'd end that way. and i could talk about that more in his original story, but i've got bg3 brainrot, so i'll talk about how it applies there :3c details under the cut!
first, though, here are some song highlights:
inventor's daughter - branches
cut my hair - MICO
self love - metro boomin, coi leray
the harold song - kesha
never love an anchor - the crane wives
so in my bg3 au with these characters, eden died when he was 28, a few days after a very painful argument with kader that ended their friendship for good. the actual argument wasn't related, but the timing was... unfortunate. and losing kader pushed eden over the edge in a way nothing else had before.
i'm being vague about this on purpose i prommy- but kader blamed himself, and his life fell apart as he desperately tried to find a way to bring eden back, to make things right.
this obsession led kader down a dark path, and it ended with him being willingly infected with a mindflayer tadpole. and from there, kader al-masri ceased to be, replaced with a mindflayer called the knight.
but then... years later, eden came back. miraculously, he was alive again. and when the knight saw him, it felt something stir deep inside it, a strange aching longing. it's drawn to eden, and it wants to be around him for reasons it doesn't quite understand.
eden gets infected with a mindflayer tadpole as well, and the plot of bg3 starts picking up. and the knight, at first, is just another mindflayer seeking to kill the party, the ones standing against the hivemind, against the absolute and its power. but kader's spirit, wherever it may be inside the knight, is enough to pull the knight away from the hivemind. he wants to be around eden again, to apologize and beg for forgiveness.
and the knight decides to follow this urge in its chest.
SO BASICALLY yeah the knight and eden have a very weird, intense sort of tension between them, borne from the fact that the knight was created from kader. it's about the regret and the longing and the deep ache of realizing that you can never go back, not to the way things were.
also, to be clear, the knight is a different person from kader. and part of its arc is discovering its individuality--first from the hivemind it was created as part of, and then from the spirit of kader hanging over it. and its relationship with eden is a big part of that.
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aondaneedles · 1 year
I love how none of my colleagues know what my second subject is, except that it qualifies me to teach elementary school-level social sciences and biology.
Colleague 1: ...and I'm not sure what happened here, but the plant's mostly dead.
Me: I might be able to fix this. If I remember correctly, this plant has bulbs. Might be able to save one of those and regrow them.
Colleague 1: I always forget you're a biologist.
Me: I'm really not.
Colleague 2: Hey, didn't you study early childhood development?
Me: NO?!
Colleague 3: Could you do the introduction to cartography in Year 4? I've got no clue how any of this works.
Me: Sure, I did some cartography at university.
Colleague 3: Great! (to headmaster) See, I knew it would be good to have a geographer on staff.
Headmaster: You know she teaches history, right?
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travellingdragon · 1 year
‘I wonder if it is not the effects of the protea,’ Dorset said absently, poking through the pot with a stick and fishing out the remnants of a spiny blossom. ‘I do not believe we have seen it used as an ingredient before. The Cape vegetation has quite a unique construction within the plant kingdom. I must send the children for some specimens.’
Empire of Ivory, chapter 6
As a botanist (which I guess I kinda am? a bit?) I'm so exited at this throwaway mention of the very unique vegetation of the Cape region! Capensis is the smallest of the foral kingdoms and developed as it did because it was isolated from the Palaeotropis to the north by deserts, Protea is one of its notable genera.
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